Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 720: McCarthy Ousted, Trump Gags, and 5G Zombies

Episode Date: October 9, 2023

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's show is brought to you by Go to right now and you'll get 50% off just about any item. All you have to do is enter the code word GLORY, G-L-O-R-Y, at checkout. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. Recording live from Glory Hole Studios in Chicago and beyond, this is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence
Starting point is 00:00:58 to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical, it's political. And there is no welcome mat. Today is Thursday, October the 5th. And see, so we have to start off by addressing a tiny, tiny elephant in the room. Yeah. And that is that last week we covered a story, a bad science story that was written up about a man who was jailed for shaking a baby, and he did not, in fact, shake the baby. There is a growing body of research that suggests that much of the hysteria and moral panic around shaken babies is not actually evidence of shaken babies. No, it's not found. It's not found.
Starting point is 00:01:43 It's not found. But we got some reviews, and I think we need to clarify something. not actually evidence of shaking babies. No, it's not founded. It's not founded. It's not founded. But we got some reviews, and I think we need to clarify something. Cecil and I are not pro-shaking your baby. We are not like, shaking babies doesn't hurt babies. And we are also not saying that nobody has ever shaken their baby
Starting point is 00:01:59 and hurt their baby. Yeah. That's not what we're saying. So if we gave that impression, let me apologize for my lack of clarity. Yeah, mine too, because saying. So if we gave that impression, let me apologize for my lack of clarity. Yeah, mine too, because I don't think we gave that impression. But if that's the impression you got from that is that nobody's ever shaken a baby and harmed a baby. That's not what Cecil and I believe.
Starting point is 00:02:15 If you've gotten the impression from our segment on that, that we think that you can shake a baby just as vigorously as you like without any care in the world. We certainly don't believe that either. Where our point of concern comes in, I think, just to iterate and make the point clear, is that there was a time where shaken baby was a sort of catch-all for injured babies. And there are many ways that babies have become injured through the course of their tiny lives. Sometimes through child abuse, sometimes not. Sometimes through accident and not abuse. And part of the problem is that we see what we're looking for, and we need to see what the evidence shows.
Starting point is 00:02:55 And if we are looking for shaken babies, we are going to see damage and attribute it to shaken babies. and attribute it to shaken babies. And there is a growing body of research that suggests that there are a non-zero and non-insignificant number of people who have been prosecuted and had serious consequences for child abuse that just did not occur. And that's what we wanted to focus on is the science should lead us to our conclusion.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Yeah, and this falls into forensic science is a lot of hokum. There's a lot of forensic science that just is not founded in science. It is pattern seeking about the thing that they want to find. You have to understand that when somebody is making a case against someone, they have a person in mind and they're trying to fit these blocks to it. That's not how science normally works, right? Normally, somebody comes into a place like they do on CSI all the time and they like search around and they find this clue and this clue leads them to this thing. And it's like, no, the police officer already picked who they want to be guilty. And then they just try to make that evidence fit that thing. And sometimes they can jam that square peg
Starting point is 00:04:09 into the round hole by saying shaken baby syndrome or by saying bite marks or by saying these other things that may or may not be true, but it fits the mold that they've already decided they want to try to fit. They've made up their mind already. Now they're just trying to find evidence
Starting point is 00:04:28 to support the made up mind. It's a totally different, so you have to understand it's not even how science is normally done. Right. And so when people go through the justice system, sometimes there are travesties of justice because they have been sort of square peg round hole.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Maybe their kid fell off a couch or something and someone said, oh, they had broken blood vessels. They had this. They had these things. They had a hurt neck. Therefore, it's shaken baby syndrome where it might not have been anything at all. It might not have been anything even close to it. They might not have abused their child at all.
Starting point is 00:05:02 They might have just had an accident. Now, that's not saying that some, like you said, some people might have shaken their baby. Some people might have hurt their baby drastically by doing it. Some people might have abused their baby, and it was called shaken baby syndrome because they just, but there are times that people are being sent through the justice system and then sent to prison for a long time because we make mistakes.
Starting point is 00:05:25 The last thing I want to say is that when this sort of like meta-narrative culturally floats around about something like Shaken Baby, it causes us to do the man in the clouds thing, where because we're all familiar with this and because we're all told that this is a problem and because we're all told that this is dangerous and because this is this meta narrative that it's a thing that happens with frequency, all of a sudden we're going to find it. And it's like, we're not necessarily finding
Starting point is 00:05:58 men in the clouds, right? We're looking at shapes and we're deciding that looks like a man in the clouds. If I tell you go outside and and find how tell me how many men you can find in the shape in the clouds you're never going to come back to me with zero you're never going to do this day yeah right yeah yeah you know so it's important that we tell ourselves stories that are true yeah and that we don't write our stories overly large.
Starting point is 00:06:26 And I think that part of what has to be understood about the shaken baby thing is that the science doesn't back the size of the story that we told as a metanarrative. And unfortunately, the result is that we started looking for things and finding them and putting people in prison for shit that didn't occur. And that's a tragedy. So this story comes from the New Republic. In the shitter, Democratic representative reads out entire list of Trump crimes. We just have to play so this is jasmine crockett she is from texas and i i just want to i just want to play this just so people can hear it and i will we'll just be quiet president
Starting point is 00:07:17 of the united states has committed but when we start talking about things that look like evidence they want to act like they blind they don't know what this is these are our national secrets looks like in the shitter to me this looks like more evidence of our national secrets say on a stage at mar-a-lago when we're talking about somebody that's committed high crimes it's at least indictments let's say 32 counts related to unauthorized retention of national security secrets, seven counts related to obstructing the investigation, three false statements, one count of conspiracy to defraud the United States, falsifying business records conspiracy to defraud the United States, two counts related to efforts to obstruct the vote
Starting point is 00:07:59 certification proceedings, one count of conspiracy to violate civil rights, 23 counts related to forgery or false document statements, eight counts related to soliciting. And I could go on because he's got 91 counts pending right now. But I will tell you what the president has been guilty of. He has unfortunately been guilty of loving his child unconditionally. And that is the only evidence that they have brought forward. And honestly, I hope and pray that my parents love me half as much as he loves his child until they find some evidence we need to get back to the people's work which means keeping this government open so that people don't go hungry in the streets of the united states and i will yield boom she's just like drop the mic there's mics all over the floor the mic it's a mic valance it's her and cory bush you know like i wouldn't want to live in texas or st louis but i would love if
Starting point is 00:08:52 they were my representative you know what i mean i know amazing just amazing devastating just so like the the uh what what they have to say and how they say it and how forceful they have to say it. What I love too is how much fire she brings to this. What she's doing is, you know, she's focusing and channeling the anger, I think, that a lot of people are feeling with this running around, chasing your tail, you know, ton of people in Washington that are just wasting our time and our taxpayer money
Starting point is 00:09:24 doing the wrong thing. And I think she channels that anger really well. She does. But I want to contrast that because it's an important point of contrast. I want to contrast that with when the right-wing nutjobs boil over. They boil over with misinformation,
Starting point is 00:09:43 disinformation, lies, bullshit, they're talking about deep state conspiracies, they're talking about every fucking nonsense under the sun, right? she's talking about just straight up like here's some facts look, here's a photo of our fucking national secrets in the bathroom at his private resort
Starting point is 00:10:00 that's it, that's just a fact look, I held it up, y'all saw it it's not like, well, let's have a committee to investigate whether or not Hunter Biden once got his dick sucked and somehow that intersects with Joe Biden. There's a difference. There's a qualitative difference that's really important here. Getting angry is okay. It's okay to be angry about things when it's motivating and necessary and when we're righteous about something. I don't mind the anger on the right. I just mind that it's all wrong.
Starting point is 00:10:33 I can't think of any circumstance, I'm sure there have been some, but I literally can't think of one where it's not been aimed in this sort of shotgun spray of bullshit just every time. So this is the story of the week. This is fucking delicious. This is from Reuters. You can also find this story literally anywhere that can spell the word news. With like 25 links to this. It's all over. Kevin McCarthy ousted as speaker in historic vote.
Starting point is 00:11:22 So this is so historic that in the entire history of the United States government, this has never happened. That's because they just made the rule. Yeah, right. They just made this rule. They made the rule. It used to be out of five people.
Starting point is 00:11:35 And they just changed the rule to one person. They changed the rule. And as soon as this happened, Mitch McConnell gave a speech and said, I hope the next speaker removes that rule. Yeah. That's what he said. He's like, I hope the next speaker removes that rule. Yeah. That's what he said. He's like, I hope the next speaker removes that dumb rule.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Well, you know, I wonder if the next speaker will be allowed to remove that rule because that rule got put into place as part of a concession that McCarthy gave to Gates at all. You know, the fucking scream contingent in order for them to get passed on the 14th vote. Like, because they got voted down 13 times. And like one of the concessions he had to give was look, I'll be your bitch. And if you ever think I'm not being your bitch good and proper, then it only takes one person instead of five to call for a vote to kick my ass out. So you don't have to have any coalition building in order to kick me out. in a coalition building in order to kick me out.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Yeah, well, and also, you know, he got removed because he wasn't willing to work with the Democrats. Like he had, like, it's not like he didn't have 210 votes that he could have tapped into, right? He could have. Sure, yeah. I think if he would have shown that he, because the reason why they said that they voted him out
Starting point is 00:12:44 is because he proved that he was a liar. He said he was going to give concessions before, and he didn't do those things in May when they had to have some of the Democrat votes. He didn't do it. He lied to them. So instead they said, okay, fine, no problem. We'll, you know, when it comes time for you to get thrown out, we'll just not fucking, we will vote against. And guess what? They had eight other people that switched sides and got them out of there. So now they bring up like a speaker pro tem and they just basically hit recess.
Starting point is 00:13:17 They're like, well, we're going to go on recess for a little bit and figure it out. Because it's a non-functional. Here's the thing. As kind of like schadenfreude delicious as it is to watch the Republican Party break. And I really do think more and more, Cecil, I am really of the opinion that we are going to see a fracturing, a structural fracturing. I think the Republican Party might become two parties in our lifetime. They're starting to fight openly. They're starting to fight openly. So before, I think if there was fighting happening, you and I never saw it. We didn't see it happen behind
Starting point is 00:13:48 closed doors. If it happened at all, now it's happening in front of us. We're seeing different people give different speeches that are very not all party line, right? Before, you know, for years, I mean, decades, whenever any Republican spoke, you could pretty much guess what the other Republicans thought. They all thought the same thing. They all said the same thing and they all spoke that party line
Starting point is 00:14:12 straight down that party line. Occasionally there'd be outliers, but they were very few and far between. Now they're kind of all over the place. This guy's attacking Gates. Gates is attacking this guy. There's a back and forth here. And now they're trying,
Starting point is 00:14:27 the weakest thing is McCarthy trying to blame the Democrats for this. Oh, I know. Yeah, this is like, you couldn't control your house. You literally can't get your own house in order. Are you fucking kidding me?
Starting point is 00:14:38 One of the first things they did was they called Nancy Pelosi and told her to move her office. Yeah, yeah. She had a, she had a, I forgot what it's called. So there's a hideaway suite. Yeah. Yeah. She had a, she had a, I forgot what it's called. So there's a hideaway suite. So if you're a ranking member, if you're like a senator
Starting point is 00:14:50 and like reserved for some ranking members, you get a hideaway suite, which is a second office. So you have your working office in the Capitol building, I guess, which is like inconvenient. And then a handful of people get these little hideaway offices where they can like have a drink after hours. They can go back and like rest between votes. They can be closer to action on the floor. And like in a, in a retaliatory measure to the Democrats, they kicked her out of her hideaway suite. Yeah. And she said when, when Hassert, when she took over, she didn't kick Hassert out of it. Right. Like he actually eventually got taken out
Starting point is 00:15:25 because he's a criminal. He's a shit. Yeah, right. Yeah. He's a felon, right? He's a felon, I think. Isn't he a fucking felon? If he comes from Illinois,
Starting point is 00:15:31 he's 100% a felon. They're all felons. Yeah. Like just, if you're from Illinois, we actually recruit exclusively from the felons. If you're from Illinois,
Starting point is 00:15:40 a Republican or a Republican now, you're definitely a Republican. Right, yeah, it's true. Because Blagojevich was a Democrat for many years, but he's an absolute criminal. And as soon as he was, the Republican Party was like,
Starting point is 00:15:50 sure, you can come over. Oh, yeah, welcome. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No problem. Didn't Trump pardon Blagojevich? I think he might have. I think Trump pardoned Blagojevich. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:59 Well, they had the same hair. That makes sense. But this is one of those things, though, that when I heard that they voted him out, I thought to myself, I was like, are we ushering in something worse? Are we saying,
Starting point is 00:16:14 okay, he's got to go, but is there a worse person? Because you know there is a worse person in that party. Most of them are worse, actually. That could stand up and be the speaker. Yeah. And you think,
Starting point is 00:16:27 and I thought, is this a mistake? And I don't think it is because they stood by their guns by saying, look, they have basically lied to us. And if you lied to us,
Starting point is 00:16:38 there's only so much capital you get on Capitol Hill. Right. There's only so much capital you get. Spell it a different way, but it's only so much capital you get on Capitol Hill, right? There's only so much capital you get. Spell it a different way, but it's only so much capital. Yeah, still limited. And lying makes you lose it very quickly. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:53 And so you can't recover from that. And so at least lying to your colleagues, they lie to us all the time, but lying to your colleagues, that's tough. Yeah, I am worried, you know, because the reason McCarthy got am worried, you know, because, because the, the reason McCarthy got booted, of course, is because he worked, you know, and he said as much, there's gotta be an adult in the room is what McCarthy said when he helped push through the vote
Starting point is 00:17:17 to make sure that the government didn't get shut down. Yeah. Well, the government's going to be shut down in November. Like this was a 45 day. This is a very, it's a temporary. It's a bandaid. It's no, there's no juice on it. It's 45 days. So in about, you know, no time at all, we're going to be right up against the same thing. And at least with McCarthy, he was like,
Starting point is 00:17:38 all right, I'm not willing to let the government shut down. I'm not willing to not fund our debt. Who's next? Are they going to do that? Yeah. I am worried that if we start ousting the adults in the room,
Starting point is 00:17:50 we are not left with, like, we're left with nobody. We're left with nobody. And a completely dysfunctional House of Representatives, as much like Schadenfreude as I might see in that, we need our government to function. I don't know what the next step's going to be.
Starting point is 00:18:05 I'm very interested to see who they... It's going to be like 10 days, and then they'll probably have somebody new, and then they'll go through the gauntlet of how many fucking times do they have to get... And then we'll see if they can actually get shit done. The one way that can guarantee that somebody would get done, get up there, is if they put
Starting point is 00:18:22 somebody up there that the Democrats are okay with. So they have to go over across the aisle and be like, okay, we that the Democrats are okay with. So they have to go over across the aisle and be like, okay, we're going to be okay with this person. But if not, then they're going to have to go with the MAGA party, whoever the MAGA party wants, and they want. Yeah, this is a crossroads moment. This really is. And it's a crossroads because if they get the MAGA party person, that person's in just as much hot water as Kevin McCarthy. Yeah. Right? Like, what's going to happen in November? Let's say they get a MAGA person. Let's say Marjorie Taylor Greene. Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Let's say Marjorie Taylor Greene gets made Speaker of the House, and I kill myself at those words. But let's say she becomes Speaker of the House. She was censured when things were running functionally. So she's doing her burpees as the fucking Speaker of the House or whatever. She has one of those big hammers, and she's hitting a big tractor tire or whatever.
Starting point is 00:19:07 She's got a big giant hammer she's swinging. So she's doing her CrossFit. It's a speaker of the house thing. And it comes time in November. This Russian twist. She loves those. She loves those. She loves them.
Starting point is 00:19:18 She's doing those kipping pull-ups. Her shoulders are all blown out. So she's in there. She's doing her thing. She's blowing out her back, her shoulders, her knees, whatever. And she's speaker. It's November. It's time again to fund the government. We've got to decide we're going to fund
Starting point is 00:19:36 the government. And they don't do it. I don't know what happens next. I don't know that they have the kind of coalition on the right that they'll ever get behind the MAGA guy. There could be like stalling out. There could be like a complete stalling out of the government. Sure.
Starting point is 00:19:53 There really could. And that's nerve wracking. Yeah. That's nerve wracking. Yeah. I thought we had just slipped past it. Yeah. And then Gates came up and pulled this thing.
Starting point is 00:20:02 And who knows? He could have pulled the rug out from the entirety of the United States with this. He could have. And I really do wonder, is this the first genuinely visible fissure in the crack that will soon become a votable, functional, fundraisable MAGA party? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Which is different than the Republican. Might be different. Maybe this will be our first third party. Yeah, maybe, maybe. Like real third party. Well, they've already started in the grassroots section, Republican. Might be different. Maybe this will be our first third party. Yeah, maybe. Maybe. Like real third party. Well, they've already started in the grassroots section, so. Jesus, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Oh! Flip, flip, flip, Adelphia. Flip, flip, flip, Adelphia. Flip, flip, flip, Adelphia. Yeah! All right, so this story comes from CNBC. First co-defendant in Trump-Georgia election case pleads guilty. This is Scott Hall.
Starting point is 00:20:47 He's one of the 18 co-defendants. He's the bail bondsman guy. Yeah. And he fucking flip, flip, flip Adelphia. He wound up being one of the people who was working very closely with Sidney Powell. And he was one of the people who was defrauding the voting system down there with the voting machines.
Starting point is 00:21:08 And they said that he has to pay a $5,000 fine and perform 200 hours of community service as part of the deal. They also ordered him to write a letter of apology to the state of Georgia for his crimes and have no involvement in the administration of elections anymore. And I love that they made him write on the board a hundred times. I will not steal. I will not meddle in elections ever again. I will not treason.
Starting point is 00:21:39 He gets to the last one, the bell rings, he takes his skateboard and runs off. But they also said that he is working with federal prosecutors. Yeah, that's the other thing too. That's why you flip. That's why you flip.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Well, you also flip too, because they tuned it down to like four misdemeanors. Well, yeah. So they tuned it down. It's a deal. It's literally a deal. It's literally a great deal. And they're going to keep offering deals, right?
Starting point is 00:22:00 And like all they need is a handful of people who are going to help the, because if you're like, I'm never going to flip. I'm never going to flip. It's not going to be me. I'm never going to flip. First guy flips. All right. You know what? That guy wasn't that big a deal. He doesn't know much. He's not going to bolster the prosecution's case that much. I'm not that worried. Second guy flips. I'm a little more worried. Every domino that falls is going to be like, okay, now it's, because then what I'm thinking,
Starting point is 00:22:26 if I'm that guy, what I'm thinking is, all right, I got to flip while I still have leverage. If you don't, then you're just saying I'm guilty.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Right. And there's no benefit to you. Yeah, because at some point the prosecutor is going to say, I don't need you to build this case. We're not making a deal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:41 You can plead guilty and we'll prosecute to the full extent of the law. Those are your, here are your options. Go to court, I'll prosecute to the full extent of the law. Those are your options. Here are your options. Go to court. I'll prosecute you. You got a great case
Starting point is 00:22:48 because I got six guys that just flipped and I got all the information. I got all the juice. And if you plead, maybe they'll give you a lower sentence. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:54 That's what you would say. But I won't. Yeah. I'll still recommend the maximum, but you might get a lower sentence. As the prosecutor, I'm not helping. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:01 So like, if you're the prosecutor, you're going to play a pretty big hardball here. You're going to be like, look, if you work with me, you can pretty much walk. big hardball here. You're going to be like, look, if you work with me, you can pretty much walk.
Starting point is 00:23:07 You can go pick up some trash on the side of the road for five weeks. Yeah. And then you're pretty much your own man. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Or take your chances that you flip on time. And the other thing too that I was listening to, a couple of different places had said this, that very specifically, Fonny Willis has not given out these plea deals to everybody yet, but there's a good chance that
Starting point is 00:23:30 everyone will receive one. Everyone that is involved in this Rico case will receive a plea deal of some sort. An offer? An offer of some sort. Every single person, maybe not Trump, but I'm pretty sure everybody else will receive something because when she was bringing it in front of the judge, the judge had even asked her,
Starting point is 00:23:50 have you given them an opportunity to like deal and plea deal? And she was like, I haven't sent them all out yet. So she clearly has them. And other people
Starting point is 00:23:58 were saying that this is like a demonstration that her case is not as strong. And then I heard from other people that another set of people that were saying, no, that's just is not as strong. And then I heard from other people that another set of people that were saying, no, that's just not true, that her case is very strong.
Starting point is 00:24:11 And the fact that people are starting to flip is an indication that her case is very strong. Yeah, and again, everybody who flips has to agree to work for the prosecution to do it. And this is a person who I think, you know, is going to be on the stand against Sidney Powell because she's the one who he was working very closely with. So now if you're Sidney Powell, you've got to be thinking, fuck the pressure's on.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Yeah. So does she flip? Well, yeah. And this thing is like, if you're phony, don't you give a sweetheart ass deal to Sidney Powell. This guy could be on the stand soon. And that is also demoralizing for all the rest of them, right? If they see him on the stand, they're immediately thinking, well, is, you know, is Giuliani going to flip? Is so-and-so, whoever, you know, one of these random dudes going to flip is, you know,
Starting point is 00:24:57 because I'll tell you what, the people, this is one of those guys who was a low level player in this from the state, not somebody who was in the White House. He was clearly from the state that was trying to do something in this state. You get him and that other lady who was like the leader of their party in small coffee county. You get her, you get a couple more people.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Suddenly it starts looking really, really dire for all these other people who are looking at, and these are long sentences with felonies. Yep. Yeah. And a felony in America will ruin your whole life. Could ruin your whole life. You know, like, it's not like you do a felony. You're like, okay, well that means I have to, you know, do more prison time or whatever. It's like, yeah, yeah. But you're just also a felon forever. And in America, you never pay your dues. Yeah. forever. And in America, you never pay your dues. Yeah. Hey, we've got a secret. This podcast is supported by Apple's Never Fall, a chilling new mystery series from the author of Big Little Lies, starring Annette Bening, Sam Neill, Jake Lacey, and Alison Brie. It's sure to get people talking.
Starting point is 00:25:59 What dark secrets lurk in this family? Tune in on March 21st to find out. Apple's Never Fall fall exclusively on W Network and Stack TV. But where would you find a handsome dog to replace me? This story comes from the New York Times. Death of Dianne Feinstein. Newsom faces pressure to quickly appoint a replacement. Now he has already appointed a replacement. So he appointed a, and he was challenged several years back that if he had to appoint somebody, would he appoint a black woman? He appointed a, I believe a black lesbian woman. Oh, wow. I'm not mistaken. I could be mistaken, but I think I'm not. Well, let's find out right now. Let's search for it right now.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Newsom picks LaFonza Butler. I don't know if I'm saying that correctly. That's how it looks like it's spelled. LaFonza Butler as a replacement. How old is LaFonza Butler? Because that is something that I am interested to find out. She looks much younger than Dianne Feinstein. That's for sure. She definitely does.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Let's do search Google. She's 44. She's younger than I am. Good 44. She's younger than I am. Good for her. Younger than I am. How great is that? Okay, so a younger lady, a black woman, like you said, maybe a black lesbian.
Starting point is 00:27:14 So great. Sounds great. It's awesome. And one of the things that I wanted to talk about, one of the reasons why I wanted to talk about this story was because Dianne Feinstein could have left a really amazing mark on the American political system
Starting point is 00:27:29 and not left a sour taste in people's mouth, right? I want to read some of the accomplishments that I found today when I was looking for the things that she did, right? So she's the first female mayor of San Francisco. So- That's a big deal. She had tons of conservation and restoration bills,
Starting point is 00:27:47 too many to list. Like genuinely, conservation and restoration stuff and environment stuff, that was her deal. She did a ton of them. Assault weapons ban in the 90s. Protection for unaccompanied minor immigrants.
Starting point is 00:28:01 She had fuel efficiency bills. She was part of a report on CIA torture in 2014 and helped outlaw the practice. Hell yeah. She oversaw a six-year review of the CIA's detention and interrogation program. And it said, culminating in a 2014 report,
Starting point is 00:28:20 executive summary, and subsequent anti-torture legislation, reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act in 2022, and the Protection of Marriage Equality Act in 2022. She's had an amazing career. Yeah. And it reminded me sort of of how we feel kind of of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Starting point is 00:28:37 I was just thinking the same thing. You know, if at the end, you stepped aside at that moment where you knew you could, I don't think anybody would be motherfucking Dianne Feinstein at all. And we got lucky in this case, right? Where, you know, I mean, I don't know if you're lucky in the sense that I think Newsom was or somebody was going to be governor that was going to be blue. But even still, this is one of those moments that you look back and you think, gosh, no one would have anything to say if she stepped away two years ago. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, when she died, she was 90 years old. That's just too old.
Starting point is 00:29:17 That just is too old to be in a position of this kind of leadership. And it just is, to be in a position of this kind of leadership. And it just is, you know? And like, it's okay for there to be a sunset of your career prior to 90. Yeah. It's okay to say, you know, because strategically it's bad, right? And Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a great example.
Starting point is 00:29:39 If you are a party person, if you are a politician, if you care about outcomes that are partisan outcomes, RBG, and I know she was not a politician, but she absolutely cared about partisan issues and partisan outcomes. She held on too long. She was playing a game, and that game at some point is to benefit you. It's because you still like doing this job. It's because you still like the work. And so you still like, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:07 whatever is attached to that work. But like that is a shirking of your responsibility as a civil servant. Your job as a civil servant is to do what is in the best interest of the people. And that includes being strategic about your decision to retire. So you retire when the person
Starting point is 00:30:23 who is the likeliest to be in power is going to replace you as somebody who holds the same ideals. Sure. Because if you don't, and we watched you with RBG, if you don't, it all gets wound back.
Starting point is 00:30:35 Yeah. And your great, beautiful legacy gets shit on. And so you hurt yourself, you hurt your legacy, and you hurt the strategy. You know, what a great point, because imagine if she'd have done it with Obama a couple of years ahead of time when they couldn't have blocked it.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Right. And then she could have sat in on the room to talk to him about who she prefer to be sitting in that seat. You know what I mean? Like, she has a conversation. Instead, she has to leave a note to Donald Trump that says, please don't replace my seat because you didn't replace the other seat. And then he was like,
Starting point is 00:31:05 threw it over his shoulder. And then it flew right into fucking Mitch's goiter and it ate it. And then that was the end of the, that was literally the end that anybody thought about it. And then they immediately appointed it Amy Coney Barrett.
Starting point is 00:31:17 Yeah. So like, like you have an opportunity to change the future and then keep those changes that you had for all those years. Instead, you decide to hold on until this point. And it's like, you know, it just sucks. And I want to, you know, one of the things too is every day that Dianne Feinstein did not step away was taking
Starting point is 00:31:40 away a day from her successor's chance to be a more powerful incumbent. Yeah, very true. The more that she was able to stand in front of everybody, the new person is able to stand in front of everybody, LaFonza Butler, the more she's able to stand in front of everybody and be familiar and be an incumbent and be doing the people's work for a while,
Starting point is 00:32:03 that gives her a power into the next election. Every day you take away from that is every day you give her a chance to not be reelected. Yeah, you know, I was just thinking exactly along the same lines. Like, you know, wouldn't it be refreshing if a senator reached a point in their career where they said, okay, strategically,
Starting point is 00:32:21 I'm at a place where I have to recognize that every day is a borrowed day, right? Just statistically, every day is a borrowed day at a certain age. You don't know if you're going to wake up tomorrow. That's not me being ageist. That's just like, we die. People die.
Starting point is 00:32:36 None of us go forever. So at some point you got to say, all right, well, you know, wouldn't it be better if I have three years left to serve on my term? I know I've got a solid blue governor to replace me. What I'm going to do is step down and offer my services as an aid and mentor to the person that's going to replace me. I'll still come to work every day, but I'll come to work as a senator's aid. And I'll help this person get their feet wet. And they'll be believed,
Starting point is 00:33:02 all those people that love me will love my successor because they'll see the weight that I carry behind this new person. It would just be better, man. It would just be so much better. I'm sorry to the tripper. And if you'd like to huzzah to your tripper,
Starting point is 00:33:20 go to and use code GLORY as I'm at the Ren Faire. And it is my birthday. But, yeah. Unleash the woodland nymphomaniac in you by using code GLORY. Because if you want to get elfed in your middle ages, or maybe you're looking for an orc king,
Starting point is 00:33:39 go to and use code GLORY. You'll get three free gifts. One for my lord one for you my lady and one okay the other way oh yeah hold on we gotta wait for the food okay hold on we exist food, okay? Hold on. You exist! We exist!
Starting point is 00:34:05 Hello. Hey, do me a favor. Say glory. Glory. Say whole. Glory. Say glory. Glory. Say glory. No! Okay, fine. Go to and use code glory to get 50% off
Starting point is 00:34:23 almost any one item, plus free gifts. Three free gifts, six free spicy movies and free shipping. Okay, bye. Those are my friends. I use them for ads. We would be remiss, Tom, if we didn't talk at all about Trump's trial that's happening this week. Because we have Trump derangement syndrome. We have a Trump derangement syndrome because Trump's in the news all the time,
Starting point is 00:34:50 and also getting indicted for crimes all the time. But we're the ones who are dwelling on this, clearly. Absolutely. It's not that literally every day something is on the front page of every paper. Or he does something horrible enough to talk about all the time. Yeah, right. Yeah. Okay. So yes, it's us. It's us. This story, again, the New Republic, hours after gag order, Trump launches fresh vitriol against New York
Starting point is 00:35:16 judge. So earlier, Trump truthed out some bullshit about a clerk, like some conspiratorial shit about a clerk. It was basicallyatorial shit about a clerk. It was basically like, hey, here's a picture of the clerk once shaking hands with a Democrat at an event where you just shake hands with everybody. This proves that the whole court
Starting point is 00:35:36 is in bed with the Democrats. And this is a Democratic show trial, right? That's fucking nonsense. This person was just at an event and got their handshake and there's literally no other tie so it's nonsense the judge was like enough of that shit that person works for me that doesn't happen again so trump took that truth down because that's how truth works took that truth down he detr-truthed it. Called it back. He untruthified it.
Starting point is 00:36:06 He reeled that truth in. Yeah. And then he started blasting away now at the judge. Yeah. And when I read this story, I wanted to talk to you and say, do you think that this was the strategy all along? I think the strategy is to goad the judge. Trump wins both ways.
Starting point is 00:36:26 This is the smartest thing he can do. If he goads the shit out of the judge and the judge takes the bait and imposes a gag order, oh, thanks for all the PAC money. I'll get money, money, money, money, money, money, money, money. We'll flow in because I've been silenced, my free speech, blah, blah, blah. It writes itself.
Starting point is 00:36:44 And if the judge doesn't take the bait, then Trump is free to say whatever awful, mean-spirited, conspiratorially-minded bullshit he wants. It's a win-win for him as long as he pushes all the time. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, no, I think Trump is always on. So I don't know that I want to accredit a crafty idea to him. I just think he goes full bore and sometimes it just happens that that's good for him.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Sure, yeah. And so I think like, you know, sometimes just going as hard and as fast as you can all the time, sometimes that pays off. And I think in this case, it's just paying off. I don't want to attribute, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:24 some sort of genius to a monster, somebody who doesn't understand what he's doing. He doesn't, he hasn't crafted two moves ahead. Instead, what he's done is just put the pedal, he's just mashed the pedal down and just trying to be as vitriolic as possible. I also think, you know, Trump is a, the kind of guy who's going to go after whoever he can, whenever he can. And he's talking about not only the judge, but he's talking about the prosecutor. He called her an animal. Did you see this?
Starting point is 00:37:53 Yeah, yeah. You know, he loves to do this, especially with women of color. He loves to call them an animal. And that is a fucking, that's not a dog whistle anymore. It's a megaphone to all the racists out there. 100%, man, 100%. I was struck just by an amusing analogy. Like Trump plays politics the same way that I play pool.
Starting point is 00:38:15 Yeah. I am bad at pool. So what I do is I hit the ball as hard as I can into the biggest cluster of the other balls in order to create as much chaos as possible on the table. Yeah, that's perfect. And sometimes they go in. Sometimes things happen.
Starting point is 00:38:28 And then I'm like, I meant that to happen. It's kind of the same thing. It's just fucking slop politics. He's playing slop politics. The more energy you put into those balls, the farther they travel, the better chance they have of going into a hit. Just accidentally bouncing into a corner.
Starting point is 00:38:41 Just accidentally. And that's the same thing with him. It's just a better chance it has of just bouncing into somebody and causing chaos. And he's just hoping for that. Did you see this week that his legal team forgot to check a box? Oh my God, yes!
Starting point is 00:38:56 So now there's some argument back and forth about whether or not this is real, right? So evidently they started complaining about it. So they were like, well, we wanted a jury trial, blah, blah, blah. And the judge basically said, well, you didn't, you didn't check the form to get a jury trial. But then other people came out and said, there's no way they could have got a jury trial anyway, even in this state at this type of trial wouldn't have been a jury trial anyway. So they couldn't even requested one. But the judge basically called them out and was like, you didn't even fill out
Starting point is 00:39:25 the form for that. You didn't even ask for one. Look, the answer was going to be no because probably procedurally it was always no. But also, you're lawyered
Starting point is 00:39:33 at such a bad level. The thing is, like, his lawyers are shit. Yeah. Nobody, nobody that's like really fucking good.
Starting point is 00:39:41 No, they've all abandoned him. They're all, or they're indicted. Yeah, no, yeah. Either he got him in trouble or they're,icted. Yeah, no, yeah. Either he got him in trouble,
Starting point is 00:39:46 or they're at this point, there's nobody left that's worth a shit that's willing to, because, you know, this guy basically has two people that are sitting next to him, and one of them is complaining about this.
Starting point is 00:39:58 And then I think the judge basically called him out to like scold them. And can you imagine how fucking red your face would be? Do you ever, Cecil, have you ever been in a position where you've been like, hey, that thing. And it's like, actually, that was your fault.
Starting point is 00:40:13 And then immediately you realize it was. Yeah, maybe a couple of times. Sure, a couple of times, I'm sure. That has happened to me just a handful of times. And when it happens and you're like righteously indignant and only to find out that you were the cause of your own righteous indignation. You hoisted your own baton.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Man, there is no fucking worse feeling. It's like your fucking guts just flip inside. And you're just like, oh, I made a huge mistake. Abortions for all. Very well. No abortions for all very well no abortions for anyone abortions for some miniature american flags for others
Starting point is 00:40:56 Tennessee woman denied medically necessary abortion is running for office so this is a lady who had a she she was never this this was never going to be a viable pregnancy but because tennessee's laws are so draconian yeah doctors were unable or unable they were on unable to brave those draconian laws to provide her medical care. That's what happened. And so she had to travel out of state. Non-viable pregnancy. Non-viable. She was never going to die.
Starting point is 00:41:32 There was no way that baby was going to live outside of the womb. But the doctor's like, look, I can't go to jail. Like, I can't risk my license. I can't risk my freedom and my family. She had to travel. So she had to travel.
Starting point is 00:41:42 And now she's back in Tennessee and she's like, guess what, motherfuckers? She's suing too. Yep. So she's not only suing the government, she's also running for, uh, for state office. And, uh, she, I want to read too, because it said after calling several clinics and booking flights and hotels, Phillips was able to travel to New York to get an abortion, but she was forced to grieve her pregnancy loss alone. And it's because, you know, like suddenly people always say, well, they could just go to another state.
Starting point is 00:42:13 And you're like, but my support network is here, right? So if I get sick or get hurt, I could have my in-laws come over and help me and take care of me or be there and give me a hug after something terrible happens to me, right? I could be around people that could be my support network. Instead, I've got to board a plane. I've got to fly to another state in the union, get an abortion, and then stay in a hotel room and cry myself to sleep alone because it costs a lot of money to send my whole family there. And the other thing too is like, this woman wanted this baby. It's not like this woman is just like, so like, I know they try to paint it and it doesn't matter anyway, right?
Starting point is 00:42:49 Like it doesn't matter why anybody wants to get an abortion. It doesn't matter why anybody wants to get an abortion, but you know, they always try to paint it as like, man, we're just trying to, we're trying to do this, stop abortions as birth control is basically that when they talk about it, that's what they talk about. That's the rhetoric on the right. That's what they're talking about. But like, this isn't a, this wasn't birth control. This woman wanted this baby. Her daughter was like singing goodnight songs to the bump. Like the bump in her tummy.
Starting point is 00:43:13 She was sick. Like they, the whole family was just over the moon with the idea of having another baby. So they wanted this baby. And then you inflicted this on them. And now you inflicted this on them. And now you inflicted this on them and she's going to go and she's going to become,
Starting point is 00:43:27 you know, maybe, you know, she's in a very red district. So who knows? But you know, the more people this happens to, the more people, this is more dominoes falling. And it's not just people
Starting point is 00:43:37 who are going to run for office. It's rich people who are going to help fund her. It's somebody's brother who's, you know, he says his sister had something like this happen. He might vote for's brother who's, you know, he says his sister had something like this happen. He might vote for her. Somebody's, somebody's, you know, a mom had to have their daughter go through something like this. They might vote for her where they never voted for a Democrat before, because the more dominoes fall, the more you're going to see what a political
Starting point is 00:44:01 loser this is because you're stripping rights away from 50% of the population. Yeah, man. This was the biggest miscalculation. The dog caught the bumper on this one in the biggest way. And this is more than a political misstep. Lives are being damaged. Lives are being ruined. Lives are going to be lost as a result of this if they haven't already. We know, we covered stories where people were on the brink of death because they couldn't get access to care in time. I want to see more and more people challenging the system directly as a result of this. Because like, yeah, you can go to another state unless you're in Alabama, which wants to find you if you do. And like prosecute you. And like a lot of people can't afford to leave the state. And like a lot of people can't afford to leave the state.
Starting point is 00:44:45 No. And like a lot of people. And you shouldn't have to. And you shouldn't have to. And a lot of people, I don't know if it's the majority, but it's not, it's close. A lot of people that have abortions already have kids. So who's taking care of those kids
Starting point is 00:44:58 while they go off to do this? It's like, there's a myth. There is this like idea that like, the people who are getting abortions are irresponsible teenagers. Yeah. That's not true. That is not the demographic statistical reality.
Starting point is 00:45:15 It is, I believe it's, it's a majority of people that have already, they already have children. These are moms already. These are just people who, for whatever reason reason in their life it's not the right time for them to have this pregnancy so they're just seeking medical care we're painting this as if it's like
Starting point is 00:45:33 not we but like the right paints this as this like moral issue of like morally delinquent sexually crazed teenagers and that's not it. Like that would be fine if it was. Like go get a fucking abortion. I don't think teenagers should have fucking
Starting point is 00:45:49 kids. That's insane. I mean like, why are we trying to encourage people to do that? Millennials can't afford houses. How do teenagers have kids? Right. This is so, like I'm not trying to cast aspersions I guess is what I'm saying on anybody at any age for any reason.
Starting point is 00:46:05 If the reason you want an abortion is because you want an abortion, then that's it. You don't have to say anything to anyone else. Like you said, it's medical care. It's none of my fucking business. None of my fucking business. But I can't wait to see more people challenging. I can't wait to see this get, I can't wait to see this bite these fucking evil hate mongers right in their ass. I think everybody, while Roe was restrictive,
Starting point is 00:46:26 I think everybody kind of was cool with Roe. I think that it gave the people who don't like abortion those protections for later term stuff. Even though they say late term abortions,
Starting point is 00:46:39 those weren't happening. It was de minimis. You know, they were happening when there was like, oh, horror for either the mom or the baby, they were happening. But it was so, I mean, what?
Starting point is 00:46:49 Like 10 or something a year or some crazy. It's essentially zero. Yeah, statistically zero. Such a small number of zero. It's statistically zero. But, you know, then you have very good protections for the last trimester. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:47:04 Like that first trimester is kind of, it's kind of there where, you know, like nobody really was, was pushing for anything there. Sure. There was some states who were doing it, but they were few and far between. But man, once that went away, I think everybody that kind of was just looking around and saying, man, we really messed up. That was kind of the perfect middle ground for a lot of people to be okay with it. Yeah, Roe was a very sensible, like, Roe was a very sensible policy line to draw, right? I think it made a lot of sense in terms of its political strategy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:42 It made a lot of sense. Now this fucking no abortions at all, six weeks, which is essentially no abortions, all this fucking crap, that's all going to backfire. Yeah. That is all going to backfire. It may not backfire all at once, but it is, I'll tell you what, every single place that abortion is on the ballot, it loses. It's losing.
Starting point is 00:48:01 It's losing every time. Every, there's no exception to that. And it's very, it's a galvanizing point for young people. Absolutely. And so you are making a huge mistake by the entrance of young people into the voting pool and then throwing this at them with,
Starting point is 00:48:20 you know. They're going to get crushed. You're doing the wrong thing. You're going to get fucking crushed. And it's not just, it's not just in Tennessee. You're, you're doing the wrong thing. You're going to get fucking crushed. And it's not just, it's not just in Tennessee. So this story comes from ProPublica, Idaho banned abortion.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Then it turned down supports for pregnancies and births. And I read this and I was like, yeah, no duh, man. Of course it did. Of course. Of course.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Of course. Because this is about shaming women, hurting women and financially crippling women. Yeah. That's what all of this has always been about. This has always been a strategy to keep women, I believe this more strongly, this has always been a strategy to keep women out of the workforce.
Starting point is 00:48:55 This has been a strategy to maintain cultural and financial dominance by men over women. Yeah, it's just a it's state enforced patriarchy. And I want to say, you know, the egregiousness of this, I want to read a little bit of this. It says, they allowed two bills to die that would have put Idaho on the same track as nearly every other state with abortion restrictions,
Starting point is 00:49:19 including Florida, Kentucky, and Texas by extending postpartum Medicaid coverage to 12 months. Idaho's Medicaid coverage ends after two months after birth. Jesus Christ. The minimum under federal law. They turned down 36 million in federal grants to support childcare this summer, while other states with new abortion restrictions, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi among them, made investments in early childhood education and daycare. Idaho lawmakers at the same time attributed the decision to a pending audit of a different batch of grants. And so they basically just refused the money they could have
Starting point is 00:49:55 invested. Like, look, you're the one who wants the kids. You're the one who wants the kids, then fucking take care of them. Help take care of them. Create a social safety net that can take care of them. But you never wanted the kids. a social safety net that can take care of them. But you never wanted the kids. You just wanted to punish people. That's all you wanted to do. You didn't want to do anything but punish people.
Starting point is 00:50:12 That's how our prison system works. All we wanted to do is hurt you. We don't give a fuck about you. We want to hurt you, hurt you, hurt you. And then whatever happens to you after that, I don't fucking care.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Yep. Yeah, that's it. That's literally what they're doing over and over and over again. And they're doing it to women and they're doing it to people who get incarcerated. It is literally the party of vengeance. That's all it is. It's a vengeance party. I mean, just want to just hurt as many people as they can. Yeah. We, you know, America talks a big game about how much we love kids and how much we love children. And like, we don't. We absolutely do not. And I'll tell you what,
Starting point is 00:50:47 like that is the biggest fucking narrative cultural lie that we ever bother to speak out loud. And we know it because we aren't investing in them. We are not protecting them. We are not keeping them safe. We are not providing them with medical care. We are not providing them with quality education and interventions. We are not investing. We medical care. We are not providing them with quality education and interventions.
Starting point is 00:51:05 We're not investing. We're taking care of kids. And if like you don't care about something, you don't pour resources. Sure. You just don't. That's it. Like that's the end. At the end of the day, if you want to know what somebody cares about, look at how they spend their time and their resources.
Starting point is 00:51:21 That's exactly it. Not their language. For years. And there's so a lot of people, for years, and there's, so a lot of people write mission statements, right? So they write a mission statement. And I remember for years, I was, I was working in an office where there was a guy who was running a mission portion of this company. And what he would say is, don't, don't show me your mission statement. If he's coming in to do consulting work. I don't want to see your mission statement. I want to see your budget.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Show me your budget. Yeah. Because I can tell where your mission is by looking at your budget. Yeah. What you care about is what you spend money on. None of that other shit. You could fucking talk about whatever the fuck you want.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Exactly right. Yep. And you could write down about puppies and rainbows and cute kittens. Yep. What are you spending your fucking money on? Yep. That's what we know.
Starting point is 00:52:07 And if we look at fucking Idaho, we know exactly where they're not spending their money. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like, like how much do you care about kids when you have child marriage as a rule? Yeah. Like you care about kids, you're letting them get fucking raped. Yeah. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:52:21 Like you care about kids. We're not taking care of them from the moment of their fucking birth. You care about kids. We're not funding their education. You know, we don't care. Just say, welcome to Idaho. Fuck you. We don't care about, we don't give a shit. Go wander off into the distance because it's all the distance. He won the Nobel prize for inventing the artificial appendix. Nobel Prize for inventing the artificial appendix. This story comes from Nobel Prize goes to scientists who made mRNA COVID vaccines possible.
Starting point is 00:52:53 It's just cool. It's just great. This is just cool. This has been in the works for a long time. When you read this article, they talk about how long they have been working on this. And the funding finally came during the COVID. Yeah. The COVID pandemic. During the pandemic is when they finally were able to get a lot of this research that they'd already done,
Starting point is 00:53:13 really funded, and we were able to see massive tests on a massive scale. And they wound up getting the Nobel Prize for it to two researchers. And a couple of things that are particular, like first of all, the COVID mRNA vaccines indisputably, according to the data, have saved hundreds of thousands if not millions of lives.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Just lives that just would have been lost. This thing would have been vastly worse. So that's unbelievably awesome. But also just opening the door to a new technology yeah that so far we have dipped just the absolute corner of our toe into but we have opened up the door into a new kind of medical technology that has the potential to inoculate us against things like cancer yeah you know to inoculate us against all kinds of other biological threats and diseases
Starting point is 00:54:09 that we might face. And like, we're not there yet, right? We're not there yet. This shit is slow. It takes time. But what COVID also taught us is that if we're willing to invest,
Starting point is 00:54:20 we can do incredible things very quickly. Scientifically, we're not usually willing to invest. They don't normally want to spend the money. They spend the money on what they can make money on. Right. And this wasn't anything that they were looking to do until it became literally the thing
Starting point is 00:54:35 that was going to open the planet back up. Right. And they had to do it. And somebody did it, and they funded a ton of money from all over the place, and they found out that it worked, and it worked really well. And so it worked so well that this week,
Starting point is 00:54:48 they sent out an alarm to activate it. Nice. So what's funny is, I don't know if you saw this this week. I don't know if you saw it beforehand. I didn't see it beforehand. So clue me in, buddy. So all over the place,
Starting point is 00:55:01 I was seeing it from all these different places. Evidently, as soon as they said that they were going to have this, it was like a FEMA alert that was going to go off on our phones. So everybody in the United States was going to get an alert from the government that basically said,
Starting point is 00:55:19 hey, this is a test of the emergency broadcast system. They used to play on the mornings on our TV shows. They used to, but nobody watches live TV anymore. So they don't show them on TV anymore. Around here on the first Tuesday of every month at 10 in the morning, they sound the air raid sirens
Starting point is 00:55:36 or the tornado sirens. And so you hear those, but once in a while, my phone will go off and go off from one of these particular alerts. And it's a very loud piercing sound. You can't shut it off.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And it normally happens when there's a tornado nearby. I'll normally get an alert like this. And it goes off even if your phone's on silent. And if your phone's on silent, it doesn't matter. It still just burns. And so that's what was going to happen. They announced that this is going to happen. They said, we're going to send this alert
Starting point is 00:56:03 to everybody's phones. Immediately, all the QAnon people and all the people who are just absolutely conspiracy crazy took to the internet to tell people that they're going to be activating people's COVID vaccines with the 5G signal that comes from your phone. Jesus fucking Christ. Doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:56:21 It's literally the stupidest thing that's ever happened or ever been said. 5G signals are traveling around you right now. Like right now they're all around us. They're not doing anything to us. They don't go, they actually don't penetrate human beings. They're like, it's just- That's why I get terrible wifi inside my body.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Yeah, when I stick my phone up my ass. I can't get that thing to ring no matter what. I can't even bring up the Goatsy page. No, but in any case, they started talking about it all over the internet. There was a Reddit thread where this, and I don't know how true this is because you're just seeing text messages, right?
Starting point is 00:56:53 So I have no idea if this guy baked this up on his own. Seems like something that a crazy person might type, but evidently he was getting text messages from his landlord saying, I'm going to shut the power off at this time next week. And the guy said, I don't want you to shut my power off. And he said, too bad, I'm the landlord. And this guy called the cops on him like three times to get him to stop shutting the power off. They still shut the power off and put a lock on the box and the cops never
Starting point is 00:57:21 did anything because of this signal. Other people were sending their loved ones. But he was worried about a signal that was going to go to a cell phone powered by a battery. I just have to point that out. Tom, I have no idea why he decided to do that, but it was in conjunction with this and because of this. Another person was saying, put your phone in the microwave because that's a Faraday cage that will stop it. You got to unplug the microwave, put your phone inside there. cage that will stop it. You got to unplug the microwave, put your phone inside there. Other people said, put your phone in, wrap it in tinfoil, then put it in the Faraday cage, which is your microwave. I still have unplugged. Oh, I have a ton of questions. And so a lot of people that were sharing these with a lot of other people on the internet to say, they're going to be sending this code out. You don't want to be anywhere near your phone.
Starting point is 00:58:06 And so it went off and literally nothing happened except for people had to wait until their phone stopped shouting so they could shut off the screen and go back to doing whatever they were doing. But what makes me crazy is all these people so fervently believe this
Starting point is 00:58:23 and so quickly post this stuff everywhere they can. But then when nothing happens, what do they do? Yeah, it doesn't seem to like. It doesn't seem to phase them at all. Break. It never breaks the chain of belief, right? Like if I was the kind, if I said, look, the sky is blue. That's just the color of the sky.
Starting point is 00:58:44 It's the color of the sky, the sky is blue. That's just the color of the sky. It's the color of the sky is the sky is blue. And tomorrow I went outside and the sky was just chartreuse. I'd be like, well, I need to rethink my thoughts about the blue sky. Sure. Right. I'd be like, and if I wouldn't, if it just has to happen once and I'm like, well, that's totally different color sky. Like, and reason for that.
Starting point is 00:59:03 Can I find a reason for that? No, no. It's just the different color sky. Like, any reason for that? Can I find a reason for that? No? No, it's just the color of the sky now? All right. I got to change my opinion on this. These guys never have to change their opinion. Harold Camping predicted the end of the world, then it didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:59:16 They all stood on a fucking hill or whatever. They went away from the end of the world. It's all over shit. And then it didn't happen. Like, well, I got the date wrong. We did it wrong. We did it wrong again. He did the same thing with John John and wherever he was, Texas.
Starting point is 00:59:24 Right, yeah. Is that guy, do those people disperse? I don't know, they're probably still there. Are they still waiting for him? The fuck is wrong with these people?
Starting point is 00:59:30 I do want to read from this article a couple of the like chunks of what people thought was going to happen. It's fucking insane. Also, I have to address the turn off your cell phone.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Let me just sort of, if, if you take the premise that the United States government is sending an evil signal and that that evil signal can activate some sleeper cells that are literally cells inside my body. From Rainbow Company. What was it? Raccoon City or whatever. Yeah, Raccoon City. Sleeper cells of zombification.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Like, if my cell phone is turned off, the signal that is going to travel to my cell phone would still hit me. It's still going to come around you. What the fuck is my cell phone doing? It's not like there's a fucking satellite that like homes in perfectly on your- It just shoots it right to every phone?
Starting point is 01:00:24 It just shoots it right there. Like, it just goes, ring this every phone there. Like it just goes, wing this phone everywhere. And then your phone rings. So, so then were they thinking, I know I'm taking this too far, but like, were they thinking Cecil?
Starting point is 01:00:35 No. That the, that the signal goes to my phone and then my phone, then your phone is a thing. That's the amplifier to you. It sends it to me. I guess. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:00:44 I don't know what that, so here's the thing, Tom, they weren't thinking. Yeah. Okay. Because they're talking about putting their fucking phone in an unplugged microwave.
Starting point is 01:00:52 Yeah. As I also love the idea that it is a Faraday cage. Just put it in the toaster oven. It reheats way better. The microwave is uneven heating. And I don't believe they're useful. They get one of those bacon pans for the microwave. Ever use one of those? Your bacon pan?
Starting point is 01:01:10 Yeah, those are great. Really great. They do a great job. Bacon pan that like fries it kind of? Outstanding. A weirdly good job. Outstanding. That's a great way to make bacon.
Starting point is 01:01:20 That is a great use of the microwave. It is. And absolutely, the only complaint I have is you can only make like five or six slices. That's why I don't use it. Yeah. I don't own one. Yeah. Because when I make bacon, I always make the whole pound. You make the whole pound. Because you can. Yeah. And then it's not like there's ever leftover bacon. It's not like you're not munching on the bacon while you're cooking. Right. And then you take the few pieces of bacon that you need, and then you munch a couple, put it in the fridge
Starting point is 01:01:45 and then later you've got bacon just on demand. I've never had the later part. Okay. I've never. I used to, back when I was like working out a lot, I would make like, and Finn would come over and he was maybe like 10, 11, 12. I would make like six, seven eggs for me,
Starting point is 01:02:02 a pound of bacon, three, four eggs for him. And he and I would just sit and we would just like roll through like six, seven eggs for me, a pound of bacon, three, four eggs for him. And he and I would just sit and we would just like roll through like together, like 10 eggs and a half a pound of bacon each. And I was like, eight ounces of bacon. That's breakfast.
Starting point is 01:02:13 It was awesome. You guys were fucking lumberjacks. We were, yeah. I'll tell you what. It was fucking for real. It was calories for days. So I got to read some of this crazy bullshit just so you guys get a sense of this.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Cause I didn't, I did not see any of this ahead of time so this is being shared on Twitter by some idiot named Gina turn off your cell phones on October the 4th the EBS is gonna test the system using 5G
Starting point is 01:02:38 this will activate the Margberg virus in people who have been vaccinated and sadly turn some of them into zombies. Okay, that's fair. I gotta be honest, wouldn't it be cool
Starting point is 01:02:50 to just call in sick as a zombie? Just be like, I'm sorry, I can't come in. I like 100% need to take the day off and eat brains.
Starting point is 01:02:57 I am so fucking hungry for brains right now. I would love to be like the supervisor getting a call from somebody that's just like, yeah, hello, this is Tom. Brains.
Starting point is 01:03:10 So you're going to make it in? You're going to. Brains. Can you work from home today? Brains. I don't know why these people are so worried. No one's going to eat their brain. Right?
Starting point is 01:03:21 Yeah. There's nothing there. It's like a snack. It's a light snack. is going to eat their brain. Right? Yeah. There's nothing there.
Starting point is 01:03:23 It's like a snack. It's a light snack. Theories tend to focus on the alleged dangers of vaccines and 5G signals. 5G cellular networks, which Telecom began implementing in 2019, have been erroneously
Starting point is 01:03:36 associated with COVID and vaccines by conspiracists throughout the pandemic. In the UK, anti-vaxxers were convicted of a criminal plot to destroy 5G towers.
Starting point is 01:03:46 My family believes the end is near, a Redditor wrote on a QAnon casualties subreddit where people can commiserate. According to my father, on October the 4th at 2 p.m., the government is going to use the emergency broadcast system to play a frequency that will activate the RFID chips in vaccinated people and trigger the beginning of the Great Replacement. Yikes. The great replacement is like straight up fucking like... That's just straight racist. That's straight racist talk. Also like an RFID chip is not something that can be activated. It's something that is found.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Yeah. Like you have an RFID chip in your credit card. Yeah. The machine finds the chip. It's a perfect example too because the finder, it doesn't just find it in my wallet. I've got to bring it very close to it.
Starting point is 01:04:32 In fact, I've got to do it like on it in order for it to do something. Right. It can't, like I, if I hold it against the wrong part of the machine
Starting point is 01:04:40 and this happens to me all the time because they don't, they don't actually like label it really well here in the States. Sometimes you're like, they're like tap to pay and I'm like tapping
Starting point is 01:04:47 in different places. Like I'm fucking dubbing this thing sir fucking mix a lot. I'm like, come on, will you fucking please take the thing? And nothing works because it's got to be
Starting point is 01:04:58 super close to it all the time. You're absolutely right. It's not like it's just like in my pocket and it can tell. And like your credit card didn't get active. Nothing And like your credit card didn't get activated. Nothing went to your credit card. This thing read your credit card.
Starting point is 01:05:11 Yeah. So like even if I had tiny little nanoparticular RFID chips, like all anything could do would be to read them. It couldn't activate them. They're not, that's not what RFID does. Everything about this is just structurally stupid. But the problem is that they just won't learn from it, right? No, they won't learn anything. They said a bunch of garbage. They vomited a bunch of garbage out. And then tomorrow, they'll be like, yeah, there's probably zombies, but the media just didn't cover
Starting point is 01:05:41 it. But there was probably zombies. Probably, yeah. I mean, I would imagine that's going to be their answer. If you go to talk to some of these people and say, so what about the fucking FEMA call the other day? Did anything happen to anybody you know? No, but I heard a friend of a friend or whatever. And they're just going to find how they can still believe it somehow. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:02 It's the same thing with every time like any famous athlete or something dies. They're like, oh, see, COVID vaccine. And you're like, yeah, man, but like a billion, several billion people have gotten COVID vaccines. Several billion of us have gotten COVID vaccines. Some of us, many COVID vaccines.
Starting point is 01:06:20 So like one person having a heart attack while playing a vigorous sport is not evidence that like the billions of us so like one person having a heart attack while playing a vigorous sport yeah is not evidence that like the billions of us that got this thing are going to drop like flies
Starting point is 01:06:30 any minute they keep waiting like they're all going to like be like the last one standing in some Twilight Zone episode where their glasses break
Starting point is 01:06:37 they think it's a fucking rapture yeah yeah they're hoping alright that's going to wrap it up for this week They're hoping. All right, that's going to wrap it up for this week. This upcoming week, we are going to have a long-form article that Tom already read for patrons. You can check it out if you're a patron.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Long-form article about Clarence Thomas and Clarence Thomas's dirty dealings with tons of billionaires. So you're going to want to check that out this upcoming Thursday. We'll be back on Monday with another show. We will not be doing a live stream this month. I am going to be out of town, so we're not going to be catching a live stream,
Starting point is 01:07:15 but don't worry, catch us in November because chances are maybe we'll even be doing it like around Thanksgiving or something. Yeah, probably. Maybe the week before or something. So, all right, that's going to wrap it up for this week. We're going to leave you like we always do, though, with Skeptic's Creed. Credulity is not a virtue.
Starting point is 01:07:31 It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo quasi alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized, stereogram pyramidal, free energy, healing,
Starting point is 01:07:46 water, downward spiral, brain dead, pan, sales pitch, late night info-docutainment. Leo, Pisces, cancer cures, detox, reflex, foot massage, death in towers, tarot cards, psychic healing, crystal balls, Bigfoot, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques, and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody. Evidential. Conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. All opinions are solely that of Glory Hole Studios, LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information, and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption.
Starting point is 01:09:04 All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds. Produced in association with the local Dairy Council and viewers like you. you

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