Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 73: Orgone Muffin Crystal Thingie

Episode Date: November 9, 2012

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Starting point is 00:00:01 Want to stream Cognitive Dissonance to your Android or iPhone? Buy the app! Go to and click on the link on the right-hand side of the page. Each purchase helps support the show. God is waiting for you to say, Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, pull down the corruption in our government. Expose evil! Strip it!
Starting point is 00:00:28 When we see evil, let us call it evil. Pull down the demonic forces that are attacking our nation. Pull down the strongholds of abortion. Pull down this concept that men can marry men and that's blessed of God. It's not blessed of God. I'm looking forward to getting down there and being part of this, the process that, uh, that we have in this country to, to elect our leaders. And I am hoping and praying that millions of Christians will get out there and do the same thing today, because I believe if we do that and we vote our biblical values, we will, we will be on the road to recovery and, uh and begin to really hold back the flood of moral and spiritual evil that has been pouring into the country.
Starting point is 00:01:10 If you look at history through a biblical worldview, the last step before a nation is completely destroyed is they drive the righteous from among them. If this isn't a sign of a group of people that will drive the righteous from among them, and that's the last step before God's wrath comes, I fear for our country. And it cannot be overstated. It cannot be called paranoid. If you are a God-fearing person, hear me.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Last call, America. Last call. Because the righteous will be driven from among them. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. this is cognitive dissonance every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical, it's political,
Starting point is 00:02:54 and there is no welcome, Matt. This is episode 73 of Cognitive Dissonance, and we are recording early, because once again, Cecil has to have a life. Whatever, man. I got a fucking shit to do.
Starting point is 00:03:09 I'm fucking out of here for the weekend. So I'm recording. We're recording early and releasing early. And so for all those people who are asking where the show is on Sunday, by the way, that question answers itself. The show isn't there. It's on my computer. That's where it is.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Okay? So you don't have to ask that question like, where is the show at? That's a really easy answerable question. It's not up. That's where it is. Not fucking there. And by the way, our release date is Monday, you sticklers. Just because you get it on Sunday just means it's early.
Starting point is 00:03:44 That doesn't mean it's fucking on just means it's early that doesn't mean it's fucking it's on time and it's late on monday monday is the release date you naysayers you know what we got to do is we got to start geocaching the show when they say where's the show we should give them coordinates just here's the show get your fucking gps out and go find it bitches let me tell you you wouldn't have anybody looking for it. That would be the unclaimed treasure of the geocache. Right, yeah. Where's all my thanks for the fines?
Starting point is 00:04:12 What's going on here? I can't... Fuck. To the atheists watching this telecast, if our belief in God offends you, move. There are planes leaving every hour on the hour, going every place on
Starting point is 00:04:39 planet Earth. Get on one. We don't want you and we won't miss you. I promise you. Moving forward to, televangelist John Hagee. Gay equality and abortion rights are demonic forces that are attacking our nation. Well, they attacked our nation in at least four states. Four states. On Tuesday, four states voted to, and this was a big thing, 32 times have referendums or ballot measures come up for vote in states for same-sex marriage or gay rights equality. And 32 times they were struck down. Four states affirmed same-sex marriage just this last Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:05:33 So Hagee must just be shitting himself. I mean, more than usual. Oh, yeah. More. He's browning the Depends at this point. His colostomy bag is totally full at this point. He's flinging it at the walls of the church like a monkey. Hooting and howling.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Hanging from the pipe organ flinging colostomy bags. He's so awesome looking. I love his face. It's so droopy and melty. I love the way he looks. He kind of looks, he actually kind of looks like a human walrus with his tusks that have been snipped. He's great. I love the way this guy looks. One of the things that he says here, he says, abortion rights and marriage equality for gays and lesbians are demonic strongholds and part of
Starting point is 00:06:25 the demonic forces that are attacking our nation. And there really is, Tom, no better way to motivate gullible people who listen to this guy than to make them afraid of issues you want them to vote for or vote against. He's making them afraid of things because he's an authority. He's an authority on what God wants. He's an authority on the afterlife. He's an authority on how to get into paradise after this life is over. And so he's going to utilize that power to sway individuals. And this is a perfect example. Calling things demonic. I mean, you watch this video and you see these completely gullible people in the audience holding their Bibles over their head when he says, you know, how dare they let, you know, a man marry a man.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And people are cheering and hollering and holding their Bibles over their head because they're looking for... Why do they do the Bible holding thing? I don't know. God can't read what it is. He's like, what are they holding? The Guinness Book of World Records? What have they got in there? Oh, thanks for holding it closer. It's the Bible. I'm going to put this Bible...
Starting point is 00:07:40 Put your Bible in the air like it just don't care. Wait, what the fuck is happening? Why are you, at what point are you moved? And you're just like, and somebody like accidentally grabs the hymnal and like fucking, Joe, put the hymnal down. It's the Bible we're raising up.
Starting point is 00:07:55 It's the Bible time. You gotta pick the Bible. The Bible can't ever touch the floor. That's I think probably. Yeah. Here's a, you know, Cecil, you're right. But what you're missing is that he really is anointed by God to tell people the truth. You don't get a suit that blue.
Starting point is 00:08:12 It's true. Unless God gives it to you. God gives it to you. He hands it to you on a hanger with the dry cleaning bag over it. Right. He's like, here you go. It came directly from the dry cleaner. It's on a very nice hanger, though. Yeah. Oh, yeah. It's God's hanger, here you go. It came directly from the dry cleaner. It's on a very nice hanger
Starting point is 00:08:26 though. Oh yeah. It's God's hanger. It's one of those nice cedar ones. No, it's made out of angel bone. Angel bone? The moths try to go there and they just die. Oh yeah. They're just fucking mutimald.
Starting point is 00:08:41 This guy though is spreading this. They've stopped saying that the liberals have bad policies and they started saying that the liberals have evil policies. And, you know, it's one more step in the direction of that hateful, hurtful rhetoric that they've been stepping towards for many years. And this should be no surprise to anyone. I think a lot of people were turned off by the references to God and how God condemns things. Because the people that, you know, we look at those women, the people who are against women who were saying, you know, rape babies are good or that God can shut down any rape by pulling the emergency rape uterus or whatever.
Starting point is 00:09:30 The emergency rape uterus? It's like one of the bus cords. This is our stop. What stop is it? Rapeville. Our stop. Yeah, no. But seriously, those people did not win.
Starting point is 00:09:48 No, they all lost. Yeah, I think a lot of people have been waking up to this rhetoric and saying, okay, that's not something I want to endorse in the seat where I live. The man looks like a wax museum on a humid day. Yes. Oh, absolutely. Yes. He looks like the air conditioning gone bad at the House of Wax.
Starting point is 00:10:12 Oh, yeah. So the only way that he's going to get any followers, like you said, is just through fear mongering. One thing I'll point out is all these guys do the same thing when they're talking about homosexuality. They focus on male-on-male homosexuality, right? Yeah, oh yeah. Nobody's talking about women on women. Nobody's talking about, like, you know, and he says right in here, you know, this concept
Starting point is 00:10:32 that men can marry men. Nobody says, well, this concept that women can marry women, because all of a sudden the crowd would be titillated. Yeah. Right? That's kind of hot, actually, Pastor. And I think that that's true. Yeah. I think that there's, you know, what he's trying to do is he's trying to motivate I think the male dipshits in the crowd knowing that the male dipshits in the specific crowd that he's got will probably be able to sway their spouses because there's a certain power dynamic in households that are going to go watch Hagee, right?
Starting point is 00:11:07 So who does he want to appeal to? He wants to appeal to that sort of visceral, ugh, factor that he has that he assumes that other people in the congregation has. So the only way this works is if he always, and they do the same thing. They always appeal to this, oh, it's men kissing men. It's never like, hey, it's the ladies touching the ladies. We want to shut that down. Because the crowd would be like, yeah, show us videos of you shutting that down.
Starting point is 00:11:34 No, show them slower. Can you rewind for a moment? Unsure of the exact mechanism. I missed that part where the tongue was going in there. I missed it. Do you think homosexuality is a sin? I think that it's unnatural. I think that it's detrimental and ultimately destructive to so many of the foundations of civilization.
Starting point is 00:12:00 Cecil, this next story is from LGBTQ Nation. See, so this next story is from LGBTQ Nation. Kirk Cameron, defeat Obama to hold back the flood of moral and spiritual evil. That did not work. So expect a flood. A flood. Get your waders on. It's definitely like get your like your Bible filled, your sandbags filled with Bibles to build a flood. Those don't hold the water back very well at all.
Starting point is 00:12:31 No. No, actually, it's just a waste of paper as it turns out. It's just a big sack of wet paper after you're over. It's just like this is a mold. Yeah. That's all we have. This is a tear. Kirk Cameron, why? yeah that's all we have is um this is a tear kirk cameron i why why is he getting airtime on in any
Starting point is 00:12:49 station at all this this guy hold back the flood of moral and spiritual evil because a democrat got elected are you out of your fucking mind he's gonna do the same he's essentially gonna do many of the same things romney was gonna do like are you that fucking deluded that you think the parties are so dramatically different in actuality that all of a sudden the nation is going to just go fucking apeshit crazy and, you know, turn over all the, you know, Christians? He's a fucking, we have a Christian leader, you stupid shithead. Why is Kirk Cameron so fantastically stupid? They don't get it. And, you know, they're talking about a lot of things in this. And Kirk, the only
Starting point is 00:13:34 place he could be looked at as somebody who has something to say, as a call-in pundit, is on the American Family Association channel. You know what I mean? Like, that's it.
Starting point is 00:13:46 This is what he gets to be on. And it's like a direct-to-fucking-live-feed channel. It's as produced as this show is. And, you know, that's where he gets to be relevant. Once in a while they let him on CNN, but that was only when he was plugging that monumental shitbag movie. That's the only time that they let him on CNN is when he's, you know, when he's PR guy, knew he had something to say. They're not going to let him on there any other time.
Starting point is 00:14:14 I think Kirk is doing the same things that, that Hagee's doing. He's just using language a little differently, but really he's saying, you know, hold back the flood of moral and spiritual evil. They've stopped Tom calling it policy. They've started calling it evil. Yeah. Yeah. And it's, you're right, because it's a cheap shortcut to the fear center of these people's brain, right? He's appealing to people who, first of all, think that evil is a real thing, like a tangible thing. Like evil is a force. Exactly. Like the force. It is as real as the force.
Starting point is 00:14:59 That there are genuine forces as real as magnets in gravity that are evil, that are malevolent, that are seeking to destroy the foundation. And that's so crazy. That is a crazy thing to think. That's fucking chi crazy. Yeah. That's just like, well, there's energy forces traveling throughout your body. Oh, can we measure them?
Starting point is 00:15:23 No. See them? No. Then they're not there. They are not a thing. But there are people who really think that, you know, the nation is going to hell in a handbasket. And it's because we've lost our moral compass as a nation. And I don't understand where they get that except for – I'm trying to think of the policies that have been put into place.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Don't ask, don't tell is the only thing I can think of. It's all revolving around that homosexual agenda, the anti-homosexual agenda. But like the only thing that really went through on a federal level is don't ask, don't tell. Well, and he's not pursuing DOMA anymore. So he's not – there's no enforcement of the Defense of Marriage Act any longer. So that's been halted. Yeah, don't ask, don't tell. He came out and said personally that he supported gay marriage, but he didn't do anything from
Starting point is 00:16:12 a policy standpoint. Like, I wonder what they think of something like the health care act, the National Health Care Act. I wonder what they think of that, because you're a Christian. You're supposed to help your fellow man, that sort of thing. What do you think about lowering costs for insurance, having a safety net there? What do you think about that? And I wonder if they're going to call that an evil. And I think they probably what they say is it's an evil because it's against your personal freedom not to have it. Yeah. And it's, you know, since when is personal freedom a
Starting point is 00:16:50 religious value? Yeah. How does that work? But they mix them all up. You know, they throw them in the same basket and they mix them all up and they somehow confuse the issue, you know, and the idea it's to it's, you know, they're trying to fight contraception, the religious, not Kirk Cameron necessarily, but as a religious freedoms issue. Well, we have the religious freedom to not want to pay for what other people might want to use.
Starting point is 00:17:20 What? That's such a convoluted, backward fucking argument. As long as I'm paying for wars, shut your fucking mouth. Right. Shut the fuck up. Because I refuse to think, you know, there's that law that got batted down. I hate how they word law sometimes because I said to you today, oh, I can't believe they upheld that law in Florida. And you're like, oh, no, that one got turned around where they were saying no public funds can go to abortion or whatever. They worded it backwards. Yes. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:49 So but basically the idea now is that public funds can still go to abortion. And I think good because my public funds can go to war. I'm not counting them the same thing because I don't think that you're killing children. So I don't count them as the same. But even if I did have the ideology that said in my own brain that life started at conception and that these public funds are going to killing children, even if that was how my brain worked, which it doesn't, I still think that, okay, great, that's fine. because you know what? You're sending – you're doing drone strikes with my money too and that's killing people that I don't want to see dead. So how is that any different?
Starting point is 00:18:41 Yeah, and the thing is like your religious freedoms aren't damaged because your company has to pay for a certain type of insurance. If you don't like contraception, then don't fucking use it. Right. Like isn't that the personal responsibility aspect? Well, what they're mad about is that, look, religious organizations that employ people will have to do it. Yeah, well, they have to offer it. But you would think that they would – if you were a religious organization and you were the Catholic Church and you employed these people and these people were Catholic,
Starting point is 00:19:05 then they wouldn't use it. Right. But we know that's not true. You know, we know that that's not true. I think what they're really upset about is nobody's paying attention to their mandate. Nobody's paying attention to their decision that nobody should be using contraception, that, you know, 90 some percent of women throughout the course of their life at some point use some form of contraception, regardless of their religious convictions. So it's already something we've chosen to ignore. And now it's so much more obvious. Now it's just... Because really, if that was the problem, there wouldn't be a problem, right? If you said, well, Tom, you have to pay $1,000 for every family member in your household that punches a baby, I'd be like, well, I don't want to pay for punching babies.
Starting point is 00:19:57 But you know what? Nobody in my household is going to punch a baby. So it doesn't really affect me at all. But the Catholics, obviously, they can't do that, right? They can't say, well, you know, I'm not worried about that because no good Catholics use contraception. Instead, it's like, well, fuck, they're using contraception. I just want to make sure that we punish them financially for it. And I also don't want to know, right?
Starting point is 00:20:22 Because now I get to know. That's really don't ask, don't tell. Yeah, now it's – yeah. I think that this is a trend that I'm kind of afraid of though, the language that they're using because they get to have God on their side. The religious right gets to decide what God likes. That's true. And this is another way for them to control what people – what their group thinks. That's true. question but you know is it half is it a quarter because that's a fucking lot of fucking people even if it was one 50th percent you know one 50th of those people which is two percent that would be a lot of people yeah you know what strikes me about that too is if you look at the the breakdown
Starting point is 00:21:19 how we've gotten way off the story here but um you know if you if you look at that breakdown We've gotten way off the story here. But, you know, if you if you look at that breakdown, those the people that the states that reliably are going to always vote on the Republican side are your deeply religious states. Right. The Bible Belt. Boom. They're always and these are people that by and large are going to be hurt by the policies of the Republican Party. Right. These are people who, by and large, are going to be hurt by the policies of the Republican Party. Right. These are people who, by and large, should not be pro-personal responsibility. They are, I mean, that's some of the poorest region, not the poorest necessarily, but some of the poorest regions of this country. Like the people who could use a little help here and there. You know, Massachusetts is doing fine, thank you very much. You know, New York City, by and large, is doing fine, thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:22:05 You know, New York City, by and large, is doing fine, thank you very much. Mississippi could use a hug financially. They are not always doing so well. But, you know, they're going to vote religion. I mean, if Mississippi turns blue, I will eat my fucking hat. I will eat my fucking hat. I will eat my fucking hat. I won't even put mustard on that bitch. Mississippi will never fucking turn blue.
Starting point is 00:22:34 And there's a reason for that. And the reason is the religious right. They control that argument and they control the state. In the name of Jesus, we speak that. and they control the state. In the name of Jesus, we speak that. In the name of Jesus, we speak that. In the name of Jesus, we speak that. I'm hooked on a feeling
Starting point is 00:23:01 I'm high on believing The Washington Post, Paul Ryan, Obama policies threaten Judeo-Christian values. Again, it just plays right into the conversation we've been having. You know, it's when you don't have a policy to back up, you know, threaten the loss of your soul. Yeah, absolutely. up, you know, threaten the loss of your soul. Yeah, absolutely. One of the things he says here, we should not have to sue the federal government to keep our constitutional freedoms, he said. Imagine what he would do if he actually got reelected. It puts a chill down my spine. And he's talking about here how members of his church sued Obama administration over a mandate that most employers cover contraception.
Starting point is 00:23:47 So this is exactly what we were just talking about. But he's talking about it as like religious liberty. And what he fails to understand is that this issue about contraception and about these sorts of of things these women's issues this was solved this has been solved for a long time we have stopped demonizing women because they don't want to incubate a child okay we've stopped that we're past that we are so past that i don't care that your fucking backwater shitty church isn't past it because it doesn't affect me, Paul Ryan. I don't care that your group of people think that it's okay that every time a woman has,
Starting point is 00:24:34 you know, that a woman can't decide not to have a child through chemical means. And every time they're pregnant, they got to shoot that goddamn thing through the goalposts. Every single time it's got to fucking eject out of the vaginal canal onto the fucking crib, you know, every single time. Exactly. So I don't care that that's what your church thinks. Your church can think whatever the fuck it wants with its parishioners. Who cares? But the fact is, is that everybody else has passed this. Women, you know, this whole war on women backfired on the Republican Party in a huge way, in a huge way. All those fuckers lost election. All of them.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Every one of those pro-rape apologist assholes, they every single one of them lost. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. Like a fucking shooting gallery of misogynists. Yes. They all fucking lost. They all fucking lost. Because you can't look at half the country, the half of the country that votes more often than the other half, and shit on them and expect to win. Gone are the days where white men decide to vote.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Right. That is no longer the case. You cannot win. You're not going to get to 270 that way. You cannot win. You're not going to get to 270 that way. No. So this appeal to, well, we're just destroying the Judeo-Christian values that Ryan is trying to make. How the hell does that work, asshole?
Starting point is 00:26:22 You're the vice presidential candidate to a Mormon presidential candidate opposing a Protestant. So how in the fuck are you going to stand there and say that the Judeo-Christian values, your guy is a Mormon. Yeah. That's fucking genuinely baffling. It doesn't make any sense. What he's really saying is, I don't like Obamacare. You shouldn't too. You are watching the beginning
Starting point is 00:26:45 and the birth of the New World Order. And you want to call me crazy? Go to hell. Call me crazy all you want. Right wing watch. Back. If Americans are so dead inside that
Starting point is 00:27:04 they re-elect Obama, then we have to be destroyed. What the fuck are we, the Daleks? Exterminate. That's fucking awesome, man. The humans are dead. That's awesome. Who gives this man a microphone at this point? Every day.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And he makes love to this microphone in this video. I don't know if you watch this video, but he's like all upon his microphone. He's all upon it. And he's talking all slow. Oh, the Mary. Oh, yeah. It's like he's pressing his fucking lips all up. It's like he's pressing his fucking lips all up on.
Starting point is 00:27:45 It's so weird. And actually, I got to say, can somebody explain to me the appeal of a televised radio program? Like, what is this fucking 1941? Like, we don't have programming anymore. We don't have programming that is interesting. We're just like, well, we have this radio thing. Hey, why don't we get that video camera in here? We televise this thing gather around the talking stick kids we're gonna go ahead and record what the fuck here we are live on am 89 and channel 7 brought to you by fuller's soap
Starting point is 00:28:20 i love to see him be like – He'd be like, turn to the camera and give a Simonize commercial, you know? This is seriously a – Like, he's genuinely a crazy person. Oh, yes. Like a somebody should institutionalize this man. Yeah. He's –
Starting point is 00:28:40 Crazy individual. He's become the guy from Network. I mean, he has become the guy from the – if you've never seen Network, you need to stop what you're doing and watch the movie Network. Because they predicted Fox News years before Fox News even existed. They predicted Fox in general, you know, the car crash thing when he talks about that and all that. It's a really great movie and it's great. It's a very clever movie. And this guy in the movie goes nuts. He's a news reporter, goes nuts.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And he's on the TV and kind of just starts saying all kinds of crazy shit. And he gets fired, but then they decide to bring him back because he was getting a ton of ratings for just speaking his mind. But then he gets crazier and crazier as time goes on, and they keep him on the air. And this is kind of exactly what's happened with Bach, I think. I feel that way exactly. I mean, I'm going to read this real quick. If you look at history through a biblical worldview, the last step before a nation is
Starting point is 00:29:41 completely destroyed is they drive the righteous from among them. If this isn't a sign of a group of people that will by the way, Cecil, of the 53, 57 million people? Yeah. Trying to leave the country like the the great swaths of American boat. Weren't they just raptured right after Obama was elected? If nobody's being driven from this country. No, they were all raptured right afterwards. Vop, vop.
Starting point is 00:30:29 As soon as as soon as you pencil in Romney, you just get voiped up to heaven. Now Mississippi's going to turn blue and I'm going to eat my hat. And you're going to have to eat your hat. Motherfucker. There's another part of this, Tom. It's a wool hat. It's going to taste shit. It's going to be horrible. But there's a lot of fiber, so. It says, he's talking about Barack says they can say about Barack Obama.
Starting point is 00:30:46 He says they can feel the difference. When you watch Barack Obama, you can see that he is angry. When you watch Mitt Romney, you can see that he is not. We are not an angry nation. We don't listen to demagogues like that. And, you know, demagogues, you want to use the word demagogue here. You know, let me define demagogue. A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than using rational argument.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Prejudices, Tom. Here we're talking about prejudices. Like, you know, I don't know, like prejudging gay couples is evil. Or prejudging all women is sluts or prejudging everyone who wants a secular America is hurting America. Yeah, everybody appeals to emotion because that's what people respond to. You know, it's it's not a nation of Spocks. Yeah. Right. We're not a nation of. And let's just be honest about the human animal.
Starting point is 00:31:43 You know, that's just, we're just not. We're, yes, we have the ability to be rational, but we are not by and large rationally driven. We are very much emotionally driven because that's a significant part of what it is to be human. So that's a significant part of what gets manipulated by all sides of the political process. It gets manipulated by all sides of the political process. The idea that Mitt Romney is somehow less angry. Glenn Beck is so angry all the time. How are you criticizing Obama for being angry? You're so angry all the time. And who cares if somebody is angry?
Starting point is 00:32:20 I would be angry if somebody mischaracterized my positions. And the other thing too about people being angry, you know, who cares whether or not someone's angry? I want to know whether or not somebody's telling the truth. That's what I want to know. That's more important to me than their emotional state. Right. Well, you know, the funny thing that occurs to me too is there's been an ongoing skit on saturday night live about the president's lack of anger sure and lack of emotional response and how cold and rational
Starting point is 00:32:52 he comes across so the idea that he would be accused of the exact opposite thing that he is frequently lampooned for being just it's it's attempting to make you know something out of nothing look at the right hand side of this same web page from right wing watch beck's post-election recommendation buy farmland and guns you're talking about being paranoid yeah no kidding your recommendation is to buy like buy a farm and hole up on it with your guns who's listening to this man you know what he's doing is he's spreading fear. Now, he's spreading some biblical fear, but what he's mostly spreading is fear of the other side.
Starting point is 00:33:33 What are they going to do to you? How are they going to affect you? And, you know, look at yourself now and then look at yourself four years ago. How have you been negatively affected? When Obama first came into office, there was a ton of people like, oh my god, he's going to take our guns away because he's so anti-gun. Nothing to do with guns whatsoever. Not one thing.
Starting point is 00:33:51 No. I have all my guns. Do you have all your guns? Yeah, we have all our guns. And the fact is that for a lot of things, he's going to be the exact same way as most of the policies on the other side. What you want is your guy in there. And you're so mad, you're so fucking butthurt
Starting point is 00:34:07 that you're just like, I'm just going to make it, I'm going to fucking piss in the pool, basically. That's what I'm going to do. I'm going to ruin it for everybody. So we're going to take a short break, give you all the information you need to contact us
Starting point is 00:34:20 and the various ways that you can contact us. We're going to be right back with the rest of the show after this. Want to contact Cognitive Dissonance? Visit them on Facebook. You can find the link at the website or type it in the Facebook search bar. Be sure to follow the guys on Twitter.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Their handle is at dissonance underscore pod. The guys also post to Google Plus now too, so check them out there. And if you'd like to email them, you can do so at dissonance.podcast at You can also leave a comment on the blog at their webpage or give them a call at 740-74-DOUBT. That's 740-743-6828. Long distance rates apply. And to everyone who listens, shares, retweets, or rates the show, Cognitive Dissonance would like to cordially thank you for all of your
Starting point is 00:35:12 fucking support. Cecil, this story is, uh, I feel like we're going to follow up on this indefinitely at this rate. It's from Pakistani Taliban target female students with acid attacks. I think the portion of this that is particularly upsetting is, quote,
Starting point is 00:35:37 if and when we find any girl from Parachinar or whatever going to university for an education. We will target her the same way so that she might not be able to unveil her face before others. That's not a barbaric society. No, no. And this is the same cowardly fucking pricks that shot that know, like that same group. It's a Taliban. It's not the same Taliban because that was the Afghanistan Taliban, I think, that shot that girl. It's a different faction.
Starting point is 00:36:13 But, you know, tell me now that you're not trying to stop women from learning. Tell me now that you're just doing it because they're being westernized. Is that why you're doing it? No, you're doing it because they're being westernized? Is that why you're doing it? No. You're doing it because they're learning things. We live in a virtually acid-free place in the United States. I can walk down the street in the United States every day. My wife can walk down the street, my wife can walk into a university
Starting point is 00:36:45 and learn something and be completely, you know, have no fear whatsoever that someone will splash acid on her for any reason. Thank God. I mean, you know, for any reason. Right. No, they can do that. I feel like the most, one of this is one of the most barbaric things can they can do that uh i feel like i feel like the most one of this is one of the most barbaric things that you can do to somebody we talked about it last week like it's
Starting point is 00:37:11 a two-day death sentence that that parent the parents did to that kid basically they poured it on her enough to fuck her up so bad that she wound up being dead within 24 hours. And this can fuck you up in an immense way. These girls now, you know, what you're taking away from them is you're taking away all their self-esteem and you're causing fear in all the rest of the people who don't want this horrible thing. So they're going to stay home. They're not going to learn. You're basically trying to keep your women as dumb as possible. That seems, does not seem like a sustainable world. You know, it cuts your national brain trust in half.
Starting point is 00:37:58 First and foremost, you just got to say, as a nation, we are going to cut our national intellect in half. That's not something you should ever get behind. I see on message boards and I hear it from time to time that Islam loves its women. That Islam respects its women. But these fuckers are splashing acid on women. You cannot love anything and splash an acid on it. That's not, those two things can never coincide.
Starting point is 00:38:32 There can never be a respect and a love for which, you know, and at any point you, you splash fucking acid on it. And you know, the thing is too, that if you read this article, it's, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:41 the, these guys specifically, one of the instances that they mentioned, people jump out of a car, they throw acid at the girls and they shoot the boy. Yeah. Because what the acid is, is an act of micro terrorism. It's it's a fucking love letter of hate stamped in flesh that these girls have to wear as like you said, as a warning to all other women. You know, don't i i stepped out of place
Starting point is 00:39:08 and look what happened to me i didn't know my fucking place and i was not just beaten or stabbed or even shot but i was disfigured yeah it it's it's such an unbelievably horrifying thing to do. And the idea that any culture could possibly get behind this, you know, this this comes from a place of of extreme religious hatred. That is the only place that this can be born and incubated and fed to other people, because you're never naturally going to meet somebody and be like, well, you know, I want to make sure that I can, you know, at what point do we throw the acid? You know, I know that the acid is a natural progression. So at what point that doesn't happen. It, this has to be very carefully cultivated. This is not an accidental thing. This is a cultivated part of this culture. And it's, I can't think of anything off the top of my head more awful than this. You said that the, on the message boards,
Starting point is 00:40:13 Islam loves women. Islam respects women. Prove to the world that you love and respect, not just women, but your populace by putting these people behind bars by right collecting these people up because you know where they're at collect them up and stick them in a hole somewhere feed them some food or whatever but keep you know whatever you got to do obviously you know whatever you do to keep them away from everybody else Because if you continue to let them exist, even exist, I know that there's a ton of people like, well, this isn't what Islam is.
Starting point is 00:40:50 No true Muslim would blah, blah, blah, and all that bullshit. You continue to fucking let them be there. What you should do is say, you know what? If you're part of the Taliban, I'm sorry, but you're going away. You come out as part of the Taliban.
Starting point is 00:41:09 You're part of a terrorist organization. You go somewhere else, which is in a prison cell. That's what's going to happen to you because your ideals injure this nation. I'm not a witch. I'm not a witch. But you are dressed as one. They dressed me up like this. And this isn't my nose, it's a false one. Well we did do the nose. The nose? And the hat. But she's a witch! Did you dress her up like this? No! No! No! No! Yes. Yes. A bit. A bit. A bit. What makes you think she's a witch? Well, she turned me
Starting point is 00:41:49 into a newt. A newt. Got better. Well, jumping from one fucking horror to another, this is from the Daily Mail. I know. Not safe for life. And this is from the Daily Mail.
Starting point is 00:42:06 I actually found this as a video. So you guys should be lucky that we're linking the Daily Mail news story. Yeah, no kidding. Rather than the goddamn video. Although there's screen caps of the movie in here. Yeah. I mean, it's still the Daily Mail. There are still people on fire on this article. So if you want to sleep later and you don't want to have horrific visions of sugar plums burning in your eyes, you want to avoid looking at the people that are set on fire in these screen caps.
Starting point is 00:42:37 It's very that's what you want to avoid doing. And there's a very beautiful picture at the bottom. So there's like eye bleach at the bottom of this thing of a beautiful sunny beach. This story is about pensioners. Read here, old people, America, being burned alive as witches by their own families so their families can take land from them. You know, this only works if you have a culture that believes in witches. You know, you can't, this
Starting point is 00:43:09 doesn't work. Like, if I walked up to my dad and I was like, Dad, you're a witch! He'd be like, you're an idiot. Get back in the car and go home. Like, oh fuck, I guess I'm an idiot. I'd get back in the car and go home. Like, nobody would tolerate that shit. You could not whip up the village
Starting point is 00:43:25 into an anti-witch frenzy any more than you could whip up the village here into an anti-Frankenstein frenzy. It's alive! Right? The fire! The fire! They're equally absurd. You know, I can't scare my neighbors
Starting point is 00:43:41 into thinking that there's vampires. Because we know that shit's not real. But they still believe in fucking witches, man. Yeah. You know that the thing to hear is, is that they can use this fear to their advantage. And their advantage is stealing land and things from these relatives, being able to steal from them and using this as a way to cover that up. And that seems like a very likely scenario here, too, that they're utilizing this superstition and fear of witches to make sure that they get a hold of some things that they want. And that's exactly what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:44:25 It's a land grab. Yeah. I mean, it's a fucking land grab against their own elderly. How do you do that? I couldn't imagine, like, you know, it's like burning my mother alive. Like, why would you do that? There's nothing I want in the world, you know, more than I want my mother not burned alive. I can't think of a single thing that I do not want.
Starting point is 00:44:48 I'm like, a billion dollars? Your mother burned alive. I'm going to keep the mother. How's that? Yeah, I don't, you don't have anything to offer where I'm like, hmm, I'd fucking set fire to grandma for that. That's a grandma burning for that one. I mean, there's.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Now, if I wanted to keep warm maybe you know maybe you know one thing that's particularly unsettling about this article is that um one of the one of the parties who was set fire to was rescued and was taken to a treatment center for elderly people accused of being witches who have previously been attacked. It happens so often that there are treatment centers for elderly people accused of being witches. Do you know someone who's been beaten and burned as a witch? Dial star 9-4 on your cell phone. Did you hear anything in there that convinces you?
Starting point is 00:45:48 You asked Dan what I meant by woo woo. That is the very embodiment of woo woo. This story is from the raw story. Are all the stories depressing, Tom? They're all depressing. Look, I didn't have a lot of time, okay? Minnesota couple accused of starving and abusing adopted son. This story
Starting point is 00:46:07 is particularly bizarre because they did it. They starved their adopted son on the recommendation of their chiropractor. He's got really low Yelp reviews, admittedly. Like in the one and two stars. They were just like, man, he
Starting point is 00:46:23 wouldn't let me eat anything at some point this kid is gonna look back at his life and he's gonna say wait a minute wait a fucking minute you you fucking put me through that shit because a chiropractor told you to
Starting point is 00:46:39 a chiropractor you were sublaxed told you they didn't tell you like oh you've got lower back pain. They told you don't feed your kid. Yeah. And you listened to the chiropractor. This kid is so fucking sick that this kid's abdomen was distended.
Starting point is 00:47:01 His bones visibly protruded from his body. His bones visibly protruded from his body. They made this kid sit and eat a liquid diet while this kid was starving, evidently starving, at the dinner table while everybody else ate solid food. At the request of a chiropractor. Gosh. What does the mailman say? I don't know. I mean, are you taking up a survey of the unqualified?
Starting point is 00:47:31 Yeah. Well, the green grocer said, what the fuck? Yeah, that's craziness. And one of the things, too, is like, you know, obviously this is like first world problems because the condition that you just described is a lot of people on the earth. This is obviously, you know, we're talking about first world problems here. Most of our show is about that sort of thing. But it's still horrible and it's torture. You know, nobody's going over to the poorest parts of Africa,
Starting point is 00:48:04 setting up a table and eating a turkey dinner in front of those people. What do you mean? That would be the meanest thing. Yeah, I fucking shipped this turkey all the way from overseas. You wouldn't believe how expensive it was. I don't even want it. I'm just rubbing the pieces on my body at this point. I don't even want to eat it.
Starting point is 00:48:27 I'm just going to ruin it so you can't eat it. I'm going to throw some of this up later. Meanest thing possible. Oh, yeah. No, but really, you know, that's not happening. This is torture. You're torturing this person. And it's like you said, this person was I love this. This whole last paragraph that
Starting point is 00:48:48 you turned me on to is the best part of the whole story. According to the complaint against the Howers Is it Howers? There's fucking a whole bunch of vowels in a row here. So I don't know. Whichever one's supposed to be accented, that's the one you do. The person
Starting point is 00:49:04 homeschools all the children and practices holistic medicine, only going to doctors in extreme cases. I don't know, when your stomach distends? Is that when you go? Maybe not. Mrs. Howard told the authorities that the boy was on a liquid diet at the recommendation of the chiropractor. Chiropractors fucking crack backs.
Starting point is 00:49:28 chiropractor. Chiropractors fucking crack backs. You know, I love the idea that what they do is they crack a fucking back that somebody is like, OK, lay down, lift your leg up and crack your back like and that's supposed to cure things. That's supposed to change how things work in your body. That's like being like, OK, you're having headaches. We'll crack your knuckles. Just just crack your knuckles and your headaches are going to go right away. All you're going to do is, here, I'm going to do it right now. No more headaches. No more headaches now because you cracked your knuckles. You cracked your knee.
Starting point is 00:49:54 You cracked your toes. Now you're not going to have any more indigestion. It actually worked for me. It's ridiculous. It worked from afar. It's the most ridiculous, stupid idea ever created out of ideas. Like, it's really, really, really dumb to think that that stuff does anything at all. But the idea that chiropractors are going to, like, not only get out of the realm of fucking make a joint pop and it'll cure something.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Now they're going to get into the realm of, oh, well, you should give them a liquid diet. And not put a time limit on that shit. You are the most incompetent person ever because even as a fucking, I don't know. I mean, I really know. I guess I know a lot more about nutrition than a lot of people. But really, I don't know shit about a lot of things. But I know what could kill you or mostly what can kill you that can kill you dummy like i didn't how how do they get a this is one of the things that i never get about these fucking holistic medicines and all the natural
Starting point is 00:50:56 medicines and these fucking reiki people they they put people on stuff or they do stuff to people like put them in sweat houses and don't feed them. And they're like, this is stuff that could kill you, man. This is stuff that could fucking kill you. And they're like, yep, we're going to do the stuff that can kill you. Like getting closer to death is somehow better for your life. What fucking book did you read that out of? Burn that fucking book right now.
Starting point is 00:51:29 fucking book right now well and isn't this boy evident isn't the evidence of this boy's starvation the fucking klaxon that's sounding no kidding right you know the chiropractor said to put him on a liquid diet okay we gave that a whirl yeah how'd the kid feel a really long time right you know it's like well he looks like he's starving to death. Why do you say that? I don't know. I can see all his bones and his belly's distending. There's fucking flies settling on his lips in the winter. Save the Children Fund just filmed him for their fucking commercial. People are giving him 17 cents a day. Sally Struthers feels bad for him.
Starting point is 00:52:03 At some point, don't you just have enough fucking sense to be like, wait a minute. This is not working. I mean, imagine if it were any other thing. Imagine if you took your car to a mechanic and the mechanic was like, hmm, got to put sugar in your gas tank. Cars have to light your wheels on fire. And you said, OK, I'm going to give that hell. I'm just. right you're just like and you said okay i'm gonna give that hell i'm just yeah and you went out there and you're like i'm gonna put a lot of sugar in my gas tank and now my car's broken what are you doing tomorrow putting more sugar in the
Starting point is 00:52:33 gas tank yeah probably fucking not by a new engine that's a stupid fucking idea buy a brand new engine and then put sugar in that gas tank right but somehow with people and these fucking like you're saying these holistic fucking yahoos it's like what didn't work the first time what about if you try it for like a year yeah i think it'll work not at all for a year that's what i think is gonna happen it will not work 365 consecutive fucking times 366 on a goddamn leap well that's the thing too is like you know there's these people out there that'll be like, oh, no, you just need the Reiki therapy, and that's gonna cure cancer, like, and then they see, like, the fucking tumor is growing to the size of a fucking washing machine,
Starting point is 00:53:15 and they're just like, like, well, I'm still getting the Reiki, so I'm not, you know, I'm not giving up hope just yet. I'm not a quitter. Like, fucking, you know, there's a whole human-sized tumor next to you. Right. The Maytag repair guy is actually outside. He's opened the top of the tumor, and he's, like, stuffing laundry in there at this point. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:53:36 Oh, it's a heating coil. It's always the heating coil. This poor fucking kid. You got stupid. He got adopted by the fucking worst this kid has a fucking lottery that is no good right like because this is the adopted son so it's like i was born what about my parents nope oh i got adopted that's good news right no nope it's like getting adopted by somebody in sub-Saharan Africa. Right?
Starting point is 00:54:06 Adopted by people who are not going to feed me. It's like I could fucking not feed me myself. No kidding. I'm better off eating out of a dumpster. You're supposed to be doing the taking care of me portion of this raising. Yeah, I would get 2,000 more calories a day in a fucking homeless shelter. You want answers? I think I'm fucking homeless shelter. You want answers? I think I'm entitled to them.
Starting point is 00:54:26 You want answers! I want the truth! You can't handle the truth! Cecil, this story is real weird. It's from the Columbus Dispatch. It's real weird. I'm just going to read the title. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:39 Vandals Admit Muffin Crystal Thingy-us. You can't even get through the title. Here, let me try. Vandals admit muffin crystal thingy assaults at Serpent Mound. Why is it you sent me this
Starting point is 00:54:58 and I was just like, is Columbus Dispatch like the onion? What is this? What is this? What is this? A group of light warriors buried what may be hundreds of small muffin-like resin objects embedded with aluminum foil and quartz crystals at Serpent Mound with the intent of realigning the energy of the ancient Native American site. First of all, it's supposed to look like a serpent.
Starting point is 00:55:32 You're not going to realign it straight, you light warriors. That would be awesome if it fucking straightened up because of the muffins. Like it was like muffins and then it stood at attention. Maybe ghosts love muffins. They must. Quartz muffins, though. Not like delicious muffins. They must. Quartz muffins, though. Not like delicious muffins. I think these are – like they describe these later in the article as organites.
Starting point is 00:55:51 And I love whenever I see that word because it's not a word. Like that's not a thing. It's an organite. Oh, what's an organite? Blah, blah, blah, blah. It doesn't – when people – I have to refer back. See, so I have no choice but to refer back to 5,000 years ago when we were doing Everyone's a Critic. We found this website,, which is run by a guy selling orgone energy generator, voodoo shaman healer, kookaburra bullshit.
Starting point is 00:56:29 It's not a thing that means a thing. Yeah. And that guy, the guy on that website, basically he has this, like, substance that looks like wax or, like, soap or something. And he, like, jams dials into it. Dozens of dials into it dozens of dials and then puts like electric wires on it on a helmet
Starting point is 00:56:52 head attachment piece and then you're supposed to like you do all kinds of shit like you transcend stuff but it's like I know it doesn't do anything it's an inanimate object like you're a playing pretend I used to do that when I used to draw on a box that it was a spaceship. It never turned into a spaceship.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Well, that's because you didn't bury them at the Serpent Mound. If you had buried your cardboard spaceship at an ancient Native American burial ground. Well, that's the thing, too, is like there's a possibility that they can be punished up to 90 days in jail and a $5,000 fine for fucking with this site because they vandalized and desecrated a 1,000-year-old site. Assholes. Stop fucking bringing your hokey bullshit into national sites that people enjoy and want to go see because they have historical value. Your fucking bullshit has no historical value. It's made up. You made it up yesterday. Dude, they're historical value. Your fucking bullshit has no historical value. No. It's made up.
Starting point is 00:57:47 You made it up yesterday. Dude, they're light warriors. Do not disparage the light warriors. Fucking light warriors. I saw that movie in the 80s. It wasn't good. They will come to your home and bury organites everywhere. Isn't that one of the Freddy Krueger movies?
Starting point is 00:57:59 Light warriors. Light warriors. They're. Well, they're just like half the calories of a normal warrior. Right. Yeah. Well, you don't want all that heavy warrior sitting. Like if you're going to go work out, you have a light warrior.
Starting point is 00:58:14 Yeah. You just have a light warrior. You don't go for the full decadent warrior. I actually go straight to the diet warrior. Diet warrior. And it's got saccharin in it, but it's okay. I go with Warrior Zero. That's my favorite.
Starting point is 00:58:31 Organites, by the way, are handmade objects crafted from metal filings such as aluminum and quartz crystals cast in a resin base off in a muffin tin. In a muffin tin. Items such as feathers are sometimes added. In a muffin tin. In a muffin tin. Items such as feathers are sometimes added. Websites devoted to making and using the devices claim they draw in negative energy and exude positive energy. The negative energy they draw in is the money and the positive is the bullshit. Right.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Light Warriors. I searched for this YouTube video and I didn't find it because it sounds like it's great. for this YouTube video and I didn't find it because it sounds like it's great because it says that the light warriors are basically dancing and jumping around the serpent mound burying this shit. Oh my gosh.
Starting point is 00:59:13 I knew people who would play this prank maybe in college. Yeah. But that's all it is, is a prank. The thing is that when you go to such great lengths to make little fucking creepy weird little metal shaving muffins, you have taken the prank way too far so it's no longer funny or you're a crazy person. I'm going to go with crazy person. I think crazy person.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Because if you think they actually draw in negative energy, you're a dumb person. Well, wouldn't then all the negative energy be stored in the muffin? Wouldn't it just be the angriest little muffin? It's just negative energy. Like, what? Like, when it comes near positive energy, it just gives a shock. Like, what happens? That's what happens. What does it even mean, negative energy?
Starting point is 00:59:59 I don't know. That's dumb. It's so fucking dumb. It's also probably not a tasty muffin, and I like talking about tasty muffins. Yeah, you don't want a resin muffin full of aluminum foil. Yeah, well, when I was 20, I probably wanted a resin muffin. Yeah, right. A different kind of resin. I'll tell you this much.
Starting point is 01:00:20 I bet these guys maybe had a little bit of the resin muffin before they donned their feather light warrior outfits and danced around the serpent mound. They fucking wore their dream catchers. They were very hungry after this adventure. Yeah. A lot of Doritos. The light warriors consume a lot of Doritos. They stopped at Taco Bell on the way home. You ever wonder why they call them Cool Ranch when they're the same temperatures as everything else.
Starting point is 01:00:53 So, I wanted to mention before we stopped that first, we want to say thank you to everybody who has rated us on iTunes. We've gotten another batch of ratings. We're very happy if you feel like you want to rated us on iTunes. We've gotten another batch of ratings. We're very happy if you feel like you want to rate us on iTunes. It's really good for the show. It actually boosts our ratings on iTunes.
Starting point is 01:01:13 It knocks us up a little bit. So if you can take some time to rate us, we would love it. We got one that's kind of funny, so Tom's going to read it. Good, but not funny. I like the content, and I don't at all mind the swearing. I usually have to listen to this about a third at a time because I really get turned off by the maniacal laughter about anything. They even laugh before, during, and after their own really lame jokes. They also just laugh constantly while talking about the people they are criticizing.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Laughing is not a way to inform us or to entertain us. They also just laugh constantly while talking about the people they are criticizing. Laughing is not a way to inform us or to entertain us. Again, I like the content. So I usually end up listening to all of it. But its humor is just self-demeaning and quickly boring. Fair enough. Fair enough. I want to say really quickly to Useful Think who left this. I don't know that you – I mean maybe you've never had a friend. I want to say really quickly to Useful Think who left this.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I don't know that you, I mean, maybe you've never had a friend. I don't know. I can't make that judgment. But Tom and I have good friends. And I kind of know what Tom's going to say before he says it. So when he does the wind up and I start laughing, it's genuine. Because I kind of can guess sometimes where Tom is going and I laugh at it. When you say they laugh at their own jokes, and Tom, this is a fucking theme. Everybody says this. They laugh at their own jokes.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I never, ever, ever laugh at my jokes. I got to explain. I can't believe I have to explain this. Because it seems like you're explaining it to like an alien species. You're not a social animal like me. But what I want to say is I never laugh at my own jokes. When I laugh after I say something funny and Tom is laughing, it's because I either expect him to be laughing or he is laughing. And that makes me laugh.
Starting point is 01:02:56 That's how that whole laughter thing works. I don't know. Maybe try it. That's like a human interaction thing. Yeah. It's like you might actually have to meet somebody else to do it. I don't know if that's going to work out for you. But just try it.
Starting point is 01:03:10 Just see if you can like talk to somebody and have a fun conversation. Everything must be very serious all the time. You must be very serious about all the really depressing shit we bring you. If this show was just serious and we just did all those stories, everyone who listened would kill themselves. Everyone would be like, oh, this world they were living in. And another boy was beaten by his parents today. And another acid attack happened in Pakistan. That was not good.
Starting point is 01:03:35 They probably shouldn't do that. Stop laughing at your own joke. Ha ha. Stop laughing at your own joke. Uh-huh. This person is madly fast-forwarding through this portion of the show. These guys are assholes. I do want, you know, I'll be honest.
Starting point is 01:03:54 I appreciate that you listen. I think it's great that you listen. I'm surprised it's a four-star review, to be honest. I'm happy that you listen, but if you don't like it, don't listen, man. I don't get that. I mean, what the fuck? Like, if you don't like it, don't listen. man. I don't get that. I mean, what the fuck? Like, if you don't like it, don't listen. I mean, there's other places you could get this news. Hell, just subscribe to us on Facebook.
Starting point is 01:04:12 We post all the stories we're going to talk about there anyway. Then you don't have to hear us talk. It'd probably be a lot better for you. But anyway, thanks for the rating. We appreciate it. But if you want to rate us on iTunes, it's available. I also want to talk about the Podcast Awards. The Podcast Awards are located at I want to talk about a few other podcasts other than our podcasts that are on this ballot that
Starting point is 01:04:34 you should be paying attention to. Best Produced Category, Caustic Soda is in there. I know a lot of people who listen to this show are fans of Caustic Soda. It's in there. Best Comedy, a show called Citizen Radio that I've heard a lot about and a lot of our fans also like too, that's in the best comedy. In education, we have both Caustic Soda and Hardcore History, two ones that I really like quite a bit. So I know that a lot of people who listen to the show also like Dan Carlin. Dan Carlin also makes an appearance as well in politics and news. So common sense is in there. And then if you have a minute and you want to vote for us, we're in religion inspiration.
Starting point is 01:05:16 That's the category for us. At the bottom of the page, you've got to fill out your full name and email address, and then you submit it. Sometimes they send a notice to that email, so you'll have to verify it, but we would love your vote here. You can vote every day until the 15th. We feel like, you know, a lot of people have helped us out with this in the past with the poll and with the Stitcher poll. If you could just help us out and vote here, we would really appreciate it. This is something that we've been looking forward to for a while. Yeah, and these votes and these polls and these various awards, they really help us bring in more audience.
Starting point is 01:05:56 So it's really useful to us when you guys do this sort of thing. Yeah, the higher we rank on this, the more coverage we get from these things, the more people link to us, and that helps us out a lot. So you're helping out the show by actually voting for us in these awards. It's really the least you can do. You fucking owe it to us. I mean, come on. All right, so Tom, we got a couple of private, sort of private emails. One from Nicole on Facebook, and then we got one from Christina.
Starting point is 01:06:28 We're not going to talk about what's in these emails, but we wanted to say something to both of these people. Yeah, we without disclosing anything. These are both very heartfelt emails. These were both emails that divulged a lot of personal information. lot of personal information. And as much as I just want to say that as much as you are, you're both thanking us. We genuinely thank you for listening, for being a part of the audience. It's I mean, when I say it's the least you can do, this really is the least we can do. We we enjoy doing this show. We love doing this show, getting emails and messages like Christina's and Nicole's, they mean a lot to us. They really do. They really do. So thank you very much for listening. We are genuinely glad to have you.
Starting point is 01:07:14 The last thing we're going to talk about, Tom, we got an email from Patrick Redman from Skeptics in the Pub, Birmingham. He had us on his show a long, long time ago. And he wants to talk about a project that he's got going on that the skeptics in the, the Birmingham skeptics have going on, I should say. They have some DVDs
Starting point is 01:07:35 that they sell that are skeptical DVDs. And he wanted us to put these on our Facebook page. Patrick, what we're going to do is we're going to put them on our blog post this time. And we'll also post them for Facebook.
Starting point is 01:07:48 The link will be on Facebook. So if you want to find these, you can go to our Facebook page. Click on the link for the show. You should be able to find them there. Or you can go directly to the blog,, for this episode. And you can find links there. You can also, there's a slash skeptical DVDs is available on Facebook. Or you can go to the Birmingham Skeptics.
Starting point is 01:08:11 If you go to their site, it's one of the first entries now. But the link will be on our website too. So if you don't want to have to go there and search for it, you can just click on the link on our site. And these DVDs they're selling, they're not making a profit from. They're incredibly reasonably priced. And Patrick is just a really decent guy. We were on his show and I will be buying some of these for sure. Yeah. And he's, you know, the thing is, is like, I think it's great to have skeptical material that what they're doing is they're recording a lot of their pubs, the skeptic in the pub sessions. I watched a whole clip today on a guy who was doing juggling
Starting point is 01:08:48 and did all these really cool diagrams. It was actually really interesting to see. So there's a lot of cool content here. So go ahead and take a look at it. You'd be helping out their organization as well as informing yourself. And you can't go wrong that way. as well as informing yourself. And you can't go wrong that way. So the show's coming out early. It's going to be out before the weekend. And the next one, we're not going to completely say that it's going to happen, but we're hoping, hoping that we're going to get together with George Robb
Starting point is 01:09:20 from the Geologic podcast to talk about the movie Monumental, which is the Kirk Cameron direct to video vehicle about about America and how it's supposed to be a Christian nation and how it was formed as a Christian nation. So George and and actually all three of us are going to watch that movie and we're going to talk about it next time for a good portion of the show, maybe all of the show. We're not sure exactly what the format is going to be. But we're hoping that George is going to be on next week and the show will be available probably in about a week and a half or so. Spoiler alert. I was not swayed by Kirk's arguments. No kidding. No, no. I know that's going to come as a surprise but that's a sneak preview
Starting point is 01:10:08 so anyway this wraps it up for another episode of cognitive dissonance be sure to vote for us on the podcast awards and we will talk to you next week leaving you of course with the skeptics creed credulity is not a virtue
Starting point is 01:10:24 it's fortune cookie cutter mommy issue hypno you, of course, with the Skeptic's Creed. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno-Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized, stereogram, pyramidal, free energy,
Starting point is 01:10:40 healing, water, downward spiral, brain dead pan, sales pitch, late night info-docutainment. Leo Pisces, Thank you. dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. Expose your signs. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this.
Starting point is 01:11:21 conclusive. Doubt even this. The opinions and views expressed in this show are that of the hosts only. Our poorly formed and expressed notions do not represent those of our wives, employers, friends, families, or of the local Dairy Council. Thank you. you

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