Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Live At The Bell House #1 w/ Jason Mantzoukas, Adam Scott, Paul F. Tompkins, Mike Hanford, Griffin Newman

Episode Date: April 26, 2023

Recorded live at the Bell House in Brooklyn, NY, Scott is joined by Jason Mantzoukas, Adam Scott, Big Chunky Bubbles, John Lennon, and Silver Screen Sammy to celebrate the release of Comedy Bang! Bang...! The Podcast: The Book. Visit to get your own copy of Comedy Bang! Bang! The Podcast: The Book!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Music New York City, thank you so much. Thank you, thank you so much. Welcome to the bell house. You can teach an old dog new tricks. No, fucked it up already. I feel like Chris Rock in his life special. You can't teach an old dog new tricks,
Starting point is 00:00:51 but you can smear peanut butter on it. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. Thanks to AJ. Hope that's AJ from the Sopranos. Just a stone's throw from here in New Jersey. People from Jersey here? And proud of it. I have no idea, I've never been there.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Thank you so much for coming to the show. This is not only Comedy Bang Bang, but this is in celebration of Comedy Bang Bang, the podcast, the book. Thank you. Did you all get a copy of the book coming in here? Feel free now, turn to page 65 in your hymnals. We're going to have fun celebrating the book here tonight.
Starting point is 00:01:50 We have some contributors here from it, as well as one other guy. And by the way, now that you all were given something heavy coming in, if at any point you don't like the show, feel free to throw the books at us and say, I don't like this. Totally get it. We do have a really great group here with us today.
Starting point is 00:02:23 We are very proud of the book and hope you really enjoy it. And sincerely, I'm really happy that you guys are interested enough to read it. And let's get to the show because we have some great people who contributed to it. What do you say? I think there are too many chairs out here. Don't expect seven. All right, well, let's get to our first guest. He's not really a guest.
Starting point is 00:03:09 He's more of a co-host for the show. You know him as one of the hosts of the How Did This Get Made podcast. Welcome, Jason Manzukas. What's up, jerks? How we doing, Brooklyn? That's right. Throw your books now. Hang on, man.
Starting point is 00:03:47 I've never seen you so amped. I love this side of you. That was it. That's it? Okay, shut down. That's all I had. Power down. Hey, pal.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Hi, pal. So good to see you. Look at us. What? I cut myself on your nipple. It's so erect right now. So happy to be back on stage. I'm so turned on by this audience.
Starting point is 00:04:09 Very sexy crowd here in New York. Hot crowd. I asked them to put an extra seat for Elijah. Who's doing Elijah tonight? You'll see. Jason, so good to see you. For real to be here. I used to live right here at the bell house.
Starting point is 00:04:29 I don't care. What I was going to say. You'd go, your thing. It's good to have you on the East Coast because you were supposed to do some of the East Coast dates with us on our tour last summer. And then what happened? I got COVID. Oh.
Starting point is 00:04:50 After years spent hiding in my house. Where you truly barely came over to my house. No. And the first few times you dained to come over to our house outside, you still wore a mask the entire time. And so you avoided it for the longest time. I did. And then we did the, how did this get made tour?
Starting point is 00:05:13 Night three in Texas. Houston, Texas. Boy, did I get COVID. I just got full blown COVID. Yeah. Yeah. Had it gross. Had somebody had had the, had the, the nurse came to give me the test and the, and a bunch
Starting point is 00:05:34 of other stuff. And I was like, you know, is this something that could have been avoided? Cause the new booster was coming up. Right. You hadn't even gotten that. There was a, there was a shot that was going to be out in two months or a month. I think I got it right after the tour. So yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:49 And so I was like, would this have been like, would I, am I just not having enough antibodies could, if I went and got waited until that shot. And she was like, I'm not the right person to ask. I don't really believe in vaccines. And I was like, madam, you are a medical professional. You are here in scrubs. So super quick. Who here believes in vaccines?
Starting point is 00:06:11 That's right. That's right. Not a hundred percent agreement. I'm hesitant to ask the other question. Anybody here not believe in vaccines? Cool. The bell house, baby. Well, you're here now.
Starting point is 00:06:30 I'm so glad. I'm thrilled, thrilled to be here. Amir, I used to live in Carroll Gardens and then. Oh, so back to your thing. What's that? Oh yeah. Back to my thing. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Boy, this neighborhood wildly different than what I lived here. When I lived here, there was a huge movement to stop Whole Foods from moving into this neighborhood. Now, having just driven here, this neighborhood appears to be all Whole Foods. All Whole Foods all the time. I was like, what the fuck is going on? The people at the Park Slope Food Co-op would not allow this. These are very local.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Local references. Local jokes. Local jokes. I appreciate you bringing this to the crowd. I don't know. I don't know. What's going on with the glasses? They're coming on.
Starting point is 00:07:21 They're going off. I'll be honest. I want to wear them to see better, but I didn't clean them backstage. Feel free to clean them right now. I'm going to clean them in a minute when we're talking about talking. There's something else. Okay. Well, Jason, you...
Starting point is 00:07:34 So when I leave stage, that's why. Scott, that's why. You have to do it backstage? I've got to go backstage. For what? The little cloth. I don't want your cloth. Front row lady waving a cloth like she's surrendering to the bad guys.
Starting point is 00:07:54 I don't need your cloth. I don't need your eye schmutz on my eyes. These motherfucking New Yorkers are trying to give me pink eye. Nice try. You have your own special cloth devoted for this purpose. Of course I do, Scott. Could someone find it and bring it out to you? No, I don't want them to.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Because that would mean someone else touching the cloth. I don't want them touching my special cloth either. My special cloth. Tell the truth. Is this your blankie from when you were a child? It's the last little scrap of blankie. And it doesn't clean my glasses. It just scratches them to the point where they absolutely can't see through it.
Starting point is 00:08:36 How you been? I've been good. And Jason, I wanted to thank you. Sorry. Am I not allowed to touch you? You can. Okay. I wanted to thank you because you wrote something.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Well, I mean, you didn't write something for the book. Sure I did. Well, I mean, yes. I have a guess. Can we bring it up here on the screen? What Jason wrote? This is the only time I will write anything that looks like I'm published in The New Yorker. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:06 This is your real name, Jeffrey Carragiouides. Of course. And my real head shot from, I think, 2003? That sounds about right. When I think I took that picture. With a strange ring on my finger. Yeah. I don't remember when I wore a ring, but I did.
Starting point is 00:09:24 So much so that I was like, I need it in my head shot. I identify with this ring. I think it was 2003 because normally the Twin Towers would have you in the shade. But there's never forget. Plenty of light. Plenty of light on you. Heard someone go, shh. The less you think here in New York, we're going to shy away from 9-11 jokes.
Starting point is 00:09:51 We are all in. But it was very nice. I took this on the top of Building 7. Controlled explosion. Okay. Now we're starting to lose people. Now this is the point. Jet, fuel, can't, melt, steal.
Starting point is 00:10:19 All right. I'm just trying to get a sense of what this crowd's all about. Honestly, most of you are too young for 9-11, right? Yeah. You're one of the few pro-vaccine 9-11 was an inside job type. Yep. Love the vaccine. Mostly because I want Bill Gates to know where I am and what I'm up to.
Starting point is 00:10:41 It's not that I don't believe in the conspiracy theories. I like them. You want to be involved? Chip me. Please chip me. Hey, someone want to chip me tonight? But basically what you wrote for the book is your... Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:02 The book, the book, the book. The story behind the development of your character, which we're seeing right now. The Jason Manzook character, the abrasive, loud, obnoxious... Which a lot of the jokes about 9-11 are things you wouldn't actually... Jeffrey character, we'd... He's would never make those jokes and finds them reprehensible. Right. And tonight we'll make sizable donations to offset what he said.
Starting point is 00:11:23 When do you slip out of the character? When you go home, do you drop it? Like when you shut the door behind you? Here's the thing I used to, but now I can't. Oh. It's really hard if I... I have to stay Jason Manzookus all the time. Otherwise, nights like tonight suffer.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I appreciate it. I mean, no one appreciates it more than me. Oh, my God, thank you. It really is special what you've done. And it's a testament to your hard work. And I'm glad that finally you're getting the word out, because otherwise no one would know that you've been involved in the deepest of cover. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Well, I mean, I lived here in New York for 13 years doing comedy. This is where I really built this character. Yeah. I mean, you were doing horrible comedy. Terrible. Just terrible. Describe some of your improv. Were you doing improv before?
Starting point is 00:12:11 I did an improv show for over a year at UCB at midnight, Saturdays at midnight. There was an improvised Saturday morning cartoon in which I played Ricky Martin. Real show called Cartoon Chaos. We did it for a year, Saturdays at midnight, never once successfully. The show was terrible, top to bottom. T2B never succeeded. So you were playing the gay Hispanic Ricky Martin. Correct.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And this was during the Jeffrey character Wheaties days? Nope. Jason Manzukas trying to crack that code, unsuccessfully. What was some of the stuff you would do as Jeffrey character Wheaties, though, before you developed the character? Oh, well, that was all just, you know, mostly just theater. Spacework. Yeah. Spacework, Meisner, you know, it was like a lot of just deep immersive theater, lots of performance art.
Starting point is 00:13:12 Do you still remember any of the movies? I'm not going to do any of that. Okay. All right. I see where you're going. I see you trying to find a footing. Hey, I'm a guy who got pimped last night into doing his Disneyland audition dance. So...
Starting point is 00:13:27 Wait, what? I did a show here last night. Oh, here? What was it? We don't need to go into it. Oh, we're not promoting... It's a great show. We're not promoting other podcasts.
Starting point is 00:13:36 No. We're not promoting other podcasts. We're here to promote the book. Oh, yeah. Well, it's really special. When do we do the Q&A with the audience? You want to do a Q&A? Is that what you said?
Starting point is 00:13:48 At the end of the show, I think we should absolutely do a Q&A. Do a talk back? Talk? Yeah, let's... All book tours feature a talk back with the author. I think at the end of the show, it... It makes absolute sense that any idiot here be allowed to ask anybody on stage a question.
Starting point is 00:14:10 I get it. I mean, technically, I'm not the author. You wrote more pages than I did, I think. If I'm not mistaken, I believe you wrote no pages. Come on, I wrote a few. Did you? Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Approximately three. I'm pretty... Yeah, are you sure cool if I didn't write those pages? I may have written some pages that someone else purportedly wrote, but... Well, it's great that you're here. Oh. Are you bruised? It burns.
Starting point is 00:14:36 It burns. Why does it burn? It's the Hellfire touch. Oh. Whatever no sphere burns at the touch. It's great to have you. Jason Manzuchus, everyone. Hey.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Hey. Jeffree Karachauides. How do you want to do this? I don't know. I don't know. Yeah. I mean... But we...
Starting point is 00:14:56 We don't want to scare away the next person. We have a big show, so we need to get to our next guest. Let's do it. Not seven people, but six. Or eight. We can bring another chair out. I looked back there. There's a bunch.
Starting point is 00:15:12 There's a bunch? I came so close to coming on stage with a chair. So close. I was like... too heavy. All right. Well... I'm having fun. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:28 It's so good to have you. I'm having fun with you. I'm so glad we took a trip together. I'm so happy we're here in New York together. Yes. We love each other. All right. Let's get to our next guest.
Starting point is 00:15:36 This is a gentleman with a wonderful CV, as it were. He's... It's great that he's in New York City and could join us. He started off on NBC's The Office, and then he now has a show on Apple TV called Spasm. Please welcome Adam Scott. Adam Scott, everyone. Thank you, Adam. You missed some over there.
Starting point is 00:16:27 You missed some over there. I just want to eat them all up. If you could eat people, would you? I would eat all of these people. Oh, yeah. This is a chompable crowd. Just eat them all up. Guys look delicious, aren't they?
Starting point is 00:16:59 Adam, so good to have you on the show. Thank you. Wonderful. I mean, you've done so much great work. Thank you so much. Congratulations to you and the entire Spasm cast. Thank you very much. All of us over at Spasm are really excited that I was able to make it here tonight.
Starting point is 00:17:17 You came straight from the Spasm set, did you not? You came right over from Spasm. This is... I mean, are these your Spasm clothes? These are my Spasm clothes. These are the clothes that I perform Spasms in. Tell us about your... The signature Spasms that we all go through.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Tell us about your character Delroy. Delroy. Delroy is... Some people call him naive. I call him just a little off, okay? But it is Spasm. So... Wonderful.
Starting point is 00:17:52 How are you? I'm good. Nice to have you here. You, of course, contributed to the book. I'm looking over your shoulder at the screen, not at anyone creeping up behind you. You look behind... It looked like you were alerted to somebody creeping.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Yeah, someone with a knife. You're very jumpy tonight. What do you mean? There are people who, because of Spasm, are out to get him. That's true. Yeah, a lot of Spaz heads. Spaz heads. Yeah, having their Spaz attacks.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Not sure we can say that anymore. I don't think we are supposed to say that. 90% sure we cannot say that. But that's what they call themselves. What are we supposed to do about it? Spazids? You know, I heard something... When I was backstage, I heard something out here
Starting point is 00:18:40 that really got me excited. I don't know which one of you said it, but jet fuel cannot melt steel. Adam, I'm thrilled that you are as interested as me in talking about 9-Eleven for the whole show tonight. Is everybody up for this? Are we really up for this? You brought a slideshow here.
Starting point is 00:19:03 I sure did. No, but speaking of slideshow... It's not working. Isn't this how you do it? We're going to watch Loose Change. I think you're just miming it is the problem. Yeah, that's why I don't have any... Yeah, you don't actually have it.
Starting point is 00:19:17 That's the issue. But speaking of the slideshow, you did contribute to the book. Could we see Adam's contribution to the book if that's okay? He gave us a blurb on the back. Yeah, I wrote this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Do you want to read it? Yeah, I do. That's what I want to do. Oh, you want to do it out loud? No, I was just going to read it. Can we talk about it first? Yeah, sure. Of course.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Can we... What about this? Do you want to talk about how long it took to write? Yeah, I mean, you name the topic. I'd love to talk about how long it took to write. I will say, as a fellow contributor, I spend months on mine. That's mainly because you wrote it
Starting point is 00:20:06 right before the deadline. That is correct. I was supposed to write it months earlier, and I did not. Well, I wrote mine. I think you had asked me a couple of times to send me something. I did the typical Adam-Scott interaction,
Starting point is 00:20:23 which is to text you incessantly and then get a one-word response weeks later. Yeah. You're welcome. That's usually the response. So I believe this... If we're going to talk about the amount of time from when you first asked me to have a blurb
Starting point is 00:20:39 to when I sent it to you, this took months. Yes. And how long did the actual writing of the blurb take you? Probably about as long as it'll take me to read it right now. Okay. Okay, so what I'm talking about in the blurb is the comedy bang-bang book
Starting point is 00:20:59 that we're all here to celebrate and honor. By burning it. A big pyre right in the middle of the room. We're going to fly a plane into it. Now, hang on, guys. I know you're thinking... This is a lot of 9-11. I was with you earlier.
Starting point is 00:21:21 This is now too much. But we're only a third of the way through it. Oh, yeah. Seriously, though, if there is any steel in this building... Okay, so that's what I'm talking about in the book. The book that we're all here to celebrate and honor. Okay, so just so we're clear, that's what this is about. Okay?
Starting point is 00:21:41 Set the table. Okay. So, here we go. So, when I start reading it, that's what I'm going to be referring to. When I say CBB book, comedy bang-bang book. Oh, okay. I didn't even get that when you gave it to me.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Okay. I'm glad I'm going through this. And for those of you who have it here, which is, I think, everybody, you are holding the very book that is what's at him. Thank you, Jason. Thank you. Does anyone have one?
Starting point is 00:22:08 Everyone has the book here. Yeah. Do you mind if we... This is the book. Okay. That's actually super helpful, not for the podcast listeners, but for people in the room
Starting point is 00:22:18 who might not know the book we're talking about. This is it. Yeah. For the podcast listeners, do you want to describe the book? Yeah. So, they... It's like eight feet wide.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Okay. Should we explain what a book is? Yes. Is this at all... Thank you. What about paper? Are people going to understand what paper is? Wow, wow, wow.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Okay, wrong. Should we start with trees? Yes. I'm lost already. Anyway, this is it. Comedy Bank Bank, the book. This is it. Blurb that I wrote is on the back here,
Starting point is 00:22:48 among others. We've blown it up much larger on the screen. Do you want to... You know, Adam, I was thinking, everyone has the book. Maybe we could all read it at the same time. If you could. Turn it around.
Starting point is 00:22:59 It's on the back, and we can all read it together. Make sure it's not upside down. Yeah, because then it'll sound different. Yeah. Scott, just briefly, while people are taking out their books and getting ready, did you ever think to publish the book at this scale?
Starting point is 00:23:17 I know. It's really tempting now that I see it. Honestly, also because so much easier to read. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, that would be a trim size of approximately... We shouldn't talk about trim. That's a separate podcast.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Are we talking trim tonight? That's our show, Drippin' Milk, and this is not an episode of that. Drippin' Milk Season 2, talking trim. Okay, so if everyone's ready, we're going to read it together. Everyone has their book out. Here we go. And we do not read the quotation marks out loud,
Starting point is 00:23:50 just FYI. And before you start, nor the commas. We don't say comma out loud, apostrophe. Other than that, I think we're... One suggestion, if you don't know a word, just sound it out.
Starting point is 00:24:07 Sound it out. Or you can ask one of us. That's what we're here for. Should we take it? I'd also like to just give, if we might, a single piece of direction. Okay. In that we...
Starting point is 00:24:19 pronounce the text in blue in all caps the way that it's written. Right. That's true. You don't have to scream. You should though. When you say the blue text. Okay, are we ready to kick this off?
Starting point is 00:24:35 All right, let's go. Okay, here we go. Three, two, one. Quotation mark. No, no, no, no. Let me stop you. Sorry, sorry, sorry. I almost did it too.
Starting point is 00:24:46 So that's good. I'm glad. Horse of habit. Can I ask you, when you're on the set of spasm. Yeah. Each of your lines, do you start by saying Delroy?
Starting point is 00:24:57 I do first. At first. And then we... They cut that out usually. Super real. And then we're able to keep going. Oh, you know what? I'm glad we paused for a second.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Just because I'm looking at the words and I'm not sure... There's one I'm not sure how to pronounce. Oh, okay. I'm just going through all the words. It's right there. Words. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Got it. You said it right actually before. You said you didn't know how to pronounce it. Interesting. Yeah. I'm glad we're doing this, Jason. I'm thrilled. It's helping me a lot.
Starting point is 00:25:32 I've just noticed how I'm sitting in this chair. I have one of my legs over the arm wraps. Okay, Adam, thank you. Yeah. Because here I have a huge grievance and grudge. Great. That all comedy podcasts think they need to put you on stools.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Yeah. High stools that you're like... Yeah. I feel... I always feel like I'm a little kid. Like, hi, I'm doing a show. Hi. Why don't you sit cross-legged then?
Starting point is 00:25:59 Down on the floor. Chris Cross applesauce? Yeah, sure. Go ahead. I would love to. I would love to also just sit on a regular goddamn chair. Yeah. So my feet are on the ground, so if an attack happens, I can get out of here quick.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Meanwhile, I'm like... Let me see the difference. Adam, do you mind playing an attacker really quick? Absolutely, no problem. Let me see the difference of how quick you can do it this way from... Okay, so let's say we're just doing the show. Yeah, we're shooting the show. Do you want me to come from behind or from where I am right now?
Starting point is 00:26:32 I think... How do attackers... You know what? I think from the audience, because that's where these fuckers are coming from. Let's be honest, they've got a very important note I need to read. All right, so... Anyway, what a great time. Oh my God, I'm having such a good time with you.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Jason, I love performing on stage with you. Sorry, guys. Yeah. When you want me to start the attack, just give me a signal. Okay. What kind of signal? A hand signal. Hand signal.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Got it. Like this? Like a sh... Like hang loose? Like a shaka? Hang loose. Hang loose? Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:08 So we'll just do like it's the regular show. So writing the book, I feel like for you must have been an incredibly... I mean those three pages were just so difficult for me to write. Did you feel at any time like you knew what you wanted to say, but were having a hard time getting it out? Yeah, but I just relied upon most of the time. So you're here promoting
Starting point is 00:27:34 I would just put it on random. Put it on random? Whatever word popped up, I would throw into my... Oh, wow. Yeah. That's interesting. I never would have thought of that.
Starting point is 00:27:44 I'm realizing we forgot to... Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. Yeah, we forgot to give you the signal. Fuck. That's fine. We got so into it. We got so wrapped up in our own thing.
Starting point is 00:27:52 And Yeah. We're not up yet. It's okay. Sorry. We'll remember to give you the signal right now. Okay. Adam, turn that the other way around.
Starting point is 00:28:02 No, no, no, no. I'm stuck. I'm stuck above. I'm too high. Yeah. These chairs are bullshit. Yeah. Right?
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yeah. Yeah. Right? That bit's gonna play great in audio only. I mean, because it plays so well in the room. So let's read this. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:27 Here we go. By the way, can you read it in under five seconds? How quickly do you think you could read? I could... I'll promise you this. I can read it in under seven minutes. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:40 Sure. I'll take that. Okay. Here we go. Everyone up there, books out. Everyone's ready? Okay. Because we're all gonna read it together.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Here we go. One. Should we count one, two, three, or three, two, one? Let's count. You guys care. Let's count up to 10. Okay. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:28:58 One, two, three, four, five, six. I feel like we should go down though. I think you're right. I do feel like it should be in reverse. Down from 20. Down from 20. Sure. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Also because that will help everybody get in the rhythm. Yeah. That's right. And you can make sure you have your books out. Here we go. I'm not... I'll be honest. A lot of you don't have your books out.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I'm a little worried. Which makes me think you're not gonna read from the book. So how are you gonna participate? Yeah. You know what? We should give them more time to get their books out. Down from 40. Ready?
Starting point is 00:29:35 Yeah. 40. 39. 38. 37. 36. 35. 34.
Starting point is 00:29:43 33. 32. 31. 30. 29. 28. 27. 26.
Starting point is 00:29:51 25. 24. 23. 22. Oh. 20. 20. You said 21.
Starting point is 00:29:59 You jumped. You jumped out. Oh, goddammit. I'm sorry. We gotta start over. Let's just go straight in. Go again. Straight away.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Let's go again. Okay. 40. 39. 38. 39. 38. 37.
Starting point is 00:30:15 36. 35. 34. 33. 32. 31. 30. 29.
Starting point is 00:30:23 28. 27. 26. 25. 24. 23. 22. 21.
Starting point is 00:30:31 20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 18. 17. 18.
Starting point is 00:30:39 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10.
Starting point is 00:30:48 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2.
Starting point is 00:30:56 1. Everything you want is a CBB book, chapters, pages, words, letters, pictures, symbols, winks, gravy, live v's, and of course, Scott's signature dance. I'm going to read it five more times, then go back to sleep. And I'm Scott! I'm in a full body sweat. That really was exhausting. That was electric.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I think I have COVID now. Can you get COVID from reading out loud? Yes! Yes! Droplets! All these fucking monsters! We asked them to shout droplets right at us. But still, I just want to eat them all up.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Well, Adam, thank you so much for participating with that. It means a lot that you're here tonight. Thank you. And... yeah. Yeah. I love it. You know what? I love it.
Starting point is 00:32:10 I love seeing it up on the screen. I love that. I'm just going to be honest. When I wrote this, I never dreamed that I would see it up on the big screen. Did you? Did you? Because now you're a published author. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Now you're a published author. You feel as though that adds just another element to your career that's exciting to you. Are you going to develop this into anything? Yeah. Thank you for saying that. You're welcome. Absolutely. I mean, it's more than just a feather in the cap, okay?
Starting point is 00:32:42 Yeah. Which it is. But yeah, I think... If you could have a feather in your cap, from what bird? Emu. Emu? Pigeon. But you... I mean, Adam, you have a cap full of feathers.
Starting point is 00:32:58 You're like... So many feathers. Your head is just covered with feathers like an Indian headdress. Thank you. You might as well hollow out a bird and wear it on your head for how many feathers you've got. Yes. That makes me really hungry.
Starting point is 00:33:12 I mean, you're a published author. Yes. You're a bad actor. Yes. Other things. But those are two feathers. Yes. Most caps can even carry that.
Starting point is 00:33:25 I'd love to talk to you about the movie Torque. Absolutely. That's your other show. Oh, sorry. Sorry. We're not doing... We're not doing how to dis-give-mate tonight. But it is really special, and I thank you so much, and usually when you thank someone,
Starting point is 00:33:41 they thank you back. No, thank you. I appreciate... Oh, okay. I appreciate... You know what I appreciate? I appreciate it being asked. I appreciate it being asked.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Yeah. And it is great to see it on the big screen. This is like... It's like seeing it on the big screen. This technically is better than any movie you were ever in. It's more fulfilling. I got paid more. Was there ever a point in which myself or Adam were going to be featured in the cover
Starting point is 00:34:09 as such huge contributors? But I can't help but notice neither of us is featured in this cover. Because there's... Rob Schneider is there in the cowboy hat. So he made it on there. He made it on Randy Quaid is there in the back. It's a gorgeous cover. So...
Starting point is 00:34:34 It really is. But no, I never... What's worse, that I didn't ask you or didn't even think to ask you? They're both really bad. Yeah, I'm seeing that now. But thanks for being part of the back of the book. No problem. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:34:52 The very last thing anyone will read. Thank you. Scott, everyone. Yeah. All right. Well, a wonderful panel already. And I'm afraid... And we have seven more people to go.
Starting point is 00:35:12 I'm afraid I'm going to bring the mood down a little bit. Oh, boy. No. Because I genuinely am friends with both of you. Yeah. Are we friends with you? I don't... Only you can answer that question.
Starting point is 00:35:29 And by the end of the show, those questions will be answered during the Q&A. What if Maury Povich came out with an envelope and told me whether you were my friend or no? The big friend reveal at the end of the show. I dance around. Scott, would you be surprised to know that Adam is not your friend? Ooh boo. You dance around.
Starting point is 00:35:54 But the next person I'm bringing on, I genuinely hate. He is a children's entertainer of note. Please welcome Big Chunky Bubbles. Hi. BCB, how are you? That's right. It's me, Big Chunky Bubbles. Do you remember what I do for a living?
Starting point is 00:36:45 You are... For those of you who don't know BCB, he is a children's entertainer. That's right. You blow bubbles for children. I don't blow bubbles. Your breath is not involved. No. I mean, I'm breathing while I do it.
Starting point is 00:37:03 Thank God. I... Yeah. I'm sure you're real relieved. Have you ever forgotten to breathe in the middle of a performance? What are you talking about? Forgotten to breathe? Like, I'm up there doing my thing and then, oops, I forgot to inhale.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Hey, that's the opposite of Bill Clinton, right? Uh, yeah. Did you just try and high-five me with the back of your hand? Yeah. Well, I felt bad about, like, giving you the part I touched stuff with. Oh, okay. You know what? I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:37:43 You didn't feel bad doing it to me. You're disgusting. This is my left. You should feel bad about making the Bill Clinton joke in 2023. We're coming up on the 30th anniversary, I believe, of him. Oh, good. I'll send you a cake. What do you...
Starting point is 00:38:02 What do you... You celebrate it every year, don't you? Of course. 29 years. Um... 28. 27. 27.
Starting point is 00:38:11 26. I don't blow bubbles. I'm a bubble artist, and I create bubbles out of soups, stews, and jowders. See, the people know. The crowd furiously checking the wiki. Uh... But correct me if I'm wrong. Oh, I will.
Starting point is 00:38:41 I'm ready. By the way, we're all right here on you. There are but two chowders, are there not? No. Go on. What do you think the two chowders are? You're thinking of clam chowder. And corn.
Starting point is 00:38:57 But there's multiple clam chowders. There's multi, even he knows. But those are all variants of clam chowder. All chowders are variants of chowder. But those are variants of soup. Oh, this hamburger has lettuce on it. Hmm, must be a different strain. I don't know, I didn't have to explain food to you.
Starting point is 00:39:23 What? They made a blue car? Now, I've seen everything. Adam, what if you could make... If you could make clam chowder with the blue milk from Star Wars? Yes. And then you would have blue chowder. Right.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Well, why don't we have Han Solo whip us up a badge? Since we're getting things from a fictional universe. What is it? Contagious what you have? Now, everybody's dumb? Oh, you're telling me. Oh, wow. You're gonna...
Starting point is 00:40:01 I'm trying to support you. Look, look, look, look, look, look, look. I'm trying to support you. You don't think it would be great to go to a kid's birthday party with... Jason. Star Wars blue chowder? This motherfucker, Scott. Jason.
Starting point is 00:40:12 This motherfucker is getting on... How did you get up from your chair so fast? I don't know. Let me tell you something. There's no amount of fictional milk that makes a children's birthday party something you want to go to. They're the worst audiences in the world. Oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Tell these people out here who have kids who don't want to go to a birthday party. You're telling me that if you said there's gonna be Star Wars blue milk bubbles there, those kids are going in a second. Made out of a seafood chowder? Yes. On a hot summer's day. Who doesn't want pink eye and diarrhea from bubbles? That was one of your taglines, right?
Starting point is 00:40:57 Why do I come on these shows? I don't know. You're very disrespectful. I'm trying to be friends with you. You are? Oh, I didn't... I thought you were... This was...
Starting point is 00:41:07 Is this not marketing for you? You're trying to get jobs? I am? Of course I am. This is you being friendly. I had no idea. I'm sorry. Pink?
Starting point is 00:41:16 By the way, I apologize. He's more of a Trekkie. Thank you for apologizing. Thank you for... That's not true either. You were telling me backstage. No, my favorite sci-fi show of all time, of course, is Blake Seven. I don't even know what that is.
Starting point is 00:41:34 I barely do, but listen. That's why it's your favorite. We shouldn't press you on specifics. I didn't come here to talk about that, so I won't. Adam, what is your favorite soup if you had to pick? Oh, well, let's just say an intruder comes to your house. Yes. What would I be making when he walked in?
Starting point is 00:41:59 Sure, but also if he were to... He had some sort of weapon pointed to the back of your head. He's going to kill you execution style. Some sort of weapon. Yeah. But pointed at the back of your head. Sure. Could be a baseball bat.
Starting point is 00:42:11 A cat of nine tails. Cat of nine tails pointed directly at the back of your head. He's going to whip the back of the nape of your neck. Right. And I have to say... And you have to say what your favorite soup is. What do you say in that moment? This is the weirdest home intruder I've ever encountered.
Starting point is 00:42:31 He's a weird guy, I admit. But... The original plot of Funny Games. The original. Right. Before they changed it. Before they changed it. Think a lot, Michael Haneke.
Starting point is 00:42:44 The Studio Big Wigs, God willing. Oh, yeah. I mean, I would have to go with some sort of chowder. Really? Absolutely. Okay. And since there's only two... It's a flip of a coin at this point.
Starting point is 00:43:01 I would have to go with a clam. But which kind? Manhattan or New England? Well Manhattan, of course. Whoa. They've discovered a third chowder. Whoa. What is it?
Starting point is 00:43:14 Do we have to go over this whole thing again? I want to do the whole thing again. 40. 39. No, no, no. 38. Sorry, we're pasting something from the next phone. Turn that, Michael.
Starting point is 00:43:34 If I don't like something, I'm just going to yell no. Did you think something... Someone who was coming up from behind you? I did for a second here. The fuck is going on? Get a little feedback. I just want to make sure. I didn't think the show could get less professional, but you found a new speed.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Do you think I'm unpleasant? Yes. Big, big chunky bubbles is like the Statler and Waldorf of the show. Just up in the... Up in just sniping. They should have been the whole show. You would watch that. Just...
Starting point is 00:44:11 They're my favorite part. I'd take that as a spin-off. Because I hate frogs. Frog... Are there any... Are there frog soups? Are there any soups with frog? Frogfish.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Frog legs. You can make a frog leg soup. Can you? Can you make soup out of anything, Greg? But does it make good... But does it make for good bubbles? Oh, boy. That was an homage to your co-worker.
Starting point is 00:44:35 Can you make soup out of me? You can tell them about that in the morning if you like. Sure. Different soups make different bubbles. Of course. It stands to reason. What is the best soup for making a giant bubble? A really big bubble?
Starting point is 00:44:59 The biggest bubble you've ever seen. The biggest bubble? I mean, beyond for artistic purposes, just for record-setting. Now, are you in the record books in any way, shape, or form? Because we have a contact at the Guinness Book of World Records. It's not Fred Guinness, is it? It's Fred Guinness. I don't think I can go to hell.
Starting point is 00:45:24 You've interacted with Fred Guinness? I've contacted him several times. Really? And he doesn't return your call? He always picks up for us. He and Ann talks... It seems like he has a personal relationship with everybody else we know. These are all callbacks to his show nobody's heard yet.
Starting point is 00:45:38 I called him because I am, by far, the most successful bubble artist working in soups, stews, and chariots. Wow. No one else is even close. So why did he turn you down for this? I mean, why aren't you in the book? He said it was too weird. I didn't think he was allowed to say that.
Starting point is 00:46:00 What does he tell you? He's one of the weirdest guys in the world. He, like, devoted his life to writing a book about weird things. They're not all weird. To be fair. I mean, it's a guy who can fit, like, a million cigarettes in his mouth. Well, now you're defending the man who you just moments ago were deriding for ignoring you.
Starting point is 00:46:19 But my thing isn't weird. There's records for the fastest person who ever ran. Aren't those just, like, Olympic records? Yeah, but they put him in the book. Why wouldn't they? That seems like cheating. These should be Guinness Book-specific records. How would that work?
Starting point is 00:46:41 Do you think Guinness contracts people to do certain things? He should be out there on the ground reporting his own records. He can't just, like, contact the Olympics and go, hey, who's the fastest person who ever... Does he contact them or just watch them on TV like everybody else? That's the thing. This motherfucker. If you can't remember, it's now it's in a book.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Why have you got me defending this man that I just found? I'm on your side. If you don't mind me, can I ask a question? I do mind you, but go ahead. I appreciate that. How come you don't seem to work or have you tried and not been successful with bisques at all? Great question.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Crowd, crowd, very interested in this. So much so that I don't want them on my side. It's all right. It's an actually interesting question, congrats. Man, the more you neg me, the more I want to fuck you. Is that what you're up to? No, I'm still grieving my wife. That's right.
Starting point is 00:47:50 Your wife, who, by the way, for those of you who don't know, she passed away in a... She passed away. How was it exactly? It was an atrantic bubble accident. Oh, no. Oh, no. I made a soup that was too hot. Was it your fault?
Starting point is 00:48:06 It was my fault. She was so proud of me. She was my biggest supporter and cheerleader, and she... No, you can't take it that seriously. Shame on you. Your adults don't feel bad. I was working on, as a matter of fact, a bisque bubble. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Goodness. The bisque bubble is the holy grail of bubble trees. Of course, I'm assuming a lobster bisque because it's so rich and expensive. Well, of course. Nothing but the bisque. Nothing but the bisque? For my bisque bubble. So I was almost there, and I called my wife in, much of the way that Alexander Graham
Starting point is 00:48:56 Bell called for a sister in law to. What? You're almost as inaudible as Dr. Sweetshot at this point. What? Holy shit. You never heard of the telephone? Well... Alexander Graham Bell, what do you mean by the telephone?
Starting point is 00:49:15 He would say ahoy. The first thing he did was yell for his assistant to come in and see that he'd done it. Watson, I need you. That's right. Yes. So, I said, honey, I'm doing it. I'm doing it. The bisque bubble, it's real.
Starting point is 00:49:30 He rushed into the bubble laboratory. La-la-bub-ble-la-tory? No. No. Okay. Skye, come on. Wow. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:42 This is where your wife passed away. Yeah. Good chime in on the story about my dead wife. Just grinding the show to a halt. Who's over there now? For worthy. Someone right there. Skye, you're trying to do psyops on me.
Starting point is 00:49:57 And she started rushing towards me to embrace me and I said, honey, no, it's too hot. She got too close and the bubble burst. It burned her skin right down to the skull. Wow. Like an Indiana Jones. Wow. It was like opening the Ark of the Covenant. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:50:17 She just like... It happened so fast. My wife standing there from the neck down, a person, and from the neck up a skeleton head. Come on. No. Did she ever go to the doctor to get a checkup from the neck up? What do you mean?
Starting point is 00:50:35 Scott? What do you mean? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This is... It's all right. I know you're still sensitive about this, right?
Starting point is 00:50:44 Yeah. Well, I mean, I guess that makes sense why you haven't attempted the Bisc Bubble again. And I didn't know that, so I sincerely, I didn't mean to... Or have you attempted the Bisc Bubbles since then? I've thought about it every day since, and every... Get a life for real. Oh, if you're bad. They're so enraptured by the story.
Starting point is 00:51:17 I mean, he's a wonderful... Oh, they're inside. Whatever you can say about him, he's a wonderful storyteller. Every time I collect the ingredients for the Bisc, they start putting it together. Inevitably, I look down on the terrain, and I see my wife's grinning skull looking back at me. Wow. You've got to take that skull out of your terrain.
Starting point is 00:51:40 Yeah. I appreciate it as a tribute, but you really should not keep it in there. It's not our actual skull. I have a weird guilt vision, don't you get it? But do you... well, I feel like if this... If your life... Oh, boy. If your life was a movie...
Starting point is 00:51:57 Are you all right? If your life was a movie, if we made a movie of your life, which would be a great idea. I would actually like to do this. Act three would be you having to finish the Bisc successfully, and in doing so, finding true love again. Yes. The first scene is your wife's face melting off. Just started with a bang.
Starting point is 00:52:20 And then you keep flashing back to it, so you see it... And you're turning your back on the Bisc. Yes. And on her. Well, because she's dead. It's kind of hard to get psyched about this. I hear you. I hear you.
Starting point is 00:52:36 But we could... I bet if we beat this out for another 10, 20 minutes, we start putting note cards up. We can get this done. We can break the story, yeah. You could play yourself. Or you could play your wife. Or you could play everybody Eddie Murphy-style clumps. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Or you could play everybody Eddie Murphy-style clumps. Yes. Yeah, don't they call it clumping it? They say you can clump it. You could clump it up. Clump, clump, clump, clump it up. Did you see that movie, The Whale? One clump?
Starting point is 00:53:14 Forget it. That's my point. I can't wait for the other clumps to show up. Instead of just a movie about a fat man having a feeling? Weird. I thought Eddie Murphy did great in it. No, he's terrific as always. Good to see him in whiteface again.
Starting point is 00:53:55 And that was just them being like the clumps technology is being ignored. Big Chunky Bubbles, I did want to bring up your contribution to the book. What book? Oh, we're here doing a comedy bang bang book. Everyone has one. Comedy bang bang book. It's a book. Yeah, it's a book.
Starting point is 00:54:18 We actually have something that is related to you in the book. Could we bring that up on the screen? What? How dare you? This is a review from the newspaper of your act? This happened in Montreal. Guy LaChance, that hack. It's, pardon me, I thought that we had your permission to put it in.
Starting point is 00:54:45 No, why would I ever grant permission when there's a big one there? It is public domain, though, it's in the newspaper, so I think maybe we contacted them. Oh, you're mad at Fred Guinness, though? I think that, and I, why are you hanging out over my head? I'm the keys mad at Fred Guinness. You're mad at Fred Guinness. You got me going crazy. We love Fred Guinness.
Starting point is 00:55:10 You are attacking his policies, though, putting Olympic records into the Guinness, but we're a record. A new wrinkle to big chunky bubbles. The monitors here are as bad as Largo. Where are they? They are just the speakers pointing out. Right, that's not a monitor, son. Now because we've established it from Adam's piece as well, we're going to count down
Starting point is 00:55:34 from 40 and we're going to read the whole thing. It's long. It's also quite brutal against you. It is. Yeah. Very unfair. Sorry, I just, you know, you wouldn't write me back when I asked you to write a piece for the book, so I, you know, did I not have the right email address, or?
Starting point is 00:55:58 No, you did. Those filters work like a charm. Instagram filters? No, email filters. Try it sometime. I will. Are you, are you done, big chunky bubbles, are you down to inbox zero? Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:20 That's admirable. That's impressive stuff. I pulled it off last year. Very exciting. I even replied to all the spams. Oh wow. I just wrote back, I'm not interested, I'd rather not, thanks. I finally realized that you just cut and paste, please take me off your list.
Starting point is 00:56:43 I'm perfectly happy with the size of my penis. Are you happy with the size of your penis? I love it. You love it. Yeah. Well. That's the quote. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I'm perfectly happy. See, if you would just would have written that, I could have put that in the book instead of... It's very suspicious when you ask me to write something for your book. Yeah. Sorry. It'll seem like a trick in a trap. Not a treat or a treasure.
Starting point is 00:57:15 No, we had a lot of people contribute things to the book. Mine too. Well, Brock love it, do you know Brock? The treasure hunter? Yeah. Sorry, wet treasure hunter. Right. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:27 One time he found a diamond ring in one of my soups. He said finders keepers. Where did it come from? An old lady threw it in there. She told somebody's story of her life and then threw the diamond ring in a bowl of soup. This guy has old ladies throwing jewelry out of night and day. I would love it so much more if James Cameron was more interested in the depths of soups and stews than our own oceans.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Yeah. I read an interesting article the other day about if that were real. What were? The diamond? The throwing the cordu la mer into the ocean. Right. I don't believe that the insurance, if they found it, the insurance company would have kept it.
Starting point is 00:58:13 What are you, what are you reading? What are you reading? Insurance? Insurance magazine? You had the gall to call this an interesting article? I read an interesting article. You ought to be tried at the Hague. This is a war crime, like 9-11.
Starting point is 00:58:30 Yeah, no shit, guys. Balls flag. Okay. Honestly, where did you read that? Like, what honest to God are you reading? Like, it was, it was germane to the interests of Brock Lovett and myself, so I'm saying. Was it your majesty to it as well? That's the show.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Black it out. It's not getting better. So the insurance, what happened at the insurance? Basically what they were positing is that if, if Brock Lovett were to retrieve the Cordilla Mare, Billy Zane's character would have shut the fuck up. You read an article above, Brock Lovett? Yes. Got it.
Starting point is 00:59:22 That Billy, whatever Billy Zane's character's name was, Cal, okay. You're a big Titanic fan? Love it. I dare you not to cry. He would have insured the diamond because it was worth so much. So his he drowned on the boat, didn't he? Or did he get off? No, he was a coward.
Starting point is 00:59:47 He was a coward. Okay. He took someone's baby to escape. He ate someone's baby to escape? Yeah, he ate someone's baby to escape. Took an 8, don't even sound alike. That's in the deleted scenes. So he got off, he would have filed an insurance claim for the...
Starting point is 01:00:07 What are you doing? For the Cordilla Mare. Luke, yeah. So when it was found, it would be the property of the insurance company, not of Brock Lovett. But it wasn't Brock Lovett's property anyway, it was Rosa's property because Cal gave it to him and has a gift. Did she declare it for tax purposes? That's the other thing.
Starting point is 01:00:28 That's... that's paragraph eight. Anyway, if he were here, I would tell him all about it. But do we know that he wanted it for his own personal gain or did he just want to find shit from the Titanic? Was he like one of those, it belongs in a museum type snow? Maybe. I don't remember. What types are those?
Starting point is 01:00:53 You know, like, not to bring up a movie that will trigger something for you, but Indiana Jones with the melting faces. I was trying not to say it. You know those types. God, these turkey bubbles, you're crying. I'm weeping. I'm so sorry, Petey. Oh, by the way, that's...
Starting point is 01:01:16 Your name is... Do you feel like if you... Sorry. Sorry, your name... Sorry. For those of you who don't know, I called you Petey because... That's right. My given name is not Big Junkie Bubbles.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Big Surprise. My stage name, my real name is Petey Amin. I don't think I knew that. I got to read the wiki. Sorry, so what were you going to ask? I was going to ask, do you feel... Because you just, I mean, we're here with you tonight, you seem truly still so heartbroken at the loss of your life.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Do you feel like if you could accomplish the bisque bubble, it would give you closure? Is there moving on from this? That's a pretty big question. Scott asked me to come out here to ask the big questions. He said, I'm going to ask the little dumb questions. I'm a coward. If you could focus on big, interesting questions. I know that my wife would want me to be able to do the bisque bubble.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Oh. Aw. Oh, Petey. What was her name? I don't remember. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. Let's...
Starting point is 01:02:31 That could happen when a woman's face melts away. Exactly. There are no distinguishing features left. I had talked about this in a while. So hard you start to forget about those people that you've lost, including their names. Yeah. Does anybody remember? No.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Okay. You don't have to say Alexander Graham Bell. Yeah. Trying to do a callback. He thought you were talking about Alexander Graham Bell earlier. He got that confused. I don't need the explanation. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:09 A better name was something like RJ. I want that for you. I want for you to find closure in this world so that you can move forward and have happiness again. Find true love. Wow. Thanks, Weird Stranger. Also, your children need a stepmother, you know, your wonderful children.
Starting point is 01:03:25 Oh, Robbie, Bobby, and Tag. Names you remember immediately. They're still alive and around me all the time. Their faces still are right where they're supposed to be. You seem to not like them. You seem to not like them. They're not my favorite. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Maybe start working on the Bisk bubble again. Oh, Jason. You're more upset at that than the 9-Eleven stuff? This crowd is unbelievably weird. Go ahead. Were you like this before your wife passed away or? Unhappy to be on the show? No, it hadn't happened yet.
Starting point is 01:04:14 Because we've only known you in the shadow of such an incredible tragedy, and you're such an incredibly awful person to be around. I'm just wondering if you were different before then, if she added some... You know what, bro? I'll grant you that. I'm not the most pleasant fellow. And yes, there was a time when I smiled and laughed. I was quick with a joker to light up your smoke.
Starting point is 01:04:47 Would you make tonics in gin? Yeah. I remember one time going to this bar, and it was Saturday. It was a pretty good crowd for a Saturday. For five o'clock? Were you there midday? Or wait, you think midday is five o'clock? What, are you a vampire?
Starting point is 01:05:10 You know, when I have a drink, it's midday somewhere. To answer your question, yes, I was a more fun guy before. Well, I hope you get back there. I... Maybe we could set you up with one of the guests on the show sometime. I don't know, I mean... To discover that joy again. To feel as the...
Starting point is 01:05:29 Do you feel like the making of the bubbles now remind... It's got to remind you of that tragedy. You know, to have a family like Adam does, and like I do, and, well... Oh, no. He's married to show business. I do have a family, by the way, of those three miserable kids. But I will confess, I've been perusing the apps. Really?
Starting point is 01:06:05 Are you on... Are you on Bubble? I'm on Ryan. Oh, yeah? I almost went on Bumble, because it was so close. And, you know, it's a lot of swiping this way and that. Sure. Sometimes all I can see is just a skull.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Would that be attractive to you if there was just... When you... My question is, when you see a beautiful woman's face, are you picturing this skull beneath it? Yeah. Yeah. That's what I just said. Oh, sorry.
Starting point is 01:06:37 I didn't mean literally, there's skulls on Ryan. Yeah. I didn't know. But would that... Maybe... Would that turn you on if you saw someone who was like the Red Skull, but... The Red Skull? The Marvel villain?
Starting point is 01:06:51 Yeah. I mean, I know what a skull looks like. You don't have to bring comic books into it for me to understand. But no, it wouldn't. I liked my wife when she had a face. But I love her always. Whatever her name was. Big chunky bubbles, everyone.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Can you stick around, BCB? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:38 Yeah. Well, we have a wonderful guest right now. He... Adam, you and I have several podcasts about music. Yeah. Yeah. We've covered... YouTube.
Starting point is 01:07:48 YouTube. Yes. Yes. R.M. R.M. R.M. Sa... Sa...
Starting point is 01:08:04 Sa... Sa... Sa... So... So... Sashly? Sasses. Sauses.
Starting point is 01:08:12 The band's... So are we doing a short form improv show? Yes. We're hoping to go off Broadway with it for next season. That's right. It's a little preview. Get to the Cherry Lane. But there's one band that we haven't covered. That's right, and that is of course the the fab four.
Starting point is 01:08:31 Yeah, and please welcome to the stage John Lennon. Wow They're sitting up. They're standing up. I should say amazing Jason is giving you a standing and walking out of the room ovation That makes sense John so good to have you. Oh my god. It's so great to be here in Brooklyn. How about that? You know, I came all the way from Manhattan. It's great to thank you. Okay Usually you thank you so much. I don't I haven't been on stage in a long time. This is big chunky bubbles He's an entertainer as well. I saw him backstage. It's a pleasure to see you and doing bubble stuff
Starting point is 01:09:21 I was moving around doing bubble stuff. You were doing bubble stuff backstage. Yeah, you've never done it on stage. Why would I? He put he put me in a bubble. He you know, he did the thing and I'm sitting there in a big stew bubble Did you say it was big stew bubble very exciting back there and now I'm out here But I was gonna say, you know, it's so great to be in Brooklyn with all the look at the hipsters out here Drinking coffee, you know hipster. You can always tell the hipster because they drinking coffee after 6 p.m I'm cool. You know, of course, don't see any right now, but you've got crazy haircuts out there. Look at these people Wait, you're you're one of the people with the original crazy haircut the mop top itself. That's right. That's right Because we were all so thin back then, you know, so we had mop bodies at first
Starting point is 01:10:09 And It was so they would cut they would Call you in the press they would call you the four mop bodies like the four sticks, you know And I'd say wringle I think they're talking to you because he would use drumsticks. He played the drums and he had two of Andy's behind us Right, so I didn't see him. I like him the most, but I didn't I saw him the least Did so so you thought they were referring to his two sticks, but they were seeing double or I know I thought they were talking about his two sticks and the backups. Hey, he always kept a backup
Starting point is 01:10:44 Oh, you were playing live shows. How often would you turn around and look at Ringo? Very seldomly only to be what song are we playing next? Oh, was he the guy who who had the order of the songs? He had it all written down on his one drum if you go back and look at videos of him playing film he would He you'd always notice he'd never hit the floor Tom because that's where the the set list was taped You know, he's he would always consider it Yeah, right and then decide not to throw us all off at all right He doesn't want to hit that one drum. We should add a drum to the second floor Tom so we can put that on it
Starting point is 01:11:28 Or maybe put you the set list, you know on the floor in front of you guys instead of a date could have it where were you? I don't think I was on this earth yet, but you're still in your dad's balls John have you started working glue? I'm doing stand-up now. I'm doing a lot to you are I would love to see some of crowd work stand up I'll do it for you. I'm seeing it. Yeah, I'd love to see who would like John Lennon do stand-up Can we get a spotlight I Don't think you're on and my mic's not on yeah, I'm gonna keep talking though. Oh, here. We are No, okay, okay
Starting point is 01:12:14 Okay, they can make the the lights very bright On Broadway Scott you'd fit in perfectly in this town Hmm. Anyway I thought you said something about Broadway. Okay, I'll do some of my crowd work. What are you? What do you think you're some you fuckface? What do you think you're so great? You think you're so special. I'm John fucking Lenin. I could have you thrown into a dumpster. What are you laughing at? You say you're all Get him out of here. I don't want any of these people in here
Starting point is 01:12:46 Wouldn't that be something if we just had this conversation by ourselves? He is still that's good stuff. Yeah I might steal a couple lines from you Well, that would be an amazing double bill John Lennon opened by big chunky bubbles We don't know the order yet That sentence For by the way, Adam, I don't know if you know this but John Lennon you're a big music fan Yeah, this hasn't made it to Rolling Stone or anything like that
Starting point is 01:13:17 but John was Dead, how did you die again shot in the body? Directly in the body. I glad no you were killed you were murdered on sight. Yes, right I was coming out of my home, which I live in now still the Dakota All right, I don't think I have any neighbors here Hipsters, you know, you were coming out in and a man by the name of Mark
Starting point is 01:13:46 Mark Summers no That's a different guy. He was the host of double dare. I think You know it's confused because I've always wanted wanted to be on double there and I always wanted to not die Right, remember those are my ones the two things got transposed. Yeah, also His name is Summers and you died in the winter in December, of course, right? Oh Oh, man. Thanks Well, it a happy ending because came back to life came out how so how did that work?
Starting point is 01:14:19 How did you I was I was in there for four years and a casket in the ground and you get very bored in there And I remember I had a book I can't even remember the name of the book now and I read it and it was boring and I said I don't like this anymore got out I'm walking around. I'm doing everything I used to do, but I don't tell Yoko that I'm alive. Please don't tell Yoko live Because I'm borrowing one of her for haze and I don't want to give it back You're still married But that's the only reason you don't want her to know because you're borrowing pretty much and you know I'm having a fun time being out without without her. Yeah, it's so strange. She hasn't run into you yet
Starting point is 01:14:59 I it's it's run very different circles Didn't it happen I'm doing you're still at the Dakota still at the Dakota. She actually might have an apartment in there I saw I see someone who looks exactly like her from behind and in the front too, but I'm all you know I'm always wearing The big nose and mustache and big glasses at trench coat Bubble coat over the trench coat Shoes too big I
Starting point is 01:15:29 Don't know what an extra watch which I don't usually around her would only wear one watch and she looks at my wrist Oh, two watches. Okay, never met this man. Don't know him at all Although he knows my name So you address her something like hello Yoko, how's your day been? How are our children? Do you disguise your voice at all I tried to you I try let's hear it. Mm-hmm. I do a lot of that, too. Oh Yoko, how you doing mate? How are our children? Oh So you say look like they say our our children to our children does one still look like me almost exactly She said oh kind of but he doesn't wear two watches
Starting point is 01:16:21 Got away with another one. How many just out of curiosity. Oh, how many children do you think you had with Yoko? What she I'm asking as a fan Well, I got the I had two wives I think between us we had I want to say three kids My birthday is October 8th Take the win take the win Out of curiosity and forgive me if this has been covered before but John have you seen the movie yesterday? I've been I've heard about it this very interesting it
Starting point is 01:17:14 By the way, he he means that the movie called yesterday. He's not asking if you saw a movie yesterday Oh, and then I don't know what you're talking about. Oh I'm so glad I feel max is anyone up maxista What is he talking about he comes out here half drunk Well, there was a there's a there's a movie I think they're covering it on blank check next week a podcast where The fans will really let you know if they don't like you Or if they do, and That's nice, too. I know there are nice people on the internet, too. We forget about them
Starting point is 01:18:03 But it's a Danny Boyle film that that Is a movie about suddenly everyone in the world except for like three people forget who the Beatles are right? Right, and I will say this in spoilers for the movie You are still alive in the movie. I've heard of this in the timeline. Yeah, somebody playing me shows up You're an old you're it wasn't you was it? No, I didn't I'm not back to when I got my glasses I was just in that one in the wall movie, and I got those glasses That's the other fact a lot of people know about me But you were also in help you were in but I those those were glorified music videos
Starting point is 01:18:43 But what do you think about that supposition that if the Beatles never existed you would still be I mean you are alive obviously, but you're live right and what I have all the money No, I think he was pretty broke broke, and I would like that I'd like to be more of a beetle guy who has all the money and fame You like where you're at right now like where I'm at because I'm alive I can do anything I want and people don't bother me and I can play music if I want. No, I don't want to and you've never you I keep beseeching you to come Bring your guitar and play some songs the damn thing. Well, you know what it is. It's Ringo's got it
Starting point is 01:19:23 He's still trying. He's still telling me he's going to sign up for guitar lessons So you guys are in touch oh every day Hey, that's why I was watching movies with yesterday. Oh wow What do you guys watch? What kind of movies do our ring? I mean that's wow isn't that interesting to think about John Lennon and Ringo star sitting together watching a movie What are you guys up to like? What are you? What are you watching? Well? We're mostly dishing Whoever we see on TV, but these days we're watching we're getting into the Batman series
Starting point is 01:19:56 Christopher Nolan Christopher Nolan Batman and then we're gonna watch the one with Paul Dano You're a big Paul Dano fan love Paul Dano, I absolutely love everything he's been in from The girl next door. Uh-huh all the way up to there will be blood and then the movie I just mentioned So you skip over from there will be blood to the Batman movie he was in right and I saw some of the fapolins Sure some some I had it well here's what happened. I put it in a DVD player that I got it best buy It was a $20 DVD player Because I only have a few DVDs. I want to see you know, I don't need to buy an expensive one Well, you know
Starting point is 01:20:40 Because it mostly it's streaming it seems like this side of the room doesn't understand it's mostly streaming They're honest to God this side of the rumor assholes don't even don't even deal with him I'm not even gonna bring up Blu-ray's heads blow up 20 dollar DVD player Put the fapolins DVD I watch about half of it. It's stopped completely stopped the movie stop movie stop image Jerked off to the side and it jerked off Image jerk off I know what I said I do it This is about a boy by the way, I would love to watch that version of the movie and Yeah, I couldn't watch any more of it
Starting point is 01:21:21 But when I saw I didn't I didn't really find to engage you try like take it out Rub it on your pants and then put it back in That's what I don't have time to tell you mother the amount of surfaces. I rubbed it on we've rubbed it on everything to try to get it clean You think we didn't try that. Did you try blowing in the in the DVD player inside? shit We were unplugging the plug blowing all over the plug and putting that back in Because Ringo said I read this article about how plugs get dusty now, and that's a big thing I said, okay, you're doing the one read you're reading around here. I'm not wow fascinating article. Did you work?
Starting point is 01:21:59 That one? Yeah, I I read the headline When you and Ringo are together you never think to it's never inspiring to come up with new music or yeah, nothing Nothing creative starts happening. I'll sit down at the piano, and then we'll still will invariably get into you most of weird Al's catalog So you just start playing something and then it just like oh no weird out We know this one it's eat it so we'll go into that because we're usually trying to replicate Have you guys ever thought about doing a weird Al cover band? That would be fun Who would go to well who would really want to go see John Lennon and Ringo doing weird Al covers?
Starting point is 01:22:39 By the way, that would be millions of people like literally Everybody in the world that at least at once God. I got a pitch What if instead of a weird Al cover band you become a weird Al parody band and you parody the songs that weird Al's already parody? So now we're your parody the weird Al parodies like you mean like continuing it. Yeah, what he said But me Welcome to comedy bang bang what he did, but I say it. Oh, but also louder What he said, but but moments ago. Yes, okay I'm glad even though there's no women on the show. He can still fit that behavior in
Starting point is 01:23:35 So y'all saying take the songs and make them silly I'll go back to the originals. No, just equally as silly. No Make it take a sad song right and make it sadder and make it sad. Yeah I Recognize that lyric rooms up with It's it's one of your songs great. What a lot great Paul Paul John the Beatles a Beatles on shore John. What about a pop fuck you? You fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you Fight fight fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck don't do it. What were you saying?
Starting point is 01:24:20 He was saying fight. You were saying Same sometimes Adam we were interrupting you what I wanted to know I Wanted to know John. What about Paul Paul? We're talking about Ringo. What about Paul McCartney? He's still with us He's still with us. He's great, but he's touring. You know, he's always so busy touring But does he know you're alive? He knows yeah, I go in and I help him You know run some of the songs rehearse the songs for tour and get him ready because he's such a nervous guy You know, I'm not ready. I'm not ready. Are they gonna go out there. They're gonna throw popcorn at me. I Say, you know Paul not to like first of all the stadiums he plays in a humongous to get a piece of popcorn anywhere is
Starting point is 01:25:01 difficult anyway So he's nervous and I get him calm down. We run the songs Ringo and I and him and George Harrison's son come by we do all the songs In the wing songs the Beatles songs anything he wants to this is I mean people would pay to see this don't trust me I know They've told me and I said I'm not going out on the road again. Why are you afraid of the popcorn? Right because they sell popcorn outside of movie theaters and stadiums, so it's everywhere now They can get you anywhere. No, but for real though for real for real. I'm just joking about the real I
Starting point is 01:25:39 Don't want to travel with those two because the those two get together and they prank me This is okay, so this is the real is this why the Beatles broke up. We've never heard these more or less I You know, it's only so many times I could walk into a doorway and have a bucket drop on my head filled with water or worse I I read that the you know, what what's worse? Can I just enter please go ahead? Yeah, are we talking? Chisholm Not worth it bucket. I mean a whole tour. No, well, right you run out of ideas and then No, just you're saving it up. Huh? Oh
Starting point is 01:26:24 No, you guys those guys are like the jackass of music. They're constantly just pranking each other You can go. Oh, my name is Paul McHodney and welcome to jackass Was that a good liver puttley and accent the best Hey, I just listen to you and I do it exactly the way you would do it Yeah, so right that I didn't want to do the the pranking anymore. Yeah, and that's understandable It's hard. It's hard to be you know, you go to bed and find a cockroach in it. Wait, are you sure they did that? Or were you just in a nasty hotel? Who's who's to say but it was all around the same time of the pranking so it felt like it was all at me
Starting point is 01:27:10 No, the bad energy was a lot of bad energy So you you found one cockroach in your bed one night, right and you quit the Beatles Well, when you say it right when you say it like that, you're right. I mean, can you even can you even be sure? They put it there really. No, you can't be you can't did you ever ask them? Hey, I was always shy around them Because you don't want to say the wrong thing or they'll throw it in your face This all might have been just an enormous misunderstanding I know looking at it now all these years past. I can't help but feel foolish For not speaking up and that's something is sort of we're all
Starting point is 01:27:56 working on these days, right folks would When we're in therapy or with our loved ones, the things are a lot easier when you're communicating I like that you keep trying to engage the people that are behind you feel so bad versus I'm like fuck these assholes. Oh my god Can't can we talk about what you wrote for the book briefly? Let's bring it up on the stage You you were kind enough to send us something that you wrote All right, you wrote a track by track review of the Beatles record one What am I my absolute favorite beat is Beatles album? Yeah, it was hits
Starting point is 01:28:40 Well, it was it was the best of that stuff number one number one's not just best of the best of So you you graded all of the tracks graded all the tracks a lot of them got a's B-plus Somebody did some drawings that I don't know who did that but That all those weren't you I assume that was you doodling Oh, no, I mean I did doodles and then sent them in and say do something like this and they did then they did a Worst version of my doodle so I and you were like, oh no I meant for you to do a better version right do a better version
Starting point is 01:29:22 Oh, and then I think a lot of email exchanges and I think the last one was just well you fucking deal with it And then that was to me so that I had to go out to hire somebody on my own with my own money I Had somebody Really great street artist, you know tagging is what the he was tagging everything it was tagged me I was walking by him and I said, you know, I jumped I left out of the way because anytime you hear a hissing noise from the spray can I hate snakes You know I
Starting point is 01:29:56 jumped away You famously are known for absolutely hate them There are a lot of your songs were about your hatred of snakes. It's one of the things everybody knows about you Yeah, three children right that your birthday is October 9th. I I say eight. Yep. Sorry You might be right. I was guessing Eight snakes eight snakes can't stand them so It's because of the no legs, you know You hate cuz I don't mind lizards. Yeah
Starting point is 01:30:28 And you feel about spiders, they're full of legs. Well, they've got quite a few legs, but I don't like how light they are I don't like I don't like them at all. So what I'm with you Chunky bubbles big chunky bubbles Big joke, I forgot the big pop What wasn't It wasn't the song imagine about snakes originally, you know how like yesterday was about scrambled eggs originally, right? Well, imagine all the people fit better than imagine all the Snakes
Starting point is 01:31:05 and we added an extra but Yeah, imagine all the snakes slithering around crawling into your shoes crawling into your coat pockets getting it was a Christmas song and getting into the presence and Looping looping the presence with their tail and scooting them out of the room Opening them and slithering up to your bed and saying you got a leg. Oh, so ruining Christmas for you So in in that rendition the snakes speak and everybody understands like everybody speaks parcel tongue or something Well, it was like that to me where is that the case for because I feel like watching the Peter Jackson documentary
Starting point is 01:31:52 It seemed like the raw materials for a lot of those songs had to do with all sorts of stuff Like we're most of the hits we know snake based, right? He jumped in he started all about him But whoever's shot that documentary The guy who wanted you to perform in Egypt or whatever it was whatever his name was that motherfucker Michael something Egypt though Egypt, you know a lot of snakes bingo They worship them. Yeah, remember when Indiana Jones, sorry Opened up the tomb. Oh my god, PD is crying again. Oh, I just you know, I've let it go when you mentioned Danny Boyle Incredible I can't believe I got that joke
Starting point is 01:32:41 Did you miss it and have been waiting all this time I did miss it. That's a that's a great one. I'm thinking about Oh But Indy opens the tomb and it's full of snakes so many snakes in Egypt. Yeah, that's a that's a big walkout moment for me You saw it in theaters. Yep. Anytime it comes out anytime. It's printed They showed a theater's I go see it wait Indiana Because it came out in the four years that you were dead, right? So I see it when they do yeah, but they show it now and then you walk out every time I walk out Every time the snakes come and I don't see the end of it
Starting point is 01:33:22 I don't know how it ends and honestly, I don't really know how it begins because I'm always so late to go into the movies So I'm there for 20 so if you wouldn't mind just for a brief moment Can you tell us what you think the plot of Indiana Jones is sure which one is this again Raiders of the Lost Ark Raiders of the Lost Ark sure He's got well, you've got the you've got a hat you've got a hat right and that's where you start It's about a hat. It's about a hat and what's under the hat is so important Which I think it was really the lesson of that movie because we all sort of wear our own hats But what's on under it is the courage and determination to sort of Teach at a school
Starting point is 01:34:01 So you walk in when he's teaching at the school for you for you it's a college movie Right, and I walk into that scene. I go, where's his hat because I saw the poster he's got a hat so eventually puts it on and he's zipping around with his whip and I'm sure there's a car in there and he throws somebody into a propeller Oh, actually, so you have seen quite a bit quite a bit. I walk out and in I'm all over the place Ah Then I want to say that And I want to say the credits roll at a very inopportune time
Starting point is 01:34:42 It's the end of the movie right well for me, you know inopportune because I wanted to see the 20 minutes I missed maybe if I ask if they maybe just loop it back You just keep it on a loop and then I can watch it and then leave when but that they so in that instance The credits would be in the middle of the movie, right? Have on God it would be an interesting way of doing that So the in other words the post credit scene for the movie would be 20 more minutes of movie, right? Yes, exactly You must really love what the Marvel movies are doing with the post credit scenes. I absolutely love the Marvel movie Yeah, I'm there at day one on each one of them. Have you ever thought maybe you should be in them?
Starting point is 01:35:24 I mean Adam's gonna be in a Marvel movie. Is that so he's in Madame web Yeah There are no snakes in that movie so you can you can come a lot of spiders that spiders there are spiders That's fine. Yeah, but you will not want to see this movie because why it's not good. No, well Thanks for the heads up It makes Adam so that's a good pull quote Put it on the back of the book. What does Madame web do? What's her deal? I don't know But there is
Starting point is 01:36:00 There are spiders, but we should continue to dig in on it, right and ask you a bunch of very specific questions Yeah, yeah, but what an incredible casting coup that would be to get me in the ticket you in a Marvel movie I would have a dream come true. I would like to be an Ant-Man Yeah, man Ant-Man quantum realm. What why would you want to be in that one? Get small get big That's I mean, that's really says it all and that's it says it all I mean you look around this room if we could read the minds of people in here you every one of them Yeah, my superpower. What is getting small getting big? That's it. What else is there? Flying around you could do that when you're big apparently sometimes he's got a suit
Starting point is 01:36:42 I Have the suit for it. Who's big that flies around? I think he's more of a no. I misspoke. I think he's so big He just steps to like oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's better than flying right just walking around walking around the uh It's sort of the flying of the land That's a good way being a giant Just walking Walking as a giant is the flying of the land or you think walking period walking period. Yeah, what about cars?
Starting point is 01:37:15 Shit All right, John Lennon everyone It's incredible that John Lennon's here. I'm still I'm getting some Some late-breaking news from engineer Brett who's backstage everyone give a hand to engineer Brett Types of Chowder New England's clam Manhattan clam corn we've mentioned those Potato that's right potato counter
Starting point is 01:37:58 Fish Shrimp, yeah, I just want to say looking over your shoulder. I am shocked at how many more there are I Tried to tell you why didn't you list any of these before because I wanted Scott to suffer And also it gives Brett something to do yeah cream Cream Chowder I'd rather not thank you Tonight when you guys are making love to each other Please say give me your cream Chowder. I love that you imagine any of these people are gonna go home and fuck after this Are you kidding after this show? They're gonna be all horned up. I think this crowd's gonna set a record for breakups
Starting point is 01:38:47 Why did you drag me to that I I told you I wasn't gonna like it and I didn't like it Now I didn't you bring your brother Now we have chicken corn Chicken corn that's chicken in the corn chicken in the corn So the corn chicken in the corn go to the corn can I don't know what that is. I don't either yeah Yeah, anyway a lot a lot of variants of lobster and corn you get I mean that's just corn. Yeah Now it's just a mix and match. Yeah, I don't know Why would it stop at clam?
Starting point is 01:39:27 Why not like any other kind of shellfish kind of scenario Well, I'm saying why would they make a clam chowder and they say that's it for chowder. Oh, yeah, what is a chowder? It's gross. Yeah You know how disgusting soup is why do you do it? What if it was because the bubbles are beautiful when they glisten in the light But you hate children you hate soup. Yeah But what if it was what if soup was thick viscous and full of clams and if you left it too long develop the film on top Yum, though, that's good bubbles. I
Starting point is 01:40:10 Don't eat the bubbles genius Why not? Why not as a bubbled like why not use bubbles to feed people you're never tempted to eat the bubbles Which stupid question do I take first? How many do you have time for I got time for two more Take him than me. I think feeding people with bubbles is like a slap in the face to someone who is hungry It's like giving someone a slice of Swiss cheese, you know, how? It's like just give me the whole thing, you know, no that is the whole thing the thing is the whole are you hungry? Here's a block of cheese
Starting point is 01:40:50 Hello, make it last. I won't be back here for another year. Is this Protection What I won't I won't be another year and that's an arrow. He's the federal agent checking in on that's what I assumed Wow, that was that was You talk about the flying of the land You be you built that narrative so quick. It's so fast Which is a lot of backstory. I thought I was really who's the only person that gives someone food for a year a Federal agent who's checking in on someone in witness protection who's incapable of getting food for themselves
Starting point is 01:41:34 Maybe an Instacart delivery person right before it's about to start snowing. I don't know It's a long stall meal. Well, and that that's on the person who ordered it from Instacart They only ordered a block of cheese, and that was it Can you order a block? Can you order a block of cheese on Instacart? That would be try a big wheel We should do we should try to get one delivered here tonight. Do it I don't know how to make that come true, but I would love it. Just a big block of cheese. Maybe you're Maybe your child or researcher could get on it You know that it like a 130 a.m. There's gonna be a poor guy out front being like I
Starting point is 01:42:22 Got a wheel of cheese here and the place is fully closed 130 a.m. We sure we just ended 30 minutes ago. Where were you? Are you trying to get us to rush it along John it'd be funny to think of time in a different way Okay, not unlike the quantum realm if you can if you really think about it Well, you know speaking of movies we have another guest good and this is this is someone who has not been on the show before Someone who did not contribute to the book, but I heard he was in town and this is I don't know what they do in movies But I'm guessing by his name. He has something to do with movies. Please welcome to the show silver screen Sammy Hello Scott, thank you so much for being a fan of my work
Starting point is 01:43:18 Hello Silver Screen Sammy so nice to meet you. Thank you so much. I'm silver screen Sammy That's three s's and I'm of course a cake cake cake cake What's that Katona's cutest cinema critic Katona New York cutest cinema critic in Katona Sight to be here on stage. Yeah with such luminaries of the industry. Of course the dragonfly from do little of course Of course, of course James the dragonfly my number one James the dragonfly from do little of course you're not gonna have a lot to choose from right around shock tail I chose Adam Scott went through your eye and to be wouldn't know any of your work
Starting point is 01:44:05 Did a thorough search it would all be you're right above my head and Of course chunky bubbles famed children's entertainer love his work big chunky bubble Well, of course, I'm sorry John Lennon yellow submarine One of my absolute favorite vehicles like out of curiosity. Yeah, ask away. How old are you eight? Okay, good. So that helps that helps me critic. Don't know Adam Scott's work You look nice though. Thank you so much. No, I meant him. Oh, okay. Thank you very much Okay, thank you so much for responding to my PR ladies emails been looking for more gigs trying to get on stage Mostly on the small screen is where I work, right? You so what do you actually do you tube?
Starting point is 01:44:55 Yeah, you keep miming the size of the because this is the size of the screen when I'm Katona's cutest cinema critic You I guess I didn't realize that you were an eight-year-old film critic 12 Westchester do in the movie reviews Of course, it's a bit of a family business a legacy business. My father was a triple S as well By the way, don't say those three s's together. Otherwise John here will think it's a snake My father was a Were you sleeping I was asleep My father of course stormy spring Sammy local weatherman Westchester. He was a weatherman. Okay A weatherman named stormy. Well, no, his name's Sammy with stormy springs is the name gotta have a gimmick
Starting point is 01:45:53 Gotta have a gimmick. So you you talk about movies. Do you sort of like that that show blank check? Have you ever heard that? No, I don't care about the TV. That's Their fans are rabid on Reddit Weird access to grind They somehow forget all the context of the guests and anything they've done previously in their career It's the kind of show that you listen to if you like hearing people eat on Mike That's what I've heard and I think never if you especially if you like hearing people decide what they're going to eat on Mike And then half an hour later. They eat the whole thing. Once again, I've never listened, but I hear that some people like it
Starting point is 01:46:36 I can't imagine that's true But I'm serious about the TV and I feel a cultural Responsibility because these days people aren't that media literate Yeah, I I've actually found the opposite to be true like now at the end of the day. It's all about story Movies need a great story and kids these days. They love their Mario movie, but they don't know anything about film history So I feel responsibility to get on the tube right there and Tell them about some of the classics that they don't know about like what to and Puss in Boots the last wish You got to go back into the archives and watch the classics. Yeah
Starting point is 01:47:21 You're you're an eight-year-old boy. Yeah, what was the first movie or television show you ever sing to followed by Puss in Puss in Boots the last wish Have you seen Puss in Boots the first movie? I heard great things. Okay. Yeah, I did have a bit of a breakthrough recently Oh, really? What was that came to my attention breaking news? I don't usually do that on the program usually stick to the film reviews But I got some news that in fact movies were made before I was born Yeah, I I mean, there's a long rich tradition of cinema history dating Finding out the the very first movie of the train coming at the screen
Starting point is 01:48:06 Well, that sounds scary. I believe you me was terrified. I would scream if I saw that Green also the name of a series of movies. Yeah, I'm learning. I'll take notes. Look the point is it would be good for you Especially if you are on TV talking about films if you could thank you Yes, get a better sense of like like what are the most influential movies in like What an incredible to you You keep reaching for your bag what is inside I got a black Adam swag bag Haven't seen it sounded a little scary to me That is do you want to show everybody that actually that is it is a black Adam swag bag and a black Adam notebook
Starting point is 01:48:52 Wait, it lights up. It lights up. Absolutely. Oh, wow Wow the power dynamic on stage just changed To see something light up, isn't it? It's fun So I recently did some digging. That's a black Adam thermos as well. We should mention Comedy rule of fours. Yeah As it pertains to props, of course, I watched the Academy Awards with my father and I went this is great They should do this every year. I hope it continues and he said they've been doing it for a very long time
Starting point is 01:49:31 And I went whoa Nelly So that gave me a bit of a watch list, okay? Oh, so you've written down movies you should a little a couple capsule reviews Yeah, I mean it's it's it's a it's a good Thing to be a little more aware of the medium that you're critiquing I'm trying very hard. I'm constantly learning getting better every now I can't help but notice looking over your shoulder. Yeah, that on the top of the page you've written silver screen Sammy To remind yourself of your name God how embarrassing it would be if I flipped up one of those words
Starting point is 01:50:17 Anyway, so now just to properly set the table these are movies that you hope to see or movies that picture winners I have watched I've been going to be going down the list. Wow going down the list And by the way, I hope to see some of you and best-picture winners in the future. Oh, that would be amazing I would hope it would happen. I did the dictator win best picture or I heard that was a very chill set so here are Some best-picture winners I watch out. This is what confused me because I watched the Oscars if my daddy said this is the best That cinema has to offer and I watched some of these older films and I thought they had all sorts of problems Oh, okay. Well, that I mean holes things sometimes don't age. Well, I would love to hear what you think
Starting point is 01:51:07 Oh holes. Here's one. I watch Kramer versus Kramer. Now. This is a wacky sci-fi movie I Could not get my head around this concept. It was the most confusing film I'd ever seen. I don't silver screen Sammy I don't know that he was sci-fi ground a movie in some sense of reality This is what I always say when I'm on the TV. What was confusing so unbelievable? Yeah, because this premise is so unreasonable that a mommy and daddy would not stay together forever. Oh Oh boy, I Understand you're doing wacky sci-fi, but the buy-in here is so high
Starting point is 01:51:49 Let me ask you obviously your your mommy and daddy are still together Can I ask to your mommy and daddy fight the way that the characters was that believable? Of course, and that's that's the little bit of relatability in there, of course, you know, my parents are both working professionals Do you not know what divorces? Well, I've seen the movie I don't think it's really a concept that's gonna carry through in the cinema, but to you It's something like a lightsaber. You think it was made up for Technology doesn't exist and it never will much like divorce Wow. Yeah, I mean
Starting point is 01:52:30 Next movie. Oh In terms of endearment, uh-oh this movie was confusing. Uh-oh This this young lady splits up with multiple daddies apparently the Academy love that and Then at the end she takes a nap and her mom freaks out and The movie ends before she ever wakes up from the nap. I mean talk about an unresolved cliffhanger ending Oh boy This movie's got plot holes Let me let me ask where was it believable to you when the mommy got sick?
Starting point is 01:53:09 Of course, everyone got sick including mommy's like but that's sick is I mean is your mommy sick right now or when's Okay in the head go on When you wake up in the morning every day, do you see your mommy and your daddy in love? Okay, great. Okay. That's good to know Yeah, yes, absolutely Have you ever yeah, but she always wakes up. I I hope I mean I mean that's that's what's supposed to happen So that's great. Have you have you ever seen the movie loose change? I Think it should be required viewing for all eight-year-olds. I Haven't tell me here's wide open. It's about well, it's fun to have loose change in your pocket, right?
Starting point is 01:53:53 I like that jingle jangle What else got okay platoon You watched it now. This is one of the wackiest movies. I've ever seen it's about the weirdest summer camp I've ever witnessed all they do is play paintball all day every day, but here's the thing When characters in the movie lose a paintball they disappear and you never hear for them again That's where the story would get good. How bad they feel that they lost the game. Do you lose a paintball all the time all the time? I feel bad He can't hear us right now. Thank you for your connection. Okay
Starting point is 01:54:39 Now this is a movie about a bunch of grown-ups being very serious about baking powder So mean mmm. I hate that you're taking my baking powder It's at every supermarket isn't hard to find this one guy hates subway trains He hates them Don't remember that part of the book Some of these movies would probably play better if they were more recent I tried to go as mainstream as I possibly could. How did you feel about the French part of it? Yeah, have you ever can I ask if you ever because we're all pretty anti-French well, I was I was gonna say have you ever?
Starting point is 01:55:23 Kissed a girl. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. That's what you were gonna say Or boy Hey, man I'm not saying you should kiss us. I'm asking you don't want to you don't want to understand You don't want to help the kid understand death or any of these other things But you want to know about French kissing. Well, I just kiss everyone on stick No job on the diversity booking by the way one incredible lineup of daddies for me to kiss Middle-aged dudes that to listen to podcast you you put it out there and this is what responds
Starting point is 01:56:02 I'm clearly a book someone who didn't even contribute to the book. I Would love to see this list in the book though. Maybe we could put it in the paperback volume to Volume to here's another thing in the French connection. Oh, you asked me what I thought about all the French in it No, loved it more movie should have minions That's what they sound like to me Here was another thing in this movie they hate Trent they love baking powder They keep on talking about female heroes, but there are no ladies in the movie How do I get myself a heroine? Where's the heroine? I want to find a heroine almost no speaking parts for ladies
Starting point is 01:56:54 More than this show though. Yeah, that's true That's true Shakespeare in love. Okay, right there in the title in love The weirdest thing happens in this movie. I call it a plunge Oh The two main characters take off all their clothes and fight each other They get into a wrestling match they do some biting a guy thought they were in love Not our enemies and then the next scene we never talk about it every game. I silver screen Sammy. Yeah, I Think you're misunderstanding these these movies
Starting point is 01:57:37 That's like six and I feel like maybe it's our responsibility to inform you about some of these subjects First of all being sex Jason go ahead Sex yeah, go ahead. Did you call it big sex? I thought you said big sex. I Heard big sex dude. I don't know either You both heard me say big sex But it was being sex the first of which the first first of which being sex we both are big sex Yeah, sex. Anyway, tell me what big sex. Okay, so big sex. No, there's this big sex and there's little sex. Okay I'm little silver screen Sammy. You know what? I don't want to explain it anymore
Starting point is 01:58:18 Next movie on the list is too convincing The first best picture winner ever it's called wings now They said this was the best movie the year they forgot to turn the microphones on I Watched this thing. This is such an embarrassment. What a blunder and then some years later 2012 the artist they forget to turn the microphones on again Best picture Mike push Whoa language language come on silver screen show. I hope it's not big sex Okay, here's another one I watched
Starting point is 01:58:55 This one had a lot of problems with American beauty. Mm-hmm. Oh, well, I mean I'm curious what your problem Think the audience That's one of the ones that hasn't aged especially well I agree in my opinion attempts to satirize the American pity bourgeois but instead presents a pastiche of suburban cliches under cup I cloyingly overwritten dialogue and the weirdest thing is two boys kiss at the end That's not who kisses
Starting point is 01:59:31 Unless you're at a comedy bang bang book release apparently Well, look silver screen Sammy, I'm assuming you don't have any more. No, you're wrong Based on what I'm seeing over his shoulder the entire time we've been out here. He's been doing this I hate to put a guy at the end of the show and cut off his bits. I'll go ahead. Okay. Here we go I'll keep it quick speed round Moonlight this movie is about two friends who thumb wrestle on the beach and then spread a bunch of clam chowder in the sand Now, what is that? Well, Big Chunky Bubbles
Starting point is 02:00:10 Don't try to pass this over to me The godfather two movies two best pictures six hours long zero muppets Did you think there would be muppets the last emperor this is nothing like the emperor is no groove Silence of the lambs. Okay. First of all, don't eat people At least you understood that There's a moral pale Secondly Jody Foster goes to prison some guy throws clam chowder on her. Where did he get it from? Big Chunky Bubbles a couple best-picture winners. I love no notes green book driving Miss Daisy crash gone with the wind
Starting point is 02:01:09 And last of all the biggest plot hole in any movie I've ever seen I watched this thing Schindler's list. Oh boy Oh, okay, I don't know the Holocaust didn't happen. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Now your your your kkk k-thing makes a lot more sense now Anyway, that's everything I Silver screen Sammy everyone And now a one-hour Q&A I See we've reached the two-hour mark of the evening which how's the cheese wheel coming? Is that gonna come to us at some point or did you run the show on a time minimum?
Starting point is 02:02:16 Yeah, unfortunately Why I like people to feel like they got their money's worth right I mean they got a book Well, I mean if I went if I went to a concert I would want to see at least two hours plus. Yeah, exactly You know, I think I Q&A I Think I saw the strokes once they played for 45 minutes. No Q&A No, thanks, he's strokes Do you know what the strokes refers to? Couple of the best picture winners I watched I talk as strokes, but I didn't quite get it
Starting point is 02:03:04 Well now's the time when you we as the audience would like to rank all of our performers So we'll put put our hands above everyone's head and you applaud for your favorite ones John Lennon everyone Okay, big chunky bubbles Adam Scott Jason Manzukas Silver screen Sammy Silver screen Sammy you won Yes Amazing
Starting point is 02:03:41 Underdog story sing your theme song. No, you sing the song for the winner Scott. I Already have a musical theater background and do your dance. Yeah, we haven't seen the Disneyland dance Scott Ockerman's world famous Disneyland dance. No wait, this was you auditioning for Disneyland and you had a dance Well, it was a three-day audition process where we had to learn to dance Okay, what would you have been what had you gotten it? What would you have been? I did get it. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that wasn't No, I genuinely didn't know Who the fuck do you think you're talking to language language
Starting point is 02:04:27 Sorry, I'm sorry Sammy. What was the song that you danced to? Let's see it was 1987, right So was it a Disney song? Maybe. Oh That's right I originally thought it was she drives me crazy, but This is 1987 but Yeah, bibbidi-bobbidi-boo. Maybe are we still allowed to say that? Only because it's so scary
Starting point is 02:04:57 I'll sing it if you'll do the dance How is this the second night in a row or or a 20-minute Q&A? 20-minute dance or 20-minute Q&A whichever one you want stop Come on, let's go out on a hunt. All right, you want to sing bibbidi-bobbidi-boo? Here we go, if you forget any of the lyrics no, I know I know the song by heart like everyone does And everyone can sing along if they want sure You're ready. Yeah, it begins with Angela Lansbury giving a little spoken word intro I'm a witch and it's World War two. Let's have some fun with me and you
Starting point is 02:06:01 All right, the bedoula keep it a jewel of a bibbidi-bobbidi-boo a repa dee-dee-dee-dee-doo, a squeedie dee-dee-dee-dee-doo a repa dee-dee-dee-doo, a biggebia-joo, a bibbidi-bobbidi-boo Everyone likes to go to the zoo. If you go to... Scott Ackerman everyone. That was wonderful. I almost broke my ankle again Those are not the shoes for that dance. No those are loose fitting shoes That was a slip.
Starting point is 02:06:33 And I think I got COVID for the second time. Oh. Sorry. You shouldn't be doing that. You're genuinely winded. At 62, you should not be doing that. 62! All right, everyone.
Starting point is 02:06:45 That's our show. Thank you so much. Jason Manzuchus, everyone. Griffin Newman. Adam Scott. Mike Hanford. And Paul F. Tompkins! Scott Akerman!
Starting point is 02:07:09 Thank you, everyone. Enjoy the book! Come and see my ride. Come and see my ride. Come and see my ride. Come and see my ride. Come and see my ride. Come and see my ride.
Starting point is 02:07:23 Sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa-sa. I'm half naked. Heroes

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