Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 710: Inmate P01135809

Episode Date: August 28, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's show is brought to you by HelloFresh. Go to slash 50glory and use code 50glory for 50% off and free shipping. And by Go to right now and you'll get 50% off just about any item. All you have to do is enter the code word GLORY, G-L-O-R-Y, at checkout. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. We'll see you next time. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad.
Starting point is 00:01:11 It's skeptical. It's political. And there is no welcome mat. Today is Thursday, August the 24th. Yeah. And today is a great day, Cecil. Yeah. It's a very, you know, I woke up today and I thought, is there going to be something right with the world?
Starting point is 00:01:32 And we had planned. One of the things that we had planned to do was we were planning on, I have Ruth Bader Ginsburg behind me on the wall here. Yes, indeed. We were going to lower it and we were going to put Trump, his mugshot in there. His fucking big, dumb mugshot. That cocksucker decided to come in tonight. Yeah, tonight.
Starting point is 00:01:54 Tonight. Instead of this morning or whatever. And so we don't have a mugshot yet. Guys, I'm driving to the studio, and I'm like, every stoplight, I'm like checking my phone. I'm checking. Come on. Just to see. Come on. He hasn't done it. Let me see. And it's still, it's checking my phone. I'm checking. Come on. Just to see. Come on.
Starting point is 00:02:05 He hasn't thought about it. Let me see. And it's still. He had surrendered and had been. He's already arrested. He's already been processed. He's already been released. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:13 But we still don't have a mugshot for him. Yeah, he posted his bond. He used a bail bondsman, $200,000 bond. He used a bail bondsman. That means he has to fork over only $20,000 in order for him to get out. Which is the most he's paid for anything in a long time. Yeah. It's funny because like you actually have to pay that. Yeah. Right. Unlike most of his life, which is a series of fucking IOUs that he never actually pays. Or if you ever see him like walk into a place and say, hey, the food's on me.
Starting point is 00:02:39 And he'll say some crazy thing like that and then leave and not actually. Does he really? He's done it. I've seen it multiple times where he'll walk into a place and be like hey everybody i'm paying for everybody's dinner and then he just leaves and then he just pieces out pieces out so he wants the publicity but he doesn't want the responsibility he does that all the time i'm gonna do the same thing yeah but unlike the president they'll tackle you yeah right and they'll make you well and nobody would believe me either. If I walked into a room and it's like, it's on me, they'd be like, no. No, it's not. No one's like ordering an extra nice bottle of champagne when they look at what I'm wearing, you know?
Starting point is 00:03:12 Yeah. So what we do have though, Tom. We have some mug shots. We got a few mug shots here. We got to talk mug shots. So let's talk about some mug shots. We do not have Donald John Trump who was processed already. And did you want to read anything about Donald Trump here?
Starting point is 00:03:27 No, I don't actually want to read about Donald Trump. I want to read about some of these clowns. So Rudolph Giuliani, now, throughout his life, he has looked like a Batman villain. I mean, 100% either. You know, if you throw a mask on him, you could go Riddler. You could go Penguin. I got Green Goblin green goblin could be a spider-man villain absolutely so there's a lot of villains that you could you could
Starting point is 00:03:51 but genuinely this this light isn't doing him anything i know it is not doing him any favors he almost he looks like nosferatu got caught in the light of day that's what he looks like and he's about ready to explode in flame but it's that micro second beforehand yeah absolutely yeah absolutely i i love this image he just looks like a guy who i don't know god fucking arrested just got arrested absolutely i i do want to say real quick i'm so glad that they're not getting any special treatment no i'm super happy that's how the law should work yeah right yeah the law should be hey if you no special treatment. That means like no special treatment, meaning like black people don't get railroaded into crimes
Starting point is 00:04:28 they didn't fucking commit. And white people don't get away with crimes they fucking did commit. That's how it should work. The rich and the poor, justice should be blind. And this upcoming Wednesday on our other show, Citation Needed, we cover Rudy Giuliani. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Patrons will get it, probably already gotten it by the time this releases, or at least they'll have, they'll have the patrons of that show will probably have already listened to it. But Rudy Giuliani is the next topic. Well, Rudy Giuliani genuinely is a piece of shit. But one of the things that he did
Starting point is 00:04:58 was he popularized the perp walk. He would take people from custody and he would walk them very, very openly in front of the media to get that shot to show that he's catching these people. He did it very purposefully. And he was incensed when they did this to him. He was so fucking upset. He was yelling. He was very mad.
Starting point is 00:05:20 He's like, they treated me like a common criminal. I was like, you are a common criminal. I don't know what to tell you. Maybe here's an idea, Rudy. Stop doing common crimes and then maybe you won't be treated like a common criminal. Yeah. Like you fucking be smarter and get away with them. You know what I've never had to do in my life? A perp walk. You know what, Tom? You're a fucking psychic. I've never had to do a fucking perp walk in my life. I've never had to do a fucking perc block in my life. Oh, it's so good.
Starting point is 00:05:48 John Eastman, again, the camera here. First off, they filmed this with like a pinhole potato. It's unbelievable how bad these photos are. But genuinely, the lighting situation in there is harsh. These pictures, these fucking people look fucking terrible. He looks like one of the villains in the time machine. The old one. He does. Yeah, like one of those Morlocks. Yeah, he's crawling up from the ground. Good, Eastman, you fuck. Where's your
Starting point is 00:06:12 stupid hat now? Mark Meadows. Mark Meadows. Mark Meadows. Here he is. He's not on his phone. Not on his phone. I bet. He's not scrolling through fucking Candy Crush or whatever. Here's cheese, bro.
Starting point is 00:06:25 Cheese, bro. Somebody, somebody who listens to our show, Tom mentioned that they want to name their cat cheese, bro. It's hilarious. He was pissed too.
Starting point is 00:06:40 This guy, cheese, bro was super pissed. They caught him outside. He was very upset. Fucking good. And it's like, good.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Well, stop being a criminal. You know, it's super easy. He's the fucking fake electors scam, like, originator. Doesn't look like Jeffrey Clark has surrendered yet. He hasn't until tomorrow. I think it was Meadows
Starting point is 00:06:57 who sent a message that said, I don't want to have to surrender during the timeframe that you suggest. And she's like, no, no, no. You will surrender at this time or I'll put out a warrant. Those are your two options. We'll send cops to come get you. Those are your two options. You can either surrender yourself or I...
Starting point is 00:07:12 She's like, at 2, whatever it was, at 2 p.m. on Friday, I will be signing warrants. So she's like, there is no... There's no special treatment, assholes. You send me a letter and be like, oh, but I'm so important. Eat a fucking dick. She's like... I fucking love it. she actually said, she said something like, I have been very, I've actually been very, very lenient with how I've handled this. So you should respect how lenient I've been.
Starting point is 00:07:36 Because genuinely, most people probably wouldn't get the amount of time and the sort of. I'm sure not. I'm sure not. And also probably the fucking, the things all shut down, velvet rope style to let them in. Well, oh, hang on a second. Let's then think back to the last time.
Starting point is 00:07:54 So just for like the sake of, because you have to look at a comparative. Like when was the last time a series of a dozen plus government officials were indicted for trying to stage a coup? What did they do then? Oh, it's never happened before ever. This is, we've got some precedent going on here. Fucking Jenna Ellis looks like-
Starting point is 00:08:14 Hold on, I just got a text. The mugshot is out. Oh. Hold on a second. Stop the fucking presses. We're in the middle of a record. We're in the middle of recording something to be released to the future.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Stop the presses. Here we go. Oh, it's beautiful. Oh, God. I want to see it. Oh, it's beautiful, Tom. Oh, it's beautiful. It's beautiful. Oh, I love it. It's beautiful. I love it. Oh, it's so gorgeous. It's so gorgeous.
Starting point is 00:08:37 He looks so fucking mad. The people who can't see this, he looks so fucking mad right now. Glowering is the only word. It is the greatest fucking mugshot in the history of mankind. Oh, it's so good. This is... The only thing I wish... We need t-shirts.
Starting point is 00:08:56 We are getting t-shirts. We need t-shirts. We are getting a whole merchandise line. We need t-shirts, yeah. The only thing I wish is that behind these assholes was the like five foot, six inch thing, you know, whatever,
Starting point is 00:09:08 but you know, his height and weight is going to be released. I think they'll probably be, let's see, they put it, they're going to have to release his height and weight. Cause he's, isn't he the guy who's like,
Starting point is 00:09:15 yeah, I'm like six, four, it's like two 15 solid brick muscle. I'm six, seven, one 85. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Right. Yeah. Me too. Yeah. right. Yeah, me too, Don. So, Donald Trump has released it, so let's instead take a look back at the other ones. Jenna Ellis. Jenna Ellis. She looks, she's smiling. She is? This is
Starting point is 00:09:38 like a glamour shot for her. Well, I mean, she's one of the elite squad team of lawyers that got them all into trouble. I wonder if she's smiling because she doesn't have to smell Rudy anymore. I wonder if she's happy. This guy. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:09:53 Ray Stalling Smith III. Can you read what he did? Ray Stalling Smith III served as Donald Trump's local counsel as accused of falsely testifying about election fraud before state lawmakers. Wow. He seriously, like, he looks like he drives an ice cream truck. You know, he's scary looking. He looks like somebody beat up Jerry Lee Lewis. If this guy was arrested for, like, having bodies in the backyard,
Starting point is 00:10:19 your neighbors would be like, yeah, I thought he had bodies back there. There's no, there's none of that. There's none of that polite. No one would have suspected him. Everybody's like, no, man, I smell, had bodies back there. There's no, there's none of that. There's none of that polite. No one would have suspected him. Everyone's like, no, man, I smell, that guy smelled like dead bodies. Thousand percent that guy. We just fucking assumed actually, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:32 Every time he came over, I looked under his fingernails. Holy shit. A couple people that didn't surrender. David James Schaefer, who was the former chairman of the Republican Party and former Georgia State Senator. He genuinely looks like they actually,
Starting point is 00:10:51 that Georgia at that point is being hit by a nuclear weapon. Because the lighting is so intense. It's like, you know, they're like, oh, hey, why don't we just turn this thing up full blast? Bring four more in here. His face. You ever, when you were a kid, you ever carve a face into an apple? He does look like a face carved into an apple.
Starting point is 00:11:13 And then Harrison William Prescott Floyd. Harrison Floyd. He's squinting into the sun. Was a leader of the organization Black Voices for Trump. Was allegedly involved in the pressure campaign for Georgia worker. Sidney Powell looks like the Joker. 100% looks like the Joker. She looks terrifying.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Her picture. She looks unhinged. Like this is one of those pictures that you look and you're like, oh, yeah, you look like an unhinged person. She also looks like the picture was taken using a funhouse mirror. Yeah, yeah. Like it looks distorted somehow. For sure. We all know who Sidney Powell is.
Starting point is 00:11:47 This lady looks like she just got run over by a truck. She's terrified. She looks absolutely pants-shittingly scared. This is Kathleen Latham. Kathleen Latham, former chair of the Coffee County Republican Party. I didn't think justice would come from me. Yeah, man. Scott Graham Hall.
Starting point is 00:12:05 Scott Hall is an Atlanta area bail bondsman. One of the 19 defendants. Sure, he can call one of his buddies. Yeah, so that's all of them. And then the best one, of course, Donald Trump. Oh, Donald Trump. Look at him flower. Who we will, we promise next week.
Starting point is 00:12:21 So good, guys. He won one of our walls. We might replace, we took down the, uh, the, the Jesus clock. So we may put him, you know, if there's some way I can open the Jesus clock and put his face as the clock face, that would be something else. Maybe we can order a clock with his mugshot as the clock face. How long until we can get like mugs of his mugshot? That'd be amazing. We've got to get mugs of the mugshot. I mean, all. We've got to get mugs of the mugshot. I mean, all this stuff is just, I just can't wait. This is so amazing, but genuinely, and I want to,
Starting point is 00:12:51 I want to talk about the consequences of this. Uh, this feels like, uh, you know, a big deal. I want to talk about a mistake I made last week. I was speculating. Cause I came, I said, Tom, what if the, the, the Georgia race becomes a race to pardon him? And a bunch of people sent in messages and said, you can't actually pardon because Georgia's system is one of very few states in our nation, six states in our nation that actually has a review board instead of governor, the governor runs shit. Now in our state, the governor runs shit. The governor, our governor, our previous governor blanket pardoned
Starting point is 00:13:27 thousands of people, right? Our governor, our previous governors have done that. They just blanket pardon people. So we,
Starting point is 00:13:34 I was operating under the assumption like Illinois. You're operating like 44 of the 50 states. A lot of states have the same system, which is the governor
Starting point is 00:13:43 gets to choose. And if the governor, I figured if the governor came in and was like, well, I get to choose, he might or she might be able to just pardon him. And a bunch of people said, no, they can't do that. It's actually very difficult. And I want to say to those people, because we got a lot of messages about this,
Starting point is 00:13:58 if you want to become a patron, you can correct me two days early. And so I know that a lot of people were excited about correcting me, but you can correct me two days early. And so I know that a lot of people were excited about correcting me, but you can correct me two days early as a patron. And that's a big, I mean, I'm just saying those people told me first, that's all I'm saying. I knew before you told me whether or not that happened because I got told by the patron. Patron corrections matter more. They just do, you know, they just do. A couple of things about that though. And I do want to, I don't know anything about the law,
Starting point is 00:14:25 but a couple of things stand out. One is, is that the board is chosen by the governor. Now that people, people have to have to serve out their terms. So if a governor chooses somebody, they have to serve out their terms. Supposedly you can't get pardoned until you do at least part of your
Starting point is 00:14:40 sentence. You have to do part of it. That's good. But I did read in the amendment itself, like it got me interested because I was like, well, what about, you know, what a lot of the amendment is doesn't talk about any of the rules that exist, right? So none of the rules that are in place about how these pardons happen are really in the amendment. They're part of a law. And so I wonder if that law can be changed, even if you can't change that, let's say
Starting point is 00:15:05 you can't change that, that board, but let's say the governor can appoint whoever he wants. And then they change the laws that govern how these people are allowed to act. That might be like a workaround. The other thing that I saw that was alarming is part of the amendment has a thing that says you can get paroled, just get paroled if you're 62 and over for certain like hardship cases. So he's over 62. Yeah, so he might just immediately get paroled. And I don't know, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:15:33 but it's in this amendment, in this actual amendment to their constitution in Georgia, it says at the bottom, it says something about if you're 62, you can just get paroled. And I wonder if that's something they, so I don't know anything about the law, right? I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:47 I don't know if those things would be loopholes. I'm sure many smart people have thought of it, but I also want to recognize too, you know, these people have been breaking the law since the beginning. And so the idea that they would somehow be bound by the law from this point on, I don't know that that's the case.
Starting point is 00:16:06 No. And I think, I think what you're seizing on is like, there is nothing that they won't stoop to. There is no trick they won't employ. There's no law they won't change. There's no rig that they will, there's no jury they won't try to rig.
Starting point is 00:16:19 There's nothing that they won't stoop. Well, the law doesn't work for me. Great. Change it. Like, and the Republicans have done this time and time and time and time again. That's their playbook.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah. Their playbook. I mean, look at like, look at what they try to do in Ohio recently. They try to be like, oh, shit, you know, there's going to be a referendum that we don't think is going to go our way on abortion. So we just we're going to change the laws. They tried to. They tried. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:44 They failed. But I mean, look at what they're always trying to do. Like, look, if I can't get the result I want democratically, I'll use structural methods. Yeah. And that's really like, yeah, look at what, that's the whole purpose of voter disenfranchisement. And that's, and that's why I've been looking at this a little closer. Yeah. Because a lot of people seem to hand wave and say, oh, well he can't ever get out. He'll be, he's fucked. He's totally fucked. And I'm like, of people seem to hand wave and say, oh, well, he can't ever get out. He'll be, he's fucked. He's totally fucked. And I'm like, maybe also I've seen the Republicans change laws and run things up to Supreme court. You know, there's there who's to say that somebody doesn't take this to the Supreme
Starting point is 00:17:16 court and the Supreme court doesn't say, oh no, that's unconstitutional how you have it or something. You know what I mean? I don't know who knows but but genuinely if they find if they find that one little wedge they're like a fucking they're like they're like a blast of water that just shoots through there and just erodes everything they do it all the time they do and so so i think it's i i think i'm happy that it is the way it is but i'm also leery that their playbook has always led them to this yeah i won't believe until the door shuts behind him. Right. And he's been in there forever. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:50 I won't believe in, you know, after a year, I still think there's a chance, you know, I'm like, he'll get up. He'll get up.
Starting point is 00:17:55 Also, like somebody else sent me a message. A patron sent me a message and said, how are they going to house him? Like, you can't put him in a prison. He's a president. You can't just put an ex president. I mean, he's an ex, but you can't't put him in a prison. He's a president. You can't just put him... He's an ex-president.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I mean, he's an ex, but you can't just put him in general population. They probably have to put him in solitary with Secret Service guards. Well, they probably, they also might have to put him, well, also, you know, just the fact that he could, he might get busted out of there by a foreign government. Like, there's foreign governments that may bust him out of there. Like, bust him out of jail
Starting point is 00:18:21 El Chapo style? Sure. I don't think, I don't think that's above the pale. And so, there's a possibility someone else might bust him out of jail. Like bust him out of jail El Chapo style? I don't think that's above the pale. And so there's a possibility someone else might bust him out. So you could run into some serious issues if you didn't. They might have to, this person suggested
Starting point is 00:18:33 they might house him in a military base. Jesus Christ. I mean, this is a fucking mess because nobody ever expected this to happen. Yeah, right. We've never had to
Starting point is 00:18:44 send a fucking ex-president to prison before. He's not going to fucking have like the same commissary and everything else as everybody else. He's not going to be like walking the fucking line with his fucking tray at lunchtime, looking for a seat in the fucking cell block or whatever. He's yelling at the inmates. I'm not in here with you.
Starting point is 00:19:02 You're in here with me. But yeah, so we'll see how that, and we want to talk a little bit about Trump. There's a couple of other things because he's got multiple cases going on. We just talked about the Georgia one, but this one in particular is the documents case. This is. So this story comes from
Starting point is 00:19:19 the Daily Beast. Jack Smith reveals Trump employee flipped after ditching MAGA lawyers. So, specifically the employee is a guy who was in charge of the security cameras. And initially he was like, no, man, we didn't do anything to security cameras. I didn't see anyone
Starting point is 00:19:35 messing anything up. And then he got a new lawyer and the lawyer was probably like, dude, you're going to fucking jail. And he's like, turns out, after being threatened with perjury, because they knew I was lying, because And he's like, turns out, after being threatened with perjury, because they knew I was lying, because Jack Smith was like, bro, we know you're lying.
Starting point is 00:19:48 Yeah. We fucking know it. He's like, oh. As soon as he switched lawyers, he had a Trump lawyer, the guy who was representing Trump. And as soon as he switched lawyers,
Starting point is 00:19:58 the lawyer advised him to do this, and then they also got a promise from Smith that they won't prosecute him on the perjury charge. Yeah. And so he's gonna, he literally flipped and this could throw that documents case a little curve ball, especially because it has a very favorable judge right now. Yeah. I think the documents case, the documents case to me just seems the most open and shut case of all of them.
Starting point is 00:20:24 You know, like I like there's the four fucking cases, the documents case. It just seems the most open and shut case yeah of all of them yeah you know like i like there's the four fucking cases the documents case it just seems like you fucking had them yeah we know because we went to your house and there they were and there's also communications and memorandum and people calling you to ask for them back and you saying you didn't have like like all these things i don't have them and then you're on tape being like, here's a document I have. And then like other people are like, we loaded that onto your plane. Yeah. So, you know, you're right.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Him saying he didn't have them too is like, you know, you're an idiot. Right. You don't realize that they're also keeping records of this. I will say that while that's interesting, there's another story that's tied similar to this. This is the Roger Stone video that came out. And Roger Stone basically outlined the fake electors plan two nights before the election and is recorded on tape doing it and basically dictating a
Starting point is 00:21:20 memorandum to be sent out that basically said, as soon as before the votes are even tallied, you know, we need to send these people in to say there was fraud. And so we can get our own electors there. And it's really damning because he basically, it's showing that they basically had that plan before, before anything, even before anybody even counted a vote. Yeah. Before you, you can't say, hey, there was massive fraud. This plan was laid out November 5th. Yeah. So you can't say there was massive fraud in the election before the election is called. Yeah. Right. But like, they're just like, okay, look, here's the plan. We're probably going to lose the fucking election. Here's how we steal it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:57 And they did everything but say it in those words. Yeah. It's so blatant that they never had any intention of accepting the results of this election. Yeah that they never had any intention of accepting the results of this election. Yeah. They never had any intention. And I think they recognize because I don't know if you remember, Tom, but do you remember how much Biden was leading by in some of those polls? Like Biden was leading by quite a bit in some of those polls. They didn't have Trump winning by, you know, especially in many of those polls. It wasn't like it was close. It was like Biden was leading and they knew it. They knew he was going to win. He didn't
Starting point is 00:22:29 win by as many as the polls suggested, but he won. And so I think that they were just, they were planning for an inevitability. And really, genuinely, him and there's another bit of tape too from Bannon talking
Starting point is 00:22:46 and saying the exact same thing. And that also proves conspiracy, right? Like that also shows there's a conspiracy, right? There's a conspiracy between people. This isn't just one guy's idea. This is a bunch of people got together and said, this is the idea we're going to run with. And then importantly, they ran with that idea. So it's not first amendment shit. Like that's the thing that like makes me
Starting point is 00:23:09 crazy. Like they're like, oh, first amendment, we can say what we want. It's like, no, look, yeah, you can say what you want. So Cecil, you and I could get together in a room and we can have a conversation about how we could launder some money. Right. And then that conversation is just talking. It's just talking. Sure. But then if we go ahead and launder some money, right? And then that conversation is just talking. It's just talking. Sure. But then if we go ahead and launder the money, then the conversation we had before we laundered the money was the conspiracy to launder the fucking money. The thing is like, they did the fake electors thing. So because they did it,
Starting point is 00:23:37 all the word talkings ahead of time are now part of the fucking act itself. You're allowed to write whatever you want down, right? Right. This guy can dictate, Stone, Roger Stone can dictate any memorandum he wants. And if no one takes action on it, it could be the most vile thing in the world. But if no one takes action on it, it doesn't matter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:59 No one's going to go to Roger Stone and be like, well, you wrote that memorandum once and he could say, well, nobody did anything about it. Yep. But the problem is you did something, you wrote that memorandum once, and he could say, well, nobody did anything about it. But the problem is you did something. You wrote that memorandum, and you did that vile shit. Right. You wrote the memorandum, and then you went around, and you walked from state legislature to state legislator shopping your shit to all of those guys,
Starting point is 00:24:17 and you got a bunch of those chuckleheads to sign up and be like, I am the undersigned, and I promise I'm an elector. You know, you know, what's interesting too, after seeing this tape drop,
Starting point is 00:24:31 I wonder if they just went out and found Eastman to be the guy who would be the person who would say, yeah, I'll put my name on that.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Maybe, maybe, because I don't know what the fuck they need him for since this was already out. If it was already, if they were already planning on doing this. If they were already planning on doing this, November 5th.
Starting point is 00:24:46 Yeah. Although, I wonder if Eastman was the part about the vice president and these guys were already figured out. Maybe, because I do think he was the one floating that crazy bullshit idea that that the vice president could shit things out. Maybe I'm conflating things that aren't real. Possibly. Maybe the fake electors thing was beyond him and it wasn't the fake electors. It was just reject votes. Yeah, maybe. It could be. I don't know because the, you know,
Starting point is 00:25:10 the other thing too, and I think this is kind of important actually is they were all in the same suit, man. Yeah, man. They were all in the same suit. It's not like, and that's the whole point of the Rico thing. And I know this is a different case than that, but like, like they're all conspiring together and working together to stage a coup. And that gets fucking messy. It gets real messy. It's like, all right, who's in charge of which part of the coup? You know, Razor. It's like, well, we're all part of the coup.
Starting point is 00:25:37 That's how coups work, motherfucker. Yeah, man. They were all part of it. And the interesting thing, too, about january 6th one is they do mention conspiracy they're just not charging a rico charge right yeah yep the librarian is the single biggest risk to this entire operation all right so this story comes from lgbtq nation town fires librarian who worked there for 11 years because she refused to remove lgbtq plus books, this one is from Wyoming. And they wound up
Starting point is 00:26:08 in this state, in this city library. They wound up rejecting the American Library Association funding for the place. They wound up throwing that out. And then they wound up wandering through the library to
Starting point is 00:26:23 basically pull out any books that had anything to do with any kind of gender issues or LGBT stuff. Sexuality stuff. Sexuality, anything. And at one point, one person, what did they say? I got to find it. This person who said,
Starting point is 00:26:38 this lady, and when part of this article, she says, at a board meeting in October, one angry resident claimed her personal survey of the teen section revealed 60% of the books were witchcraft. Another had said that this library had become an indoctrination center. Well, you know how she counted all those books that quickly? She twinkled her nose? No, no.
Starting point is 00:27:01 She just used the sorting hat. There you go. No, no, she just used the sorting hat. There you go. It's so gross that they're attacking libraries. But every time we've talked about this, people have always sent in messages and said, yeah, this is a place that you go for.
Starting point is 00:27:15 This is who you go for. If you go for this, and I want to talk, I want to bring in a little bit of TV that I watched last night to talk a little bit about this. And I watched the I watched last night to talk a little bit about this. And I watched the Republican debates last night. They had eight or nine people on the stage and they talked about several things that were, you know, I mean, most of the stuff that they said, most of the stuff I would say, I would say 85 to 90% of the stuff that they said was outright deplorable, outright disgusting, just stuff that you just can't believe that they believe this stuff. Climate change is a hoax.
Starting point is 00:27:54 And almost everybody on the stage was saying that. Everybody was saying, we need to eliminate the EPA. We need to drill, drill, drill. I mean, this is drill, baby, drill. Right. This is fucking Sarah Palin. This is Sarah Palin. But this is drill, baby, drill. Right. You know, from back from Palin. This is fucking Sarah Palin. This is Sarah Palin. But this is drill, baby, drill from back then.
Starting point is 00:28:07 And this is who they are. And they had a couple people who said one or two things that I, there was a, you know, you could kind of agree with a little bit. A couple people got down on Donald Trump and the, while there was tons of boos around that, there certainly was applause.
Starting point is 00:28:27 It wasn't uniform. It wasn't uniform boos. And at one point, Mike Pence made a show to try to get everybody on stage to admit that he did the right thing by rejecting their push so he could throw the electors back to the states. And everybody, even DeSantis begrudgingly agreed with him
Starting point is 00:28:46 that he did the right thing. He stood for the constitution. And in a backhanded way, he was putting down Trump. Chris Christie was very anti-Trump, but it really didn't matter. He was getting booed out every time he spoke. They asked him about aliens at one point, dude, it was fucking embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:29:02 Are you fucking serious? I'm not even kidding. They asked him about aliens? He laughed at the lady. He said, are you seriously asking me about aliens right now? And she said, yeah, man. He's like, you're a New Jersey girl. What is wrong with you? Like, I mean, he's like genuinely like asking her what is fucking wrong with you. And then he finally says something like, yeah, of course I want people to know what's happening behind the scenes in government. Next question. I mean, it's just stupid. I have no love for Chris Christie.
Starting point is 00:29:27 I don't. I really don't. I don't. But I do love that he is going after Trump. Yeah. I do. Like, I don't. He doesn't think he's going to win.
Starting point is 00:29:34 No. I don't think he's going to win. Nobody thinks he's going to win. I just want somebody to beat the shit out of that man with a brick. They are. They are. He's taken a beating and he's taken a beating from different angles. And, you know, there was a surprising couple of people on stage who didn't agree with abortion as as a as a federal law. There was a couple of abortion. There was a couple of people that were
Starting point is 00:29:59 saying we shouldn't have an anti-abortion federal law. And so I was surprised at that. I thought, well, that's interesting. Well, one of them was a woman, right? Yeah, one of them was a woman. It's amazing how one of them was a woman. Yeah, don't actually want to have their rights curtailed. Yeah, she was just basically saying that we need to leave it up to the states. We decided, you know, these unelected people already decided we need to leave it at that. And a bunch of people were, you know, they were going after her, basically saying, you know, no women belong in the kitchen. But in any case, the main part that I want to tie into this story about these libraries is that most of the people on stage,
Starting point is 00:30:32 if not all the people on the stage, they want to eliminate the Department of Education. And they want to ruin education for everybody. And everybody applauded when DeSantis said he removed critical race theory. You know, what they want is they want a world that they can turn to everybody and say, I know this world is curated for my kids and will not, it won't, it won't challenge them at all. It won't challenge who they are. They will be the children that I
Starting point is 00:30:55 make them be, not the children that I hope they become, right? There's a difference, right? Between making your child who you want and your child becoming who they are. And they're not doing the latter. And so this is another way to have that same outcome. I feel like there's almost like a tacit recognition and all this anti-education rhetoric that just like, they just know their dumb ideas need dumb people to vote for. Yeah, I think you're right. You know, it's like, they're just like, these fucking ideas are dumb. And you know, we're really tired,
Starting point is 00:31:28 all you hoity-toity book-learning folks with your university degrees and your science knowledge. This is really how they like think. It's like, yeah, you know, all you ivory tower academics. And it's like, those are just subject matter experts, man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Like, that's like we've talked about in the show. Like, we should cede the floor to subject matter experts when we are in the realm of their subject. And we do that all the time with all the other stuff, right? Like, when I take my car to a mechanic, that's tacitly what I'm doing. Yeah. I'm ceding the floor to a subject matter expert who knows more than I do about this thing. We do it all the time. subject matter expert who knows more than I do about this thing. We do it all the time.
Starting point is 00:32:12 But there's this like weird right wing anti-intellectualist strain that like doesn't want to acknowledge that, that thinks that the world is still little prairie small and that you can know everything, one man or woman, but in their case, one man only, right? Because women aren't people. Like one Republican man can know everything that there is to know about the world that's important. And distill whatever they want into their child. And like, we just live in a world where one person can't know much of anything about the world that we live in. It's too complicated, right? Like I live in a world that I don't, and I recognize it, but I don't fully understand how most of the things that I buy, that I interact with, that I work with, I don't understand. You know, I don't have a degree in economics.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Yeah. And I have to play in the world of economics all day. I don't know how my car works, right, at all. I don't know how any of this fucking studio shit works. Like, the amount of shit I don't know is far greater than the amount of shit that I do. But like Republicans want to live in a world that still supposes we are in a log cabin. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:13 And we're not in a fucking log cabin. Yeah, man. And the world's so much more complicated and they refuse to live in that worldview. Yeah. Yeah, no, it's really scary. And the person on the stage, I think that was the most afraid of is the young guy.
Starting point is 00:33:27 What was his name? Vivek Ramasamy. Vivek Ramasamy. And I will say, I hadn't heard of him at all until maybe a week ago. A listener had sent a message in and said, hey, do you know anything about this guy? And I said, literally never seen anything about him.
Starting point is 00:33:41 I don't pay a lot of attention to the Republican up and comers. It doesn't, it's nothing to me. I'm just like. I don't pay a lot of attention to the Republican up and comers. It doesn't, it does. It's nothing to me. I'm just like, I don't care. But genuinely on stage, he was the most vociferous. He was the, he was the loudest. He was the most bombastic. He was the one ready to insult and, and be demeaning. And he was the fastest talker, the smoothest talker, but also genuinely had the worst ideas. I mean, genuinely the worst ideas. I worry with that fucking guy that he is in his 30s. He's like, he's got a hip hop thing going.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Do you know he's got a hip hop album? He's got a fucking hip hop album. He's got a smooth kind of like hip kind of, you know, take on Republicanism, but he's Trumpist. Like all of his views, he's just Trumpism. He's kind of the thing we've always been worried about. Yeah. Like we have always been worried on this show.
Starting point is 00:34:37 We've talked about it many times. We've always been worried about like, what if a Trumper came along that was good at it? Because Trump damn near ruined everything. And he's trying to do it again. And he might get close again. He damn near ruined everything. And he's a fucking dumbass, right? And he's not a particularly charismatic person.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Like nobody, like you either think he's like fucking brilliant or you see through him for what he is. I really worry with somebody that's slick. This guy's slick, man. This guy is slick. I worry about that. And he was needling everybody on the stage. He was attacking everybody on the stage. Now, he wasn't attacking as overtly as Trump has in the past.
Starting point is 00:35:20 So Trump in the past would just say, you know, like your wife is ugly or something. Yeah, I know. He would say some horrible, horrible thing. He would call them a stupid nickname or make fun of them, demean them in some way. Or tell them their dad killed Kennedy. You remember that shit? Yeah, no. I mean, there's so much that he would say, but this guy would demean you. This guy demeans people. And that's what he does. He was demeaning people. And he was basically, the one thing Pence did was he turned to the guy and he said, I don't think this is the time for amateurs to be in the office. I mean, he just like blasted this guy. And then they kind of got into a little back and forth. And this guy isn't listening to
Starting point is 00:36:01 anybody. He perfectly made it clear yesterday night when Pence said something, he said, I don't really know what you said, but blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he just went off and he literally said, I didn't, I don't even know what you said. Wasn't paying attention. It didn't sound like he was paying attention. To me, it sounded like he didn't care whether he understood it. Goddamn. And I was just, I was like, wow, okay, well. But people are going to eat that up on the right because there's belligerence as a value. I think so. I think he's, I was introduced to him last week and i was like holy shit no the person who introduced me to him they were smart they knew that this guy could be pretty scary and genuinely he feels like
Starting point is 00:36:32 a pretty scary dude not this hellhole with a worthy elite live in fear of rent control so see so this story comes from above the law.. The Supreme Court could overrule rent control in New York and across the nation. So rent control, court cases involving rent control have made their way near the Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court has declined to take up those cases. Right. And you can tell, but the Supreme Court has declined to take up lots of cases that they've recently taken up. you can tell, but the Supreme court has declined to take up lots of cases that they've recently taken up when the majority shifted to be six,
Starting point is 00:37:07 three evil. They now take up lots of cases and just, you can tell where they're going to rule by the fact that they took up a case that historically they would have, the court would not have taken up. What they're signaling is we are sympathetic to this and we'd like to revisit it now that we have a majority. And I'm really concerned that if they take this up, that there's just going to be a massive
Starting point is 00:37:31 displacement of people from affordable housing because we have a dearth of affordable housing in this country. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's sad. And we don't have, people are finding out, I mean, And we don't have, people are finding out, I mean, Gen Z, even millennials, there's a lot of people out there that can't afford homes. Yeah, man. Nothing. They can't afford rents. And rents in some parts of the nation aren't controlled, right? They're just not controlled. But in large cities, some large cities, there are laws on the books that make it so you can't up your rent by massive percentages and just basically out-inflate your tenants.
Starting point is 00:38:09 So if you don't like the people that live in the place where you're renting, you can turn it into a higher rent place by just raising the rent up to the point where nobody can rent there. And so they have to leave and they have to. But in certain places of the country, they're protected. These rents are protected. You can't just walk in and do that.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Is Chicago protected? I don't know. To be honest, I don't know. I've never heard of it in Chicago. I've never heard it in Chicago either. But, you know, the problem is, is that rents are going up all over and they're going up slower in New York because there's protections against this sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:38:44 And so this might go up to the Supreme Court. But again, it's one of these things that, you know, genuinely this could be, you know, there's all these little sticks you're throwing on the fire. And man, this is one of those ones that genuinely, if this thing blows up, housing gets out of control to the point of something.
Starting point is 00:39:05 And then, you know, climate change being out of control. I know, man. I mean, this is, you're talking about bedlam in society. I mean, I really genuinely believe there could be some serious problems in our society with a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:39:18 We're not just talking about protesting. We're talking about revolting here. Yeah. Where it's, they will go against the government if this is, because you don't have anything to lose. You're unhomed.
Starting point is 00:39:28 You don't have any belongings. This is a, that's a genuine, you know, you can only squeeze so much. Yeah. At a certain point, somebody's going to, something's going to break. Someone's going to squeeze back. Yeah.
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Starting point is 00:41:19 and receive fresh pre-portioned ingredients so you can get cooking quick. I've had HelloFresh, honestly, for years. It's pretty great in terms of just having everything that you need for one meal. You can kind of ad lib a little extra on top, but instead of buying super bulk and then having half of it go bad, which has never happened to me. Why would I let things sit out on the counter when you're not supposed to? And I don't know how to store carrots properly, apparently. Or herbs, apparently. I should just probably plant... Like, I buy too much and then you put it in the water
Starting point is 00:41:53 and then it gets all kind of gross in the water at the bottom. So it's like, do you put them in the fridge in the water? Anyway, I've just used HelloFresh and they give you all the stuff and it's pretty cool and so that makes it kind of simple. There you go. So go used HelloFresh and they give you all the stuff and it's pretty cool. And so that's it makes it kind of simple. There you go. So go to slash 50 glory.
Starting point is 00:42:10 That's five zero glory and use code 50 glory for 50% off plus free shipping. Again, that's slash 50 glory and use code 50 glory. America's number one meal kit. And speaking about wanting to snag on something, maybe you'll be interested in our next sponsor, Adam and... No, Ian. What, Gary? You have to have a clean separation between ads.
Starting point is 00:42:38 Why? Because, Ian, we are trying to go legit. Since the incident... Oh, no. The incident... Ian! What? No flashbacks look fine how are the listeners gonna know what we're talking about then they don't need to know about the incident i'm gonna tell them no wayne's world diddly do either oh come on read the ad okay hey everyone ian and gary here now studies show that when you hear our voices, nothing gets you over to quicker.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Yeah, that's called slight response. What? They're recoiling in disgust from our voices. Hey. What? You know it's true. No, I don't. You don't trust the science, Ian?
Starting point is 00:43:19 I don't understand the question, and I won't respond to it. Read the ad. I was trying to go to and use code glory. Hear my lustrous voice when I say use code glory. When you do, you get 50% off almost any one item. Three free gifts, six free spicy movies, free and discreet shipping. Adam and Eve has thousands of products to enjoy. Outjoy, Rejoy, and Mejoy.
Starting point is 00:43:49 And Youjoy. Shut up, Gary. So, use code GLORY. That's G-L-O-R-Y, GLORY, at checkout at Is that good enough for you, Gary? Nothing's good enough for me. Not since the incident. Stop mentioning the incident.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Okay, say bye, Ian. Oh, you forgot to record this part? Okay. Bye-bye. Code Glory. You know, the housing affordability is such a massive crisis, and it's getting so bad. It's getting so much worse than it's ever been.
Starting point is 00:44:24 a massive crisis and it's getting so bad. It's getting so much worse than it's ever been. Just three years ago, the median age to buy your first home was 32 in 2020. It's 36 now. Holy shit, dude. It went up six years in three years. It's good because housing is no longer affordable. To buy a, like the median price, and I'm going to get this wrong, but the, the median price for a first time home right now, or no, the median price for a home right now is up around 400,000. That's the median price for a home. That's, that's insane. Yeah. That is far, far beyond most people's means in this country. Cause the median household income is still like 60 household income is still like 60 some thousand dollars you're putting it way out of reach for everybody it's
Starting point is 00:45:09 way out of reach it's way out of you're talking about like housing that is you know seven and a half times the median income the median house home value to be seven and a half times yeah the median income value that's not how the system is supposed to work. And the reality is it doesn't work. The system is breaking. And rents are breaking as well. Rents are going through the fucking roof. The other day, just out of curiosity, I looked back and I was reading some stuff about rents because I happen to be in this line of business for my day job.
Starting point is 00:45:42 So I was reading about housing and affordability and rents and all this. And I was looking at, you know, rents. And I thought, I wonder how much the apartment I rented just like five, six years ago. Six years ago, yeah. So six years ago, I rented a place, a little two-bedroom place, and it was about $1,600 a month. It's now $2,900 a month for that same apartment.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Holy shit, dude. That's like a whole third more. Yeah, $2,900 a month for that same apartment. Holy shit, dude. That's like a whole third more. Yeah, it went up $1,300 in six years. That's just a little two-bedroom apartment. Third, it's almost a half. Yeah, that's a lot. It's fucking insane, man. That's a lot, yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:15 It's fucking insane. Yeah. That is not a reasonable rent. Yeah. For just a little, you know, 900 square foot, two bedroom apartment. That's insane. Do you know how much you're, if you're, did you check out the price
Starting point is 00:46:32 of how much they're charging for the house you rent? Did you even bother to look? For the house that I- The house that you just moved out of? Oh no, I don't know yet. I have looked, but I haven't, I don't know what they, I will find it,
Starting point is 00:46:44 but I don't know what they rented it out for. I'm sure it was more. They rented that house. So the house that I was renting a house, and I moved out of that house in May, and they had new tenants in there by June. Wow. Okay. So they had tenants in there.
Starting point is 00:46:57 They just did a little bit of work, got it cleaned up or whatever. And there's new tenants in there. There were new tenants in there pretty much immediately. Wow. Because people are desperate. Yeah. People are desperate for a place to live. And I don't know what they're charging, but I know that I'm certain they're charging much more. There's more rent. Yeah. And I want to just say to not knock the people I rented from, because they were actually really nice people. They were just like a family that moved to a different house. They rented the house. They had one property.
Starting point is 00:47:25 They were really, and they never raised the rent on me in six years. No kidding. They never raised the rent on me in six years. They just kept it with their thing or whatever. The lease every year for six years, they just extended the lease. The thing is though,
Starting point is 00:47:38 like when everybody else around them raises the rent, they will see the, they'll know what that is. Yeah, that'll establish the market. And it establishes the market value of that place. And the problem is that that market value is just based on home prices and availability. Yep. And you start out renting to places
Starting point is 00:47:53 and start raising rents all over, it gets worse and worse and worse. Yeah, it's just a bad situation. I think genuinely there needs to be something done on a macro level across the country. Something needs to happen on a macro level to make sure that there's some sort of affordable housing for people. And that stabilizes housing costs, rent costs. I don't think that's a bad thing.
Starting point is 00:48:16 No, I don't either. Housing is a human right. Yeah. Housing is a human right. And we need to have some parts of our economy should not be market-based. And I do think housing should be divorced, at least in some fundamental ways. Housing should be divorced from this sort of capriciousness of the market. People should not gain 20% equity in two years.
Starting point is 00:48:44 That's absurd. People should not lose 40% of their equity in a, in a fucking economic crash in 2008. Like we had, like there should be, there should be standards. There should be like rates that are set by the government, not by banks. We like, there should be some controls on some of this because housing is a human right. Yeah. And we leave housing up to the capricious whims of the terrible free market, this is the runaway sort of shit we get. Yeah, this is, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:49:12 Is that Mr. Beast? This kid looks sick as heck, dude. Bruh. Do you want a heart to save your life? Or do you want a Mr. Beast-wrapped Tesla? I would literally kill myself for a Tesla. Good boy. I'm worried about this.
Starting point is 00:49:32 I want to celebrate this article, but I'm worried about it. This story comes from The Verge. YouTube starts mass takedowns of videos promoting harmful or ineffective cancer cures. That is just objectively a good thing. Sure. I just think our experience with YouTube is they're fucking terrible at everything. Their algorithms are my balls.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah. And I wonder too, if they're just anybody who talks about anything that is even remotely like this. We had an experience where they took one of our videos down and I said this on the show again, and I'm going to say it again.
Starting point is 00:50:08 One of the videos that we got taken down, they said that we were spreading conspiracy theories and we were quoting a conspiracy theorist. The two seconds before they sent me a code, a time code of this tape. And they said, listen here to know what you did wrong. And it's you saying some crazy shit. But if you scroll back, I'm not kidding, 15 seconds, and it's you saying some crazy shit. But if you scroll back, I'm not kidding, 15 seconds, you hear you say, and I quote. Right. And then you read this crazy shit and it's you quoting someone
Starting point is 00:50:32 who's a QAnon conspiracy theorist. And they thought it was us. Right. Because they can't discern those things. They thought we were anti-vaxxers. They can't discern. No. They don't know the difference
Starting point is 00:50:43 and they won't pay the money to make sure that somebody is sitting there or multiple, like you need a lot of people, but they're not paying to have humans review this stuff. This is all done by a computer. This is not done by people. And so while this feels good, it is also draconian and it could take down debunkers.
Starting point is 00:51:04 That's exactly my worry, man, is that you have a cottage industry that is incentivized to the tunes of millions and millions and millions of dollars to sell quack cures to desperate people. They have the money. Debunkers don't have fucking dollar one. they don't have so all of the structural advantage here goes to the crooks yeah all of it the people who are coming at and debunking and breaking this down and saying that's bullshit don't go on the fucking gerson diet because alkali is nothing and you go you go to your doctor you know like the people are saying that they're gonna have a hard time because you're gonna have systems that are listening for those keywords.
Starting point is 00:51:47 And those people who are like, hey, I want to point out these bad actors. I want to make a video saying like this guy over here is a scam and that essential oils aren't a cure for fucking anything. And rubbing fucking grapefruit juice on your nuts isn't going to like cure your sciatica or whatever. It smells nice, though. It does smell nice. And it's invigorating. I use grapefruit bitters and then a twist of lime. Oh, that's nice.
Starting point is 00:52:09 That's nice. Yeah. It's like when you shave and you put that, put some citric acid on your balls and see how that feels. That's not a post-shave moment. No, no, no. And if you want a post-shave moment, you can go to Manscaped!
Starting point is 00:52:27 Sponsor of the show. How long before climate change? When is this planet unlivable? Here's the opposite side of this, Tom. Yeah, this is from The Guardian. Alarm at exodus of climate voices on Twitter after Musk takeover. So this is pretty much what it sounds like. Musk took over.
Starting point is 00:52:43 People who were climate activists were like, yeah, I can't be here anymore. And the way this article is written, it says that the researchers found that one of the most positive communities about climate change was on Twitter before. And once he took over, it has just been a cesspool. And I will attest to this.
Starting point is 00:53:06 I was scrolling through Twitter to answer some questions the other day for Citation Needed. And when I was scrolling through, because I don't ever go to Twitter. I only go to Twitter and I click on notifications for Citation Needed. I never go for our show.
Starting point is 00:53:23 I rarely, I mean, once maybe every two weeks, I'll go for our show. But Citation Needed. I never go for our show. I rarely, I mean, once, maybe every two weeks I'll go for our show, but Citation Needed, people will send messages and just so happened this week, they sent me a message about something I had to fix. And so that's good, right? That's good. So I do go check there occasionally. And so I checked for Citation Needed and I just so happened to see one of these graphics that started to show the climate since 1862 now. And it's got this circle that keeps spinning. And as the circle spins, it's showing like the months and what the climate is, the average global temperature. And it's working its way out. And as it got to the 80s, it just started really expanding much farther out than
Starting point is 00:54:04 it was before. And it got to this point. And then the visualization turns it on its side. So it's now a funnel. And it shows, you know, if you were to take this circle that you've been looking at, this drawn circle, and you were to extend it out as a spiral, it would be like a funnel. And it would funnel up and show that it's much more greater temperatures now than there were in the 1860s
Starting point is 00:54:25 or whatever. And underneath this video that shows those global temperatures was just a ton of misinformation and people saying, well, yeah, every planet in the solar system is getting hotter because we're in a phase or something like that. And I'm just like, oh my God, what is happening? These people have, they don't know anything about what they're talking about, but they're all, they're willing to say literally any lie to get people to believe them or to retweet them. And it's just a cesspool underneath. And it's all blue check marks because he is promoting all those crackpots who pay him $8. Yeah. And the, and the thing is like, if that's all it takes now, right?
Starting point is 00:55:05 If that's all it takes now is that if you are big oil, you know, if you are one of these money lobbyist groups, you know, you're going to fucking AstroTurf this stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:16 Yeah. This is like, Twitter is just AstroTurf central, man. That's all it is. It's a fucking AstroTurf warehouse. That's all it is. It's the worst. You can't tell good from bad you
Starting point is 00:55:25 can't tell up from down over there the the trick is just to have more voices yeah more voices and like that whole i'm a free speech absolutist stuff he is not no right he is not he's got a fucking agenda and he's creating a space that allows his agenda to thrive. And that's his right. He spent $44 billion to do that. Yeah. And it is our right to leave. Yeah. And to make him take a $44 billion loss. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:52 That would be amazing. The U.S. Congress still denies climate change? Fuck it. This article made me so sad. It's from Politico. Fuck. Conservatives have already written a climate plan for Trump's second term. And it's a fucking disaster. Yeah. It's from Politico. Fuck. Conservatives have already written a climate plan for Trump's second term.
Starting point is 00:56:06 And it's a fucking disaster. Yeah, it's basically like burn everything. Yeah. Burn the whole world. It sounds like they are going to not just defund the EPA, but turn it into a conservative EPA to reverse every decision, drill as much as possible,
Starting point is 00:56:22 roll back every single bit of sustainable energy steps that we've taken so far and curtail them for the future really genuinely there's a movie Tom years ago with a gentleman
Starting point is 00:56:39 and a scholar in it by the name of Rowdy Roddy Piper and the movie is called They Live I don't know if you've ever seen this movie. I watched this movie a million years ago. I saw this movie a long time ago. I love this movie. But the plot is pretty simple.
Starting point is 00:56:52 These aliens come to Earth and then they mask themselves as they are not aliens around us. They look like normal people, but they're actually lizard aliens, very much David Icke lizard aliens, right? And they are changing our climate and changing things so that the planet is becoming more like their habitat, right? Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:13 And they're, I guess maybe they're not lizards. Lizards was V. They're actually just skulls. They look like skull faces. They look like people without skin or something, as I recall. like skull faces. They look like people without skin or something, as I recall. And when you put these glasses on, you can see them and then you could look around and subliminally underneath like billboards and things, they've placed like words like obey or things like that. Yeah, I remember this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:35 If you put these glasses on, you look at like a beautiful billboard of like someone being like, buy, you know, these beautiful dresses or something like that. And underneath it just says obey on it and whatever. And there are politicians, there are the famous people, et cetera, who are constantly, they're the people who are setting agendas, et cetera, et cetera.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Right. And when I read this, I was like, come on, where's the glasses at? Because you're clearly, you're clearly fucking, you see the cliff and you're fucking, you turn over to whoever's driving, you knock them cliff and you're fucking, you turn over to whoever's driving, you knock them over and you put your foot down to the fucking floor. And you want to drive this fucker off the cliff. And I am, I'm blown away, especially seeing the massive changes we've seen
Starting point is 00:58:18 in the last like 10 years, that there are so many people out there that are like, no, we need to go farther. I can't believe that either. We are in, I really did think we had more time. Yeah. And it is so evident now that we do not have more time. The things are bad. Yeah. They're never going to get better. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:39 They're just not going to get, if we do everything in our power, they could maybe not get a lot worse. That's the choice here. We don not get a lot worse. That's, that's the choice here. We don't have a choice of roll time backwards, suck the carbon out of the air. Like we don't know how to do any of that. Like that's, we don't have massive scalable infrastructure to do that stuff. Like we're talking about like switching over our energy infrastructure to avoid making things much, much worse. But things are already bad.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Like, I don't understand how we live in a world where like we're seeing wildfires that eat up whole towns and all the people in them because shit's been so dry and because there's tropical storms blowing this fucking winds, you know, like we have floods and disasters constantly at a level
Starting point is 00:59:28 that we did not have. We just objectively did not have. And we're just like, yeah, but what if we don't fix it? What if we just let it get worse? Let's just keep, these people, I don't understand these people have, like, you and I used to, like,
Starting point is 00:59:44 always say, like, there's no way that like somebody found the cure for cancer and didn't tell the world. Right. Because they live in a world full of people they love too. Yeah. But I am having a hard time with that idea now. No, I mean, especially with this. Right. Because like, presumably they live in a world with people that they love too. And I'm looking around and I'm like, fuck, man. I really wish I didn't have kids because I don't think they're going to have a life that's worth a shit. You know what I mean? Because I'm like, yeah, you're going to live to your 80 and you were born in 2006 and you're going to live to 2086.
Starting point is 01:00:23 And do I think the world's going to be worth a damn in 2086? I don't. And I don't understand how they don't think this way. I feel like, what am I missing? Am I seeing hurricanes that other people aren't seeing? What's going on? I think that they are willing to ignore any of this as a way to say, I've got mine. I want to make sure I keep getting mine. And I want to make sure I keep greasing the right palms and doing the right things for these interests that I've built my career doing these things for. And so I think that they don't think, they don't see the world you see. They are literally seeing a different world. They don't see a world that's falling apart. They see a world that is, you know,
Starting point is 01:01:11 a giant, plush, gorgeous world full of money. You know what I mean? And so for them, they think, well, no, this is exactly how the world should be. But they don't have to deal with that stuff. Maybe once in a while, they have to contend with it. You know, their house gets burned down by a wildfire or a hurricane knocks down one of their
Starting point is 01:01:27 guardian walls outside or something. But for the most part, they don't have to deal with it. The people who are going to have to deal with this are the people on the margins. Those are the people who are going to have to deal with this time and time and time and time again. Yeah, for sure. These people are, there are going to be people
Starting point is 01:01:42 who are going to be dying more and more and more and more because of climate change. There's going to be people who are going to be dying more and more and more and more because of climate change. There's going to be people who are poorer who are going to be more and more displaced by climate change. Those things are true. That's going to happen. And once it starts happening, it's got to start happening to the rich for it to really matter.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Yeah, because a couple of weeks ago, there was a story, we just didn't get to it. There was a story from our notes where despite the insane, oppressive, crazy heat wave in Texas, the Republican governor rolled back rules for water breaks. There's a callousness to this, Cecil. It's purposeful and intentional. And it's like the cost here is nothing. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:26 Like, oh, what if we, well, what if we switch to green energy and then we didn't need to? And you'd be like, all right, cool. And then everything was cleaner. Like, and then what? Like we lived in a cleaner world. That would be bad.
Starting point is 01:02:38 What happens though is that massive interest that own a lot of oil lose money. Yeah. And so for them buy i don't like like shift your fucking dividends and portfolios into i'm fucking i am no i am sure they're doing that but right now they control the purse strings and they control the government god so bad i mean you can't we talked about it before you can't be an ethical billionaire i don't think you can own a multi-billion dollar business either
Starting point is 01:03:05 or be on one of those boards and be ethical either. Yeah, I don't think so either. I don't think you can be ethical. I think you make choices to hurt people all the time. If we do actually get to the point where rich people are being inconvenienced, I think the world's really going to be gone really far at that point.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Yeah, real far. It's going to be gone really far. So we're in a bad situation if we can't change, if the youth of this country can't come out in force and change things. Because half of our generation is fucking Nazis. I know. I know.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Like three quarters of our fucking generation is Nazis. So we're not going to help you. Like I can't help you, right? My generation is shit. We can't help you. Like I can't help you. Right. My generation is shit. We can't help you. So what, you know, the millennials, they checked out a long time ago. Maybe they'll check back in, but it's the young people who are going to have to turn this thing around.
Starting point is 01:03:54 That's a lot to hand them. It's going to, it is. But like, but who else is going to do it? That's the thing. I can't fucking, I mean, can't go to the Klan really and get my generation over here. I know. But like the only hope that I have for that is that we basically said, Hey,
Starting point is 01:04:07 existentially, this is yours. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, that's not fair. That's not cool. That's super sucks.
Starting point is 01:04:14 It's not fair. That's a seeding of our responsibilities. It's not fair. But it's like, all right, well, here you go. Dumbass.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Like, I guess you got born wrong. It's not fair, man. It sucks. It's not fair. It's really fucking, it's really shitty to lay on a generation that should be relying on us. Yeah. It's really shitty.
Starting point is 01:04:30 It is. But the problem is, is we've shown time and time again, and the boomers have shown time and time again, they don't give a fuck. No, we've, we have shown, we've done, we could not like, we could not be more clear that we've given up our responsibility to be good stewards of this, of this world. I agree wholeheartedly. And it's like, it's so dumb too. Like I have one friend that is just genuinely wealthy and he does wealthy guy stuff. And one of the wealthy guy stuff things that he does is he goes to, uh, ski at the tops of these mountains and these like really remote places.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Like helicopters drop them off, the whole fucking thing. And like even he, who tends to be a little bit more conservative, he still votes blue and all that, but like he's a little more conservative than I am. But like we'll talk and he's like, oh yeah, he's like,
Starting point is 01:05:20 you know, we're doing this ski thing because he's like everyone that we go there and it's a playground for the rich. It's not a playground for anyone else. He's like, yeah, they're all telling us they're probably going to be shut down in the next couple of years because they won't have enough snow. So even the ultra wealthy are like,
Starting point is 01:05:33 but their inconveniences are like, oh, we've got to vacation at a new place. I guess we'll have to find a new place to go. Right. That's their inconvenience. So they're like watching the world change. I think it's undeniable that the world is changing. You can't, nobody's blind enough to think otherwise.
Starting point is 01:05:50 But I think you're right. They're just like, yeah, it doesn't change for me. They think that they can ride it out, man. Ride it out where? They're going to die soon. They're going to fucking die. That's the thing. As long as they don't, doesn't inconvenience them too much before they die. That's the thing. As long as they don't inconvenience him too much before they die,
Starting point is 01:06:05 God. Well, what exactly do you find offensive? Ian, you put a greased, naked woman on all fours with a dog collar around her neck and a leash and a man's arm extended out up
Starting point is 01:06:21 to here, holding onto the leash and pushing a black glove in her face to sniff it you don't find that offensive you don't find that sexist this is 1982 that's right it's 1982 get out of the 60s we don't have this mentality anymore well you should have seen the cover they wanted to do i don't care what they want so this story comes from the independent rudy giuliani goes on unhinged rant claiming claiming Mike Pence's wife leads him around on a leash. So I want to play both pieces. One is Mike Pence, one is Rudy Giuliani. And so I'm just going to play them both so that you can listen to each of them and see what you think.
Starting point is 01:06:58 This is Mike Pence. We're going to start out with him. Sadly, the president was surrounded by a group of crackpot lawyers that kept telling him what his itching ears wanted to hear. And while I made my case to him of what I understood my oath of the Constitution to require the president ultimately, ultimately, you know, continue to demand that I choose him over the Constitution. So in this moment, irrespective of how this case plays out, I want the American people to know that I believe with all my heart that by God's grace,
Starting point is 01:07:33 I did my duty that day. Wow, you did one thing right. I love how he's casting himself as a hero. I mean, it's so fucking- Because he performed a ceremony. And he did the thing that like, like he 100% shouldn't have done. It's like, I totally didn't shoot that lady in the head
Starting point is 01:07:48 and I want all the kudos. Get the fuck out of here. Well, you know what? There was a drunk lady in front of me and I didn't touch her boobs. So here's... Well, good. Wow. Wow, you acted like a regular person. That's what you're supposed to do, man. Congratulations. What the fuck? I want to play this and I want you to pay
Starting point is 01:08:03 attention, Tom, to the guy who's interviewing him who never says a word, never says a thing, just lets Giuliani keep rolling this rope out. To go to court and try cases myself. So I'm a real trial ward, not making believe if I go out of these people. I once got a congressman
Starting point is 01:08:21 to break down on the witness stand and confess. So I really know what I'm doing. And to be described as, what did Pence say? I don't think he's ever been in a courtroom. And he went to a law school nobody even knows. I mean, that guy, I mean, I saw it before this all happened. He was a really good guy, but too weak to be president. I always worried about him following trump because i would see him with his wife having something around his neck every
Starting point is 01:08:52 night and walking around she doesn't let him go to the she lets him go to the bathroom by himself that's about it but imagine that skunk doing what he did today he's trying not to laugh. I mean, he called the skunk. If you can't separate Trump from the First Amendment issue here, then you're just not a good person. This is not about Trump. If this were being done to my worst enemy, I would be fighting the case
Starting point is 01:09:17 for them. So Giuliani, very upset, very mad. Giuliani seems like he's like, he doesn't seem okay. Does he seem cogent at all? Can I just say, when they redo all this stuff in the movie, can we get Danny DeVito in there? Can we please?
Starting point is 01:09:38 Danny, I know you're a fan of the show. Danny, please. Danny DeVito, come on. Please, Danny, can you do Ruby Juby Boobie? Can you please? Dude, take a break from filming your fucking six episode seasons of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Please. And just do this. Oh, so good.
Starting point is 01:09:54 So good. That's fucking great. I mean, genuinely. I love watching them turn on each other, too. Like watching a fucking pack of wild dogs chew each other up. Delicious. The thing is Pence has no chance. Pence has no chance of becoming the president.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Pence has no chance. But I think his stance and what he did, that's going to be the only thing he can hold on to. And so that's going to be the flag he's going to wave the rest of the time. And that puts pressure on all the rest of them to say he did the right thing because they can't say they wouldn't follow the Constitution. Yeah, this is going to be like
Starting point is 01:10:31 an insane clown car up until I am looking forward to the primaries so much. I really am because what a fucking bonkers insane clown car shit show this is. It's already nuts.
Starting point is 01:10:46 I don't know how quickly they drop off, but there was got to be 12 people on the stage last night. And some of those people were genuinely uninteresting. You know, they're not going anywhere. They are a hundred percent not going anywhere. But there's a couple of slick people on there I'm afraid of, but Pence is definitely not one of them. Alright, that's going to wrap it up for this week.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Check out this Thursday. We're going to have a funny release, a funny show coming out this Thursday for you, so check your feeds for that. If you want to become a patron of the show, one of us works for the show now, so if you want to become a patron of the show, one of us works for the show now. So if you want to become a patron of the show, we of course would love it. If you became a patron,
Starting point is 01:11:28 you go to slash dissonance pod and you can become a patron on a per episode basis. Patrons get everything early. They get an extra show at the end of the month. $2 patrons get a long form article that Tom reads every month. So there's a lot of extra stuff we give you and we hope you become a patron.
Starting point is 01:11:45 If you enjoy the content that we put out, that's going to be it for this week. We're going to wrap it up, but we're going to leave you like we always do with the skeptics. Creed credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter. Mommy issue. Hypno Babylon bullshit couched in scientician,
Starting point is 01:12:03 double bubble toil and trouble. Pseudo quasi alternative, acupunctuating pressurized stereogram pyramidal free energy healing, water downward spiral brain dead pan sales pitch, late night info docutainment. Reflex foot massage Death in towers, tarot cards Psychic healing, crystal balls Bigfoot, yeti, aliens Churches, mosques, and synagogues Temples, dragons, giant worms Atlantis, dolphins, truthers
Starting point is 01:12:33 Birthers, witches, wizards Vaccine nuts Shaman healers, evangelists Conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata Nonsense Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Doubt even this. The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. All opinions are solely that of Glory Hole Studios LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds. Produced in association with the local dairy council and viewers like you. Outro Music

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