Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 670: Theological Zoning

Episode Date: February 13, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Cognitive Dissonance is brought to you by our patrons. You fucking rock. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. recording live from glory hole studios in chicago and beyond this This is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical, it's political, and there is no welcome mat. This is episode 669. is no welcome at this is episode 669. Uh, no, but Hey everybody. Long time. Uh, no time. Uh, so it's not six 69. It is a six 70, as you know, actually in, can you put some background music that the other file wasn't loading? Maybe some girl from Ipanema. There we go. Very nice. Uh,
Starting point is 00:01:22 six 70. Yeah. So we've doubled up the episodes, you know, so you'll see me more often because this will probably happen more often, given that, you know, there are over 600 episodes and it's a lot of counting, although it is like counting one more time. But so you think that wouldn't be that difficult. Anyway, this episode is 670. So enjoy. And if you want to hear extra episodes, they'll be in your feed, but also some of them are just for patrons only. So please become a patron at slash dissonance pod. Thank you very much. We'll keep the light on for you or something like that.
Starting point is 00:02:05 pod. Thank you very much. We'll keep the light on for you or something like that. Okay. Bye. Of cognitive dissonance. And Cecil. Yes. There's a little bit of an announcement to make. Kind of a little bit of an announcement. Yeah, for sure. This week was a crazy week in our little tiny section of the podcast world. There's plenty of places you can learn about all of the things that happen. I will put a link in the show notes to a document that sort of lists everything that happened in the last week, a bunch of statements from different people.
Starting point is 00:02:34 But essentially what happened was last week, right before, like the day before we recorded, Religion News Service released an article that said Andrew Torres of the Opening Arguments podcast was stepping down from the Atheist Board of Directors for American Atheism. And then it just turned out that a bunch of other things sort of dropped all at the same time. People were releasing text messages and Andrew initially stepped away from Opening Arguments.
Starting point is 00:03:03 And then there was a huge kerfuffle that happened after that. Again, we're not here to rehash what happened in the last week. There was a ton of stuff that happened, but you can go check all that stuff out. There's plenty of different places. You can see all the different things that happened in the last week.
Starting point is 00:03:16 But the most important thing to come out of this is that there is a new network that is being formed called the Creator Accountability Network. That's We were asked to help spread the word about this. No illusions in his diatribe today that he released. Now, they're recording this on Thursday.
Starting point is 00:03:35 He released it. He talked about it at length. But really what this is, is it's an independent, it's going to be an independent sort of body and also a group of people that are sort of connected to the community that are survivors and that were victims and they are going to be sort of working together to try to make sure that
Starting point is 00:03:54 whenever there's a problem in the community in the future that that problem goes to people who are competent enough to handle it Alright so before we get into this I just want to read a statement from some of the folks that are working on building this Crater Accountability Network. Recent events have highlighted an unfortunate but vital need in the secular community. To address these ethical concerns, a coalition of community leaders, philanthropists,
Starting point is 00:04:20 volunteers, and advocates are starting the Crater Accountability Network. We envision this to be a tool that helps our community establish a code of ethics and create a system for reporting allegations of misconduct. And then there's information on how to reach out to the Creator Accountability Network in the post. Yeah, and that's really the key, right, is that I want to raise my hand and let the audience know, and I mean this with great sincerity, I am incompetent. When it comes to handling allegations of sexual misconduct, I'm not your guy. And that's not because I don't care and I'm not empathetic. I do care and I have great empathy, but I do not have training or resources. And I am not competent to be the person to adjudicate or assist. We can offer financial assistance.
Starting point is 00:05:09 That's what Cecil and I did immediately when we were approached by Aaron Rabinowitz. Because that's the only thing we know how to do. We do not have the tools, the training, the resources. When Aaron spoke to us initially about the allegations of misconduct by Andrew Torres, Cecil and I were just like, well, we don't know what we're supposed to do. We want to do the right thing. We desperately want to do the right thing. But it is not in our toolbox to know precisely what that right thing is. And in a situation like this, precision and accuracy and getting it right, it's just paramount.
Starting point is 00:05:46 It can't be fucked up. You can't hand it to a couple of guys who are on a microphone and that's what they're good at, right? That's what we're good at. So the Creator Accountability Network is a way for the community at large to give you as listeners and as a community a place to go that isn't just two schmucks with microphones, right? That's not the right place to go. Not again, because we don't care. We care deeply. That's why we help to fund the Creator Accountability Network, because we do care. But we also recognize we have a lack of expertise, a lack of tools, a lack of resources, and frankly, a lack of competence in handling situations that are as complex as these allegations, these situations, and the dynamics
Starting point is 00:06:31 that surround them. So the Creator Accountability Network, I think that website is up and running. It's in its infancy. So there's a lot of work that still has to be done in order to get it really up and running and functional. But it's a thousand percent the right thing to do. It really is. It is the right thing to do because the community needs a place and it's an informal community. And so we don't have formal structures within an informal community, but we're big enough now where it's clear and painful to all of us that we need this. And I'm glad and grateful for the work that went into creating this. Yeah. And at this point right now, it's really just a Google form to get more information or to help. So that's really all there is now. But talking to the people
Starting point is 00:07:17 who are involved in this, it's going to grow. Right now, they're just in the seed money and volunteer phase, right? So that's the sort of place that they're at. But you can certainly sign up for more information there and learn more about it, see if you want to help. We, of course, are 100% behind this. And just like Noah said in his diatribe, we are not involved in it in that sense. No, no.
Starting point is 00:07:40 No creators are, right? And the reason why is because there's conflict of interest. There's massive conflict of interest. And we shouldn't be the ones who are trying to figure things out when there's a massive conflict of interest. When, when, when we would like, when, when Tom said, when we were approached by Aaron Rabinowitz, we all three of us at that zoom call just stared at each other, wondering what we were going to do. And we, you know, we, we eventually, you know, helped Aaron sort of brainstorm and come up with some ideas. But Aaron Rabinowitz is the one who really championed this along with all the other people
Starting point is 00:08:09 who he was in contact with. And again, we didn't know who he was in contact with because he never shared that information. No, he didn't divulge details. He didn't divulge anything to us except for that there were allegations. And we said, okay, well, we're here to help. So, you know, like, like I know that a lot of people were, were sort of talking this week, especially about how the speed at which it took a long, like the length of time in which it took for certain things to happen. But really, genuinely, it's because nobody knew what to do. none of us should shoulder that alone. You know what I mean? Yeah. This should be handed off to competent professionals that know how to do this and are trained and have the tools and resources.
Starting point is 00:08:51 And so what a great thing for our community and creators will not be a part of that accountability network. Yeah, yeah. And so far, one of the things that I've seen is that several people who happen to be moderators on the communities that exist on Facebook are part of this. And I really do love that
Starting point is 00:09:08 because they make our communities safe in those spaces already. And they know how to do this work. They've done some of this work already of making those spaces as safe as possible. And they do it day in and day out without much input from the creators themselves. They are the ones who handle the
Starting point is 00:09:26 obscene and the bad people and the people who come in specifically trying to start fights. So they're doing all this work already. And so I'm happy to see that they are the ones who are saying, we can start to shoulder some of this volunteer work. So very happy to see that. So Cecil, this first story comes from She's not intellectually capable. Knives out in Trump world over Sanders' terrible State of the Union address response. This is Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Starting point is 00:09:59 The governor. The governor. I don't. Of Arkansas. Why are you saying? I know it's true, but I don't like when you say it. I don't like that there's a track record of those people being president.
Starting point is 00:10:14 Prominent supporters of former President Donald Trump on Wednesday criticized Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders' response to President Joe Biden's State of the Union address. Sanders, who served as Trump's White House press secretary,
Starting point is 00:10:25 delivered a rebuttal to the president's speech that largely focused on Republican culture war issues and accused Biden of surrendering his presidency to a, quote, woke mob that can't even tell you what a woman is, end quote. Quote, most Americans simply want to live their lives in freedom and peace with bald eagles.
Starting point is 00:10:42 No, in freedom and peace. I wish you would have said bald eagles, Tom. Everything. As soon as somebody says freedom. With guns and pickups and bald eagles and mutton and swimming in the swimming hole. Oh, God. As soon as somebody uses the word freedom as something. Well, you got to have your freedom.
Starting point is 00:11:00 Just like. It's all I hear in my head. All I hear is a chorus. Is that freedom? The bald eagles? Of fucking bald eagles. It's freedom. Just like, it's all I hear in my head. All I hear is a chorus of fucking bald eagles. It's freedom. The bald eagle. Here he comes. Isn't every bald eagle named freedom? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:12 It's like, isn't it? Like if you have a bald eagle, you get to name it either freedom or Liberty. Those are your only two choices. Liberty. Yeah. I guess those,
Starting point is 00:11:21 yeah, that would be it. That would be all. That's it. That's all you get to. That's all you get to name that stupid fucking bird. It's a bird. Everybody just wants to suck the dick of bald eagles.
Starting point is 00:11:30 It's a goddamn bird. It's a terrifying, betalened bird. It is terrifying. When I was in Canada with my dad fishing many years ago, we saw bald eagles every day swooping down and grabbing fish out of the water. And it was like pretty cool the first couple of times you see it. And then you see one like come right near the boat. And you realize how goddamn big that thing is.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And you're like, I don't want any freedom. I don't want any freedom. It's all hollow boned. It's fine. No, you'll be fine. Terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. I don't trust birds.
Starting point is 00:12:07 Yeah. Most Americans simply want to live their lives and freedom and peace, but we are under attack and a left wing culture war. We didn't start and never wanted to fight. Fuck you. Every day. We are told that we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags as opposed to your flag.
Starting point is 00:12:24 What are you talking about? What flag? What flags are they? Like you guys are the ones like you guys have the fucking that weird don't tread on me flag. You got a Trump flag. You got a fucking Confederate flag. You got the American flag. You have the fucking old timey
Starting point is 00:12:39 American flag with the fucking 13 stars on it. You got the Blue Lives Matter flag. You got so many fucking flags man. You're like a semaphore over there. You got the Blue Lives Matter flag. You got Blue Lives Matter. You got so many fucking flags, man. You're like a semaphore over there. You're trying to land a plane. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. All right, I am flagging that comment as bullshit. All right.
Starting point is 00:12:57 All right. And worship their false idols, all while big government colludes with big tech to strip away the most American thing there is, your freedom of speech. That's not normal. It's crazy and it's wrong, Sanders said later, adding that the, quote, dividing line in America is no longer between right and left.
Starting point is 00:13:17 It's between normal and crazy. That last line, I'm on board. You know what I mean? Like the very last phrasing of that. Like, I do think we're in a place where we are required to choose between the normal and crazy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Right. Yeah. Right. A thousand percent. Right. I think we're just in disagreement on category. On who's who. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Right. Yeah. I think we're just, we have differing ideas on who's who. Yeah. Right. Yeah. I think we're just, we have differing ideas on who's in what bucket. My favorite part of this, Tom, is that they say after that, so that's what they say, that's what she does,
Starting point is 00:13:54 and then it's like, then they're saying on Steve Bannon's war room, they had a guy on who's like, it was an insult to President Trump. She does not exist politically if it was not for President Trump. That's what Bannon said on his war. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:09 And then he says, and I don't, I don't like they're criticizing for not saying Trump's name. That's what they're saying. They're literally criticizing her for discussing ideas that she didn't brand as like a Trump brand idea. Like, and what idea did she discuss? Nothing. She said nothing.
Starting point is 00:14:29 She said like, pick them up trucks. That's all she said. She said nothing. Pick them up trucks and they have flags. Like I wouldn't brand anything Trump anyway. It's just going to go bankrupt. Like why would you do that? And then Steve Bannon says,
Starting point is 00:14:42 he called the speech terrible. And he said, if you're going to give a counter speech, you got to talk about important issues. Don't get me wrong. The woke ism is very important. That's literally all we talk about. That's it. What are what literally what are the Republican issues? What are Republican values other than a pushback against leftist values?
Starting point is 00:15:02 Sure. I don't I don't even know what they are. They're literally anti things. They're anti labor i don't even know what they are they're literally anti-things they're anti-labor right that's what they are yeah it's it's it's nothing you're the republican values are i don't want you to do that that is the republic stop with the progress already why isn't it the past yeah trademark republicanism like are you serious and then he says it's not quite the heart of the And then he says, it's not quite at the heart of the matter right now, is it? It's not the heart of the matter. She's not.
Starting point is 00:15:28 And the reason is she's just not, she's not intellectually capable of going to the heart of the matter, right? Let's be blunt. Oof. Dobbs said that the speech was a great insult to Trump, complaining that Sarah Huckabee Sanders did not even mention his name when she discussed going on a Christmas visit to Iraq with the former president and the first lady. Like if these guys, these guys are holding the fucking hair of everybody to make sure they suck dick in exactly the right way. They are, they will not.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Yeah, they make sure that everybody recognizes that they kiss the right ring you better kiss the ring every single time and if you don't you should be thrown out like
Starting point is 00:16:12 like here's the thing with Sarah Huckabee Sanders though she's already made it she's already passed she's the goddamn governor she doesn't fucking need you anymore
Starting point is 00:16:20 right so all that bullshit about you making her be holding to you doesn't mean anything to her anymore. She's literally used you to get what she wants and that's in Arkansas.
Starting point is 00:16:31 I don't know who wants stuff in Arkansas but she does. There's nothing to want in Arkansas. She doesn't need you anymore. She fucking used you. That's the thing. That's why you're mad. She fucking used you and she's not and now she's not you're mad. She fucking used you and she's not, and now she's not paying into the kitty or whatever,
Starting point is 00:16:48 kicking in the vig or whatever it is, you know? Now she's not paying her protection money. Yeah. And that's the real key. That's exactly right. It's like, ah, it's a nice governorship you got here. It'd be a shame if something happened to it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:16:59 And then she's like, fuck you. You can't do anything to it because you're a nobody. Because you're nothing. Yeah. What they're worried about i think and rightfully so is that trump is in real trouble for a 2024 presidential yeah i think so yeah and they want to make sure that any attention that has any chance of being positive republican style attention is constantly focused on trump we always right because that's that was
Starting point is 00:17:24 the four years of Trump, right? And really the five years, if you count his political campaign, right? It was every single thing that the Republicans did revolved around him in this like really, like cultural iconic kind of bizarre cult of personality bullshit way. Yeah, everything referred back to Trump.
Starting point is 00:17:44 You know, like we're gonna get jobs. Like Trump said. Everything referred back to Trump. You know, like we're going to get jobs, like Trump said. Everything came back to Trump. Didn't matter if you were the fucking Republican dog catcher or General Assembly or Congress or Senate. Everything had to revolve around how much you love the taste of Trump's dick in your mouth. Yeah, for sure. That's it.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Nothing else fucking mattered. And now the right, for the most part, is reluctant to align themselves with the radioactive nonsense that is Trump and Trumpism. And the guys who are still cheerleading for that fucking orange piece of shit are upset that people, everybody else has stopped
Starting point is 00:18:21 carrying his fucking banner. Yep. And it's like, yeah, man, nobody wants to carry the banner of a fucking narcissistic loser racist. And the only thing in that sentence that they really find disagreeable is loser.
Starting point is 00:18:36 They didn't find narcissism disagreeable. They didn't care about anything. They didn't find racism disagreeable. They didn't find misogyny disagreeable. All they find disagreeable is the loser element. Yeah, they didn't find treogyny disagreeable. All they find disagreeable is the loser element. Yeah. They didn't find treasonous disagreeable either. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Look, we throw a lot of fancy words in front of these kids in order to attract them to going to school in the belief that they're going to have a better life. And we all know that all we're doing is
Starting point is 00:19:00 breeding a whole new generation of buyers and sellers, buyers and sellers, pimps and whores, pimps and whores, and indoctrinating them into a lifelong hell of debt and indecision. Cecil, I love this article. This comes from LGBTQ plus state senator proposes ban on religious indoctrination of kids. I love it so much, Tom. This is perfect. This is so good. It's never going to be added as an amendment or whatever, but it's still great. No, this is one of those things
Starting point is 00:19:30 that will never go anywhere, but is still necessary, right? This feels, in many ways, this feels like a lot of the advocacy that the Satanic Temple promotes. Right, yes, exactly. Which is like, oh, okay, we're going to pass that law that says
Starting point is 00:19:43 you can put up a manger or whatever in the middle of City Hall. That's great. We're going to put a baphomet. It's a bad example because that's a minor example. But the point is if we're going to have laws that favor religion, then they're going to favor absurd religion. And then the absurd religion can have any tenets or doctrines it would like. Sure, sure. And so this story is very similar. It says, you know, all right, well, you know, if you guys want to ban, you know, drag shows, then because it's indoctrinating kids,
Starting point is 00:20:16 then let's go ahead and ban religion because it's indoctrinating kids. Yeah, yeah. This comes from a bisexual state senator in Nebraska, and the measure would prohibit children from enrolling in Bible studies, attending church camps, or participating in other forms of religious indoctrination. And I love, there's a part of it that is just great. There is a well-documented history of indoctrination and sexual abuse perpetrated by religious leaders
Starting point is 00:20:41 and clergy people upon children. Abusers within churches and other religious institutions often use events like church or other youth group-sponsored camps and retreats to earn children's trust and gain unsupervised access to such children in order to commute such abuse. That is like what they say about the drag shows, but true. Yeah. You know, like that's the thing that's different, right? Is that on the right, they're like, oh my God, like we can't have
Starting point is 00:21:11 people around gay people or like drag Queens or, you know, trans people or whatever. If we've, if people, if kids are around those people, you know, that's going to turn my little Johnny gay or whatever, fucking not over there. Oh, they're going to groom the kids. And it's like, okay, well, I mean, that's the entire all your churches. Yeah. That's the entire, literally name any church. Any major religious organization has enormous sexual child abuse scandal shit attached to it. All of them.
Starting point is 00:21:41 No exceptions. For sure. The Baptists have it. And the fucking Catholics have it. And the Mormons have it. And Jehovah Witnesses have it. And they all have it. They all have it. All of them. No exceptions. For sure. The Baptists have it and the fucking Catholics have it and the Mormons have it and Jehovah Witnesses have it and they all have it. They all have it. And it's all super well-documented, not just like fear-mongering, satanic panic nonsense. Right. And that's what this is, that satanic panic bullshit. And I know there's gonna be other stories that we cover maybe today that are going to be very satanic panicky, but this is one of those that sort of leads into that. And they've been using that same language, that groomer language. And
Starting point is 00:22:08 what they're really trying to do is they're trying to demonize the fact that some people are just different than them and they don't want, what they don't want is they don't want their kid. They're saying they don't want their kids around them. One, it's not like these people are like traveling to where your kid is, right? Like that's not what's happening. No, you got to pack you up. There's a place where somebody's at and then you got to go to them. But it's like, that's neither here nor there.
Starting point is 00:22:30 The other thing too is the way the law is written and the way they're trying to write it. I wonder if it would be difficult to go to some place. I don't know if you, when you were a kid, like Peter Pan in my school, when I like we're doing it in high school or whatever, it was a girl. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:22:48 Like very often there would be a girl or whatever who would be playing some parts of what would have to be a young boy. You know what I mean? Like they would put a girl in those roles. That's very common. That's common in Shakespearean plays too. So you wind up with like someone in the opposite dress.
Starting point is 00:23:07 Can you even have that play if that's the case? Because these guys are so worried about this that they won't even let like what commonly happens in theater even happen. Yeah, and it is of course absurd beyond reckoning, right? Because like to your point is exactly right. Like it used to be that like Shakespeare,
Starting point is 00:23:27 like, and it's still the case in like a traditional Shakespearean play, then that play would not be able to be performed in Nebraska. And like, what does it mean for someone to wear the opposite gender's clothes?
Starting point is 00:23:42 Is our pants opposite gender? I know, I know. Who lays claim to fucking pants, right? And I want to know, because who lays claim to pants? Who lays claim to shirts? Is it if it's cut a certain way? If it's like, if I wear a V-neck shirt,
Starting point is 00:23:59 is the depth of the V on the V-neck, oh, well, you know, like the law kicks in. Sorry, that's a femme shirt. You're not allowed to wear that. Yeah. Who's going to make that determination? Who's going to stand in front of a fucking judge and say, all right, well, I mean, we've all,
Starting point is 00:24:14 everybody break out your, what are men's clothes and what are women's clothes? But, oh, there's no, there's no actually agreed upon context for what men get to wear and what women get to wear fuck you like let people wear whatever the fuck they want to wear who gives a shit how fragile are you that seeing somebody with like a clothes on that makes you fucking get the weird feels makes you want to immediately get like fucking legislative yeah that's so odd you're fucking odd how fucking big
Starting point is 00:24:44 government do you have to be to start legislating different clothes for different people? Jesus, man. At least stick to your own narrative once in a while. We're the party of small government. My ass. None of you are coming to my house and telling me what I need to wear, you fucking weirdo. Mind your own business.
Starting point is 00:25:00 Why do I have to keep pretending I'm like a classic libertarian? Like, get the fuck out of here, man. i know i i was just thinking the same thing like i like the republicans have gotten so fucking weird that all of a sudden i have things in common with libertarians don't make me have don't make me common with libertarians fuck man like what is happening right now the worst part is is they're all like almost all the libertarians are voting for you or they're throwing their vote away. And some fucking random guy who can't name a fucking city in Syria. And like they're either wasting their vote or they're throwing it at Trump. And you're like, fucking what the fuck, man?
Starting point is 00:25:34 Do you not hear what's happening? Literally every single social fucking ill is happening because of the Republicans. All of them. All of them. Like the world has gotten so bizarre. I find myself now intellectually in bed with libertarians. I'm wondering if I'm going to wake up tomorrow a sovereign citizen.
Starting point is 00:25:52 You know what I mean? The world will have gotten all skewed all of a sudden. I'm going to be like, actually, I'm a free person citizen. This is a corporation or whatever. A maritime law., maritime law. Like what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:26:07 We have to change our podcast name to Am I Being Detained? We should start a farce podcast for fucking sovereign citizens called Am I Being Detained? Can we do that? Can we have a Poe podcast called Am I Being Detained? I don't know, man. That would be fucking great. You ain't seen nothing yet until you see the flaming butthole. Your butthole will be flaming and you will not be able to sit down
Starting point is 00:26:36 until you have a flame coming out of your butthole. And there'll be people walking around all over America with flames coming out of their butthole. And everyone who takes it up the rear. Everyone who has a penis injected in his butthole. When that penis comes out, the flame will start burning. This story also from Salon. Bless their hearts.
Starting point is 00:26:57 The Christian right attempts to mount a revival. The satanic panic over the Grammys is part of a larger fundamentalist bid to make themselves relevant again. Oh, yeah. Like, so every year it's a thing, man. I just got to like call on fucking music. Like, like, seriously, man, this is like this is like fucking what is that Kevin Bacon movie with the footloose? Like, this is footloose, man. You can't dance in this town.
Starting point is 00:27:22 What is happening, man? You can't dance in this town. Do I man you can't dance in this town do i have to go do a fucking uneven bars routine really angrily in a barn what is happening man with these kids and their gyro these days yeah i mean john lift gals sourly looking at me over a Bible or whatever? Weirdos. Just cut loose, everybody. Cut loose. What the fuck? What strikes me, Cecil, is the timing of this is terrible for the right.
Starting point is 00:27:57 And the timing is terrible because they're going to have to mush their satanic panics together because the Super Bowl is Sunday. Yeah, I know. And they have their satanic panics together because the super bowl is sunday yeah i know and they have a satanic panic every sunday super bowl i don't think are normally this close but no they're not yeah and and they have a satanic panic literally every super bowl yeah every single super bowl the halftime show they do they're like oh red smoke red smoke means the devil let's find out who's doing it this time. I'm going to tell you right now.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Super Bowl. Are we on it? Are we doing the halftime show? Are we doing the halftime show? That'd be the worst halftime show in the history. I would do the shit out of this halftime show, Cecil. I'd take my top off. It's going to be Rihanna. Oh, here comes the racist. Here comes
Starting point is 00:28:41 the racist. It's going to be satanic panic racist dog whistles. Oh, man. Here comes the racist. It's going to be satanic panic racist dog whistles. Oh man, here comes the racist. Holy shit. Yeah, it's going to be terrible. My favorite part of this. They're already fucking salivating over this. My favorite part of this article is there's a tweet from this red
Starting point is 00:28:57 voice media that says, beautifully unholy transgender satanic Grammy performance brought to you by Pfizer. Is it beginning to make sense yet? I fucking hate that so much. You're like, no, it literally isn't making sense. It's never made sense.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Not a second of your life. Have you ever made sense? No, it doesn't make sense. You're fucking tacking things together like everything fell in taffy and you're putting it in a bag. You have no idea what you're talking about. They're so fucking worried, but they're like desire to glue all these fucking disparate nonsense together to be like, see, it all fits my crazy conspiracy. See, what you have to do is you wind the string around this pushpin and then this pushpin and then this pushpin.
Starting point is 00:29:47 And you're like, yeah, all right. That's all it is. You've just, you've made a tangle fuck. That's what you've made. You've made a tangle fuck. And now you're pointing at your tangle fuck. And you want me to pretend that you've got something there. You've got nothing there.
Starting point is 00:29:58 You never had anything there. Never. And also like hashtag Pfizer saved a lot of lives asshole i know like what a stupid thing pfizer is amazing like i don't say like they saved a lot of lives i am not going to be like oh pfizer yeah pfizer i was grateful for your vaccine thanks pfizer you know what i mean fucking what the fuck these people are just insane with how much they hate certain things and how much they're willing to, you know, put their own body on the line
Starting point is 00:30:29 to try to prove a point. It's just, I mean, look at the Herman Cain Award, man. Oh, I know. Look at how many people during the height of all this stuff were dying just to prove a point. Like, here's the thing, man.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Nobody fucking cared. Nobody cared. You died and it didn't do anything to anybody. It might've pushed people to go get the vaccine. I know it's, it's, it's part of that. It's part of that like spotlight effect, that psychological effect where you think that you are the main character in the story of the world. Right. And so people have this, the people hold this idea. It's a very like, it's a, it's a very like it's a it's a bias and it's an idea that like everybody holds and you have to actively work to to unseat yeah everybody
Starting point is 00:31:10 thinks you're the truman show right we all think i i mean we all feel that way from time to time it's like and and it's understandable but it's also nonsense so when you martyr yourself to a cause nothing fucking happens except for you died the the people that loved you feel sad, and the world marched on indifferent to your passing. And nobody noticed. 7 billion people and no one knows your name. That's the thing. No one knows your fucking name. So when you die for a cause, everybody else says, who did what?
Starting point is 00:31:44 And they fucking go to Starbucks. That's how it works. Yeah, man. Yeah. That's it. The satanic panic stuff, though, is so tiresome. And the thing is,
Starting point is 00:31:53 is like, this is such a great thing for them because all you have to do is like make one concert and put one single red spotlight out and they will immediately be like, oh my God, it's fucking Satan. And in this time, they kind of leaned into it a little, which I fucking love. Fucking troll these people. Lean into it. Get that guy who did that. Get that guy. Oh,
Starting point is 00:32:17 what the hell is that guy's name? Little Nas X. Is that his name? The guy who did that one like big demon. He's walking around like a demon. Get that guy out there. He's getting fucked by Satan or whatever. Get him out there. Get him to do the fucking Super Bowl. Make these guys, seriously, if he did the Super Bowl show,
Starting point is 00:32:34 their fucking head would explode like scanners across the fucking country. You just hear pops, like party poppers going off through house after house after house after house. They would explode. they would explode. They just explode.
Starting point is 00:32:47 They wouldn't know what to do. Man, they just need to lean into this. Be like, fuck you. We're leaning into it. All the way. All the way lean. I also do want to real quick point out that there is actually like that. That unholy song has really unsettlingly misogynist lyrics.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Like it's a problem. I don't know if you know the song. No, I don't. The song is like, there are plenty of real criticisms you could level at that song. But because they're disingenuous liars, none of them are good faith actors,
Starting point is 00:33:18 they're not even interested in paying attention to the content at all. Instead, they create a meta content that they can react to. Because there a meta content that they can react to because there is actually content that they can react to. That wouldn't be problematic to them, though. But that wouldn't be problematic to them. Misogynistic tropes wouldn't be problematic. Super non-Christian values. It's about like a guy going off and cheating on his wife and like,
Starting point is 00:33:36 that's the whole song. So like, if you're a Christian values person, you could definitely take issue with this song in a way that is actually more legitimate. Consistent with what you supposedly think, right? That's what I mean. Right. That's what I mean. Are you serious? I'm a fucking demon.
Starting point is 00:33:54 This story comes from Catholic News Agency. Statue of Mary. I know, dude. I know. I actually purposely grabbed this from their site, right? So, Statue ofary untouched in earthquake that demolished cathedral in turkey the earthquake in turkey and syria has created a unimaginable scale of misery and death and suffering yeah it's unknown it will continue to be unknown for some time what that toll is and how
Starting point is 00:34:27 long that suffering will last. But it is not over and it will continue to plague that region for years, for years to come. It was devastating. A 7.8 magnitude earthquake with massive aftershocks that followed. Dozens of buildings collapsed, thousands and thousands of people dead, many more unaccounted for, no idea how many people are injured. And the fucking Catholic news agency has the goddamn temerity to celebrate the idea that amidst this chaos and tragedy and human misery that a fucking porcelain statue. I know, man. Well, you know what? Here's what you have to believe. God is in charge of all things, Cecil, and is an interventionist God, right?
Starting point is 00:35:23 Yeah. Because if God's not an interventionist God, then this is just happenstance. They don't want to say it's happenstance. So God is an interventionist God, right? Because if God's not an interventionist God, then this is just happenstance. They don't want to say it's happenstance. So God is an interventionist God. So you have to believe that God's protected this statue. You have to believe it. And God did not protect how many, like, babies. I know. Right? How many people
Starting point is 00:35:38 in their sleep had buildings collapse on top of them and were terribly injured or died in misery. But, you know, God really wanted to make sure that a stupid fucking statue of a white lady that never existed. Yeah. Didn't get fucking busted. Good thing.
Starting point is 00:35:57 Sweet. I mean, we should feel so lucky. You know, like, I just don't get it. I just don't get how you could be in the Catholic news service while you're wading through bodies hip deep with your camera to take a picture of this. And then you're like, man, what a miracle. And you're standing on a pile of bodies.
Starting point is 00:36:20 I know. I mean, like, seriously, man, just look around you. Just look around you for 10 seconds and be like, you know what? I don't know that this is a miracle. You know what I mean? Like, just fucking contend with the fact that there was a disaster and that the fact that whether or not, and they did this with fucking 9-11. Do you remember that fucking cross?
Starting point is 00:36:38 They did with the crosses? And you're just like, yeah, the fucking whole building was crosses, man. One of them stayed. The whole building. The whole thing. That's how trusses fucking whole building was crosses, man. One of them stayed. The whole building. The whole thing. That's how crosses be. It was crosses up and down. The whole thing was crosses.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And the thing is, it's like that's that. But that's what they want. They want to say, well, look, my faith perseveres and faith perseveres. And, you know, God, God controls everything. And you're like, God is the worst. He's so bad at controlling things. He's so bad at controlling things. He's so bad at all of it. Don't you have to, if you believe this nonsense,
Starting point is 00:37:13 if you believe in an interventionist God, then that means God allowed or caused that earthquake. Right. One or the other, right? God either allowed or caused it, right? Because there's no other possible term. So how then can you square that with benevolence? How can you possibly? So even if you're like,
Starting point is 00:37:33 well, you know, I definitely believe in God. I'd be like, yeah, okay, fine. I'll grant in this moment. Let me grant you God. I'll give you, like, I don't buy it, but like, fine, I'll hand it to you. But you can't hand back to me benevolence right all you can do then is ascribe at the very the most charitable thing you could ascribe to
Starting point is 00:37:51 god if god were real would be depraved indifference yes yes you you literally cannot ascribe anything more charitable than depraved indifference to human suffering he's Cthulhu like right like that's that's depraved indifference like he's like that level and you're just like okay well he's fucking basically an old one he's like a yeah a terrifying tentacle faced old one great that's great you know the other thing too is I don't understand how you go there see this say that and then not scream I don't want you driving anymore. Please get out of the fucking driver's seat. You're not allowed to drive anymore. You clearly don't know what you're doing. You are like a Tesla who failed the fucking, the trolley problem here. You saved
Starting point is 00:38:37 a fucking statue and you, in the process of saving a statue, you killed 30,000 people. You failed the trolley problem. Get out of the driver's seat. You're not out of the driver's seat anymore. Right. Yeah. Right. Like, God's like,
Starting point is 00:38:52 well, I guess I'll throw the statue lever. Well, choo-choo, motherfucker. Yeah. You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Morons. Do you want to talk a little bit about the Republicans and their, and the State of the Union and then the trick? I don't think we have a story for it, but we could still talk about it a little. Yeah. I can grab the audio. Do you want to grab the audio of the trick and play it? Some of my Republican friends want to take the economy hostage.
Starting point is 00:39:42 I get it. Unless I agree to their economic plans. All of you at home should know what those plans are. Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans, some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset. I'm not saying it's the majority. Let me give you anybody anybody who doubts it, contact my office. I'll give you a... Okay, hold on.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Now, people who are watching this, Tom, Marjorie Taylor Greene is standing up screaming right now. She looks like she's ready to ride a tauntaun and follow Luke into a cave to fight a wampa. Look at that coat. She, like she's giving off huge Cruella de Vil vibes right now. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like big time.
Starting point is 00:40:32 Like that coat is made of maybe not 101 Dalmatians, but it's at least 85 Dalmatians. There are a lot of Dalmatians. There's a lot of Dalmatians in there. Went into the making of that fucking coat. Yeah. Also, like, you know, do you remember that the state
Starting point is 00:40:45 of the union did not used to devolve yeah no into fucking screaming match nonsense it was that guy obama yeah who yelled at a liar and that guy that guy got like reprimanded he got like censured and whatever for it like he got a one guy yelled out liar at obama the state of the union address for his first or second state of the union and some fucking chucklehead yelled out liar at Obama at a State of the Union address for his first or second State of the Union. And some fucking chucklehead yelled out. And that is inappropriate. Yeah. But the decorum.
Starting point is 00:41:11 It's not what we do here. They do that shit in other countries. We don't do that shit. At least we didn't. We don't do that here. Yeah, at least we didn't. But now, this state of, like, all the civility is gone.
Starting point is 00:41:22 All the decorum, all the civility, all the respect, it's all fucking gone it's all gone and what i love about this clip that we're gonna play what i love is that biden knew that was going to happen right there was no way that wasn't going to happen that happened the last time every time he tries to give a speech so he fucking played it yeah he absolutely played it and you can see him grinning a little bit. Yeah, he's like, oh. As he lets the fucking chuckle fucks take the bait.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Are you guys going to fall into this giant pit trap I have dug for you? And they're just so dumb and reactionary that they jump into it with both feet. So here we go. I'll give you a copy of the proposal. That means Congress doesn't vote. I'm glad to see you. I tell you, I enjoy conversion. You know, it means if Congress doesn't keep the programs the way they are, they'd go away.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Other Republicans say, I'm not saying it's a majority of you. I don't even think it's even a significant. But it's being proposed by individuals. I'm not politely not naming them, but it's being proposed by some of you. Look, folks, the idea is that we're not going to be, we're not going to be moved into being threatened to default on the dead if we don't respond folks what a fucking sad sack that guy is a fucking guy god. God, that fucking... Kevin McCarthy? Kevin McCarthy's such a sad sack looking trash bag.
Starting point is 00:43:08 That dude is the absolute worst. He is the absolute worst. I hate that guy. And he's such a smug piece of shit for a guy who took like 17 runs at the fucking ring. You know? How the fuck do you sit there? He's like your bargain basement prom king.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Right. Are you kidding me? He's the prom king because three other prom kings didn't show up. Yeah, right. It's amazing. He is the backup second straight diet watered down light quarterback. That's what he is. He's a G League player. It's awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:41 So, folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off the books now all right look and so the left stands up first right yeah this is what i love so guys if you're not watching this what happens is he's like oh okay so okay, so that wasn't true. So then social security and Medicare off the table. And then the left stands up and supports it. And then, because now they're forced, right? They just called him a liar. He basically said, you don't support seniors. You don't support this stuff. And when he called the Republicans out on their plans to cut those programs, they were yelling liar at him. Yeah. And so now,
Starting point is 00:44:25 what are you going to do? Now you either have to stand up. You're either a liar or you're not. Why do I? Well, let's see what happens, Tom. Let's see what happens. Hold on, let me see what happens. Social Security and Medicare
Starting point is 00:44:38 are a lifeline for millions of seniors. Americans have to pay into them from the very first paycheck they started. So tonight, let's all agree. And apparently we are. Let's stand up for seniors. Let's see what happens. Hold on, let me see what happens.
Starting point is 00:44:52 Oh, look at the right. Look at the right standing up. That's so great. It's such a great clip. It's such a great clip. And then he says at the end, he says, he's like, well, I love unanimity. And it's fucking delicious, right?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Because they want to say no to every single thing that he ever proposes forever and all time. He could be like, you know what? Puppies are adorable. And they'd be like, fuck you. Puppies sometimes bite. Ah, they pee in your shoes. Like there's nothing.
Starting point is 00:45:18 There's nothing he can say. No, of course not. Of course not. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. They are the boring friend you had when you were much younger who was the contrarian guy.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Yes, oh my God. You would say, oh man, I'm really digging this new Interpol album. Like Interpol's garbage. Let me tell you how shitty that band is. And then they go on. Have you ever heard the band Circuit Board Buzzkill? That's the only band.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Let me tell you something. I was a huge fan when they used to play in the small venues, but now once they got a little larger, and you're just like, you are so exhausting. You're such an exhausting person to be around. All those people, look back in your life, you cut all those people out of your life. Those people don't exist in your life.
Starting point is 00:46:00 Either they got cut out or they evolved past that shit, right? They stopped doing it, right? They stopped doing it. Or they're Republicans. Yeah, or now they're Republicans. And chances are you probably cut them out of your life, right? Right, yeah. I guess you were right. When you're right, Cecil, you're right.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Yeah. This is, watching them be forced into that corner was just, it's just so great. And you watch Kamala watch it happen in real time. Just watch it happen. And she's grinning. Yeah. it's just so great. It's just, and you watch Kamala watch it happen in real time and she's grinning. She's just grinning. I don't, I'm not a huge Biden guy, right? I'm not, I'm just not like the stuff he's done so far. There's some things that he's done that I'm very against that I'm really, really against. And there's some other things that I've just been kind of lukewarm on, but I will give him props for this. I'm happy to give the man props for this. I think he did exactly what he needed to do. He got them to say something and shout something at him that they couldn't take back in the moment,
Starting point is 00:46:55 and they had to then basically be like, well, shit, we just said out loud we'd do this. Now, don't get me wrong. That's not going to hold them to anything, right? In the future, they're going to 100% say, oh, we didn't really say that, or oh, we really didn't do that, or oh, that's not what we meant. And they're going to get around it. But it's a funny bit just to see and just to make them realize their own hypocrisy for a few minutes. So it's nice to see it happen. And so I got to give them kudos for that. Yeah, it's a moment of gamesmanship and politics is many, many moments of gamesmanship. It's just, it's just a tiny moment. It's a tiny blip where he made them eat a little shit and it's fun to watch because it hasn't happened in a while. It has, that sort of thing does not happen very often because they control the narrative so well
Starting point is 00:47:39 that he did a very good job of tricking them into not controlling it for a few minutes. And did you notice who the camera focuses on, Cecil, on the Republican side? The camera for PBS NewsHour, who do they flash to? They flash to Boebert. Boebert. They flash to Green. Yeah. They spent a lot of time looking at those two.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Yeah. They spent a lot of time looking at those two. That's what it is. Each time, yeah. It's Boebert Each time, yeah. It's both good or green. The idea that those two are outsiders or that they are the extreme wing of the party, that is absolutely not true. It's not true anymore.
Starting point is 00:48:12 It's not true anymore. It is not true. They are now the mainstream of the Republican Party. Did you watch Green fumble fuck her way through being the House Speaker interim for a day or whatever? No. Why would she be the House Speaker for a day? Did she win a prize or something?
Starting point is 00:48:26 Did she open up the right chocolate bar? I don't know. How the fuck do you get to be a house speaker for the day? They let her swing the gavel for the day, you know, and stand up in front. You know, like, he didn't do it. They let her do it for a day. And she's got it then.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Did it take 17 decisions before she was allowed? Dude, it was so funny because she could barely read aloud. Like, I don't normally make fun of people who can't read aloud because I'm really bad at reading aloud myself. Like I don't make fun of people. But the thing is, is I'm not a congressman asking to do it in front of the entire world, right?
Starting point is 00:48:55 I'm not like when I have to read my thing for citation needed, I have to read it three or four times aloud to myself before I actually read it aloud to the guys. And then I still edit like crazy because I'm not very good at reading things aloud. It's just something my brain doesn't do very well. But I would never put myself up to do that in front of the Congress. Like if I didn't do well, if I was a fucking schmuck and I was terrible at it, like I am, I wouldn't say, well, why don't you let me do it? Yeah. You don't raise your hand to do things that you're going to
Starting point is 00:49:21 be not good at in front of others. Objectively bad at. Weird thing for her to have done. Right. But like, that's a lady who doesn't know her limitations. That's the problem. That's a lady who doesn't believe in her own, like points of digression from the narrative of Marjorie Taylor green is awesome.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Yeah. That's why she's, that's why she's elected because that's, that's, she constantly goes forward toward that. She's a bulldog in that sense. She is. Give me a W!
Starting point is 00:49:48 W! Give me a Y! Y! Give me a lick, my pussy-ass cock shit! This story comes from Vanity Fair. I'm just going to read a chunk of it. Yes, the Trump White House demanded that Twitter remove Chrissy Teigen's tweet calling Trump a pussy-ass bitch.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Teigen's tweet calling Trump a pussy ass bitch. The very best part was seeing this fly around Twitter because I got a chance to go on Twitter this week and I saw that like for some reason, I just happened to log in just as this clip was sort of going viral. And there's a great moment where a guy is just talking to one of the people who worked at Twitter. He's one of the Congress people. And he said, so what happened with this? And then they're like, well, this lady made a tweet and he said, what did the tweet say? And she's like, can I read it aloud? Trump is a pussy ass bitch. Yeah. Is there? There's audio down there. Yeah. I think we can play it. Let me play this clip. So Tom Tom, let me play this clip real quick. This is a clip from Mediaite. Miss Nerevoli,
Starting point is 00:50:49 earlier you testified about a 2019 tweet that was about President Trump. And I think it was from Miss Teagan. What was the tweet about? Would you like me to give the direct quote? Yeah. Please excuse my language. This is a direct quote,
Starting point is 00:51:06 but Chrissy Teigen referred to Donald Trump as a pussy ass bitch. Okay. Free speech. And what happened after Ms. Teigen posted her tweet? What did the White House do? What did the Trump White House do? From my understanding, the White House reached out to ask that this tweet be removed. It was my team's job. This fell underneath the policy for abusive behaviors. And we evaluated underneath our insults policy. At that time, up to three insults were allowed. And so it was our job to determine how many insults were included within that phrase. So the Trump White House reached out, not an agency, but the White House reached out and requested that you remove the tweet. From my understanding, yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:46 So the thing is, Tom, it's only three, right? Pussy-ass bitch is three. That's three. Unless you count all three of them together as an insult in itself. It feels like
Starting point is 00:52:03 that old, do you take the fox over with the rice or you take the like, you know, it just feels like I'm caught. It feels like I'm taking the GED now. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:12 I don't fucking know. Like it's fucking three insults. Whatever. Who cares? And you're allowed three insults? There's a whole team
Starting point is 00:52:20 at Twitter that sits around a table and then reads offensive tweets to each other and then makes decisions? How do I get this job? I want, I was like, I want to, I want you to get that job Cecil. And then I will go on Twitter and make you rich.
Starting point is 00:52:40 It's so funny though. It's so funny that they reached out to call to get that thing taken down. So funny. Because like what's, what the thing thing is like is the right for the long i mean fucking look at like the response to the state of the union address by sarah huckabee sanders what did she say like big tech is stifling your freedom yeah right yeah that's their thing oh like the twitter files big tech stifling your freedom there's. There's a left-leaning bias all over social media and the rights. But the actual fucking White House picked up the goddamn phone and called Twitter and was like, can Chrissy Teigen stop being mean to me? Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:53:21 Yeah, man. That's suppressive, right? No, I don't care. As like a micro issue, I don't care i like as like a micro issue i agree i agree hypocrisy of it right the just blatant lying hypocrisy of it it just reeks it's just it's like like well and trump is afraid of chrissy tegan dude well he's a pussy ass bitch what i love though too though is that why they're doing this is because this whole thing is coming up because they're trying to talk about how they took down Hunter Biden stuff.
Starting point is 00:53:54 And they're trying to say, and there was somebody out there who was trying to say this week, I thought I saw a clip of somebody saying that if people knew about Hunter Biden, this was one of those Republicans was saying, 50 some percent of people said that if they knew about Hunter Biden, this was one of those Republicans, was saying 50-some percent of people said that if they knew about Hunter Biden's laptop before the election, they would have not voted for whatever. And I'm like, yeah, if they had known about a lie that your side concocted to smear
Starting point is 00:54:16 him, they might not have voted for him. Okay, you're just like, that shows why it shouldn't be out there because there was no proof of it. And you're basically showing revenge porn to people because there's like they're quoting and sending out a bunch of shit that happens to have Hunter Biden's cock in it. And then at the sound out the other side of their fucking mouth, you have Trump saying, well, I don't want to have anybody say anything bad about me. You need to take this down. First off, Trump is calling to be like, you need to take this down.
Starting point is 00:54:45 It hurts my feelings. God, what a fragile little fuck that guy was. The biggest way to look like a pussy ass bitch is if somebody calls you a pussy ass bitch and you run and tell. I will tell you, man. Are you kidding me? On Twitter, we've been called so much worse.
Starting point is 00:55:02 On YouTube, we've been called so much worse. We've weathered so much shit. Yeah, we have. And we're nobodies, right? We're nobodies. And this guy gets called something I would laugh at if somebody called me that. Yeah, to be called a pussy-ass bitch would be hilarious, honestly. Like, I would not care at all.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Because you know what you could do with Donald Trump? You could just mute that person. You don't even have to, like, block them. You could just mute them, and you'll never see what they have to say to you ever again. You've muted them. They're gone from your life. It's a tiny button,
Starting point is 00:55:35 and you can make someone disappear entirely from your life, and yet you want to go out of your way because you know other people can see it. Think about this in relation to that, Cecil, is that you can't trust Donald Trump to manage the block button when he has the nuclear buttons.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Woof. Right? You're giving the nuclear codes to a guy who is, gets his feelings hurt from a Twitter account. I'm stopping with the nuclear codes thing.
Starting point is 00:56:03 From now on, I'm going to say you're trusting a guy to distribute vaccines. That's what I'm going to say from now on. Yeah, that's what I'm going to say from now on. Ah, shit. Here we go again. So this is a tweet.
Starting point is 00:56:15 Hemant Mehta tweeted this out. This is Christian preacher Hank Kuhneman. He's a feature on this show, a regular guest. Regular guest. And this is him begging and grifting for fucking money. And it is, if you thought you've heard transparent grifts for money before, you ain't heard nothing yet. This is really a unique pitch.
Starting point is 00:56:37 Here we go. So God gave me a dream. And in the dream, there were some people that came into the center. Oh, Tom, you're already there. We're already there, Tom. We're already there. No. No.
Starting point is 00:56:49 We are not fucking. I don't have to hear about your dreams. Stop telling me your dreams. I don't care. I just don't care, man. That's it. No. I just don't care.
Starting point is 00:56:57 No. You know what? The other night I had a dream that I owned a log cabin and there was a talking duck. And that talking duck turned out to be my high school i'm throwing these microphones on the ground and my high school they're all like that 25 years of friendship gone they're all like that though every dream is every dream is that dream every dream is like i was i was driving in the parking lot at jewel and then i i accidentally rolled over
Starting point is 00:57:27 uh you know a sea turtle and you're just like who cares what that was like that's nothing i won't even listen to martin luther king jr speech that's so terrible he lost me and i had a dream i was like i'm out i'm not doing this anymore. Send me the transcript. I'm skipping over it. That's terrible. And they approached the owners. And in the dream, they didn't have, money was not an issue for them. They had very deep pockets and they were going to come in and basically buy everything up, buy everyone out, and they were going to level it and put up apartment buildings with businesses underneath it. And that would be not good for our ministry. We could never expand. There is no way we would have parking. And so I contacted my broker and I said, guys,
Starting point is 00:58:17 I had a dream. And they said, no, that's not going on. I said, no, God speaks to me. Would you be so kind to reach out to the owners and ask them what's going on? And sure enough. So already these are the most fucking banal mundane issues of theological zoning I have ever heard in my life. Oh God. Could you imagine? It's like, it's like that, uh, that Chinatown movie where he's like digging in the archives for stuff. Yes. They like, I'm just'm just like watch i'm watching him and my eyes are glazing over i'm watching him i'm watching him get into a title a title uh dispute with his neighbor over a fucking survey or whatever so uh then we filed a lawsuit to quiet
Starting point is 00:58:59 title and it was an adverse possession dream get out of of here. When you hear him talk like this, don't you kind of have your body feel like it's starting to get real warm, like you're going to fall asleep in church? Yeah. Yes. I'm getting real warm. I'm getting real warm now.
Starting point is 00:59:15 I got the snoozies. I'm getting comfortable. I got the big snoozies. I'm not even feeling the pew anymore. It's so boring. He's such a boring storyteller. Like what's so crazy to me is like, there's really good storytellers out there and they should be the people who,
Starting point is 00:59:30 who wind up being, you know, if you're going to get grifted, at least get grifted by a good storyteller. This guy is fucking boring, man. We were beaten by the best. Is Hank Kuhneman the guy who told the story of the ant?
Starting point is 00:59:46 Is he the guy that squashed the ant? I think he is. And then God put the ant back together? I think it's the same guy. This is him. That's my favorite story
Starting point is 00:59:53 in the world. This guy is full of it, Tom. He's full of it. Would you be so kind to reach out to the owners and ask them what's going on? And sure enough, there was paperwork
Starting point is 01:00:02 going back and forth. And I said, interrupt it. Stop them. Stop them now. Tell them do not, they were ready to sign. And I said, stop them now. And the owner said, no, we want the church to have this property. So here's the deal. You tell the church they have a short window to get this done like 100 days. We need to raise $2.4 million. I'm not even a bit worried. Okay. Not at all. If you think that's a lot of money, it isn't for me and it isn't for God. Because I know you suckers will pay up. Because I know you guys are going to wrap around my little finger. You will 100% pay this money.
Starting point is 01:00:48 And the story that Hemant tweeted out is that this thing that he asked, $2.4 million, now they're asking for $16 million. $16 million? Yeah. How was it that God was like, all right, we need more parking. So you're going to need $2.4 million. I'm transmitting some weird real estate mumbo jumbo to you right now. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:01:13 I'm going to go. There you go. It goes right in your head now. We've got a little bit of title loan stuff going on. It's going to go right into your brain. And then you're going to go to your church. But I won't tell you that you're actually going to need eight times that amount.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Eight times that money. Wow. Inflation hits hard in dreams, bro. That's all you want, man. Holy shit. Sorry, I forgot to carry the one. You show up to the deal and you're like, all right, I've got my 2.4 million.
Starting point is 01:01:44 You're like, well. Sorry. I've got my 2.4 million like well sorry I've actually raised the price by 8 fold the other guy offered us 14 million dollars more okay but I have God on my side
Starting point is 01:01:57 yeah anyway here we go call me when you've got God and 16 million dollars I really I gotta be honest I really don't even know what he's talking about
Starting point is 01:02:03 I know that there's gotta be something that he's talking about that makes sense. But it's just like, it's just him trying to say, if we don't act now, you know, it's like as seen on TV, act now. We can get this church in four easy payments of $2.4 billion. Eight easy payments, it turns out. I guess it's eight easy payments, Tom. All right. We are going to thank our patrons. So this month has been a test to try to just get you to understand sort of what our next schedule is going to be. Now,
Starting point is 01:02:42 it turns out because we didn't record in person tonight, we're actually not going to be. Now, it turns out because we didn't record in person tonight, we're actually not going to be able to do a live stream next week. We normally say, hey, we're doing a live stream this week, but we are not doing a live stream on Thursday this week. We promise next month on the third Thursday, we will do one, but we are a little behind with this new content. Once we get our feet under us, we're hoping that we can continue the live streams and keep doing it. But we got a ton of great feedback already on the shows that we've done. And so we want to just keep doing sort of this thing
Starting point is 01:03:12 to get you more audio and get you more stuff out there so that the stuff that we know you like. And we know that you like it because a lot of people have sent us private messages and said, this is so good. We love the crazy stories. We really loved Tom reading this article to us. We love the crazy stories. We really love
Starting point is 01:03:25 Tom reading this article to us. We really loved your deep dive into that article. So we've gotten great feedback already. We're putting the live stream again. We are pushing it out one more month. So next month, hopefully on the third week of the month, fingers crossed, we'll be able to do it, but we aren't going to be able to do it this month, but we are going to be able to release one more funny show, which we will be recording next week. So don't worry. We will have one more funny show this month as the sort of free version for everybody to sort of enjoy. But we got a ton of new patrons. And so we want to read off our patrons now. Brand new patrons, thank you so much to just another foodsmith, Natalie, Molly, Clem, Danielle, Aaron, Julie, John, Graydon. I like big pods and I cannot lie.
Starting point is 01:04:12 All your patrons belong to us. Melissa, Brendan, Bender has a point. Matthew, Walter, Candace, Cole, Lisa, Deck, AJ, a gleaming razor's edge, Corey, John, James, Britt, Conrad, and people who up their pledges, Insane Atheist, James, I'm Here for Jordan's Angry Scream Yell, Brian, Joe, Michael, Melissa, Mango Cat, Corey, Heather, Anne, JP Floret, Chris, David, Rodney, Quinn, Seth, Amina, Chris, David, Rodney, Quinn, Seth, Amina, Wanda, Mike, Steve, Pegajace, Matthew, Luke, Hunter of Necros, Elena, Ben. Holy, what the fuck is that?
Starting point is 01:04:59 Let me take a stab at it for you, Cecil. Go. Brands could jargle flowers. I think you crushed it. brands could jargle flowers. I think you can crushed it. Adrian, Pixel,
Starting point is 01:05:06 Storm of Logic, Noel, Chris from Nanup, Western Australia, Cordy, a gleaming razor's edge,
Starting point is 01:05:13 poor Ian, support your local library, rope stuff too, John and John, cabs the size of cantaloupes, Marcus,
Starting point is 01:05:24 Brenton, Allison, Elias, problematically contacted general child's unit, and Chris. Thank you all so much for your generous donations. Like we say, next month, we're going to be releasing for our patrons at the single dollar level, you'll be getting an extra show
Starting point is 01:05:43 along with a bunch of other stuff. So you're going to be getting all the other releases early and you'll be getting an extra show. And the people who are $2, you're going to also be getting that extra show along with Tom's reading of the article. So we want to make sure that everybody knows that you'll be getting all these wonderful things if you're a patron next month. So come, please join in on the fun. Extra stuff for patrons is what we're going to be all about pretty soon. So we hope you enjoy this stuff this month and get a taste for it. And we hope you guys enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:06:17 So far, rave reviews. Absolutely. And it's been a hoot to do. Yeah. We're really glad we changed the structure. It's been a lot of fun. We're really excited to bring you guys so much more content. All right.
Starting point is 01:06:28 So that's going to wrap it up for this week. We are going to leave you like we always do with the Skeptic's Creed. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative acupunctuating, pressurized stereogram, pyramidal, free
Starting point is 01:06:52 energy, healing, water, downward spiral, brain dead, pan, sales pitch, late night info-docutainment. Leo, Pisces, cancer cures, detox, reflex, foot massage, death and towers, tarot cards, psychic healing, crystal balls, Bigfoot, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques, and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. healers, evangelists, conspiracy, double-speak stigmata, nonsense.
Starting point is 01:07:27 Expose your signs. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. All opinions are solely that of Glory Hole Studios, LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis.
Starting point is 01:08:15 No refunds. Produced in association with the local dairy council and viewers like you.

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