Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 704: Electric Meat Signals

Episode Date: July 31, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 See yourself buying a home one day? Do future you a favor. Open a Questrade first home savings account and help that future come faster. The FHSA is a tax-free account where all your investment gains are yours to keep and put towards your first home. With Questrade, you can open an FHSA online. No bank appointment needed. It's easy and only takes a few minutes. The sooner you get started, the more time your down payment has to grow. Open an account today at Today's show is brought to you by Manscaped. Go to and use code COGDIS. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Recording live from Glory Hole Studios in Chicago and beyond, this is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical. It's political. And there is no welcome mat. Today is Thursday, July 27th.
Starting point is 00:01:36 And Cecil, speaking of makes us mad. Hey, man. Anything big happen this week? So I'm going to tell a quick story. So I came back to work my job that I've been working at for 22 and a half years. I have, I had a long vacation that I was on. The longest vacation, in fact, I've ever taken from work, which was three weeks long. I, I accrue per year,
Starting point is 00:02:07 I accrue like five and a half weeks of vacation. So, you know, like I had plenty of time to take it off. I still had plenty of time. So I took the time off. And when I came back, I had a meeting with my boss via Zoom and we had a chat and he was asking me about my, you know, my trip and whatnot. And then I say to him, I said exactly what I just said, which was, Hey, anything big happened while I was gone. And his response was, well, actually so-and-so from HR is going to be joining us. And I thought he was kidding. I was like, Oh, that's funny. And then he's like, she'll be joining us any second. Her name is blah, blah, blah. And I was like, Oh, you're serious. Okay. Oh, what's this? What's this about HR that I hear? And they came on to tell me that I had a choice.
Starting point is 00:02:48 I could either drastically reduce the hours that I would be paid, but it didn't sound like from the job description that I would drastically reduce the hours that I work. Yeah. And for what you described, you'd get almost no hours, like way less than half time. Way less than half time. Less than half time.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Do the same amount of work and lose all your benefits. They wanted me to lose. So that was the huge good offer on the table. The offer on the table was you had get no benefit. And the reason why I stayed at my job for so long, it was low paying for the things that I did.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Right. But it had good benefits and it had good benefits that took care of Sarah and I. And so it was why I stayed for years. I stayed 22 years. I mean, I was there for a long time. And an amazing benefit.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And I will say, I got a lot out of it in that sense. But they offered me that, or they said, or you could voluntarily separate and there'll be a small severance and we'll pay for your insurance for six months. And so I had a real hard time over the week. and I had a hard time over the week making this decision, not because the obvious answer is just walk away from this job, but I have a lot of childhood memories that are a little unpleasant and anxiety inducing about losing jobs. So my dad was an alcoholic
Starting point is 00:04:07 and he lost his job. I would say, I don't think it's a, I don't think it's a stretch to say he lost his job 15 times when I was growing up. I think 50, I don't think that's a stretch. That doesn't sound like I'm exaggerating. He would, he had cycles, he had cycles. So he, Doesn't sound like I'm exaggerating. He would, he had cycles. He had cycles. So what functioned in Alcoholics, what happens is they find a work.
Starting point is 00:04:31 He found a work and he was good at what he did. He was a truck driver and he was a union man until he got fired for the final time. And then he got fired and hired and fired and hired for the rest of his, because he never was able to get a union job after that. But he was a union man. And so he was a very good truck driver. He would drive his truck and then he would drink until he was incapacitated on like Monday morning,
Starting point is 00:04:52 call in sick. And he would do that enough where they would just be like, look, if you're going to call in sick almost every Monday, you got to go. And so, so they're just, they would just fire him. And so like, I have a lot of memories of that being really bad. And so when I, when I found out I was going to be losing my job, I had a lot of like anxiety because of it. Yeah. It's not because,
Starting point is 00:05:16 and don't get me wrong. Like, like I, I, I recognize that I do need a job. I have to do something. And so it's not that I'm not like, I'm like, fuck it, I don't care, whatever.
Starting point is 00:05:28 But like at the same time- You're not independently wealthy. Like you need income. But I recognize that there is, there's also the feeling like it's not as dire as it was with my parents. Like my parents were in very, very dire straits when my dad lost his job because he was the only breadwinner. And so there's a very different feeling with Sarah
Starting point is 00:05:48 because Sarah has an income as well. So all that being said, I had a real rough week earlier on in the week. And then we talked and my wife and I talked and we had a conversation. And the final outcome is, is that I'm actually going to start being a content creator full time. Great. You know, we talked about this and you said, look,
Starting point is 00:06:09 you know, this is a step you should take. You had mentioned, this is a step you should take. My wife said the same thing. And so, the show is going to do
Starting point is 00:06:17 a couple things different, little things that we're going to have to do in order to make it more business-like. Yep, which we haven't done for the 12 years we've been doing it. Yeah. For 12 years, we've run this as a joyful hobby. We've been able to donate a lot of money. We've been able to hire staff and pay them well. We're going to continue with our staff. We're not making any changes there. But we do have to be a little bit more diligent
Starting point is 00:06:48 about monetizing this show. We've been sort of like, hey, patrons, if you want to be a patron, that's cool. And that's kind of been our pitch. I think we really need to change that a little bit and say, hey, we actually would need people to be patrons. If you've been thinking about being a patron, this matters differently now.
Starting point is 00:07:04 This isn't pizza and beer money. This isn't like, put some money in and we'll donate it to modest needs next year kind of money. This is like, this is a livelihood.
Starting point is 00:07:11 And there's a difference. And I think that we want our audience to understand the difference. We're also going to be looking at getting more advertisers. We've had the same advertiser, Adam and Eve,
Starting point is 00:07:21 for years and years and years. And we haven't really tried to get anything. And we haven't done the work of getting other advertisers. And that's been, you know, for a couple of reasons. Some of them intentional, other just, you know, lack of motion. Yeah, yeah. I prefer lack of motion.
Starting point is 00:07:34 You know, that's a good way to put it, Tom. I like lack of motion too. Lack of motion. I retract laziness. Thank you. Okay. You know, so we are going to have to make some changes in how we create or how we monetize the show.
Starting point is 00:07:46 We might put ads in the place. Ads in the show. Ads in the show in the sense that we're going to do auto ads. Yeah, but patrons will never hear those. Yeah, patrons never going to hear it. Patrons will always have an ad-free show. So don't worry about that. Patrons will always have an ad-free show.
Starting point is 00:08:00 The content is not going to change. No, we're still going to do all the same stuff we've been doing. We're just going to prioritize a little bit differently, you know, way from pizza and beer. Yeah. There's going to be, there's going to be a income for me now. Yep. And so if you feel like, you know, you want to help support someone who's doing this as an endeavor, you know, I, I would very much appreciate it. Also, like we say, we will be turning on some ads that are automatic that can generate some income for us with very little work on our part,
Starting point is 00:08:31 which will affect people who listen to the back catalog and who listen to the show in general without patron support. Patron support will get you an ad-free show, but the other, you'll have to listen to the ads. And from what I understand, they're not terribly onerous.
Starting point is 00:08:50 So it's not like it's the worst thing in the world that there'll be some ads for you. Depending on where you live, they'll be sort of geolocated. Yeah, and you can skip them. You can just hit the little fast forward button and move through it and know that by hitting that fast forward button, you're helping Cecil. You're paying us a little extra money. You're paying someone a living wage by hitting that fast forward button, you're helping Cecil. You're paying us
Starting point is 00:09:05 a little extra money. You're paying someone a living wage by hitting fast forward and skipping that Spanish speaking Verizon commercial. And I want to thank the community here for being a awesome safety net that I know a lot of people don't have. I experienced anxiety this week and I can't imagine what this must feel like for many people who go through this without a safety net underneath them. And so I want to thank the audience for being a safety net for me, because that's a important, you know, I built this, I built this, we've done this work for a long time to build this safety net. And we always knew it was here for this, but it's one of those things that was thrown, it was thrust upon me. And I always try to empathize with the people and this made me
Starting point is 00:09:51 realize how difficult it is for so many people to go through this sort of thing, you know, when they lose their job and when they have to transition. Yeah, man. And, you know, to be, to extend that same empathy to you, like the safety net is one thing when you're just looking down at it and you're like, cool, that's there. Yeah. And it's another thing when, like, you fall into it. Yeah. And you have to feel it catch you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:13 And, like, I will say, this show has caught me more than once. Yeah. You know, and it is a, it is scary to fall. Yeah. And it is a tremendous relief to feel caught. Yeah. to fall. And it is a tremendous relief to feel caught. And so I would echo the same thing because there's been, and I haven't brought them up because they've been personal, but there's been a couple of times in my life that the show financially has gotten me through a tough time
Starting point is 00:10:34 where I've needed the help. And the show has been the thing that kept my family fed and the lights on and the mortgage paid. And it's, like I said, it's one thing to look down and be like, cool, safety net. I don't need that. It's another thing to land on it. I want to mention too, just before we get into the show, as soon as I let people know, and I let people know on Facebook, it was one of the things that I posted on Facebook,
Starting point is 00:10:55 just to sort of like, it's sort of like to let other people know. And it's funny because my brother found out that way and called me on the phone. We had a long conversation about it. But I also received support from the atheist podcast community personally. So they, several people in the atheist and skeptical podcast community, as soon as I posted, reached out to me in private message to say, Hey, if you'd like to collaborate or, or make some extra money in some ways,
Starting point is 00:11:20 here's a few things that I can, that we can work on together to make some money. here's a few things that we can work on together to make some money. And so they did some things for me. They reached out to me to try to help me get through this. And I can't say enough about the community that's been built for so long. And something that we've been really proud of, sort of like helping build this community
Starting point is 00:11:39 and helping build this sort of podcast community. They immediately reached out right away and said, hey, how can I help? And it was really great. It was really awesome. Yeah, it was really cool. Good people. Yeah, good people. Good people. Yeah. Tom, we got to talk about Mitch McConnell. Oh. The best thing I saw was somebody called him, because I don't know if anybody's seen it. Mitch walks up to the podium and I would play it, but literally there's nothing to play. It's just silence. It's just silence. Mitch walks up to a podium. He says a couple things.
Starting point is 00:12:07 He genuinely looks like he's almost dead already when he starts speaking. He doesn't look well. He doesn't look well. No, he doesn't. And then he starts speaking and he literally shuts off mid-sentence. Mid-sentence. Mid-word. Mid-word he shuts off.
Starting point is 00:12:19 And he's off staring into space for, I'm not exaggerating when I say 25 to 30 seconds. Oh, at least, yeah. And then finally someone who's a medical doctor leans in and says, Mitch, are you done speaking? And Mitch kind of nods and then they start walking him away. And then he turns around and walks back after he's sort of been nudged out of his little seizure
Starting point is 00:12:40 or whatever he's having. And someone called him, which I think is the greatest thing in the world. They called him glitch McConnell. And I was like, that is the funniest shit I've ever heard. but, but genuinely,
Starting point is 00:12:52 and I want to say too, cause I know people will see this and they'll see his face and they'll see how he's reacting. Cause he looks like he's either having a seizure or a stroke or something like he's cause he's like looking off into the distance. Nothing good is happening. Nothing. nothing you're right inside that man's brain nothing because he just and he's kind of like holding the podium and you can see like he's just not like he just went away there's nothing he just went away blanked out he like
Starting point is 00:13:17 went into another dimension for me but but genuinely people will see that and they'll think man my dad had one of those or my brother had one of those or my brother had one of those or my uncle had one of those. And I'm going to tell you straight away, when that happens to your dad or your uncle or your best friend's friend of a cousin or whatever, and you were there and it was traumatic, that's a tragedy. And that's a bad thing that happened. And that sucks. And we empathize with everybody out there who has had something bad that's happened to them. But Mitch McConnell is an architect of awful, awful plans for the United States and has been for decades.
Starting point is 00:13:54 And so the fact that this happened to him, I do not feel even a moment's remorse for thinking I don't care about it. And it shows me, hopefully hopefully that he will be stepping down soon. And I think both of those are beneficial. Yeah. When, when a mastermind. Yes. Of American misery. Good way to put it. When a mastermind of American misery has a fucking meltdown shutdown and he's a, I'll be blunt when he is one inch closer to not being in power. Yeah. Yeah. That is an inch I celebrate. Yeah. And like, I'll be blunt, when he is one inch closer to not being in power anymore. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:25 That is an inch I celebrate. Yeah. And like, I'll laugh about it because his misfortune is a good thing. Yeah. His misfortune can only benefit. Look, Mitch, the whole Roe situation, that's the fucking overturning of Roe is 100% Mitch McConnell. is 100% Mitch McConnell. Like, I'm going to get sad about Mitch McConnell having his fucking reboot moment
Starting point is 00:14:47 because how many women just gave testimony the other day down in Texas about the great suffering and misery that they experienced, and that happened specifically because Mitch McConnell blocked Obama from appointing a judge to the Supreme Court. The only reason we have the panel
Starting point is 00:15:04 of lunatics that we have is because of Mitch McConnell. It would be, I think, if he would have let Obama appoint for Scalia's position, you would have had 5-4 then Democrat, and it might be, might be right now, 5-4 Republican, but with Roberts who sways back and forth. They might not have even taken up some of these cases. Part of the reason that they take up the cases they take up is because they have a fucking super majority.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And they feel more confident taking them up because they know they can swing 6-3 or 5-4 and still succeed. And we know that this is Mitch McConnell because he literally took credit for it. He has literally taken credit for the makeup of the Supreme Court. So like when I express the great, wonderful joy in watching that evil piece of turtle shit like completely lose his fucking marbles up there,
Starting point is 00:16:03 it's because he has caused so much suffering. He's a bad person. So much suffering. He's a bad person. And he needs to be out of power. And you're absolutely right. Cause he not only did it on, he did it on two ends.
Starting point is 00:16:13 He did it to Obama, but then he also ran through an appointment after. After RBG. Yeah. When, when, when Ginsburg died with months until the election, he wouldn't do it before because he said the
Starting point is 00:16:26 election, but now, oh, we've got everything. We're going to do it. Yeah. We have two conservative justices and we have him to not thank, but to blame for so many other things. Oh, and also don't forget the federal judge appointments that he orchestrated and ran through during Trump's presidency. Oh, yeah. And he also blocked Obama from appointing judges. So, like, again, this man has been the gleeful architect of human misery in America for decades. And now I'm going to be like, oh, but he had a little medical issue.
Starting point is 00:16:59 I don't care. I don't care if every moment of every day of his life he wakes up and it feels like he's been dipped in molten glass. In fact, I't care. I don't care if every moment of every day of his life, he wakes up and it feels like he's been dipped in molten glass. In fact, I do care. I would think, good, that's half of what you deserve. Here's the thing though. That's half. Like look at him and look at how he's already partially melting. I mean, dude, I'm telling you straight away,
Starting point is 00:17:21 like there are people that are getting, that are in office right now that, you know, there should be some sort of, you know, medical test. I mean, you know, when they're doing this, when they're doing this and this guy doesn't know what's happening, you know, someone had said, take a, take a picture of this and play this every time they question Biden's, you know, it's like, but here's here's the thing, I don't want anybody in the office that's incompetent. I don't want anybody in office
Starting point is 00:17:48 that's incompetent. Yeah, all the way down the line, by the way. I don't want your fucking county clerk. That can sometimes be brought on by age. I'm not saying that it's always brought on by age because somebody accused us of being ageist last time we talked about this. I'm just saying everyone should be tested for things.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Yeah, because you don't know. Because you just don't know. It could, you could, I mean, look at, you know, look at what happens when you, you know, when you're like that one guy who had a stroke. One of the fellas who Fetterman. Fetterman, yeah. Fetterman had a stroke. Like, you know, you got to test these people afterwards. If he can still function, great.
Starting point is 00:18:20 If he can't, then there needs to be something done. We need to figure this stuff out. We have a system that has no, there's no checks in there, man. And these people, like they run, they've got 95-year-old people in fucking the Senate. Well, there's no like mechanism to challenge somebody's competency and then force a test. Yeah, man. Right? And I don't want that challenge to be easy.
Starting point is 00:18:42 And I don't want it to be used in obstructive ways by political enemies. But there should be some kind of third-party oversight that says, okay, we're going to do – if certain things happen, we're going to, like, trigger a test, right? And then otherwise, we'll just have a periodic yearly competency examination for all people who make these decisions that are this big, man. Yeah, man. They're making these great big fucking decisions, and we're like, I don't even care if you know how to tie your, man. Yeah, man. They're making these great big fucking decisions. And we're like, I don't even care if you know how to tie your shoes anymore. Yeah, man. What? We have harvested the ultimate weapon from those diseased bodies.
Starting point is 00:19:13 And now we have the only vaccine. So Cecil, this story comes from Forbes. Twitter deletes. Should we call it Twitter? It's X now, right? Is it X or Twitter? I don't know. Is it Twitter?
Starting point is 00:19:23 I think they called it. I think it's still Twitter, but instead of the bird, which made sense. Yeah. Which made sense. The bird made sense. It tweets.
Starting point is 00:19:32 It's a bird. Tweet, tweet, tweet. Now the symbol is just an X. He made unilateral graphic design decisions in the middle of the night. And Cecil, he made a terrible decision. That is a weird night. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:48 That is a weird night. That's a weird night when you're like, I mean, like, what kind of weird micromanager are you as a billionaire to be, to look at your product that you overpaid billions of dollars for and you look at it and you say, you know what, you know what really is changed,
Starting point is 00:20:02 what needs to change on this platform? Not that we need to pay attention to the white nationalist problem. No, what we should do is change the logo. The logo. Hey, guys. The logo that is literally synonymous with our brand, that is instantly recognizable in any language the world over. Let's change that to like something snowboard cool.
Starting point is 00:20:25 X, raw, yeah, Mountain Dew. What? X? It's so funny. It's X games. X, internet tweeting. What's funny is like- Is it still going to be tweeting?
Starting point is 00:20:36 Is it going to be X-ing? Type in No. Twitter comes up. Oh, does it really? He bought He owned it already. Oh, he did?
Starting point is 00:20:43 So years ago, he wanted to start a banking system that was an online banking system before Bitcoin and any of that other stuff. And he wanted to start an online banking system and he called it It never took off. Yeah. So he's always had this little-
Starting point is 00:21:00 X idea. Little pinch in the ass his whole career that he wants to do Well, now he can finally use it. Well, and I don't, too, that his goal is to have an everything platform. Yeah. Like one platform that people go to that's your social media, that's your banking, that's your shopping,
Starting point is 00:21:17 that's like your one-stop app. And there's similar apps. There's an app that's used in China. I don't remember the name of it. That is a kind of an everything app. And there's similar apps. There's an app that's used in China. I don't remember the name of it. That is a, it's kind of an everything app, you know, and I can't remember for the life of me what it is right now, but I know that's Elon Musk's goal. And I know he'll never achieve that goal. That is a stupid fucking idea. I don't care how powerful Twitter gets. I don't care if it does everything in my life better than the seven or 12 apps. I would never use it.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I would never use it on the principle of fuck you, Elon Musk. Well, and I think I want him to fail. Well, he's done. He's done enough stuff to be shitty. And this is another one of those things. This in particular is another one of those things. Twitter deletes fact check of Musk connecting Bronnie James's cardiac arrest to the COVID vaccine. So it was also just a weak
Starting point is 00:22:06 connection so it's a spineless shitty insinuation connection let me read what what he actually wrote he said we cannot ascribe everything to the vaccine but by the same token we cannot ascribe nothing adding that myocarditis is a known side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine. And like, here's the thing. He's LeBron James Jr. Is he LeBron James Jr.? Yeah, he's LeBron James Jr. Oh, shit. Okay. It says Bronny James, LeBron Ramon Bronny James Jr.
Starting point is 00:22:36 So I can't remember. James is the eldest child of professional basketball player LeBron James. I'm going to ask a really dumb question. Is LeBron James still alive or is's the one that died in the helicopter crash? That's Kobe Bryant. Okay. Yeah, no,
Starting point is 00:22:48 I know Kobe Bryant. I love that you'd confuse black people though. I think that's great. I think that's great. I really do think that that is very wide of you. God damn it. They're basketball players. I've never watched either of them.
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. No, Kobe Bryant is the one who died, but LeBron James is still playing. He's still, he's. Was Kobe still playing before the helicopter? No, it's fine. No, Kobe Bryant is the one who died. But LeBron James is still playing. Okay. Was Kobe still playing before the helicopter thing?
Starting point is 00:23:06 No, Kobe had retired. So LeBron James is the second oldest active player in the NBA. Oh, wow. Yeah, he was drafted out of college or out of high school. So he was one of the last people who was drafted out of high school into the NBA. Do they not draft out of high school anymore? They got to go to like, I think a year of college now. I think that they stopped doing that.
Starting point is 00:23:27 Oh, wow. So they have to at least go to a year of college, but he was drafted out of high school. And so he's been in the league for, I want to say it's 20 years now, which is a long career, very, very long career. Cause most people, they don't come in until they're 22. He's probably trying to stock away some money.
Starting point is 00:23:41 They don't come in until they're 22. And then they only play until they're, you know, 35, 36, you know, around. He's 38. So he's been playing a long time. But he like, they like put him in a hyperbaric chamber after every game or whatever. Is he still like a dominant player? No, he's not. He's not as dominant.
Starting point is 00:24:00 He can turn it on, but he's, you's, you know, like when you get older than a young man, you're not as, you just can't do the things that they do anymore. Oh, I know that. And I know that very well too, but, but, but even more so the level at an high athlete is even more, so in the old days he would play that you play 48 minutes as a whole game. He would play 48 minutes and play hard 48 minutes. Now he plays 20 minutes and he might play hard for like 10, where he's like playing hard minutes, you know? So it's like, he's not the same, but he's like, don't get me wrong.
Starting point is 00:24:34 I'd be very proud if I could give 20 hard minutes. He's still very good. Yeah, no. 20 hard minutes. 20 hard minutes is a long time. Jesus Christ. That's a long time. You're an escort at that point.
Starting point is 00:24:42 That's an extra 18 hard minutes. What the hell am I going to do with that? But in any case, I had to look it up, but it is his son. Okay. So he had a heart attack. He had a heart attack. Yeah. Yeah. And so that just sometimes happens to people. We've talked about this before. And like, there are multiple causes of myocarditis. So like, like it seems to be- And they're not even saying it's myocarditis. We don't even know. We don't even know. We just know they had cardiac arrest, but you know, the, the,
Starting point is 00:25:08 the fucking vaccine conspiracy theorists, they seize upon every cardiac event that happens to well-known people. Yeah. And then they say, well, you know, myocarditis is caused by the COVID-19 vaccine. It's like,
Starting point is 00:25:22 yeah, but you know, COVID also causes myocarditis. At like a higher rate. At. It's like, yeah, but you know, COVID also causes myocarditis. At like a higher rate. At twice the rate of the vaccine. Right. And so, yeah,
Starting point is 00:25:30 all right. Like also just like lots of things, it turns out, I looked this up, like myocarditis just like happens non-causally sometimes. Yeah. Right. So,
Starting point is 00:25:40 and so do cardiac arrests. Cardiac arrests happen just non-causally sometimes. We're just like, yeah, fucking heart fucking blew up. That's what happens. Like sometimes shit happens and we're not 100% sure why because we're made out of fucking electric meat signals. Are you kidding me? Every day that you wake up is a fucking Christmas miracle.
Starting point is 00:26:01 You're made of electric meat signals. You are. By the way, electric meat signals is the name of my yellow cover band. I use that all the time. No, but electric meat signals, like seriously, like we're that fucking frog you made dance in fucking science class.
Starting point is 00:26:16 Just on a more regular basis. I know. That's all we are. I don't like to think about the inside of my body at all. Me either, bro. Me either. I can't stand that. When they talk about, oh yeah, no, and you're just, in your brain is just a few signals and there's a little bit of electricity and that's what's keeping you going. And I'm like, but what else?
Starting point is 00:26:32 Like nothing else. Nope. There's just hope in that. That's it. That's it. Yeah. That's all there is. Yup.
Starting point is 00:26:37 It's all just squish me, dude. It's horrifying. It's all just in this weird equilibrium. Yeah. And that's just true about everybody. And you can throw it off, especially, you know, people who exert themselves all the time. Yeah, at this level. Yeah, can get into some arrhythmic problems and can have some serious issues.
Starting point is 00:26:56 That happens. That happens. I was just reading. It's so funny you mentioned that. reading about that atrial fibrillation is a fairly common side effect of endurance athletes. So people who work really hard for extended periods of time, they have hardening of the heart, they have fibrosis of the heart, they have atrial fibrillation. Being an ultra marathoner or a regular marathon runner is actively bad for your heart. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:27:26 Like it is not recommended to do that stuff because like exerting yourself at that level places stresses on the body that the body doesn't always recover properly from. No shit. Wow. When you work that hard too, like you're saying, like everything's in this crazy balance. It's like, okay, well like, you know, what about your sodium levels? What about your potassium levels? Oh, your potassium got fucked up? Well, you can easily have a heart attack from that too. And like, if you're out there and you're sweating constantly, you're working constantly,
Starting point is 00:27:53 you are putting yourself at some risk. And that's not to say that like exercise isn't good for you. It's actively very good for you. But also like a lot of things, there are certain levels and there are precautions you have to take. And that might not have anything to do either with this cardiac arrest. And it's not just that. It's not just that. You have to also realize that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. Right. And that happens with other things too.
Starting point is 00:28:17 That is definitely something that can happen with exercise as well as other things. The problem is that everybody forgets correlation does not equal causation. Exactly. And that happens so often and so frequently. And the real issue here is not that Elon Musk is a dipshit and trying to paste two
Starting point is 00:28:37 things together that don't belong. The real issue is that he's running a platform that reaches millions of people and he has control over whether or not he's being fact-checked on. And that is a big deal and a real problem. And it should warn all of everyone out there to not use Twitter whenever possible. Twitter is going to continue to be a bad place to get information, a bad place to tell people things, and a bad place to communicate because it does not produce a safe environment for the truth. No. What it does is it is the
Starting point is 00:29:13 hostile. That is exactly right. It is hostile to the truth. And that's a real problem. And this is a huge platform. And I cannot wait for it to falter and fall and go away and eventually close down and be and somebody buys it and puts up like dick pics or whatever. I love how he is a free speech absolutist hypocrite. Yes, you're absolutely right. Like he is a free speech, absolute hypocrite. That's what he fucking is. Yep. Yep. Whoa, Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to unleash the beach beast within you. This summer, Manscaped is here to help you level up your beach game with their new Beard Hedger Pro Kit. They're going past waist deep in the grooming game and diving in head first to your facial
Starting point is 00:30:01 hair fantasies. The Beard Hedger is a game changer, allowing you to shape your beard like a true beach babe. So this summer, let the beach balls bounce and turn heads all over the place. Visit and use code COGDIS for 20% off and free shipping. It's time to tame your mane. So say goodbye to all your stubble trouble with Manscaped's Beard Hedger Pro Kit.
Starting point is 00:30:32 The titanium-coated T-blade is tough on hair but smooth on your face, leading to a single-stroke efficiency that brings satisfaction one stroke at a time. Is this a different ad that I'm reading for? No. The Pro Kit doesn't end there, though. They have created four dermatologist-tested formulations for your post-trim care. First, there's the beard shampoo and conditioner. You need to remember all your hair is different.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Your beard hair is more coarse and easier to damage than the hair on your head. That's why the kit has made shampoo and conditioner specially designed to moisturize, reduce ingrown hairs, replace natural oils, and promote beard health. Next, the kit has Manscaped's Beard Oil. This helps relieve dryness both on the beard and the skin beneath while adding a little shimmer and shine cap off the kit with the beard balm a pomade that shapes styles moisturizes and tames for a sculpted look to track any fellows or dames the pro beard kit also comes with three free gifts A beard brush, comb, and scissors to ensure your beard is ready to impress. Plus, it's waterproof, so you can shave in the shower to avoid all that hair in the sink. I know when I'm getting ready for the Barbenheimer premiere, I need to trim my hedges so I'm ready
Starting point is 00:32:00 for Ryan Gosling. Now I have become Dapper, destroyer of disheveled. So get 20% off in free shipping with the code COGDIS at That's 20% off with free shipping at and use code COGDIS. Manscaped beard hedger, one stroke, one guard, 20 lengths.
Starting point is 00:32:31 On election day, my mom and I got up really early and together we customized 480 cupcakes. Tom, can you just read this one aloud? I just I because at the end of it, they seem to pull punches. And so I want to I thought this story is from the Daily Beast. Rudy Giuliani concedes making false statements about Georgia election workers. Rudy Giuliani conceded in a Tuesday court filing that he made false statements about Georgia election workers who are currently suing him for defamation. Wondria Shea Moss and her mother, Ruby Freeman, say they have faced harassment since the former
Starting point is 00:33:04 Trump lawyer and New York mayor alleged they had counted extra votes during a count in Georgia for the 2020 presidential election. In the new filing, Giuliani chose not to contest that the statements were false and publish to third parties, but said his admission wouldn't affect his argument that his statements were constitutionally protected and that they didn't cause the plaintiffs any damages. that his statements were constitutionally protected, and that they didn't cause the plaintiffs any damages. He did not contest that, quote, to the extent the statements were statements of fact and otherwise actionable, such actionable factual statements were false, end quote. So he didn't contest that.
Starting point is 00:33:36 There's a lot of negatives in this. I don't know. I feel like I need an equation. I got to subtract things from each side. It's really terrible writing. It's very bad. Terrible writing. Mayor Rudy Giuliani
Starting point is 00:33:46 did not acknowledge that the statements were false, but did not contest it in order to move on to the portion of the case that will permit a motion to dismiss. Giuliani's political advisor,
Starting point is 00:33:55 Ted Goodman, told the Daily Beast in a statement, this is a legal issue, not a factual issue. Those out to smear, they, so I think I understand
Starting point is 00:34:02 what they're saying. So what he's saying is, whether or not I said these things and whether or not they were true doesn't matter because I'm constitutionally protected to say whatever I want is what his argument is going to be. Now, that's not how defamation
Starting point is 00:34:16 works. Defamation definitionally means... Isn't Giuliani a lawyer? Shouldn't he know that? Yeah, it's fucking nonsense. We do have constitutional protections to say certain things, but also there are limits and defamation literally defines those limits and defines how we're held accountable to the limits. Also, we heard Giuliani's statements. We know what he said. He was recorded saying it. He said, look, they are exchanging a USB drive to add votes to a tally. Like they're passing a crack vial back and forth, I think he said.
Starting point is 00:34:53 It was something like that. Something like that. Some horrible shit. It was a drug. It was a drug. Some racist reference. And he even said, he said, any single person who's been in, you know, who has done prosecution for a state would recognize their sort of nefarious behavior.
Starting point is 00:35:10 And they were handing each other like a Tic Tac. Yeah. Like they were, she was giving her like a fucking sweet. She was giving her mom a fucking lifesaver or something. Right. That's what was happening. And they were saying that they were past.
Starting point is 00:35:24 So he, we know he lied. Yep. That's what was happening. And they were saying that they were past. So he, we know he lied. Yep. We know he lied not only because you don't just add votes and they just appear because you need to have
Starting point is 00:35:33 a fucking record of those people. You can't just be like, well, we added 6,000 votes. Where's the signatures? Ah, who cares?
Starting point is 00:35:39 Yep. That's not how this works. Works. Anyway, but the idea that, behind it is that we can see that they're not doing what he's saying. So we know he lied already. So it's not like I need him to admit it.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Yeah, and I think what he's saying is, I'm allowed to say lies because we are allowed to lie. No, sure. I'm allowed to say lies because it's constitutionally protected. And the reason it's constitutionally protected is because these ladies weren't harmed by my lies. But we know that's bullshit. They were absolutely harmed. These ladies continue to be harmed. Yeah, they're shit, man.
Starting point is 00:36:11 They continue to be smeared. They continue to be harassed. It's just the height of indifferent cruelty to be like, yeah, you know what? I could just single somebody out on a national stage with a national platform and say, you. And by the way, I know that you're a woman and I know that you're a person of color, but you and your fucking elderly mother, you two, you are the ones who I want 73 million people to galvanize their fear and their anger and their mistrust. And the worst people to tune up about this. Yes. Oh my God. Racist, shitty people who think that the election was stolen because they've been
Starting point is 00:36:54 convinced by the world's worst con man. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Clearly like these are guys who think they can set it and forget it. Right. They're constantly looking for a better way. These are guys who are like, late night,
Starting point is 00:37:05 like fucking late night TV, sign me up. QVC, take my credit card. A rotisserie chicken on the counter. Look, these guys have
Starting point is 00:37:15 unironic prayer clocks. They have unironic, this is a- I forget that that's there. It is such a good thing. It's such a good thing. That prayer clock is fucking money. James Earl Jones, reading out the shit. It's so good. Come on. It is such a good thing. It's such a good thing. That prayer clock is fucking money.
Starting point is 00:37:25 James Earl Jones reading out the shit? Come on. It's so good. Constantly set at 420. I'm just saying, Cecil, if you want to know who bought all those Ginsu knives and how they voted, it's the same. Have you ever used a Ginsu knife?
Starting point is 00:37:38 I've never used a Ginsu knife. I've never used one either. I'm very curious. Maybe I'll do a season liberally where I test a Ginsu knife. Yeah. You know, as I recall, Ginsu is serrated and serrated knives actually hold their edge pretty well. They do. Because the way the knife is shaped, it keeps it away from any kind of flat thing or chipping on something or rubbing against stuff. And so that little piece that's in between
Starting point is 00:38:03 each serrated area is almost always sharp and it stays sharp for a very long time. I wonder though, why people like, why don't chefs then use serrated knives? Yeah. Well, I think it's because on average it can stay sharp longer, but it's not sharper than a sharp, sharp. So it's not as sharp out of the gate. It's not as sharp out of the gate. It cuts everything you cut will have ridges in it then is the other thing too. So it's not as sharp out of the gate. It's not as sharp out of the gate. It cuts, everything you cut will have ridges in it then, is the other thing too. So like, if you're okay with everything you cut having like little waves in it, then that's fine.
Starting point is 00:38:34 But everything you cut will have some sort of like wavy type of thing in it. And that's also a bad thing. And I also, I'm not sure that even though it will remain sharp on like a graph and like remain sharp for a long time, I feel like the other one's higher. And you know, if you keep sharpening it, it'll always be, it'll always be better. Um, you know, you can really chop the shit out of your, you know, anything you want with, uh, even yourself with a, a sharp,
Starting point is 00:39:01 sharp, good, sharp, right. With a good, sharp knife. You know what I mean? Like laser sharp knife. You can, and it makes short work of stuff. So, yeah. I should test against Ginsu sometime. You should. Because I remember those commercials. They had the Ginsu knives.
Starting point is 00:39:15 They cut through a can. Do you remember? They cut through a shoe? They cut through a shoe? They cut through a penny? When do you cut through a shoe? When are you cooking? And you're like,
Starting point is 00:39:21 you know what I really need to do? Hobo soup. Yeah. It's hobo soup. Wait, And you're like, you know what I really need to do? Hobo soup. Yeah. It's hobo soup. Wait, you always wonder, like, what's in that little bandana on a stick? It's Ginsu knives. Yeah. It's all just Ginsu knives.
Starting point is 00:39:32 If you get a bunch of them, you get bum flights. Fine. Because she's a freak and that's what freaks do. Hunter Biden's attorney files ethics complaint against Marjorie Taylor Green for showing sexual images. So we talked about this last week. Marjorie Taylor Green, the fucking world's worst troll. She showed pictures that she stole
Starting point is 00:39:53 off of Hunter Biden's laptop and basically showed America revenge porn in a craven and shitty attempt to embarrass Hunter Biden and shame the Biden family. And unsurprisingly, Hunter Biden's lawyer was like, hey,
Starting point is 00:40:09 aren't there fucking ethics rules about that? Aren't there fucking ethics rules? The board that they're going to so this Office of Congressional Ethics that they sent to, this is a nonpartisan group that is their non-partisan independent entity previously
Starting point is 00:40:29 established by the house that reviews allegations of misconduct um but what can they do do we know what if they can do anything no i don't know that they can do much except for just like is it a strongly worded letter i think this is all strongly worded letter shit cecil i you know what what he did bring up is hey you fucking emailed this shit out. And if one of those emails went to a kid, you just disseminated pornography to a child. And so you talked about that last week. And his attorney said the same thing. And also just, I don't know how that's not illegal.
Starting point is 00:40:59 If this was broadcast, I don't know how these laws work. I don't want to pretend I do. But if I'm sitting in a state that has laws against the dissemination of revenge porn, and some states do have those laws. Many states, unfortunately, don't. If I'm sitting in a state and I got C-SPAN on, why am I not, why can't I be like, yeah, all right, you just showed me revenge porn. Here I am in the state of Illinois, I think we have it, and you showed me this fucking
Starting point is 00:41:27 revenge porn, and we'll bring up the case in Illinois. This can't be legal. I would imagine that he has some legal recourse to go after her after this, because it's not just that they did it in Congress. I think you do have very
Starting point is 00:41:43 deep protections in Congress and that even though it was televised, C-SPAN, and even though it was televised, I think there is some very deep protections. I think she took the extra step to send it to her supporters, and that's the real issue. And I think that's the key
Starting point is 00:41:59 that they should be focusing on, and that's how they should be trying to sue her. I really do feel like they should sue her for a lot of money. I feel like she should, and I, and that's how they should be trying to sue her. I really do feel like they should sue her for a lot of money. I feel like she should, and I feel like that she, you know, as long as it doesn't go up in front of this judge that's going to throw out the Trump case, maybe it'll work. I think they should arrest her.
Starting point is 00:42:16 You're saying this is a felony. I think distributing pornography to children, which if any kid got that email, distributing pornography to a child, I if any kid got that email. Yeah. Yeah. Distributing pornography to a child. I mean, how is that not a criminal case? At the very least,
Starting point is 00:42:30 I'd love to see her lose a lot of money over this. I just want to see her lose. Yeah. I want to see her lose at every level. This is very brazen. This is one of those things that's very brazen. Now I am become Barbie.
Starting point is 00:42:41 The destroyer. King. Tom, I want to put this on the big screen because I have never seen a bigger loser in my entire life. This is the most, like, this is the most cringey thing Jesus God. I have ever seen.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Go ahead. I'm embarrassed. Yeah. Embarrassed just to read this. This is from the Daily Beast. Ben Shapiro, 39, films himself setting fire to Barbie dolls because he is manly and mad.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Yeah, like, okay, you had to buy the Barbie doll. Like, I never understand these people who burn a product that they just fucking bought. Like, you paid for that. You paid money for it, and it went to the people who you didn't want to have the money. These guys who are big fucking mad about Barbie are big fucking mad
Starting point is 00:43:32 about Barbie because they are weak, insecure, pathetic, small men. And their response to their own insecurity is to behave in more insecure ways. Like everybody sees through this, Cecil. Nobody is impressed by this. Nobody is like, wow, you really made a great point there when you burned that bar. Like this is all like,
Starting point is 00:43:57 I don't even understand who this appeals to. This is more that attack anything that appears to us and our delicate sensibilities as woke. They have tried to make anything that they consider woke a bad thing and something that should be fought against with everything you have. And so they see the Barbie movie as this, you know, it's,
Starting point is 00:44:26 it's a feeling that they have that this is a woke movie. They are telling you things that the, you know, the manosphere wouldn't say, right. They're saying things that are empowering to women. They have trans people in the movie. They, you know, so there's these things that, that they automatically don't agree with. And he even takes a stab at one of the trans people in the movies. He says something like, one of the Barbies is trans Barbie,
Starting point is 00:44:54 Shapiro says, and this is true. Totally normal. As if this is a female Barbie with a voice deeper than my own. That doesn't take much. And I was just going to say, like, dude, I have a higher deeper than my own. That doesn't take much. And I was just going to say like, like, dude,
Starting point is 00:45:05 I have a higher voice for a guy. You sound like a fucking squeak toy. Like, are you kidding me? Get the fuck out of here. It's not hard. Most of the 13 year old girls that I've met have a deeper voice than Ben Shapiro. I,
Starting point is 00:45:18 I have met more manly men at the fucking pool party. My stepdaughter went to with all of her girlfriends last weekend. I did Ben Shapiro. If I do like deep hits of helium, I have a better, higher, lower voice. No,
Starting point is 00:45:33 it's just, it's pathetic. And that's the thing. Like, like that's the thing is he's trying to attack this trans person to be a shitty, awful person. Because how does this trans person affect him?
Starting point is 00:45:46 Not at all. It doesn't at all. Not at all. But what Ben wants to do is make it about those people so that he can then look like this bastion of anti-woke to his loser audience that gobbled this shit up. Look at the title of this video. that gobble this shit up.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Look at the title of this video. Ben Shapiro, all caps, destroys the Barbie movie for 43 minutes. Yeah. I mean, are you kidding me? Like that's so fucking cringe. My balls just shot up in my body. That's the caption for his video as he posts it. Yes.
Starting point is 00:46:20 So he's let that be like me posting a video like, you know, Tom is awesome on Tom time today. Tom is great on the Tom channel by Tom. Like, what the fuck is that, too? Like, that's like it'd be one thing for me to see something awesome and be like, Cecil did an awesome thing and I called it awesome. But when I call myself awesome, that's definitionally uncool. That's taking out vertebrae to suck your own dick. It is. But this is a guy, Cecil, who has figured out how to monetize the insecurity of small men.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Yeah. And he has done a very good job of monetizing the insecurity of small men. And if that's all he was doing, I would care 2%. The problem is that he's doing that at the expense of marginalized groups. He's doing that at the expense of women. He's doing it that at the expense of people of color. He's doing it that at the expense of trans people. He is hurting others in order to monetize the insecurity of these men who will go out and create havoc and violence. Violence. And misogyny in the world.
Starting point is 00:47:29 You're not wrong, man. So it's not just that he's taking their money and he's grifting them, right? That might be in his head what he thinks he's doing. I don't think he believes any of this shit. I don't care if he does. He's playing a part, but I think he's a grifter. The problem is that his grift encourages violence against women,
Starting point is 00:47:47 and women don't need more violence against them right now. I think you're absolutely right. I think that that hits it right on the head. And, you know, it's pathetic. I mean, it's gross that he's going to burn, he's going to do this stuff and pander to this shitty audience of his that are going to lap this shit up. Yep.
Starting point is 00:48:01 And what's Cornwall's biggest industry? Inbreeding. Racism. Mullets. Pasties. So here's two stories in conjunction, Tom. The first one is Florida schools will teach how slavery brought personal benefit to black people. And then in the same vein, ghouls, Fox News blasted for declaring Jews survived the Holocaust by being useful. And here's the thing. Holy fuck. Here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:48:26 This is not exaggerations. No. Like Florida is doing everything it can to be as white supremacist as it possibly can. And what they're doing is they're creating narratives in their history books that say that black people benefited from being enslaved in America because some of them went on to be like shoemakers or blacksmiths or something. And they
Starting point is 00:48:54 basically got on the slavery job training. And you know, the easiest way to point out how stupid that is, is to be like, well, how many white people volunteered to be slaves? Yeah, right. How many white people volunteered to be slaves to get the job training that the black people got? Nobody did. Not a single fucking person did.
Starting point is 00:49:13 You're an idiot for saying that out loud. Go sit in the corner until you realize what you said. But the thing is, they do realize what they said, right? Yeah, of course they do. Because what he's doing,
Starting point is 00:49:22 you're exactly right. Ron DeSantis and all of his ilk down in Florida are turning Florida into a white supremacist theme park. That's what it is. Like, it's going to be the fucking Magic Kingdom and the KKK Kingdom. And they're going to be like, the rest of Florida is the KKK Kingdom. He is actively courting this kind of violent white supremacist nonsense and, and cruelty and meanness. And like, I don't think any of these guys believe this shit with a straight face.
Starting point is 00:49:54 They don't. But the point is like, what they're saying is if you're racist, you're safe here. Yeah. That's what all that mess. All that means. That's all that messages.
Starting point is 00:50:02 If you're, if you're a white racist, you're safe white racist, you're safe here. Welcome to Florida. It has two- Sweat your balls off. It has two real, real goals. The first is, as you say,
Starting point is 00:50:15 this is a safe space for racists. And that's the truth. But then it also has the goal of being upsetting to normal people, to a normal human who understands history and understands how things work. It's upsetting because it's an upsetting thing to say. And they are happy when you're upset. They are excited when you feel distress because you're worried that some poor student in their state will not be told something that is even close to the truth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:48 You're upset by that, and that makes them happy because in the other story, they called them ghouls. That's what they are. They are. They're fucking ghouls, man. It also furthers the political disenfranchisement of people of color by erasing their history. Absolutely. Because people of color who are able to
Starting point is 00:51:08 point to the history, you know, because it wasn't just slavery, right? You know, like, like, they always go back and like,
Starting point is 00:51:15 oh, slavery ended 200 years ago. And it's like, yeah, but it was like fucking slavery and Reconstruction and Jim Crow and the fucking civil rights movement
Starting point is 00:51:22 didn't happen until the fucking 1960s. And like people couldn't fucking vote or own property or, you know, like, like these are things that took years and decades and generations of abuses and violence. And those abuses and violence continue. It's, it's, if you erase the history of people of color, which is what they're trying actively to do. And they're smart, right? Because if they erase the biggest stain on the inkblot, then
Starting point is 00:51:49 nobody will pay attention to all the rest of it. But if that big stain is there, it's easier to see where we smeared it forward. You know what I mean? That's a great metaphor. What they want to do is go in and just erase that. Erase it. Just don't make it unimportant. You know what? It's either not going to teach it at all, or we're going to literally whitewash it, or we're going to recast it as something
Starting point is 00:52:10 different and smaller and less egregious. And it's like, this is a group of people who were like, my rights are being infringed when we said, wear a mask. When we said, will you wear a mask, not in your house, not in your car, not when you're outside, but can you just wear a mask Yeah, man. people and owned and controlled every part of their lives and broke up their families and separated them from their children and raped them and murdered them with impunity. But you know, some of them learned a useful skill along the way, so it all kind of washes.
Starting point is 00:52:55 It all kind of washes. It's kind of, you know, half dozen of one, six of the other or whatever. Holy shit! And then this other guy on Fox News defending it, he says, um, we should just read this because this is gross. He says, uh, so someone says to him, Fox news, liberal co-host says, um, she starts mentioning that she's Jewish and she asked, would someone say about the Holocaust, for instance, that there were some
Starting point is 00:53:25 benefits for Jews, right? While they were hanging out in concentration camps, you learned a strong work ethic, right? Maybe you learned a new skill. And then this guy, this Gutfield, is that his name? Gutfield or whatever. Greg Gutfield says, did you ever read Man's Search for Meaning? It talks about how you had to survive in a concentration camp by having skills. You had to be useful. Utility, utility kept you alive. What a terrible shitty thing. Are you fucking serious that you're going to say that to somebody who was like in a fucking like, oh, the reason why you yeah, man, I mean, you were a useful Jew. The rest of them, we don't care. Yeah, the other six million.
Starting point is 00:54:10 The other six million were useless. That's what we're saying is that what this does is it recasts the blame for their fucking genocide of the Jews on the uselessness of those Jews. Of the people. Specifically.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Also, I've read fucking Man's Search for Meaning. That's not what that book's about. That's not what that book's about. I mean, like, I don't doubt that maybe that might be in there, but that's like, if that's what you got out of Man's Search for Meaning, you need to search that for a better meaning. You need to go get a better meaning out of it. No, but like, when you're a shitty racist,
Starting point is 00:54:51 everything you read reinforced your racism. And so this guy's a shitty racist and probably not all that smart. And so when he reads it, he's, he doesn't think, oh, well, what's the deeper meaning here? He's like, what can I pull out of this to make myself feel better? Right. And that's what he pulls. Yeah. God damn. I mean, this is so egregious. Like, I don't know if you happen to read it, but it's a genuinely beautiful book. And it is a beautiful life philosophy that you can take from this book. And it's a good read. Is it about the Holocaust? It is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:16 I don't know if he wrote it, but he conceived of it through his experience in a concentration camp. And it really is a book that suggests that the search for meaning itself is something that can keep you alive through misery and deprivation. Wow. That's crazy. The search and desire to have meaning doesn't disappear even when your dignity to humanity has been questioned and stripped from you. But do you gain like a skill like blacksmithing? That's like, yeah, right. Like it's like, well, what if you're like, well, you know, I'm a good haberdasher. Like, holy shit. I can chew the fuck out of a horse though. Right?
Starting point is 00:55:51 Fucking hell. Like, I'm floored that you would like, be like, well, you know, some of the Jews were useful so they didn't get murdered. Jesus Christ, dude. And you're like, yeah, all right. That's the worst.
Starting point is 00:56:00 You're actually the worst. This is the worst. I'm blown away, dude. It's so bad. It's so egregious and bad. Do you remember, Cecil, when we started before the regression of America when we were doing this show, Cecil,
Starting point is 00:56:12 700 weeks ago, you know? We were doing this show and people wouldn't say this out loud. They would mean it, but they didn't have the fucking platform to say it at least. This last week we talked about
Starting point is 00:56:27 whether or not it was better for someone to be outwardly shitty, like Lauren Boebert throwing away the green shoe pin. Also someone sent in a message and said the green shoe pin, the reason why that has meaning is that was how she was identified. Because there was nothing left of the person
Starting point is 00:56:44 to identify. And that's why the green shoes have meaning is that was how she was identified because there was nothing left of the person to identify. That's so fucking upset. And that's why the green shoes have significance. And she threw that in the garbage, by the way. But, or would it be better if it was Mitt Romney? And there's some pushback there, and I think rightfully so where people were saying, like, at least now we can
Starting point is 00:57:00 see who they are and what they're saying, right? We know who the bad people are. But I also really do want to fall back on what I said and say, this is bad. That's modeling bad behavior. And I think it lets people know that it's okay. And I think the reason why we're seeing more of it nowadays is because people think it's okay to say people think, I mean, Fox news is playing blatant racism on television and we're, and, and, and somehow that's okay in America somehow, somehow that's okay. And that can't be okay. That can't be okay. And, and Florida is changing its books to,
Starting point is 00:57:32 to enshrine white supremacy and that can't be okay. And it's okay because I think we're modeling these behaviors and saying, and we're, and we're pushing that Overton window, that Overton window is constantly being pushed. And I think that that's the problem is when that Overton window. That Overton window is constantly being pushed. And I think that that's the problem, is when that Overton window gets pushed just that too much, people start thinking, well, you know, at least they're not, like, lynching people. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:57:56 You know what I mean? That's where we're at now. And then once people are getting lynched, it's going to be like, well, at least it's not. It's not me. Yeah, whatever. The problem I have is, like, I understand the idea that, like, you want to know who your It's not me. Yeah, whatever. The problem I have is like, I understand the idea that like, you want to know who your villains are. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I get that idea. My worry is that we're creating more villains. And you're empowering the villains that exist. We're empowering the villains. We're funding the villains. Yeah. We're amplifying their voices. We're giving them mainstream platforms.
Starting point is 00:58:20 And by doing that, we're creating more, we're creating minions for the villains. And we're like giving them better layers. You know what I mean? Like that's not, none of that's good, but we need less villains and the villains need to be scared of us. It makes me very, very uncomfortable. The villains aren't scared of us anymore. And that's the thing is, you know, I remember when we first started seeing, and I think it was when they were marching with the tiki torches. Jesus Christ. And you and I were looking at each other and saying,
Starting point is 00:58:47 well, I thought it was bad. Like I thought, I thought people were, I thought Nazis were a joke. I thought it was a joke growing up that Nazis exist. I thought there's not real Nazis out there. And now you just see them all over. Yeah, man. They're waving a Nazi flag at a DeSantis rally.
Starting point is 00:59:06 And they're comfortable doing it. Yeah, they're happy to do it. The thing is, look at how much has changed even since then. That's a great thing to bring up. Because when the tiki torch shit happened in Charlottesville, a lot of those people showed up wearing masks. They did not want to be identified. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Because when they got identified, the public shaming, these guys would lose their jobs. They'd be publicly shamed. For years, these assholes would be wearing masks. They'd be trying to hide their identity.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Now they've become public celebrities. Yeah. That is worse. I mean, Nick Fuentes is doing the circuit on podcasts now. He's getting big podcasts.
Starting point is 00:59:41 He's becoming mainstream. He's sitting on big podcasts, having conversations with people, and he's getting big podcasts. He's becoming mainstream. He's sitting on big podcasts, having conversations with people, and he's getting play. Like the only thing Nick Fuentes should be doing is like hiding in a room and never coming out of it. I know. Like Nick Fuentes is not someone
Starting point is 00:59:58 who anybody should ever talk to and have a conversation with and broadcast. Yeah, Richard Spencer was afraid to show his fucking face. Yeah. Right? Because it was going to get punched. Yeah. Or Spencer was afraid to show his fucking face. Right? Because it was going to get punched. Yeah. Or he was going to get something thrown at him.
Starting point is 01:00:08 You know what I mean? Now these guys are celebrities. Yeah. And they're mainstream, so they're not just celebrities at their fucking Klan rally. Yeah. And they're not just celebrities. No, man.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And they're in their fucking, like, den of hate. Fucking Nick Fuentes is hanging out with Kanye, man. That's what I mean. Him and Yeezy are fucking walking around. Like that's, that's upsetting, dude. He's sitting on Alex Jones, which is a huge show
Starting point is 01:00:30 that's getting a lot of play. Like these are not, these are not small names. It's not niche anymore. This isn't a tiny group of people and he's getting on big podcasts, big podcasts that are listening to him.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Do not be surprised if you don't see Nick Fuentes on Joe Rogan sometimes. I firmly believe we have to shove these fuckers sometimes. I firmly believe we have to shove these fuckers back into the corner. They need to feel unsafe having these views. They need to feel like they will be fired from their jobs. They need to feel like they will be ostracized from their social communities. They need to feel like by expressing these views that they won't
Starting point is 01:01:01 find fucking swipes on Tinder. They need to feel like these views separate them from the norm. No quarter. No quarter. No quarter. No quarter. I'd never back down. No quarter. You've said that since the beginning for years, for a decade you've been saying the same thing. I don't think that's wrong. You're saying no quarter to bigots, period. Nowhere. That's it. You don't get- Feel safe nowhere. You don't get to be like that. Once you change your mind and change who you are, welcome. Once you repent and ask forgiveness and do the right things, you can change who you are. But as long as you remain a fuckstain, sorry, society doesn't need you, man.
Starting point is 01:01:38 We don't fucking need you. Now, dude, you're a little bitch. I am not. I don't even know why I hang out with you guys. Because you're a piece of shit. I am not a piece of shit. Well, yeah, but you're a little bitch. Sure. God damn it, man. I swear you guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times. I'm out of here. Fuck, man. This story is from what NBC, Alabama Republicans refuse to draw a second black congressional district in defiance of the Supreme Court.
Starting point is 01:02:05 What's going to happen here? I don't know how this works. Is it going to get bounced to another place that will draw it for him then? I don't know. So here's what happened, guys. So Alabama should have at least two districts that are predominantly black in their demographic makeup. But what they did is they drew these fucking crazy maps, like they always do. They basically put all their black population
Starting point is 01:02:28 or the majority or big chunk of the black population in one map and said, all right, we'll concede that one. And then all the rest of it will be white, which means it'll be Republican. And so we're going to stick all the rest of them in and we're going to draw this crazy map. And that went through the federal court
Starting point is 01:02:44 and through the appeals process and all the way through to the Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court said like, fuck, that's blatantly, come on. No, absolutely not. Demographically, you got to have at least two districts, Alabama,
Starting point is 01:02:56 that are predominantly black. Don't draw these fucking sliver bullshit octopus maps. What the fuck is wrong with you? And so Alabama went back to the drawing board and they drew the same fucking shit. Pretty much the same map. They tried to defend it by saying, well, there's 40% black population in the second one. It's like, that's not a majority. Do you understand how numbers work? That's at least 11% shy of fucking 51%. It's such a stupid thing to do and it disenfranchises. And here's the thing, man.
Starting point is 01:03:26 This is a fucking hard right Supreme Court saying it disenfranchises black people. You got to really, really, really be disenfranchising people for this fucking court to notice it. It has to be so much that they can't do what they want to do, which is to approve it anyway. Yeah. What they want to do is to approve it anyway. And it has to be so bad that even the fucking right-wing nutjobs on the Supreme Court can't find any fucking recourse to do this.
Starting point is 01:03:56 And if you ever thought, and I can't think of why you would, but if anybody ever tries to tell you that the Republican Party is not intentionally and strategically targeting black people to disenfranchise politically. This is literally what they're doing. They're literally targeting black people to purposefully politically disenfranchise them because there's nothing more damaging you can do to a minority group than to take away their voice in politics.
Starting point is 01:04:24 What if we- Because then you can take everything else. What if we did this instead of how we run things? So we run things by district where we're like, these are the districts that do this. But what if we just took one big vote and you voted either Republican or Democrat? Like, let's say you voted, you decide,
Starting point is 01:04:39 because we're a two-party system, let's not pretend. Sure, yeah. So let's say in our state, they decided to take, they said, okay, now we're going to vote for the United States house of representatives. Put, cast your vote for Republican or Democrat. It doesn't matter where you live. We tally them all up. And then there's a pool of Democrats and a pool of Republicans. And then we say, okay,
Starting point is 01:04:58 well there was, you know, 780,000 votes for Democrats and so-and-so about this. And then we split them up because we know our state gets 20. Yeah, so to do it fairly. And so we say, okay, well, now we take that number and we divide it by 20 and we figure out, we do a little bit of a very easy math. Very easy. And then we say, okay, well, that equates to 13 Democrats and seven Republicans. So Republicans in Illinois,
Starting point is 01:05:26 you pick your best seven, send them off. Democrats in Illinois, you pick your best 13, you send them off. And that's how we handle it from now on instead of districts. Is there a bad thing with that that I said? Here's the downside to that. And I think that there's some legitimacy is that by dividing the state up into districts,
Starting point is 01:05:46 you supposedly have people who are from your area representing your area. Sure, yeah, but that's not true, because we know Marjorie Taylor Greene doesn't live where she lives. Right, so that's the idea. Yeah, we know it's not true. We know it doesn't work. We know that they fudge these numbers all the time, because they want to win districts for cheating people. So that would be the counter-argument,
Starting point is 01:06:01 right, is that you want somebody who lives in your district to be in Congress and understand the plight of the people from your district. Unless you want to just get a trailer and get a trailer on top of a fucking mountain or whatever. Yeah. Like, like liars, liars lie all the time. So, so it's not like this is some sort of sacred thing that we're breaking because they lie already. So it doesn't matter. So, yeah. So if you throw that idea away, then no, there's no, there's no, I don't know what it would be,
Starting point is 01:06:27 but in my opinion, that's so much more fair. Yeah. So then we say, okay, well then there is no black district, white district, and there is no benefit to having these things drawn out.
Starting point is 01:06:37 Very complicated. We don't do that anymore. What we do is we just count the numbers. It's just the raw numbers from the state. We've already decided the arbitrary borders of the state are this. And so we just count the raw numbers in this state. I mean, even if you were going to pay sort of homage to the concept that districting made sense, then keep the districting concept. You could just very easily say the district maps are drawn up by a nonpartisan group. Couldn't you just do it by county too?
Starting point is 01:07:12 I mean, you could, but I don't know that you would want it because you can have a lot of counties that demographically become isolated for different reasons. Segregation's still such a big thing. So I don't know that, but I mean, you could just very easily say, all right, well, we're just going to have a nonpartisan group that creates these maps and that that group has an oversight committee. Bada bing. Instead, they give this like power to the people in charge to create maps that encourage them to keep themselves in charge. Yeah, man. It's really a bad, bad system.
Starting point is 01:07:40 It really just, all it does is encourage this bad behavior. It does. Over and over and over again. It kind of requires it. I actually feel like we should just settle everything with tug of wars. I feel like that's how you settle it. Elect Tom to Congress. Do you know how much I want my job to be tug of war? I have been eating pizza for years in preparation. You are the anchor. Are you the anchor, Tom? I got big grip strength and a lot of girth. Are you the anchor? Like, let me just
Starting point is 01:08:07 lean back. What do you do? I lean. I don't skip leg day. That's what I do. That's it. You want me to not move? You've never seen somebody not move the way I can not move. Alright, well, thanks for joining us this week uh this upcoming week will be a funny show uh we'll be releasing it this upcoming thursday so check your feeds for that uh and you can catch us still on youtube so if you didn't know we were back on youtube
Starting point is 01:08:39 um we are trying to uh skirt the line there they they are very very picky about the things that they do because their algorithm somehow thinks that we're either conspiracy theorists or anti-vaxxers and we are neither of those things we're anti we are actually anti those things we are pro vaccination pro world health organization and anti q q anon but for some reason they like to tag our videos as the exact opposite because their algorithm has no idea what it's doing. So we are on there for the interim. Our plan is the third week, the third Thursday of this month, we are planning to do a live stream. We'll have more about it next week, but we're planning to do a live stream third Thursday of this month.
Starting point is 01:09:22 It'll be at nine o'clock central time on YouTube and Twitch at the same time. Maybe Facebook too, we're not sure. But we'll definitely be in those places and you can check us out. Also, we want to remind people that one of us is now gainfully employed by this podcast. So we encourage you to become patrons if you can.
Starting point is 01:09:41 And we would very much appreciate it. All right, that's going to wrap it up for this week. We're going to leave it like we always do with the skeptics creed credulity is not a virtue it's fortune cookie cutter mommy issue hypno babylon bullshit couched in scientician double bubble toil and trouble pseudo quasi alternative acupunctuating pressurized stereogram pyramidal free energy healing water downward spiral brain dead pan sales pitch late night info docutainment
Starting point is 01:10:10 Leo Pisces cancer cures detox reflex foot massage death and towers tarot cards psychic healing crystal balls Bigfoot Yeti aliens churches mosques and synagogues temples dragons giant worms,
Starting point is 01:10:25 Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody. Evidential. Conclusive. Doubt even this.
Starting point is 01:10:59 The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. All opinions are solely that of Glory Hole Studios, LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information, and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds. Produced in association with the local Dairy Council and viewers like you. you

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