Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Mike Hanford, James Austin Johnson, Ele Woods

Episode Date: August 7, 2023

Chef Adjacent Mantzoukas joins Scott to talk about holiday themed episodes of his YouTube grilling show, burglaries in his neighborhood, and his bike karaoke show. Then, music producer VAAMM stops by build a TikTok style beat. Plus, LA legend Young Miss Willow Panloose drops by to talk about her long and storied career.

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Starting point is 00:00:30 I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, I'm a deep, deep, I'm a deep, I I'd really love to get a tad of that tail. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. Thank you to the Magneto of the Tush for that catchphrase submission, the Magneto of the Tush. Don't think either of those things are going to stick, though. So keep trying. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang for another week. My name is Scott Ockerman, host of the show, and we have, look, I'm gonna be honest, we are now knee deep, or I might even say balls deep in this strike. And the guests are
Starting point is 00:00:58 getting slim, slim pickings with the guests these days. So we have an okay show for you today. Coming up a little later, we have an okay show for you today coming up a little later. We have a music producer music producer not covered by the strike. We're all right to talk to them. We also have an LA legend. Okay, an LA legend. That's amazing. Those are coming up a little bit later in the show. A lot of fiddling with chords here on today's show. Really not sure why this is happening. Oh, okay. wow, you didn't out. I wish the listeners could see this. Wow, the show is here right in the room.
Starting point is 00:01:30 But let's get to our first guest. We, of course, cannot have on Hollywood stars any longer to promote their projects. So instead, I'm having a returning guest. He is Jason Manzoukis's neighbor, I believe, or good friend Jason Manzooka's and I don't remember I think he's a chef where he has some sort of uh... uh... so he has a television show where he's a chef but yeah that is yours yeah
Starting point is 00:01:55 it's mostly you to mostly you to it's all on youtube but we can get all to what I'm up to please welcome back to the show with Jason Manzooka Scott thank you so much I'm happy to be here so glad to be here glad to see you and glad to be around all the wires. There's a lot of Why are you glad about I love it. I love to be here. Yeah, it's good to see you now for for those of you who do not hear his Previous appearance and why would you if a Jason is I'm I promote it pretty heavily. Oh Yeah, I'll rent it a blimp. I don't know that that, you rented a blimp? Sure, well, because I was just so happy about the promotion, how the promotion went, I thought I'd treat myself.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Okay, so this is not a blimp that was promoting the podcast. It was all, this is just a blimp ride. Blank blimp. When you say you rented a blimp, did you pay to go on someone else's blimp? Is that what it is? I don't own a blimp. Not many people own blimp's.
Starting point is 00:02:44 So you gotta find just the right sucker. I mean, person, the loans of blimp is that what it is? I don't own the blimp. Not very many people own blimps. So you got to find just the right sucker. I mean, person, the loans of blimp, pay them a fee that you agree on and you take it up. Sure. Have you ever disagreed on a fee and walked away? A blimp fee? Yeah. Never.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Really, you always come do an agreement. Because what am I going to do is just say, no, I'm not going to do it. You get yourself so hyped on going on a blimp. Oh, yeah. So you'll pay anything. I'll pay whatever you want. And you're Jason Manzookas' neighbor and you are, what is the name of your chef?
Starting point is 00:03:11 Grilling with the Zooks. Grilling with the Zooks. Yep, it's my YouTube show. We get millions and pound millions of viewers a month. Millions upon millions. So you'll get a million. Yep. And then millions on top of the millions?
Starting point is 00:03:22 Millions on top of that. I think last time I looked, it was 10 million per month. 10 million a month for one episode or the aggregate. To define aggregate would be a step above my pay grade. Here, here's $10. Okay, go ahead. Yep. And what is your style of cooking again?
Starting point is 00:03:46 Just to recap what you thought about. It's a grilling show. It's out in my backyard. I shoot out. I got my eight assistants, the crazy eight. I shoot it out in my backyard. Oh, I know. I thought you were saying there's a shootout in your backyard. No, no, no, no. Okay, whatever you kill you eat, that's right. It's a lot of, you know, I'll grill things up. And the crazy eight, you can. The crazy aids were my assistants. Still are. The nasty nine.
Starting point is 00:04:10 We got a new intern. Oh, okay, but then someone quit. So now you're back to crazy aids. Right. Yeah, he didn't appreciate the way I was handling the camera. Sorry, do you take that into account when you're hiring and firing of like, oh no, I'll need to come up with a new nickname?
Starting point is 00:04:25 Right. Well, we actually lost two assistants, and I was like, down to this stinky seven. I said, I like crazy eights or an ass d9. Right. Well, the decadent 10. And that isn't a literative, but of course 10 is in the deca system.
Starting point is 00:04:42 10, you got to understand one thing. 10, you go to two numbers, so you're gonna switch up the, yeah, all right. So the grand understand. So yeah, we do, we cook out in the backyard, I cook out in the backyard. Sometimes they go well, sometimes they go so well.
Starting point is 00:04:54 And at the end of every episode, I put an alcoholic drink on the grill and it explodes. And what's the best one? Well, like what's created the biggest, well, the biggest one? The biggest one. Oh, the champagne was a big one. Champagne, yeah. Yeah, because that was just exploding your hands sometimes.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Sure, but and put it on a grill and turn that thing up and put the, we'll put the lid down on the grill. So you don't see that one. It just blows the top off the grill. So you're filming it. We've got so many shows with blowing up things on the grill that we just need to figure out new ways to bring a viewer. How hot do you need to get it on that grill to blow one of those up to blow up a champagne?
Starting point is 00:05:33 Yeah. You get that thing up to 90. That just makes it slow and slow. Low and slow and pops. It takes about that was a long episode that took about that was like a seven hour episode. Okay. And to be clear, the content in the episode lasts about what 20 minutes? It ranges from 30 seconds to 30 minutes because sometimes you will just quit.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Right. Well, there was the one where I was chasing that lobster around my backyard and I hated him. Couldn't catch him so you just were like, forget. No, I caught him snapped his neck and didn't grill because I said, I'm content with murdering him. You messed around me too much. I'm just gonna kill you and not even use you for what you're needed for. And so that was a short episode. Then you blew something up on the grill though for that.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Yeah, blew up, I think a can of beer. I got it a red lobster. I'm trying to make it thematic. Giving beer out in Kansas, he says. Yup, yup, yup, you got to go to the secret menu. Oh, it's you just got to flip all the way to the back. Oh, oh, okay. And there's a big, just,
Starting point is 00:06:28 most people don't get to the back of the menu. Have you ever been to the back of a cheesecake factory menu? It's almost impossible. I've never even been to a back of a cheesecake factory. Really? Oh, it's been a last of the menu. You gotta go back there where the dumpster is. So many cheesecake just sitting there that they toss out. I had a friend.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I got to get him on the show. His name was Rudy, and you're never going to believe his last name. Uh, no idea. Toody. Rudy, toody. He used to dress up as a little dumpster bin and hang out in the back of a cheesecake factory, like a Halloween costume where he's like a dumpster.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Bingo. And they used to toss him right into his mouth. Amazing. He had to buy a new, uh, he he had a buy new costume because he got so big Okay Well, I would love to talk to Rudy to you one who is that the only interesting thing about him or No, I mean the interesting thing about him is he's one of the crazy eights. Oh he is So he you hire your friends because you said he was your friend. Yeah, he's my one friend who kind of runs the crazy eights
Starting point is 00:07:24 Oh, he's the eight ball. Okay. I love the eight ball the eight ball. Yeah, all revolves around him Well, it all revolves around me to be honest. Oh, okay, so you're you're like the cue ball Except you have hey, well, I'd say I'm the cue stick. Oh, okay, he hit the balls around now He's the eight ball, but I hit the eight ball with the cue stick ice Okay, that that is that billiards what What game is that? That is no pocket billiards, bump billiards. Okay, got it. So your show can be described as no pocket bumper billiards. That's what it says in the trade. Trains are reporting on your show. That's a huge show. Well, I mean, they don't have a lot to talk about these days. Not a lot to talk about. I know.
Starting point is 00:08:05 And Holly, that just burned my ass this track. I had so many shows, I've got so many shows in development hell right now. Really? What were some of the shows that you can't do, right? Well, I've shot some of them, but we can't do anything with them. They're just in the can.
Starting point is 00:08:17 I went to France, we did, we did, the fuck's my character's name? And Jason Menzook. Jason men's who kiss Jason man's We did grilling with the zoos goes to France and I went to a culinary Institute and they taught me how to make sauces and things. I didn't speak the language So it was a lot of me run around chasing people around what's this say what are you talking about? We're in a high pressure situation.
Starting point is 00:08:45 It's their time limit on this or just, I mean, we put a little time clock on the bottom of it. But that's just when you would run out of film. Yeah. So the audience, what's gonna happen is it gonna just end properly or not? And then before that, we shot a bunch of my backyard,
Starting point is 00:08:59 did a, I think we did a two week, just shooting shots of beers and things blowing up on the growth. And that was for TV, not for YouTube. Because this sounds a lot like your YouTube show. It is a lot like it, but we were gonna, you know, the YouTube is so popular, we brought it to TV. I see. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:14 NBC's. NBC. All NBC platform. The peacock network. Bingo. They and ABC wanted to share it. Really? The American broadcast.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It's gonna be the only show that's on two networks. That's a lot like when Obama said congratulations to all those graduates. That was on every network. I remember I couldn't believe that. That was amazing. I couldn't believe he was into that. I knew that.
Starting point is 00:09:36 I knew that. That felt like he just didn't want to get up and do something. What do you mean by that? This is during COVID, of course. This is like the COVID year where it was, it was a special and I watched it, but you know how, you know how, where I stand on Obama and COVID. Oh, I love him and I think everybody should wear a mask still.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Well, I'm so sorry about your Hollywood prospects that they're not panning. I had a, geez, I had a pardon the pun. I know when I say not panning out, you use pans as a chef. Then, I apologize for that. That's fine. I used a lot of chef pans in France.
Starting point is 00:10:13 They love that. They love pans out there. Can I just use my tongs and flip it on a grill? Oh, and they said no, you had to do that. Well, it's a lot of saucing and who knows. Who knows what's going on over there? Did you take away anything from, I took away some of those of those croissants brought a home in a duffel bag Are they still good? No?
Starting point is 00:10:31 I don't grill those up too many I'll tell you about the fourth of July episode we put a a bottle rocket on the grill. Oh really? Okay, it went every which way But loose but down hopefully Went that way too. Oh really. Went up and down. Um, and, uh, that's a very special episode. You have anything planned for the upcoming holidays. I'm trying to. I'm trying to. I'm coming up Labor Day and then Halloween and then Thanksgiving. Well Halloween. I always do a, I, uh, grill a steak as a, updress as a vampire. Oh, okay. Each year. Bloody rare.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Bingo. All right. And each year, no, each year, it's a different vampire. Okay. I did Dracula. Oh, wait, you waited till last year to do Dracula. That was the star of the show. That was the first one.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Oh, so last year was the first one. So from now on, it's gonna be any type of vampire. Okay, so who are you doing? I don't even know any other vampires. That's the thing. I gotta look it up. You got Edward. You got Lestat. What about Edward Siserhands? Is he a vampire? Eat, you know, this came up, I believe, on a different show. I was doing the other day of that. Weird how that happened. Edward Siserhands every once in a while gets in the sort of common mindset.
Starting point is 00:11:39 It would be funny if he were a vampire because he would cut people's necks because he had lost his teeth because he had he loved sugar too much. Oh, he's the dentist lament. He is the dentist lament. That is the that's the subtitle of Edward's sister hands the dentist lament. The barber's dream aka the dentist lament. No, he is a barber's dream because he can cut his own hair. Bingo. And so the barber gets a day off. You think he ever goes, yeah, he goes a barber's dream because he can cut his own hair bingo And so the barber gets a day off you think he ever goes. Yeah, he goes in his skin hair
Starting point is 00:12:08 Well, you can cut your own hair, but you can still pay me and use the seat. Yeah, and I'll take a little break and look at this Playboy, man, amazing. Did you ever go to a you've been to a hairdresser who has playboys out? I was talking about this on a different show as well. Jesus. How many? I'm out podcast. Oh of you are my podcast? Oh, what's your podcast? It's called Pond with the Zooks. Okay. And what do you do on this?
Starting point is 00:12:30 I'm trying to get Jason Mayn's Zook. Yeah. We got to get Jason on the same episode of Comedy Bang Gang with you. That's nice because I really don't have a met him. Yeah, you're neighbors. We're neighbors. And you see him every once in a while. Every once in a while and we say,
Starting point is 00:12:42 I saw him just the other day. He complimented my new car. Oh, well, you have a new car? New Kia, it's a new Kia. Oh, incredible. Like a, like a, not a no Kia, it's not a phone car. Oh, okay. But does have a car phone in it.
Starting point is 00:12:52 And it's a new hybrid electric, it's not hybrid, it's electric. Oh, okay, just pure electric. Yeah, and he complimented it in what way? He's, I love the color of your new, you have your new car. Okay, so not the car itself, just the color though. Oh, I guess the color...
Starting point is 00:13:07 You got to understand the color is under the color. Yeah. That's a good point, you know what I mean? I mean, you don't compliment somebody's beautiful face by saying you got a beautiful nose. Yeah, it's the whole thing. And look, all cars are the same underneath the color. I agree with that. We're all cars are.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Hey, we're all just gears and tubes under the color. Yep. So yeah, we got to get you on the same show. Are there any problems in the neighborhood these days? We had a candle, like a burglar. Oh, okay. He was trying to steal stuff, not actually vandal uh... uh... like a burglar oh okay he would come in a real strange to steal stuff not actually vandalize stuff uh... well he would be he would steal and then uh...
Starting point is 00:13:49 with a spray paint draw picture what he stole where it was so beautiful art sort of like uh... el barto is here that's right he was we called him the uh... burbank bansy oh burbanksy we should have been burbank mhm okay here's that were Jason Manson. Oh, yes, it is.
Starting point is 00:14:07 Of course. Sure. Um, the Burbank Bank see that's hard to say. I know we should have just shortened the Burbank see. Burbank see. That's hard to. It's all hard. The hardest thing about it is coming out to your garage and seeing your grill equipment is gone.
Starting point is 00:14:21 It's just a, and a very live like picture of it there, and you go to grab it and grab it and grab it. Oh, it's too emotional. It's good. It's good. I mean, someone might say if it's that good, you could probably sell that and buy even more expensive equipment. That's what my ex-girlfriends did.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Who's your ex-girlfriend? You don't know her. I don't think so. She's Tammy Toody. She's Rudy's brother, sister. Tammy To't think so. She's Tammy Toody. She's Rudy's brother sister. Tammy Toody. Tammy Toody and Rudy Toody. And that created a rift with me and Rudy for a while,
Starting point is 00:14:52 but then we'll be back. Oh, they were dating and sister. And how did you meet her independently? Or I was over at their house for Christmas. Oh, okay. Two years ago. Two years ago, this is your ex-girlfriend. My ex, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:03 And how long were you dating? A year. One year. So from Christmas to Christmas, this is your ex-girlfriend. My ex, yeah. And how long were you dating? A year. One year. So from Christmas to Christmas, Christmas to Christmas Eve, I guess. That's right. Yeah. She said, she didn't want to have anything to do with me
Starting point is 00:15:12 anymore because I would spend so much time just laser focused on my projects. Yeah, yeah. Well, I can understand that. You're focused on me that much. Sounds like he said, she said, situation. What did you say? I said, you can't bother me right now. I'm working on the graphics. Why aren't you doing the graphics?
Starting point is 00:15:29 Because what the crazy eight, what did they do? They did the graphics. You know, we have such great graphics on the show. So they did some graphics. You did some graphics. It's a team effort. Team effort, we both hold onto the mouse at the same time at the computer. It doesn't sound, we have two mice. Doesn't sound very effective to me. It's not, but we have a lot of fun doing it. Yeah, I got, well that's the thing, if you're having fun, it's not really work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:53 Plus, she didn't wanna have kids. Oh, and you do? Well, I do, but you guys will remember, I'm sterile. Oh, okay, so then how are you gonna achieve this? I don't think I will. That's the problem. But I wanted to, what's the issue? I want to meet a woman who wants to have a big family. But cannot.
Starting point is 00:16:11 But cannot. Because she's with you. All right. Okay. Well, good luck to you. There's someone for everyone out there. Maybe. If you can think of the kink, it's out there.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Yeah, sure. And if you're interested, if you're a woman like that, and you're interested in adjacent manzucus, then call in, of course. Oh, I don't need any help. No, I don't need any star fuckers coming up. In no way, like, so, Tony Tutti was not a star fucker.
Starting point is 00:16:38 She liked you for you. First of all, her name was Tammy Abelie. Oh, I'm so sorry. That's what I was calling her anyway. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Yeah, she, I don't know what she's up to now. I missed the hill after. Well, just ask her brother. Well, he doesn't want to talk about too much
Starting point is 00:16:53 because every time we talk about me and his sister, I get into some, a lot of graphic stuff. Oh, a locker room talk. Well, just like how much, how would how our love making went. He didn't want to hear that. That's locker room talk. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:07 I, that's the kind of talk you only say within, you know, 10 square foot radius of a locker. I like to think a locker room talk is something you'd say if you open a locker and stick your head in it, so nobody can hear it. That's just for the locker. Dark secrets. This locker room talk for me. So why why the hell did I let my father treat me that way? That's just for the locker dark secrets So why why the hell did I let my father treat me that way? Why make Rudy so uncomfortable telling you I don't I don't I don't and not anymore and what and was your sex all that graphic like what? How do I tell you one thing it wasn't all that great really because you are because I heard that because of me
Starting point is 00:17:41 Yeah, what's going on down there? You can't have kids. Yeah, you can have kids, but are you also a bad lover? I've just I got no rhythm. Oh, okay. So I'm, you know, how deep do we want to get into this? How deep are you getting into it? Watch yourself.
Starting point is 00:17:58 Counselor. Watch yourself, counselor. Look, if you're willing to talk, I'm willing to listen. Yeah, I think our listeners have a period interest in this. They will look. Hey, here's $10. You know what it means now? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Yeah, but I love it. I'm gonna use it later at the show. Okay. But you don't have to talk about it. If it's making you uncomfortable. Ah, it's making me uncomfortable. I'm sure Rudy and T Tammy are listening to this. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:18:28 They're fans? They love the show. Okay, well, let's give them a big shout out. Hey, Rudy and Tammy Tuti, great to hear from you. We all love our comedy bang bang listeners. Love you both. Rudy, sorry for all the stuff I told you. And Tuti, sorry for all the stuff I couldn't do.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Tuti, of course, when you say 2D, you mean Tammy. That's right. Do you ever get the feeling like the heat around here makes you forget everything and you can't speak straight? It is summer. And what are your summer plans? Do you have plans to blow up anything on the beach? Well, I do have a lot of plans for that,
Starting point is 00:19:02 but I'm talking inner tubes, of course. Yes, I do. I've got a big one. I've got a big inner tube that shape like a hamburger. Oh, really? Okay. We got a cheeseburger. Those are expensive. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Yeah. Yeah. It was a hamburger one and has a hole in the middle. They should make hamburgers like that. Yeah, donut burger. Yeah. Oh, I think TikTok's going to hold that one. Uh oh.
Starting point is 00:19:23 Yes. And you tell them at Jason Men's who've seen you. You should make these though. a whole that one. Uh-oh. You said you tell him at Jason Manzoo, because he knew. You should make these though. You're a chef. That's true. Why let TikTok happen when you're a very popular chef? I'm a busy man. Popular YouTube show. I'm at home thinking about these shows on the menu.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Give it away, your recipes. Oh, I don't care anymore. You don't care anymore. I got everything I need. This is only your second appearance. I got a show on YouTube that's doing great. I've got shows lined up that are gonna get on TV when that comes back and I live next to Jason Manzougas
Starting point is 00:19:52 I'm doing all right. You're doing okay and you're in a burger bank with a burbanksy. Yep, gonna catch him. Yeah, oh, you really? You have plans to catch him. I'm trying to hit the call. I got traps, movie traps all over the neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:20:03 What kind of movie trap are we talking home home alone style or some of those we got some ones you know that Yeah trappers would use like bear traps. Oh, bear traps. So those are dangerous. I will you knew the word trappers be good thing the word trap Yeah, we got cages that fall down from lamppost we got what the hell else we got we got guns that'll go off We got, what the hell else we got? We got guns that'll go off, we got landmaps that'll go off. Dig any sort of like big giant hole. And we put a lot out, we sharp-flod over. Stick some still those in there.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Oh really, okay. See you'll get him. We'll get him. Yeah, I just don't want to kill him. Do you have, have you thought it might be Jason Mansoukas? I have not thought that. I mean, proximity, usually crimes are enacted by people close to the crime.
Starting point is 00:20:46 True. And he does have a lot of grilling equipment that looks very similar to men. How similar. Almost exactly the same, but he showed me receipts for it. Oh, he did. Okay, were they typed or they were typed out a piece of, it's more written out on loose leaf. Okay, interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:04 He convinced me that's how they do. He's probably not the culprit. I don't think so. He's an ass guy. He's always having his friends over and I go over and he's like, yeah, Drill, they're grilling and chilling and pulling and drooling. Yeah. And you say, can you keep it down? What's he's after? After 11 p.m. I say, look, it's time to get going. Look, I've been upset for six hours at this point. I've been just placing circles in my house wearing out the rug
Starting point is 00:21:28 Get I want a good neighbor. So I haven't said anything. I'm a good neighbor until 11 p.m. That's right and I don't know who he has over there But everybody over there sounds like Characters from human resources. Oh, intro from the television show human resources. Okay. It's probably his friends who make that show. He's at Human Resources. Yeah. I had heard that when they complete an episode of Human Resources, they say, Cast Party, it Jason's out.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah, but every week, I mean, it comes out every week. What are they supposed to do? I know. Binge the parties. Festival. Well, adjacent, this is incredible stuff. It is? I know. Binge the parties. A festival. Well, Jason, this is incredible stuff. It is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:09 It look in a strike. Yeah. Yeah, Jesus. Our standards are lowered. Not mad. Oh, really? You want to be hitting home runs? Every day I'm rising, grand.
Starting point is 00:22:21 Yeah, sort of my thing. It's always sort of in my mind. You work too hard. You know, the bags under your eyes. It's ruined in my life. Yeah, it's sort of my thing. It's always sort of in my life. You work too hard. I you know, I know the bags under your eyes It's ruined in my life. Yeah, your relationship a relationship Well many relationships and my travel is ruining your travel I didn't want to travel all this year and then we wanted to do this the French show came up so I traveled there So when you say ruining your travel meaning you have to travel and that ruins that's right. I didn't want
Starting point is 00:22:45 My travel was going to be zero this. He liked to be net zero. I want to be home working on my new grill. We're working on it. What do you mean I build a new grill? You're building it. Yeah. And I'm doing making one of those old brick ones.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Oh, stories tall. Are you a brick layer by trade? I'm a brick layer by day. Oh, okay. A body layer by night I'm a brick layer by day oh okay a body layer by night I go sleep okay I was thought you're talking about that's that's why I jumped on it real quick because I knew where you're sick brain and all your sick listeners are going well how how how how how much of you completed I've got I've got the bricks oh okay I know where they are at the
Starting point is 00:23:23 store I know exactly I know the ones I okay. I know where they are at the store. I know exactly where. I know the ones I want. And I know the where. The red ones? The red ones? The square? Square. Yep, not a rectangle.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Okay, and I gotta get this, I've got cement all over my house. Oh, okay, I've got just cement everywhere. Yeah, bags of cement. Okay, it's not mixed yet. Not yet. Okay. But I got that, that's a little bit.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Would you do it? I got all that for Christmas. You got the cement mix. Oh, okay I got that that's what you do add water or I got all that for Christmas. You got the cement mix. Oh Tammy from everybody I said all I want this year is cement Why not ask for the bricks? I'm not gonna put that on my friend plus you want it you want you really want to pick out the right brick Oh, okay, so brick as we call it in the brick lane world. Yeah, well it sounds like you're almost there So you just need to purchase the bricks and then goes the arduous task of putting them together. Yep. Then
Starting point is 00:24:07 I got to design it too. Oh, okay. You haven't designed it. Yeah. I mean, these things are pretty easy, right? They're like, amby. They can be as easy as you want to be, buddy. But how easy is yours going to be? I'm going to make it pretty difficult. It's going to be pretty complicated. You ever seen an MC Esher sketch? I've seen paintings paintings maybe. I don't know that I've seen sketches. I'm talking about the sketches. Okay, the ones that you would do, sort of like a demo tape to a band. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:24:31 The one where the people around the stairs going up, down. Oh yeah, okay. After that. So just defying physics. Yeah, we're gonna try something like that. Okay, good luck to you. I don't know if you can be able to achieve it.
Starting point is 00:24:42 But hey, you know, when you're insane, like you are, you get these visions in your head that I don't take that as a compliment. Okay, well, I don't know if it was meant to be a compliment or a Norris line. Yes, you know what I wonder? What's that? And I'm sure the audience who listens avidly to this show will know what I'm talking about. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I really don't know if my voice sounds the same as it did last time. All right.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Did you have throat surgery? That happens to some people sometimes on this show. Yes. I had my head thrown at surgery. I think you're comfortable where you're at, though. Wherever I am, this is great. Yeah. Let your voice go, especially in these trying.
Starting point is 00:25:21 People complaining about voices on podcasts. It's like, come on. Yours is so great Yeah, right get your own podcast then yeah, listen to yourself talk about your own weird Podcast or podcast myself You're welcome, and I'm not a Shakespeare guy never have been Great. Well, why not I can't understand a word of that. Yeah, plus the plays are so long Yeah, they're like five acts all of them and then then the king always comes in at the end is like, all right, everyone go home. Go home. Now you're doing it. The Tracy Omen. That's why Tracy Omen would do that.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Right. Influenced by Shakespeare. Go home. God. We all were. Yeah. At a certain time. Anyone entertainer like me or you. I know, but I do like entertainer people on my YouTube show. I don't like you. You said you didn't eat it. I know, but I do like entertaining people on my YouTube show. And my soon to come karaoke show. Oh, I haven't heard about that. You haven't heard about that. What's your name?
Starting point is 00:26:11 Do you not get the trades? I guess I'm not. Yeah, I'm pausing on those. I'm going to gift you a subscription to the app. Thank you so much to which app? Variety app. Oh, okay. And Deadpool.
Starting point is 00:26:22 And Deadpool. Why not? Deadpool. Okay. You ever seen that movie? He's got dead pool. Why not? Dead pool. Okay. Sure. Never seen that movie. He's got a funny app, right? I bet it's yeah, it's wrong. She is sick. It's funny and it's like sick way. Yeah, it sure is. Yeah. The karaoke show is like car karaoke, but it's on bikes. Two bikes. Yep. Side by side. Well, it is side by side, but once we get into traffic, we got to sometimes one after the other. Yeah. So, and I got the radio on, I got a boom box. In a basket
Starting point is 00:26:52 or do you strap it to strap down with bungee cord? Oh, bungee cord. Yeah. Bungee cord. My God. You do anything with those bungee. Other things. Bungie jump. Can we get to that in a second? I want to talk to you about bungee jumping. We maybe do that off the air. I want to talk to you about bungee jumping. Oh, of course. Yeah, I'm the expert. So I'll get, I'll have the radio on my, yeah, everyone's got
Starting point is 00:27:12 GoPro's on their head, by the way. Oh good. Facing them. Yeah. I get up ahead, I get up ahead. And if I, you know, they can't hear the radio anymore. Yeah. They are way off.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And now I got to start singing I don't really know the word. It's a bit of a mess, but we always kind of end it with a we always end it with a big We jump off a ramp into a big pool of water. Oh, okay. Well, that's met I would say maybe make the show just that Because that's that sounds fun in the karaoke part of it seems like a drag to get through You might have people turning off the show before they get to the fun Yeah, that's what I thought first, too But Jesus the we get so many views really millions of views on millions on millions
Starting point is 00:27:52 Millions of time I mean though those are just the test shows on YouTube when it goes to network. It's gonna be big Mm-hmm, okay, yeah, that's gonna be big and Some I need to figure out with the network once the strike over I can talk to people again We got to get a waterproof radio Oh, yeah, I'm blowing these radios up every single episode. Yeah. Have you thought about maybe like unbunging them right before you hit the ramp and just, you know, having them drop to the ground? That's a lot because what I'm doing as I'm in the air is putting a helmet on. Why not have the helmet on while you? First of all, I don't know how you have the GoPro pointed at you without a helmet. I gotta switch that off.
Starting point is 00:28:29 Put a crash helmet on in case I go too far over the water. Oh, so you've gone too far? Never, you don't even hit the water. Never happened before, but it's my biggest fear. Why are you doing this show? Because I'm a cratered, I'm an entertainer, and I'm a magic man, and I'm doing what I can. Wow, I wish I could rhyme better. Yeah, that's gonna be my Newter's resolution. Oh coming up. Yep. I'm gonna get a rapping for dummies book. I wonder what that would do. What the chapters would be. Yeah, I wonder too. Yeah, but that one every day. Yeah, first you got to think of words that rhyme. Right. Yeah. Well, you got to tell a story and you got to use
Starting point is 00:29:09 some imagery. Yeah, like chapter. What rhymes with chapter? Faster. Not really. Slap, right? Yeah. Chapter, uh, slafter, claptur, slafter. Yes. Slaptur. Claptur. Yeah. Slaptur. Wings. Right. Right. Flap, Flap, Flap,ap her wings. Yeah, that reminds me one of my bigger episodes of the past year was reminds you. It was this was in France when I was at the culinary institute. Uh, I you know, I like to bring in we do a farm table thing. What's happening to you? To me, it means I ride in on the animal that we're gonna kill and cook Waving a people play the people pointing at the animal right rubbing your tummy, and that would always work well with The cows that we would bring you to a pig. I'd be hog I could ride it. Yeah, yeah chicken obviously is a lot smaller than me
Starting point is 00:29:59 So I had the chicken riding on top of me okay, and Things just got kind of confused in the process. And so people thought they were eating you and the chicken was going to cook us because the chicken is somehow got a handle on some some some some some cleaning equipment and he's chasing me around. Oh no. And I'm kicking it in. Get the hell could somebody get the knife away from this chicken? I helped could somebody get the knife away from this chicken. Nobody spoke English. I don't learn French.
Starting point is 00:30:32 It sounds like the nightmare scenario. God, I, you could talk to a therapist for years about this nightmare and you would not get it right. Well, Jason Menzookas, it's, I mean, it's your second appearance. I think you did well. Thank you. I mean, for the strike, you did great. I think I'd do them what I can. Yeah, where we all are. I think we all are, this is it.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Can you stick around? We have to check a break, but we have a guest coming up. We have a music producer and LA legend. I love both of those things. Yeah, music and legends. And I do really actually do want to carve out some time to talk about that bungee. Yeah, no, we'll definitely carve some out.
Starting point is 00:31:09 You brought all your kitchen utensils, I'm sure. All fair. Well, that's yourself. I don't joke about my kitchen utensils. Okay. Well, we need to take a break. When we come back, we'll have more with the Jason Manzucus and we're gonna have a music producer and an LA legend.
Starting point is 00:31:23 We'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this. BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG Comedy bang bang, we're back at Jason Manzucas here. We had a long sidebar about bungee jumping. You opened my ass to the world of bungee jumping and I'm gonna give it a whirl. Okay, so that was for the listeners who were not previewed to what we talked about during the break. That was, it
Starting point is 00:31:46 was mainly you came to me and said, look, I'm a coward. Yeah. You've heard of the term pussy that describes me to this off the air. I think this whole thing is on. I'll say that. You don't want to say the P word, right? Right. Right. But you are sure. Yeah, that's how you want to look at it. You're very frightened of it. And I just kind of took you through it and what exactly happens and how it sounds very doable You can do it by the feet you can do it by the harness. Yeah, I might do it by the the harness Okay, great. Yeah, I don't like me upside out
Starting point is 00:32:15 Yeah, you do by the wrist. Yeah, you could about that feel like that rip your arm off might but hey it might be worth it It might be cool and you never answer my question. What did you go, Bungie? No, no, okay. Too scared. You've heard of the term pussy. You haven't. I've heard it twice now.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Okay. Well, look, Jason, we need to get to our next guest. So I'll do. I'm not standing in your way, but I will be here to facilitate. Okay. Fantastic. He is a music producer. This is his first time on the show.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Please welcome to the show for the first time, Vom. Yeah, has everybody doing here today? We're doing good, Vom. Nice to meet you. This is Jason Manzookas. You know, Jason Manzookas. Yes, that's right. I'm a grill chef and I'm doing what I can.
Starting point is 00:32:59 And you live next door to the character actor. Right. Jason Manzookas. Jason Manzookas, I don't really know him that well. We just happen to live next to him. He moved in after me. I think I partied with that as whole in Cyprus. What?
Starting point is 00:33:14 In like 2002, 2003. No, Cyprus in Greece, not Cyprus in Greece, not in Cyprus California. Yeah, where I grew up. Yeah, no. No. I did not know that you grew up in what he's dead like. I want to. Needle or like North Cal. No, it, no. I did not know that you grew up in what is that? Like, me, like, North Cal, or...
Starting point is 00:33:26 No, it's a Southern California Orange County. I grew up in life from. Rose feeding is where I was born and then spent most of my life in Berlin. Okay. And that's where I learned everything about making loops and making beats and getting people partying and like,
Starting point is 00:33:43 turning up on the dance floor and all of that. Everything that's so many artists and everything like that. And then I moved to West Texas when I was like 21. Oh, for what purpose? Just like to get like a little bit of Americana and like expand my mind about like pop music and like see where you know the heart of where pop music is from in Moffat, Texas. Did that have any influence on your work?
Starting point is 00:34:08 I hell yeah, when it comes to just what make a regular person party and it's like you can make a pop song that get anybody up off the ground, like Oprah's favorite things, just like up out the chair. Is that the goal is when you're making music, you want everyone to react like it's a good moment. Oprah's favorite things. Oprah moment like when Oprah's like, everyone here gets this. Everyone gets a copy of my new book, Club Book.
Starting point is 00:34:37 The life and times of Edgar Salta and everybody just like up out of the chair. That's what you want on a dance. Well, we'll see what I want is like, okay, who can I not get? Cause you're performer, right? You do stand up and you do like improv and Chicago and all that. Yeah. I mean, no, but I saw you dance once. Well, the grill guy with Nord, I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Oh, because you a performer and it's all, yeah, you got to be if a camera's out, you got to perform. You got to be ready. We all make content. You can create on that. Yeah, content and so on way. Yeah, like but like so it's easy to get like everybody Jumping but there's one two people right who are just like not there to party. Maybe they're Descending driver or something like that or like or elderly Christian or something like that, or like, or elderly Christian, or something like that. And so that's part of why I went to Texas. I was like, how do I get their school mom?
Starting point is 00:35:31 How do I get their librarian to like, get up out of her chair? What is your partner? What technique were you successful? Well, I don't like different code on synthesizer, and like, it's about creating a group that's scientifically proven to make it get up and dance and has sex and do drugs. That's, I thought that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:35:51 I knew there were signs involved. And that's where I got a lot of the edge that led me to working with the killers and working with Britney Spears. The killers, Brandon Flower who like, it really inspirational to me. Inspirational to you. I would think you would be inspirational to him. No, but because like, dude, like Mr. Brightside, I had not in to do with that.
Starting point is 00:36:19 That's just like, can you beat that? You can't beat that. You can only hope to get second place of Bright South zone. You never, you never be able to beat a song like Mr. Bright side. I think it's perfect. Would elderly Christian ladies jump up when that's played? You're telling me that when Mr. Bright said come on in the Kmart or it come on to the pillar shoes, their bitch not jumping up out of her. Well as we need to call her a bitch. But well, you know, I'm saying it's like, I know what you say.
Starting point is 00:36:48 I'm saying that maybe we don't need to exactly call her that. I mean, this is a fictional woman. OK, well, I still want to treat her with respect. What is the water of your back then? Like, is she fictional or like who care? That's right. I guess, I guess we can call fictional people like women in literature.
Starting point is 00:37:04 We can call them bitches, right? When you work in music, you get used to the language of music. Oh, okay. And like you, they're like check-ups, three sisters, like they're all bitches, right? I don't fuck with check-ups, man. I don't talk about cherry orchard or anything like that. Okay, you're really? Are you superstitious that way? No, I just don't like short story. I like long story. Like take your time.
Starting point is 00:37:23 You like Shakespeare. You would love him. Yeah. I don't really like Shakespeare because like I know too many big proud and fat men who like pop up in my life enough that I don't need a four staffer. I don't need any of that because I'm figuring to you. I have my own recurring fat guy in my life. Who's the dude in Hamlet?
Starting point is 00:37:45 Polonious? Polonious. See, I don't, I don't know. You don't fuck with Hamlet. Night of buyer or Linda B, old ad shit. I don't, I don't talk that way. Yeah. Well, what was the whole point of neither a bar or a nor a lender
Starting point is 00:37:58 B? It's like, wait, you're just supposed to keep your own money. That's why I don't talk. Let's, let's, we'll talk about that off the air. Oh, right. Why off the air. Oh, right off the air. It's gonna take a little time for me to, because I wanna tell you, I do know you need a process.
Starting point is 00:38:09 And I just like, as an expert of music, I don't like, don't like I am big pentameter. I think that as a meter, I am big pentameter. It's just like hard to work with. Yeah, that's difficult to dance to. That's not gonna get the ladies up out of the rest of the scooter, get dancing on a disco floor. So what songs have you made? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, It's a guy who's spelled it correctly. Oh. It's this little guy in Amsterdam who lives on a boat like right on the river.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Oh, okay. And if you're on a boat, that's where you wanna be. It's right on that river. Cannel. And if you're like even 10 feet away, that thing's not moving. I mean, in Amsterdam,
Starting point is 00:38:58 you'll never like 10 feet away from the cannel, this everywhere. Right. And I work with this guy who, we can, I mean, he goes by the Ken out, this everywhere. Right, yeah. And I work with this guy who's a weekend, I mean, he goes by the full name, which is, I spelled a weekend correctly, but we have to like, you know, shorten it for the album,
Starting point is 00:39:14 album, album. Have you ever like, just tried to cut off, like, ex out all the letters that aren't of the popular weekend, you know, like, make a good album cover? Yeah. What, it looked like a ransom note or something like that? Something like, have you ever seen a ransom note?
Starting point is 00:39:28 I would briefly kidnap one time. What? Yeah. Briefly. I was briefly kidnap one time when I was, let's see, I was part, I was on David Geffenjjatt. Okay. And we were going sort of, do you know Christmas Island? Sure.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Yeah. It's of, uh, Australia, you'd say Australia. That's right. We sell our shania, but like we get on David Geverton Yacht and we're going out to watch the Crayon migration and we are briefly intercepted by Tasmanian pirate. Oh no. And so they kidnapped you.
Starting point is 00:40:03 That to me implies that they held you for ransom or... Um, or they just... I mean really, anybody can be a pirate if they get on the boat and not invite you. Right. I guess I wasn't asking about... I guess I have it hard to pirate myself. I'll wander my way onto a pontoon boat. Really?
Starting point is 00:40:21 What happened? I've done it before. I get a little drunk on a seaside bar and just kind of Amble down and next thing you know we're pulling off. Yeah, you get on pontoon boat Yeah, and I'll say sorry. I'm out in the wrong place, but if you got a grill around I can Blow up some of these beers for you So you operate a grill on the pontoon boat this yeah, if you're lucky enough you got a grill Oh, well and this American law to do that
Starting point is 00:40:46 As far as I'm concerned it is they like to get on boat and operate Just real and I'm sure I'm sure Geffen probably has some cooking equipment on his boat I'm sure he must there must be like a private galley private chef and a full kitchen sure Cleason out. How did you get out of the situation where you just talking? I'm sorry you were telling a very exciting story Oh, you know, we did all Stockholm syndrome thing where we were like let's become friends with this guy And he's yeah, he's like demanding a lot of money, but reverse What do you mean but reverse it like we make him like us and think we're the cool guys? Oh, okay?
Starting point is 00:41:21 So he it was reverse stock homes Yeah, he came on a wave and a gun. He said, I want to come here and I said, party with us and I hit a beat. And, you know, I now I know like, pretty much any beat for any situation, how to get. So you do the pirate beat.
Starting point is 00:41:36 So I put on the pirate beat, guy waving a gun around, which is a setting I have on my same size. Does Stockholm syndrome come naturally to Sumram from Sweden? I've spent very little brief time in Sweden and I really don't like to go back. So yeah, you had to learn it. I was by nurture rather than nature. Nurtural I've read it in nature. But yeah, so you have all these settings on you. I have setting and I make beats and I work with this guy.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Obviously, like I said, good friend with Brandon Flawa, Hainwood Jack White. Jack White, don't you? These are all, these are not people who use a lot of beats in their music. No, I don't make music for these guys. You're just friends. These are just bodies that hang out with PlayGolf.
Starting point is 00:42:22 You are listing off my dream blunt rotation. Now, flowers and what? You know, man, flowers, white flowers. Hey, those two should get together. I mean, you know, tell them to get together and make a few sounds. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:38 You don't seem excited about that idea. Well, I just bring up like blunt rotation and I think it's really important to like sober so sobriety life. Or you so are you and so I would not want to pass blunt rotation it I think if I was to rotate something with those guys it would be record orange juice or I mean yeah like obviously spin a record but I had to replace the blunt with something. You know, you flip the record, you roll another blunt, you do that for 15 years, 16, 17 years. And you have to have like a new experience. And I said, I want to be sober, I want to be Christian,
Starting point is 00:43:14 I want to be bodybuilder. And you're a sober Christian bodybuilder. Well, I get an into TikTok. You know, I, that is sort of the transition that I've been going through is like, make the beats with TikTok, you know, because is sort of the transition that I've been going through is like, make the beats with TikTok, you know, because these songs popping off on TikTok and you get Nas X and like, all that kind of shit.
Starting point is 00:43:33 What is your style? I mean, you talk a lot about the people you know, and see if I can build a beat real quick. Oh, that would be amazing. Do you wanna plug in? No, I don't need to do any of that shit, man. Sorry, Jesus. Fuck you, Jesus fucking I'll just do it I always work with one mic at a time. Okay. I'm just trying to fucking help you. All right anyway, go ahead
Starting point is 00:43:51 Um, yeah, so like I will say I've only been on the show twice, but the language is getting loose P bombs from you and an F and I know you said something before that I said That's all right and I look at your show you do it every want But I just know I'm not show I swear views go down. Okay. I apologize. Yeah, yeah, so I thought gended insult It's not something that I would I got the skin So like if I like it sort of my problem with my ex girlfriend go ahead. Well your skin was too thick Again, I don't want to get into what happened in the bedroom. I'm wasting time here. You have a very thick skinned penis. Did I say that? Okay
Starting point is 00:44:34 So you like it's like densely packed or are you circumcised bro? I Wish I was I wish I was you still could do it I don't think I have the know how or the tools I wish I was. I wish I was. You still could do it. I don't think I have the know how or the tools was really good. I know you can pay someone to do it. A lot like this blimp hire. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Don't have the guy who does the blimp. I spend a lot of money on blimps. But I will maybe, I'll put a swear jar together. Okay. I don't swear. So here's the thing, your content producer. And maybe you need a bed of music underneath when you're giving sort of like a fitness motivation.
Starting point is 00:45:09 That's the comment I get on almost every video. It's like, where's the music we have? Where's the music bed underneath? Yeah, so how are you doing on that beat by the way? I could, well, I would like to build it and I would need silence and attention. I, all right, I'll give you silence. Go ahead. I I'll give you silence go ahead
Starting point is 00:45:41 Okay, so like I could loop that so I plug it into the thing give me this and play it back All right, let's listen to it. See how it hurts in here. All right, so that is TikTok style music, right? Okay. Okay, and then like... And you were gonna loop it? Or... I mean, I loop it manually because like I don't have any of that. It shouldn't come front of me.
Starting point is 00:46:01 But like, so if you want... The listen to me, grill guy. I'm curious about... Okay, listen to me, grill guy. Okay, listen to me, grill guy. Like, if you're going to, so say you're done using your tongue and the charcoal and the video over and you blew up the champagne bottle. Okay, so we are with credits time.
Starting point is 00:46:16 It's credits time and you're like, I'm gonna leave everybody on like sort of a Christian fitness motivation. I love that. And you need like some kind of like dark spooky, like motivational underneath that for the TikTok, bed of music. So like, I could show you sort of what like
Starting point is 00:46:35 I would do on my channel. Great, okay, well let me lead you into it. All right, yeah. All right, there's been Grill with Zooks. Keep it Zooky and keep it frooky. Is that your catchphrase? I'm not sold on it yet, but I've been doing it for every episode.
Starting point is 00:46:48 I'm not sure what frooky means yet. I think it actually is your catchphrase. If you've done it for every episode. So you say keep it frooky, and then they swipe to see what other Christian fitness motivation you have on your TikTok channel. Right. Yeah, so swipe.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Swipe. We all know someone who needs to hear this. Hey you. In case nobody told you today, just because the Titanic sang from the iceberg, doesn't mean God wants you to hit your head on a sink in Pittsburgh. Believe in Him and when you die, you'll meet Him in a much better place than Pittsburgh
Starting point is 00:47:27 Miami and Florida Stay strong queen and keep it fruike I like that I'm sold and how much do I help you? Well, it's tick-tock so it's like free, but like if you want to buy T-shirt or subscribe to Patreon You know this is a different story. Okay, I am in the I am in the market for a size 3x. I need a sleeping tea In these summer months you want to feel like a girl who came home with a rich guy and she wake up the next day and put on his big shirt Yeah, somebody you know what they walk and say I saw you had some cereal so I big shut. Yeah, somebody, you know, what they walk and say, ah, I saw you in some cereal, so I helped
Starting point is 00:48:06 myself. Yeah. Yeah, I've been in that situation many times before. But now I'm celibate, no masturbation. Celebrate sober. Solve a Christian bodybuilder. I'm just mostly into fitness and weight loss and motivation and- Weight loss, I'm weight gain. Christian. Because you're a bodybuilder. mostly into fitness and weight loss and motivation and
Starting point is 00:48:25 weight gain. Christiana, because you're a bodybuilder. Well, you know, it's like I don't want to be flabby and I don't want to, you know, hangin' around everywhere. I left one little patch. The patch that you can see, I left that and that is motivation for me to continue. Okay. And keep going and like never stop like with like gains and with like with all
Starting point is 00:48:48 that with gangs and all that. No, with gains, bro. Like gains. What are gains? Gains like to build, you know, part of your body into something bigger. Gains. Gains. No pain, no gain. game is games no pain no game no pain no game right no no Chris no games no Chris no Chris games no Chris games okay Chris games of course was the goth broke Garth Brooks is alter ego don't don't tell me that don't tell me that spoiler love one on I hate the other I got some news for you but I like Ken superman by the way that ruins of what well got broke is kind of like Not a fun guy to hang out with but I love the party with grease games So he's still putting on the wig and yeah, we hang out in Vegas some time
Starting point is 00:49:35 You know previously before I got more into Christianity and fitness and True everyone in Vegas is taking home big sacks of money that they want Isn't true everyone in Vegas has taken home big sacks of money that they want? No, it's more like it's like you know what money is like now. It's like numbers on an iPad. Crypto like that. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, I never really got into the crypto stuff I was asked to help make some music on like one of those Larry David Commercial. Oh, yeah for the crypto for crypto crypto. Yeah, they ask you to make music. Yeah, but I was I was praying and I was lifting weights and it was a little too busy that day.
Starting point is 00:50:10 Yeah, things did actually matter. Because that that campaign was dynamite and converted a lot of people to doing crypto and it all worked out for everyone. But I don't that's what I said on the phone was like, bro, I do not care about converting people to crypto, a care about converting people to Christianity and bodybuilding and a keto- So you're evangelical about these issues?
Starting point is 00:50:33 Like, you're a- So evangelical, man. Yeah, I hate to tell you, I don't think I'm gonna do any of those things. I mean, that's okay, like, cause you're comfortable with building hell, I think that's great. I'm okay with it. I mean- I'm gonna do, you can do that, comfortable with building hell, I think that's great. I'm okay with it. I mean, I'm gonna do, you can do that, I'm doing this.
Starting point is 00:50:49 Really? You're like, like the first time I heard about hell, like, firstly, the close line. And she double hockey sticks, they call it. Oh yeah, but like, sorry, I had to defer a Jason over here. Sorry, he doesn't like to hear those kind of words. But I have religious salvation. And so like, I can say, over here. Sorry. He doesn't like to hear those kind of words. But I have religious salvation, and so I can say, I laugh in the devil's face, and I say,
Starting point is 00:51:09 hell, and I say shit and all that stuff, because this devil doesn't not scare me. Right. I don't know, he's kind of scary. He's got that big fork. Nah, man. Nah. I don't even have a scared of folks, man.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Although, I tell you, if he had a big knife, that would be even scarier. So it's a little confusing to be why he just has a fork. How about a big machine gun? Yeah, even worse. Honestly, like a machine gun is big as like a harp. Should we all want out? So yeah, I don't fear any of that stuff in my religion because I know that like at the end of the day,
Starting point is 00:51:41 I'm gonna go to heaven and like, hopefully not the end of this day I'm gonna go to heaven and like open out the end of this day. I mean not not today. Yeah and when I die bro it's gonna be a party. Yeah you have a show up with all my either guy who makes beats. Yeah they need like a studio or whatever. Yeah well hey we need to take a break. Do you want to take us out to break with some more uh I could do another motivation. Yeah would be incredible alright do something like that hey girl still one of my favorite quotes of this day is god is an old man who lives on a cloud and you can live in that little one-bedroom apartment
Starting point is 00:52:20 above his garage like fancy. Put right behind Rick Vincola. Stay strong, Quiche. I don't know who Heinrich Vincola is, but incredible, incredible work. We're gonna come right back. We need to take a break. When we come back, we're gonna have an LA legend.
Starting point is 00:52:39 We'll also have more from adjacent manzookas, more from Vom. We'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this. Oh yeah, bro. from adjacent men zookas more from vam will be right back with more comedy bang bang after this oh yeah bro comedy bang bang we're back adjacent men zookas is here and uh you and vam is here you guys have been talking about uh christianity for the entire break yeah are you converted yet adjacent to or pretty much yeah it's all took mean, he was reading more of those poems and the same over the same beat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:08 And I'm pretty hooked. Did that get you psyched to like party and like lift weights and go to heaven when you die? I did notice by myself as you were talking, I was sort of flexing my, every muscle in my body. Yeah. Dude, your calves look crazy. I'm looking down.
Starting point is 00:53:22 Thanks. I can order these like, lot of movement by giving yourself over to the process Are you not gonna do the bungee jumping anymore because it seems like whatever we take a break you just like get focused on I still do the bunch of I think but I'm now I'm thinking about making a big part of my show Okay, you know I bungee jump as I go down Flip a stake down there, and bunge up, singing back. That's a little dangerous to get that close to a grill.
Starting point is 00:53:48 I mean, you gotta keep up in yourself unfortunately in the content world. Yeah, that is. See, this guy, like, does not have anything to fear out, right? Because he has just started down. He's going to have it. He started down a pass where you're gonna have relationship with God.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Exactly. Here's an old man who lives on a cloud. And like, so what do you have to fear from falling? Because because like I'm worried Is the cinches scalp more than actual? Oh, I have a full has bad suit on oh I always do oh you do really I'm just not wearing it that oh I you've never said that's part of your YouTube show full has mad suit. I didn't say that at the very top of the show No, no damn okay
Starting point is 00:54:21 I didn't say that at the very top of the show. No, no, damn. Okay. Damn. Is it like ugly hazmat suit like you're covered here to toes, is it like sexive? No, it's cool. It's sort of mixed up when people go hunting. It's the orange and camel.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Yeah. It's mixed up all the, every piece of cloth is a different version. Kind of mismatch and look cool. It's cool. That's cool. Yeah, it sounds really good. And Vom is here, of course. Yeah he's he's been on his phone constantly just
Starting point is 00:54:48 Making stuff. Well, I like you know, I have I have a few different phone I have like, you know, the flip phone is for on the artists. Oh, oh, oh, excuse me. Then I got a lens line back home There's for country because they keep it real in the country. You know country artist Luke Brian, Zach Brian, all the Ryan Zach, all of these guys. Justin Zach, Blake, Brak, all those guys. You were just all those guys. It's Blake Brak, nice. Blake Brak is great, but like he got not and a minute you come over to his house, he's like look at this guy, look at this guy, look at this guy.
Starting point is 00:55:26 I used to be like that because I was a big gun collector. Really? Yeah. And people would come over and they'd go off all because I didn't know how to maintain him. So I'd say, take a look at this boom, go off through the ceiling. I said, all right, you got to leave, I got to re, I got to rethink what I- You got to repatch your roof.
Starting point is 00:55:44 I got to re-bash my roof first. And I got cement all over the fucking place. Yeah. You gotta leave, I gotta rethink what I- You gotta repatch your roof, for God of Revenge, my roof first, and I got cement all over the fucking place. Yeah. Bro, I feel like you're everything you touch explodes, man. Hopefully. That's sort of his brand. Yeah, that's like a super power, something like that. You're like one of the X-Men.
Starting point is 00:55:59 I was always wondering about my brand. I was gonna give my show 10 years to figure out my brand. Well, you already, you have a catchphrase. Mm-hmm. Keep it, fluke. Keep it, zooky and frooky. I think it's something like that. Bro, you should.
Starting point is 00:56:12 I'm gonna give you a coupon code, and you're gonna watch all of my masterclass that I did last year for masterclass. And it's all about power of personal branding for Christian fitness and booty shaking music. I would love that, because those are two things missing in my show. Yeah. Booty shaking and booty shaken music. I would love that because those are two things missing in my show. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:27 Booty shaken and booty and chicken all. Beauty and chicken. Yeah. What? Booty and chicken. That's right. Wow, do shake some of the salt. Just watch the episode.
Starting point is 00:56:36 You shake salt your episodes. Wow. I don't want to spoil. I don't want to spoil. You should have mentioned that at the time. I don't need it. Speaking of the top, we need to get to the top of our next guest She's an LA legend guys, and we are lucky to have her. This is incredible
Starting point is 00:56:58 During a strike too. It's incredible to have her please welcome for the first time on the show young Miss Willow Penloose Yes, good morning, baby Good morning. Cheers. Cheers to you. Cheers, it's great to be here. So wonderful, please. You guys know me? Yeah. You know me, I do the juggles show on San Vicente. Yeah, the juggles show. The juggles show on San Vicente.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yeah, and the traffic do the juggles show. I, the woman that wear the lavender all the time. Yeah. I, the woman I wear, chaps on Mondays. Right, yeah. Yeah, that too. Okay, it was the chaps on Mondays together. Chaps on Mondays, that's me.
Starting point is 00:57:26 I mean, just one of those things would make you a legend. I'm a legend. I'm all over the place. I'm all over the town. You do the juggle show. I do the juggle show. I do multiple personalities. Next, husband.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Sanford, Santa, and Sunset. If you don't know, there's a crush. It's Los Angeles. And you do that for Passers-by. I do it for Passers-by, and you don't even have to pay me. Oh, wow, I do know you have seen me. Yeah, you see me. Yeah, I've seen you for a long time.
Starting point is 00:57:50 You know me. I have a star on the walk of fame. Yeah, I did a one woman rack time. And Terence McNally said that I was his muse. And so I got a star for being a muse. I'm actually the only woman in Los Angeles that has a star for being a muse, even though there are many of us.
Starting point is 00:58:13 What's the little logo icon thing? You know, if you're selling this. Yeah, because there's a microphone for broadcasts. Yeah, it's my text. It's just a monster. I got that star. It's a three-dimensional got that. It's a three dimensional little icon. It's three
Starting point is 00:58:26 dimensional. I read about this. There's one. There's tripping on everybody. You read about that. You do. Right. Did I? Do have the app? I have the app. You're so sweet. That's like a big problem with like chain of commerce. Hollywood chain of
Starting point is 00:58:40 commerce. The tit. You wouldn't believe all the dirt I have on the Hollywood chamber of college. Oh, really? I can basically do anything in this city. Do you guys remember when my icy blue mini Cooper with the billboard on top, tiptoe, because of the Santa and a winds? Oh, I heard something about the year.
Starting point is 00:58:58 I read that in Bradie as well. It just took over on its side. It tipped over on its side and it caused a bus pile up. And the city and a pile up? I could crash and then a pile up. And the city, they wanted to cause financial harm to my bank account. And I said, you would not believe the dirt I have
Starting point is 00:59:21 on this chamber of commerce. It gives us one little tiny nugget. I hate when, by the way, when someone wants to create financial hardship on my bank accounts. Oh my bank accounts. That's the worst part. That would put you in a really bad position financially. Speaking of a bad position. And bank accounts wise.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Yeah. The chamber of commerce. I got them in a few bad positions. Photos, photographs. They all know that. Photographs. Photographs, pictograms, I'm in a few bad positions photos photographs. They all don't have photographs. Photographs, pictograms, uh, pictures. Yeah, pictures. I got some of those too. Did you get paid the gyro type? I got
Starting point is 00:59:53 the gyro types. I got 10 types. Yeah. Listen, I've been in Hollywood for a long time. I've got a lot of different types of cameras. You've been a legend for so long, I mean, since the 20s. That's right. The 20s, people start seeing your billboard. That's right. I mean, I was Quentin Tarantino's babysitter, and actually I gave him his first to show.
Starting point is 01:00:18 And that is actually why he's into the to show now, so be careful. What's a to show? A to show. I'll give you one right now. Oh, I don't think I need one You have way I've got my sock halfway off. Just these things just slip off these days You guys know me. I of course we know you're tough to find a sock that stays on. I'm with you Thank you. I'm so I have so many socks in my house that I just have to throw out because I walk take two steps They're gone. They should slip right off. I don't know what they put on them. I think your socks are too wide adjacent to
Starting point is 01:00:52 There's something. Yeah, something's wrong. I get big wide socks because they I get them cheaper Well, you know, I can get 10 wide socks for the price of six Regular you never ask a woman her age or a man his foot with. That's what I say. Hmm. What is your age though? If you don't mind me asking, I mean, you've been a legend for so long.
Starting point is 01:01:12 You're an elderly woman. I'm definitely a woman. And I've been 25 for a few years now. Let's just say, but you're like 120, right? Oh, I mean, we've all grown up with you. We've all seen, you know, I mean, you're just part of our lives. Yeah. We don't know why though. I mean, what are you famous for? Oh my God, well, I've been in so many movies that unfortunately never made it to the big screen. Like what?
Starting point is 01:01:45 Oh, okay. Well, I was in Ryan Murphy's. He had a whole anthology before few called Tickled Mad. And it was about you, but you were and you were in it. I, you know, I agreed to the deal, but it fell through. So I never made it to air. I never made it to air But did you make it to set I never made it to set you know because I'm in Pomona these days That's where I live
Starting point is 01:02:16 Oh, okay, I didn't even make it to the city that you're driving up for juggle shows from Pomona I do the juggle and people don't even have to pay you? No, you're don't even have to pay me. I'm here right now, and as far as I'm concerned, Scott, you don't even have to pay me. I mean, that's gonna work out well for me. That's gonna help your bank account. It's not gonna cause financial strain on my bank account.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Hey, when I get a little rest from now, I'm gonna say, all all right how much is that lady you got to do it all my big count like you know I I also do a little bit of celebrity hosting I'm you know down in Malibu I have a drink named after me at Damon's I got a sandwich name for me at Fatsall what are the they're just called the young Miss Willow Penloose. The young Miss Willow Penloose. Right, yeah. And I got a, I got a girl named for me
Starting point is 01:03:12 at the Valveline on sunset, but she is not my daughter. I don't care what she says. They named one of their employees after you. A girl. A girl. You sometimes you do see like a girl working for Evelyn and she look like such a tough yeah tough mother fuck. Well she's had tough but she is not my daughter. A little like your own. Because she got grease all over the coveralls comes out
Starting point is 01:03:36 from under your car. This is gonna be a problem. So if you see a girl at the valve, we nonsense that who says her name is the child of young Miss Willow Penloos? Call her a liar. What are we supposed to do? Like you said, if you see her. All of her liar. Well now I'll know what she's talking about because I've met that person and I've said,
Starting point is 01:03:54 I talk to her every day. I've always been like, what the hell is this woman talking about? What are you talking about? I just need a new air filter. I mean, when this lady said it, it's not her daughter. You believe me right? I believe you'll cause you like 120, and the girl is like eight years old.
Starting point is 01:04:08 Eight years old, yeah. Physically and powerful. Physically kind of weird. Yeah, I don't even, do you have a uterus still or? I'm basically just a stretched piece of skin. I thought I was gonna hear a, you don't tell people about this, you don't ask about that.
Starting point is 01:04:24 She answers that about you Well that was just my head but you don't ask women about their body You don't ask women about their age men about how wide their feet are you don't ask young people about If they're daughter of the astrological sign or if they're the daughter. I got to ask is there any extra oxygen in this room? I think we have as much as is in this room. We have a room full. I got to thank you for
Starting point is 01:04:56 wanting a little. I don't know about you guys, but I am just going through it right now. Yeah, you're hyper ventilator. I feel like something that would help you is if you got into fitness motivation with sort of a Christian undertone. Yeah, you interested in it at all, or?
Starting point is 01:05:13 Well, actually, I did used to be what's his name? Mr. Jazz or something? Mr. Jazz or something? You used to be Mr. Jazz or something? No, I used to be Mr. Jazz or something. Dog walk. Oh, okay, I got you off. Sorry. You used to be Mr. Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or Jazz or I call him Richard probably. I don't know if they call that now, but they're gonna start. Look, I'd like to be called Mr. Jazz or size. I think I'd like to call you Mr. Jazz,
Starting point is 01:05:50 but you don't play that trombone I gave you for Christmas. Thank you for that, by the way. You've only been on the show once, and you gave me a trombone. I give a Christmas present to everyone I meet on the show. Are we supposed to bring gifts to the show because I did? Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:06:05 Yes, sure. I brought a little burlask show. Oh, anybody wants to see it? I'm always having it with me. I am a celebrity and I'm a Christian and I'm a do fitness motivation and I make music. But there's no rule in the new testament
Starting point is 01:06:23 for all testament that says that I can't watch a burlesque show. I think you're good. I think they're not hidden in the fine print of any Bible library. They are writing in Bibles. And there is, I have to say, I have a strong, strong community in North Hollywood. For burlesque and there is absolutely nothing sexy about my burlesque. Oh good, okay. Well that's good news for me, huh? Yeah, you want to do some right now?
Starting point is 01:06:48 Is that what you're saying? Sure, I didn't bring any music. Well, I think the volume has still been... I have a loop. I'll do a little show and you don't even have to pay me. Okay. Look, I like the sound of that. Sure, for my bank account.
Starting point is 01:07:03 I like it. All right, here we go. Just let me know when to drop this beat, babe. Okay, so nobody can save For my bank account. I like it. Alright, here we go. Just let me know when to drop this beat, babe. Okay, so nobody can save me, so I'll just describe it. Okay. Yeah. I'm coming on stage.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Some deep shoulder action. I'm shaking my air loose, but I haven't washed it in a few days. So it's staying where it is, even though there's no hair tie. OK, now I'm unhooking my bra. But I can't reach the glass. You can't stop. Give me the hands. Go.
Starting point is 01:07:37 Just unhook that. Mine, the dust. Oh. Oh, it's got a hair tie. OK, yeah. I caught my breath, but yes, it's the replica of the dance on the Braille in the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and I'm actually not gonna show these to you because I thought the Hollywood Walk of Fame was the replica of the
Starting point is 01:07:59 audience. I think you said the brawl was the replica of the breasts are the replica of the replica of what myusses are the replica of the replica you had your of what my brusses you had your tits done like Hollywood hockey thing what they used to look like back when they were the okay back to the show okay so now I'm wearing a
Starting point is 01:08:18 corset and it's like a door you squircing so what happens is I squat and then I like a door and you're squircing. So what happens is I squat and then I pull a thread and it all busts. And now you guys enjoying this. I'm not enjoying it really. I know you don't want to be the machine here. I'm enjoying. I'm trying to guess in what's going to happen next.
Starting point is 01:08:41 I can't. You better believe you know what's coming next because I am shuffling around and these socks are Oh same prop very relatable for me Show is coming folks Show of hands who's ready for the show I got bomb raises hand. I got both hands on baby. I'm about to baptize your show with a little pop fizz toe show I'm about to baptize your show with a little pop fizz. Toe show.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Are you okay? Is it for you? Okay, you said you were about to take a brother's. Okay, it's okay. Do you have that doctor in my hand? I know you wanted to blow it up a little bit on the grill, but I can do, I can get another piece of yeah, can we put that on to? Yeah, let me just, I'm worried that young Miss Willow Pen loses
Starting point is 01:09:25 Gonna pass away on my show that's only happened approximately seven times before a listen young Miss Willow Pen Pen Penty has like just Give me like just sort of a big droopy old lady wink when you want me to hit that loop one more time Yeah, just the droopier the better. Yeah, just get to my Okay, all right. I'll wait for the signal Do we need to call the? The drink they said not to call them anymore after Really? I've got an emergency and it's my pussy one too many times. Oh, no that's three. Let's go. You're out
Starting point is 01:10:00 Hey, brother Listen, if you need help controlling temptation and dealing with devil and all that Just call me out speaking of the devil. What's up with that fork? What's he eating? This is what I was saying before he came out here. I mean, it's like come on devil like you're known for torturing people Not for eating things. That's a big pretty big fork too. I know it's like what it was eating like the most giant steak in the world Take that that's that's that's on that donut place the Randy's donut That's a big pretty big fork too. I know, it's like, what is he eating like the most giant steak in the world? Take that, that's on that donut place. The Randy's donut?
Starting point is 01:10:29 Yeah, the giant, which one else would be weird because you don't need a donut. You can pick it up with your dance doll. Are you guys know me? Randy's donut is actually named for Randy, which is an attribute that some people have. When they watch you, and donut is actually a reference to something I do with my mouth. Oh, oh, I can imagine it's you eating donuts. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I know it was going to be something vaginal. Well, well, look, young Miss Willopimrus, you don't need to get up off the floor. You don't need to finish. I think I'll just do one more finish. One, okay, give him the droopiest. You see the wink. Okay, here. I'm taking the sugar.
Starting point is 01:11:16 And I'm wearing the toe. I'm a toes you have there. I got three on each. That's what I thought I saw. Just enough. You actually don't need the ones in the middle. Yeah, we're the other four amputated at the same time or was that a gradual process? Well, Quentin was a curious little boy.
Starting point is 01:11:37 Oh, he bit them off. He bit them off. Oh my god. You don't hear about that in his movies. No, you don't. I think he should come out at the beginning of the movie and go, oh, by the way, I have bitten off four toes. Same clip at the beginning of every one of his movies.
Starting point is 01:11:49 A lot like the Tom Cruise, like coming out and saying, hey, thanks for watching our movie and the theaters. I really appreciate it. Young Tarantino from his reservoir dogs coming out. He's gonna come by the way. He filmed it then and now he's doing it every time. Well, I'm not gonna pay you, but we are running out of time, unfortunately. And I'm not gonna pay you, but during plugs, you could probably bring up some ways for listeners to pay you if that's okay.
Starting point is 01:12:13 God, we are running out of time. We only have time for one final feature. That is, of course, a little something called plug. Oh, right, that was the true meaning of canon by Laute Ha-ha. Thank you so much. You don't even vom. No, I never worked with Laute. I might have met, I think, that what's the, what is little brother name? His little brother's name?
Starting point is 01:12:57 Yeah, I don't know. Brian Ha-ha, I think I'm writing him a couple of times. Yeah, that was great. I've totally forgotten. At Hakasan. Oh, I think I'm raining him a couple of times. Okay, yeah, this is cool guys. That was great. I've totally forgot that's a... Haka-san.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Oh, I love Haka-san. That's a fun place. When the second pill hits an Haka-san, you do not want to be there. Yeah, the phone machine was broken last time I was there so disappointed. I'll feel like I am back in France. I don't know what any of these words are
Starting point is 01:13:23 that you were talking about. I do the lights there sometimes. It's Vegas, baby. Like, don am back in France. I don't know what any of these words are. The people are talking about. I do the lights there. It's Vegas, baby. Like they have a lot of lights in Vegas. It's right. Like, yeah, more than 100, 120. Yeah. Hey, exactly. Hey, Jason Manzucan's what do you want to plug? I want to plug. I got, yeah, the new shows coming out. I always took a look at my YouTube and click on it.
Starting point is 01:13:41 So the video start. Yeah, there's a lot of problem a lot of people have. So go to YouTube page and they'll click on it so the video start. Yeah, there's a lot of problem a lot of people have is they'll go to the YouTube page And they'll click on it Check it out. You'll just go to and just sit there hoping it comes up and you gotta do a little just a little bit of work Yeah, and then other than that Listen up for these sloppy boys albums coming out on the August boy. Oh, you're a fan of the sloppy boys Love this lobby. They're real band or fake band. They're real band and they're real Rockin and they're coming to rock you
Starting point is 01:14:06 August 4th check it out. Okay great. Um, and it's called Sonic Ranch. All right, all right and Vom what do you want to plug? You know It with double strike and everything gets like everything like this guy like grill guy You know bris like there's nothing to plug because like, you can't plug that. You can plug music, I guess, or, yeah, I guess, or plug live appearances. I can, let me just do one more fitness motivation
Starting point is 01:14:34 and leave it at that. Okay, great. Okay. Something I've realized is that I just don't fit in this generation. Instead of partying, I like praying. Instead of video games, I go to the gym. And instead of being a typical promiscuous generation
Starting point is 01:14:53 summa, I'm 58. Oh, you've stay strong, Queen. Oh, you're 50. I wouldn't, I mean, I wouldn't think you're that. Okay, but that's great. Yeah, okay. Good motivation. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:15:03 Yeah, we don't need a plug. I have big motivation like that. Big balled spot. Oh, I wonder what I thought it was a helmet male pattern boldness Yeah, you've you've you've painted it like a helmet. I think that you have like racing stripes on it and a little yeah I like the racing stripe thing. I think it's just like a cool way to treat You know, I'd like to edge naturally out but also like to wear helmet like my broma has to achieve. Right. Okay. Great. When you said, say strong green, I felt bad. Yeah. You would love my TikTok channel. I do fitness motivation.
Starting point is 01:15:35 I'm gonna follow you. With Christian religious bent underneath it. And I would say, finish off a video, go, stay strong green. That's kind of like my keep it fruity. I'm going to follow you, can follow me back. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you.
Starting point is 01:15:53 I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you.
Starting point is 01:16:01 I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. I'm going to follow you. to plug your local city legends. You know, get to know these people that are out there. I'm using you on a local level. And I'd like also to plug my juggle show, the tow show, of course, Asa's chop Monday. I didn't know they were asa.
Starting point is 01:16:22 I didn't know that either, Scott. Oh, so hell of a way to start her Monday. And then um, oh my. And you said you do to show on La Siena again? I'm streaking on the other, yeah, the juggle shows on San Vincenta and La Siena go and then I'm streaking a Hollywood Boulevard on the 17. Oh, okay, what time?
Starting point is 01:16:44 I want to make sure I'm nowhere near the vicinity. Seven in the morning, and I'm going to do a continuous lap into one p.m. Okay, that's a good thing. I will have lunch. As long as I can find some food. Okay, great. Oh, well, good luck to you on that day.
Starting point is 01:17:04 I want to plug, look, the comedy bang, bang book. I can find some food. Okay, great. Oh, well, good luck to you on that day. I wanna plug, look, the comedy bang, bang book. I can plug that. That's out there right now and a- Is it available on Kindle? I think it must be, yeah. Yeah, I like to prefer to read on my Kindle. Why so? Oh, it is easy on my eyes to deviate a bright paper page.
Starting point is 01:17:22 Yeah. Okay, interesting. But yeah, you can get paper is getting bred these days. It's really tight. It's blinding, it's like, come on guys. I'd rather have a book, you open a book, the page are black and the type is white. Yeah, that would really be good.
Starting point is 01:17:38 I think that books are very inexhaissible and we need to make books more accessible. They're too heavy too. Yeah. You ever read pamphlet or a newspaper? I've read the heavy too. Yeah. You ever read a pamphlet? Oh yeah. Or a newspaper? I've read the biggest, yeah, I've read some big pamphlets,
Starting point is 01:17:49 big pamphlets on Shakespeare. I've read a pamphlet at all. For a guy you don't like, you seem to know a lot about him. I'm trying to get in there. I don't want to hate on anybody. Well, look, I also want to plug head over to CBB World. There's a bunch of great shows. I just did a CBB FM with they might be giants.
Starting point is 01:18:04 That was a lot of fun. And I just did a CBB FM with they might be giants. That was a lot of fun and I do the show Scott hasn't seen and I think we have a great one coming up this Friday and There's also college town and CBB presents with shows like Randy Snuts and Hinds on Prov to meet you and so many great things over there You if you sign up for a year, you get two months free. That's a pretty good deal, right? All right, let's close up the old plug bag. So we take them up and shut them tight and then doors are made for locking So we take our key and make it right, we turn it to the right Don't know that unlocked it, it's time to open the blood bag
Starting point is 01:18:58 Blood! If you want to, open the blood bag If you want to, open the blood bag If you want okay. Open the plug bag. Everybody, let it blow. Let's be one two, yeah. Get your friends together and open up the bag. I'm gonna take them, my pants, through the lens and book my butt. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:19:18 All right, that was good. That was, that was, was that about opening the bag? Well, you know, it's a big mix up that happened. That was plug if you want to buy Brendan Hogan. Thanks so much to Brendan Hogan. Is he Hulk's brother? I hope so, God, I hope so.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Otherwise, he's gonna get his ass kicked. By me, that's Hulk Hogan will always go around in the room. If anyone of you is not related to me, you're gonna kick your ass. Well guys, I want to thank you so much. And we'd like to thank you. Well, that has never happened before. My God.
Starting point is 01:19:50 We all appreciate it sincerely. We were talking before the show, so let's give Scott a really good look at this. That is so flattering. Thank you Scott. Scott, listen to me. Yeah, wait a minute. No matter what anybody say in this world,
Starting point is 01:20:01 you are important. Thank you so much. You matter and world, you are important. Thank you so much. You matter and the contribution that you are making to society is inestimable. Thank you so I, now I will eat God first and everything and do that. But I can't do that. Trust me on that.
Starting point is 01:20:14 I wish you would say that with your loop behind it, quite honestly. So do you mind playing that and saying it again? Broad just keep God first and never forget that when you hit rock bottom, it turns out that goal is actually derock and you're in an action movie with derock. Stay strong Queen! Okay, thanks for the next time, bye!
Starting point is 01:20:42 Hear love

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