Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 70: Most Basic Desire of the Feminine Soul

Episode Date: October 21, 2012

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Want to stream Cognitive Dissonance to your Android or iPhone? Buy the app! Go to and click on the link on the right-hand side of the page. Each purchase helps support the show. It is altogether right to discriminate against homosexual behavior. I'm arguing that it's time that we as conservatives, that we rehabilitate the word discriminate, that we reclaim it, that we dust it off, and that we use it, and that we use it unapologetically. And I believe we need to begin to say, look, it is altogether right for a rational culture
Starting point is 00:00:38 to discriminate against homosexual behavior. I agree with the First Circuit Court of Appeals. DOMA discriminates against couples whose union is based on sodomy. It discriminates against them. It says you are not eligible for the same spousal benefits that members of man-woman marriages are eligible for. So we are discriminating against you. And I am saying, yes, that's exactly what DOMA does. And it should.
Starting point is 00:01:09 And it's altogether right that DOMA discriminate against homosexual behavior because it is not a benign alternative to heterosexuality. It's got a host of pathologies associated with it. It is not behavior that ought to be endorsed, promoted, sanctioned, funded, subsidized, protected in law by any rational society.
Starting point is 00:01:31 We ought to discriminate against homosexual behavior. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. This is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical. It's political. And there is no welcome mat.
Starting point is 00:02:34 This is episode 70 of Cognitive Dissonance. Has this eclipsed, Tom? Have we gone past everyone's critic numbers at this point? I think if we have not, we've come very close. Everyone's a critic I think was like in the 72, 76 sort of region. Okay, so at 80 we're definitely going to be beating it. At 80 we have destroyed what
Starting point is 00:02:53 we took four years pretty much to build. Like we have just, I mean, let's be honest though we destroyed that other show really with the very first of this show. Yeah, yeah. We really found our niche, I think, four years in. Some people, it just takes longer. Why rush?
Starting point is 00:03:11 Why rush? That's what sex is for. You know? That and disappointment. Right. Absolutely. Why is Obama so zealous for abortion rights? Why is he so zealous for gay marriage?
Starting point is 00:03:26 Now, think about it. That's not because he's a Muslim. Muslims aren't into gay marriage. That's right. And they're not for abortion either. Right. So that theory just won't work. So something else is going on.
Starting point is 00:03:35 And so with any theory, you know the theory works if it can explain data. That seems weird. But when you put the anti-colonial glasses on, it makes sense. So what's the missing piece? The missing piece is when you think of colonialism. Think of the Spanish conquistadors who came to America, right? Cortes and so on. We always see, if you look at the historical pictures,
Starting point is 00:03:56 you see the conquistador with a big sword, but right next to him is another guy in a black robe, the priest. And he's carrying a Bible. So the colonialists and the missionary came hand in hand. So in my opinion, Obama has developed a pathological hatred for traditional Christianity because it is symbolized for him by the missionaries who carried it worldwide. The missionary was seen as complicit with colonialism and part of the aggression of Obama's social agenda, where he basically says, you know, Catholic Church, you can't do this.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Catholic Church says, well, if we don't do that, we'll have to close all the schools and hospitals. Obama's like, do it. I don't care. That would not make me unhappy in the least. Now, Bill Clinton wouldn't say that. And Al Gore wouldn't say that. And John Kerry wouldn't say that. And Jimmy Carter wouldn't say that.
Starting point is 00:04:42 That's why Obama's a different kind of a Democrat. that and john kerry wouldn't say that and jimmy carter wouldn't say that that's why obama's a different kind of a democrat so speaking of sex and disappointment we've got to go with the first story here from right wing watch um dinesh de souza in hot water over religious with religious right over sex scandal turns out actually i would take a exception that he's in hot water with anybody who knows who he is dinesh de sou D'Souza is kind of one of those guys that makes the circuit all the time. He's debated Hitchens. He's debated Dawkins. And when I say debated, I mean he's lost.
Starting point is 00:05:15 So he's not a master debater? He doesn't have to be because he's now working on his second wife. Although, much to the chagrin of uh the right wing nutter who's gosh he hasn't quite gotten rid of the first wife yet yeah well does what i what i was kind of shocked at when they said like there's a six month cooling off period before you can actually get divorced in uh in california so like he had to file for it. Then there's a six-month period. But I guess he didn't file for it
Starting point is 00:05:49 and was going around introducing somebody as his fiancée. Details. It's fine. Who cares that he's going to break up with his wife and he didn't fucking bother to get a lawyer yet and he knew he was going to do it and he wound up getting with another girl.
Starting point is 00:06:04 Who cares that that happens the thing is is that this girl tom is a misogynist uh and also somebody who uh is blames uh winds up blaming things like contraception and like shacking up on like the downfall of america oh yeah that's that's the thing that makes this the only thing that makes this story a story is the hypocrisy of both parties it's so deep and true and absolutely and like perfect like it's a hypocrisy diamond you know it's compressed to its hardest form. You can cut anything with it. It's like shiny and perfect.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Oh, yeah. It's like a fucking neutron star of hypocrisy. These are people who are constantly fucking ballyhooing the values of traditional marriage and traditional America and the family. And at the same time, it's like, well, traditional marriage and the America and the family. And like, at the same time, it's like, well, traditional marriage and, you know, the strength of the American family,
Starting point is 00:07:09 I'm getting divorced. Well, not really getting divorced. I'm not, I haven't done the divorce part. I haven't done, I haven't really done anything for the air quotes divorce yet, but you know,
Starting point is 00:07:21 I'm looking forward to doing that. I'm really psyched about my divorce. If you don't have done the divorce, all you are is not interested in your wife anymore. You're welcome to marriage, dude. Right. I mean, if you haven't gone through the divorce and you haven't even filed the divorce, then you're just cheating on your wife. Right. That's all you're doing cheating on your wife. Right. That's all you're doing.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah, you've just grown disinterested with your current divorce. And then once you get called on, you're like, oh, by the way, I filed for divorce. But it doesn't even feel like he would have done that except for under pressure. And again, it's like, who cares but this woman? The woman is, I think, the main thing. Because the guy, he's a douchebag. Who cares? His name is like a horn. Isn't that a horn? I know. Every time I
Starting point is 00:08:07 see his name, I'm like, it's got such a ring to it. Like it's a brassy ring. Hey, let's hear that D'Souza. It's awesome. I fucking love it. But this woman, she is a complete misogynist. Some of the stuff
Starting point is 00:08:23 she has to say. Let me read a little bit from a blog post that this woman, her name's Odie Joseph II. How can that be? Odie? Isn't that a dog? Isn't the second only reserved for dudes? I don't know. Well, if you're a misogynist, I guess if you hate women, you're allowed to use the second.
Starting point is 00:08:42 I don't know. But here, she can't be a junior, so I guess the second is only for women. I don't know. So here we go. So I'm going to read directly here from a blog post that she put out. What most people don't realize, and indeed what I didn't realize until I blocked out the maddening crowd that is these women and their, and Rhino here stands for, she's saying word Rhino, it's Republican in name only. It's an acronym. These women and their Rhino men are like a vast National Living History Museum pictographically illustrating exactly why the 19th Amendment
Starting point is 00:09:20 was never the best idea ever. And in fact, more closely resembles the greatest show on earth. First off, that's a terribly written sentence. Terribly. But what she's saying, you know, she's basically, you're a woman, you're bashing the 19th Amendment? Are you fucking clinically stupid? I can't even understand how you would get there. Like how you would wake up in the morning and be like, you know, it wasn't a good idea being able to think for ourselves. So let me think for myself about that while putting up a blog post to express my opinions on it.
Starting point is 00:09:56 How can you simultaneously hold the view that you should not be able to express your political views through voting, which you got by virtue of the 19th Amendment. And at the same time, express that view and hold that you have some right to do so through your blog. You would think her head would explode. It's like a black person joining the KKK. It just has this weird ring to it. It just it just has this weird ring to it. And in light of her recent shenanigans, I'm particularly interested in where she says she refers to a victory for the feminists and liberals who intended to destroy and transform that sacred cornerstone of American society. The traditional family. Also, yeah, you're the other woman yeah well i mean are we talking
Starting point is 00:10:50 about like mad men traditional family here like is that what we're talking about where it's like hey you know i got like a couple mistresses on the side i'm getting a blow job from my secretary at the office and i have a wife like if that's your idea of traditional marriage where a guy basically gets a harem, then I guess, yeah, I mean that then this fits fucking perfectly right in there. But, but really this is what this is, is this is a way in which to demonize birth control. It's a way to demonize feminism. And it's crazy because they've, the, the, the right has like brainwashed this girl to be their spokesperson. Could you imagine, Tom, if this was written by a man?
Starting point is 00:11:30 No, it would be absolutely horrifyingly unacceptable. I mean, if it was written by a man, he'd be strung up by his balls for all the things that they're saying. I mean, we're just reading you tiny little excerpts. There's stuff in here where she's talking about like how the, the, the children of today are going the way of the black ghetto society. I know it's so racist. It's racist. It's, it's misogynist. It's, it's, you know, like if, if you're a woman, um, sometimes, uh, you get treated differently, I guess, in different, in different ways, uh, specifically in the media. So if you're a anti-feminist woman, it's no big deal. But if you're an anti-feminist woman, it's no big deal.
Starting point is 00:12:07 But if you're an anti-feminist man, it's a huge deal. And it's like, well, man, we got to come down on these anti-feminist women. You got to come down on them and be like, you're a fucking idiot. You're a fucking walking contradiction. And I got to wonder about the audience, you know, because she does so many things wrong in this in this in this little tiny blog post. You know, clearly she's done some writing, but she doesn't do it very well. First of all, she's a fucking adjective whore like nobody's business. Just spews strings of adjectives together as if in an excuse not to generate content.
Starting point is 00:12:41 But, you know, she's she's taking offense to the Republicans in name only. And I can't be the only one that when I read that, I hear about all the, it's a no true Scotsman, right? You know, it's a no true Christian, which you hear all the time. Well, you know, they're not a real Christian, not a Christ follower. You know, they're just, you know, they're only, they're a ke keister they go to church on sunday christmas and easter they're not they're not real and they're not real republicans because they don't subscribe to the same uh batshit crazy far right wing lunatic ideology bullshit see if we can all string together adjectives honey that you know that i Right. And the racist shit in here, she says, non-black youth today speak the language of bitches and hoes as well as black youth.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And non-black youth males expect the same level of promiscuity from their female peers. She's basically saying black women are promiscuous. Like, she is calling out black women for being promiscuous. Yeah. In that sentence. It's horrifyingly racist. I think, too, that there's this also, because there's a black president, I think that there's some sort of backlash here that we're talking about, too. There's a reason to get down on black culture, because if you demonize black culture, you can then, black culture because if you demonize black culture, you can then, you know, that's a political move.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Right. No, that's a good point. That's a good point. As long as you marginalize that culture, then it's easy to marginalize the president. I believe that the Lord God created the universe. I believe that he sent his only son to die for my sins. And I believe that ancient Jews built boats and sailed to America. I am a Mormon.
Starting point is 00:14:37 And a Mormon just is. See, so this story is from religionblogs.cnn. Billy Graham. Billy Graham's like one of the foremost Protestant evangelists. Are there non-Protestant evangelists? I don't know. Probably not. Doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Foremost evangelist in the United States. And his website, up until very recently, called Mormonism a cult. And by very recently, I mean until he hung out with Mitt Romney. Well, it's at least 2010, right? It's at least 2010 it was in there. It was in there. If you go to, it's still on there because, you know, it's the internet, Billy. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:23 But this guy, this guy's awesome. It says here, I want to read directly from this article from this CNN belief blog. It says, I primary focus at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has always been promoting the gospel of Jesus Christ. Ken Braun, I don't know if I'm pronouncing it, Baran, maybe, I don't know, whatever, fucking whatever his name is. Ken, chief of staff for the association, told the CNN in a statement, we removed the information from the website because we didn't wish to participate in the theological debate about something that has become politicized during this campaign. And you got to ask you, who fucking politicized it? Let me tell you who politicized it.
Starting point is 00:16:00 It was the primaries. It hasn't really come up at all since the primaries. Who fucking politicized it? The fucking Republicans politicized it. The side that fucking eventually nominated him were the ones that put it out to fucking everybody to let people
Starting point is 00:16:18 know that he's a Mormon. Yeah, and this idea that the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association doesn't want to engage in a theological debate. What the fuck else do you want to do? Right, because it's become politicized. Like, you are a theological leader who meets routinely with politicians. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:43 This idea that all of a sudden now you're like, whoa, I don't want to engage in any theological debate. I just want to be a Christian evangelist. Whoa, wait a minute. Do I look like a fucking pastor or something? Yeah. Whoa. You've got me all wrong. I mean, do I look like America's pastor?
Starting point is 00:16:58 Yeah. I've just met with most of the recent presidents. Yeah, all of them. Let's just go with all of them since Harry Truman. The dude is so old. He's 94 of them. Let's just go with all of them since Harry Truman. The dude is so old. He's 94 years old. He's an old-looking dude. You look at him there, he looks like fucking...
Starting point is 00:17:13 He kind of looks like Palpatine, actually. He's kind of got that Palpatine face going on. Another thing that they say here is, this is Billy now, Mr. Graham. He says, I hope millions of Americans will join me in praying for our nation and vote for candidates who will support the biblical definition of marriage, protect the sanctity of life, and defend our religious freedoms. So what he's saying is when you're in a rock and a hard place during this voting year, voting for the cultist is better than voting for the black guy. That's what he's saying.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Well, it's so funny how in bed these guys are, the fundamentalist nutjobs and the right-wingers. They're so in bed with one another. Right. They're so intertwined that even when they don't share the same faith tradition, you know— You could even say, Tom, that it's a radically different faith tradition. It is. It's very different. Like, you know, we're talking about different fucking holy books, different prophets, a different method of salvation. You know, like, let's talk about something that could not be any more fundamentally different.
Starting point is 00:18:25 It's even in this article, but it's, you know, like, for the Mormons, it's about doing good work, right? That's part of why you have to go on a mission. Right. You know, it's about doing good work. That's the pathway to salvation. But for the evangelical fundamentalists, it's not about the work. It's about the belief, right? It's all about making sure that you are, you know, you could do great things. I can do great things, but as an atheist,
Starting point is 00:18:52 I'll burn in hell. You're fucked. Right? Yeah. But the Mormons kind of have a different take on it. The path to salvation is good. So they've got different paths to salvation, and they should be at odds. salvation and they should be at odds. Like they should theologically be at odds. There should not be – but they're so in bed. They're like, well, I mean this really isn't about religion. This is all about politics and it has always been about politics. And it's not – I don't want people to think that there's another dichotomy there where they're against. I mean, they're obviously against nonbelievers, right?
Starting point is 00:19:25 But I think both sides can get together and say they don't like nonbelievers. They can huddle around their fire and be like, look, I know you're kind of an asshole. You believe in some weird shit. You believe that all Indians were bad. Like, that's a weird. The fucking Mormon belief that all, like, Native Americans were bad is the fucking greatest thing ever. To think like, oh, well, they're all just bad people. You're like, wait, you really believe that?
Starting point is 00:19:49 Like, yeah. I mean, but they're not really bad. But they were bad. They were bad enough for God to curse them. But they're not so bad. We don't want to call them bad now because they might object to it. Right. And then we'd have to deal with that.
Starting point is 00:20:03 But they're bad. I mean, they're bad. I mean, they're bad. I mean, really. They're bad. They wouldn't have been cursed by God if they were good, right? But these people, they can all hug each other around their religious fire and be like, well, we don't like the nonbelievers. Fuck all them.
Starting point is 00:20:17 So they're more alike. Obviously, the Mormons are more alike, the evangelicals in that sense. The Mormons are more like the evangelicals in that sense. But I think there's – they want to have that divide when it suits them. But when it doesn't suit them or they need to somehow get the party back together close enough where they want to motivate an entire base, they're going to try to make that divide less apparent, even though they were the ones to stress it early on. So Cecil, this is a bit of a follow-up to a story we covered in our last episode. This is from Yahoo News, also everywhere else. Taliban says its attack on Pakistani schoolgirl was justified.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Well, that's comforting to know, Taliban. Yeah. Wow. You know, I'm glad they spoke up. Yeah. I wouldn't have known, Tom. I would have had no idea. Until they told me, I thought it was, I thought somebody shot a girl in the face.
Starting point is 00:21:31 I thought so, too. Is that what happened? I mean, that's what happened in fact. Right. Yes. But it was a justified kid shooting in the face. Oh. And that's what.
Starting point is 00:21:41 When is that justified? You know, it's carry four, square root of no. Never. It turns out never. No, the Taliban are just assholes. Yeah. Turns out, I don't care how you try to spin this Taliban PR person, it's not going to spin your way. The reasoning, Tom, that they give, and I'm going to read directly from them.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Hopefully this is quoting them. It's directly from this Yahoo News article, though. And it is a quote. It's in quotes, so it's got to be a quote, right? It says, We did not attack her for raising her voice for education. We targeted her for opposing the Mujahideen, I think that's how you pronounce that,
Starting point is 00:22:22 and their war, said the Taliban. A whole Taliban said this simultaneously. They have a recording. It's pretty amazing. It says Sharia Islamic law, that's in parentheses, says there's that even a child can be killed if he is propagating against Islam. Well, first off, he wasn't propagating. She was. So, I mean, I think there's a technicality. You could get off on the kid shooting and a technicality here because it's actually a she, not a he.
Starting point is 00:22:50 But really the reasoning, Tom, is because propagating against Islam. That's why they tried to kill her. And what I want to ask the Taliban is, is that why you poisoned those wells when those little girls were in school? Because they were propagating against Islam or because they were in school. Right. I mean, and that's just nonsense. You know, it's like they're propagating against Islam. I actually would agree with that.
Starting point is 00:23:13 They are propagating against Islam by learning. Right. By defying the age-old ridiculous tradition of horrifying abuse of women and the subjugation of women and the lack of education or resources that's concomitant with that nonsense. So, you know, yeah, they're propagating against Islam because you cannot educate without question, you know, without questioning, without being, if all they have to do is activate their critical faculties and be educated in, you know, some other faith traditions across the world and some other ways to think about the world. And it will propagate against Islam, and specifically this particular brand of Islam, which is so virulently violent and misogynist.
Starting point is 00:24:02 And so, you know, they shot her in the face. Yeah. On a school bus. I think, I really do, I really think that this is because the Taliban is afraid. I mean, they're really afraid. Because they're bullying that they had, you know, they've
Starting point is 00:24:18 been pushing this girl around for a while, threatening her for a while. It didn't work. So when you call a bully's bluff, they either have to do the thing that they were saying they were going to do, or they have to slink away. And what they did, you know, these fucking numb nuts over there, what they did was they did something fucking colossally stupid and they got the entire world against them. They wound up shooting somebody in the face, trying to quiet them.
Starting point is 00:24:45 But what happened is, is that the world got to see how afraid they were of it. And they basically played their last hold card, right? They had a hand. They played their last card. It's three clubs. Oh, fuck. I'm fucked. I fucking lost.
Starting point is 00:24:58 And the thing is, I don't think that they're as afraid of this 14-year-old girl. I think that they're probably more afraid of the 7-year-old girl who looks up to this 14-year-old girl or who will look up to this 14-year-old girl in a few years. And they need to be even more afraid of like the 2-year-old girl and the unborn children that are going to look up to that 7-year-old and that 14-year-old in the future. Because these kids are going to grow up. They're going to be looking up to one another and they're going to realize the Taliban is going to realize, I think, and I think they've already realized it, that their regime is going to be crashing down around their ears at this point. You're scared now, Taliban, wait 10 years. You're going to be shitting your fucking pants in the fucking mosque in 10 years because all of those girls that now are being empowered by this act you just now you got to reap what you've
Starting point is 00:25:50 sown it's going to be fucking glorious when that happens you know what occurs to me too is for a group that loves martyrdom they just did a great job of making a martyr against their cause. Absolutely they did. You're all dead! Oh, be nice! Oh, my son doesn't stand a chance. The whole world's gone gay! Oh my God, what's happening now? We work hard. We play hard.
Starting point is 00:26:19 So Cecil, this story is from Because who doesn't routinely read that website? Schools cancel anti-bullying event amid controversy. So school has an event they were calling Mix It Up at Lunch Day. And the idea was to have kids sit at different tables. it up at lunch day, right? And the idea was to have kids sit at different tables, you know, so they can kind of break up the cliques that naturally form and get people to be a little more tolerant. So, of course, the American Family Association has to decide that that's actually part of a radical homosexual agenda and introduce plenty of intolerance to the situation.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Because it's Brian Fisher, right? It is. Brian Fisher, I think the world's biggest douchebag who talks about, I mean, this is a guy who I think he really actually does enjoy when homosexuals get beat up. I think so too. I think he, I mean, you know, prove me wrong. Every time this guy talks about homosexuality, he's got, he's got some very negative things to talk about. He's always talking about how we're infringing on the rights of people to say homosexuality is wrong.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And, you know, these are people who are going out of their way to say homosexuality is wrong with their fists. They're not saying, you know, like fucking, I think homosexuality is wrong with their fists they're not saying you know like fucking i think homosexuality is bad they're like i think homosexuality is bad i also think your eye is bad because you're gay you know like like these are people who are beating people up and you're you're promote it in a way you're promoting bullying you're promoting it you're saying i i don't want to give everybody in that lunchroom a fair shake. And it's disgusting. This Brian Fisher, he's a fucking – I mean he's a rat in a hole. He is a rat.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Doesn't it strike you the same as the Taliban story we just covered? Sure. It's the same thing. It's the same thing. I don't want these people to know that that gay kid is actually a really nice guy. people to know that that gay kid is actually a really nice guy like if they find that out then they won't you're like if if they don't if they interact with homosexuals they then they're gonna know that they're just you know people and then if they're people how can we treat them as the other yeah you know i mean you can understand my dilemma here god damn it i'm brian fisher but you know you've also got to wonder like
Starting point is 00:28:46 if if a lunch room if mixing it up in the lunch room lunch is part of a homosexual agenda what does he imagine they're eating what's in the box lunch it's's not dicks. It's not like you open it up and like, oh, man, I got a box of dicks. I got a box of bagelos. It's all cocktail wieners and clams. Like, that's the whole. Like, that's it. That's all you get. Like, that's not.
Starting point is 00:29:17 It's just lunch. It just wants you to sit with different people at lunch. I love a hot dog with a clamato. Is that okay? This is the worst assembly ever. It's not like the girls have dicks in their seats. And then you have to switch with the girls.
Starting point is 00:29:35 You gotta switch seats. Sorry guys, you gotta have your anus penetrated today. Oh man, I wasn't hoping for that. Lunch is gonna be a little weird for some of you. But there's complimentary KY. And it's not like RuPaul was sitting at every table, right? You better work to eat that sandwich. No, I mean, really, though, this is one of those moments where you've got to look at this association and you've got to say, like you said
Starting point is 00:30:07 earlier, you're the American Taliban. You're the group of people that wants everybody to hate somebody. You're the group of people that wants to oppress a group. You're an awful group. Why do you even exist? How do you get funds? I have no idea. And you know what he says? He's like, we're not a hate group. We're a truth group. Except you never say anything true. Yeah. Like, you are opposing measures aimed at reducing bullying in schools. I mean, do we really need to go over why bullying in schools is problematic?
Starting point is 00:30:41 I mean. Well, and really, I mean, let's break this down to what the fucking nuts and bolts and it's bullying of homosexuals. It is, right. If it was just a nerd, I'm sure they'd come to his aid. But if he's a gay nerd, fuck him.
Starting point is 00:30:55 They wouldn't come to a nerd's aid because nerds are smart. And they're afraid of that too. So that doesn't work. Sorry, son, you're too smart. You got to get this beaten. In the name of Jesus, we speak that. So Cecil, this next story is from
Starting point is 00:31:35 Birth Control, the title is pretty awesome. Birth Control causes gay men, undesirability, black babies, bestiality, death, and more gay men, says nuns. This video, Cecil. Now, I didn't watch the whole video because as I described to you, it's about 14 hours long. Yeah, 14 minutes long.
Starting point is 00:31:57 Right. Yeah. Well, you know, I don't do time very well. But I did watch about half of it. And this video is filled with some of the most crackpot-ass shit I have ever seen committed to video. They talk about estrogen in the water because
Starting point is 00:32:12 of women urine? Because they're on birth control? And the estrogen is getting in our food supply and it's basically making us asexual? Making sexless fish? Did you even get past that part? I did. I was laughing because they show like a
Starting point is 00:32:29 school of fish. A flock of fish? A murder of fish? A murder of fish. Sharks should always travel to murder. They should, man. Fuck it. It should be a murder of killer whales. A murder of sharks. A murder of killer whales. A murder of sharks.
Starting point is 00:32:47 A murder of killer whales. It's like, wait, do the killer whales do the murdering? No, no, no. It's a murder of workers. Let's just change that. No, but they're like, it's like a school, it's a school of fish. They describe it as like, yeah, well, you know, in all these rivers, all these fish have
Starting point is 00:33:03 consumed so much estrogen from from basically bathing and fucking the wind like urine of women that they're sexless like they're just sexless infertile fish yeah they get golden showers from women and then they filter out
Starting point is 00:33:20 the estrogen like fucking like like a whale does fucking krill. They just go through the water and they just filter out the estrogen because that's what they eat. And then they become asexual. I think that's how that works. You would think that you would not be able to have schools of infertile anything for very long. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Right? It would be like, well, I got a school of – oh, they're all dead? Yeah, well, school's out then. Yeah, that's for sure. we're out of those fish this video they talk about uh women uh are more attractive you know they're like you know studies have shown that during a woman's uh ovulation the ovulation portion of their monthly cycle that women are more sexually desirable to men and so then they are they make this huge leap that all of a sudden, because they're more sexually desirable,
Starting point is 00:34:09 let's even go with that premise, because they're more sexually desirable when ovulating, that they're not at all sexually desirable the rest of the time. And this just tells me that nuns don't know anything about men or men's sex drives. Yeah. Men don't know anything about men or men's sex drives. Men don't care. Yes, you might be more desirable, but if you're a woman, you're always desirable.
Starting point is 00:34:36 Yeah, exactly, right? Like you have the say. You're just like, well, you want to go do something? Yes. Yes, I would. Can we do it right now? I don't really care where. I mean, I'm. Can we do it right now? I don't really care where. I mean, I'm ready to go.
Starting point is 00:34:49 I'm driving and I don't care. We don't even need to stop the car. I'll crash this fucking car right now. It's like nuns don't, they should never speak about, nuns and priests should just never speak about sex. It's like this is not a subject in which you are versed. They also go on to say in this video that they use these studies of apes, and apes are known. I mean, it's pretty well known that many animals in the animal kingdom are bisexual, engage in homosexual behavior as well as heterosexual behavior. So they refer to this study where these apes are being studied
Starting point is 00:35:25 and they give all of these apes birth control and all the female apes stop ovulating so that male apes start having sex with each other. And the suggestion, of course, is that that's why people are gay, because they don't find women attractive because they're on birth control what about before there was birth control there were still gay dudes even if your premises were accurate which they are so grossly inaccurate as to be laughable but even were that the case it's not like you put like an unattractive woman in a room and a man in a room and the two men are just gonna be like well i don't have sex with a woman i guess i'll just have sex with a dude yeah they're just like you know what i want to have a kid i want to make sure that there's as much strings attached
Starting point is 00:36:16 to this sex as possible so if i can't you know if i can have no strings attached sex i'm just gonna do it with a guy. Right. Are you kidding? For real? You think that? One of the things, Tom, I think probably one of the better things of this is where they're talking about how underpopulation of the world is a problem. That overpopulation is a myth. And they're saying that what they say is overpopulation is a myth. They list the number of people on the planet, and it's like 7 billion.
Starting point is 00:36:50 And they're like, okay, so all those people could fit in texas and they're like here's how everybody and if you took everybody uh the square footage of texas you could give everybody 10,000 or 1,065 square feet and i'm thinking myself i'm like well where do the streets go then like suddenly like oh sorry bro we gotta you actually actually have to cut your whole section out here because we've got to have streets. So you're not going to be able to live here. It's the worst city planning ever in the history of planning. And the idea is like, okay, it's not about space. It's about food. That's the thing.
Starting point is 00:37:21 It's not about fucking space. It's about eating food and surviving with food. Like, that's the thing. It's not about fucking space. It's about eating food and surviving with food. They don't address the resources issue at all. At all. Like, at all. It's just like, everybody could fit in Texas. Well, yeah, if you stack them
Starting point is 00:37:38 up like cordwood, they could all fit in Massachusetts. Yeah, that's Rhode Island. We'd have to go up to the moon. If we stack them all, you know, head to shoulder, shoulder to feet, that's a stupid fucking thing to say. Who cares if they can all fit shoulder to shoulder in Kentucky? It doesn't make any fucking difference. That's not the point of overpopulation concern. Overpopulation concern has to do with how many resources are we consuming per capita in different parts of the world,
Starting point is 00:38:05 and is this sustainable? That's a totally different and vastly more complex question. So we're going to take a break and give you all the information that you need to find us on email, on Facebook, on Twitter, Google+, and voicemail. We'll return in just a minute for the rest of the show. Want to contact Cognitive Dissonance? Visit them on Facebook. You can find the link at the website or type it in the Facebook search bar. Be sure to
Starting point is 00:38:31 follow the guys on Twitter. Their handle is at dissonance underscore pod. The guys also post to Google Plus now too, so check them out there. And if you'd like to email them, you can do so at dissonance.podcast at You can also leave a comment on the blog at their webpage or give them a call at 740-74-DOUBT. That's 740-743-6828. Long distance rates apply. And to everyone who listens, shares, retweets, or rates the show, Cognitive Dissonance would like to cordially thank you
Starting point is 00:39:05 for all of your fucking support. So this story is from I've also found it in several other locations throughout the course of the week. Sarah Silverman has a spectacularly awesome video, as is the want of Sarah Silverman, regarding voter fraud. So this is kind of a double whammy story, Cecil, because she raises good points in the voter fraud video and by doing so incurs the wrath of a misogynist rabbi. Right. Sure. The video itself talks about voter. There's a bunch of states that put in these brand new voter fraud laws. And what these voter fraud laws really do is disenfranchise people who don't have IDs.
Starting point is 00:39:54 And that's not just people that are illegal immigrants. That's people who might be students and might not drive. People who don't have driver's license. They said, she said something like 21 million voters in the, in the United States don't have driver's license. Uh, but they have, you know, they're, they're legal voters. They just don't have that picture ID. Um, and it's not just picture ID. It turns out it's picture ID with address, unless it's a gun card. Um, if it gun rights card, then you get to vote with that. So evidently, my FOID card that I have in Illinois, although Illinois isn't one of these
Starting point is 00:40:33 states, but if my FOID card would be fine, I would be able to do that. But I wouldn't be able to do it with this one person holds up a veteran's card that has a photo of them on it. But if it doesn't have your address, it's not legal, I guess, in some certain in certain states. So it's a very funny video. Obviously, Sarah Silverman is very funny in it and irreverent and hilarious. I mean, she's just fucking great. She's just great in it.
Starting point is 00:40:55 And it's a funny video. But this rabbi, what? This guy's got a potato up his ass. Yeah, this guy is absolutely absurd. a potato up his ass yeah this guy is absolutely absurd um you know he makes the point basically that um she wouldn't be so worried about all this if she had more important things to occupy her little female mind like getting married and raising kids right i mean that's his whole point is basically saying like you know you made this crude and uh ridiculous video and you put a lot of time and effort in into politics and into um
Starting point is 00:41:33 you know concerns about this issue but really that's not your fucking place because you don't got balls and you don't got a dick so get your vagina a husband and shit out some kids with it yeah that's pretty much what this guy is get a husband because he says and i quote and in my opinion sarah that is why you have had trouble forging a permanent relationship which is the most basic desire of the feminine soul i read that it like, what are you talking about? Can you believe somebody fucking said that in fucking 2012? He says, you are passionate.
Starting point is 00:42:12 I'm sorry, you are driven. You are passionate. I pray that you channel your drive and direct your passion to something positive. Something that will make you a better and more positive person. Something that will allow you to touch eternity and truly impact the world forever. I pray that you pursue marriage and if you are so blessed, raise children. How about the fact that she's trying to enfranchise voters to engage the political process,
Starting point is 00:42:34 you dumb shit? How is that not positive? How about the fact that she's using her intellectual capabilities and her extremely awesome talents at comedy to engage the subject in a way that makes people laugh but is also insightful. Like that's not a positive thing that she's doing? Hold on, Tom. We'll just go through a checklist here real quick. Is she, while she's doing this video, shoving a baby out of her vagina? She is not doing this video.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Then it's fucking useless dude no it's a short checklist i mean it's and that's that's really the i'm said i have it in front of me it's a big sheet of paper but it only has one box on it but the important thing is did you laminate it yeah oh yeah it's a huge it's got it's got my vote my my it's my voter id actually so what a fucking shithead no wonder people have stopped you know what no wonder people are moving away from the organized religious bases like you know orthodox judaism it's like really like this is so i mean i could not imagine being somebody um who goes to see this person every week and read this and be a woman.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Right. I couldn't imagine reading this and be like, are you fucking serious? This is what that jackhole thinks? This is what he thinks? But I guess, you know, it's like if you're preaching to the Amish, you know, whatever. They're like the Jewish Amish. The Jewish Amish. They are the Jewish Amish.
Starting point is 00:44:06 That's an excellent analogy. They're irrelevant. Well, and they also probably believe these things. I mean, if you ever watch that Breaking Amish show, all those people are talking about how it's all the girls in that show. None of them are empowered. There's like one girl in there who's kind of quasi-empowered, but the rest of them are all just like, yeah, I just kind of want to birth a baby and be a mom and raise a farm full of chickens, you know? Like, that's kind of their, like, they've been fed this line for so long, they don't think anything of it.
Starting point is 00:44:36 So when I say if you're a woman in that audience, first off, maybe you wouldn't even be in the audience. You might be at home or something. But if you were there, you would just be OK with it because that sort of oppression is natural. And don't you think then that that's written for the male audience? I mean that's just a – don't worry, guys. I got this. I'll put her back in her place.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Oh, yeah. It's putting the uppity bitch in her place. That's absolutely it. Sarah Silverman, you should be an ashamed Jew right now. Ashamed Jew Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth All truth and nothing but the truth Why don't you answer him
Starting point is 00:45:11 He's talking big right now I don't know what he's saying He's asking you if you swear No, but I know all the words He's asking you if you swear to tell the truth Truth is stranger than fiction Judgey Woody This story is from The Guardian.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Florida inmate found fit to be executed despite history of mental illness. Florida judge rules John Ferguson can be put to death despite U.S. Supreme Court ruling barring execution of the mentally ill. You know, this guy is a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic um who believes that he is the prince of god and is convinced that he will be resurrected to sit for eternity at god's right hand and he is being put to death as if he were a mentally fit and competent person. How? Florida? Florida.
Starting point is 00:46:09 You got me there. It's the wang of America. I mean, it's either Florida or Texas, right? Those are the only places that you can kill people that are mentally handicapped, right? Well, I don't think you can at all because the U.S. Supreme Court said no. But then the state, I think it leaves it up to the state to decide if you're sane enough. Oh, sane enough. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 00:46:36 And on that checklist, it says it doesn't have Prince of God. Right. So being evidently a paranoid schizophrenic is sane enough. So if that's sane enough, what do you have to do to be insane? Like, you've set the bar really fucking high on the crazy train, right? Like, how is anybody going to climb over that one? What do you need to do
Starting point is 00:46:56 at that point to be... I think you can't make words. I think at that point you're just... You are so non-functional that you can't even speak. How in the world can, and the judge even goes on. The judge says that the prisoner has a long history of mental illness.
Starting point is 00:47:13 He acknowledges it. And they're still going to murder the guy. The death penalty itself is stupid. The death penalty, I mean, like, who benefits from this? Does the family who lost these people, do they benefit? Are they somehow happier that this guy's dead? Probably not.
Starting point is 00:47:30 You know? I mean, and really, to be honest, do we only do things for victims? Is that the only reason we do things? No, we do things to stop things from happening in the future. I think that's probably the preventive and rehabilitative is sort of where I would lean, not the vengeance-based. Vengeance-based legislation is stupid. You know, I completely agree with you. Vengeance is a natural personal instinct, but it is not good public policy. And if you can't separate good public policy from your base instincts, right, you know, you're doing policy wrong. I mean, isn't that why we get together when we're not in the heat of the
Starting point is 00:48:15 moment to make decisions about things ahead of time? How does killing somebody, how does executing somebody, like you said, how does that benefit the world? How does that benefit our society? Are we safer? I'm perfectly safe from this guy. He's in prison. He is not going to murder me as long as he's in prison.
Starting point is 00:48:35 I am totally unconcerned about his murdering of me. So how am I benefiting from this? I mean, we spend a lot of money. We spend an exorbitant amount of money to try to perfect an imperfect legal system in order to justify putting this person to death. But that's all it is, is a post hoc rationalization for our desire to kill somebody.
Starting point is 00:48:58 We bang our heads against the wall all the time with this, you know, are we too soft on criminals or are we too hard on criminals? And I look overseas at, you know, are we too soft on criminals or are we too hard on criminals? And I look overseas at, you know, low crime rates, at rehabilitative prisons, at low murder rates, low gun violence, low all these different. And you're like, well, what causes this is the way in which we handle criminals in our culture.
Starting point is 00:49:22 That's the it's the most obvious thing, because most obvious thing because it's one of the major things we do differently here. And the way we treat criminals in our country is it's all punitive. And that, you know, we learn that with children, that it doesn't work with children just to punish people, just to punish people for punishment's sake. You have to try to teach your children. And the same thing goes for criminals. We just don't. We never listen to that.
Starting point is 00:49:53 No, we don't. And the thing is that we raise a generation of criminals because we don't give – you get out of jail and you're – let's say you commit a felony, whatever the felony is. you get out of jail and you're let's let's say you commit a felony let's say whatever the felony is um it's not like you do your time and you're out and and you know clean slate okay you've paid your debt to society you're a felony forever in many states you don't get to vote your voting rights are restricted you're um you have to answer yes on job applications you know are have you ever been convicted of a felony yes so you're basically guaranteeing these people get out of prison and have you know no opportunities or extremely limited opportunities and the opportunities they have are going to be shit you know it's not like
Starting point is 00:50:37 they get out and it's like well you know you you fucked up and we put you in prison and we rehabilitated you and we sent you back out into the world to be a productive member of society. We continue to punish felons for the entirety of their lives unless they happen to have the good sense, the financial resources, and the legal backing to have their record expunged or otherwise disposed of. And let's be real honest about how this works. We have incredibly harsh drug laws for nonviolent drug offenses that put communities, specifically minority communities, in jail at vastly higher numbers than other communities. And then these people get out of jail, they go back to these same communities, and they continue this never-ending cycle of poverty and low opportunity. And then we fucking blame them for it. And because, just like you said, they don't have any way to get out of that once they, you know, as a kid, most of the kids, you know, they get thrown in jail for some sort of charges, especially drug charges, and then they come out and now they have a felony.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Now they're not even really a productive member of society anymore, nor can they be because you've already shoehorned them into this position of being a second-class citizen for the rest of their life. You can't even – as a felon, many branches of the military won't even accept you. You don't have good options how the hell are you going to get out of the out of you know you sell some some weed or whatever and you get busted for it and you didn't hurt anybody nobody's injured you didn't commit a crime where somebody was was harmed you know we've got a ridiculous law that puts you in jail you committed a felony you get out Your fucking life is ruined. Your life is just ruined. And we take this to a ridiculous extreme with the death penalty.
Starting point is 00:52:32 You want answers? I think I'm entitled. You want answers. I want the truth. You can't handle the truth. So Cecil, this story is from Huffington Post. Linda Harvey, the Mission America founder, says Halloween's satanic origins explain the holiday's
Starting point is 00:52:48 gay appeal. So, evidently, Halloween is now gay. It is gay. It's very gay. It's a gay holiday. She says some pretty spectacularly bizarre shit. The core
Starting point is 00:53:04 of Halloween is glittering artificiality. You can pretend to be someone you aren't for a night. You can flirt with danger. You can divine a different destiny. So far, it sounds great. But it is all... Yay!
Starting point is 00:53:19 But it is all void of the presence of or will of God. No. It's just wearing a silly costume and asking for candy. You know, you have this idea like they're against fun. I mean, really, let's just be honest. They're against fun things. Anything that is fun. And at this point, one of the things that they say is say, we can all see it's a huge celebration in the LGBT
Starting point is 00:53:46 world, especially for the gender-confused folks. And I gotta ask you, Tom, a couple years ago, you dressed up like a girl. That's a little gender-confused, wouldn't you say? Yeah, I was really confused. I mean, you wound up really... And that same year,
Starting point is 00:54:01 I dressed up like a crayon. That's true. And I was... Afterwards, I thought I was a marker for like two weeks. I mean, I think that was gender confusion, too, because you basically went as a giant phallus. Like, you were a big blue phallus walking around. It's, you know, the thing is, like, if you've got sex on the brain and, like, genitals on the brain, everything is sex and genitals and these people like you said they're against fun but they're also sex obsessed wackadoos like they can't get it they
Starting point is 00:54:32 cannot let go of the idea that the world is going to shit they think like oh my gosh you know that that world is going to hell in a handbasket there There's genitals everywhere. And they just look around. And they see Clamato as far as the eye can see. Penis here. There's a penis here. You got a penis on your suit there. I think that there's another thing, too, is that
Starting point is 00:54:57 Halloween, I think, as of late has become more and more I think focused on sex because when I was a kid, it was all about scaring you. But now, I mean, look at all the sexy costumes that are out there. That's sort of becoming a trend. At least it has in the last, I don't know, maybe 10 years or so.
Starting point is 00:55:17 So they're seeing that as a way to, that's more ammunition for them. Sure. You know, the horror, the things like, because first off, these are people who think demons exist. I mean, like, let's not forget that. Let's not try to shove that under the rug. Like, these are people who believe in witches. These are people who believe that somebody can put a spell on you.
Starting point is 00:55:38 These are people that believe that a fucking board made by Hasbro can contact the dead. You know, like these are people who think that, you know, all around us there's ghosts and that there's devils and things. But they're also, you know, now we're giving them more ammunition because people are dressing more sexy when it comes time for Halloween. And how fucked up is that? comes time for Halloween. And how fucked up is that?
Starting point is 00:56:09 That sexy is more of a concern than murder and ghouls and bloodshed. Bloodshed, yeah. Jason and... Violence is preferable to sexuality for these prudish weirdos. Well, yeah. I mean, that shows itself in the MPAA. Absolutely it does. Right? I mean, that's a perfect example of where they say they're fine, where they where they show physically that they're fine with any kind of violence, even the most g down because if it's a long and detailed gay sex scene, they will – they'll market like no children under 17, which is like the death stamp for movies.
Starting point is 00:56:57 I mean that's absolutely right. You can watch something that's rated R and it can have the most depraved violence that people can imagine. You know, like that torture porn genre has exploded in the past few years, exploded. And yet, and that'll get an R rating. And actual porn is unacceptable. Right. Porn is, it just doesn't have the torture components. It's just like't have the torture components. It's just like without the torture.
Starting point is 00:57:26 You know, in one of those things, you should experience something like that in your life. In the other, you would hope you'd never experience it ever, ever, ever. You actually don't even want to get told about it. Well, especially in this particular case, these people are, like you said, sex obsessed. And then since it's about sex and since they're probably feeling a little bit, you know, some funny in the pants
Starting point is 00:57:56 when they see this stuff, they don't want to feel like that. So they're like, wait, wait, wait, we've got to just squash the whole holiday and then blame it on the gays. And I just have to read this quote before. Do your kids know how risky these practices are? And that real contact with real demons is quite possible?
Starting point is 00:58:16 Satan doesn't care about our intentions. He will take any willing participant. No, my kid does not actually know how risky Halloween is. Because we don't believe in demons, you silly little fuckwit. Demons? Demons!
Starting point is 00:58:37 These are people, though, that, I mean, do you think that they're sitting in their house when it comes time for Halloween and they're actually afraid? They're actually afraid of it. i will tell you that i worked with a woman who genuinely believed in demons like that woman thought that shit was like physically real like as real as a frying pan you know like like i think she thought at some point she would open her cupboard and if there was a demon there she would be scared but not surprised right so yeah i think these people are nervous on october the 30th like
Starting point is 00:59:13 palm sweatingly fucking nervous these are the same people who think full moons are a thing yeah that's a well full moons are a thing, but... I mean, they exist, Tom. A thing to be worried about. Okay, fair enough, fair enough. All right, so we got a little bit of mail this time. We want to play a couple voicemails for you, and then we're going to read them. So here's the two voicemails
Starting point is 00:59:45 now. Hey, I'm a medical student over here in the great state of Tennessee, and I wanted to comment upon your observation about medical doctors in conference making ass-crazy exclamations and want you some sort of rational being on evolution. Let me tell you, after four years, my fourth year, after four years of medical school, I've come across quite a few of the wackalones that don't, for some reason, can pick and choose the scientific concepts they wish to believe. And I have no idea.
Starting point is 01:00:30 I had a hand surgeon, a hand surgeon, for God's sake. You know how long it takes to go to school for hand surgery? You got to go for them. Let me tell you this quick. So you go through four years of undergrad, right? Four years of graduate school. Then you do surgery, which is five years. And then you do a fellowship, which is
Starting point is 01:00:47 God, at least three. And after all that, the guy tells us about how that the hand is intelligently designed. Nudge, nudge, wink, wink. And a few of my friends are sitting there being like, really? Really?
Starting point is 01:01:04 Intelligently? Really? So, there's actually quite a few of my friends are sitting there being like, really? Really? Intelligently? Really? So there's actually quite a few people that can somehow just science they don't want to personally subscribe to and fill in the rest. That's my ten cents. All right. Hey, you guys are doing a great job. And this is a medical student in a world of doubt in East Tennessee. Bye.
Starting point is 01:01:30 Hey, this is David from Augusta, Georgia. Regarding Paul Brown, that dumb son of a bitch used to be my congressman until they gerrymandered him a little bit north of where I currently live. They're trying to get rid of John Barrow, who's supposed to be a Democrat. But anyway, regarding Paul Brown, he got elected by waving the I worship the fetus flag and swearing up and down that he was a good Christian and would support the Right to Life movement. That's the only reason anybody here in the South ever gets elected.
Starting point is 01:02:12 They hate gays and they love fetuses. I don't know how he wound up on the Science, Technology, and Space Committee, but I've written them several times asking, why is Paul Brown, Tom Aiken, and the rest of those idiots on the Science Committee? As a taxpayer, I'm infuriated by that. They don't belong there. They need to be fired. But until the voters wake up and stop putting people in office based on bookends, keep bringing up over and over, it'll never happen. Frustrates the crap out of me.
Starting point is 01:02:56 As far as being a doctor, I wouldn't let Paul Brown put a Band-Aid on my finger. I'd bleed to death first. Anyway, love the show. Keep up the good work. You guys take care. Bye. So, Tom, do you have a Google Voice translation? I do.
Starting point is 01:03:15 I'm going to read the Google Voice. Hey, medical students over here in the great state of Tennessee. And I want to comment on your observation about two medical doctors in conference making ass crazy speculation and what he wants some sort of rational. Hello. Hey, sort of rational being on young evolution. Let me tell you, after four years long before here, after four years of medical school. Yeah, I've come across quite a few a lot
Starting point is 01:03:46 collins yes yo it's for some reason can taken she is the scientific concepts they wish to believe and i have no idea i had a hair surgeon 10 10 30 for God's sake. See how I had to go to school for hand surgery. Yeah. Go for a million times a quick. So you're a through for years. Undergrad. Bye for years.
Starting point is 01:04:16 The graduate school, maybe surgery, which is five years. And then you do a fellowship. Yeah. This is God. Yeah. Leave three. And after all that, I got a lot. Yeah, this is God. Yeah. Leave three.
Starting point is 01:04:26 And after all that, I got a lot. Bye-bye. Oh, that. The hand is intelligently designed. No, he's not doing cleaning. And if you, my friend, this error. They like, really? Really? Yeah, I was away by really. So I was
Starting point is 01:04:41 actually quite a few people of it and somehow this. Yeah. I as they don't want a person to drive to you and fill in the rest. Yeah. My hey, 510 cents. Hi.
Starting point is 01:04:56 How you guys have a great job? Have a great job. This is a medical student's and word a world of doubts. Yeah, and you can see. Google got that so bad. It's unintelligible. That's pretty awesome.
Starting point is 01:05:12 That's so awesome. Although it was pretty cool voicemail. We're talking about going to surgery, going in to be a surgeon takes that long. I had no idea it took that long. It almost makes me want to respect people, but I'm going to avoid that. I don't know if that'm going to avoid that. I don't know if that's going to happen. We got a couple letters, Tom, from Sweden.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Four letters. One from Thomas, one from Tony, one from Emil. I don't know. Whatever. He said not to try it, but I did anyway. And Max, thank you for sending us letters from Sweden. They were all very nice letters, and we're very happy to have Swedish listeners. We didn't realize that we had Swedish listeners, but we do. So let's hear from the Italians now.
Starting point is 01:05:50 What do you say? I will eat my hat if we have Italian listeners. I will be very surprised. We're not talking about Italian American listeners either. We're talking about Italians from Italy. And we're going to get a mail about that where somebody's going to tell us that you're not allowed to say you're Italian-American. Oh, I know, right? Yeah. If you're anything American other than American, you're not an American or something.
Starting point is 01:06:15 I don't know how that works. Let's not use any shorthand. Jan or Jan or something. I don't know. What? Netherlands? Netherlands. So that's Jan. Somebody from the Netherlands named Jan. That's a dude, by the way. It's a male name because they specifically say PS.
Starting point is 01:06:32 That's a male name. So I know for sure that Jan is a dude. So Jan, thank you very much for listening. You're in the Netherlands and we appreciate it. Shout out to the Netherlands. Great. We got an email from Eric and Eric asked us about our Doctors Without Borders charity drive, our Apocalypse Without Borders.
Starting point is 01:06:49 And they saw the chip-in payment, and they said they're not seeing anything to indicate that it will get a tax deduction for their donation. We hadn't thought that far ahead to put anything on there. We don't even know the tax implications of this. So if you're interested in getting a tax deduction, you know, some sort of slip or something, that's not something that we can provide. I think we will provide at the end of the drive a receipt that shows that we donated all the money that was sent to us. So I don't know if that's going to be useful for people who are doing their taxes,
Starting point is 01:07:30 but we've been telling people who are interested in getting some sort of slip or some sort of receipt from the Doctors Without Borders that specifically has some sort of tax deduction information on it just to go directly to Doctors Without Borders, donate, send us a copy of the receipt, and we'll throw it in on top of everything. So if you donate to Doctors Without Borders and you want to make sure that you get the receipt to file your taxes, feel free to donate with them directly. You can skip us altogether. We are totally cool with that.
Starting point is 01:08:03 We would, you know, that's fine. We're trying to just make sure that we have a tally at the end so we can say, hey, our listeners are awesome. They donated X amount of dollars. It's something that we're going to be sort of talking about, I think, for a while afterwards, because Tom and I are very happy and very proud to have people who listen to the show who are so generous. And so we're going to be interested in finding how much you donated. So if that's something that you're thinking about doing and you want to make sure you get some sort of tax documentation, you can certainly skip us. We are just here to tally up the final total. We got an email from Dumbass Tom and he says he
Starting point is 01:08:41 finds it very interesting when he gets reviews or comments from people saying that they were interested in the content of the episode, but they were extremely disappointed because they didn't care much for the stuff that he did before that. And he says, it's like nobody ever told them that they have the ability to fast forward. Yeah, I feel the same way. You know, we don't get a lot of those comments, although we do get that one comment a couple weeks ago on iTunes, that F dollar sign, dollar sign, dollar sign comment that we got where the person was upset with our swearing and that we joked around with each other. Yeah, I feel you, dumbass.
Starting point is 01:09:16 Sometimes people forget that it's a podcast, and if they don't like a segment, they can just move on. Somebody else doesn't like the skeptics' creed, but, I mean, they're evidently too lazy to stop just hit stop you know i'll be honest i don't even listen to it i don't listen to it either and i wrote it you know like just hit stop the show's over it bookends that's yeah that's how it is yeah i really think the skeptics creed there for skeptics creed is there for new listeners right you know like if you're a brand new listener um you come into the show and you're like boom oh it's it's the way to tell when the show ends as soon as you start the skeptics creed i stop listening it's like credulity is not a virtue okay click i'm done neither is i know what happens after this i've heard it right so uh so recently um it's been a kind of popping in different places in the skeptical world.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Greta Christina, she was a guest on the show a while back. She's a blogger and she's a writer. She recently found out that she has cancer. She's going to get some surgery and some other things. But she's going to be inactive for a little while. And this is what she does for a living, Tom. Yeah, you know, she's a pretty cool chick. And we had her on our show and we had a great time.
Starting point is 01:10:37 And she's also got a book. And, you know, she makes her money selling her book. And her book is worth reading. It's worth buying. You can go to You can buy her book. It's Why Are You Atheists So Angry? 99 Things to Piss Off the Godless. It's worth your time to read, and it supports a really decent person who really needs the help. And she is also accepting donations. So you can check out her blog at forward slash Greta. And you can look.
Starting point is 01:11:11 She's got donate links right on her blog. So if you're interested in supporting somebody, you know, we don't have socialized medicine here in America, unfortunately. So if you don't have insurance and you get sick, that shit's on you. And here's somebody who's given, I think, a lot to this community. And if the community can give something back, I think that's worth doing. So check that out. Yeah. And she also has a subscribe button for her blog. So if you're interested in finding out, I think she probably has extra things for people who are subscribers. So you could look into that. And then there's also, like Tom said, the donate button directly that would donate to her.
Starting point is 01:11:50 It's a one-time donation that she's looking for basically to try to get through some very difficult times that are going to be coming up for her. She had to cancel a lot of the ways in which she was going to promote her book. ways in which she was going to promote her book. You know, I only gather this from reading the blog post, but she was going to be planning on promoting her book and doing a lot of speaking engagements, and that's how she made a bulk of her income, and that is gone now because of her sickness. So anything that people can do to help, I know I will be donating. I've already bought her book, but I might just buy it and gift it on Kindle to somebody. I don't know. We'll see. Yeah, that's a good idea, right? I mean, the holidays are kind of coming up. Why the hell not? Yeah. Support somebody, get them a book that's worth reading.
Starting point is 01:12:39 So we've come to the end of another episode of Cognitive Dissonance. We are going to leave you, as usual, with the Skeptic's Creed. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized, stereogram, pyramidal, free energy, healing, water downward spiral, brain dead pan, sales pitch, late late night info docutainment leo pisces cancer cures detox reflex foot massage death and towers tarot cards psychic healing crystal balls bigfoot yeti aliens churches mosques and synagogues temples dragons giant worms atlantis dolphins truthers birthers witches wizards, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Expose your signs. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this. Inclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and views expressed in this show are that of the hosts only. Our poorly formed and expressed notions do not represent those of our wives, employers, friends, families, or of the local dairy council. We'll see you next time. you

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