Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Halloween 2024 w/ Jimmy Pardo, Jon Daly, Ben Rodgers, Nick Wiger
Episode Date: October 28, 2024It’s the return of Comedy Fang! Fang! as Scott and Never Not Funny’s Jimmy Pardo find themselves recording deep inside Suicide House on 1122 Boogie Woogie Avenue. After chatting about honey and co...ins they are greeted by the ghoulish figure Buford LeBaron who talks about ghost food, his ghoul friend, and his favorite boo-vie. Then, theme park proprietor Raven Maze of Raven Maze’s Creepy Houses drops by to talk about creating personalized scares. Plus, musician Leo Carpazzi’s nephew Satanick Carpazzi stops by to share the last recorded song of his recently deceased uncle. Happy Halloween! Get tickets for the Comedy Bang! Bang! Into Your Mouth Tour 2024 over at Get access to all the podcasts you love, music channels and radio shows with the SiriusXM App! Get 3 months free using this show link:
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You're so veiny, you probably think this song's for Nosferatu.
Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang.
Oh boy, thank you to the April Fools Rebel for that wonderful catchphrase submission.
Don't think that one's gonna stick, it was a little hard for me to say, so the hunt continues
for a new catchphrase submission next week.
That's very exciting.
But welcome to Comedy Bang Bang for another week.
A very special show today.
We have a theme park proprietors on the show and a songwriter.
So a pretty good show.
But before we get to them, let's let's get to our,
I guess, let's call them the main attraction.
Is that main event?
I don't know about that. It seems high.
The main event. Wasn't that a song or am I singing it's raining men? No, you're main event. I don't know about that. It seems high. The main event.
Wasn't that a song or am I singing it's raining men?
No, you're well, you are singing it's raining men, but the main event was a
Barbara Streisand song for the movie of the same name.
But how did it go?
The main event.
That sounds exactly like what I said.
That's how it sounds.
The main event.
I said the main event.
That's it.
Yeah, it's the two women, but Streisand did a version. That's it. Yeah. It's the two women, but Streisand and the diversion.
That's right, yeah, the what two women?
The weather girls.
Oh, the weather, but that's it's raining men.
No, that's the main event.
That's the main event.
Yeah, you're complaining.
This is a Berenstein Bears Mandela situation.
Or it's just me gaslighting.
Why were people getting the Berenstein Bears
mixed up with Nelson Mandela?
It seems like they had two totally different things going on.
It seems very Claire who's who in that.
In my opinion, the Berenstain Bears locked up in prison for all those years.
Right. And then what about the Sharman Bears? Where's your thoughts on that today?
I find the Sharman Bear thing, it's so emasculating. You get cast in a commercial,
hey, you're a bear. First of all, it's hard for even bears
to get work.
It's tough.
I mean, the show, The Bear, though, did pretty well.
But there's no bears, there's no actual bears
on that program.
That's news to me.
You've never seen it?
I will keep that information close to the vest.
But you get cast as a bear in this commercial
and it's like, hey, here's what you're doing
in the entire commercial, you're gonna wipe
your fucking ass the entire time. You're going to wipe your fucking ass.
Hey, filthy man. You think they said it that filthily to them?
That's how the director talked to them? It seems inappropriate for the set.
Quiet on set, director needs to swear.
And then not only you, but your entire family.
The whole family.
You're going to wipe your whole fucking ass.
Again, I find that to be a little off-putting. If I was one of the bears, I may walk.
You would walk.
I'd go look for honey.
What if they were paid in honey?
Well, I don't know how the bear gets paid.
That's true.
So in fairness, they may get barrels of honey.
Is that how you get honey?
Do they get?
Or do you think they get paid in little things
that are shaped like them, full of honey?
See, if I were acting in a show,
and I sincerely hope I will someday,
I would love to get paid in like a container
shaped like my body.
I would welcome that for anything I do.
You know, with like dollar,
crumpled up dollar bills stuffed in there, or pennies.
I'll take whatever.
Coins, any coin.
I want that new Trump coin.
Do you think that they should abolish coins?
And I'll introduce you in a second.
You know what I mean?
There's no use for them anymore.
I was saying yes to you introducing me,
not the coin thing.
Let's round up or round down to the nearest dollar.
What if it's four cents?
It's free.
Free, exactly.
Or you don't get paid the four cents,
like you're getting a residual.
I guess I was going, I'm at the 7-Eleven
and I'm paying.
Round that up.
They say it's four cents.
I enjoyed my joke. that up. They say it's four cents.
I enjoyed my joke. Nobody did.
Nobody did.
You're on an island.
It's how much cents?
Well, it made no sense.
I went too low.
Nothing only cost four cents.
Talking heads.
That's right.
But if something's 87 cents, you know what?
Up it.
Up it to a dollar.
Even if it's 51 cents, go to a dollar.
I will tell you this. James R. Prado Jr. That's me. you know what? Up it. Up it, up it to a dollar. Even if it's the one cents go to a dollar. Yeah.
I will tell you this, James R. Pardo Jr.
That's me.
I will.
Let me introduce you.
Go ahead.
He's a great friend of the show.
He has his own podcast, Never Not Funny.
He's the pod father, James R. Pardo Jr.
Thank you.
I don't go by that, but I let them keep the coins.
I walk out with no coins.
If I pay with cash.
Hey, big spend. That's right. Well, out with no coins. If I pay with cash. Hey, big spend guy.
That's right.
Well, you get basic cable money like I do.
You throw it around.
So something is a dollar four.
You let them keep 96 cents?
I let them keep four cents.
No, I let them keep one cent.
I leave with 95.
I may have overspoken.
If it's 40 cents or less, they keep it.
If it's 40 or less. So if it's above 40, you want it?
I want the quarters.
I want the quarters.
And they can keep the dimes and nickels and pennies.
But part of the reason though is I know that you make your family pay for your washing machines.
Exactly right.
I feel that's the best way.
It's like the Brady Bunch when they got that pay phone.
Oh, that's right.
I got pay washer and dryer, and I make them drop the coin.
And you know what? I think it's fair. $1.75 a wash. bunch when they got that payphone. I got pay washer and dryer and I make them drop the coin.
And you know what? I think it's fair, $1.75 a wash and then one and a quarter for the dry.
So it's three bucks all day. So it's like $10 for two loads.
No, it'd be $6, three times three. No, I changed subject. I'm talking about
loads. I also make them pay for that. I should tell you that.
It's what we call daddy tax.
Yeah, that's fair and creepy.
Jimmy, it's great to have you on the show and I appreciate you meeting me here at the
new studio. I got a, Earwulf sent me an email saying there's a new studio that you're going
to be recording in.
That was not on Waze, by the way.
It wasn't, yeah. It's a little strange. It's an address I'd never heard of, but we're here.
And I appreciate you meeting me here.
A brand new era of Comedy Bang Bang, and you're here.
What do you mean by that?
Well, I mean, new studio, it's kind of a brand new era.
Can I tell you this before you go
into your new era, shtick?
I, nobody's happier about me being here than my son.
My son is your biggest fan, not your fan, of the program.
Yeah, you keep making that distinction.
It hurts my feelings.
He loves the program.
It is his favorite and as a reminder, I have a podcast.
Yeah, which he is on occasionally.
He is on it.
I think that's why he disqualifies it
from being on his favorite list.
And if he did not dequeue it.
I think it's still number two.
Again, his favorite standups
are Nate Barghietzi and John Mulaney, and as a reminder, his father's a standup.
Yeah, yeah, it's tough. It's tough.
It's tough.
But he loves you, right?
And I don't disagree with, I'm not his favorite father either. I should tell you that.
His favorite founder is of course Jesus Christ.
That's right.
And then George Washington's number
two. And as a reminder, I am a father. I'm just going to go, that's going to be my new hook.
I do love this and I hope you incorporate it into said standup act.
Which that's his as a reminder chunk I'm doing.
That should be one of your big signature bits. You know what it'll be.
As a reminder. T-shirts.
Yes, as a reminder, you bought a t-shirt. Yes, hats.
I see bumper stickers.
I see magnets.
I see a bad...
You see dead people.
Oh boy. Haley Joel Osment.
RIP. Is that what he's doing,
what he's doing, that new thing at the Dornishop?
Is he recreating a scene from that movie?
I never saw the movie. Is that what he's doing?
I think so, yeah. Oh, great.
Jimmy, it's great to have you.
You, of course, have your own show, Never Not Funny, which has been now going for approximately 18 years, if not 19. Oh, great. Jimmy, it's great to have you. You, of course, have your own show, Never Not Funny,
which has been now going for approximately 18 years,
if not 19. Oh, almost 19 years.
Almost the average age of the soldier in Vietnam.
That's what we were aiming for.
And then, so it's 19 and done?
Is that what you're thinking?
No, I believe we'll, I will do it
until people stop listening, which may be at 19.
I don't know, they'd make that decision.
I don't.
I mean, inevitably the slide to irrelevancy
happens to us all, does it not?
It is, and you know, we're getting Walmarted a little bit
by the, you know.
By the smart lices of the world and.
The Conan O'Brien's.
Your old boss, how dare he?
He used to, you know, when Conan O'Brien
used to come on my show,
and I was the first podcast he was ever on.
I remember that episode because he was on video,
and I saw him look around the room and suddenly dollar signs went into his eyes.
Oh, it, uh, I did not, I did not witness that.
All I witnessed was him mocking fake radio.
So what are we doing? Fake radio?
And then every day at work, he would, he would come up to me, you know,
he said, John, I'm five foot four, and that's a lie by half an inch.
And he's six foot 30, I think.
And he would hinge down to talk to me,
and he would just go, that's a fake radio, Jim Jim.
And I'd go, good.
And then he would make fun of me every day,
and now he is an empire.
So I think-
I like to think of him as the empire from Star Wars.
Striking back, huh? Yeah, where we need to, you know,
blow him up with the Death Star.
Don, yes.
You know what I mean?
Because I know where his studio is.
Well then let's take him out.
We could go bomb it right now.
Dude, he sticks his head out of the studio
like Dino on the Flintstones.
Everybody else is at normal height.
He does.
And then he's got his little head up above the building.
It's so weird because, you know,
I've been around him now for a long time
and it's so odd that he requires every room I've been around him now for a long time
and it's so odd that he requires every room he goes into
to have a sunroof just so he can stick his head out.
It's almost like a- It's incredible.
Yeah, he's a tall man.
He's a tall man.
But he's a, you know what?
I worked for him for 10 years
and he was nothing but a delight.
I loved working for him.
Great guy, but stay on your side of the street.
Get out!
Get out while you can.
Jordan Peele said it, get out!
You know, you get that little tink in the coffee cup,
the tea cup.
Oh yeah, that's right.
I've seen it since opening night.
That's the get out.
You're bringing back a lot of nostalgia for me.
Wouldn't it be weird to be nostalgic for,
like, get out for movies that just came out?
What do you think about people that are nostalgic
for Anchorman?
Your thoughts on that?
That's that tattoo movie?
I mean, it came out a long time ago, did it not?
Like 2001 or something?
So you'd be nostalgic for that?
Yeah, or was it even the 90s?
I don't even know.
I remember auditioning for the David Kechner part.
I think I might get it.
All right, fingers crossed.
Maybe that's why you're nostalgic for it.
You still got the hope and you know what, I'm gonna knock on wood.
It was in the script, it said the David Keckner part,
which I thought was insulting to me, but.
Did I ever tell you the story about,
I did a thing for Funny or Die once,
and I showed up and everybody on set's like-
Weird that that was a binary choice for them.
It's like, couldn't I do both?
Well, I will eventually.
I like to be funny on my deathbed,
and you know who will be?
Mel Brooks, there's no doubt in my mind. No doubt. His last sentence will make you laugh. Oh my God, I hope eventually. Yeah. I like to be funny on my deathbed. And you know who will be Mel Brooks? There's no doubt in my mind.
No doubt.
His last sentence will make you laugh.
Oh my God, I hope they're recording it.
I want to play it every day and laugh my little head off.
Oh, me too.
So I'm doing a thing for Funny or Die.
I arrive on set, everybody's talking about,
oh, we're so glad you're here.
You're the best, we're so excited.
I was playing like a congressman running for office
and doing a walk and talk down the sidewalk and whatever nonsense that they had written.
And they're like, we love you, this and that,
did you get a chance to look at the script?
And I said, you know, I didn't,
because you said it was gonna be on prompter
and it was last minute.
Like, well, we're thrilled that you're here.
And then they give me the set and everything is Todd Glass,
Todd Glass, Todd Glass, Todd Glass.
Like, it seems like-
In the prompter.
Very excited that I'm here, huh, everybody? Well, that happens, of course. It, Todd glass, Todd glass, Todd glass. Like it seems like very excited that I'm here.
Well, that happens.
Of course.
It's show business, Scott.
You can't get offended by it.
You even said it was last minute.
Todd, unfortunately, probably pulled out, um, which he talked about in his book.
Yeah, I read the book.
That's chapter seven.
That's also when he declared bankruptcy, but, uh, I, uh, they, they, I got paid.
They handed me my jar of honey and I was on my way.
Shaped like yourself.
I called it back.
You did, it's amazing.
Isn't it funny that it's called a sidewalk
and we walk on it?
Yeah. I don't know, kind of weird.
That said, Jimmy.
Are you Gallagher?
What just happened?
I don't know.
That said, Jimmy, it's great to have you on the show.
I like the new digs.
And we, they are a little drafty,
so I think you're hearing the wind blowing through.
Did you not close the window?
You can close the windows, that may solve that problem.
That would solve the draft problem.
I believe, well, not the military draft, but it would.
Somebody just open the window more.
Yeah, can we shut the window?
It's the good.
The wind is now, it's sounding like it's saying
the Halloween episode!
There's a wind talker?
We got a wind talker?
We may have a wind talker.
Hello, it is me.
You're gonna have to be more specific, sir.
Buford LeBaron!
Buford LeBaron, why is that
scratching a little tickle in my brain?
Why do I know those?
Because of Halloween episodes of episodes passed.
We stopped doing Halloween episodes years ago.
Why wouldn't you do it?
It's a way of wasting a holiday.
I got sick of doing them for some reason.
They're once a year.
Why would you get sick of doing something once a year?
I'm sorry, sir. We're in the studio. I'm sorry. If you have show-
You were just talking about my favorite wits. Funny or die.
Oh, wow. Okay. All right. Okay.
Sir, sir, we have the studio.
Because I love comedy, sir. If it's funny, that's good. That's why it Because I love comedy, so if it's funny, that's good.
That's why.
But then if it's bad, it dies.
Sir, we're in the studio for a while.
May I ask you to find your way to an egress?
Is that some fancy, I'm 300 years old.
Well then you should know more words.
There's never been a time when that's a normal thing to say.
No, I'm sorry, sir, we're in the middle of a show.
I got the, there must be some confusion.
I got the address to this new studio.
It's 1122 Boogie Woogie Avenue.
Yes, that's my address.
Lightning strike.
Oh my God.
Wait a minute, I remember this address.
Suicide house.
No, we're back. Yes. Jimmy, I'm so sorry! Now I'm unhappy
about- my son is gonna be very unhappy, it turns out. He doesn't like the Halloween
episode? I don't think he does. He doesn't like that you stop doing them, I'll tell you
that. It's been about eight years, if not more. He may have never heard one. Yeah, oh
my god, yeah. How old would he have been? He would have been- Well, he's 17 now, mine is eight is nine.
He wasn't listening yet.
He was not listening yet.
Well, hey, enjoy Oliver.
Oliver's sub podcasts.
Sorry, that's an inside joke.
Yeah. You wouldn't understand.
Are you guys done?
Jesus Christ.
Legitimately, hi, I'm Jimmy.
I've spoken before. Frighten me.
Wow. Good.
Oh boy. Hi, Buford. Yes. Buf Jimmy. I've spoken before. Frighten me. Wow. Good. Oh boy. Hi,
Buford. Yes. Buford LeBaron. Yes. Sir, where have you been for the last eight years? I've been
knocking on doors. Oh, canvassing? I'm getting very political lately. Oh really? I've been knocking
on doors for Joe Biden. Oh no, sir. Sir, you've got old news. Yes, he's my favorite. No, sir,
you're wasting your time. Wasting my what? Your time. He's not running anymore. Well,
the gentleman's out. Well, you don't know that my time is out. I've wasted all of it.
I'm a dead person. You're 300 years old. When were you born? And so I'm advocating for dead people's rights. Were you born in the 1700s?
Yes, yes.
I died in the Pirates of the Caribbean.
Yes, the real, what the ride is based on.
Oh, okay.
Yes, the first cannonball thing.
Thanks for having us, Buford.
How did you trick me into doing another episode of this?
Because. I didn't say why, Buford. How did you trick me into doing another episode of this? Because...
I didn't say why.
I said how.
Okay, asshole.
Okay, asshole.
Easy, Mr. Labyrinth.
All right, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
But you go ahead with what you want to say.
Welcome to Comedy Fan Fang.
That's right.
That's right. That's right. The most evil Halloween
Holiday podcast once a year to ever be back right now. That's right. Yes. It's
Halloween is coming up. I'm sorry. I didn't look at the dates Jimmy, but Halloween is this Thursday
It's on the 31st this year the 31st this year. Yeah. Yeah, what are you?
Buford do do ghouls like you?
I'm sorry to be reductive, but you are a ghoul, right?
Yes, I'm a ghoul. Like so many in America now.
Do you dress up for Halloween?
No, I don't need to. I just stick around and this year I'm going to be just working the phone banks for two, buddy.
Again, sir, I'm begging begging you to move on to a new
It's a candidate. No, no. Well, there's only one for me only one will represent dead a marriage
Which I identify
We need representation just like every other kind of yeah dead people
What do you do the rest of the year because I mean obviously this is your bread and butter
Yeah, the October 31st Halloween. It's it's the spookiest time of the year
But what does it be for the Baron do like on st. Patrick's Day? I do stuff for Geico
Guy code
I wish I wish I had we all do God. I wanted to be on Guy Ghost when it was on.
Oh, we all did. Oh my God.
I just wanted to follow by its principles.
I love the vibe. I just like its value.
Do you need a sandwich or anything?
Oh, would you take anything?
No, I'm okay. I would like something. What do you have?
Ghost. Dead. Invisible sandwiches. take anything? Uh, no, I'm okay. I would like something. What do you have? Ghosts, dead, invisible
any snacks? I'm not a snack guy. Snacks? I like a snack. Yeah. Oh yes. We have some evil chips and
dips. Oh boy. This is not a good button. I'll still take it. Yeah, I mean, I'll still take the evil chip, evil chips and dip.
Kind of starving.
So and wait, so you eat ghosts?
Is it cannibalistic for a ghoul to eat a ghost or something?
There's only a few things that I don't slide through.
Oh, you know, like, yeah, you know, it's a lot like like Scooby-Doo In what in what respect?
It goes just like you can go through walls sure it's the only cool part so but you can eat a ghost
Because the ghost food you can eat ghost food because it doesn't slide through let's get off
Your personal that's the problem. It's just you know, it's just a logic loop. It's not gonna
Well figure it out,
but then we'll be disappointed then.
So might as well stop.
Yeah, do you have a, do you have a,
and this is maybe a personal question,
but you open the door to personal questions.
Do you have a ghoul friend?
Or a boyfriend?
Yes. Ghost friend.
Yes, much like the movie Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, my girlfriend is the character Sally from
The Nightmare Before Christmas.
So it's a lot like the character.
It's exactly that character.
It's a character that sews his health together.
That's a Frankenstein, a Bride of Frankenstein kind of thing.
Wait, from Nightmare Before Christmas? But from Beetleju Christmas but from Beetlejuice is she in that or something
I haven't seen it because the character that's the girlfriend Beetlejuice
Beetlejuice's girlfriend in is the character from nightmare before Christmas
you've heard are you a cinephile a bit of what I've seen on a second, I've seen this movie. Is that true?
I don't know if that's true.
It is true.
It is.
Wait, who's this girlfriend in the movie?
Monica Boulouche.
Monica Boulouche.
And you're saying that's the same character
from this other film.
It's the same character, yes.
From Nightmare Before Christmas?
From the Tim Burton verse. I
I'm learning I'm learning. I'm I haven't seen it, but the same thing if I may yes, thank you and you may
So you're a cinephile. What's your favorite booby? I?
the Terrify
The first one yes, What about the sequels?
What about the sequels?
And the sequels.
People are loving this number three.
It's... you don't need a personality or anything behind the thing that is killing in the movie.
Well, it's an evil clown, isn't it?
It's an evil clown, so it's scary enough.
Yeah, so it doesn't need to have a personality.
You have a great personality. Thank you.
I've missed you.
I've missed you too.
I missed you boo.
I've missed you boo.
It's nice to be back.
I'm glad I could trick you again.
Yeah, well hopefully this trick will have a treat.
Because we have a great show here today, supposedly.
I hope all these guests are real.
We of course have Jimmy Pardo, the pod father is here.
Happy to be here.
And he loves Halloween. I do love it. Yeah. You give out candy for the kids? We'd like
to. Nobody comes to our home. Yeah. Our neighborhood is such that the children don't visit. Yeah.
So do you go around to other houses and try to find children? I drop candy off at houses.
Any kids in here? Where are the kids. Drop her off at an apartment building.
Then she can just go get a bunch.
Where do you say her?
Who are you talking about?
What's that?
Your child, I was assuming it was.
My child's 17.
Oh, okay.
And a man.
Oh, a man.
Not even a boy.
He's crossed over into man.
Yeah, he's a man.
He's great.
Great, cool.
I'm wrong then, I'm this way. Well, so's a man. He's great. Great, cool. I'm wrong then, I swear.
Well, so Jimmy is here. We also have a theme park proprietor, is here, Buford.
Which is perfect with this gentleman here, but the Scooby Doo reference, right?
That's right.
We're always in a theme park, Scooby Doo.
They're always, yeah.
Somebody's always haunting the theme park.
Yeah, well, it is that.
It's either an old house or a theme park.
They always want to shut that theme park down.
Did you ever see Kiss Meets the Phantom of the Park?
Of course I did.
It was a haunted theme park.
I saw it the night it premiered on the television.
Was it a TV movie?
It was not in theaters?
It was a movie of the week, yeah.
On a Saturday night, we all stayed home to watch it.
And we all talked about how disappointing it was on Monday.
Why was it disappointing?
Not enough Kiss or not enough Phantom?
Not enough Park?
Not enough anything.
It was not good.
Not enough Kiss and not enough Kiss music. Yeah, I really like Gene Simmons acting. Yeah, that makes sense coming from you.
I just love how he fills the screen. Sure. Speaking of how he fills the screen,
what about Howie Long in that firefighter movie? I've never... Howie Long? What? Is he in Backdraft?
Backdraft? No, he starred in that one movie. What movie? I'm going to look it up.
Please do.
It was an action movie that he starred in,
where he played like one of those firefighters
that parachutes into a firestorm.
Is it Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants?
I wish.
Wouldn't that be great?
You're watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
Howie Long parachutes in.
Yes, I would love it. Hello, girls. Using pants of the Traveling Pants. Howie Long parachutes in. Yes, I would love that.
Hello girls!
Using pants as the chute?
Howie Long sucks!
Hey, come on, Buford.
I know you have a negative.
He's not good at commenting on...
Alright, so we have Jimmy, we have a theme park proprietor, we also have a songwriter here.
Oh, great.
We need to take a break. We'll be right back with more Comedy Fang Fang after this! Bum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum-dum you can get two to three episodes a week. Two to three? You get two and then you get a bonus,
a couple of bonuses.
You have things, you know.
What are the bonuses?
Well, bonus episodes, and then if certain levels,
you can get a, I don't know, a hat, I think, or a t-shirt.
Have you ever had a bonus episode
where you're like, this is too good?
This can't be a bonus.
Well, they're all my babies, you know that.
Oh, that's right, you love every podcast equally.
Every single episode has been terrific.
I don't judge them at all differently.
That's right.
Speaking of not judging, we have Buford LeBaron here.
A brand new Buford LeBaron.
Buford, are you woke now?
Do you have the woke mind virus?
No, I'm trying to fight it at every turn.
Are you really?
Yes, yes, no, no.
I'm fully dead-pilled.
Wait, you're Deadpool.
I'm Deadpool, yes.
You're Deadpool versus Wolverine.
In that I beat people up and then do funny clips.
And clips sometimes.
Sometimes I do funny clips.
Sometimes you'll get him a haircut.
Why not?
Why not?
He doesn't need a haircut, He's Deadpool. That's right.
He's made of scabs. Does Deadpool have a wig on? At any time you mean? Like no I think he's always...
Wait wait what? I feel like he's wearing a wig because he's bald right? He has a scarred head.
He's got a scarred head. And he wears a wig. Yes. Right? I'm correct on this right? Yeah.
Does he wear a wig? Oh I don't know. Do you think think the Rock should just wear a Deadpool's wig when he's in a movie? I do. I mean if you're asking seriously my
answer is yes. Like have the Rock go hey give me that wig brother. That is the best
Rock impression I've ever heard in my life. He needs to wear more funny wigs.
That is something I've. What if he wore the John 316 wig? I would I would welcome it.
In a movie. Big rainbow wig? He. He shows up to the set one day.
He's cast in Jungle Cruise 2 or whatever the fuck he does.
And he shows up and he goes,
and he has the rainbow wig,
and everyone's like,
Ha ha ha, hey look at your hair!
And he's like, ha ha ha ha.
And then they go, okay let's rehearse.
And he still has the wig on.
Everyone's thinking like, he's gonna take off this wig.
And then he does take one and he doesn't take the wig off and people go up to him and go hey you still
haven't taken the wig off he's like no this is what I look like in this movie
mm-hmm what happens then I think that they kiss his ass and they let him do it
and then we love it then we look I mean that's what basically what happened to
Tom Hanks in those you know those Dom parasolol, what are they? You're doing okay? Were you searching around for the missing shit?
Da Vinci Code?
Good Lord.
You just called it the dumbest thing.
It's nothing like Da Vinci Code.
I couldn't remember the name.
It's nothing like Da Vinci Code.
I'm sorry.
Dom Parasol.
Dom Parasol.
What if Da Vinci's name was Dom Parasol?
I would love it.
Would he be as famous?
Can't answer that.
We also have Buford LeBaron here, of course, of 112 to Boogie Woogie Avenue.
Let's go Joe.
Let's go Joe Biden.
I don't know.
I don't think that.
I know we're about to vote next week.
We're about to vote, yes.
Jimmy, have you registered yet?
I've registered to vote and I will vote this year, yeah.
I was for RFK and now I am.
You're moving over?
I am for Trump but I don't say it.
I don't tell you.
Well, you know, RFK, I can understand why you would like him
because he severs the heads of various animals.
He's got a worm in his brain too.
That's spooky.
It's all creepy stuff.
He's the Halloween candidate. He really is. He's addicted to sex. All stuff I love.
Of course he's part of the comedy community so we protect our own. What?
You know, he's married to. Oh, Jeff. That's a thin thread. Yes. So I won't hear any kind of slander
from him. I understand. My apologies. But he is spooky, isn't he? It's the comedy code.
We never talk shit about anybody.
The worm, the bear.
The whale.
The whale, all this stuff.
He really is like the Halloween superstore president.
He really is.
He's a Kennedy.
He's a Kennedy. Classy.
Truly is, truly is, of course.
Yes, you can hang out and be a Kennedy. Of course, Truly is. Truly is, of course. You can hang out and be a Kennedy.
Of course, a lot of- Everyone looks at you.
A lot of sorrow in that family
because the matriarch just passed away.
Is she with us here in 1122 Boogie Woogie Avenue?
The matriarch? Ethel?
So you haven't seen her is what you're saying.
No, we don't hang.
She's for Kamala, you know, and I'm for Biden, so it's a little bit of a...
You know Kamala is running.
I know they did know, but I'm...
It doesn't matter.
I'm still for Biden.
So a write-in candidate.
I'm trying to get him on the ballot.
I'm trying to get signatures, so I'm going to ask all you guys.
Maybe you're late for that.
Yeah, ask both of you guys.
The election's in a week.
Well, I'm not good with time, you guys. Maybe you're late for that. Yeah, it's both of you guys. The election's in a week.
Well, I'm not good with time, you know.
I mean, that's the thing.
When you're alive for 300 years, what's a week?
You know what I mean?
It's just a blip.
Six days.
No, it's not.
No, it's eight.
It's still seven days.
You feel it.
Yeah, that's true.
It's just like a person.
Ringo Starr once said, eight days a week.
How do you feel about that, Buford?
I don't think he wrote that song.
Is that a Ringo?
Well, he said it, and then they turned it into a song.
Oh, they did? Yeah.
We're working eight days a week, lads.
That's a pretty good impression, Buford.
Yes, well, soon he will be dead.
Sorry. Oh, what?
Thank you, Buford. Sorry.
I apologize.
Hopefully not that soon.
And we will get to hang because everyone who's dead, I mean you probably think he's cooler
than me or something, he's in The Beatles, but in heaven everyone hangs.
Everyone's hanging.
And he'll be up on that heavenly band, he'll be on the drums, Jenny on guitar.
Janice on vocal, maybe Jim.
Jim who?
Morrison, oh of course, yeah. Kirk Cobain. Kirk Jim Jim who Morrison more. Oh, of course. Yeah, not
Cobain so complimentary. I would
Love to sit here that duet with Kurt Cobain. Just yeah doing backup. Yes. He's just shooting heroin in the corner
I think he's still doing it doing you can up in heaven. You do anything you want. Yeah, do anything you want
Well, look we need to get to our next guest if you don't, Buford and Jimmy, but he is a theme park proprietor.
Very exciting. Please welcome to the show Raven Maze. Hi Raven.
Hello Scott. Tis I, Raven Maze. Some call me the Master of the Macabre.
Who calls you that?
Who doesn't call you that?
Frequently, Yelp reviewers,
we're visited by several parks,
which we continue to expand every Halloween season.
Okay, what are your, sorry, this is Jimmy,
but I'm Jimmy Pardo. Yeah, hi, Raven.
Greetings, Mr. Pardo.
My pleasure.
This is Buford LeBaron.
Hello, Buford. Fascado. My pleasure. This is Buford LeBaron. Hello, Buford.
Fascinating creature you are.
Well Raven, what are your parks called?
I don't know that I've heard of them.
They're called Raven Mazes.
Creepy houses.
Raven Mazes?
I've done all kinds.
Creep shows, freak shows, and geek shows.
Okay, throwback. Does anyone ever think that the name of the business is Raven mazes? Like
there are mazes? Several people come with hedge clippers to get themselves out of mazes.
I didn't realize you could do that. a corn maze. Bring your own clippers.
That seems like cheating. It is cheating. The clippers do them no good at my houses.
Though business is in need of reinvention, I'm doing more personalized scares. Oh really? I'm going to great extent to terrorize people.
Okay, so you're normally in a theme park,
people go to the theme park.
That's correct.
You're saying now you're going to them
and doing personalized scares?
That's right.
We started scaring several people at once
who would come to the park with people
jumping out with costumes and- chainsaws and rubber knives. Big
The bigger the better as far as I'm concerned when it comes to stilts.
I am using my vast personal fortune to scare these individuals.
Can I ask how did you get this vast personal fortune? I'm a close friend of
Satouichi Nakamoto the inventor of Bitcoin.
So what he's just giving you money or? We're extremely close, Mr. Ackerman.
Why are you winking? Are you trying to say that you're... No, no, no, I am not Mr. Nakamoto.
You're still winking. Yes, no, I am not Mr. Nakamoto. You're still blinking.
Yes, no, it's a twitch in my eye.
Okay, now you're blinking.
Now I'm wondering if there's something medically wrong.
There could possibly be something medically wrong with me.
I've had a very fatty breakfast.
What did you have?
Bacon, bacon sausage! Bacon sausage!
Bacon sausage?
Bacon sausage, yes!
I think it's a dog treat!
You gotta stop eating dog treat!
Look, you're a rich guy, you're the inventor of Bitcoin!
That's correct!
Oh, that's correct!
I'm correct!
In a way! But let's correct! I'm correct in a way, in a way.
But let's just say I have billions in crypto.
Okay, so until that all comes crashing down...
Oh, I'm in crypto.
Oh, there we go.
Your eyes lit up.
Oh, I'm in crypto too.
Yes. So until that whole house of cards comes tumbling down, you are rich on paper.
That's correct.
And you are using your vast personal fortune to make these Halloween mazes every year?
Oh, mazes are yesterday's business.
I'm sorry, you don't make mazes.
No longer.
People come expecting mazes.
We're hacking into people's emails to discover.
Yes. We're hacking into people's emails to discover... Hacking?
At first we were having people sign waivers that allowed us to fondle and grab them and
really scare them and shake them around in the park.
But that's old news, Scott.
I hate that kind of news.
I like the new news.
You like the new news?
It's right there in the title.
Now you're hacking emails.
Soon you'll be hacking females.
Oh boy. and males.
When you are killing people. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I'm not afraid of them as much as I just, the fact that they're around makes me feel like the environment is dirty.
Okay, perfect.
What if you came home from a typical day at work
only to find that your family has been replaced
by thousands of rats?
So it's not a one-to-one, like,
my wife is now one rat?
My wife has been replaced by how many rats?
Thousands, like a-
Yes, well, to try to fit in in their clothing we would need several dozen rats!
You said you started with thousands, now you're going down to several dozens?
Ah, well we-
How many rats are we really talking about?
Well, quite a few.
Okay, now it's just quite a few, how many rats?
Trust me, one of the biggest problems I have is with the local government saying that I can't have
thousands upon thousands of rats on my property.
So how many rats do you have?
Do you have a rat wrangler who brings?
Yes, the rat situation is kind of blown.
I'm hoping I find a lot of people who are afraid of rats.
I have too many rats.
Wait, how many rats do you own?
Currently, on my premises, there's probably, I don't know, 20,000 rats. That many rats? We're really
counting on a lot of rat things. All over the place. I can't tell if you have too
few rats. Well it depends on how big people are. That's a good point.
Brendan Fraser and the whale. How many rats would that be? That's a lot of rats. One of the
clumps? You're talking- That's a lot of rats one of the clumps you're talking
That's a lot of rats all of the clumps. I
Said that at the screen when I watched the clumps. That's a lot of rats. You said it. Yep. How did that go?
Then I get really knew what I must have been
Well, it's your fault I was before you need to spare neuter your red
I think we should have the freedom
to have as many rats as we want.
Have you met Bob Barker, by the way, Buford?
Is he up there with, or down there?
I don't know.
Yeah, he's a piece of shit.
Oh, he doesn't like him.
Not a fan, man.
He's a bad neighbor.
Yeah, just swings his dick around.
Oh, he's got the drone lawnmower, okay.
I don't, it might not be his dick. It might be that long-sleeved microphone that he has. Well, that's how his drone lawnmower, okay. I don't, it might not be his dick,
it might be that long-sleeved microphone.
Well, that's how his dick is shaped.
Except it's colored like a dick.
Think about horrible what that is.
Let's say one of your greatest fears
is to wake up with a little microphone dick.
You're doing that too?
We've done it.
I will use my vast personal fortune
to sneak into your bedroom at night and
Use surgical procedures to change the shape and general size of your genitalia while I'm sleeping
This doesn't surprise me with the way society's going. You know what people really hate?
Getting blown by beautiful
No, no, no That's what really scary. No, no, no.
I won't be fooled again.
That's what I'm really scared of.
I won't be fooled again.
All we were getting in my theme park
was weirdos who like to be touched and fondled.
Now we're trying to terrorize people.
Nice try, Buford.
Nice try. Fair enough.
It was good though.
It was a good try.
Well, that's, I mean, so how much does this kind of thing cost?
If I want to be, and this is the people, are you pranking people or?
Yes, they're signing up, no you sign up.
So I sign up.
You sign up.
I want to be scared at some point.
Do I specify a time and a date or no?
No, no, we need to surprise you.
So this is like the game that Michael Douglas plays.
I love good film. Okay. So we'll break into your home.
We'll replace all your hats with larger hats.
How much larger?
With giant hats.
Like sombrero sized?
Well, the lid to scale.
OK, so just the brim.
To the brim.
So when you put it on, it feels like you're heavy shrunken.
Like you're at Coachella?
Yes. Everyone wears giant hats at coach. I was one. Yeah
You've been to Coachella Buford. Yes. I'm trying to start my own festival coach
Coach hella and think you don't have to change the spelling. Well, you that's called H and a hyphen. Yes
I know nothing about copyright laws and such. That's the scariest part of
1-1-2-2-boogie-boogie-boogie-abadoo. That's why I went to Coachella. I learned nothing.
Well so I sign up for it. There are scarier coaches out there. What does that mean? What?
I'm just saying people are afraid of coaches. We've done work with coaches before. There
are hella coaches. Wait, people are scared of coaches? That's right. We'll of coaches. We've done work with coaches. There are hella coaches.
Wait, people are scared of coaches?
That's right. We'll hire coaches to...
Oh, meaning like football coaches. I thought you meant the transportation coach.
Oh, the people are afraid of that too.
Yes, it's very common to refer to the transportation coach.
That's what most people think of when the word coach, they'll think of the buggy that pulls people around.
Well, people aren't all dumb jocks like you, maybe.
Raven Maze.
The death coach that comes for you on your final night.
The death coach will come.
Sandusky. Sandusky.
Sandusky. Come on now. Well, he was a coach, wasn't he?
He was a coach, a coach and a coach.
He's still alive, thank God.
No. I don't believe he is.
Rotting in prison. No?
Uh, I don't think so.
That's a great question. All right.
Is Jerry Sandusky still alive?
Could it be possible we missed the death of Sandusky?
He's still with us, 80 years young. No, no.
Sandusky is still alive.
You can keep him, I hope he stays alive forever.
Yeah, no thank you.
We've worked with Sandusky.
What did you do?
We'll have him show up to work to pick you up.
Like you're just friends with him?
You're friends with him.
He'll come into work and say, it's me, Coach Sandusky, here to pick you up, Scott.
And it embarrasses you in front of all your coworkers.
Just imagine if at the end of this recording, Jerry Sandusky comes to pick you up.
You would be absolutely mortified.
Hey, what's up, man?
I don't know that I wanna pay anyone to do that.
I mean, I don't know.
Well, you want to be scared, don't you?
I just want to get Jerry up on his feet again. He's had a hard decade
It gives him purpose. It was all Joe
Joe paterno, all right, all right, all right
Let's stop talking about these guys and get back to your business model
Let's stop talking about these guys.
So, how's the business doing?
I mean, obviously you don't need...
My favorite moment.
Let's stop talking.
It's a really good idea.
Obviously you don't need money as the inventor of crypto.
It's a passion.
I'm not the inventor.
I just know Mr. Takimoto, which, yes.
Is it Takimoto?
It's a Japanese name.
We know that much.
So Satoshi, right?
Is that his name?
Satoshi. Nakamoto. Satoshi Nakamoto.
Of course.
It's a fake name. No one knows who he is, if you don't know who we're talking about.
But apparently you're him.
I'm not him. He's a friend. Close personal friend.
Where did you meet him?
Well, it was at a drive-in movie theater.
And he was in the car next to you or?
He was in the car next to me in the passenger seat.
I was in the driver's seat so we were looking at each other.
It was weird as we were both alone.
You know what would be really scary?
If you drug someone with, you know, fentanyl or something, or not fentanyl, something to put them to sleep.
I believe what you're talking about.
And then you bury them alive.
And then you have like a window in the coffin they're in
so that you can see what they do,
but they don't know you're watching.
Or like a hidden camera?
We've done something like that once
where we've buried them alive
and we installed small speakers and then we had their eulogies
piped in and the back chatter of their family talking about how much they hated them.
Did the jokes work in the eulogies?
The jokes died.
Oh really?
The jokes are terrible.
And these are real eulogies you got?
These are real eulogies.
Or these were a script that the family members were reading from? You do your research. The jokes are terrible. And these are real eulogies you got? These are real eulogies.
Or these were a script that the family members were reading from?
You do your research. It's good.
So you tricked the family into thinking the person was dead?
That's correct, yes.
Just to get them authentic.
I don't know how scalable your business is.
You've got to find someone as passionate as you in every market.
And that's why I'm out.
Well, there are other sharks and there's the fun shark.
I'm the only dead shark.
Yeah, I mean I have to agree. I mean this is a passion project for you.
That's correct.
Which I like but it seems like without you,
you wanna make sure that your business can
succeed even were you not to be a part of it.
Unfortunately, it just seems like you're too tied into this business, whereas if you were
to leave or if something, God forbid, were to happen to you, the whole business model
would collapse.
I'm out as well.
Not necessarily.
You see, I've been laying the foundation to keep the business going long after I'm gone.
Do you know what back masking is, Scott?
Backward masking, like what they would, on LPs?
That's correct, yes.
Like, yeah.
You play it backwards, and it has a subliminal message.
For example, rewind and play the audio of me talking just now.
Okay, let's rewind it a little bit. Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep be be beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep I heard something I mean I could hear something Jimmy did you hear I heard something and I as the only remaining shark
I am still in by the way. Yeah, I'd like to hear more. Yeah, it sounds like a dumb guy. I
Believe that's just the effect of the
Masking let's hear it again. Not my actual voice. I mean you're hearing me right now. I don't sound I mean honestly
You don't know not that incredibly smart right now
Yeah, let's rewind it back. It sounds like one of those I am real dummy here. We go. Let's go backwards
There was a
What happened? I don't know.
It didn't sound as good as it did.
I think you're having audio problems.
I know this is you man.
You're not good at this back masking.
That was on the audio equipment.
No, that was you.
That was right from the source.
I think it was the audio equipment.
I think it was the audio.. I think it was the audio.
Is this working on you, Jimmy?
This backward basket?
Again, I'm still in.
All right, I don't know.
Do you wanna make your final pitch to Jimmy?
He's the only one in here.
And give him the terms that you want.
I'd like to get back on the grounds of the theme park.
Take it away from the grounds of the theme park.
I think this was hurting the business.
Well, once again, I am independently wealthy,
but I do want
to pitch you I want to get other people on board. How much percentage do I get
into the business by the way? If you're choosing to invest? Yes. Which none of us
wanted in the first place. And apparently you don't need? No. But the idea intrigues me. me and I love Shock Tank I love Barbara Cochran I'm willing what do you love
about her just her desire for romance yeah her
Zwa De Vila yeah so what what are you offering Jimmy if he should get involved? Okay? Jimmy if you get involved free scares for life
Mm-hmm for what no percentage of the business then well no percentage of the business. That's huge
I mean we charge three scares for life three sounds like the cherry on top of a deal
Are you saying not the deal is there he scares for life or three?
I think you just came in here to get attention for his business. What else are you doing here? You're not trying
to make a deal. Sounds like you don't want to make a deal. Well you know I'm not getting any good offers.
Numbers numbers. I'm looking for a percentage you're throwing me free scares. I don't want
free scares. I don't care for being scared. Okay, I like scaring others, which is why the business interests me.
So I would... I need to cut.
Wait, is that what you were talking about?
I want to dip my beak.
He gets free scares, meaning he gets to scare people for free?
We can make that happen. If you want to, let's say, dress up as someone's significant other
and come in to work and propose in a very embarrassing way
with Sandusky.
Expect the Sandusky.
I don't like the Sandusky so for that reason.
For that reason you're out. I'm out.
I'm sorry, we can't make a deal here but...
You keep mentioning one of the most famous vet-a-files in the world.
You could have blew your deal.
I mean, it's business 101.
Widgets plus beans equals business.
And don't mention-
You just never should have brought him up.
I'm sorry, Raven, but you don't have any deals here.
And honestly, this sounds like a terrible deal, so...
I'm sorry you ever came on the show, but I appreciate you being here.
Oh, it seems hard.
It seems unfair.
It seems hard.
But can you stick around?
Oh, wait a second ago you didn't walk in here.
I'm so glad you came on the show.
I wish you'd never come, but can you stick around?
Mmm, quote the Raven. Yes, I will.
Okay, don't quote yourself.
We need to take a break, but when we come back,
we have a songwriter who will be right back
with more Raven Maze, more Buford LeBaron,
more Jimmy Pardo will be right back
with more Comedy Fang Fang after this.
Ffft, nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh.
Ffft, nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh-nuh.
Comedy Fang Fang, we're back.
Jimmy Pardo is here of the Never Not Funny podcast. You do with Matt Belknap over there. That's right. We got our, Elliot
Hochberg is our video producer. We got Garen Cockrell, our 14-year intern. Now
almost 19 years you've been doing this. That's right. What is, what's new
left to do? You know, will you ever just go back to doing the old thing like we're
doing today? You mean have a Halloween episode? Yeah, you know, we're just doing what you used to do.
I think we're recording on Halloween.
We very well may have a Halloween episode.
Are you really? Yeah.
Oh, that'll be so fun.
People coming in costume or no?
Yeah, well, we are a video program,
so yeah, I could see doing costume.
That'll be fun.
We've never done it before.
You should do it.
Maybe this is the year.
Do it.
Or maybe for the 20th.
Maybe I'll say that for the 20th anniversary.
Don't know if you're gonna make it.
Oh boy, What's happening?
Is word out? Is big, big podcast.
Shut me down.
Conan comes in and buys you.
I can believe it. And then just says, like, you're not recording anymore.
I welcome it.
I don't know what that offer will be, but I'll take it.
Whatever it is, I'll take it. I'll take it. Absolutely.
Buford LeBaron also here.
1-1-2 to Boogie Woogie Avenue. Yes.
Howie Long's a good porn name.
Not bad.
I'm Howie Long.
It would be funny if he mixed up what set he was supposed to go to one day.
He showed up at a porn set and then just kind of was like, hey, turns out my dicks are really
It was the first time he'd noticed that?
It's looking good.
All right, let's do this.
Fuck it.
Good haircut for porn. Good haircut for porn.
Good haircut for porn. The flat top works in porn. Yes. Flat top goatee. Alright, well
we need to get to our next guest. Apparently he's the songwriter. This is
very exciting. You know, Jimmy, you're very into music. I love music. I'm into music.
Buford, you're into... Well, we just went over this. Boozik. I'm into Boo. Yeah, Buford you you're into we just went over boo
I meant to booze and Raven Mays. I never got your opinion of music music. I love to listen to things
Yeah, mm-hmm like we like music though. Oh, yes, my favorite thing to listen to
Probably music is number one. Yeah, I'm traffic sounds. Oh
Traffic sounds top five. Yeah, I'm traffic sounds. Oh wow, are you? Traffic sounds, top five.
Yeah, airport, planes landing.
Oh wow, you see I'm ground.
You're ground, yes.
I'm like a rainstorm.
Like listening to rainstorm.
I like tiny fizzy bubbles.
Like I'm inside a bowl of cereal.
Yeah, this is great.
Well, I don't know if our next guest does any of those types of sounds, but I do know
that he writes and composes music, and my producer is giving me the information on who
the person is.
And please welcome...
Oh no.
All right, please welcome back to the show Leo Carpazzi.
Scott, your listenership, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but Leo Carpazzi cannot attend this year's
Comedy Fang Fang.
Oh, oh, I don't know that it's a disappointment, honestly.
Jimmy, I don't know if you would know.
I don't know the history, no.
Leo Carpazzi, do you wanna explain?
I'm sorry, who are you, sir?
Yes, I should introduce myself.
You should.
My name is Sutannick Carpazzi.
Sutannick Carpazzi.
Is the Sut-ta, like in quotes, like a nickname,
and your name is Nick?
It's part of my legal name.
Sutannick is your, okay. People call me Nick as a nickname. Okay, is Nick? It's part of my legal name. Satanic is your name?
Yeah, okay.
People call me Nick as a nickname.
Okay, talk right into that thing if you want.
Yeah, sure.
I know you're not used to being on mic.
Are you not getting me?
And you're here speaking on behalf of this other fellow?
Yeah, so what happened is that my Leo Carpazzi
was my great uncle and he liked to come on Comedy Fang.
It was a thing he looked forward to every year
to come on the podcast.
We stopped having him on, I think the last time was maybe.
He came on semi-regular.
It seemed like it was like a biannual thing.
Maybe three years ago.
He may have still enjoyed it.
I think during lockdown was the last time we talked to him.
No, he came on after lockdown.
I know he was voted as number one character
in quotes of all time. He wasn't a character to me me. I mean he was a character. He's quite a
character. But I just knew him as great-uncle Leo and unfortunately this
man who you know famously composed the Monster Mash in 1962, a song later
popularized by Bobby Boris Pickett, although the version that Bobby Boris Pickett sang was a sanitized version of his original vision. He was a
man who was obsessed with death, obsessed with the macabre, and now he himself has
passed on. Oh good! Leocar Pottsie is dead. I'm so so sorry. I mean, he he I won't say he was a beloved addition to
our roster of guests necessarily as much as he was on the show several times. He was on the show a
number of times and again he treasured these experiences. He talked about it all. Scott
Aukerman, Scott Aukerman, he's such a great champion of my vision for the song. He's getting the word
out. He's platforming me. This man whose original lyrics were smothered by the industry
and this G-rated version that Bobby Boris Pickett
was singing everywhere.
That's the one that everyone knew,
but that's not the song that he wrote.
I don't know whether it was reciprocal, our feelings,
but I never really cared to have him on the show.
Part of his thing was, Jimmy, and you don't know this,
he kept promising to write a new song.
Every year he would come onto the podcast
with a new and fully distinct song.
I don't know, I don't think so.
Completely original compositions, very diverse,
hitting all sorts of genres,
and that was part of,
his gift is a great composer.
Well, I hate to hear about any human being
dying honestly I I hope that no one I love to hear I know that's a play the
instruments we need a bass player for the heaven jam band with Jimmy Janice
Kukubane on heroin he played him all you know he was a cool
multi-hyphenate could play the keys. He could play the bass
He could play the drums wherever you need him to fill in the rhythm section. Perfect for all. What's John and Whistle doing?
Is he not participating in the band of yours? You don't got the thunder fingers up there?
Boris the spider?
Jerry Garcia?
Hill weights his turn
Well, but you're already you're bypassing him to go to this new guy. He's jumping up ahead of the line Well, I want to do a guy a favor. Well, that's fair. Who knows what will happen in reality
But right now I'm trying to be a nice guy. It's Kissinger in the time to come off. It's cool
Yeah, it's Kissinger in the band Henry. What's he play? He plays his dick. He just jerks
Jerks off he's the front man gives a sound
I'm sorry to hear that.
We do make it up.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'm happy you came by to let us know, though, because he will be missed by some people.
We will be missed, and I must say, Scott, as we were going through his estate after
his passing yesterday.
How long ago did this happen?
Oh, goodness.
It's very fresh.
I understand why I wasn't told.
Maybe. Things might have gotten busy. No, it's very fresh. I understand why I wasn't told. Yeah. Maybe. Things might have
gotten busy. No, it just happened. It was 24 hours ago, like you could have emailed us.
Well, I mean, I don't have access to his email account. He was an old man, you know. But you
had the instructions of where to come? Yeah, I knew where to come. I knew 1-2-1-2 Boogie Woogie
Avenue. 1-1-2-2, but okay. So anyway. So, but what we're going through as a state is we're going through his belongings. We
found one recording that none of us had ever heard that I believe was his final composition.
And there was a note attached that said, please deliver to Scott Aukerman, care of comedy
fang fang for play on the podcast.
Wow. Care of Comedy Fang Fang for play on the podcast Wow I believe this is his Mozart's Requiem
The thing that he was working on when he exited this mortal realm okay, so you haven't heard it
I've never heard it no as per his wishes. It's it's to debut on the show. Well. Here's here's part of my issue. Yeah, I
Would have Leo on the show all the time. Yes, you would come on
You'd say I've written a new song. I've written a new song and it would be
Exactly the same song but with a slightly different intro sometimes not even that
Yeah, I mean by we have a different interpretation of this
My memory is that he did, you know
Nine or ten fully distinct songs that all had the common wildly different a monster fuck
But they were all kind of their own, their own riff.
So my my fear is I'm gonna play this song and it's gonna be the exact same song.
I have reason to believe this is a completely new song.
What are these reasons that you have to believe this?
You know, it was we we looked through his diaries,
we looked through his personal writings, and he seemed to be saying, like, I'm really expanding what a spooky song could be.
Why not just listen to the actual song?
Because his wishes were for you to hear it first.
So you read his diaries instead?
Yeah, we read his diaries.
Is there any weird shit in there?
There's some weird shit.
You get some weird shit when you read his diaries.
Well, did he want everyone to read his diaries, by the way?
I guess that's why people keep diaries.
I don't know.
I assume.
You know, I don't know.
I think so.
I don't know.
What are you supposed to do?
It's like when the Pope died, when Pope John Paul II died and Pope Benedict was like, you
know, his instructions were that he wanted his journals destroyed.
But Pope Benedict, who succeeded him, was like, well, I can't destroy this incredible, you know, his instructions were that he wanted his journals destroyed. But Pope Benedict, who succeeded him, was like, well, I can't destroy
this incredible, you know, work of writing.
This is this is part of the historical record and he preserved them.
So you're a pope guy?
He's a Nazi pope guy.
Frequently will hire people to play priests to come pick you up at work.
Well, I mean, I'm reticent.
Jimmy, you haven't heard these other songs.
I have not heard the original, so I'm interested in hearing this new version.
Yeah, I mean, look, my hope is that this is a brand new masterpiece.
I can say I feel confident that this is not just another version of the Monster Fuck.
I feel in my bones, in my heart, in my soul,
this is a wholly new song.
I mean, it's now, honestly I'm tempted
because I, first of all, he has been on the show many times.
I hate to hear about his passing
and I would like to honor him.
Sometimes when we honor those who have passed on,
we show clips of their previous appearances.
So even if it were the exact same song, it would be like airing clips of his previous 10 times, I believe.
So I'm not, I'm not against it. I'm tempted by this, but what I would really love is if it were just a brand new masterpiece akin to the Monster Mash song that we've all grown to love.
We're going to find out, I guess. I mean, do you wanna just play it and we'll all find out together?
I guess we can, yeah.
Raven, you're the final vote on this.
He's the final vote?
I vote yes.
This is very exciting.
Wow, thank you, Raven.
That's so Raven of you.
Here's the story of my vote.
I was working in the lab.
Late one night.
Alright, Bubert.
And I thought about this idea and I said, let's go.
Let's do it.
Alright, let's do this, I guess.
This is, uh...
Is it titled or anything like that?
The title is simply, The End. Uh, does it, is it titled or anything like that or?
The title is simply the end.
I think he knew the end was near. And again, you know, incredible.
This was kind of his meditation on his final moments. All right. Well, let's hear it. This is a debut of a song called the end by Leo Carpazzi,
his final, final masterpiece. This is for you. Great Uncle Leo.
I was working in the lab late one night when my eyes beheld an eerie sight for my monster from his slab began to rise And suddenly, to my surprise, his trousers dropped Right to the floor with his bottom bare
He ran to the door, I said, Frankenstein, what's gotten into you?
He said, my dick is hard and I need to screw
He did the fuck
He did the monster fuck
The monster fuck It was a graveyard fuck He did the monster fuck. He did the monster fuck.
It was a graveyard fuck.
That monster sucked and fucked.
He did the monster fuck part 10, the end.
From my laboratory I could fight the racket.
Deep in the castle, the vampires jacked it.
The zombies all fucked in the graveyard grass
Wolfman wolfed down Frankenstein's ass
They did the monster fuck
It was a graveyard fuck
Those monsters sucked and fucked
They did the monster fuck part 10, the end
The beasts all fucked as the orgy spread.
Bigfoot gave the Headless Horseman head.
Swamp Thing jerked off in the castle moat.
While Frankenstein gagged from the jizz in his throat.
The fucking was wet, there was spooge like mad.
Igor decided to fuck his own dad.
The Mummy let out a horny moan when Medusa's bare tits turned his dick to stone.
They did the monster fuck.
It was a graveyard fuck.
Those monsters sucked and they fucked.
They did the monster fuck part 10, the end. And Frankenstein's
bride was horny as hell. The hunchback went bareback and rang her bell. She got titty
fucked by a giant spider. Jizz made the streaks in her hair much whiter. She fucked every
monster cum one cum all. Her three holes were filled like a bowling ball and
while skeletons boned his undead bride Frankenstein just jacked off and cried
it's now the monster fuck and it's a grave yarr fuck those monsters suck and fuck! Now you should fuck! Now you can Monster Fuck Part 10, the end! Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough Martha Wayne I'm coming to join you. My final words were monster fuck.
Oh my god that was hard to listen to.
Rest in peace Uncle Liam. I agree it was hard to listen to. Uh... Rest in peace, Uncle Liam.
I agree it was hard to listen to.
How similar was that, Scott?
I don't know the original.
I think the only variance in the versions
is he said, part 10, the end.
The lyrics were exactly the same.
There was a bit of a death rattle at the end there.
Yeah, and maybe a bit of gas escaping from the body.
Yeah, I didn't think I was going to be hearing my blood relatives death throes.
I mean, that was a lot.
But that's that that was a lot.
But I think I think worse than that is the fact that this was the exact same song.
Well, you know, it was it was his wish for this song to be played.
I mean, to me, to my ears, it sounded pretty different,
but you know, like each their own in terms of whether this was a reimagining, a remix,
or simply, you know, another version. Yeah. I just wish I could... I just wish there was some way I
could talk to him again and tell him how much I loved him because I never got the chance.
You need to talk to Whoopi Goldberg.
You mean her medium character from Ghost? Or just on the view.
Her medium character.
Well, she plays a coach.
Oh, she does.
Eddie. Eddie.
Oh, she does play Eddie.
Yeah, she can really inspire you.
I have no means for you to talk to your dead yeah it's a it's a it's sad I mean you know we know there's of course no actual
connection to the spirit realm certainly okay around this time of year so well I
mean we are in a 1-1-2-2 boogie boogie Avenue yeah dead people are grooving
they're groovin'.
What, do you mean, do you mean it's possible that
the energy of this house and the presence of Buford
could cause my great uncle
to manifest himself in spirit form?
That's not what I was gonna say, but I mean, when you put it like that, I guess.
That's right, my great nephew!
It's me, Leo Carpazzi Oh my ghost form. Oh my god
This isn't I can't believe this you know
I'm really enjoying it the afterlife
I'm in heaven
Because I'm in hell. I love it down there Wow
So you're in heaven in a figure of speech. Yes a figurative heaven because I love hell
What do you love so much about hell? Oh everyone's you know we got a band of our own down there
I was earlier. Yeah, who knows name off the personnel. Oh, of course. Yeah
Right, but we got the whole pot on guitar. We had Antonin Scalia on bass
The night stalker Richard Ramirez on drums
bass. The night stalker Richard Ramirez on drums.
Cool. Wait, you were listening to us earlier?
Oh, yeah. I heard everything.
And you know, just the love that I heard from you, Scott Hawkerman.
That's not an accurate representation of what I said.
I feel like you have perpetuated my legacy by allowing me to be platformed over the years
and after my death. So thank you for keeping my memory alive.
I really wish you would have written a new song. You know what I've had plenty of time in the
afterlife. Oh because time has no meaning. Time has no meaning. So you kind of exist in a different
sort of astral plane and in fact me and my band. Richard Ramirez. That's right we all got together
and we whipped up a little something, if you like.
Okay, I fell for this already once in the episode. I'm not going to fall for it again.
I want my performing it for you here, live and in person, or should I say dead and in
person. You simply must.
Would that be okay? Would that be alright with everyone if I composed my new song?
If you composed it. If I performed my new song and I compose it if I prepare if I perform if you prepared it I prepared
this song you composed it I prepared it I composed or decomposed the song okay and I
can perform it for you here live that's okay it's a completely new song
completely different because we have a different concept of music a different
concept of rhythm of tonality we don't work in half steps okay and for four
time signature really okay I don't want you to...
Oh, so you're just gonna do it?
Here we go.
I was working in the lab late one night when my eyes beheld an eerie sight
for my monster from his slab began to rise and suddenly
To my surprise his trousers dropped right to the floor with his bottom there
He ran to the door. I said Frankenstein. What's gotten into you?
He said my dick is hard and I need a screw. Okay. All right enough
This is the exact same song.
This was a new song.
It's not a new song.
This was the Monster Fuck Part Zero Monster Fuck Report.
You didn't even let me get to the chorus
before you cut me off.
I was excited for what was going to happen.
I was looking forward to the chorus.
Edge of my seat.
No, no, I'm not gonna hear'm not, I'm not gonna hear this
song ever again. I'm, look, I'm just gonna say it. I'm glad you're dead. That's my great uncle.
I can't believe you'd say that in front of me. Look you similarly voiced weirdo, satanic. Well,
I don't know if my voice is that similar. I, yeah, I kind of sound like this. Yeah, and my
great uncle kind of sounds like this. Look, I don't want to hear the song ever again, I'm of sound like this. Yeah, and my great happy kind of sounds like this.
Look, I don't want to hear the song ever again. I'm sorry.
You're dead. Let's move on from it.
Well, you know what, Scott?
You won't have to hear my song ever again, because the Monsterfuck is no more.
That's right. I am at peace. I am in bliss on the other side, and I am comfortable with my catalog of existing recordings
existing here in your world.
But off in my world, I have other priorities.
Like what?
Jack it off.
We're all up to that up there.
Up there, I know there.
We don't have any relative directions, you know,
up and up is down. All right, well it in relative directions, you know, up and down.
All right.
Well, look, I was happy to know you while you were alive, but now you're dead.
Let's move on.
In fact, Buford, I think we got to move on from you as well.
I mean...
Oh, okay.
Perfectly happy to hang out.
It's my house, but maybe I'll just go tidy up.
No, I mean, I just mean in the future.
Like, this has got to be the last one of these right?
This is will never happen again
Potsy is dead and he will never sing the master fuck again and in Raven maze
I mean, yes, I don't know that I ever want you back on the show
No, you don't. Okay, stop quoting yourself
And and Jimmy I'm sorry I got you involved in this.
I'm getting cut loose as well?
Yeah, I don't think you're ever coming back.
Seems strong.
Yeah, but I wanna be back on-
What if I sang you a tune?
Oh yeah, what do you got?
He did the fuck.
No, no, no.
He did the most the fuck.
No, no, no.
It's an air worm.
No, the only tune I wanna hear is one of our Plugs themes
because we are running out of time.
We just have time for one final feature on the show. That is of course a little
something called Plugs. What is it? What is it? Open the plug bag please. What is it?
Open the plug bag please.
What is it?
Open the plug bag please.
What is it?
Open the plug bag please.
What is it?
All right, that was Plugs, Plugs, Plugs by John Astonish.
Thanks to John Astonish.
If you wanna give us a plugs theme,
you can find all the resources over there
at slash plugs head on over there
And guys, what are we plugging Jimmy? What what do we got here? No, of course the podcast never not funny
You could also find me on the other socials. I'm also I started on tik-tok this year. Really you don't say what do you do on?
Well every day
Here's what happened right before the new year. I jokingly said wouldn't it be funny if every day I went on tik-tok and just said
Tik-tok motherfucker and then everybody laughed and so then I decided to do it really boy do I regret it?
So you've done it now probably three hundred eight nine or two hundred eighty nine days. I believe it is
Yeah, and it's a me and do try to change it up or it is I do is a lot of it is like elf on a shelf
We're at 1155 at night. I go. Oh shit
I forgot to do it
and it's just me looking at the camera saying tick tock motherfucker but if I'm out and about
I will do it from wherever I'm at. Do you ever do it to someone that doesn't know that you're
gonna say this to them? No strangers are involved. So okay no strangers involved?
Anyone you know? Any special guest stars? No no no it's all just me I don't I don't include
anybody else I don't want to bring anybody else into this nightmare.
And Jimmy Pardo on TikTok.
I think it's Jimmy Pardo on NNF, it might be.
NNF, something like that.
Do you have any live dates coming up?
All right, wonderful.
Keeping it tight.
Keeping it tight, gotta keep it close to the vest
during Halloween and the holidays.
And voting season.
Keep it close around home.
Yeah, and we want everyone to vote, obviously, Tuesday.
And Buford, LeBaron, what do you wanna plug?
Ooh, everybody watch Fallout and...
Because I'm on it.
John Daly.
How's it going?
Play this character.
Buford, you just took your mask off and you're John Daly?
I'm full mask off in every way.
Yeah, and come out to Johnny Doyle, my live show,
and yeah, listen to Two Johns Don't Make a Right,
my podcast, which will soon feature, Scott Ockerman.
Oh, hello.
And Raven Mays, what do you want to plug?
Check out the Action Boys dot biz.
It's a business.
That's correct.
Which is how they got a dot biz.
They got a dot biz.
It's a small business.
It's also a podcast.
And this would describe it for people.
What is it? It's a podcast unlike anything you've ever heard before.
Three middle-aged men discussing movies for longer than the actual movie.
Wait, do they joke around though?
Not really.
They're too serious.
Well, this sounds good.
That's correct. Yes, you can find it there.
All right, Satanic, do you have any, I mean I know you're,
you just got on the show. Yeah, you know.
Half of your dead uncle, but. I'm grieving my-
Or Leo, I guess the ghost of Leo?
No, he's gone. Oh, he's-
He's never coming back.
Okay, great.
So yeah, I guess I just, as a fan of podcasts, there's a couple podcasts I enjoy.
One is called Get Played is a video game podcast with Heather Ann Campbell and Matt Apodaca,
who co-host this other guy.
And then there's another podcast called Dough Boys, co-hosted with Mike Mitchell about chain restaurants.
Yeah, what are they covering these days?
Well, the Dough Boys have just finished up a run.
My understanding as a listener is that they were up in Toronto and did a month Toronto
where they reviewed a bunch of Canadian chain restaurants.
And that one guy, Nick, went up to Toronto to do this?
He did go up there, yeah, he crossed the border.
He wouldn't go on Good Morning America,
but he goes up to Toronto?
He did go on Good Morning America, ultimately.
All right, well, I wanna plug,
look, we have a massive LA show coming up December 13th
at the United Theater on Broadway.
Hey Randy podcast is opening up for us
and I'm really trying to make this
the ultimate comedy bang bang show.
It's Friday night, December 13th at 7 p.m.
Tickets are on sale now, they just went on sale
and this is gonna be a big one guys.
This is our last show of the tour
we just wound up our east coast dates last week you can hear all of the shows up till now over
there on cbb world and while you're over there you know check out our other shows like you know
i mentioned hey randy you got who me with the Batman, you got Womp It Up.
We have the entire catalog of Womp It Up
with Marissa Wampler and up there right now.
And this book changed my life and Scott Hasn't Seen
and College Town and The Neighborhood List
and so many great shows over there.
Head on over there and become a subscriber.
We'd love to have you.
All right, let's close up the old plug bag.
and become a subscriber. We'd love to have you. Alright, let's close. I did no such thing. It was like that when I found it.
Okay I can't get away from this. God damn it. Alright that was Randy Smith with All Hallows Heath. Good one.
Well guys, I want to thank you so much.
Jimmy, great to have you on the show.
My pleasure, always good to be here.
And of course, Raven Mays, good luck with your business.
I don't think it's gonna work out.
It doesn't need to.
It's loaded.
Buford, great to have you on the show.
Thank you.
Really fun.
I hope everyone has a great voting season.
Get out there and vote for Joe.
We did it, Joe. That's coming up next week.
And then of course, Satanic.
Yeah, I mean, thanks for having me.
I can come back if you want.
What do you have to offer? I don't know, man.
All you did is you came on and you told a story about finding...
Did you find him dead, by the way?
Uh, yeah, I did.
I found his... You went into the room and he was dead?
A likely story.
Well, no, I mean, we heard his final moments on the record.
What, do you think I was somehow involved in that?
You could have gotten him, forced him to do that, and then killed him.
Why would I do that? What motive if what I have I don't know seem
to have my uncle my great uncle because he's rich he wrote the monster
something and then show and then get and then take his place on the podcast that
I would have some sort of scam like that because he was out of the picture I could
be the person in his chair are you a songwriter well I mean yeah I've written
some songs on my own look what do What do you got? Just kind of spooky sort of Halloween songs that I've been kind
of working on. Okay, well maybe come back next year then. Okay, hey, alright. Alright.
I could see you doing that. Alright, we'll see you next time. Thanks. Boo-bye! I'm not sure what I'm saying here.