Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 735: Trump NFT Grift Returns, Texas Abortion Case

Episode Date: December 18, 2023

Show Notes...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's show is brought to you by Go to right now and you'll get 50% off just about any item. All you have to do is enter the code word GLORY, G-L-O-R-Y, at checkout. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. Recording live from GlorHole Studios in Chicago and beyond, this is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way.
Starting point is 00:00:58 We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical, It's political. And there is no welcome mat. Today is Thursday, December 14th. We are inching toward Christmas, my friend. Yeah, we're getting close. Next week on Thursday, so it'll be this week on Thursday
Starting point is 00:01:19 because it's when it releases. This week on Thursday, we're doing our Christmas live stream. Yes, we are. So that'll be the, what is that? The 21st what is that the 21st yeah at 9 p.m you'll catch us on twitch and on youtube and we'll be doing a little christmas live stream we got we're going to be drinking a puerto rican eggnog which is really good i hope is better than eggnog so much better tom so you've had it i have not so much better it's like it's a thousand times better.
Starting point is 00:01:46 But we'll be drinking that and hanging out. And maybe I'll decorate the studio a little bit. And then we'll hang out. And deck the halls? Just chill. And we got to find some Christmas related stories. We'll see if we can find anything. I expect to see boughs of holly when I get here.
Starting point is 00:01:59 You can see balls of holly. That's for sure. I'm not interested in the mistletoe. I love you. I love you. And I won't say no. Yeah, no, I'm not interested in the mistletoe. I love you. I love you. And I won't say no. Yeah, no, I get it. I won't say no.
Starting point is 00:02:08 I get it. Our beards get connected. That's going to be like Velcro. Oh, I was going to tell you this. Like I've decided my beard is getting longer. I don't know if you noticed, my beard is starting to get longer and my boss's boss absolutely hates it.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Like with a fiery passion, but I never see the man. I never see my boss's boss absolutely hates it, like with a fiery passion. But I never see the man. I never see my boss's boss, but once a year. So I decided the next time I see him is going to be in March for this big sales conference. Oh no. I am not cutting my beard. Between now and March?
Starting point is 00:02:36 Between now and March. And then I was like, you know, I'm just going to grow the whole thing out until summer. Just to see, just to see. I'll tell you, man. So I did a long grow one year and there's a point where it starts touching your chest that it gets a little annoying and you're i was just like no i can't do it anymore yeah i suspect because when i was sleeping i'd wake up and be like what
Starting point is 00:02:55 the fuck is on my chest spiders and i was like no man i was like after that i was like no it's all gone i was like just get it down as i take it. But for a while I was growing it out and I was also growing a mustache too. And so I had like a whole thing going. And then I was just like, no, I was like, I can't do it. I can't do it. Cause it was like, I mean, at a certain point it gets so long that it's like on your body, other parts. And you're like, nah, man, nah. I will say my boss has a good sense of humor over COVID. And I don't have the same sense of humor now, but over COVID, my beard got crazy. And like, it also wasn't being kept up
Starting point is 00:03:29 because I couldn't go to the barber. So it was long and it was kind of unruly. And like, I got on a video call. I was poofy. I was like, whoosh. I got on a video call with him and he started laughing. He called me Fidel Curry. And he sent me a box of cigars.
Starting point is 00:03:43 I hope they were Cuban. No, they weren't. They were good cigars though. He sent me like a nice box of cigars. I hope they were Cubans. No, they weren't. They were good cigars though. He sent me like a nice box of cigars, which I thought was hilarious. I didn't smoke any of them. I just thought that was really funny. Are you fucking dumb?
Starting point is 00:03:56 All right. So this first story comes to the New York Times. House approves Biden impeachment inquiry as GOP hunts for an offense. I love that headline. The headline is fucking gold. The headline is great. And it's gold because it's exactly true.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Yeah, man. They're just like, look, maybe if we look real hard, we'll find something. Like, this isn't how any of this is supposed to work. It is the most blatantly politically motivated, there's nothing to see here, folks, bullshit impeachment inquiry ever. And they said they were going to do it. Yeah. To their fucking like,
Starting point is 00:04:27 I don't know if I should say to their credit, but like they said, we're going to try to impeach Biden. And they tried like day one. Yeah. Before he like walked in the door, like Marjorie Taylor Greene was like, we'll just fucking impeach him.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Yeah. You know, they have this plan to impeach him in some way. And in this article, they quote one of the Democrats who basically said, look, yeah, you know, the reason why they're doing this is because Joe Biden needs to have the same things on his resume as Trump does going into this election. as Trump does, going into this election. And Trump basically sent the marching orders down to his lackeys in the House to do this because it's going to look bad if he's the one with the two impeachments
Starting point is 00:05:13 and there's nothing against Biden that he can't grab onto, even though there's nothing against Biden that he can really grab onto. Nothing. They've already done several investigations and nothing has turned up. They keep on subpoenaing Hunter Biden
Starting point is 00:05:28 and Hunter Biden's like, I will do a public testimony. Yeah. Let's do a public testimony. And they're like, no, no, no, no, no, no. We want to do a, we want to do a deposition. We want to do a private where we can lie about what happens. We want to do a thing where we can cut it up
Starting point is 00:05:38 and play that for the American people, not put it all on C-SPAN at the same time. He's like, absolutely not. I'm not going to do it. And so they've been pushing for this. And when Biden announced after this happened, Biden basically said, look, I'm the one who's trying to make it better for America. You know, this doesn't do anything for the normal American citizen and I'm not guilty of anything. So it's really just a waste of congressional dollars. That's all it is. And they don't care. What they want is a soundbite. They want to put this on Fox News. They want to
Starting point is 00:06:08 run with it. They want to make it seem like there's something there. They've been saying these words together in conjunction. They mean nothing. Biden crime family. They've been saying that for, I don't know how long, since they manufactured this whole laptop thing. And it's so funny, right? Because on the one hand, there's the narrative of the Biden crime family. Oh, the Biden crime family. Guy's been in politics forever. It's not the first time.
Starting point is 00:06:34 No. He's had oppo research done on him, right? He's had fucking oppo research done on him forever, right? He's been in politics for fucking ever. Nobody ever digs anything up because the guy doesn't do any fucking shit. He's just a guy who goes to work and gets in politics. That's it.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Hunter has done some shady stuff. Absolutely. Has it been excessive? I don't know yet. He might have some deals. Legitimately, he might have some deals with foreign nationals that he got because he leveraged his name. That doesn't necessarily mean shit about Joe. might have some deals with foreign nationals that he got because he leveraged his name. Sure. Right. That doesn't necessarily mean shit about Joe.
Starting point is 00:07:12 There's literally no reason and no amount of like research has dug anything up at all to suggest that Joe Biden is corrupt. Right. Sure. And it's so funny, though, because they're talking about this shit and it's like, your guy, your guy, Trump, if you fucking recall, he put up foreign nationals and the Secret Service in his own hotels. He personally enriched himself using taxpayer dollars and the government and foreign national money many, many, many of times.
Starting point is 00:07:38 How long? I mean, for how long? You know, for his entire time he was in office. Look at fucking. He was transparent about it. Look at Jarek. He was transparent about it. Look at Jarek. Oh, yeah. The money that that guy pulled in.
Starting point is 00:07:48 There's nobody running any kind of inquiry into the amount of money that he got after he stepped down from whatever office he held. Yeah, I know, right? And these guys, for a while, they were having these jobs handed to them that they were wildly unqualified for that they hadn't even met the security clearances of yet yeah they were getting like pulled into briefings and shit for like shit they hadn't even been security cleared for they the the nepotism and the corruption and the blatant like money laundering is just so open and obvious and then on the the other side, it's like, yeah, fucking five decades of politics. Five decades of politics. Nobody's found shit.
Starting point is 00:08:30 The guys run how many times? Oppo research has been done how many times? He was the vice president. How much Oppo research did they do then? There's nothing here here. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:39 And like all this house inquiry is, maybe if we look super duper hard, we'll be able to get, but what they're really digging for, to your point before, is they're not digging for evidence. They're digging for soundbites. Well, and what they're going to get is soundbites, but there's also going to be opposing soundbites because they can't strip the Democrats off of this research committee, right? So if they open an inquiry,
Starting point is 00:09:05 there's Democrats have to be asked to be on it. Now, they can refuse. I don't know if you remember, but Democrats refuse to be on, or Republicans refuse to be on the January 6th one. So you can, well, why would they? They get every opportunity to ask questions to these people who are coming forward
Starting point is 00:09:22 and give them a chance to either clear their name if these people are trying to make them look bad or make the people look bad if they're bringing people in to try to accuse Joe Biden of something. And so there's every opportunity to get the exact same opposite ammunition on the other side. But I think this really shows
Starting point is 00:09:40 that nobody watches the other people's news. That's what it really shows is that nobody watches the other people's news. That's what it really shows, is that nobody watches the opposing people's news ever. I also love that the Republican reason that they want, what they're saying out loud, the reason they want this deposition to be private and not public, is like, look, if we make it private, then there's less reason for other people to give speeches and do grandstanding. And I'm just like, what you've basically said is you're incompetent when you are accountable.
Starting point is 00:10:09 That's what you're calling out your own institution for being unable to produce serious work if you're in front of a camera. You said you, like, it's like saying like, hey, look, honey, I can't actually go out with my friends because I'll fuck around on so you're gonna have to come out with me because it's the only way that i can be faithful mother right it's like it's like holy shit man you should know yours like you could just not do that
Starting point is 00:10:37 we could all do you could all just get into a room be like what we're gonna do is not that yeah but but you know you know you know You know yourself. It's like, well, I'm a giant trash pan. I'm absolutely the worst person in the world. I can't be constrained. This is beautiful. What is that, velvet? This is my favorite thing
Starting point is 00:10:54 in the entire world. Speaking of unconstrained, let's look at some of these. I fucking laughed out loud when I read these notes. This is from the Telegraph. Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:11:03 sells cut-up pieces of suit he wore in his mugshot for $5,000. Former president releases digital trading cards again priced at $99 each and anyone who buys all 47 will receive a piece of the quote, priceless suit.
Starting point is 00:11:20 So I got to give him $4,700? Well, like $4,650. And then I get a scrap of his suit. Can I request the ball section? If there is anything more telling about what the Republican Party is willing to give the American people. There's some guy out there who got it. He's like jamming his face on it.
Starting point is 00:11:44 He's just like. He like fucking can't get enough. He's fucking huffing the former president. Cecil, is there a better metaphor for Republican politics than if I shit enough money at you, you'll give me the scraps? Are you fucking kidding me? That should be their shirt. That's it. That's their shirt. If you shit enough money at me,
Starting point is 00:12:06 I'll sell you the scraps. It's so stupid. Fucking hell. I can't believe it. And who believes this is really the suit, by the way? First of all, this isn't anything. This is some shit. It's not the suit.
Starting point is 00:12:16 They went to Goodwill. They got some fucking blue cloth and they're selling it to idiots. So Tom, this is the image that they're showing here. They're showing Trump pulling off his shirt to show Trump Tower. And then they describe some of these. And one of my favorite parts is where Trump says,
Starting point is 00:12:34 it's a, well, it's where Trump says something like this. He says, where's the line? I wish I look as good as I do on those cards, but I can tell you they give me muscles where believe me I don't have them even he is like no man that's fucked up that's weird okay
Starting point is 00:12:51 bro that's weird right can we also talk about how he looks literally evil yeah he doesn't look like a superhero guys you're right there's a picture of him
Starting point is 00:13:00 and he's like ripping his fucking suit open to expose his like superhero super trump like thing but then he's like ripping his fucking suit open to expose his like superhero like thing. But then he's shooting super tramp. He's shooting lasers out of his eyes, but he looks malevolent as fuck. He doesn't look, doesn't he?
Starting point is 00:13:16 He does. He looks malevolent as fuck. Either that or he looks so blase. He doesn't look like anybody who normally takes their shirt off. I guess maybe he's taking his shirt off to like crawl into a coffin or something. But Tom, he also says this. He talks about his suit. He does.
Starting point is 00:13:31 He's bragging about the scraps, right? So he says, it was a great suit. Believe me, a really good suit. It's all cut up and you're going to get a piece of it. It was a good suit. Believe me, a really great suit. Like I give a shit what the quality of the scrap suit I get is.
Starting point is 00:13:47 What if somebody, what if somebody buys 47 of them and then, or 470 of them or however many he has to buy and then he does that all with all of them
Starting point is 00:13:56 and he just buys them all out and then he redoes the suit so he gets all the scraps and then he patchworks the suit back together. How much money do we have in the account? I don't want to give Trump? I don't want to give Trump
Starting point is 00:14:08 a single dollar, let alone, you know, however much money that would be. That would be an intense amount of money. I don't want that at all.
Starting point is 00:14:16 But like, because you look at how big the scrap is, right? The scrap is tiny. It's a tiny little scrap. You get a scrap, like, it's like the size
Starting point is 00:14:23 of one of his hands. It is absolutely tiny. It's like a one-inch by two-inch scrap. It's a tiny little scrap. You get a scrap, like, it's like the size of one of his hands. It is absolutely tiny. Yeah, it's like a one inch by two inch scrap. I know, Cecil, that we are not supposed to, like,
Starting point is 00:14:34 make fun of the victim. I know it's not supposed to. And I know this is a grift. But I also know that anyone who buys $4,700 worth of digital fucking playing cards to get himself a scrap of blue cloth
Starting point is 00:14:47 from his weird fucking hero, that guy's an asshole. And they kind of have it coming. Genuinely, it reminds me of, it reminds me of the grifts from the evangelical preachers that we cover sometimes when we're thinking about somebody who sells, say, get out of debt free water. Right, yeah. the evangelical preachers that we cover sometimes,
Starting point is 00:15:07 when we're thinking about somebody who sells, say, get out of debt-free water. Right, yeah. Or when we talk about some of the other grifty shit that maybe Jim Baker sells. But the other thing you got to consider is they're also selling you something that you think is magic, right? Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:15:20 That's different, I think, than this stuff, right? If I'm selling you get-out-of-debt-free holy water for $2,000 or whatever, the recipient of that holy water thinks, I'm going to dab it on my credit cards or whatever you have to do, and it's going to help me somehow. It's going to, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:41 after I pay off this $2,000, it's smooth sailing for me. But genuinely, they think it's going to, you know, after I pay off this $2,000, it's smooth sailing. But genuinely, they think it's going to help them. The same thing goes with Baker Buckets. Like, I mean, you're getting slop and it's garbage, but you think you're getting something. Right. Right. With this, you're like getting nothing.
Starting point is 00:15:58 You're getting nothing. You're getting nothing. You're getting garbage. He's sending you garbage. He's sending you actual trash. And then things you eventually have to delete so they'll be recycled on your computer instead of actual garbage.
Starting point is 00:16:13 You're getting a fucking image you can have for free. Yeah. We just looked at two of them. We just looked at both, yeah. I'm sure we can find all of them. If you were diligent, you could find all 47 of them. So you're paying $100 for something you can just have for free. Sure.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Because NFTs are nothing. And then you get a piece of trash from a junk garment somebody cut up. Yeah. That's what you get. This isn't even like, you know, like, oh, it's like a seat from the old Yankee Stadium or something. Where it's like, I have a fond memory. Like, I remember like when I went to that baseball game with my kid, like there's a nostalgia to it. Or I remember like when that ball got hit
Starting point is 00:16:49 real good to that place and this seat makes me remember that memory. This is nothing. Yeah. This is it. You didn't wear this suit. He didn't hug you in this suit. This is nothing to you.
Starting point is 00:16:57 This isn't like your dad's shirt and you smell it after he passes or something. This is an old man's ripped up suit. And a bunch of digital playing cards of him imagining one day that he had a muscle. Ho, ho, ho, Merry Christmas. Okay. Don't go to the mall. Just don't.
Starting point is 00:17:18 It's too many people and the stores are dumb. Why go to five or six stores when you could go to one? And that one store is, of course. Play the music, Ian. Because when you go to and use code GLORY, you'll get 50% off almost any one item. And then Adam and Eve loads on the free stuff with three free gifts,
Starting point is 00:17:40 six free spicy movies, and free and discreet shipping, plus rushed processing. Nothing says you're no longer invited to the family holidays quite like when your grandmother opens up your submission for the family white elephant. Good luck fitting that in your trunk, granny. So why not stay home and go to and use code glory. So why not stay home and let Santa come down your chimney? Remember, that's code G-L-O-R-Y because we love you. Have a happy and wondrous holiday season
Starting point is 00:18:15 from all of us at the Glory Hall. Okay, time to get out of this mall. And go to Okay, bye. The housing market is propped up on these bad loans. It's a time bomb and I want to short it. Cecil, I love this so much. I don't think it'll go anywhere,
Starting point is 00:18:34 but it's the right conversation for us to have. I put this in the notes because it's rare when one of us gets to talk about something we really know a lot about. We have a little expertise. We know a lot about. And so, Tom, this is something you know a lot about. I do. And I appreciate this very much. This is from the New York Times. New legislation proposes to take Wall Street out of the housing
Starting point is 00:18:53 market. So what this is, is a bill that was introduced. Now, they say right away that it is definitely not going to pass this session, right? It doesn't have anywhere near enough sponsors. There's no time for it to move forward. But what it would do is basically say, hey, hedge funds would herefore be banned from buying new single-family homes, and they would be required to divest themselves of their portfolio of single-family homes. incredibly important. It would be incredible. And there's actually, like, there's a part of this article that I really take issue with by one of the naysayers of this plan. So, you know, the biggest problem that we have in housing right now nationally is we have a supply problem. We have a massive supply problem. We underbuilt houses after the 2008 crisis. We're like something in the order of like a few million units short of what we should have built. Many, many home builders went out of business.
Starting point is 00:19:50 And a lot of the home builders stayed in business or came to be. They weren't buying or building affordable housing, right? They were building primarily upper middle class and above housing because that's where the dollars were at, right? So this is where the economics drove them. And then you've had, as real estate has like really, really inflated in price and it's become a really good investment and people have made a lot of money on it, hedge funds have started, and rents have gone up too. So these massive hedge funds and REITs have been buying up giant swaths of America, huge swaths of America. And they own an enormous number of homes. And depending on the neighborhood, you can have entire neighborhoods where like a significant percentage, like 12, 13, 15, sometimes a higher percent of the homes are not owned by a
Starting point is 00:20:31 homeowner, even like a local one-on-one landlord, right? Like Joe, the landlord owns two houses. He can't sell his house right away, so he just put it up for a few years, for a couple of years until he could sell it. So this is not about that stuff. These are like giant hedge funds. And they own many, many, many, many properties, hundreds of properties oftentimes. And like getting these fuckers out of the game would absolutely help our supply problem. Because these houses are effectively off the market for human beings, for actual people.
Starting point is 00:21:04 And they're only owned by these giant investment companies, these giant hedge funds and REITs. And they buy houses cash. They buy them swiftly. They push prices up. They out-compete people who are trying to buy a home with a conventional loan. Because if you're selling a house, you got a guy who can close in 14 days with cash, or you got somebody who can close in 45 days with a loan that might not go through. So all the incentive is to sell to that hedge fund. And they're just pushing prices up. This would have an impact. This would really be a smart, smart thing to do. And I also think like what we should do in addition, even though no one's asking me, is like we should take a page out of Canada's book and we should stop selling homes
Starting point is 00:21:44 to foreign business. I was going to bring this up. That's a big problem, too, is that we're selling, we're allowing other foreign countries and foreign businesses to purchase large amounts of homes as well. As investments. Yeah. And these are exclusively being held as investments. The purchase of housing as an investment in like not for your investment like you as a homeowner it's an investment for you it's different i'm living in it it's different
Starting point is 00:22:11 you're living i'm living in it and again it should go up in value i'm living in and i'm maintaining it and i'm continuing to add to it right like if that's if that's the dream right is that was that you you live in it you continue to maintain it and you build onto it and make it better, right? That's the dream. And the, and the, it should go up in value. It should go up in value. And a rational rate of growth in value would be somewhere around 5%, right? Give or take a couple of points. That would be a rational rate of return on an investment, like a piece of real estate for a single family home, right? But like, if you look over the last few years, home prices have shot up depending on your market. It's very market driven, but home prices
Starting point is 00:22:50 have shot up 20% or higher in the last two years. That's an unsustainable amount of like, that's not good for you even as the homeowner. Right. That's bad. So like we need to get all these fuckers who aren't people living in homes the fuck out of these homes. Yeah. And then we need to turn this around and make this available for actual people to buy homes to fucking plant their asses in and not to turn everything in America into a fucking inflated rental. And, you know, we've said it several times on the show that housing is a human right. Yes. And when you make profits off of human rights, you're bad.
Starting point is 00:23:27 You're a bad person. We shouldn't be making these massive profits and putting people out of a human right. There's so many examples of people across the country who are seeing rents rise through the roof in their area because they just cannot, no matter what, get a place near them or near their work that is even close to what they can actually afford. And so they have to travel far away, live in a different neighborhood that they don't want to live in. And it's because there just isn't anything available nearby because we have these massive gluts. And the amount of rental property is through the roof because there is no homes out there for somebody to leave and
Starting point is 00:24:13 go buy. They just don't exist. So lots of people are like, well, I guess I'm literally renting forever because I just don't have, there's never going to be a home that's going to be priced where I could actually buy it. The amount of housing problems that people are having across the country, this is a revolution-type problem. Yeah, it's massively. This is a huge, giant fucking problem. We have to do a lot of things to get out of it. We have to build our way out of this problem to a certain degree.
Starting point is 00:24:42 We have to. We have to kick these fucking investors the fuck out of here. That includes foreign national investors, right? So they've got to get the way out of this problem to a certain degree. We have to. We have to kick these fucking investors the fuck out of here. That includes foreign national investors, right? So they've got to get the fuck out of here. We absolutely need legislation that is going to do this. I do want to say, though, I am not opposed. I'm not opposed at all, morally or economically, to owning a small number, as an individual, owning a small number of properties
Starting point is 00:25:07 to use them as rent. Because I do think that there is a need for single-family rentals to exist. Having personally rented a single-family home in my life, I was deeply glad that a single-family home was available for me to rent. I did not want to buy. Buying would not have made economic sense. But I still wanted to have a house. But I would certainly, and I did, I was certainly glad that I was able to rent a house from a family that owned whopping two houses, the one they lived in and the one that I rented from them. And they were fine landlords. I think that having a modest portfolio of one or two pieces of real estate doesn't hurt people and gives, allows there to be some economic flexibility so that housing for rental isn't just apartments. Yeah. Cause
Starting point is 00:25:51 that's what it would be because it would otherwise just be apartments or just be like, you know, maybe a townhouse or something. But like, sometimes you want to rent a single family house. You're only going to be someplace for a handful of years. Yeah. Buying would be a bad economic decision. I don't want to get like shoehorned into an apartment. So I don't want to say that like nobody should ever have a house and rent a house. What I am saying is you shouldn't have 75 of them. You shouldn't have a dozen of them.
Starting point is 00:26:13 I think- You shouldn't have like George X, whatever Holdings company be the one that owns them, right? That's the worst- That's the problem. That's the worst part that we're running into. And then to have all of them in one area, suddenly you get a chance to really monopolize that price.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Let's say I collect a bunch of homes all in the same subdivision that's right next to, say, an Amazon warehouse, where it's really convenient for somebody to live in this subdivision that's right next to this warehouse or this business sector, and I own 80% of the properties,
Starting point is 00:26:49 I can suddenly dictate a lot of that rental price. The moment all these other ones are taken up, then I suddenly get to be like, well, I will squeeze what I can out of that. No, it doesn't make sense for me to outprice the entire area, but what it does mean is that I can gouge as much as possible.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Yeah. Well, and I've seen a new thing that I've never seen before popping up recently, which is these giant hedge funds are getting together with builders and they are building single-family rental communities, single-family homes as rental-only communities. So you'll see an entire subdivision go up. None of those homes are for sale. They are all for rent, and they're all investor-owned and builder-purchased and they're property-managed. And that is not a community either. That's the problem, is that this, without stability of people getting in a property and staying in it for a long time and having ownership and building equity, you have these communities being built where there's a lot more movement in and out of that neighborhood. And that's not good for the neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:27:56 It's not. So everybody suffers inside these communities. They're not good, self-contained, smart, you know, systems, social systems. They're made to make money. They're made to make money. And they're exploitive. Repeated income. I mean, like something happened, maybe it was when we spun off into the axis somewhere. I don't know. Where suddenly everything became a recurring subscription. I know. Every single thing in the world now is a recurring subscription of
Starting point is 00:28:25 something. All the different channels decided to split off away from cable, and now you're paying literally the same amount of money that you were paying with cable to get your subscription services. I have to pay a subscription service every month for two computer programs that I use that I literally in the past used to just pay X amount of dollars for. And for like years, they would update them. Right. But now they're like, no, you pay us money every month. So two computer programs that I use every single month for this show, I have to pay out of pocket, right. 30 plus dollars a month for each one. And I have to have four total licenses because I have to give one in. So I have, like, we pay a lot of money on subscriptions
Starting point is 00:29:06 because that software doesn't exist anymore. Like, that software is now cornered behind, and that's just not, that's not one thing. That's a million things are now subscription-based. They want to make your washer dryer subscription-based. They want to make your heated seat subscription-based in your car. You're not exaggerating.
Starting point is 00:29:24 And I'm not kidding about some of this stuff, and they want to make your fucking house subscription-based. They want to make your heated seat subscription-based in your car. You're not exaggerating. And I'm not kidding about some of this stuff. And they want to make your fucking house subscription-based. They don't want you to own your house. They won't want you to have this asset. They want to own the asset. And then you just keep giving them money over and over and over and you get nothing in return. There's never any equity. There's never anything for you. They just get to keep all that. They pay it off eventually with the money that you give them. They probably already paid it off already because they paid cash. But you know what I mean? They earn the money that they get back from
Starting point is 00:29:51 that thing and then they just keep growing it forever and you get literally nothing. Except for a place to live. Your mother wanted you aborted. This has been a great big fucking story this week. This is from the Washington Post. A very sad story. Texas Supreme Court rules against women at the center of abortion battle. So there is a woman in Texas.
Starting point is 00:30:10 She is pregnant. I don't know if she's still pregnant because I know she's going to go out of state for an abortion after this. But she became pregnant with a baby she very much wanted. I think the third baby. Yes, this is her third child. Genetic testing revealed that the baby had a trisomy 18 birth defect, chromosomal birth defect, which means that the baby would be born and be absolutely unable to survive.
Starting point is 00:30:32 Like there's a zero. It is a 0% chance. It's carrying a baby that is still alive now, but won't be the moment it comes out. Right. And I worked with a woman who had this baby with this birth defect. And it broke that lady's heart. Like, I felt so bad for that lady.
Starting point is 00:30:49 I mean, I cried for her. Like, her heart was broken from this. This lady in Texas found out, like, shit, like, I'm carrying this baby. It has a 0% chance of survival. Also, she had two previous C-sections. This baby would be born by another C-section, which every time you get a C-section, your opportunity to get pregnant again is decreased.
Starting point is 00:31:11 So this might also be the last chance she has to get pregnant if she's forced to carry this child to term and deliver it via C-section. So she said, hey, if there's a medical exception here, I should count as this medical exception. This is it. This is the one. So she went to the courts in Texas and asked for a TRO, temporary restraining order, against the
Starting point is 00:31:33 ban, which is what you need to do if you want to make sure that nobody's going to get fucking in trouble and have to pay the draconian tens of thousands of dollars repeating forever fines and shit. And no doctor's going to do it without assurances. And they fucking said no. The appeals court said yes.
Starting point is 00:31:50 So, but the Texas Supreme Court was like, sorry, Charlie, looks like you're having that fucking stillborn or... We're going to take away your ability to have a child possibly in the future. Right. We're going to punish you for being a woman. Yep. Because that's what this is. That's all it is, man. We're going to punish you for being a woman because that's what this is. That's all it is, man.
Starting point is 00:32:05 We're going to punish you because you're a woman. Yep. And we're going to control every aspect of your life. And even though this is one of those perfect examples, one of those perfect examples that you know they all, if this was brought up in one of those hypothetical arguments that they were in, they would immediately say,
Starting point is 00:32:23 oh, well, we don't want to restrict access for people like that. We have exceptions built in. We have exceptions. What we want to do, what we want to do is stop this as birth control. Stop this. We want to stop people from choosing this
Starting point is 00:32:33 instead of, you know, practicing safe sex, practicing, you know, family planning, et cetera, et cetera. Instead, here's a perfect example to put your money where your mouth is. And what they did was say, how about fuck you? How about fuck you forever? And now this person has to leave the state. Now they petition the state because fuck you. That's why. Yeah, that's exactly right. Yeah. And what the lawyers for this woman said is, we want you to define, you guys keep saying that the rules are clear,
Starting point is 00:33:05 the rules are clear. So here's a case, define the limits of your rule. Let's actually get down to brass tacks. Define the limits of your rule. And the Supreme Court said, all right, push me out here,
Starting point is 00:33:17 push right back. Here's the limit. No, it's basically no for everybody. The exception is nonsense. Unless you're actively in the process. And they said like, how close to death does a woman have to be? 30% chance she'll die?
Starting point is 00:33:30 80% chance? Define our limits. And the Supreme Court was like, basically, fuck you. Try not being a woman next time. If you die, it's okay.
Starting point is 00:33:41 It's blood in the gears. That's it. And we literally don't care. Do not care. And trust me, this isn't the first woman who's going to have to go through this. This isn't the first woman who, you know, this woman had means.
Starting point is 00:33:51 So there's, she's going to go out of state to get this done. But genuinely, if there is a system out there that you can donate to, to help people in this situation, think about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Think about doing it. Getting women in Texas and all these other draconian states abortion access is life-saving. It is. It's going to save somebody's life because somebody is going to take this into their own hands because they don't have the funds and the ability to get out of state, leave work,
Starting point is 00:34:19 do all the things that someone privileged needs to do in order to not have a child, in order to get an abortion, and they're going to wind up dying because of it. Oh, 100%. There are going to be women who become septic and die. Sure. Because they are carrying unviable pregnancies, right?
Starting point is 00:34:40 Dangerous, ectopic pregnancies, pregnancies that damage their reproductive systems, pregnancies that have an obscenely high risk of causing hemorrhaging and bleeding out and infection. This is a murderous bill. This is murderous. And they don't give a fuck. They don't give a fuck. And they won't define their limits because what they want is no limit. This is fucking no limits. That's it. They get to make all the decisions and you get to live with them. Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:09 Or die with them. That's going to be more likely. Yeah. Ron, I know it sounds harsh, but God does not want her to live. Tom, I absolutely love the title of this story because it is just so perfect. And it's just true. Yeah. White supremacist who dined with Trump calls for death penalty for non-Christians. Let's make sure that we're not putting words in Nick Fuentes' fucking shitty, shitty mouth. We'll put it out there. Also,
Starting point is 00:35:38 if you don't see us on YouTube, it's because Nick Fuentes' friends who watch his show sent a bunch of messages to Down Thumb or whatever they do to report our video because we were mean to Nick. So let's go be mean to Nick down below here. All right. Because literally, he's an idiot. He's a fucking murderous incel. That's exactly it.
Starting point is 00:36:02 He's a fucking murderous right-wing nutjob incel piece of shit. All right, so. There is. So first, I just want to say, like, this sound sounds terrible. I mean, he's wearing a headset mic, and it sounds like the mic is across the room in a Saltines box. His mic is terrible. His sound is terrible. But guys,
Starting point is 00:36:26 his hair and mustache are inexcusable. They look pandemic, is what it looks like. It looks pandemic. It looks unkept. He looks absolutely disheveled. Yeah, good way to put it. There is an occult
Starting point is 00:36:41 element at the high levels of society and specifically among the Jews. So many of the people that are perpetrating the lies and the destruction on the country, they are evildoers. They are people that worship false gods. They are people that practice magic or rituals or whatever. And more than anything, those people need to be, when we take power, they need to be given the death penalty. Straight up.
Starting point is 00:37:12 And I'm far more concerned about that than I am about even non-white people or mass migration. These people that are communing with demons and engaging in this sort of witchcraft and stuff, and these people that are that are communing with demons and engaging in this sort of witchcraft and stuff and these people that are suppressing the name christ and suppressing christianity they must be absolutely annihilated when we take power this is god's country this is jesus's country this is not the domain of atheists or devil worshipers or perfidious Jews. This is Christ's country. All right, real quick.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I am going to make fun of his appearance one more time. Sure. Without looking, how old? Do you know how old he is? I would say without looking, I would say he's probably in his mid-20s. He is 25. He looks 49. He does. He looks a hard 25.
Starting point is 00:38:03 It's a hard 25. It's rough. It's a hard 25. Like, it's rough. It's a hard 25. It is rough. It's like when you watch, like, you ever watch, like, a TV show or a movie where everybody's supposed to be in high school, but all the actors are, like, 33?
Starting point is 00:38:14 They're, like, 100 years old. And you're just, like, somebody's in there with, like, jowls and a 5 o'clock shadow. Like, I'm going to be late to biology. You got Rodney Dangerfield. You're like, why are you here? What? What is happening?
Starting point is 00:38:26 He looks like that to me. Yeah. It's just like this. I look at him like, this is what hate does to you. Like, if I learn anything from Star Wars, like, hate fucking fucks you up. This guy is just an awful person.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Like, you hear him speak. This is a guy who had lunch with Trump who I do not think his thoughts on things are so different from many people in that party. I know that there's a lot of people out there who want to say, well, we're different or the religious right isn't a horrible group of people. And I point him to this guy and say, well, this guy clearly had lunch with your guy, right? This guy had lunch, hung out with him and talked to him. What do you
Starting point is 00:39:05 think they talked about? Well, you know, and think about why he was able to do that. Nick Fuentes, at the age of 24, 23, he's 25 now, right? He got sat with the fucking president of the United States. Why? Because he's influential. He's not influential among Democrats. That's not why they sat him down. He's not influential among the left. He's influential among your side, guys. He's like, he's, Nick Fuentes is a big swinging dick among the rest of the fucking Republicans. That's how he gets sat with the fucking leader
Starting point is 00:39:37 of the Republicans. So like, you can't disavow yourself is what I'm trying to say. You can't create plausible deniability and reasonable distance from these views when at the same time you're willing to say, that guy's an influential character in my organization. Why is he influential then? A guy like this shows up to my house, he gets his ass kicked, right? This guy gets thrown out on his fucking ear.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Shows up in your house, he gets his ass kicked, he gets thrown out on his fucking ear. This nonsense is unwelcome. He shows up in fucking Trump's house and he gets a steak. He gets a lunch. He gets a lunch at Mar-a-Lago. Now there's a difference there. I want to say too, that there's a pattern here. And that pattern is when we get to power, things are really going to change here in this country. Oh, I know. And that's a pattern that we're seeing. You know, I think for a long time, there has been a lot less retaliatory politics
Starting point is 00:40:34 that have been going on for a long time in our country. And if it was retaliatory politics, it was kept under, they didn't use their outside voice, right? They would make it seem as if they weren't actually doing that, but maybe even if they were, they made it seem like that wasn't their goal, that wasn't their aim.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Even when we talk about this particular thing that we opened the show with, the impeachment, they still are trying to pussyfoot around, not saying we're doing it because you did it to our guy. There still is this sort of veil where they're pretending that that's the case there there is now people just throwing that curtain aside trump's one of them trump is absolutely saying open hostility absolutely and talking about what he's going to do day one, so is Nick Fuentes. Who else is doing it now? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Who else is talking about what they're going to do day one? Who are they going to hurt day one? Who are they going to inflict their damage on whoever they can that wronged them, right? Right. And in Nick's case, it's a lot of America
Starting point is 00:41:40 because it seems to be anybody who's a minority, anybody who's a non-believer in Christianity, not just non-believer, right? Right. Non-believer in Christianity. That includes us, but it also includes Jews. Jews and Hindus. It includes Sikhs and Muslims. It includes anybody who believes in any Muslim religion, right?
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah. Sunnis. I mean, you name it. There's a plethora. Hindus. There's plenty of people in this country that don't believe the things you believe. And he's like, no, that's witchcraft. I'm going to stack rocks on them until they die. For the violent tyranny of a specific white male minority, a very tiny subset of this country. And like, this is stuff now, like in the past, this would be stuff that lived on the fringes, right? Sure.
Starting point is 00:42:35 You'd make a movie like American History Acts about it. It would be worth knowing. It'd be worth watching out for. But this was fringe stuff for the most part, right? Now I have real worries that this will become mainstream. Sure. I am genuinely, I hear Nick Fuentes and it's like, I am tempted to laugh at a guy who believes in magic. I am tempted to do that. And I want to do that because I should be able to be like magic. The fuck bro, go ride a dinosaur or whatever. Like that's
Starting point is 00:43:02 nonsense. But these guys, this guy sat down with the president. The president is not unlike this guy. Sure. The president is like, I'm also going to hurt the same people. Yeah. Like this is the world we're barreling toward. I don't look very,
Starting point is 00:43:15 very far away from the president to see Stephen Miller talking about massive deportations day one. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, this isn't, this isn't something that we're, that we're pretending isn't going to happen. This is a dire situation that America is in if these people get reelected.
Starting point is 00:43:33 There might not be another election after that. Yeah, look, yeah, yeah, you're not wrong. And the thing is like, when these people tell you who they are, fucking believe them. Believe them, man. Believe this guy. He wants to murder people. He wants to murder people.
Starting point is 00:43:45 He wants to kill people. And if he gets enough power, he will make that happen. Trump is saying to you guys, here's who I am. Here's what I'll do. Believe him. They didn't believe it in 2016.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Yeah, no. They opened it. Oh, that's just all rhetoric for show. You are making $500,000 and you are only going to pay me $30,000? You're getting $30,000? I'm getting $1,000! You guys are getting paid? This story is from the Daily Beast.
Starting point is 00:44:13 Fox News Democrat voter is actually unaffiliated anti-vax activist. I can't believe that. I don't want to play the clip because I don't want to give Fox News the views or whatever. But really what they did was they had a Fox and Friends morning segment. They brought on a bunch of people who they labeled, right? So they labeled them as like, this is a conservative, this is a Democrat, this is a whatever. And here's a person who comes in, absolutely shits on Biden and the Democrats,
Starting point is 00:44:41 also kind of shits on Trump too a little bit because they're talking about vaccine policy. But genuinely, they should put at the bottom of every single Fox News anything dramatization, right? It's almost a paid actor, right? This is a paid actor in a closed course. I don't know how you can get away with calling this news. If another news organization watches your shit, sees somebody and says, oh, isn't that that person who's an anti-vax activist who said that they were a Republican before, a Libertarian before?
Starting point is 00:45:17 Why are they listed as Democrat voter? Because you got a narrative you want to push. You want to tell all those people that are watching your show that even the Democrats are jumping ship. Yep. Yeah. This is, and the thing is like Fox fucking knew it. Fox knew it. This wasn't a mistake. It's not like they got tricked by somebody. Right. When I first read this, I was like, oh, I wonder if somebody like purported to be a Democrat in order to get on this panel and like tricked Fox. And then they were just like, ah, it turns out it was me all along. No, Fox absolutely knew
Starting point is 00:45:52 who this person was. This person is a well-known figure. This is a well-known figure. Well enough where other people saw it and said, that's somebody who is an anti-vax activist. Right. Who has said it before that they are politically homeless is how they describe themselves. So like, this is not somebody who's a, but Fox doesn't care. There's no attempt toward truth. There's no like even nods toward truth anymore over there.
Starting point is 00:46:17 Everything is about building a narrative and controlling a base. And they want to build that narrative, control the base and sell that base, whatever dumb shit they can sell the base. Fox is just a money printing machine. That's what Fox is. It's an ideologically motivated
Starting point is 00:46:30 money printing machine. They got to recoup their $700 billion or million dollars from their fucking lawsuit. They got to get as much money as they can. What baffles me nowadays is anybody who's at all swayed by a Vox populized segment like this.
Starting point is 00:46:47 And the reason why I say that is nothing has illuminated to me the absolute fucking complete loss of intellect than social media, right? So I get a chance to see a ton of people on social media, bear their soul and say the literal dumbest shit I've ever seen in my entire life. And these are the normal people. You can call me up privately. I feel a little hurt right now. Just, you know, send me a DM. But seriously, like average people, right? These are, these are, if I have 2000 friends, right? A thousand of them say something I just look at and say, holy sweet fuck, did you think that out loud?
Starting point is 00:47:29 So I'll look at that and think, I can't imagine thinking that a person on the street now, because back in the day, they used to edit that shit, right? They'd get a man on the street interview and they'd get 25 people and they'd literally throw out the worst ones.
Starting point is 00:47:45 Yeah. They would throw anybody who had nothing to say or couldn't figure it out and didn't know get rid of them. But now that person has a mic, they're sitting in the studio. You get a chance to listen to this person who has nothing, who knows nothing about anything. Oh yeah. Tell you about what they're going to do. I, I, I fucking hear that so hard. It's like, I think you and I grew up living in a bubble created by editing. Yeah. Right. And maybe that was a problem, but also like, maybe that was also better. Right. And so here's what I mean. It's like, now there's no editor. There's no one making editorial decisions about which voices can be heard and which voices should be silenced.
Starting point is 00:48:25 And I know, I hear, I recognize that that has always been a problem, right? The top-down control about who gets silenced has always been a problem. And it has often been very racist and very colonialist and very sexist. And I know that. Like, I get that. But also, like, there was a world where you had to work hard to be published. You had to earn your microphone. Yeah, you had to be good.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Or you had to know somebody. Right. And now, you don't have to do any of that at all. And there's this like... As I stare at my microphone. Yeah, but there's a reason after 16 years, we're still doing it, right? Yeah. There's like, you got to earn that shit in order to build an audience. But like also now, like everybody's got a fucking microphone. Everybody's like,
Starting point is 00:49:11 and then you see behind the curtain at what people really think and feel. And you're like, holy fuck, that's most of you. Most of the, cause I used to think that was a minority of people because most of the voices I heard had been edited to make me believe that serious people were in charge, that smart people understood the issues and that this is how most of the voices I heard had been edited to make me believe that serious people were in charge, that smart people understood the issues, and that this is how most of the world worked. And then, yeah, okay, there's like this handful of fucking dummies. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:49:34 But now I'm looking around, I'm like, fuck, it's dummies all the way down. Yeah. It's fucking, it's dummies on turtles on dummies on turtles. You're not wrong.
Starting point is 00:49:42 And these segments really call it out when they'll ask a question and they'll say something so blatantly out of touch with reality. Yeah. And you'll say, these people, they don't even bother to find out
Starting point is 00:49:57 what's real and what's not. I saw a segment maybe six months ago on one of these channels, and I want to say it was CNN that went out and grabbed a bunch of people wherever they grab them from. And they were asking them if they thought the election was stolen. And almost everybody there was saying, yeah, the election was stolen. Jesus Christ, what? Almost everybody was saying, yeah, I think the election was stolen. They were mostly Republicans. But genuinely, they thought that the election was stolen and that
Starting point is 00:50:24 there needed to be some sort of inquiry into that. I mean, that's some sort of inquiry. That's the that's the world we live in. I don't remember exactly. No, I know. But I'm just like, I'm floored. It's like as if no work has been done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Right. Like the people have been saying that it's stolen, lost 60 some court cases because they absolutely had no evidence of it at all. But it feels like what they heard was what Trump said and then they never did any follow up. They never bothered to even open a website that contained a newspaper to even look to see
Starting point is 00:50:56 what was said after the fact. They just heard somebody say something and said, you know what? I heard that that election was stolen. Yeah, but you know, like, I mean, this is like, I can't tell you how many people I know, smart people. I know some really smart people who, when it comes to like the news of the day, they don't follow it at all. See, so not,
Starting point is 00:51:14 not at all. Like people that like I work with that are smart, genuinely smart, that I respect, that are like college educated, that have, you know, all this stuff, all the things in my mind, I've always, my whole life erroneously associated with like a certain level of civic and social engagement. And I, most of them have no idea what's going on every day. Most, no idea what's going on. And I'm shocked by that. I feel like it's a responsibility to know. Holy mother forking shirt balls. What? This is the bad place.
Starting point is 00:51:55 So in cool, cool, cool notes. I gotta say, I gotta say, Tom. What's so funny is this show sort of slowly becomes a little more about Trump and a little more about Elon Musk. I know, all the time. And I don't want it to be because I don't like either one of them.
Starting point is 00:52:08 I hate them both. I know, I know. But the amount of sway they have over so many people, it would be a crime not to talk about the things that they're saying and the things that they're doing because they have so much pull over so many people. Yeah, I mean, honestly, like guys, it would be like saying like, all right, I know
Starting point is 00:52:28 it's the gilded age, but we're not going to talk about that Rockefeller character, right? We're not going to talk about Carnegie. Yeah. You know, I know, I know like, yeah, you are. Yes, you are. Or you're not doing a news show. Sure. Like you have to talk about these people. They are influential. So this story comes from HuffPo. Elon Musk reinstates Alex Jones' account on Twitter. Yeah. And he's fucking hell. And he reinstated it doing exactly what he did before where he said, I'm going to do a poll. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:53 And he did a poll and people said either for the lulz or because they think Alex Jones has something to say, they said, yes, he was reinstated. Awesome. That's the world we're in now. Giving a mic to that guy, giving a mouthpiece to the guy who lied about Sandy Hook and then lost a bunch of money because he lied about Sandy Hook is not a good thing. It's just not good for anyone.
Starting point is 00:53:15 No, this is fucking tragic. That's what this is. This is fucking tragic. What we're doing is remonetizing Alex Jones. That's what's happening. Well, is that fucking goddamn elon musk who is a stupid shitty spoil he is the kid from twilight zone who can like blink and make you fucking go into the cornfield or turn into a fucking jacking jack in the box
Starting point is 00:53:36 can have ice cream for dinner right yeah he's that guy yeah he is that guy like he's that fucking kid he's a giant spoiled spoiled, shitty, unintelligent, mean-spirited, small-minded, narcissistic man baby. He's a brat. He's a giant brat. And he keeps showing it over and over again. Hopefully, if Alex Jones gets any
Starting point is 00:53:57 signal boost out of this, it gets money in the hands of the people for Sandy Hook. That's what I hope, right? There's a trickle down in economics that's happening here, and it trickles out of Alex's hands and into their pockets. That's what I hope. The other thing that seems pretty apparent is, is after he scared off all his advertisers,
Starting point is 00:54:17 he's got to find, he's got to, now he's got to, he let people run free that were bad. Right. And he made it seem as if let people run free that were bad. Right. And he made it seem as if those people had every right to speak. And then a lot of people just abandoned ship, not just people who were users, but actual advertisers said no. And so they left.
Starting point is 00:54:39 So now he's got to fill that up somehow. And the only way he's going to get advertised, he's going to get bad, like Stormfront or whatever is going to advertise. And he's got to fill it with bad people. And you fill it with bad people by getting those bad people who were on and let go and told not to come back. He's going to let them back on to fill the ranks with people
Starting point is 00:54:56 who had left for Bitchute or Rumble or whatever the fuck they went to. Yeah. Twitter is going to become even more of a hate-filled right-wing cesspool full of boner pill ads and fucking like vitamin testosterone supplements. That's what it's going to be. It's going to, and more so than it is now. Yeah. So I don't know how that's possible. It's going to be the cyber truck of social media.
Starting point is 00:55:20 how that's possible. It's going to be the cyber truck of social media. By the way, I absolutely want to give on the show and everything, Sarah, props for the work,
Starting point is 00:55:33 the heroic and important work she is doing on our social media making fun of Elon Musk. She has a special hate for him that I feel in my heart. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:42 I love it. And I love the fact that she has turned absolutely loose on that guy. Well, the best part is that there's always someone who complains. Yes. So we always get a really sad email once in a while from someone who likes Elon Musk. But I like him. He's such a good guy.
Starting point is 00:55:56 He's such a good guy. That's what we hear a lot of. And those are the best emails to read. So thank you, Sarah. Big shout out to Sarah who runs our social media. Love it. to read. So thank you, Sarah. Big, big shout out to Sarah who runs our social. Love it. What a fucking liar, dude. What a fucking Weasley little liar, dude. This story is from Salon. This wasn't what this interview was going to be about. Ron Johnson flails under pressure from CNN. Ron Johnson, I love this. We're going to watch this tweet clip of him. He just gets checked right there. So we're going to watch him get talked to by someone on CNN about this. This happens to be about the fake electors that happened in Wisconsin.
Starting point is 00:56:40 That's where Ron Johnson is from. Sells out of a nuisance lawsuit. They agreed to get to settle a nuisance lawsuit that never should have been brought. So you think it's fine that someone- There's a travesty of justice. You think it's fine that someone who tried to overturn a legitimate election is still on a board that helps certifies- Democrat electors have done that repeatedly. Democrats have done the same thing.
Starting point is 00:57:02 In Wisconsin, there's been fake slates of electors? No, it's happened in different states. Which ones, sir? I didn't come prepared to give you the exact states, but it's happened repeatedly. It has happened repeatedly. Just go check the books. Which books? I mean, there have been alternate slates of electors by Democrat electors in our history.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Again, you didn't. This wasn't what this interview is going to be about. I'll come and I'll provide you the information. But I'm absolutely certain about that. I look forward to your office sending that information. We'll publish it if it's accurate. Senator Ron Johnson. We'll publish it if it's accurate.
Starting point is 00:57:44 Just so you know, it was not accurate. There's like a narrator who leans out. It was not accurate. Fucking amazing. His office never sent anything. Of course he didn't. His office never sent anything. This is always, there's never a follow-up with that.
Starting point is 00:58:00 This is the same as what Trump does, right? Like lots of people say. Yeah. Well, there's been lots of people. Just check it out. You'll see. Do you remember that Axios one when Trump tried a very similar line?
Starting point is 00:58:11 Oh, yes. He said, it's in all the books. And he's like, what are papers? It's in all the papers. He's like, what papers? He asked the same question that she just asked, which is what books? It's on the books.
Starting point is 00:58:19 What books? What are you talking about? That's not a thing. And that's a dismissive thing that they do all the time to say, I know it's true. You just got to trust me on this. When I was a little boy, I, my, you'd watch, I remember watching the Olympics and I mean, I'm little, little, I'm watching the Olympics, like probably the 84 Olympics. And they were saying stuff like, that's going to be one for the history books. You know, you ever hear that kind of thing?
Starting point is 00:58:43 And I believed in my heart of hearts for years after that, that one for the history books. You know, you ever hear that kind of thing? And I believed in my heart of hearts for years after that, that there was the history books. Right? That'll go down in the history books. You thought it was an actual definitive book called the history books. I thought,
Starting point is 00:58:57 and I thought that every family must have a copy of the history books. And I remember asking my stepdad, like, where are our history books? Like, we should have, and he was so confused because the question must have not made any sense at all.
Starting point is 00:59:08 It doesn't make any sense because he doesn't put two and two together. Right, because he doesn't have all the rest of it, right? And I don't know what to explain to him because in my mind,
Starting point is 00:59:16 like, everybody has the history books and that's where these things go down in, obviously. And this feels like playing to that same idea that I had when I was fucking
Starting point is 00:59:26 six, right? And I was a fucking idiot. And I was looking around my house for something called the history books. Martha, they just broke the diving record. Get out the history books. Break them out. Bring them to the table. Write it down. No, no, no, no. It was 6.26 meters. That's what I thought when you're fucking six, you're garbage. So like my brain was just like, that's down in the history books. That's amazing. This feels like they're playing
Starting point is 00:59:56 to people who still hold that idea. You gotta check the papers. Oh, well, it's gotta be the papers. What paper? What paper, Sarah Palin? Which ones are you reading? I was going to talk about Sarah Palin. Yeah. What papers?
Starting point is 01:00:07 You read all of them? I read them all. All of them. I read all of them. I read all the papers. Every one. That proves to me you read no papers. No papers.
Starting point is 01:00:13 You couldn't come up with one. When you say you read them all, that means you read none. You don't read any. You've never- You might not even be able to read. There's a possibility- What's on your hands, Sarah? You don't actually know how to read. There's a possibility What's on your hands, Sarah? You don't actually know how to read.
Starting point is 01:00:31 Alright, so catch us this week. It's going to be us upcoming Thursday. Christmas stream over on YouTube and Twitch and we're going to have a little couple of ho-ho-hos. We're going to have a Christmas drink and we're going to chill and enjoy ourselves. So're going to have a Christmas drink and we're going to chill and enjoy ourselves.
Starting point is 01:00:46 So come check us out this upcoming Thursday. And that's going to be it for this week. We are going to leave you like we always do and wish you a Merry Christmas because we wish you a Merry Christmas on Thursday, of course,
Starting point is 01:00:58 if you show up. But on today, the next episode that launches will be after Christmas. So Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas. If you celebrate, have a great Christmas or a happy holidays or whatever you want to call it. I don't care. I literally don't care. Will our show actually come out on Christmas? Our show will be out on Christmas. That's right. It's a Christmas day episode. What a Christmas episode.
Starting point is 01:01:16 Oh, it's a Christmas, not miracle. People will be able to like drive to their shitty relatives house and be able to listen to our show on the way there or the way back and either get themselves ready or decompress. Merry Christmas. I hope you enjoy your Christmas this year. We'll also probably, we'll probably wish you another Merry Christmas again though. It's happening. Yeah. Cause we mean it. We'll do two in a row. Yeah. We'll give you this one in one pocket. We'll give you another one. We'll give you a Merry Christmas in a sloppy seconds. All right. That's going to wrap up. If you want sloppy seconds,
Starting point is 01:01:49 you can head over to Adam and Eve. And you can get your sloppy second eggnog. All right. That's going to wrap it up for this week. We're going to leave you like we always do with the skeptics creed. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hypno Babylon bullshit. Couched in scientician, double bubble, toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative, acupunctuating, pressurized,
Starting point is 01:02:11 stereogram, pyramidal, free energy, healing, water, downward spiral, brain dead, pan, sales pitch, late night info-docutainment. Leo Pisces, cancer cures, reflex foot massage death and towers tarot cars psychic healing crystal balls bigfoot yeti aliens churches mosques and synagogues temples dragons giant worms atlantis dolphins truthers birthers witches wizards vaccine nuts shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, double-speak stigmata, nonsense. Expose your signs. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this.
Starting point is 01:03:13 The opinions and information provided on this podcast are intended for entertainment purposes only. All opinions are solely that of Glory Hole Studios LLC. Cognitive dissonance makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information and will not be liable for any errors, damages, or butthurt arising from consumption. All information is provided on an as-is basis. No refunds. Produced in association with the local dairy council and viewers like you.

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