Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Chris Gethard, Lily Sullivan, Dan Lippert, Hannah Pilkes

Episode Date: February 26, 2024

Comedian, actor, and author Chris Gethard joins Scott and guest co-host Tony Sony to talk about his new book “Dad at Peace,” working with the Wellness Together nonprofit, and Tony’s pizzeria. Th...en, makeup artist Matthew Zimmerman stops by to talk about working with prosthetic noses in films. Plus, vocal specialist Chutney C. Rabbits drops by to demonstrate her voice psychic ability.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The. Come on, eat bang bang. Come on, eat bang bang. Ask your doctor if Skeletor is right for you. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. Thanks to Mr. Pratfall for that catchphrase submission. Hey, stick to Pratfalls, am I right? No, that was a wonderful catchphrase. I doubt it's gonna stick, mainly because it seems Skeletor-specific and not about Comedy Bang Bang, but I appreciate the attempt. And welcome to Comedy Bang Bang for another edition.
Starting point is 00:00:47 My name is Scott Ackerman. I am the host of Comedy Bang Bang. Coming up a little later, we have a, someone who works in the film industry. This is very exciting because stars are back. So if I'm gonna guess, I'm gonna say it's maybe Leo DiCaprio or someone like that. Why not? Why can't Leo Di Caprio or someone like that. Why not?
Starting point is 00:01:05 Why can't Leo de Caprio be on comedy bang bang? And I do this a voice to him. No, we're saving that for a special co-host. Also a little later, we have a vocal specialist. But before we get to our guest of honor, as we call them, sitting in the Capbird seats here to promote something. Again, stars are back and we call them, sitting in the catbird seats here to promote something. Again, stars are back and we have none, none brighter than our star who's coming up.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I do want to introduce our special co-host here who was on the show maybe a few weeks back, about two months or so ago. And speaking of someone who we thought worked in the film industry, but I guess owns a pizza place Please welcome back to the show Tony Sony Welcome welcome back to the show. It's so good to see you Tony. Hey, so good to see you Scott. I missed you Thank you so. Yeah, ow, that little, little two hearts.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Grab the cheeks now. I got your nose. The cheeks and the nose. How do you have so many fingers that are prehensile? My hands. They're big hands because I gotta make the pizza pie. Oh, that's true. Yeah. Is that a prerequisite for making pizzas is to have big just hands like hands? Yeah, big sausages. That's what they want. Yeah. have big just hands like hands. Yeah, big sausages. That's what they want.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Yeah. Tell us, remind us about your story because you were on the show a little bit a few weeks back and how, why were you on the show again? I was on the show because I give advice to Hollywood people like Jake Johnson's agent calls me up says, is this gonna be good for Jake? I was like, I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:02:42 That's right, I believe Jake Johnson was on the show and his PR person was calling what they thought was the Sony lot. Yeah. And instead it was this pizza place that you run called Tony So New York. That's right, that's right. Tony So New York, that's my pizza place.
Starting point is 00:02:56 That's the biggest pizza pie you can get in all of New York. How big are we talking? The size of your fucking head, the biggest pizza. That's not very big, honestly. That's the size of maybe a personal I feel like I've ordered a bigger piece of pie That's not big at all pepperoni sometimes are like as big as a mouth
Starting point is 00:03:23 Pepperoni Small pizza a mouth? Pepperoni sizey eyeballs, we got it up. You're talking about small, small pizza. Cheese sizey eyebrows. Okay, that's regular, that's standard-issued cheese. Chunks of cheese sizey eyebrows, Scott. You'd love it there. Chunks even just the size of that. I mean, one little sliver of cheese the size of my eyebrows. No, we're talking chunks.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Okay. Oh, you're gonna love it. So small pizzas. That's right, and obviously I run the pizza place with my goomba. I Love my goomba. Yeah, what about a woman? She's so beautiful. What about your wife though? I don't want to talk about my wife. I want to talk about my does your wife Don't make me talk about my wife. She upset that you run this place with your goomba No, she lets me do whatever. She's a doctor. She's a doctor. I got 25 kids with her 25
Starting point is 00:04:04 Everybody's doing great, going to Brown, Harvard. Wow, what is she a doctor of? She's a specialist. Sure, but of what though? Of important parts of the body, Skye. She does surgeries. Like penis surgery? Pina surgeries.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Oh, okay, that's very important. But primarily butt surgery. Primarily butt surgeries, those are important. BBL, she invented BBL. Really? Yeah, she important Bbl. She invented Bbl Okay, I was thinking about getting one of those. Oh, yeah, oh you should you love it Yeah, too many people are getting them removed. Yeah, everybody. Well, they used to follow Kim Kardashian's lead here She had that big beautiful Now that is the the size of a big a size of your head. Now that is the size of a big S. The size of it, actually.
Starting point is 00:04:46 One cheek. Come to think of it. Oh, one cheek is big as a head, yeah. One cheek, size of your head. Sure, right? Okay. I'm worried you don't have an idea of proportional sizes or anything like that. No, I know her titties, size of your legs, long titties. No, we don't want long titties.
Starting point is 00:05:02 That's the longest titties I ever seen. So anyway, my wife, she does a BBLs, she's a big important lady, I don't wanna talk about her. Okay, but you're Goumah. I wanna talk about my Goumah. She runs a pizza place with you. I love her, sometimes I look in her eyes and say, how did I get so lucky to have you?
Starting point is 00:05:16 Yeah. My fucking Goumah. Why don't you just divorce your wife and then marry your Goumah? No, I could never do that, divorce? Never. Is it because of of are you religious? Which religion? The one with the Catholic. Oh, the one with the Catholic stuff. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:05:32 probably Catholicism. Yeah. I just, I believe in Jesus. Yeah, he's the main guy. The big JC we call him. I believe in the cross. The size of your fucking hate this cross That's small, that's very small But you know I've been doing stand-up at the at the pizza place I would I know that my goomba loves my stand. What is your stand-up all about? Oh, well, you want me to read you some of my jokes? Oh, yeah, sure I got some jokes for you have a little time until our guest of honor Yeah, well, I got jokes for the whole freaking show. Oh, okay. I go about two hours We don't have that much time, but I would love to hear a few.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Imagine this, you come in the pizzeria, you sit down. Do you have a stage at the pizzeria? No, we got one, two tables, it's interesting. Do you even have chairs or stools? No chairs. So how are people sitting down? Tiny, tiny little benches. Just bent, tiny benches.
Starting point is 00:06:20 What's tiny to you? Size of a chair. Smallish benches, I've seen in your life, size of a chair. I don Benchie, very senior life, size of a chair. I don't know how to feel that. And when I come out, I bring out my big microphone. Okay, how big is the microphone? Size of your hand. And I start doing my stand-up.
Starting point is 00:06:38 The shape of my hand, that would be a weird microphone. Although I guess those are sort of like the Frank Sinatra used to sing in them, when they were circular. Yeah, no, not circular. no, no long long long like it like titties. Yeah, like a good titties should be okay Right super long and I summer I'll give you a joke. You okay ready? Okay here we go my goomba kid cook The other day she made me roast chicken. She says what's the matter? You don't like it I says maybe next time take the feathers off of it first Pretty good. I mean I feel like I've heard it before, but... My good ma can cook.
Starting point is 00:07:10 She can't bake neither. Other days, she made me an apple pie so bad I thought it was a peach pie. My good ma. Was it a peach pie? My good ma. She just bought a hybrid car. Okay. Says it's good for the environment because bought a hybrid car. Okay. Says it's good for the environment, because it lowers greenhouse gases.
Starting point is 00:07:28 Sure. I says, you wanna lower greenhouse gases? Don't feed me anymore that meatloaf lasagna, my guma! Okay. These are good. I mean... They slay. Oh my guma, she's dying. These are good for pizza place jokes. She's so beautiful, my guma.
Starting point is 00:07:45 Every second with her is a blessing. Sounds like she can't cook though, or bake. Oh, there you say something like that. Oh, I'm sorry, I mean you said it. These are just jokes. Okay, they're not based on truth? About my wife, go ahead, my guma, come on. Can your wife cook, or bake?
Starting point is 00:07:58 She's a Michelin stasha. What? And she does BB Hills? She's a Michelin star. Has she ever gotten confused and done a, like, a pot roast on someone's ass and then a BBL in the oven? She did a full course BBL. Man.
Starting point is 00:08:17 Where she did one cheat. Sounds like my dating life. Wow, so you could join the piece of this thing. That's good stuff. I'd love to be one of the roster at the pizza place. Oh, I'd love to fit in. Release the substitute. You could come in rotation when I'm in the back
Starting point is 00:08:31 cooking the pizza by size of your fucking head. Biggest pizza you've ever seen. Okay, I don't know. $25. For a pizza, like a personal pan pizza, that's too much. What? Are you out of business? How many you bid to New York?
Starting point is 00:08:42 These are normal prices. Okay, I don't know. I don't care. A lot of times you can get like one slice for a dollar and that's as big as your like a titty or whatever. Oh yeah, that's the size of your titty, right? But we're talking size of your fucking head. This is the biggest pizza pie you've ever seen. I gotta charge you right, okay? Okay, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:57 Look, Tony Sony, you're gonna act as my co-host for the show, is that all right? Oh, I love it, I love it. We have to get to our guest of honor, is that okay? Absolutely, he's got a king of freaking weight. I'm losing my, I love it. I love it. We have to get to our guest of honor. Is that okay? Absolutely. He's got a camp freaking way to losing my freaking meatballs of me. I hope you find your meatballs. But, uh... But the pizza's real. Let's do this. Let's do this. You know him as a stand-up comedian and improviser and actor and now?
Starting point is 00:09:19 What the fuck? An author? This is craziness. He has a new book. It's called Dad at Peace. And it's being distributed through something that I've never heard of. We're gonna really unpack this when he gets on, Mike. Please welcome back to the show Chris Getherd. Hello. Thank you so much. Hey.
Starting point is 00:09:36 This is Tony Sony. Yeah, no, I'm excited. I live in New Jersey. I'm well aware of Tony Sony. Oh, you are? Yeah, no, you come in all the time. Pizza legend. It's so good to see you.
Starting point is 00:09:44 Yeah, I've been in, I've been in. Yeah, wait, wait, where's your shop? Is it in New Jersey? It's in this beautiful little burrow. It's in between Queens and Brooklyn. So it's one of the burrows. Manhattan. And one of the five burrows?
Starting point is 00:09:55 It's in there, it's one of those. Okay, or this is a secret burrow. This is like the Harry Potter train station. Yeah, you know, you have to go on the train. Yeah, burrow five and a half. Well, it was wonderful to have you, Chris, back on the show. This is very exciting to see you. Oh, it's great to see you. Thanks for having me.
Starting point is 00:10:10 Yeah, you're also a podcaster, I should mention, although we don't like mentioning other podcasts on the show. Yeah, beautiful anonymous is still a thing that exists somewhere. Congratulations. It's been going now for probably, if I was going to guess, seven years. Snailed it. Did I really? Seven years.
Starting point is 00:10:23 Yeah. By the way, we are, and I'm meant to say this in the intro, we're on Do Not Disturb. This is the world's first dingless podcast. Wow. I don't know if your show can get there, but eventually maybe it will, but we don't receive text message dings on this show.
Starting point is 00:10:39 We're the first dingless podcast in the world. So we're very excited about it for 2024. Yeah, you set the bar on that and then the rest of us try to catch up. Sure, yeah. I know you're still having dings in yours, but that's okay, you'll get there. You'll figure out the technology.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It's a real 20. It's a problem, isn't it? 2019-2020 move, yeah. So you have this book, you're an author now. How does that feel? It feels good. Yeah, I've written some books in my day. You've written some... This is more than one book.
Starting point is 00:11:07 Oh, this is my sixth book. Sixth book? Yeah. Tell me the titles. I want to know all six. There was... Did you write that... Hunt for Red October? I wrote Hunt for Red October. I wrote Tequila Mockingbird. Wow.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Anything that says Harlan Coban on it? That's me. Okay, that's you. Well, I wrote... So this one's Dad at Peace. I also wrote Dad at Pills and The Lonely Dad Conversations. So that's kind of a triptych. And then I wrote- Are you a father, by the way?
Starting point is 00:11:33 Or is it a flex if you were just lying about this? Obsessively writing about fatherhood from- From an outsider's perspective. From a childless person's perspective. Isn't it terrible being a dad? Don't you hate it? Yeah. Nailin' it down, nail it down. And then I wrote one called Lose Well,
Starting point is 00:11:48 one called A Bad Idea I'm About to Do. And then many years ago, I wrote one about haunted places in New York called Weird New York when I was in my 20s. So why so many books? It's like, isn't one enough for, you know what I mean? Yeah, I guess it's just a fire that you can't put out. And also I like doing things when people say that they will pay me money for them.
Starting point is 00:12:06 So that's a nice feeling. Here's how I feel. I feel like you see all these guys like John Grisham and they have so many books. Too many, yeah. It's like, okay, you stick to one, but then everyone in the world has to write one as well. So that way there's not less books in the world,
Starting point is 00:12:19 but we have more voices out there. And that's what's important is diversification of voices. Yeah, give me all the voices. I love it. Yeah. Stephen King wrote all those books and then he wrote another book about writing books. It's like, well, if you're out of ideas, you're out of ideas, you're cannibalizing yourself. For every book he writes, he should have to delete one of his books. Right? If he's really like, no, this one's good. I want people to read it. Okay, which one are you going to delete? 1963 or whatever the fuck it was.
Starting point is 00:12:47 Which is like a real Sophie's choice about his own books. Yes, you gotta really be confident in your book then. 1963, it's like, it's a date. Is it a book? Let's get it out of here. What's going on? Let's get it out, it's gone, we hate it. We hate it, thank you, Tony.
Starting point is 00:13:01 I appreciate you having my back. But I've been to Tony's Pizza and it's great, although it's like a very, it's kind of known in the on the east coast for a really good pizza, but not great spatial awareness. Yeah, small portions sort of like a Picasso experience with the pizza. The shapes and sizes are very unpredictable. I've never heard this before. Yeah, no, that's what they're all the right. Have you ever had a piece of pizza where the pepperoni is bigger than the slice of pizza itself? Not until I got the Tony's first.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Man, that's what we do. Big pepperoni-sized, freaking body. On behalf of a pizza-sized, fucking head. You can't even fit that pe- can't pepperoni, can't fit in. Yeah, sometimes you like wrap yourself like up in the pepperoni. Yeah, yeah. Oh, it's like love is blind in there.
Starting point is 00:13:40 Everyone's got to blink it out with a pepperoni. Is that part of the love is blind experience? Is everyone goes into the rooms with a blanket? I'm pretty sure they film it in some kind of warehouse. Everyone is freezing all day and they come and blank it's everywhere they go, yeah. I'll keep my eye out for that. So what is this book about? Dad at Peace, if I'm gonna really try to figure it out from the title, you're probably the titular dad. Yeah. Yeah And the piece you're talking about is perhaps a state of mind Yeah, get closer warmer. It's a pizza. Yeah, little Caesar. No, colder colder colder. We're colder. Yeah, peace of mind
Starting point is 00:14:18 Yes, yes, yes piece that bad. Yes, it's not p. It's P. E. A. C. E. It's not Yeah, it's not P.E-A-C-E. It's not P-I-E-C-E. Is it a PSZA? Yes, not P-I-Z-A. Hey, Tony, are you still in? Two pizza pie, yay, yeah, I'm in big time, I'm sold. So you don't like to read about pizza, you just like to make them? No, I never read. Why shit while you're eating?
Starting point is 00:14:33 Why would I read? My grandma reads to me. My grandma reads to me. You're gonna read to you like what? She reads to me to bed, she reads me to Kindle. Really? Mostly romance novels, actually. The Pisces, it's about this lady fucking a merman.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Beautiful. It reads that, okay. It's a real book. Yeah Yeah, I've never read that one. Where do they where do they fuck? I don't mean location. I mean like I Guess I do mean location on the body. He's got a dick. He's got a human dick That's not mermaids. Is he like mermaid below the penis? Mermaid his butt is part of the tail for his front So he's got like a like a slanted kind of thing where his butt is part of the tail, but his front is. So he's got like a slanted kind of thing where his butt is part of the tail, but then it like slides down and it goes like his butt to his taint or something? It's like chat. He sounds more kind of like an aquatic centaur than a full on myrrh creature.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I'm just telling you, you gotta read the book. They fuck on the Santa Monica beach. Really? She takes him back in a wheelbarrow, back to her They fuck in her house in a wheelbarrow. Don't worry. It was recommended to my Guma during a book club I spoke everybody and ever read in their entire lives So what is this book about Chris? It's largely about me giving up on my Life choices because my son is more important than them. But it's what were your life choice? Yeah, you know Kill myself to try to get public access television shows onto cable platforms You know right started certain to feel like maybe I don't need to fight that fight anymore
Starting point is 00:15:54 And it's time to chill the fuck out a little bit. Yeah, well you You've had a successful career. You've had you've starred in television shows. Yeah, you've you've guest starred in in really popular television shows. Yeah. Yeah, yeah Are you saying that you are sort of? reigning back on those types of things or your your a desire to or or Yeah, a lot of my trying to sell a lot of it is Well, a lot of it was you know the fear of getting residual checks for 35 cents started to really get even more scary when my child's health insurance depended on my career choices.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Now, health insurance for a child costs more than 35 cents, right? Exactly, yeah, yeah. That's, we're on the same page on that one. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying, yeah. You can't, you can't, simply can't pay for it at that rate. So is this, so is this a book about like, hey, I'm gonna give up on acting and making shows
Starting point is 00:16:45 and I'm just gonna write six books? No, even the books. This will probably be the last book. What? A lot of it is, I've started working for a nonprofit. Wow. And I'm trying to actually... That's not a way to make money. No, yeah. Right there in the title. That lets you know a lot about how things have gone for me in entertainment. That nonprofit is the more profitable choice. Yeah. and entertainment that non-profit is the more profitable choice. Yeah. Yeah. So you have like, I don't want to say day job, but you have like a regular job. Oh, I absolutely do. What is your job? I have a job now where it's the, there's this great non-profit called Wellness Together. They place mental health services in schools and I'm building a whole program with them to send
Starting point is 00:17:20 artists into schools to do comedy to help as like a mental health intervention. And let me guess, you get like a six figure check to do this comedy in these schools? No, I don't get anywhere close to a six figure check. And you want me to come in one of these schools? Oh, we have a meeting right here. I would love that so much. I'm happy to come in. I would love it.
Starting point is 00:17:37 I would love it. I got little jokes for you guys whenever you need me. Do you have another joke? Absolutely. I got tons of them here. Let's hear what I've got here. And this is sort of like an audition for apparently this guy's pulling the strings. Yeah, no, I can get you gigs in middle schools, high schools.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I would love that. Let me know how this will go. I just have to make sure it's appropriate for school environment. I'll find the appropriate one for you. Okay, here we go. Let's see. People always say in New York, P.U., it stinks. I says, you want to smell something that stinks? Try my gumma's middle of lasagna. Ay, ya, ya, ya, it's that stinks? Try my gumma's meatloaf lasagna. Ay, ya ya, it's stinky, stinky, my gumma. Okay, I'm going to make sure that we exchange information before we head out.
Starting point is 00:18:10 You may have to prep the students regarding what a gumma is. Yeah, yeah. Because they seem focused on that topic. I was going to say, the meatloaf is stinky because it was eating the meatloaf made you have stinky farts, I thought. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's stinky coming out of the oven, it's stinky coming out the butt. It's stinky all the way through. Yeah, the whole process. Every step.
Starting point is 00:18:32 P-U-E-U. P-U-Handy-E-U. P-U-E-U. P-U-European-U. Let me know how this one would go over in elementary school. Let's see. My grandma took me shopping the other day, tells me I need a new suit and fast I says baby. What do I need a new suit for she goes? Hopefully your funeral my good mom? Oh It's just threatening
Starting point is 00:18:56 Wishing get wishing death upon you. Yeah. Yeah. No, I think that could work. Yeah, we're gonna talk Yeah, it sounds like a Rodney Dangerfield style joke. You don't get no respect, you know? Rodney Dangerfield, you ever see Caddyshack? Oh, that guy, no, it's not like that at all. It's about my good mind and my wife. I'm talking about my freaking wife. Okay, yeah. I would, because it's funny, that is,
Starting point is 00:19:17 I would point to Dangerfield as probably the biggest influence on your jokes so you didn't even know who he was. No, no. I would almost say that you might have looked up Rodney Dangerfield jokes and then just appropriated them. No, no. He's completely original.
Starting point is 00:19:30 These are Tony's Sony or so New York. How do you pronounce your actual name? So New York. When we arrived in New York, it was someone New Yorker. And then over time we dropped the A in New York. So your ancestors were just commenting on like, oh, so this is New York. Yeah, New York. So, New York? It was originally, there's a question.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Should we stay here? Someone in New York? I guess you didn't have a lot of options, but I guess you could have gone through the Panama Canal and went to California maybe? Yeah, maybe, yeah. Yeah, it would have been a longer trip. Yeah, I guess so. So this is all a book about your experiences as a father as well.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Yeah, yeah. And yeah, just how that experience has encouraged me to change some of my priorities up and how I'm a happier person for it. Are you really a happier person? Because a lot of people say, a lot of people in show business, and you're not giving up on show business. We should make that clear. Like 40%, 40%. And then the other 60%, it's allowing me to really love it again, because the pressure is off.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Because the pressure one has when you get into show business, there's a lot of competition not only in the business, but between you and your friends of like, why is my friend getting this? I'm not getting this. And you know, I want to achieve this in my career. And you're just letting go of all of that and saying like whatever happens happens. Yeah, yeah, exactly. And I think a lot like you and I have hosted TV shows and I think
Starting point is 00:20:53 a lot about my old TV show and how I used to grind my teeth so hard that two teeth of mine fell out in an hour writer's room. And I sit there and I go maybe I should change my priorities now that I have a son. I don't want him to have a toothless father because I'm living a life where I'm opting into a relentless amount of stress that's progressively more low paying the longer I do this. One can have a TV show without doing that. I believe I had one. Turns out I can't.
Starting point is 00:21:17 I can't. I see. You can. I'm glad for you. Your teeth look great. Mine were literally falling out of my head. His teeth are the size of a fucking head. I don't know if you...
Starting point is 00:21:25 They're considerably smaller. Have you ever seen a human head? It's a fucking big thing. Your eyes, by the way, are down, like staring at the floor. They're huge. Have you ever tilted your neck up? What size are these things? Let me give you a check up from the neck up here.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Come here for a sec. Oh! Wee-er! Wee-er! Here, now you're looking at our heads. Whoa! Look at these things! Smaller! They're the size of fucking heads, these things. Sorry, so you do know at her head. Whoa look at these things smaller I'm sorry so you don't know what it is. Tony have you ever seen a doctor about how you perceive things visually? Let's see I went to a doctor for had a little I had a yeast infection I didn't know these guys could get those. I had to go to the doctor and warm up. Too much pizza dough? Too much yeast!
Starting point is 00:22:05 Yeah, my gumma says I should be eating less yeast. Is this a bit? This sounds like the setup to what you're trying to say. Yeah, okay, yeah, you're working from notes right now. Well, it sounds like a great book. Now, let's unpack how people can get it, because here's how I usually get books. I go down to the library.
Starting point is 00:22:25 No, no, no, you're a fool. You're a fool. And I just walk out with them. No. And hopefully they don't have the little sensors in the book. No. You're living in the past.
Starting point is 00:22:34 What you need to do to get books now is go to, and that's where you can get my book. I love it. What is this? It's formerly known as Scribd. They just changed the name. That doesn't help me.
Starting point is 00:22:44 No, it's just a service where you can sign up and there's formerly known as scribbed. They just changed the name. That doesn't help me. No It's just a service where you can sign up and there's tons of books on there. So there so these are it's a place They've commissioned the book. Yeah, and then they paid you a certain amount to do the book and it's exclusively on So what they selling me the book it's shipping to my home. No, no, no, I'm getting it online You your gumo can read it to you off of the kid. I'm like, oh, I love to hear that. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm gonna let her know. And how many, is it the same as pages or is it, how many computer screens is this book?
Starting point is 00:23:12 Great, great, great question. Really great question. Thank you so much. I don't have the answer off of it. Sorry to say, but that's a fantastic question. Okay, I appreciate that. Well, look, we need to take a break if that's okay. Chris, can you stick around? Oh, I would love to.
Starting point is 00:23:25 Yeah, we have some fascinating people on the show. I know you're out of the business, but we have someone who works in the film business. It's 40% out, yeah. Let me ask you this. Yeah, yeah. If I were to make you a deal and say like, hey, I have a television show I want you to star in.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Uh-huh. It's out here on the West Coast. I want you to leave your family behind for, you know, five years or so and I want to pay you $2 million a year and it's guaranteed to win Emmys. What do you say? Guaranteed to win Emmys two millions a year, but I have to move to the West Coast.
Starting point is 00:23:50 Yeah. It's Ted Lasso. You get hired on Ted Lasso. I don't know. There's a part of me that feels like I'm talking a good game, but I'm like, I don't want to move to the West Coast. It's just the West Coast? How about England?
Starting point is 00:24:01 Yes, it's really at Ted Lasso. It's a Ted Lasso spin-off where they're like, here's Ted Lasso's dumber brother. Wow, Ted Lasso. I mean sounds like- Dan Lasso, yes. Sounds like a guaranteed hit. Those always work.
Starting point is 00:24:14 I'm with you, I'm with you. Dan Larry. Dan Larry. Yeah. What do you do? Yeah, it's a maybe. It's a maybe, good, okay, that's all I want. Yeah, I'm not a fool, I'm not a fool, but I'm, it's a maybe. It's a maybe. Good.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Okay, that's all I want. Yeah, I'm not a fool, but I'm not scrambling for it. The pressure is off. I'll put the 10 million and the Emmy's an escort for you. The 10 million is probably, if we're being totally honest, a real motivator. Yeah, I mean, look, just get the 10 million. They're not paying you that much at the nine preference? No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:24:39 10 million? Turns out, no. Turns out they're not. I don't get out of bed for less than one mil. Really? My wife, she's making 10 mil on the sheets. You're out of bed right now. Who gave you one mil this morning? This morning? don't get out of bed for less than one meal My wife just making ten mill on your head right? Who gave you one meal this morning this morning? Cuz you're out of bed. You're not just because I know it's audio. Yeah, you're not laying in the bed I'm out of bed. No. Yeah. Yeah, I had to accrue so many days. Yeah
Starting point is 00:24:56 Until I finally hit the many pepperoni's on top of you. Okay We got any other toppings by the way, We got pepperoni, we got cheese. Okay, these- We got songs! These sound like tiny, terrible pizzas. We're gonna take a break. Size of your fucking edge. Size of our- of course. We're gonna take a break.
Starting point is 00:25:13 When we come back, we have somebody who works in the film industry, we have a vocal specialist, an incredible Comedy Bang Bang episode for you. We'll be right back with more Comedy Bang Bang after this. 🎵Tamamama🎵 🎵Tamamama🎵 Comedy Bang Bang, we're back. We bang bang. The comedy bang bang bang. Comedy bang bang bang, we're back. We have Chris Gethert here.
Starting point is 00:25:27 He is the author of Dad at Peace, which people can get at the, I didn't write it down. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. Ever and. up show business now, this is different from my experience where I just don't get jobs. Right, right. Oh, okay. But I feel bad about it. You're saying feel good about it. I would say, yeah, I'm saying I was like, I was at the stage of feeling bad and then hit a point where I went, I don't want to feel bad anymore.
Starting point is 00:25:55 Right, right. So I turned that corner that it sounds like you're... No, no, I'm still on that, going down the, barreling down that highway, feeling bad. Yeah, I started to really think about life and go, why do I spend eight to 10 months of the year feeling really scared and bad? Right, okay.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And then I started making some changes. I should take that off ramp is what you're saying. No, not necessarily, but for me, it's turned out really well. Okay, all right, dad at peace. We also have Tony Sone here or Tony So New York. So New York, hey, how you guys doing? Yeah, wow, hot crowd tonight. Do you have another joke for us, by the way? I always have a joke for you guys. or Tony so New York
Starting point is 00:26:27 Do you have another joke for us by the way? Joke for you guys. Are we doing everybody enjoying the pizza pies besides their fucking heads? Let's see My goomba keeps begging me to go on vacation. This is okay. Where should we go the Bahamas? She says I don't care where you go. Just get out of the house. I got a hot date coming over, my Guma. I love it. Oh, my Guma, when I look in her eyes. I think. Wait, who, this was about your wife or your Guma?
Starting point is 00:26:52 Did I say my wife? I don't know. I lost my place. Maybe I said my wife instead of my Guma, which would have been a slip because I never talk about my wife though. I came on here. Right. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:00 And then suddenly I'm talking about my wife and that freaking $10 million. Who do you hate more, your wife or your guba? I don't hate my guba, I fucking love my guba. Okay, but you hate your wife? I go to sleep every night looking at my guba's eyes, I say. How are you spending so much time away from your wife? I say every day. She sounds like a very accomplished,
Starting point is 00:27:17 incredibly attractive woman who's a Michelin star chef as well as an accomplished physician. Every day with you you as a blessing. My God. Read to me from the beginning. It was a strange life you had. And then you made just, did I over here to 25 kids? 25 kids, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:37 And they're all in Ivy League colleges? Everybody's doing fucking great. It's amazing. So happy for them. They're all out of the house though. RISD. These are their names? Fucking great. It's amazing. So happy for them. They're all out of the house though. You're the These are their names Too much
Starting point is 00:28:01 You just spent time with your good mom your mom I need a little of that calzone, if you know what I mean. I know. You've never mentioned calzones. It's a pussy. I need a little of that. Oh, okay. Okay. Do you make calzones? No. Fuck no. Absolutely. It's just folding a pizza in half. Pizza size of your fucking head. Okay. This would be like the size of half a head.
Starting point is 00:28:18 What? Never mind. All right. That didn't make no sense. That's half a head. All right. Let's... You mean like a shoulder? I don't think a shoulder is a half of a head. All right. You mean like a shoulder? I don't think a shoulder is a half of a head, is it? Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:28:29 We need to go to our next guest. Is that all right? Hey, yeah, I love it. Okay, great. And Chris, I have your audible yes from you. Yeah, I'm into it. That we can go to our next guest? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:40 It's like being on an airplane. I need visual confirmation. Yeah, audible confirmation that we're okay to go to our next guest. I'm locked and loaded ready Let's do it. Wonderful. Let's make it happen. He is someone who works in the film industry Is it is it Matthew McConaughey? I'm excited Tom Cruise Sorry cruise really excited to find out. Please, please, be Surrey Cruise. Surrey Cruise, where can they film industry?
Starting point is 00:29:07 Please let Surrey Cruise come to the podcast. I don't think it's Surrey Cruise. Surrey Cruise doesn't have a job yet. We don't know that. We don't know. The ultimate nepo baby, I'll tell you that. I know. Yeah. No, I'm reading the name out loud.
Starting point is 00:29:22 Matthew McConaughey? No, Matthew Zimmerman. Please welcome to the show Matthew Zimmerman. So happy to be here, Scott. Thank you so much for having me at the podcast. Yeah, I hate to stat so antagonistic. You hate to stat what? Start the podcast so antagonistic,
Starting point is 00:29:40 but this is a little bit of the problem with the perception of Hollywood is it's a big name if it's somebody you know from on screen or an actor. I work in Hollywood in a very important capacity and yet you've set me up to be less exciting than these names you know so well. I apologize for that. And you, I mean, Chris, you know this about me.
Starting point is 00:29:58 I've always said that the true names above the title on the poster of the film should be everyone but the stars. So you should see the entire credits on a poster above the title on the poster of the film should be everyone but the stars. So you should see the entire credits on a poster above the title of the movie. I couldn't agree more with you. The poster should be mostly names. Mostly names. Because honestly, I don't want spoilers on the poster.
Starting point is 00:30:16 And when I went to see Star Wars, I was like, oh yeah, this is about a guy with a laser sword, yawn. They spoiled the whole movie for you. You can can figure out you can apply everything just for the poster I was just looking at the one for an asti kusher movie With a what is her name rest in peace camera deus Britney Murphy Britney Murphy, yeah, I know I said rest in peace and you started doing the role of the ex of all the women ashton cushions, movies with who are dead and Britney Murphy was the one you were bedbent. Anyway, point being, it's all mid-drift on her and you go, oh, I get what's going to
Starting point is 00:30:52 happen in this movie. It's just going to be Britney Murphy's back for the whole movie. Okay. Yeah, I don't know that that factured into the plot at all. Maybe I misunderstand posters. But the point is, I do prosthetics on films. You do prosthetics. Yes, I'm nominated for Maestro this year.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I'm nominated for Golda this year. I did the noses on both of them. You're the noses. Did the nose on Maestro? I did the nose on Maestro. That's a lot. That's a really... That's the star that should be above Bradley Cooper on the title.
Starting point is 00:31:20 That was a very divisive nose. A lot of people say that about my noses, but then they look at me and they go, oh, I see what's happening here. Yeah, I mean, I didn't want to say anything, but you have a honker there. A schnaz. I wonder if I didn't want to say anything is a good lead up to a statement like that.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Cause all that puts in my brain is you've been sitting there thinking about how big my nose is. I have, and it was a game time decision. I was like, do I mention the size of everyone's nose before when I introduced them? And I decided not to on this show, but with you it seemed like it was a mistake because you have a giant one.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Oh yeah, well, thank you for the compliment. A nose as big as your head is, I'm like, Daddy, nose the size of a couple eyebrows, that thing. Yeah, I guess. Not a couple, huh? Not in volume. E.G. Levy or something like that. But it's Oscar season and I'm just out here kind of doing the rounds and trying to get myself the awards because I'm off overlooked.
Starting point is 00:32:15 Yeah, is there a category for prosthetics on the Academy Awards? This year for makeup I am nominated for gold and for Beistro. For BeTro? I mean, that, yeah, very divisive nose as Chris said. A lot of people were saying, should it be that big? Should Bradley Cooper, one of the most handsome movie stars?
Starting point is 00:32:36 Is it like a nose cosplay, you know? Right, should they be hiring people with noses that big to play big-dose characters? Yeah, exactly. Like, who has a nose that big that's a movie star, I'm trying to think. It's very rare to find a movie star with the big nose, but, uh, you know, at the top of my head, it's kind of referenced in the other Bradley Cooper film with Lady Gaga, where she's got the big nose that she points to. Remember that, Tia? Oh, yeah. Never forget that scene.
Starting point is 00:33:04 This dude's obsessed with noses. Yeah. What's going on with Bradley Cooper and his nose fetish? I just wish he was peeing on stage more often, you know? The stars born. The stars born. This has pissed at himself during the speech. But all I could think about was his fake nose in that. Did you do his nose in that too? That's how we bet. Yeah, it's stars born. I did his nose. You had a fake nose in Starzboard? Oh yeah, almost every character you see in a film is fake nose because of my work. Yeah, it's like how most film sound is recorded
Starting point is 00:33:33 after the pact by a fully artist or anything like that. Is there any way to like clear your throat or? Is this just like a cold you have or is this in like every- You do speak like someone who has a completely closed off nasal passage Well, I do have What's the thing with the ice my septum is deviated? So you work on noses you don't know what a septum is. No, it's just the word didn't occur to me
Starting point is 00:33:56 I'm barely on my propone. So yeah, I don't want to make any like conspiracy style accusations But you sound like someone wearing a fake nose over your own nose. Yeah, cause you might if we tug on your nose. I don't like- Hey, I'm coming for your nose! I got the cheeks, you get the nose! You're holding me down by the cheek so you can have a good time. Can you move? No, I'm stuck! I can't move my frozen like a cat!
Starting point is 00:34:19 Alright, let's fucking hit. Okay, okay. Phew. Yeah, didn't come off. Big as a fucking head. Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr If you ask anybody, my reputation is as an incredibly aggressive human being. I can tell from your shirt you're wearing, jawbreaker. I can tell that, I pictured you in Berkeley, 1995, you know. A bunch of kicking an elbow in, and telling everyone that your presence is the present or whatever. Those are some very accurate references to the 90s punk band Jobbreaker, yeah. So you're out there trying to get the award,
Starting point is 00:35:11 do you think you'll win it? I mean, it was the biggest no. See, this is the thing, like, you did the biggest no. I did the biggest, and if the reward was just our biggest no, I do think that should be the Oscar, it should just be biggest no. Yeah, I mean like. And it would affect the pips we watch. On the acting side, it's always who does the most acting.
Starting point is 00:35:27 You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah. Biggest acting. Who shouts the most. Yeah, but I have been snubbed. The only award I have ever gotten is from the MTV Movie Awards for the penis I did at Boogie the Bats. Which was, of course, inspired by it was originally a nose prosthetic.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Now, this is John C. Riley's penis. It's unseated the film. Yeah, I did all the penises. All actors are wearing prosthetic penises, whether you see them or not. I knew this because on my show, we made everyone wear prosthetic penises. Every guest, every person.
Starting point is 00:35:56 You're wearing the pink penis right now. Oh yeah. I remember seeing Kelly Cuoco and going, holy moly. Cuoco, local. Cuoco, local. Cuoco, local. Holy moly. Kawoka, woka. Kawoka, woka. Kawoka, kawoka.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Kawoka, kawoka. So yeah, I mean, you should win. I mean, it was giant, that thing. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. And I'm here for me, but also all the below the line, that, you know, they're cutting them out of the broadcast. Kibble probably isn't even gonna mention
Starting point is 00:36:20 my name in the show. And it's just, I worked so hard on these noses and I changed the form of films. I mean, part of, you know, film is a collaborative medium so part of it is like you had to find a cinematographer who could fit the nose in frame. Figure out what lens they're gonna use to get the nose in the frame and I have to work with them on the nose. Yeah because quite often in that film like there was danger of him turning to the side and then the nose just going out of frame and then all the time they go
Starting point is 00:36:45 We got to do that again The nose left the frame and then everyone goes god damn it, Matthew and I go it's not my fault that the nose is leaving frame I made the nose accurate to Cooper or whoever he's playing in the movie You don't know who he's playing in my stroke My stroke baby. Oh Man, I got a joke about my stroke. Oh, yeah. Yeah, let's hear my good mom She wants me to take her to see Maestro. Like he says, if you want me to die,
Starting point is 00:37:09 why don't you shoot me in the head? That way I don't have to watch Bradley Cooper sing. My grandma. He doesn't sing a Maestro, I don't think. Yeah, I don't know if you know what Maestro is saying. Yeah, he sings, there's a dance montage where he's singing. Oh yeah, that little sailor boat. The little sailor boat.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Yeah, I guess there's the on the town portion of it. Is that what it is? Yeah, I walked out. I gotta say, for this industry, I heard some of your discussion earlier, I find that your comedy to be too misogynistic. It's all at the expense of this woman who you will not commit to.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Whoa, I love my goomma. What are you talking about? You say you love her, but then commit to her. Uh, you know, I'm a jilted man. I've been somebody's gumma before. I'm so sorry, really. You're not in a relationship. Well, no, no. My work is by relationship. My nose is by relationship. You know, that's... Are you trying to say you have sex with your prosthetic noses? That's not what I'm trying to say say it happens to be true for me so wait so Bradley Cooper's
Starting point is 00:38:09 giant nose how's it feel going in that thing oh baby so freaking good i wouldn't do it if it wasn't absolutely food of the gods for my penis wait were you doing it like in between takes? No, no, not to wrap. Not till we wrap. Yeah, after wrap. Wait, is it still on them? When I do it? Yeah. It depends what the actor wants. I never force an actor to do it. But you do ask.
Starting point is 00:38:32 But I do ask if they want to. That's nice. That's polite. It's very polite. It's like Louis CK used to ask. Well, you know what? Who was you? Who was you a gumah for?
Starting point is 00:38:46 That's what I want to know. Yeah, so piecing together the syntax of that sentence I need like a New York translator like a Dr. Seuss page It's not anybody you would know it's it's another below you know I wish you knew them because I wish to get with you all the below the line people. Sure. I think every, we should know every single person in the world. Yeah. Don't you agree?
Starting point is 00:39:11 Well, can I, I don't want to be too divisive, but I do feel like someone has to bring it up. Like I fully support the idea that below the line workers deserve and need more credit. I'm with you. But you're saying like Kimo won't mention me because of that, but there is kind of an elephant in the room, which is, you know, that nose, a lot of people said
Starting point is 00:39:28 it was a very anti-Semitic choice too. Yeah. Okay. Maybe that's why Kimmel's not gonna specifically shout out Bradley Cooper's nose while hosting the Oscars. I had read, by the way, that you had the opportunity to take your name off of the film and you chose to keep it on on I asked it to make it bigger
Starting point is 00:39:48 Just like the nose Well, I mean It's an interesting conversation because even to speak out and say the nose is anti-semitic means that you're being a little Anti-semitic by saying that to see a note like people say it to me all the time They go whoa this guy's an anti-semit, because I'm Jewish and I have a big nose, it's just the way I am. Yeah, well, I remember once I was sitting outside my apartment out in the valley,
Starting point is 00:40:11 and it was a big Russian population of people. And someone came up to me and said, are you a Russian Jew? And I was like, oh, because of my nose? Oh no, no, I'm not. But it felt kind of like I was the victim of anti-Semitism. Wow, even though you're saying that as a non-Jew, it's a very interesting conversation piece. But don't you agree?
Starting point is 00:40:34 I very much agree that that man was being anti-Semitic. Take a lesson from me because I've gotten canceled before. You need to delete that out of the podcast. Really? You've gotten canceled? Oh, yeah. No. Not Tony Sohan, New York. So on the stand-up circuit, I got that got cancelled. Really?
Starting point is 00:40:50 Too much about Goomaz, I guess. Every joke? Every joke. They hated it. OK, well, I'll take your advice. I'll definitely. Oh, wait, our editing machine is still broken. Fuck, this thing hasn't been fixed for like a decade at this point. Oh, God, dammit. All right. Well, I guess it stays in. But yeah, I mean, honestly, like I wouldn't been fixed for like a decade at this point. Oh, God, damn it. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:05 All right, well, I guess it stays in. But yeah, I mean, honestly, like, I wouldn't be taking the credit for this nose. Well, this is unbelievable, in 2024, that I can't make Golda Maier and Maestro's nose big, huge and Jewish without getting some sort of blowback. No, I think you can. I just think it's a little... Set up on... I just think it's a little presumptuous to say Kimmel's not going to bring up my nose because he's against below the line workers. Yeah, when he's probably going to bring it up to talk about how anti-Semitic it was
Starting point is 00:41:37 and make a joke about it. If anything, you know, we should have more Jewish nose representation on screen so people don't think this about the characters It's not enough Jewish noses out there Jewish penises Do anything that you know Jewish bodies need to be represented boy It'd be hard to do a prosthetics make a penis smaller Yeah, what's the Yeah, what's the... We need to cancel this out of the pocket! Sorry, Tony. Do you not want to be my co-host?
Starting point is 00:42:06 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah! Pull back the curtain on that. How do you do that? Make a penis for a certain question. Like, Willem Dafoe, there's all these Hollywood urban legends. He has a huge hop. If he has to play a small penis man. How big? Size of a... Supposedly, Willem Dafoe,oe apparently has the biggest penis in Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And what if he has to play a small penis man? A certain goblin penis is a little... A shade of green, of course. Well, you know, Defoe just is a quick side note. You can Google it. There's a gif of him in a place swinging around that big thing and it's incredible. Oh, dang. I'd love to see that. The first thing you do... Why? It sounds inspiring. Okay. It also sounds like you can. Yeah, sounds pretty easy. He made it pretty clear. Maybe you couldn't get it through the Kindle. I'm in the world. I've had to talk to my grandma. I don't do
Starting point is 00:43:00 technology. She doesn't for me. Okay. Well, it's gonna look good for you and it's an amazing penis but what I would do is first of all you try to do all prosthetics practically so first I would ask if the actor was comfortable pulling penis in and you do tape or any sort of you know hair clips and stuff what you would do is someone's hair for a wig you do with the penis. Hair clips? Yeah it's a long process you know for I remember when we did the Grinch I think Jim spent four hours in the penis chair before The Grinch is naked so that makes I saw these I seen one of these penis chairs before
Starting point is 00:43:38 So they're laying backwards right their legs are the that's like in stirrups sort of? The feet are in stirrups, but then the hips and the legs, it's like, yeah, it's like a gynecologist type of situation. I've never heard the emphasis on the, oh, it got a collage. A cow. Oh, just. I mean, it kind of lobes you. Yeah, it's like that they're the stirrups up, they're back, and then you pull the penis down between the legs. Oh, yeah. And you're working from under them if it's a big one like that they have their stirrups up, their back, and then you pull the penis down between their legs. Oh yeah. And you're working from under them
Starting point is 00:44:06 if it's a big one like that. And so, and that way it's totally clinical because you're not looking at the face or the body. So it's like a car, like when you're working a car and you look at them. Yeah, and I slide right under there on the little wheelie thing and I get out and I wipe my hands on a rag.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Cause yeah, inherently you're gonna get a little messy. And I throw the rag on my shoulder and I say, yeah, that's going to cost us. But to answer your question, I'm so glad about your curiosity about the business. I don't know how you did it on the Chris Gethardt show. Oh, it was, yeah. I don't know, because public access, if you went natural under your pants or what you did. Public access.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Once we went to cable the actual penis manipulation. The penis press. That was one of the manipulation. The penis press. That was one of the big, the paninas press was, we actually used, I don't know, that was the new technology at the time, the paninas press. You invented the paninas press? Yeah. It made everything a lot quicker and flatter.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Yeah. I'm glad it worked. Because you don't want any bulges, you know how there's someone on set all the time like smoothing out your sweater or something? Yeah, smoothing out your sweat. Yeah, smoothing out your sweat. A mint brush, a constant mint brush. You don't want any bulges there down there.
Starting point is 00:45:06 So use the peniness press. The peniness press, does it have ridges on it? Like are we talking like the grill marks on there? Or are we talking just fully toasted? No, it's like right now, what we do is with ridges, but we're working on, first of all, I've partnered with the Theragun people to do more of a press that is less ridged and flattening.
Starting point is 00:45:27 Oh, that's good. But the way it's pressed was... It was cool you invented it. I can just say from it was around like 2017, 18, we were using it on our show and it was at that time largely the technology. You say you invented it. It was mostly just, hey, now it's time. We're going live in 15 minutes.
Starting point is 00:45:42 You gotta come stick your penis in this Panini press. It's just a panini press and then George Foreman grill stuff and they were all hot too which is complicates the process yeah really you're really and the people operating it were hot so it was hot they were hot they just really just clamped down to make sure no penis showed up so you're very confused because you're like I'm looking at a hot woman yeah making it This is making it bigger when I want it to be flatter. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:06 And when we figure out a better system, we'll use it. But it was discovered by accident by me while making a panini like most wonderful inventions were. And I went, oh, hang on, this could speed up my penis shrinking for movies. Wait, so like vaccines were invented by people making paninis? So your dick just fell into that thing and then you shut it?
Starting point is 00:46:24 Was it an accident or were you doing it? Oh my god. Just experiments? So many questions. My dick's all over it. I kind of want to know if it just flopped in there or if you just had a moment of inspiration. I like any decent human being. I make my sandwiches. They can wind you the pooh style, pants down. That's how I make all my pizza buns. No pants. Well that includes the yeast infection though. Absolutely. You got to watch out for that. But yeah, so they flopped in while I was making myself a brie, ham, and apple sandwich. You put the apples in the press? What's that? Not everyone. You gotta put the apples in the press. I mean, the apples... Apple slices are already flat. You need a platter?
Starting point is 00:46:58 Well, you don't press the apples. You press the sandwich with the apples inside of them. The apples need to be hot! Sorry, Tony. The apples need to be hot, too. It's about to blow us top. Oh my God. Oh my God. You got me fired up.
Starting point is 00:47:12 Hey, sorry we're talking about punishes so much to our listeners. This is what happens when you get four guys talking on a podcast. That's what we do. That's what we do. Don't get me started on my hug. Well, I look, I wish you the best of luck. Do you have anything else in the works here? Any movies coming up?
Starting point is 00:47:30 Oh yeah, we got a lot of exciting stuff on the pipeline right now. Let's see, as far as nose prosthetics, we're working on, I'm working with Marvel for a new nosy superhero. Really? Yes. So that should be interesting. Is this
Starting point is 00:47:46 a superhero that exists or this is a... A juper man. It's a Jewish superman. What? What do you mean? I had hoped that was your speech in front of me. There's just Jewish superman. I mean, Marvel's a a superman. It's I mean his marvels are great superman already Invented by two Jewish creators. Yes, but they never engage with his Judaism. Do they you know Martha Kent and There was always at least three pages devoted to him, you know going and reciting from the Torah In between adventures I do remember a huge in the late 30s They loved it in the late 30s. I don't care what Lex Luthor's doing, it's the sharpest.
Starting point is 00:48:29 We'll see the bar, Superman. God wouldn't want her. G slash D, sorry. All right, look, good luck to you at the Oscars coming up. Oh, thank you. Please pray for me or whatever you do. Vote for me if you're on the committee or whatever you do. You think Bradley's gonna win, but do you think he's gonna... Thank you.
Starting point is 00:48:50 He better. He better. I mean, I would feel very disappointed if there's a camera on me while he's doing his speech. You will see my disappointment fall from my face and my nose. Yeah, I have a feeling there's gonna be a big camera on you. I don't think the camera's gonna see anything but that nose. I'm sorry. Well, I don't know. It's my calling card in a lot of ways. So I don't mind people remembering my boss. Did you just model all of your prosthetics on your own nose? Is that what it is? Cot. You caught me. Really? Why are you calling me scot? Even the dick stuff too?
Starting point is 00:49:17 What's that? Even the dick? Yeah, it's all me. It's like how Fosse, everybody made fun of the way Fosse danced and he said, I'm gonna make it a whole version of dancing and everyone's gonna dance like me, even the king of Bob. So the Boogie Nights dick is based on your nose. Correct. Okay, all right.
Starting point is 00:49:33 Aspen answered, all right. Well, good luck to you at the Oscars. Plus you. We're gonna have to take a break. Can you stick around though? Yeah. Okay, wonderful. When we come back, we're gonna have a vocal specialist.
Starting point is 00:49:41 So, oh, you could use this. This'll be exciting for you. How do you mean? Why would I need it? When we come back, we're gonna have a vocal specialist. So, oh, you could use this. This'll be exciting for you. How do you mean, why would I do that? When we come back, we're gonna have more with Chris Getherd. We're gonna have more Tony Sony, more Matthew Zimmerman, plus a vocal specialist. We'll be right back with more Comedy Bang Bang after this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, We have Chris Gether, dad at peace is the book and one can access this by going to something. Everand,
Starting point is 00:50:11 Everand or everands. Everand. Easy to remember. Yeah. Because, yeah, Matthew, what were you gonna say? Oh, I just liked learning that the previous app was called Scribd.
Starting point is 00:50:22 I pronounce it Scribe did my head when I would use it Oh double B. You may be correct. I don't know I believe it was I thought it was scribbed as someone wrote for them But yeah, I'm sure they've said either way that's dead and gone RIP scrimmed or I hope my copy of Eddie Baker's play the flick isn't also gone with that app I Think it's still out there somewhere for you. I hope so. And if it's not, I'll buy you a copy. What do you say? Whoa, and I'll buy you a copy.
Starting point is 00:50:49 What was that? Like a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee. A cup of coffee? You guys want a cup of coffee? We also have Sony New York here. Hey, I made you all pepperonis, by the way. Yeah, you just gave us a slice of pepperoni.
Starting point is 00:51:02 And when you say you made it. There you go, what's for you? What's for you? You didn't heat it up or anything. It's like Oprah. I'm throwing them out like Frisbees. Oh, so you're Oprah, not the pepperoni's like Oprah. No, no, the pepperoni's not like Oprah. It's the size of a head.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Right, right, the size of Oprah's head, maybe. Well, maybe, I don't know. I've never seen her in real life. That's our once in real life. Oh, yeah? Wow. I didn't get a car from her. No! Yeah, you expect her to just like give out cars everywhere she goes. Not even a hot wheels or anything?
Starting point is 00:51:29 No, I was at a wedding and it was like, hey, I'm here. You had stead bits wedding. Yeah, that's right, that was a stead bits wedding. Well, she's probably at a bad mood. All right, let's get to our next guest. Hopefully they're in a good mood. She's a vocal specialist.
Starting point is 00:51:44 Please welcome to the show Chutney C. Rabbits. Hello, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Beautiful. Look at the lid to that. Wow. Let me show you something really quick. Oh, okay. Hi.
Starting point is 00:51:56 Hello. Spot the difference? Yeah, one that seemed like you were doing like a grover impression. That is correct. Yeah. And then the other was. The other was from my glottis.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Ah, I see. A lot of glottis. A lot of glottis in your voice, Scott. Really good. Is that a compliment or is that a slam? No, no, no, no, that's not, that's no dig. That's a compliment. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:52:18 You've got a lot of glottis. I'm worried about the other two. Whoa, I hope I had some glottis in me too. Tony's all yeast. They're straight. Yeah, three other people here in the room, by the way. Not just two. Oh, I hope I had some gladus in me too. Tony's all yeast. All yeast. Three other people here in the room, by the way. Not just two. Oh, Chris is great. Chris is all gladus. It's great. Oh, thank you so much. Great. Yeah, it's gorgeous. It's gorgeous. There's
Starting point is 00:52:34 a nice husk. Yeah, thank you. That's quite nice of you. And then of course there's Matthew over here. Gladus, mate. Matthew sounds like his vocal cords have turned to dust. It's quite possible. It's possible. I haven't been to an ENT in years. Sounds like you're sort of underwater all the time. Oh, thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Why haven't you been to an ENT? At least go to the end. Those? Hey. That's interesting. That's interesting. I had to go through each letter to know what he meant. That's all right. Chutney, it's so great to have you on. Now you're a little while. I had to go through each letter to know what he meant. That's alright.
Starting point is 00:53:06 Chutney, it's so great to have you on. Now you're a vocal specialist. That's correct. What do you do? Who do you work with? All these questions. I've worked with all the greats. I've worked with Ruben Stuttered. I've worked with Fantasia Barino. I've worked with David Archuleta. Okay, so a lot of American Idol people. Are they all second place people?
Starting point is 00:53:22 Yes, mostly runners up or top 10. Now Ruben won. But they all made Los Angeles. They all made it to LA, Vegas. Yeah. Oh, Ruben won. That's right. Clay Aiken came in second on that year. Clay came in second, but sort of had a better career afterwards. I mean, who can say? That's neither here nor there. Sure. Clay Aiken. More like Slay Aiken. Did I start it? I would say more like my ears are Aiken, but. Hey, that's pretty good. You could use that at the pizza show. Tell me the ghost ride for you, your jokes are.
Starting point is 00:53:52 Oh my, it's all my jokes. Wait, you're Gommas writing all these jokes about her? We're not talking about her right now. Oh, okay, that's fine. All right, so let's talk about vocal specialists and the job that you have of being one. Yes. What do we look out for when we use our voices?
Starting point is 00:54:09 What are these things that we should be doing or should not be doing? You should be using your diaphragm not to be mistaken with diagram. Sure. There's an extra H in there. Yeah, one's more like... Scott furiously crossing out of the spelling on the table there. You should be drinking,, should be hydrating. And they say the voice is the portal to the soul
Starting point is 00:54:29 and the rest of the inside and the outside of your body. I learned that. Who says that? Because they say that about the eyes. I learned that at the Institute. Oh, what's the Institute? Where is this? It is in the Glendale Galleria.
Starting point is 00:54:39 And I went into a lot of debt doing that, but I got a master masters there at the Institute. So this is the gallery. This isn't even the outside mall? It's in the second... It's in the dead gallery. It's in P2 of the gallery. It's under P1. This is very specific to LA people, but they built an outdoor shopping mall. It's an indoor parking structure. It's in a structure on the lower level of a mall in Glendale.
Starting point is 00:55:04 You'll see it. You're more likely to see it if you're not going to. You don't want to pay for parking at the Americana. You go to the Freelot right there. You walk right by the Institute. Even I know this from New York. That's right. You walk over there, you walk over. On your way to Potato Quarter.
Starting point is 00:55:17 So this is where you studied. That's where I studied. I learned a lot about the voice. I learned a lot about the body. I hope so. And and yeah, and I'd love to talk to you guys kind of about, you know, I consider myself a little bit of a voice psychic. What's your voice?
Starting point is 00:55:30 I don't know what that means. Well, I think that the voice kind of carries all your stinkers and your secrets. I can hear it in the way you talk. I can tell a lot about it. I can tell you full of stinkers over there. I can tell. Because my big nose.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Oh, no, that's not what I meant. How's your- What's that big nose? You're gonna get canceled. So, take us through what you do. Yeah. Yeah, take us through a section. I wanna know if I have more stinkers and more secrets. Well, okay, so, okay Chris, just take me through just what your day sounds like, you know,
Starting point is 00:55:58 take me through what your morning was and then based off that I'll let you know what I'm getting from your voice. Okay, so it just described my day. Okay, I heard everything I need to hear. Wow. Wow. Okay. You didn't even really do it.
Starting point is 00:56:09 He just said he put you on a dupe. I was just asking for clarification. Yeah. Okay. How's your fiber intake? Seems low. Why are you looking at me, Chris? Because it's kind of eerie actually.
Starting point is 00:56:19 Oh. I've been dealing with a bunch of stomach stuff lately. Do you have like divertulitis? What, do you got SIBO? I actually just recently had a colonoscopy. They're trying to, that's wild. That's actually wild that you nailed that. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Wow. That's actually... What were the results of the colonoscopy? It was so recent, I'm actually still waiting on that. You're still waiting? The fact that you could immediately sense some... That is... Incredible.
Starting point is 00:56:37 That is shocking. That's huge. You're a magician. I'm not gonna lie. I was a skeptic and rolling my eyes at it. 100%? Well, I want to follow it. Fully on board. Fully on board. Take my money. Tell me what you need. That was incredible. I was a skeptic and
Starting point is 00:56:52 Take my money tell me what you need that was that was incredible. Okay, I really I gotta I gotta counsel you don't give Fine, help me find You just have to send it over the cash app. Okay, okay? Cash app is the least shady of the... What else do we get from Chris? Okay, fiber intake, a little bit, tuck a little more. And again, you just need me to go ahead and... Okay. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Oh no. This bag. Oh no. It's bait. Oh no. What? You're gonna die soon. Oh my God. Oh no. I'm so sorry Chris
Starting point is 00:57:27 How did you recently watch a tape? Like yeah, you're gonna die in seven days. This is really really strange This is really really strange But I was driving in New Jersey where I live right and I saw a garbage bag on the side of the road And I don't know what came over me, but I just said I need to see what's inside What and there was a VHS tape. No, where did you have a where did you watch the VHS? on the side of the road. And I don't know what came over me, but I just said, I need to see what's inside. What? And there was a VHS tape. No.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Where did you watch the VHS tape? Well, that was the thing. I felt really compelled to watch it. I went to a series of secondhand shops and thrift stores until I bought a number of VCRs that no longer worked. The RCA hookups and everything? Shocked how often they don't work.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Right. And I finally found it. And it was almost like this weird compulsion came over me and then yeah when I watched the tape there was this woman who had very kind of sunken eyes oh that bitch yeah you know you know that bitch you know that bitch don't call women bitches okay no this one is like this one in between I'm with you I'm with you but yeah this one was a visible bitch yeah and yeah and yeah, and she kind of- You want to crawl out of the TV and all that? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:26 Yeah, yeah. Oh, you need a con. Oh, whoa, Tony. Wow, Tony. Remember there's a lady present. That's insane that you could tell that from my voice. It's not my wife was here. Between that and the stomach issues, wow.
Starting point is 00:58:37 And Scott, you have good credit is what I'm getting from your voice. I do, I'm really spoken, but yeah, I do have good, yeah. I was just ruminating on that. Oh, interesting, wow. Yeah, that's good. Wow, so gonna die in seven days. Sorry but yeah, I do have good, yeah, wow. I was just ruminating on that. Oh, interesting, wow. Yeah, that's good. Wow, so gonna die in seven days. Sorry about that, but I have good credit, so that's...
Starting point is 00:58:50 Matthew, I didn't get to hear from you enough. Oh, God. I'm just scared to talk. You don't want the dying seven days thing? I'm just scared to know anything. I don't want to know anything. Are you able to smell through your nose? No. Yeah. What do you able to smell through your nose? No.
Starting point is 00:59:06 What do you smell through? Your butt hole? What? Orally? No, orally and idly. Yeah, it's like any sort of thing where you lose the sense somewhere, it becomes stronger. Oh, the daredevil. Unfortunately, smelling through your butt means that I'm constantly stinking.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Oh, no. Or smelling stinking. Smelling just, yeah, fart sounds. Yeah, I do constantly stinking. Oh no. Or smelling stinking. Smelling just, yeah, fart sounds. Yeah, I do have trouble smelling, but I really, I'm a very superstitious person and this is making me so anxious for Chris, of course. Happy for Scott's credit, but.
Starting point is 00:59:34 What do you got, 800? So many people I need to call. I'm actually 1600. They do it on the SA-16. 1600, yeah. I'm gonna be a P3, that's a bunch of. My credit is 418. Bunch of regrets I have.
Starting point is 00:59:46 That's really low. Bunch of apologies I need to make. I mean honestly, Chris, it's great to know that you're gonna die, right? Like I hate to die in seven days and not know about it. I'm not trying to be a buzzkill. You guys can just keep talking about your credit scores. It's just I'm in a process.
Starting point is 00:59:58 But Chris, but let me tell you this. You're gonna die in seven days, but they're gonna be the most extraordinary seven days of your life. You're gonna fuck, you're gonna laugh, you're gonna feast, you're gonna play with small animals. Do you remember his voice? In that order?
Starting point is 01:00:13 I hope so. Sounds like an average day with Michael Ma. Fuck. I gotta say, if it's the small animals, then the fucking, I don't know. Yeah, yeah. Fuck the small animals, that's all. And then a feast? Don't eat them after you fuck.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Don't eat them at all. I'm having a hard time reading you is the Guma your Relative or someone no my Guma. I love my life smartest woman She is a gift from God. I stare in the horizon every day, but are you related to her right? She is technically a distant cousin when you say distant, what do you mean? Like she lives a couple of towns over? Like she's your aunt's daughter? Yeah. She's my uncle's daughter.
Starting point is 01:00:51 That's so distant. My uncle's daughter. Something like that. Oh, okay. Something like that. She's my cool mom. Sure. I love her to death.
Starting point is 01:00:59 She makes me a better man when I look at her. And just to be clear, your first cousin? First cousin. Yeah. Yeah. One of the distant ones. You have a hard time reading because there's just so much pizza dough blocking. I can't hear.
Starting point is 01:01:13 You're like standing up there. There's just morsels of like pizza coming out of your mouth every time you talk. Everybody relax. Come on. I'd love to read. That's not making me feel better. It's my yeast. No worries.
Starting point is 01:01:21 No, it's just coming out of your pores. Just a little yeast. Yeah, you're sweating yeast. Your yeast infection is like No, it's just coming out of your pores. Just a little yeast. Yeah, you're sweating yeast. Your yeast infection is like rising. It's like coming out of your lungs. You're almost floating in the air. Oh, you're an Aries cusp and a yeast rising. That's right.
Starting point is 01:01:35 What can I say? What are some of these, can we do anything with our voices? Like say hypothetical, like, Chris doesn't want to die in seven days. Can you do something with his voice to make him? That's not hypothetical. It's not hypothetical.
Starting point is 01:01:47 Just to make it clear that is. Just pie in the sky hypothetical. That is the reality. He was gonna die in seven days. Hey, I'll shoot you in the head if you want now. No, no, I just said. You don't want to die in seven days. If you don't want to die in seven days.
Starting point is 01:01:55 I just don't want to, to be clear, the seven days is not my issue. If she, if she's gonna die. I don't want to die. She? What are you talking about? Sorry, Tony. Tony, we're brothers. Oh my God. Sorry to misjend you, Tony.
Starting point is 01:02:05 Jesus. I do it to bust your balls. Yay, I bust your balls. He's still a little piece of shit. I do feel a feminine kinship to you. I feel warmth from Tony. Oh, that's nice to hear, yeah. But OK, what do you, if you don't want to die in seven days,
Starting point is 01:02:17 I hear you. OK, I can take you guys through some warm-ups. Yeah, I'd love that. That's going to help. Let's have some warm-ups. We got to get Chris's voice as healthy as possible, otherwise. Yeah, maybe you could make. Let's have some warm-ups. We gotta get Chris's voice as healthy as possible, otherwise. Yeah, maybe you could make it to eight.
Starting point is 01:02:27 Yeah. Okay, so tip of the tongue, tip of the tongue, tip of the tongue today. And we're supposed to say this? That's correct. That's for everything. Tip of the tongue, tip of the tongue today. And it's still coming up big that he's gonna die.
Starting point is 01:02:39 Oh, gosh, me. Can you make an adjustment? You know how when you go into a chiropractor to make an adjustment that actually fixes your thing? I hear you. What do you do? Okay, we gotta pull out the big guns. I do this for those that have nodes or throat goblins.
Starting point is 01:02:55 You gotta get into the lowest register possible and you guys are familiar with the song Parking Full of Sunshine, so as low. I gotta park, I gotta park, I gotta park I gotta park full of sunshine. I don't know that I know that song Chris Weird it's a classic from Sister Heart of the Traffin Bands. I know that it's all by though. Oh Oh, he sounds like he's gonna die. Yeah his notes are dust
Starting point is 01:03:17 Can you take it a little lower Chris maybe do that pocket full of sunshine? Okay, all right. I love it in spoken words. I'm in a very bad head space right now, guys. I don't necessarily need notes. Put your phone down. Stop texting your family. I'm telling them that I love them and I'm telling my brother that I need to see him soon. Well, I can't focus on this podcast while you're on your phone.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Yeah, put it down. It's not like you're on the plane going down right now. Oh, Chris. Seven days. Chris, I've just realized something. Grow up. It's your brother who's gonna die. What seven days. You're fine Almost worse in so many ways, I'll shoot him in the fucking head. No, it's not what I need Well, pay for it. I'll take care of it. Pay for what exactly? Like the bullets?
Starting point is 01:04:06 I'll pay for all the expenses, yeah. You know, buying the gun, the bullets. Make sure you pull me up somewhere nice. Mailing the bullets to your brother's widow. But don't worry, he's gonna fuck, he's gonna suck, he's gonna be a small animal. He's gonna fucking suck. My brother's gonna fucking suck me before he dies. Think about that.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Think about that. Think about that. If he wants it, I'll do it. I mean, everybody wants one nose fuck before he dies? Think about that. Matt, you fucking with his big arms. If he wants it, I'll do it. I mean, everybody wants one nose fuck before they die. That is true. I gotta decide if I'm gonna tell him or if I just let him live his life.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Right. Because I know from very recently what it feels like to know you're gonna die. And I would wish that on anybody. I know what- I'm gonna go ahead and vote for you. No, no, no, by all means you. I just learned from a crossword that Nobel
Starting point is 01:04:43 started the Nobel Prize after mistakenly seeing his own obituary. So maybe you could do something now that you like. He didn't mistakenly see his own obituary, by the way. They mistakenly printed an obituary. Oh, they didn't put it behind his back. He hadn't broken into the newspaper office and riped through the drawers. That's a fun word, obituary.
Starting point is 01:05:04 It was like a dance in my mouth I was not a fun word because I was gonna be the Obies I thought the word was the Obies because of the obituary part of it and then it turned out to be no-build Tell me something. I need a few I need my future told over here. Yeah, what we got for Tony Sony? I got issues Wife yeah, that's very but your wife sounds tremendous I'd love to meet your wife she's she works for the president she works for the president like the current one yeah and she's I thought she did
Starting point is 01:05:36 butlifts she doesn't know I'm getting something that explains a lot Biden's been looking you see him trying to go downstairs pretty hot she made that dog bite everybody your wife did that oh yeah? She did the dog too. She made that dog bite everybody. Your wife did that? Oh yeah. They wanted the dog to be more aggressive. Wow. So experimental science kind of stuff. Tony, I have to say, when I first met you, I did not imagine you'd apply so much to current events.
Starting point is 01:05:58 You seemed like a stereotype from 40 years ago. Hey. Whoa. Hey. You know what I love you. Like that right there actually was kind of a stereotype. What? stereotype 40 years ago. Hey, hey. Whoa, hey, hey. You know what I mean? Like, that right there actually was kind of a stereotype. What? Hey.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Hey. Hey. Oh, yeah. Ah, oh, what the fuck? What are you getting right now? I'm getting something pretty wild. Whoa. And I want you to be OK with the fact that your wife is not
Starting point is 01:06:22 just doing political stuff with Joe Biden. Whoa. They were involved. You mean what? Joe Biden is their Guma. They're going to involve their way of talking. Are they doing the horizontal mambo? Is she Biden's Guma? They're doing the limbo.
Starting point is 01:06:38 They're doing the mambo. They're doing the mambo number five. And there's a third involved. No, it's your Guma. No, what? No. Not's your Guma. No. What? No. Not my Guma, not the woman of my freaking dreams.
Starting point is 01:06:49 Your wife, your Guma and Joe Biden are all fucking and sucking. Oh no. Oh my. Be bad enough with the fucking. Oh no. I'm gonna be puking my pizza pies up. Okay. No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:07:04 That's so bad for your voice. There's so much reflux happening. Don't be looking my pizza pie is all four. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. Okay. Yeah, the yeast's coming out of your body. That's so bad for your voice. There's so much reflux happening. There's so much acid everywhere. Okay, now this tomato sauce coming out.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Whoa. Am I crazy? Are you getting physically smaller? Those pepperonis are the size of dying. Are you getting smaller? You're like four feet tall right now. What the fuck is going on? Some Charlie and the Charlie fight Charlie you're like the size of Francesca Bolognese right now this is made of fucking you're smaller than your own pepperonis
Starting point is 01:07:34 and now you're Oliver Twist what does he say please? not anyone who says please is like Oliver Twist I gotta say my bad otherwise we'd have a terrible society if no one could say please Anyone who says please is like Oliver Twist. I gotta say My bad Otherwise we'd have a terrible society if no one could say please Manage every time someone's polite. I always think Tony all right. You need some pizza put back in your body Okay, yeah, literally that's a big pizza now Wonder you thought heads were so small.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Tony, do you want any other toppings besides cheese, sauce and pepperoni? Maybe mushrooms or... You could put mushrooms on a pizza or something. Right, sausage. This is a freaking dominoes, guys. Olives? Scott doesn't have an oven.
Starting point is 01:08:20 Let me, here, let me put it in the patitas press here. Okay, here, how about we all just warm it with our bodies? Put me in there too. Okay, let's all do dog pile on top of pizza. Let's all just pile up. Yeah, well, let's get up to body temperature. I'm gonna go. The Matthews penis.
Starting point is 01:08:33 All right, the pizza's up to 20, 40 degrees now. 40 degrees, here you go. Okay, I'm doing better, I'm doing better. Okay, yeah, yeah, you've shot up another foot and a half. I have to say, as a, you know, I am a little bit superstitious, but I also have a bit of skepticism in me. And so far, none of your predictions are provable, Chutney. I mean, you know, it seems like you maybe realize
Starting point is 01:08:57 that if Chris doesn't die soon, we'll know you're wrong. So you've picked someone further away from all of us. Well, why don't we all meet at this same spot in one week? We'll take a break right now, and then we'll meet in one week. We'll take a week Perfect here we go and we'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this Hi everyone and we're back it's seven days later you guys like my haircut Hey Chris, how we're back. It's seven days later. You guys like my haircut? Hey Chris, how's it going? It's not great.
Starting point is 01:09:29 Hey buddy. I have to answer your question, yeah I do. Suck it Matthew. I do like your haircut. So it all came true? Not exactly. Oh really, what happened? I'm close enough.
Starting point is 01:09:38 Close enough, what does that mean? Well now I wanna know more. My brother's not dead, but he's living a life worse than death. That's what I meant. What? Is he married? Well, I wish he'd been more... Yeah, what are we talking about? Life worse than death. He lost all his crypto.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Okay. Wait, he lost all his crypto? That is it? That's it. This is real. He lost all his crypto. I was vague. I said death comes in many shapes and forms.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Not just his bitcoins. Not just his bitcoins. I would be angry if I lost all my cryptos. Is Ethereum no end of days? Yeah. Is... We're political ones. This is terrible. No hologram of Joe Biden. Nothing left. Is Dogecoin?
Starting point is 01:10:21 No Doge. No Doge of cats. He lost all his dogecoins. Did he fuck and suck and have a big meal in the season? I would hope. I know that he did have at least one or two big meals because I was there. I didn't ask my brother. I'm going to sit at a dinner table with my brother and casually say, hey, you've been fucking and sucking lately.
Starting point is 01:10:39 How many times have you talked to my sister about that all the time? Who's your sister? She's a twin. We don't have time to talk about that. But next time bring her on. I will. A twin, doesn't that mean you're twin? I don't wanna talk about it.
Starting point is 01:10:52 I guess it doesn't mean that. Yeah, I guess you could have twins. Could be the twin of another sister. That's correct, she's a twin, not mine. Okay, interesting. Well, I'm so glad we met back here just to prove that everything you were talking about is exact.
Starting point is 01:11:06 And Chutney, where can people find you and find your services? I'm doing a pop-up shop at P3 in Pasadena. You guys can come and all you have to do, all you gotta do is talk to me for 10 or so seconds and I'll take care of the rest. Okay, this is good. Well, we are running out of time here on the show.
Starting point is 01:11:26 We only have time for one final feature. What is that? Well, I'll tell you what it is. It's a little something called plugs. All right, that was plugs by Trendy Dad. Thank you so much. That could be a title of one of your future books, although you're saying that right. I don't think I'm going to write anymore. I've realized it's a little too short.
Starting point is 01:12:03 It really is. I'm going to spend most of my time just telling the people I love. And fucking and talking and playing with animals. That I did also play with some very cute small animals in the past week. You did? Good to you. Copy-bara. What are we talking?
Starting point is 01:12:16 Hampsteads. Copy-baras mostly. Oh, okay, good. What do we have? What are we plugging? Chris, obviously, the book, Data Pieces out to right now and people can get that how at and also if you want to know more about that non-profit I'm building you can go to that's wonderful all right Tony New York what do you
Starting point is 01:12:36 want to plug hey okay obviously I want to plug my go ma I I fucking love her. She is my world. She's your first cousin. She's my cousin. I love her to death. I got no notes over here. And I want to plug one of her favorite people's accounts at L-I-L-Y-Y-I-L-Y. Too complicated.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Rolls off the tongue. No notes on that either. Can never be changed. Also, this book changed my life. Hey, Randy, and hopefully going deep on CBB World soon. And, uh, yeah, just everybody out there, just be nice to your Guma. And your Guma. And my Guma. A whole episode of Racking on your Goba.
Starting point is 01:13:24 My Guma. This is like Don Rickles at the end of his show. He's done like an hour about racist And my whole episode wrecking on your go-by. I'm gonna do some of that. My go-mah. This is like Don Rickles at the end of his show. He's done like an hour about racist comedy and then, hey, we all got to get along with each other. My go-mah is going to the deli the other day. She says, she's getting an Italian beef. I says, I got one right here. She says that last time that gave me food boys.
Starting point is 01:13:41 And then my go-mah. Okay. She writes these jokes. So she was in Chicago then? No, she was in New York. She was giving Italian beef. Italian beef is at a Chicago. She got a chip.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Chicago, that's a notoriously Chicago base. People don't say that. Hey, we were in little Chicago in New York. Oh, it's great how there's a little Chicago in every major city. Then we went to Little Las Vegas, so we went to Little Cincinnati. All right, Matthew, what do you wanna plug?
Starting point is 01:14:07 Well, of course, any of my films, for me at the Oscars, and then there's Mad Dog Pod, the ImprovVid Conversation podcast, there's for our comedy from the group Big Grande, and on CBB World there's E Pray Duck with Bill Walton at Hey Randall.
Starting point is 01:14:24 Mark Rennie's back on that show. Mark Renne is back, we lost him for a month and now he's back. All right, wonderful. And funnier than ever. All right, and Chutney C. Rabbits, what do you want to, yeah, I have a book coming out called
Starting point is 01:14:36 The Voice is the Penis of the Upper Body, how to communicate, express yourself so you don't hurt yourself, take better care. Okay, great. That's just like an addendum of the intake better care. That's all in the title. Okay, great. That's just like an addendum to the end, take better care. That's all in the title. Okay, great. Apparently a true the dose is the penis of the upper body.
Starting point is 01:14:50 I disagree. Oh, that's great. I'll be running a competing book for a panel. Yeah, you can get one of those Michael Ian Black. Put that next to my book at Borders. Michael Ian Black, Megan McCain style books, where they, never mind. All right, I don't wanna fuck. CBB World, we mentioned it. We have great shows over mind. All right, I wanna plug.
Starting point is 01:15:05 CBB World, we mentioned it. We have great shows over there. All the CBB Presents episodes. We just put out a, what do we do? We just, oh yeah, yeah, Alamone Tony just had a big Valomone Shoney show where he had his ex-wives on the show. We also have Scott Hasen Seen,
Starting point is 01:15:20 we're in the middle of Oscar month. We have Neighborhood Listen over there. 3Dom, by the way, is starting back up this week, season six on Thursday. Paul F. Tompkins, Lauren Lapkus and myself, we are starting up our new season, so we want everyone to, if you've somehow gotten rid of the subscription, resubscribe to Freedom and listen.
Starting point is 01:15:39 We're doing new episodes starting this Thursday, as well as three-mium episodes on CBB World, as well as Apple Podcast Premium. And let's see, I think the action figures are sold out. And I think there's probably still like 20 tickets left for our show in May. Is it in May? I think so.
Starting point is 01:15:57 Or April, I can't remember. For the Netflix is a joke fest. I think it's April, I can't remember. Anyway, head over to I don't know where the fuck you're supposed to go. Anyway, let's close up the old plug bag. All right. That was Ode to Hello by Abby. I don't know. I don't know. All right, that was Ode to Hello by Abby. Thank you so much, Abby. And if you have a plugs theme, head over to
Starting point is 01:16:53 Guys, I want to thank you so much, Chris. It's so great to have you. Good luck with the book number six. Yeah. That's wonderful. And thank you so much. I know you were in the middle of shows in San Diego and drove all the way down here to do
Starting point is 01:17:05 Or up here rather to do the show. I yeah, man I'm out here pounding the pavement making things happen Scott. Thanks for having me. Yeah, I love it and And look hey Matthew. Good luck at the Oscars coming up in a few weeks. Hey, the pleasure was all by And chutney C rabbits great to have you. I'll make it out there to P3 and Pasadena. Goodbye. Okay. And Tony Sunni York. Hey!
Starting point is 01:17:32 Hey, I bust your balls, but you know I love you. Hey, you know that you're the love of my life. Every time I look at your face, every time I look at your face, I have a big pizza pie, I think. You're shrinking again. What's going on? We need to get more more pizza
Starting point is 01:18:06 Just stuck through Chris See you next time, next time! Bye, we'll see you next time, next bye!

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