Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Natasha Leggero, Seth Morris, Jacob Wysocki

Episode Date: May 27, 2024

Comedian/author/returning favorite Natasha Leggero joins Scott to talk about her book “The World Deserves My Children,” what she learned during her pregnancy journey, and AI therapy. Then, Scott�...�s ex-stepfather Bob Ducca returns to share terms that junior high bullies have given to his medical records. Plus, The Executioner drops by to talk about his favorite executions.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 They say there are no stupid questions, but what about this one? Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. Thank you to Roger Gwiffindoa. Gwiffindoa for that catchphrase submission. Not gonna stick, but thank you for the attempt, Roger Gwiffindoa. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang for another edition. My name is Scott Aukerman and this is, look, I say this every week that we have a great show, but man, this one is incredible. We have a
Starting point is 00:00:54 stand-up comedian slash podcast host. They're already so excited. Who could it be? It could be anybody. It could be every single comedian. It could be every human. We also have someone in the corrections industry. So this is a jam packed show. This is, I mean, you are not going to want to miss this one. Let's bring our first guest to the microphone. You've heard her dulcet tones mere seconds ago. She is a returning favorite.
Starting point is 00:01:24 She's been on the show, I'm gonna guess eight times. I bet this is your eighth appearance. What do you think? No way. You don't think so? You want me to look? I'm gonna look up your stats. Fourth, no.
Starting point is 00:01:34 But I've definitely been a part of your orbit for 20 some years. You've orbited me several times. We are- MBAR, moved with you to UCB. You did my sketch pilot for Fox. 20 years ago. If you'll remember that. 20, a good 20, no, not 20. For sure. 2009 or eight. Okay, all right, you got me. I got you again. But how many times have I been on this show? It can't be more than four. Okay, I'll tell you.
Starting point is 00:02:06 Nine, this is 10. What? This is your 10th appearance. Oh, because it used to be like, oh, we've been doing this for a long time. We've been in this game for 15 years at this point. Wow. And you've been on 10 times.
Starting point is 00:02:20 That's once every year and a half. That's amazing. It's amazing. You're one of our favorites. People love you. Thank you. of our favorites. People love you. Thank you. I love you. I love you. I love your family.
Starting point is 00:02:28 Yes. I love your family. I love everything about, everything you touch, every little, all of your tendrils that go out there into the world. I love everything about it. I'm trying, Scott. And she's also an author, a television host. She's a jack of all trades or, I don't know what you call a female version of that. And she's also an author, a television host.
Starting point is 00:02:45 She's a Jack of all trades or, I don't know what you call a female version of that. Jill of all trades? I'm just exhausted. Are you really? Yeah, cause like I have a kid now and you know what it's like. Well, maybe it's different for men, but I just want to be around her all the time.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Yeah. No, I get that. I want to be around your kid all the time as well, but we do have to introduce you. She's been on the show. She's making her 10th appearance. She's in the 10 Timers Club, which is incredible. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:14 Please welcome back to the show, Natasha Leggero. Thank you. So great to have you. You're gonna put in some applause, right? Yeah, we're gonna, I mean, our sound effects machine has been broken for the last eight years. We're hoping to get it fixed. Oh, okay, we were able to afford a horse panting.
Starting point is 00:03:31 But that's all we can do. Okay, gallop away. Amazing. Yeah, so welcome to the show. So good to see you. Great to be here. Yeah, you have a copy of your book in front of you as if you're going to either read from it or give it to me.
Starting point is 00:03:50 I'm not sure which I'd prefer. I'm not gonna do either. And I already gave you one of my books, but it has been re-released on paperback. How do you get to the paperback? Do you have to sell it? Because I'm asking purely out of selfish reasons because I'm wondering about my book,
Starting point is 00:04:03 whether it's gonna ever go to paperback. No one's ever talked about it, so I'm assuming it won't. Well, there's two ways. Okay. One is bestseller. I have that. So it's coming, baby. Is it, you think?
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yes, and the other way, which the route I chose is critically acclaimed. So. I think one critic gave us a review and it was acclaimed. So, hey. So yeah, I'm very proud of it. My book is called The World Deserves My Children. And.
Starting point is 00:04:33 And it's you on the cover in a smashing red dress. Me on the cover. Also, you don't have to buy the book. You could also buy the audio book. I'm reading it. That's always preferred when you can have the actual person reading their book. It is dedicated to my child, and I have to tell you this, so I told her the other day,
Starting point is 00:04:50 because she sees that she's on the cover, and I said, look, this is dedicated to you. It says, to my mother, my children, and my children's children. And my daughter goes, hmm, well, what if I don't have a child? And I said, well, then your pets can be your children. And she goes, well, what if I don't have a pet? And I said, well then your pets can be your children. And she goes, well, what if I don't have a pet?
Starting point is 00:05:06 And I said, well then the flowers in your garden will be your children. She goes, what if I don't have a garden? And I said, well then the weeds in the cracks of your steps will be your children. And she goes, my phone will be my child. So you've dedicated your book to your child's phone. Her phone. I mean, as dedications go, not bad.
Starting point is 00:05:29 How fucked up is that? And by the way, I am very conscious to not be on my phone around my kid and I am very anti-tech. And she still is like, my phone will be my child. And she's right. Does she own a phone? Hell no. Yeah, I wouldn't think so, but she's just counting down the days until she does.
Starting point is 00:05:43 She just knows that's the future. It's all she thinks about. When am I getting a phone? I mean, I've already given up the ghost on the phone thing. I gotta do the, you know, the wordle, you know? So do you, you're saying you have, well, but your kid's too young. Like when you're-
Starting point is 00:06:01 She's very, she's obsessed with the phone though. She's always trying to steal it. That and the remote control. And she laughs when she does it, when she gets it. When she gets the remote control, it makes her so happy. And she laughs and gives it to me. Because she knows she's not supposed to have it. But also, you're not gonna like be ignoring her
Starting point is 00:06:19 when she's asking you questions when you're older. I know it's hard. We'll see. I mean, that's in the future a bit. She's only asked one question, daddy read book? Aw. And I said no. I said daddy has to write book.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And then it ended up on New York Times bestseller list. No, you've read her a book. I've read her a book or two, of course, but we're not- Every night, you're supposed to be- We're not, yes. We have story time, we have bath time. We read five books a night. But enough about us. Let's talk to you because this book is right here in front of me.
Starting point is 00:06:56 It's in paperback now, it's in stores. And you've told us the title, but we still have no idea what it's about. Tell us everything. I wrote this during the pandemic. The world deserves my children. It is about, you know, my struggles with IVF. Did you think about calling it my struggle? You know, I did.
Starting point is 00:07:19 And I was thinking maybe German would be appropriate. Yeah, the translation is a little dodgy. No, it's all of my, you know, I just felt like there wasn't really a book that talked about, I had to kind of learn things that even the doctor is not telling you. Like what? Give us one example.
Starting point is 00:07:36 I know that this is spoilers for the book, but give us one example of, and give us the dry version, obviously funnier in the book. Well, here's something that's gonna make everyone here uncomfortable. Okay. I'm squirming in my seat already. There is an egg white consistency that needs to be
Starting point is 00:07:51 coming out of your pussy to get pregnant. And that happens one day a month. And a lot of girls don't know that. There is also a lot, is everyone okay right now? Is everyone's ass hole is clenched? I mean, honestly, you mentioned egg whites and I got hungry. I haven't eaten this today, so.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Also, you know, it is really hard to go through all the IVF process. It is very hard to have the miscarriages. And as I'm sure you've heard from people in your orbit. Someone in my house, I believe. But 38 is kind of the deadline that they say. And- We blew past it as a matter of fact.
Starting point is 00:08:39 And you still got it. Well, I mean, we had to use alternative means in order. But yeah, I mean, it's very tough. It's a long journey for a lot of people. Of course. And you know, I actually had, I breastfed for a couple months, but I hated it. And you know, there was no alternative
Starting point is 00:08:58 and everyone was just like really pushing me hard to do this. Why did you hate it? Because every two hours, your tits swell up and you have to go leak them. Like I remember I was at your wife's movie premiere. It was like my first venture outside of the house. And I remember I had to excuse myself
Starting point is 00:09:16 and go into the sink of the bathroom and start like squeezing my tits. Like you can't leave your house or they start. So you have to like keep pumping. It just wasn't for me. So I kind of tell my stories about how I got off of that. And you know, I scheduled my C-section, which maybe some people look down upon,
Starting point is 00:09:34 but also I had a C-section scheduled for 10 a.m. My baby was out on my chest. I was in full hair and makeup by 10.07. I've got great pics. And I knew so many people who had emergency C-sections. And you know what that is, is that they want to have this experience of giving birth, and then all of a sudden the doctor comes in
Starting point is 00:09:55 and he has to slash through you really quickly because it's an emergency, and then you have this terrible scar. I mean, my C-section scar is so small. I've actually got compliments on it. But this woman was giving me massage and she was like, who did your C-section scar? Ooh, Dr. Dwight.
Starting point is 00:10:13 So, so you know. It wasn't Dwight Shroot, was it? No, from the office. Oh, thank God. No, it was not the guy from the office. Also, I only wanted to have one kid. Like I have a chapter called one is an accessory, two is a lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:10:26 And I was very on the fence about having a kid. And for me, it kind of came from my therapist said to me, he said, well, you're a situational breeder. He's like, if the right situation occurs, maybe you'll procreate. And I was like, yeah, that's what it is. Cause I could totally skip it, you know Is your therapist a robot?
Starting point is 00:10:48 Wait, does that not disguise as a human you are a situational breeder. Oh, I wonder if you could do AI therapy I wonder how I bet I hope we get there and then you don't have to pay him. Yeah. Yeah Or her or her them. Come on. AI is a dude. AI is always a dude. That's a thing. You know it. I can only imagine it's gonna go through the exact same things that the labor industry has gone through, which is it'll be all men for a while, then 100 years will go by and they'll allow AI women,
Starting point is 00:11:17 and then there'll be parity at some point, but AI women will make 40 cents on the dollar. Oh wait, here's something that a doctor would never tell you that you learn from talking to friends is, once you freeze your eggs and then the guy blasts on them and then you create the embryos, it's like a whole process. I wasn't allowed to blast on them. I never got that far. Well, sometimes you get the privilege of blasting on these eggs to create embryos.
Starting point is 00:11:47 They always led me into a room and I did it in a jar. Some doctors let you do it right on the egg? Exactly on the egg, Scott. No, you're in a little cubicle watching porn. And no, but- It's weird, it is weird that all of these high class like Beverly Hills offices have one room devoted to jerking off in them.
Starting point is 00:12:08 With like porn from the 90s, like it's just like DVDs. So one thing they, so then they start testing your embryos, you know, and they, they want to test these before they put them inside of you. And a lot of times testing can kill them. Yes. And ruin it. And something- That's the risk you have to take, especially when you are unable to retrieve a lot of embryos, is the testing sometimes. You want to do it technically because you don't want to use one
Starting point is 00:12:41 that is bad, but at the same time sometimes you'll test a good one and it'll destroy it. Because they're so delicate. It's like you put a needle in and it's ruined. So what the doctor won't tell you is you can put it up there and not test and then you'll know in a couple of months if it's not turning out to be a good one and you can get an abortion. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And that's nothing a doctor will ever tell you. If you live in the correct place. That's true, that's true as well. One of the three remaining states that you're allowed to do that in. Oh my God. I just think with this whole stuff, IVF, you really just, talking to your friends,
Starting point is 00:13:16 hearing people's first account, you know, direct accounts and experiences is like almost as important as talking to your doctor because everyone's busy, no one's really, this is a new. Same thing with surrogacy, we talked to several friends who had gone through it, but you can either talk to your friends
Starting point is 00:13:31 or you can read Natasha's book here. The World Deserves My Children, or you can have me read it to you. Yeah, have you ever read it to anyone personally? No, Scott. No, you've always done just the audio book version of it. I think you should offer that. Like, you come over to someone's house for an hour a night.
Starting point is 00:13:50 What do you think, I'm Maria Bamford? I don't want to like... Remember Maria was like meeting with people in different cities and trying jokes out on them in a coffee shop. She is so funny. Yeah. Well, Natasha is here. It's great to have you. What's the book called again?
Starting point is 00:14:07 The book is called for the 20th time, Scott. The world deserves my children. Sorry. Sorry, we're doing a show, sir. I know, I demand a platform. Step out of the shadows, sir. Who just kissed me? Who kissed my cheek?
Starting point is 00:14:28 It's your father. Is this my mic, hot mic? Testing, testing one two, testing one two. Bob, hey Bob. Call me Papa. Natasha, sorry, this is my- This is your dad? No, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:14:44 My ex-stepfather. May as well be his father. Daddy's sad today, Scott. I wish you didn't have to see me like this. And by the way- I wish I didn't have to see you at all. I heard you talking, I was listening at the door to make sure I was at the right house
Starting point is 00:14:56 that was doing a podcast. Everybody on this thing. It could be anyone. I went to so many, so many. And I heard you talking about the weird Al film IVF, which is one of my favorites. Totally, that's UHF, Bob. Listen.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Bob, I'm sorry, Natasha, Bob was married to my mother for- Six months. Six months back in the- And he's still in your life? Absolutely. He demands to be in my life. You don't throw this away, this connection away.
Starting point is 00:15:27 I'd like to recycle it so someone else could have the connection. I would never. The tables have turned. Unfortunately, I can't be a pillar of male fortitude for you today because I'm very upset. I'm very, very angry and I need to express myself. I'm so sorry you're angry, Bob. I don't know that this is the correct place to do that. I'm so sorry you're angry, Bob. I don't know that this is the correct place to do that. We were in the middle of an interview. About what? My book and my podcast. My book is about just my trials and tribulations,
Starting point is 00:15:56 having a child. When my career, I had already kind of- Peaked? Not peaked, but most of the time, my parents, I had already kind of, you know. Peaked? Not peaked, but you know, most of the time, like my parents had kids like before they really established themselves. Oh yeah, I mean, my mother had babies, I think at 19, and she had my brother at like, at 19,
Starting point is 00:16:16 and then me at 21 or something like that. And when did this guy come into your life? You were 21 when you were born. I wish. Wow. Be drinking first day. You were always when you were born. I wish. Wow. Be drinking first day. You were always very mature. When I met you, you were very mature.
Starting point is 00:16:29 What was Scott like as a child? Well, I wasn't a child. I was in my 30s. He was in his 30s, but just very childlike and very frisky, a very frisky wrestler. Look, I wasn't wrestling you, Bob. I was wrestling a gentleman down at the Y, and that was a side gig for me. That's right. You were on the wrestling team?
Starting point is 00:16:56 It's like a soft fight club. Sort of a wrestling club. It's like a wrestling club. Yeah. It was a hugging club, almost. Yes. But we would wrestle into some pillows and soft mats. Cardio hugging. Yes. Absolutely. Yes. But we would wrestle into some pillows and soft mats. Cardio hugging, yes. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Absolutely. Yeah. So, I mean, Bob, I mean, we barely knew each other. Look, you dated my mother for six months. I was married to your mother for six months. I mean, it's- I dated her for a week. I pestered her relentlessly, day and night.
Starting point is 00:17:21 But you've been on- Told her I would kill myself if she didn't marry me. You've been interrupting me on this show for now 15 years. Oh my God. Has it been that long? Yes, it's been that long. The first time you ever did it was back in- It feels like just yesterday that I was pestering you. Who's done more appearances, Bob or me? I think Bob, unfortunately. Oh man. But I would love to transpose this and have-
Starting point is 00:17:39 Well, I'm sorry that you're feeling lowly about this, but I have never won anything in my entire life, so this feels like an honor. And in fact, I would suggest don't ask to be invited, just barge in. That's the only way I've been able to... You could do that, Natasha. You have barging in privileges on this show. I could just come in some Wednesday from 11 to 2 to your house? I mean, yeah, I can't guarantee I'll be doing a show then. I don't like to give away my assassination coordinates. I like to do the show at various times. Well, it's interesting that you bring up the birthing process.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I am unable to have children, and that's one of the reasons that I'm so upset. Well, I mean, you probably were able to when you were a young man. How old are you, Bob, now? I mean, you're in your- Who knows? But think about it.
Starting point is 00:18:25 I bet I'm about 66, 67. Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Mick Jagger, they all have newborns. Well- And they're in their 80s. Thanks for rubbing it in. One of the reasons I'm so upset is I have irregular sperm, several irregular sperm conditions.
Starting point is 00:18:40 How are they irregular? They're immodal, they're oddly shaped, they're- What shape are they in? You don't mind me asking. They're in terrible shape. Well, I mean, oh, meaning like physically they're weak? They're, yes, yes. I see, okay.
Starting point is 00:18:55 So they're not shaped, I mean, because all- Well, that too, yes. They're shaped like the thing on the Paisley shirts? Like a thrift store Paisley tie. Yes, exactly right, exactly right. And unfortunately, you know, much like the character Dalton in Roadhouse, I carry around my medical records wherever I go. I didn't know that about you and I don't know it about Dalton in Roadhouse. Oh yes, in the original Roadhouse.
Starting point is 00:19:18 That's quite a schlep. Can't you just get them on your phone? I have a flip phone. I have no, no, I use my flip phone. Actually, I have them on your phone? I have a flip phone. Oh. I have no, no. I use my flip phone. Actually, I have them on my phone. They are stapled to your phone right now. What is going on? You know, they don't, when people say things are on their phone, they don't mean like attached to the phone.
Starting point is 00:19:36 I have a Ron Jeremy phone, which is basically, I have a spiral notebook of all the numbers in it. We don't talk about him anymore on this show. Oh, why? What happened? I don't know. But several people about him anymore on this show. Oh, why? What happened? I don't know. Oh. But several people have been banned from the show.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Oh, anyway. He's chief among them. But Bob, I did not know that about you, but we actually have to take a break, Bob. Are you planning on sticking around the entire show? I insist on it. I'd love to get a look at those medical records. I beg your pardon, young lady. I mean, you've practically announced everything that you have a problem with on this show
Starting point is 00:20:12 in previous appearances. I need this forum to expel, it's just like gas or bad thoughts, just more room on the outside than on the inside. I can't have this running around in my brain. Okay, Bob, tell you what, let's take a break. When you stick around, do you have something you need to get off your chest? Absolutely, I can't have this running around in my brain. Okay, Bob, tell you what, let's take a break. When you stick around, do you have something you need to get off your chest? Absolutely, I do.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Okay, and it's not something physically on your chest, right, because I see you unbuttoning the top of your shirt. No, no, but I do keep these defibrillator pads on my chest, just in case. Just in case? Yeah. Okay, I don't have the hookups to that. Oh, you don't? Okay, no, I- I'll use one of the public ones.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Okay, I have a car battery. That's about the extent of it. There's a bunch of Tesla defibrillator. Oh, you can like go to a Tesla charging station? Yep. Oh, okay. They should have made those for when I was pumping my breast milk.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Wouldn't that be great to own a Tesla and you like, you go into the car and you're just like, okay, pump the breast and like suction cups come out of the car. Yeah, come on, Elon. Come on, Elon. No more fart sounds. Let's do something that women would actually.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yes, exactly. We have to take a break. When we come back, Natasha, I hope you can stick around. I'm sorry that we got interrupted here. That's okay. I guess it's family for you. Yeah, no, I mean, yeah. I consider you family now too.
Starting point is 00:21:18 Now that I've interrupted you, I've considered you family. That's a low bar. You have interrupted so many people. But we have to take a break. When we come back, Natasha will be here. Bob Dooka will be here. We'll be right back with more Comedy Bang Bang after this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Comedy Bang Bang, Natasha Leggero is here. Endless Honeymoon is the podcast that she has with her husband, Moshe Kasher, who we heard on this show earlier in the year. He had a book. He had a book. He had a book and he's still mad because I haven't finished it. Oh really?
Starting point is 00:21:50 It's long. It's long and you've heard all this stuff, right? I've heard it all. His did get to be a national best seller though. Did it really? What number did it get? I don't know the number. I just know mine.
Starting point is 00:22:01 You know, because also I just didn't want to do press. It was like so much press. He did a lot of press. He did a lot of press. He did a lot. He did this podcast, the rest. Yeah, I know. But yes, so we have a book or we both have books, but more importantly, we have a podcast,
Starting point is 00:22:16 the Endless Honeymoon podcast. And actually you might like this, Bob. Bob Duca is here, my ex-stepfather. Yes. It's an advice podcast, but people call in and leave their deep, dark secrets. So if you have anonymously, you know, don't say your name. I'm a little bit of a a little bit of a a little bit of a a little bit of a a little bit of a a little bit of a
Starting point is 00:22:32 a little bit of a a little bit of a a little bit of a a little bit of a a little bit of a a little bit of a a little bit of a a little bit of a I know you're free. Where do you, and in fact, I don't like the impersonal nature of phone communication. Maybe I'll just show up.
Starting point is 00:22:47 Oh, you like to just kind of, you're like old school. You're like the silent generation. Is that what they're called? Oh no, you're like Boomer. No. Boomer? No, I don't think I'm Boomer. I think he's somewhere in between Boomer
Starting point is 00:22:57 and the greatest generation. Oh, the greatest. I always want to call him the silent generation. Sometimes you wish they would be the silent generation. I'm from the minute generation. That's somewhere in between there or just it was a couple years. We fought in the Korean War. People are like, well, who cares? You and Hawkeye Pierce, Trapper John MD. That's right. Crabapple Cove. So, Bob, what has got you so riled up? I'm furious. Well, I was recently teased and heckled and ridiculed. And Scott, as you know, I've endured many indignities in my life. I was Vincent Gallo's assistant for a while.
Starting point is 00:23:34 I think he tried to fuck me at a party once when I first moved to LA. I'm sure he did. I'm sure he did. He was so hot. Remember him when he was like in the early days? Absolutely. I thought he was attractive. He started out as a model and then he became a sexy Republican, I think. He's a Republican now? Oh yes.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And you were his assistant? Yes. Well, I wasn't so much his assistant. He paid me to throw lit cigarette butts at me. He paid you for him to throw the cigarette? Yes. Oh, okay. I thought you were throwing them at yourself. Oh, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:24:04 As like a kink or what? I don't know. He just said, he just wanted that. It was like a power move. He'd be in a meeting with somebody and just be throwing cigarettes at me. So it wasn't an assistant, a traditional assistant like the Ann Maddox to Tom on Vanderfump Rules.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Yes, yes, of course. No, no, and I also, I was a frat house chef for a while. What is, I've never heard that term. I was, I cook, well, it's nothing dirty. It's what it sounds like. Oh, okay. Meaning you were, you cooked food for people at frat houses? Yes, yes, but they made me dress like an old time,
Starting point is 00:24:39 it's like a stagecoach chef. They called me cookie and made me dress like a stagecoach chef. Those boys get hungry too. Absolutely, and they're mean. mean. Mean, spoiled children. Speaking of which, I was drying out my medical records because I spilled kombucha on them and I happened to be near a gathering of middle school electric scooter club or some sort of thing. There was these children vape, smoking electric cigarettes and sitting on their electric scooters. And they saw-
Starting point is 00:25:07 Children love electricity. They love electricity. And they saw my medical records. They saw them. Yeah. My spermages are reports. I see. Were you waving them around? No, I was drying them out. They were waterlogged, kombucha logged, and I was drying them out, and they read them and started making fun of me, and they made a litany of horrible terms for my sperm.
Starting point is 00:25:33 No, Bob. And I cannot let it fester in my brain anymore. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna tell them off? I'm just gonna read them and forget about them. I kinda wanna hear these. Say it and then forget about them. I kind of want to hear these. Say it and then forget about it.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Okay. These are disgusting. I want to warn any children or people that are sensitive, these are disgusting and filthy and mean-spirited terms for a beautiful substance that comes out of the body. Okay, I guess we have time for this. You're going to read these into the microphone? The following are terms that junior high bullies have given to my sperm. Thick piss, onion milk.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Ew. Exactly. Beta jelly, dick boogers, bomb shelter shampoo,ushima Poliwogs, Three Mile Island Dressing, Aquarium Pubbles, Cum Tax, Gutter Boba, Yuck Putty, Alfredo Corleone, Gargoyle Sweat, Genetic Anomaly Tokens, Spontaneous Abortion Confetti, Occupy Ball Street, foreskin dander, vagina poison, Biden vinegar, Chernobyl minnows, Tidy Whitey rice, slime of the ancient mariner, cock prunes, newt juice, mutter museum tickets,
Starting point is 00:27:06 labia aphids, in cell pudding, grackle, testicle venom, golem loogies, cold lava, thang sap, primordial ooze,
Starting point is 00:27:20 the stringy stuff on the inside of a banana peel. Now that is just horrendous. That's horrendous, That's the least horrendous out of any of these. Polio dice, tryhards, ding dong maggots, Pizzle flakes, Lego salad, masculinity toxins, the cane mutineers. I see you have several pages. These were creative and very mean and verbose children. Were you taking dictation the entire time?
Starting point is 00:27:48 Yes, I had to ask them to repeat this. You can imagine me sitting there and saying, now what was that again? That was horrible. Call your parents, young man, young lady, Gilligan lava, Rudy water, hospice grout, forest comp, ghost blood, Hospice Grout, Forest Comp, Ghost Blood, Panty Sand, and Ogre Yogurt. Nicole Soule-Nagy Some of these are like, what's the pebble one? Is your jizz hard?
Starting point is 00:28:15 Pete Slauson Sometimes. Jared Larkin Yeah. These are, I mean, they're creative. Pete Slauson They are very creative, I will say. These were private school children. Jared Larkin And they just laid these into you and without- They just right off the top of their heads. I mean, sometimes they would look on their phones and try to like go to the thesaurus and synonyms. I could see them looking things up. Right. How long did this take if you don't-
Starting point is 00:28:37 Hours. Hours. Why didn't you just walk away, Bob? My papers were very wet. Okay, I see. And I had already laid out, sadly sadly Scott, I wish it ended there. No, it didn't end there? Oh no, Bob, what happened? They also saw the reports on my penis. No, Bob.
Starting point is 00:28:51 The following are terms that these same bullies came up with for my penis. Ishtar. Goutube. Downstairs belly button. Eww. Drool Noodle. Lemme Kill Meister's Mole. Downstairs belly button. Oh, the man from Waco. Thumbelina.
Starting point is 00:29:09 The Keystone Cock. Arliss. Mouse Sword. Is Arliss with the double dollar sign at the end? Yes. Yes, okay. The flap. The flap.
Starting point is 00:29:19 The flap. The flap. The flap. The flap. The flap. The flap. The flap. The flap. The flap. The flap. Arliss, mouse sword. Is Arliss with the double dollar sign at the end? Yes. Yes, okay. The flap, Jessica.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Grade school thesis, deadwood, Kevorkian syringe, pumpkin stem, parrot tongue, and mummy finger. Can you believe that? I can't believe it. Cruel and vicious and mean. These children are growing up much too fast. And as you know, there's nothing like the cruelty of a tween. They called it Jessica at one point.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Are you sure that that wasn't one of the bullies just addressing one of the other bullies? No, they emasculated my penis. Can you imagine? What do you call your penis? I don't have a name for it. Tell daddy what you call your penis. No, no, I look, you've asked me this every day that we've known each other.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Tell papa what you call your penis. I don't have any pet names for it. I'll tell you what your mother and I called it. I don't know that I wanna know this, but- You should cut this part out. But go ahead. Howard Hughes. Why?
Starting point is 00:30:26 Because it was a recluse? We never saw it. Well, that was intentional. I was in my thirties. Oh my God. Scott, I've just been handed a piece of paper. This just- What is this, the local news?
Starting point is 00:30:36 Who's handing you papers? Apparently they also saw information on my perineum. You know what that is, don't you? Yeah, the taint, yes. Colloquially known as the taint. Now I'm seeing these for the first time. You're saying, wait, so they weren't addressing you with these?
Starting point is 00:30:54 They must attract me down. So they've emailed these insults to you? To be fair, I told them where they could find me, but, okay, because I demanded an apology. Oh, I see, okay. So instead of an apology or a retri... The following are terms that these horrible, mean-spirited children called my perineum. Reno. The haunted esplanade. Tapeworm doormat. Prolapse hammock. Cuck sidewalk. Haunted foyer.
Starting point is 00:31:27 The unwipeable Molly Brown. Library desk. Kazoo paper. The swollen gate bridge. Veracose biscotti. The crustacean gentleman. The grime meridian. This is just horrible. The billyio Gentleman. The Grime Meridian. This is just horrible.
Starting point is 00:31:47 The Billy Idol Sneer. Why would they email something like this to you? Why do they know that reference? You can have a protracted perineum? No, it holds my prolapse, they're saying. Hopefully they didn't read a report on that. Fudge Trellis. Equator bacon.
Starting point is 00:32:07 Buffalo suede. Poot leather. Appalachian trampoline. Elbow skin. And Wookie saddle. Bob. That must really hurt. It hurts. It does feel better to share that. I appreciate this forum.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Are you going to email them back or, I hate to think that you're gonna strike up a correspondence. I think that's, listen, I don't know, what is that? It's restorative justice. I believe in restorative justice. So I think if I can become embedded with these tweens.
Starting point is 00:32:44 I don't know that you're gonna embed yourself in them. I've signed up for a scooter class. I'm gonna learn how to ride a scooter. Okay. What do you think the basics are? For riding a scooter? Yeah, it seems kind of easy. Like, I don't know that you would have to take a class.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Well, I think you have to have a credit card, don't you? Oh, I see. Actually, here's an idea. Okay. You have money, right? Not laying around or- What if we made a scooter sidecar for me? And I could just attach it to these children and then we're hanging out. Picture, if you will, a young person, I don't know what they wear, baggy pants, backpack on the front, something stupid.
Starting point is 00:33:21 I don't know what they wear, baggy pants. I don't know what the styles are. Something stupid. And, and there's, then there's Bob in a sidecar. Sure. My knees up to my chin, some goggles on like Robert DeNiro war and killers of the flower moon just whizzing along and I'm imparting advice to them. And, you know, it's one of these things where at first they're, you know, of course it's going to be like a good wheel hunting situation
Starting point is 00:33:47 where they're lashing out, but it turns out they're in pain because hurt people. Hurt people, yeah. Oh, you know that one? No, I do. Yeah, I've heard that before. I worry you're never gonna get past the just lashing out part.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I don't know that they would give you consent to attach your side card to their scooters. But they're junior high children. Do I need their consent if they're young? Oh yeah, no, oh, even more so. Even if it's a public space? I believe that that's private property of theirs is their own personal space.
Starting point is 00:34:20 You know what they say, the right to throw your fist around ends at someone's nose. In a crowded firehouse, in a crowded theater. Yes. Yeah, exactly. Something like that. Well, I do feel much better. I feel like I've been purged. And if these children are listening, I'm just, you know, this is a very youth oriented format. I don't, I can tell you they're not. Really?
Starting point is 00:34:39 But yeah, I mean, podcasts, they were youth oriented, and now they and now they're for everyone, I believe. So I believe they're- TikTok? Do you do TikTok? I don't do TikTok. You may have more luck if you go on something like Call Me Daddy, or something like that. Oh, that's like, call me daddy. Yeah, just burst into, yeah. I mean, and that's what you've asked of me to do. Okay. Ever since I've known you.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. Did Scott ever call you daddy? No. Ever since I've known you. Absolutely. Yeah. Absolutely. Did Scott ever call you daddy? No. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:35:08 Yeah. I've called him- The closest we got is Mr. Daddy. Which is way too formal for me. I called him by the palindromic Bob. Most of our relationship. Which again, I was out of the house at the time. I believe I saw you three times that entire time.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Six months. Buteren't they glorious? I, I. Christmas, Thanksgiving, and then that time I was in the hospital. Why were you in the hospital again? I mean, I knew you were. I was tired. I was so tired. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:39 After Thanksgiving and Christmas that can wear. Oh, the holidays wear everybody out. Yeah. So when did you check yourself in again? Well, it was right after, it was actually, it was between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Oh, right. I had too much stuffing.
Starting point is 00:35:53 So sort of- I had too many carbs at Thanksgiving. They talk about a trystophane coma. You went into an actual one. They talk about what? A food coma. Oh, yes. Yeah. Yes, I Oh, yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Yes, I did. Yeah. Yeah. Give Papa another kiss. You gave me a kiss and I really do not want. This is sweet. I so appreciate you. You smell like formaldehyde for some reason.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I don't know why. I rub myself in formaldehyde. Oh, that makes sense. That's right. Why are you like? Sunscreen irritates my skin. Oh, okay. So formaldehyde. Oh, that makes sense. That's right. Why are you like- Sunscreen irritates my skin. Okay. So formaldehyde keeps me looking-
Starting point is 00:36:29 Yeah, keeps you looking fresh. Also, if something, God forbid, if something were to happen to you, you were hit by a bus or something, it's like pre-gaming it for the funeral. Exactly, yes, yes. I want an open casket funeral. No matter what the circumstances- I have a fetal casket, fet an open casket funeral. No matter what the circumstances.
Starting point is 00:36:45 I have a fetal casket, fetal position casket. And I want it. Wait, that's kind of a cool idea. Right? Wait, are open caskets really still a thing? They're so morbid. Very morbid, yes. Well, it makes sense, you know,
Starting point is 00:36:57 not the open casket thing, but the fetal position one, because I'm a side sleeper. So why are you telling me I'm gonna have to go to my eternal reward? Lying on my back. Yeah, exactly. Put me on my side. Absolutely. And I'm going to get one of those dumb Instagram pillows that has a slot for your hand that you can, you know, for side sleepers. Yeah. You're going to get one of those for when you're- For my casket, yes. And you have money, right? I-
Starting point is 00:37:26 These are very expensive. Again, I don't have disposable income. Hmm. Does that make sense? Hmm. I sense that you're just waiting for me to back down and the silence technique is not going to work on me this time, Bob. I've got nothing but patience.
Starting point is 00:37:45 I know you do, but unfortunately our listeners don't. We are coming up on a break. Okay. I mean, I have some money. Is that what- There we go. I'll see what I could do, Bob. Tell daddy how much money you have to give. No, the tables really have turned.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Let's talk about Papa's funeral. Do you, are you close by the way, Bob? Because- To what? To death? Every day. We all are. Every day I wake up, I'm shocked. I can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:38:17 One of these days, the shock is gonna actually give you a heart attack, which then is gonna lead to your demise. Well, hopefully I'll be near one of those Tesla charging stations and it won't be a problem. Yeah. Well, Bob, we have to take a break. Are you leaving? Do we go away when there's a break? I don't, Natasha doesn't, I don't know what you're up to.
Starting point is 00:38:36 Okay. Because your eyes just- I'm scared of going into, because now that I'm putting myself into the ether of this medium, do I disappear a little bit when we take a break? Well, sort of. I mean, people are listening to something that occurred in the past. Oh, God. So, you know, who knows what you're up to in the present? Several of my medical conditions are because of the ravages of time travel.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Oh, really? Which ones? Clock, clock. Okay, look, we'd have time for another list. It would take me a while to think of all that. Sure, yeah. But we do have to take a break. Are you leaving or are you sticking around? I've got nowhere to go.
Starting point is 00:39:15 Yeah, I figured. Natasha, you'll be here. We have someone from the corrections industry coming up. Oh, interesting. Yeah, it's a wide swath of guests here. Great book. The corrections industry or the corrections? What is, are they different?
Starting point is 00:39:29 The corrections industry is the prison system, I believe. Al Franzen? Yeah. I think it's Jonathan Franzen and Al Franken is who you're conflating. Tomato, tomato. Yeah, but we need to take a break. When we come back, we're going gonna have someone from the corrections industry. We also have Natasha Leggero.
Starting point is 00:39:47 We also have Bob Duca, I guess. We'll be right back with more Comedy Bang Bang after this. Comedy Bang Bang. We're back. Natasha Leggero is here. The book is called The World Deserves My Children in paperback now. I wish I would have named it Buffalo Suede though.
Starting point is 00:40:00 Yeah, I know once you hear something like that, you get a little jealous. Yeah. And I'm gonna go ahead and say, I'm gonna go ahead and say, I'm gonna go ahead and say, I'm gonna go ahead and say, the world deserves my children in paperback now. I wish I would have named it Buffalo Suede though. Yeah, I know once you hear something like that, you get a little jealous. Yeah. And here's the person whose sperm was called Buffalo Suede.
Starting point is 00:40:13 No, that was actually his taint. That was the perineum. Okay, Bob Dukas is also here. Hello. First time on the show in a while. Mm-hmm. But I mean- Not because, not my doing. I've moved it around a while. Mm-hmm. Not because, not my doing. I've moved it around a bit.
Starting point is 00:40:29 It's sort of like one of those- It took me forever to find you. Secret bars. Yeah, exactly. But I always find you. Yeah, you do. That's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:38 How do you find me? Because I'm pretty untraceable. I think we're genetically connected now because the bond that we formed as father and son is a forever bond. Do you just go to every house shouting Scott? I do. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:52 That's what I thought. All right. Well, we need to get to our next guest. This is exciting because I don't know a lot about the prison system. There's always so many interesting questions that occur from it. Are too many people in jail for offenses that they shouldn't be in? Has it become an industry that people are making too much money off of in order to, they want to keep people in prison rather than letting them out?
Starting point is 00:41:22 So many questions that we have to ask this person. Please welcome for the first time on the show, the Executioner. Hello, hello there. Thanks for having me. Hello, yeah, the Executioner. I am the Executioner. I see.
Starting point is 00:41:37 Right. Right, yes, welcome to the show. This is Natasha. It's a pleasure to be here. Nice to meet you. Hello. Bob Duker. Hello, Bob. Have you ever killed children?
Starting point is 00:41:46 Right off the bat, huh? Getting rocked to the itty gritty of it. Works work. You know, paycheck's a paycheck. If the gods say you must go, the swing of an ax I do throw. That's really still a thing? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:42:06 You're chopping off people's heads? I'm killing all the nasty people. Well, where do you work exactly? I work all over. Oh, I see. So you're a traveling executioner. Right, right. You know, if there's a bad man here, I go there.
Starting point is 00:42:18 If there's a bad man there, I go here. Here, flights up, all that. Where are you from? You sound, I mean, you have a bit of an accent. It sounds- Right, right. You see this bag on my head? Yeah, yeah, I was gonna bring that up. It's got like little eye holes.
Starting point is 00:42:35 Right, big black bag on my head. Yeah, it's got like a hangman's noose almost around to cinch it up down in the neck. Right, so you can't see up my neck. Yeah. Right. Now this gives me a level of anonymity, right? So I prefer to not tell you my first name. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:50 As a person who kills for a living, I'd like to be able to have a bit of privacy. I see, but where'd you grow up? I grew up all over. Street name? The UK. Okay, the UK. That's right.
Starting point is 00:43:01 What part of the UK, what are we talking, Leeds? Chisleberry. Chisleberry, okay. Right, right. What was your street UK? What are we talking, Leeds? Chisleberry. Chisleberry. Right. What was your street address? 14 Lonely Road. Okay, and first pet's name? My first, are you trying to get into my password?
Starting point is 00:43:14 Ha ha, maybe. The cheeky bastard over here. May I ask a question? Sure. When is Chisleberry season? Chisleberry. Because I do enjoy that jam so very much. It comes right after the solstice, right?
Starting point is 00:43:27 But it's a very small window. It seems like it's like four days a year then the grocery stores are out of it. And then all the birds are pecking at them. You can't get any of them. Yeah. It's a small window of sweet fruit. I love it.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Yeah. I love me sweets. Do you have, hi. Hello. Do you have like a favorite execution that you've performed? Sometimes it's not really up to me, but sometimes I do get to- It's not up to you of-
Starting point is 00:43:54 The way in which a man dies. Ah, I see. So you do, I mean, you have your axe right here. Right. Which by the way, we have a no weapons policy here. I- I could take you outside. Take me outside?
Starting point is 00:44:07 No, the axe, if it's making you uncomfortable, but it is a bit of a third arm, if you understand. I suppose so. I'm just so used to it. Yeah, no, go ahead. Just in the future, if you ever return. I prefer that you come unarmed. Understood. Probably won't, but I do hear you.
Starting point is 00:44:24 I want you to feel heard. Sure, okay. Right. So you get unarmed. Understood, probably won't, but I do hear you. I want you to feel heard. Sure, okay. Right. So you get to choose. Sometimes I get to choose, right? And if I do get to choose, I like to have a bit of fun sometimes, right? Sometimes I do keep it a bit cheeky, right? Get an RC car, tie it to some nipples,
Starting point is 00:44:41 and drive as fast and far as their battery will take it. Whoa. That seems horrible. That seems inhumane. Death is nothing but horrificness. I guess you're right. There is no good way to be killed if you're a nasty, nasty person.
Starting point is 00:44:57 Yeah, you all end up in the same place. Right. Yeah. But what if they're innocent? It's not up to me, right? I'm not the jury, I'm not the king, I'm not the democracy. You're not doing this for the US government, it seems. No, no, no. These are for monopies.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I was born with a bag on me, Ed. Really? Right out of the womb. Is that a placenta? No. I wish, I wish, because that means something could eat it and get rid of it. I tell you, I've dated some women that I wish were born with bags on their head, if you know what I mean. Do you want to high five right now?
Starting point is 00:45:27 I don't know, I'd be afraid I'd break your little tiny arm. Oh, hey now. It's small compared to me. You are incredibly small. Yeah, I'm about eight four, which of course, if I'm not, you know, it really means I'm seven nine. I know, yeah, you're too big though. Excuse me? I mean, it really means I'm seven, nine. I know, yeah, you're too big though. Excuse me?
Starting point is 00:45:45 I mean, it's too big for a human being. I'm worried you're gonna like, a breeze will topple you up. I'm quite sturdy at the base, look at me calves. You are swaying. Yeah. You're like buildings that, you know, I know they're earthquake proof,
Starting point is 00:45:58 but you watch them sway in the breeze. If you give them enough bend, they keep on sturdy and my hips got plenty of bends, Scott. You are doing sort of a Shakira kind of thing. Whatever, wherever. That doesn't help. Sorry. The comparison.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I love me a song now and then. What's your karaoke song? These are great questions, Bob. Superstar by the Carpenters. Oh. Right? Don't you remember you told me you love me, baby. Long ago.
Starting point is 00:46:29 And oh so far away. We are not. I don't know this song. I feel excluded. We are absolutely in sync, love. I love it. Do you know Karen Carpenter? She.
Starting point is 00:46:39 Oh yes. Okay, then you should know. Yes. One of her most famous, you know most famous songs. She was a musician. I guess he doesn't remember the Tommy Kona baby, right? Yeah, I guess not. That's a reference, Bob. It's a reference to the song.
Starting point is 00:46:52 All I know is Calling Astronauts for an Interest Delicatessen. That's the only Carpenter song you know? It's a bit of a deep cut then, isn't it? It is. Do you only listen to songs that are 10 minutes long? I listen to Meat Loaf. That's long, right? I listen to Rush.
Starting point is 00:47:10 So you must love Maggot Brain by Funk and Flick. Absolutely. Absolutely. A horror-like guitar solo. Exactly. Really, yes. So what are some of the methods you've used The Executioner to kill people, if you don't mind?
Starting point is 00:47:24 I mean, I do hit some of the classics, right? You know, axe to the necks or to the neck, beheadings. Shooting someone and mailing the bullet to their relatives. I've done that, yeah. Yeah, that's a fun one. It's really fun. You know, some of my favorites is the big wheel where you turn somebody till they're just gone, there's spikes through the back, there's polearms, there's small swords, daggers, big daggers.
Starting point is 00:47:47 One time I split a man in half by putting him over my head, right? And I put his top half, I threw him on top of a mountain, and he crawled all the way down the mountain to find his lower half, and by the time he found it, he was dead. Oh my gosh, what a terrible story. But the tenacity on this guy. I mean- all girl, you'd be surprised, most of them are lads, not killing a lot of ladies. Well, that's, I mean, is that a biological thing?
Starting point is 00:48:13 Like, Natasha, have you ever been close to killing anyone? No, but I do think testosterone is probably one of the driving forces in what makes people bad. Sure, right. High T individuals like myself. I'm safe. Either way. I'm safe.
Starting point is 00:48:28 You have negative T. Negative T, yep. What's your number? Oolong. Oh, golden T then. Yeah? Nice. Well, speaking of killing women,
Starting point is 00:48:40 are you dating anyone right now? You know, as I can't take my bag off my head, it's very hard to find a proper lover, right? It is a sort of, I guess, underbelly to this whole thing, right? This whole job that kind of, not allowed in a pub, right? Not allowed in a church, right? Not allowed in certain drive-throughs or in and out and all that stuff. You know, it's quite a bit of a lonely existence. I suppose that there's a sense of mystery
Starting point is 00:49:08 about what does he look like under there? I bet he's handsome. People always try to know. That's why I keep the noose nice and tight, because I am. You've looked at yourself, right? In the mirror, of course I have. Yeah, I mean, what do you look like? What is it important to you?
Starting point is 00:49:24 I base, I sort of, you know, base my, what I think about people based on their looks. Right, you know. Like if they're good looking, I think they're good people. You're sort of humanoid, right? Maybe a bit facial hair, you know. Humanoid? That's a low bar. What?
Starting point is 00:49:38 Come on, man. You know, BTU's a little bit deeper than that. Why don't you ask me about my hobbies? What are your hobbies? Right now, it's a ton of things. I've got two big things right now. I'm a docker right now. I'm trying to do a seed and spark for a Blues Brothers 2000 remake. I've been working on the script for quite some time. What are we calling this one? 2025?
Starting point is 00:49:57 I just thought I'd call it Blues Brothers 2000, right? Yeah, it's a reboot of 2000. You will never get Jim Belushi. It's a reboot. Excuse me, what? You will never get Jim Belushi. I me. You will never get Jim Belushi. I don't think so. Do you have some Jim Belushi intel that we don't know?
Starting point is 00:50:08 He was the patron saint of wet day, by the way. Do you know wet day? Do you have, you celebrated wet day, Bob? I don't know wet day. Wet day, April 10th? Yeah, it seems like- Did you just ask me? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:18 It seems like out of anyone I know, you would be celebrating wet day. It's a holiday that Paul F. Tompkins and I created two years ago. No, all I know is that- What happens on it? Yeah, everyone gets as wet celebrating wet day. It's a holiday that Paul F. Tompkins and I created two years ago. Oh, oh, oh. No. All I know is that- What happens on it?
Starting point is 00:50:28 Yeah, everyone gets as wet as they can. That's cute. Sure. May 11th, what's the date? April 10th. April 10th. So it's passed for 2024, but 2025 is right around the corner. May your next wet day be proper love.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Yes, that's right. But speaking of wet, you've been wetting people's shirts with their blood by killing them. Absolutely. I get them drained. Sometimes I kill hello, right? I bloodlet them first and then they die, right? Yeah. Do something like that. Maybe you drain them out. You suck the blood out through the teeth of a snake. Something real fun. So do you like this kind of work or were you just born into it? Not at all. Not at all, really?
Starting point is 00:51:01 Not at all. It's gotten a bit old. You can- Fun being honest, it's gotten a bit old. Sorry, I don't mean to laugh at you. Please don't Not at all. It's gotten a bit old. You can't... If I'm being honest, it's gotten a bit old. Sorry, I don't mean to laugh at you. Please don't take this up. It's fine. Everybody does.
Starting point is 00:51:10 We're laughing with you. I think we feel... You don't have to lie. I get it. I'm the underbelly of society. I get it. Look, you don't... You know, yes, we're born into certain stations in this life, but you could do anything with
Starting point is 00:51:23 your existence on this earth, and you could do anything with, with, you know, your existence on this earth and you could choose another path as- I don't know, bags on my head, paychecks are paychecks, jobs are job, all that, you know? What do you do with your money? Are you like Jay Leno where you don't spend your execution money? Yeah, I just kind of keep it in, I keep it in a warehouse.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Remember when I went to see you on his show? Why'd you come? I wanted to see you. Really? Yeah. That's so sweet. Support. And during the break he didn't talk to you at all, he just stared straight to see you. Really? Yeah. That's so sweet. Support.
Starting point is 00:51:46 And during the break he didn't talk to you at all. He just stared straight ahead. During the break? Yeah. You were there like backstage? Yeah. No, I was in the audience. You brought your parents.
Starting point is 00:51:54 No, I brought... You brought somebody. I brought someone who was probably in town. Yeah, that wasn't just like, I'm going to go see Natasha. I may have asked you for the tickets because to like impress someone who was in town. All right. I can get into the Tonight Show and I know this person. Glad I could help.
Starting point is 00:52:08 You did great. Thank you. But anyway, yeah, do you spend your execution money or what? Jay Leno spends his execution money on cars. But it's Tonight Show money, still in that bank. Honestly, a lot of my money does go to my second hobby, right, right? What's that? I do love to do a bit of gardening. I'm actually
Starting point is 00:52:25 in charge of a community garden right now. I like to put a lot of money into the community and get all the seeds right and all the plants lovely and stuff like that. I suppose there's a lot of overlap between these two jobs. You're like cutting off heads and you're cutting flowers. Exactly. You know, pruning a plant's really no different than pruning a human. Yeah, if you're used to, like, you work your way up, like, you know, how serial killers start by, you know, killing animals and then they work their way up to humans, you started with plants, I bet. Oh, my first murder was indeed a human, right? And I was just
Starting point is 00:52:58 looking for a bit of therapy to kind of get past the nightmares and all that and I found a beautiful community garden in a place called Cushtopia Wait you're from Cushtopia. I'm not from there, but I do travel through the portal to keep the garden. Yeah, I've heard about I'm growing It's an alternate dimension that I think the currency is based on weed I've heard about Cushtopia through several podcasts. I'm growing a weed over in Cushtopia. You're growing the weed in? Yeah, yeah. Wait, so you smoke pot and you're still able to kill people for a living?
Starting point is 00:53:32 Well, when I do my job- Does weed make you kind of chill out? It does, right? It's more of a reward than an all-day thing. I'm not a waking baker, love. I'm sort of a wait till later, you know what I mean? I really don't want to know that much about Cusustopia, but how did you find yourself in there? I'm roommates with the man who turns into a motorcycle. I've had that guy on the show before he's a real What was his name Marty motorcycle? Sort of like a transformer, but he turns into a motorcycle exactly right right?
Starting point is 00:54:01 He's not a robot the rest of the time is a human being no He lives his life mostly as a human right he's a bit of a gun in these years He is but when he needs so he can turn his flesh into a motorcycle and Yeah, so where'd you meet this fellow? I found him on Craigslist right? I was doing some work in a cellar Wales, and I need a place stay for a couple weeks He had a flat open got to know each other He said he had a way to get into interdimensional portals through warlocks And so so I took him up on it. I found this place called Cushtopia. Right. I've heard this story a million times. Right. Right. Right. It's a beautiful place. What is it really? Yeah, it is. I thought you're going to ask a deeper question about it.
Starting point is 00:54:36 Well, oh, really? What did you think I was going to? I don't know. I thought you'd just be curious about what really goes on. I am. I'm the opposite of curious about Cushtopia. It's so strange. I have questions. Yeah, great. I love this. Is Cushtopia like a village? Do you have, can you like walk to a place to get coffee? The easiest way to describe it is a bit of an alternate earth, right?
Starting point is 00:54:55 Imagine 65 million years ago, right? If there was a comet that hit the earth and caused it to split into two different dimensions, right? It's parallel, it's similar, but there's a bit of differences here and there. Mostly everything's Kush, right? It's a bit socialist. We don't have jobs, but we do do jobs. Yeah. Yeah. Mostly everything's Kush, but there is metal, like the train is made of metal. It's not made of Kush, but a lot of it's on the Kush. Now, when you say everything's Kush, do you mean like it's actually made of Kush? Because it also sounds like you're saying it's Kush. I love that you're so curious about this,
Starting point is 00:55:22 love. It means a lot to me. I want you to know that right now. It's a place I spend a lot of time and it's very important to me. Most things are made of nugs. Physical nugs love. Okay. Yeah, right. Did you come on here to talk about Custopia? No, I came here to talk about my executions.
Starting point is 00:55:38 We abandoned that midway through your interview and now you're just talking about Custopia. Well I will say this is now the most interesting thing about him. True, true. Is it a real place? Yes, it's a real place. It's not in like AI, like you don't have to put on goggles. No, you gotta go through a portal
Starting point is 00:55:53 that a warlock controls. At first I thought it was fake, but so many guests have come on here talking about it. It's a wonderful place. You can book a trip anytime. It kinda sounds like taking ayahuasca or something. Yeah, I mean, it's a lot like, I mean I mean you know some people say when you do psychedelics all
Starting point is 00:56:07 you're really doing is stepping into another dimension. But are you allowed to do psychedelics in Couchetopia or is it all Couch? You can do them, they've got them. There's mushroom land of course in Couchetopia, you know I've mentioned before there's methypotemia. You've mentioned this before? Yes I did. Shake you It's just someone I wouldn't imagine. There's someone there. There's not to be. Right. I mean, I don't mean to make it too much about it, you just asked about my hobby.
Starting point is 00:56:30 What's the warlocks' name? The warlocks, several warlocks. Oh, it's any, okay. It's just a job, it's like a ferryman. It's like a train driver, a conductor. What is parking like in Custopia? There's so much. Really?
Starting point is 00:56:44 There's so much. Most people get around on a trains. So it's a bit of like heaven, are there any problems there? Is it, can I come? I'm trying to say, can I come? I wanna go. I'm trying to say, can Bob go? Right, we can get you there, Bob, right? As long as you don't tussle any too many feathers,
Starting point is 00:56:59 we can get you across right away. Literally tussle? Because I have a broken down comforter that I have to sleep in. When you get to Cushtopia, man, I bet we can find you a real nice bed made of cush, some real stinky fluffy stuff. Mr. Executioner? Yes, you don't have to raise your hand, love. It's very kind.
Starting point is 00:57:15 I have a question. Do they judge you there? Because usually, you know... It makes you paranoid when you're, you know... Yeah, like, and I would think that people who are kind of in a portal. Yeah, are there judges? Is there a legal system? I mean, I think you can get in trouble, right? Like if you do something too bad,
Starting point is 00:57:34 like it will be a bit of a prison sentence. Have you ever executed anyone there? I keep work in my office separate, Scott. But have you ever seen an execution there? Honestly, yeah, I have. So you've gone to execution. And I've got some med separate, Scott. But have you ever seen an execution there? Honestly, yeah, I have. So you've gone to executions. And I've got some notes, Scott. I thought it was a bit boring.
Starting point is 00:57:50 It was a bit boring, a bit mundane for me. Really, you flash it up. Let's get back to the executions. Yeah, fine. You make them flashy, as you try to put a little showbiz in them. Look, if it's my time to shine, right, I wanna be a bit creative.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I've fucking chopped so many necks with an axe, Scott. So let's make it a bit better, right? Costume changes. What, Cher? You know, as long as the costume's neck and down, I'm allowed to wear whatever I want, right? But typically I try to pick something that maybe the assailant's afraid of, right? Maybe they got scared by the movie Spawn as a young lad. So I'll dress up as the John Leguizamo clown from Spawn.
Starting point is 00:58:31 You know, it's hard to know if costumes translate from the neck down. So much of costumes are based on what the face looks like. Right, yeah. I mean, maybe Superman, Batman, Spider-Man. I feel like you don't really need the face, right? Yeah, but you know, a clown figure, like which clown are we talking? The John Leguizamo clown from Strong. No, I know, but would you know that that was John Leguizamo or Pennywise?
Starting point is 00:58:53 He's so rotund. It's mostly about how round he is and how big he is. Point taken. Right, he's got a big old ass, that clown. I hadn't noticed, yes, Bob, if you have a question. Do you, when you're about to chop somebody's head off, do you ever say anything real bad ass right before you do it?
Starting point is 00:59:09 Oh yeah. Do you think of a pun beforehand or? I really like puns, right? You know, I think it's not really my strong suit. I did try it out for a little bit, like this time you're chopped and then I hit it off. That's, I mean, I don't even know if that qualifies as a pun. I mean, like one time, right, I do this guy, right, and he was a bad man, right?
Starting point is 00:59:30 He had stolen all these rubies and jewels and whatnot. And I found out that one of his things that he hate was classical music, right? So I played some classical music right before I chopped his head off. And right before he died, I said, you won't be back. Oh, it's not bad. right before I chopped his head off. And right before he died, I said, you won't be Bach. Oh. It's not bad. And you know, a lot of people didn't like it, a lot of eye rolls and stuff.
Starting point is 00:59:50 So I did kind of move away from the pun based kills, right? Are most of these executions public? Yes, most of them are, right? It's very, very small percentage of these happen behind closed doors. I have to be held responsible for what I'm doing, right? Do they ever have like an opening act? Yeah, sometimes I have like four guys come out. Natasha has a great hour.
Starting point is 01:00:10 Sometimes I get like four up and comers coming out, right? Some people, you know, just so really need it and we'll just kind of take the hit and I can pay them less. So you're lifting up people. You're giving people a hand up. Absolutely. You know, you've got to create a future for executioners, right? Right. So when you say openers, they're killing people as well?
Starting point is 01:00:29 Yeah. They're doing the kind of more boring lesser crimes, petty theft. They're executing them for that? Yeah. Grand theft, dito, stuff like that. Copyright infringement. They're executing people for copyright infringement. If they do, enough. If they do, enough. Really? Yeah, right. I mean, Robin Thicke, the If they do enough, if they do enough. Really? Yeah, right. I mean, Robin Thicke, you know, the Marvin Gaye copyright,
Starting point is 01:00:48 the blurred lines thing. Oh, right, right. Robin. They should have executed him. Robin's on the list. Is he? Who's on the list? Well, he's here in America.
Starting point is 01:00:57 It's a hard list to crack. That reminds me, you could go on the Masked Singer. Really, you think so? Yes, you could be the executioner. That reminded you? Long ago. Well, he seems so sad when he's in our realm and he can't go anywhere, but he could be a contestant on the Masked Singer and then you could-
Starting point is 01:01:13 You think people will vote for me if they know what I've done, all the nasty things and all the interesting ways I've killed people? They don't have to know. You're just a character. Do you think that regular people go on the Masked Singer? Well, he's got a mask on his head. A point hand. I would call it a character. Do you think that regular, just like regular people go in the mask singers? Well, he's got a mask on his head. And then you can sing your beautiful song. And then at the finale, kill Robin Thicke.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Throw in Jenny McCarthy too, if you want. What'd she do? Well, if I can hit Ken Jeong in there too, might as well, right? I mean, get them all, like just do a clean sweep across all four of them. Yeah, big sweep. Leave Nick Cannon alone though. I would never.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Do not touch him. Drumline was a very important movie to me as a young lad. Was it really? Yeah, I joined the Drumline as a young boy. Did you? Couldn't see the drums because of the bag. Ugh. Lose tough.
Starting point is 01:01:59 An age old story. Mm-hmm. Well, Executioner, or The Executioner. I prefer The Executioner. Okay, The Executioner. Right, right. I appreciate you coming on the show. I guess I'm not too interested in the Kustopia stuff. At her see-er, I do like it there.
Starting point is 01:02:13 I know you like it there, but I mean, you know. You don't mind if I blaze on air, do you? Yeah, I guess you could blaze. Is a 420 friendly house here? Yeah, sure. Whatever you need to do. Cool. All right, sit in my bong real quick. Just pack it up. Real quick? Okay. Yeah. Okay. Oh, yeah, baby. You're
Starting point is 01:02:31 not in Custopia now, are you? No, no. No, I'm right here. It's a portal thing. It's a portal thing. Why do I know so much about it? It's crazy. It's crazy. I think you might secretly want to do this. Bob, though, I would love to send you to Topey. If we could send Bob there, the show will pay for it. I can't do any drugs of any sort, but I do need a place to stay. Hey, it might be toughy. I mean, a lot of the clouds is Cush, right? It's Cush smoke, so you might get high just walking around.
Starting point is 01:02:55 Yeah, why can't you do drugs, Bob? You might like a little bit of weed. I go insane. Oh. Yes. Insane how, like, you're very loud and we're crazy and we're saying things. Like, I just get, I crawl up and I go, no, no, no, somebody take me to Sacramento.
Starting point is 01:03:08 I need to get back to Sacramento. You have cannabis-induced schizophrenia, don't you? That's one. Among other kinds of induced schizophrenia. Yeah. Yeah. It's a terrible existence for him. But still, I'd love to send you there.
Starting point is 01:03:22 I'd love to try it. Yeah, we can get a paperwork in order and go in and ship them out. You got a passport, right, Bob? Oh, you need... So this is like an actual paperwork kind of thing. This is like you need a visa. This isn't just like some funny thing, right? I don't know that much about it.
Starting point is 01:03:35 It's like a fully operating world with like laws and like understandings and stakes and lines and souls. So you have like border agents, you know, like stamping your passport and all that kind of stuff. Warlock does have a lot of bureaucracy. The Warlock, okay, it's a funny place. Why don't you just live there? I mean, I've got killing to do.
Starting point is 01:03:59 But you hate it. I do, but as long as this bag's on my head. I guess, but why not take the bag off while you're in Custopia and just stay there? Doesn't sound like there's money. No, there's not. There's no currency. There's not.
Starting point is 01:04:11 It's like a socialist country where everyone just like, Everybody just kind of hangs out, but they do do their job because they understand that it's a bit of social responsibility to keep things moving. Sure, so there are train conductors. Right, yes. Everyone just kind of does their job because they enjoy it.
Starting point is 01:04:26 Yeah, right, and they know that people need to use the train to do all that. So why don't you just go there and stay there? Oh, I've never thought about that. You've never thought about it? No, I just had this bag on me and I said, jobs are jobs, paychecks are paychecks, and they pick me on my page and they say,
Starting point is 01:04:39 this man needs to die. Just go there, go to Custopia. Yeah, fuck being a proletariat. Fuck it! You know what? You're right! Yeah, of course I'm right! You're fucking right, mate! Yeah! Go to Custopia with the rest of, you know, motorcycle mania or whatever. It's my motorcycle, Mr. Toots, Cuda Supercomputer. Come on, man! Yes, all these guests who can, as far as I'm concerned, can go off to Cushtopia and we never have to hear from them ever again.
Starting point is 01:05:12 I think there should be a podcast just from Cushtopia. I don't agree. Scott, you have time to do another podcast. I love that it activates Scott so much. I just, I, several guests have been on this show over the past year or so advocating for a CBB Presents episode based in Cushtopia. It might be like three years, honestly.
Starting point is 01:05:31 Is it three years? I think it might be like two, three years. Yeah, and I'm not falling for it. I think it'd be my funny show, right? Just a little like a train ride around Cushtopia, you see a bunch of different characters, they have fun, it's improvising, so Gilroy said it could be a good time.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Yeah. It could be a really good time. But I do got a couple executions that I gotta get out of the way before I can... Who are you executing? Polly Shore. All right. Because of the Richard Simmons thing?
Starting point is 01:05:55 Yeah. All right, makes sense. Actually, new guy who auditioned for that. Oh, interesting. Didn't get it? I didn't raid for it. Oh, okay. Might have been a blessing and disguise.
Starting point is 01:06:04 I think so. All right, well guys, we're running out of time, interesting. Didn't get it? I didn't raid for it. Oh, okay. Might have been a blessing in disguise. I think so. All right, well, guys, we're running out of time, unfortunately. No, let's do 50 more, Scott. No, we're running out of time. We only have time for one final feature on the show, and that is, of course, a little something called Plugs. It is now time to open the plug bag. You may want to stand back
Starting point is 01:06:32 Opening in five This has been the Plug Bag Experience. All right, I know I said under a minute and everyone was doing 59 seconds. Now even 40 seems long. But I loved it. It was great. That was the Plug Bag Experience by Permo. Thank you so much to Permo. If you have a plugs theme, go head over to slash plugs and upload your songs.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Thank you so much to Permo. And guys, what are we plugging? Natasha, obviously the Endless Honeymoon podcast. Is that a weekly show? It's a weekly show. Check it out. it's on YouTube, wherever you get your podcasts. Also check out my book,
Starting point is 01:07:27 The World Deserves My Children, critically acclaimed. Let's get that up to a best seller too. Oh yeah, that can happen. That can happen, yeah, especially in the paperback, you know, and like, weird things have happened, you know. If I could get a best seller without doing 900 podcasts, that would be. Well I appreciate you don't wanna do any other podcasts,
Starting point is 01:07:43 but you come back to this one for your 10th appearance. Of course. I appreciate that. Always lovely to have you. And Bob, what... Well, if anybody needs to find me, I will be here. I live here now. I had mail delivered here, so legally I'm a resident.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Also, I'd like to plug, I have a podcast called Full Throttle with Bob Duker on Copy and Bang Bang. That's right, when's the next episode? Because I've been hearing rumors about one for over a year. Well, I would love to talk to you about that. Okay, so we'll have a conversation afterwards. Wait, you're producing his podcast? I, I get these episodes delivered to me. That's right.
Starting point is 01:08:19 And I put them up for just curiosity sake, if anyone is interested in them. And they go into the CBB Presents episode, I think you put up three or so. You miss your father don't you? You miss Papa. I miss Papa I don't know that I miss you. Also some friends of mine do a podcast called College Town also on Comedy Bang Bang World. Oh that's right that's a good show you're friends with those guys. I have friends. Bebo and Jan? Bebo and Jan. You're friends with them? Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Okay, where did you come from? Don't ask them if I'm friends with them. Oh, I see. But I am friends with them. All right. Yeah, that's a really funny show, College Town. And what's the premise of it again? It's a townie and a college professor in a college town.
Starting point is 01:08:59 And then we have guests from each- We? They have, I think I got residual kushed from my friend. Oh yeah, okay. I hope you're not going crazy. The Schizophrény is already starting. And it's an interview, it's a whole world. It's a little bit like a mild Couchetopia.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Yeah, I mean, it's Couchetopia without all the pot references, I would imagine. Right. Okay, that's wonderful. College Town comes out every week at CBB, of course, I would imagine. Right. Okay, that's wonderful. College Town comes out every week at CBB World. .com .com, of course, a great show. And then The Executioner, what do you want to plug? All right, I'm doing an execution at week two,
Starting point is 01:09:36 Coachella at the Sahara tent. Check that out. Next year? Yeah. Oh, I just thought something. You should go do executions at Burning Man. Right, yeah, I'll get out to the should go do executions at Burning Man. Right. Yeah, I'll get out to the plier.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Everybody think it's performance. Don't execute Moshe. I won't. I won't. Promise her. I promise. Promise Scott. I promise.
Starting point is 01:09:56 He pums me too. I promise. That would break my heart. With no hearts broken here, love. Anyways, you can follow a good, nice boy named Jacob Wysocki on the internet. Listen to his podcast. Go and follow his YouTube channel. He just released a new short film called Tunnel Rave.
Starting point is 01:10:13 It's very fun. I got to check that out. Wait, what's the name of your Instagram? My friend's Instagram? Yeah, your friend. It's Jacob Wysocki. Oh, okay. And what's his podcast?
Starting point is 01:10:23 He's got a couple podcasts. You can listen to Expo Exposé on the EWF. And of course you can listen to Chris Derpy on Comedy Bang Bang. Well, that's not happening anytime soon. But what is happening soon is the 2024 Comedy Bang Bang tour, Bang Bang Into Your Mouth tour. What are we doing?
Starting point is 01:10:42 We're doing Boston for two nights, Brooklyn for two nights, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Durham, Atlanta, St. Louis, Nashville, Tucson, Phoenix, San Diego, Salt Lake City, Denver, Austin, Dallas, Toronto, Royal Oak, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Chicago, Madison, St. Paul, Sacramento, Oakland, Portland for two shows, Seattle and Vancouver,
Starting point is 01:11:01 happening all summer long. Head over to slash tour and Paul F. Tompkins and I will be out there plus the CBB All-Stars will be out there. We're coming to the town near you. So we wanna see you all of those shows. The ticket links are available up there. And while you're there, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:18 check out the shows like College Town and The Neighborhood Listen and CBB Presents, not Couch Topia. All right, let's close up the old plug bag. John. John. We've entered the room and there's nobody. The party's all but done.
Starting point is 01:11:39 We look to the door and we go to the left. The party's almost done. So then we open up the door and we go to the left the party's almost done so then we open up the door but that's not the fun thing because you notice why we're gone and now we're gonna sleep you know what I say, I like that a lot. Oh, right. That was a closing up the plug bag parentheses,
Starting point is 01:12:13 John on our remix by Sean Fogel, very apropos for a Cushopia. Is that is that the music that's playing in Cushopia pretty much? Actually, reggae wasn't discovered until Mr. Teets came to America for the first time. I don't remember that level of detail. That is canon love. We didn't have it, now it's there. At every Ting-Iry. I don't think you're allowed to do that.
Starting point is 01:12:35 Guys, I wanna thank you so much, Natasha. It's always wonderful to see you, and both personally and professionally. Me too. I'll see you. I'll let you know if I'm doing Leno again. Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't put it past him to come back.
Starting point is 01:12:48 You can bring Bob. Okay. And Bob. You can bring the executioner, maybe he'll get it right this time. I'd love to kill Jay Leno as Tom Soon. Executioner, great to see you. Right.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Soon, I'm sure. I don't know about that, but thank you to all of our guests and we'll see you next time. Soon, I'm sure. I don't know about that, but thank you to all of our guests and we'll see you next time. Thanks, bye. Bye. Goodbye. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:12 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:18 Yeah. Yeah.

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