Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Haley Joel Osment, Ryan Rosenberg, Holly Laurent

Episode Date: March 11, 2024

Actor Haley Joel Osment joins Scott to talk about his new movie “Drugstore June,” the wettest he’s ever been, and the Sheldon-verse. Then, plastic surgeon Mr. Body drops by to talk about his cel...ebrity clients. Plus, local high schooler Day LaBont stops by to talk about local high school issues.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Whether the weather be hot, whether the weather be cold, the weather, the weather, make sure that it's better. Let's get soggy and fetter the moistest begatter of precipitation until we're old. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. Woo, that was a lot to say, but I got it all through. I got it. Thanks to You're in All Cakes for that catchphrase submission. Thanks to you're in all cakes for that catchphrase submission. Thanks to you're in all cakes. Appreciate it. And that's a boy that, you know, that's that would have been perfect for wet day coming up in about a month.
Starting point is 00:00:55 But unfortunately, we said a little too early. I don't think it's going to stick for the next month. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang for another edition pre wet day edition. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang for another edition, pre-Wet Day edition. Coming up on the show today, we have a... This is interesting because I like to talk to all different stars and stripes of people here in the continental US, as well as, of course, the 48th and the 49th, rather. What was the 48th state? We all know about the 49th and the 50th, Alaska, Hawaii. Arizona. Arizona was 48. I'll bet everything on it. What was the 48th state? We all know about the 49th and the 50th Alaska Hawaii, Arizona Arizona was 48. I'll bet everything on our guest knows it, but
Starting point is 00:01:33 We haven't gotten to him yet because coming up a little later on the show. We have a Plastic surgeon on the show. We also have a local high schooler We'll be talking to both of them about their lives, but until we talk to them. Let's talk to this gentleman right here I've said it before, I'll say it again, and I hope I'll continue to say it, stars are back on Comedy Bang Bang and none brighter than this one right here. And this is the true definition of a movie star. Above the title.
Starting point is 00:02:01 Have you been above the title? Oh, so many times, Scott. How many times? At least seven. Seven times above the title? Have you been above the title? Oh, so many times, Scott. How many times? At least seven. Seven times above the title. I'm trying to guess which of your, let's see, I have your filmography up here. Above the title, you wouldn't have been
Starting point is 00:02:14 above the title in six cents. It was below that time. You were below. Yeah. Pay it forward. I bet you were. I think I was on the side at Pay it Forward. Oh, because it was an ensemble.
Starting point is 00:02:26 There were three names in that one. And what if it was? And we can only talk about two of them. And barely, too. AI, were you above the title in AI? No. I bet you weren't because Spielberg's up there. Only Steven is above the title. Yeah. The country bears. There you go.
Starting point is 00:02:42 Hey. Yeah. Above the title in country bears. Beating out, Mr. Christopher Walken. Hey. Star of Dune, too. bears, there you go. Hey, yeah. But the title and country bears. Beating out Mr. Christopher Walken. Hey. Star of Dune too. Hello bears, that's my, that's my, he does say that, he says it, yeah. Hello bears.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Yeah. Jungle Book 2, I don't know, now we're getting down into the dregs. But anyway. How dare you. He's been above the title in seven films apparently, and below the title in many, many more. He's our good friend. Hailey Joel Osmond is back, hello.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Hi Scott, thank you for having me. So wonderful to have you. I just was reminded when you mentioned wet day that my birthday is the day after wet day. 411? 410. Wet day is 4'9". Is wet day 4'9"? Or 410? I'm pretty sure it's 4'9". Is Wednesday 4'9"?
Starting point is 00:03:25 Or 4'10"? I'm pretty sure it's 4'9". We're gonna have to check the stats on that. Those days are always a blur for me, but yeah. I believe you may share a birthday with Wednesday. I'm not sure. I mean, episode... Man, that would be very special.
Starting point is 00:03:36 That would be very special. Summer or Wednesday. Oh, it's about my birthday. Yeah. Wednesday, birthday, sharers. And, Wednesday just emerged two years ago? Just a scant three years ago was the first wet day. It was so special.
Starting point is 00:03:47 And now we celebrate it religiously and we shall again, meaning Jesus is involved now. I know, he was very wet. Man, one of the wettest guys, although he walked on water, so his soles of his feet are certainly wet. Yes, he was metaphorically wet. Metaphorically wet, interesting. Yeah, he was soaked in the sins of me, you, everybody else.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Everyone else, yeah. Not the wettest human being alive, but. Jonah would be the wettest. Jon, oh, this guy. This guy. This guy. Laying around in the old belly of the whale. I just can't wait for a fish to swallow me.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Just squatting. Not paying any rent to that whale, I bet. No, probably not. Probably the wettest of any Bible character. But you've been pretty wet in your career. Yeah. You were, you sank down to the bottom of your ocean. I was on your water for 2,000 years, God. That's pretty wet.
Starting point is 00:04:50 And at times the water was frozen. I don't know if it counts when you're frozen. You get frozen all the way down there. Block of ice. Oh yeah. And, uh... Let me ask you a question about AI. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Did you understand that movie? I did understand it. I will answer any quiz question about AI. Yeah, yeah. Did you understand that movie? I did understand it. I will answer any quiz question about that. I don't mean trivia about it. I just mean like the plot. I just was to, we're coming up on the 25th anniversary of that and I was just doing an interview about that movie and some of the questions are to the point of like, what happened here? And I was like, I realized that some of the questions are to the point of like, what happened here? And I was like, I realized that some of my answers are not satisfactory because I have not always decided
Starting point is 00:05:32 for myself what happened. Yeah, I mean, it's left ambiguous as well as amphibious. Amphibious, down there at the bottom of the ocean. Amphibicopter, yeah. That's right. I just found out also in this last interview that Peter Jackson bought a lot of the Stan Winston models from that movie, the teddy bear models of me. What's he doing with them? Wait, models of you?
Starting point is 00:05:55 Oh yeah, he's got all of them. He loves to hang out with me and we're so far away. That's incredible, an incredible cinematic achievement. But you've been wet in other movies. Oh, sure. What's the wettest you've ever been? It's the wettest, in utero probably, listening to that for the first time. Yeah, boy, just take a shower and put on Nirvana.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Hey, serve the servants. What was the wettest I've ever been in a movie? I was thinking back to, you remember when people would get gacked in Nickelodeon times? Sure, yeah, when you say gacked, do you mean slime? No, just very high. Oh, oh, oh. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Just getting high watching Nickelodeon, sure. Just getting gacked. I actually saw someone tweet the other day. They were like, did you know that in ancient Aramaic, Nico de Lodeon means do not believe in God. They're like, well, they're hiding it in plain sight for us. Yeah, the Satan is out there in Hollywood. By the way, how's your adrenochrome?
Starting point is 00:07:00 Do you need a refill? Oh, I need a refill. Let me top you off here. It's so hard to scare children these days. They're so desensitized. But yeah, I mean, I've been wet in my career. I did an underwater pool scene once, as I'm sure you have as well.
Starting point is 00:07:17 You never got me wet on Comedy Bang Bang. I never got you wet. You threw some bottles of liquid around, but you never dropped one. I did. I shaked up a cocktail shaker. I broke into a museum with you. You were wet adjacent certainly Adjacent yeah, but not wet. This is of course not wet day yet. We're about a month off from wet day, but it's well It's lens
Starting point is 00:07:36 So and it's and we start the preparations around now about a month out Yeah much like the day after Thanksgiving you start for Christmas. So we can talk about this kind of stuff. But yeah, of course, listeners and viewers of the Comedy Bang Bang television show know you a slow Joey. We had many adventures together. We gave you your own spin-off episode. That's right.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Slowing it down, was that what it was called? Still waiting for that to get picked up. IFC has to become a thing again in order for that to get picked up. I've seen has to become a thing again in order for that to happen. But, and yes, we did a jewel heist together. We didn't do it together. I was the security guy stopping you. I broke in and then you and I decided to team up
Starting point is 00:08:15 because you were so inspired by me. What was I stealing? You're stealing like a big ruby or something. Or what was it? I think it was the Constitution. Oh, the Constitution. Fun times on that show. What, the Constitution. Yeah. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha So when? It gets musty in there. Is that how we got to know each other? Is he doing the TV show first? That was the first time, 2015. Maybe you were just doing a lot of cool stuff at the time.
Starting point is 00:08:49 And so we said, oh, I wonder if he would do this. And we sent it to your agent. That must have been in it. I think it was my publicist, actually. Me and Bob Odenkirk, I think, had the same publicist. Oh, yeah. I think Jack Johnson has the same publicist. Same thing.
Starting point is 00:09:01 And one time, you guys shot so much every single day that you would not even give a dressing room to one person for more than a couple hours. Yes, we had to rotate everyone in. I came back from lunch on a day where I was shooting a lot of episodes and Bob was napping and I woke him up very violently because I thought it was my room and I felt really terrible because he looked really tired and that led to his Troubles on and then he wound up in jail. He won't know he had that heart attack. I think God I think it was a delayed reaction. It wasn't that
Starting point is 00:09:35 He got really ripped between then and now Slow much like slow Joey. Yeah comedy bang bang slow fast Joey. Yeah We uh, we you know we shot in a pretty tiny studio, not as tiny as it was in the third season. You came in a little later when we had an even bigger place if you believe it. In Glendale, one of my favorite Glendales in America. That's right.
Starting point is 00:09:54 With the security guard who would ride around on the hoverboard. Ha ha. Just saw him recently, it was nice to see him. Yeah. I have a video of him hoverboard dancing with Lin memory Lin Marie Stewart who played my mother as well as She's from Peewee's Playhouse. Oh, yeah, yeah at the rap party Wow He's on his hoverboard and she's dancing with him
Starting point is 00:10:20 Lin Marie Manuel Miranda. Yes, Lynn Marie Stewart Manuel Miranda. That's, oh, that's a great mashup. I gotta get those two together. But fun times and, you know, probably what you're best known for. Yep. Other than AI and the Sixth Sense and all those other movies.
Starting point is 00:10:38 Pay it forward. What was that about? Because I saw it. You know, it was about just trusting the goodness of the people around you and never doubting that... You played a... Tell me your character's name, Kenny. I played a titular, pay it forward man in high school and he had a really...
Starting point is 00:10:58 What was his name? His name was Trevor. You just got... What was your last name? Arisa? No, he's a basketball player. Kenny. Trevor. Oh was your last name? Arisa? No, it's a basketball player. Oh, thank you. Hey, you're using the computer. I am using it. I asked AI. What would his name?
Starting point is 00:11:13 What did it been? My sister and I were talking about this the other day. She's never been killed in a TV or film, and I have been killed basically every way you can be killed. Yeah, it's fun to kill you. It is fun. Yeah. Yeah. Now she is I believe she just got a TV show. She did. Yep. Your sister Emily is at her. Emily Osmond. That's right. And she's in the new Sheldon verse. Yes. TV show. Sheldon's been off a verse. Yes. So this is now we started of course with Sheldon.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Yes we did. And then we said, you know what, let's flash back and let's see young Sheldon. And then young Sheldon got so old now he's Sheldon. And so they're like, uh-oh. If they do an old Sheldon like season three of True Detective where he doesn't know it's real. Yeah, my theory was, okay, I wanna write a show
Starting point is 00:12:10 and call it old Sheldon and then offer it to Jim Parsons. And then he thinks it's a spin-off of his show and then it's about something totally different. And you go, no, this has nothing to do with it. It's about Senator Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island. Yeah, exactly. He's like, why are you offering this has nothing to do with it. It's about Senator Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island. Yeah, exactly. He's like, why are you offering this to me? He is old.
Starting point is 00:12:28 But does she play female Sheldon? Is this like the spider first? She is a female Sheldon. And she lives in the sewers underneath New York. And she loves pizza and surfing and nun jugs, basically. Oh, great. OK, this sounds amazing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Yeah, and then good concept, right? This is the universe where turtles are on the surface of the earth and humans live. Oh, no, no, no, just humans. Just humans. Oh, right, turtles live on the surface and the humans live in the sewers. Live in the sewers, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Oh, okay, yeah, I had to hear about this. Yeah. This is exciting. And were you on any of those Sheldon things, or did they ever ask you to be on any of this? No, I actually, I was hanging around the set one day and Chuck Laurie came out and he said, get out of here. It's only one, only one husband here.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I said get. Yeah. I mean, you technically could play her brother, right? Unless she's some sort of orphan. I've never seen it. Yeah, I think they did have brothers back in the 70s. So I could do it. They did in the 70s. So I could do it. They did. They did. Is that when Young Sheldon takes place?
Starting point is 00:13:27 Yeah, from the 70s, did they have brothers back then? You, of course, born in 1988, is that correct? That's right, the Reagan years. The year I graduated high school. Congratulations. Little did I know, I was, as I was moving my tassel from the left to the right, a young child was coming out of his mother's womb, incredibly wet, and we would be here and occupying the same space, low these many years later. It's not weird how life works.
Starting point is 00:13:55 It's just appropriate. It's what was meant to happen. That's true, that's true. And you were from this region of America, right? I am from this region, yeah, as well. You are as well, or did you move back here? Yes, I was born in Los Angeles. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:14:09 One of three people to be born here. That's right. You're the other one. Let me ask you about your new movie because you have a film that just came out a few days ago, and this is very exciting. Apparently it's in theaters now, as well as on Prime Video. Choose whatever you wanna do.
Starting point is 00:14:26 You know what I mean? If you can't afford Prime and who can these days? It's a choose your own adventure movie. It's not Apple TV Plus certainly, which can cost you upwards of three, four, or $500 a month. Yeah. But Prime is, you know, I mean, it's getting pricey.
Starting point is 00:14:39 It might be HD, we don't know. Until you turn it on, we don't know. Until you turn it on, we don't know. When it's Prime now, it might be riddled with ads, but if you go to see it in the theater, it's a wonderful experience. But it's called Drugstore June, and it's out now. Tell me about this.
Starting point is 00:14:53 This movie, Drugstore June, written and starring Esther Pavitsky, the great comedian, great actor, and it's about this. Is she great at any other thing? Being about to give birth, unless she's pregnant and about to give birth. I would think of like,
Starting point is 00:15:11 Yeah, she may have already given it by the time this comes out. If I was a person, and I certainly hope I am, who was great at like two things, I might start thinking, I'm probably good at everything. Like I'm probably bulletproof. You know, and we have no idea, like do you know if you're bulletproof?
Starting point is 00:15:25 I have no idea. I have never tried. I've never tried either. Let's try today. Yeah, let's try it on each other. It's Oscar season, I feel like. I feel like I'm mad at you. That's right, the Oscars last night,
Starting point is 00:15:32 how were they? You're a voter. Oh man, I voted for all the right things, Scott. Yes. It was just like when I came on to, Scott hasn't seen and ruined the game because I realized at the last minute I couldn't tell you what I voted for that's right
Starting point is 00:15:45 You we had haunts me to this day. We had you as our first guest on our first Oscar's Discussed beforehand. We were gonna talk about our Oscar choice. Yeah. Oh my god. That sounds so fun And then in the moment you realized you're not allowed to talk about them. I mean, I'm probably allowed But I really gonna do kick you out of the they might I feel like they've only kicked I've heard they only kicked one person out and it's because he was like Selling all the screeners right as a business kick your pay-it-forward costar out yet. Did they Hey seven was great But not to not to
Starting point is 00:16:25 But not to too directly address all that, but when you watch movies like that, it kinda adds a little weird thing now. You're like, oh, there he is. Yeah, there's that guy. Although I, well, I can decomp, or I can compartmentalize that kind of stuff. You can decompose? Yeah, I can decompose myself.
Starting point is 00:16:41 But tell me about Drugstore June. So Esther, Kevin Spacey is not in it. Okay, great. So Esther is in this movie. Kevin Spacey is not in it. Okay, great. Which is one thing. Now was he in it and then they digitally inserted Esther into the movie? They put Christopher Plummer in it
Starting point is 00:16:54 and then they had to replace him with an AI Christopher. Weird guy. Christopher Robin from Winnie the Pooh. That's right. Which was, and then we all got really confused and we had to start from square one. But Christopher Plummer should be a plumber, right? He wasn't?
Starting point is 00:17:07 I mean, maybe he did it on the side. I have no idea. He had to have been. He had to have been. In The Insider when he storms into the newsroom and he's holding a plunder in his... He's holding a plunder in his clogged! Yeah, he's holding a plunder in that scene. He puts it on Al Pacino's head. Yeah, it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:17:20 It's a really funny scene. It is a really funny scene. That movie was just a bunch of guys shouting into cell phones on the beach. It was in the Wall Street cinematic universe. Michael Douglas is calling Al Pacino and they're doing a weird day for night with a crazy blue filter.
Starting point is 00:17:38 But tell me about Drugstore June. I refuse, Scott. Okay, really, that's all we know. No, no, no, no, no. Esther plays this woman who lives with her parents and is cultivating an Instagram following of maybe a dozen people and She works at a drugstore and the drugstore is robbed and to try and get back with her boyfriend me Who she's been stalking even though I'm engaged to a new woman.
Starting point is 00:18:10 And there's a lot of great comedians that you know and love in it, including Miranda Cosgrove, Bill Burr, Bobby Lee, John Gabriel. Oh, great. It's a really great cast, and basically everybody just wanted to jump in and work with Esther because she's really funny and I really loved her comedy.
Starting point is 00:18:28 She has a special called Hot for My Name, which I'm a big fan of. And so when the script came to me in 2022, I was like, yes, I would love to be in the three. How does scripts get to you? Usually through Western Union. Oh, okay, yeah. Yeah. So everything has to have stop after every sentence? What do the scripts get to you? Usually through Western Union. Oh, okay, yeah. So everything has to have stop after every sentence?
Starting point is 00:18:49 I only abide by telegraph rules. Now, that's the opposite of Christopher Walken, your star in the country bears, who he would erase all punctuation from his lines. That's right. Yeah, because he didn't want to be bound to like... I had to go to the Western Union station and to get those you know first hand yeah, yeah Be unintelligible. Although it seems like they would just recycle the ones that he threw away Could be just a bunch of dots and dashes. Mm-hmm. SOS. SOS. Well, this sounds amazing
Starting point is 00:19:15 drugstore June is out there in theaters right now as well as on prime video and You can see Haley out there as Esther's Ex-boyfriends and just chewing up scenery. I chew it. I get wet that chew so much. Hey, it's perfectly apropos for wet day. We need to take a break.
Starting point is 00:19:37 When we come back, we're gonna have a plastic surgeon here. Have you ever had plastic surgery? Oh yeah, just today. Yeah, yeah, we all do. All of my chin is getting longer every day. Yeah, that's what we're extending things. No more of this tucking and nipping. We want to lengthen. We're gonna have a plastic surgeon. We also have a local high schooler here. We're gonna be right back with more Haley Joel Osmond. More comedy bang bang right after this.
Starting point is 00:20:01 Comedy bang bang. We're back. Haley Joel Osmond is here and he is. The new movie, The new movie, The new movie, The new movie, Comedy bang bang, we're back, Haley Joel Osman is here. Hello. And he is in the new movie, Drugstore June, which is in theaters and as well as on Prime Video now. And what do you got coming down the pipeline?
Starting point is 00:20:15 The seventh sense? What's happening? You recall at night and you're like, Bro. Oh yeah. Let's do it again. What if we did it? What if we did another one?
Starting point is 00:20:26 It is funny because we got those calls for a while after it came out with her like, come on, like, come on This is too successful. We got it. There's another number after six and to our credit. We did not do it I have a movie formerly known. You're crying as you look at your wallet right now. What is happening? You're crying as you look at your wallet right now. What is happening? I got a picture of a Sarah McLaughlin dog in there. Oh, okay. This makes sense. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Let me see that. Oh, God. That's my trick, Scott. Whenever I have to cry in a movie, I look at the sad dog. Do you feel shame? You're a dog owner. Do you feel shamed by all of these really aggressive commercials now that was like, what fucking monster would feed your dog kibble out of a box?
Starting point is 00:21:08 Yeah, we do it out of a bag, so I dodged it. But yeah. But then my friends who have done the unnamed fresh services, they're like, it gives my dog diarrhea. They're like, it's human food. Well, it's right there in the name, though. It's diarrhea dog. Diarrhea dog. Diarrhea So. Well, it's right there in the name though. It's DiarrheaDog.
Starting point is 00:21:25 So, you know, what do you expect? Happy wet day, DiarrheaDog. Happy wet day. Hey, wet with Diarrhea? Wet with Diarrhea. We'll take you. On wet day, we'll take all comers.
Starting point is 00:21:36 Anyone wet, we're here for you on wet day. We have to get to our next guest. This is exciting. Wait, I didn't plug the last movie. Oh, yeah. It used to be called Pussy Island, and now it's called Blink Twice, and it's coming out on August 23rd in theaters. Oh, that's right. You told me about this.
Starting point is 00:21:51 I did. Yeah. I told you, I told you. Blink Twice. Blink Twice. Okay. Yeah. That's how many times I blink in the movie.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Really? Look for it, yeah. And the second time I blink, woo! So is this a Rocky Horror situation where we're supposed to blink at the same time, and then like, when people blink? Yeah, you stand up and dance. All right. Let's get to our next guest.
Starting point is 00:22:10 He is a plastic surgeon and this is exciting because Haley and I are in dire need of some of his services. But please welcome to the show for the first time, Mr. Body. Hey, Scott, thanks for having me. Hey, my pleasure. This is Hailey. Hey, Hailey. Nice to see you again.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Hey, how's it going, man? Hey, thank you for all that stuff. Yeah, no problem. No problem. So you guys knew each other? OK. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know a lot of the, you know, the Hollywood cool guys. OK, yeah, the cool guys.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Scott, let's be honest. Sea Listers. Scott, let's be honest. That stands for the cool guys. Well, now that I've been on the show four times, it's unfortunately, the more you're on, the worse you're doing your career. Yeah. Yeah. I'm a plastic surgeon to the stars and to the
Starting point is 00:22:53 regular folks, you know, and as long as you can afford it, I'm down. I would say 50 50. Oh, that's pretty good. That's the Seth Rogen and Joseph Gordon Levitt special. That's where I got it. Yeah, I was a big fan of that. Although they were both big stars. Yes. It wasn't a big star and a regular person. Right, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:23:09 I actually worked on that film. Did you really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I did the haircut. Oh, the cancer haircut or Seth Rogen's? Both. Both, yeah, yeah, yeah. It looks like Jordan does his own on screen,
Starting point is 00:23:21 but that was all me. Oh, so that was your hands, and they just like superimposed it onto the picture? Yeah, that was actually surgery. It looked like just regular clippers that was surgically removed. Oh, wow. Incredible. Yeah, this is great.
Starting point is 00:23:34 Tell me about what you do. You're a plastic surgeon. You're here based in Los Angeles, I assume. Yeah, I mean, I can base myself wherever you need me. But yes, I live in Los Angeles. You're willing to relocate if someone were to temporarily me. Temporarily, yeah, yeah, yeah. Unless it was a retainer type thing, sure. If anybody in Dubai wants to hire me permanently,
Starting point is 00:23:51 I'd move out there. So tell me about what you do. What's your specialty you do? I do additions, I do subtractions, any kind of body work, any kind of head work, foot work. So anything on the body is okay. What if it was off the body, like a chair? I could do some of that, yeah, I'd be using human components still.
Starting point is 00:24:06 So you'd have like sort of a hairy chair or a. So like a Frankenstein style chair? Sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. Where would you get the human components? Do you have like a spare cache of them? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like a pick and pull junkyard. Everything that we take off of somebody, we keep.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Oh, I see. Oh, that's it. One can be a donor for that type of situation, right? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Junkyard oh everything that we take off of somebody we keep oh I see oh One can be a donor for that type of sure. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's actually where we get a lot of our materials Oh, okay. It's dead people who are donors. We take their head or their face Is it like you can sign up for a subscription subscription service at all? Well, that's the new thing Absolutely as long as you give your body at the end of it. Yes, you can have whatever you need Yeah, and some people you know they want to sign up for the script subscription Absolutely. As long as you give your body at the end of it, you can have whatever you need. Yeah. And some people, you know, they want to sign up for the subscription, they want to get paid before they go.
Starting point is 00:24:50 So we'll remove piece by piece. Piece by piece. Yeah, okay, yeah. Interesting. So what's the strangest, I guess, thing that you've ever done to someone? Well, I had- And I don't mean just in your field. I mean, like, you know, in life as well.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Well, one time I did sneak up on a barista. Oh, no. That was pretty weird. Why did you do this? I have no idea. You asked for the weirdest thing I ever did. But they were turned around. They were turned around, they were tamping the little thing
Starting point is 00:25:19 and I went, eek! That's strange. Everybody in the coffee shop really freaked. Yeah, that's weird. Yeah, that's weird. Yeah. That's very strange. I don't know why you asked about that.
Starting point is 00:25:28 I don't know, but tell me about your practice. My practice is going really well. Like I said, I can do anything. A lot of people come to me for the more, I don't know, lesser known things. Less known. Yeah, like I'll do disguises for people. Some people don't want to be recognized from the front, so we'll kind of do hair over the face and put the face on the back. Okay. So they want to be recognized by the back?
Starting point is 00:25:50 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They want to be able to choose. Right. Yeah, yeah, they'll wear a long hat with a little thing in the back, and then if you really want to say hi, just lift it. What do they call it? Safari hat? I guess one could call it a safari hat. If you're on a safari, any hat you're wearing is a safari hat. That's true. I any hat you're wearing is a safari that's true I didn't think of that. I'm gonna have to write that down. Okay. I don't know what for what is that? What book is that? What are you writing that? This is How to tame your dragon. Oh
Starting point is 00:26:15 Yeah, I just keep notes in this. Oh, okay It's a script for the movie actually. Oh, okay. Oh wait, so so are you hired by studios then? I'm guessing in order to some of my best work? Okay, yeah, I did the whale you did the whale I did the whale Yeah, I thought that was all makeup that was surgery surgery that was that was surgery That was what I call it. I call it surgery because surgery is a little too long. Yeah, it's also very off-putting and very scary Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's how I convinced him to do it. That was, the movie was my pitch. Yeah, just a little surgery.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Just get a little surgery. Wait, you pitched the whale. You betcha. Wow. That's how a lot of these studios are working now. Which plastic surgery do we want to do? And then let's write a story backwards from that. Did you do Norbit?
Starting point is 00:26:59 Ugh. How did you know? I'm glad you can recognize my work. Wow. Yeah. I did Marcel the Shell. shell real that was originally a human Oh, and you turned him into a cartoon. That's right. Yeah and stop motion. I did that too. You did all that too Yeah, it's confusing, but I did it. Yeah, what did you work on with Haley here?
Starting point is 00:27:18 Well, I don't know bears. Yeah, yeah country bears the movie What work I physically did but he did mention his chin's getting a little longer, so, I mean... Well, it's short for that one, because that was a teddy bear. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we had to put some extra hair on him. We had to make him... Do you ever think about Hailey just staying as a teddy bear? Oh, yeah, all the time. I mean, teddy bears are hot right now. During the pandemic, every night when I'd tuck myself in bed, I was like,
Starting point is 00:27:40 God, I wish I'd stayed a teddy bear. It was crazy how popular you were on set. I know. I mean, everybody loves Hailey, but when he was full bear mode, I wish I'd stayed a teddy bear. It was crazy how popular you were on set. I know. I mean, everybody loves Haley, but when he was full bear mode, it was intense. It was the first cuddle puddle that was allowed on a film set. Wow! And the last one?
Starting point is 00:27:52 And the last. Wow. I got a little too into it. It was right after 9-11, right? Yes. You know what I'm talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, Scott, have you ever thought about getting any work done? I think, yeah, I've definitely thought about it. I get uglier and uglier each year.
Starting point is 00:28:08 I was going to say the same thing. Not, not, you know, that's just what I said all my life. Just humans generally do, actually. Well, okay, so they start off pretty ugly. And then they get pretty good around 18. Yes. You can't talk about it for a long time. Yeah. What they look like. And then around 18, they get really good. it for a long time. Yeah. What they look like. And then around 18, they get really good. Hot. Then all the way up to 25. Woo. And then after that, it's just dogs. Anybody over 25 is a dog. That's why my business is so good. My up top right here. Hey. Yeah. Well, yeah, well, you're what? I mean, you're over 25. Yeah. I'm about four years over 25. Okay. That's what I thought.
Starting point is 00:28:46 Whoever's been doing your work is doing a great job. Sure. But if you want to go a little more aggressive, let me know. Yeah. How did when you say aggressive, exactly, what do you mean? Well, I would add an extra nose or extra nose. Yeah. Wherever you want it could be above your nose, could be underneath your shirt, wherever you want. I mean, it'll smell. It is like how bad?
Starting point is 00:29:06 Both ways. It'll it'll it'll stink really bad. Because it's a dead. It's a previously owned. It's a dead person's nose. Yeah, it's smell bad. Yeah, well, either from a cadaver or a live person that needed the money. OK, right. Yeah. But we can put that anywhere you want.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Some people actually do a nose right above the butt. Oh, really? Just for comedy. Almost like a tramp stamp, but a nose right above the butt. Oh, really? Just for comedy. Almost like a tramp stamp. But a nose. Yeah, yeah. It's a tramp stamp. That way they fart and they have a horrible time.
Starting point is 00:29:33 They have to be exterior things, though, right? You can't just put a mouth on someone, because that would be a hole, right? Yeah, I don't really do holes. Holes are too intense. That's not plastic surgery. That's metal for that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:43 That's like excavating. Yeah. Yeah, Yeah. That's like excavating. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, I'm not a plum. You couldn't tear me a new asshole in other words Depends on what you did. I could really give you a screaming. Okay. Yeah. Oh, you mean physically. No physically. Yeah. Yeah Oh, no, I could slice you a new asshole. Hmm. Okay. We don't tear right. I'm a professional. No, okay. Yeah So a new nose New New nose, new ear. Again, I could cut your hair. You know, I could really do anything. This is an interesting part of your business
Starting point is 00:30:10 where you're just giving haircuts to people. Scott, anybody who wants to pay, I'll do whatever they need. Dr, I had a thing I wanted to do where I wanted to get a tattoo on one of my ass cheeks that was two ass cheeks. It was like a hall of mirrors that just went on into an infinity. Genius. Could you do that? Absolutely. Are you talking about a tattoo or actually surgery? But well, I wanted to get a tattoo, but I feel like you could actually do it.
Starting point is 00:30:31 Yeah, you could add the asscheeks upon asscheeks upon asscheeks. Well, I work with a lot of tattoo artists. They sort of trace it. They do the tattoo and then I'll go in and actually surgically do what they did for the tattoo. Interesting. Like, so who have you worked with? Dida Fontese? Absolutely. Yeah, did for the tattoo. Interesting. Like, so who have you worked with? Dita Von Teese? Absolutely. Yeah, that's the one I know. That's the one I know too.
Starting point is 00:30:49 That's so interesting. I mean, she's famous. She's huge, you know, in the Hollywood thing. Once you're in Hollywood, you meet all the other movers and shakers, you know, Dita Von Teese. You ever wanted to, I mean, you, you, it sounds to me like you've, you know, come up with the concepts of so many movies Have your one to star in a movie. Oh above the title. I wish dr. No mr.
Starting point is 00:31:10 But why are you mr. Body not dr. Body? Good question. Oh mr. Body PhD Yeah, if I was actually a doctor, I probably would have gone with doctor. Oh, you're not a doctor. No, I used to be a mechanic I started I got my work in car body work Oh, I see so it's just dried up. It dried up and I just you know Why did it dry up? Well, there's just more money in plastic surgery in LA. It didn't dry up. Thanks Move to more money. It's more money, but also people don't care about their cars out here Yeah, I mean they go who cares let it be a car culture. It's not a thing anymore
Starting point is 00:31:43 No, no, no fix my face leave my car. I'll leave my mean? They go, who cares? Let it go to shit. Car culture. It's not a thing anymore. No, no, no. Fix my face. Leave my car outside. Leave my car alone. Yeah, exactly. So you, so it's the exact same kind of techniques? Same stuff. Yeah, fiberglass and skin and glue and, you know, paint and yeah. Yeah, airbrushing. Yeah, airbrushing, inflating things. Yeah. Wow. Okay. It's really surprising how easy of a crossover it was. So Mr. Body above the title of a movie, how does that grab you?
Starting point is 00:32:10 I love it. I really love it. I mean, you saw Face Off. I did see Face Off, yeah? That was me. What was you? Both of them. Both of them were you?
Starting point is 00:32:17 Yes, well, that was my pitch. They said absolutely not. Oh, I see. So then they had to use Travolta and Nickej, which was fine. Okay, got it. But it was my idea because Ivolta and the cage, which was fine. Okay, got it. But it was my idea because I had done a face off before. I had done several, several unsuccessful. So have you ever done a successful face off?
Starting point is 00:32:34 No. Oh, OK. So it's sort of a fantasy film. Yeah, the movie's a fantasy. It's crazy. You can't put the face back on. I could. Oh, you could. I could if I had enough money. If you had enough money. OK. Yeah. So it is. Subscription. Take a while. Hmm. It's possible if I had enough money. If you had enough money. Okay. Yeah. So it is. That's a subscription. It'll take a while.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Hmm. It's possible if you have enough money. I want the job. So you're saying you can take the face off, but you can't put it back on? Scott, I can put it back on if it were recording. But yeah, no, it's really hard. Okay. It's really interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:58 But I want the business. If anybody wants a face off switch, whatever, sure, come see me. How much money do you make? One. And this question is for both of you, by the way. Okay, good. I think we make about the same. I think we make about the same. What you were saying, one dollar, what?
Starting point is 00:33:11 Per. Per what? That depends. Depends. That's exact the same for me, too. One dollar per something. But it depends on what the something is. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:21 Yeah. It depends on the scale. What's the unit they're using? Because I want a millisecond, hopefully. No, it's per minute. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Yeah. It's a good gig, though. I like it. It's it's nice. It's human. You know, you get to interface with people. Who have you worked on? Can you tell? I mean, you're not a doctor, so I guess there's no doctor client privilege. No, you're allowed to really spill everything. I worked with Travolta. Okay. I worked with, um, who else?
Starting point is 00:33:47 So Eddie Murphy on Norbit, of course. I worked with, um, Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson. Yeah. Yeah, I did it all. The gloved one. Yeah. The glove was me.
Starting point is 00:33:57 That was you. That was surgery. That was enough. That was a bigger human hand. Yes. A bigger human hand and it didn't come off. That glove was on there. Have you ever seen him without the glove?
Starting point is 00:34:06 That's a good point. I've never seen him without that glove. Yeah. And why was it sparkly? He wanted that. Okay. Not my choice. So you attached the sparkles to human skin.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Yes. Well, it was honestly, it's just bejeweled. It's just those shitty little plastic. Oh, like the dazzle. Yeah, bedazzle. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:24 Interesting. So you have a glue gun. I have a glue. That was one of the first things I bought was a glue gun. Yeah, yeah, interesting. So you have a glue gun. I have a glue That was one of the first things I bought was a clue gun. Yeah, I really got me in there So those three and no other celebrities on correct. Yeah, okay. Well, hey Lee See list Again, if you want anything where'd you drop this? Well, I've dropped several I dropped a bunch out of my car on accident But then I put one on your desk when I walk. Did you pick up the ones you dropped by accident? I'll pick them up on the way out. It's not that windy.
Starting point is 00:34:47 It's fine. They'll be there. It's pretty bad. They'll be there. I mean, it was raining just a couple of hours ago. What are you, the cops? I get littering tickets all the time. Are you going to tell people about this?
Starting point is 00:34:56 Uh, no, I'm not the cops. All right. CAB, all cops aren't bastards. Oh my God. That's the opposite of what it's supposed to mean. You know that, right? I don't know. Yeah my God, that's the opposite of what it's supposed to be. You know that, right? I don't know. Well, this is great.
Starting point is 00:35:07 I think we can kind of broker a deal here, right? Wait, you and me are switching faces? Yeah, we can do a face-off situation. I think that would look good. That would be fun. I'd like to look younger. We could do a Janus thing where one of our heads is on the back of the other person's head.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yeah, I don't know who Janus is. It's a mythological creature. Oh, I see, okay. I'm thinking, of course, of the movie. Janice from Friends. Yes, the movie Janice from Friends. The movie Janice from Friends. And I was thinking of Janice Films,
Starting point is 00:35:37 the foreign film company. There's lots of them. That's probably what I was actually thinking of. No, I was, of course, thinking about the incredible movie Malignant. Oh. Have you ever done a malignant? I've actually had a lot of malignant surgeries that are supposed to stick and then they just kind of... You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:35:59 I got lucky when I woke up he was like, it's benign. Your chin is benign. Your entire chin was benign? Oh my God. I hate that when you wake up one day and like, it's benign. Your chin has been. Your entire chin was benign? My chin was benign. Oh my God. Yeah. I hate that when you wake up one day and your chin is not benign. It's malignant, but there will be sequels. That's true.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Yeah. Well, this is great. Anything planned for 2024? Slate's pretty open. I'm looking for business. If anybody's looking for surge, you know, surges. Surgees. Yeah, little surges, little Essys.
Starting point is 00:36:26 What's your dream? My dream? Yeah. God, that's a good question. I guess up my rate from one to two. Yeah. That that's a big dream. But lower it.
Starting point is 00:36:38 Yeah, lower the unit, but up the price. Sure. Yeah. We all know for that. I'm not dreaming that big, I guess. I should probably shoot bigger I guess my real dream would be to Do a total body switch between two people. I don't know Jamie Curtis and like a Lindsay Lohan
Starting point is 00:36:53 Yeah, something like that something like that. Yeah, that would be cool something really freaky and I only work yeah When you see you on Friday Friday, yeah, why don't you work Monday through Thursday? I like a one-day work week Friday Fridays. Yeah, why don't you work Monday through Thursday? I like a one-day work week Welcome to LA baby one per yeah one per I got a dollar a day 50 times a year. I take two weeks off All right. Well a very interesting mr. Body Can you stick around because sure we have a local high school or come here? I don't know I have no opinion on their looks okay good When we come back, we're gonna be talking to a local high schooler.
Starting point is 00:37:28 We'll have more with Mr. Body, plus more with Haley Joel Osmond. We'll be right back with more Comedy Bang Bang after this. ["Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama Mama M here of the acting family, the Osmonds. That's right. Mormons from Salt Lake City. You have any other brothers and sisters out there? Not that I know of. Yeah, what about... You don't have any kids, but... Not that I know of.
Starting point is 00:37:54 No, what about your sister? She have any kids? Not that I know of. Okay, so... It seems like you're not talking to your family very much. I can say conclusively that I know that there are four members of my family. We need more husbands. We need more.
Starting point is 00:38:08 We need them in our TV shows. My sister is getting married this year though. Congratulations. Thank you very much. To whom, if I may ask, is the lucky fellow? To a man named Jack. He's a very nice man. A man named...
Starting point is 00:38:18 Now this is not a man who ages first, right? A man named... Oh, I'm sorry. A man named Obey. Sorry. That's what she's getting married too. Hmm, Ove. Wait, that's the original movie, right?
Starting point is 00:38:31 I don't know. She's getting married to Tom Hanks. Oh, okay. We also have a man by the name of Mr. Body here, who's a plastic surgeon to a surgery, I guess. A plastic surgeon. Hey, Snip Snip, is that your catchphrase? It sure is.
Starting point is 00:38:47 Yeah. Snip Snip. I like that. Thank you. Thanks so much. You can use it if you'd like. Oh really? But just quote me or credit me.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Okay, yeah. Maybe I'll say it to the editors of the show whenever our machine is back up and running. It's been broken for quite a number of years. Do you work on machines at all? Really? Sure. Yeah, carburetors, engines, things like that.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure, yeah, yeah. Yeah, what about editing machines? I could try, yeah. Yeah, but are those on it or something? You would replace it with human parts? Yeah, yeah, yeah, probably. So like fingers with scissors and stuff like that? Fingers with scissors, yeah, yeah, yeah. Snips.
Starting point is 00:39:16 What about Edward Scissorhands? Wow, that was a good movie, you're right. Yeah, yeah. Do you look at that and just go like... That's a dream. That's what you want. Scissors for hands, weird face, ugly hair just go like that's a dream. That's what you want scissors for hands weird face ugly hair God, that's the dream. That's the thing about Edward scissor hands is you kind of go like okay?
Starting point is 00:39:31 The scissors for the hands is like not the weirdest thing about him like his hair was pretty ratty I gotta say his attitude is the thing. I like the least What if you just called it like Edward bad attitude? Yeah, Edward Edward Ugly. With a weird haircut. Yeah, that's it. Oh yeah, by the way, Scissors for Hands, I'm gonna be looking at those. No, no. I don't know, anyway, this movie, this fucking movie. All right, we need to get to our next guest.
Starting point is 00:39:55 They're a local high schooler, and we're gonna be talking to them about high school issues, I would imagine, that are of concern to all of us here, not just in Hollywood, but across these United States of ours. Please welcome to the show for the first time, De La Boute. Hey, nice to be here. La Boute.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Le Bonte. De La Bonte. Oh, I made that end look like a U. That's easy to do. La Bonte. La Boute's fun, though. It sounds like I'm French. Yeah, yeah. La Boute.
Starting point is 00:40:23 La Boute. La Boute. La Boute. What about Das Boute? I have a quick question, because I'm French. Yeah, yeah. Le bout. Le bout. Le bout, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le, le bout. What about das bout? I have a quick question, because I was listening. How quick? It's like one sentence.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Okay, great. What is wet day? Oh, it's a brand new American holiday that's... It's real? Yeah. What? Yeah. I never heard of it.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Yeah, well it's... Do we get school off? What about cool off? Yeah, did we get school off. Did we get school off? What about cool off? Did we get school off? Do we get school off? It could have been anything. Do we get to cool off? Yeah, certainly you do on wet day.
Starting point is 00:40:53 Oh yeah. As well as far as school off, I don't think our schools are celebrating wet day quite yet, but you can get as wet as you like there. Okay, that's cool. As wet as your teacher will allow you to. How old are you? Do you mind me asking? I'm in high school. Oh, okay, great. As well as your teacher will allow you to. How old are you? Do you mind me asking?
Starting point is 00:41:06 I'm in high school. Oh, okay, great. But I'm not 18, so, but I do, one of my best friends, Cody, he turned 18. He's older than me, and we went and got a tattoo for him. He, as soon as they turned 18. They turned 18. Oh, that's so cool.
Starting point is 00:41:18 What was his tattoo? Well, we walked in, we were on psilocybin mushrooms, and we were trying to act like we weren't, because then they won't do it. And so Cody walked in there, and we were trying to act like we weren't because then they won't do it. And so Cody walked in there and we were acting like we were drunk so that he wouldn't think we were on mushrooms and we only had 25 bucks. And the guy was like, get out of here, shop minimum 75 and we were like, but we only got 25. What can we get for 25? And he said, get out of here, shop minimum 75. And we said, we got 25. And he said, shop minimum 75.
Starting point is 00:41:45 We said, we got 25 bucks. He goes, okay, here's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna put your t-shirt over your head and I'm gonna give you whatever I want on your back for 25 bucks. It was awesome. Wow, so what did it end up being? Was it?
Starting point is 00:41:59 He gave Cody some flying boobies. Flying boobies? They were beautiful. It was a beautiful tattoo. Colorful purple wings, feathers, like purple feathery wings. But it was very weird to see a set of breasts like completely disembodied. Like they had backs on the boobs. They had backs? Yeah, they had backs. It was almost like if you took a water balloon, you know, and just held it suspended in the air.
Starting point is 00:42:25 That's what a booby looks like without a body. I've never thought about that. Yeah, but I mean, you must know this. I know exactly what this looks like. If he wants to go full hog, whole hog, full hog. I'll take either. He could get boobies on his back. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:39 I mean, it's already traced. Wow. That's a good idea too, because like around here in Los Angeles, if you're going hiking, you have to have a face on your back of your head so that the mountain lions don't. Yes. Oh, that's right. P, what was his number? 24.
Starting point is 00:42:52 P22, RIP. 22, that's right. I felt bad about that. What about the sequel to that? P23. Prime number. Yeah. Oh yeah. Amazon Prime. Drugstore June. Drugstore June. That's right. Only on Amazon Prime, I think. So, Day, what an unusual name.
Starting point is 00:43:08 Yeah, it's like full of possibility, I think, a lot of potential, you know? Yeah, so Day, tell us about high school. You're on the show, I guess, to talk about some local high school issues. What's going on at high school? Well, I feel like everything that's affecting kids in high school is affecting everybody, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:43:24 Like, we're worried about the environment and stuff like that because you know like we want to have a place to live. But honestly, I think like the big thing that people don't want to know that's happening in high school is that like we're not really into phones anymore. Like I would rather have a flip phone. I don't like it. I don't want to live online. You know what I mean? It's like the adults that are addicted to it. You know what I mean? So I'm trying to like not look at my phone. Okay, so kids are not interested in phones. Yeah, I like philosophy. I like to talk with my friends about philosophy.
Starting point is 00:43:55 Oh really, like what? Alan Watts, do you know about him? I mean, I know about him. Can't say that I've ever subjected myself to reading any of him, but. Oh, you can listen to him talk. He has a good voice, too. He...
Starting point is 00:44:05 I'll probably pass on that, but you tell me all about it, and I'll feel like I... It's like reading the headline of an article. Like, I get it. Yeah. It's basically... He helps you think about the world and ways you haven't thought about it before, and you realize that some of the ways that you naturally think are actually destructive ways of thinking.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Like what? For instance, like we in Western civilization because we're so influenced by the Bible, we believe everything was created by a creator. So it came from something, right? And that affects the way, like we look at everything. But like, for instance, if I was born in Japan, I wouldn't think like that. I would be a kid who was like, ooh, what grew me? I grew from something. Everything is just growing. You know what I mean? Like an apple tree makes apples. The earth peoples. Mmm. So the earth is the apple tree of planets?
Starting point is 00:44:54 Yeah, exactly. Scott, you really got that. That's Alan Watts. You really understand that. That's him. That's this guy. Yeah. The earth is the apple tree of planets. Yeah, okay, interesting.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Did you know when they released E.T. in Japan, they had to have his head glow instead of his heart glow because of the cultural difference, because there wasn't an identification with the heart being where the soul was. Interesting. See, that's so cool. Wait, they went in and changed the movie digitally?
Starting point is 00:45:21 I believe so. And is that where they added all those- And last time something I read in a Snapple Cap and I've decided to believe was true. Is that where they added all those walkie-talkies instead of the movie digitally? I believe so. And is that where they added all those? Something I read in a Snapple Cap and I've decided to believe was true. Is that where they added all those walkie-talkies instead of the guns too? Oh yeah, yeah, well in Japan, all guns are walkie-talkies.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Oh really? Yeah. So if you see someone in Japan with a walkie-talkie, you better duck. Don't point it at anybody. Interesting. Very, very good. Yeah, that's everything, that's cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:42 It's also like, you know what I mean? Like the way you look at things really Even the language you use like it depends that that that like totally controls the way you think like you can only Think to the extent that your language allows, you know what I mean? This is like the sapper wharf theory from arrival. Oh see that's so cool I love the rival. I love to. I hate anyone who hated Arrival. So do I. Because I love stuff about language.
Starting point is 00:46:08 And on every first date, I'm like, if you didn't like Arrival, you can fucking get out of here. Yeah, yeah, you could be. You know what you should do? You should be like, what you should do on your first date. Haley, you should be like, what's the word for war? But you know what I mean? And if that person's-
Starting point is 00:46:25 Unassemblage of cows, I'm like, you're in. We need more cows, right? What are you two nerds fucking talking about right now? My back's to you, Scott. So just look at my boobs for a second. Oh wow, look at those big natties. Did you see a rival, Scott? I saw a rival.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I can't say that I retain much of it, but fascinating to experience. Yeah, it's like, those aliens were using language that was like infinity, infinite. This is a movie about aliens come down to Earth and someone teaches them English. Is this what it is? Yep.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Yeah. It sounds fun. So it's like an ESL class, but... It shows them a bunch of mad libs that are like, oh, tight. Oh, yeah. Oh, and then they start putting in tiddies. And then Jeremy Redder starts a website and they're like, yeah, I get this culture. Yeah, interesting.
Starting point is 00:47:12 So these sound like the issues affecting you. You're into philosophy and you're not into phones, but is that all teenagers these days? Just probably me and my friends, you know, but it's also probably because I did mushrooms at a young age and so then it made me start to think about things and think about thinking, you know what I mean? Yeah, are you on mushrooms right now?
Starting point is 00:47:34 No, no, no. I can't get my hands on any. Oh, wait, did you come to the studio thinking that you were gonna maybe score some mushrooms here? Do you have mushrooms in this house? I mean, you can't do this show without being a little high, am I right? Yeah, high five.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Because the brain certainly couldn't come up with the thing. Anyway, but no, unfortunately I'm out. Don't have any here, but... But don't you think it's interesting that our government makes it illegal to use substances that expand your consciousness, but they always want us on the drugs that diminish our consciousness.
Starting point is 00:48:08 That is true, like Ozympic? Yep. You must hate Ozympic, by the way. Dr. Boddy, or Mr. Boddy, I'm so sorry. I don't mean to call you Dr. Thank you, yeah, no. Because a body like slimming down, there's less to work with.
Starting point is 00:48:18 There's less to do. It's like taking a painter that does those huge canvases and say, who's a post it? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna turn you into a postcard. Yeah, I don't like that. Although they do that a lot of times,
Starting point is 00:48:30 they'll turn big art pieces into postcards. Sure, I mean, if anybody wants to pay enough, I'll shrink them. Sure. Wait, you can shrink people? Yeah, well, I'll remove everything until they're very small. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:40 There'll be sort of like a bloody inside and that'll be the outside. So it's like a honey, I shrunk the kid's situation, but they're just like a couple of fingers. Yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah. Interesting. Teenage child are teenagers these days into astrology very much? Totally, because you can get on, they're also like social media sites. You know what I mean? So you can like see how well you're synced up with somebody else and you can message them
Starting point is 00:49:02 based on like what their personality is like, what's happening in their star chart is cool. And it always works. I think it's because our phones are listening to us. So the the the the your your star chart is like dead on. Yeah, you're a very deep thinker. Hey, thank you so much. It's pretty cool. Yeah. What set you on this path? I mean, most kids are just like, What set you on this path? I mean most kids are just like Duh! Duh! I can't wait till I make tea! Scott knows kids. It was honestly probably that moment in ET where his heart glowed.
Starting point is 00:49:33 The moment in ET where he's like Duh! Duh! I left my candy in the backyard. Remember when he was a ghost? I do remember that. Oh man. And he sees the Yoda and you're like hey that's that's from another That's from his best friend's movie. Yeah, more movies should do that where like you just see character from other movies like you're like, oh look
Starting point is 00:49:52 It's gooby-doo over there in Dune. You see a huge Jackman buried in a hole in the ground. Yeah Did you see Dune and I'm X I did is that the way to do it? Oh, it's the way to do it. Really? Yeah, pull up your star chart, take all your mushrooms, never get a phone and then go see it. Are you into astrology? I don't know anything about astrology except that my sign is the best sign, Aries, number one.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Really? They're all ranked, right? Oh, I didn't know. That's cool, you're a number one. I'm number one. Wow, that's great. Is that number one of best people or just that's the best sign? Best sign. Yeah, areas. It says on the when you're at a Chinese restaurant, and it's like, what is the best sign? It's like areas number one. Really? Yeah, and I remember I remember going to Chinese restaurants when I was a kid and it's like the compatibility with your crush But when you're a kid, it's like everyone is either that year or the next year.
Starting point is 00:50:47 And it'd be like, oh, I hope she's a snake. I hope she's a dragon. And now of course we can date any age we like. You can date any age, you can date 12 different years. Yeah, of course. Yeah. So day, day LeBont of course. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:03 You go to school here in Los Angeles? Yeah, Hollywood High. Hollywood High, really. Oh, the, what are the, the Sheiks? Yeah. Yeah. For sure. Nice.
Starting point is 00:51:12 What do you do for fun other than philosophy? I like to read, I really like to watch movies. And have you ever noticed that in movies, whenever there's aliens, like E.T. or Arrival, the humans act wild and are bad. Like, I think we're a bad species. And I think the aliens are trying to tell us to get our act together.
Starting point is 00:51:30 You know what I mean? Right, do you believe in actual aliens that have come down here? There's a lot of evidence coming out that supposedly they've been flying around up there and they're UFOs. Yeah, people try to, is that what you call them? Yeah, people try to act like,
Starting point is 00:51:44 oh, it's just a few I witness accounts Well, guess what that's the whole Bible is a few I witness accounts. You know what I mean? I mean they're 12 Yeah, but you know I think but there was a school in England where it was like 36 kids all saw the same aliens Did you see that one? I didn't see that when was that that was um? They're still alive like they're grown-ups. Was that what the seven ups was about? Yeah. The seven up series with Michael Aptit.
Starting point is 00:52:07 It was all about a bunch of kids. I saw aliens every seven years. Yeah. Every seven years. Catch up with them every seven years and be like, are you sure you saw aliens? Still saw it. 100%. And then you check in with them their whole life and they're like, it was an alien.
Starting point is 00:52:20 But I think maybe the way we describe them as grays or whatever is because our brain doesn't have the like we're trapped inside the limitations of our own perception and senses, right? So we're only perceiving what our brain is like. It's a head shape and it's big eyes and stuff. So we can't, we don't know how to perceive it. So instead we just make it like, uh, it's a gray big head. And it might be us. I think it's us. And I think all the aliens keep saying like, stop hurting the earth. You know what I mean? So you think it's us in the future coming back to the present? I think maybe, yeah, for sure. But yeah, there's definitely aliens because there's not time. So it might just be... What do you mean by that? There's not time? There's no time. It doesn't appear in the rigorous math of like quantum mechanics or like string theory or any of that
Starting point is 00:53:04 stuff. Like there's no such thing as time. It's like a in the rigorous math of like quantum mechanics or like string theory or any of that stuff. Like there's no such thing as time. It's like a sensation we're having. We knew this if you would have enjoyed Arrival, you'd know that. Okay, yeah. God, I gotta rewatch this movie. It's good. It has that guy in it who got ran over by his own snowmobile. It's got a whiteboard in it, right? Sort of like the one I'm writing on now. Yeah, they use whiteboards with aliens.
Starting point is 00:53:21 So there's a lot in common with the lead character of Arrival. I should make the end of this film. You would love it. You write on whiteboards. You could So there's a lot in common with the lead character of Arrival. I should maybe be into this film. You would love it. You write on whiteboards. You could be in that movie. Hell yeah. Wait, Scott, you were abducted. Remember, I remember hearing a story
Starting point is 00:53:32 where you were abducted. Maybe, who knows. Possibly. It's possible. But it was so unexciting that you didn't remember whether it was Flugin or not. No, I feel like it was so scary I forgot about it for years and years.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Sounded like a legit story. I have no idea that, of course. I believe I talked about it was so scary. I forgot about it for years. Sounded like a legit story. I have no idea that, of course. I believe I talked about it on our sister show, Freedom, which is back now, of course, on Thursdays. But listen to our archived episodes there if you want to hear that exciting tale of me being abducted by aliens. And that scary movie, Communion, right? Yeah, when I saw Communion, it all came flooding back to me. Anyway, that's of course,
Starting point is 00:54:09 we're here to talk to Day LeBont. We're not here to talk about my past. But what do you hope for the future, Day? You're in high school, you're of course high school aged. What are you gonna do with your life? Because it seems like you're aimless and directionless right now. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:54:25 But I know without a doubt, the number one thing I want in life, I want to be in love. Yes, love. I really want to be in love. Love with a person or? Yes, with a person. I want to be in love and I want it to last.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Yeah, have you had brushes with that? Have you had any relationships? Yeah, for sure, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I I've I've loved people many times, but I don't think you can be in love unless the other person is into it, too Right. Yeah, if it's not reciprocated, it's maybe just obsession. Yeah, and I've only had unrequited so far So I'm living in the land of desire and desire only exists basically when you don't have the thing you want and I want the thing I want so I want to move from desire to pleasure. Is there someone out there is
Starting point is 00:55:13 there someone that you're going to school with right now who you're you're you're into but you feel like it's not reciprocated? Yeah. Because I have an idea. Oh what? Who is this person do you mind me asking? Her name is Ruth. Ruth? Yeah. Okay, well, we have a celebrity here. Yeah. As well as a celebrity plastic surgeon. Yeah. And maybe they could get kind of a mess,
Starting point is 00:55:34 sort of like a cameo, a living cameo message here. Maybe, Haley, would you mind, you know, talking to Ruth? Oh, I wouldn't mind at all. Really? Yeah, yeah. And expressing maybe, you know, Day LeBon's feelings. Oh, I wouldn't mind at all. Really? Yeah, yeah. And expressing maybe, you know, Day LeBon's feelings. Oh, yeah. You know, sort of like you're her virtual wing person.
Starting point is 00:55:50 Like, absolutely. You could make a video, we could make a video where you just say, hey Ruth, what's the Sanskrit definition of war? Okay, I don't know if your ideas are going to be really what seals the deal on this. In fact, they may be repulsing your crush, but, and I mentioned wing person you got very excited. Oh, we can do that Absolutely do that. I can also do big gray head, which you mentioned earlier. Okay. So yeah You're writing these down in your script right? Yes. What is it how to train your dragon how to train your dragon? So Haley
Starting point is 00:56:23 Say whatever you want to say not necessarily what day wants you to say. Okay, are we recording? Yeah. Hi, this is to Ruth. Yeah. Ruth, hello. Someone at your school thinks that you are just the cats pajamas and I've been enlisted on their behalf
Starting point is 00:56:42 to ask you, what is the Sanskrit word for love? Oh no. The end, goodbye. Oh snap, facts, facts, facts, facts. That was great, man. Well, I mean, here's some issues that I have with it. First of all, you were not specific about the person. And as someone who's been in this situation
Starting point is 00:57:05 where I had a friend say, hey, your friend likes you and they thought it was a hotter guy. No, yeah. No, that's, yeah. And then the whole Sanskrit thing. This is a bust. Are you certain that Sanskrit is not a hot thing to talk about when you're hitting on somebody?
Starting point is 00:57:23 I don't know. You're the pay it forward kid. The... I wouldn't trust what either of you are saying. Your Trevor McKinney. I wasn't even above the title in that movie. And then I got murdered. You were next to the...
Starting point is 00:57:34 You were murdered in that movie. Yes, I was stabbed to death. By whom? Another child. Were you like held up... I remember there like a big mob outside of a house. Never mind. I wish... I don't mob outside of a house. Nevermind. I wish. I don't remember anything about this movie.
Starting point is 00:57:48 Is it fair that I paid probably $12 American to see this movie? I don't remember any of it. Is that fair? Well, Jesus was in that movie, Jim Caviesal. That's one of our most moral actors. Yeah. But you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:03 Like if they should, you should, a movie should give you a test five years later and say, do you remember anything about me? And if not, they refund everything. This is, and- It's on them if you don't remember. Yeah. And, and doctor, I'm going to need your help for this because this is the time with books and movies where I'm like, wow, I know I saw that whole movie and I couldn't tell you
Starting point is 00:58:20 one scene. Right. Yeah. It's not fair. But anyway, you want one more take where maybe you're a little more explicit, what do you say, and more explicit? Yeah, well, not explicit in that way.
Starting point is 00:58:30 But Mr. Boddy, I want you in on this. Okay, good. I think Haley, quite honestly, he doesn't know what he's doing. Yeah, I'm gonna need your help on this. Yeah, I saw that. So just, we'll just hit it back and forth like a ping-pong ball.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Okay. Ruth, hello, you don't know me, but I know someone who knows you and who knows me and who asked me to ask if you want to know them. Is that specific enough, doctor? It's very confusing. And this somebody is offering a deal on haircuts, face surgeries, shoulder surgeries, but they love you and they love philosophy.
Starting point is 00:59:04 Do you know who we're talking about? Look, you could wear my face or his face or both of our faces. You could learn a new language, Sanskrit. That is language. What is war for? Do we please cut? Hit me back. Are you just saying cut because that's what we want to do to the body?
Starting point is 00:59:25 Snip, excuse me, snip, snip. Snip, snip is your catchphrase. Yah, gah! I don't know. First of all, it kind of veered into advertisement for your business. Sorry, I'm sorry. Yeah, yeah, my bad. But is it usable?
Starting point is 00:59:38 What do you think? Yeah, definitely. I'll save it till the day we do carnations. Did you all do that in high school where you sent someone a carnation? No, you didn't I didn't get to do that. What is a Valentine's Day thing? Yeah, you got robbed you pay a dollar in advance and then they'll take a carnation to whoever your sweetheart is They'll drop it off in their classroom. Wow. I don't think this is gonna keep for 11 months But honestly, I don't know if it's gonna be successful even if you sent it right now
Starting point is 01:00:03 But 11 months from now come on just send it sent it right now. About 11 months from now? Come on, just send it, send it right now. What do you say? Can you text it? Do you have their number? Yeah, okay. Definitely, okay, I'm sending it. Okay, we'll see if we get a response
Starting point is 01:00:15 or maybe a call or anything like that. Who's this person's name again? Ruth? Ruth. What's her last name? Williamson. Ruth Williamson. Yeah, she's gonna be a daughter. Is this Kevin Williamson's daughter from the
Starting point is 01:00:26 Scream franchise? Yeah. Yeah. Do you know him? I've never met him, but a big fan of Dawson's Creek. Yeah. Yeah, so. Yeah. Oh, wait, wait, looks like we're getting a call here. The caller ID is RW. That could be Ruth Williamson. Should I answer? Yeah, let's answer. Okay, hold on. Hello? Hello?
Starting point is 01:00:52 Hey, what's up, Ruth? It's Day. Hey, Day. What are you calling for? What am I calling for? I wanted to ask you if you know the definition of the Sanskrit word for war and I can't give you multiple choice if you want.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Okay, I think the definition means fighting between two sides. I love you. What? I didn't know that's what this was about. Hold on, let me interject. Hey, this is Scott Ackerman of Comedy Bang Bang, the podcast. What? Am I't know that's what this was about. Hold on, let me interject. Hey, this is Scott Ackerman of Comedy Bang Bang, the podcast. What? Am I on the air? You're on the air right now.
Starting point is 01:01:30 No! Can we use your voice? Yes! Okay, let's...let me hear your real voice now that we've stopped disguising it now that I've got your permission. Hello. Okay, hi Ruth. Hi. First of all, big fan of your dad's work, Dawson's Creek, the rest, Scream.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Um, but uh, did you get the video? That like, that's why we thought you were calling back. I did. It was a little confusing. So I just called to figure it out and uh... But you like Haley, right? Hi, this is Haley Osmond from Comedy Bang Bang The Talent Show. What? Whoa! It's really a pleasure to meet you. I think I've left you three voicemails today that might be a little confusing in retrospect. Yeah, nice to meet you.
Starting point is 01:02:08 Thanks for calling. Hailey wanted to ask you if you would go out with me, but I'll let Hailey ask. Ruth, would you go out with my friend? Dr. Boddy, seal the deal. Mr. Boddy, sorry. Um, uh, uh, yeah, I will. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Thanks, Haley. You're welcome. Um, okay Ruth, I'll talk to you later. I think that you are really smart and very funny. And what's happening in the next screen movie? I know that like all the leads aren't coming back. I can't tell you that, Scott. Don't be unprofessional.
Starting point is 01:02:47 But you must have seen... Don't be unprofessional, Scott. I didn't know that's what this was. Just notes on a... Note cards on a cork board in your dad's office? Everybody wants me for my dad. Everybody wants me for my dad. I hope that's not what you're doing, Dave.
Starting point is 01:02:57 No. You seem so cool, like a little philosopher. Yeah, I'm really into philosophy, like materialism versus idealism. Do you like stuff like that? I think so yeah me too. I don't even know who your dad is. I don't care. I love that I love you. I love you too. Yes. Oh high five Haley Yeah, it's hard. Oh, sorry Yeah, okay, I'm gonna hang up. Why I guess I could say yes OK? Yeah. OK. I'm going to hang up.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Why? I guess I could stay. Yeah, stay. OK. You want to stay through plugs? Sure. Mr. Bonnie, what about you? I'm going to go.
Starting point is 01:03:35 You're going to go? Sounds like Ruth is cool. That's what Ruth's saying. OK. If you want to go before plugs, I get it. Yeah, I'm going to get out of here. I mean, you kind of plugged everything you had already. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:03:44 OK. Let me just plug real quick. I'm doing plugs, hair plugs, ear plugs, I get it. Yeah, I gotta get out of here. I mean, you kind of plugged everything you had already. Yeah, sure. Let me just bug real quick. I'm doing plugs, hair plugs, ear plugs, and butt plugs. So natural butt plugs. Yes. Yep, we just seal it up. Yep. Okay, great. All right. Thanks, Mr. Body. See you later. But Ruth, you're still around. Yeah, I'm here. Okay, great. Don't ask me about my dad. Again, don't do that. I mean, I don't wanna know about his personal life. I just kinda wanna know about, you know, what's happening in the screen. That is personal.
Starting point is 01:04:13 That is personal. Was it cool to cast Jack Wade as the killer in Hollywood's Good Boy? Hollywood's Good Boy. Yeah, he had a lot of fun doing that. Yeah, he had a lot of fun doing that. That was cool. That was cool.
Starting point is 01:04:24 It's a great vibe on set too. Oh, I can only imagine. It must be of fun doing that. Yeah. He had a lot of fun doing that. That was cool. That was cool. It's a great vibe on set too. I can only imagine. It must be so fun for those. Yeah, yeah. Totally, totally, totally. Yeah, just a lot. I mean, such a great cast.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Did you shoot that on the real New York subway when the thing was done? Oh yeah. Wow. So that was a practical set. You know it. God, I love that. You know, I know Scream looks really fake the whole time, but that part was practical. That was cool.
Starting point is 01:04:46 I've never been to New York. I want to go so bad and eat pizza. I'd love to take you to New York. Oh my god, yeah, let's go to New York. Let's do a date here first, but then, yeah, definitely. So second date will be an out-of-town date? I would love that. We'll stay at the Four Seasons and get a big pizza. Can I be your chaperone?
Starting point is 01:05:03 Yes! Okay! It's the water that makes the crust so good. Sounds like a Home Alone 2 situation. Does it? Is that what I was thinking? Is that what Trump involved in this? Let's hope not. Yep.
Starting point is 01:05:15 Get out there and vote. All right, well, we're running out of time here, guys. We only have time for one final feature on the show. That is, of course, a little something called Plugs. Well, the IDU Plugs seems 30 seconds or less. We only have time for one final feature on the show. That is of course a little something called plugs Hey right on the dot that was was 19 Seconds Plug Theme by Jeremy Medina. Thank you, Jeremy. And if you wanna hear your song on Comedy Bang Bang,
Starting point is 01:05:52 head over to slash plugs and upload your song and you can be famous for a week and Jeremy Medina, you are famous for a week. All right guys, what do we plug in? Hailey, obviously Drugstore June in theaters now. Drugstore June, starring Esther Pavitsky It is coming out on March 8th in theaters near you and on Amazon Prime That's right
Starting point is 01:06:13 And of course you have blink twice coming out blink twice formerly known as pussy island Written and directed by Zoe Kravitz starring Channing Tatum Naomi Ackie and a whole bunch of other familiar faces that you will know and love On the island Please come see us August 23rd. All right and Day, what do you want to plug? Oh mega is my podcast and you have a podcast. Yeah, it's called mega everyone has a Me ga. It's so fun. We it's comedy. It's hilarious. We have a celebrity guest on every episode It's comedy, it's hilarious, we have a celebrity guest on every episode, Scott Ackerman has done it and it was very funny.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Oh wait, that was you? Yeah. I don't remember you. Well, it's my mom. My mom, it's my mom's podcast. Yeah, I remember her. I infiltrate the pod sometimes. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:06:57 Very cool. Because my mom isn't a digital native so she doesn't really know, like, even how to upload her own audio to the feed. Oh, yeah. And so I can put shit in there all the time. Oh, that's cool. But it's called mega. It's really fun. And yeah, tune in because Haley's coming on it. All right. And Ruth Williamson from Via Phone.
Starting point is 01:07:16 Yeah, yeah. Kevin Williamson's daughter. Yep. I guess just scream, the scream franchise. What's going on with the new one, by the way? I've noticed all the stars. God, I can't tell you. I felt like a dad question. Do you want to plug it, though? I'll plug that there's a guy with a mask on.
Starting point is 01:07:32 OK, pretty good. In-screen? Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is not the screen mask, though. It's a different mask. No! How do you get all this stuff out of me? You're like an investigative journalist.
Starting point is 01:07:42 So Scream 8 has a different mask? It's like I'm fucking of Barbara Walters. Oh, Rest in Power. Yes. And anything else you want to plug? I guess my favorite podcast, Mandog Pod, or The Teacher's Lounge. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Yeah, those are good. Do they have anything out there? No. Will they ever? Maybe. Maybe, I don't know. Oh, and I guess Baby Ruth's, because it's my name too. Baby Ruth's?
Starting point is 01:08:09 Yeah, eat those. Oh, you eat those. Wait, it's your name? Oh, because it's, you are the baby of the family? Yeah. Do you have brothers and sisters? Scott, stop asking about my dad. I don't know that's about your dad, but...
Starting point is 01:08:21 You were asking how many times he had sex and had a baby from it. That's what you were asking. Can I get the stats on how many times he's had sex and how many times he had babies from it? Twenty sexes... Two babies. Twenty sexes, two babies for a ratio. Yeah, slow success rate, geez. Well, it weren't all for that. Sometimes he just likes to have sex.
Starting point is 01:08:43 What? God, I gotta stop talking about like that. I want to plug, hey look, we were talking about wet day. Guys, wet day merchandise is here. What better way to celebrate wet day? Over at we have wet day t-shirts to show that you celebrate wet day. We have swimsuits, what better to get wet in?
Starting point is 01:09:07 We have towels that let you dry off the wetness so you can re-wet yourself We have water bottles that hold all that wet wet wet wet water Oh, so much wet day stuff check out slash bang bang you get that all that wet day merch get someone you love a wet day treat and may the patron saint of wet day Jim Belushi be with you I also want to plug look CBB world we're having a great time over there we have so many shows Haley you were on Scott hasn't seen recently with terrible terrible movie you have hated every movie I brought on it, but I think the third time's gonna be the charm.
Starting point is 01:09:46 I hope so. I hope nobody picks Badlands before I come back on the show. We also have Neighborhood Listen is there, ad-free episodes of this show, as well as all the previous episodes. We have ad-free episodes of Freedom. We have CBB Presents.
Starting point is 01:10:02 We just dropped the Time Keeper Special and Alamone Tony's Valamone Shoney. We also have College Town, so much stuff going on over there. Head over to and if you subscribe for a full year, you'll get two of those months for free. Alright, let us close up the old plug bag. Plug bag! The new planet everybody's gonna go get it now when they get it When the planet's black, open the black Raise your wick, hurry to a planet The newest planet, out there get out the space Everybody gets an operation on your planet Black, open the black
Starting point is 01:11:01 What the heck, what the heck Open the black bag please What they did, what they did, open the plug, baby, plug bag. All right, well, we said make them under a minute, topping out at 59 seconds. That is not the spirit of the law. Maybe the letter of the law, let's say under 59 seconds from now on. But thank you so much to, that was Planet Peabag by Belosky with a Q UI, thank you so much. And guys, I wanna thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:11:36 Hailey, always great to see you. Nice to see you, sir, thank you for having me. You are a, in life terms, you are a constant texture. We're in constant communication with each other as we are friends and you text me more than my mother does. Really? I think so. Oh, congratulations.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Thank you so much. Yeah. Good luck with AI, it would be AII, right? For A2, the sequel to AI would be AII. A-ee. A-ee. A-E! Caramba. I'm back.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Also, I want to thank Daylabont. Thank you so much. And good luck with this date. Look, I'll tell you what, usually we say if you want to go on a second date, we'll pay for it. But it sounds like you're going first class for the four seasons in New York. Oh yeah, I'm still here.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Yeah, this is, of course, Ruth Williamson. Yes. Yep, I'm excited for our dates. They're going to be great. Yeah, we is of course Ruth Williamson. Yes. Yep. I'm excited for our dates. They're going to be great. Yeah, we're going to go get pizza. Yes. Because Haley says it's the water that makes the pizza taste like that. You can only get it in New York. That's interesting. It's so true. The minerals in the water in New York City. The Hudson minerals. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Wait, it's that water. Mm-hmm. The dirty river water. You can't filter it or it gets rid of it. Yeah, what?
Starting point is 01:12:50 You can kill Tassoli. Tassoli, right? Tassoli, Silverberg is a drunk pilot. Yeah. You can taste him and all the pizza. Oh, man. Is this sour the date? I hope that does. No, no. We'll just maybe get some hot dog. Yeah, definitely. Except then we gotta go to Chicago, right? True.
Starting point is 01:13:07 We'll go everywhere. Wow. In a world tour? Thanks, A-Hee. We're second babies. We're hitting it off. Yeah, wow. Well, congratulations.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Please come back and keep us abreast of what's going on with this romance because we love our comedy, Bang Bang Babies. We've had, I think, about 500 babies have been born out of all the dates that we've set people up on. Awesome. Yeah, I mean, you guys are too young to have babies, although babies having babies, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:32 Those would be some cute babies. Yeah, the cutest babies in the world. But please come back and let us know. But this is all contingent on the first date going well, right? Yeah, I mean, we'll see. But I think it will. I mean, I like your vibe.
Starting point is 01:13:46 Hey, thanks, man. I'll bring a book of Sanskrit. Perfect. Yeah. Have you ever seen each other, by the way? Do you know who this is you're talking to? Yeah, I think so. I think we've seen each other at school.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Yeah, I have biology with you. Yeah, you're the kid in the front. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Did you dissect something? Yeah, we dissected grasshoppers. We dissected cow eyes.
Starting point is 01:14:07 We dissected cats. Cow eyes. Yeah, we dissected earthworms. Those were massive, weren't they? Yeah, totally. Grasshopper was hard. I cut mine in half on accident. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Thanks, Lise. Yeah. I got an A. That's what you do. We have to dissect something. That's what you do. But I did too big of a chop. Ah, you were seeing chop.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Oh my gosh. All right, well, look, we're running out of time here. This is about the time we dismount. Any last words we want to say? I want to say snip snip for that earlier guy. Oh no, that's his thing. Oh, I like to snip snip. Okay, all right, we'll see you next time.
Starting point is 01:14:43 Thanks, bye!

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