Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 584: Warmonger Redemption Tour

Episode Date: July 5, 2021

Show Notes   Kenneth Copeland does Slayer  ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 FanDuel Casino's exclusive live dealer studio has your chance at the number one feeling, winning, which beats even the 27th best feeling, saying I do. Who wants this last parachute? I do. Enjoy the number one feeling, winning, in an exciting live dealer studio, exclusively on FanDuel Casino, where winning is undefeated. 19 plus and physically located in Ontario. Gambling problem?
Starting point is 00:00:23 Call 1-866-531-2600 or visit Please play responsibly. Today's show is brought to you by BetterHelp. Go to slash COGDIS for 10% off your first month. Again, that's BetterHelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash COGDIS. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. Recording live from Glory Hole Studios in Chicago and beyond, this is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking,
Starting point is 00:01:25 skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical. It's political.
Starting point is 00:01:35 And there is no welcome mat. This is episode 584 of Cognitive Dissonance. And Cecil, it's a celebratory episode. It is. You know,
Starting point is 00:01:46 it's one of those, you know, you need to get out your little party streamers and your poppers. Oh, one of those old-fashioned things that you spin around
Starting point is 00:01:55 and it goes clickety-clickety-clickety-clack, you know? The cranky things. Yeah. Kiss your best girl. Right. It's one of those moments.
Starting point is 00:02:03 It is, Ben. It's a ding-dong the witch is dead moment. Yeah, for sure. And that's one of those moments. It is, Ben. It's a ding-dong, the witch is dead moment, for sure. And that's because of Donald Rumsfeld. Donald Rumsfeld passed away. He's fucking dead. Donald Rumsfeld passed away. And my favorite article about this came from the Daily Beast. And it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:19 The headline is so good. So amazing. So the headline says, Donald Rumsfeld, killer of 400,000 people, dies peacefully. And then my favorite part of it is right underneath it. It just says,
Starting point is 00:02:31 no, no. I still remember that press conference. I do too. I still, and he's like, well, you know, there's the unknown knowns and the unknown knowns and the unknown unknowns.
Starting point is 00:02:45 And the thing is, I actually understand exactly what he's saying, but it's the clumsiest fucking way to say it. And I do remember listening to that and thinking, you're in charge of stuff, man. People find you persuasive. This was, I was older than you. I'm still older than you.
Starting point is 00:03:02 It's not like you surpassed me. You didn't catch me. Hey, I'll tell you what, my liver's older than yours. You didn't catch me yet, Tom. But anyway, still faster than you. But in any case, I remember not really paying a lot of attention to politics for many years of my life. But the thing that sort of shook me into it was this administration. The administration that took us to war on false was this administration the administration that was took
Starting point is 00:03:26 us to war on false pretenses the administration that lied to people the administration did that that normalized lying to people the administration that went out of its way to send a token amount of money to the american taxpayer payer to essentially buy their vote yeah all right three hundred dollars yeah you're all gonna get get $300. Yeah. I mean, that was his, that would, I remember when that came in and I just thought to myself, what the fuck could I possibly do with this? That would be useful. It's three, even back then it was $300 one time. It was $300 one time. And that's that, and that's going to jumpstart the whole economy out of the morass that was created the, and, And, you know, you said something that really struck me.
Starting point is 00:04:07 And I think you're right. The George W. Bush administration was really the administration that proved, that created the new time where there really weren't consequences for being criminally wrong. Yeah, for being absolutely criminals and criminally wrong. We went to war with Iraq for nothing. That was just, it was a bullshit, drummed up, non-existent reason. The American people were lied to. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Were murdered. I mean, they were murdered. Trillions of dollars were spent. Yeah. And there were no consequences. Nothing. And you had to look at that if you were in politics and you were in a power position, you had to look at that and say, holy fuck,
Starting point is 00:04:51 they got away with invading a sovereign nation. The world let us do it, right? The world did not hold us to account. Literally nothing bad happened to us. Nobody imposed sanctions on the United States. When another country invades any other country i don't know for example when iraq invades kuwait yeah the world gets up in arms right and i'll be honest as well they should and they should as well they should yes i so i don't mean to admit it but i just you know or, but when you're big enough, you can just do what the fuck you want. Look at Russia. Look at what Russia has done. It's literally what Donald Trump said inside of that. Yes. Oh, they let you do what you want. They let
Starting point is 00:05:37 you do it. If you're famous, you're famous. They'll let you do it. You can do whatever you want. Grab them by the pussy. We literally grabbed the world by the pussy. We did. You know, it's so funny because as I'm saying this, it reminds me of when I was in college, I had this job at Circuit City, which doesn't even exist anymore. But back in the day, it was a sales job. And I was good at sales. I was a good sales guy.
Starting point is 00:05:59 You sold me monster cables. I sold you monster cables. Do you know what's so funny? Do you know what is in my garage right now? Monster cable? Your old Infinity RS8s that I sold you. Oh, no you know what's so funny? Do you know what is in my garage right now? Monster cable? Your old Infinity RS8s that I sold you. Oh, no kidding. They're in my garage today. No kidding. It's so funny.
Starting point is 00:06:13 But so... Can I buy them back? You can have them back. But it absolutely cracks me up because I remember having that job and I was good at that job and I made the company a bunch of money. And as a result, I could just kind of do whatever I wanted.
Starting point is 00:06:29 So I would come into work. I was going to college at the same time and I would come into work and I'd be six, seven hours late for a 12 hour shift. You'd be seven hours late? I would have a shift that was supposed to be nine to nine and I would come in, no shit, because you don't make any money until 4.30, five o'clock. So, because nobody comes in to buy a home theater at 2 in the afternoon on a Wednesday. But there might be a guy looking for a cassette tape and you're not there to help him.
Starting point is 00:06:51 Yes, but I was on commission. So... This is why capitalism is garbage. Yeah, but it's exactly why. And it's exactly why when you're big enough, you can do what you want. It's a bad system, right? Because I would go into that job occasionally. If I had like a paper due or whatever, I'd be like, I'm just going to show up at five.
Starting point is 00:07:10 And instead of being there at nine in the morning, I'd be there at five in the afternoon. I'd work from five to nine. I'm eight hours late to work. I'd work from five to nine. And they kind of knew. Sometimes my buddy would cover for me for hours. Like we thought it was funny. So he'd be like, I just saw him around the other corner oh that's amazing for real oh and but i made all
Starting point is 00:07:30 you were like work snuffle up it was hilarious that is it was so funny our buddy our buddy would be like he's here i love it i saw him just around. You just missed him. Did you check the bathroom? And he would send people at an eight-hour around-the-store goose chase. Circle used to do that for you? Yeah. Well, I had everybody cover for everybody.
Starting point is 00:07:51 Circle would sleep all the time at work. Oh, that's amazing. I mean, he'd be like, he'd just be passed out. We all slept at work. Sure, yeah, yeah. So, yeah, it was amazing.
Starting point is 00:07:59 But you sold. You were an earner. I was an earner. Yeah. And when you're a closer, all the coffee is yours, right? Was that Glenn Gellar? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:10 So it's the same principle for the United States. It's the same principle for Russia. The United States invades a country. Iraq invades Kuwait, and the whole world gets on their ass, right? Russia invades the Ukraine, and everybody's like, I really can't say anything about it without starting World War Three. Everyone's like, we're like a little shaky finger time. Yeah. What are you going to do to the United States? We're the biggest military power where we were until China. But we were a we are still a massive and terrifying military force and we're a massive and terrifying economic force.
Starting point is 00:08:45 And at the end of the day, we realize the weight and the power of that, and we realize, yeah, we can invade Iraq. Why? I don't know. Because we just decided we'd war. Yeah. That's it.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Because when you strip away the pretense, which the liars always knew was lying, what was their reasoning to go to war? Yeah. Well, it was oil. It was oil and money it was money yeah yeah i mean those people made money hand over fist and then they helped their friends make money hand over oh you mean halliburton and then they got sweet jobs afterwards in those
Starting point is 00:09:14 places to make money as the black rock and halliburton all those fucking horrors for hire one of these people got fucking fat cash and they did. They did it with zero remorse. All of them defended it. And now George W. Bush is on a redemption tour, painting pictures and hugging Michelle Obama. Yeah. Like, so we live in a time that has completely forgotten the horrors of the Iraq war
Starting point is 00:09:37 and has now redeemed, essentially redeemed that piece of trash. Which is unreal. It was a war. I remember reading about that war and it was not a lesser war. I think there's sometimes a thought if you're an American that because it was a quote unquote easy war, that it's a less, it was easy for us because we were overwhelmingly militarily superior. Yeah. But it did not make the deaths of the Iraqis any less horrifying. I mean,
Starting point is 00:10:06 we drove snow plows on the fronts of tanks and just plowed over their entire front lines and buried the people alive. Thousands of them just buried alive in sand as part of a strategy to just cover up their front line. They dug themselves in in trenches. And there are videos and there's pictures you can watch. They just buried them over. Those horrors happened for no legitimate purpose. No legitimate purpose at all. And Rumsfeld was a chief architect of that.
Starting point is 00:10:35 Yeah, absolutely. And he is dead. And the byline of this is a perfect byline. Do not mourn the defense secretary mourn his victims they were nearly too many to tally but his pentagon refused to count anyway and that is and that's the thing you know you're gonna hear a lot of people who say oh you know you shouldn't talk about it that way and there was the onion was fucking crushing it this week
Starting point is 00:11:01 the onion had let me read the two headlines. The Onions were so good. The Onion was, Donald Rumsfeld survived by one million fewer Iraqis. And Donald Rumsfeld, weapon of mass destruction, found dead at 88. Oh, that is so good.
Starting point is 00:11:17 It's so honest. Sam Seder had one. He said, it's sad when someone dies after a long life in which they didn't experience one one millionth of the suffering and horror
Starting point is 00:11:25 that they truly deserve and that's and that's the thing right and people are giving shit to Sam Satter I I retweeted that but people are giving shit to him and being like oh no you got to rise you don't have to rise above it when an awful horrible person dies when somebody
Starting point is 00:11:41 who is literally one of the worst people that we've ever had in government that was literally, like you said, the architect of this awful war, when he dies- Fuck that noise. Fucking who cares? Yeah. The world became better. It's better.
Starting point is 00:11:58 It's not who cares. It's better. Yeah. It is a celebratory moment. The world is better when the architect of an illegitimate horror is dead. Yeah. When somebody who created suffering at that level and that scale
Starting point is 00:12:11 for no other purpose than economic gain for himself and his cronies, when that fucking guy dies, tell me how I should feel sad about that. Yeah, why should I feel sad about that? Why should I have some decorum about that? Fuck that. Yeah, well, I genuinely think the right thing
Starting point is 00:12:26 to do, the ethical thing to do, is to be happy that there is less horrible people in the world. They're not doing it anymore. And he's not able to influence anybody. Now, granted, I have no idea what kind of influence he had at 88 anyway, but man, those other people there's a lot of former
Starting point is 00:12:41 high-up officials that are still in some political circles and still have the ear of a lot of people. Still real clout, man. Be advised, the two of you will never see each other again. Those were your last words. Do you understand? I'd be careful if I were you. One of these days, somebody's going to get pushed too far, and who knows what they're capable of.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Is that a threat? It's a warning. You're a traitor to our family. far. And who knows what they're capable of. Is that a threat? It's a warning. You're a traitor to our family. Good. I want to be. Well, so here's a sign of the crazy times, Cecil. What's worse, though? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:16 Like, you're going from bad to, I think, worse. Yeah. This is worse. This is worse. Yeah. This is, this is, this is things, things have accelerated to a, to a point where, um, at first they were farcical and now they are terrifying and how, um, divorced from reality they've become. Right. Yeah. So this story comes from insider,
Starting point is 00:13:37 uh, business insider, forgive me, a Trump loving insurrectionists and a convicted stalker are among 36 QAnon supporters running for Congress in 2022. And I read this article, and I remember finishing reading the article, and I just closed my phone for a second and closed my eyes because I don't even know what to do anymore. Pressing on your eyes until you see brightness. Yes, yes. don't even know what to do anymore pressing on your eyes until you see brightness yes yeah like it took a little bit of restraint not to just keep moving my thumbs all the way back and just into the brain cavity and just call it a day just self-lobotomize and just i'm done with all this i'm finished when when you're a support of a conspiracy theory so bonkers fucking David Icke level, literally David Icke level crazy,
Starting point is 00:14:27 when that is not only acceptable, but now 36 people are running for Congress. 36! That's a lot of people. It's not, that doesn't make you. It's not two. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:40 It was two. It was two. It was two a couple years ago and both of us thought to ourselves, this can't be happening. Right. It was two. It was two. It was two a couple years ago. And both of us thought to ourselves, this can't be happening. Right. It was two. There's no more, this can't be happening moments. No.
Starting point is 00:14:51 That I feel like, what do you, where do you go from here? Is it its own party in 10 years? Oh, for fuck's sake. Seriously. Why would you say the true thing that you're thinking? You know, the thing about a QAnon party. Yeah. Two things come to mind.
Starting point is 00:15:07 One, it's a dangerous lie, right? So it's not just a farce. The deep underpinnings of this lie are that, and I laugh when I say it, but people believe this, that Hillary Clinton carves the faces of children and drinks them like an open Sprite bottle. Like that is not, that's not an exaggeration.
Starting point is 00:15:31 She sucks on bloody skinless face kids. Like that's what she does. Yeah, the heart of QAnon is that there is, is that the Democrats and powerful leftist elites are all in cahoots as part of a secret pedophile sex ring cabal designed to also suck the adrenochromes from murdered and tortured children, something, something globalism.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Yeah, I can't be sure that all of them believe the adrenochrome level, right? But some of these people that are in Congress have retweeted the frazzle drip bullshit which is what that that's the moniker frazzle drip just say frazzle drip frazzle drip joe when you are saying frazzle drip and you didn't mean to say fraggle rock yeah exactly no you're 100 it's 100 the great space coast that's what it is that's what we're on right now. It's insanity. And the scary thing to me is that the extension, right? We just talked about Rumsfeld and the moment of realization where the lack of consequences
Starting point is 00:16:36 had to become very real to everybody. The place that we're in now is that there are no disqualifying beliefs. Yes. The place that we're in now is that there are no disqualifying beliefs. Yes. There is no set of, there is no worldview and no set of beliefs, which is so bonkers that it is disqualifying for public office. You don't have to be smart, but you don't have to be educated. You don't have to have like a grip on reality. You don't have to have a rational mindset.
Starting point is 00:17:03 You don't have to have a respect for science. What? You don't have to have on reality. You don't have to have a rational mindset. You don't have to have a respect for science. What? You don't have to have anything good. Yeah. Yeah. You know what's interesting is I remember being a kid growing up in the 80s, and there was a guy who had a TV show, and I think he was a Chicago guy, or maybe the studio was in Chicago, a show by the name of Donahue.
Starting point is 00:17:23 I don't know if you remember this. I remember Donahue. White-haired dude. White-haired dude. He had a talk show very similar to like Jerry Springer. Right. Except for it was a little more toned back
Starting point is 00:17:33 and they would have different people on to talk about things. I know he had some race problems on his show where there was a fist fight. Geraldo did the same thing. I remember he had like clan guys on. Yeah, clan guys on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:43 But I remember at one point he had atheists on in the 80 thing. I remember he had like clan guys on. Yeah, clan guys on. But I remember at one point he had atheists on in the 80s. People that were atheists. And they were freaks. They were a freak show. You could never in a million years in this country 20 years ago ever
Starting point is 00:17:59 consider public office and be an out atheist. You couldn't do it. You were a freak show. You were a literal freak show. And we've gotten to the point now where there's been enough people that have come out as atheists where people suddenly think, oh, I guess maybe God isn't 100% real or whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:17 But there's this thing that, you know, like just being a normal person back then, a normal thinking person, you would have not made it into office. And that was just one tiny little thing that could have thrown your chances. There were a dozen disqualifying beliefs. But there were so many disqualifying beliefs.
Starting point is 00:18:34 And now we're at a point now where there's literally none. Nothing. Where there's nothing. And while in some ways that's good, it's good for atheists, right? It should be good for atheists. Hopefully, if people will vote for you, you know, it's good for atheists. It certainly wouldn't be,
Starting point is 00:18:46 I don't think a disqualifier for office, but you're also at a point now. So there's good. And then there's also bad. And the bad is, is that sometimes people can believe absolute utter nonsense and espouse that nonsense and use that nonsense as a platform and still get elected. And then the thing is too, is this nonsense, power brokers cause nonsense to grow. Yeah. Because when we give these guys positions of authority, they use the power of the pulpit. They've got a bully pulpit. We've given it to them. It's part of the job, right? And so it legitimizes those beliefs and then allows those beliefs to spread even further. So all of a sudden, when you say, man, there's a bunch of Congress people that believe this QAnon stuff, maybe there's something to it. That 30, 40 years ago would
Starting point is 00:19:38 not have been a bonkers thing to say, right? If you were like, man, a whole bunch of people who are at a certain level of authority in government believe this, maybe it's worth looking into. You're right. Now you got 36 people who believe QAnon shit. It's not worth looking into. It's absurd on its face. It can't be real. It is so obviously not true. You just have to say it all out loud and say, holy fuck, I know the world doesn't work like this. And there are a hundred reasons. It would be boring to even list them. Sure. And there are going to be people who think, well, my congressman believes that, or my congresswoman believes that. You know, the other thing that is crazy about a QAnon
Starting point is 00:20:22 platform as the thing that you're running on. You're going into government and you're going into government with the belief that our future hinges not on you as a leader of this nation, but on a whistleblower, right? So you're not going in with this idea that you're going to change government
Starting point is 00:20:43 or you're going to be the vocal voice of the people or the voice of the constitution or whatever these people go in thinking they're going to be the voice of instead they're just going in idly waiting for another thing to come out from an anonymous whistleblower in the in the deep state to try to reveal it to people because they're essentially powerless. Like, why would I elect you if that was your platform? It doesn't even make any sense. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:12 And if you win an election as a QAnon believer, what that also indicates demographically is really fucking upsetting. Yeah. Right? It indicates that within your district, there are enough people who either don't find that belief to be disqualifying for my vote. Right?
Starting point is 00:21:34 Sure. So if somebody stood in front of me and said, I believe that I am a space alien named Zorg. I would like to be your congressperson. I kind of don't care what the other guy has to say. It doesn't matter. I'm like, all right, you don't win my vote. Sure. At the very least, you don't win my vote, right?
Starting point is 00:21:50 Maybe I won't vote for the other guy. Right, yeah. Right. But you don't win my vote. But you don't win my vote. When a QAnon person wins, that means that there are enough people in their district that either don't find that belief to be so uncredible
Starting point is 00:22:04 as to be disqualifying and absurd and indicative of poor thinking and bad judgment sure has to be disqualifying for my vote but it also means that there is an increasing number of regular joe people who believe that that is how the world really works yeah and they want governance based on myth. They want a governance and a decision-making process based on an internet troll theory. Yeah, yeah. That's all it is. It's internet troll theory.
Starting point is 00:22:33 It's fucking 4chan has become, 4chan is in Congress now. 4chan shouldn't even be on 4chan. And they're in Congress. It is crazy. But you gotta be hopeful for 2022. Hopefully that, you know, there's a couple of reasons to be hopeful for 2022. Please help me.
Starting point is 00:22:51 One of them is, I read a couple of really interesting articles that did say that if the Democrats can keep this level of excitement about what's happening, you know, the way the pandemic's been sort of curtailed, the help for people, the cutting of certain things to make it easier on some economic woes in this country and things like that. If those things keep going through, the infrastructure bills are a big part of this. If it goes through and then they start working to continue on with some legislation,
Starting point is 00:23:22 be it only financial, it could be enough, as long as they stay in the positive, there's a chance that they could retain to continue on with some legislation, be it only financial. Right. It could be enough. As long as they stay in the positive, there's a chance that they could retain controls. Okay. That would be amazing. Now, the other thing that you have to understand too is that without Trump on a ticket,
Starting point is 00:23:39 I don't think you get his people. Yeah, that seems very true. I think without Trump on a ticket, you just don't get the same kind of turnout that you get otherwise. I think no matter who the right fields, there won't be anybody big enough to get certain people out of their comfort zone
Starting point is 00:24:00 to go vote in this upcoming election. Now, if Trump runs in 2024, all bets are off. I've seen some speculation that he might run for Congress in 2022 and try to become Speaker of the House. Wow. Yeah. Wow. Pause and think about that horror show. He could run in any congressional district and probably do okay. If he, I mean, he would choose one demographically that made sense.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Of course he would. Yeah. Just like Marjorie Taylor. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And then, I mean,
Starting point is 00:24:33 how would they not make him speak? He would be speaking. He could be speaker of the house. You could have Donald Trump as speaker of the house. It is a possible, you could have, you could have the president who incited an insurrection where they stormed the house be the speaker
Starting point is 00:24:47 it's genuinely something that they're gonna be writing about in history books for years because of the if we still have books yeah if we still have books if we still do that cave paintings
Starting point is 00:24:55 cave paintings cave paintings yeah cave paintings in the wasteland of Seattle that is now 107 degrees in the winter
Starting point is 00:25:04 holy shit holy shit like there's some there's some little tiny town in Canada Seattle that is now 107 degrees in the winter. Holy shit. There's some little tiny town in Canada that is the hottest place in the country right now, or in the world right now. Really? Yeah. It's some little town. I was just reading a thing.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I read another article from Gizmodo this week at some point that ground temperatures, not air temperatures which are lower, but ground temperatures in Siberia were over 100 degrees. Holy shit. Melting the permafrost, releasing more methane. There's a chain reaction effect to that. Neat. It's just, I read that and I'm just like, we're still arguing about whether this is real while we're on fire.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I read an article today that specifically said that, you know, there needs to be absolutely drastic measures to get to carbon neutral or carbon zero by 2050, but there's absolutely drastic matters that have to happen in order to get that done. And nobody's interested in doing it. So, although, you know, it looks like more people are doing more and more electric cars. So that is something that is pushing forward regardless.
Starting point is 00:26:11 So the electric car, no matter what, is still moving forward in a lot of different, I think the Ford just came out with a truck that was electric. Yeah, the Ford Lightning, which actually looks fucking cool. So there's pluses,
Starting point is 00:26:22 but, you know, the difficulty, of course, is that, you know, you've got to get... They're saying that they're going to try to get out all these cars in that position,
Starting point is 00:26:29 which would be amazing, but... And I read something interesting about carbon scrubbing. Carbon scrubbing. That's something we have to do. We'd have to do it. We have to learn how to do that. Because if you don't...
Starting point is 00:26:39 If we don't, we're... We're just fucked, yeah. We're in a really raw spot. You're genuinely fucked. Thou shalt not miss this movie. And you cannot go around killing people. Why? Because it is one of God's commandments.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Thou shall not kill. Why? Because it is a sin. Why? Because it's not nice. Why? Forgive him, Father. He is a robot from the future.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Oh, this story was so good, Cecil. This story is so good. And it's just, this is like some show shit, right? This is like some gossip girl. Because right wing watch, I mean, like, that's our boo. Yeah. That's our boo. We've been, you know, we've been tight with right wing watch for a long time.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Long time. See, at this point, it's not even tight anymore. Like, they don't know, but we have been outside their window with a boom box for like 10 years. 10 years. We got our batteries in that fucker. So Rick Wiles, another regular on the show,
Starting point is 00:27:38 claims that Jesus Christ shut down right wing watch. All right, let's listen to this. This is, it looks like he's on the side of the people's court here. Let's check this out. I suspect that there will be layoffs very soon inside the organization because there's no platform
Starting point is 00:27:58 for them to spew their lies and propaganda. It's your content. They don't ever do anything except for cut a piece of your content and then place it without comment. Right there.
Starting point is 00:28:13 That's... He is always, a right-wing watch is out to get me. Right-wing watch is excerpting you in context. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:20 It's not like they're piecing things together to make it sound. They don't do that. It's always fully contextualized. Although admittedly, I feel like there is a string on Rick that you could pull
Starting point is 00:28:31 and he would tell you that the cow moves or something. You know what I mean? His head would spin around like the exorcist. The chicken goes. He'd be like, the chicken goes, move.
Starting point is 00:28:42 All right, Rick. The chicken goes, Jews are out to kill you. Also, very quickly, there's not going to be layoffs. How many people do you think fucking employs? I can't imagine. It's not a massive organization. They're not like server farms full of rightwingwatch people somewhere.
Starting point is 00:29:03 It's not some giant fortune 500 copy oh sorry guys we're gonna have to tighten our belt around right wing it's like some guy named Eric
Starting point is 00:29:11 and a few of his pals yeah and it's and it's essentially the same amount of same amount of play that Glorial Studios right
Starting point is 00:29:18 oh we got a Cecil there's gonna be layoffs around here really okay all four of us are really gonna quake
Starting point is 00:29:24 in our fucking boots. Glad we all have other jobs. Right? So, the writers, their editors, all the people that they had working to smear us and other ministries, what are they going to do? I suspect they're going to lose their jobs this week. Oh, that's sad. I suspect they're going to lose their jobs this week. Oh, that's sad.
Starting point is 00:29:47 You know, if they get saved and come to know Jesus Christ and feel the Holy Spirit, we're hiring. But they got to be saved. They have to love Jesus Christ. They have to want. What do you think they pay at True News? Okay, Ian. Oh, let's get a job at True News.
Starting point is 00:30:01 Ian, you have to get a job at True News, Ian. Ian, you're fired if you don't get another job. You're fired. You have to get a job at True News. Ian, you have to get a job at True News, Ian. Ian, you're fired if you don't get another job. You're fired. You have to get a job at True News. 100% have to get a job at True News. Wouldn't that be hilarious to try to get it? Is there a way to do a fake something? Because they're going to do some kind of check on you.
Starting point is 00:30:24 And that's the problem is if they run my name, they're going to see me. of check on you. And that's the problem is if they run my name, they're going to see me. If they run your name, they'll see you. It's tough. But if there was some way to get past Ian.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Nobody even knows his last name. I don't even know. I don't even think Ian has a last name. I think he's like Madonna. Yeah, right? So Ian could, and he could take on a different persona. He barely has a personality of his own.
Starting point is 00:30:45 So mean. I love you, Ian. He barely has a personality of his own. So mean. I love you, Ian. But it's true. It's true, though. That's the thing. It would be amazing. It would be amazing if Ian works his way into being their tech guy. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Oh, it would be just outstanding. So funny. Okay, so True News is backlined or the radio production company is flowing kind of a minimalist website but they have a workable uh job openings uh website so let's just check it out they have video editor a ui ux designer full stack developer digital marketing specialist uh part-time cam op, motion graphics designer, and a bunch of, let's look at video editor, maybe digital marketing specialist is more, okay, maneuver digital marketing, sure, I can do that, I can monitor, uh-huh,
Starting point is 00:31:38 layout design, develop, requirements, love of God, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, okay, enthusiasm to be part of a christ-centered team that is changing the way christian media and music content is consumed all right minimum two years sure that's easy that's a proficient adobe full understanding of owned paid and earned media of course uh phraser is division of flowing, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, compensation based on experience, medical, dental, and vision? PTO, vacation, sick, personal, and holidays, and relocation assistance? What? So we're gonna hit apply for this job.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Okay, we're just gonna fill that out. I mean, if it's got a steady paycheck, I'll believe anything you want. I'm sorry. Back to the show. See the guy. What if Ian is actually a right wing? What if he's a true news plant and he came in and he's. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:32:35 Working the double double. He's doing the double. The upper decker. Expand it. I don't want to see them out of of work but i'll tell you the first the first thing that came to my mind today you know the bible tells us not to gloat right over the demise of our enemies um but romans 12 19 sums it up okay and we used to gloat but this entire segment is really a humble gloat. That's what it is.
Starting point is 00:33:05 It's a humble gloat. We're hiring if you find Jesus. You'll need that because you're getting fired. Oh, and you won't have anything to eat. Which we're not getting fired. No, I'm not gloating. This isn't gloating. You shouldn't gloat. Jesus said it here in one of these letters
Starting point is 00:33:21 or something. Written to Paul of the Tarsons. Very well. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.
Starting point is 00:33:46 Well, then he should have killed Rumsfeld 400 times, 4,000 times. You should have killed him until you reached a million or whatever. You should have just raised him up and killed him again and raised him up and killed him again. Raised him up. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Stop killing yourself. Stop killing yourself. Jesus should be sitting next to him and saying, you know, I just took one year of your life away. That's what should be happening. You're only mostly dead. He should be having one of those machines that suck the life out of him one year at a time
Starting point is 00:34:13 and then he shoves it back in through his dick hole and then takes it away again. If vengeance, God is so terrible at vengeance. He's awful at it. He's horrible at it. He's horrible at it, even according to Christians who are like, God flooded Galveston, Texas because of the gay pride parade in New Orleans. And you're like, you missed by a country mile. Is he playing bocce ball?
Starting point is 00:34:39 It doesn't count if you get near it, motherfucker. Well, the horseshoe's next to the other horseshoe. Look, if it's one horseshoe, one Lord horseshoe away, it camps now. Also, like these guys are so vengeance happy all the time. Rick Wiles is a bloodthirsty motherfucker. All the time. How many episodes have we covered where he is like bloodthirsty as fuck? All the time.
Starting point is 00:35:06 And he's the worst about it. But here he's going to, oh, yeah, well, right wing watch. But I just want to read this headline. YouTube bans then unbans right wing watch. And they ran into similar problems that we've run into. Yeah. They got flagged. Then they appealed.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yeah. And it took a while. The problem is that the appeal system at YouTube genuinely sucks. Yes. And you don't get a person. They say it's a person reviewed it, but you don't get a person who reviews it. What happens is,
Starting point is 00:35:33 is they look, they, and if you do, you get somebody who literally looks at it for a, a split second. Their job is to run through as many of these as they possibly can in one day. And cause we've, we've appealed a couple times, and then that appeal has been bounced. And then we had to go to Twitter, say, hey, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:35:55 Same thing happened to Right Wing Watch. They appealed, and they said, sorry. Sorry, no. We stand. We understand that this is difficult for you, but we stand by our messaging. We stand by this ban. And Right Wing Watch had to go to Twitter and say, man, they fucking banned us
Starting point is 00:36:09 for clipping out other people's racist, horrible, homophobic garbage. Yep, and calling them out on it. Calling it out on it. They got banned because they thought that they were racist garbage. And you're like, no. And that's the problem with this algorithm.
Starting point is 00:36:24 And it's the problem with tagging a video And that's the problem with this algorithm. And it's the problem with tagging a video. It's the problem with all of that stuff is that there's no way for them to differentiate between the perpetrators of this garbage and the people who are fighting against it. The same thing happened to another guy recently who was debunking some of these COVID problems. So there was COVID medicine things that are going around. And this person was debunking a few of them. And he got banned because he used the title of that in his video.
Starting point is 00:36:53 He gets a third strike or a fourth strike and they told him he can't ever come back. And he had to go to Twitter to get them to finally see, no, I'm not saying you should use these things as a cure. We got banned because of COVID misinformation. We did.
Starting point is 00:37:07 We had a thing that we were attacking COVID misinformation, and we put it out there, and they gave us a strike. They literally gave us a strike on our account. It was no, they were like, sorry, that's a strike, bitch. And then we appealed it, and they didn't respond to us. And so then we took it to Twitter, And when we did, they reversed it. They said, oh yeah, we're sorry. Well, I know I talked about this
Starting point is 00:37:28 in relation to pornography on Thomas's show, but it highlights the problem of the volume of content and mediating that higher volume of content on any tube site. Sure. Tube sites cannot meaningfully mediate that volume of content. So they use really clumsy, shitty tools
Starting point is 00:37:46 that do a bad job. They can't, you can't have this much content and do a good job mediating that kind of content. It's not possible. So like, it's a problem. Like it's a real problem. I don't have any idea what the solution is. Sure. But there needs to be a better appeals process at YouTube. Yeah. Like there just needs to be a better appeals process at YouTube. Yeah. Like there just needs to be like an escalated appeal or some. And it's not like they're not making money off YouTube. Right.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It's not like you're not making money off this system. This money, this thing is making money hand over fist. I watch ads constantly on YouTube. Yeah. So don't tell me you're not making money off YouTube. You're making tons of money off YouTube. So you have enough money to hire a person to do this work and not just all person,
Starting point is 00:38:26 many people to do this work and that you should be able to handle. That's the answer, but it cuts into that profit line, man. I will say this too. Whenever this happens and we try to appeal
Starting point is 00:38:35 and we go on Twitter, there's all these fucking buffoons that come out of the woodwork to tell us, see, that's the problem with censorship is that when you censor people, you can get censored.
Starting point is 00:38:47 And then I'm always thinking to myself, and I always respond to these people and say, but I don't agree with hate speech being on YouTube, right? I don't think that there's a place for hate speech or medical misinformation or any of this stuff that is objectively like hate speech, objectively offensive, right? Or people that are medical
Starting point is 00:39:06 misinformation that's objectively dangerous. So I don't believe that stuff like that should have a platform anywhere. And yeah, I'm a hundred percent against deplatforming them. And if YouTube sees this content as that, and they eventually deplatform me, I can't do anything about it. I will appeal just like everything else, but I can't do anything about it. I will appeal, just like everything else, but I can't do anything about it. And I would be willing to even take one for the team as long as it made the internet landscape a safer place.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I would be willing to take one for the team. I'd be like, okay, that's fine. But the idea that people will come out and be like, see, that's the fucking problem, you dumbasses. And I'm always there to just point out how fucking stupid that comment is. There is no place for some stuff on the internet. There's no place for it. It doesn't, it shouldn't exist. It should not be out there. And it definitely shouldn't be on a place that where
Starting point is 00:39:56 the next video is suggested for you. Yep. Hey, do you enjoy driving across town to sit in an uncomfortable waiting room with no air conditioning and two people on either side of you when there are clearly open seats on the other side of the room? But that would mean you have to look at a discount home goods corporate art allegria painting of two people drinking oat milk Americanos outside of a non-copper right infringing but clearly Starbucks storefront in Paris for some reason? We know you don't. And that's why we are sponsored by BetterHelp. BetterHelp offers access to licensed, trained, experienced, and accredited psychologists, marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, and board licensed professional counselors. BetterHelp will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist. Connect in a safe and private online environment and start communicating in under 48 hours.
Starting point is 00:40:37 You'll get timely and thoughtful responses. It's available worldwide. It's more affordable than traditional offline counseling, and financial aid is available. BetterHelp's licensed professional counselors are specialized in depression, stress, anxiety, relationships, sleeping, trauma, anger, family conflicts, LGBT matters, grief, self-esteem, and how to deal with somebody breathing behind me in a Freddy Krueger mask. I feel Gary's coming for you. Gary, we're going to slash CogDisc right now. Okay. What type of counseling are you looking for? Individual counseling, couples counseling for myself and my partner, teen counseling. Okay. They don't have one for myself and for Gary, but
Starting point is 00:41:18 we'll go to individual counseling. Okay. As a listener, you'll get 10% off your first month by visiting our sponsor at slash C this. Join over 1 million people who have taken charge of their mental health again. That's slash cog this. If you wanted to cosplay dead by daylight, just say so, Gary. Look, guy, we have to stay strong. If you don't stand with your fellow Canadians, then you are a rat. Don't call me a rat, buddy. I'm not your buddy, friend. He's not your friend, guy. I'm not your guy, buddy.
Starting point is 00:41:51 He's not your buddy, friend. I'm not your friend, guy. Let's give it up, guy. Don't call me your guy. I'm not your guy, friend. I'm not your friend, buddy. I'm not your buddy, guy. This story comes from bill barr on trump's election
Starting point is 00:42:06 fraud claims it was all bullshit yeah what the reason i wanted to grab this is is trump has since come out and disavowed his relationship and connection with bill barr bill barr was his jowly fucking bulldog for the entirety up until the very, absolutely up until the very, very bitter end. Yeah. Bill Barr did every fucking bootlicking asshole tugging fucking thing that Trump ever asked him to do.
Starting point is 00:42:37 Yeah. Ever. Bill Barr broke every rule. He used the department of justice as a sort of personal prosecutor and defense unit. Look at what he did with the Mueller investigation. I mean, going through the black pen and then going out of his way to make it seem like there was nothing in there. And now Trump is calling him a rhino. Trump is calling him a Republican in name only. Same thing with Mitch McConnell. Yeah. Mitch McConnell. Trump is painting Mitch McConnell as not a true Republican.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Mitch McConnell, who basically is the guy responsible for helping to shepherd anything meaningful that Trump ever tried to get through, done on the legislative process. The guy who stymied the Democrats' opposition at every fucking turn to make Trump's agenda even remotely fucking possible. But these guys, even these fucking horrible fucking monsters like Bill Barr had some limits. I mean, look at the careers of the people who held on literally until the very last days, Bill Barr, Mike Pence. These guys were like, they were on board 100%, man, 100%, until the fucking Wild West crazy insurrection nightmare dystopian Mad Max ending.
Starting point is 00:43:59 I think Bill Barr resigned before then. He did resign just before. Bill Barr, yeah, Bill Barr resigned in, he said it was right before then. He did resign just before. But it was like- Yeah, Bill Barr resigned in, he said it was right before Christmas. He put in his thing and said, I'm going to just, and Trump had said he was just going to ride out
Starting point is 00:44:14 the rest of his days without a- Without a new attorney general, yeah. He was going to plan to ride it out. But he had essentially said, he was one of the few people that jumped ship before the insurrection. Now, there was two or three people
Starting point is 00:44:30 who jumped ship afterwards. Mitch McConnell's wife was one of them. Elaine Chao is his wife and she wound up leaving after the insurrection. She sent a letter to him, to Trump. And then there was a couple others, one or two others,
Starting point is 00:44:49 but they were smaller players in his administration. Right. But this whole thing he calls bullshit. And what is clear is that the Republicans from the very beginning never believed it. And it's clear from their actions that none of them ever really believed it. They just wanted to throw doubt in the election
Starting point is 00:45:12 so that they could pass draconian voting rights, anti-voting bills that could restrict voting to make it so that they could win easier. They weren't just happy redistricting and making it so that the chances of them winning is even better in the future because of the redistricting. They weren't just happy with that. They wanted to go out of their way to make it
Starting point is 00:45:34 so that it was super hard for people of color in this country. And make no mistake, it is an attack on people of color in this country. That's mostly what it is. So the people of color in this country. That's mostly what it is. So the people of color in this country do not have an opportunity, the same opportunity that other people in this country have, that white people have. And they've done their very best to make sure that that's the case
Starting point is 00:45:55 because they know that their time is eventually going to be up. You can't squeeze this much blood from a stone for this long no you know what what happened what happened in the 80s was reagan took off the taxes that were on the ultra wealthy and since then they have essentially run this country into the ground with by you know making it so that the ultra wealthy are no longer taxed at the rates that us normal people are and if you look look at all the different bills also that have passed too, and the way in which that they've never gone out, look at what,
Starting point is 00:46:28 what Trump did with the deregulation of all these things. Same thing with, with Bush. He did massive deregulation. And then also look at how there hasn't been a push for any kind of minimum wage. The wage disparity in this country is eventually going to come to a boiling point.
Starting point is 00:46:43 There's going to be a point where you just, there's not going to be a way to stop that, that pressure from releasing. There's going to be too much wage disparity. And, and the problem is the Republicans I think are seeing is that, that, that, that will play out in votes if they don't stop it. Yeah. And so what they did was they went out of their way to use this bullshit narrative
Starting point is 00:47:08 from a wounded narcissist to try to push their agenda. That's exactly true. They saw the opportunity and they couldn't take their foot off the brake. And the thing is that they've minimized this January 6th thing to the point where
Starting point is 00:47:25 it's not even really a thing. It's not even that big a deal anymore. Which is absolutely wild. It is, like, it's wild. The Times this week ran like a 40-minute video.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Did you happen to see it? I didn't watch the video yet, but I have it planned to watch. Man, I watched, I watched a big chunk of it. I got interrupted. I couldn't finish the video, but I watched a big chunk of that video. And you watch that thing. There was an
Starting point is 00:47:49 actual attack on the American Capitol to try to thwart the peaceful transition of power. And to your point, they are so enamored of and fearful of losing their power that they are absolutely willing to just set that off to the side and say, you know what? The stakes here are democracy itself. Yeah. And the functioning, the real functioning of government. But they always say, to your point about racism, they always say the same shit, right?
Starting point is 00:48:21 We're defending our way of life. They're talking about the white way of life. They are 100%. They're not, when they talk about like, we're defending our values, our way of life. That's just fucking, it's a dog whistle. It's fucking code. 100%.
Starting point is 00:48:35 It's all that that shit is. 100%, yeah. And that's why they're voting suppression laws and shit are 100% aimed at, you know, making sure that this is free and fair. No, it's making sure that people of color continue to be disenfranchised because your fucking days are numbered. I'll tell you, it was my hope that once Obama got elected, that there would be more shift in this country toward a progressive mindset.
Starting point is 00:49:02 And I can't believe that we're here this many years later. Yeah. And we're in this position where you're on the verge of an absolute Republican takeover for decades if you don't do any,
Starting point is 00:49:14 because there's nothing you can do to stop them from. Well, especially now they've got the Supreme Court. And they got Supreme Court locked up for years. That's it. Decades.
Starting point is 00:49:23 Yeah. That's it. Maybe my. Yep. That's it. Maybe my kids will see a different. Yeah. I mean, you're going to see Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett and a couple of them, Gorsuch. These people, they're not old. No. They're young people.
Starting point is 00:49:37 They're young and they're ideologically driven. And they're absolutely ideologically driven. Yep. Hey, Jax brother, what religion are you? Oh, well, I'm Irish Catholic. Now, I know there's been a lot of controversy around the church lately,
Starting point is 00:49:50 you know, because of the Da Vinci Code. But what's great is you can do anything, anything. And as long as you go to confession, it's forgiven. I'm Irish Catholic. So this story comes from the Irish Examiner, focused on redress, and I'm going to mispronounce this, I'm sorry, sym So this story comes from the Irish Examiner,
Starting point is 00:50:05 focused on redress, and I'm going to mispronounce this, I'm sorry, symphysiotomy. Symphysiotomy. Symphysiotomy. The mass medical experiment that butchered young women. So Ireland, for the longest time, of course, has been ruled by a Catholic majority,
Starting point is 00:50:22 which has just done absolutely horrific things to the people of Ireland. Horrible shit, yeah. And I don't think anybody has paid the price as much as women. Women pay an absolutely disproportionate price. They wound up killing a bunch of young women and babies in that, I don't know if you remember that one,
Starting point is 00:50:39 that one where they were uncovering bodies of the- Yeah, because they had the unmarried women's home or whatever. Yeah, so the story of the... Yeah, because they had the unmarried women's home or whatever. Yeah. So the story of the war on women in Ireland is horrifying and egregious and 100% driven by the religiosity of the Catholic Church. And this story is about a medical horror
Starting point is 00:51:00 called symphysiotomy or... Symphysiotomy. Whatever, I mispronounced it um and i i got to describe what this is and then and then importantly i want to describe or read to you the description of why they did this in a symphysiotomy i'm sorry symphysiotomy doctors sliced through the cartilage and ligaments of the pelvic joints to widen the pelvis for vaginal birth. The women, then in excruciating pain, had to deliver the babies. More pain than childbirth, by the way. Just want to point that out. Right. Like not only is childbirth supposed to be one of the most
Starting point is 00:51:33 painful things a human being can endure, they just went out of their way to make it hurt more. Right. Yeah. Insane. Yeah. The pelvic bone itself was also sawn through in more extreme cases known as a pubiotomy. Symphiocytomies were even carried out without the women's consent after she gave birth to widen the pelvis for vaginal births in the future. Now, here's the reasoning. Okay. Back when these were in practice, there was the belief that women couldn't have more than a certain number of C-sections, right? So the, and the Catholic church had a proscription against, of course, abortion and birth control. So in order to prevent women from using birth control or having abortions, and since they couldn't have more than, according to them at the time, more than four C-sections,
Starting point is 00:52:26 to avoid a C-section. Four. Four. Four. To have as many kids as possible. Imagine a family of four kids at this point. I know it's, but you had to double up.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I had to double up. You had to double up because you had to Brady Bunch that shit to get a fucking full time. And I don't have them full time. Yeah. I've got two full time and then four part time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:47 Yeah. Four all the time? Nope. Nope. Nope. You might as well start a fucking cloud car with four kids. Are you kidding me? It's fucking insane.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Yeah. So, but the Catholic Church, they wanted to control the reproductive schedule of women. Yes, absolutely. They wanted to make sure that women had as many babies as possible. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because that's how you keep women down, right? The goal isn't to have more kids. The goal has never been, well, it's not
Starting point is 00:53:09 entirely just having more kids. It's not entirely true because they wanted to have kids. They want more kids to tithe more. Because they're going to have more tithing and they're also going to take some of those kids into the priesthood and that's going to continue on. Because in a very strict Catholic household, one of the kids goes to become a priest. You tie the kid into the church. You tie the whole church.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Tie the human being into the church. Which is a son of a bitch when they're pushing that little tray around. They get heavy. They're like a lever. Yeah, if it's a heavy kid, you got to have a couple of people on that tray in order to not, you know.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Well, if it slips a little bit, it could catapult the other ones that are in that tray. Shake them around with the chain. Shake them around. But like, make no mistakes. The reason that religious people in general want to make sure that like women's reproductive rights are infringed upon
Starting point is 00:53:55 is because the longer you keep women out of the workforce, the less they compete with men. Yeah. And the best way to keep women out of the workforce is to keep them pregnant all the time or to keep them nursing all the time or to keep them always with fucking like little tiny infancy kids and exorbitant childcare costs all the time. Yeah. That's how you keep the women's at bay.
Starting point is 00:54:16 We can write all the laws we want to create gender equality. But if you don't have reproductive control over your own body, you can never have it. You'll never have it. Right. Yeah. And the Catholics fucking know this shit because it gets all the dudes.
Starting point is 00:54:32 It's just dudes making all the rules. Yeah. So in order to make sure that women continue to have more kids, they literally used a chainsaw. If you guys look at the tool that was used. 100% looks like a chainsaw. They're seriously taking a hand crank chainsaw
Starting point is 00:54:46 to the pelvic bones of women to saw them open so they can just shit out more fucking kids. Yeah. It was the Irish chainsaw mass. Ha ha ha! Is there any organization
Starting point is 00:55:00 you can think of as big as the Catholic Church as evil? You know what's horrible about this in particular is just like you said, the men are the one who are making these rules. And look at, there's never been a woman in power at all in any kind of real leadership position in the church ever. Ever. Ever.
Starting point is 00:55:18 And the women are always treated as subordinates, right? So even in, you know, even in modern day, you know, when there's, you're never going to go to a Catholic church and see a woman give the, give the liturgy. She's not going to, she's not going to be up there. And I don't know if I'm saying that right, whatever the homily, whatever that is. I don't know if that's the sermon or not. The sermon, the homily. I don't know. I don't, I don't know the fucking names of the shit, but I think liturgy is when they read from the Bible. I'm not sure. But in any case, the, uh, the, someone will really go out of the way to correct me. So, um, but, uh, but understand before you send that letter, I don't care. Understand there's, there's literally so, I care so little about being correct about the correct usage here because it doesn't matter. It's all, if you just all just hummed for 60 minutes,
Starting point is 00:56:07 it'd be the same amount of garbage. Wouldn't matter. But in any case, there's never been a woman in any kind of real leadership position. And then you look at what you're doing, you know, that you're making it so that they're having this vaginal birth so that they can continue in that position where they're constantly
Starting point is 00:56:26 birthing, where they're just constantly giving birth. So it's not like a procedure that anybody would ever do. It's literally like a superstitious procedure. It's insane. And nobody takes chainsaws to male bodies. No, it doesn't happen. You ever notice there's no fucking religious prescription that's ever been written that takes a chainsaw to a male body? I mean, we doesn't happen. Nobody, there's, you ever notice there's no fucking religious prescription that's ever been written that takes a chainsaw to a male body? I mean, we do snip the thing off. Yeah. But, yeah. Much less, like a much easier. Admittedly, but
Starting point is 00:56:53 it still is genital mutilation. Absolutely. Yeah, 100%. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. But like, the, they're, they never have any religious prescriptions that infringe upon the rights of men. We don't perform a vasectomy at a certain age for men at all.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Right. There's not a thing that we just say, okay, you know. And we don't like chop the glands off the penis so it doesn't feel good anymore. Right. Right. Like there's no,
Starting point is 00:57:21 the rules are always written by men to protect the power position of men. It's never the other way. That's a hell of a fucking coincidence for your religion. Wow. Oh man. Guess what guys? I just talked to God and he says, blow jobs for me and chainsaws for you. Well, it's like that old thing like well I always imagine like I always imagine you as the slave and me as the master
Starting point is 00:57:48 right like get the fuck out of here of course you do of course you did yeah with pay yeah
Starting point is 00:57:54 you think you get to spend me with pay god damn it McCluskey you kill 90 innocent people you gotta be punished that's why you're getting two count them
Starting point is 00:58:03 two paid weeks off what you're lucky two, count them, two paid weeks off. What? You're lucky I don't send you on vacation. You don't got the balls. Oh, I don't got the balls, do I? This economy always needs tourists, pal. Two weeks, all expenses paid, French Riviera, you're going.
Starting point is 00:58:18 First class, go to hell. The brew-up, 90 nuns on their way to soccer practice. So this story was from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Castrate kill, remove voting rights. Ex-Marine Georgia deputy was an extremist cell, fed say. So I want to just read a little chunk of this. When FBI agents in San Diego seized the cell phone of a suspected white supremacist last year,
Starting point is 00:58:43 they discovered text messages with a Georgia sheriff's deputy boasting of racial violence and preparations for a civil war. When we talk about systemic racism and the institutions of power that absolutely perpetuate violent, racist attacks against people of color, I mean, look no further than your own fucking cops. Yeah. It's not all cops. Maybe it's not all, but you're not making sure you find them.
Starting point is 00:59:11 Yeah. You're not doing your part to stop them. And you're not doing anything to stop them once they do do something horrifically racist, right? Right. The other thing that they point out in this article too is that they talk about not just this guy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:24 But then they talk about the ins this guy, but then they talk about the insurrection, right? So they start talking about what happened in the insurrection because a couple of people were involved in this. I think this one guy was involved in this particular story,
Starting point is 00:59:33 was involved in it. And then they talked about how many people were in the insurrection, like how many people in the military were in the insurrection. And it was 12%
Starting point is 00:59:42 of the people that were there were ex-military or I don't know, current military, I the insurrection. And it was 12% of the people that were there were ex-military or, or I don't know, current military. I don't know. But it was military people, 12%. That's a bigger number than the average population in the United States ratio. That's military. That's military. There's more military people stormed the Capitol than if you were to just take a sample set of people in the United States and say, okay, well, those people, because there's only 7% of the people in the military
Starting point is 01:00:12 in the regular population. Now that was way bigger in the 80s. It was up to almost 20% in the 80s, but that's back when we didn't go into war. So you look at the 80s as a big stretch of, you didn't have to go anywhere. If you were military, you could just go on a base
Starting point is 01:00:30 and hang out in like Germany or whatever, and then come back and it's totally cool. Now- Maybe invade Grenada if, you know, things got a little boring.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I mean, sure, but we didn't send a lot of troops. I know, I'm just goofing. We just did Grenada and the thing, but we didn't send a lot of troops there. No, 3,000. 3,000.
Starting point is 01:00:44 So it's a tiny amount. And, you know, you look at thating. We just did grenade on the thing, but we didn't send a lot of troops there. No, 3,000. 3,000, so it's a tiny amount. And you look at that entire span of the 80s, there wasn't anything really that was one of those places where you'd want to put a bunch of people until Bush, and I was in high school at the time. Right. And I was actually considering going in the military, but then right before I got out of high school,
Starting point is 01:01:06 Bush invades, the Bush, the older, invades Iraq. Invasion part one. And I remember my dad saying, you are stupid if you go in the military now because you're going to be doing a tour somewhere else. And it'll be just like Vietnam. He's like, you're going to be spending, you'll spend your whole time somewhere else.
Starting point is 01:01:22 And you're in a foreign land and you wind up dead. He's like, you don't want to do your whole time somewhere else. And, you know, you're in a foreign land and you wind up dead. He's like, you don't want to do this. Right. And he turned me away from the military, but, but there was a lot more people back then. But now that there's,
Starting point is 01:01:32 now that we've been in war forever, at this point we're going on, I mean, that was in 91. Yeah. That's when, when they jumped in. That's almost 30 years.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Yeah. So it is 30 years. So 30 years now you're at, you know, 30 year, the 30 years war. We have our own 30 years. That's almost 30 years. Yeah. So it is 30 years. So 30 years now, you're at, you know, the 30 years war. We have our own 30 years war. Oh, God. And that's essentially, you know, like the reason why there's fewer people in the military now per capita. But the scary thing is that there's people that are attacking our capital that have tools that we gave them. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:06 The tools of understanding, you know, how bodies go together, right? How to attack somebody, how, you know, how group tactics work, what I should do to stop this or that. You know what I mean? How to spot like, you know, holes in defenses. Exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:24 We train them to do this. Right. And so that's a really scary thing. And then to find that these people are involved in these telegram, and what is the other one? Telegram or whatever, those two. Oh, because of an S, Signal.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Yeah, Signal and Telegram. They're involved in these groups of people that are on those groups that are both QAnon, then also insurrection, but then also white supremacist. I mean, the stuff that they're sending back and forth to each other is viciously racist.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Yeah. And, and they feel like they can, they can have these very open racist conversations in these, in these closed channels and the FBI is monitoring them. They, they caught this guy, but how many are out there? Right. You know, idea that the police are here. I know that it's a
Starting point is 01:03:11 bullshit idea. And I know I'm going to get corrected again when I say the police are here to protect you. I'm not saying the police are here to protect. And if I'd said that in the past, I'm saying it with quotes. I know. Don't misunderstand. It's written on their cars, but no one believes it. And not just that. I know that there was even a Supreme Court case where they're not actually obligated to protect anybody. They're not obligated to do any of that stuff. They're literally there as a way to like get fucking revenue
Starting point is 01:03:38 for our fucking local government. Like that's all they're there for. So the idea that, you know, there, the, the, there's this, there's this essentially a paramilitary force that could, could be seething with white supremacy and, and, and don't just let the back channels fool you. I mean, we watch this white supremacy play itself out all the time through video where they're terrorizing black residents of this country. I mean, we see it all the fucking time. Yeah. And, you know, I will say it's particularly disturbing to think that
Starting point is 01:04:12 a very common job for people to get out of the military is in law enforcement. It's a very common job. It's a very common opportunity people will take. So if our military has a white supremacist problem, then our local law enforcement is going to continue that problem domestically. And here are people that are trained, as you point out, trained in tactics, and now we're arming them domestically and charging them with safeguarding our neighborhoods. And that's fucking not what's happening. Look at the fucking way that they handled the BLM protests last year.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Just last year, it's like last year to the day, they charged in and just viciously attacked people. Viciously. All over the country. All over the country. And if it had just been in one spot, you could say, you could, I think if you could,
Starting point is 01:05:08 I think if it had been in one place, you could say, holy shit, this area has a problem, right? This area for whatever reason. Sure. But it was everywhere.
Starting point is 01:05:17 It was everywhere. And that, you have to look at that video from last year with a clear eye and say, holy shit. Yeah. Because when the same, when a group of fucking white people stormed the Capitol building, nobody.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Yeah. They didn't even show up. They didn't have the numbers. They didn't have the force. They didn't even plan it. They didn't have the authorization for force. Yeah. When they marched in DC, they had the entire stairs covered with police officers in riot
Starting point is 01:05:41 gear. In riot gear. And in the BLM protests, they were authorized to use a higher level of force. They were authorized to use much more significant crowd control weapons. And you watch the videos that came out of that. All across the country, police force after police force after police force beat the ever-loving shit out of people who were demonstrating for racial equality. And if you don't believe after watching that, that our institutions of power are racist, I can't imagine what would convince you.
Starting point is 01:06:10 I mean, look at them now fighting tooth and nail to just even have moments of introspection about critical race theory in some of these places. Look at how they're fighting tooth and nail in all these institutional places in this country. And it's not even police forces. It's like the military. And you put somebody in charge who says, yeah, we should actually examine that stuff. And they flip their fucking shit, man. They think it's an absolute,
Starting point is 01:06:35 and if that doesn't tell you just the idea that just to have a conversation about, hey man, maybe it was really difficult to be a black person. Yeah. Just to have that conversation. Maybe all the fucking founding fathers weren't perfect. You can't even have that conversation. Maybe we shouldn't have like 30 Confederate statues in the Capitol. You can't even have that conversation. We can't even have it.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Can't even have that conversation. Nope. You can't have that conversation and you will get viciously attacked if you do it. Yep. So we want to thank our patrons. Of course, we want to thank all our patrons. We want to thank our newest patrons.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Full name? I think that's a misprint. I think that's a misprint, actually. I think Ian must have misprint that, but I'm going to say full name anyway, just in case there's a patron name full name. I think that's great. If that's your name, I love that name. Never change it. Richard
Starting point is 01:07:28 Felipe and Guardian Bellerin. I don't know if I said that correctly, but that's what I said. Or then also people who up their pledges. Decepticon IT Help Desk. Aaron and Rick, thank you so much for your generous donations. Really do truly appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:07:44 You guys are the reasons Glory Hole Studios exists. You're the reason we have two employees and you're the reason we're able to weekly order dinner. So thank you so much. Thank you guys. Thank you very much. We very much appreciate it. And you pay our Comcast bill.
Starting point is 01:07:56 You do that too. You pay the Comcast bill. Especially when we cancel early and have to pay an exorbitant fee. Oh my God. A ridiculous fee because we cancel earlier. By the way, fuck Comcast.
Starting point is 01:08:07 All right. We just wanted to say that. We want to get out of the way. We got a little email we wanted to cover. We wanted to talk a little bit about the even more bodies that have been found in Canada now. There are up to almost a thousand unnamed bodies on the school sites that we were talking about last week. So we talked about it in the notes section.
Starting point is 01:08:31 We didn't really cover it super in depth, but we did talk a little bit about what's happening in Canada. And there's so many stories coming out. I think one of these weeks, once they finally sort of finish what's happening up there yeah we'll cover it in full yeah we we and i and i we also um i want to make a correction i know last time i think i said that they were mass graves they're not mass graves they're individual
Starting point is 01:08:56 unmarked graves and there is a difference yeah a mass grave would insinuate that a massive number of people were killed at once rather than a massive number of people killed slowly over time. So it's a distinction that I do want to draw. We absolutely will cover the story. It just keeps changing. It just keeps evolving. And we know that these residential schools are more complex than we had initially brought up. There's a long story and it really needs to be told. It really needs to be told. We just did not do the research yet. And we're not, we're not at that point yet, but we will be, we will be covering this in an in-depth fashion for sure on a future show. We just want to see how it plays out because it feels like it's still an emerging story. And the more you cover
Starting point is 01:09:40 an emerging story, you don't cover, you wind up never going back to it when it's completed. But Keith sent in a message to let us know that it's still evolving. He said that, you know, like it's over a thousand unnamed bodies in two residential school sites. And he sent a video that I'm going to watch. He said it's 20 minutes, but it's a really interesting TED Talk. So I'm going to check it out. Thank you so much, Keith, for sending that in. We got a bunch of more messages. They keep coming in. People are hearing the message that you put out with Haley and
Starting point is 01:10:11 her medical woes, Tom, and a bunch of people are also sending in messages. Yeah, guys, I'm so sorry that so many people have had similar experiences. You know, our healthcare system is fucking broken. It's just fucking broken. And you open up the door a little bit and you just open a crack into that world. And the amount of messages we get
Starting point is 01:10:33 and the support, it's really overwhelming. I so sincerely wish that it wasn't. I so sincerely wish that it was a one-off circumstance. And the fact was an anomaly. Yeah. And the fact that it's not a one-off, that that's not an anomaly, like that's heartbreaking too. Yeah. You know, every one of the people that sent a story, I've read them all. They are all heartbreaking. I'm sorry you guys have to go. Nobody should have to go through. The system should fucking work better. Yeah. It should fucking work better. And I'm sorry for everybody that it doesn't work for. We got a message from Paul. We're talking about 1 billion pennies, I guess a couple of weeks ago.
Starting point is 01:11:06 And Paul said, and he said, how tall would 1 billion pennies be? Well, their value, interestingly enough, Paul says would be $10 million, 181 and 76 cents. I don't know why it would not be a round number of exactly 10 million. It doesn't, it seems like he would just move the two decimal points over
Starting point is 01:11:25 and you never explained why. You just said it was 10,000,000,1876, unless you're just trying to fuck with us and you just typed in a random number. But then he said that the pennies, if they were stacked, would be 40 feet, 45 feet wide, 11 feet tall, and 41 feet on the other angle
Starting point is 01:11:45 to make a cube worth of pennies and it would weigh 3,125 tons. I just want you to explain the value part. I don't understand your value part. I get the rest of it and I understand it. I don't know if it's true and I didn't check into it, but I don't understand the value.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Are you saying that the material itself would cost that because a penny is worth more than a penny? Like in the material? Is that what you're saying? I don't get it. I don't get it. Although what I've learned from this is that if I become a billionaire, a multi-billionaire, I'm going to make a wall out of pennies. Wouldn't that be amazing? Just a wall of money to keep the poor out. A whole wall. Holy fuck. Have you seen though, I will say.
Starting point is 01:12:27 Holy fuck, that's evil. That is evil as shit. You know, have you seen those people though that take pennies and make a floor out of it? It looks awesome. It looks cool. It looks, I've wanted to do that. It looks great.
Starting point is 01:12:37 It looks cool. I really want to do, I've seen them do like a backsplash. Yeah, it looks neat. It looks awesome. And it's like really cheap actually. It's like $80 did the whole floor. And you're like, it looks baller. It looks awesome. And it's like really cheap, actually. It's like $80 did the whole floor. And you're like, it looks baller. It looks amazing.
Starting point is 01:12:48 They sand them down. They make them look nice. We got a bunch of messages about people not taking vaccines that are in the healthcare industry, that they work with people who don't do it. We got a ton of messages because we covered a story last week that was talking about people who specifically were refusing vaccines and they wound up getting fired because of it.
Starting point is 01:13:07 Tons of messages. This one here, this one comes from somebody, they didn't sign it, so I don't want to read who it is, but they had said that they, essentially, they have a system at their work
Starting point is 01:13:22 where if you don't want to get the influenza vaccine, you can just wear a mask the entirety of flu season. And they've had so many people opt into the mask wearing where they work because they will not get a flu vaccine. What the fuck? Why are you in medicine if you don't respect how medicine works? I just don't get it. Not you, the letter writer.
Starting point is 01:13:42 No, no. Not you, the letter writer, but just the people that won't. God fucking, what is wrong with you? It's crazy. And Vice Rhino sends in a story. Again, this is covering those residential schools. This priest who genuinely looks like one of the guys from Sopranos.
Starting point is 01:13:57 He looks like- He does, he looks like Pauly. He looks like Pauly from the Sopranos. He says, priest under fire after sermon on the good done by the Catholic church on residential schools. Don't ever go there, right? Don't ever go there. Don't ever talk about your fucking bake sale if your fucking church is diddling people, right?
Starting point is 01:14:14 Just don't do it. One dead kid erases all of the good stuff. Imagine if I came into your house and I did every one of your chores. I finished your entire honeydew list, right? And then I went to your boss and I got you a raise. And then I washed your car and I detailed it for you. And then I killed your baby. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:38 Which thing would you remember most? You wouldn't be like, well, Tom's a great guy and he fixed yeah all right fair enough like what the fuck doesn't make any sense like do you do it's it's it's genuinely i and there's always this push pull because there are there are churches out there that do good work right but there's always this push pull especially when it comes to the Catholic Church, of, you know, you can't erase the harm you did. The only thing you can do is excise it. And you haven't even done that.
Starting point is 01:15:14 Right. They haven't even apologized. You haven't apologized. You haven't even, you haven't excised the cancer that caused this. You haven't done anything. What you did was something else. You know what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:15:26 You're making us look at something while you pull a coin out from our ear. That's 100% distraction. That's 100%. Get the fuck out of here. We got a message. This is about vaccine side effects from someone on Patreon and they said they did wait
Starting point is 01:15:41 to get the vaccine, but it's only because they just couldn't figure out a day to be sick. And that's a genuine piece of concern. Yeah, that's a lot of people. You know, it is a sad commentary though about like how hard we work people in America. For sure.
Starting point is 01:15:58 That people can't, they look at and they say like, you know what, my health, I can't take one day. I can't figure, I can't figure it out. I can't carve out a single fucking day. I'll tell you what, if that vaccine was available early on in the pandemic, when I was working, you know, 60 hours, I wouldn't have had an opportunity. I wouldn't have an opportunity to do it. There's been, there's many, many times in my life where it's like, I can't be down for a day. I totally understand that. It's just, it does give you pause to think like, man, fuck that.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Like you should not live in a world we should not live lives where we can't afford to be down for a day right yeah and i mean we both work three jobs yeah like we work citation needed we work cognitive dissonance and we work our own day jobs yeah so we just don't have days that just i mean we had to like plan this stuff we had to plan our recording schedule around it and you know you just have to like it genuinely it's it's it's around it. And you just have to... Genuinely, it's difficult. It's really difficult.
Starting point is 01:16:47 Cecil and I just want to buy a couple of things for the studio. And we're looking... We don't sync up the fucking calendars. Yeah, sure. It's like we're fucking Mission Impossible shit. It's ridiculous. We got another message from an angry nurse.
Starting point is 01:17:02 An angry nurse says that they wound up having an opportunity to vaccinate people that they wound up having an opportunity to vaccinate people that they work with in their homes and overall they got about 55% of the people. Just over a coin flip's worth. It's just crazy.
Starting point is 01:17:19 We got a message on Patreon. This is from Alex and he says, hey guys, I'm wondering if you consider doing a show on how the current Republican Party, led by Trump, has caused people to leave religion. For me, the Christian rights support of this monster was the
Starting point is 01:17:34 final straw that drove me to atheism from agnosticism. Holy shit, Alex. Wow. I wonder if that, I wonder if people have lost their faith or left their churches. We got a message. This is from Jane in Australia. And Jane said that,
Starting point is 01:17:51 that there's an actual place in the United States that has Aussie food products. And I think that's the name of Aussie food And I can buy the Cadbury picnic bar. Jane sent a message with a link. So thank you, Jane, very much. We very much appreciate it. I will do this
Starting point is 01:18:11 and I will buy some of these picnic bars so I can try one that isn't screwed up. Also, somebody sent us a message on Twitter. They thought we were serious when I was mentioning that the Australians hated the English. They were upset. They were genuinely upset. They were like,
Starting point is 01:18:31 I'm so disappointed. You shouldn't make sweeping generalizations like that. Are you serious? You listen to our show every week and you can't tell we're using hyperbole? Get the fuck out of here. You know what? I want to double down. single australian hates the english also also also i hate every english yeah and americans hate the english
Starting point is 01:18:52 we're anglophile i can't wait to see marsh i'm gonna fight him i'm gonna fight marsh i can't wait to fight marsh natalie sent this in and it is great it is a video where someone has taken slayer and i know this because i grew up listening to Slayer and they took, they took Kenneth Copeland and they cut his voice. So he's basically reading Slayer lyrics to Slayer riffs. And on occasion, once in a while, they will just show his creepy face with a fucking pentagram behind him.
Starting point is 01:19:22 A hundred percent looks evil as fuck. So check it out. I'm going to post the link on this week's show notes. It's very, very funny, Natalie. Thank you so much. We got a message from,
Starting point is 01:19:33 uh, uh, an Australian in Australia. Um, the English don't like you. Um, I just want to say, but,
Starting point is 01:19:40 uh, they said, honestly, you got to try the Taiwanese whiskey. It's a single malt. Tom hates malts, but I will try it. I'll see if I can find it. I'm going to look for it at my local Binnie's. I don't know how
Starting point is 01:19:53 my local Binnie's is kind of shit to be perfectly frank, but that's a bummer. It's not great. It's not great, but I was able to buy all those goofy little bottles there. Did yours have a high-end room? Yeah, there's a high-end room and I found something I'm going to buy for Heath in there. So I'm going to get that for Christmas.
Starting point is 01:20:08 Okay. So we can go in, have these on it. I saw it there. Oh, nice. Like, oh,
Starting point is 01:20:11 it's nice. It's a good, it's a good gift. So we can send it to him. Okay, good. Yeah. But yeah,
Starting point is 01:20:16 they have a high end room there, but a lot of it's scotches. So, you know, it's mostly scotches. There's, there's, I mean,
Starting point is 01:20:22 and the thing is, is like, I genuinely feel like a really expensive scotch is probably lost on me, but. Yeah, no, it's lost on me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:29 Well, don't tell him, but it's a Lagavulin. It's like a really expensive. Oh really? So yeah. Oh, nice.
Starting point is 01:20:34 I think that's how you pronounce it. I'm not sure. I think so. Yeah. But it's like a really expensive one. So I was like, nobody tell him. Don't tell him any,
Starting point is 01:20:39 and nobody say anything to Heath. Okay. All right. So Tom, this is interesting. This is a story that's been circling around about a good guy
Starting point is 01:20:48 with a gun fail. This was sent to us by Javier. Yeah, so this is crazy. So, this highlights so many bad things. Here's the story.
Starting point is 01:20:56 So, some guy shoots a cop. Just, like, ambushes a cop and just shoots a cop. Some other random citizen sees this happen, grabs an AR-15 from his car and just shoots a cop. Some other random citizen sees this happen,
Starting point is 01:21:05 grabs an AR-15 from his car and shoots that guy. So shoots the guy who just murdered the cop, right? And the cops show up and immediately shoot the guy with the AR-15. Oh, they murdered him, huh? They killed him. Holy shit. And it's like, and you read the stories about it and they're hailing, the police and everybody else
Starting point is 01:21:24 are hailing the guy that they murdered as a hero. But they didn't give that guy one fucking opportunity to surrender or identify himself. Sure. Because the cops shoot first and ask questions later. That guy would have surrendered. Here's how you know he would have surrendered, because he wasn't the bad guy, so to speak. Right. He was just a guy who saw a cop get killed and fucking took
Starting point is 01:21:46 action and killed that other dude. We don't need citizens doing this. First of all, it doesn't make you safer. That didn't make that guy safer. That guy died. But part of the reason that guy died is because we have trigger-happy cops. Well, we have cops who that's what... And that's why you should never, I would
Starting point is 01:22:01 imagine, never get involved in a shooting with a police... It doesn't make any sense because the cop doesn't know any different. They don't know whether you're part of it or not. And they don't try to find out. And there's no investigative process on their part. You think that cop who shot that dude at the AR-15 is going to get in trouble? No. Zero trouble.
Starting point is 01:22:20 Zero trouble. No one's going to. He shot a hero. They shot a guy, Cecil, that they're literally calling a hero. At the same time. It's crazy to me. So we got a lot of these, we got a lot of these messages on occasion. We'll get
Starting point is 01:22:33 messages from people who say, hey, I'm in a bad spot. I need some help. Is there any way that you guys can do a GoFundMe for me? Tom and I, we do a limited amount of charity work with modest needs because they're able to vet these things. And we just don't have time to vet
Starting point is 01:22:50 all the requests that come in. But even more importantly, we get so many of these requests that there's not enough. I don't feel like in a small niche that we have any even remote influence over, there's enough capital to help. We don't have any way to prioritize one over another in a way that feels fair and equitable. And you can't go back to the well all the time. And if we ran a GoFundMe or we promoted a GoFundMe
Starting point is 01:23:22 for all the requests that we get, we'd be promoting a lot of GoFundMes. Yeah, there'd be a couple a week. The well would run dry. Yeah. And we like to use our, what little influence we have to work with modest needs. We think they're a wonderful organization. That doesn't mean we don't care about our listeners
Starting point is 01:23:39 and your plight though. Yeah. I think that's something like Cecil and I feel very strongly about. Like we genuinely do care about you guys. And if we could run every go, if we could fucking just fund all of your medical care. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:53 We would fund all of your fucking medical care. We would. We can't do it. We would not be successful in doing it. Yeah. So we're very sorry to say no to these things. Yeah. We wish we could say yes,
Starting point is 01:24:06 but it is impossible for us to say yes to all of them. Yeah, and we absolutely have a Facebook group where you can post, you can create something like this and post
Starting point is 01:24:14 something there and see if people will give you a hand. It's a smallish group. I think it's only a couple thousand people. And I haven't seen a ton of traction
Starting point is 01:24:23 in those places, but they may also be able to help you with an organization that might be able to help you too. So if you're looking for medical care or you're looking for some other kind of like relocation care, things like that, there are systems out there that can help. So if you even just jumped onto the Facebook group and you were to ask those questions, you may get steered to organizations and nonprofits that do help people in these situations.
Starting point is 01:24:50 So it's something to think about. We do read each one of these. And like I say, hit up that Facebook group. That might help. Kyle, we just wanted to send you a message. Kyle sent us a message going through a real tough time.
Starting point is 01:25:03 And he's been finding that the podcast is helping him. So thank you, Kyle. And for, for listening. And if anything we ever say helps or brightens your day, it's,
Starting point is 01:25:12 it makes us feel really good. And hopefully we, you've gotten through some difficult times listening to the show. Absolutely. Kyle. Sorry. You're going through it, bud.
Starting point is 01:25:19 So that is gonna wrap it up for this week. We are going to be back next week. Be sure to check us out on live stream. This last week on live stream, we wound up getting a couple of gifts. One of them was a image of Mitch McConnell that you're going to want to check out on the stream. So go check out that stream on YouTube or Twitch
Starting point is 01:25:41 or on Facebook. So you could just see what somebody sent us in the mail. And then you, we also, uh, wound up getting a wonderful, uh, bit of wine from one of the patrons,
Starting point is 01:25:53 uh, a sparkling wine, a peach sparkling wine from Italy. That was absolutely marvelous. We had it on, on the stream and it was delicious. And we wanted to thank them again for sending it. Ian,
Starting point is 01:26:04 who has a long patron name about bloods for blood, but, uh, but it was delicious and we wanted to thank them again for sending it. Ian, who has a long patron name about Bloods for Blood Gods. But it was very nice of him to do and we appreciate it. But come check the streams out there. A lot of fun. Our Ian fucks everything up, so it's always fun to see him fail utterly at
Starting point is 01:26:19 any technology, which is what we hired him for, which is strange. Maybe we made a bad call. I don't know. No, it's not me. Comcast. If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again.
Starting point is 01:26:31 If you need help, hang up and try again. In any case, check us out on stream 9 p.m. Central. That's on Thursday night. All right. That's going to wrap it up for this week. We're going to leave you like we always do with The Skeptic's Creed. Credulity is not a virtue.
Starting point is 01:26:49 It's fortune cookie cutter. Mommy issue. Hypno Babylon. Bullshit couched in. Scientician double bubble toil and trouble. Pseudo quasi alternative acupunctuating pressurized stereogram pyramidal free energy healing water downward spiral brain dead pan sales pitch late night info docutainment. Stereogram, Pyramidal, Free Energy, Healing Water, Downward Spiral, Brain Dead, Pan Sales Pitch, Late Night Info Docutainment Leo, Pisces, Cancer Cures Detox, Reflex, Foot Massage
Starting point is 01:27:13 Death in Towers, Tarot Cards Psychic Healing, Crystal Balls Bigfoot, Yeti, Aliens Churches, Mosques and Synagogues Temples, Dragons, Giant Worms Atlantis, Dolphins, Truthers Birthers, Witches, Wizques and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, double speak stigmata, nonsense.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody. Evidential. Conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only.
Starting point is 01:28:03 All opinions are solely that of Gloryhole Studios, LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds. Produced in association with the local Dairy Council and viewers like you. Bye.

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