Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Best of 2013 Pt 3

Episode Date: December 30, 2013

It's getting real close to the end with part three of the Comedy Bang! Bang! best of countdown as Scott and special guest Paul F. Tompkins count down numbers six through four as well as some clips. Sit tight and look out for the final installment!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of Comedy Bang Bang is brought to you by Hostgator, host unlimited domains with just one plan using Hostgator. Check them out at and use the coupon code BANGBANG to get an extra 25% off and support this show. We're counting down the best of 2013. We are counting down number six through four this episode, along with several bonus clips. I'm here with Paul F. Tompkins. All of that and more all on today's...
Starting point is 00:00:24 All right, here we are. Comedy Bang Bang. Comedy Bang Bang. Best of 2013. Best of 2013. Here we are. Part three. Part three.
Starting point is 00:00:58 We're doing four of these and Paul F. Tompkins is here with me. That's right. I am. And you remarked to me after the last episode we recorded that you thought we had recorded three episodes already. Yes. I thought that we had. Well, we've been here for 10 hours.
Starting point is 00:01:13 I lost time. And... It's late at night. Yes. We are slap happy. Apparently, I'm married. I just look down. There's a ring on my finger.
Starting point is 00:01:21 We've been slapping each other as well. And we're happy about it. What? Slap happy, I guess, implies that you've been slapped so many times that you're just out of it. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I guess to me it sounds...
Starting point is 00:01:34 Hey, kid, you're slap happy. It sounds more like you are excited to be slapping people. That's... Yeah. Right? Which I am. That's true. I guess we're all a little bit slap happy.
Starting point is 00:01:43 It cannot be denied that it's fun to slap people. It is. I slapped Casey Wilson the other night on stage. It was planned. But she had that kind of thing in rehearsals. She was like, I don't really take to that kind of physical thing. She was worried I was going to escalate. You know how some people get on stage and the adrenaline is in there and it escalates?
Starting point is 00:02:09 Oh, you mean assholes? Yes. I know exactly what you mean. And they escalate it and they actually like... And I've been in that situation where I've been hit in something and the person in rehearsals is like, oh, no, it's going to be really easy and then they're just straight up hitting you. So she had that look of fear in her eyes, but I kept it controlled.
Starting point is 00:02:28 I've had people who... That I've had to hit who have encouraged me like, really hit me. And to the point where I was like, this is a weird thing for you. You're making me the unwitting pawn in your weird sex fantasy. You talking about pageant? On the thrilling adventure hour. That's all it is. People slapping each other.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Yeah, you guys. Well, because it's a podcast, it's an audio podcast. They got it. Yeah. People need the noise. That's what Beyond Belief is, right? You're just slapping each other. It's a married couple slapping each other.
Starting point is 00:03:06 They're freaks. Listen to that podcast. That's a great podcast. I've been on it several times. That's right. You have. You'll be on it again. Right often.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Counting down numbers six through four. Okay, we have four, five, and six. Delicious anticipation. In our final episode, part four, we are going to be counting one, two, and three. So we have four, five, and six this episode, and it is getting tight. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I mean, it's cutthroat now.
Starting point is 00:03:34 It really is. I mean, we heard some great clips up till now. Super great. These have to be the best of the best. If they're not, I'll be disgusted and appalled, angry and ashamed. I'm going to catalog that. I wish you would. How four are those?
Starting point is 00:03:52 I'm going to go through the five stages of Countdowns, disgusted, appalled, angry, ashamed. The end. Oh. I wish I'd said the end. The end like Rodgers and Hammerstein. You turned into a monster. Peeling my own face off like the guy in Vulture Guy. Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Okay, so let's count it down. We have some to get to, and this. Six through four. Six through four. Are you excited? This is a good one. I'm so excited. Can you hide it?
Starting point is 00:04:24 I'm hiding it from you right now. Okay. We may have talked about this on a previous episode. I'm doing a bad job by telling you that I'm excited. That's not good hiding. All right. This is from your Countdown, people. This is what you voted as number six.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Number six. All right. Number six. Paul, this is from episode 199. Oh, so we're going way back. We've been at 200s for a lot of these. You're a Mr. Peabody. That's right.
Starting point is 00:04:55 I'm Peppermint Patty. Who else is in there, the labner? Probably. Hi, Lois. Hi, me. Drabble. Drabble. Olive Dunesberry.
Starting point is 00:05:08 That's right. Um, this is episode 199. Is this ringing any bells? This is right before episode 200. 199, are you out of your mind? This is an episode called Gary Unmarried. Oh, boy, am I familiar with this one. Gary Unmarried.
Starting point is 00:05:27 Now, correct me if I'm wrong, Scott. I will. I'd be glad to. Well, don't be thrilled about it. Oh, boy, I cannot wait for you to be wrong. I'm asking you as a favor. This is not like me asking you to slap me hard on stage, rubbing my hands together. This is the first meeting of Gary Marshall and Gillian Jacobs.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I believe so. I believe. I said that really weirdly. I believe. I believe. You're side-off. Good night, America. I believe.
Starting point is 00:05:56 It's just like Obama. No, earlier in the countdown, we heard what happened after this episode. This episode, we hear the meeting between these two. This is, of course, Gillian Jacobs. It's like Memento. From community. Right. And our good friend Gary Marshall.
Starting point is 00:06:18 This is their first meeting. This is how they got together. This is how they do it. We're going to hear just a chunk of this episode, the whole thing that goes on several twists and turns. But we're going to hear a good chunk of this episode. This is a really funny one. You voted it as your number six, so let's hear that.
Starting point is 00:06:37 This is Gary Unmarried, Gillian Jacobs, and Gary Marshall. So what happened? I want to hear from both sides here. Who wants to start? What? I'll start. All right. As always.
Starting point is 00:06:50 As always, I like to start. She likes to start. That's part of the problem. Every time we go out to dinner with another couple, you know, you know that point when the two couples sit down across from each other and somebody says, who's going to start talking? I usually draw straws. You asked the waiter for three regular straws and one straw that's a little shorter.
Starting point is 00:07:13 Yes, but with all friends. He takes his scissors. Old being the operative word. Old. All his friends are old. We'd go out with Jack Jones and his wife. I don't know who these people are. He's a singer.
Starting point is 00:07:26 He's a famous singer. Stephen Edie. Stephen Edie. Oh, Jesus. Steve Lawrence, Edie Gourmet. I didn't. Jigs. You should have married him, Scott.
Starting point is 00:07:35 You'd get along great. Maybe I should. Do it. Not in Bel Air, though. Not in Bel Air. No gay marriage in Bel Air. Gillian, what do you expect when you marry a man who's that much older? I mean, he's not going to have any young friends.
Starting point is 00:07:46 I'm clubbing with me. Go raves. Sweetheart. I'm set in my ways. What I can't. I don't... I got you to murder your wife within knowing you for 30 minutes. I thought at least I could convince you to, you know, go to Sayers with me.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Well, this... I might as well tell you now. I faked Barbara's death. What? What? She's not really dead. It was a form of non-lethal curare that I ejected her with. She was just put to sleep?
Starting point is 00:08:20 Gillian, you are... What is happening here? She is in a state of suspended animation. Wait, so you... Are you telling me you Romeo and Juliette'd her? Yeah, except they're just Juliette'd. Fucking Christ. So wait, so we were never even legally married.
Starting point is 00:08:39 What are the laws on that? In Bel Air, yes. I'm not entitled to any of your money is what you're telling me. In Bel Air, no. Oh, God. You shouldn't have married me in Bel Air. The laws on that is if your first wife is in suspended animation, you cannot marry a new person?
Starting point is 00:08:57 Yeah, it's covered under... Well, that's the law of the land, but the law of Bel Air, I'm entitled to as many wives as I am. Oh, okay. I didn't know that about you. Well, then never mind. Then if Bigamy is allowed in Bel Air, then I'm legally married to you. No, we're divorced.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I did the ceremony when you weren't looking. What is that ceremony? The Bel Air divorce ceremony. Yeah, how does that go? It's you... You have to go to Denzel Washington's house. Okay, sure. You say, hey Denzel, get Paul Ryzen again.
Starting point is 00:09:28 Hey Denzel. My man. Oh, did Denzel Washington just walk in here? No, that was me. Oh, Gary. You're a regular Frank Gorshin over there. Thank you so much. The Riddler.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Sure. For this. Once again, who the hell knows who these people are? Learn your Hollywood history, young lady. No, learn my history. What is your history? Clubbing, partying, ecstasy, staying up all night, spending a lot of money, jets, drugs. She spent so much money on glow sticks and jets.
Starting point is 00:10:05 You filled up an entire jet with glow sticks, didn't you? And I coated the outside of the jet in glow sticks too, so it looked like maybe a UFO. I thought he'd be into it. I thought I could get him out of these monsters and maybe into some alien hunting. Aliens? That's a hoax. No such thing as extraterrestrials. But the Wolfman's real.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Yes, I'm going to find him. The other thing we haven't talked about is Gary Marshall spends a lot of his free time hunting monsters. Yeah. What else am I going to do? I mean, if there were some monsters at Teddy's, then maybe I could get into it. But Jesus Christ, am I going to go to any... Where are these places you're talking about?
Starting point is 00:10:41 Are they even real places? They're hubs. Teddy's? A drawing room. What is that? Like the brown derby? That's not... A drawing room.
Starting point is 00:10:49 Teddy's. That bar on Hillhurst that opens at 6 a.m.? Hey, I know a lot of people that are there at 6 a.m. It's a fine establishment. I think I know a lot of the people that are there at 6 a.m. So back to the ceremony. You go over to Denzel's house. I go to Den...
Starting point is 00:11:08 The ceremony is you must go to Denzel Washington's house. You knock three times in the door. Denzel appears. He says, may I help you? I say Denzel. Can you summon Paul Reiser? I need to divorce someone. Denzel walks across to Paul Reiser's house taking care to shield his eyes from Sylvester
Starting point is 00:11:27 Stallone's house. They all live in this radius, right? Can I interject one second? Yeah, sure. She said knock three times. I saw this on a James Bond movie the other day from Russia With Love. He said, don't answer the door for anyone. I'll knock three times.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Knock three times sounds like this. How'd you know the secret knock? Wow, wait. That's how everyone knocks. One, two, three. You're like a baby. What are you... What are you going to do?
Starting point is 00:11:50 You're going to come up to a door and knock once? That's what I do. Oh, who just came in? How would you hear if anyone just knocked once? You would think it was a mistake. People should listen more, another thing. We agree on that. Yeah, we agree that you should listen to me more.
Starting point is 00:12:03 And we agreed I wouldn't do that. Fucking worst. All right, so anyway, you're on your way to Paul Reiser's house. Yes, so then Denzel and Paul Reiser, they get together and they say, whom do you wish to divorce? That's Denzel. One more call from Denzel. Do you need to take that?
Starting point is 00:12:19 I do not need to take that. I thought of my terms. You carry an actual rotary phone that you would get from like Sardos or... Wait, Sardos. What the hell is Sardos? What are you even talking about? You mean Sardis? Sardis, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:31 What am I saying? Sardos. Sardis fees the Green Lanterns foe. So Denzel and Paul Reiser say, in unison, they count down from three to one and then in unison. Do they do three to one and then the thing or do they like three nose one or what do they do? Yeah, I think it's three nose one.
Starting point is 00:12:54 And then the thing. And then they say, whom do you wish to divorce? I say, oh, such fancy grandma. They say, come on. This is serious. This is part of the script. This is all part of the script. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:07 This is an ancient ceremony. So then I say, I got this wife, she's a pain in my neck. They say, I hear you. You are now divorced from her. You didn't even have to give him my name. Nope. I just got to be thinking of it. Who's the mayor of Bel Air?
Starting point is 00:13:26 It's more of a council. Right. And it's a. It's a council of elders. Yeah. It's a council. Yeah. It's 13.
Starting point is 00:13:34 Yeah. Old. Read old. Yeah. Yeah. The elders. What do you expect the elders? I think there would be more people my age in Bel Air.
Starting point is 00:13:42 In Bel Air, you thought there would be young people. What a naive child. Yeah. There's property there in Bel Air. Do what I do. Marry a rich old man. Who put his wife in suspended animation. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:53 That's right. Go back to that. I want to hear a little bit about that. What? Oh, you find that interesting? Where is she? She's in an undisclosed location. Under Disneyland.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Disclose it. It's under Disneyland. That's right. I knew it. In that one restaurant where they serve alcohol. I knew it. I wanted you to take me there. He wouldn't take me there.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Not even a club 23? No. Wouldn't do it. 6 a.m. Well, you're still awake from the clubbing. Yes, exactly. That's why the drawing room is the most useful bar in L.A. Is that the only suspended animation facility in the United States?
Starting point is 00:14:24 That's why I guessed it because that's where Disney is. It's one of three. Oh, okay. What are the other two in the U.S.? The original. Continental. Yeah. The original cheese bar, the Bull and Finch.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Oh, okay. Under there? Or just inside there? Under the bar? I can't remember if it's above ground or not. It might be in plain view. Okay. The big thing about these secret suspended animation locations is nobody can process
Starting point is 00:14:46 it with their mind, so sometimes they just stick them right out in the open. Oh, really? You mean if you look at it, you can't actually? Your mind will make up an excuse for what it is. That's why the other one's on Lincoln's lap in the Lincoln Memorial. What? Yeah. Lincoln's lap.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Yeah. Just laying across his lap. Really? And he's stroking it like petting it like a cat? No. He's still just a statue. I know, but I mean his hand is in that position? No.
Starting point is 00:15:13 His hands are on the chair. His hands are on the chair. Well, the arm's in a chair. Are they or are they on the thing? I don't know. I know what I see. How did you become so attuned to being able to see these things? I'm one of the Illuminati.
Starting point is 00:15:26 What? Yeah. We are getting some major revelations here. I know. We already knew that. That's news? I think people assumed it. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:35 One of your dinners was Stephen Edie. So who else is in the Illuminati? Boy, a lot of people. There's more people than did it than on in it. In the United States? Yeah, it seems like it's an exclusive society. It's like six billion or million people in the United States. Neither.
Starting point is 00:15:56 I don't know. Neither? Neither. How many? 32. Are you going by the McDonald's hamburger sign? I'm trying to remember because I looked it up the other day. I hate when you make me laugh.
Starting point is 00:16:07 If it's any consolation that sounded like a polite laugh. I'm looking it up. How many people in the United States? Yeah, this is great podcasting. Too many. You guys just hold on one second. Too many? There's another thing.
Starting point is 00:16:22 We talked about genocide all the time. It was unpleasant. I would just like to have, you know, no traffic in Los Angeles. And if that means killing millions of people, I'm fine with it. I was way off. 11 million. Yeah. That's a lot of people.
Starting point is 00:16:36 Six million people in Manhattan. I knew it was three something. I thought it was three billion or three million. That's China. Three million people. It turned out it was three hundred and 11 million. I don't know. Come on.
Starting point is 00:16:48 11 million people are in the Illuminati. 11. Wait. Wow. But that leaves 300 million who aren't. Yeah, that's right. It seems fair, right? But I thought you said that there were more.
Starting point is 00:16:57 You said there were more. It was a figure of speech. Let's not crucify Gary Marshall. What would happen if we did crucify you? Well, you'd find out in three days. Hey, either come back or I don't. I'm just as curious as you, but please don't crucify me. It's like, I wonder if I'm bulletproof.
Starting point is 00:17:16 Do you? I do, but no one's ever shot me, so I have no idea. Maybe that will be found out by the end of this episode of Comedy Bing Bong. I wonder. Sorry, my blood sugar is dropping. You know, just being around him sends me to a die bet shop. Have a score bar. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:31 It's not a score bar. What are you eating? It's a think-thin divine. Yeah, is that what a Hollywood actress has to eat? Think-thin? It's smart decadence, like me. Oh, Jesus. Okay, so Community, coming back and you don't know what the plot is and...
Starting point is 00:17:49 You don't care. What's up with the Halloween episode? Is that, that's going to be the... That's going to be one of our best of the season. I'm putting it out there. We're switching it over to, is this still going to be Halloween or is it Valentine's Day? No, we're doing Halloween Thanksgiving and Christmas and they'll be airing in March and April and May.
Starting point is 00:18:07 How come you didn't do a Valentine's Day? You know what? Get out of here. I'm sorry. Can I get my lawyer in here? I don't want to have to sit in a room with him anymore. You know what? Well, I think it's okay because when you watch a movie, say you're watching a nice Shane Black
Starting point is 00:18:19 movie, okay? I love a Shane Black movie. Iron Man 3, I can't wait. Like, Kiss Kiss Bing Bong, right? Sure. So, you're watching this movie and it's set at Christmas. Okay, usually you're watching it, what, in May? You can be watching it in any of the 366 days of a leap year.
Starting point is 00:18:34 That's the beauty of cinema. That's right. It exists forever. You can enjoy it anytime. Yeah. Tell me about cinema, Gary. Tell me your thoughts on cinema. Hey, he is a great...
Starting point is 00:18:42 Mr. Marshall is... I'm sorry, I called you Mr. Marshall when you told me to call you Gary. Please continue to call me Mr. Marshall. All right. Mr. Marshall is a great director, Frankie and Johnny. That's right. Really? You don't like Frankie and Johnny?
Starting point is 00:18:54 Yeah. When a pretty woman, all of you young actresses love pretty women. My mom wouldn't let me watch it. Why is that? Because it romanticized prostitution. What's wrong with that? Nothing for men. Could you chew right into the microphone, please?
Starting point is 00:19:09 Your divine decadence. This is what divine decadence sounds like. It didn't so much romanticized prostitution as it exalted it. And exonerated the Johns. That's right. They're just guys that are looking for companionship. Please, Gillian. I would think you would relate because you married me just because I was rich.
Starting point is 00:19:30 I married you first and then I got your money. Wait, so how much money did you end up with, Gary? I guess that's true. Yeah, that's usually how it goes. What, you don't think that... Listen, when I found out that he was going over to Denzel Washington's house, I tried to grab as many valuables as I could, put them in my car and drive away. Some office equipment?
Starting point is 00:19:52 The stapler? I got a fax machine and I got one of his hundreds of rotary phones. That's all I could grab. Everything else is nailed down. Nailed down, really? Nail everything down other than your fax machine and rotary phones? What would you do? That's true.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Well, I also know things about, you know, thanks to being in the Illuminati, about things that are going to happen to the earth in the coming years. Okay, and so you want your stuff nailed down in case... I would say nail your stuff down. Tornados and stuff. Take it from an Illuminati. Oh, you'll wish there were tornadoes happening. Oh my gosh, you should put out a PSA.
Starting point is 00:20:27 Take it from one of the Illuminati. Nail your stuff down. Tie your shoes tight, kids. Yeah. Talk to a policeman. You ever do one of those more-you-know things, Gillian? They don't want me for those, no. What?
Starting point is 00:20:39 You're one of the bright shining crown jewels of NBC. Are they still doing them? Yeah, they're doing them. I bet Nicole Brown from my show has done them. They don't want me for those. What's going on? What's wrong with your attitude? Listen.
Starting point is 00:20:54 First of all, it may be that you say listen to people, which is kind of a rude thing to do. Okay, fine. Maybe if you feel like it, listen to what I'm about to say. If not, go about your day. I would say you don't need any kind of... It's a little long. What?
Starting point is 00:21:09 It's a little long. Okay. I've had a really rough year. Okay, listen to this. Listen to this. Yes, master. Listen to this. I marry a man.
Starting point is 00:21:22 I think I'm set for life. Sure. Community may or may not be ending. No, listen to this. You're not listening to this. Listen to this. I'm worried, you know, I'm worried about my future. Okay?
Starting point is 00:21:34 I don't have as much money as I'd like. I have very expensive needs, tastes, desires. Divine decadence. I'm into divine decadence. I am divine decadence. I marry a man I think is very wealthy. He's going to be able to take care of me. I am, by the way.
Starting point is 00:21:48 And he's going to die soon. That's also true. Or is it? Listen to him. And he's going to come back three days later. Maybe. Allegedly. Maybe, allegedly.
Starting point is 00:21:56 We'll see. But then I'll have superpowers and that'll be even better. So I'll have a rich husband with superpowers. Right. Okay, not only do we get divorced, my show gets pulled off the ear. My show was going to air on an ear. On Mel Rushmore. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:14 That's not happening anymore. It's not on ears or television. They got sued by the Alfred Hitchcock estate. Yeah. I get divorced. I have no money. You know, it's Mel Rushmore just from Earth by Northwest. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:24 He doesn't own Mel Rushmore but doing stuff with it. The phone to scale model of it. That's right. Okay. I got nothing now. My show's coming back. Yes. Very happy about that.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Excited. All of a sudden you'll get the paychecks from that. By the way, a lot of people don't know. You don't get paid until your show actually airs. You get no money for almost a year now. No money. Also, I should tell you now, under Belial Law, I'll be garnishing your wages. See?
Starting point is 00:22:47 Who knew? Do you have a lien on her car as well? I let that go. Oh, that's nice. Yeah, it was too shitty. He didn't want it. That's true. I don't know what to tell you, Scott.
Starting point is 00:22:57 I'm in a bad place these days. You're in a bad place. Yeah, I was flying high the last time I saw you. Everything's gone to shit now. Well, here's what I suggest. I think that we should have some sort of a contest to be your next husband. You're on the show. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:23:10 People love to get involved. It's interactive. Yeah. I think that we could put up some sort of a thread on the Comedy Bing Bong message boards where basically people sort of woo you and give a resume. Could they provide bank statements that I don't need a... Absolutely. Good idea.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Let me ask you this. Is there any possibility people would react to this in a creepy way? I don't think so. I don't see how that would happen. I don't even know why I said that. Okay, good. Yeah, probably not. What is it you like in a man other than...
Starting point is 00:23:41 Richness. Okay, other than money. What do you... Richness. I like a man... Wealthy dude. Yeah. I love a terminal illness.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Okay. I die for a terminal illness. Okay. Creeping senility. I also enjoy if he's not going to die. But they have to have fresh... They have to have young friends, though, according to you. Just be open to going to, you know, clubs.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Why can't you go do your clubbing by yourself? Why do you need to drag poor Mr. Marshall? I get really drunk and I don't want to get a DUI, so I need someone to drive me home. Get a driver! I had a young friend. She didn't enjoy him. What's... Oh, who's this?
Starting point is 00:24:19 Thomas Gibson. Away from Dharma and Greg. From Dharma and Greg and criminal minds. Criminal minds, more importantly. He's a fun guy. He keeps me young. He is kind of young. What is he?
Starting point is 00:24:30 Maybe about 45 at this point? Yeah, close to 50, I think. Close to 50? Yeah. I mean, that's not bad. That's a step in the right direction. Yeah, he was nice. He was nice.
Starting point is 00:24:38 You seem kind of in... Like you softened a bit when you thought of Thomas Gibson. Remember that time? He asked you if you like baseball. He's got two shows in syndication. Yeah. It's true. He was nice.
Starting point is 00:24:50 He's older than you? Sinner than you? True. He's not sick, as far as I know. Nope. He could get sick. He seems fit as a fiddle. He could get sick.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Could get sick? What would you think if Gillian here started dating Thomas Gibson? Are you more of a bros before hoes kind of guy? Would that affect your relationship with Gibby? I don't know what those words mean. I would say Tommy is a good guy. His life is his own. I'm not going to stand in the way of two people who are potentially happy together.
Starting point is 00:25:19 I probably would say, hey, don't let her talk you into murdering anyone. Who would I need to murder with him? He's not married. I think he's single, yeah. Yeah. That would be a smooth transition. He's got an ex-wife. I don't know if that matters to you.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Alimony. Ugh. No, see, that's what I liked about murdering your wife is no divorce settlement. You didn't have to split up your estate. You don't get half of the half. Yeah. You get half of the pot. What do you get for like Darman and Greg syndication checks at this point?
Starting point is 00:25:50 What do you think he's getting a month? What are you getting for those Darman and Greg syndication checks? I do that because of ABC. I made a deal with them very smart back in the day when they said, hey, you got to make your show a multi-camera show instead of a single camera show. I said, OK, I just need in return for that a cut of every future sitcom you ever produced. Right. So out of Tommy's check, this is how we became friends, by the way.
Starting point is 00:26:12 He confronted me and said, who are you to take my money? I said, I wanted the Bel Air Illuminati. Right. So he shut his mouth. I get roughly a quarter of every check that he makes. A quarter of every check he makes. 25 cents. I still think that I got to kill you.
Starting point is 00:26:30 I mean, really, for me. Hey, you're welcome to try. Why would you kill him? You're the worst. Yeah, but if I marry Thomas Gibson, I don't want to be giving a quarter of his checks to my ex-husband. It goals you, doesn't it? Everything about you goals me. Don't marry anybody from the ABC TGIF family.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Those are my favorite shows. They're everybody's favorite shows. Don't marry Erkel. Let's list them now. Family Ties. Family Ties. Wait a minute. That's Adam of NBC.
Starting point is 00:26:59 We talked Thursday night at NBC. In your old time slot. Your new time slot. Family Matters. Family Matters. That's what we're saying. We got Family Matters. That's right.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I get a quarter from everybody. Erkel. Full house. Full house. That's right. That's all I can think of. Step by step. There, sure.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yep. There are new shows like Don't Trust the Bee in Apartment 23. I still don't know what that B stands for. I think it's an actual B. Wait. Please don't curse on this show. Bitch. I don't like the way you looked at me.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Up from under when you said that word. I'll use it in a sentence. It was chilling. You bitch. Wait. How about a... That's not really a sentence you can't say. How about a sentence like Don't Trust the Bitch in Apartment 23?
Starting point is 00:27:42 Nah, I like this. You bitch. Can we get some of that though? Yeah. Okay. All right. Great. How about happy endings?
Starting point is 00:27:52 Get some of that? That's right. All right. Pretty much any of these... Hey, by the way, did you have a consent to appearing on that show? I remember Casey Wilson asked you... Yeah, if I would be on that show. If you'd be interested.
Starting point is 00:28:00 Has not happened yet. Yeah. As of yet, but we will see. It's nice that the writers were speculating that you might be willing to appear on a television show. Yep. And have not got that call. This guy...
Starting point is 00:28:13 Do you know this guy named Paul Tompkins? I do. He's a pretty good comedian. Yeah, pretty good. He was on Community. Yeah, that's right. I remember that. In a bar, right?
Starting point is 00:28:22 Yeah. Yeah. How did he do? Was he asked back? Nah. How much control do you have over that? 100%. 100?
Starting point is 00:28:30 Interesting. Why don't you make your own money? I don't want to. It's hard. Do you have bad investments? You're a well-paid home doctor. I'm very tired, okay? I just want to sit back.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Listen to this. It's true. She has no energy. Stop telling her to listen to things. Listen to her. I don't listen to anything you have to say without you commanding me to. I'm listening to that. I know we've had our differences, but if you want him to listen to you, I will prompt him
Starting point is 00:28:58 to listen to you. I think he'll respect it more coming from me. Okay, yeah, I probably will. So... Hear me, hear me. I'm tired. Scott, listen to this. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Yes, sir, Mr. Marshall. What the... You guys are sexist. That's what this is about. You won't listen to me because I'm a woman. I have to say, listen to this. Look, look, I grew up in a different time, so that's my excuse. This guy is just a jerk.
Starting point is 00:29:19 He should know better. Rosa Parks and so forth. What? Mr. Marshall, I did want to ask about Barbara. She was in... Oh, thank you. Gary, what happened with Barbara? Is she still in stasis or is...
Starting point is 00:29:32 She's still in stasis laying... Why haven't you unfrozen her now that we're divorced? It's nice to have her quiet around the house sometimes. I got the house to myself. I can watch through all my sporting events. At what point do you think you'll wake her up? I think what I miss her. I think...
Starting point is 00:29:47 When you miss her? Well, what I really miss her. You know what I mean when I feel like, all right, enough of the boys' night out. It's time to have... Boys' night out! Put ol' Barbara back with me. Boys' night out. More like boys' night out.
Starting point is 00:29:58 All right, here's my favorite. Denzel Washington and Euker. Euker? Bob Euker, that's right. Sweet Denzel and Bob Euker. Bob Euker is very rich. He was grandfathered in during those taste-great-less-filling commercials. That's right.
Starting point is 00:30:15 And then, of course, Mr. Belvedere. I earn a quarter of every check that he gets for that. Yep, of course. Oh, boy. Well, you guys, I wish that you weren't going to go to sleep angry tonight with each other, but... He's not mad. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:30:29 He's happy as a pig in shit. I'm the one who's on the street. This is how I am. That's right. On the street. I'm going around pawn shop to pawn shop with a rotary phone and a fax machine. That's what I've got. What is your situation?
Starting point is 00:30:39 Where do you live? In my car. That's right. She's the only working sitcom actress living in a car. Wow. What did you spend your money on? Listen, my wedding dress was very expensive and he wouldn't pay for it. And I really felt like I had to look great on that day.
Starting point is 00:30:56 I thought it was every girl's dream to buy her own expensive wedding dress. That's true. What was it like? It had diamonds. It had a lot of glow sticks sewn into it. Very expensive. A couple Swarovski crystals. Some shot glasses that I stapled to the back.
Starting point is 00:31:11 I was like a shot dinosaur, you know. Shot dinosaur. Yeah, we don't know what that is. You don't have to explain it. Come on. Stop right there. Shot a sore. It was a fun party.
Starting point is 00:31:21 I mean, people were just, you know. It was alright. Drinking shots off the back of my dress. Went on too long if you ask me. Sorry. How long did it go? 20 minutes. We're up until 9 p.m.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Well. I got to be up in three hours to start my day. I feel bad. Next up at midnight. Wake up at midnight, greet the day. Ask him what he does from midnight to 5 a.m. Ask me. Okay.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Listen to this. Mr. Marshall, what's going on from midnight to 5? I continue to write scripts for Laverne and Shirley. Why? I'm interested in seeing these characters is still alive. They're still living with you, yeah. And yet you don't talk to Penny, which is the real life Laverne. You can find out for yourself.
Starting point is 00:32:02 You know, Scott, I guess in a way, I write these scripts as a way of talking to Penny. Oh my gosh. Can I? Please, kill him. Please. Sorry, it's nausea. We're getting to the good stuff here. We're getting to the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:14 This one always making that noise and saying, gag me with a spoon. It's like you married Moon Zappa or something. Who? Okay, so... Valley Girl. Have you ever thought that maybe your problems with women are a result of the relationship with your sister, Penny? Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Starting point is 00:32:33 You know what? I haven't. But it sounds like you're right. Okay. Well, there you go. So maybe that's the first step in order to... I'll call Penny tonight. How much money does Penny have?
Starting point is 00:32:43 Just to go back... Oh, she's filthy rich. All right. Yeah, that League of her own. Their own, her own. The League of his own money. There, there. There was more than one woman.
Starting point is 00:32:51 It was their League. You're exasperated with everyone. I don't know how anyone can stand you. How would you feel if you were living out of your car and your only worldly possessions were a fax machine and a rotary phone? It wouldn't come to that with me because I'm nice to people. You're all lucky. You're in Skodokerman.
Starting point is 00:33:08 I'm having a pile of money. Scott, you know what? You don't... First of all, congratulations on living in that pile of money. Thank you so much. Everybody's talking about it behind the gates. Thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:18 I know. I hope to make it there. Secondly, you never know what's going to happen. Yeah, exactly. It's easy to say, oh, that wouldn't be me living in a car with a fax machine and a rotary phone. Never say that you know what's going to happen. You bet it all on a dime in mind.
Starting point is 00:33:29 Next thing you know. Wow. All right. Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you... I had hoped that this might be the first comedy bing bong marriage. No. People who met on the show.
Starting point is 00:33:41 That's right. There's UCB babies. What? People who meet at UCB and do improv together. They have babies together. Oh, I thought UCB babies were... It was like a condition where babies are born addicted to pot. It's also a cartoon in the works with a tiny Matt Besser and a tiny Amy Poehler and you
Starting point is 00:33:57 just see the mother's shoes and legs. But yeah, I had hoped that... The mother is played by Viola Spolin. That's a deep cut. Yep. I had hoped that you guys would be the first comedy bing bong marriage that lasted, you know? I mean, the bachelor has Trista and Ryan.
Starting point is 00:34:18 It's true. They're still together. Gillian's crying right now. She's literally weeping. What's going on, Gillian? What's the matter, honey? I can't do it. What's the matter, honey?
Starting point is 00:34:26 I can't do it. I can't do it. I live in a car. What's happening here? Carrie, I made a huge mistake. Would you have me back? Listen. The best I can do.
Starting point is 00:34:37 Because my wife is coming back any week now. The best I can do... The best I can do is you can stay in the guest house. Really? Yeah. You don't have me in the guest house? Now the guest house, you should know. It's a modified car.
Starting point is 00:34:54 Okay. It's up on blocks. Okay. It's behind the Hollywood YMCA. Oh, that's so better than what I got now. It's got a toilet in it. What is it? A hollered out car with a toilet in the rumble seat?
Starting point is 00:35:08 The rumble seat. That's right. Good man. It's an old packer. That's where the real rumbles are coming. Oh, right. Carrie didn't like that one. My grandkids sure like this.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Yeah, they love it. Your grandkids love me. They do. You not so much. Sure. Ah, you're a good kid. Come on. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:35:31 I was a young guy once and it was fun to, you know, say things you weren't supposed to say. Back when you were with the outsiders with the... That's right. We used to go around stabbing each other. Yeah, you know, the Essie Hinton rumblefish years. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:35:47 Essie Hinton, the woman author. Yeah, the woman author. We know that's a woman author. Of course. Of course it is. I don't even know why I said that. Why wouldn't we know she's a woman author? Everybody knows she's a woman author.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I don't think that women can write books. Sorry. Have you ever written a book? Yeah. What's your book? How to get by. Four wise? Well, look for that on
Starting point is 00:36:12 Who narrates that one for the audible audio book? Gilbellos. Gilbellos. Number six. Oh, boy. Those two. Those two. Something about them when they get together.
Starting point is 00:36:25 It was murder. More old references. More older references. Older, older, older, older. People are shouting. That was about heart. That was a reference to heart to heart, which was a TV show about two wealthy people. Yep.
Starting point is 00:36:41 Who solved crimes and they were married. Yeah, they were married couple. Name the hearts. Yeah. Jonathan and Valerie Hart. Yeah. There was a guy, Robert Wagner, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:51 He would say stuff like, Max, is that your tie or did you throw up on your shirt? He was rude. He was a servant. He was just a rude guy. Rude to servants. Yeah. And their, you know, servant was this guy, Max, who was a senior citizen. Is he a servant or just a friend who like hung out with him on a payroll?
Starting point is 00:37:08 No, he was there. He was like their butler or something. Oh, my. He like drove them and stuff. And he was so old, but he was their loyal man servant. What is, what's the difference between an employee and a servant? Is it, they live with you? I think so.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Yeah. I think, well, I think an employee is not doing things for you personally. Okay. They have a job that they fulfill. A task. But a servant is literally serving you. Oh, man, I want one so bad. Oh, of course I do too, Scott.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Oh, gosh. I look at, I look at that Downton Abbey and I'm like, that's the way to do it, brother. That's, I gotta, I gotta do it. I gotta live that way. To have like 20 people living down in your basement. Yeah. They're afraid of you. And they think you're a God.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Yeah. You, like somebody else speaks up and like, they gossip about you and then there's like the head dude is like, you watch your mouth. That man is rich. I think, I think you'd be a good head dude. No, I want to be thick. No, you're going to be the head dude down below. Oh, it'll be great.
Starting point is 00:38:09 You're at the top of that food chain. Yeah, I know, but. Meanwhile, I'm in the bottom of the food chain up top. I wanted to be the, what? You're upstairs? Yeah, I'm upstairs. Who are you up there? I'm like the, I'm the stable boy who married the, the chauffeur who married the, you know,
Starting point is 00:38:28 like I used to be at the bottom too with you. Right. But then I'm, then I've married someone. How do you, how do you, how do we treat each other when you come downstairs? Well, you have to afford me the respect I deserve. I'm part of the family. Look, speaking of married. That was episode number six in your countdown, Gary unmarried.
Starting point is 00:38:49 And before we go to a break, we have time for a little bonus. Oh, I said this. I'm so sorry. That's okay. That's okay. That's okay. Oh, I'm a little thrown by your buzzing phone on the table. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:39:06 My wife did not know I was recording multiple episodes. Friday night lights. I'm sorry. It's very late at night. It's very late at night. We're, but we're doing it. We're going to plow through until the end. And we're doing it.
Starting point is 00:39:20 We are doing it. All right. We're having sex with each other. What? Your wife didn't know about that either. That's why she's texting me. This is a tea party, key party. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:32 This is a great bonus clip. This is probably one of the hardest times I've ever laughed on this show. Wow. And this is from episode 230, which came out right before season two of the comedy Bing Bong TV show. And I had my good friend Reggie Watts on the show. And I had Neil Campbell, who is our head writer. Neil Campbell.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Campbell. Yes. Camp Town Bells. And we decided to have a freestyle rap contest. And we all knew Reggie would do really, really well because this is... Of course. He makes up songs all the time. It's what he does for a living.
Starting point is 00:40:12 None of us knew about Neil's skills in this area. Was this the first instance of Neil's legendary rap prowess? Yes. This is pretty amazing. And I was crying, laughing off mic. Maybe you can hear me during part of it. But this is the freestyle rap contest from episode 230 here on our bonus clips. Well guys, we all know what time it is in the show.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I do. Oh yeah. Tell us. It is time to get down and feel good. That is right because it's time for the freestyle rap battle. Oh my gosh. Who do you think will win? I wonder.
Starting point is 00:40:59 We have two terrible white rappers. When I say terrible white rappers, we're not white rappers. I mean we're terrible at both rapping and being white. Yeah. And you have Reggie Watts who does this for a living. I'm, yeah, kind of. Cody, we need engineer Cody's here with us. We need a subject.
Starting point is 00:41:28 God damn, one word. All you need to think of is one word. And he gave me a look of fear and then he shrugged. Come on, one word out of anything. Vacuum cleaners. Yeah. Vacuum cleaners. All right, Neil.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Take it. Oh no. Here we go. Vacuum cleaners. Neil Campbell, Neil Campbell, Neil Campbell. When I'm sucking up dirt in my room, I have a vacuum cleaner and not a broom. I need to get clean because my girl's coming over. I don't want her to see all the shit on the floor.
Starting point is 00:42:03 All the things that will make her realize girls aren't my thing. I gotta get down. I gotta get rid of stuff and get out of town. When I'm cleaning with my vacuum, I got a girl coming over. She don't know I'm gay. I just play it that way. She will never know I ain't straight. I was here last night with my mate and we did mate.
Starting point is 00:42:43 Suck it up. Yeah. Suck it up. Suck it up like a vacuum cleaner. Suck it up like a cleaner. While I was sitting in my room watching Darkwing duck, then I grabbed the vacuum cleaner. What did I do? Suck.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Suck. Suck. Sucking up the dirt. Sucking up the dirt. Don't hurt. Because, whoa, why did this music get so loud? Music got loud from the cloud. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:14 I store my music in the cloud because I don't like to have CDs. Nuts. I like data. I like data because I'm a player who likes the data. I keep all my songs in my cloud player. I suck up the cloud. What if you could use a vacuum on songs? Boy, that would be really cool.
Starting point is 00:43:40 You'd have a ton of songs in your vacuum cleaner and then you'd empty the bag and throw out all your songs. Yo, I'm a kind of guy who likes to keep clean, but no one ever knows because I try to not be seen. I always got my vacuum cleaner on the clean clean. Everyone sees me pull it out of my trunk. I take it out of trunks and I bring it in the houses, vacuum all the crumbs and all the little mouses. I'll do it just for free because I love to vacuum. Everybody knows I can vacuum the vacuum. Thank you very much, Mr. Mr. Vacuum.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I think I'm going to try an ORIC today. Or maybe I'll try a Dyson today. Or maybe I'll try another off-brand thing. But I got to know dirt devils up in my bitch because I never knew this thing is what you flip in my flitch. And if you're my thumb family, if you're flicking my clitch, you got to do it everything because the vacuum is right. Yo, yo, yo. You've got a handle and a stem and it's got this thing that has a rotating brush that keeps lots of things out of its way. But it specifically grabs an engineer to get everything on your floor except for the things that you hold dear like gold rings and necklaces and earrings.
Starting point is 00:44:56 They definitely won't suck that stuff up because it's got an intelligent system that can kind of filter out the types of things that you prefer in its preference through an application you download to your phone. And that's how vacuums worked, how they always worked all the way from the 50s. Applications ruled the content of the vacuum cleaners and people knew that shit. Yo, witch hazel, whatever, you got to use that shit as you can. Be witched is not enough so you got to stick to the plan because the Sam's, the two Sam's, I couldn't tell the difference. But all I knew is one thing that kept them both together. It was the flume, the plume, the gloom. Yo, it was at my fucking vacuum.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Yeah, let's hear from Neil again. All right, here we go. I use my vacuum to suck up coins. I use my mouth to suck up groins. And then if I get rid of the dirt, you know I get rid of my shirt. And then I'm getting real dirty and it's because I'm getting real flirty with all the boys at the pool. So the every day after school, I'm not in school, I'm 33, but I like the boys who watch younger than me. So after they get out of school, I head on down into the pool and I see them with just their trunks on.
Starting point is 00:46:15 And I say, damn, that's one long schlong. I want in the locker room so you can do the nasty boom up my butt and in my face. I will do it no disgrace. I like the way you sweat and I like feeling your wet little mouth. I'm so much younger, but you look so fine. And then when I take you home and your mom doesn't know where you are now. No, she was trying to pick you up, but you're at my house and I'm making you up. Up, up, up, it goes.
Starting point is 00:46:52 You make it learn to grow. Then I think you have to do the same to your own body. Ooh, that's my name. You're going to keep saying my name. My name is Neela, dude. That's my name. Say it real loud. Don't be ashamed.
Starting point is 00:47:14 That's amazing. That's really amazing. No, no, no, we're done. We're done. You don't have to start it over. That was the best. Who's the winner? That was the best.
Starting point is 00:47:24 I can't tell. I think Neelathan for sure. Neil rhymed a lot, I have to say. He did. He rhymed the most. I'm going to award this to Neil. Congratulations. Yeah, it's got to go.
Starting point is 00:47:34 Wow. I'm going to kill myself now. Bonus! Clip. Yeah, amazing. Good stuff, huh? Good stuff. Wild and weird.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Weird. Come over. Sit on the couch. I play tennis. I can't do it. I can't do it. Well, you're not known for your impressions. That's true.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Yeah, you know what? I got to go easy on myself. Yeah. All right, we have to take a break. When we come back, we will have number five on your countdown. And let me just tell you, this was the closest one yet. Fuck. All right, we'll come on back.
Starting point is 00:48:10 Ladies and gentlemen, this is Scott Ackerman, host of Comedy Bang Bang. I have a very exciting announcement for the first show of next week. That's right, a great guest on next week's show, Eric John Roche. Legendary author and scholar, he's going to be here. If you know anything about Eric John Roche, this is exciting stuff. John Roche is an incredibly tough man to track down. He's the author of 57 best-selling novels in 85 different languages. He's got the spoils of Galaxy 7, the spoils of Grasping for God,
Starting point is 00:48:47 the spoils of the Sahara, the spoils of the singing Night Squirrel, the spoils of the weeping Falcon, and the spoils beneath the sea. He is an amazing author. It's understandable why he isn't always able to stick to his commitments, even if he is scheduled to make an appearance. But he promised me personally he would be here for next week's episode. I'm excited. I'm humbled.
Starting point is 00:49:12 John Roche is on the books. He's going to be on this program, and he'll be discussing his latest project, The Spoils of Babylon. That's right, The Spoils of Babylon, his phenomenal novel that is always sold out, is now an epic miniseries coming to IFC Thursday, January 9th. So, don't forget to tune into next week's episode of Comedy Bang Bang to get all the sklucies on what it was like making this television magic. Comedy Bang Bang, we are back here with the countdown and Paul.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Scott. I teased it before the break. I know. I can't get over that tease. Oh, my gosh. This was the closest in our votes. The closest to? The closest to meaning... I realize I don't know what that means. Well, meaning two episodes were mere votes separating them.
Starting point is 00:50:04 So, five and four? No. The previous one, six and five. The previous one, Gary Unmarried. So, this one just barely edged out, Gary Unmarried. Barely edged out, and it was... They kept flip-flopping the entire time the vote was live. One would be at six and one would be at five. Vice versa, they would flip-flop.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Finally, when I closed the voting this afternoon, let me just tell you that Gary Unmarried had 2,554 votes. Wow. And this episode had 2,556 votes. Wow. Two votes separated them. That is some crazy 2,000-year-old man. Old man, shit.
Starting point is 00:50:54 So, this is, of course, number five on your countdown. Number five. All right, number five, this is from episode 219. All right, and this is an episode... Please choose your words carefully. The previous installments of this episode have been on our best of countdown the previous two years. And the first installment of it was number one
Starting point is 00:51:24 in our countdown two years ago. And then number... The second installment in our countdown last year, I think slipped to three maybe. And now they've slipped to five, almost six. But this is an episode called Farts & Procreation 3. Farts & Procreation 3. Now, a lot of people said it couldn't be done twice.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Then they said it shouldn't be done thrice. After they heard it. That's right. Yes. But you said, no, we're doing this. We're doing it. No one wanted to do it. Earlier, I believe a day ago,
Starting point is 00:51:59 Chelsea Peretti, who is in this episode, tweeted to Harris Whittles, who is also in this episode, hey, did you vote yet and gave him the link? And Harris said, I don't think people should vote for it. Harris! Was he not pleased with his performance in the show? No, we had a good time. I mean, if you listen to this episode,
Starting point is 00:52:21 it's a really good time. We're just having fun. We're just goofing around. Just having fun. That's all. Heavy bit saturation. Adam Scott from Farts & Procreation is also on this episode. And we tape them late at night.
Starting point is 00:52:35 We don't plan anything. And they're really crazy. Were they all taped late at night? They all were. Was the first one taped late at night? And then after that, you were like, let's tape. Yes. We said we have to recreate the exact experience each time.
Starting point is 00:52:47 How late at night are we talking? We're talking about as late as this. Because we're doing it late at night here. It's 1 a.m. right now. Usually, Adam will get off of the set around 8.30 or so, and then we'll come over here and we'll do it, like, you know, 9.30, somewhere around there. You know, is that because I heard that it's because
Starting point is 00:53:06 Rob Lowe turns into a weird creature past a certain hour. Yeah. Well, yeah, 8.15. Right. So everyone has to be gone. Because they have to chain them up. They have to chain them up. On the soundstage.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Or else Rob Lowe smash. Yeah. And everyone has to evacuate the building. Yes. And they're bowels. We'll have to get out of there faster. In fear. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:28 As well. So this is Farts and Procreation 3. Look, we're just having fun here. People... What? I will say these are divisive episodes. Just disclaimer. These are very divisive episodes.
Starting point is 00:53:40 People, after this came out, said, guys, knock it off. And just as many people say, you know what? They're having fun. This is fun stuff. And we have great chemistry together. Are there any people that say this should be the show all the time?
Starting point is 00:53:56 No. None of the participants either. Of course not. It's like lightning in a bottle. You try to recapture it. Sometimes you can. I think they're all really funny. But I do think that each has been less funny than the previous ones.
Starting point is 00:54:09 But at the same time, this is good stuff. You know, and we're all having fun. We're going to try to do another one in 2014. And maybe that one will stink. I don't know. But I have to say, when we get together, we have fun. And that's what people are listening to.
Starting point is 00:54:24 Hey, you know what? If you don't like it, talk to the bursar for a full refund. That's right. So we're going to hear a good chunk of this. And you're going to hear a couple of things. You're going to hear just the beginning when we're just warming up. And then we're going to go to a section towards the end where typically Adam and Harris debut new characters.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And so we're going to hear some of their new characters. This is your episode number five on the countdown. This is Farts and Procreation 3. Number five. Can I ask something? If Ebert like zombified and came back to life, wouldn't it be funny if like two thumbs came through the dirt instead of like a hand? Is that phone corner?
Starting point is 00:55:13 I guess. Yeah. Should we hear the theme, I guess? By the way, I need to introduce you, but let's get to the theme. It should just be one thumb, though. And then Skull. Skull should be the one. Do you think they're buried next to each other?
Starting point is 00:55:29 I know that they're buried next to each other. What? The theme song that Harris is talking about. It's a phone corner. Say it again. Well, it'd be funny if Ebert, if he zombified, and then instead of his hand coming up through the dirt, two thumbs came up through the dirt.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Yes, it would. What if, and like if... Who's a dead guy with a dick? All of them? What? Other than guys that were killed by getting their dick taken off. Now that monkey did tear off someone's dick and the guy died from it, so you're not talking about him.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Process of elimination. We have everyone else left. Any of those guys. Like their dick came up through the dirt. Anyone else? Any human male who is dead. So you're just saying you'd like to see a zombie dick come up through a grave. Sure.
Starting point is 00:56:28 What about like a porn star that was famous for his dick? Exactly. I guess that is more appropriate. Yeah, what's his face? Yeah, like John Holmes. John Holmes? No. John Holmes.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Clark Gable? Who are you thinking of? The guy who's known for his big dick. But he has to be dead. Oh, but he will be. So like Ron Jeremy or something? Yeah, you're talking about Ron Jeremy. You think he's gonna die soon?
Starting point is 00:56:53 I hope so. What? Jesus. What? He's a human being. Well, this is a comedy show. With a big dick. Oh, that's true.
Starting point is 00:57:01 It was. Joke clause. Let me explain who you guys are. Unless, Adam, you want to say something. I wanted to say, has it really been 10 mods since we got together last time? No, 10 months that you got to put an N in there. How many mods has it been? A thousand.
Starting point is 00:57:17 I don't get it. I saw a moth last night at my house. Really? And I was like, man, it feels like it's been like 20 mods since you saw that moth. Well, now it's been like three mods since I saw that one. I want to be a conscientious objector to that joke. Kill me. What would you do if I did try to kill you?
Starting point is 00:57:46 Like, you were at your house, you heard a noise, you realized I was in your house, and I was looking at you and I'm like, it's not a joke, man. If this happened, I just put myself into that situation, and I feel like I made the connection very immediately of, oh, she's obsessed with me. That's crazy. Yeah, because I put myself in that situation and went, oh, Chelsea's obsessed with me. Oh, no shit, I got to get out of the house. But wouldn't you just be like, Chelsea, are you all right?
Starting point is 00:58:14 And then you look at me and I'm dead ass seriously. I'm clearly not all right, and I'm holding a knife and a gun. Oh, both? Yeah. I think at first I would think that Coolop had let you in and she was in the bathroom. But you see her dead on the floor. Oh, Jesus Christ. From the knife or the gun?
Starting point is 00:58:32 Both. Oh my God. Why stab then, or what order? Are you stabbing then shooting or? Are you asking what I would do if that happened? I've never seen anyone think anything is so funny as this. Why is this so funny to you? Because it's going to happen.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Wait, did it happen already? Did you kill the Coolop? This is her break. This is her mental break. Oh my gosh. This is the decision happening right now. I just think it's really funny to ask someone what have you violently killed their wife and then we're going to kill them.
Starting point is 00:59:16 That just seems funny. Oh, that's what you were laughing at. Oh, I get it now. That thing we heard you say? Oh, all right. You're right. That is funny. Please don't do it.
Starting point is 00:59:30 May I request that? Do you ever think Chelsea that you might snap? No. Okay, so we have these new characters that we like. New show. Okay, great. So how do you get into them? The traditional way?
Starting point is 00:59:47 The classic creek slam situation? Look, it's pretty basic. I mean, it's not like we have a whole process we go through. We just like, boom, we can just jump in. It just depends on you and your time. I have like two minutes. Okay. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:00:02 We can run it in any version. I got, I have probably another half an hour to listen to this. Great. Okay, great. It's just like a relaxed sort of thing, you know. You want us to relax? Is that what you're saying? You're required to relax.
Starting point is 01:00:16 Oh. But we have a very specific thing that we do, so we would appreciate it if you just like, do you want me to sit back in my chair? Yes, you could sit back and just relax and shut the fuck up. All right. All right. I'm way back here. You're not shutting the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Creek slam sit. Start that parade so far, I love it. You okay? Yeah, that cough is really, it's still bothering me. You got to get that thing checked out. I know you keep telling me that, but I'm not going to go check it out. You know me. I hate doctors.
Starting point is 01:00:57 I know, but you know, you got kids. It's not just about you. Ah, thanks. When's the bus coming? Oh, it's so real. It seems like it's a minute late. All right. I'll sit another minute just to see if it comes.
Starting point is 01:01:13 This bus ain't never going to come. You know that driver. Oh, Boris. Oh. Hey, what's your name? I'm sorry. Wait, Chelsea's in this too? Kuslida.
Starting point is 01:01:29 Kuslida. Kuslida. Yeah. Kuslida. Andrews. Kuslida Andrews. Nice to meet you. We're just waiting for the bus.
Starting point is 01:01:37 Yeah. Can you kusleve us along? Fine. Fuck you. Pinch is running high. The bus stopped. See you on the bus, bitch. It's quite a mouth on that little honey, huh?
Starting point is 01:01:45 Why are you being so funny? Why are you being so funny? It's really aggressive. To be fair, you're the first who asked to be kusleved alone. Yeah. That hurt my feelings. Oh, we're talking here. Kuslida's got feelings.
Starting point is 01:01:57 He came over yelling shit at us. I'm just waiting on the bus waiting. My friend is sick. I'm sick too. Are you waiting for the bus too, honey? I'm just waiting on the bus. I'm just waiting on the bus. I'm just waiting on the bus.
Starting point is 01:02:11 I'm just waiting on the bus. I'm just waiting on the bus. I'm just waiting on the bus. I'm just waiting on the bus. Are you waiting for the bus too, honey? Yeah. What the fuck else would I be doing out here, you dumb motherfucker? Just kidding.
Starting point is 01:02:25 How are you? That's a good kid. Fine. I'm not sure where your center is. I'm not sure how to react to you. There's almost woman out of the theater. Is this an interactive show? No, it's scripted.
Starting point is 01:02:44 The Castellita is scripted. Yeah, it's always this. Yeah, what I'm doing right now, I know that because I'm reading from the script right now. All right, regroup. Regroup, re-creak, re-slam. How's Wendell? You always bring up Wendell.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Well, you never tell me. Do you think that's going to change today? No, it's not. The chances of that are as good as you seeing a doctor, huh? Just one day. Excuse me. Hey, I may be narrating this, but I can make jokes. Excuse me, what's your name?
Starting point is 01:03:24 My name? My name is Ping Pong. Ping Pong. Yes. It's great to meet you, Ping Pong. Ping Pong Jones. Well, Jones. Dr. Jones.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Yes, I'm a doctor. Why do you say it like that, though? How else am I supposed to say it? Well, like, Dr. Jones. That's right. You're a doctor. Yes, and my name is Jones. So shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Hey, sorry. I just want to be left alone over here. Don't treat me like that. So anyway. Anyway, how's Wendell? Listen, I'm not going to tell you how Wendell is. Every day we fucking come here, and I ask how Wendell is, and you don't tell me how he is.
Starting point is 01:04:12 And he's my son, too. You're what? He's my two. Listen, you want to find out how Wendell is. You're going to have to wait for the bus to come, because as you know, he's the bus driver. Well, don't look like Wendell's coming today. Why never comes, does he?
Starting point is 01:04:35 You know what I would love if we, just while we're waiting, did our characters. That'd be great. Let's do it. What? You guys have characters? Greek. Slung.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Sovert. Parallel universe. Hi. Oh, hey. How's it going? Pretty good. Oh, hi. Hey, Ping-Pong Jones.
Starting point is 01:05:04 Dr. Ping-Pong Jones. How are you? I'm great. Oh, this guy is so much nicer than the other guy. Yeah, my name is Jason Forges. Forges. Oh, okay. My name is Clark Griswald.
Starting point is 01:05:20 You don't say. My name is Sherry O'Terry. Wait, so Coslita slipped into character as well. Oh, I don't know. I don't know who this person is, but I'm very happy to meet you. If you don't mind, I'm going to get back to canning this gravy.
Starting point is 01:05:42 We're just, should we put on the rubber gloves to finish the canning process? Absolutely. Why is there a woman that you've never met before in this cannery? I just assumed she was the boss's daughter or something. Yeah, or a health inspector or something like that.
Starting point is 01:06:01 Are you either of those things? The boss's daughter or a health inspector? You wish. Wait, are you the famous Sherry O'Terry? Yeah, right. Huh. Miss, if you'd like to participate in... I would.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Maybe you should speak into the microphone. Fine. Here you go. How do you like that? You little silly Billy. I like it a lot more because I can hear you. I'm a doctor. I'm a nurse.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Oh, we got to stop. I think the bus is here. Okay, let's shoot. That was just a guy on a skateboard. Oh, well, I'm fine with anything. What I love about California is you can skate in the afternoons. Then you can take an eight-hour drive, depending on where you're skating.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Oh, look, the bus is here. The bus is here. Nah. No. Just a guy boogie boarding. Just a boogie boarding down the street. So we work at the cannery. Oh, back in the cannery.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Cool. Well, what do you guys do with the cannery? What was your name? Clark. Clark. You actually can the gravy. I can the gravy. And what was your name again?
Starting point is 01:07:08 Jason Vorges. Jason Vorges. Yeah. Nice. Pleased to meet you. I'm pleased to meet you as well. Thank you. What do you do here in the cannery?
Starting point is 01:07:16 Well, Clark Griswold and I are in charge of the actual... Okay. What happens is you have a can, and this is a canned gravy factory. Sure. We're in Dubuque, Nebraska. Okay. A lot of good info. Just to give you a sense of where we are.
Starting point is 01:07:36 I mean, I know where we are, obviously, because I traveled here. Yeah. Just shut up for a second. And the can stops in the conveyor belt. Clark fills it with gravy, and then I seal the top of it. But what you're forgetting is that sometimes there's what we call drippage, and you need to take a towel, and you gotta wipe away the drippage. And whose responsibility is that?
Starting point is 01:08:05 Your mom. That actually is your mom's responsibility. My mom? Yeah. Yeah. And we've been waiting on her for half an hour. We have a lot of dirty cans of gravy. I mean, that is why I'm here at the factory to tell you that she is no longer with us.
Starting point is 01:08:20 No. The company. She's no longer with the company. Oh, okay. Well, people still gotta get their gravy. So what, are you just gonna hand out drippy cans of gravy? No. Or are you guys gonna come up with a solution?
Starting point is 01:08:33 We need someone to take care of the drippage. Might I suggest, because this is a woman's job. Yeah. Shariotary. Someone right over here who could maybe towel off this drippage. Do you have any experience tallying off some drippage? Yeah. The hell does that mean?
Starting point is 01:08:48 No. I've never been sexually excited in my life. What? Shariotary? I think you're jumping to conclusions, but I appreciate it. Well, I felt he was doing blatant double entendre, and I'm not the type to play games. Okay. I've never had an orgasm.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Oh, no. And in such, I refuse to engage in double entendre because it only makes me feel less than. We have to solve this problem for her, guys. Hey, Clark. Solve this problem. Clark. While we have some time waiting for the drippage, what are you waiting for?
Starting point is 01:09:22 My mom's not coming in. Do you want to try out a couple of our characters? Yeah, I would love that. All right. Okay. Grunk. Slung. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:09:33 Slung. Evan? Hi. How's it going? How's it going? Hi, man. How's it going? How's it going?
Starting point is 01:09:48 Hi, Vance. How's it going? I'm fine. How's window? How's window? Oh, the window is clear. Perfect day for looking at it. It's very beautiful.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Oh, look at all that wasteland. The world was such a nice place before it ended. Well, let's go scavenge for water and beware of the scavengers. Skrrr. There's a scavenger. Who goes there? Who is it? It is I.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Yes. Stage your name and purpose. My name is Sherry O'Terry. Grandmother. I'm the grandmother of the famous Sherry O'Terry. Do you have lips? In the future? Have we traveled to the past?
Starting point is 01:11:04 I'm immortal. Well, tell us, Sherry, how's window? The window is magnificent. It has never been touched. Okay, you can pass. Thank you. So wait. Bye.
Starting point is 01:11:19 Hold on. In this apocalyptic wasteland where you're watching out for scavengers, your one security measure is asking how the window is. And if they respond that the window is fine, you let them into your house? Well, times have changed. This isn't your world, as you know it. The world can't have changed that much that you're not fearful of scavengers. Well, windows are the life force that the entire world and what we used to know of as Amarica depend upon.
Starting point is 01:11:56 Depends. And if Lord shitqueep gets his hand on one, it'll be the end of his soul. Now, hold on one second. I have to ask about the name of your ruler I'm taking it, Lord. Yeah, well, the Lord of the dark side. We are the good ones. What was his name, though? Lord shitqueep.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Uh-huh. He's the ruler of the dark side of the force. How did he get his name, or is that his Christian name? It was his Jewish name. Oh, I see. There's no such thing as Christianity. Only Judaism. Oh, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 01:12:33 I knew those assholes would take over one day. Yeah. So you guys are sort of fighting against the evil Jews? Yeah. We're trying to exterminate them. Oh, I see. How many of them are there? You know, give or take six million.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Oh, okay. But they're bad. Sure. We're good in this future. Yeah, no. I mean, it's quite ironic. It's almost like a Twilight Zone situation. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:58 Hey, Georgian. Yes. Now that we have some time, would you like to try out some characters? I would love to. How much time do you guys actually have? You guys were, like, going out to scavenge. Greek slum shot. Oh.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. How's window? Good, good, good. This is a masterpiece.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Really? Who are you? I... They're obviously window-loving dogs? And who are you in this situation? Oh, I had stepped out of it. I was Chelsea. Oh, okay. You're Chelsea again. I'm still Pooh-Pong Jones, doctor. Oh, Adam's still in it.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Hair's still in it. Oh. They seem to be... Oh, my God. Let's go back. Oh, okay. This is like real acting. Lord...
Starting point is 01:14:30 Shitqueef. Yes. Wait, are you Lord Shitqueef? You just said yes. Yes. Oh, my God. So in this scenario, I thought that you were... Who were you? We're... Well, the dogs are living in... 20 years past the time of the Second Holocaust.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Oh, okay. Yeah. That's what you guys call it in the future. Lord Shitqueef actually won. Okay. So the Jews survived. And dogs and humans have cross-pollinated. Yeah. Oh!
Starting point is 01:14:59 So it's just a bunch of, like, dog men roaming the earth. Who started that? Who was the first person to actually have sex with a dog? Paris Whittles. Okay. He's still alive then? No, this was, like, 10,000 years ago. Oh, okay. How many times did he do it?
Starting point is 01:15:15 Constantly. Okay. Starting in the year 2010. Can I ask you, was this as a result of a wife swap? Uh, yeah. Well, the first dog... Yeah, it was Rocky. Holy shit. What are you doing to my dog? So wait, everyone in the future is a half Boston terrier, half...
Starting point is 01:15:33 Yeah. Jewish sitcom writer? We should be so lucky. How about hearing yourself reduced down to Jewish sitcom writer? Oh, I thought I was the Boston terrier. Wait, should we go back to the previous characters? Yeah, who were we? I think we're at the dogs.
Starting point is 01:15:54 We're in the dogs. Yeah, okay. Sorry, we can't just go back to Harris and Adam. We have to kind of go back through. I know, take your time, do it as much as you need to do. Let's go back. Yes. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Can I have a sip of your milk? Who is this? Harris, come. Wait, wait, the dog just ate... The other dogs come? Sorry. Wait, now the dogs are farting? Guys, I thought you were getting out of these characters.
Starting point is 01:16:36 You just fart screwed me. You know what? Fart screwed me twice, shame on me. Oh, wait, wait, come here. I want you to take a look at something. Just get your face right up to this thing. Okay, put the milk. Guys, why do you keep falling for this?
Starting point is 01:17:00 Well, what can I say? My brain is more dog than man. I'll say. Now, should we go back? Sure. How do you keep falling for this? All the dog-mans in the world, I'm stuck with this asshole. You can say that again.
Starting point is 01:17:29 Okay, so now you're... Now we're back in the... Let's go. Wait, we have to... Click. Slime. Click, slime. Oh, hello.
Starting point is 01:17:41 Lord Shitqueef is over there. We better get back. Yes. Seat. Slime. Click. Oh, this gravy is not going to wipe itself. Yeah, we're still waiting for that person.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Should we go back? Yeah, looks like a woman's not going to show up to do a woman's job. Oh, well. So what else is new, you know? Here we go. Well, let's go back to the... Creek. Creek.
Starting point is 01:18:07 Creek. Slime. Slime. Or something. Hey, how's that going? It looks like this bus is never going to get in. I don't think so. Screech.
Starting point is 01:18:19 The bus is here. No. Just a surfer. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, a surfer. Hey, man, I love my motorized surfboard. See? Told you.
Starting point is 01:18:35 Look at him go. I love wasting gas and throwing it into the ocean. Well, we'll never find out how Wendell is or who he was. Never. Let's go back. Slam. Sart. Clark.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Griswold. Wait! What was that? We almost went through the portal. Is that Kaslita? Who's there? Kaslita! The bus is here!
Starting point is 01:18:57 The bus is here! The bus is here! Let's get on. Oh, no. It's a coyote. Let's still get on. Okay. Do you want to come with us, young lady?
Starting point is 01:19:09 Sure. I'm bored out of my mind. So you guys are all going to hop onto a coyote and just... Yeah, fuck it. Let's get on this fucking thing. You get in the front, though. I'm scared. Okay.
Starting point is 01:19:23 Does it matter where the coyote is going? No. Wherever the coyote is going, we all want to go. Oh, yeah? Yeah! Woo! Yeah. He's walking!
Starting point is 01:19:35 He's walking! Woo! If you jump on this coyote, you may never get out of Karak, though. That's true. You know? We're already going. I don't ever want to get out of Karak. Me neither.
Starting point is 01:19:47 I love Karak. Karak is not whack in this case. Karak is not whack. Seriously. Yeah, I guess maybe we just played safe and get out of here. No, stay on it! Stay on it! Stay on it!
Starting point is 01:20:05 Come on! Stay on it, sir! Stay on it! Stay on the coyote! Let's take the coyote and can leave it back in Candelabra back into regular times. Just approved everybody that we did this? Yeah. All right, here it is.
Starting point is 01:20:19 Come on, guys. Karak, Slamf, Sniff! We made it! Oh, my God. What is this world? Oh, it's hot in here. Wait, are you still in here? Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:20:31 Oh, no. I thought we went through the portal. Adam Scott doesn't exist anymore. Oh, no! Hey, who are you people? Wait a minute. Are you going to take over Adam Scott's lifestyle? You've just switched places with a really famous Hollywood actor who is a bit of a poonhound
Starting point is 01:20:47 from what I heard. Do you mind switching places with him? Yeah, sure. That sounds good. Yeah? Okay. That sounds like you have a pretty sweet deal. Meanwhile, what was your life like back there?
Starting point is 01:21:02 Well, I hadn't quite figured that one out. Well, poor Adam. He was mostly waiting at a bus stop. Yeah, that's all I really knew. Doctors. Number five. All right. We have to take a break.
Starting point is 01:21:14 That is Farts and Pro 3. It sure was. It was indeed. We have to take a break. When we come back, we will have your number four episode, and this is a great one. So come on back. We will be right back on the countdown. Guys, we have a new sponsor on today's show, and that is one I personally am excited by
Starting point is 01:21:37 Slingbox. I'm excited by all of them, but I'm excited by Slingbox because I got a Slingbox and they gave me one. Slingbox is the only way to go to take your entire television experience with you wherever you go. Slingbox delivers all of your live TV channels and what's recorded on your DVR wherever you are. In the office, at a cafe, or any, and I mean any, other geographical location.
Starting point is 01:22:04 A lot of TV providers say they're going to give you your TV anywhere. Check the fine print. They're lying to you. Some don't work unless you're on Wi-Fi. Others only have a small number of channels and most of them don't work if you travel internationally. Well, Slingbox is not like that. Slingbox would never do you like that.
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Starting point is 01:23:26 That is slash bang bang. You get $30 off plus free shipping on a new Slingbox today. Howdy friends. I'm a cowboy all of a sudden. Have you signed up with HostGator? I know it's a weird question to ask right off the bat, but I gotta get this out of the way. Have you signed up with HostGator? Come on, what are you waiting for?
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Starting point is 01:25:30 Head over to, buy some hosting, get some dot-nets while you're at it, and use the coupon code BANGBANG to get an extra 25% off and support this show. All right, Comedy Bang Bang, we are back here with Paul F. Tompkins. Hi. And ooh, a new voice. I'm here. I'm ready to do it, Scott. You are stern.
Starting point is 01:25:50 I am full of Vim and Vigor. And piss. And vinegar. And shit. I'm full of piss and shit. Piss and vinegar? Blood and bile. The four humors.
Starting point is 01:26:06 We're at number four on the countdown. Yeah, that's right. Number four, that's right, and this is a very special episode. But before we get to that. Wait a minute. Before we get to that. What are you stalling? Why don't we do instead a bonus clip?
Starting point is 01:26:27 All right, let's hear this bonus clip before we get to number four. This was really good. This was suggested a lot, and this is from episode 240, which is an episode called hashtag the world's end. Now, this was a really fun episode. Let me give you a little bit of background. I haven't really talked about the background on this episode. You haven't.
Starting point is 01:26:45 No, but Edgar Wright, who is a great film director, he's directed the Cornetto trilogy. You're talking, you're talking, Sean of the Dead, you're talking hafaz, and you're talking the world's end. The world's end. Now, he also has directed Scott Pilgrim. Versus the world?
Starting point is 01:27:03 Versus the world, great movie. And he and his friends were in the sort of press cycle for the world's end. They were doing a lot of interviews. He requested to come on this show, which is amazing. Because a big comedy fan. A lot of people, they do the WTFs. They do the Nerdists, which are just simple interviews
Starting point is 01:27:24 where they can just talk, and that's comfortable for a lot of stars. But this show is a little more challenging. Yes, because you go on WTF, and you have the host is like, why should I care about you? Then you go on the Nerdists, and the host is like, I care about you too much.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Then you come here, and the host isn't aware of what's happening at all, or who the person is. And so, all he wants to do is wait for you to say the words of my wife. And then he'll just jump on that. And that is what this show is about. So, Edgar listens to the show. He watches the TV show.
Starting point is 01:28:02 He gave me some really nice compliments about episodes that he had seen. He's a big comedy fan. He's a sweet heart. He's a great guy. He wanted to come on this, and not only did he want to come on with his stars, Nick Frost and Simon Peg,
Starting point is 01:28:15 to big stars the likes of which we do not see a lot on this show. They don't need this shit. They don't need to come on this show. No, hell no. They shouldn't have. Not only did he want to bring them, he wanted to do it in the style of this show.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Meaning, he wanted them to do characters. He didn't want it just to be an interview show. He wanted them to do characters. He was invoking the open door policy. Yes, of course. So, he wanted it to be a lot like a normal episode of this show. So, this is a really funny bonus clip.
Starting point is 01:28:48 This is where Simon Peg and Nick Frost are doing Sean Connery and Michael Cain. And by the way, also a little background, those guys, Edgar said he had cleared this with them. Those guys got there, and it was news to them. They thought he was kidding when he had suggested it, but they were very game. I should say so.
Starting point is 01:29:12 They slipped right into it, and they had a thing where they said in the middle they were going to switch characters, which they do. So, you'll hear that in the middle of it. So, this is your bonus clip from hashtag The World's End. Bonus! Clip.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Comedy bang bang, we're back here with Edgar Wright, and it looks like Simon and Nick took off, but hey, I'll talk to you about the film. So, it must be scraping a director, I guess, right? I mean, you know, you get to sit in that chair. I mean, they have a whole chair built just for your profession. I don't actually sit in my chair that much, actually. What?
Starting point is 01:29:48 I, you know, I... Oh, are they back? Excuse me. Is this where the podcast is happening? Oh, my God! I cannot believe this. Two giant stars just walked into this room. I was just outside by my friend Sean Connery.
Starting point is 01:30:04 Michael Cain? Good evening. I have just been to have an MRI on my shoulder. It's Sean Connery and Michael Cain have just walked into this room. Edgar, can you believe this? I mean, I've never met either of them. You're welcome. Let's just get some... who are you?
Starting point is 01:30:22 I'm the director of a new movie that's coming out today called The World's End. Never heard of it. The World's End? What's that about then? One of the... another... one of your... Yes? James Bond's is in it. Oh!
Starting point is 01:30:35 Yeah. Can I be in one? Yeah. Do you want to sign my cast? Yes, I'd love to sign your cast, Sean. What, the entire cast? Why do... yeah, why do you have a cast? I hurt my arm playing golf.
Starting point is 01:30:48 Oh, you're a big golfer right there. Oh, yes, I'm often on the golf course. Is that what you do now? It seems like you've retired from acting. Yes, pretty much. I just play golf. Yeah. Wow, that's incredible.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Thank you. And Michael, I haven't seen you in any film that's non-Batman related in a long time. Well, you know, you just sort of do what you can to keep the walls from the door. A lot of the time I just stay home with Shakira fucking. You are fucking Shakira right now? Yeah, she's my wife. I had no idea. I mean, you're a huge star.
Starting point is 01:31:17 I don't know why it surprised me. Well, what happened was, a long time ago, I was leafing through a magazine and I saw this ready classy bird on page 57. I sought her out. The name was Shakira. We got married. As your father. So wait, so you see her...
Starting point is 01:31:29 Where's your father? He's dead. Oh, so sorry to hear that. Mind you. Sorry, guys. So you see Shakira, you don't even know what she does. You don't even know her name. I just saw her.
Starting point is 01:31:38 She was advertising some kind of booze or a diamond ring or something. And I just called her up and she was like, hello, Michael. And we got it on. Wow. Amazing. And then married how many days later? Uh, there was that day. That day?
Starting point is 01:31:51 Same day. You fucked her and then you married her? No, we got married first. I'm not a pervert. Oh, okay. Is she the hipster and lying woman? She was in The Man It Would Be King with us in the end, she remember. I think she played Roxette.
Starting point is 01:32:04 Yes. That's right. That's a good film, isn't it? The Man Who Would Be King, that's the only film that you guys have ever starred in together if I'm getting my movie trivia right. That's right, but we've never spent a day apart since we shot it. So, wait, you were there the entire time that Sean here filmed Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade?
Starting point is 01:32:21 I was there. Every day? Every day. Why weren't you in the film? I couldn't be bothered to be honest. I had stuff to do. That was mine. He's the one that came up with the line, Junior.
Starting point is 01:32:31 That's right. That was mine. What made you think of that line? I was thinking of Mint and I fancied a chocolate-covered Mint and I shouted out for the Mint. That's the ice cream. Junior. Sean quite rightly said that's a good line for the film. I was leaving the trill on and I heard it and I said, that's bloody great.
Starting point is 01:32:54 What if you had said Twizzler? Twizzler? I know. It could have gone either way, couldn't it? It's not amazing. Cinema history would have been changed. He was there on Jaws 4 The Revenge all the time. Oh my goodness.
Starting point is 01:33:03 Shout it in. Michael, stop it for fuck's sake. Blame it on Rio? Rio, yes. Yes, Rio. Were you there? Were you there? So, you were there on set for Austin Powers' Gold Member?
Starting point is 01:33:15 Yes. Yes, five days. That's all you did, really. Michael was just five days ago. It was, but it was a very memorable performance. I thought the back of your head was really good. A lot of...that was played by some little fucker who I'd never got to meet. I wasn't happy with the casting to be honest.
Starting point is 01:33:31 Er... Let's move on. Can I ask a question? Yeah, of course. Sir Michael? Sir Michael? Yes, sir. You were very famous for having a book about, like, your guide to acting.
Starting point is 01:33:45 Yes. And I saw it on TV when I was a little kid. You were kind of acting masterclass. That is right. Like, could you tell us about some of your rules of acting? There's one key to acting that I've always enjoyed. There we go. You know this short and you're yourself.
Starting point is 01:33:57 You've never spent a day apart. I would hope you would know this. No, no. A great exponent of this particular method. Both of us use it. Yes, we do. We don't blink. We do not blink.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Simply that. Just watch my performances. You won't see me blink. Not once. Not even in Batman. Not even when I'm upset. Perhaps because a young girl has been stabbed. Like in Death Trap?
Starting point is 01:34:17 Yes. What about... How... But how do you... I have a question. How do you stop blinking in, like, a swarm of killer bees in the swarm? That was particularly difficult. But I used a couple...
Starting point is 01:34:27 I had lenses in. I had lenses in. Anti-blink lenses. Which stops. It's like a small disc of perspex that hangs above the iris. That's Sean invented. Sean, you invented these? Yes, I did.
Starting point is 01:34:37 So, when you came up with this method, Sean, you said, well, there's got to be a technical way to do this. Yes. Well, I was making my own at home and I had a terrible infection in my tear ducts. And so I contacted a company that made them for me. Oh. A lot of the time we inform on each other's films. It was my idea to use the little green bowls full of virus in the rock, wasn't it?
Starting point is 01:35:00 Oh, yes. Oh, great. Great idea. I thought it was... I thought it was like a bath bomb. But we'll kill you. Nobody escapes from the rock except me. And I did it twice.
Starting point is 01:35:10 Yeah. That's what I wanted to improvise, but they wouldn't let me. I read that you came up with also the... You're between the rock and a hard case. That's right. That was part of the commercial advertising for the movie. I've done a little bit of advertising in my time. I was actually leafing through a magazine once and I came across a beautiful bird.
Starting point is 01:35:28 Have I told this story? I don't know. I'd love to hear it again. As sharp as I used to be. But bloody try! So, are you guys ever going to start another movie together? I mean, I would love to see... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:35:41 I didn't know you were... They do want to make a man who would be king too. Obviously, sequels are very important these days. Yes! Seems to be the only thing they're making. I just think it's a lot of furor about the royal baby. That's what they want us to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:55 Are you going for the independence of Scotland? Sean, I haven't asked you about this. I don't care. I live here. You live in Spain, don't you? Yeah, I live everywhere. We live in Spain. I've got houses everywhere.
Starting point is 01:36:06 I'm a very wealthy man. Thanks to James Bond. Can you say the famous line from James Bond? I would love to hear it. Go fuck yourself, Lofel. I love it. What an amazing performance. Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 01:36:20 Thank you. Incredible. So Sean, can I ask you your opinion of the James Bond's that came after you? Yeah, I mean, it's a lot of... Let's go through them, Joey. After you, there was the one, that guy that just did one. Can't remember his name. George Laserbrain.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Why do you know I think... George Laserbrain. I think George Laserbrain really is. It was a very, very brief performance, you know. It's about two hours long. The only bond to wed. Look what happened. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:52 It's true. It was very sad. Did I tell you I met my wife? No. I'd love to have a story. I was leaving through this magazine a couple of years ago. I was on page 57 and there she was. Beautiful.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Lovely bird. I called her up. She just said yes. And that's it. We're still together. So she said yes to what? Will you marry me over the phone? No.
Starting point is 01:37:10 She just pecked at the phone and went yes. And you took that to me. Do you know? Is that know what she meant? Have you kidnapped her? I might be a kidnapper. Wow. So did they ever find out who would be king at the end of that first film?
Starting point is 01:37:24 I don't know. A thing. I've never seen it. Well, you were in it. Did you read the script? Yeah. I read my bits. Do you have like an earpiece like Marlon Brando used to have where people just say your lines
Starting point is 01:37:35 to you and you repeat them? What? A lot of the time we were just drinking and messing around with Christopher Plummer. Yes. Oh, Plummer. He's great. Plummer's a lovely guy. He's back on top.
Starting point is 01:37:50 Absolutely. I know Simon Pegg, the actor, a beautiful young man, does an amazing performance in the real sense. He recently made a film with Christopher Plummer. He did? Which film is that? Lord Hector in the Search for Happiness. That next year.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Oh, my gosh. I've got high hopes for this. He's a great young actor. Very promising. Can I ask you a massive dick? I mean, he's not personality wise. Oh, just he has a large penis. Oh, great.
Starting point is 01:38:14 That's impressive. Michael, do you do any impressions? Yes, I do. I do an impression of the actor Simon Pegg, funnily enough. Oh, really? I'd love to hear him. He took off. I've got to get the face and the voice right.
Starting point is 01:38:26 You've got red on you. That's it. I can only say the one thing. Yeah. Is that a famous line? I think it's from his film Hot Fuzz. Oh, great. Well, that's fantastic.
Starting point is 01:38:38 It's actually... So, Michael, I don't think... I don't think... Oh, are you guys okay? Sure, yeah. Just a slate coughing fit there. Swallow the moth. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 01:38:48 Is there an echo in here? Because all of a sudden... Sean, can I ask you a question? Of course you can. So, we've talked about Laserbrain. Yes. But there's Pierce Brosnan, who's in this film, The World's End. Aye.
Starting point is 01:39:03 And he was a Bond. As far as I know, he did four or five of these things. Yeah, I think he did about 43 of the Bonds. No, he didn't. Did he not? No, he did four. Which is Pierce Brosnan? Is that the little...
Starting point is 01:39:16 The Irish guy. He's the black one. No, I don't... You see the black Bond? Yeah. The white. Pierce Brosnan's not a white man's name, is it? No, very Jamaican.
Starting point is 01:39:26 I think it was timely, though. I think the franchise needed it by that time. Yeah. I think you were bored of posh white boys. I am. Yeah. Aren't we all? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:36 What did you think of Roger Moore, who replaced you after Dime's Up Forever? I thought he basically took the corpse of the role I created and fucked it. My gosh, Sean! Throw it at the entire 80s. Don't hold back. Tell us what you think. I think in many ways he made a mockery of the character and irreparably damaged it until along came Dalton, who I did respect.
Starting point is 01:40:03 Oh, yeah, yeah. And along came Polly, the movie with Jennifer Aniston, who hilariously plays the part of Polly, a difficult to know girl. Michael, I had heard that you actually were up for the role in The Untouchables that Sean hear God, is that right? Well, you know, we don't really argue about things. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Of course.
Starting point is 01:40:23 That's what we say. Who plays the goose and who's the gander in your relationship? I play Richard Goose, a detective. And I play Dave Gander, who is another detective. A hard-knock cop with a grudge. Yeah, I imagine the two detectives would get along really well, because they have so much in common. Goose and Gander.
Starting point is 01:40:39 It's our new film, isn't it? Yeah. What's it rated R for? Rump jobs. Rump jobs. Rump jobs. Did you say rump jobs? Yeah, I said rump jobs.
Starting point is 01:40:48 Oh, right. I thought you said rump jobs. I thought you said rump jobs. Rump jobs. What is that exactly, a rump job? It's like when you lick around the rim of a bottle. I think it's when you get an n-job from Captain Morgan. Well, guys, I love your friendship.
Starting point is 01:41:03 I love hearing about your lives. Thanks very much. It's been great to come in here. Why did you come in here? We are going to miss our tea off time. We were just told to come in and sit down here. I thought it was a place for a prostate examination. I was using your microwave to heat up some soup.
Starting point is 01:41:17 What kind of soup, Michael? Heinz cream of tomato. You can't get it here. I have to go down to Santa Monica. I understand. And get in the pub. All right, well, your soup is getting cold. Yes, it is.
Starting point is 01:41:28 Thank you guys so much for coming by. Thanks very much. Thanks for having us. Yeah, why don't we take a break? Edgar, can you stick around? Maybe Simon and Nick will come back. Good luck with your film at World's End, young man. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 01:41:37 That's actually the name of Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Oh, fuck you. Bonus! Clip. Oh, very funny. When was it sprung on them that they were going to be doing this? In the break right before this segment. So not even when everyone was sitting down at the beginning.
Starting point is 01:41:57 Fantastic. But they were like, oh, OK. And they did. They loved doing those characters. And it was a lot of fun hearing them on it. And I think that was really funny. All right, let us get now to your number four episode. All right, this is number four.
Starting point is 01:42:13 This is from... Oh, man, I didn't write down the number of this one, but I can look it up right now. This is from the episode... Episode 245. 245. 245. Is a comedy.
Starting point is 01:42:27 245. 245. What song is that? Come on, baby, make it. 245. 25 times. Little, little, little. What was that song?
Starting point is 01:42:38 Gloria Estefan. Miami Sound Machine. Miami Sound Machine. So... Got Japanese at the end. It is the honorable Miami Sound Machine. It's really... That is a fine line.
Starting point is 01:42:53 The honorable Miami Sound Machine. You have dishonored the sound machine. You must commit harikari. Guys, that's fun to do and fun to listen to. It is. This is episode... 245. 245, and this is an episode called
Starting point is 01:43:11 Polar Ice Caps. Oh, yes. Polar Ice Caps. Oh, yes. Now, you know from that title that it's got a star, our good friend. Polar Bear. The Polar Bear.
Starting point is 01:43:21 That's right. A polar bear came into the studio. That's right. Maldus. That's right. Half to death. Drank a Coke. And then...
Starting point is 01:43:30 And then our blood. That's right. Coke first. Bored your blood into the empty Coke can. No, Amy Polar, of course, is our guest on this. Amy Polar, let me say this about Amy Polar. She's a sheer delight. She makes the interviews fun, I gotta say.
Starting point is 01:43:51 She's not only hilarious herself, but she likes to laugh. She loves other people being hilarious. She loves to laugh, and she'll make any bit better. If you throw out in a question some sort of premise for a bit, or a lot of times when I'm interviewing people, I will do a ridiculous question in order for the person on the other side to pick up on a bit, and then we do heavy bit saturation. HPF.
Starting point is 01:44:17 Sometimes people do not know that that is what is happening. And they say, that's not true. No, that didn't happen. No, he's nice. Amy picks up on it every single time, runs with it, heads to it, is one of the best at it. She's the best in the biz. And this also has Neil Campbell, who we heard earlier in this episode.
Starting point is 01:44:40 We heard his rap earlier in this episode. His first rap. His rap debut. Little setup. Amy, this is her... Is that his rap name? Neil's rap name is Little Set Up? Little Set Up, yes.
Starting point is 01:44:53 Good ol' Little Set Up. That's not a bad rap name. That's not bad. Amy, this is her third appearance on the show. She makes an annual pilgrimage to this studio when Parks and Recreation is on and is kind enough to drop by every single time, loves it, loves coming by. Now, in her previous appearances, we have done a freestyle rap battle in each of those times, because I know she is good at it.
Starting point is 01:45:22 She's great at it. I've seen her rap on SNL. Yes. She has a love for it. She is great at it. Yes. She, as a matter of fact, we were calling her goat, greatest of all time. Paul Rudd did really, really well his time, too, as well, a few years back.
Starting point is 01:45:37 He had a really good one, too. And admittedly, the other guys on that episode were terrible. David Wayne was not bad. Ken Marino refused to even do it. Maybe that stands out of my mind. Yeah, that's sticking out, I think. So, Amy, though, blew everyone away in her previous two appearances. When I knew she was coming back, I asked Neil to be on the show, because I wanted to see.
Starting point is 01:46:02 Look at you. You're like the puppet master. That's right. I am. This is like some dangerous liaison. I'm just sticking my hand up all of your bottoms, just making, because you're puppets. Right, but you could be a marionette. I think of it as pulling the strings.
Starting point is 01:46:17 No, no, I want to have my hand up your butt. And make people talk that way? Yeah, exactly. That's more. But you have to do so much work, then. That's more fun, though, for me. Yeah, but you know what? Here's the problem with, the problem I have with that kind of puppeteering is that you're in the middle.
Starting point is 01:46:33 Yeah, you're a middleman. You have puppets on either side, but if you're the marionette guy, you're hanging over the side. So you want to be a hanger over rather than a middleman? Because you can make them walk and stuff. You can make them do more stuff. I'm walking here. Hey, I'm walking here. I'm walking here.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Oh, my God. We heard about Christopher Walken earlier. Actually, the last episode on the Murderer Heaven with Rob Cordry. Oh, that's right. So, okay. So I wanted to see a head-to-head battle between these two. We also have, in this episode, Alan Thicke makes his inaugural appearance on the show. The famous actor and theme song writer.
Starting point is 01:47:16 That's right. I heard him. He's, of course, he was on Growing Pains and the writer of the Different Strokes theme and Facts of Life theme. This is his first appearance. He then returned recently on the Christmas episode and also was on a couple of the live episodes, most notably from Toronto with Sean Cullen. His home province.
Starting point is 01:47:36 That is a really great episode. But this is his first time. So what we're going to hear here is first, we're going to hear Amy and Neil talk for a little bit. And then we're going to do the clip from that heralded freestyle rap battle. So here it is. This is number four on your countdown. Number four. You know her as number one on the call sheet.
Starting point is 01:48:01 On Parks and Recreation. Camera one. Maybe. Yep. Parks and Recreation. I'm nervous to talk before I'm introduced. Am I allowed? Please don't.
Starting point is 01:48:14 No, you are not. You shall be punished for that outburst. Parks and Recreation comes on for its sixth season this Thursday. Probably sometime in the eight or eight thirty or nine or nine thirty. It doesn't matter. Okay. Just block out your evening. Yep.
Starting point is 01:48:33 You know, cancel all plans. And her name is Amy Paola. Welcome back to the show. Thank you for having me. Very, very excited to be here. Thank you, everybody. That was a good investment. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:48:44 Your applause machine is just like all these mechanical hands. Yes. It's actually huge. It's not a little box that has the sound of recorded applause. It actually is. It's as big as a refrigerator and it's four mechanical hands. And it's not automatic. That's the other thing.
Starting point is 01:49:00 I have to crank it every single time that we do this. And sometimes when you crank it, it's like it's conceded because it seems like you think you're going to get applause. Yeah. Let me do it really slowly here. I'm going to speed it up a little bit. Oh, no. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:49:20 It's out of control. It's out of control. That was me making the sound of an explosion meeting. I'm very excited. Welcome back to the show, Neil. Oh. Oh. Shit.
Starting point is 01:49:37 Amy, let's talk about it. The Emmys were last night. This is coming out at midnight. Yeah. Probably just wrapping up. You just left the governor's ball. I'm just coming in for that. And I got to tell you, there's so many new fashion trends this year at the end.
Starting point is 01:49:57 Oh, my gosh. I mean, everyone just... What colors are in? What colors are out? Well, last year it was really about from what I read, clean skin, long legs, and just symmetrical faces. And this year it was all about just dirty mouths, smudged mouths, and crossed eyes. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:50:22 And tongues of Kimbo. And tongues of Kimbo. And a lot of lying down, which we don't see a lot of on carpet. So people were just lying down and like pushing on skateboards. Yeah. There's a lot of prone fashion this year, just really beautiful poses on settees and stuff. And just a lot of the actresses, they weren't even dressed. They just went into shops and laid down and people threw garbage on them.
Starting point is 01:50:44 Yeah. The new thing is to just act like you're a bed at a party and everybody just throws their coat on you. Yeah. Of course. And their keys. Some of their car keys. Get lost on you.
Starting point is 01:50:54 Cell phones. It was just so... There was so many cool things about the Emmys this year. Like, I just thought it was great how everybody won. You know, everyone who had been nominated won. Yeah, that's great. That was fun. And I loved the In Memoirs.
Starting point is 01:51:05 Oh, the In Memoirs was my favorite one. Some big ones this year. Some big names this year. Big names this year. Man, the entire cast of Gunsmoke. Everyone. Mm-hmm. Everyone from Law and Order.
Starting point is 01:51:17 Yeah. SVU. I mean... Crazy. Crazy. I mean... That's an insane accident. I blame Ice Team.
Starting point is 01:51:26 And it wasn't... They weren't together. That's what's weird. No. It was like a Rube Goldberg kind of machine. Yeah. It bounced all around. All at home.
Starting point is 01:51:35 It was insane. I mean, actually, scientists will be studying it for years. Because they all died from that terrible black blood coughing disease. Which is so weird to transfer. And how do you feel about your category and what happened in it? Thanks for asking. I feel... I feel okay, question mark.
Starting point is 01:51:58 Yeah. I feel like some of the things that I said were a little misconstrued. Mm-hmm. And I feel like maybe things shouldn't have gotten so physical. Yeah. Now I know. That was weird what happened between all the nominees. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:52:13 Just that orgy that broke out. Yeah. It was really... Yeah. Because I like my sex to be very mental. Yes, of course. With no touching. Well, as George Michael once put it, sex is best when it's one-on-one.
Starting point is 01:52:23 And he was a gentleman that I truly believed was straight. So did I. Until I saw him personally. Mm-hmm. I saw him personally in 1994 at a party. And I truly believed he was straight. And I saw him in person and I went, oh, he's gay. It was just like a light went off in my head.
Starting point is 01:52:42 Truly believed. Yeah, it was fantastic. Remember that period of the 80s and early 90s when every song that was about sex had to have some sort of condom reference or just do it with one person? You see, you know, Lisa left eye had to have a condom on her glasses. Right. And then LL Cool J and doing it, doing it, doing a ride had to be like, are you my lover? You wear a rubber?
Starting point is 01:53:05 Who cares? Well, because we grew up in the time we all thought we were going to die of AIDS. And it might happen still. Yeah. And it was like that. And it was a whole idea of like, that was sexy. It was like, I'm going to take care of you. Bye.
Starting point is 01:53:22 Bye. Not transmitting like gross disease into you. I don't know about the kids these days. Do they use condoms? I don't know. Who knows? Your audience should let us know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:53:32 Call in if you can right now. Yeah. We'd love to take some calls. This is love line, right? Yeah, it is. Of course. What types of condoms are you wearing? What sizes?
Starting point is 01:53:42 And Amy, we have to, and Neil, back me up on this, we have to talk about Parks and Recreation this year. We have to. Okay. I have to back them up here. Thanks, Neil. You're welcome. In season six, you have a lot of changes going on.
Starting point is 01:53:57 It's tumultuous at this point. That's right. Some ups, some downs. Things are sideways. Always. You know? You have Rashida and Rob leaving after 13 episodes. Are you going to go with them?
Starting point is 01:54:12 Well, I'm chaining Rashida to her bed, like misery, and I'm not going to allow her to leave. And Rob, I've already written off. I think you should just go with them, just be like, you know what, see you later, Parks and Rec. Vroom vroom, car keys, screech, pull into the left lane, apply the brake. I think I had pitched that Jerry... A little bit slower.
Starting point is 01:54:37 Jerry comes in and just shoots them, like those characters from Lost. Oh, yeah. Just kills them. Wait, which characters from Lost? Remember this... Claudio and... Yeah, the... And just buries them alive?
Starting point is 01:54:49 No, well, I've only watched a few episodes. I've only watched a few episodes. I've seasons of Lost. Oh, okay. You've only seen the last two episodes? The only two episodes. I've only seen the first and last episode of Lost. It's very cyclical.
Starting point is 01:55:00 Oh, it makes perfect sense. Oh, it begins and ends on the high. Michelle Rodriguez. Remember Michelle Rodriguez? Who? Rodriguez. Walt Stad. Shot them all, right?
Starting point is 01:55:10 Oh, yeah. That's right. Spoiler alert. Yeah, sorry. Yeah. How long is it before it's not a spoiler alert? Till death, as Brett Garrett once said. Till death.
Starting point is 01:55:21 Do you think he ever actually said that? I don't know. I hope he did. Did he ever... I guess... He must have said the title of his show. I hope he said it. Someone laughed and someone said, that's a show.
Starting point is 01:55:33 At his wedding. Garrett, you've done it again. Hey, that's a show. He went, yeah, you know what? You're right. It's weird that he doesn't talk like that in real life, isn't it? No, he does now for me forever in my head. So, Parks and Rec, you have Adam Scott.
Starting point is 01:55:52 You got married on the show last year. That's right. Is this the season-long arc of the divorce, or what? Yeah, that's right. It's going to be the slow and painful divorce. Just a real, just a lot of us misunderstanding each other. Sure. And then one of us is going to have an emotional affair.
Starting point is 01:56:08 Because you guys got married too soon, in my opinion. Yeah, of course. Like, I prefer a longer courtship. Yep, we're going to argue about money. One of us is going to let ourselves go. So, which one? Because you look great. Thank you, thank you.
Starting point is 01:56:21 Is it Adam really? It is Adam. He gains 40 pounds this season, I heard. Yeah, his character gains it all in his ass. And it's, yeah. No, this season, Leslie, nope, the character that I play, is going to have to fight to keep her job. She might get kicked out.
Starting point is 01:56:39 Oh, I hope she gets kicked out. Do you? Yeah, I kind of hope she does too. It might be fun, but yeah. So, they might kick her out because she's done a lot of stuff. And people don't like change. Okay, so on the season premiere. Thank you for saying it right.
Starting point is 01:56:56 You're welcome. This Thursday, what can we expect from Parks and Rec this Thursday? Tell us the plot of this episode. I have no idea. With act breaks, if you could. Okay, so we open on a dusty field. What is the aspect ratio at this point? We're in 1215, but what's so beautiful about shooting on these new reds is you can download
Starting point is 01:57:19 instantly. So, the whole thing is like uploaded immediately. Oh, yeah, and just get it right to the editors. Download, upload, switch is just X5, so you can X4 the whole time. Fantastic. And then you just switch into Dolby Digital and suddenly you're analog dependent, which is better for synchronizing your residual stuff. Okay.
Starting point is 01:57:39 So, you get your residuals faster. Really? The minute that you shoot a scene, you get residuals from it? That's nice. And we're using an alien cam this year, which is just a camera that you point at people to see if they're aliens. They're aliens. Much like the glasses in They Live.
Starting point is 01:57:52 That's right. Oh, okay. John Carpenter's They Live. Use that next-gen technology. Roddy Piper, I believe. Yes. You don't have to believe it. Take it on faith.
Starting point is 01:58:02 It's like, you know, it's like what one said. Take it on faith. You gotta take it on faith. Take it on faith. You gotta take it on the cast of They Live. Take it on faith. Do you guys remember the Freedom video George Michael did and all those... Freedom 90?
Starting point is 01:58:20 Supermodels in the bathtub and Cindy in the bathtub? Yeah. What do you think? I loved it. Yeah. I loved it. Did you have aspirations of being a supermodel? I did.
Starting point is 01:58:29 Yeah. But I got hurt early. Oh. I hurt my vagina bone and so I couldn't... Oh, no. I couldn't fuck as many guys as you needed to. Yeah. I couldn't fuck like slimy model agents.
Starting point is 01:58:45 Yeah. So I pulled my vagina bone. Oh, no. I bruised it on a horse accident. A horse's dick? A horse's dick. Oh, no. I bruised it on a horse's...
Starting point is 01:59:01 And so I was out of modeling for a while. For a while. And then I'm back in. Now with that Emmy situation. I'm going to be... I'm going to... I'm really interested in doing like the over 40, like kind of gray hair, like twinkly-eyed yogurt stuff.
Starting point is 01:59:15 Yeah. Just letting your roots grow out. Just barefoot and real nice pedicure. Yeah. Well, guys, a lot of you listening, probably when you heard what the line-up is here, you guessed what was going to happen, okay? It is time for our freestyle rap battle. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:59:41 I'm intimidated to do this next to Mr. Thick. A little backstory. Well, this is good for me. Don't be intimidated by Mr. Thick. You got to be intimidated by Neil Campbell, who recently about a month or two ago... For the premiere of the show. ...laid down what many consider to be goat. You were goat at one time of the freestyle rap battle.
Starting point is 02:00:02 Neil laid down maybe the greatest verse of all time here on the show. So I want to have just a head-to-head battle. We'll get involved, of course. Certainly. I'm up for new things. I mean, I'm no Usher Raymond, but I'll certainly give it a try. Ancient year Cody, I'm going to need... Now, you froze last time I asked you for one word.
Starting point is 02:00:22 And it took a really long time for you to come up with even one. And all you did was looked at something in the corner and said that. Clear your mind, as they say. Don't think, right? Just come up with one word. What do we got, engineer Cody? Don't look in the corner at what's over there. They also say don't look.
Starting point is 02:00:41 Don't think and don't look. Don't speak. Don't breathe. Yeah, don't breathe. Engineer, what do we have? Butter. Butter. Butter.
Starting point is 02:00:51 Very good. All right, so I kind of want to save these two for the end. So, Alan, what do you say you start us off here? Oh, really? Or it could be me. You don't want to warm it up? I'll warm it up. My name is Wrapping Scott and I'm here to say it's fun to wrap in a butter way.
Starting point is 02:01:10 Creamy, creamy, creamy. Dreamy, dreamy, dreamy. Spread it on my toast. Yeah, I love it the most because I like to get fat by eating toast every day. That's where it's at. I think that when I spread it, that is where I like to put it on my bread. Yeah, I went on Reddit and talked about Reddit, but you know what? I like peanut butter without nuts because I like looking at butts.
Starting point is 02:01:38 Pretty good, right? Very good. I mean, I'm traditionally the worst at it. Very good. All right, Alan, what do we got? Butter. There's a pain that's growing in your arteries and guess what guy? It's because of me.
Starting point is 02:01:52 I'm butter. I'm going to kill you too soon. You eat too much. You eat it with a spoon. Why don't you slow down? Eat a carrot for God's sake. Sort of that. Is that part of it?
Starting point is 02:02:06 You yell exclamations? Yes, of course. Yeah, advice. Am I supposed to swear? Oh, yeah, please do. Abe, go to hell, you. How do you? You're big and round going to take you to the pound where they take stray dogs.
Starting point is 02:02:24 You know, this is very difficult because the cord structures, the rhyme scheme, everything is unpredictable. Oh, of course. I like things that are very predictable. Yeah, of course. If you were to sing a song about butter, one of your theme songs, how would it come out? Well, I don't know if I could do that with this backing track at the same time. Well, I say give it a try.
Starting point is 02:02:47 All right. There you go, looking for something to spread on your toes. This is very difficult. I feel like it's taken me to a dark emotional place. Oh, no. That sounded very ominous and it made me afraid of breakfast. Yeah, well, this is a minor key. It is a minor key.
Starting point is 02:03:05 Yeah, yeah, and you're usually not afraid of breakfast. No, I'm... Does it have any effect on you at all? No, I'll wake up, remember that I'm alive, start singing in my head the facts of life theme song, go down and make myself some breakfast. And then you'll look at it and not be afraid of it. That's right. I'll have a bowl of sugary cereal, a glass of juice, two slices of toast and butter,
Starting point is 02:03:29 a large glass of milk, and two pop-tarts. It's everything that you see on the television commercials. Okay, great. All right, well, great verse. Should I give it another try? Sure, why not? Well, I don't want to hog anyone's time. No, we have at least a ton of time.
Starting point is 02:03:42 But is that so? Yeah. Time to burn. Yes, of course. When we were doing pains. And here we go. Jam, fuck you. You'll never beat butter.
Starting point is 02:03:56 Why don't you come out of a cow's udder? That's what I do. I'm butter. And I'll come and then come all takers. I can't, I'm sorry. Hey, it's not bad for an old man. Very good. Very difficult.
Starting point is 02:04:10 You're no Robin Thicke. No, that's true. Or Pharrell. That's true. Okay. All right, let's go over to Amy. I honestly have a stomachache. What?
Starting point is 02:04:21 You're the best at this. No, I'm not. I'm with the best. Yeah, that's true. I'm with the best. All right, here we go. I feel like I'm going to throw up. Okay.
Starting point is 02:04:30 You've had a lot of time to stew on this one. But that's almost worse, right? Do you want a different suggestion? I feel as if I did. But how come she gets a different suggestion? If you want, Cody can come up with something different. I feel as if Cody had a pat of butter in his pocket. He was feeling like the heart of it.
Starting point is 02:04:45 He was reaching into his hand, trying to come up with a stall tactic. The suggestion is butter. Wait, are you doing a Maya Angelou pose? I'm just finding my beat here, clearing my space, getting into my rap battle pose. Here we go. 2013. Paula Deans, a motherfucking racist, makes food and says, let's taste this. Dropping and bombs all over America.
Starting point is 02:05:15 She's got a problem like America Bank, which doesn't have any more money. No more money. Isn't that funny? You can't get your cash. You can't buy a car. You can't go to Spain. You can't travel far because you're broke. You're broke.
Starting point is 02:05:30 You're broke. I spoke. I spoke words of wisdom and nice, no joke. Butter in jam. Butter for con. Butter is off. Butter is on. Butter be good.
Starting point is 02:05:39 Butter be bad. Butter be bad. Butter be the best motherfucking thing you've had. And now I'm going on a diet. I think you should try it. I'm not going to lie. It's hard to eat healthy in America because poor people can't afford real food. Real food.
Starting point is 02:05:58 I'm in the mood. So Paula Deans, queen of me, it's not my scene to be so rude and butter and butter and butter and butter a fuck a butter face. Yeah. Crank up the machine. That was incredible. Shots fired. What I also enjoyed about that was that it had the social commentary that is common to
Starting point is 02:06:21 hip hop rap music. And I like that the queen of mean is no longer Lisa Lampinelli. It's now Paula Deans. Who had heard of the mantle from Leona Helms, of course. Yeah. All right. Neil Campbell. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:06:34 Butter. Oh, hold on. I'm coming up with it. Here we go. Is that part of it? Comedy bang bang, 2013, 13, 13, 13, 13. They say butter comes from milk, but I'm not of that ilk. I think butter is a movie and I think that it stars Rob Cordray.
Starting point is 02:06:56 Milk. Hey, that's a movie too. It's got Sean Penn. What you're going to do? You can rent that one with I am Sam and watch them all night. Yeah. That's my plan. If you go on a date with me, it's a double fee chair with those two movies.
Starting point is 02:07:12 Then you'll see me make some butter too. I'll make it in my pants. Then I'll put it on you. I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. It may have sound sexual, but it ain't. It was just about making popcorn. I make it in my pants because they are extra worn.
Starting point is 02:07:28 They got too much room and I put a churn in there and a loom. A loom like a Rackney used when she pissed off Athena all those years ago in Greece. Greece in my pants, Greece on my face when I learned how to dance. I did that on Broadway in the musical that I played in all this years ago. I don't know where I'm going with this song, but I remember we were talking about milk, milk and butter and San Francisco's where it took place. James Franco was there with his face. It's so pretty.
Starting point is 02:08:06 I hope it don't get roasted, but I think Rogan is going to do it and it'll eat toasted. That's what I put my butter on. Toasty butter and I like to keep it warm. Well, that's it. I'll say goodbye. Okay. Thanks everybody for being here. Bye-bye.
Starting point is 02:08:23 Wow, that was good. It's tremendous. That was so good. There were so many topics. Too many, some might say. I decidedly less about picking up young boys by the pool the last time. Yeah, I decided to try to avoid that topic this time. Some great raps, everybody.
Starting point is 02:08:37 Good raps. Really good raps. Tough guys. I think Neil's still the goat. I think you guys are tied at this point. Okay. I can't come up with a winner. I think we're looking at the two-coach champions.
Starting point is 02:08:48 Hard to. Number four. Oh, good stuff, huh? The debate still rages on. Who won that battle? Who won? I can't even say. I mean, you know, Alan Thicke called him coke champions.
Starting point is 02:09:02 You know? That's good enough for me. You know, Alan Thicke should be the one to decide that, I think, of anyone. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. He decided when the president will start Christmas season. He decided upon the issue of hearts beating to one drum. Didn't he?
Starting point is 02:09:23 That's true. Well, that's more science. That's true. Like, the world doesn't move to the beat of just one drum. Oh, is that what it is? Yeah. The world moving to the... Oh, I was reaching for that.
Starting point is 02:09:35 I... End the stars. Almost had it. And you didn't get it. I didn't get either. That is a somber note to end this episode on. But oh well, that's the show. What a sad thing.
Starting point is 02:09:46 Casey Casey's some exhorted people to do, keep your feet on the ground but keep reaching for the stars. That's right. You'll never get... If you keep your feet on the ground, you'll never get there. You'll never get there. In any sense, Casey, come on. Campaign wishes and caviar dreams. I like that.
Starting point is 02:10:01 Maybe he should come on the show. Oh, references. I feel like Dana Carvey sealed that tomb. Ah, maybe. All right, speaking of sealing the tomb, let's seal the tomb on this episode. This has been part three. We just have one episode left. What is your top three?
Starting point is 02:10:18 The mind reels at what the top three episodes could be. You're not asking me. No, I know what they are. Okay, because you're looking at me. You're looking at me. Yeah, well, I like to look at you. That's so wrong. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:10:30 I love to watch you leave. All right, that's it for this one. Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out. See you next time. We'll see you next time on part four. Bye. Now that the show's over, make sure to head over to to find out more information
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