Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 622: Babies Are Racist

Episode Date: March 28, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's show is brought to you by Text the word Cognitive to 64000 for 20% off your first order. And buy the book in the audiobook. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. recording live from glory hole studios in chic and beyond, this is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical. It's political.
Starting point is 00:01:06 And there is no welcome at it. This is episode 622 of Cognitive Dissonance. And Cecil, I don't know what your thoughts are. I don't want to get too far down this road. But I've been, obviously, like everybody else, been following the events in Ukraine. Sure, sure. And it is going so badly for Russia. Like, it's going...
Starting point is 00:01:23 Like, Ukraine is taking back the cities that they lost. They took back a city yesterday. Sinking battleships. Sinking their fucking battleships. They're like fucking C2. C2 baby. And right down.
Starting point is 00:01:36 C4 makes it explode. Putin just takes the fucking thing, closes it. He slams it, throws it. So mad. That's the thing that makes me, like,
Starting point is 00:01:47 this is one of those scenarios that I just keep thinking of and I'm like, man, there's no outcome. I can't imagine where he's just going to be like, well,
Starting point is 00:01:55 you beat me. Pharisees and Pharisees. I think, I don't know. I actually think, like, it's difficult because you keep,
Starting point is 00:02:02 the more you beat him, the deeper that hole gets. Yeah. So, I don't know know i don't know how this concludes there's a couple of options of course there's always a couple of options it could you know there could be a moment where it's not him who decides right where somebody finally steps in or you know he finally in some way gets forced to crisis in some point. So there's a possibility there could be somebody else who speaks. Or, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:30 the same way strikes work could be the same way that this could stop. The soldiers could just be like, this is stupid. What are we doing? So it's in the same way, although it's very different. It's very different when the soldier says this. Because the other soldier who's not on strike
Starting point is 00:02:46 can shoot you. Yeah, well, you know, like, but they are saying, the Ukrainian soldiers are saying, and I saw this today, they're saying, go home and you won't die. Like, just go home. And that is an excellent message. That is really a great message. Cecil, if I were in your home and you were like, not today, buddy.
Starting point is 00:03:02 You gotta go home. Gotta go home or you're gonna die. I'd be like, home is where the heart is. Home is where I'm living. Right. I don't know, man. And I don't want to like pretend I'm a fucking expert on Eastern geopolitical affairs. I'm just not. But I just I read about it and I'm looking at it with bated breath and I would be remiss
Starting point is 00:03:21 not to say, man, I know that that story that Putin tells about when he was a kid. I think I mentioned this before on the show, but he tells a story about when he was a kid, he was very poor and he and the other kids would chase rats around in this like apartment building where they lived. And he tells a story that like he chased this, they saw this really big rat and he chased this rat and the rat got cornered. And as soon as the rat was cornered, the cornered rat turned and it attacked him. It launched itself after him. And then he ran away from the rat. And he says, I learned a lot from that rat. And I think, God, I just. Did you? Did you though? Did you though? Yeah. Right. Like the best thing for the rat to do would actually
Starting point is 00:04:02 to not be caught in the first place. not to just, you know, but still. It's one of those situations. This last week on our live stream, we raised money for Ukraine. Not technically Ukraine. We raised it for Doctors Without Borders, but they are currently serving in Ukraine. And it was one of the few pacifist organizations
Starting point is 00:04:24 that we found that we know and we've used before. Right. We did it this last week. We said anybody who did a super chat for our show while we were on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:04:37 we would take and match whatever funds. Turned out to be about $650 that we raised in about 40 minutes or so. And we took that money and we matched it. We matched it. And we also like, cause YouTube was like 35% of that money. We're like, whatever,
Starting point is 00:04:51 we're just going to eat that. And so we do, we, we sent them $1,300 this week. And what's great is we were matched by a listener of the show, Fred, who wound up doing the same thing. So he sent them money as well this week. So we raised over $2,000 for Doctors Without Borders in about 40 minutes. Which is tremendous. Which is tremendous. That's awesome. And so we, of course, we want to encourage everybody who wants to help in some way that they can to reach out to Doctors Without Borders. You know, their website's super easy to find. Type it in a search bar there's a donate one time feature that's what we did and you could just donate
Starting point is 00:05:27 you know they want anything you got right so dollar two dollars five dollars twenty dollars a hundred dollars
Starting point is 00:05:34 it doesn't matter so I urge anybody who wants to help in some way to do that and that's a charity that has been well vetted that's a charity
Starting point is 00:05:42 that you can feel like not all charities like can you necessarily feel good about. No. And you do have to do a fair bit of work. But Doctors Without Borders, I feel comfortable recommending.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Me too. We've vetted them for a long time. Yeah, for a long time. President Biden announcing his pick for the Supreme Court, nominating Judge Katanya Brown Jackson. Federal Appeals Court Judge Katina Brown Jackson.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Katanja Brown Jackson. Judge Katine Brown Jackson. Katanja Brown Jackson. Judge Katanji Brown Jackson. Judge Katanji, Katanji Jackson rather. Katanji Brown Jackson. Katani Brown. Judge Katani Brown Jackson. Katanji Brown Jackson. Katani Brown Jackson. Katanji Brown Jackson. Katani Brown So a lot of the stories this week are going to come from the confirmation hearing. Yeah. So potential Supreme Court Justice Jackson is in the middle of withering, Potential Supreme Court Justice Jackson is in the middle of withering, just in the fucking, just withering, stupid, stupid, bland crossfire bullshit by functional idiots is essentially what she's enduring right now. It pretty much is. And, you know, what you're seeing right now, Tom, is you're seeing a Republican Party that wants to ask her questions so that
Starting point is 00:07:08 they could be the next soundbite. Yes, 100%. That's all it is. They don't care about any of this stuff. And they certainly don't care about her answers. Because her answers, in fact, should excite the people that are listening and that are
Starting point is 00:07:23 on the right. Because she is an originalist and she said as much in one of the things that she said. And she's also somebody who keeps saying, I will wait until I hear the facts of the case and listen to the arguments and then I will make the decision. That should be something that should excite them because what they don't want
Starting point is 00:07:44 is somebody who comes in with ideas and plans on their own. She's saying she's going to treat everything as a blank slate. And, you know, if you're being honest- Right. That's the answer you want. Then that's the answer you want, right?
Starting point is 00:07:58 But they're not being honest. What they want to do is they want to try to push her into a corner and they want to get her to say something so that they don't have to vote for the first black woman Supreme Court justice. That's the only reason they're doing this. They're doing it for that. And they're also doing it so they can have campaign slogans later on. Like I was super tough on Katonji. Right. Yeah. Did you see when I was mad at that woman? Yeah. I was real good. I stormed off. I'm lindsey graham and i yeah i you know i was so repulsed by my
Starting point is 00:08:26 by the non-answers i didn't let her give when i stood in front of her and essentially grandstanded for the entirety of my time that's all i did aren't you proud of me it's like no and the questions are so disingenuous and this one is this one is equally shitty yeah so this story comes from mother jones republican senator lashes out at marriage equality in Supreme Court hearing. This is John Cornyn. Cornyn's objections are, first, that granting equal rights to LGBTQ people conflicts with the religious beliefs of some people, to which Jackson responded, well, Senator, that is the nature of a right. That when there is a right, it means that there are limitations on regulation, even if people are regulating pursuant
Starting point is 00:09:08 to their sincerely held religious beliefs. Did she drop the mic right after that? Because that's a great fucking line. She fucking should have. Yeah, I love that her answer was like, that's how that works. So, of fucking course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:22 You know, the religious right is just coming out at this point and saying look i i want to discriminate because i have a bad set of ideas yeah and this terrible set of nonsensical bronze age bullshit ideas that by the way in the new testament barely even touch upon the subject right and don't treat it as something terribly. But still, you know, I feel squeaky about the fact that I want to fuck a dude. Wait, I didn't say that part. I didn't. Now, hold on.
Starting point is 00:09:52 I mean, like when I'm fucking dudes, I know what I mean to say. Hang on. Yeah. When I dick is being sucked by another man. God damn it. Right. Three times. You think I'd get it?
Starting point is 00:10:02 Fucking hell, man. Fucking hell. I denied my straightness three times. You think I'd get it? Fucking hell, man. Fucking hell. I denied my straightness three times. No, the thing is, is what these guys want. And this is perfectly evident from this because he keeps on pushing at, well, what we really want is
Starting point is 00:10:18 we want to make sure that the people that are gay that get married, we don't like that. We don't like that particular right. And keeps on trying to like bring up the constitution but the constitution doesn't mention it either it's fucking silent on the issue it doesn't mention right it just says like it doesn't mention marriage man right and and and they had to they had the supreme court had to make a decision we're gonna we're gonna talk later on about another decision that they made about interracial marriage in the 50s.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Right. Yep. You know, like, as time goes on, we recognize we're shitty, awful people. Yep. And we change and we look at ourselves hard and we say, fuck, are we stupid or what? What were we thinking? Yep. And 2015, when we changed this rule
Starting point is 00:11:05 and we said, yeah, of course, fucking two adults can get married. What the fuck were we thinking? What if they're a different color? Like, oh, well, fuck, that's a stupid way to think. And now we're like, oh, well, what if they're the same sex?
Starting point is 00:11:17 Well, who fucking cares? Look, if that's not your jam, don't marry that person. Exactly. I don't understand why libertarians don't bite onto this. I can't understand how you're a libertarian and you hear somebody say some garbage like this and you think, I want to vote red next.
Starting point is 00:11:33 The thing is that this is some self-evident shit, right? Because as long as the government is in the marriage business, meaning that as long as government sanctions a marriage and provides a different set of rights, responsibilities, et cetera, to married people. And it does like, you know, in many States, I don't know, I don't know if there's like a lot of federal rights and there's federal tax differences, but you know, in, in many States, if you're married and your spouse is in the hospital, you can make decisions. You don't have to have a specific power of attorney.
Starting point is 00:12:05 It's important. You have, right. You've got airship in the event that somebody passes. Their material possessions pass to you. They give you their little Zeppelin. You get an airship. You get an airship. You get a little airship.
Starting point is 00:12:17 So the government is necessarily involved in the creation of and the granting of rights attached to it. So necessarily, this isn't like a matter of, hey, you know, the government, why should these people be stripped of these rights? Right. That's the question that's involved. It's not a question of whether or not I have to recognize that I like your union. There are plenty of married people that I'm like, you shouldn't be married. You're not compatible. Right? Yeah. Where you're like, that's not going to work. Or that person's horrible. You shouldn't be married
Starting point is 00:12:50 to them. Right? Right. I've had friends in my life. That's what I mean. Who have been like, oh my God, you shouldn't be married to that person. Right. Yeah. That's not the point when it comes to government. Government isn't saying, this is a good union. You made a fine choice
Starting point is 00:13:06 and I think you'll be happy. We should have to do, if they're going to do this, it should be like, you know how we have to do like USDA stamps on meat? They should do the same thing for marriages
Starting point is 00:13:17 where you have to, you have to, you have to hire an outside source to come in and grade you and then put a stamp on you. Of approval? Of approval on both parties.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Can we use the same system so it's like prime, select choice? Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. You're like, walk out like, I got a choice marriage. Oh, I'm industrial. Pet food. Food not suitable for human consumption. Barely food grade. What do you mean? What do you mean? What do you mean? Jesus, do you remember anything from last night?
Starting point is 00:13:51 No, honestly, I drank way too much. And don't tell my dad, but I smoked some of that devil's lettuce. It got pretty crossed. I could just take a nap for like three days, honestly. Cecil, I listened to this audio and it was
Starting point is 00:14:16 late when I found this. Late! And I was like, I'm going to text Cecil anyway. I almost did it. I was like, I want to text him. I was like, no, it's the middle of the night. Don't text him. And I was like, somebody needs to hear this. Well, why, no, it's the middle of the night. Don't text him. I was like, somebody needs to hear this. Well, why don't we play it? It's down here at the bottom. I will play it. Why don't
Starting point is 00:14:32 you read the headline first and then I'll play it. I will. And you guys, just listen. I'm only going to say this. Greatest punchline. Just the end of this is a great punchline. California MAGA candidate says she's running because Jesus spoke to her son in a closet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:50 All right. So Hemant posted this. The friendly atheist posted this. We're going to listen to this. This is on his Twitter feed. I'm going to be quiet the whole time. We're just going to listen to the whole thing. It's that good.
Starting point is 00:15:01 What was the reason behind deciding to run for this office? I mean, you've got a lot of things. First of all, I'm a prophetic dreamer. So I had spent a lot of 2019 and 20 having a lot of political dreams that I was in office. And because our youngest son Ezekiel is a seer, I went and got him and I said, hey, can you look around and see what you're seeing? Because I just really, I get a kick out of hearing him describe what he sees. And so I said, let me know if you see anything. And so he looked in my bedroom or my bathroom. He said, there's nothing there.
Starting point is 00:15:34 And then he goes into the closet, which is where I had been when I was praying. And he said, whoa. And his eyes got like big as saucers. And he kind of started backing away. And they started bending down. And he said, you've got a really big guy in your closet and his power is pushing you to the ground. And we had never, never had that reaction ever. And so I'm like, he's for us, not against us.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Right. Bigger than a baby's arm in there. What's going on? He's so full of light. I can't even see his face. And then he said, and he has a scroll in his hand. And so I was like, he came with a message. What is the message? And the message was a commissioning. So at the very end, I asked him what his name was. What angel is this is this you know and he said emmanuel that wasn't an angel that wasn't an angel that was jesus himself and so that's why i'm running
Starting point is 00:16:33 for secretary of state so it's kind of a that's why i'm running for secretary of state i honestly get mocked for but know, by the other side of the door. As well you should. As well you should. Jesus shows up and is like, hang on. I got to talk to the bitch who's going to run the DMV in fucking Ohio or whatever.
Starting point is 00:16:58 It's in California. Can you believe? Okay. How weird is it? How weird is it? Secretary of State. How weird is it that you go grab your son or whatever and wander him around your room? Like, go.
Starting point is 00:17:13 I want you to go in the closet. I was just in. Praying? Praying? What is happening in your house? Hang on a minute. I've been having a lot of political dreams. Let me get my son.
Starting point is 00:17:24 He's having a seizure fucking fever dream get my son. He's having a seizure fucking fever dream of his own. He's having walking fits right now. Let me see what bullshit he's imagining. He's a fuck. Oh, you're seeing a being full of light. Well, I guess I'll be dog catcher. What the fuck? What? Well, you know, I, I contacted my cousin and, uh, you know i i contacted my cousin and uh you know my cousin sometimes well i mean he read a book about angels anyway long story short that's why i'm governor you know no and that's and that's where you're wrong none of these people every single one of these people tom that say they're chosen by god think about all the people we've seen throughout the history of this show that have said i've been chosen by god i've that has said, I've been chosen by God.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I've been chosen by God. I've been chosen by God. Like even Michelle Bachman at one point was like chosen by God and then lost or quit or whatever. And that one woman, we're going to watch her a little later, maybe on the stream. I'm not sure. But that one lady who's like, yeah, I was chosen by God. And then I fucking lost. And this lady, she's a fucking, she's not going to win.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Are you kidding me? Yeah. She's like a fucking R tier candidate, man. If she's on a show with this guy on the right. Yeah. No, we've had this guy on the live stream before.
Starting point is 00:18:32 So if you guys, if you guys, if you guys have watched our live stream before, and I'm going to try to explain it to the people who are listening. There's a fella who we've had on our live stream multiple times. This guy has his own little, I don't even know, like groupie who sits next to him
Starting point is 00:18:47 and tries to press her face into his. Like she tries to merge their two faces together and she just tries to, she can't stop staring at him and he says nothing. He's never said a thing, not a single time. And he's like a D-list, he's a D-list guy. He's never said a thing, not a single time. And he's like a D-list.
Starting point is 00:19:06 He's a D-list guy. He's not even, this isn't even like Lance Wallen. No, these are bottom of the barrel garbage feeders. And they're interviewing this lady who's telling a story about how we're fucking. No way. I want to be the Secretary of State so I can dream about it. Everything I own that she won't win. I would bet Everything I own that she won't win. Yeah. I would bet everything I own that she won't win.
Starting point is 00:19:28 I would borrow shit. I would borrow shit from a bookie that will break my legs. That will cut every piece of me off and mail it back to me. Yeah. This lady isn't winning anything. There's nothing she could possibly win. In California? And especially with that story. Are you going to tell that story on like fucking
Starting point is 00:19:43 the Today Show? I hope she tells this. The thing is like I want people to tell this story. Are you going to tell that story on like fucking the Today Show? I hope she tells this. The thing is, like, I want people to tell this story. This story is delightfully wacky. I want you to be like, well, that MAGA candidate's like, have you heard her? Yeah. Have you heard that fucking person? Because she thinks she saw fucking angels in the outfield or whatever. What do you think, though?
Starting point is 00:20:00 And now that's why she's changing her oil or however the fuck she gets the next job she's got. She gets to feel the dreams or whatever. No, but you know what's crazy too though? She were to go on like one of these big shows.
Starting point is 00:20:12 She goes on like something like, let's say she goes on like Oprah or something. Yeah. I mean, do you think believers would coddle this belief and like have a conversation
Starting point is 00:20:22 about it with them? Believers love this shit. So, yes, I think like, but you have to be a certain kind of believer. And we kind of touched on this when we talked to Seth. I think you're just like
Starting point is 00:20:32 everyday cultural believer would be like, no, that's a bridge too far. Or at the very, even if they're not like that's a bridge too far, I think that's sort of like, there's some people
Starting point is 00:20:42 who are just too far into it. Yeah, right. Where you're just like, no, you're too into this. Yeah, the magic doesn't, it's not real. It's like, it's metaphor magic. It's not like, or it's actually magic, but it doesn't touch you or it's magic, but I fucking don't believe
Starting point is 00:20:56 you. Right. You know? Right. The other thing too is that it's weirdly specific to politics. Yeah. That people will tell stories like this. Imagine applying for any other job. So, Cecil, let's play it out. Imagine applying.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Okay, you're the HR guy. Okay, I'll be the interview guy. What's the job? We've got to think of a good job. We'll do this improv style. What's a good job? Okay, we need a job from the audience. What job?
Starting point is 00:21:23 Audience says hairdresser. Hairdresser. All right. Okay. Hey, welcome to Tom's Salon. You've got awesome locks. Real excited to talk to you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Resume looked great. You know, why'd you get into hairdressing? So a long time ago, and this is actually why my hair is long and why I wear a beard, is I had a conversation with Jesus. You did? And he said to me, I want you to look like me. Yeah. And I want you to travel the world
Starting point is 00:21:48 and make sure that you cut everybody's hair to look like mine. Okay. Very nice to meet you. Thanks so much for coming out. We are definitely going to let you know. Yeah. No, we're good.
Starting point is 00:22:01 We're going to let you know. I love your hair. Looks good. It's sharp. You know, if you want some products on the way, I'll give you a 15% discount. Just, you know, get out is the operative. You know, fuck,
Starting point is 00:22:11 no other job would you tell a story like this. There's no way I can think of a single job that you could tell, you know, and even, and I've worked in religious institutions before, and even in religious institutions, if you came in talking about providence in some way, people would be a little cautious of you.
Starting point is 00:22:29 They would think, unless it was like in broad strokes providence and not direct providence like these people are talking about, it would be a, and that's religious institutions, man. That's like a priest interviewing you. Yeah, because like,
Starting point is 00:22:43 I think the truth is that people believe in these things in this sort of broad conceptual way that people believe this but they don't believe it in the sense that like it happened to the guy next right right it does nobody believes that miracles are happening to the guy just down the street on fucking maple avenue we think these are things that happen broadly in the way if you are a believer, you think it happened like broadly in the world somewhere. Right, right. But they don't happen like the guy at the grocery store
Starting point is 00:23:08 because you don't actually think it's real. It's like COVID. Right. Yes. Again, not real. Plandemic. Plandemic. It was a plandemic.
Starting point is 00:23:18 Right, a million people. Don't you know it's a plandemic? Call that to a million Americans. You can't anymore, Tim. Oh, a million Americans. You can't anymore. They're silent on that issue. Running from an angry woman. Running from Dana Jean Harley. A rare duet between Pam Smiley and Dana Jean Harley.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I guess I'll have another A-B-O-R-T-I-O Country roses. Order now. This is just great. This is from Axios. And actually, I'm going to give him the credit that he's due by reading his quote. North Carolina's anti-abortion lieutenant governor once paid for an abortion, according to old Facebook posts, in a comment in 2012.
Starting point is 00:24:03 He said, it's wrong when others do it. And it was wrong when I, yes, I, paid to have my own child aborted in 1989. And there was a part of me when I first read this, I almost said, oh, it's not a story because he's saying, hey, I did it, but it was still wrong. He's still condemning his past action, right? But here's why it's not, right?
Starting point is 00:24:21 Because he already got his kid out of jail. He already did it, right? Because he already did it. Right? Because he already did it. Because he already experienced the freedom that other people should have the opportunity to experience so that they don't, because he did it for a reason. What was your reason?
Starting point is 00:24:34 You know, maybe you were in school. Maybe you were in hard times. Maybe it was a mistress. Maybe it was something, whatever. I'm not making any judgments. I don't care. Right. But there was a reason that you did it.
Starting point is 00:24:45 There was a reason that you pulled the money out of your pocket. There was a reason you had that conversation. And there was a reason she went in there and got that abortion. Yep. Whatever it is, you use that reason. Yeah. Why is that reason? And you're saying it's wrong now.
Starting point is 00:24:57 It certainly may feel wrong now to you. That's okay. You still used it when you needed it. It's real easy to go back on that when you don't have to face the consequences of going back on it. Yeah, sure. You already reaped the fucking reward of the action that you're now saying, I don't get to have. You can't turn the vacuum cleaner
Starting point is 00:25:13 on and just be like, you know what? Can I have a mulligan? In fact, you know what? Fucking name a mulligan. Just name a mulligan. Mulligan. Oh, man. Tom, if you have a third kid, it's got to be called mulligan. Got to be called mulligan. Yeahigan oh man tom if you have a third kid it's gotta be called mulligan gotta be called mulligan yeah i'm gonna call my whole life a mulligan if i have a third kid it's because they closed every abortion clinic in the world in the world on earth you're getting on a jet and you're flying literally no place i wouldn't place I wouldn't go. Literally anywhere. No place.
Starting point is 00:25:46 There is no place. If it was like you can only get an abortion in a fucking undersea layer at the bottom, I'd be like, great. And get me the fucking deep dive submarine. I don't care. You know, it's also all dudes, right? Yeah. It's almost always all dudes that are like, I don't want y'all having any rights. You know, I know there are women out there.
Starting point is 00:26:10 And I think that there are plenty of Republican women out there that fight against this sort of thing. But I think your point is very valid. This guy already used his card. He's already done it. He's already passed that point in his life where that might be a problem for him. And so now he wants to close the fucking door behind him. Yeah, man. I was talking. There's this guy that I work with that is Republican.
Starting point is 00:26:27 He's pretty heavily Republican. And he and I will occasionally have these, like, protracted conversations. I'd call them debates, but he doesn't want to. Like, we'll have these protracted conversations. And I remember asking him one time, like, about the abortion thing, or it came up. I don't remember. And he said, you know, when he referred to his wife, you know, when we were younger, we were, we were both pretty pro-choice, but now that we've gotten older, we're pro-life.
Starting point is 00:26:50 And I was like, that's because it's not going to happen for you anymore. That's because you're out of the fucking woods. I said it. I was like, you're out of the woods, man. When it was a danger for you, you were pro, how do I fucking get out of that danger? Sure. And now that it's not a danger for you, all of a sudden he's like, oh, you might have a point. I was like, I haven't,
Starting point is 00:27:06 what do you mean might? That's why every boomer is complaining about kids that don't want to work because they have a fucking career behind them. Right. They don't have to fucking go work for $9 an hour at McDonald's and have a boomer yell at them.
Starting point is 00:27:21 If they did, they would have a completely different perspective on work. They would have a hundred percent. But the problem is that they've lost that opportunity for empathy and he's done the same thing. Yep. I'm sorry. Is that a bare wall behind you or a window or a door even? Know what's better than any of those things? That's right. A painting from If you're like me, which you know you are, then you've looked around your house and thought, what is this barren hellscape that I live in and how can I brighten up this purgatorial void?
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Starting point is 00:28:13 a cherished pet, even an action shot of you or your children playing your favorite sport. Now that I have this painting, I sit and stare at it for hours as it fills me with a sense of ease looking into my own dead eyes. I mean happy smiling face. At, there's no risk. If you don't love the final painting, your money is refunded, guaranteed, and right now as a limited time offer, get 20% off your painting. That's right, 20% off and free shipping. To get this special offer,
Starting point is 00:28:39 text the word cognitive to 64000. That's cognitive to 64,000. Text cognitive to 64,000. Paint Your Life. Celebrate the moments that matter most. Message and data rates may apply. Terms apply. Available at slash terms. Again, text cognitive to 64,000. Hello there, Father. Hello, Colm. Out and about? I am. Same as yourself. Good, good. I hear you're a racist now, Father. What? What? How did you get interested in that type of thing?
Starting point is 00:29:18 I said I'm a racist. Everyone's saying it, Father. Should we all be racist now? What's the official line the church is taking on this? Oh, no. Only the farm takes up most of the day, and at night I just like a cup of tea. I might be able to devote myself full-time to the old racism.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Oh, this is so fucking goddamn ridiculous. The story's from Vanity Fair. You can also find it literally anywhere. It's all over the place. GOP Senator Mike Braun claims he didn't mean to say states should be able to ban interracial marriage despite saying it
Starting point is 00:29:55 multiple times. So, again, there is this bullshit disingenuous attempt to essentially roll back the federal government and say, well, everything should be states' rights. Everything should just be states' rights. And that's obviously nonsense. And nobody actually believes that.
Starting point is 00:30:15 If you press almost anyone on what that would mean, it's like, I mean, you do know the Civil War was essentially a states' rights issue. But it was a states's rights to have slavery. Yeah. Like get the fuck out of here. Also like, are we saying like certain places across our, our nation shouldn't have women that vote. I know there's an amendment now,
Starting point is 00:30:34 but still like, like are we saying, because are we, how much are we rolling back? How much is state's rights? Yeah. At what point? So it's a fucking garbage argument and it's always been disingenuous and it's
Starting point is 00:30:44 always just been a way for regressives, not conservatives, but fucking regressives to try to take back the rights that people have fought for. But this dumb motherfucker was talking about this. And he gets pushed on it. And he fucking doubles down until he gets sort of back to the home office. And somebody's like, do you know what you said? Yeah the home office and somebody's like do you know what you said yeah and then he's like fucking know what you said and then he had to crawl back and say well i i i love black people i have a black i have a black caddy yeah when i go golfing i
Starting point is 00:31:18 tipped a black valet once like him quite a bit as long as he doesn't talk to me too much. Use those urban words. We're okay. No, but, but like what they want to like either, either, either they're lying or if they're being genuine, what they really want is like Gileads all over the globe, right? All over, all over the United States, they want little Gileads. They want a place where, you know, where abortion is illegal, where, you know, where, abortion is illegal, where they have to approve your husband. Because if you're saying interracial marriage or rolling back all these things that the Supreme Court has decided on, now you're saying there's so many different pieces of that that you're saying now belong to the states. And how far back can you roll back the clock?
Starting point is 00:32:02 You can go back to the 20s. Yeah, man. What because i mean like plessy versus ferguson and then brown versus board overturned that so like what about what about fucking segregation man you could you absolutely get the fuck out of here with that and it'd be even worse than a gilead right it'd be even worse like in a gilead you know you're like what i'm talking about is the handmaid's tale right and you know that's where i'm that's where I'm using that word, but like in that particular story, that's about very religious reproductive rights and controlling
Starting point is 00:32:31 a very rigid patriarchy, like the most rigid patriarchy you could possibly imagine. And so that's what that story's about. But you're right, it could be even worse than that because it could be that
Starting point is 00:32:42 plus racial discrimination. Plus all of it. Yeah, plus all of it yeah and this guy just to be very clear the reporters asked him several clarifying questions like to make sure that he didn't misunderstand like like when they're asking you the follow-up to be like are you fucking sure man right and he's like yep 100 sure yep yep and then he leaves they did everything, but like,
Starting point is 00:33:06 are you sure you don't have your fingers crossed behind your back? They're looking around. They're like, is there a camera in the corner of the room? Right.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Was he fucking with us the whole time? Is this one of those TikToks where they're gonna be like, got you. No. And then he has to go back and then they're like,
Starting point is 00:33:22 hey, dumb fuck, you're so stupid. You don't even know what you said. Yeah. Right. He tries to're like, hey, dumb fuck, you're so stupid, you don't even know what you said. Yeah, right. He tries to be like, I misunderstood the question. It's like, it's impossible. If you misunderstood the question, you should resign for office. You should 100%
Starting point is 00:33:36 resign. What question do you understand? Because the question was asked and then it was clarified multiple times. Yep. You didn't misunderstand. It's what you sincerely meant. Yep. What you sincerely, sincerely meant. But you just know that that actually turned out to be
Starting point is 00:33:51 one fucking word too far. Yep. One sentence too long. And what it was, was he wanted, he cares so much about states' rights that he doesn't care about people. He thinks states have more rights than people. The thing is that like,
Starting point is 00:34:03 I do think it's bullshit that these guys actually think about, so what they want is they want a world and they know that states rights is the that's sort of a banner that they have to carry in order to get it yeah go you love me dude are you five yeah five inches deep in your bum this story comes from the independent marjorie taylor Greene backs Madison Cawthorn and calls Zelensky a thug, despite outrage from within her own party. So here's what they said. She said she agrees that Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky is a thug and that his government is corrupt. And I thought, and Cawthorn said the same shit.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Like Madison Cawthorn, who is got to have one of the most punchable smug motherfucking faces I've ever seen. But I read that and there's more to the story, but I read that and I thought, okay, but who cares? Even if I granted you, even if I gave you that he had a corrupt government, and even if I gave you that he was a thug, whatever that even means, whatever that even means, it doesn't make a lick of difference. It doesn't change any of the moral, political, or legal calculus around invading Ukraine. Not for anybody who thinks. Right. It's a horrible thing to do. All it's saying is it's giving the people a reason to side with Putin that follow them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:27 So that's what it's doing. It's giving them a reason. It's giving them a point that they can say, well, you know, maybe it might be justified because you could do the same thing when we invaded whatever. You know what I mean? You could say, oh, well, you know, well, you know.
Starting point is 00:35:43 And so I think that's what it's doing. But I also think, too, it says in this article that the Republicans are kind of up in arms about this. Because the Republicans, especially the Republican leadership, are saying, what the fuck are you doing? Like, it's one of those moments where your kid's being shitty and you're getting real mad, but you're in public, and you're just like, I want to just grab him,
Starting point is 00:36:03 and I want to walk him out the door and I can't because he's in public and now he's throwing things on the aisle in the middle of the aisle, whatever. You know what I mean? Like he's having a tantrum or whatever it is. Maybe you don't want to do that, Jimmy. I'm so mad. You know, I know what I was like when I was a kid. I just get
Starting point is 00:36:19 slapped and dragged outside, but very different time we live in now. But in any case, like there's all these Republicans kind of talking through their teeth at them. Right. What the fuck are you doing? Calm down. And what I think they're doing is they're saying, you can't fucking make me be quiet too. I think in some ways they're saying, the votes are going to decide. Yeah. V votes and the voters and the population, if they're excited by me, if they're emboldened by me
Starting point is 00:36:50 and they come to the polls because of me, you can fucking wow, wow, wow all you want. I get to say whatever the fuck I want. This is my house. This is my house.
Starting point is 00:37:01 This ain't your house. Yeah, sure. All you guys got together and said that's McCarthy guy is the guy I got to listen to, but I don't have to. Yeah, sure. All you guys got together and said, that's McCarthy guy is the guy I got to listen to, but I don't have to fucking listen to him. I only have to listen to the voters and everybody wants me to come poll, come, come stump for them
Starting point is 00:37:13 because they know I'm going to get the voters out for them. And if they can prove that and they can get all these people that are on board with that, they basically could do whatever the fuck they want. And they've been doing it pretty much ever since they've joined Congress. Yeah, man. You're not, you know, it reminds me of a funny, like personal anecdote. Like I remember it's the same thing as when you're good in sales.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Like I just, I just remember this. Like when I was, when I was in college, I had a job and I was a salesperson at Circuit City, now defunct. And I sold like audio and home theater junk. And I was good at my job. So I produced a lot of money for the company. And that meant I could do whatever the fuck I want, which I did all the time.
Starting point is 00:37:47 Came in late, skipped days. I would just not come in or show up like eight hours late for a 12 hour. I went to the movies sometimes in the middle of the day because there was nothing going on. And they'd like shake their finger at you. They'd be mad. They'd be like, Tom, you can't do that.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Hey, you can't just go to the movies in the middle of your work day. And I'd be like, I bet I can. I think I can because I just did. What are you actually going to do? Am I fired? Right. Am I fired now?
Starting point is 00:38:09 No. Do I go over to another place to sell? No. Okay. Okay then. Fine. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:14 It's the same. It's really, it's the same thing. It's the same thing. They're selling themselves. Closers get coffee. Yep. Fucking A, man. That's it.
Starting point is 00:38:20 Fucking A. And what I hope is, is that there is something, because my real thought is that Trump was the catalyst for all this. That's my real thought. That these people, yeah, they get people to follow them on Twitter and yeah, they get to make a big stink, but I don't know what they're going to do until the midterms. We'll see what their pull is in the midterms. Do you think the MTGs and the Cawthorns, do you think they exist functionally without Trump? Like if Trump were to like have a fucking heart attack tomorrow, which they would try to take his place. But do you think like climb all over each other to try to take it?
Starting point is 00:38:55 But do you think from like a base movement? So right now what I feel like is they are part of this MAGA thing. They're part of this Trumpism. Yeah. But I still have a strong feeling that Trumpism requires Trump. That there isn't... Yeah. Like these toadies. I don't know the answer to what you're asking. I wonder about it.
Starting point is 00:39:11 I don't know the answer to what you're asking because I don't know what it looks like without him. Yeah. But there's a part of me that is pretty sure they would climb all over each other's bodies to be the one on top. Yeah. But then there's another part of me that wonders if that even matters. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:26 I wonder how much it deflates the blood. I don't know the answer to that second question. I'm pretty sure they would fucking stab each other in the back to make each other look good. Oh, 100%. In a second. 100%. I'm an innocent man. I don't need blood.
Starting point is 00:39:44 And toys. Or tots. And now I'm in Guantanamo Bay. So you want me against paying taxes? Hey! Hey! Fuck you! This story comes from Democracy Now! and I just think it's an important story. So, Ketanji Brown Jackson, I was standing up for the Constitution by representing Guantanamo prisoners. And this is a longer article from Democracy Now! But I think for me, the part I want to talk about is
Starting point is 00:40:15 the right is trying to portray her defense of Guantanamo Bay prisoners as somehow unpatriotic. Yeah. When the reality is that the least patriotic thing we have done in my lifetime was to invade a fucking sovereign nation. Great point. Kidnap the people who live there.
Starting point is 00:40:37 Great point. Not allow them any due process at all. Can't discover that the majority, not some, but the majority of those people had literally nothing to do with extremism in any way. Because of the system in which we found them, which was very often just like he did something and then you would just take him and put him away for years. Yeah. What we did is we created a bounty system that was not dissimilar to calling someone a witch in order to gain access to their property. Yep. I mean, it was very similar. Very, very similar.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Yeah. So hundreds of people, not a couple, but hundreds of people have been credibly found to have no link whatsoever. None of them were given any due process. All of them were detained, removed from their families, beaten, tortured. And she simply wanted these people to have a due process right. Hey man, maybe we should make sure we have the right guy. That's it. The least patriotic thing we have done in my lifetime is to steal other human beings from their homes and from their families and to
Starting point is 00:41:41 subject them to extreme torture, pain and penalty of death, and to do all of that in bullshit secret? Sure. Are you fucking kidding me? And it's not like that was like six months. Right. That was years of time we did this. We did this for a decade. Some of these people are still there. Yeah. So what they, her answer to this question is basically she says, look, I just argued these rights because I was hired to do this work. So I looked at the person's case. They asked me to argue a point and I argued it. So what?
Starting point is 00:42:22 That's what lawyers do. It's like they all purposely are misunderstanding what legal advocacy is. Yeah. Legal advocacy is not, I think this is a good person and I am in moral agreement with their actions and think they're innocent, right? That's nothing to do. This is, we have an adversarial system that relies upon advocacy. Yeah. And we have to have people to do that work or the system itself doesn't function. And they would never be bringing this up
Starting point is 00:42:50 if she were to, like, let's say she were someone who was a high, like a high-powered defense attorney. Right. And she just tried like regular cases. Let's say she tried, I'm trying to think of something that is less. Dude, if she defended fucking white guys and white collar crimes. White collar crimes, perfect example, right?
Starting point is 00:43:09 They would never bring it up. No. But what they want to bring, the reason why they want to bring up Guantanamo Bay, and they also brought up child pornography, is because they want to paint her as somebody who's sympathetic to child pornography, because that is a QAnon fucking talking point, and they know it's going to get people talking. So they're doing that. And then they're also trying to paint her as someone who
Starting point is 00:43:29 is un-American. And again, the reason why they're asking these questions, we said it early in the show, is so that they can go back to the people in their district and say with clear conscience, I voted against the first woman, black woman in the Supreme Court because I think she's anti-American or I think she's somebody who is soft on child porn or I think she's somebody, you know, in Ted Cruz's case,
Starting point is 00:43:54 who's a critical race theory advocate. Oh my, Ted Cruz, Ted Cruz is a whole nother fucking ball of jellyfish. Right, right. That fucking asshole. Yeah, I, this, this, is a whole nother fucking ball of jellyfish. Right, right. That fucking asshole. Yeah, the attacks that she is being subjected to are so dishonest.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Yeah. And they're so disingenuous and they're so nonsensical to the, I mean, like her job, she was a fucking defense attorney. Sure. That's literally what that job, should we not have that job?
Starting point is 00:44:24 Yeah. You know who is always saying, how many of these fucking free speech rights people are always talking about how we shouldn't cancel people where without, without proof, where they shouldn't cancel people out their day in court, cancel people. Yeah. They're always talking about how everybody has a right. Absolutely right. Yeah. And the thing is, we do. In the courts, we have a right, not in the court of public opinion, which is where cancellation happens to bullshit, actually non-analogous argument,
Starting point is 00:44:50 but still. And it doesn't happen really a lot at all. Right. Yeah. But these guys are always, and they're always doing it when they're defending white men, right?
Starting point is 00:44:58 When it's a white man who is subject to some kind of attack, all of a sudden it's like, whoa, what about due process? When this woman literally is on the side of due process as a principle, all of a sudden it's like, well, hang on a minute, not for these accused people. No, that's not how the system works. You can advocate heartily for people because that's the right thing to do to preserve a system
Starting point is 00:45:23 of justice. Even if the individual that you are advocating for, even if in your fucking heart and brain, you're like, that's a monster. Yeah. But the point is the system of justice needs this in order to function. And what's crazy is, is that many of them aren't. They're not monsters. Oh, I know. Right?
Starting point is 00:45:38 Especially the Gitmo thing. Yeah. The Gitmo thing is most are. They're just not monsters. Right. I wonder if she could have got out of this if she would have just said she was working out with Squee. If she was just working out with Squee at the time. She should have kept a better diary. Drinking
Starting point is 00:45:50 beer. All right. With Jonesy and Squee or whatever I forget the guy's name. Squee and Tiggs or something. I don't know. Tiggs. I don't know. I think that's like a character from Sons of Anarchy. They get into a tickle fight.
Starting point is 00:46:05 They just get into like a crazy tickle fight in the dorm. Adorable times back then. God. Yeah. No, but you know, and you think back to that particular, look at how he reacted.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Oh, he fucking lost it. When he was asked questions. Yeah. And not just questions about, not just questions about the doctor who came in and accused him of horrible sexual assault. Not just that.
Starting point is 00:46:26 He was asked about other things. Yep. And he could not keep his cool. No. Brett Kavanaugh could not keep his cool. He lost his shit. He completely lost his shit. Yep.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Ketanji Brown Jackson is absolutely not losing her shit. She's calm. And she's going to get confirmed. She is calm. Yep. She just smiles. She gives her, and she's giving the same answer so many times in a row.
Starting point is 00:46:47 She was asked today what a woman was. Are you serious? So, somebody called this lady, I don't know this representative, she's a lady who's, she looks like,
Starting point is 00:46:55 she looks like a version of Boris Johnson. You know how Boris Johnson's hair? She looks like that, except for longer. She's just like, and her hair's like crazy. Somebody called her a bag of hair on Twitter
Starting point is 00:47:07 and I loved it. But anyway, she's like asking the question. She says, can you tell me what a definition of a woman is? And Katonji said, I'm not a biologist. I don't know what you're asking me.
Starting point is 00:47:21 And she says, well, it's a hot button topic right now. And she says, well, if there were people in front of me that were arguing a point, I would then look at the current law and I'd look at precedent and I would make a decision based on the arguments that are presented, but you're not arguing anything. You're just saying, you're asking
Starting point is 00:47:39 me to try to make a definition. I'm not a biologist. I can't make that decision. And she's like, are you saying you can't tell me what a woman is? You know, because what she wants is she wants to go back to her fucking constituents and be like,
Starting point is 00:47:51 she's a fucking crazy radical trans person ally and we hate them. So let's, let's fucking ban together. And that's what they're trying to do.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Yeah. It's, it is a bullshit laying of rhetorical traps. Yeah. You know, that have no, they have no relevance to the law. Right. So this is a bullshit laying of rhetorical traps. Yeah. You know, that have no, they have no relevance to the law. Right.
Starting point is 00:48:07 So this is a job interview. And the interview is like, is this person qualified? Would they make, the president gets to pick and the Senate's supposed to be like, all right, let's make sure they're qualified. That's how the system's supposed to work. Not like, let's lay out these rhetorical traps so that I can get my gotcha moment that I bring back to my constituents. It's like, what, Tucker later. Yeah. And just have a what, Tucker later? Oh, God, I know. And just have a moment on Tucker.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Right. Because that's what they're looking for. Yep. The virus, when you look at the origins of the pandemic, the virus, God bless you. One more Katonji story, Tom. One more. All right, this story comes from The Independent. Bless you.
Starting point is 00:48:42 One more Katonji story, Tom. One more. All right, this story comes from Independent. AOC exposes perfect edges on book Cruz brandished at Katonji Brown Jackson hearing, proving he hasn't read it. So this is an embarrassingly... I'm going to show the picture. Embarrassing display.
Starting point is 00:48:57 Now, I'm going to show the picture. You guys who are listening to this, you can go to our website and you can look at the picture on the notes in the show notes. You have to scroll down. You have to click on Twitter and it's AOC's tweet. But if you look at this, it doesn't even look like this book has ever been open. No, he bought this as a show. I've blown this up on the screen. It literally does not even look like this book has been open. And here's AOC's tweet. When you're showing off the next book, you want banned with the
Starting point is 00:49:23 perfect edges and everything to underscore to everyone you haven't actually read it. It's so amazing. It's so great. AOC is dynamite. It's so amazing. But again, this is one of those, this is end of policing.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Although we should put this on our to read list. We should. But I actually want to bring this up because this was, this is part of a line of questioning where Cruz was doing these gotcha books, right? And he's doing these gotcha books. He says, you know, at the, at the school, the Washington day school or whatever it's called, I forgot what it was called at the day
Starting point is 00:49:55 school that you're on the board of, you know, do they teach CRT? And she's like, I don't actually know. We're not part of the curriculum. And he's like, well, I think they do. And he brings out these books called, you know, CRT, A Beginner's Guide or whatever it is. Babies are racist or whatever. Are all babies racist? Are babies an anti-racist? Babies are the worst or something like that.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Which is just a book called And Other True Facts. I'd read a book called The Babies Are the Worst. I would read that book. I'm going to write that book. Babies are the worst. He brings out these books though
Starting point is 00:50:21 that all have something to do. It's very telling. They all have something to do with race. And then he hauls out the end of policing. And I thought out these books, though, that all have something to do. It's very telling. They all have something to do with race. And then he hauls out the end of policing. And I thought, you know, doesn't that tell you everything you need to know about the fact that fucking policing is racist? That when you, a fucking white guy who wants to call out, like, who thinks you're having this fucking gotcha moment about how they're teaching race is like, and what about this book about policing? It's like, why would you assume policing is fucking racist? Unless it is.
Starting point is 00:50:48 And also very much, she comes from a family that is law enforcement. She has a law enforcement family. People in her family, multiple people, not just one, like multiple people were in law enforcement. So she has a tie to law enforcement more than someone else might. So she has a tie to law enforcement more than someone else might.
Starting point is 00:51:07 Right. So to bring something like this up just means you didn't do any homework. Didn't do any. No. You didn't understand
Starting point is 00:51:13 the question. You just want another gotcha. He wanted his gotcha so much he had this great big like blown up image from the like
Starting point is 00:51:20 anti-racist baby thing. Yeah. Like behind him so you can get a... Babies are racist. Babies are so fucking racist. They're so fucking racist.
Starting point is 00:51:28 They are so racist. So racist. Outrageous. So racist. Fucking racist babies. So racist. They will crawl to a dog before they'll crawl to a human.
Starting point is 00:51:34 They're racist. Racist. Anyway. So the whole thing is just, it's literally there to get a picture because he poses behind a great big
Starting point is 00:51:43 fucking photo. Of course. He wants the moment. Yeah. He wants the Getty image. a great big, of course he wants the moment. Yeah. He wants the Getty image and all the, yeah, it's exactly what he wants. And all these fucking guys,
Starting point is 00:51:50 they all assume that if you are involved in any way with a school that you have somehow personally vetted the entire curriculum and every material, all the material in the goddamn library, it's the same. They, they think this about the world, though. Think about how they think about voting machines. Right? If you own the voting machine company,
Starting point is 00:52:09 you can control all the votes that the voting machine has. Yeah. If you are part of a school board, you're automatically part of that. Like, you control every aspect. You're the one who controls everything, not just the curriculum,
Starting point is 00:52:22 but how they fucking bus them, how they feed them, how they frisk them before they come in, whatever. Yeah. It's, it's the same with the librarians, man.
Starting point is 00:52:30 It's like, Oh, the librarians are going to be held accountable for the content of the library. It's like, really? Yeah. Cause I think like maybe the librarians just showed up to work and
Starting point is 00:52:38 they're already books. And there's books there. Like, I don't think the librarians show up with like satchels of books and fill the shelves every morning. They have to go through the books every day to make sure there isn't a bad one. I got to count them first. I got to count.
Starting point is 00:52:49 What? I got searching for bad clams. What the fuck, man? I've read them all. Oh, I have three kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and three money? Just a couple of stories. This one's from Marketplace.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Federal funding for COVID testing and treatment for the uninsured has run out. And I grabbed this story even though, like, I'm just, fuck. This one too. This one's very related. Yep. As GOP blocks funds, federal agency ends COVID coverage for uninsured. Yeah. And the underneath of the physician says,
Starting point is 00:53:25 the rationing of COVID care by ability to pay begins. And for like a hot minute, Cecil, with one fucking disease only, we almost accidentally did the right thing. Right. For like two years. Sure. And I really, there's a part of me that thought, maybe this will be the thing that spurs some
Starting point is 00:53:48 change. Maybe we'll see, and I've got a dark theory here that might hopefully not pan out. I love those. That's great. But I thought maybe we'll see this be the change that people realize that a system that requires and segregates health outcomes by income and by employment is a terrible and unjust and fucking cruel system that is destined only to exacerbate and magnify the amount of pain that the citizens of this country pay to receive. Sure, sure. And that's what I thought, right?
Starting point is 00:54:19 And here we are, and there's a sense from many that the pandemic for those in the United States is winding down. Now, there's really no good reason to think that. There's another extraordinarily contagious variant, the BA2 variant, which is here in the States. It's surging in Europe and Asia. It may surge here. There's a lot of experts that are concerned about it. So before we even get to the finish line, while we're still losing a thousand people a day, when we still have 30,000 new infections a day, we're cutting off coverage. We're cutting off coverage. And there's a part of me that thinks, wait till we turn off the fucking spigot and then wait for the next surge and let's see what happens. And I don't want that to happen,
Starting point is 00:55:04 but maybe that's what has to happen. Well, I'll tell you, one of the things that doesn't scare me as much about COVID is the advances that we've gone through, right? So, not only do we have multiple vaccines, which are shown to be effective, boosting them, which is shown to be even more effective. And then we also have these drugs, these antiviral drugs that have come out that have been very effective at making sure that people don't get debilitating COVID. There's studies that are coming out more and more day after day, day after day, day after day, that are showing that vaccines do prevent you better against lung COVID than not being vaccinated. There's all these great things,
Starting point is 00:55:45 but all the things lead to medical expertise, medical goods. And what happens, like I'm insured, right? So I'm insured. I get sick. I'm going to go to the hospital. I'm going to pay a fee, but there's going to be some coverage from my insurance. I know that runs out at a certain point. I know I have a limit. I'm sure I have a limit. Like, so if I get on an intubation or whatever and then they stick me in a room
Starting point is 00:56:13 and I'm there for 30 days or something and I just happen to survive, or even if I don't, I guess my wife would be on the hook for that money. Somebody's got to pay that bill if they stop paying it, right? If the government's just like, yeah, well, nobody's, we're not paying that shit anymore. That's up to you now. Somebody's got to pay that bill if they stop paying it, right? If the government's just like, yeah, we're not paying that shit anymore.
Starting point is 00:56:26 That's up to you now. Somebody's got to pay that bill, right? So that's the thing that worries me is that the things that I was optimistic about are now suddenly a thing that's rationed to you through money. Yeah. And that's a scary place to be, you know, in a place with,
Starting point is 00:56:46 because we're the only country that's talking about this stuff. Cause we're the one that's, we're the outlier. We're the one without universal healthcare. So we're the ones who can say, well, yeah, we can turn the, the government can just turn the spigot off and nobody can get care afterwards. Yeah. And if you're, if you're a Western European or an Australian or a Canadian, you're listening to this, you've got to be just, I can't imagine how baffling this must seem. Sure, it's got to be crazy. Because the idea that you could get sick and go bankrupt from being sick is a foreign concept. But the idea that you could get sick from COVID in the middle of a pandemic, which is, and we're just, why the fuck are we doing this? And it is part of this national winding down that we have decided that we're doing.
Starting point is 00:57:31 And I think that the appetite, you know, Americans are fucking garbage in many ways. Because as soon as we do something and we didn't like doing it, we're willing to do everything we don't like exactly one time. And if the circumstances warrant us continuing to do it or to do it again, we simply won't do it. So, you know, it seemed pretty clear that like once masks come off, masks aren't going back on for a lot of people. I don't think there's any political will to put masks back on in mass. I think maybe some counties might do it here or there if things get bad, et cetera. But by and large, America's just going to throw up their hands and be done. And I think financially, we are throwing up our hands and saying we're done. But the problem is, to your point, someone still has to pay that bill. So what's going to happen is two things.
Starting point is 00:58:21 People aren't going to pay those bills. They're going to run out of money. Some people are going to run out of money. They're not going to pay them or they'll pay parts of them, but they won't pay all of them. Then hospitals will get stuck holding the bag. Well, hospitals, many of them barely scrape by. They don't make a lot of money. Hospitals, some hospitals do, but many don't. Many hospitals don't make actually a lot of money. So hospitals may shut down. Hospitals may be forced to fire, lay off. You have poorer care for people. Also, like medical bankruptcies will become more and more of a problem. It's the number one cause of bankruptcy in the United States is medical bills.
Starting point is 00:58:55 So there are rippling effects, economic and social and personal effects of doing this kind of shit. And I'm just so terribly unsurprised that we're doing it. Well, and I do feel optimistic when I think about all the things, all the places that we've gone, right? How far we've come since the beginning. Because the beginning was very bleak.
Starting point is 00:59:21 I look back a couple of years ago and I remember looking, looking out my window thinking, fuck, I got to go grocery shopping. I remember like how kind of weird it out I was for just having to go grocery shopping. And then before masks were really a thing, I was wearing like a bandana on my face. And like, then I watched a video of the surgeon general showing you how to make like a quick mask. Cause there were no masks to buy. I mean, I think everyone should remember how we felt at the beginning of this, right? I felt a lot of anxiety about those things. There's a lot of change now. There's a lot of things that are different now. And so I don't wholly disagree with us lowering restrictions.
Starting point is 01:00:04 I don't wholly disagree with it. What. I don't wholly disagree with it. What I do disagree with is pulling the rug out from underneath people if they're going to get sick, because you can still get sick if you are protected. Right. You can still get sick. And to pull the rug out from underneath them. I also wonder, too, what are insurance companies going to do?
Starting point is 01:00:22 Are insurance companies going to deny your coverage? Because now insurance companies are going to be on the bag for a lot of this, right? Yeah, absolutely. Are they going to deny my coverage if I didn't get in a vaccine? Are they going to deny my coverage because of that? Because if they do, then you're going to start to see some real changes.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Yeah. Because that's going to be a big deal. And I wonder too, if the, if the, if those insurance companies will start to push, because right now the push is from all the businesses that are losing money, right? So all those businesses are losing money, are putting pressure on anybody they can in the government to say, please relax these restrictions so that my business can come back or whatever. Right. So anybody who has any pull whatsoever in business is trying to do that because they want to try to get as much money as they can and they can't.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Right. Because we run on blood. We fucking always run on blood. We're going to continue to run on blood. Right. But what's going to happen when there's a push pull between the people who really want to make that money. And now there's a bunch of fucking insurance companies losing a lot of
Starting point is 01:01:22 money. What happens when those big companies who seemingly always get their way, what's going to happen when they push on the government to say, wait, we got to do some more lockdowns. We got to do some more masking. We got to do some more social distancing. We got to do this
Starting point is 01:01:37 because you're going to start seeing, like these surges don't, they slow down, but they're not nothing in the middle of the, even with vaccinated people but they're not nothing in the middle of the, even with vaccinated people, they're not nothing. No. So what's going to happen?
Starting point is 01:01:49 It's a very interesting proposition. And I want, because the government is really just controlled by the special interest. Oh, 100%. So I wonder which special interest wins the tug of war. Yeah. That's a great point.
Starting point is 01:02:03 And I don't know which one is going to win, but I feel- We're going to lose. No matter know which one is going to win, but I feel... We're going to lose. No matter what, we're going to lose. We get fucked. No matter what, we lose that. Yeah. The everyday person just gets totally fucking boned on.
Starting point is 01:02:15 And we are not making decisions. No one should think we're making decisions 100% medically, scientifically based. No. We should not be fooling ourselves that those are those decisions. Now, that doesn't necessarily mean that I don't think we shouldn't be making
Starting point is 01:02:36 some of these decisions because, you know, in some ways... I think that there is like a real push-pull calculus you have to do, right? Like trying to be COVID zero like China has devastating social and economic and personal impact. And I don't think that that's, I don't think that's the goal, right? I don't think that's a reasonable goal. I don't think a reasonable goal is to accept a thousand dead people a day.
Starting point is 01:02:57 I don't think so either. And I think there's some smaller number we need to get down to, but we got to keep funding until we get down to that number. Yeah. We keep doing this thing though, where it's like, well, we're heading in the right direction,
Starting point is 01:03:10 but we're not there. We're not at the goal. If the goal is like some livable amount, I can't imagine it's this amount. Yeah, no, but it's like, well,
Starting point is 01:03:21 we're, we're in the right direction. It's like, yeah, but if you stop all the things that make us go in that direction, we go slower or we don't go at all. I just, and we're going to bankrupt people. And when we bankrupt people, if I'm a business and I sell something to you
Starting point is 01:03:36 and you can't pay me and I go bankrupt, you never got paid either. Yeah. Two people lose in the equation. Sure, yeah. It's like bankruptcy is bad for everybody. Yeah. So we'd like to thank our patrons. Of course, we'd like to thank all our patrons,
Starting point is 01:03:56 but we'd like to thank our newest patrons, Corey, Stephanie, Steve, and I am that which personifies when you try to talk about a song and promptly forget the words then the rhythm, then the mellow Thank you so much
Starting point is 01:04:13 for your generous donations. We really do truly appreciate it. We mentioned it at the beginning of the show, but while we appreciate donations, another group that also appreciates donations is Docks Without Borders. And we did a little donation run with them last week. We of course encourage everybody else to donate to Doctors Without Borders while they're working in Ukraine.
Starting point is 01:04:33 We got a message. We got a couple of these. This message is from Joe. And Joe said that there was an error in Grand Unified Theory of Bullshit. I've gotten maybe four of these where there's been a little mess up on my part or on Tom's part when we were doing some research.
Starting point is 01:04:51 In this particular case, I remember doing the research on this. He says that the Capitol officer that died, Brian Sicknick, when it first came out, it was widely publicized that he was beaten with a fire extinguisher. And that's what we put in the book.
Starting point is 01:05:06 But I guess later reporting has retracted that. So we're actually going to be doing a second version of the book. Um, very soon. I got in touch with the editor and we're going to be adding a couple of, uh, changes. And we're going to talk to him about the best way to do that.
Starting point is 01:05:19 But there's been four or five things. So if there's something that you think is factually wrong in the book, uh, that we made a mistake on, send me a message. Story about the police officer. I thought he got hit with a fire extinguisher and went home. Until this evening, you didn't know that. Yeah, we've talked about it over pizza.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Yeah, so- I had no idea. Yeah, so, but there's a couple of people who sent me other corrections. If there just something happened to pop out at you and you think, oh, you know, I should send this correction and send it to me because we're going to be doing a second edition
Starting point is 01:05:44 of this book with the corrections very soon. Yeah, because, you know, I should send this correction and send it to me because we're going to be doing a second edition of this book with the corrections very soon. Yeah. Because, you know, you might get this from reading the book, but we actually think being right matters. Yeah. It turns out. Being correct actually matters. We got a message. This is from Mark. And Mark says, I thought you guys would find this entertaining. He sends us a link. The top pizza in the entire country is in Michigan. It looks like Detroit style pizza. a link. The top pizza in the entire country is in Michigan. It looks like Detroit style pizza. It's from around Detroit or Detroit itself. And now this is from I think that's It might be a little biased, but it does say that that's the best pizza in
Starting point is 01:06:16 the entire country. I know Connecticut for a long time has held that record. They do a brick fire something there, wood coal, or I don't know. I don't know what they do, but they do a brick fire something there, wood coal, or I don't know. I don't know what they do, but they do some kind of- Tastes locomotive. Some kind of fire coal thing they do. And then, of course, people say New York pizza is good, although I've never,
Starting point is 01:06:37 that seems elusive. Well, we've got to try it more. It feels elusive. I've tried it multiple times and it feels very elusive to me. You know, we talked this last week with Seth and this message is from Bob. Bob says, you guys were talking about the crazy scenarios
Starting point is 01:06:52 in burial direction. He said, but here's another odd idea. What happens when a Christian organ donor gets raptured? There's a good chance that their organs would be donated to non-believers who would not get raptured. So the Christian donor gets beamed up to their organs also gets you just see like a kidney shoot out of somebody.
Starting point is 01:07:13 Oh God. It really hurts coming out. It really hurts coming out. You thought kidney stones were bad. Try the whole kidney. Or what about like if, if somebody had two kidneys and the believer gets raptured, does
Starting point is 01:07:27 he get his extra kidney back? Like, I came here with two. No, yeah. And he comes in. What about the people who have cornea replacements and they look like a cartoon dog? They're like shooting out. We got a message. Now, this was
Starting point is 01:07:43 posted on the last episode on Patreon. This is from Ryan and Ryan disagree. I don't know that he disagreed with what we had to say about, about the South Carolina law where you're just like, Hey, you're old enough. You want to just carry a gun around wherever you go concealed. Totally cool with us.
Starting point is 01:08:00 And there's, and Tom and I were both very shocked to find that many states have this crazy idea that you could just have a gun and just like walk around with it
Starting point is 01:08:11 hidden on your person just because you want to. We both find that very appalling. And his comment, basically,
Starting point is 01:08:21 I don't know, do you want to read the whole thing? Do we think we should read the whole thing? I think I am because there's a couple of things I do want to talk about. So Ryan says, and I don't want to misquote him at all. So he says, constitutional carry is the law of the land.
Starting point is 01:08:32 You don't have to like it. You don't have to agree with it. You don't have to carry. You can want to change it and you can hate it. Okay, I like both of those things. I do. I want to change it and I do hate it. And I will even state that I believe people absolutely should have to show a basic level
Starting point is 01:08:44 of competence and an ability to remain level headed before carrying a firearm. More than that, even. But, just because some states pretend that I need their special little stamp of approval to be able to protect myself with a right afforded to me by the highest law of the land doesn't mean it's legal. There is a reason that South Carolina
Starting point is 01:09:00 doesn't take on many, the Supreme Court, I'm sorry, doesn't take on many Second Amendment cases. And that is because these BS state laws would lose and be on full display as the unconstitutional overreaches that they are. But buckle in, guys, because there are quite a few Second Amendment cases being heard and on deck with the Supreme Court at the moment. And I'm 99% sure constitutional carry is about to win in the Supreme Court because it's how it has always been in this country. If you guys expect any real change with gun law, then the makeup,
Starting point is 01:09:27 no, then the Constitution needs to be amended, which it won't be. So states can make up whatever illegal laws they'd like. But at the end of the day, there's just about no more clear and less unambiguous sentence
Starting point is 01:09:36 than, quote, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. You didn't say the whole thing. That's not the whole sentence. You didn't say the whole thing, Ryan. It's part of a sentence. It's part of a sentence. That's a fragment. I'm going to
Starting point is 01:09:47 send this back to you with a red pen, Ryan. You don't have to like it. Maybe they'd have written it differently if they'd known how things have changed. But the fact is, that is what the U.S. Constitution, the highest law of this nation, states. And short of an amendment to that right, the right so important was the second thing on the list, short of an actual constitutional amendment changing any of that, every other BS pretend-y-tend state law isn't. So a few things about that. Some of that just isn't, it just frankly isn't true. Like you can't say that these state laws are pretend laws. They are actual laws. They are in effect. And if you break them, there are penalties. That's how laws work. I also completely disagree that there's a reason the Supreme Court won't take up cases because they know that they'll decide a certain way. That seems like nonsense. The NRA is a massively, massively important lobby
Starting point is 01:10:35 in this country. If they thought they could get all of these state laws overturned, they would have pushed these up to the Supreme Court a long time ago. And they very well might push them up to the Supreme Court next year. Yeah, now that they've got a 6-4. 6-3, yeah, absolutely 6-4. Wish it was 6-4. I think it's nonsense to pretend. 7-6. I wish it was 7-6, actually. I wish it was anything but 6-3.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Anyway. You know, I think it's nonsense to pretend that this is somehow the constitutional law of the land that's not really a meaningful, it's actually to pretend that this is somehow the constitutional law of the land. That's not really a meaningful, it's actually not a meaningful phrase. The law is what the law is in terms of how it is enforced. Also, I would point out that your point, Cecil, if you're old enough, there are already tacit restrictions on your right to carry a gun, right? I can't hand a five-year-old.
Starting point is 01:11:25 You don't get born, and as you're born, they don't hand you a gun. So the idea of reasonable restrictions being allowed by states is something we all agree with, right? So why does it have to be concealed and not open carry? Why does it have to be somebody who's 18 and not somebody who's 12? Why does somebody who is a convicted felon not have that right? None of that's in the Constitution? None of that's in the Constitution. None of that's in the Constitution either. So don't pretend that the Constitution
Starting point is 01:11:49 is the only thing from which rights are, as they are practically enforced, developed. Yeah. That is nonsense, and it ignores decades of case law. Yeah, and case law and precedent. And I also want to say, too, you didn't quote the whole second amendment. Right. The whole second amendment includes a whole part about a well- Regulated militia. I was going to say well-oiled,
Starting point is 01:12:13 but that's not- Well-oiled militia. Well-oiled militia sounds like, that sounds like a Pornhub channel. And if you want a well-oiled militia, you can head over to and enter Gloria Chekhov. If you want a well-regulated militia,
Starting point is 01:12:23 you got to give them Madame Musil. But no, but a well-regulated militia, you got to give them Madame Musil. But no, but a well-regulated. So the thing is, is like you're forgetting about one big part of that whole thing, which is where they're talking about a militia. And then, and you know, you can interpret that in many different ways.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Maybe they didn't want us to have guns at all. Maybe they wanted the guns to be somewhere in like a public armory where you have to go grab your gun if there's something that the militia has to take down or take care of. So, you know, like there's a lot of interpretations to law. That's why we have a Supreme Court.
Starting point is 01:12:54 And that's why all these different states make all these different decisions about these guns. And you're absolutely right. I can hate it. And I do. And I don't want to live in a country where I can just walk down the street and that guy who is fumble
Starting point is 01:13:06 fucking around with a plastic gun has a fucking gun. I just don't. No. No. Yeah. Because it's a garbage way to live. That is a garbage way to live. And it gets people, it gets, I think that that's one of the major reasons why we have police violence. There's so much police
Starting point is 01:13:21 violence in this country is because of our gun problem. Well, and you know, one other thing real quick is that, you know, you, you say in your comment, Ryan, and respectfully, you say in your comment that you want that gun to protect yourself, but Americans are so much less safe than all of the other industrialized rich nations that we would be comparable to that do not have ready access to weapons. You are unsafe because other people have fucking guns. The guns are what are making us less safe. And I'm a gun owner.
Starting point is 01:13:53 And I'm a gun owner. I have guns. I love to go shooting. I think it's a super fun thing to do. I don't think we should just be able to go to the fucking store and buy them. That's dumb. That's scary. I can give my son a gun.
Starting point is 01:14:04 I can just give him a gun, man. Like, I don't like what the fuck the constitution is the only thing that matters. And none of the other case law that follows the constitution doesn't lay out an age that you become a citizen. Yeah. Right. It doesn't say a citizen is 18. Yeah. Right. So, okay, well, let's fuck it. I'll just give my 14 year old a gun. And it doesn't say anything about conceal versus open carry. It doesn't say anything about size or caliber. Why prosecute that family that gave that kid a gun who had that gun and shot up that school?
Starting point is 01:14:33 Why prosecute that family if that's just fine? Yeah. So we got a message. We got a message. This is from April. And April says, I was looking for the book and I wondered if I get it on Scribd.
Starting point is 01:14:45 This is the audio version. Will you see any money for it? I have no idea, April. So there are more profitable ways for you to buy it. The website is the most profitable way, but I will say this, don't buy it twice. If you already have a subscription to these things,
Starting point is 01:14:59 we made the decision to put it on there. So if you want to buy it from a place that you are already a member of or whatever, and you have a subscription, you can just go back there and get it. I do not...
Starting point is 01:15:15 We specifically put it there because of that. Now, if it is something that you're thinking, oh, I wanted to give you guys money, become a patron. Become a patron and listen to your script book. That would be what I would say. Yeah, absolutely. That's a great point. It you guys a point. Become a patron. You know? Right. Become a patron and listen to your script book. That would be what I would say. Yeah, absolutely. That's a great point.
Starting point is 01:15:28 It's a great point. And I'm sure we'll see something from it. Yeah, we're going to see something. We just don't know how much. We're going to see something. Yeah. Hey, so we got a message from Mario. Mario says,
Starting point is 01:15:37 Hey, I was listening to the latest episode. I was one of the people with the broken mug. I didn't realize how much the mug's cost to send out. I would have been more happy to cover the cost. Hey, so I don't want to make anyone feel bad. That wasn't the point. We were happy. We were joyous to send the mugs. to send out, I would have been more happy to cover the cost. Hey, so I don't want to make anyone feel bad. That wasn't the point. We were happy. We were joyous to send the mugs.
Starting point is 01:15:48 It was a good thing. It was a fun thing to do. The point wasn't like to make you feel bad. It was just, hey, we can't do that again. Yeah. It's just financial. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:56 But we know you would have covered it. Yeah, of course. We always want to do the right thing by you. Of course. And I am sorry your mug broke. Yeah. We got a couple messages telling us about
Starting point is 01:16:06 asking us if we want help to send international bookmarks we also got messages with suggestions on how to do it I went to the post office
Starting point is 01:16:14 you know we might be able to put them just in regular envelopes we're not doing that we're putting them in like we don't want to get all bent and fucked up we're putting them in
Starting point is 01:16:20 cardboard envelopes so they don't get messed up and we're sending them out that's why it costs so much to do and that's why I have to fill out a form because when I went in, the lady behind the desk is like, got to fill out a form. So I'm just following the rules of the post office. I know a lot of you might do mailings and you might have a bunch of advice. I'm not asking for advice. So we're not, we're not looking for it. We've already got our ideas and our plans on how this is going to work.
Starting point is 01:16:47 We would love to, of course, be able to do this, but when I walk into the post office and I have to fill out 20 customs forms, it's not something that I have time to do. Yeah, it takes forever. We're just not going to do that for these particular set of bookmarks in the future. Maybe we'll figure something out that's different. But as it stands right now
Starting point is 01:17:03 with currently marketing a book and currently doing all the extra work that goes into this, as well as sending these things out, we're just not going to be sending them internationally right now. I wanted to mention that somebody sent in a message. Dave sent a message and he said, hey, in order to talk to a real person at Facebook, you got to drop about $500,000 a month on our advertising platform,
Starting point is 01:17:23 which sounds amazing. $500,000 a year. Could year imagine god damn god that's amazing we also got a message from daniel who told us we should try a bottle of ancient age because it tastes like blans he says a lot of the cheap bourbons out there will make like a cheaper bourbon that sound that tastes just the same as the other the same mash bill yeah yeah so i'm curious if they use the same mash bill if they also use the same barreling and aging process. Yeah. You know,
Starting point is 01:17:46 but I will totally try it. In fact, I've got some Blantons at home. I will try it in a taste test. Yeah. That sounds great. I'll blind taste it. You know what?
Starting point is 01:17:53 I'll buy some. I'll bring it over. Yeah. That sounds great. We'll do it on the stream. That sounds great. By the way, we did this episode this week
Starting point is 01:18:01 on YouTube. So go check it out on YouTube. It's there. The full video is there. So go check it out and YouTube. It's there. The full video is there. So go check it out and like and subscribe while you're there. It's a lot of fun. We had a lot of fun. Yeah. All right. That is going to wrap it up for this week. We're going to leave you like we always do
Starting point is 01:18:14 with Skeptic's Creed. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized, stereogram, pyramidal, free energy, healing,
Starting point is 01:18:34 water, downward spiral, brain dead, pan, sales pitch, late night info-docutainment. Leo Pisces, cancer cures, detox, reflex, foot massage, death in towers, tarot cards, psychic healing, crystal balls, Bigfoot, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, double-speak stigmata, nonsense. Expose your signs. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this.
Starting point is 01:19:33 The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. All opinions are solely that of Glory Hole Studios LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds. Produced in association with the local dairy council and viewers like you.

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