Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 819: 30,000 migrants to Guantanamo

Episode Date: February 3, 2025


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Trying to manage your expenses? With the TD Low-Rate Visa Card, you can. Because rusted breaks happen, and Taco Tuesdays happen. So do dog check-ups, phone plans, spin classes, and orthodontist appointments. But with a low annual interest rate, the TD Low-Rate Visa Card is a smart way to help find some balance. Learn more at slash low-rate card. TD ready for you. I tried the Y for free and I never looked back. The instructors empowered me. The gym strengthened me. The pool soothed me. And the pickup games energize me. Great game.
Starting point is 00:00:48 The Y is everything I needed it to be. Because the Y is so much more than my gym. Try the Y free for seven days at Today's show is brought to you by Adam and Today's show is brought to you by Adam and Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. Recording live from Glorial Studios in Chicago and beyond, this is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way, we bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence
Starting point is 00:01:52 to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical, it's political, and there is no welcome mat. Today is Thursday, January the 30th. See, so we are reunited and it feels so good. Reunited. Good to see you buddy. Good to see you in the flesh.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Good to be back in the studio. Viewers on our YouTube channel no longer have to look at my messy office in the background. You have a pretty sweet system though in the background. I do have a pretty sweet system. I am constantly making little tweaks and changes and upgrades to that system. I see it in the background. You have a pretty sweet system though in the background. I do have a pretty sweet system. I am constantly making little tweaks and changes and upgrades to that system. I see it in the background. I was like, that's pretty sweet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:31 It looks like you got an eight track back there. What's going on? I've got a, I just got a new record player. Nice. The old record player. Is that old Vic troll? Is that what you got? It's a Fluance RT 85.
Starting point is 00:02:41 Thank you. I actually just last week, cause I joined a group for people who are into old, like 70s, 80s, 90s audio equipment. Cause I discovered on Marketplace, you can get that shit for a fucking steal. And so I found a pair of these super rare Bozak speakers from 1985.
Starting point is 00:03:04 And I got them from some guy like one town over from me for like next to nothing. See, so they're the dumbest thing I ever bought in my life. They're the size of like two school buses. Are they that big? They're so stupidly big. They're comically big. They are ungodly heavy.
Starting point is 00:03:21 They're like hilariously heavy. I gotta struggle to bring these fucking things in from the car. Like where are they gonna go? Oh, they're in my office. My office is 12 by 12. What's their footprint? Nine foot by nine foot.
Starting point is 00:03:36 It is insane. It makes no sense. And it makes me laugh. Like I turned that thing on and it's like, this is the dumbest thing I have. That's amazing. But I love it. Yeah, it's fun toys. Yeah, I'm glad we have something to look forward to. Yeah, look, it's like, this is the dumbest thing I have. That's amazing. But I love it. Yeah, it's fun toys.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Yeah, I'm glad we have something to look forward to. Yeah, look, it's been a bad nine days, guys. It's been a bad Dude! nine days. Dude, what the fuck? That's been like, it's been moment after fresh hell moment after fresh hell moment.
Starting point is 00:03:59 I, you know, I know that there's people in the government right now, they're doing their best to slow things down and to dissent, because there's not a ton that Democrats can do to stop some of these things. They could do their very best. And I think that the ones that are in those committees that are doing the questioning on the appointees
Starting point is 00:04:18 are doing their very best to try to bring out the worst things that are possible. You brought out enough in Hegseth for Mitch McConnell to vote against him. That's a lot, right? It's not enough, because JD Vance, of course, casts the tying vote that winds up making it so Hegseth is our new Secretary of Defense.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Jesus fucking Christ. And we were already down one Black Hawk helicopter. One Black Hawk helicopter down under his leadership. Oh, God. And under Trump's leadership too, right? A plane crash. You know, like, I know people, there's a group of people, I think, that want to say like, well, it's not his fault.
Starting point is 00:04:58 And you're like, well, shit rolls uphill when you're in charge. Sure fucking does. That's important. And I want to say like, they wanna strip regulation away from these things that are protecting us. And one of them happens to be the FAA, right? So they wanna strip stuff away. They've already done some of that.
Starting point is 00:05:18 The head of that department was chased out by Elon Musk a week ago because he was fining Elon Musk for things that he was doing with SpaceX and Elon kicked his door down and yelled at him and the guy finally just walked away from the job. So we have a system where there's an oligarch in the government who's getting fined by the government who's knocking on doors and chasing people away
Starting point is 00:05:39 from their job that they've been doing because we've permitted that to happen. We chose the leader who was gonna do that work and we knew he was gonna do it. We read the fucking project 2025, we knew it was gonna happen. None of this is a surprise. None of this is a surprise, we all knew.
Starting point is 00:05:53 We read about it last year, we were saying, guys, this could be real bad. Hey, news flash, we're 10 days in, it's real bad. It ain't good. But I wanna say, there's some people who wanna push back against Trump being somebody who should take shit for this. And it's like, no, he should 100% take shit from this and he should double take shit for it
Starting point is 00:06:13 because he's trying to pass the buck on DEI. Yeah. Look, a couple of quick points. To go back to Mitch McConnell, imagine the place that we are in right now. Imagine the dire straits that we are in right now. Imagine the dire straits that we are in right now when Mitch fucking McConnell is a moral arbiter. Yeah. Like when we are looking for integrity and we're finding Mitch McConnell, one of the least, one of
Starting point is 00:06:40 the people with the least amount of actual integrity and one of the most practical and pragmatic game players ever to be in the Senate. Biggest hypocrite in the Senate. Yeah, he's a terrible, terrible, terrible fucking person. He's fucking like senatorial game theory 101. All he cares about is achieving goals. So when he takes a principled stance,
Starting point is 00:07:00 when Mitch McConnell does that, that should tell us like we've lost the moral us like, we've lost the moral thread. We've completely lost the moral thread. And to your point about the FAA, the FAA has been in crisis now for some time. The job of the president is not to deepen the fucking crisis and they are deepening the crisis. I remember listening to an episode of like,
Starting point is 00:07:25 maybe the daily or what next or something along those lines, just a handful of months ago about the crisis in the FAA, the intent to shift the FAA's, the Trump leadership intent to shift the FAA's headquarters. They're gonna make this problem worse. They're gonna make flying, which is already getting more dangerous
Starting point is 00:07:48 as the skies become more crowded and there are less people doing ground control and doing that work, they're gonna make it more and more dangerous, man. So like, yeah, this is his fucking fault. And like, it's his fault because everything from January 21st forward is his fucking fault. That's the job He took he raised his hand and said I want to be responsible or guess what you're fucking possible
Starting point is 00:08:11 You're fucking responsible and you can't pin it on DEI. He stood in front of a group of people This is like, you know if it was possible to still have meaningful like fucking soundbite moments This would have been one it feels to me like at the beginning of the first administration when they're like, well, there's alternative facts. Because he stood up in front of everybody and said, well, we don't know what happened, but I have opinions. And you're like, can you hear that?
Starting point is 00:08:36 I don't know what happened, but here's my opinion. Let's blame it on like, you know, people of color and women and gays. That's your plan. Cause that's what he thinks DEI is, right? So I'm not saying that I think that's what DEI is to the audience. Yeah. Like that's it. He just he's he came out and said it like, oh, yeah, that plane crashed into a helicopter, not because the FAA needs to be better funded
Starting point is 00:09:00 and we need more actual air traffic controllers. And because it looks like actually one guy was doing two persons job at the time and maybe that contributed to the problem and actually maybe we should just fucking wait until we know what caused the problem before we all pine on it but instead, as the leader of the country let me fearlessly declare
Starting point is 00:09:18 I don't know what happened, here are my thoughts it was the Browns Here's my thing It really is man It really nothing. It's not hidden anymore but I also want to I also want to tell people like This is a group of people that's gonna come in and they're gonna rip every regulation that they can Mm-hmm, and a lot of people when they hear that they think oh, well, you know, I think the government's bloated I think that's a problem. I think they know me there's plenty of places to cut We should be able to cut these they think, oh, well, you know what? I think the government's bloated. I think that's a problem. I think that, you know, maybe there's plenty of places to cut.
Starting point is 00:09:47 We should be able to cut these different things, et cetera, et cetera. The FAA makes sure you land and you take off and you get to your destination safely. That's the job, what they do. That's how they work. That's what they do. So there are certain things we can't compromise on. There's certain things we can't cut and we shouldn't cut and we should bolster.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And we shouldn't look at and say, you know what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut all these. I mean, look at what happened with Reagan. Reagan had them all walk out on strike on him. Yeah. So we had a, like the thing is, is like certain regulations are absolutely bedrock necessary things in our life.
Starting point is 00:10:25 And in fact, a lot of regulations are probably pretty good. Yeah. If you think about them and if you put them in the right context, this is a moment for us to reflect and be like, you know what? Maybe we don't want to cut so deep into those regulations. Maybe we want to leave those fucking alone. Maybe we want to bolster that department. Maybe we want to do the right thing here instead of just following these dollars that all we're trying to do is ring as much out of the budget as we can so billionaires
Starting point is 00:10:49 get to save a couple bucks. Exactly. You know, and I also wanted to, I was thinking about the something this week. There is a narrative that I grew up with that you probably grew up with that everybody who's listening to this probably grew up with, which is that idea that the government is inefficient and full of bloat. I don't know that that's true. That's just something I've heard in the general zeitgeist my whole life. I've never seen any evidence of that actually.
Starting point is 00:11:16 I don't know with a certainty of fact that the government is too big, that it's full of bloat, that it's inefficient. I don't know that I believe that. I know that I've been made to believe that because it's been told to me a million times by everybody on the street fucking repeating It as a sort of like shared common knowledge But when I stop and reflect on that, I think I don't know that that's true I actually don't know whether that's true or not true. I've never actually looked into it. I've never actually ran the numbers.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I've never actually seen a study. I actually don't know of any times that I can think of in my own life personally where the federal government interfered in some way that I'm resentful of. I don't know that the government's too big. That's just some shit that we've been sold. I think ICE is too big.
Starting point is 00:12:04 Sure. Yeah. Sure. I think that's because I don't we've been sold. I think ICE is too big. Sure. Yeah. Sure. I think that's because I don't believe in their mission. Yeah. I think that there's some things that, but I think that people on the other side think the exact same thing about some things though, right? I think that's what politics is all about is that they look at, I look at ICE and I
Starting point is 00:12:19 think that's the biggest police force in our country. It's a waste of money. We should be spending money in different places. Sure. Right. They probably look at the immigration judges and they think we should be spending more money on ICE. And that's the fight we've got to have between us, right? We got to fight. I got to fight them. And there's an ideological argument on their side and ideological argument on my side. So I do think that there is some, clearly I see, but I think like, I understand your point in that, are we saying everything the government puts its hand in is somehow
Starting point is 00:12:51 inefficient? Right. And that's, I agree. I don't think that's true. Yeah. You know, when I think of government, I think, you know, my mind immediately is like, all right, well, where are we spending most of our money? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:03 We're spending most of our money on the US military. Yeah. Well, all right. I mean, if we want to talk our money? Yeah. We're spending most of our money on the US military. Yeah. Well, all right. I mean, if we want to talk about bloat, shouldn't we look at the biggest line item? There's plenty of ways to look at it there. You know, if I were to look at, if I were to take the same principles that I would apply to my day job and I were to say, okay, I think we need to look and make sure we're running an efficient operation.
Starting point is 00:13:22 The very first thing you would do is say, okay, well, let's look at our expenses and see which are our biggest expenses and we'll start there. It makes no sense for me to curtail T&E expenses if they're 3% of my fucking budget item when I'm spending 45% of my budget on personnel. I should look at personnel first, right? So when I look at the US government
Starting point is 00:13:43 and think about what they do, I should look and see where we're spending most of our money. Well, we're spending most of our money in the military. Then I have to make choices. Is that smart? I don't know. I don't know that answer. But what I do know is that like cutting out like, Hey, you know, we should have, we should have less inspectors general making sure that the government is actually like doing the things that is supposed to do by law. No one saves a dollar doing that. It's like.00001% of anything. It's nothing. Like most of the shit we're like gonna get all worked up about doesn't cost us anything. We don't save anything and all we do is lose protections.
Starting point is 00:14:21 That's not like curtailing government bloat. None of that, if we want to really not like curtailing government bloat. None of that. If we want to really talk about curtailing government bloat, we should, we should talk about the military first. Anything that doesn't start with the military is lying to you. Pardon my French, but you're an asshole. This story comes from CNN. Trump has pulled Fauci's security details, say sources.
Starting point is 00:14:44 By the way, those sources basically are Trump saying, yeah, I pulled his fucking security details. Sources, it's him. And Trump is just basically like, hey, you know, sometimes when you don't work for the government, you don't get security anymore. Anyway, shouldn't have given a unilateral pardon because now I can't put him in prison,
Starting point is 00:14:59 so now I'm gonna hope he gets fucking shot in the street. I don't think that's wrong. I don't think that, I think that that is clearly the underwritten thing that's said here. I think when, you know, he also sort of attacks Fauci for making a lot of money. And I think that plays into that bullshit that these people all believe about Fauci and the vaccine
Starting point is 00:15:20 when it comes to COVID and what Fauci did while he was in office, while he was in an office, he was an advisor. He didn't, he didn't have any powers. No, no. Like he had no powers. Like Iberdi was always talking about, oh, what the hell did he, look at what he did. And you're like, Fauci's rules.
Starting point is 00:15:34 All he did was just, all he did was say to the president, the president that you chose, right? The president that you like, that you chose again, he went to him and said, hey man, we should probably do a couple things. And then President Trump did a lot of things that Fauci suggested. That shit's on President Trump. He's the one who pulled the trigger.
Starting point is 00:15:53 He's the one who said all this shit. Well, a lot of times too, you'll see people talking about like, oh, and Fauci closed down the government. I just want to remind everybody, the federal government did not close down your state. There were several states that didn't have any closures at all. I just looked to remind everybody, the federal government did not close down your state. There were several states that didn't have any closures at all.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I just looked this up again because I was fighting with somebody online the other day. So it's like, you know what, is my memory accurate? Not every state had any close, so there were some states that had no, it was business as usual. Some states were only closed for a handful of weeks. Most states were only, like the longest state that had, you know, like any real like lockdown
Starting point is 00:16:27 was something like six or seven weeks. So this was not some thing that happened for like most of 2020. It was a blip. It was decided at the state, not federal level. I want to point out too, that the six or seven week one probably would have worked everywhere and would have done a lot for us. But you had idiots in other places were like, well, Texas is going to stay open. And then they go, people would go down to Texas and come back and get a bunch of fucking
Starting point is 00:16:51 people sick. Exactly. And you're like, well, why even have it closed then? Yep. And isn't it also really something when somebody like Trump is like, well, you know, Fauci made a lot of money and like, what that's supposed to do is rile me up. I'm supposed to be mad that Fauci made a lot of money. There's a billionaire guys, riling you up about somebody else making a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Yeah. Even if that's true, right? Which it's not like it's not true, but I just think it's really something when the billionaires weaponize the idea of follow the money. And you're like, all right, but I mean, a billion or more goes to you. Shouldn't I follow your money chucklefuck? And they're like, ah, I earned it through
Starting point is 00:17:36 the meritocracy of inheritance. God. Also, not just Fauci lost this, there was a bunch of other people, Bolton and other people lost there. Because these are all, this is 100% him going after people politically. This is him pulling the security from those people because what he wants to do is he wants to attack them in any way that he can.
Starting point is 00:18:00 And if he can make them feel less safe, that's what he's going to do. And so that's what he chose to do. And even Lindsey Graham didn't even like this. Lindsey Graham was like, we need to call an inquirer into this to see whether he did this because he was, you know, like where he's trying to persecute people through the office, right?
Starting point is 00:18:16 He's trying to use the office as a weapon. And Lindsey Graham is like, hey man, we need to look into that. Lindsey Graham is saying we need to look into that. That's fucking wild. We're nine days in, man. Nine days. And like, just in case anyone's like,
Starting point is 00:18:29 ah, it's probably, like remember that Nancy Pelosi's husband was beaten almost to death with a hammer in an act of politicized violence. And Trump, and by the way, the Trump family made fun of them. So if somebody were to say release a bunch of people who have already committed violence from prison, Right. I mean, it's pretty easy to say, oh, by the way, that guy's out.
Starting point is 00:18:51 No. Dude, for real. I'm just, I mean, I don't know. I'm not saying that that's going to happen. I mean. But I'm not saying it's not going to happen. Watch helplessly as I begin... Phase 2! I'm switching people's mail around! That's illegal! No! This story comes from NBC News.
Starting point is 00:19:10 Trump administration offers roughly 2 million federal workers a buyout to resign. This is part of that attempt to massively curtail the size of the US government. Now keep in mind that when these things happen, this will, if this is even legal, which it's questionable whether this is even legal, if it's even legal and some significant portion of these people take a buyout to resign, which by the way, on an individual basis,
Starting point is 00:19:41 I wouldn't fucking blame anybody. I wouldn't wanna work for these motherfuckers either. But this will have significant downstream effects on our lives, on our lives. Where do you think the people who inspect your food at the USDA, right? There are government workers. There are government workers constantly at play making sure that we are safe,
Starting point is 00:20:07 making sure that like when you take a medicine, it has that medicine in it. Because sometimes it doesn't and people have to knock on doors and get in trouble. And like people have to like knock on doors and make sure that it's not some fucking Upton Sinclair shit and you're eating fucking ground up rat carcasses because that's some shit that happened until we fucking regulated it. And there's people in place making sure at the CFPB, for example, a much maligned industry, something you guys talked about on the no Rogan experience, the CFPB is the direct result. They call it like Elizabeth Warren's committee or whatever.
Starting point is 00:20:39 It's not her bureau. It's not her bureau. She helped to spearhead it. That's it. But like, that's the result of the housing crisis crash from 2008 that caused a global recession, global, because we had unregulated that entire industry. This is like, there are people cheering this
Starting point is 00:20:59 because they're sure that these guys are doing nothing but buying $600 toilet seats all day. And they're these other people making sure that when you go outside and you fill a fucking prescription at the pharmacy, that it's got what it says it has in there. Yeah. That's important shit, the stuff that they're doing. And, and I want to point out too, this is in conjunction, right?
Starting point is 00:21:19 So these, these letters go out, by the way, we were contacted by someone who works in the government. They sent us this letter before this story broke. So we were actually sent the letter that everybody else was sent. And this person said, please don't say my name, but you know, like I work for a government agency and I was sent this letter.
Starting point is 00:21:38 And they basically, so I knew this story before I ever even saw this story because someone had sent it to our email. And basically what they did was they copied Elon Musk's subject line when he sent this out to Twitter, a fork in the road. They basically copied what Elon Musk did when he asked all these Twitter devs,
Starting point is 00:21:56 if they, I will pay you to leave, essentially pay you to leave. You got nine months worth of pay. You go ahead and leave. All you have to do is reply to this with resign, and you can resign. And they send this form, it's a big long form that just says, you wanna resign, you get nine months
Starting point is 00:22:11 of pay, you're done, that's the end. They are coupling this with the removal of work from home. So it's a really great way to, because what they wanna do is they wanna get rid of all those people, right? So all the work from home people they wanted to get rid of. So they say, well, you got to come back to the office. Well, there's a lot of people in government that are like, well, fuck you, this is my job. I got to come back to the office. I'll come back to the office. This is what it is. Some people can't. They moved out of state. They did other stuff. They have different plans.
Starting point is 00:22:35 They're planning on moving some of these agencies like you suggested. They're moving across the country. So they're already planning on uprooting a lot of people that already work there. They're already planning on changing a bunch of people, a bunch of federal workers' lives for the worst anyway, but they wanna make sure that they get it, they scrape as much as they can off. And so if you couple it with the work from home, the seizing of the work from home piece,
Starting point is 00:23:00 then you say, you have a bunch of people who see that and say, well, I gotta go in every day, or I can get nine months of salary and try to find a new job. Yeah. Maybe I'll do that instead. And then they say resign, and then they get what they want.
Starting point is 00:23:12 And I just wanna say this to all the government workers out there, I have never met anybody as stubborn as a government worker. That is true, man. Man, go to the DMV and make a fuss. Make a fuss at the DMV and see how long you fucking wait. Watch what the... Do that at the post office.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Do something at the post office to one of those postal workers. Make a fuss there where you're being an asshole. They will make you... They will hurt your soul. They will make your life miserable for every second. They will mail a clerk to you to help you. That's how long it will take. It'll take a...
Starting point is 00:23:50 I'm serious though. There is a level of, I think, stubbornness to some of the people who work in government that I really admire. And I think this is your time. This is your moment to utilize that stubbornness for as much as you can dig your heels in. Because the person who sent us a message was like, I'm not going anywhere.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Yeah. But like the thing is, if you did, I wouldn't blame you because if I got this, part of me would say, I'm not welcome here. And maybe I can resign and get nine months, or maybe they'll fire me in six and I get nothing. That's a real possibility. You know, so here's my crazy Tom Curry conspiracy theory about this. Do you want it? Let's do it. This is bullshit, unfounded, conspiratorial nonsense. I'm gonna ride down this conspiracy train.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Wanna run it? All right. So Trump has made it very, very, very clear that he wants lower interest rates. He wants the Fed fund rate to go down. He's made it very clear. He's mad as hell that he can't control it. He thinks he should have control over it. The Fed secretary is basically like, fuck you, I'm not quitting. We'll do what we won't do. However, the Fed funds rate is like they're looking very heavy at
Starting point is 00:25:01 key inflation data and the most important piece of inflation data that they're looking at is the jobs data. So when the jobs data comes out, that jobs data has a bigger impact on whether or not the Fed is going to move rates than CPI data does than the consumer price index data does. If a million people all of a sudden become unemployed, the jobs data will look bad. And if the jobs data looks bad, that will force the hand of the feds to reduce rates. Add into that the immigration thing.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Yeah. So if you can create a bad month or two of jobs data, not because the economy isn't working well, but because you fired a million people or you forced a million people to resign or even two or 300,000 would do it. You don't actually have to have a million. You will dramatically alter at least that jobs data enough
Starting point is 00:25:59 to force the Fed's hand to reduce interest rates, which is what billionaires wanna do because they'll make a lot more fucking money reduce interest rates, which is what billionaires want to do because they'll make a lot more fucking money with interest rates going down. So if I'm a billionaire, this is actually a way for me not to like just curtail the size of the government, but to personally benefit by forcing the fed's hand to reduce interest rates. I don't know. That doesn't sound like a conspiracy theory. It sounds like an economic theory. And it could, I mean, maybe he's just wants to... You know, there's definitely a piece of it where there's a lot of actors in the government
Starting point is 00:26:30 that right now that want to break it. Yes. But maybe there's happy accidents that can be had for his billionaire friends and they recognize that they're smart enough because they're not billionaires because they're stupid. Right? Right? Other than Trump. He's a billionaire because he's stupid. But like all the rest of them, I think,
Starting point is 00:26:45 are probably pretty smart dudes, or at least have smart people who work for them. You can afford it, that's for sure. But I also think too, if you add the immigration stuff in there, right? Make the economy start freaking out because there's, you know, people aren't coming to work, so there's no produce, there's no eggs.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Those jobs are now open because those people don't come back. There's all this other unrest too. That could throw things in the mix that could also create more of a sort of tempest that might also move that needle too. Yeah, I don't disagree with that. And like, remember too, that during the height of some of the inflationary periods during COVID
Starting point is 00:27:24 and just like post COVID, remember that many of those big corporations posted record profits during that time. So we eat shit on the bottom, but at the top, they're screwing McDuck. Yeah, it's fucking Chateaubriand time. Yeah, they're gonna love their life. So to some degree, a certain amount of runaway inflation
Starting point is 00:27:45 is good for the oligarchs. Yeah, it's great for them. Their entrance makes the Bingo Balls rumble in fear. The free space is free out of respect for them. And their dabs are too fast for the naked eye. They're not just grandmas, they're grandmasters. Betty, Dolly, Martha, Queens of Delta Bingo, Hallers of the Hall, and they're here
Starting point is 00:28:09 to teach the next generation of players. Learn what it takes to be a Bingo Master at Must be 18 plus. Play smart. Yeah, so people are mad at this gesture. All this gesture means is heil Hitler. This is all this gesture means is heil Hitler. This is all this gesture means. This is a gesture signifying your support for Hitler. Hitler was a politician in Germany in the 1940s. People had varying degrees of, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:39 some people really liked what he did. A lot of people were not into it. And that's fair. And I think when we look back on history, a lot of, you know, now, you know what I mean? It's like things that happened then, like we'd never do now. And I think that's, Hitler, we run into that a little bit with Hitler.
Starting point is 00:28:59 So I think this Hitler thing is just one of those things that, you know, he's just hiling Hitler. And people seem really upset about that. I think they think that means something else. He's just saying, I like Hitler. That's not... All right, this story comes from Reuters.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Trump to prepare a facility at Guantanamo for 30,000 migrants. Here's your camps. It is. Here's your camps. It is. Here's your camps. I mean, that was also something we talked about, right? We had a conversation about this and, you know, one of the things that we initially thought
Starting point is 00:29:32 was they were gonna maybe use some of that land that they had already set aside before the election for camps in Texas. They had said they were gonna build a bunch of things, but, you know, this all plays into the private owned facilities that we have. This all plays into increasing a police state. This all plays into, it's all the negative stuff
Starting point is 00:30:01 that came with Project 2025 that's all really positive for Trump. It's all the pros for him and the cons for us. And this is one of those moments where you're seeing a guy who hates immigrants and Tom Holman, who wants to do what he can to try to convince everybody that everybody's a dangerous immigrant. We had Christine Noem on the street this week
Starting point is 00:30:23 taking a selfie of herself with a bulletproof vest on, saying, getting dirt bags off the street in New York. She posted that. I fucking hate her. So maybe she just went and killed the dog after that. Jesus Christ. I'm sure there's a dog somewhere she could kill. You know, she gets somebody, she'd be like,
Starting point is 00:30:40 get a dog I can strangle in here. Preferably a puppy. Yeah, like a puppy. I want a puppy. Yeah, can we get a dog I can strangle in here. Preferably a puppy. Yeah, like a puppy. I want a puppy. Yeah, can we get a puppy in here? But, you know, so these people, they are all monsters. We knew they were monsters beforehand. They get brought in to do this monstrous act
Starting point is 00:30:57 and they're going to be creating this detention center. We're already deporting people, but they're gonna be putting people in this detention center. we're already deporting people, but they're gonna be putting people in this detention center, and you know what? How does that bring down our taxes? How is our taxes lower by turning this into a 30,000 migrant center? How does that lower our taxes?
Starting point is 00:31:19 No, we're not saving a fucking dollar individually. Nobody's effective tax rate is going to be reduced. Again, it's not going to happen. Like maybe they'll make some changes around the margins for the millionaires and billionaire class by extending the 2017 tax cuts, which were already a fucking blow job to billionaires. Right? So like, but your taxes as a W-2 guy? Go fuck yourself sideways. You're not saving a buck. You know, you'll especially not save a dollar because, you know, the price is all of
Starting point is 00:31:52 your goods and services are going to skyrocket. Yeah, I mean, look at eggs right now. Look at eggs right now. All right, so one thing about Guantanamo Bay to recognize too is these are not U.S. citizens and that's not in America. Yeah, man. How do you think they're gonna be treated? Yeah, and that's why they had it over there. Yeah. Like the reason why they created it. Gosh, we were talking about this in some of the earliest podcasts that we've done.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Where we were like, what a horror that you can get taken there and you have no rights. Because it's not the United States and they treated it as such. Look, you can see the groundwork for the mistreatment and the new legal labeling already taking place. What's one of the first things that happened is he signed an executive order declaring an invasion, right? So what was the thing that we did with the people in Guantanamo Bay? We created a new legal definition which we called them non-combatant, we called them some bullshit, like non-combatant detainees,
Starting point is 00:32:47 something along those lines, right? We created a new legal framework where we got to say that they're not prisoners of war because then they would be subject to the Geneva Convention. So we did not call them prisoners of war. We created a new legal framework. That new legal framework said,
Starting point is 00:33:02 you're not a citizen, you're not entitled to due process. You're not a prisoner of war, you're not subject to the Geneva Convention. You're this new third thing. We can stick you in Cuba and torture you. We made it up. We invented it. That's a true, those are all true sentences. Trump has declared an invasion at the southern border, declared an emergency from that invasion, will absolutely redefine these human beings, these migrant human beings, men, women, and children, seeking a better life, he will declare them as some kind of third legal entity.
Starting point is 00:33:38 They will not be refugees or asylum seekers or citizens. They will be something else. They will maybe be declared terrorists, Cecil. If they're part of an invasion, right, that would not be a legal stretch. Then he moves them to Guantanamo Bay. They are not citizens, they're not on US soil. They have no rights of due process.
Starting point is 00:33:58 I wanna look to see if I can find that name up because that was illegal enemy combatants. Illegal enemy combatants. So if you're part of an invasion, might you not be an illegal enemy combatant, Cecil? Well, I'll tell you, they already don't have the same rules about due process that we do, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:34:15 When you break, when they come in and they break immigration rules. So they already don't have the same rules that affect them. So yeah, we're in a weird spot. We're in a spot that's really, really difficult. And it's important to, I think at this point, it's important for us to do what we can to try to make sure that we help those immigrants
Starting point is 00:34:35 around us that are around us and give to immigrant organizations and organizations that are gonna be able to sue for certain things. My hope is that a lot of this stuff gets injunctions on it and it goes to court and it takes a while for it to go to court and it slows down for the first term of Trump's presidency enough so that we won't have to worry about it. That, you know, like if they put an injunction on it and there's enough delays, just like
Starting point is 00:34:58 what Trump did, right? Just like what Trump did when he was getting accused, he did all the delay stuff. If there's some way for us to create an injunction and then do some delays in order for it to stay as, you know, because, because the judge will do something like, Hey, this is hurting people and we're going to not do that until we get a legal ruling that says, yes, well, there's other ways to slow things down and you've got to slow things down in the opposite direction where things don't happen in the courts right away, just like what Trump did so that eventually, you know, he could be out of office and it won't matter.
Starting point is 00:35:31 You know, it might not be the worst idea to prepare your attic. Yeah. Yeah. You know, I also want to point out for anyone prior to the election saying both sides are just as bad. Are they fucking really? Are they really? Are they? You still believe that?
Starting point is 00:35:50 Dumbass. No, man, I think like we saw the writing on the wall and there's gonna be a lot of leopards eating faces. Even people who, you know, there's gonna be people who are gonna be picked up that are gonna be, and it's not just inconvenience, like one of the things that people will say, and I saw it on a comment thread this week
Starting point is 00:36:12 where somebody said, what do I care if somebody's inconvenienced for a few hours as long as they're American citizens they can prove who they are, it's not a big deal, you know, like it is. Jesus. And I thought to myself, it's like, yeah, that's said by, from somebody who clearly
Starting point is 00:36:24 isn't ever gonna be inconvenienced by this, but the thing, the fact of the matter is, is that you don't get representation when you're detained for immigration. So it's not like if you go to jail time, you'll get representation if you don't have a lawyer. If you don't have a lawyer, we have to provide work for you. That's how the system works.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Well, that's not how it works with immigration. They don't have to do that. So this guy was a citizen, but they never provided him with a lawyer. So he never was able to prove it. He stayed in custody for three years. Jesus fucking Christ. He's an American citizen.
Starting point is 00:36:55 And then they released him from prison. And they're like, fuck, we fucked up. Sorry, here's $80,000. Oh my God, $80,000 for three years of his life? Then they were gonna give him $80,000. And then the government said, nah, we're not going to do that. And then he took him to court and he lost. He lost?
Starting point is 00:37:09 Yeah. He lost. He lost. Three years of his life, he was kidnapped and held against his will for three years of his life. And then he gets nothing. Oh my God. Nothing for the problem.
Starting point is 00:37:20 So I realize that people want to make up this, this bullshit idea that it's all, it's just a little inconvenience. Why don't you have be inconvenience for three years for your life? Now, I know that's not the norm, right? But it can happen. Jesus. It can fucking happen. So this, and having more government enforcement in your life is not good. It's just not good period. So even, and it's certainly like, look, they're never going to come up to me and be like, show me your papers.
Starting point is 00:37:46 So I'm never gonna be inconvenienced by this, right? But there's a lot of people out there that'll be inconvenienced by this. And it's not just inconvenience, it's hassled. It's psychologically injured. Always thinking somebody's watching you. Always thinking, like always worried that if you'd go to the store,
Starting point is 00:38:04 am I gonna get wind up in the back of some fucking thing if I don't have my passport on me? and always thinking somebody's watching you, always thinking, like always worried that if you'd go to the store, am I gonna get wind up in the back of some fucking thing if I don't have my passport on me? What kind of fucking country do we wanna have? They think it's to make the streets safer. That's what they keep on lying about. And they keep on saying these lies over and over to make the streets safer.
Starting point is 00:38:20 They're picking up just regular old people. They're not just, a lot of these people aren't hardened criminals. And the hardened criminals, we already were going after anyway. Yeah, man. Like I think that when you see, whenever I hear stuff like that,
Starting point is 00:38:34 I can't help but think, God, what, like, if I got picked up, just Tom Curry, if I got picked up tomorrow and thrown in some fucking jail for six months or a year or three years, like I'm the breadwinner. I'm the only breadwinner in my family. Like that's not just me that's inconvenienced.
Starting point is 00:38:55 It's like, how are my, how are my kids going to continue to live in their home? Like where, where are they going to get the money for food and housing and shelter and, you know, school from? Like, it's not just that guy. Like everybody is connected to somebody. That's the other thing, like we sort of like, refuse to believe in our microscopic viewing of these things.
Starting point is 00:39:18 If you throw Tom Curry in jail, also like if you throw me in jail, it's not a safe place for me to be. And maybe something bad happens to me in a detention center because detention centers are not as safe. I don't know, maybe a global pandemic runs through a detention center like a fucking wildfire because that has happened, you know?
Starting point is 00:39:37 Or maybe like some other person in detention has a problem with me. Like it's not safe. It's not just stealing three years of my time. It's potentially devastating somebody's entire family. Well, and it's not just that. Like even as just think of it's like a couple days. Let's say you're in convenience for a couple days
Starting point is 00:39:54 or a day even. Yeah. You could lose your job over that. Sure, yeah. Many, many, many, many, many people. You could lose your job. So what if you're on your last strike at work and they pick you up on the way to work
Starting point is 00:40:04 and you're only an hour late? right? You know what I mean? Like, like it's easy to look at that from the outside and be like, Oh, it's not anything. Yeah. It's not. It's just little inconvenience. Yeah. It can ruin somebody's life. It can ruin somebody's life. Yeah. Hey everybody. I was just making some ciabatta and it got me thinking about something for you. Now you say, what is it? And I say, ciabatta is a rustic Italian bread that starts with a biga and then you let that ferment for a day. But that's not really important right now. What I'm thinking of is you should go to slash glory where you can pick up four sex toys of your favorite for $20. That's like $175 savings. Can you believe it? It's an exclusive offer right in time for Valentine's Day. So, ciabatta, get your butts over there
Starting point is 00:40:48 and get those sex toys by going to slash glory. We know that Valentine's Day was a saint, Saint Valentine, probably Italian. I don't know, look it up. Hey, he's offering you savings at an unbelievable price through It's like a glorification upon you from the saintliness of some sort of, whatever. Go to slash glory for sex toys
Starting point is 00:41:20 for $20 exclusive offer. Does anybody else have it? Probably not, that's what exclusive means. So you should do it with us. Not like that, but you know, you should use our link and go to And now you're thinking about the Trivada recipe. Well, here's what you need to do.
Starting point is 00:41:37 You need to get a scale first so that you can measure weights accurately and then go to slash glory and you can get four sex toys for $20 that's under $75 savings and guess what take those sex toys put it on a scale weigh it in grams what is the dollar to sex toy ratio that is working for you in 2025 I don't know email us about it I think we want to know is it actually a deal that is as high quality as you think because we know it is and it
Starting point is 00:42:05 is yes it is okay great so why don't you go ahead you order those things get a little shabata get the scale get some all-purpose flour but also get some bread flour that's very important and get the four sex toys for 20 dollars thank you so much adam and eve dot com slash glory happy valentine's day northeastern conservative fundamentalist baptist Baptist Great Lakes region consulate 1879. Northam conservative fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes region consulate 1912. He says Northam conservative fundamentalist Baptist Great Lakes region consulate 1912. I said die heretic! I inherited. And I pushed him. I'm like. Oh. Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Oh. Oh. Oh. This story's from LGBTQ Nation. Right-wingers tell Bishop to die because she begged Donald Trump to have mercy on trans kids. This is a whole thing. This Bishop that was at this Episcopal church,
Starting point is 00:43:03 she said this comment, she basically just pleaded with Trump, said, I hope that you'll be merciful. Yeah. Like, please be merciful. I'm not going to repeat their words. It's religious words. I don't care. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:16 But that's pretty much what it amounts to. That's pretty much what it amounts to. And he flipped his fucking lid. People in the government are saying this woman should be deported. I mean, these are literal senators, and senators, but congresspeople are saying she should be deported with like, they're telling, like she is just a person. They're like, they need to deport her. And you're like, what the fuck is wrong with this country? I mean, I know it was going to be bad, but I didn't think it was going to be that bad that fast.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Yeah. Just, Hey, maybe let's not be cruel. And then a lot of the backlash, a tremendous amount of the backlash is, this is why we're not supposed to have women bishops. Women should not be allowed to speak in the church. The backlash against a woman speaking truth to power is always different. When women speak truth to power, they are always singled out in more hateful and vitriolic and violent ways
Starting point is 00:44:06 than when men do it. And this puts a target on this woman's back specifically because of her status as a woman. Yeah. And this should tell anybody, I know that we probably don't have any churchgoers in our audience, probably not. But if we did, or if you know somebody who's a churchgoer, this should tell you everything you need to know about what they think of, what the right and what the Christian right thinks of women. This should tell you everything you need to know. Read their comments about the horrible shit
Starting point is 00:44:34 they've said to her and the ways in which they said that she should shut her fucking mouth, we shouldn't have to listen to a woman, women shouldn't speak. They find that verse real quickly when it's a woman in their church that they don't want to have her talk. They forget that verse exists when we bring it up to them.
Starting point is 00:44:50 Yeah, they don't like it then because they're embarrassed by it. But once they, if they can use it, they sure as shit well. So this is one of those things that, if you're a believer, if you're somebody who thinks the church is good and the church is a good place, look at all these hateful vitriolic comments towards this woman, weaponizing religion against her. And two things to point out. I was wrong when I just said they're embarrassed when we bring
Starting point is 00:45:16 it up. They're not embarrassed anymore. They used to be, but now they're emboldened. Now they're emboldened. Now it's my body, my choice. They're emboldened, right? Now they're emboldened. Now it's my body, my choice. They're emboldened in their express and open hatred of women. It's out loud in everything now. So the other thing is it's interesting to note how when they do that, what they're refusing to do is engage with the concept that's actually being discussed.
Starting point is 00:45:39 It is like when they're- It's ad hominem. It's ad hominem. You're a woman. I don't have to listen to you seriously because you're a woman. I don't have to take the subject of mercy seriously. In fact, I won't even engage the topic of mercy.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I'll just attack you as a person. It's so fucking transparent. Yeah, it's disgusting. But, you know, this is also something that I think we as people on the left need to seize on. Yeah, yeah. This is a moment for us, you know, I know there's a lot of people who are hurt by religion. I know that you exist, right?
Starting point is 00:46:11 I get messages from you on the other show that I do where you guys yell at me because I talked to a guy who's religious. Okay. That shows canceled by the way, canceled this week. But, but on that lawful assembly show, I, I'm saying I used to do, I just released an episode this week. It's the last episode, but on lawful assembly, I'm saying I used to do, I just released an episode this week, it's the last episode. But on Lawful Assembly, I was talking to a religious guy and I got messages from people who were hurt by religion,
Starting point is 00:46:30 who didn't like that I had conversations that were friendly with someone who was religious and a reverent, right? Somebody who was a reverent. And they didn't like that idea that there's sort of like this back and forth between the two of us. But Craig is a very nice person, he's a wonderful person. And so like, there's a lot I can learn about empathy from Craig, right?
Starting point is 00:46:48 There's a lot I can learn. He's not only a friend of mine, but he's also a great person to talk to because he teaches me a lot about how to be in some ways a better person. And I love that about him. So, but I think that this is a moment. And like I say, I know there's a lot of people
Starting point is 00:47:03 who don't like religion, but I say that this is a moment and I, and like I say, I know there's a lot of people who don't like religion, but I say that this is a moment we need to reach across the way and say, look, look at how these people hate you. Look at how they hate you. Let's make a big 10 over here. Let's make a big 10 that just includes all the people they hate because they hate so many people. Do they hate most people? They hate so many people.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Yeah. They hate the, the, the number of people that they hate outweighs so, I mean, it's not even close when you think about the people that they like. So let's just band together. We're people they hate. There were people they don't want to see thrive. We're people they don't want to see happy. Let's all go be happy in this big tent together and let's get rid of them once and for all.
Starting point is 00:47:44 Let's get rid of these bad, awful, hateful, hurtful people and let's all go over here. And that's gonna include religious people. And that's gonna include some people that may be like, I don't ideologically line up with, and that's okay. Let's make a really big tent over here of all the people that they hate. Yeah, and remind them too,
Starting point is 00:48:02 because that's exactly the right strategy, man. And I think you've got to remind them that, if it's not you today, it will be you tomorrow. Yeah, it's that old poem. Yeah, when they came for the trans kids, I said nothing because I wasn't trans, right? That keeps working. So you as a woman, you can't say,
Starting point is 00:48:23 well, I'm not saying these things. So they're not gonna come after me. They will come after you. To your point, the people they hate, it's most people. It's most. Your re-education depends on your unquestioning acceptance of any and every order given by the state. Spent a lot of time on Trump,
Starting point is 00:48:41 but it has been a rough week. It's been nine fucking days. It's been a rough week, so we gotta spend a little time here talking about this stuff. This is a brand new fresh hell. Let me play this clip. Yeah. So we can play this clip. I think it's in here.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Let me double check. There's a Hannity clip in here. There it is. Let me put this on the big screen and then we'll play it. So this idea here is what we're going to watch is a little piece of Hannity. And this is Trump who's complaining about, he's complaining about FEMA and he's complaining about how hard it is to rebuild after devastation. And he's very specifically trying to pit two parts of the country that just had disasters. One is Los Angeles and the other is North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:49:27 And so what he's doing is he's trying to pit those two against each other as one is a good place that needs aid and one isn't. And at the end, he will eventually conclude, it sounds like that he just wants to get rid of FEMA. So here's Trump talking about, it's only about a minute long. I will say that Los Angeles has changed everything because a lot of money is going to be necessary
Starting point is 00:49:48 for Los Angeles and a lot of people on the other side want that to happen. North Carolina too. Well they don't care about North Carolina. The Democrats don't care about North Carolina. What they've done with FEMA is so bad. FEMA is a whole other discussion because all it does is complicate everything. FEMA has not done their job for the last four years. You know, I had FEMA working really well.
Starting point is 00:50:12 We had hurricanes in Florida. We had Alabama tornadoes. But unless you have certain types of leadership, it's really, it gets in the way. And FEMA is gonna be a whole big discussion very shortly because I'd rather see the states take care of their own problems. If they have a tornado someplace
Starting point is 00:50:30 and if they let that state, Oklahoma is very competent. I love Oklahoma. 77 out of 77 districts. And that's never been done. Okay, so he has to end with, I won there by a lot. He has to make sure to say that. So it's funny, I heard this same clip on another show
Starting point is 00:50:54 that I listened to, and they fact-checked some of this. He did not win 77 out of 77 districts. That's just not a thing. Like, it's just like, no, you didn't man. No, you just did it. Like that's just like, it's never been done before. Yeah. It's just a straight up like untrue thing. And like Oklahoma is a weird state to point to and be like, yeah, yeah, well, we'll use Oklahoma as an example of a state that's too, Oklahoma is one of the worst states in this country by almost every
Starting point is 00:51:25 measure that we measure states by. I also want to point out too, I realize and I live in a tornado place. Tornadoes are a different thing than a hurricane or a fire. Yes, they're smaller. They're smaller. Way smaller, man. They can be big. I'm not saying that you can't have large.
Starting point is 00:51:42 They can't be hurricane big. I know, but you can't, like you can have a lot of devastation. And you can have multiple tornadoes. You've seen that too, right? So I'm not saying it's nothing. So please don't say to me, Mr. Be like, I've been through plenty of tornadoes in my life. I was in the mall when the Plainfield tornado hit. I was literally four blocks away. They had to fucking crawl underneath fucking in JCPenney under clothes
Starting point is 00:52:05 So tell me and I've been in a tornado. I've been a lot of tornadoes in my life real devastating ones So I know what I know the damage there is nothing like a hurricane No, there is nothing like these wildfires right those two things are so so Amazingly different, you know even you know sometimes even even earthquake damage can be hyper localized in comparison to some of the damage that happens with some of these giant full state Wildfires and in like an entire state gets washed out by a hurricane So they're told they're in a different a different you're comparing apples orange. Yeah, it's a it's a matter of scale
Starting point is 00:52:42 Yeah It's just a matter of scale like I'm not saying that like, I want to be clear, like some people don't, when a tornado comes by, if you're in the path of that tornado, it can be total devastation. It could be the total devastation. 100%. But they're not as big as hurricanes. They're just not as big by volume. They don't have both wind and flooding damage typically. Like the idea that we're gonna just leave that up to the states. Again, do I get my money back? No, you don't get your money back.
Starting point is 00:53:13 None of us are getting our money back. So FEMA does a great job. I love how in this clip he's like, yeah, when I ran FEMA, FEMA was great. They really helped a lot of people. But the solution now that I'm in charge again is to not help anybody. If you think FEMA was mismanaged for the last four years,
Starting point is 00:53:31 why wouldn't you say, we're gonna get FEMA whipped up in a good shape like it was when I was in charge before? Why wouldn't that be your plan? Instead, your plan is, hey, we're just gonna let every state handle their own business, and that's gonna be it. The reason to do that is because it's in California now.
Starting point is 00:53:47 And he's got a grudge against Gavin Newsom, and he always has. This is a personal vengeance against a blue state that has thwarted him at several turns. He's gonna let people suffer so that he can sneer. That's what he's gonna do. You're not wrong. I think that there's a real problem here because he has two options. He can kill FEMA like he's suggesting.
Starting point is 00:54:12 Kill FEMA completely or dismantle it to the point where it's not giving out any real aid. Right? Right. So he could do that. And if he does that, then he's hurting not just blue states, he's hurting red states. And there's more red states than there are blue states. And there's more red states in the hurricane zone. There's more red states that get more major natural natural disasters than blue states.
Starting point is 00:54:36 So he's going to fuck up and really alienate a bunch of people who aren't going to be able to get help when the next big disaster happens. Because trust me, Trump himself is a disaster. So the disasters will continue. Guaranteed, we will see hurricanes aplenty this year. We're going to see plenty of opportunity for that to continue. And it's not going to get any better under Trump. Trust me on that.
Starting point is 00:54:59 There's going to be more global warming. And it's going to be all, no breaks for about four years. So enjoy a higher chance of those storms and those problems like we saw in California happen. Those things can happen. So he's gonna hurt red states more than blue states. If he decides to withhold only from California, then he's gonna get taken to court.
Starting point is 00:55:22 He's gonna get taken to court for sure. And it's either gonna wind up with, you pay them the money, shut the fuck up, we're a country, that's how this works, or they're gonna side with him, and then that would mean that would be the end of FEMA. Right, and you know, the thing is like, It's a bad situation.
Starting point is 00:55:39 It's a terrible, Because he's a terrible leader. He's a terrible fucking person. And I think he is gonna eat a lot of shit on this because remember that when FEMA shows up and they help, they get no credit. But if they don't show up, he will get blamed. George Bush ate so much shit
Starting point is 00:55:54 when FEMA didn't show up fast enough for, and don't get me wrong, I mean, he fucked that up so bad. Yeah, he did a terrible job. Brownie, you're doing a hell of a job, Brownie. Yeah, that guy fucked up Katrina so fucking bad. People dying, no fucking supplies getting in. It was flooded. They didn't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:56:12 George Bush is fucking can't find his ass with two hands. That was a fucking disaster of a president. Terrible. And he fucked that up royally. If there's one Katrina on his, that would be a blessing because that's, Katrina's our normal thing now. So expect a horror under Trump if he decides to withhold this sort of stuff. Expect a horror.
Starting point is 00:56:34 Do you know what scares me the most, Cecil, is another Hurricane Maria type event that destroys Puerto Rico. And I don't think Trump considers Puerto Rico proper part of America that he's responsible for. I mean, if he doesn't consider California... We're marching to a faster pace. Look out, here comes the master race. Stories from Politico. Musk tells Germans to get over past guilt in speech to far-right AFD rally. There's another Nazi thing that happened today that we should mention.
Starting point is 00:57:24 Joe. The UFC. Oh, yeah. Yeah. UFC fighters Bryce Mitchell praised Hitler said he was a guy who would like to go fishing with Jesus fucking Christ until he got on the meth Yeah until he got on the meth and he I mean it's just it's just not only is a hateful hurtful tirade that he goes and it's short, it's only two minutes. I'm not gonna play it on the show, because it's just horrible. But like, he goes after trans people and gay people
Starting point is 00:57:51 in a major way against the Jews too. So it's a really anti-semitic, anti-trans, anti-gay rant that he goes on talking about how great Hitler was. And the UFC is doing nothing about it, by the way. Nothing, they're doing nothing. They denounced it in a very soft way in one press conference. They said, we don't agree with it.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Like who fucking cares what you agree with? Dana White, who beats his wife. Just by the way, just so that we don't forget, right? Just so that we never forget. Dana White, a man who beats his wife and now sits on the board of't forget, right? Just so that we never forget. Dana White, a man who beats his wife and now sits on the board of Metta, right? So just to kind of like put those pieces in place for you. He sat there and goes,
Starting point is 00:58:32 ah, some stupid shit, that guy's a real dummy. And then they asked him point blank, are you gonna do anything about it? And he's like, no, free speech. I believe in free speech. And you're like, well, free speech actually specifically refers to, government is not allowed to curtail your speech. Use your free speech to watch Bellator from now
Starting point is 00:58:48 on. Yeah, right. Use your free speech to watch, uh, one fighting network. Don't watch, uh, don't watch, don't watch UFC anymore. Watch something else. Watch the undercard and something else. Don't watch UFC. Stop giving these people your money. These people don't deserve your money. Don't pay for UFC pay per views. Don't go out to the bar the night the UFC is on. Stop following their fighters. Don't pay attention to it. I know fighting in the UFC is exciting. I've watched it. I watched it for many years. I haven't watched it in many years because the pay-per-views are fucking prohibitively expensive and you're going to pay like seven. It feels like a, it's like a $70 a month payment just to watch the. Now they have UFC every 10 minutes too.
Starting point is 00:59:26 So I quit doing it. But even if you are in that mindset, and trust me, I liked the fight. I enjoyed watching it. It was a fun combat sport to watch. But I just stopped doing it myself. And now I urge everybody else, stop paying that person money. Stop giving them. Do we need to stop?
Starting point is 00:59:42 We need to really think about the money that we're giving out and just stop giving these awful people money. Stop giving them. Do we need to stop? We need to really think about the money that we're giving out and just stop giving these awful people money. If there's no incentive for Dana White to fire a Nazi, then why give him your dollars? Why give him your pay per view dollars? Dana White still has a job on Monday because people will still pay for pay per views, even though there's a Nazi fighting him. And then that, and like, that's not hyperbole, man. The guy said he wanted to go fishing with Hitler. I don't know how, I don't know how. Like, I know that there's gonna be all these people
Starting point is 01:00:15 that are gonna be like, wait, he's not really a Nazi. I mean, come on, he's not really a Nazi. Are we, what are we doing here? Anyone fishing with Hitler is a Nazi. I feel like if you share a tackle box with Hitler, for real, you're casting the same poll with the Nazi. You really are. I want to touch on the Elon Musk.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I know we talked about it last time, but it just, something made me laugh when I thought about it. You know, like there's all these, still these same simpy idiots who are being like, it's not, it was not a Nazi salute. And I thought to myself as I was driving today, okay, so then make a Nazi salute
Starting point is 01:00:56 that doesn't look like that. Do a Nazi salute. If that's not it, then just show me what it actually looks like. That's a great point, because I saw the exact opposite, which I liked, which was like this lady on CNN, this guy was like, oh, all these truthers talking about a Nazi salute and ladies like do it right now.
Starting point is 01:01:13 She's like, you do it right now. She's like, if it's not anything, do it. Do what he did, do it right now. And the guy wouldn't do it. I want to say to those people too, don't just do it on CNN, do it at a Rage Against the Machine concert and see what happens. If it's not anything, if it's just my heart is going out to you, then go
Starting point is 01:01:32 to a Rage Against the Machine concert. Bring your heart out to other people. Look up at Tom Morello, whatever his name is, and tell him your heart goes out to him and see if he doesn't put his Doc Martin down your throat off the stage. See if those people that are at that concert don't drag you out of there by your hair. Doing it a punk show, right? That you're a liar.
Starting point is 01:01:54 You're a fucking liar. It's 100% a Nazi sloop. Not just, and I love your solution, which is show me what a real one looks like. Yeah, like that I'm confused. If that's not it, then show me, give me a picture, a video, do it yourself. Great point. But this is, this is also, and this, we talked about it last time. He went back to Twitter. You know, it's true. You know, he's trying to troll people because he
Starting point is 01:02:19 went back to Twitter to make Nazi puns. And now he's at a far right German rally saying they need to make sure that they don't pay the price for their ancestors. Yeah. Look, if Elon Musk is not a fucking Nazi, it is a strange coincidence that in the same 10 day period, he did two not quite Nazi salutes and then told a bunch of people, don't feel bad about the Holocaust. You've got a lot to apologize for musk apologists. Feels like those two things actually fit together pretty nicely.
Starting point is 01:02:57 You know, if I'm a white South African, showing up. What does South Africa have a history of racism? For it, right? Like guys, guys, like here is a billionaire white South African who has no business talking to the Germans about their ancestry at all. Opining about how they shouldn't have bad feelings for the Nazi stuff that happened. But he's not a Nazi?
Starting point is 01:03:30 He's not a Nazi. Then like, what the fuck is a Nazi? What does he even mean anymore? What do you have to do? Do you have to have a fucking Lego set of Buchenwald? Like, what do you fuck, would that not be it? What is the thing that then makes you a Nazi? I don't even know. At this point, the Overton window is literally not in sight anymore.
Starting point is 01:03:50 It's like on the South Pole. You can't even see it anymore. I'm about to say it. I don't care that you broke your elbow. This story is from Yahoo News. Man pardoned by Trump over January 6th is shot dead by police and traffic stop. I texted this to Cecil and he texted back. He died as he lived a horrible menace to society.
Starting point is 01:04:17 Yeah, man. Look, here's the deal. This isn't a one off case either. Trump pardoned people with horrible, horrible crimes. They had horrible crimes on their record and he pardoned them because they were a part of January 6th. So don't make no mistake,
Starting point is 01:04:34 when they're gonna lie to you and say we're getting criminals off the street, he released a horrible, dangerous group of people into the United States. 100%. And so don't believe him when he says that he's out there to fight crime when it comes to immigrants. He's plenty fine with homegrown crime, it turns out.
Starting point is 01:04:51 And this guy, man, these people, they're dangerous. There's a reason they got put behind bars, right? There's a reason why these dangerous people went to prison. They went to prison, he got released, and this guy, they're talking about people who have,, like they have like gun charges now against them. One person was accused of rape before. It's like this awful group of people. Imagine that imagine that we have a cohort of people who on January 20th violently stormed
Starting point is 01:05:22 the Capitol, beat the police, broke the windows, attacked people with sticks, showed up armed to the teeth, were chanting to hang the vice president, and all of a sudden we're supposed to be like, huh, I'm super surprised that cohort of people turned out to be a bunch of dirt bag shitheads. What did you think they were?
Starting point is 01:05:41 They showed you who they were. Like all that America needs to do is fucking believe your eyes. We're constantly being sold that the thing you just saw, you didn't see, it's double speak. It is double speak. That's what's happening. You are being told that January 6th was not a riot,
Starting point is 01:06:02 that it was a day of love. You're being sold that idea. You're being sold that idea. You're being sold that the people who went to jail were hostages rather than criminals. They're fucking criminals. We saw it happen. It's on tape. Hundreds of hours. It was violent as fuck.
Starting point is 01:06:15 We know that it was... You're being told not to believe the things that you see. You're being constantly told that thing didn't happen. That thing didn't happen. You didn't see what you saw. Yeah, you did Just fucking believe your own eyes. That's it. There's nothing but we're just not doing it man We're not doing it. We're letting ourselves be sold that like well, maybe that wasn't a Nazi salute. Yes, it was Maybe though, maybe that guy wasn't violent. He's beating a cop with a fire extinguisher, man.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Like what else do you have to do? Like stop, stop and look at the things and be like, that's the thing I saw. Just do that with your fucking eyes. Try to remember the things you saw too. What I think we should need to do is we should collect as much of this footage that we have because Trump's probably going to try to remove that footage. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:08 And then we just fucking purges. Well, what we could do is let's see if we can collect all that footage on a drive and then we'll just create a stream and just stream it 24 hours, seven days a week. Oh, I love it. From now on and just stream it on YouTube where if you want, you can just go watch footage of January 6th, whenever you want, you can go watch it. I love it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:30 That's a great idea. Yeah, we need to collect it first. So I need a plan of attack, but I think it's a great idea to just create a YouTube channel that's like January 6th footage, here you go, might even already exist. Maybe I'm behind the times, might already exist. Maybe every time like we see a fucking,
Starting point is 01:07:46 like a fucking, just have the channel just be like a series. Like here's January 6th, here's a fucking Nazi salute. Here are the things you should see. Yeah. Like we should have a channel just like, that's the thing that happened. You can see it! Yeah, you can see it.
Starting point is 01:08:00 Here it is. You can see it, man! Here it is, here it is. Put some bleach in your veins and fucking sit down and watch. Get your popcorn out. Have that press conference. That woman just wants to crawl through the wall because she's a serious doctor. Oh my God. And he's like, well, you know, we should do that sunlight or the bleach.
Starting point is 01:08:20 What do you think? Shine a flashlight up your asshole. I was talking to her a few minutes ago about injecting shit inside a fucking injecting bleach inside of you. All right, that's going to wrap it up for this week. And we'll be back on Monday, but we're going to leave you like we always do with the Skeptic Scream. Credulity is not a virtue. It's fortune cookie cutter, mommy issue, hip no Babylon bullshit. the skeptic screen. downward spiral brain dead pan sales pitch late night info docutainment Leo Pisces cancer cures detox reflex foot massage death in towers tarot cards
Starting point is 01:09:11 psychic healing crystal balls bigfoot yeti aliens churches mosques and synagogues temples dragons giant worms Atlantis dolphins truthers birthers witches wizards I'm really loving these... Doubt even this. threats, all under the handle at DissonancePod. This show is CAN-credentialed, which means you can report instances of harassment, abuse, or other harm on their hotline at 617-249-4255 or on their website at Their entrance makes the Bingo Balls rumble in fear, The free space is free out of respect for them. And their dabs are too fast for the naked eye. They're not just grandmas, they're Grand Masters. Betty, Dolly, Martha,
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