Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 696: Sentient Dish Rag

Episode Date: June 12, 2023

Show Notes...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Cognitive Dissonance is brought to you by our patrons. You fucking rock. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. recording live from glory hole studios in chicago and. This is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news makes it big or makes us mad. It's skeptical, it's political, and there is no welcome mat. Today is Friday, not Thursday, as it should be.
Starting point is 00:01:09 June the 9th. 6-9, baby. Nice. 6-9, buddy. Nice. Lucky timing, Cecil, because today, normally, guys, we record on Thursday, but we had some stuff come up. We had to push back our recording. I'm recording from home today. Cecil's recording from the studio today. So we're
Starting point is 00:01:31 separated in physicality, but Cecil, I feel like today we are together in spirit. We are united as one in spirit. Yesterday night, when we were going to be recording, I was going to be like, this is the fucking Pat Robertson show. I'm like, holy shit. Pat Robertson. Pat Robertson's dead. This is going to be the Pat Robertson show. I was going to come on and be like, how dare he not wait until our 700th episode to fucking
Starting point is 00:01:57 die? I was ready to go. And then Trump indictment. And at first, you're like, Trump indictment? You're like, okay. You're like, all right. Yeah, Trump indictment. I think we you're like, Trump indictment. You're like, okay. You're like, all right. Yeah, Trump indictment. I think we've seen this movie before. This is like part two.
Starting point is 00:02:09 This is Fast and the Furious. What now? And then we get to the actual unsealing and you're like, oh, this is a whole new level of fuckery. Oh, dude. So 38 counts, special counsel Jack Smith
Starting point is 00:02:23 released the indictment. It's 38 counts. These are counts ranging from obstruction all the way through to counts that rely on the Espionage Act as the basis for those charges. So according to New York Times, the case involving the case against Trump here, it's pretty fucking robust, man. It's pretty, did you see the pictures of how the documents were being stored? Yeah, no, I mean, it's serious. It looks like, it looks like,
Starting point is 00:02:53 I mean, it looks like, it looks like you walked in and someone was moving like a budget rent-a-car, and they're like moving across the city, and like, yeah, we have to move to a new office, and these are the documents we have. Like, it seriously looks, it looks, we have to move to a new office. And these are the documents we have. Like it seriously looks- They're just in banker's boxes. It looks as secure as a budget rent-a-car.
Starting point is 00:03:10 That's what it looks like. I was immediately reminded. So in the way back machine, way back in the day, I used to work for this shitty, shitty title insurance company. The first title company I ever worked for. And that company, Cecil, would take all of its, like all of our files.
Starting point is 00:03:28 We'd do these loans and these transactions and everything. Put them in a t-shirt can and then just boom, just shoot them somewhere. Worse, worse. That would have been better. So this company's out of business,
Starting point is 00:03:38 so I don't care anymore about that. So we would take all these files. Here's why everyone. Yeah. Here is why. Here is why. Here is why. And this is actually a level of security, guys. I'm going to describe something that was literally illegal also.
Starting point is 00:03:52 And it was a level of security equal to the same kind of security that the former president used to secure documents that were, we'll get to it, intensely sensitive. So at this company, Cecil, we'd have boxes. You'd produce boxes and boxes and boxes of these documents, right? These banker boxes of these documents. Every closing is like 700 fucking documents for some reason. It's like, it's unbelievable. So I can imagine you guys had a surplus of documents. Just thousands and thousands of documents,
Starting point is 00:04:21 hundreds of boxes of stuff. And we would put them in the basement when we were done with them. So you'd walk down to the basement. And at some point, you filled up all the shelves in the basement. And the owner of the company was like, well, I'm not buying more shelves. Shelving is expensive. So just start stacking them. And then we would just start stacking them in the corner. And then the piles of boxes would start to get really, really high. And you're always running. So at this job, it was actually a ridiculously fast-paced, high-stress job.
Starting point is 00:04:54 And so you'd be just trying to move boxes out of the office because eventually you kind of walled in. And you'd go run boxes down. You're just kind of throwing them wherever in the basement. And then one day, the basement flooded oh no water comes into the basement soaks through the boxes and the documents at the bottom of these these fucking like egyptian fucking tomb stacks of doctors and then the documents cecil they fall these boxes they fall into the water probably a foot of water and then they you know they're not secure anymore. They fall. There's a mass. I've seen this movie.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Then the electricity touches it and turns into Tidal Man. It's Tidal Man! I'm coming at you! It's like, okay, I get it. I've seen it before. Okay. Nobody knows the basement flooded, right? We didn't know because nobody goes down to the basement until you're going down to the basement.
Starting point is 00:05:44 What's that smell of wet paper, guys do you guys get a wet paper for real because like we're it's an office building that had this basement that nobody went down to except for for storage so we went down i have no idea how long the water was jesus and there's just documents moldy and floating not floating but just like in the water and i call the owner of the company and i'm like, hey man, here's what happened. He's like, well, I guess we're throwing those all out. And then they just threw it all out, which you literally cannot do. You're required by law to keep these documents for a certain period of time.
Starting point is 00:06:18 You have a fiduciary responsibility to hold these documents. It's not like a couple weeks. Years and years and years. No, he just threw them all out, man. He's just like, yeah, we'll just get someone to come in and clean it all up and pump the water out and throw them all out. Admittedly, Tom, that is a way to clear the shelves out. Like, I mean, you can't hold that against him. He needed more shelving and he didn't want to buy it.
Starting point is 00:06:36 I mean, I feel like he figured this all out. He did. He nailed it. And I think he went to jail. So there's something different. But still, they had a defalcation and the company went out of business. That's sad.
Starting point is 00:06:47 So that is not much different. It really isn't. These are like documents. Trump stole these documents that were supposed to go to the National Archive that are classified, top secret documents
Starting point is 00:06:59 relating to our national security, invasion plans, potential invasion plans for Iran, nuclear documents, documents pertaining to our nuclear security. These are documents he just had in a fucking box, man. Just like the crazy fucking title company that I worked for that went out of business because they were corrupt. You treat your kids drawing of your house with a son with more care than this guy treated the nuclear secrets. Like, I mean, you, you at least know where that is, right? It's on your fridge. You know where it is. There's a fucking magnet on it. You know where it is.
Starting point is 00:07:40 This guy, and it's not like he didn't essentially flash this and show this to everybody. We know he did. We know because one of the major pins in this case, one of the reasons why they're bringing this up and why there's so many counts and why the Espionage Act is being, because he said it to a group of people on tape, and they have that tape, right? He's waving around a document that talks about an attack on Iran, and they're like, and he's not supposed to have it. Like, I mean, like, you're not supposed to have this stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:16 Why would you have this stuff? There's only two reasons to have this stuff. One is nefarious. Tom, you said another one before we started recording. Yeah, I think it's either nefarious or this is braggadocious. Yeah. Right? Like, I think there's a, and the thing is, like, it could be both. It doesn't stop it from being both, right? So, because, like, this is right from the article, prosecutors presented evidence that Mr. Trump shared a highly sensitive plan of attack against Iran to visitors at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, in 2021 was recorded on tape describing the material as highly confidential
Starting point is 00:08:58 and secret while admitting it had not been declassified. In another incident in September of 21, he shared a top secret military map with a staffer at his political action committee who did not have any security clearance. This is, part of me is just like, I think he thought it was cool. Yeah, that could be, right? I think this is a shitty old man
Starting point is 00:09:20 who thinks he's a big swinging dick and he shits in a gold covered fucking toilet and is just a giant piece of human garbage and he just this is like this is his new golden chandelier right that he can show people this is a dick showing
Starting point is 00:09:38 contest it reminds me of that kid who was caught with the national secret documents on the discord server like he did it to show off right he did he did it to show off, right? He did. He did it to show off. And then it's like, oh, and that stuff got leaked and that's crazy. And that stuff shouldn't be leaked. This whole thing is now being, you know, and, and, and, you know, like there's immediately right away. And I want to say this out loud, expect some sort of terrorism. Like immediately, there was some rumblings from the far right
Starting point is 00:10:06 about how the killing needs to start now. So understand that this is going to spur. Wait, they said the killing needs to start now? Yeah, that was a Vice article. Let me find it, Tom.
Starting point is 00:10:16 I'll just read the title for you. Jesus Christ, what? Like, what are they talking about? Like killing like Jack Smith, the prosecutor? Are they talking about? Let me look it up. Let me look it up. Hold on. What are they? Oh my God. This is from Vice News. We need to start killing. Trump's far right supporters are threatening civil war. Within minutes of Trump's indictment,
Starting point is 00:10:36 supporters lit up social media platform with violent threats and calls for civil war. We need to start killing these traitorous fuckstains, wrote one Trump supporter on the Donald, a rabidly pro-message board that played a key role in the planning of the January 6th attack. Another user added, it's not going to stop until bodies start stacking up. We are not civilly represented anymore. They'll come for us next. Some of us, they already have. So this is like nobody's come for you unless you're a seditious traitor. Who's knocked on your door, Cecil? Is anybody like in the last several years or ever, you know, I'll just I'll also take
Starting point is 00:11:14 ever have the fucking FBI ever knocked on your doors. Like as long as you're not a seditious traitor, as long as you did not like, I don't know, storm the Capitol with force and violence, as long as you did not like i don't know storm the capital with force and violence as long as you didn't like wear a fucking eye patch and plan to you know take over the fucking federal government like you have to be a cobra villain like this is what you have to be at this point you have to have like like a reflective face mask we are at a point where I think somebody could have a spear made out of a snake or whatever. I 100% want to see
Starting point is 00:11:49 Laura Ingraham dressed up like the Baroness. Actually, now that I think about it, Lauren Boebert kind of looks like the Baroness. Now that I think about it, she kind of looks like the Baroness. And Marjorie Taylor Greene looks like Serpentor. So I think we're...
Starting point is 00:12:05 Dude, the only reason the FBI would ever visit me is because there's a fugitive somewhere in my bushes or on my house. There's no reason they're going to come knocking on my door and they're not going to come knocking on any of these other people's doors until they post we need to start killing people in forums. Then maybe they'll knock
Starting point is 00:12:25 on your door. The reason why you're saying that they're going to come knocking on your door is because you're doing something right now that's inciting violence that may draw their attention for crying out loud. Are you kidding me? And also this guy, they're not going to scare this prosecutor with this kind of language. I don't know if you've seen this guy, this Jack Smith guy. Holy shit. Does he have resting fuck around and find out face? Doesn't he? Like, I mean,
Starting point is 00:12:46 like look at that guy. He, he a hundred percent. Like he looks like the kind of, like he looks like your dad looks at three in the morning when you're sneaking in. Like every moment of his life, he's just staring dead.
Starting point is 00:12:58 He looks like a guy that like you would go watch a, a what the fuck? Quentin Tarantino movie. And he'd be the guy who'd show up when you have to hide a body or get a body out of there yeah right he's that guy and then you wind up in the same grave as that body at the end of the whole movie because he's like i don't need any loose ends i'm gonna get rid of them all this guy's terrified he's like he's got a trunk full of acid he drives around with you You know, actually, it's a good point because when he actually
Starting point is 00:13:27 unsealed the indictment, what he did was he was hiding in the basement at Mar-a-Lago in the dark and then when Trump opened the door, he just reached up and turned a lamp on that was directly over his head and was like, oh, I see someone's decided to come home.
Starting point is 00:13:43 When he opens up the indictment, it glows like the briefcase on Pulp Fiction. Pulp Fiction's glowing. But this guy, like, this guy's not going to scare. You're not going to scare this guy. No. This guy's a seasoned. And, you know, the other thing, too,
Starting point is 00:13:58 that you got to point out, this is a grand jury. This isn't one guy who chose to do this. This isn't one guy who just shows up and says, we're going to bring this up. You know, grand jury. This isn't one guy who chose to do this. This isn't one guy who just shows up and says, we're going to bring this up. You know, grand jury is, is what, 18, 20 people or something like that. There's a lot of people on a grand jury. This isn't just one person who makes this decision unilaterally. They make this decision based on evidence. And then they show that evidence to the grand jury. And then the grand jury is like, yeah, man, that's enough probable
Starting point is 00:14:23 cause. Why don't you do it? Yeah, man. But does worry me cecil is that the case for the initial hearing was handed over to aileen or i don't know how her name is pronounced can't lady who mishandled his other case yep yeah yep and she absolutely fucking sucked, like this lady is absolutely in his pocket. I thought I read though that she's just overseeing the first part of it like the actual indictment part and that the decision based on who's going to actually try this case
Starting point is 00:14:56 and be the judge might not have been decided yet. I don't know. There's just, there's been so much sort of speculation moving forward on this that it's hard to follow. It's been only like 12 hours or something. An hour, yeah, right. But from what I read, a couple of different things. One is that since she mishandled that other case so badly,
Starting point is 00:15:15 if she is the judge, it should be pretty easy to get it out of her hands because she mishandled that other case so badly that they could just be like, no, there's precedent for her not to be a person who's involved in this. God, I hope so, man. But like my faith in the fucking federal judiciary is essentially zero. I know. And he's, you know, if all the things, you know, you could call Trump a moron for a lot of things, but him stacking the fucking federal judge deck was one of the smartest things he could have done. He filled that whole thing with
Starting point is 00:15:45 basically his appointees. And these are a lot of his lapdogs. So he's got a lot of people who are, who are involved in the judicial system, big high up judges that he can, that, that it really feels like he can lean on and they will lean in his favor and they don't care if it's favoritism. No, they don't. The thing is that like that like we've talked about before, there doesn't appear to be any substantive like legal or ethical action that can be taken against these judges. These judges, there's a, I guess I never understood up until fairly recently, like how incredibly in depth the power that these guys wield really is. It's intense, the amount of power you have as a federal judge, it's just absolutely fucking crazy. The amount of power
Starting point is 00:16:33 that you have, you are, we're looking right now at a situation. This is how crazy the world is. And sometimes it's, it's good to just kind of summarize and put everything in one place it's like right now the leading republican candidate the leading republican candidate for the 2024 presidential election pre-primary is the former president twice impeached now twice indicted found liable in a civil suit for sexual misconduct who presided over the only insurrection and storming of the american capital in american history that guy is the leading Republican candidate for the 2024 election. There's a level at which it like descends out of farce. I don't know what's past farce anymore. Like tragedy?
Starting point is 00:17:33 I think it's just tragedy, right? Like what he said, I remember we talked about this a million times, but like he did say like I could shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue. I wouldn't lose a single vote. Is he testing that? is that the next thing do we like we open up the fucking times tomorrow and it's like fucking trump shoots somebody in the middle of fifth avenue and then like would there be people on the donald still yeah there would be people on the donald still defending not just the people on the donald though it's like here here's a here's a little bit from that story down farther on that same page, because this is like a megathread that they have on New York Times, right? So there's little pieces. As you work your way down, there's like
Starting point is 00:18:11 this big, long megathread. And one of them says, Mr. Trump's allies on the far right of the House Republican conference have veered into making bellicose threats that sound like calls to arms. Representative Andy Biggs, Republican from Arizona, tweeted, we have now reached a war phase. Eye for an eye. Representative Clay Higgins, Republican Louisiana, appeared to summon supporters to Mr. Trump's arraignment in Miami on Tuesday. Quote, buckle up 150K. I don't know what that is. You know your bridges. Rock steady, calm. That is all. And quote, he wrote on Twitter and an apparent reference to military maps.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I don't know, dude, I have no idea. Military. It all sounds crazy, but in any case, like Nick, there's these,
Starting point is 00:18:56 these reporters know what these things mean. Cause they've researched it. So they know that these are calls to arms. These are, you know, you could say something like this and this isn't, this isn't like some joke of a person who has an eye patch
Starting point is 00:19:08 who shot his own fucking eye out who runs a whole bunch of losers. It's not that. This is a fucking guy who got elected as a representative in the House of Representatives. These are people with a lot of power. They got one 500th
Starting point is 00:19:22 of the steering wheel of this country, right? These are important, important people. And the idea that they're on Twitter making these kind of very open threats, these people are on message boards making open threats, expect this to happen. I mean, expect something bad to happen. This is not going to be good. This isn't going to be just, oh, we got them, guys. This is going to be a disaster because they're already trying to discredit these things as nothing because they've been backed into a corner because the whole time they had no idea really what was in there. And now they've been backed up into a corner trying to discredit this for so long. And none of these
Starting point is 00:19:58 people can ever take a step backwards and say, clearly I messed up. Yeah, dude. And the other thing to keep in mind is that immediately, immediately after being indicted, immediately after being indicted, the fundraising emails go up. Like, he is just going to get richer and richer and richer on this. And there is a strong, there is a palpable sense that all this is going to do, all these indictments. Look, it's very, very likely that in the very near future here, like really in a matter of weeks, probably, if not maybe a couple of months, he'll be also indicted in Georgia. He is almost certainly going to be facing three criminal indictments, possibly four. He also may be indicted in other federal
Starting point is 00:20:46 charges related to January 6th. Now I'm not holding out a lot of hope for that. So like, set that aside. He's almost certainly going to be indicted in the state of Georgia as well. So he, he, and he, what he's going to do is he's going to leverage all of this, leverage all of this to just get richer because the fucking country is half full of crazy dipshits. They're going to total crazy dipshits. They're going to vote from, I was listening to the daily or Slade what's next or something. One of those morning shows I listened to like the daily morning podcasts. Um, and they were talking about how 30% of the Republican electorate is basically Trump no matter what. Just doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:21:32 It's just Trump no matter what. They don't care. There's nothing at all that will move them from that position. And I'm just like, what fucking magic dick did he fuck you with? Like, what in the world kind of amazing magic fucking gold touch Midas dick did he use to fuck you? There's nobody that I would swear that level of fealty to, Cecil. I don't know, man.
Starting point is 00:22:00 If they turned into a fucking traitor to this country. Like, seriously, this is traitors. It is. And to that point, just really quickly to that point, you know, this is something people die for. The things that he gave, that he had in these boxes that were like not even secure, that he was waving around rooms,
Starting point is 00:22:18 you can get killed for that. Like, and I'm not saying get killed by like some random person. I'm saying the United States government can get a rope out and kill you with it. That's what can happen if you trade these kind of things, if you trade these kind of secrets. You can literally get killed for it.
Starting point is 00:22:34 So this is not just a hand wave away, but the reason why these people like him so much, we found out a couple of weeks ago when they polled these people onto why they wanted Trump or what they wanted a Republican candidate was because he made liberals mad. The thing is liberals are mad at him, not because of who he is. I mean, yeah, he's a shitty person, but I mean, here's the thing. He's a terrible person, but if he did a good job as
Starting point is 00:22:58 president, I think everybody could just be like, yeah, man, he did a good job as president. He's fucking awful and he's stupid and he's a fucking brain dead moron, but he did a good job as president. He's fucking awful and he's stupid and he's a fucking brain dead moron, but he did a good job as president. No, he's a bad person doing bad things in office, hurting as many people as possible. And that's why the liberals don't like him and he's breaking laws and that's why the liberals don't like him. But that doesn't matter to them. To them, it's a, it's a way to say, I don't, I'm happy that they're upset that he's still around. I'm happy about that. It doesn't have anything to do with any kind of, it has nothing to do with anything he can give them. It has nothing to do with that.
Starting point is 00:23:30 No, no. The only thing he can give them is to reinforce their hate. That's all he can do. Right. Yeah, because we're in a place like where we have a politic of anger and fury, right? And that's the politic that this 30% represents. They represent a, a political action and a, and a, and a political activism that is based
Starting point is 00:23:55 not on any kind of policy or vision for the country or, you know, like even like dearly held, we can disagree sharply on the role of government in the life of the individual, on taxation, on how big the military should be. We can disagree and have wildly divergent views on really, really important topics. But 30% of the Republican Party doesn't care about any of that. No, they don't. And that's exactly your point, right? They don't. And they never did. And they never will. They, because none of this is substantive. All of this is they're mad and they want you to be mad. They hate you. They want to, they want you to feel their, their, their hate. They want to really like, this is about lashing out. It's a politic of vengeance and retribution. And like, and really this is like massively based in white male chauvinistic
Starting point is 00:24:54 bigotry. Absolutely. That's like massively based in white male chauvinistic bigotry. And make no mistake, we rarely see rich white men held to account in this country, and don't hold your breath for this one to be. Don't hold your breath that this is one that's going to happen, that somehow this is going to change things. I don't think this is going to change things. I think these are very serious charges, but I have a feeling like he's not going to feel the full extent of the law
Starting point is 00:25:20 like somebody else might. He's going to feel a very privileged, if he does even feel anything, he's going to feel a very privileged arm of that law. And that's what's going to happen. That's going to be the worst that happens to him. You know, my biggest worry with this, I'm curious what your, my biggest worry here, Cecil,
Starting point is 00:25:40 is that the case itself, because federal criminal cases, from everything I've read and I've come to understand, they take a long time to move through the system. And there's a lot that can be done to sort of stall and that's the game, right? And the wealthier you are, the longer you can stall things,
Starting point is 00:25:58 even criminal cases very often, right? So my worry is that this will take so long and then he ends up president and it goes away because the Justice Department is the one that's actually pursuing this. So if you're Trump, these charges, even though they've been like, these are serious federal criminal charges,
Starting point is 00:26:22 if he seizes control of the Justice Department, they'll go away. They will 1,000% go away. I also think though, I don't know what this means, but the person who spoke, the Jack Smith, that special prosecutor, he specifically said,
Starting point is 00:26:38 we will make sure this is a speedy trial. So he specifically said that. Man, I fucking hope so. So, and I think they all understand. Because if they don't, we're fucked. They all understand what's at stake here, that the moment he's, you know, on that stage, he can say a ton of stuff and they can't really stop him from, I mean, they've clearly never been able to stop him from talking about any of this stuff. I mean, he's, every time he gets out there, he's a mess. He's, I can't believe he hasn't been indicted before
Starting point is 00:27:05 because the things he says seem illegal. You know, he just says, I can do these things and I had these papers and that's okay because I made them not be classified by thinking about them. This is, it feels to me like an open admission that he had these papers. And then once you find out that he knew
Starting point is 00:27:24 about how to declassify him, you're just like, no, that's, I mean, like, come on, man. This is like catching the guy with your bike after he stole it. This is super easy. This doesn't require Sherlock Holmes in a big magnifying glass. We've got all the evidence we need.
Starting point is 00:27:40 So I feel like there's going to be a swiftness to this. At least there has to be, or to your point, it's essentially a nothing. And I do want to address now, because I think it's important to address it now and probably to continue to address it as we go forward, that there is a massive and important and factual distinction between these documents and the documents that were found in the Biden residence and in the Pence residence, right? And here's the distinction. The distinction is not, and the problem is not, and the indictments are not related to, oh, he just had these documents, right? Because mistakes happen. So the entire system is set up to basically, if Trump had said, oh, you know what? My bad.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Took them by accident. Here they are. I've surrendered all the documents. We've done our due diligence. We've done a careful search. There are no other documents. That's not what happened. That's exactly what did happen in the case of Pence and Biden, right?
Starting point is 00:28:39 Is it was like, hey, let's go see if anyone else has any documents. Hey, look, turns out we had some documents. Here they are. We surrender them. You're welcome to look around and show up to place. We don't want to keep them. It was just an honest mistake, right? It's a mistake that shouldn't be made and is really upsetting as far as
Starting point is 00:28:55 knowing that the national security of this country is this fucking lax. But it's clear that Democrats and Republicans both made the same mistake. Right. The difference with the Trump indictment is that he obstructed the process of retrieving those documents officially and intelligently and intentionally at every step. They lied. They obstructed. They hid. They tried to drag things out. And the whole time he was doing it, he 100% knew he had house, and you're like, hey, man, you forgot one of these file folders, and you're not allowed to have it. I say, oh, fuck, man, that's yours. Take it. That's different than if I take that file folder and hide it under the fucking couch cushions and lock my
Starting point is 00:29:53 door so you can't get in. There's a huge fucking difference here. There's a whataboutism that the right is trying to spread, and it's important to never let that go, right? Because it's a massive, massive difference. It's the reason no one's coming after Pence. Right. Right? No one's knocking on Mike Pence's door
Starting point is 00:30:12 with criminal charges because he was like, hey, man, take a look around. If you see it and it's yours, you can have it. And that's all anybody, that's all the responsibility
Starting point is 00:30:20 any of them have. And this is the lie that Trump is spreading, right? Trump is trying to tell another big lie to get out of this trouble by saying, I'm the only one being indicted, but there was a bunch of boxes that were missing. And then people obviously latch onto that because they're like, yeah, see, Trump knows everybody else should be indicted as well. And you're absolutely right. And it's not just that he tried to hide him too. It's that he said he had given
Starting point is 00:30:43 them all. So he's like, yeah, no, you have them all. Yeah, no, you gave them. Because there was all, I don't know if you remember, but this was like, this is like three times they had to go back to him. They had to go back to him because they're just like, no, man, I checked out your library book and I got the thing, the due date
Starting point is 00:31:00 and it's missing. Like we keep records too badly, but we still keep them. And so we know that you have stuff. And then he's like, oh shit, I guess I still do. And then, you know, but like, you're right.
Starting point is 00:31:11 He's doing his best to thwart this at every turn. This is a man who clearly knows he did things wrong and didn't care. And the fact that this is finally coming home to roost isn't satisfying because we know we've seen him get out of so much trouble. It'll only be satisfying the moment they put the cuffs on his tiny little hands.
Starting point is 00:31:32 And then you're like, okay, no, that's satisfying now. Now I'm satisfied. But until then, I'm going to be very leery and I'm also going to be on guard because the people that follow him are insane and that I also don't feel like he's going to be held accountable really that much anyway. Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.
Starting point is 00:31:50 So Cecil, in some other news, some good news. There's a lot of good news this week, actually. Right in a row here. Pat Muffucking Robertson dead as fuck. Hold on a second. Let me get the trumpet in here.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Nobody, I mean, people care, mainly care, because Pat Robertson was a piece of trash. Pat Robertson was a grotesque human being, and he was a grotesque human being for decades. He was the type of person who would say hurtful, awful shit to any single minority he could possibly do. He was racist. He was homophobic. He was an awful jackass of a human being. And the fact that he's dead made the world a little bit better. He's not, he's also a very rich human
Starting point is 00:32:41 being too. Like people like, you know, he came out in his, you know, same old suit that he wore like every single time, but that dude sold a business for over a billion dollars to a Republican. So, I mean, he made a lot of goddamn money off this network that he sold to them. He kept himself on the air for decades. He was feeding the Christian right, their marching orders for decades.
Starting point is 00:33:03 He's an awful person. Every second he breathed air was bad for most people, except for the people that were sort of following him. So it's good that he's gone. It's fucking delicious that he's gone. And he should be remembered for his work. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:33:18 He should be remembered for the work that he did while he was here on earth, right? Like his death could not have happened to a nicer corpse. Yeah, absolutely. Like it really could. Like the guy has looked, he has looked dead, Cecil, for at least the last 15 years.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Like we've been doing this show for 16 years, give or take. We've been podcasting now for 16 years, almost 17 years. He has looked straight up, honest to God, dead that entire time. I mean, we're talking, yeah,
Starting point is 00:33:46 what was he? It was in his seventies. And we were like, Jesus Christ, this guy looks like the Crip Keeper. This is a guy who, despite leg pressing a thousand pounds, clearly did not age very well at all.
Starting point is 00:34:00 A thousand pounds. That wasn't his most egregious lie, but it still was pretty bad. This is a guy, and I'm going to read from the New York Times article here. There's a million articles about his horrible legacy of mean-spirited bigotry that, and I want to be clear,
Starting point is 00:34:17 that he used just to make money, right? That's why he did this. He's a fucking righteous gemstone. He did all this shit just to make money. It's just a fucking piece of shit. He suggested, this is right from the Times, he suggested that Americans' sinfulness brought on the September 11th terrorist attacks, that the earthquake in Haiti was divine retribution.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Remember this? This is so bad. For a promise the Haitians made to serve the devil in return for his help with securing the country's independence from France. Yeah. Awful. And I want to return to that one because when he says that the – if you think about that earthquake one, that is divine retribution for the Haitians making a deal with the devil. the Haitians making a deal with the devil, they made a deal with their devil,
Starting point is 00:35:05 according to this narrative, for their freedom, for the right to not be slaves. Embedded in that is that the right thing to do, the godly thing to do, would have been to stay enslaved. Stay enslaved to your slaveholders, which were the French.
Starting point is 00:35:23 And also God somehow took a, I took a couple weeks off. I didn't want to do it right away. You know, I had, it was 1804 or so. And I was like, you know what? I got some fishing to do. So I'm going to get that out of the way. And then I'm going to get, I'll get on that earthquake when I get on it. But you all know down the road why I did it. You know, and I thought, I thought about this too, Cecil. If you were a believer in this nonsense, right? In all this fucking jib-jab, fucking flim-flam garbage.
Starting point is 00:35:54 If you were a believer in this fucking nonsense and you were a Haitian and you had spent how many generations praying to a Christian God for your liberty? Yeah, man. And he didn't do shit. I would absolutely pray to the devil, right? Like if somebody is going to fucking help me, who's the evil one?
Starting point is 00:36:16 Like the one who gets me out of slavery? God, can you imagine being like God? Like God didn't do shit. I'm supposed to get fucking worked up because they made a deal with the devil. Man, if the devil fucking produces and God they made a deal with the devil, man. If the devil fucking produces and God is like, I don't know, enjoy your suffering. Like, fuck that.
Starting point is 00:36:31 See, here's the thing. We kind of lack slavery. So it's like, there's a lot of it in the Bible. It's very biblical. So we're just not going to do anything. I know I said you wanted to get out of it, but really there's no takesies-backsies. So sorry. I mean, there's no takesies-backsies, so sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:45 That's it. I mean, it's pathetic and gross, and the fact that Pat Robertson is the kind of guy who's like, no, man, that's devil-worshiping if you don't like slavery. Yeah, look, the devil's worth worshiping then, right? Like, the devil gets fucking results.
Starting point is 00:37:00 I'm pro-devil in this circumstance. I'm pro-dead Pat Robertson. That's what I am. I'm pro-dead Pat Robertson that's what I am I'm pro-dead Pat Robertson fuck that guy in the face and I love that people took
Starting point is 00:37:09 Pat Robertson who was so he was the guy who was like yeah they had the HIV gay people have these
Starting point is 00:37:17 rings that when they shake your hand they stick you with HIV blood and you that's how it spreads
Starting point is 00:37:23 is they're out there shaking hands and killing people. It's an awful, shitty thing to say. He was happy when gay people were dying of HIV. And I love, I fucking love that somebody took a rainbow and put a pride, they spelled out pride,
Starting point is 00:37:38 that Pat Robertson's dead, everybody. And Pat Robertson is dead, everybody. And it spells out pride. It's perfect and it's fucking amazing. And I love that he died during pride month too. So it's just like, I hope they cover his fucking coffin in a fucking, I hope every day that someone has to scrub rainbows off his fucking headstone. That's what I hope for the rest of history. Everybody just like throws fucking rainbows everywhere all the way around, puts little rainbow little stickums in the ground
Starting point is 00:38:06 all around there constantly. That's what I hope happens. Cecil, I wonder if we, and in all seriousness, I wonder if we can, from this show, sponsor a, like a monthly rainbow flower delivery. I wonder if we can do that.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Can we? I bet we can. No, we probably could. We can get. We probably could. Rainbow. We should look into whether or not we can get.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Find out where he is. And then we should every single month, every single month, we should send fucking a rainbow bouquet. You know, there's part of me that thinks that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:38:39 And then there's another part of me that's like, man, I just want to give that money to modest needs. Fuck that guy in the face. I know, man. It's funny, but it's a waste of money. You're just like money to modest needs. Fuck that guy in the face. I know, man. I know. It's funny, but it's a waste of money.
Starting point is 00:38:47 You're just like, you know what? Fuck that guy. I want to forget him. So I'm just like, you know what? I'm going to forget you. I'm going to forget you existed. We can't because you were fucking like the leader and the mouthpiece of the Christian right for so long.
Starting point is 00:38:58 But he is an awful, awful person. And it's funny too. There's a weird thing that they talk about in this article, Tom, because I guess for a little bit, he was even swallowing the Kool-Aid when it came to, when it came to the, before January 6th, before like the election stuff, he was all like, he was all like, oh yeah, we're going to, you know, this is the travesty of justice. And then two weeks later, after everything failed, he was like, you know what? I take it all back. Why don't you just move on Trump? But that's classic Pat. That's classic Pat Robertson. One thing Pat Robertson could do and his whole life he could do is he fucking
Starting point is 00:39:35 sensed the direction of the wind, man. That guy was a fucking, like he was a fucking wind sensor. Like he's a fucking wind sock. Like he knew the direction the wind was blowing and he knew exactly how long to maintain a direction with the fucking moral majority right assholes in order to fleece them in order to look right at the camera and ask for ties right like the ending this is again like this is another draft dodging guys as a guy who avoided, you know, like combat in Korea. This is just another one of these like cowardly, you do it, not me, fucking evangelistic grifters. Rich white dude. That's what he is. Who's spent his entire career furthering the cause of rich white dudes.
Starting point is 00:40:21 That's all he did. 100%, man. And he's fucking dead. And you shouldn't feel bad that you feel good about that. Don't feel bad that you feel good. It's okay. Bad people die.
Starting point is 00:40:33 And when they die, the world gets a little better every single time. Nobody did this. Think about the awful terroristic dictators we've had in the world. And when they died, nobody was like, oh man, we really got to mourn these terroristic. we've had in the world. And when they died, nobody was like,
Starting point is 00:40:45 oh man, we really got to mourn these terroristic... No, nobody said that. Everybody was like, man, it's a good day when that guy died. It's a good day when Pat Robertson dies too. It is. And you don't have to... And I want to add too to that because there's always those people like, oh, you shouldn't celebrate when somebody dies. Yes, you should. First of all, yes, you
Starting point is 00:41:01 absolutely should. And then there's also the like, well, you got to take into account that there are people that loved him that will be sad. First of all, yes, you absolutely should. And then there's also the like, well, you know, you got to take into account that there are people that loved him that will be sad. If you love a monster, I don't care how sad you are right now. I just don't. Like, if you love a guy who is a fucking monster and he's dead, I get it. Like, sometimes we love monsters. They're in our family.
Starting point is 00:41:22 I get it. But we don't have to feel bad that somebody loved a monster. Also, like, what is that weird empathy? Like I've got to feel empathy for his family somehow because of this. I don't have to feel empathy. I have very little empathy to go around. Okay. I'm not spending any of it on Pat Robertson's fucking family.
Starting point is 00:41:39 Okay. None of it. They get 0% of my empathy. Okay. They could get their own empathy. There's plenty of people out there crying in a fucking sock for them right now. get 0% of my empathy. Okay. They could get their own empathy. There's plenty of people out there crying in a fucking sock for them right now. Let those people give them empathy. They don't deserve mine and they won't get it. I don't care. Period.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Give me my child. I have a gun. Tom, this is my favorite story. I love how bitchy. I love this story from Jezebel it's so bitchy the way it's written the thing is it's fucking true it's amazing it's so good I'm gonna read big chunks
Starting point is 00:42:18 because the writing is so good the writing is fucking chest kiss good Kylie Chung oh my god you're fucking you are an ex-poet laureate. It's amazing. And before we, before I do that, can we talk about the picture of Mike Pence wearing like some kind of, of, of like motorcycle gear? He's got like a vest on. And he's on like a scooter or something.
Starting point is 00:42:46 He's on a bike of some kind, I'm sure, yeah. But it has a big windscreen on it. And oh my god, does he look lame. It's kind of hilarious. He looks so fucking lame. He just looks like the lamest poser that ever posed for a fucking pose. He's so fucking bad. So here's the
Starting point is 00:43:01 here's this from Jezebel. Mike Pence, who won't interact alone with women other than his wife, launches presidential bid. It's perfect. It's a perfect sentence. There are very few perfect sentences in the world. This is a perfect sentence,
Starting point is 00:43:18 Tom. An adult man who is myopically obsessed with abortion and calls his wife mother will make his best attempt to come off as normal for the next year or so. This is the best writing in the world. It's so good. It's so good. God, it's fucking perfect.
Starting point is 00:43:39 It's official. Former Vice President Mike Pence is running for president. It's official. Former Vice President Mike Pence is running for president. And I, for one, think that a man who still can't bring himself to condemn former President Donald Trump, despite Trump recently suggesting his supporters who chanted hang Mike Pence on January 6th might have been justified, is exactly the tough guy we need to get this nation back on track. This fucking in an impotent little video shared on Fox news and Twitter on Wednesday morning. Stop it. My sides hurt.
Starting point is 00:44:11 The sentient dish rag is the greatest thing you could call him. A sentient dish rag. Oh God. It's all so good. Declares that different times call for different leadership he then proclaims today before god and my family I'm announcing I'm running for president of the United States
Starting point is 00:44:32 oh my god this is first of all no one is gonna vote for Mike Pence the right hates him too he's gonna have a tiny little room full of people like there's like you know a tiny little room full of people. Like there's like, like, you know,
Starting point is 00:44:45 a small block of voters from, he'll probably win Indiana. He is popular with flies. I will say that. He's very popular with flies. He's populated by a lot of flies. So they can weight things down, you know.
Starting point is 00:44:58 During, during the vice presidential debate, when the fly just landed on him, obviously recognizing the stench of Indiana. It's like, man, you smell like home. You smell like a meth lab covered in cow shit. It's the best. The fly was calling him father, like instead of his wife calling him mother. I love this so much though. This is such a bitchy, awesome article. But his little thing coming forward, he did come out and say in part of his speech,
Starting point is 00:45:30 he said, anyone who holds themselves above the constitution should never get your vote for president. And anyone who tries to make others hold him above the constitution should never get your vote for president. So he's clearly, he's as Pence as he can saying, don your vote for president. So he's clearly, he's, he's as Pence as he can saying, don't vote for Trump. That's as Pence as he possibly can do it. It's the most weak sauce, wishy-washy dishrag, sentient dishrag type of the way in which you would say something
Starting point is 00:45:58 to try to convince somebody of something. That is what, that is, that is how he said it. So, you know, again, he's a weak, weak human being. He's an awful human being. He's, he followed Trump all the way until the end. And then Trump literally would have been fine if he was murdered. Trump didn't care. And the worst thing that happened was, is he had to sit in a, like a, like a dumpster area while he didn't ruin the whole country because he had no power to do it. That's the best thing that Pence ever did was he didn't ruin the country
Starting point is 00:46:32 when he had no power to do so. I was wondering when he announced, Cecil, that he was going to be running for president. I did wonder briefly. I thought, okay, wait a minute. I got to look up and see what the requirements are in order to be president, right? Because I wasn't sure that he qualifies. You do have to be 35 years old or over, which he is. You do have to be a natural born citizen, but distressingly, there is no requirement that you actually be a vertebrate, which is how he qualifies.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Just absolutely no fucking backbone in that man. Floppy pants. Still somehow qualifies. Just so floppy. When they have to hold him up on that motorcycle, he's just got pins that are holding him in place. Because if not, he'll just slither off the side of the motorcycle. God. The man is like a fucking bag of juice.
Starting point is 00:47:26 He's just like a bag of fucking old gravy. Garbage juice. Walking around. Garbage juice, because he's from Indiana, so he smells like garbage juice. He is from Indiana. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Wow. God fucking, what a, this Republican primary. Cecil, think about what is happening with this Republican primary. It's just a clown shoe ass
Starting point is 00:47:44 bunch of people. It's got, Chris Christie people. It's got— Chris Christie announced. It's got Trump. Yeah, Chris Christie announced. And like Chris Christie, his goal, he thinks he can win, he can't win. His goal is to just hurt Trump, is to take down Trump. He is sort of branding himself as the Trump killer, right?
Starting point is 00:48:03 And all of this, I think, is good for Trump, right? Because all of this, all of these people throwing their hat in the ring, what they're really doing is they're keeping all the national attention focused on who can beat Trump, talking about Trump. Every conversation is still a conversation that the hub of that wheel is still Trump. Yeah, everybody, no, you're absolutely right. Wants that. Absolutely right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:24 You know? Yeah. So that's good, ultimately, still Trump. And Trump wants that. You're absolutely right. You're absolutely right. Yeah. So that's good ultimately for Trump. And I think he also realizes that the more people who throw their hat in the Republican primary ring, the more it dilutes the 70% of the people that will not vote for Trump or are not 100% sold on voting. So if he's got a 30% lock over here on lunatics, and it seems like demographically he does, then it's actually good for him to subdivide up that 70% and let the sort of dogs fight that shit out. But what is also great about this, and I think it's genuinely wonderful, is these guys will produce soundbites after the primary going after Trump that can just be used by anyone.
Starting point is 00:49:09 They're going to go after this guy and they're going to create soundbites from the right that the left can use to continue to attack Trump. Well, and I think too, this is going to be one of the first ever real, real, real, real deep gloves off Republican primaries.
Starting point is 00:49:26 Trump did it in 2016 or 2015. Trump, the gloves were off. He was calling, he's calling people names. He's talking over everybody. He ran like a bull in a China shop through that primary, right? I don't know if you remember, but he was awful. And then he did the same thing on the debate stage with Hillary. And he did the same thing on the debate stage with Hillary. And he did the same thing on the debate stage when he went up against Biden. He talked over him. He interrupted him. And really, genuinely, I don't know if that played for him or didn't. In some ways, they said it didn't. They said a lot of people didn't like it. But then again, he got 78 million votes or something crazy like that. So they clearly didn't bother anybody that much.
Starting point is 00:50:02 78 million votes or something crazy like that. So they clearly didn't bother anybody that much. But genuinely, these primaries are going to be the first time he's going to have to deal with that tactic from somebody else. Because I guarantee DeSantis is going to do the same thing to him. And I guarantee these other people who have trained him to debate. Chris Christie was training him to debate Biden. If you remember, he was the one who was training him. So he's going to come out and
Starting point is 00:50:25 do the exact same thing to Trump. He's going to talk over him. He's going to interrupt him. He's going to say things that are damning and then won't let him respond. They're going to do the same things that Trump has been doing for a long time. So let's see. And I do not think Trump is a very smart person. I think he's a bulldog and he will say things and he's more of an id, but I think the moment a smart person uses these tactics against him, I think he's going to be fucked. I do too, man. I think he could get chewed up and spit out through this primary process, and he's going to have to primary, or he's going to be primaried at the same time that he is defending himself against two criminal
Starting point is 00:51:05 indictments. And I don't care who you are. That has got to take up. He's only got so much time. You know what I mean? Nobody has an infinite amount of time and energy. And so what's great, Cecil, I think is that I want him to lose all three things, right? Like I want him to go to jail. I want him to go to jail again. And I want him to lose the primary. But I think that it is very likely he only needs to lose one of those three things for me to be very, very happy. Well, right.
Starting point is 00:51:38 So he only needs to lose one out of three of those battles. He's got to fight them all. And he's an old piece of shit. That's the other thing. He's an old fat piece of shit who should now be living under tremendous, tremendous stress. And I know this is being recorded,
Starting point is 00:51:54 so I'll only say stress is very hard on the body. It's very hard on the heart. It's one of the leading causes of hypertension. So I also want to point out something to give you a little stress, Tom. Eugene V. Debs ran from jail. And if you remember, we covered him on Incitation. He ran from jail and got votes. So I don't feel like that's going to stop him from running. He will run from jail. Also, I want to say this too, and I don't know how true this is, but I'd be very interested to see if the crazy contingent does come out
Starting point is 00:52:30 for his primaries, because this is a type of person who probably isn't super politically connected. They love Trump, but they're not like crazy and know exactly sort of when their polling place opens, they feel like a little less hinged than that. So I wonder if they will be very, very openly voting for him in the main election, but he might not get it because not only are they diffuse all over the entire country, but I also feel like they're not the type of people who I think might go to the polls
Starting point is 00:53:06 to vote for him. I'm not sure about that. I don't know. So I'm anxious to see if that's the case, if they will come out and put him over the edge in any of these primary races. It's going to be a fucking shit show. It's a clown car. It's a clown car. Again. Again. It is. Did Ted Cruz say yes
Starting point is 00:53:22 yet? Did Ted Cruz jump in yet? Oh my God. You think he's going to jump in? Oh, it went in last time. Are there rumblings? I would imagine he's going to jump in. I mean,
Starting point is 00:53:30 come on. Look, it's got to be the invertebrate fight off between him and Pence. They've got to decide. I'm like an octopus. I can fit in any hole. Come on.
Starting point is 00:53:44 I can fit in any hole but never fill one just hold that coke bottle up let me show you god oh i i do i want ted cruz to run man yeah oh i don't i don't know if i want that what if he won what if he oh yeah i don't know no yeah ted cruz What if he won? What if he won? Yeah, I don't know. No. Ted Cruz has become worse over the years, too. It's like I hated him before, and now I hate him even worse now. Yeah, man. He is terrifyingly stupid and incompetent. I mean, just bad.
Starting point is 00:54:16 And also just mean and evil and just he's a piece of shit. It is, and I don't want to sound like I'm delighting in any of this, because, and I know it does, but what I do find actually genuinely distressing, Cecil, is this is what everything's come to. Sure, I know, I know. You know what I mean? How has it come to this?
Starting point is 00:54:37 How has, you know, when John McCain ran, and even Mitt Romney ran, and even less so George W. Bush, but those at least were like, they were shitty bad people with bad policies, but they were serious people. They were not people whose entire lives were built on scandal and cruelty cruelty of this like really direct nature like they were shitty cruel mean-spirited awful people don't get me wrong but like do you know what i mean now we're in a place where it's like the united states government to go after people you don't like like no right trump is an awful person in comparison. Now things are just so bad. They're just so bad that you've got half of this country that has to make, if you're a Republican, aren't you, aren't you like furious about these choices? Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Aren't you just like livid that these are the options that you have now to pick from? Yeah, man. Is these horrible, horrible people. And if you're not, if you're like, oh man, it's going to be a re is there anybody out there? Caesar was like, oh man, 2024, a lot of great guys up there. It's going to be a real head scratcher. I'm not sure who we're going to vote. Why? I really, I can take any one of them. You know, they're all so good. Wow. Sure. Fuck. I wanted to,
Starting point is 00:56:06 while we're on Pence, let's talk for a second about his, his armed guards in schools because basically, basically he gets asked this on stage and they say, hey,
Starting point is 00:56:19 you know, there's been a lot of school shootings. What do you say? And his, and his response is basically there needs to be more armed guards at schools. And then the lady asked him and says, look, there were armed guards at places and they didn't do anything. And he's like, yeah, but I'm saying trained armed guards.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Yeah. And they specifically, here's the crazy thing. They specifically refer to Uvalde, right? And they specifically are referring in that case to the police being at uvalde and his response is yeah but i'm talking about trained ones and it's like so are you now saying the police aren't trained yeah are you supposed to have armed guards in the schools like i like i know he's dodging the question like, if I were to take him at his fucking shitty spineless Indiana word, like, am I supposed to think that we have to have like seal team six level of fucking training in order to keep the school safe? Because he will not. He will not budge on gun control. Right. question is like hey maybe we should have less of the murdering weapons in america because there's
Starting point is 00:57:27 a lot of murder and they almost exclusively use the easiest cheapest dumbest fucking weapon ever invented the gun in order to murder people so like perhaps if we had less fucking guns that would be better and he's like, maybe we should have a Navy seal in every kindergarten. That's what we need. You know, that's the answer. A seal in every pot. Yeah. Well, his reaction though, I will say this, I watched this video and I will say this, it is refreshing to see a politician say nothing when they're asked the question instead of just saying the dumbest shit you've ever heard. Because that's what he does. He says nothing. He's like, oh, you know, I'm just this kind of guy who's like, you know, I just feel like they need to be trained. He just deflects. And that's like very typical politician thing to do, at least for
Starting point is 00:58:21 older politicians. But Trump is not like that. Trump is just like, nah, yeah, we should kill all the kids. He says the dumbest shit in the world. And you're like, how did that guy, what in the world? It's kind of refreshing to see somebody say bullshit and kind of hide it as bullshit. I want to read this sentence this sentence because you just have to hear to your point, you have to hear how much bullshit
Starting point is 00:58:50 Mike Pence spews. So Pence was asked to justify his belief in expediting the death penalty for mass shooters, most of whom are killed or intend to die during the violence, right? So he's like, yeah, we should have the death penalty for mass shooters. And they're like, yeah, we should have the death penalty for mass shooters.
Starting point is 00:59:05 And they're like, yeah, but like that, what? Like they're already dead. They're already wanting to die anyway. Like, and he says,
Starting point is 00:59:12 I follow these stories as closely as you do. And of course, over years in the white house, we saw one tragedy after another, and we see evidence in the aftermath that they went in without regard to whether they would survive. And then this next sentence is unbelievable. But I just believe in the deterrent of the law.
Starting point is 00:59:32 How? They went in. In your previous sentence. I know. They went in without regard to their survival. And you're like, but maybe if they thought they were going to die. No. What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:59:47 You literally just acknowledged the futility of your solution. You said it. You said the futility of your solution. And then you're just like, but you know what? I say we do it the fuck anyway.
Starting point is 01:00:01 I initially had said that this was good thing to hear a politician say this sort of thing. And then initially had said that this was, this was good thing, you know, to hear a politician say this sort of thing. And then as you said that out loud, I realized his sophistication is wasted on the people who vote for him. The sophistication to just say a lie like that and then couch it in a, like a bullshit line of nothing.
Starting point is 01:00:25 That sophistication is wasted on his voters. That level. And so that's actually depressing. I'm depressed. I re-depressed myself. I depressed myself after I thought about it. I was like, oh no, no, they didn't need that. Those people didn't need to hear
Starting point is 01:00:39 his couching of any of this language. They could just be like, no, but I just want guns and I don't care if kids die. And if somebody said that, that wouldn't stop them from voting for them. What we need next is a Republican presidential candidate
Starting point is 01:00:53 who every time he opens his mouth, the sound of TV static comes out. Just TV static. I want to see that so bad. It's like a broken Android. It's like a broken android. It's just... He would do well. He would pull well.
Starting point is 01:01:12 I think if he made the liberals mad, then yeah, he would do well. He would do really well. Yeah. They have screwed us on student loans so we can never get out from under. So this story comes from The Hill. Biden vetoes measure overturning student loan forgiveness plan. So Biden has vetoed the overturning of
Starting point is 01:01:32 the student debt relief plan. How did it get through the Senate, Tom? How on earth did something like this from the House get through a majority democratically controlled Senate? That seems weird. Can you explain it to me, Tom, very quickly? The fucking covert Republicans of Manchin and Sinema? That's how? And another one, John Tester, Democrat from Montana?
Starting point is 01:01:55 How is there a Democrat? They're not Democrats. They are not Democrats. Now this is going to go to the goddamn Supreme Court, Cecil. That's what's going to happen. It's going to go to the fucking 6-3 Supreme Court, who's going to fucking drop their fucking nuts on it and be like, brr, brr, brr, nothing you want ever. I'll tell you.
Starting point is 01:02:12 We're the worst. It was my great hope that this could get stalled long enough so it wouldn't make it there. And the reason why I was hoping for that is because if he kicks the can down to the road to the next person, the next person isn't going to enact it. They're going to be like, no, man, I can't do this now. Now I will get fucking eaten alive if I reenact this thing. The only chance he has is if it gets enacted and he says, well, look, I did what I could, but I can't because the Republicans essentially stack the deck against the American people. Maybe he can play it in his favor in some way, but it's such a tragedy that this is happening, especially with all this inflation that's going on. People can't afford housing anymore. We're in this really terrible
Starting point is 01:02:55 place. And to not have this little bit of relief, and this is a little bit of relief when it comes right down to it, to have this little bit of relief for a lot of people in the United States, right down to it. To have this little bit of relief for a lot of people in the United States, it's a tragedy that this has happened. Yeah. What's upsetting is that what is almost certainly going to happen is this is going to go to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is going to rule against this, right? Because the Supreme Court rules against anything good always. We are not going to help people who are in need of help because we don't do the right thing whenever we're given the opportunity to, we fail.
Starting point is 01:03:31 And at the same time that that happens, it will in no way curtail executive power because the decision by the Supreme Court, I guarantee Cecil, will be written so narrowly that it will deny Biden the opportunity to give loan forgiveness to people that need it while not in any way stripping future Republicans of their ability to do awful shit leveraging the overuse of executive power. I guarantee it. They'll just write it super fucking narrow.
Starting point is 01:04:05 I am not surprised at all that Sinema, who's now an independent, by the way, and Manchin voted for this sort of thing. They have shown time and time and time again that they're awful, shitty people and they shouldn't be in Congress. They shouldn't be in the Senate with those monikers. She shouldn't be an independent.
Starting point is 01:04:24 She's a fucking Republican and he shouldn't be an independent. She's a fucking Republican and he shouldn't be a Democrat. He's a fucking Republican. Just flip sides already. You're pretending. Stop pretending. You're voting against stuff that,
Starting point is 01:04:34 and this is not a lot of money for a huge group of people in this country in comparison to a lot of things that we write off. The PPP loans. Nobody gave a fucking, nobody blinked a fucking eye
Starting point is 01:04:45 at those. Yet, here we go, fucking a tiny... And this isn't going to wipe out the debt of some of these people. Some of these people are in six figures worth of debt. This is only going to mitigate some of that. What they should do is shut the interest off forever on these loans. That's what they should do. They shouldn't be any interest whatsoever on these loans, if that's the case. If you're going to do that, then be like, cool, we're killing interest 100%. There's no more interest on these loans. That's it.
Starting point is 01:05:10 Yeah, well, I mean, look, we always find the money to go to war. We always find the fucking money to fund the military. We never cut the military at all. Fucking $3 million from one missile or whatever. Fucking fine. Build them all. Do it all.
Starting point is 01:05:26 The military, we always find the money for all of that military shit. It's that old saying, like, call me when the fucking military has to hold a bake sale for an aircraft carrier, right? So, like, and the thing is, like, that's true. We always have the money for this. What really should be the case, Cecil, is that post-secondary education should be entirely free. All state universities, all community colleges, and all state universities should be entirely and 100% to the penny subsidized because that's what's good for this country. That is what is good to make American
Starting point is 01:06:06 citizens better educated and better able to compete in the global workforce and the global intellectual force. If we do not want a massive fucking brain drain, if we do not want a massive competitive disadvantage overseas, we should be investing in education. Every dollar you invest in education returns more than a dollar back. But for some fucking reason, we won't do it. We just won't do it.
Starting point is 01:06:41 Alright, so that's going to wrap it up for this week. This upcoming week, we won't have a release on Thursday, but there will be a patron one later on in the month. So if you're a patron, look out for that. That should be a funny episode. Wanted to make mention that next month, we might be missing some of our extra drops because I am going on vacation.
Starting point is 01:07:01 We might not be able to record a ton ahead of time. So we will still have four regular shows and then I will be coming back later on in the month. So we might have a couple extras later on, but it might be that there might not be a lot of extra stuff that's happening in July. It's just the way our schedules work out. We don't have a ton of time between now
Starting point is 01:07:20 and then to make up that time. And Tom has been very busy moving. So we just didn't have an opportunity to record ahead of time as much as we wanted to. So there may be a few extra shows that aren't posted in July. We'll let you know exactly when those are going to be hitting. But just letting you know ahead of time in the next month, there probably won't be. But this month, there will be an extra patron show later on, we promise. All right, that's going to wrap it up for this week. We're going to leave you like we always do with the Skeptic's Creed.
Starting point is 01:07:48 Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized, stereogram, pyramidal, free energy, healing, water, downward spiral, brain dead, pan, sales pitch, late night info-docutainment. Leo, Pisces, cancer cures, detox, reflex, foot massage, death in towers, tarot cards, psychic healing, crystal balls,
Starting point is 01:08:20 Bigfoot, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody. Evidential. Conclusive. Doubt even this.
Starting point is 01:08:59 The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. All opinions are solely that of Glory Hole Studios, LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information, and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds. Produced in association with the local dairy council and viewers like you. you

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