Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 639: Bannon for Prison

Episode Date: July 25, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's show is brought to you by Go to right now and you'll get 50% off just about any item. All you have to do is enter the code word GLORY, G-L-O-R-Y, at checkout. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. Recording live from Glory Hole studios in chicago and beyond this is cognitive dissonance every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way we bring critical thinking skepticism and irreverence to any topic that makes the news makes it big or makes us mad. It's skeptical. It's political. And there is no welcome mat.
Starting point is 00:01:09 This is episode 639, Cecil. This is the, tonight we are recording, we're actually going to live stream tonight. The last, this is the capstone. This is the one. This is the January 6th hearing. The January 6th hearing. We're going to be going live
Starting point is 00:01:25 and it looks like about 45 minutes. Yep. And so we're going to record that live stream for people. So if you missed it, if you missed the hearing, we're going to watch it actually live and watch the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:01:38 We are. Yeah, there's no way to edit live. So we can't edit. Fuck it, we'll do it live. Come check it out. Come hang out with us. We have a lot of fun when we do it. So if you want to come see it, go see the old live streams that we did.
Starting point is 00:01:47 We did a lot of these already. We have. We've covered all of the January 6th pieces live tonight. We're in studio. I should say in a live stream. Live for us. Live stream. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Live for us. Tonight, two of them we did live. So the first one and this one. They decided to put the first one on primetime and this one on primetime. I guess a lot of this is going to be Cipollone, but they said there's going to be some surprise testimony in there too. So the first one and this one, they decided to put the first one on primetime and this one on primetime. I guess a lot of this is going to be Cipollone, but they said there's going to be some surprise testimony in there too. Should be exciting.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Maybe they get some of those. You think it'll matter? I wonder if they get some of those deleted fucking secret service. I've read a bunch of articles that they're like not recoverable. That they're just like gonzo, that they had some migration of the,
Starting point is 00:02:24 you know, right before Jim. But their emails, Tom. But her emails. Wait, the thing is, like, if you're the fucking secret, if you're the Republicans, why aren't you fuming about this? Right. Why aren't you fucking furious about this? Like you were about Hillary's emails. It's almost like it's because it's institutional misogyny.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Yeah. All right. So let's cover a COVID story. We've talked about COVID. We should have talked about COVID in a long time. Not a long time. In a long time. So the story comes from Ars Technica.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Long COVID patients spend their life savings on unproven blood washing. British investigation reveals thousands traveling across borders and paying huge sums. Reveals thousands traveling across borders and paying huge sums. So it is wildly unsurprising that in the midst of this long-term care crisis, which COVID has created, right? Sure. According to this article, one in five COVID patients experience persistent symptoms. Now, that's not real well defined. Who knows how long it goes it could be three weeks or something right and long covid like also varies it sounds like very wildly in terms of like how disruptive it can be to someone's life but still let's also
Starting point is 00:03:36 talk about we know for sure it can be really really really bad yes it could be debilitating very debilitating and we also know there's a growing body of evidence that post-viral syndromes in general can cause a host of long-term problems, both immediately and down the road, right? Yes. So I think you can say with fair certainty that with as many hundreds of millions of people getting sick at least once with COVID that there will be a significant cohort of people who find themselves Cecil in a long-term battle for their health. And that creates a level of desperation that quacks are all too happy to exploit. They love it. They love it. And one of the things is that there's a lot of unproven stuff that gets, that gets sort of on the fringes of science that has some use of in other
Starting point is 00:04:29 places we look back at hydroxychloroquine which is the first big one it's a legit medicine yeah it's a it's a malaria medicine it's a legit medicine we look back at the horse drug ivermectin yeah we look back and that was a human drug too. Don't send me your messages. I know it's a human drug. It's actually used to derail. We know. Nobel Prize. I know.
Starting point is 00:04:50 It's funnier to say horse medicine. That's why people did it. It's not always horse paste. That's why people did it was because it was funnier to say it that way. Everybody's always like, I want to police your joke because your joke doesn't,
Starting point is 00:05:01 it's okay, we got it, we got it. This too is one of these ways that they sort of it is a treatment for something else right and it takes your blood and it and it removes micro clots yeah and the thing is is in this article they specifically say talk to doctors who say that's fine but there's no evidence to say that any of that stuff does anything or that the clots are even the problem. They don't, we don't even know enough about it yet. So why are people offering these, what seemed to be a cure for something? And they're not painting as a cure, but in the article, the woman who gets duped for her life savings to do this treatment, none of these treatments are ever like five dollars, man.
Starting point is 00:05:47 No treatments are always like a lot of money. A lot of dough, brother. She spent her life savings and they were and she was brought in and duped by these people because they were very positive about what it can do. I'd be real positive, too, if you were buying me a Jaguar later that afternoon. Right. Yeah. The thing that there's so much about this, it's so fucking pernicious, right? It's like, yes, when you are, and I can, I can speak from, from sort of like adjacent experience. Like my wife's been sick. It's been like coming up on
Starting point is 00:06:15 two years. This was just nothing compared to how long so many other people battle things. But I will say at some point you're like, fucking what is there left to try? Right. And you see, you start, you have these dark days and these long nights and I get it. And the answer is not like police the patient. Right. So that is not what I'm trying to do. The answer is to police these motherfucking quacks who are out there having you sign disclosures that release them from all liability when they offer you treatments that when they try to publish even the hypothesis of how it would mechanistically work, it's rejected by every scientific journal out of hand. Right. Yeah. Just like whatever. They're just like, no, that, that literally, and they still like the, in this, in this article,
Starting point is 00:07:01 one of the doctors who, who's providing this, look, when I see somebody in a wheelchair and they're unwell, I don't wait until the science is 100% perfect to go ahead and treat them. There are people coming in here in wheelchairs and walking out my door. And that has such a ring of the evangelist. It does, yeah. How much does that sound like? It really does, yeah. Lay in the hands, brother. And if you just trust in Jesus
Starting point is 00:07:25 and the blood washing, you will be healed. It sounds the same. It really does. All you need is a hobgoblin to say it. Right. And it will 100% be exactly like all those ghouls that do this for money. And that also tells you it's adjacent to all those ghouls who do this for money. And that, and that also tells you it's adjacent to all those ghouls who do this for money. You know, when somebody says that the reason why they say that is because they want to appear as positive as possible about this thing that they're, that they're not sure about. Yep. Yep. And so they're going to say it because that gets, I mean, this is a lot of money. This is a lot of money on the table. This is a lot of money on the table. It's an expensive therapy.
Starting point is 00:08:07 And it's probably expensive for these other diseases that it actually treats too. It probably is. But if you get it for a legitimate purpose, your insurance is more likely to cover it. Or the state, Matt, because none of these countries that they mentioned, I don't think, I think all of them have
Starting point is 00:08:24 national healthcare. But again, it's out of pocket because it's one of those things that's outside of that realm. It's like, Oh, well it's an elective. Well, we don't cover that. Right. And that, you know, that phrasing, you know, I don't want to wait until everything's perfect before I step into help. Look, if it worked, yeah. If it worked, you would be able to prove that it worked. And if you were the guy, and we've said this a hundred times about a hundred other things,
Starting point is 00:08:50 but look, COVID is an internationally big deal. Trillions of dollars internationally have been spent on COVID in terms of vaccines and in terms of care and prophylactic medicines and, you know, cured or not curatives, but like medicines to treat like Paxlovid, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:09:11 If you were the guy that came up with the cure for long COVID and you could prove it. And if you can't prove it, you don't have the cure. But if you could prove it, guess who gets the next Nobel prize? But you can't prove it. You don't need to run some fucking strip mall blood washing clinic out of your fucking, you know, you don't need to do that shit if it's a legitimate cure, because if it's a legitimate cure, you'll be able to demonstrate it. If it's a legitimate cure, what the fuck? If it's a legitimate cure, countries all over the world are buying blood washing.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Right. You know, you know you you would show up and be like oh i have long covet and i need my fucking blood scrub i take that back because i remember one of the states maybe in oklahoma or in nebraska got stuck with a fucking truckload of hydroxychloroquine yes i take that back i take that back because sometimes you know and and here's the thing government officials are just they're Just regular schmucks too. They're just people. Yeah. So sometimes they make horrible, terrible mistakes and you can't always look to the
Starting point is 00:10:10 government to say, you know, it's like an argument, it's like a fallacy, right? Because there's, there's, there's people that can fail in the government just as well as them. Absolutely. They fail very often. They fail a lot. Yeah. So this is a really sad story though.
Starting point is 00:10:23 And it gives, and it's one of those things that gives people hope. This person was duped because of all the anecdotal evidence, people coming out and feeling well. She came, she went there and didn't feel anything. Right. Completely just the same. So she fell a little lighter because her pocketbook was empty.
Starting point is 00:10:40 And then just then basically broke. Right. I spent my life savings on this thing. And think about if you spend your life savings on this thing yeah and think about if you spend your life savings that tells you how desperate you are yeah like you when you hold nothing back it's because you are at a place where you have nothing left that's more valuable than your health yeah how do you take it oh i don't think we've seen the last of him unfortunately to him, unfortunately. This story comes from Rungwing Watch.
Starting point is 00:11:11 This is Johnny Enloe. Johnny Enloe's got a very unique theory of what's going to happen next. There's more to come on the Donald Trump is still president. Okay, well let's see what he has to say, Tom. The Supreme Court has already ruled against the last election.
Starting point is 00:11:31 They have already reversed. This is what I believe. Was that guy getting, so people are listening. The guy who's- The blobfish. The guy who's given the interview, he's the guy who runs,
Starting point is 00:11:43 Steve Schultz. He opened his mouth to say, are you fucking crazy? Did he open his mouth to say you're fucking crazy? I don't know. I think he was probably opening his mouth to agree because that's what his job seems to be. No, it's never been a more credulous interviewer. It's a lot of nodding for sure. This is this guy is just, you know what? He buys everything hook, line and sinker as a blobfish how do you how do you fucking rule that the fucking spook how do you how does it even work these people have no idea how any of this stuff works my favorite my favorite part of what he just said was i believe i know yeah. Yeah. Like there is a factual thing which has occurred or not occurred, but he's just like, you know, uh, yeah, the, uh, Ford actually invented a car that runs entirely
Starting point is 00:12:32 on giraffe blood. I believe, I believe that doesn't mean that they have a giraffe blood powered fucking Ford. That's not how facts are. Isn't that the main song from that Book of Mormon that I believe? I believe, yes, it is. I'm not saying this has been announced yet. I believe we will find out. I believe. This is true. I believe even this thing wasn't quite a dream,
Starting point is 00:12:58 but it was a little revelation buzz that I got. It wasn't quite a dream. Okay. It was not quite a dream. And if you want a revelation buzz type in gloria checkout you'll get 50 off almost any items some spicy movies and uh and yeah it's basically a little buzz that's a little revolution revelation if you get buzzed hard enough let me tell you let me tell you a little revelation buzz what is this like a fucking waking dream
Starting point is 00:13:23 is he popping fucking peyote? What's happening? When he's like, it wasn't quite a dream. I don't want this to, was he just saying this doesn't rise to the level of a dream? Hold on. Hold on a minute. I got to downplay those people who just have dreams. I don't want you to think this was like as big as a dream, like a dream.
Starting point is 00:13:42 That would be, I mean, that'd be rock solid. I wouldn't be caveating it with, I believe if I dreamt it, no, what is I had a waking seizure. And when, when they would put my wallet in my mouth, so it would bite my fucking tongue off. This is what I was thinking about. Don't do that. Leave people having seizures alone. Yeah. Leave them alone. Actually. Or shake them. Shake them like a little, like pick them up and just shake them as hard as you can. That always works fine. I believe the reversal has taken
Starting point is 00:14:09 place. I believe the Supreme Court has already ruled that I believe they've been Supreme Court rules. It's just fucking Brett Kavanaugh comes out to back in black or whatever. It's like a walkout song. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Can you throw up the horns if you're Christian? Like what if you are like super Christian and you're like fucking ask Amy Coney Barrett. Can she actually, actually ask six of the justices? Okay. Yeah. You got it. Yeah. Um, there, there has been many more presentations of the fraud to them than we know about it.
Starting point is 00:14:47 And that they have. They don't. There's no like secret fucking backdoor. Like there's no teller tube where people shoot them secret information. Like that shit gets given to them and then they rule on it. And we all get to know what they got to talk about. Yeah. That shit.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yes. Just like when you're seeing this stuff from the president. We're watching these fucking, these hearings. They show like, hey, the president was fucking, he took a shit at 601
Starting point is 00:15:12 and then he fucking ate a fucking big piece of toast and then, you know, it's all written down. There's like a journal, like a logbook. They're figuring out
Starting point is 00:15:20 exactly who he's talking to, when he's talking to him. Do you think the Supreme Court is any different than that? If the Supreme Court was different, then it's a secret tribunal. Why do you, like, what fucking, how are you, how are these guys just fucking cramming the dick of democracy down their throat when it comes to the Second Amendment? But they all want these fucking military and secret tribunals. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:41 And all the rest of this, like, crazy kangaroo court fucking. They love it. Wild West bullshit want it's secret tribunal should always be a bad thing even if the secret tribunal rules in my favor they the difference between i think uh the left and the right in this country is we're all against this this stuff when the other side is in charge. Yes. Right. When the other side's got it, but we're,
Starting point is 00:16:08 but the left, it seems to me is also against it when we're in charge, right? I am against a secret docket at the Supreme court. When we happen to have a five, four, I'm against that. I'm against the shadow docket.
Starting point is 00:16:23 And that's legal. I'm against, I'm against doing, uh, I'm against that. I'm against the shadow docket. And that's legal. I'm against, I'm against doing, uh, I'm against like the, the president orchestrating a coup. Let's say something like, you know, something like a January 6th. I'm against that. If that one were to happen, that were Biden, I would be against it. Right. Yeah. A hundred percent. Like, I don't care. Like I do not want with Warren. I'd be for it, but if it was, that's the thing is like, I am not willing. Like, I do not want. If it was Elizabeth Warren, I'd be for it. But if it was the Biden, I'm kidding. No, no, no, I know.
Starting point is 00:16:46 That's the thing. It's like, I am not willing to accept a benevolent dictator. No, it's fucking crazy. What's wrong with you people? Like, these guys are like, fucking America. Fucking psycho. Bald eagles. Bald eagles in secret tribunals.
Starting point is 00:16:59 You're fucking hand-waving away the January. You're hand-waving away dictatorship. You're saying, no, man, it's our side. We're in charge. You're like so you're hand waving away dictatorship you're saying no man it's our side we're in charge you're like you're fucking crazy man like you feel like i feel like an insane person sometimes because i just i i don't feel super patriotic about the country i don't really give two fucks about the fucking founders i don don't fucking care. Right. But there's a part of me that feels like I need to tell everybody we can't go down this road. You know what I mean? As unpatriotic as I am and as sort of fuck the founders that I am, I still feel like, you know what? I think I would
Starting point is 00:17:37 kind of need to at least pay attention to that. Yeah. Well, look, I think I think you can have I don't think that's inconsistent at all. And I don't think it's inconsistent because what I want is a structural democracy. Yeah. Right? That's the thing that I am scared to ever lose. Right. Because I don't think that there is a better form of government that I'm aware of than a democracy. So I am 100% in support structurally of democracy. And I am absolutely pants shittingly terrified of autocracies of any sort.
Starting point is 00:18:11 Period. Right. Yeah. And like, I can hold those ideas and be deeply critical of the nation that I live in. Yeah. Like I am, I am pro-democracy literally everywhere. Like just, it's a better form of government. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:24 End of story. There is no form of government. Yeah. End of story. There is no form of government I'm aware of that's better than that. But I feel like it shouldn't be, like as a person who's not as gung-ho, like shouldn't someone else, and they seem so gung-ho. I know.
Starting point is 00:18:35 But then they just conveniently forget about everything because they want to keep power. It's really fucking terrifying. It is. It is. And it's so over the top hypocritical. Yes. And that they have seen the conclusive proof
Starting point is 00:18:50 that it was an overwhelmingly fraudulent election and that it already has been ruled. And it already has not just been ruled, it has been overturned and it has already also been already turned over to president Trump. What kind of insane delusion is that? Why would that be secret?
Starting point is 00:19:12 Just, just imagine why would that be? If there was overwhelming evidence, why would that be secret? Is Fox news just like, I don't want to air it. I don't know. Like it's fucking one America news is OAN. Just like, Oh, we don don't want to air it i don't know like it's fucking one america news
Starting point is 00:19:26 is oan just like oh we don't have time to run it tonight what here's what that requires it would require trump to keep something close to the vest that's true too like that's that's actually the craziest literally no way that would ever happen in the history. Like that guy can't, there's nothing. He never has a sleeve full of cards, right? There's never been a moment in his life that he's not, he's needed him and he's never used him. He's not like,
Starting point is 00:19:55 he doesn't have like a fucking, a fake queen piece of chess board up his sleeve. No, he's got none. He's got a half a ham sandwich. He's got hamburgers ham sandwich up his sleeve. He's got hamburgers up there. He's like Spider-Man.
Starting point is 00:20:12 He's shooting out fucking like hamburgers at the people. Pew, pew, pew, pew. Hey, kid. Want some drugs? Yes. Is that easy? No stranger danger. You got drugs or not? Hey, man, I was just playing, man.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Don't play with me. Don't play with me. What you playing for? Where the drugs? I love drugs. Give me the drugs. Goddamn, where the drugs at? Drugs.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Drugs. Drugs. This story comes from Big Pharma has raised drug prices 1186 times this year, according to a recent analysis. So I want to talk about, like, kind of just in general, too, the insane corporate price gouging. We're in this place where everybody wants to talk about inflation. And it's legit, right? Because inflation is hurting all of our livelihoods.
Starting point is 00:21:14 It's changing. The money you have is worth less, significantly less than it was worth just a handful of months ago. That's legitimate. I get that. just a handful of months ago. That's legitimate. I get that. But what is not legitimate is saying that we have an inflationary problem when companies like Exxon post a $16 billion quarterly profit that is double the profit of their prior year. That's fucking insane. It is not inflation when drug companies whose costs have not increased, increase the cost of these drugs. And it is also insane that here we are as Americans paying the
Starting point is 00:21:54 highest drug prices in the entire world and continuing to eat shit on life-saving medications where people are forced to choose between being well and paying their rent or eating food. And it's because of our terrible system for paying for drugs, right? You can blame this. You can lay this all on the shoulders of this fucking hyperloop system that we have that tunes itself up to make it so that we are basically fucked. We are basically fucked by our, like the, the insurance companies, they're gonna, they're gonna be the ones that are, that are dealing with this stuff. But the only place in the world where the prices are negotiated for this sort of thing is us. I'm sure they're negotiated in some way, but they're like,
Starting point is 00:22:42 it's a big deal when an entire, like an entire nation looks at you and says, we're willing to pay this. That's a big difference between one, one insurance company. That's saying you just have bigger leverage. This is why unions, big, big, wide union, wide strikes work over one worker quitting. That's why it works is because you have more bargaining power, the larger your organization is. And so we don't have that sort of thing here in the country. We have several little, little insurance companies that, that buy for this sort of thing and they pluck all the money they can from us. And they are still making a profit, even though these other companies are making a profit
Starting point is 00:23:19 too. Everybody's stacking. The problem with the profit motive at every level of healthcare is everybody is stacking profit at every level of your care. So the doctor has to make a profit. The doctor's office has to make a profit. The drug company has to make a profit. The pharmacy has to make a profit. The insurance company, everybody's, and I don't begrudge the individual company for existing to make a profit. That is what companies do. So I don't want to sound like I'm begrudging a doctor for making a living and feeding their family. I don't. And I know that they have costs to pay and educational costs, all of which are structurally
Starting point is 00:23:56 problematic. The whole problem is that this is structurally problematic. The largest payer or the largest, yes, the largest payer for medical claims in this country is Medicare. And the Biden administration is trying to pass a bill which would allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices that they then would have to offer to every other insurance company because they've got the leverage because they are the largest, they're essentially the largest insurance company in the, in the country. Right. And so, but we don't even have that leverage. Right. We have the leverage to say, look, if you want to, if you want to sell, if you want Medicare to buy drugs from you, you will, you got to buy, you got to sell them to me for this dollar amount. And you got to sell them to everybody
Starting point is 00:24:42 else for the same dollar. Yeah. The thing is that like, none of that is the truth. If I go to the pharmacy and you go to the pharmacy, you and I have different insurance. If I get the same drug as you, you and I will pay different prices, people in other countries. And that's just normal for us, right? That's just something because my insurance coverage might be different than yours. And my insurance company might pay a different amount than your insurance company. And then I might pay the drugs don't even cost the same person to person. It's not like it's insane.
Starting point is 00:25:12 Like walk into a, or whatever it is. Like, let's just pick up, let's pick something big, a PS five. If you're not buying it from like a fucking back door somewhere, if you're buying it from an actual company,
Starting point is 00:25:24 it is always the five 99 99 or whatever. Right. It's I don't know how much it is. Don't send me a message. I don't care. I don't know. But I'm just saying like, it's always that X dollar and it's always, and that's why like you can go to Amazon and get it. You go to Best Buy and get it. You can go to mom and pop store and get it. You can go to all these other places. It's all going to be, it's always the same price. Right. So different than what we do with drugs, which is it can be $9.99 for me and it can be $70 for you. Yeah. It could just, it's just a totally, and, and they're talking to about companies that have been making money because of the pandemic, right? They're making a ton of money because of that. And they're still making tons and tons and tons of money outside of this. And then just, and it doesn't, there's no stopping this. There is no
Starting point is 00:26:11 stopping this until we change how we deal with this. Now it's either, and there's a bipartisan bill supposedly that has enough support that can get passed and basically regulate these prices. And I suspect it would regulate them for like what Medicare pays or something, you know, it probably regulate them based on that. But we, we spend way too much on this stuff. And these companies, they, they know it and they know they can get rich off of it. They don't care. They do not, they do not care. And the, the, the excuse that you hear from defenders of pharmaceutical companies all the time is that, oh, they've got to charge all this money because they've got to do this R&D.
Starting point is 00:26:49 And I just want to say that is the biggest line of bullshit. We've talked about this before. It's the biggest line of bullshit. The NIH, the National Institute of Health, funds most basic research. Most of the preliminary basic research is government funded. A lot of the other research is funded from universities who then turn around and provide that often at no cost to drug companies. They're handing them a nearly finished product.
Starting point is 00:27:15 The majority, when you look at the breakdown in spending, the majority of spending from pharmaceutical companies is not R and D it's fucking marketing. Yeah. Most of the money that goes out their door isn't, is not involved in coming up with the next big blockbuster drug. Your taxpayer dollars already funded that. They funded it through NIH grants. Yeah. You're already paid for it. And then we gave it away to somebody to charge us for it. If it was, I mean, if it is, if that's what the, if that's where the money's going, then why aren't the scientists making more than the CEO?
Starting point is 00:27:47 Right? Right. That's where your money's going. Right. Why aren't they making more money? Yeah. That's the case. Who would you rather be financially?
Starting point is 00:27:54 Would you rather be a pharmaceutical sales rep or a pharmaceutical research guy? Yeah. Yeah. Answer that question. Right. Yeah. Answer that question and see what you think. Who's W2 Flexes?
Starting point is 00:28:01 Exactly. It's my house. You know what it is and if you don't like it you get the fuck out i don't give a fuck i don't give a i pay the motherfucking bills in this motherfucker and hey kiss my ass if you don't like that. This story comes from the CBC. Court approves the sale of 43 Catholic Church properties to settle abuse victims' claims. I just want to say, fucking good. I will be satisfied when they sell the actual Vatican. I will be satisfied when they sell the fucking hat off the Pope's fucking head.
Starting point is 00:28:44 Sell the fucking hat off his head, man. Sell it all. Get rid of it. Sell your golden staff and your weird chalices and all that garbage. The most egregious shit that happens with the Catholic church is the settling that they have to do outside of everything that they don't wind up, that these people don't wind up getting more and more and more. And that there's all this settling and all this conniving and all the bullshit money they spend to try to get statute of limitations taken up. And like when those rules start to come by,
Starting point is 00:29:14 they send lobbyists, they spend thousands of dollars on lobbyists, hundreds of thousands of dollars on lobbyists to stop those things from happening. They're just, it's super fucking shady, man. It's just shady as fuck. And so they should, they should, they should be sued out of existence. They should. And they, I, I hope they will be. I hope, I hope this is the first step because I remember covering a story and I, it's, it's been a long time. I remember we covered a story where
Starting point is 00:29:39 the Catholic church was forced to pay a settlement and they basically said, well, we couldn't pay the whole settlement because we didn't raise enough money. And then they did like a GoFundMe or whatever? Yeah. And at the same time that they didn't raise enough money for the settlement funds, they were building some building.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Building a brand new church, yeah. And it was like, I don't give a fuck. Like if I get sued, I don't get to say, okay, I got sued. I accept that judgment. It's fine, but I got to get a new car.
Starting point is 00:30:04 But yeah, right. And I need to buy, I'm going to take my wife I need to buy I'm going to take my wife out what I'm going to do guys is I'm going to go I'm just going to live my life and then if I have a little extra which I won't I will give it yeah right I'm going to ask I'm going to ask my friends to pay my judgment if they don't pay it then I mean I don't know how I'm going to pay you I don't know I'm obviously not going to liquidate my fucking assets I just want to let you know, I got plans. Sue them to the dirt, dude. Who do you say that to? Unless you're the church though. Right. And what I think, what I think is happening in all these different places is the church used to have a bigger draw. The church used to have people in government, in places of power that could protect them in these cases. And they're losing, you know, nuns is the biggest. Nuns and duns are the biggest growing demographic.
Starting point is 00:30:48 It's kind of ironic that all those nuns result in a lot less nuns. I know, right? But nuns and duns, they're the biggest ones. And so, you know, you're looking at fewer places for them to reach up on high and say, oh, come on, Jimmy, I knew you when you were a little kid. Fill that coffer. Yeah. Well, you know, not just that, but like, were a little kid and fill that coffer. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:31:05 you know, not just that, but like, what if you know, like the fucking DA, right. And then you're right. All those friends in high places, who do you have as a friend in high places? There's lost a lot of protection. You low, you lose a lot of people that can't just push this under the rug and help you with your criminal enterprise. I also, yeah. I also think that the veil of secrecy that they've been able to rely on that was community-based, meaning like kids would get fucked and they would go to their parents and be like,
Starting point is 00:31:32 I got fucking raped by father evil, whatever the fuck. And the parents would be like, they wouldn't believe them or they would want to protect. They would be afraid of the church. They would want to protect. A lot of those things that happened,
Starting point is 00:31:45 the community did not rally around the victim. Right. The community rallied around the church. Almost always around. At least you always heard that perspective. Yeah. And I think that's changed. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:55 I think now it's like, nowadays, I think it's like, the fucking Father McEvil pants raped me. It's like, well, great. I'm going to, we're going to murder that guy. We're going to take him down. Well, and then the internet also changed how pre-shuffling worked. So, you know, the internet changes that in a big way. You know, you go to bishop
Starting point is 00:32:11 That's a huge change. It's an enormous change because suddenly I can look on bishop and see any of my local priests and see what they've seen what happened if, because if they have had a crime accused against them, especially one of these crimes, they're going to show up and we're talking, you know, thousands of priests names are listed on there. And so, you know, I just feel like that's just even one website, but any, you know, you could look up your PR you look up your priest, look up whatever you could see, you know, cause somebody might get nosy and look it up. And the internet's for like a lot of times, those things, they stay up there for a long time. You know, top the top hit for your priest could be that he got thrown out of this one diocese because he was too handsy and they sent him down over here.
Starting point is 00:32:57 And so there's so many things that are working against them. And I just want to see it all fucking fall apart. I do too. Like a fucking house of cards. Get rid of it. It is an evil, anachronistic organization that delightfully cannot keep up with the times. They don't stop. They don't stop either. They don't stop. And you see that it's still happening. So get rid of it.
Starting point is 00:33:15 Yep. Sell it all. Some people are really fucking stupid. Did you ever notice that? How many really stupid people you run into during the day? God damn, there's a lot of stupid bastards walking around. Carry a little pad and pencil with you. You wind up with 30 or 40 names by the end of the day.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Look at it this way. Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize half of them are stupider than that. This story comes from Newsweek. This is kind of part of the ongoing. So like the the Roe versus Wade overturned the Dobbs decision is and we called it and we talked about it. It's really step one in what is an ongoing war and like salvo and crushing battle to destroy women in this country. It's what it is. This Newsweek article, Idaho Republicans reject amendment allowing abortion to save women's life.
Starting point is 00:34:12 So just like we saw the Texas Republican committee platform was a series of batshit crazy shit crazy agenda items by unhinged right wing nut jobs. Yeah. Unsurprisingly, the Idaho Republican platform came out and said, yeah, you know, we're going to vote on whether or not a woman's life should be saved in or, or she can have an abortion. Yeah. And they would literally rather have them both die. They, yeah, they said as much, they said, they said, just let them both die. Yeah, they said as much. They said as much. They said, just let them both die. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:47 We aren't going to allow a woman's, how little do you value women? Of course. They're incubators. Yeah. They don't give a shit. They're functionals. That's exactly it.
Starting point is 00:34:57 Yeah. Whatever function they serve, that's fine. But other than that, forget about it. And that's what's so pathetic about these laws. These laws take nothing about reality into account. Right. So the reality of, you know, when something inside a woman that's like an egg and a sperm starts to become something more than just a fucking bloody nose worth of tissue, there might be some conversation there.
Starting point is 00:35:27 Sure. They're saying it's instantaneous, it's a person. Right. So for them, anything, anything whatsoever, forget it. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Forget it. It doesn't matter whether or not a fully functioning, autonomous, living, actualized human being's life.
Starting point is 00:35:49 Yeah. Not a potential. No. Right? So what you have to weigh here, even if you follow their argument, you have to weigh the potential for a fully actualized life against the value of a fully actualized life. But the thing is that when they do that math, they're weighing a fully actualized life against the value of a fully actualized life. But the thing is that when they do that math, they're weighing a fully actualized life against the value of a woman's life.
Starting point is 00:36:10 No, you're right. And a woman's life matters. So fucking little, it's less by a lot because what they want from a woman is the functionality of her body. Yeah. That is the purpose in these fucking assholes ideas. The purpose of a woman is to incubate and provide babies to society. That is what women's function. They are functionaries. They are biological functionaries. So if they die, there's no loss, right? Because they died doing that. It's like, it's like if I, if I'm driving my car and my car breaks down while I'm driving it, it broke doing the thing it was supposed to do. It fulfilled its utility. Yeah. Women to this mindset are utilitarian and their goal is babies. That's it.
Starting point is 00:37:00 And, and this is, this is just one of the things that's happening as a ripple effect from this. Several trigger laws immediately go into effect. And then now you're going to start to see more and more and more doors close and close and close until you only have, you know, a handful of blue States that it's a, that it's open. Right. And the rest of the places are going to be so full of restrictions that you, you won't even be able to do anything, even if you can, which in many States, so probably over half, you won't be able to do at all. And that will also extend in many of these states to, uh, the health of the mother to that'll extend where they can't do anything to save the mother. They
Starting point is 00:37:52 can't do anything in the case of rape or incest. They, they will, they are going to push this to be as draconian as possible. And they're already started. Yeah. This is they, this was their goal from the jump. Yeah. Their goal from the jump. As soon as you give them, you know, that phrase, like, give them an inch, they'll take a mile. They've wanted the mile the whole time. Yeah. They had their sights on the mile. And the thing is that we've known it.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Yeah. They've told us this. For decades, man, we've known it. This isn't like some surprise attack. So for any of the people out there that are like, Oh, I didn't see this coming. Fuck you. You weren't paying attention. This is the inevitable and purposeful result of these, of the Dobbs decision, because they've said ahead of time, they've said for years in their party platforms, in their speeches with their candidates, that this is exactly what
Starting point is 00:38:44 they had always hoped to do. When I was, I was thinking about the, that 10 year old girl that was raped and impregnated by a 27 year old man in the state of Ohio and the state of Ohio denied that young lady, that girl, I don't want to say young lady, denied that child access to medical care. And I was thinking about that kid that was, that was impregn care. And I was thinking about that kid that was impregnated. And I was thinking, like, this is not an unintended consequence of that law in Ohio. No, no. And it should be really just said out loud.
Starting point is 00:39:18 This is the intended consequence. This is what they want to happen. Yes. So the idea that this was like, oh, my gosh, I can't believe this would happen. You 100% knew this was going to happen and you indifferently propose this. Yeah. You, this is your goal. This is not a side effect.
Starting point is 00:39:36 This isn't even collateral damage because to avoid this, you simply would have to carve it out. Yeah. But they intentionally did not carve this out, which means that this is what they want. I read an article about the damage and the toll that it takes for a 10-year-old body to give birth. 10-year-olds' bodies aren't done building their body yet just because they can have a period and get pregnant. Their pelvises are physically not able to open wide enough. The damage that is done to a child in the process of birthing another human being
Starting point is 00:40:12 is immense. It is an immense horror to give. So it's just, it's, we're stacking horrors on horrors. In a healthy adult, it's dangerous. Right. Yes. Right. Yeah. In a healthy adult, it's dangerous. Absolutely. So, and this is intended. Yeah. This is all intentional. And the, all this, the only thing different about the Idaho Republican committee saying, we don't give a shit if you fucking die, just have a baby and shut the fuck up. The only thing difference is they're a little more vocal. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Saying it before anything happens, nothing happened to show them the horror. It's not like, it's not like there's this big fucking push in Ohio after this to try to change the law. They were like, Oh, I didn't see that coming. It was, they weren't
Starting point is 00:40:54 fucking going to the fucking, the house and sliding down their back pole to fix everything, ringing bells and fucking blowing sirens. Nothing happened. Right. So you look at it with horror. Maybe some of these people did. And I did see some comments from people in Ohio that were like, oh my gosh, you know, most of the comments were, I didn't even think a girl that young could have their periods. They were still Jesus Christ. They're still doubting it. Right. They're still doubting it, but that's so stupid. But, but, but there was no cry. No one was like, oh my gosh, we got to change the law. And you didn't see what happened in Indiana where they were immediately talking about this.
Starting point is 00:41:30 There was no like, oh, my gosh, if that can happen there, we need to change our laws here. No, no. They're like, fucking run that special session up, man. Yeah, we need to change this shit. We need to flip it. So that girl can't come here. Yeah. So she has less options. She has to go another state over and to make matters even worse. The reaction was not, Oh my God, what a horror. We made this worse. Let's rethink our position in Indiana. The position was let's defame and potentially sue the abortion provider who provided medical care for a child that was raped. Yep. That's the position.
Starting point is 00:42:07 It's awful. That's the fucking position. And it's every awful domino. Right. I mean, every one of them is falling. And you get a chance to see it now. It's bare for everyone to see. And it's out loud in Idaho.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Yeah. Thankfully, the only good thing is nobody lives in Idaho. It's true. To me, suffrage. Haven't women suffered enough? I mean, we're already inferior to man in every way lillian suffrage is the right to vote vote would we have to do it every day if women can vote who's next horses tulips beatrice these people are absurd they can't make me vote this story i found just insane the kansas city star women in missouri cannot get a divorce while pregnant many fear what this means post-ro so to
Starting point is 00:42:55 be very clear the laws in missouri that prevent pregnant women from getting a divorce are not new so they are not a they are not a net new law, right? But it's a real fucking weird law. Like it's a real weird law. And the law is based on the idea that they have to establish custody before the divorce proceedings are finalized. And they cannot establish custody
Starting point is 00:43:20 until the baby is born. Which makes no fucking sense, by the way. Most states don't require this. I can say it makes no sense because almost no states have a similar law, right? All other states, many other states, almost every other state has figured out a way to settle this relatively simple question.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Without keeping the woman in a relationship she does not want to be in. Yeah. Without keeping the woman in a relationship she does not want to be in. Exactly. Laws like this are inherently intrinsically and explicitly designed to keep women in relationships they do not want to be in and to further abusive relationships and to demean and devalue women. That is what these laws are for. That's it, exactly. And in this particular case, they're talking to someone who years ago this happened to. And this person was in an abusive relationship
Starting point is 00:44:14 and wanted to get out of this relationship, but she was pregnant. And so they wouldn't grant her a divorce. Yep. And so she was stuck in this relationship. And her husband had threatened to her afterwards that had said it. Once you have the baby, I'm going to get you pregnant again. So you can't leave me.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah. Just keep her pregnant. Fuck. Keep her pregnant. Keep her pregnant. And then you continue to essentially legally own or maybe not own, but, but yeah, fucking own like an abusive relationship is a relationship of power and control. So like that terminology is actually is not inaccurate it's it's you know like you said there's so many different
Starting point is 00:44:50 ways that we're in this position now where you get the chance to see laid bare women as second class citizens and what's happening is we're rolling back the clock on some of these fucking old timey fucking frontier times, fucking laws that still exist that were still enforced years. I mean, this picture is from like the seventies, right? There's a photo from like the seventies.
Starting point is 00:45:16 So this isn't fucking pioneer times. This is a fucking, they didn't have to stand still for two minutes to take the photo. Right. Yeah. There's not some, there's not some fucking like weird shadow in the corner. Oh, a photograph you look crazy you gotta hold someone's hand and stare into their eyes seriously like this is one of those it's not that old right it's it's within lifetimes
Starting point is 00:45:42 that this was happening there so and they and they didn't change it then, right? And so you get a chance to see all these shitty old laws and all these people not acting. And this is exactly what they want. They don't care. And they want to show you they don't care. They want to show you they don't care. And they want to, just like these pregnant women can't
Starting point is 00:46:05 leave because the man exerts his will over them. The same thing is true with these politicians. Yeah. You know, if, if you think about it, patriarchy is a tyranny of the minority. Yeah. 50.9% of all human beings on this planet are women. And they are a somehow second-class citizen. Well, you want to know how? It's because we establish a system of controls that disenfranchise, disempower, and financially destroy women's ability to compete in the workplace and ability to act. And I know we always come back to the workplace and that's intentional. It's because money is a proxy for power. It gives you autonomy. Right. Yeah. So,
Starting point is 00:46:50 so money is a proxy for power. Money is absolutely the ability to do and to act and to control. That is what we've decided socially that money will act as a standby or proxy for. socially that money will act as a standby or proxy for. So when you disenfranchise financially women and when you reduce their opportunities and when you remove them from the workforce for long periods of time, when you deny them education, when you do all of the things that we have done for decades and hundreds of years prior to the women's suffrage movement, when you don't allow them to vote for their own rights, when you don't allow them to open their own bank accounts, when you don't allow them to vote for their own rights, when you don't allow them to open their own bank accounts, when you don't allow them to get divorced because you, they're fucking pregnant. When you, when you treat them as less than you are every single time you
Starting point is 00:47:33 are affecting their financial futures, which affects their ability to be empowered. It is like, like it or lump it in a capitalist society. It always comes back to money. It does. It does. And like this shit is egregious and it is intentional. Yeah. It is an intentional way for patriarchy to continue pushing forward
Starting point is 00:47:52 its tyranny of minorities. It's all echoes of the patriarchy. It is. Every one of these is an echo of it. Well, everybody, I'm going to the dentist to get my wisdom teeth removed.
Starting point is 00:48:05 If I don't make it out, I just want you all to know that when you use code GLORY at, you get 50% off almost any one item. And then they load on the free stuff, which includes, you know, three free gifts. One for you, one for the both or multiples of you use and them, uh, six free spicy movies and free shipping. So, you know, while I'm getting pulled, you should pull this opportunity to get some free stuff from by using code GLORY. You know, talk about fillings, because you could be filling up yourself with savings. yourself with savings.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Talk about cavities. You could put something in yours. Or all of them. You know what I mean? Each other's. Okay. So, Use code GLORY.
Starting point is 00:49:23 You're 50% off. You know what I mean? Off that one item, and there you go. And talk about dry sockets. No, that's different. You're going to be having a wet socket, which I think is good. I think dry sockets are better. So, right, code Glory. I think dry sockets are bad. So, right.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Code Glory. I'll try to as well. Okay, see you later. Yeah, I made it. I got my keys removed and now I'm going to drive a car. Is that, am I legally allowed in here? Here we go. Adam and You code Glory for 50% off something.
Starting point is 00:50:13 One item. Ooh, ice cream. I want to get ice cream now. And then you can get three gifts and then gifts and then another gift and another gift and another gift. Whoa, that's a lot of cards. And another, here we go. And then another gift.
Starting point is 00:50:33 And then, um, what else? Oh, secret finding movies and free shipping. You can call Glory. What else? Oh, she's going to buy me movies and free shipping. You've got glory. Okay, I'll get ice cream. Diner's free. Woo-hoo! Wee-woo, wee-woo! Ice cream, please. You're getting pulled over for chocolate ice cream. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I mean, because we are members of the Protestant Reformed Church which successfully challenged the autocratic power of the papacy in the mid-16th century, we can wear little rubber devices to prevent issue. What do you mean? I could, if I wanted,
Starting point is 00:51:16 have sexual intercourse with you. Oh, yes, Harry. And by wearing a rubber sheath over my old fella, I could ensure that when I came off, you would not be impregnated. That's what being a Protestant's all about. The story comes from the Hill.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Clarence Thomas' opinion sparks House Vote Thursday to protect access to contraception. This is what he's talking about, right? Yeah. And this is an intensely necessary thing to do. I saw a handful of videos of Republicans fighting against this, right? Women Republicans, shockingly enough, fighting against this need to protect women's access to
Starting point is 00:51:56 contraception. You know, contraception is important to everybody, right? But the skin in the game is not the same. No, not at all. My, if my desire to use contraception has a financial element. In other words, if I impregnate somebody, I have a financial obligation. Not all the time, but sometimes. Yeah. Yeah. It can be, if it can be proven that I'm the father, I can, then, then there is likely to be a financial obligation. And then it also has a health and safety protection for myself. Right. So, but the skin in the game is not the same. It's just not anywhere near the same. And Clarence Thomas openly said that the right to contraception, the decision that granted couples or anybody the right to use contraception is open for review. It's fucking open season on
Starting point is 00:52:46 it, man. Yeah. Yeah, it is. And he, he opened this door when he talked about it. In fact, they're looking to overturn the way he talked about it. He would love to overturn the, this was technically one of the one, one of the decisions that happened, the contraception decision happened before Roe. And it's one of the pillars that Roe stood on. And so removing Roe, you made it feel like this particular thing, especially like it was hinged on this and now this one's vulnerable as well.
Starting point is 00:53:17 This decision is vulnerable as well. And he said as much that we should go after this and he wants to go after Obergefell, too. He wants to go after gay marriage. You know, they tried to pass. They passed the bill. And there was another one, too, or maybe it was part of this one that happened to be, yeah, it was marriage equality. Because the marriage equality bill specifically talked about, you know, all marriage equality.
Starting point is 00:53:40 Not just, you know, same-sex marriage, but also marriage equality between races, too. Well, because, because there's, there are three decisions and I'm going to forget one of them. One of them was Lawrence. One of them was Oberfeld and one of them was the other one. I can't remember off the top of my head, but you know, they, they, they all rest on the 14th amendment. They all rest on the same principle of that. Hey, the 14th amendment gives people liberties that the federal government cannot step in and strip you of or become involved in. And by, by saying that, like, Hey, row doesn't fall there. Then Lawrence and Oberfeld and the other one, I can't remember. Yeah. They all fall like dominoes. And you know, it's funny because Kavanaugh in Dobbs
Starting point is 00:54:21 took some pains to point out that this was, I promise this is just for Roe. And then fairly immediately, Thomas was like, nah, nah. And so the rest of us are like, okay, well, like, I don't know, like I'd like to buy condoms. Am I going to be able to buy a fucking condom? Who knows how far, you know, I don't know how far right every one of these guys is, right? Or gals. I don't know how far right. You have six justices, you know, Alito pens this thing that is pretty much, you know, like, like pretty fucking hardcore, right. And all these other, all these other guys, you know, Trump wouldn't have picked him if they weren't fucking hard, hard, right. Trump wouldn't have picked him if they weren't hardcore. So, you know, you got three Trump appointees on that court. And then you have Clarence Thomas, who is as far fucking right as you can get.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Yep. He hates the left. Hates the left. He's a crazy person. He's a nutcase. He's an absolute crazy person. Married to a crazy psychopath. Yes.
Starting point is 00:55:20 Yeah. And so he's an absolute. So Roberts was the only somewhat once in a great while, if the wind blew that way, moderate. Right. And so the rest of them are all, I mean, there's five of them on that court right now. They don't need anybody. Yeah, man. They don't need it. They, if something like this rolls up to them, they don't need anybody else. So gay marriage, I look at that side and I think, I don't think it's got it. I don't think that will stand at all. Contraception. Maybe, maybe, maybe interracial marriage.
Starting point is 00:55:49 Maybe, maybe. I think interracial marriage will pass because Clarence Thomas is a fucking hypocrite. Yeah. And he's in an interracial marriage. Yeah. You're probably right. That's the thing. These guys, like all of these fuckers are hypocrites.
Starting point is 00:56:00 Yeah, you're right. And they don't care. All of those anti-abortion people, they're all fucking hypocrites. You're right. They're all hypocrites. Yeah, you're right. And they don't care. All of those anti-abortion people, they're all fucking hypocrites. You're right. They're all hypocrites. None of you are fucking because like when the chips are fucking down, you want the option. Yeah. If your life is, if you are going to die or have that
Starting point is 00:56:16 baby, if you were fucking raped, if you're fucking, if it's your kid, you fuck you. You tell me you don't believe it. Fuck your principles. All of you are liars it's because it's uh i'm about it gonna do it yeah right like they're all a hundred percent like oh yeah if my life was in danger i would save the baby but then the moment the doctor is gonna be like your life's in danger like fucking get it out yep they're like suddenly they're like fucking
Starting point is 00:56:41 sigourney weaver and fucking fucking get They're like, fucking get it out. Because the moment it becomes real, you can talk about shit all you want. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I talk about it. I talked about it. But guess what? When it becomes real, shit changes. Your mind changes.
Starting point is 00:56:58 Oh, fuck. You could sit there all day and talk about how tough you are, how strong you're going to be in the face of that. But man, you, it comes down to like you staring down the fucking candle of your life. Yeah, man. A lot of pussy ass, tough guys. Hell you want, man. And a lot of liars out there. There are a lot of liars out there who will say, Oh yeah, I would never do that. You know, like marching and, you know, want to take women's choice away. Cause they're not in that situation, but the moment they are, they fly to another fucking state. I know I said this before, but like my, my perfect example of somebody that I literally know said this to me out loud.
Starting point is 00:57:35 There's a guy that I fucking work with that like when he and his, his wife were young and they were of procreating age, they were pro-choice. And now that they are past the age where that is a danger, all of a sudden they're pro-life. And it's like, and I called him, I was like, dude, that's just because like, it doesn't affect you personally anymore. He's like, yeah, probably. And I was like, what, how, how do we out loud say these things? There's no principle behind it. What you really mean is I always want to strip rights from other people. What I've always wanted was to take from you and to maintain for me. That's all I care about. That's all I care about. I want the marriage I want. I want to be able to start a family or not start a family when I want. I want, I want,
Starting point is 00:58:24 I want to be able to start a family or not start a family when I want, I want, I want, I want me, me, me, me, me. But when it comes to you, if there's an opportunity for you to be less specifically, if you can be demographically less than me, then I want that too. Yeah. Because that gives me more. Any, anything that gets you more. And then, and that's been the, that's been the Republican MO forever. That's what conservatism really means. What can
Starting point is 00:58:45 get me more? How can I get more? How can I take stuff from you? Whether that's rights or money or whatever, I'm going to do it. And I'm going to be, I'm going to do what I can. And that's exactly true because that happens to so many people that happens to someone. Once they get out of the danger zone, they're like, oh yeah, my principles. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't buy it for a second. All these fuckers ask their fucking mistresses to go get a goddamn abortion, man.
Starting point is 00:59:15 What I want to see is all these mistresses that had to get abortions for all these fucking powerful right-wing motherfuckers. Come out. Fucking hashtag that shit. You shout like that, they put you in jail. Right away. No trial, no nothing.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Journalists, we have a special jail for journalists. You're stealing, right to jail. You're playing music too loud, right to jail. Right away. You're driving too fast, jail. Slow, jail. You're charging too high prices for sweaters, glasses. You ride to jail. You undercook fish, believe it or not, jail. You overcook chicken, also jail. Undercook, overcook. You make an appointment with a dentist and you don't show up, believe it or not, jail, right away. We have the best patients in the world because of jail. because of jail.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Oh, Cecil, I love this. Yeah. I love this. This comes from NBC News. Prosecution rests its case in Steve Bannon trial after calling two witnesses. Even better, Bannon's defense called
Starting point is 01:00:14 no witnesses. It's over. Yeah. The whole trial, this is a slow motion guilty plea. Yeah. That's all this is. That's really what it is.
Starting point is 01:00:23 What is this? I don't know. And, and the, they basically said that they said that when they, when they went to prosecute the case, the lawyer was like, we really didn't even know how to do this. Cause this has really never been done before because people just show up to subpoena. They just normally just go. So we really didn't even know how to argue it. Kind of, we kind of were at a loss because you basically just be like, he didn't do it. The end. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:49 He was supposed to show up. Did he show up? No. Okay. Why is there a trial? Right. And it's so funny because like the, the defense had to provide, and I may be, I may be mischaracterizing some of the legal specifics.
Starting point is 01:01:02 So forgive me. Listen to something like opening arguments if you want details, but the defense had to provide to the judge, they had to provide like what their defenses would be based on in order to decide if those defenses were allowed to be used. Right. And they provided four defenses, each of which was shot down. The judge was like, that's not a, that's not a legally acceptable defense tactic. And the defense attorney was like, well, what is the point of going to trial if you're going to shoot down all of these defenses? And the judge was like, you should really think about that before you go to trial. Literally said.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Perhaps you should think about what they taught you in law school. Right. And then Bannon publicly said, like, if we go to trial, we're going to go medieval on them. And instead they called no witnesses. Because they can't. There's no argument to be had. What are you going to say? Like, I'm sorry I was in Hanalei.
Starting point is 01:01:54 What the fuck are you possibly going to say to him? I go to jail. Yeah, go to fucking jail. Wear the fucking orange, you motherfucker. Every single one of these fuckers that has been, since the beginning, literally since the beginning of the Trump presidency, these people have been treating it like it's a monarchy
Starting point is 01:02:13 and they didn't have to do a fucking thing. And it fucking, that went from Trump all the way down to every other motherfucker that was on, that was working for him, that was part of his administration, that was ancillary to his administration, that was one time his lawyer 10 years ago. Every single one of them was like, no, man, fuck off. I'm going to do what I want.
Starting point is 01:02:33 I do what I want. I do what I want. Yep. Not a single, like, like very few of them. I'm not going to say not a single one because there's been a few. Cohen and a couple others have had something happen to them. Right. But very few have had something.
Starting point is 01:02:46 Very few have had any consequences. They've literally been able to be like, I'm going to show you my dick and then I'm not going to get in trouble. I'm going to slap you. I'm going to show you my dick and then I'm going to show it to you closer. And then I'm going to show it to you closer. And then I'm going to make you smell it. And you're not going to be able to do anything.
Starting point is 01:03:05 And they literally got away with it for fucking four years, man. And then finally, like one time, Bannon's like, nah, man, he still thought he had it. I know. He still thought. He's like, nah, man. Evidently it worked before. It doesn't work now. Nah, man.
Starting point is 01:03:18 They need to fucking start taking every single one of these people down. All of them. I cannot wait to see this fucking disheveled piece of Play-Doh looking ass pockmarked shit show up in fucking prison. I just want to see. Show up in prison, you piece of fucking human garbage. I just want to read his Wikipedia that says died in prison. Oh. That's what I want to read.
Starting point is 01:03:37 He's not going to get sentenced for very long if he does at all. No, he won't. He'll probably just get a slap on the wrist or whatever. But he looks like a sack of garbage covered in fucking stubble skin. Yeah. He looks like a ball sack with a face drawn on it. I fucking hate Steve Bannon. I hate Steve Bannon, too.
Starting point is 01:03:52 I hate him. Steve Bannon is the cancer of everything that happened with Trump. And he orchestrated so much. In fact, tonight we were watching the January 6th hearing. And my God, there's a part at the end of this hearing where he essentially says everything that Trump's going to do. Trump's going to deny that he lost. He's going to declare victory. He's going to declare victory. He says it out loud before it even happens. And it's, it's on recording. He was, he orchestrated this
Starting point is 01:04:20 whole fucking thing and he did it from the very beginning. Bannon, Bannon was, Bannon's the evil mastermind behind the curtain and he has been for a long time. For a long time. I just want to see bad things happen to him for the rest of his life.
Starting point is 01:04:31 I only want bad things to happen to him. I want him to be fucking like live in liminy snicket land. I want him to have like Just a series of unfortunate events. He's already an unfortunate event.
Starting point is 01:04:41 But I want to see the worst unfortunate events happen to steve bannon for the rest of his life i want him to get a hangnail every day every single day and it rips and then it tears part of like all the way down to his first knuckle all the way down to his first knuckle every day and don't get me wrong his skin looks like it would do that anyway yes but like i want that to happen to him constantly i I want him to stub his toe. I want him to step in dog shit.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I want him to just, I want all the worst shit to happen. And then I also want him to go to prison too. I always wanted to burn the roof of his mouth. I wanted to go to prison. Yeah. Always burn the roof of your mouth.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Every meal, every meal should taste like ashes and dust. Yes. You giant ingrown hair of a man. Some eat out of garbage cans. Others cover your ears, son. And whom? I mean that literally.
Starting point is 01:05:30 I mean it right now. Others are multisexual. It seems they can be both masculine, feminine, simultaneously. Yes. I don't believe it. He tried to sell me his feminine, simultaneously. Yes. I don't believe it. Believe it.
Starting point is 01:05:45 He tried to sell me his body, Helen. The awful lawn furniture is a come on. This story comes from Salon. I found it in several places, though. And I always say that because I don't trust Salon. I don't like Salon. I don't. I try almost, I try to never use them.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Trump pressured top Wisconsin Republican to decertify 2020 results. Then last week he did this. It's 2022, man. Wait, I feel like it's fucking midway through Robin Williams with the big beer. Why? Yeah. What the fuck dude? Holy groundhog day. Okay. Does this guy have a DeLorean who's trying to decertify the results? Is there a dock with a 1.21 gigawatts somewhere? How are you going to do it, man? I have no idea what is happening. I read this. Cecil, I'm not even kidding.
Starting point is 01:06:38 I read this and I was like, no. And then I found this a couple other places and I was like, yeah, for real, this is a real, but then I was like, is this actually the, here's the only way that this can make sense to me. I really, I thought about this. The only way this makes sense to me, Cecil, is if he's trying to show people that he's actually fucking crazy. Yeah. Like if he's trying to get, if he sees the January 6th commission coming for him, right. Maybe, maybe. And he's trying to be like, I'm crazy. I don't even know if the election's real or not. Be certified 2022.
Starting point is 01:07:11 Like to the point where it's like, we can't fucking prosecute grandpa. Yeah. He's fucking crazy. Maybe delusional. Maybe he doesn't know. He doesn't seem that smart. He never seems that.
Starting point is 01:07:23 It's the only gambit that makes, what did he really think that they like halfway through another president's term, they're going to be like, Oh, I guess we'll whoopsie doodles it. He, he, all he wants to do is make it look to all his followers that he's doing this.
Starting point is 01:07:38 So it looks like he's still fighting. So when he does finally go, I never stopped fighting for you. I try to take Wisconsin back. Exactly. So what's going to happen is he's using it for a narrative so that he can always say, I fought against this the whole time. You guys, they stole the election from me, but I'm going to, I'm going to come back and I'm going to win it for real this next time. That's the only, that's the only play I can see. You know, you're probably right. Because weirdly, my let's pretend to be crazy to try to
Starting point is 01:08:06 get out of trouble is way too smart. And that's crazy. It's not even a good idea. It's not a good idea. But the idea that there's even a gambit is actually not even a good idea. But you're right. But you're right. It's so much smarter on a level that's like fucking like a hundred D chess over it's it's it's a dimension upon a dimension upon a chess over. Like it's, it's, it's, it's a dimension upon a dimension upon a dimension over Trump. It's unbelievable. But his,
Starting point is 01:08:30 his call to the guy and this guy is a hardcore Trump support. Oh, I know this guy's, he said if he could, he would essentially write what he said. He's like, that's not, but I can't,
Starting point is 01:08:40 I just can't do it. Can't even do it. But like Trump is calling him to decertify. And it's like, I don't even really remember Wisconsin being all that contentious. Do you? Yeah. Wisconsin was somewhat contentious, but this is like, it wasn't as much as Pennsylvania. It wasn't as or Arizona.
Starting point is 01:08:58 The three that I remember were Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. I don't worry. I remember Michigan for a little bit, but it was just a day or two after. And then there was just so many votes that he just didn't have, you know, the 11,780, that's a, that's a gap he might be able to cover. If we give him Wisconsin, he still loses. Yeah. Right. So I think your point is the point, right? He just wants to be seen as funny. I mean, one, he can't do it anyway, but two, it doesn't do anything. This is like buying a freezer full of steaks and trying to build a cow.
Starting point is 01:09:31 You wind up with Steve Bannon. Bannon's a freezer full of rotting steaks. If you get a freezer full of rotting steaks and throw a bag of barber hair on it, you got Steve Bannon. Steve Bannon. That's like, you come out, you walk out, you throw the fucking wig in there, and then you shut it and you're like, it's alive! It's alive! Actually, that would still be more fuckable than Steve Bannon. Actually, someone walks up and touches like, no, he's not.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Oh, no, no. He's just a actually we think it's just a bunch of insects under his skin. We're not quite sure how he he's all just like this size virus. So that's going to wrap it up for this week we're not gonna read email or mention our patrons tonight we had a really long night we had to watch we watched uh two hours and 40 minutes of the the hearing tonight so you can go check that out on youtube the whole hearings there yeah right there we watched the whole thing. Stop. There was one technical error. It was Ian's fault. Ian fixed it. And then we, we, we wound up watching the rest of it, but it was, you know, I mean, over two hours of us, uh, just we're talking a little bit, but we watched most of it. It's a fucking page turner. Go check it out. It is good. Good. I mean, like this last one was fucking money. The lot of the ones up until this,
Starting point is 01:11:04 not really. I mean, some of them were good ones. like this last one was fucking money. A lot of the ones up until this not really. I mean, some of them were good ones. This one was fucking money. So check it out. It's on our channel. You can go check it out. But we're going to bounce today. We're not going to do email. We're not going to do. We are not going to do the patrons this week. We promise we'll do them next
Starting point is 01:11:19 week. But we are going to leave you like we always do with the Skeptic's Creed. credulity is not a virtue it's fortune cookie cutter mommy issue hypno babylon bullshit couched in scientician double bubble toil and trouble pseudo quasi alternative acupunctuating pressurized stereogram pyramidal free energy healing water downward spiral downward spiral, brain dead, pan Sales pitch, late night info docutainment Leo, Pisces, cancer cures
Starting point is 01:11:51 Detox, reflex, foot massage Death in towers, tarot cards Psychic healing, crystal balls Bigfoot, Yeti, aliens Churches, mosques and synagogues Temples, dragons, giant worms Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy,
Starting point is 01:12:12 doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody. Evidential. Conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes
Starting point is 01:12:42 only. All opinions are solely that of Gloryhole Studios LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis, no refunds. Produced in association with the local dairy council and viewers like you.

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