Cognitive Dissonance - Episode 90: Homopropgandology

Episode Date: March 8, 2013


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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's show is brought to you by Audible. Please visit forward slash dissonance pod for your free audio book download. So we have to start the show this week with a little bit of an apology from last week. Last time on our show we discussed a story about a place called Burger Urge and that story, in that story we made fun of sophisticated cows. We received a few letters about this and several voicemails. I can't play all the voicemails and I can't read all the hate mail we got from this, but I just want to play one from an angry fan.
Starting point is 00:00:54 We at Cognitive Dissonance would like to offer a heartfelt apology to all sophisticated ungulates for our mischaracterizations. We'd also like to thank the law firm of Longhorn, Angus, and Wagyu for their strongly worded letter. We now return you back to your regularly scheduled Cognitive Dissonance podcast. letter. We now return you back to your regularly scheduled Cognitive Dissonance podcast. Be advised that this show is not for children, the faint of heart, or the easily offended. The explicit tag is there for a reason. This is Cognitive Dissonance. Every episode we blast anyone who gets in our way. We bring critical thinking, skepticism, and irreverence to any topic that makes the news, makes it big, or makes us mad. It's skeptical. It's political. And there is no welcome, Matt.
Starting point is 00:01:58 Cecil, this is episode 90. This is our A-. This is an A- episode. They're all definitely the minus episode. There's no A. It's like our GPA is not in the fours. That is not going to fucking happen. Cecil and Tom, you got a 90 out of 180.
Starting point is 00:02:17 That's more like it. Bell curve. Bell curve. You're just happier with the developmentally disabled in your class. Hey, I can put those blocks into shapes, too. I mean, with some practice and some help from the kid that sits next to me. You need some help. He bites, but he's friendly.
Starting point is 00:02:39 So, it's fine. 90 episodes, and I still read the intro every time. Right. Right. That is how dim witted I am. I fucking still read that thing every time. You you cheat on your own test every week. Totally do. It's funny, you know, total aside, but I was thinking about cheating the other day. There was, I read a story about some kids getting caught in high school or whatever, cheating. And I cheated in high school once on a Spanish thing by writing all of my Spanish vocabulary
Starting point is 00:03:16 words very, very hard on a piece of paper, then throwing it away. And it left the indention on the other piece of paper. So I used that piece of paper. And I remember thinking like, that's when we didn't have cell phones. I had this old timer moment. This total like, Bluetooth cheaters. I cheated on one.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I tried to cheat. I did not successfully cheat. I tried to cheat on one exam in college. It was math. It was trigonometry. And we were supposed to memorize like some theorems or some sort of equation. I don't remember what it was. It was either trigonometry or calculus.
Starting point is 00:03:55 But we had to memorize like a sequence. That wasn't like a sequence of numbers, but you had to memorize like here's the – I didn't even know what it it is equation or whatever it was and uh and so I had it on my notes and my notes were on the floor because you're supposed to clear your desk off and they were on the floor and I'm writing my thing and I just I just happen to look down I'm like oh there's my notes on the floor and I'm thinking to myself while I'm sitting there thinking I kind of look down I look down again and I'm starting to write out I'm sitting there thinking, I kind of look down. I look down again, and I'm starting to write out. I'm like, I could just look at the notes. And as I start to turn, the professor is right in my face.
Starting point is 00:04:31 And he's like, I'll just take those notes. And I'm just like, I didn't actually cheat. I'm just like, I didn't do it yet. I was thinking about doing it, but I totally didn't do it yet. But he didn't give me a bad grade. I got a bad grade all on my own. You earned that, right? Yeah, I earned that bad grade. I got a bad grade all on my own. You earned that, right? Yeah, I earned that bad grade.
Starting point is 00:04:46 I did not recall the equation. Even when he takes the notes from you, like, it wasn't going to help. Yeah, it wasn't going to help anyway. Probably wrote it down wrong anyway. Well, let's cheat our way through another episode. Let's try. Let's see what we could do. Abortions for all.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Very well. No abortions for anyone. Abortions for some. Miniature American flags for others. This story is from This story is from Surrogate mom refuses to abort fetus with birth defects. That's fucking awful. But what makes it particularly awful is she demanded $15,000 to undergo a procedure she claimed went against her religious beliefs. Now, they had offered her, the couple, that she was surrogating.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Is that a verb? I don't know. Surrogating for. You just made it up. It's good. They offered her $10,000 to have an abortion. She fucking raised them. I love that she's like, I'm all in.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Yeah, sorry. She's like, I'll see your $10,000. Go up $15,000. Otherwise, you get a baby with a hair lip. Oh, no. I mean, that's really what she did. Yeah. Well, you know, the worst part about this is that she actually fled.
Starting point is 00:06:14 Like, she wound up leaving the state that she was in. And she fled to Michigan where the surrogate has, like, a lot more rights, I guess. And they can actually be the legal guardian of that child, which is crazy to me, which is absolutely insane that you would go through this procedure, pay this person a $22,000 fee, then offer them $10,000 more above and beyond to abort because you know the kid's going to be coming out developmentally disabled with birth defects. And you're like, yeah, well, too bad.
Starting point is 00:06:47 You got to up that to 15K. You know, my personally held religious beliefs are worth more money than that. You got to make, you know, if I'm going to go spend hell, eternity in hell, I want at least five more thousand dollars. And how cheap is your soul? Five grand for your soul? Five grand? I need another five grand.
Starting point is 00:07:07 It's not that much. It's only eternity. All of fucking time for $5,000. I don't believe that she went out of her way to go away to this other state so she could have this baby. And she shits out a nightmare kid. You know what I mean? And you look at it, and you're just like, okay, well, this kid obviously is going to have problems for the rest of its life. Oh, yes. It's not going to be – and we were talking about it earlier.
Starting point is 00:07:32 There's a part of the story where they gave this kid up to a family, like a foster family or whatever, and the real parents came to see it. And I'm not sure exactly how surrogacy works, right? to see it, and I'm not sure exactly how surrogacy works, right? I don't know if it's the, I think it's the woman and the man have some sort of artificial thing, and then they put it in the woman, or maybe they take one of her eggs and artificially inseminate her. I'm not exactly sure how all that process works, right? But the baby's going to be born with this thing.
Starting point is 00:08:04 They decide they want to abort. The woman won't do it. She winds up having the baby, and then she gives it to somebody, and it says here. This is the people that they're the adoptive mother says this. The baby wakes up every single morning with an infectious smile. She greets the world with a constant sense of enthusiasm. Ultimately, we hold on to the faith in providing this baby with love, opportunity, encouragement, that she will be the one to show us what is possible for her life
Starting point is 00:08:31 and what she is capable of achieving. I think that's a great attitude, but I also feel like this kid is also way too young to understand what it can't do and how that's going to affect it. You know what I mean? Like, yeah, the kid fucking smiles now, but it's a baby. It doesn't have any idea of what, where, where it is and how it relates to other human beings. It hasn't looked at itself yet. It doesn't even know what it looks like. It probably doesn't even have like, you know, the ability to cognizantly know what's in the mirror yet.
Starting point is 00:09:02 Yeah. And you know, the argument here isn't that like every baby with birth defects should be like, Cecil and I are saying, like, you should abort babies. It's like, but you've got to honor the agreement. Like, you can't just say, well, we're going to look on the bright side. Look on the bright side. The baby's happy. He's smiling.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And that's great. Well, this baby has a condition where the brain fails to completely divide into distinct hemispheres. Many of her internal organs, such as her liver and stomach, are in the wrong places. She has two spleens, neither of which work. Her head is very small. Her ear is misshapen.
Starting point is 00:09:36 She has a cleft lip, a cleft palate, and a long list of complex heart defects, among other problems. And there's like a 50 percent chance that she can eventually walk. And it's like the doctors knew this ahead of time. And this is something that I think a lot of parents would grapple with. It's a difficult decision. You're stuck with this moment where you're like, well, do I abort this child or do I keep this child? This child's obviously going to have hard times.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I'm going to have a hard time taking care of this child. What do I want to do? And it's not always a selfish decision. Right. But I think it's not this woman's decision. Well, isn't that what you give up by saying, like, I will do a thing for money? Right. I mean, isn't that contractually what you do when you say, if you give me a money, I
Starting point is 00:10:20 will do a thing? You know, I mean, liken this to another kind of work that you do with your body, liken this to construction, you know, it's, it's work with your body. You, you give up your right to say, I won't lift that thing and put it on the other thing. You took the money. Yeah. You took the fucking paycheck. So if it's in the contract and you read the contract and you signed the contract and you took the fucking money, it's not your call. And it's important to note that the mother who acted as the surrogate who refused to honor the contract because her deeply held religious convictions wouldn't allow her to have the abortion she fucking agreed to have. This woman, she's not raising this fucking kid.
Starting point is 00:11:03 No. She gave it up for adoption. She still just shat it out into the world. You know what I mean? Like, I'm not trying to be shitty, but she still was just like, well, I'm not going to deal with it. I got my $22,000. So, fuck you.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Give me another $5,000. I'll abort the kid. No, that little piece of extortion didn't work. Well, here's this kid. I'll just fucking give it away to somebody else then. What do I care? I'm a shitty human being. Yeah, and it's not my, you know, like, and the other thing, too, is that you're tied to your own genetic material, obviously.
Starting point is 00:11:33 You know what I mean? Like, you're thinking, well, this is, you know, this is my kid. It's, you know, it's part of me. I've got to do the best that I can or whatever. And it's just, it is. It's just emotional extortionortion and it's stupid. And what it does is it calls into place abortion as a, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:49 as sort of this evil. And it's bringing attention to it as some sort of evil thing that, you know, you're forcing someone to do. And you know some asshole's going to run with this story and be like, oh,
Starting point is 00:11:58 they were trying to make her get an abortion, make this woman into some kind of hero when really all she is is a fucking thief. Yeah, she's a thief and an extortionist. Who's that guy on the other side of the glory hole?
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's Jesus. See, so this story is from This is a WND exclusive, by the way. This has not been scooped by the AP. Dating is dangerous, Christian leaders say. It's well worth asking whether God might not have a better plan. This story is fucking full of crazy. Yeah, it is.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Focus on the family president, Jim Daley, says basically that dating is a problem and we need to return to the good old days of courtship, Cecil. The good old days of sitting in the parlor room having an awkward conversation while the father decides how much to sell his daughter for. I'm not going to bless your marriage unless you have a proper court and that's all there is to it. Fuck them to court and hate it. I am home. That's ridiculous. is to it. Fuck them to court and hate them. I am home. That is ridiculous. I love this guy. He says,
Starting point is 00:13:08 To be sure, contemporary dating is different from what it was in the previous generations. Sexual promiscuity is rampant, even among Christian teens, and many young people receive little or no moral guidance from their parents or support from their culture. Binge drinking, date violence, even date rape is far too common. And you're like, well, the reason why those things are common is because you're not talking about, you know, sex with these people. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:13:34 It's like you got to talk about sex once in a while. They just want to lock these kids up. It's like they fucking every child is Rapunzel. It's exactly that. Every kid is Rapunzel. It's exactly that. Every kid is Rapunzel. And there's a part in this too where it says, in light of this, this is the guy saying it again, we would suggest that boys and girls under the age of 17 should not be allowed to go out on one-on-one dates. There are simply too many dangers associated with this kind of activity.
Starting point is 00:14:00 Instead, they should be encouraged to participate in group dates with a number of friends who share their moral and spiritual values. Even then, mom and dad should make sure that they are well acquainted with each other's kids in the group and their parents. And, you know, all they're doing is turning a one-on-one sexual encounter into an orgy. That's all they do. I thought the same thing. What it's like, okay, so all my buddies are going to get together and we're all going to go out on dates. Dates together. There's three guys and three girls and we're going to go on a date.
Starting point is 00:14:29 And this way nobody gets any alone time except for if I look at my buddy and I'm like, dude, I'm going to score. Get lost. Yeah. He gets lost. Shit, if you're stuck in the same room, you just start to get lucky. You know what I mean? Just be like, look, I have a bed over here. You have a chair over there.
Starting point is 00:14:46 And you, sir, have the floor. Yeah, right. I am not going to stare at any of you guys. I'm going to do a thing. I'm going to do what they call a thing. And she's going to want to do a thing, too. You can't have horny teenagers policing other horny teenagers. No kidding, right?
Starting point is 00:15:03 That is like, what recipe for success is that, Brian? Oh my gosh, that's like letting Weight Watchers police the fucking M&M's line. Are you kidding me? It's like the Lucille Ball thing where they're just shoving them in their mouth over and over. They can't stop. and over. They can't stop.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I love, too, the idea, too, where they say, and he says here, and when you look at it closely, the dating culture has led to widespread heartbreak, sexual immorality, STDs, abortion, abuse, and divorce. And I'm thinking, is widespread heartbreak a clinical term? I don't even know what that means. Widespread heartbreak? Well, it's an epidemic of heartbreak a clinical term? I don't even know what that means. Widespread heartbreak? Well, it's an epidemic of heartbreak. You know, you wouldn't want people to enter into marriage with intact hearts. You have to break them a little bit, like chip away the corner on the left-hand side.
Starting point is 00:15:58 Intact hearts? What the fuck, you stupid shithead? Like, dating is one of those things that just fucking prepares you. Who would want to enter into a marriage and be like, man, I don't really know, I have no deep emotional reservoir of strength from which to draw. Oh, that's so great, because neither do I. We're both fucking horrifyingly naive. Let's get married. It'll all work out then.
Starting point is 00:16:23 That's, what the fuck? Yeah, it says here, one of the sections is stop test diving your girlfriend. It says in a modern dating, intimacy precedes commitment, commitment in biblical dating, commitment precedes intimacy. And that doesn't even make any sense. It's like this guy is buying high ticket items without reading reviews. What are you doing? What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:16:42 Like the idea that you're going be you're gonna be commit to somebody before you're intimate with them i mean that's just outrageous that's like i mean i don't even do that with a fucking piece of electronics i know cecil it's and it's not even physical intimacy like if we're talking courtship like like traditional courtships were very short and you didn't get to even be emotionally intimate with that person or intellectually intimate because every part of your interaction with your soon-to-be beloved is mediated by some fucking random third party, a family member or somebody to watch out to make sure your dick don't get too hard. It's ridiculous. So you're going to end up being married to somebody and be like, I'm not sure I like you. We're not real confident about this, are we? Yeah. Well, I mean, one of the arguments that he's making, though, is that that's okay. That to not like the other person is kind of okay. Because they say
Starting point is 00:17:42 that marriages break up when people are suddenly unhappy. The marriage breaks up and I'm thinking, well, of course, why should I not be happy? But that's an interesting point and this is probably horrifyingly unpopular. But one of the things to consider too is that we live a lot longer than we used to live. And, you know, it used to be that, you know, if you die at 35 or 40, having a miserable few years while you're fucking married and raising children, and then you fucking keel over and you never had fucking two spare leisure time moments to look over at the person you share a bed with and decide whether or not you like your life or not. That's not a world we want to fucking return to. you know that's those aren't the good old days those
Starting point is 00:18:29 are really bad old days that's like telling the fucking land with a donkey old days like that's not great times i i would rather i would rather enjoy my life and if my spouse isn't part of me enjoying my life, then you get a different spouse. That's the thing you do now. Yeah. Because you're going to be a hundred. A fucking hundred years old. Who wants to be 25? I don't really like this person. How much longer I got left?
Starting point is 00:18:58 75 motherfucking years. You got all of it left, son. Right? All of it. Not the next 10 if your teeth hold out. Yeah. I, you know, I agree. I think the idea that you're just going to be, that you should be unhappy in marriage and try to fix that. It's like, well, sometimes unhappiness can't be fixed.
Starting point is 00:19:16 The idea that somehow, you know, unhappiness is not. And, you know, there's another guy who was talking about like divorce. It was another story that we posted on that you posted on our page this week, Tom, was talking about divorce and how he wants to make divorce harder and things like that. And he was basically saying when divorces are mutual and people are like, look, there's just mutual disagreement between us. We can't get along.
Starting point is 00:19:42 He said outlaw that kind of divorce. It should only be when somebody's being bad or whatever. And you're like, well, then you're just going to encourage people to be bad to get out of a fucking marriage. It doesn't make any sense. And the same thing applies here. It's like, man, I don't want to be, I'm going to be happy. Like, I want to spend my life as happy as possible.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Nobody in their fucking right mind thinks I want to be as miserable as possible throughout my entire life. Nobody thinks that. Everybody's like, man, I want to be as happy as possible. Why would you fucking condemn yourself if you don't like who you're with? Because religion says to. Yeah. You got me there, Tom.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Yeah, I mean, come on. You didn't focus enough on the family. You got to focus on the family. Had you focused on the family, you would have understood. This show, as a gentle reminder, is brought to you by Audible. Audible is the leading provider of spoken word entertainment on the old intro webs. You can get your free audio book by going to forward slash dissonance pod. And while you're there, one of the books that I finished recently is actually part of a soon-to-be-completed trilogy by Ken Follett. I finished the first two in the century trilogy, Fall of Giants and Winter of the World.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Which, if you're into historical fiction, I would recommend. They're both very good books about the World War I, World War II era. The start of the women's liberation movement in Europe. And the families of individuals in America, Russia and Germany, as well as England. They're huge books. They're a ton of fun. They're great for audible because they're like fucking 30 hours long.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I know. Those are the best deal books. And it's free, man. It's 30 hours of entertainment for no money. Yeah. If you get it, you can go to our website. There's an Audible link on our website. You can sign up for there for your free audiobook.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And the nice thing about these trilogies is you try it out. If you like it, great. Get the next one. You know, move on. If you don't like it, what are you fucking out? You're out of nothing. Yeah. So give it a whirl.
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Starting point is 00:22:01 So go to forward slash DissonancePod or to our website and click on the link. You're all dead! Oh, be nice! Oh, my son doesn't stand a chance. The whole world's gone gay! Oh my god, what's happening now? We work hard. We play hard.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Everybody dance now! So this story is from yahoo news and it's fucking nuts yeah argument against gay marriage in california hinges on accidental pregnancies cecil this is the fucking backflip challenge of arguments basically they're saying and and I'm going to quote here, only a man and a woman can beget a child together without advanced planning, which means that opposite sex couples have a unique tendency to produce unplanned and unintended offspring, wrote a prominent attorney representing congressional Republicans in the Doma case. That's your argument? The irresponsibility of heterosexual couples?
Starting point is 00:23:06 Look, they're begetting all over the place. They're begetting. They're just like begetting like crazy. I accidentally impregnate three or four people every day. I mean, it's a complete accident. I'm just walking down the street and I just accidentally impregnate someone.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Just flinging sperm at people. It's because sometimes I'll just trip and fall and and there'll be somebody underneath me, and I'll be like, I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to penetrate your vagina when I fell. It's an accident. My rhymes are so potent. Within this small segment, I made all of the ladies in the area pregnant.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I mean, it's ridiculous. Accidentally impregnate. I mean, it's ridiculous. Accidentally impregnate. I like this too at the very end because they really do just show you how absurd this is. It says one of the many political pitfalls of this argument is whether it follows that the government should pass a law saying that only fertile people are allowed to wed, for example, or whether the state could ban marriage between elderly people. And I love that too, because like who gets married? Like the elderly will get married. People that are choosing not to have children, like my wife and I, and several other people that choose not to have children, people that are infertile, you know, couples that just, you know, they can't for whatever, produce offspring. The idea that you're going to ban those people from getting married is stupid.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Like, that's a stupid argument. I'm not allowed to be involved in a relationship with my wife because I can't produce a fucking spawn? Are you serious? No, no, you're allowed to. It's just the state doesn't condone it. Like, you're allowed to do it, See, so you can't, right? You, you just can't get married.
Starting point is 00:24:47 We're going to, you're going to, you can have maybe a civil union. Like we should, we'll just, we'll just, we'll call it, we'll call it something else. We have to differentiate it so that the people who fucking knock other people up accidentally can get the privileges. Because that's the kind of behavior you want to encourage. Well, then they say like, if you don't, then men just won't. They'll just be a bunch of single mothers. And I'm like, well, there's already single mothers.
Starting point is 00:25:10 It's not like there's like, oh, suddenly there's a rash of fucking weddings because single mothers are out there saying, well, you accidentally knocked me up. And there's this institution that we're allowed to get married because of it. And you're like, no, there's plenty of single mothers out there. There's plenty of people who, you know, impregnate someone and they never see the father again. Like that shit happens all the time. And you're not required, right? It's not like a requirement.
Starting point is 00:25:36 You just can. You just can if you want. It's not like two gay guys get married, right? Or two lesbians get married and all of a sudden fucking all across the country mothers just start popping out children like oh fuck what the fuck's going on did a gay man get married i'm all of a sudden a single mother i didn't anticipate this at all what the fuck this is how it works they're like shitting out pigs like a hog. You know, they're just like, brrrr. I had six kids in my litter this morning.
Starting point is 00:26:08 I have no idea what happened. I accidentally got pregnant. I don't even know how it happened. I think I ate a fucking pulled pork sandwich. You're doing it wrong. I mean, seriously, this is the dumbest argument I've ever heard. And they're like, it's been presented at the Supreme Court. I'm like, did they fucking summarily kill them afterwards because they're too stupid to breathe?
Starting point is 00:26:32 You have to wonder, too, about that law firm. You're like, oh, yeah, because, you know, this is high profile. This is the highest profile. How embarrassing is that? They're sitting around a strategy room, right? I mean, a nice one, too, like leatherback chairs. Very nice one. You know, they're sitting around a strategy room, right? I mean, a nice one, too, like leatherback chairs. Very nice one. You know, they're sitting around a strategy room somewhere.
Starting point is 00:26:47 They're like, I got it. I got it. Here's how we'll prevent those dirty, nasty gays from getting married. We'll just save babies. Irresponsible, heterosexual people. We'll just save babies spontaneously generates. They prove it wrong by putting, like, a A piece of cheesecloth over the top And the babies are like
Starting point is 00:27:07 On the cheesecloth instead of in the bottle You know Babies are actually like yeast They're just like wild in the air They just fly about Yeah they don't come around unless you put that activator in there It's just like Oh my dough is rising there must be a baby in it
Starting point is 00:27:23 What the fuck Baby in your dough? Quick, throw it in the oven. It's not a Hansel and Gretel. What the fuck? Toss it in the oven for baby in me. Idiot. If this argument, seriously, if this argument gets any traction at all,
Starting point is 00:27:41 if the Supreme Court is just like, wait, what? Wait, you do realize this is the fucking Supreme Court? You didn't bring your fucking A-game? You said the fucking JV Squad lawyers? Did you guys even pass the bar? Look, she said that poverty was a gift from God.
Starting point is 00:27:59 It should be accepted. It should be welcomed. She believed that disease and poverty were necessary for the formation of a good character. And she opposed the only thing that is known to kill poverty. There is only one known cure for poverty. It's very simple. It doesn't matter whether you go to Bangladesh or Basra or Bolivia, if you can give women control over their rate of reproduction and come back to that village in 10 years' time, everything will be better
Starting point is 00:28:35 right away. It's the only thing that works. If you can throw in a handful of seeds and a bit of credit as well and generally try and funnel it through the mothers and the wives, it'll be enormously better right away but nothing else works if you don't do it people die all the time very horribly and they have appalling diseases like polio that they can spread to other people well mother teresa spent her entire life saying that that solution was impermissible she waged her entire life making sure that didn't happen. So I wish there was a hell to which she could go because she has a lot of death on her conscience and a lot of misery
Starting point is 00:29:09 and stupidity and ignorance and dirt and filth and disease as well. This story is from the Daily Mail. Was Mother Teresa not so saintly after all? Researchers spark controversy by claiming her care of the sick was dubious and handling cash suspicious. They're just on the just just right at the edge of this story. Yeah, because I know Hitchens did bring this up while he was alive, for example, while he was alive. Yeah, while he was alive. Several years ago, he wrote The Missionary Position, which was basically bringing up all of the same points raised in this Daily Mail article. I love the picture here of this. I mean, how old was she when she died?
Starting point is 00:29:59 Like 147? Jesus, look at that thing. It looks like that Crypt Keeper. It looks like that Crypt Keeper in a blue veil. It's crazy looking. You've heard the term eyes in the back of your head. Hers are giving it a shot. They're really giving it a college try here.
Starting point is 00:30:16 They are retreating. And I know taking pot shots at Mother Teresa seems pretty low. Who cares? Whatever. But this woman sounds like kind of a horrible human being. I remember reading one of the Hitchens. I didn't read Missionary Position, but I did read several of his quotes and articles that he wrote. And, you know, at one point he talked about how she had said that the suffering of the poor was noble. She called their suffering noble.
Starting point is 00:30:45 that the suffering of the poor was noble. She called their suffering noble. And she didn't use any of her vast financial resources to provide pain medications for the dying. Right. I mean, there's a big part of this that they're talking about that. And we were talking about it earlier. I think the reason why we even mentioned this, because like people said on our website, on our Facebook, they were saying, well, you know, Hitchens talked about this years ago. And Hitchens did talk about this years ago, but I think people considered him a biased source. I think they thought about him and they said, oh, he's just an atheist.
Starting point is 00:31:12 He's just a grumpy ass atheist. And he doesn't have anything to gain. He has a bunch to gain out of this. Obviously, he's trying to sell a book. So he's, you know, he's trying to tear down Mother Teresa by saying all this stuff. And he's getting popular in the process because it's a very contentious position. People see her.
Starting point is 00:31:28 They see all the good works that she did. And it's like – I mean it's just like if somebody was, say, in Africa helping feed the sick or whatever and you were talking about them in some awful way, people would look at the work they're doing and not pay attention to the harm they may be causing. And the thing is, is that as time goes on, people see the harm that she may have caused. I'm going to read a little bit from this article. This is the Daily Mail. And again, I think this is a conservative newspaper. So again, this is interesting that a conservative newspaper is even saying this. It says, we're talking about 300 documents on her life.
Starting point is 00:32:04 These included rather a dubious way of caring for the sick, her questionable political contacts, her suspicious management of enormous sums of money she received, her overly dogmatic views regarding, in particular, abortion, contraception, and divorce. Doctors observed a significant lack of hygiene, even unfit conditions, as well as a shortage of actual care, inadequate food, and no painkillers. But the authors say the problem is not a lack of money. The foundation created by Mother Teresa has raised hundreds of millions of pounds.
Starting point is 00:32:34 And obviously she was making – she was getting in a lot of money, but where was that money going? It's obviously you can't tell where that money was going, whatever. But these people are in inadequate care, and they're making it seem like your money is going to save these people. And that's what we're talking about when we talk about you sending money to a Baptist church when all those people are like, send us your money. Send us your grocery money. You're like, yeah, well, where's that money going? It's buying us a Crystal Palace and a fucking brand-new Bugatti. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:33:02 That's what it's doing. The same thing here. Where's that money going? It's buying the Pope a brand-new fucking golden enema. You know what I mean? That's what it's doing. The same thing here. Where's that money going? It's buying the Pope a brand new fucking golden enema. You know what I mean? Like, that's what it's doing. It's like a golden enema tube
Starting point is 00:33:13 or something. Like, that's what he's getting out of the deal. He's gonna, you know, he's gonna gild a little boy so he could fuck it. Like, that's what they're buying. They're not using, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:23 yeah, are they using some of your funds for some of this work? Yeah, absolutely. But, you know, yeah, are they using some of your funds for some of this work? Yeah, absolutely. But, you know, not all this money is going to that. That's why you really need to know about your charities. That's why you really need to see that dollar ratio. And if that shit isn't fucking disclosed,
Starting point is 00:33:36 man, fuck that charity in the ear. You don't need to be sending money to people that are like, well, send us your money and we'll help people. Well, how much? Hey, you got to trust us, man. Hey, I'm with God. I'm with God. So we're going to take a quick break and give you some information on how to contact us through the means in which to contact us.
Starting point is 00:33:54 And then we will be back for the rest of the show after this. Want to contact Cognitive Dissonance? Visit them on Facebook. You can find the link at the website or type it in the Facebook search bar. Be sure to follow the guys on Twitter. Their handle is at Dissonance underscore pod.
Starting point is 00:34:14 The guys also post to Google Plus now too, so check them out there. And if you'd like to email them, you can do so at Dissonance.podcast at You can also leave a comment on the blog at their webpage or give them a call at 740-74-DOUBT. That's 740-743-6828.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Long distance rates apply. And to everyone who listens, shares, retweets, or rates the show, Cognitive Dissonance would like to cordially thank you for all of your fucking support. Cecil, this story is from And this was a very interesting story, I thought. Rwanda, rising atheism among genocide survivors. After the horrifying genocides in Rwanda, evidently atheism is on the rise as people realize that they were duped
Starting point is 00:35:07 that the genocide was fueled by sectarian religious conflict. Yeah, this is kind of a hard article to read, but you get a chance to see somebody's thought process when they witness some horrific stuff that happens, and then they change their mind about their own, you know, they have to confront their own beliefs in some way. And there's a lot of great points this person makes. To sort of frame the story, it says his loving grandparents, who were proud to spend most of their lives within the walls of this parish, were burned alive while they knelt in front of the altar hailing the Virgin Mary. They don't let you do that anymore. That's called the stinger.
Starting point is 00:35:57 They don't let you do that one anymore. They should have put out the fire with all that fucking holy water. No kidding, right? You're standing right there. You take one drop and do it. Standing right there. But it's funny, though, because the guy says, I renounced Christianity to become an atheist when after the genocide I learned what happened to them. I couldn't possibly bear in mind how priests unleashed the killers to exterminate their flocks. It was unimaginably incomprehensible.
Starting point is 00:36:20 But also I was wondering where the so-called omnipresent, omnipotent God was. And, you know, when you ask God, you're like, well, where were you? Well, I was out on safari. I was hunting albinos. I was hunting albinos. I was hunting rhinoceros. I was hunting elephants. I was very busy.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I was a busy man that day. I mean, obviously, you know, this is going to turn someone against their own religion. I mean, if they think, and the thing is the craziest shit in this article is when they're like, people are like, yeah, well, God didn't do it. Let's go with Muhammad. Let's go with Allah. Yeah. That you just, you just got to say, like, you cannot, you cannot rationally believe in an omnibenevolent God. Like that's not possible, right? You have to, at the, if you are going to believe in God, I think, and I think this is true. And I think this article calls us in a sharp focus or it did for me is that if you are going to say, okay, I, I still believe this God thing. Like I still believe this story, this, this narrative rings
Starting point is 00:37:22 true for me. The thing that you simply cannot believe is in the benevolence of god it is impossible to reconcile the benevolence of god with genocide yeah those two things can they simply can't coexist it's like fucking white chocolate it's not chocolate it's just not no no and it's it's a pale comparison see because it's it's not worth it's yeah it's not white i don't know it's like not yeah so that's why white chocolate the africa story i figured you know throw that in it's it but i mean you you know you read this article and it's it's it's kind of like well well, really, it took this? I mean, it takes this?
Starting point is 00:38:06 It takes a fucking genocide? Read the Bible. The Bible's full of genocides. Yeah. You don't even need to experience one. You'd be like, oh, man, I want to know more about this guy. Let me pop the Bible open. Oh, he fucking killed everybody here.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Fucking smote and did some more smoting. And there's some fucking smiting and smoting and smitting over here. It's like everybody – in the Old Testament, it's a fucking bloodbath. Well, the problem is that they're sold a bill of goods that obviously don't come true, right? God is this fucking magic fairy that will do shit for you. All you got to do is pray, and he loves everybody and yada, yada, yada. And then the priests go out and say, hey, kill everybody and whatever. And they kill everybody.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And then you're burned alive while you're fucking hailing the Virgin Mary. And that opens some people up people's eyes. But they're sold a bill of goods that I think they just, you know, obviously they can't contend with anymore. They're just like, I don't know where this works. I don't know how it works. I am woman, hear me roar In numbers too big to ignore And I know too much to go back and pretend Cause I've heard it all before And I've been down there on the floor
Starting point is 00:39:17 This story is just weird from Christian school fires teacher after she becomes pregnant. Now this is, in and of itself, I actually did not think was the real story. What the real story here is that the Christian college that dumps this teacher, that fires this teacher for becoming pregnant, offers the job to her boyfriend. Who impregnated her? Maybe it was an accidental impregnation, Tom. Maybe it was an immaculate conception. Maybe it was an accidental pregnancy.
Starting point is 00:39:52 And so it's not his fault, but it's her fault. It's obviously her fault. There's an interesting part of this article. I think most of it's not newsworthy, mainly because, you know, it's a Christian school, whatever, you kind of get what you pay for in that they're allowed to do, I guess, certain things. I think this is ridiculous because there's no, if you look at their, I guess, their handbook or whatever where they said, because they say in here the college has a community covenant. And it says employees and students agree to stay away from drugs, alcohol, and tobacco.
Starting point is 00:40:27 They are also required to abstain from abusive anger, malice, jealousy, lust, sexual immorality, immoral behavior, including premarital sex, adultery, pornography, and homosexuality. But the thing is it doesn't say that you'll be fired if you don't comply. And I think that that's the key, right? It's like, look, you know, I think, I think everybody that is, you know, ultra religious goes through some sort of period in which they're, you know, doing a little sinning, even if it's just fucking rubbing one out or whatever, you know, the idea of that you're just going to be without sin is ridiculous. And I think most religions at least try to address that. But to fire someone for this, and I think the most important part of this article is
Starting point is 00:41:13 there is an inherent discrimination in trying to persecute a woman for having premarital sex. Since no man's body will demonstrate his sexual history in the way a woman's will, there's no evidence that could lead a man to being fired for engaging in the same rights as a man to not show everyone their sexual history. I think that's a really poignant part. Yeah, I think that's the part that calls into focus the hypocrisy of this situation. You know, you also have to look at any college campus that says, hey, no lust here, no jealousy here. So no capitalism. We don't want to have any jealousy or lust on this college campus.
Starting point is 00:42:12 It is altogether right to discriminate against homosexual behavior. I'm arguing that it's time that we as conservatives that we rehabilitate the word discriminate that we reclaim it that we dust it off and that we use it and that we use it unapologetically and i believe we need to begin to say look it is altogether right for a rational culture to discriminate against homosexual behavior this story is from the Friendly Atheist blog. Polish priest argues that gays are to blame for Catholic church sex scandals. This is a very convoluted argument. Like extremely, insanely convoluted. But basically, Father Darius Oko, a Polish priest, who studies, and I love this,
Starting point is 00:43:16 homo-ideology and homo-opropaganda from a critical perspective, as opposed to the perspective of, say, the recently deposed cardinal. Right. He studied that from a very personal perspective. He basically says there's a gay faction within the Catholic church that is to blame for all of the church sex scandals. It's baffling. I love, I love that there's a gay faction. I also love that he studied homo ideology and homo propaganda. You know, like what else did he study? Did he study supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? You know, like what else did he study? Did he study supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ology? You know, like what the fuck? I'm just going to make shit up. Let's make shit up. What in the world are you talking about? Homo propaganda. What the fuck is that? What is it? Just putting rainbows on things? Like, is that the homo propaganda class?
Starting point is 00:44:03 The homo, but remember, remember all. Remember all those people who were lured into homosexual behavior? Yeah. No? No. Because that's fucking impossible? Because you can't just be like, man, I don't know. I was at campus and I was totally straight and it was Tuesday. And then about 4.30, I saw this rainbow outside.
Starting point is 00:44:21 And I was like, God, I got to suck a dick. That's not how it works. I saw a poster. It's like, you should be sucking a dick right now. And I was like, damn gotta suck a dick you saw a poster it's like you should be sucking a dick right now and I was like damn it I should totally suck a dick it's such a ridiculous homo propaganda what would that be what would that be like
Starting point is 00:44:37 we would like to not be beaten that is their propaganda that's your whole propaganda tied down and made to listen to ABBA songs. That's it. I don't know. I seriously have no idea what it would be. It doesn't even make any sense.
Starting point is 00:44:52 What this guy says basically is that gay kids that are raised as Catholics get drawn into the priesthood because they have to hide their orientations. And he neglects to say like they only have to hide their orientation because of the fucking incredible amounts of shame that are endemic to the church culture that it perpetuates. But anyway, these young gay kids get drawn into the priesthood to hide their orientation. And then there's all these other closeted gays now within seminary and then they all get together and form like this evil gay cabal that is like the fucking thin blue line of gay priests so they can all go do crazy gay things and or whatever i don't even know and then they don't tell on each other i guess like that's the end of it like and then i don't know they don't even know. And then they don't tell on each other. I guess like that's the end of it. Like, and then, I don't know, they don't tell on each other.
Starting point is 00:45:46 The aristocrats. Yeah, the aristocrats. It doesn't make any sense. And then they shit on a kid's chest. You know what I mean? Like the aristocrats. But no, like the, I think, I was thinking about this and I was wondering why there's such a high level of abuse, not just abuse, but also there's a high level of, you know, when they accuse the priests
Starting point is 00:46:07 of being homosexuals, when they accuse the priests of being pedophiles and they turn out to be either homosexuals or pedophiles. And I, and the thing is, is that I don't think that the Catholic church really, and many churches don't, they don't really care. They, they put those two groups in the same area. They say, you're a homosexual. That's deviant. That's awful. That's, that's not natural. You're a awful person. Um, you know, you should repent, rebuke these spirits, Satan, get behind me. Well, don't get behind me with your pants down sort of thing. And, you know, basically they're, you know, basically they just want to make sure that they, that they know that they're doing, that they're, that those thoughts and those, those types of feelings are evil and not worthwhile and definitely not godly or in the church.
Starting point is 00:46:52 And then they do the same thing obviously with pedophiles because you don't have to say anything about pedophiles to anybody. Everybody knows being a pedophile is wrong because having sex with anything without its permission or consent is wrong. Everybody recognizes that without really the church's – the church doesn't even have to tell us that, right? We don't need a church for that. Everybody knows that's wrong. So these people grow up with this sort of sexual frustration. Now, if they're pedophiles, they grow up with sexual frustration from all around them. But if they happen to grow up in these church – in a church religious house, in a sort of Catholic house, and this is the sort of feeling that they have about their own sexuality, they will wind up, I think, trying to stop themselves from being sexual.
Starting point is 00:47:38 And I think that a lot of people may get into the priesthood for that sort of – in a way to try to stop themselves because it's a way to be celibate and not be a weirdo. You know what I mean? Sure. Yeah, no, that makes sense. It's a way to be celibate. Yeah. It's a way to be – I obviously believe this stuff. It's a way to be celibate and not – people won't think, well, geez, Cecil never had a girlfriend. Yeah, right.
Starting point is 00:48:03 So there's this – So they have that opportunity. But then, you know, they're human beings. And obviously the temptation gets to them because they're, you know, oh, you're a homosexual? Well, now you're surrounded with dudes all the time. You know, it's like, oh, well, that sucks. You know what I mean? Like you can't go become a nun.
Starting point is 00:48:21 You know what I mean? Like so you're stuck. And then also these pedophiles wind up in there too and they're around children. I'm not trying to draw a connection between the two. So please don't think that I think that they're equal in any way or that they're any way connected. I do not think that. But I think that they both are considered immoral and I think that that may be the one thing that draws the priests to that sort of thing. And I think that that may be the one thing that draws the priests to that sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:49:17 Yeah. You know, one thing, too, from this this article is he says and I agree with you, I think, you know, there's something to beize homosexuality so that they don't feel like they have to hide their sexual orientation and thus flock to positions of cloister, which is basically what they're doing. They're trying to cloister themselves away from the world and from temptation. It's like saying, like, I fucking love cake, and I can't handle eating one piece of cake. If I fucking see a cake, I'll eat the whole fucking cake. So I'm going to go to a place that says no cake for you, and then I'm going to try to live in no cake world. Except for that you're always surrounded by cake, man. It'd be like saying, like, hey, Tom, you know, don't get interaction, but I'm going to need you to be the supervisor of this girl's locker, women's locker room. Like, what fucking, what are you talking about? Like, you're surrounded by women all the time.
Starting point is 00:49:57 It's not going to happen. It's just silly. It's just fucking silliness. He says, too, because of the spiritual corruption of homosexuality, these people become more interested in base corrupt things like money, power, career, and luxury. And so they are drawn in positions of power within their diocese. And the first thing that I thought was, well, why is it that those things even, like, why should there be money, power, career, and luxury as part of the higher echelons? You would think that, like, the higher you go in the church, like, the more you would just be like, well, I have reached a higher level of spiritual fulfillment. I can give up more shit. Like, I can just, I don't need, I can live a more, even in a more aggressively pared down life.
Starting point is 00:50:43 Like, you would think the Pope would be living in a fucking mud hut somewhere. Every day that goes by, Barack Hussein Obama is looking, acting, and talking more and more like a man who is applying for the job of Antichrist. I'm not convinced as of yet that he is the one and only man of perdition, but I am thoroughly convinced that he is a forerunner of the man of perdition. Mr. Obama may simply be the latest incarnation of Satan's spirit inside a human being in a high public office. There have been many such men throughout history,
Starting point is 00:51:25 tyrants such as Adolf Hitler. Mr. Obama may declare this week that homosexual marriage is a constitutional right. Is he the Antichrist who changes times and law? This story is from N Times radio host Rick Wiles. Obama emulating the Antichrist may declare himself God. He just may.
Starting point is 00:51:54 It's not a for certain, Cecil. He might do it. He's leaving himself the option. You never know what 2016 is going to bring. He's got to have some other irons know, fires or irons in the fire. One of them may be declaring himself God. Who knows? He says he fears Obama may declare himself as God while in Israel.
Starting point is 00:52:15 But then he notes it's too early for that to happen. He says that Obama considered he does consider Obama to be the latest incarnation of Satan's spirit inside a human being in high public office and said he is looking, acting and talking more like a man. This is my favorite. Who is applying for the job of Antichrist? And on that application where it says, have you committed any felonies? The only acceptable answer is yes. All of the felonies. committed any felonies? The only acceptable answer is yes, all of them. All of the felonies? Could you imagine when you're sitting down for the interview and they do that, what's
Starting point is 00:52:49 your best qualities? What's your worst qualities? Like, what's your best quality? I don't know. I'm fucking shrewder than fucking Martha Stewart and a fucking Steve Jobs love child. I mean, what do you say? Bad qualities. Well, I kind of burst into flames around crosses.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I don't know. Is that going to be an hindrance to this job? I mean, I can definitely stay away from the crosses if necessary. I love, too, the idea that they're hiring Obama, that he's applying for this job. Obama's applying for the job of Antichrist. Don't you think that Antichrist is one of those jobs you'd want to hire young for? You wouldn't want to hire some old guy jobs you'd want to hire young for. You wouldn't want to hire some old guy. You'd want to hire young for that.
Starting point is 00:53:28 I would imagine that you'd probably go somewhere where there's like maybe a candidate at a college job fair or something. You know, like you'd want them to show up and there'd be a big line of them. Maybe somebody would come up with an MS degree in Antichrist technology maybe. with an MS degree in antichrist technology, maybe. You know, a minor in occult studies, spent a semester overseas convincing people to cannibalize albinos in Africa or something. Possibly they were president of the demonology club. I don't know. You know, I mean, there's all these people, I think, out there that would be much better
Starting point is 00:53:58 suited for the job of antichrist than Obama. You spent a few years in the anti-peace corps. Anti-peace. You're like working you're like working to pollute rivers just like we're here to pollute rivers and uh unvaccinate children that's what we're here to do well i actually picture that interview going a little bit differently it's like what are your what are your best qualities i have no best qualities yeah all of my qualities are bad qualities all of them i'm the fucking antichrist like whatever
Starting point is 00:54:22 qualities you're looking for, I actually possess the opposite of those qualities. Those are the anything good. Who are some of your role models? Oh, I don't know. Adolf Hitler. Big fan of Hitler. He was a good guy. I liked him. Big fan of Hitler. Yeah. You know, we were actually just talking the other day when I was down in hell, and he said hi, by the way. Just said hi.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I like Stalin a lot. Stalin was fun. It's ridiculous. Who is listening to End Times Radio? I'm looking at the same thing right now. Cecil, do you see any related items? The very first one, Rick Wiles, same guy. Fly landing on Obama, maybe sign he is demonic. Look, only demonic people get flies to land on them.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Flies are – you know, that's actually – the thing is that all foodstuffs are demonic. Yeah. Like every foodstuff. Stuck with all foodstuffs. I just – I mean I seriously don't – I mean when they're talking about Obama is going to travel to Jerusalem next month and then what if he declared himself – it's like fucking who – like who's going to even listen to him? What if he walked into the fucking under the Jerusalem temple or whatever the fuck you're on about? And he walks in and he's like, I declare myself God.
Starting point is 00:55:37 They'd be like, Mr. President, I think you need to drink more water. What would they say? Seriously, they'd be like, I think Mr. President had a breakdown. It's not like everybody in the United States would be like, oh, Mr. President is God. End times. Right. It doesn't mean that you're God. I know that the religious have a hard time believing this, but just saying something doesn't make it so.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Like, just saying that you're God doesn't make him God. Right, right. Like, it's not like he's, oh, what if he says he's God? Then he'll be God. But what if he says not it afterwards? I am God. Oh, psych! Fuck, it's 1983 again.
Starting point is 00:56:22 I mean, Cecil, here, I am God. Yeah, I god yeah i'm god we're both god yeah did it work no i'm gonna drink more water though because i'm feeling a little lightheaded i'm trying to fly but it's just i'm still fat it's not happening it's just yeah there's still so much gravity acting on me right now you want answers i think i'm entitled you You want answers. I want the truth. You can't handle the truth. This story is from Verizon turns in Baltimore church deacon for storing child porn in cloud. He looks like the angriest Wilford Brimley. He does.
Starting point is 00:56:59 Look, man, this guy just got caught. He like got fucking caught by his own cell phone. He's like, I thought I was uploading those to heaven. Yeah. I thought that's what cloud computing was. I thought I was sending all those dirty little kid images to heaven for Jesus to look at. No, no. You have it all wrong.
Starting point is 00:57:18 You see, we're in a time now of preparedness, Tom. Like we're talking about like, you know, hurricane, disaster, zombie preparedness, those. We're talking about hurricane, disaster, zombie preparedness, those sorts of things. And what he's doing is just preparing himself for the afterlife. Because he's always just going to be lounging on a cloud, surrounded by cherubs playing the fucking harmonica
Starting point is 00:57:39 and the fucking banjo and the jug. So he's going to be up there just sitting there wanting to masturbate and not having any images. Right. So he's already impregnating the cloud with the images. So when he goes up there, he's ready to lounge on the right cloud, the cloud full of kiddie porn.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Do you think when he gets there, he's got to be like, can we trade clouds? Yeah. Hey, bro, I was on that one earlier. It's like finding the porn stash in the woods. It's like somebody's porn stash under a log. It's like, oh, hey, little awkward. Back when I was alive, I put all my porn in that cloud over there.
Starting point is 00:58:28 So can we just, I mean, this one's brand new. I just got it today. I've only been up here that long. So if I can just get that cloud, that'd be great. I need to plug in my USB, if you know what I mean. Listen, I'm up on this cloud. I'm going to make it rain, if you know what I mean. All right?
Starting point is 00:58:42 I just sent some seed downstairs. What I wonder is the people who, now he may have been online sharing through his phone or something or his computer, but I can't help but think when Verizon's involved that he somehow was sharing it with his phone. And I can't help but think of all the people out there. I'm just like, when do you need to look at pornography on your phone? Like, what are you just like, you know what I really need is a tiny little screen with very bad, like very bad resolution. That's what I need to look at with this pornography on. Like, who's the asshole out there who's just like, man, I got to fucking upload fucking porn on my phone. The only thing I can think is that Verizon, I think is a, is like our Comcast in different
Starting point is 00:59:24 parts of the country. It's got to be a setup so it's like that because I keep thinking like, dude, first off, this guy's got a flip phone. I mean, look at this guy. This guy does not have a smart... I mean, first off, he's not smart enough to have a smartphone. No. But he's definitely does not have a smartphone.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Even if he gets a smartphone, it's just downgraded to phone when he gets it. Like when they hand it to him, it's just like, oh. I don't ever understand these people that are like sending their fucking child porn to other people or, you know, they wind up getting busted because they're posting it or they go to the fucking cloud and it gets detected.
Starting point is 00:59:58 Like, man, you're doing an obviously illegal thing. Why do you want to broadcast that to other places? It's got to be stupidity. It's got to be, I mean, look at this man. Look at him. His technology knowledge is
Starting point is 01:00:13 got to be no more than 30% better than mine. Yeah, 30%. He could be your tech guy at your work. So we got a Google voice from the Atheist Nomads podcast. We're going to play it for you right now. Well, hello, Cecil and Tom. My name is Wesley Bonetti.
Starting point is 01:00:44 I am half of the Atheist Nomads podcast. Just wanted to say damn you. Well, I found you when you were co-hosting with the Brits and had a love affair ever since. You guys are kicking ass. Thanks a bunch. So we're going to do the Google voice thing, even though some people hate it. So take that. Well, hello.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Seize 11 Palm. My name is Wesley Benetti. I, yeah, the if you still have podcast, just wanted to say, damn you. Ask for her. Oh, found you. Know when you're co-hosting with the Brits and Heather, love affair ever since. You guys are kicking ass. Thanks a bunch.
Starting point is 01:01:31 All right, take care of... Heather love affair, I like that. Heather love affair. Heather love affair. Google's getting better. So the Atheist Nomads podcast called us. I have never heard the Atheist Nomads podcast, but they called us and they like our show.
Starting point is 01:01:46 So evidently they're awesome. They are spectacular. Not knowing them, I love them though. We are going to check them out though this week since they called up. For sure, absolutely. So we got an email from Benjamin. It's a long email talking about Louisiana and things like that. But there's a piece at the end here that we'd like to read.
Starting point is 01:02:05 The first is, it says, know that for one 40-year-old gun-toting, alligator-eating, Bible Belt skeptic, that your show is part of what makes the millstone worth turning. We want to thank you. We thought that line was great,
Starting point is 01:02:18 but we also want to point out, too, that this person is from Louisiana, and he says, P.S., it's fucking hilarious when you guys make fun of the South. So we actually have permission from someone from the South to make fun of the South. That's all we needed. That's all we needed.
Starting point is 01:02:32 We just needed one person down there to sign the permission slip. Just one person. So you have signed the permission slip. Benjamin speaks for the South. All the entirety of the South. Everything South of I-80, actually. I always wonder, too,
Starting point is 01:02:49 because I can't, it's hard for me to distinguish. I can't tell what a British accent comes from, like where they come from. I know that the Brits can tell you, like we could hear somebody from the Northeast and know where they come from. Minnesota, we could hear somebody from the South or California or whatever, and we would be able to tell where they come from.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I always wonder if there's like a southern accent for Brits. I wonder if there's like one that they use to make fun of like this is somebody who is like a hillbilly or whatever. Yeah, I don't know. I'm sure we'll have people chime in. If there is one and you can mimic it, you should leave it on our voicemail. You should have to call. So if there's a British, and this goes for any accent,
Starting point is 01:03:31 although only ones that are in English, because you could call up in Japanese and do two, and we'd be like, yeah, that sounds the same. But Australia, too, I would wonder if there's one from Australia. But if you have one and you think it's your hillbilly, your version of the hillbilly, call it in and do your best mocking of it. But you have to talk how you
Starting point is 01:03:51 would normally talk first. The Australians would just do the New Zealanders. The New Zealanders would just do the Australians. That's the same accent as far as I'm concerned. So we got an email from Ben. And Ben is a northern English listener.
Starting point is 01:04:11 And he was talking about Everyone's a Critic. He's talking about Everyone's a Critic, all the Everyone's a Critic podcasts that are available. If you go to our website,, they're on there in a downloadable form. I shared a file with everyone on Google Drive. So you could basically go there and download all of the Everyone's a Critic. That was our old movie review podcast. If you're unfamiliar with that, we did that for four years or five years before we ever started Cognitive Dissonance. So you can listen to all our old movie reviews. And it had some of this stuff in it too, some of this atheist, skeptical, liberal stuff in it. But it also had a movie review every show, one or two movie reviews.
Starting point is 01:04:48 But he asked a question. The question is, you know, are you guys thinking about doing any more film reviews? We did one with George Rabb when we did Monumental. And he said, you know, I love the idea of it, that sort of thing. And what we want to say is we do have plans for doing it. The problem is finding the movies to do. So we would ask the audience also, if you were interested in us doing a movie, reviewing a movie, send it in to us and maybe we'll get a chance and watch it. And this would actually serve Tom and I well. So if we ever have to take a week off, we could record a movie review
Starting point is 01:05:22 and then post that in lieu of us coming on for a week. And that would actually give us a week off, we could record a movie review and then post that in lieu of us coming on for a week. And that would actually give us a week off, which would kind of be awesome. In case we ever had the nerve to go on vacation. We haven't done that yet, although in the coming year it's going to happen. It's coming up. It's coming up. It's not going to not happen. So send us a message and let us
Starting point is 01:05:40 know if there's a movie that you'd like us to review. And it's got to be a woo-filled movie. It can't be like just interview or do Twilight 4 or whatever. Fuck that. That's not happening. But if it's like a woo movie, something with
Starting point is 01:05:55 some sort of skeptical or atheist movie, we would definitely take a look at it. We got a long email from Yvonne. We can't read Yvonne's email. It's just so long. But we did want to mention that we got
Starting point is 01:06:12 it and we want to thank you for sending it in. We read all the email just so you know. We read all the email. So if you send an email and we don't mention it on the show, understand that we read them all. Yvonne was one of the many people who sent long emails this week and we just wanted to mention your email. We love hearing from people like you. We got an email from Preston. He says, I'm sure you've seen the Family Guy clip where
Starting point is 01:06:34 Peter gets excited every time they say the title of a movie in the movie. I can't help but think that every time someone says cognitive dissonance on your show, I'm going to play the clip here. He said it. He said it. There it is. There it is. I think that's perfectly a reasonable thing whenever any – because people try to say cognitive dissonance. They try to throw it in there once in a while.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Yeah, they try to work it into the conversation on occasion. And I do feel like – I found an article this week, and cognitive distance was in the first line of it. And I was like, oh, there it is! There it is! We got an email from Christopher, I guess. Christoffer. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:17 I have no idea. It's actually a Christoffer. There's a lot of Christoffer going on here. That's a weird way to spell it, isn't it? It's a Christoffer you can't refuse! But Christoffer going on here. That's a fucking, that's a weird way to spell it, isn't it? It's a Christoffer you can't refuse. But Christoffer sends us a message from Sweden. He says, he was talking a little bit about he didn't like our review of Let the Right One In, We Don't Care. And then he says, and we really don't. We really don't.
Starting point is 01:07:41 We really don't care that you don't like the review. Actually, I like that movie. Tom was the fucking stick in the mud who didn't like it. But he says, how dare you be wrong with that review? But he says in here, he says, you should come to Stockholm, Sweden for a fan meetup, even if I'm the only fan here. That's a long way to go. That's a long way to go to be's a long way to go to be lonely. Listen, I can be lonely anywhere.
Starting point is 01:08:07 I can be disappointed by my own lack of interest virtually fucking anywhere. We could do a fan meetup in my own fucking house, and there would be nothing but crickets. My wife doesn't even listen to this show. It's so true. My wife doesn't even listen to this show. It's so true. It's so true. So, yeah, we would love to go to Sweden, but to fly there would be a tremendous trip. Send me a ticket.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Yeah, I know. What a tremendous trip that would be to be like, hey, dude, how you doing? Shake his hand and then just go home. Just hop right on. Thanks for listening, man. We appreciate it. I mean, really all we do is just go get drunk. The only thing we do is just go get fucking – just get soused over in Sweden.
Starting point is 01:08:51 I totally want to go there, though. That's like – I want to do like a whole tour of the countries up there in that big sort of weird penis-shaped state area up there. The dangling testicles. The dangling testicles of Norway. So I want to go over there and just hang out. That's a big part of the world I would love to see myself. Yeah, it looks awesome, man. It looks great.
Starting point is 01:09:13 And they drink, like, fucking lots of liquor up there. I'm not a fan of preserved fish, but, hey, I'll get by, you know? Yeah, whatever. After a few drinks, you'll be a fan of anything. Whatever, man. After a few drinks, it turns out people are even a fan of the show. I'll have sex with a moose on two fucking hits of vodka. On two shots of vodka.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Are you kidding me? So in a couple of weeks, it's not going to happen right away. We're going to have him on, we hope, later on this month. So it's going to be nearer to April when we release. But Michael Marshall from Skeptics with a K. He's also on Incredulous and he also is a co-host of the show Be Reasonable. He's affectionately
Starting point is 01:09:51 known as Marsh to everybody else. So Marsh will be on our show later on this month, but we don't have a lot of guests until then. So it's just going to be us for a little while. Suffer through that. Suffer through it. But this is it for this week. We're going to be us for a little while suffer through that suffer through it but this is it for this week we're going to be back next week with another show
Starting point is 01:10:10 but until then we're going to leave you as always with The Skeptic's Creed Avalon bullshit. Couched in scientician double bubble toil and trouble, pseudo-quasi-alternative acupunctuating pressurized stereogram pyramidal free energy healing, water downward spiral brain dead pan sales pitch, late night info docutainment. Leo Pisces, cancer cures, detox, reflex, foot massage, death in towers, tarot cards, psychic healing, crystal balls,
Starting point is 01:10:46 Bigfoot, Yeti, aliens, churches, mosques, and synagogues, temples, dragons, giant worms, Atlantis, dolphins, truthers, birthers, witches, wizards, vaccine nuts, shaman healers, evangelists, conspiracy, doublespeak, stigmata, nonsense. conspiracy, double-speak stigmata nonsense. Expose your sides. Thrust your hands. Bloody, evidential, conclusive. Doubt even this.
Starting point is 01:11:22 The opinions and views expressed in this show are that of the hosts only. Our poorly formed and expressed notions do not represent those of our wives, employers, friends, families, or of the local dairy council. you can get your free audio book by going to slash audible. No, it's forward slash dissonancepod. Whatever, dude. Fuck you. Say it again. What is it again? Say it again. forward slash dissonancepod.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Yeah. You can get your free audio book by going to audible... Fucking what is it again? I'm just going to send you... I'm going to Audible. Fucking what is it again? Audible podcast. I'm just going to send you a link. I'm going to write it down. Jesus Christ, honey brain. Podcast.
Starting point is 01:12:31 I mean, I know it, man. It's like. Yeah, here, I'll send you a link. I fucking typed it on the notes like a goddamn idiot. You can get your free Audible book. Start it up. I quit. I quit the show. You can do it quit i quit you can do it you can do it get your free audiobook
Starting point is 01:12:48 i can't put you laughing in there because i'm gonna be like why is he laughing you have to stop first you have to stop laughing don't make me come you have to stop laughing now you have to calmly start over you can get you a free Audible book. I'm sorry. Oh, you're terrible at this. I need an adult. You do. Quick, Tom, tell them where to get an Audible book.
Starting point is 01:13:20 I don't know. Go to the library. I can't get one here. Do we have a website or something? Fuck. I'm sorry. Hang on. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:35 You can do it. Oh, God. You can do it. I really can't, it turns out.

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