Episode Date: July 14, 2020From 1999 to 2002, eleven young girls and women were sexually assaulted in a similar way. Despite these cases spanning across five states, in all of t...
Based on the iconic, Emmy-nominated series on A&E, this show explores some of the most difficult-to-solve murders, which stymied investigators and went cold, sometimes for decades. In fact, one-third of all murders in America remain open. But thanks to dogged investigators and breakthroughs in forensic technology, these cases become part of the rare 1% of cold cases that are ever solved. Cold Case Files is hosted by Paula Barros.
428 episodes transcribedFrom 1999 to 2002, eleven young girls and women were sexually assaulted in a similar way. Despite these cases spanning across five states, in all of t...
When the burned body of an infant is found in the Arizona desert, investigators search for the child's identity and come up empty-handed. Four years l...
In the fall of 1987, Fred Wilkerson disappeared. He didn't leave a note. There was no sign of foul play. And yet his son, Tim, knew in his heart what...
Everyone in the family knew that Zilpha was the cool aunt, but to Jeremiah she was more. They had a special bond, almost like brother and sister. So i...
Lily and Alonzo knock on Anna Mae's door. They've come to take their elderly sister shopping. Instead, her door flies open and a young woman runs past...
When a teenager goes missing in a small town, investigators are desperate to identity a culprit. But few are willing to talk. Following a series of se...
A teenage couple disappears from a wedding in rural Wisconsin. Did they simply run off or was it something more sinister? When their bodies surface tw...
A college student in Utah is brutally murdered while working the graveyard shift at a local gas station. His death shakes this small Mormon community...
A mother of three goes missing on Christmas Eve in 1994, and suspicion surrounds her sudden disappearance. In 2004, her case is still unsolved... unti...
A man on Long Island is preparing to sell his house when he discovers a 55-gallon barrel hidden in his crawlspace. It has seemingly been there for dec...
Flight 191 crashed in Chicago in 1979, killing nearly 300 people on board. It was the deadliest plane accident in American history. A single mother, D...
In 1992, Halloween was cancelled in Oil City, Pennsylvania. Just days before, an 11-year-old was kidnapped and brutally murdered. The small town is ro...
A serial rapist seals his own fate when he sends a taunting letter to police. Love your cat? Make the switch to PrettyLitter! Go to www.PrettyLitter....
Women are being murdered in Minnesota's twin cities, and police are desperate to catch the murderer who keeps calling to confess his crimes. Get onli...
Vernon Dahmer was a shop owner in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and President of the local chapter of the NAACP. At midnight on January 10th, 1966, two tr...
A serial killer targets women who live on the fringes of society - with little to no connection to the mainstream world. As victims, this makes them...
The bodies of two teenage girls are discovered. One set on fire, the other stuffed in a box and thrown in a lake. Both are Jane Does. Both have been m...
Cold Case Files presents the first episode of A&E’s new podcast, I Survived. One phone call turned Karen’s seemingly happy marriage into a violent...
The death of Alma Napier was ruled an accident when her car was discovered overturned and smoldering one night in 1980. It would remain a closed case,...
A hitchhiker is found murdered, and police spend three decades chasing down their only lead. Then an unexpected twist brings a brand new suspect to li...