Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Claudia O’Doherty, Carl Tart, Brad Evans, Nick Ciarelli

Episode Date: April 25, 2022

Beloved contest winner Claudia O’Doherty joins Scott once again to talk about fish fingers, how her mom helped her get on the pirate show Our Flag Means Death, and her new show Killing It. Then, ath...lete/actor O.J. Simpson returns to talk about being Scott’s neighbor, corn mazes, and how he’s been staying safe during lockdown. Plus, film reviewers Kelvin and Travis drop by to share some of their favorite Letterboxd reviews.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Cry-Mani, what's a staghorn beetle get to do to get some shut-eye around here welcome to comedy bang bang hmm thank you Graston Verpit aka Snoroguas for that god what is this show for that wonderful cashmere submission welcome to comedy bang bang for another edition my name is Scott Ackerman backyard era is coming to a close I believe especially after last week's Drilla Palooza we're still hearing some drilling from the next door neighbors we I should turn off the the pool sounds as well the one other thing I forgot to do we have a great show for you this I mean this is our final show
Starting point is 00:01:05 of our 13th year right now if you can believe it we will be starting our 14th year of the podcast next week and it's fitting that the backyard era will be coming to a close after that I do believe and we have a great show coming later we have an athlete that's very exciting and we have a couple of film reviewers so that is an interesting show but first we need to get to someone who is I guess how to describe her she's I mean she's a returning guest that much as fan favorite hmm I'm not sure if I would go necessarily contest winner yeah have you won another contest what do you think Scott I think
Starting point is 00:01:51 you did well let me she hasn't been on the show for a little while a couple years I can't wait to explain that to you but and she also in her spare time when she's not being entered into contests she also does a bit of acting I guess amateur actor that's usually connected to the competition right to be quite honest you're in a new show killing Eve is that what it is it is sort of a spin off of kill killing really yes it's still this time you kill yeah that's right except Eve's been turned into many snakes oh okay well and this is called Eve's revenge killing it killing it oh wow that's a really dehumanizing Eve
Starting point is 00:02:38 don't you think well is she she's a woman you know she's also like her by her name wait in that show killing Eve yeah she's the killer Eve is the is the um you know the titular Eve the titular Eve is she Sandra Oh or the other one that's a great question I would have to watch that show in order to find out go on the internet I think no actually can't guess I don't know yeah we will never know we shouldn't even talk about that show no let's keep that show's name out of our fucking mouth that shows over it is it just ended but my show has just done like I think for every show that starts another show should be
Starting point is 00:03:25 canceled don't you agree I absolutely used to be like that you used to be there one in one out three or four channels they they broadcast most of the day although sometimes they would go off and you'd see the national anthem that was my favorite show I love that and then like if you had to put something on you had to take something off and that's how it should be that's how it should be now with streaming it's like you can add 80 million shows and well I'm I love Peacock what an amazing streaming platform but all the rest should go should go away we should cancel them right cancel every other subscription and I don't mean
Starting point is 00:04:01 like cancel them as in like they should stop working no we need to meet you these other streamers I think they have me tooed really Flix is me too really HBO is me too they're all me too and what what happens then that's when a streamer gets a little too close on your they sort of go to the UK for a while they get like a nice girlfriend there and it's fine right yeah so they'll be fine yeah they'll be okay but Peacock that's the one that has not me tooed a single person although that bird me too that bird is pretty frisky don't you think yeah but it's a Peacock that's its nature I mean it's pee it's cock it's streaming
Starting point is 00:04:41 everything's going on everything's bad yeah but it's you know it's all in the first one it's all in the name so it's it's all out on the table as the immortal barred once asked what a name by any other rose smell is good and he was right he was so right to ask that he was totally wrong about the content of his question absolutely was right to ask it but it's a free country he when he encouraged people to eat his shorts he was asking for it in a way he really was wasn't yeah so he was he was the original Bart man wasn't he wasn't the original Batman of them all yep Claudia welcome back to the show it feels so
Starting point is 00:05:20 good to be here what's been going on with you I am buzzing let's catch people up you the first time you were ever on the show gosh it feels like six or so year probably was six or seven years or so ago you won a contest yes to come to America and be on comedy bang bang that's true interesting and now I we comedy bang bang didn't host the contest no I mean you know some of the details are a little foggy yeah they're a little fuzzy to me too they were that day as well yeah they always have been because you know Scott it's never me entering the competition no that's right I mean this is you have a wonderful
Starting point is 00:05:58 life you don't need to enter competitions but when you win them it's thrilling and I win them constantly I know because it's my mom who's entering me into the right now is she also hosting these competitions sometimes yeah not this time not this time really okay time she was she's just entering me into them and what was the competition this time because you you've been in you've been away for two years I've been on you I didn't win any competitions for a couple of years because well there was the pandemic the Prime Minister of Australia said he was going to close the borders hmm and I was not going out certainly both no he
Starting point is 00:06:34 didn't end out in and out just like my favorite burger exactly and also my favorite way for streaming platforms right and sex is good that way too one in one out yeah and by the way as far as sex goes it should be like TV shows if you put one in you got to take one right but you know sometimes you know some people like to just put it in three in there at the same time as far as the internet has told me exactly and I think everyone should do what they want as long as everyone else likes it yes we don't need to king shame anyone we want everyone to do whatever you want as long as everyone agrees that it's normal and
Starting point is 00:07:11 nice yes and not scary not weird not weird no no we don't want weird stuff nothing weird no anyway just nice normal sex sweet normal sex just the type of sex that you would have on a Saturday evening just in and go to sleep just do your business and then hunk shoe away exactly perfect perfect sex is hunk shoeing hunk shoeing is another term for snoring aka sleeping circular motion going in from the nose and out through the mouth I thought it was a kind of shuffle really the hunk shoe shuffle are you a musician I'd love to hear you put I wish I was I mean I wish I was you're a very musical you're really into him
Starting point is 00:08:00 really I'm related to two here you're related to him yeah in what manner well someone from my mom's family wrote to the Bing Crosby fan club and asked if we were late and they said we were distantly wow okay which is why I can sing like this he also was a great whistler let's hear you and he abused women apparently but I wouldn't know no I mean they don't tell stories of that in your family no because we never met the guy oh no we're just related to him just live down down the way a bit he was your neighbor no not my neighbor but where I used to live he lived there did you see him ever no I saw what's that other
Starting point is 00:08:40 guy's name Bob Bong Bong I saw Bong a lot every night Bing and Bong Bing Bong yeah what's up a great couple of friends they were so nice together such sweet guys so tell me about this contest okay so I was kind of excited to get to go back to Australia finally because did you win the contest to go back to Australia no my mom didn't want me to come back you see oh interesting she's always trying to get me back to America but I was like the board is a closing I'm coming home so I did I went home and then I followed the rules to quarantine in my room seven months seven oh wait and where did you read these rules my mom
Starting point is 00:09:22 told me oh she emailed them to email the rules to you and what were the rules you you can't leave your room no leaving of the room I wasted away okay yeah how did you eat my dad would leave food at my door okay fish fingers wait what are you guys call fish fingers sticks usually unless you're talking about something different no I think it's the same thing they were long rectangles crumbed yes those are different mayo fish fingers fish finger I mean fish don't have fingers so I think but imagine if they did oh my god they're delicious they first of all they would be able to open those undersea trunks that
Starting point is 00:09:56 you see in aquariums perfect they get their fingers on the treasure but here's my question for you have you ever prepared a fish finger by putting it in a toaster I imagine I have once or twice in my life I it works it does I have to admit I haven't eaten one in many a decade at this point I ate a lot when I was in Australia really yeah I just hold yeah okay yeah a lot of times when I say really I'm I'm I'm surprised that I'm I'm just kind of trying to fill time right yeah I'm not questioning seems so much like a question no no no you're confirming if it's true no as a matter of fact I believe everything you're
Starting point is 00:10:36 telling me fantastic okay we're on the same level wait by the way and you were hooked up to a lie detector test right always so yeah it's not a thing that we do here on the show it's just I pride myself in my honesty well you're the most truthful person in Hollywood you sort of talk about that a lot and and you have this it's a big complicated contraption you're hooked up to a lie detector yes you have the the bald guy like an ex cop who's reading the he really stares me down even though I've never set it off you know yeah I've always told the truth so you would think he would be more relaxed no but you
Starting point is 00:11:15 would think he would crack a smile once it's an easy job you're still telling the truth and it's cushy because he knows that until I die he's got gainful employment gotta make and away how many figures are we talking per year seven seven figure job per year all of them zero up until the last one which is nine he makes nine dollars nine dollars okay well this is I can see why he's frowning now yeah I guess that's not great yeah you should flip that by the way turn it on its head so it's six million wow oh oh it slipped upside down and back to front yes yes all right I'll do it I wouldn't suggest paying him nine million
Starting point is 00:11:50 that's way too much but six million is reasonable how much money do you make a year a year per annum do you mean yeah per annum do you mean do you mean a calendar year or a fiscal year I'm gonna say fiscal fiscal oh fiscal is more and what's the fiscal is definitely more and what's the answer the answer well it's the hook you up to the machine basically the average per year divided by 12 that's the monthly rate and then you then you times that by 12 and that's how much I make per year and what is that it's a it's a figure that you can you can imagine in your mind I can't I can't do the math can you tell me the
Starting point is 00:12:28 number say it you are hooked up to the machine well why did you hook me is this why you hooked me up to the machine hey I have this fun party I'm gonna ask all the guests who come on to the rest of the show how much money they well we have a guest coming up a little later that I'm I am actually fascinated by how much he makes he's an athlete and you know athletes they make a lot of money but this guy's spending it left and right I mean or I believe he have a lie detector person to he should I really I wish that he had at one point but he refused to take the test so Claudia so you're in your room and then what while my mom I
Starting point is 00:13:07 think wanted me to go back to America so she followed Tyka Waititi on Twitter hmm he's a great follow he's a great follow and she also just you know she's pretty she knows how to get connections in the biz sure well he's from he's from New Zealand he's from New Zealand but he's a big deal in Hollywood these days yeah sure no yeah from what I understand is up it's no yeah how's your star meter doing by the way today rock and have you checked it out since this morning or I haven't but yeah I probably good I checked yours out how is it half an hour what it plummeted weirdly this afternoon I don't know it doesn't make
Starting point is 00:13:44 anything killing evers I like I'm red hot right now that actually doesn't make any sense to me I should be in the top 50 by now really should I agree so now you're in she follows Tyka yeah and she needs to get his attention so she does the best thing you can do when you want to get someone's attention and nudes no oh she follows she unfollows she follows again someone did that to me just recently and you noticed I did notice and you thought this person seems kind of cool I like to work with their daughter is that what happened so follow unfollow follow he thought what's going on here this is great and they had never
Starting point is 00:14:25 met before they'd never met although she did teach his mom piano oh interesting so there was some kind of connection okay they got talking about that connection is made yeah can you sing the beginning of that song great great singing yes good right what happened what happened to them um a connection is made I don't know that's who are they elastica my dear oh it's elastica just in freshman yeah okay sure hmm was dating demon al barn the oh blood the darlings of brit pop and then one guy
Starting point is 00:15:18 from blurb became like a conservative cheese magnet or something oh I had no idea about that yeah just kind of like right wing cheese guy the drummer I bet glasses glasses glasses glasses are you learning how to talk american by the way absolutely not good I love what I love this whole thing because it sounds like you're smart even though I suspect you're dumb well when someone's got glasses on no no when you have a different exit yeah that's true yeah people I think people think I'm dumber than I am because of my oh yeah that could be true instead of like Steve Owen type I hear you talk
Starting point is 00:15:54 and I go she's either dumber or smarter she's certainly not at the level that her accent implies I know which is crazy because I said to you earlier we're on the level right yeah we're on your pool level you've got an amazing pool oh thanks to the end of the show we all jump in oh no or the beginning of the show with your choice I not right now I'm connected to so many wires connection is made my favorite part of that song is the siren yeah it's pretty good I like the yeah what do you think that sound signifies probably I don't know I would imagine that the song is so good the police are
Starting point is 00:16:36 trying to arrest her stop playing it stop playing this two incredibly awesome song yeah okay is the song called a connection is made uh it should be it should yeah you're right so now you're in your room yeah your mom is following taika yeah and he gets his attention does he reach out he she just knocks on my door one day and she said you have to go do his pirate show oh okay are you in that pirate show I'm in it okay and that's from uh being in a contest yeah she's like you've worked taika said you can be in it Australia's close enough to New Zealand
Starting point is 00:17:10 oh interesting so I'm on I'm on that I get sent over here I'm shipped back on one of the pirate ships yeah which I they shouldn't have done yeah you should fly in the show right expensive if they lose one of those pirate ships the show is over they're not real ships they're like you know they're you know sections of ships for shooting oh I see so but you put it all together like a lego ship and it's and it's a real ship that's exactly what I'm talking about so it's not um seaworthy right right right it was a dangerous journey yeah I'm so sorry but you're here now
Starting point is 00:17:43 you made it here and you're in this show uh on the peacock streaming service oh so first I was on the HBO max show sure and then I was like great now I can go back to Australia even though I did get stung by a bee on the one above the slot you got stung by a bee and don't worry I mean you should worry I'm allergic you're allergic to bees my girl style no yeah that's a spoiler I haven't seen that well someone's allergic in that doesn't mean anything happens to do with that how many people in any movie do you think are allergic to bees like they never
Starting point is 00:18:15 talk about it all that much unless it comes up in the plot three of the characters are usually allergic usually like three of the three of the above the line I always notice as someone who is allergic because you know because you get there's usually a bee scene there's usually a scene where a bee travels through and you see someone go exactly the people you look a little nervous but they don't want to cause like no they don't want to break character necessarily but the character you can feel the wheels turning you can see the wheels turning they're like is my character
Starting point is 00:18:42 allergic to bees too should I even react exactly but they've done all this research but that's the one question that they never asked themselves exactly and but so but I can see and I go that one allergic allergic allergic scene in Suicide Squad where Jared Leto Joker Joker himself sees a bee and he goes oh no a bee and but I think the Joker's allergic to bees and Jared Leto isn't yes that's how much of a genius he is an amazing actor in that way he's incredible yeah he just disappears into the role me too though he was he was sending
Starting point is 00:19:15 bullets to cast members dipped in pigs oh yeah right and like used condoms yeah used used by him too yeah that's cool I would sell one of those on eBay so quick I did that I did that a lot on the pirate show oh really yeah it says a lot of these condoms to the cast whose condoms were you using not mine real okay where do you where do you find these things in the park yeah in the park yeah yeah yeah near the pond yeah a lot of people having sex by ponds you know it's romantic it is very romantic but it's a little better than ones little better than I like yes but it
Starting point is 00:19:51 it sort of creates a mist as you know a foggy it's very foggy bottom you can go it's a foggy bottom you can go in a little boat that's nice it isn't I've never I don't think I've ever uh and I want to put this as delicately as possible because you're a female guest but I don't think I've ever fucked the shit out of anyone on a boat right yeah are you sure think about it though I don't think so really go through your past okay let's see I took a boat to Catalina that was like an hour and a half so you couldn't have time no I go longer take a long time yeah put it in you leave it in yeah just leave it there yeah
Starting point is 00:20:29 still leave set it and forget it that's my motto leave it there walk away two hours just let it sit let it simmer yeah oh yeah let it sing at two hours two hours in yeah yeah that's I think the only time I've ever been on a boat that's the only time yeah once to Catalina and then I stayed there and then how long and I walked back how long did you stay in Catalina I was like is there not another boat coming yeah and it was crazy yeah they stopped having boats after a while there's not much to do in Catalina no that that's what they all the boats were coming back
Starting point is 00:21:03 they're like everyone get out of Catalina there's nothing to do yeah and then they sent one last boat over there for anyone who live there that was the one I got on the there's what do you call those people not townies locals yeah that's what you call them yeah so I became a local wow what do locals even do they just run like the it's about a it's about a three mile circumference I've been there you have what were you doing there I shot the finale of the Netflix show love there oh that's right I saw that I spent like three nights there three entire nights too long yeah too too long
Starting point is 00:21:37 one night that's the perfect amount of cattle I think at less you don't need to stay over what's the point but what about but you're sleeping during most of that so what do you care you could sleep anywhere and you wouldn't know well I didn't you know where you are every time you sleep like no I often wake up and go where am I because I'm you know I go a global traveler yeah that's right famous actress famous famous actress big name have we have we uh told the entirety of your story no absolutely how much more is there to it not much okay no so you know I was excited I get to come back to
Starting point is 00:22:11 Australia and then she said I had to go to New Orleans to make Peacock's killing it oh she said I'd won the competition though oh my god and then how did you get on this show oh I got an email from my mom she said come to Scott's house at 2 p.m. geez man because I had no idea you were going to be here I was I mean I admit you're it's almost like you're an old friend now but yeah but and it is an open door policy from being an old friend uh I don't know I mean I don't know that we're necessarily friends as much as we are we're podcast friends like podcast friends like we're friendly on the podcast and then the minute it ends
Starting point is 00:22:45 it's like well I need more friends because when I went back to Australia I neglected all my American relationships oh yeah I didn't text a single person did what about your Australian relationships that you you thought you were too good for once you moved here yeah they had really weakened yeah the people I went to school with I said I'd you know yeah I'm never gonna talk to you yeah double burden them on your on the flight out yeah see you later suckers that's what I said but so I had you would just watch like a 40s gangster movie that's right so it was on your mind so I came crawling back yeah on those getaway
Starting point is 00:23:16 yeah I said please yeah on my gams yeah exactly yeah yeah and then you know they let me back with open arms because I'm likable you really are that's that's the one thing you know a lot of a lot of podcasts like I would I really wonder what the Obama and Springsteen podcast what they would do if you just wandered in and started talking on the mic but I've been pretty chill about it you know yes I think Springsteen would be like hey hey little girl why are you is your daddy home he is home in Australia a lot of people don't know like that song was just him trying to hit on 14 year old girls how old was he little girl is your daddy home
Starting point is 00:23:56 hey this could be a song how old was he when he wrote it if he was 14 that's he was 14 yeah he was 14 at the time yeah that's great good for you the boss I said it like it was something that he should be judged for but when you're 14 hit on all the 14 year olds you go for it 14 year olds are open slather you only got four more years that you can do it so get them all in really four yeah well I mean depending yeah which state you're in surely yeah that's true the aforementioned New Orleans I think they they do things differently there right yes you know you've got catfish etc yeah a touffé yeah did you get catfished when you were in New Orleans I catfish people myself yeah it's weird house I mean New Orleans is the catfish
Starting point is 00:24:39 capital of the world yeah where they're just like guys are out there pretending to be women and vice versa it's just so crazy I like to reverse catfish people yeah where you actually send your real info and they go this has got to be a catfish exactly because no one can be this irritating no no charming like oh I see oh sweet uh got it they just think there's no way and then I just shock them right the shocker yeah I shock them I show up I have dinner with them wine and dine but 69 as well yeah absolutely 69 look if you're gonna wine and dine you got a 69 in there because otherwise people are like something's something's going on here I mean wine I've done two things and then I was gonna skip over the next 66 of them although you wouldn't want to have too big a meal that's true
Starting point is 00:25:29 yeah that can be 69 yeah I like to be nice and light for a 69 yeah I like to do it it would be better to wine 69 than dine yes wine to loosen you up exactly this is a great order I think this is the perfect line 69 dine exactly because then you've got something to talk about as well over the let's give them something to talk about is that funny rate with elastica it is uh and it's John rate's uh daughter and and who's that John rate was the lead he played curly in Oklahoma oh movie wow yeah that is a that's a total wow is that true it is very true gosh like I mean lucky you know the machine didn't beep yep so how why did I have by the way you have heard no beeping and no drilling I think they've knocked it off we picked a good time right my lie detector guy spoke to them
Starting point is 00:26:22 oh really did he did what did you threaten them or what a what a what a what actually I respectfully ask them to to pause just gave him that snarl making a really important important podcast yes well this is the final one of our 13th year year yeah exactly things have changed a lot in that time for you they really have I mean you I mean you've been on for what six years or so like maybe about half the golden years the golden years of the show hmm yeah hmm well claudie it's so great to have you on uh people should watch that one show and then that other show you came to the big premiere event I what I did come to killing it I didn't talk to me at the party that's not true you talked to me a little bit but you could have talked to me how much do you want me to talk to you a lot more I always
Starting point is 00:27:05 assume people want less you got shy because you'd seen my performance yeah it was so good that I was just like I can't this is I'm too nervous I can't make eye contact what if she uses some of my nervous energy in her next performance and everyone goes haha she's doing impressive scotography yeah people have said that to me already the Hollywood reporter a review came out really said she's obviously doing an impression doing an ockerman oh I hate to hear this who the winds picking up wow what do you think about this I hate wind wind is probably okay let's let's take earth wind and fire okay uh-huh earth it's great dirt don't hurt we stand on it all day I don't even we gotta love it mud I don't even care yeah I was at Lollapalooza 99 I was like put more of this on me yeah you liked
Starting point is 00:27:55 it I loved it were you rolling around in it I loved it okay great dirt to uh uh fred durst singing break stuff oh I was into it can you sing that some of that now break stuff hydraulics in every song well they're building stuff for him to break right that song it's a big long thing beautiful Claudia I feel like we're running out of time of the segment well how do you feel about that I mean sure but we didn't even talk about water or fire oh yeah fire I mean I don't like fire but I like the warmth of the sun and without yeah without that great big fireball in the sky I think we'd be pretty uncomfortable exactly we'd have no vitamin and without the earth we would just fall through space so we'd be hurtling through wind who the f**k needs it
Starting point is 00:28:41 it's just so annoying it's uh it is definitely without chill I agree well Claudia Adorty is here she's back on the show this is very exciting to I I'm thrilled to be here we have a big show today we have an athlete do you date athletes I've never dated an athlete but never say never yeah you should man they got great bodies usually the world I mean and also great heart health cardio yeah exactly they're not going to die on you unless like for cte reasons yeah cte is a big problem yeah but usually if they're an athlete like a bicyclist or uh uh you know is this athlete a football player he is yes okay so he's got cte bad oh yeah I believe he does yeah we've talked to him a few times we also have a couple of film reviewers and have you ever been in a film I can't remember
Starting point is 00:29:30 I've been in tons really tons uh the spelled the Australian way yeah with an e yeah wow t o n n e s amazing yeah tons of movies okay great yeah I said been in not been two yeah oh okay great yeah I've been in like three or four or something like that's not tons is it like two thousand would be tons how many of you mean uh well let's see there's a little thing called austin powers gold member what are you doing that uh uh young michael kane I do believe uh you play a young michael let me turn around you can see my back and maybe you'll recognize that but I'm also in a little thing called the sparks brothers oh yeah okay I haven't seen that maybe something coming up we don't know oh wow you do have that air about you movie star yeah big job yeah runs about to see my big job yeah
Starting point is 00:30:20 big j big job energy big jackoff energy as well um look we have to take a break when we come back we're going to be talking to this uh really interesting football player with bad cte with bad cte we also have a couple of film reviewers we have claudio dority here she's not here every day people no and I'm not coming back never no this is her final episode this is it we'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this comedy bang bang we're here with claudio dority uh of uh nbc uh universal uh that's that's who signs her checks um uh those guys yeah do you go you ever go to the uh the bank to cash them right there but on the universal lot oh that's a thrill when do you go there no although I will say uh my wife cool up I don't know if you know her but she you know she uh
Starting point is 00:31:14 she she got a check from the office when she was on the office oh great and she went to the bank on universal and the the teller was like the office what is this and she's like oh it's a show a show where on nbc who's in it steve correll she's like the person from 40-year-old virgin has a tv show on nbc oh my god it was interesting that's crazy it was pretty deep into the show because now also it's just like a huge part of the culture yeah you ever think you'll do anything like that but create a show or just be even be in a show that's I mean one called the office kreg robinson from the office I mean one that's gonna like we're gonna be talking about yeah I think this one will do it this will be it I and I'm announcing a second season oh congratulations no we haven't
Starting point is 00:32:02 got one yet but I wish I was yeah I think that'd be great are there still snakes to kill in this show the show's about killing snakes I think we would move away from snakes in the second season my IFC executive will never watch the show by the way too scared of snakes they were very afraid of snakes and and in fact made us cut any snake that was ever in a sketch wow cut it open no no cut it from the sketch right how many snake sketches did you have well we only had a few but after that uh I sent a five page script called attack of the snakes where it was just snakes popping out and they're like you cannot do this too scary too scary speaking of scary we have to get to our next guest he is a football player I believe he played for the Buffalo Bills and before that he played
Starting point is 00:32:46 for USC where he won a little trophy that looks like this Claudia what am I doing with my body right now you are sort of like humping the air oh no no no that that was before the show I'm sticking on my hand to block a uh someone who's trying to tackle me it's a the Heisman yeah the Heisman maneuver the Heisman maneuver yes exactly and I'm choking as well uh and that was uh then he started the naked gun series and after that I kind of lost track of him but uh please welcome back to the show OJ Simpson oh wow uh hey comedy bang bang world is me yours truly hey OJ you know I Scott we've lived as neighbors this long and I didn't know that this is where you live you're my neighbor I'm sorry to be making so much noise I'm building a memorabilia case in my house you've
Starting point is 00:33:37 been building this memorabilia case wait is this oh no there's wait a second a helicopter making a drop what's this all about Scott don't you make any sudden moves oh my god don't you make any fucking sudden moves hey you brought out a gun OJ this isn't you you just sit and you don't move this I don't want you signaling anything to that helicopter this is not you OJ you're not you're not this guy I mean yes you had guns you know when you uh portrayed Nordberg in the naked guns series I lost track of you after that that was a military helicopter military helicopter that's not coming anywhere near me I'm just kidding with this thing uh I use it as a hammer you know I turn it around and I'm just building something I hope the noise is not bothering
Starting point is 00:34:18 you would you use the helicopter as a hammer no no no this gun the gun you could get a hammer that would be less likely to you know accidentally shoot you are hilarious I love you on television all your movies thank you do you think in Kong if he picked up one of those helicopters he started like using it as a hammer on the Empire State building he could just like go bonk bonk bonk and just hammer it right into the ground hammer it right down into the ground like a nail I'd love to see that I'm telling you Scott you know when I was a kid we used to go to the movies and they were just a nickel to get in really that must have been a long time long time ago in San Francisco that's where I'm from that's right and I we would go to the movies and we'd sit outside and ask me
Starting point is 00:35:01 didn't have any money to get inside yeah we'd sit outside so it was a nickel to sit outside and I was a nickel to get in but we didn't have any money oh right and so we'd all or one person would take a nickel and then we'd all run in usually doesn't work that way it's just like you overpowered them we overpowered them and that's how I knew I had a thing for football yeah because you were you you were blocking the defender like football yeah always loved it when did you know you wanted to get into show business though you know Claudia I thought I wanted to get in the show business around the beginning of my football career you see yeah I mean there was that commercial where you jumped over suitcases yes that was uh Hertz Hertz rental car yeah you ever say Hertz to anyone
Starting point is 00:35:43 else Hertz don't it hey Scott yep you ever had a Hertz don't it I don't want one thank you especially from you OJ just I mean to the fact you're a big guy and I think it would actually hurt Scott I cannot believe we are neighbors I don't I did not know we were neighbors we share we share a picket fence oh well I've been hearing weird noises going on uh like what screams yeah what have you heard Scott why would you say screams I mean I've just heard I'm just thinking of random noises it's a hawk yeah wow hang on a second pa hey hey hey don't shoot at the hawks god it's dead oh my god that that feels I think that's an endangered one yeah that's an endangered species it's in danger of me I'm just saying there's your guys there it is there it is
Starting point is 00:36:35 um OJ what's been going on I mean you you haven't been on the show in about a year or so I mean a year in OJ's life look I stopped paying attention to you in around like 1992 1993 yeah you know Scott I have been being real safe the past year good because you know I'm I'm older now I don't have the I'm in a compromised age wise you know I I guess you mean you you've aged uh the the amount of time since it's been the last time I saw you yes yes I've aged about 27 years and you know COVID is real Scott thank you OJ yes I refuse to get vaccinated oh why is that uh you know I just don't want people sticking me with stuff oh yeah that can be a real violation yeah it'll be a real violation yeah I don't want to I don't want the government telling me what I gotta get stuck with
Starting point is 00:37:25 if anybody's gonna be sticking anything's gonna be me the thought of having like a sharp thing coming towards my body oh yeah it's crazy right and over and over again because you've got to get the second round so many rounds so many rounds and especially because you're older you have to get three rounds and they're telling me here those sirens by the way what it's got don't make any sudden moves glory you sit right there in that chair I just okay don't you move and don't eat any of these cookies okay I think that I think it's moved on yeah Scott you know it's probably just an ambulance all right Scott you see that movie that just came out called Ambulance Morbius are you pronouncing it differently or am I Ambulance Ambulance whoa black Betty Ambulance
Starting point is 00:38:09 anytime that show comes on or the trailer for it I think of you maybe not you just maybe a friend Scott you gotta let me use this pool Scott you know my doctor says because I'm getting older now I have to do laps in the pool in the morning you know like this real singing citizen which is crazy I can say that about myself because I've always been so young and spry well there are a lot of people thought you would never get to be this age you know a lot of people I've heard people saying like oh OJ you know he's gonna die of some sort of lethal injection or something like that they must have been talking about the vaccine they had to be talking about the vaccine Pfizer Moderna Johnson and Johnson lethal injection you know the only thing that I use
Starting point is 00:38:56 Johnson and Johnson for is baby powder and you know when you put baby powder on your hands before you do certain things gymnastics yes gymnastics things like that it prevents your fingerprints from showing interesting where'd you pick that up wow I off the internet oh wow well male well yeah boy you've got mail such a good movie I'm just saying I'm just saying take care boy that movie you've got mail if it was titled I'm just saying is that the black version of you've got me I'm not black I'm OJ oh that's right yeah I heard what do you think of that JZ song oh you know I'm honored honestly JZ's one of the best rappers of our generation and your generation or his generation all of our generation you know I think it's our generation as long as we're still alive you know
Starting point is 00:39:46 what I mean I don't think that those are the rules when is our generation's coming I don't this generation um I think your generation there weren't any rappers no there were no rappers well that was uh Big Meat Markham here come the judge I think even like cool modi and the ultramagnetic mc's and all that that was a little password that was later I was that I was had been retired then I was married to my second wife at that point but your second wife what's she up to oh you know she's not around anymore Scott oh I'm sorry you're divorced you're on a show about snakes yeah it's a great show it's on Peacock Peacock yeah NBC affiliate that's right it's their most premier platform have you been watching Bel Air oh have I ever it's a serious version of the
Starting point is 00:40:32 Fresh Prince of Bel Air yeah it's sort of like uh we saw a serious version of him recently as well yes we did I had some thoughts on that I had some thoughts on that really I've been through a few things in my life I don't know if y'all know and I mean I know I know I haven't heard much from you since the naked gun yeah careers are like that where you know you're on top yeah sometimes comedians get a little bit too personal and you know I will say in the 1990s some comedians like Norm MacDonald may he rest in peace and a lot of bad things to say about me and I'll tell you there were a few times I definitely wanted to have an open hand on his face oh well hey but you can't do that but you won I won I won he did outlived would I would he rather be you or
Starting point is 00:41:21 him at this point I think he'd rather be me yeah and you're having a nice time lately I saw a TikTok of you recently getting woken up by your daughters and her friends or something like that oh my daughter wasn't or just randos yeah it wasn't my daughter I tell you I'm just saying but I yes I was getting woken up we were having so I've been keeping it safe so that's my coping pod but you but you were saying the the Chris rocks and the Norm McDonald's why can't why can't comedians be nice like Jay Leno Jay Leno you know Jay Leno never said anything super negative about me yeah you know he had a couple you know when you're in the public guy there's always gonna be some quips about you yeah some people just you know go a little bit too hard
Starting point is 00:42:01 and I've been through some trying times in my life I'm so sorry I don't think I really deserved all of that hate you know but again Jay Leno's alive so at this point it's a tie it's a tie we'll see who wins we'll see who lives longer and it's not at what age you live to be either it's literally who lives longer yes so it's like the luckiest person is going to be the last baby born who's the last person alive on her last person the last because they're going to see it to the end yeah as soon as that baby comes out the meteors gonna hit and and that baby's gonna be able to say take care but I would rather I would rather be myself than any person who lived to be 106 or whatever who died because I'm alive right now exactly you know I saw a man on tiktok the other
Starting point is 00:42:48 day this is actually real this man was so old he was great and he looked like a skeleton like I haven't but the blood leaves the body doesn't it and that's when people start to go sanguination yeah sanguination nation he was so old he's playing with that with what I would assume would be his you know great great great great great great grand hopefully related yes hopefully related and he was tapping on the kids head and I was like that has to be a machine the man it has to be like a like a halloween decoration right yeah he was you ever go to one of those uh halloween by the way very scary time very scary too scary yeah a lot of people running around with knives and everybody running around with knives and dressed up as spider man and things and the kids walk by
Starting point is 00:43:36 my house and I hand out the nice uh orange and black uh candies right yeah the you know the the uh I don't know yeah I mean I was like peanut butter uh peanut butter cups no they're not peanut butter cups now the the outside of a Reese's uh packaging is orange and black is orange and black correct right but those are too expensive and it's not the yellow and black attack because that was the band striper what did they say they sang uh to hell with the devil I believe they're a christian uh heavy metal band ah I like my favorite christian song it's by faith no more sweet dreams you can't resist n e s t l e s were they talking about uh the nintendo n e s or what no what is the n e s nesley white chocolate okay nesley alpine white you remember that I do so but
Starting point is 00:44:28 but halloween's so scary uh I can only imagine that how scary is it thank you I only imagine people have dressed up as you for halloween me well I'd be on it I'd be like a footballer uh yes like a person who plays football yeah is that why y'all say it over there I love you guys's language thank you footballer but for but anyone ever scare you like uh people get scared on halloween like ever go to those halloween mazes where people jump out of you with a knife oh yes yes I tell you I went to a corn maze one time I was in Iowa and I went to a corn maze and I walk in and all these people start running and I said oh which way am I gonna go they thought you were part of the maze I'm scared of you well no that couldn't have been oh why would they be I'm in your life yeah you're
Starting point is 00:45:14 famous uh yeah why would they be maybe they're running to get their autograph books yeah it has to be nerves around famous people I think you know I'm just a footballer as you say Claudia I'm just saying you are just take care yes but uh yeah that can that can be so scary when someone jumps out at you and and it's awful it's awful awful when somebody jumps out at you oh yeah Scott do you like do you know what's really bad when someone chops your head off that's pretty bad unless you're a worm if you're an earthworm you're like I'm just gonna now I got it's not a problem yeah now I got another problem yeah what do I do with this yeah exactly is that how norma mcdonnell went yeah his head was chopped off by an earthworm by uh uh al-qaeda by al-qaeda you know for one of their videos I was very
Starting point is 00:46:05 proud of like we need a guest star for this video close out I was very proud of the way George Bush handled that whole situation really it made me proud to be an American honestly hmm so proud I decided I wanted to take back some things myself oh really oh take back what Sunday okay great tonight yes take back tonight oh yeah Justin Timberlake that was your idea yeah I wrote that for JT oh wow he came to me he said oh J it's JT I need a song oh so you were a ghost writer do you believe in ghosts I do believe in ghosts I ain't afraid of no ghosts are you ever haunted by by any ghosts like anyone close to you ever die yes you know I gotta be honest with you Scott somebody really close to me passed away no and they do visit me sometimes really sweet mother oh okay sweet
Starting point is 00:46:58 mother and she'll come to me in dreams and as a matter of fact that night that video that you referenced claude yes of me being woken up by by my covid pod some nice uh 23 year old white ladies and I those are my friends you know I don't like being alone at the house you know and ever since I was released from prison I've been alone in my house ever since what no I was released from prison oh yes I went to jail oh we talked about this oh we did oh I did go to prison I served my time oh wait you you got into an argument I got into an argument there was a time uh-huh and it wasn't for murdering anyone or no no no no no nothing like that okay I just there was a moment I had had a few too many uh scotch and sodas I like a good deal we all who hasn't had that happen
Starting point is 00:47:48 you know I'll have seven sometimes I'll be like should I have the eighth yeah I don't have the yeah that night I had the eighth oh I had the eighth usually I have the eighth of something else okay I'm just saying I don't know what you mean you take care I take you take care we all take care you know what's that oj so hey yeah juice I that night claude I'm trying to tell claude what I went to prison I want to know I was going through some financial troubles for some happens to the best of us yeah I've done it and these guys were in my neighborhood and they were selling off memorabilia of my things you know oh my god jerseys of mine they were selling your possessions I gotta say so far so good I don't see the problem yeah I wouldn't arrest
Starting point is 00:48:36 you for that for someone selling your stuff yeah I went to go talk to them nicely oh yeah and I said I love my things back oh they've stolen them from me they had taken them from me okay this sounds fine I they they were very unkind to me when I went and visited oh no and so you know I called up a few friends of mine and we went over and we took matters into our own hands okay well this is exactly my dad exactly we went over took some guns and and we tried to get my stuff back you were hammering the doors of hammering the doors open with the guns we were only using them as hammers to get through the whole oh that's understandable I mean really especially in certain states like open carry states you can have her with all the time yeah that's the thing what happens in Vegas
Starting point is 00:49:18 stays in Vegas exactly and then suddenly you lock they lock you up for this and they've got that gun to hammer law there as well yeah sentence me to 33 years in prison for that for that I couldn't help with anything else but oh that's my memorabilia case you got it all back I got it all back fantastic you need the case now I need the case to put it up put it up to display it proudly so whenever Scott comes over Scott he's gonna come over dinner he's out we already agreed to before what do you guys have for dinner spaghetti and red sauce yeah they're like a nice bloody steak a nice bloody steak yeah classic guy stuff just guys yeah just what guys yeah yeah nice guy stuff I'm just saying uh also uh I'm on a Kato dial it
Starting point is 00:50:06 a Kato Katelyn dial it I don't know who that is but uh I think he invented the Kato the Kato dial okay sweet boy he used to live behind me in the back really was your neighbor you see the back house here oh yeah it's yeah that's Kato's house you got another house with the back house yeah and I let Kato move in oh wow so I like the guy's back together K I don't know what he's famous from but I I love him on on shows he's a really good actor yeah yeah he won the fives over the years yeah I think I saw him on one of those Sharknado films yeah he's amazing in Sharknado Sharknado I'm trying to say like I love you guys his language well oh Dave this is incredible to have you back I didn't know we were neighbors until you pop by for the show so I'm really excited to
Starting point is 00:50:49 be uh living next door to you I'm happy to be here Scott you're welcome in anytime I'm still with my COVID bond I'm with five 23 year old white ladies yeah do you need me to when I when I come over do I need to wear like booties or gloves or anything like that no no no gloves no gloves uh you don't need to wear any gloves I'll wear the gloves oh okay as long as you're wearing gloves that I don't because I'm the old one you know I'm the one that's in danger of getting this coat and COVID is real right yeah and your gloves fit you they they fit now okay great now I bought some good ones okay shout out to isotone this episode of company bang bang is brought to you by isotone oh they're gonna be so happy to be advertising on this show well at juice we gotta take a break is that okay
Starting point is 00:51:30 that's fine with me we have a couple of film reviewers maybe they're gonna review the naked gun films that'd be lovely oh my gosh and whatever you're in claudia that would be incredible yeah I hope so all right well we're gonna be right back we're gonna have more from oj more from claudia more comedy bang bang we'll be right back after this comedy bang bang we're back claudio dordy from uh killing time killing it killing it not killing eve not killing time not killing zoe was that movie yeah it should be none of them none of those don't watch any of those killing it and if you have watched any of those it counts forget about it but it counts towards watching your thing though right well you know you you will go in knowing the
Starting point is 00:52:14 universe of the show right yeah because they are all connected and are the milky way galaxy on planet earth right got it okay amazing we also have uh the juice we have oj simpson i'm here i'm here i'm queer get used to you are you're finally coming out i'm coming out that's why you've got so many coming out i want the world to know i got to let it show earth wind or fire juice gotta ask you earth wind or fire which one could you do without you get you can only pick two get rid of one and it can't be nicole that has to be who not no one i get rid of fire you'd get rid of fire no because then i'd have to eat my food cold i get rid of earth yeah that's pretty sensible we get into after earth well what if you figure what's after what if it was pavement like we got rid of the
Starting point is 00:53:03 earth but then we just paved uh paved paradise and put up a pain you know i live i have a house in vegas that uh i just if i were you i would never want to go back there well i had it's kind of unfortunately i had to stay there for yeah i would like me like i've spent so much too much time this is why i'm now that i'm finally off of that situation all right that's why i moved in next to you oh good great yeah fantastic and uh i'm gonna be selling for another probably six or seven months oh great okay no problem uh that sounds like me watching a great film franchise uh six or seven months no saw but um but i'm trying to do a segue to our next guest they are film reviewers they are in fact letterbox's top reviewers please welcome kelvin and travis hello thanks for having us hey
Starting point is 00:53:50 guys what's up i'm travis this is kelvin i'm kelvin how's it going kelvin and travis what's great about this is you are sitting left to right for me so and i know you as kelvin and travis so i know to say kelvin to you and travis to you that's wonderful it is wonderful yeah how are you guys so explain for those of us like claudia perhaps i've never met you what's going on well i guess i you don't have to say what's going on necessarily i was i was trying to get more specific i was gonna try to drill down to like what is letterbox yeah what's letterbox it's a town in arlin in no letterbox is letter kenny is what i believe what you're thinking which is that the show you know kenny letter they killed kenny letter box is kind of this awesome film review site
Starting point is 00:54:35 where just anybody can post their movie reviews and oh it's a great way to learn about new movies and talk about movies that's interesting because i always thought that uh what's great about movie reviews is they usually pick like professional people who are smart to write them but letterbox now anyone can write them is that well yeah exactly we're kind of professionals in our own rights do you guys get paid nope no oh okay but you we do this a lot yeah for the love of the movies oh okay for the love of the uh of i guess the art form known as film exactly oh okay personally for me i love all things a 24 oh that's great studio so edgy the best way i could describe a typical a 24 movie is kind of like if radiohead was real oh okay yeah real meaning uh i don't know what you
Starting point is 00:55:23 mean well it just means exactly what what it means oh okay got it you're the first person to not understand that so it's interesting kind of on you i mean they are kind of real just kind of spooky and confusing i mean i saw them a few times anyway uh what other types of films do you like i don't really like a 24 movies i think that's pussy hipster shit you know uh when i when i want to watch a movie i like to just pop on a dvd of the butterfly effect light up a joint of extremely brown weed and let my mind go for a ride the butterfly effect that was ashton kutcher is that right i love that you think he says that to his babies or his babies say that to him i think his babies i'm me lakuna says it to him yeah i almost said me a kershner but that's someone different
Starting point is 00:56:08 that's dead wrong yeah that's so i said me a copa i almost said uh francis ford coppola oh would that be great if ashton kutcher was married to francis ford coppola the movies that would come out of that guys your film fans can you imagine that situation i don't know who francis ford coppola is but i love ashton kutcher he's my favorite actor oh really okay what other kinds of stuff i mean you you guys have been you don't get to be top reviewers without reviewing a lot of movies right no and uh we actually wanted to stop by to share with you guys some of our favorite letterbox reviews that we've written just to get a sense of you know the kinds of movies that we love and that we want the world to know about are you a team like siskal and ebert or are you have you
Starting point is 00:56:51 ever met before we never met before today oh no yeah now we've seen each other on the website yeah we're kind of constantly competing to be the top reviewer you're aware of each other there's tension there yeah yeah well a lot like siskal and ebert themselves the titular siskal and ebert kills each other yeah mass double suicide murder suicide it was crazy devastating they each murdered each other and then each committed suicide yeah it was crazy it was hard fucking core but i finished each other off for themselves yeah they jerked each other off is that what you're saying yeah anyway kelvin and uh i forget uh travis travis yeah kelvin travis hit us with these great letterbox reviews okay these are our top ones this is my letterbox review of inception great film inception
Starting point is 00:57:37 is like if a cube made a movie it it's like if the rabbit from donnie darko directed an episode of mythbusters inception is absolutely the greatest movie anyone has ever made i must clarify though that i have only seen five other movies all the way through and one of them is four episodes of californication back to back well so this is this early in your film career nope his most recent review okay interesting and uh kelvin what do you got here is my review of call me by your name i really wanted to like this movie but unfortunately call me by your name doesn't pass the bechdel test for those who don't know the bechdel test was invented by susan bechdel the sexiest woman to ever like movies both of the gay men in this movie should have been played by women and instead of
Starting point is 00:58:22 having gay sex with each other they should have been talking about other women who aren't in the movie i hope the filmmakers are happy because they made susan bechdel's perfect 10 body spin in its grave i like how you're pronouncing a bechdel by the way as opposed to bechdel that's how it's supposed to be pronounced i believe oh really interesting bechdel sauce you put it on top of a lasagna i saw that that musical fun home and it did not pass the test hmm they're always talking about the dad and like how sad he is and how cute he is and how gorgeous he is he is gorgeous in that yeah do you guys have a picture of this woman i do oh yeah can you airdrop us yeah i'd love to just airdrop us maybe invite her to my kovat pod she's a beautiful woman how did she
Starting point is 00:59:05 23 perfect 23 and me oj i don't think you have airdrop on we're having we're having trouble over here oh is that an iphone thing yeah oh i've got a uh a motorola chocolate oj just likes to drop by unannounced usually okay what else what else do we have uh this is my review of the rug rats movie great film this movie proves that 90s nicolodian cartoons is the best shit of all time for real though i am forever a 90s kid at heart ha ha it makes me feel like a kid again ha ha whenever i watch rugrats i get mega flashbacks to watching it in the 90s while my mom's passed out from drinking fermented slim fast shakes ha ha you're laughing a lot at your own review i i love that though you know i just typed down exactly what i'm thinking right so you say this thing and you
Starting point is 00:59:54 realize it's funny and then you say ha ha i say when i laugh i say ha ha you you may have heard me one time earlier in the podcast say that only once it was a really bad ratio i have to say um kelvin you have another i do this one is for spider man no way home this movie was so awesome that it inspired me to try my own spider man moves in my apartments but i accidentally knocked over my glass case full of welcome to marwin funko pop toys directly on top of my body trapping me there i survived for 15 days licking specks of litter off my cat norah effron's paws every time she walked on my face great film though excellent movie well that's what you're trying to say is it was good it was good oh okay yeah i'm not quite sure i got that from that
Starting point is 01:00:39 it got me uh the to like the taste of cat litter oh okay well that's an important step in your next life travis what do you have uh this is my review of diddy kong racing now that's a that's a video game is it not yeah i'll read i'll explain in the review okay here we go what do you got letterbox doesn't let you review video games so i had to put this under something called the boy with the striped pajamas the boy with the striped pajamas is awesome you get to play as a monkey who flies a plane and if he gets enough bananas he goes fast my favorite part of the boy with the striped pajamas was when i got the golden balloon in walrus cove great i've never seen the boy with striped pajamas have you oj no but i have seen the creature from the black lagoon that was one of
Starting point is 01:01:25 the movies that me and my friends used to watch at the movie theater you ever go over to someone's house and so late at night that they'd answer the door in pajamas yeah i did that to you the other night oh that's true it's very scary i needed to borrow some sugar booger sugar for me and my that's nice kelvin you're up the french dispatch i thought this movie was boring but i'm going to give it five stars anyway because i saw it at alamo draught house which is basically my church if you're a 36 year old child this man who wears ill-fitting bojack horseman graphic tease this place is your playpen the best part about alamo draught house is they personally serve you food and drinks like you're a dying blue ribbon hog my dream is to one day die here like an egyptian
Starting point is 01:02:08 pharaoh sealed inside a revival screening of hocus pocus hocus pocus is good excellent movie i haven't seen it unfortunately yeah that's not what you're saying oj i've seen hocus pocus i love hocus pocus me and bet miller used to have a thing in the 70s really she's still uh she's still uh your friend you know i haven't talked to her i still got a number saved right here in the chocolate yeah but i haven't talked to her in a long time i should probably check you should probably check in with tell you what don't tell her you're coming just pop show up she'll love it she'll love it she'll love to see me she'll be startled yeah she definitely will that's a sign of a good seeing someone yeah yeah oh yeah you know alamo draught house has amazing case so they have a wonderful
Starting point is 01:02:52 case so uh travis do you have another review here no that's like all our views those those are those are it and you're the top reviewers we are yeah those are those are like all the movies i've seen i've reviewed inception a bunch more times yeah so you had inception what was the other one you did um diddy kong racing i thought you had one more and i did uh you have to look it up on your phone i did the rug rats movie all right okay those are i've seen those three movies and also scary movie four oh uh scary movie four okay interesting and then kelvin well i've only seen the three movies i reviewed because they won't mean back let me back inside of alamo draught house to see any more movies just because of this review or something else well because whenever i go in
Starting point is 01:03:33 there i uh ask them to tie me up and force feed me food and drinks until i get big enough for me to get trapped in there forever oh okay and they do they start doing it or do they say immediately that's not the kind of request they immediately say they can't fulfill it okay and i get so mad that i leave which part of it is the problem the tying up i would imagine they don't want to do and i don't think they like any aspect of it's the feeding you stop they don't like the feeding yeah no they don't like the feeding either okay interesting what do they feed you just queso or they feed me queso buffalo chicken sliders double uh ipas dumb take care i know oj likes double ipas double ipas and triple ipas you know i spent some time over in belgium you did what were
Starting point is 01:04:16 you doing there oh i was i was exploring and studying some things in the 1980s when i had first retired from football i retired from football 1979 wow yeah you remember that year scott uh a little bit yeah i mean i'm only 29 so i was born in 93 so you remember i remember it from like it was a year like i know they didn't skip over it yeah no no they didn't skip over it no not like some years i got a trivia question for everybody here yeah what's the longest year in history huh wow oh god god that's a good one it's a good one wasn't there a year that was like 538 days once not that long not just a couple seconds longer it's because of the solstice or something right it was because of the way they changed time it was 1972 i was gonna guess that
Starting point is 01:05:08 how many how many days was 365 and two seconds but summer wow summer 366 though summer 366 summer 69 don't think 64 or 65 summer 69 mid summer 69 that's brian adams first of all well kelvin and travis i'm i'm a guest that you can become so popular on this site having seen so few movies i think our reviews just uh resonate resonate with people resonate they resonate they resonate our reviews resonate in like a big way like movies are like so big right now because people are turning on books which i'm really excited about yeah no they're they're finally throwing their books in the trash especially in libraries school libraries around the world oh yeah and they're they're saying like let's just watch movies i've been trying to get
Starting point is 01:06:01 that going for years i've been trying to ever since i was 13 i got kicked out of a barns and noble for uh having a paintball gun with me oh with you they wouldn't let me bring my paintball gun into barns and noble and you were kicked out what did you what did you want to do with your paintball gun i was just there for spanish tutoring and afterwards i had to go to a you were tutoring someone or you were being too i was being tutored in spanish mm my like stepdad made me get tutored and afterwards i was gonna go to my uh my buddy's uh like paintball birthday party oh okay so you weren't planning on using it during the tutoring no i just needed to have it with me for afterwards right well why couldn't you have left it in the car i didn't have a car i was 13 i rode my i rode
Starting point is 01:06:38 my dirt bike leave it in the bike the bike my dirt bike don't you have a holster on your bike yeah but then someone could take it he's right padlocks he's right put a bicycle chain around your paintball gun why are you going off to him on this how you really i just really giving it to kids these days how old are you by the way i'm 37 oh okay i'm i'm 51 oh geez hey travis you ever go in the art section of barns and nobles if you look in those books you really see a lot of baroque era boobies i didn't i didn't know that bbs bbs i thought it was just words in the books there i didn't know there was like pictures like that oh yeah i heard a biobase don't fix it that's right claudia that's why you won that contest to be on the show i think we love you claud i gotta say
Starting point is 01:07:27 kelvin and uh travis you uh uh guys like you who have been on the show before they usually write way more usually fills up the time a lot more than what you guys did right i mean i want to i really want to uh i want to see this movie forest gump i just heard about it's good it's i haven't i just heard about it's based on my favorite restaurant bubba gum shrimp okay you'd enjoy it then yeah so i'm hoping it's a i'm hoping it's a movie about uh me drawing on my placemat making really cool designs of cars blowing up what about you kelvin any other tags oh you know i'm just kind of this is my first time in hollywood i'm just here uh excited just to see all the spots of all my favorite movies and where they were to see where they were filmed where are you gonna go well i'm
Starting point is 01:08:13 trying to track down where they shot welcome to marwin which is sort of the inspiration behind all my favorite funko pop toys that uh destroyed my body yeah where destroyed your butt wait where is welcome they crushed my they they crushed my uh the bones in my body yeah the your funko toys you might didn't yeah my funko toys how how but when they fell on me oh but i was practicing my spider man moves oh okay i'm sorry i wasn't listening i wasn't listening either this guy's fucking boring i was thinking about the movie inception the whole time it slaps it's good right yeah yeah it's like a dream within a dream did you understand that part of it no i've seen i've seen it three or four hundred times and each time i get more and more confused yeah it's very confusing
Starting point is 01:08:55 do you guys like unsolved mysteries yes you know robert stack he's wearing that big trench coat i don't i don't know who that is he's like two kids trying to buy beer in every episode if you know the whereabouts is he related to rob deardeck wow anyone named rob rob halford rob it's a family name rob himself broccoli rob sure well guys uh that fantastic job uh thank you so much for coming on the show uh i'm a suit i'm wrapping it up here uh assuming that's all you have but uh and i'm about to throw to our our next segment but uh if you had anything else this is this is your last chance don't go to the phones don't go to the phones no that'll be it um can i say nobody complimented me on my jacket oh yeah what is going on with that like
Starting point is 01:09:46 this is the jacket from drive oh which i have which i have not i have not seen that movie but i know you may not recognize it it's i've been wearing it non-stop for about five or six years you'd have to turn around and and act like the poster in order for me to because it's a very distinctive back i'm i haven't seen the poster but i'm going to turn around and act like what i think the poster is right now okay oh that is not what it is no take your hands off your ankles okay please all right okay look we're running out of time we only have one time for one final feature on the show and that is of course a little something called plugs uh uh
Starting point is 01:10:48 ooh very nice that was a highly intelligible plugs theme by kevbot 4000 oh kevbot 4000 is back thank you so much to kevbot all right guys what are we plugging claudia this is your time to shine this is where you shine claudia you love plug and stuff i love plug and stuff everybody you've got to go over to peacock you've got to unfortunately you've got to get a premium yeah to get this show yeah but it's pretty cheap it's only five dollars a month for you should you should say you can't just pay five dollars and then you get everything it's five dollars a month yeah but you can watch it all because it all came out today yeah but who has that kind of time i need to space this out watch it over the weekend one uh i got a pretty packed schedule this weekend so this home you
Starting point is 01:11:35 couldn't watch it all in a month no this month is bad for me april i mean okay i mean april showers come may flowers you know that i'm sorry you're right i'm what am i thinking i'm an idiot i got a coach soccer with scott this weekend yeah we're good we're both coaching well you guys should get the year subscription do you have all the equipment you have i do i got all the jerseys i got all the balls you got the gloves i got the gloves i got the soccer gloves you got the the hat the ski caps i got the ski caps for the girls this is we coach a 23 year old i love they're the best the 23 year old girls they're the best sponsored by 23 23 and me yeah um so killing it you gotta get peacock but you look you should get peacock anyway and watch mcgruber and oh yeah there's
Starting point is 01:12:22 so much great stuff on there yeah it's not like uh other things you know like what like epics or got them disgusting i'm gagging it's fucking disgusting no there's really cool stuff bell air bust down yeah what's people's specials are on there it's some good shit it's rocking and rolling over on people how many episodes of this show we got 10 apps you're gonna go on a wild ride by the way if you're a claudia fanatic like me yeah she doesn't come on until about minute 15 it's true so i know you're gonna be sitting there going where is she where is she where is she but minute 15 boom she comes on the screen and then i just never leave the screen ever again they asked you to too right yeah so in some things it doesn't make sense yeah you're just like poking your head
Starting point is 01:13:08 yeah my character in the corner but she's still hanging out with craig it doesn't make any sense interesting but so i'm in the whole thing after that except for one episode don't watch that one don't watch that one okay skip over that one do not watch episode eight although john early's in that so i think it will be fun yeah he's been on the show once and you've been on the show like seven times millions of times yeah i would skip over that thank you scott yes i appreciate that and you could also watch the aforementioned love you're very yeah watch love with her very what in that great oh thanks um and it has our friend gilly as well gilly's in there she's rocking and rolling over on love yeah totally uh all right very good good plug thanks so nice to be here just so beautiful
Starting point is 01:13:52 to be back in your we're gonna say this is plugs time this is not thank you time okay sorry yeah this is reserved solely for plugs okay i just watch killing it please very good and you know just watch it okay and oj what do you have to plug here you know i i'm ingesting a lot of content these days you know i know this by the way your necklace is uh the first two initials of that brain disease that you have yeah i gotta add an e on the end of this you can't haven't been able to afford it yeah i couldn't afford the e i gotta get some some more of my memories these are expensive they do they do wheel of fortune rules at the jeweler don't they where it's like rsc lne are the most expensive letters and i do little and uh but yes i hate it while you're over on peacock
Starting point is 01:14:38 watching killing it yeah make sure you check out grand crew grand crew all the episodes all the episodes are there 10 episodes of grand crew one of my favorite shows on television and uh i've watched the pilot of killing it oh yeah you were there oj it was yeah it was an interesting premiere oj was at the premiere you did it wasn't a red carpet before you got there and then suddenly it was red you're dripping something i don't know what it was i turned it into a red carpet or red wedding and i uh spoilers spoiler from a show i've never watched they haven't either so you're a good company have you ever watched game of thrones i don't i don't know what that is nope it seems like you would like it yeah i think you like it is there like
Starting point is 01:15:24 violence in it and like nudity yeah and a lot of people being sexually assaulted and oh yeah that sounds fucking awesome i think i thought you would like it travis um you can also check out uh the flagrant ones oh yeah he's done board shot limits and carl tart and that's a basketball podcast on the patreon i gotta ask do they ever drop the act i still don't know scott and uh also uh xoxo gossip kings on the headgum oh yeah that's new this is a headgum podcast and uh uh it's good it's not airwolf but scott went for the money wait i i denied it and i went for the money wait for the money sold the place off oh yeah sorry yeah i i shouldn't have sold the place i should have kept it going just to give you a show or him sorry him um all right guys uh
Starting point is 01:16:14 kelvin and travis what do you want to plug yeah we just wanted to plug phallus on letterbox uh i actually i'm so crossfated i forgot to read one of my reviews that you can check out our letterbox go ahead you can do it during plugs i'll allow it this is my review of the movie up yo the first 10 minutes up is the most traumatic shit of all time and i watched my son get sucked up in a pool vacuum cleaner oh no how old was he he was uh six years old oh i'm so sorry i was i was 51 oh this is recent yeah this was earlier today oh no what are you doing here i just wanted you are there i was there this is like this is serious up vibes right now it was much like up it's so weird because that movie gets you so down but they call it up it's too confusing yeah it's too that's why we gave
Starting point is 01:16:59 it one star okay great why we shut it off after 10 minutes any other plugs or it was it was at all you wanted to do oh yeah we wanted to plug uh we wanted to plug the website we're big fans of it oh okay so you like websites not movies um yeah i mean i like those three movies that i've seen okay um yeah yeah check out and follow brad ovens is that hard to get for them i wonder nick and brad or maybe there aren't a lot of nicks hooking up with brads there there aren't a ton there actually was some it's a hookup site it's a new hookup site it's for nicks to hook up with brad basically it's a hookup site for people who want to watch uh twitter videos from 2019 it's fantastic all right i want to plug we have some great stuff we just
Starting point is 01:17:45 put out a new episode of full throttle with bob duke and that is an incredible ride uh i have to say you gotta check that out we also uh put out a hey randy episode with randy snuts and we have a new uh this book uh changed my life or saved my life i can't remember what that show is called with lily sullivan that's a really good show and um on scott as in scene we recently covered the passion of the christ and the the mighty ducks uh head over there to uh plus we have the archives of this show and uh ad free episodes head over to if you subscribe for a year you get two months free let's close up the old plug bag take one hand you're gonna make a box it's time to start to close it but don't close it too much
Starting point is 01:19:10 wow beautiful that's always so short that's all slapped that was out of breath plug bag by amc gremlin boy that that got a lot of our famous oh knows by the way have you guys as anyone said oh no on this show this is the backyard air we all say oh no claude i want to hear it in your australian accent oh no oh you know yes exactly uh and uh oj give us an oh no oh no and it is would take care of the end as well take it all right great and guys thank you so much for being here uh do you guys want to say oh no uh at all or or yeah like oh no or whatever okay good oh no oh that was that was the most energetic that's the sound that i made when my book uh my glass case
Starting point is 01:20:10 of funko pop toys fell i don't know what you're talking about well he said it earlier look i'm not losing my trauma does not resonate with anyone and it's very disturbing it's sorry um guys thank you so much for being here though pleasure to have you a pleasure to have you on our internets out there i feel safe knowing you're out there traversing the the worldwide web is that to us i'm looking right to the listeners yeah i'm not i'm not i'm very crossfaded right now i don't know what you got you crossfaded other than your sun dying but yeah i my son got my son died and i thought i need to get drunk and i need to get stoned right now and you haven't done either yeah at this point instead you did a podcast um claudia so good to see you this is
Starting point is 01:20:51 the part where we thank each other okay thank you scott thank you so much for being here it's so nice to be so great to see you and juice scott this isn't over i hope not we're gonna be seeing a lot of each other oh yeah neighbors neighbors neighbors were you in that movie no but we have a tv show in australia about neighbors cork neighbors that's right yeah very very that's when good neighbors become good friends like a good neighbor state farm is there i want to go home okay bye we'll see you next time thanks bye

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