Comedy Bang Bang: The Podcast - Paul F. Tompkins, Lisa Gilroy, Neil Campbell

Episode Date: July 3, 2023

Fred Guinness of the Guinness Book of World Records returns to talk to Scott about the world record he is close to acquiring, bakers vs. donut makers, and bootstraps. Then, financial advisor Kyle Chut...ney stops by to share investing advice. Plus, smuggler Noel drops by to help Scott get from the ad break to the end of the show.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The rain in Spain falls mainly on Lil Wayne. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. Thank you to Rick S. Oh, I wonder if that's Rick Springfield. I hope it is. I hope he listens to the show Rick. Working class dog. You're my working class dog. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. My name is Scott Ackerman. We're deep in the throws of July, certainly. We're in that strange period in between my birthday and July 4th. July 3rd. I hope you're enjoying it.
Starting point is 00:00:53 We're just in that period where not a lot going on. We're just like, we've all been celebrating my birthday. We're just gearing up for our BBQs. Welcome to Comedy Bang Bang. Coming up a little later, we have a, we have a financial advisor, we also have someone who works in shipping. That's exciting. But that's coming up a little later on the show, but oh, hold on a sec, this is highly unusual. I don't know why I'm getting phone call. This isn't a calling show except in Colin Hanks, of course, was on it.
Starting point is 00:01:28 But let me pick up the hello. Hello. Hi. Scott. Well, comedy bang bang. Yes, this is Scott Ockerman. Hello. Hey, it's Fred Gittis. Fred, Fred Gittis. That's right. You're old pal from across the pond. Oh, that's right. You're in Ireland design.
Starting point is 00:01:42 Dublin Ireland, that's right. Dublin Ireland. And we first heard you, I believe, on the anniversary show. And we show this crack. And you are the owner and perhaps even proprietor of the Guinness Book of World Records. I am currently the custodian of the Guinness Book of World Records. That's right. You didn't start it. No, but I didn't start the Gisborne records. Right? It's to fit that in you had to call it the Gisborne record. I was even trying to do that. I think a panic. Yeah. Was it your father grandfather who started? No, my name is just a coincidence. I was not related to the to the Guinness family. It is related to the stout.
Starting point is 00:02:25 That's right, you're family started the beer. No, that's also false. I'm not related to them in any way. The Guinness stout people and the Guinness book people were the same people for a while. They were? Oh, really? How did those interests intersect?
Starting point is 00:02:38 Like a lot of those world records were done when people were drinking and... Yes, exactly. Oh, okay. Well, the pretzels you can stack on your head. records were done when people were drinking and... Yeah, exactly. Oh, okay. Exactly. Well, see pretzels you can stack on your head. Yeah, most pretzels you can stack on your head. Yeah, that's in there, right?
Starting point is 00:02:51 Yeah, of course. And it remains unbroken to this day. Three pretzels? Yep. Three pretzels. The thing is, they're all twisty, so it's very hard to see. Liam Dunnehey, and he stacked three pretzels now back in those days, of course, pretzels were, they were very heavy. Oh, that's right. Same size, but more dense. Yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:03:10 Pringles would be easier to stack. Oh, Pringles. People always want to stack pringles on their head. And the thing is, we don't have a record because they won't stay, they always fall over. Yeah, exactly. The people. Yeah, the people always follow her under the weight of the Pringles. Because there's so many because there's so many. What what what what what is more powder feathers or a powder? Brickson people with a pound. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:33 I never realized what one of them you wouldn't mind getting hit with as much as the other one. That's I can only a pound of feathers being hit with a pound of feathers being hit with. Have you heard of the man of the feathers being hit with? A pound of feathers being hit with. Have you ever heard of the man of how do feathers being hit with? I got a conundrum with you, of the Mortal Guard. How do feathers to be hit with? Wait, was it the Mortal Vards solving conundrums? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:55 You're not using writing things. Yeah, you ever read the Shakespeare code? Oh, right. I forgot about that. Yeah, he's one of those guys. They made code books for all those guys. All those. The Tesla code. He said he's one of those guys. They made code books for all those guys. All those. The Tesla code.
Starting point is 00:04:06 He said he's got one. The Thacker is code. Einstein code. Einstein code. He's got one. Maybe E equals MC squared. That's like your first clue. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:16 If you could figure that out, then you could find Einstein's treasure. Well, I know a guy who would love Einstein's treasure. If it is wet. It's so wonderful to hear from you I wonder if thank you for calling me. No, no, you called me. Oh shit. This is expensive Yes, I'm calling on a landline. Oh shit. Do you need to do it? You're out with so phones for a start and they were like We're gonna charge you for all this other stuff. But then after a while they were like,
Starting point is 00:04:45 oh, right, it just makes all the hairs. The hairs. Well, also everyone's phones started to be in weird area codes. Like, you only used phones started to be in weird area codes. You used to only call people who are in maybe a five-mile radius. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And it was a special, special occasion for those. 212-253-244. That sort of thing thing that kind of thing And then suddenly everyone got cell phones and it pops up there like three four seven what 12 580. I'm like what Why are you calling I'm on like what oh? I just I just missed you first of all. Oh, thank you so I have a talk to you the one time Yeah, but for a while. For a while, it was like, I feel like we really connected.
Starting point is 00:05:28 We really clicked. Hey, I've oh, speaking of click, they did hard click you what I would have felt about it. Oh, that's right. And speaking of click, Adam Sandler's click, I've not seen. Oh, Nora Bond. I do a scottess scene. No, I sure don't.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Damn it. Do you really feel like that has imprinted itself on the public consciousness? Oh, so you are a fan of the show. You know the premise. Yeah Do you really feel like that has imprinted itself on the public consciousness? Oh, so you are a fan of the show. You know the premise. Yeah, I know the premise. I think clicks. Never listen to it episode.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Oh, okay, you just know the premise. Where you listen to every premise. I listen every premise. I am. There's only one so far. I'm not supposed to do this, but I do have a record for listening to the most premises. We don't put it in the book.
Starting point is 00:06:01 There's, there's, okay, so in the book, there's, there's official records. Right. in the book there's there's official records right and there's And that's what everybody sees right then there are the dark records, right? We have dark records Which is just internal that only only people who work for the Guinness book can see those and then we also have off the off the record Records which are ones that we all just we all just keep in our brains right and remember there's were there But they can't report on them because it was on on deep back. We allow one reporter to attend the the the the breaking of an off record record. And it's always somebody from the penny saver. I didn't realize they had a full reporting team.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Well, they it's more like a collision guy. Do you read national geographic shutting down? No, like they fired all of their reports. Oh, how am I going to see those titties from other countries? God, come on. The internet. Oh, right. Do you keep you imagine back then they had a big discussion about that like, do we show
Starting point is 00:07:01 over what do we do? I know. And then it's much to my delight They showed them yes, and now today you can you can talk on TV questions about getting hard It still shocks me It's like some men have problems getting hard some men have problems stay hard. I'm like, we're just doing this now I know okay They used to wrap it in a little bit of a like mystery where it's like do you have performance issues?
Starting point is 00:07:29 Like is your dick not hard enough? Crazy it's crazy Scott. Oh, there's also the commercial where it's like hey He's your dick look like a weird carrot. You got the pay roadies disease That's see that one not watching the right programs. Well, you know what? I've been watching FX is the bear. Oh, and oh, episode six at the record for most yelling. And I, the commercials are all
Starting point is 00:07:57 ED supplements and ember at airlines. Oh, interesting. So it's like three in a row of like, I think doesn't work. And then one of Penelope crews going, maybe something all airlines will be like this. It's like, I don't think so, Penelope.
Starting point is 00:08:15 I've never been, I've never flown it. No, of course not, what are you doing, Billionaire? It's the weird, you'd hear what's the problem. Why are there such expensive things doing commercials what people those people know about it about this they know about it exactly the it's the it's the broke uh broke dick people broke the broke broke dick people you really need to advertise to you um why are you calling oh because because I want you're very close to a record Scott. You're very close to setting a record.
Starting point is 00:08:49 Let's see, is it most episodes of a podcast? No, I can't be that. No, I can't be that. And it will never be that, because somebody's already done that. Yeah, huh. Unless they stop, but then you can catch up. That's true. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Oh, man, I would love for... I think we passed the number of Simpsons episode recently. No hot cast who recently passed number of Simpsons episodes Most recent no Do they really do it like that? This and see we tried doing that and it was just it was just a pain most recent person Yeah, mostly because that it would be like most breaths taken and then you would have to give it to the oldest person alive. Right.
Starting point is 00:09:28 But but most recent person to take a breath. Yeah. That that was changed. It's constantly changing because of babies. Yeah, most recent person to to be up on, what's a big tall mountain. Everest. Yeah, that's the one. That's that's number one with a bullet when you think that big tall mountain? Everest. Yeah, that's the one. That's number one with a bullet
Starting point is 00:09:47 when you think about big tall mountains, right? It's the most famous I think, yeah. I was thinking Kilimanjaro, but there's something about Kilimanjaro, the branding of it. Something about Kilimanjaro, I can't get into it. Yeah. We have a basic bitch, but I love that Everest. I can't imagine I'm close. That Mount Everest is the most basic mountain.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Yeah, it truly is. Although it's the highest, I guess. No, what is the very highest mountain? No, it's not about whether, basic doesn't, it's not a question of height. It's just like, you look at it like mountain. It's the most basic mountain. Why is that the one that everyone knows?
Starting point is 00:10:25 They're branding's incredible. What does it mean? That everyone knows that. I think so because it also is a saying attached to it. Oh, because it was there. Oh, because oh, that's why it's different. And everybody's like, oh, okay, because that's what rich people do.
Starting point is 00:10:39 They're like, I don't know. What can I do with my time? Help other people? How's the person ever gone up a mountain? It come down to hill. Sure. Like in that movie with who Grant? Who holds that movie about? Weird title in my...
Starting point is 00:10:53 She knows what I think I actually saw that movie. What? And it's about a place, maybe in Wales. Oh, there's no way to Wales. And they have a very high hill that they think might qualify as amount. And so they get this British guy to come out and stammer his way through measuring it, and that's you.
Starting point is 00:11:16 This is all great. I have a one yard stick. What is that? He's trying to do a U-Gram. Of course, famous lover of blow jobs, U-Gram. He loves those. He's on record. He loves to be wed to jail for them.
Starting point is 00:11:31 He was jail for them. He's like, do I get a blow job and go to jail? Or not get a blow job and not go to jail. Ah! Ignore! He wedded jail? Is he still there, right? I think he has ice life sentence?
Starting point is 00:11:46 He films he film pattington to there. He filmed Dungeons and Dragons in there and they just throw up a green screen. When they did the prison part of pattington too, he must have been like, this is this hurts a little bit. This is a little too close to home, Mr. Battington. Mr. Bear. Mr. Bear. Speaking of the bear, yeah, the bear. The bear, uh, so speaking to the bearer. Yeah, the bearer. The bearer.
Starting point is 00:12:05 And so that's the commercial strategy. Yeah. Right. So what what what what world record am I close to? This is incredible. You're very close to having owned the most button up shirts. Whoa, having owned. Yes. Not actually owning them. That exactly. This is, if you get rid of, I'm gonna say a dozen more button up shirts over the course of your life. Oh, it's ones I previously owned. Not even ones I currently have.
Starting point is 00:12:34 No, we don't count the ones that you have. Okay, so I have to get rid of a couple. Yes, but you can't do it just for the record. Oh, yeah. What you just said that. Are you gonna interview me every time I throw one away? But no people will know. You know, of course, I have my watchers.
Starting point is 00:12:50 When somebody gets close to a record, we dispatch watch. Down the moon? No, that's the watcher. He's been doing a fear. That's right. But your watchers are a Ragtag team who are out there on the streets. My watchers, well, they're not a Ragtag team. Why would they be a Ragtag team? This is an important thing. Sure. watchers, well, not a Ragtag team. Why would they be a Ragtag team?
Starting point is 00:13:05 This is an important thing. Sure, I mean, you pay them well, but they- Yes, they're great, they're great with the, Yeah, they're relaxed about it. They're very cool, they're cool as cukes. So there, how many more do I have to lose? About, I don't want to tell you the exact amount. Okay, but in the neighborhood of a
Starting point is 00:13:25 dozen okay Bakers doesn't a regular sized what do you think neighborhood beach that might be a Bakers doesn't might be a donut doesn't do you go into a donut shop and go like look you're a baker give me one free Scott it is forbidden a Bakers doesn't is for bakers only. That's why they call it that. What do you call a person who makes donut? I guess they just throw it in the deep fryer.
Starting point is 00:13:55 That's not a baker, right? Yeah, of course. What do you think it comes from? Where what comes from? The doughnut. To throw in the deep fryer. I mean, you need the doughnut to throw with the deep prior you I mean you need the dough you need it You gotta make the dough you make the dough. Yes. Yes exactly. And then you throw are you saying that you get you on a maker if the
Starting point is 00:14:14 The cake goes to the oven like oh you do throw it to the oven look I've watched great British baking show and they throw Fuck you Oh gosh and they throw it. Bragg. Yeah. Fuck you. I'm kidding. Oh, I forgot. Gosh. But I- Boy, oh boy, you're an orderly. They throw stuff in the deep fryer
Starting point is 00:14:31 and they consider themselves to be bakers. So, what, you're very hung up on this throwing thing to the deep fryer, but because they're, the thing that they're not like throwing a shoe in there. You're the one who said that. They're saying that a donut maker is not a baker.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I did not say that at all. You did say that. But I did not say that. You did say that. I never said that. You never will say it? I have said it. Never would say it.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Never will say it. So what do you, so what did I say? Donut maker is not a baker. I said that don't, is it donut maker a baker? And you said no, it's a donut TA. I was kidding around Jesus. I can't tell when you're kidding And of course a donut maker is a baker What's wrong with you what's wrong with you? You're the one you are you trying things are costs are you trying are you trying to set a record for at least things understood?
Starting point is 00:15:17 What is the record for that by the way? Let's see it is 75 things in an hour Wait, they were just throwing things from this there's a person who is 75 things in an hour. Oh, wait, they were just throwing things from their face. There's a person who misunderstood 75 things or whatever. Incredible. I don't think I could reach this guy's face. His name is Ronald Bolman. Ronald Bolman?
Starting point is 00:15:34 Yes, he lives in Australia. Oh really? Yeah, good eye. If Ronald, if you're listening. Good day, Ronald, if he's listening. Did I do it? Yeah, sort of. Well, that's incredible.
Starting point is 00:15:44 I would love to throw away 12 more shirts. You can throw them away. Well, first of all, that's wasteful. What do you want me to do? Donate them? You can throw them away if I should be telling you this. You throw, like, the past when you've gotten rid of shirts, you've gotten rid of shirts. Now, if you got it. I usually try to find a friend who's roughly the same size. That's right. Then I'll go out on the street and I'll look at people's bodies. And I'll say, excuse me, sir,
Starting point is 00:16:12 I've been looking at your body. And you have your shirt that just says, be I, body inspector. I'm not federal, this is state level. LBI, local body inspector. Yes, I'm part of the LBI. I've been looking at your body and usually they're gone by then. Yeah. But for the few who remain, I say, do you want this shirt? And I'm able to get rid of some of them, but it's harder than you would think.
Starting point is 00:16:37 I don't know. Sometimes I have to put it on a trash pile. Say that a lot of you know what now what what is the circumstance under which you put it on trash pile several fire? If I if I'm a big sigh If I'm unsuccessful I trying to find a friend or stranger to get it Then it goes on the pile it goes on the the the the, the, the, the, the, the, the TP, the trash pile. It was not about donating a shirt ever. It feels like I want people to lift them up by themselves up by their bootstraps to buy shirts, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:17:13 If I just give people shirts, you know, you know, you know, it's funny about that expression. Yeah. Is it people have forgotten what it means? What does it mean? No, because it's an impossible thing to lift yourself up by your own bootstraps. Oh, really? Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:30 So it's, it's sort of like, for, for what are bootstraps in general bootstraps are a little strap on the back of your boot on those are also the ones that are still on boots to this day to this very day So what what is the war record for older strap? Really yep Try to think of any other strap Keep going Really? Yep. I don't think of any other strap. You go in. So does the saying mean that you get out of bed, you put on your boots, and then like you're still sitting in bed with your boots on?
Starting point is 00:18:04 And then you lift yourself up by pulling on that strap. No, what's it? What it means is You're giving advice to someone saying hey, you should do it yourself even though No, but what is the metaphor part of it mean lift lift? I know what I know what it means as a metaphor What does it mean in terms of physicality? Well you get out of bed. We're we talk weren't you the one who brought up how it's impossible to do this Yeah, I'm asking you questions about it. Yeah, but you're trying to figure out how it's possible. I'm saying what does it what to in the metaphor I know what the metaphor means in the metaphor what are they trying to say the one should do they're trying to say want if one wants to achieve higher that know what the metaphor means. The fuck asking like, take the metaphor out of it.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Okay. The lifting yourself up by your bootstraps, how did that even become a saying? Like, what are they saying you should do? Like, grab onto those straps and what? What do they say? Forget it! I don't care about this!
Starting point is 00:19:01 You brought it up and you're like, ha ha ha, isn't it funny? You can't do this? I'm asking you about the details of this. It's a thing you can't do So you so you okay? Yeah, if you if you reach down and you you pull your own bootstrap you don't go up I'm trying to explore this. Yes, like while your shoes are on you're in bed. You you lift it up What why are you getting so great you fucking brought it up
Starting point is 00:19:25 right Fred it was a simple fake a petty James the petty earth what does it mean where do you put the petty what do you go to you you're gonna listen to my you go down to the bank and you say I need to say goodbye listeners are on my side they're absolutely are and I'm looking forward to to valid for the validation on Monday with Well, if any of them are they will settle record for most wrong people. Okay. Fred Guinness can I get declared that? I don't think you should be in charge most recent wrong people. I don't think you need to be deposed No, why do you say that because you're, I don't like the way that you decide things. Oh, what's the process?
Starting point is 00:20:10 You're trying to sound horrible. Do you have world record or ghost panic? Oh, he heard it. What's the process for getting someone else in your position? Why would I give you the keys to my own destruction? Is it a vote? That's a vote is it is it like succession where there's a board and we count up the votes in the board And oh, what about go Joe and you know the other one that I never figured out what it was.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Gojo! Gojo! Oh, that's that thing you bought. Every time they would say Gojo, I'd be like, Gojo. Oh, what is that? Oh, no, Gojo was the thing that the other guy. Tee! Yes. It's what's it supposed to be? What's it's in that? I hate to, I'm, I'm, where are you getting into another conversation with you about what something is. Oh, come on, man. Come on, man. I thought we were friends. Why? We talked for one time.
Starting point is 00:21:11 I think we explicitly said we were friends. That's true. Yeah. You were cooler that day, though. I'm being... You're pushing me, dude. You're pushing me. You're being pushed.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Oh. I'm just leaving my life. You fucking got me. There was a truth in that. This is how you are. And I can make the choice not to be bothered by it. And I should have. Well Fred, I really want to win this.
Starting point is 00:21:38 What do I win if I get this? Well, bragging rights. That's on the world record chart. Oh, we give you a copy of the book. Not really. Yeah. The one that I'm in or the most reason one. Yeah. We should give a copy when they're like, you know, they're in the book. We do put a bookmark in and say this is where you will go. So then do you send the page from the next edition? We're a made of books.
Starting point is 00:22:01 That's how you make all your money. Yeah, people buy them. We don't give them away. But that's implying that you have a lot of books. Yeah, to sell. So when you say I'm not made of books, technically yeah, you are made of books because you have a ton of them. But you know, okay, here's another expression I can explain to you.
Starting point is 00:22:20 You say I'm not made of something indicating, I'm not just gonna give it away to you. I'm not made of money. I can't afford to give it away. I don't have a lot of money because if I did have a lot of money, yes, I would give it to you. If I were made of money, it's very gruesome expression. It's one of the most, it's almost the most gruesome expression. Can you imagine your bones being rolled up like $20 bills? Yeah, it's time. And marrow is inside. Yeah, I think about a lot. time and Marrow is inside. Yeah, I think about a lot. But you're you're flesh just having pictures of George Washington all over it. Well, some of my flesh does. Oh, really? Oh, wait, do you have tattoos of George
Starting point is 00:22:54 Washington? I have 30 tattoos non-arvisable, but they're all of $1 bills. Oh, incredible, really? Different serial numbers. Different serial, okay. So you can play dollar bill poker or whatever it is Liars poker. It's liars poker. That's right and then and then one of them is a counterfeit Really yes, so if you put it under a blue light it would yeah Yes Why did you get a counterfeit dollar bill? Who's counterfeiting dollar bills, by the way, these days? They are the most counterfeited bill.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Really? Yes, that is the truth. Is that the truth? Yes, they are. I think 20s would be. No, because ones are in more circulation, they're in circulation more. I would think that the plates to make them and the ink and all that, it would not even be worth it to make them anymore.
Starting point is 00:23:43 To make $1 bills like it would cost 95 cents to make one. So you're making what, five cents, and you go to jail for it. You know what I mean? Like a 20, say it costs 95 cents to make a 20, you have a $19.5 profit. Right. I get to a certain point they pay for themselves.
Starting point is 00:24:05 I guess those counterfeit printing presses. By the way, I'm not going to take your word for it that these are the most counterfeit bills. Okay. Because you just say things, a super dollar, also known as a super bill or a super note, is a very high quality counterfeit. I did say $100 bill alleged by, okay, but what is the most commonly counterfeit you I did say $100 bill alleged by okay, but what is the most commonly counterfeit a bit the $20 it's the 20 so you just say things and you just believe it. I didn't believe you if I say it out loud it may it may not be true once it's in the book that's fact baby you just had the one other bill and you said that's true. Yeah. I did.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I fun doing it. See, you're just, you're just a guy who you're a chaos agent. I look at Evan Fud. I'm not the Joker. No, you're not the most chaotic villain. You are sort of the Joker of the comedy bang-bang-bang universe in a way. You're out there like you're calling in your causing chaos, saying untrue things.
Starting point is 00:25:07 I even have not killed anyone. That is, are you sure? Well, I'm not. Not even manslaughter? It's true, I might have manslaughter somebody, not knowing it. I wait, you know, it's like killing someone, murdering someone,
Starting point is 00:25:19 gives me the shivers, but manslaughtering someone, that sounds pretty bad. You know what time I'm remembering now, I did go on a crazy spree with those two fat guys with a little motorcycles. Oh, we had a crazy night. I don't know this.
Starting point is 00:25:34 You don't know those guys from the beginning's book. Oh, those guys. Okay, I thought that yes. Those guys, I'm like, whatever happened to them. Well, I have some bad news for you Okay, let's see what would the bad news be that they're still alive and I can't you surf their record because they're still so good at it So good at it and do it what was the record they were being fat They were the heaviest humans. They'd had nothing to with the motorcycles. Nope, that was just for fun.
Starting point is 00:26:09 They had a little cowboy hatch on. They were on this little motorcycle. It was a motorcycle related. Nope. Those guys, you know, thank God they had a sense of humor about it. You know what I mean? Like, look how funny you would be. They were all these weird things. Deadly serious. I remember that photo shoot. Really? And they said, we have a request and the photographer said what's that and they said we want to be photographed on our hogs. The photographer looked at me and I said sure that sounds cool and then they go into this shit they bring up these tiny motorcycles. I was like, guys. And they weren't fucking with everyone. No, they were serious about it. They they were also penny pictures And they were cheaper than buying full-sized motorcycles See that's the thing to to build
Starting point is 00:26:51 Refishing to build a specialty motorcycle like that. That not a lot of people can use. I think it's more expensive To build a little tiny motorcycle. Yeah, no See how to believe you know, no more. It it's less, okay, this guy is the same guy who's like, well, of course more money to pay the $1 counterfeit than a $2 counterfeit. It costs less money to make a smaller motorcycle. Why would it cost more? You were just making fun of me
Starting point is 00:27:18 for saying the correct thing about the counterfeit business. I'm saying you can't transfer it to this now. You just like to be on the other side. No, I'm saying that they can mass produce motor cycles. Oh, Jay, is it gonna be a mass produced motorcycle? Jesus Christ. Come on, man. Come on.
Starting point is 00:27:34 You don't think they're mass producing little motorcycles? So your way to win an argument is to then make fun of the person's voice while they're trying to explain the side. I didn't make fun of you boys. I made fun of what you said by using a funny voice. I barely changed my voice. Why? Who am I rich little?
Starting point is 00:27:54 Was he littlest impersonator? You buy virtue of his debut. He's in technicality. And there was a, oh god, there was a four-foot water person who was so angry about it. Because that's all it took. But it was big. His last who was so angry about it. Because that's all it took. But it was big, it's less than it was big. Oh. Rich big.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Well Fred Guinness, can you stick around? I'd love to still talk to you on the phone. Yeah, man. I am expecting a call from Claire. But who's Claire again? From Claire's. Oh, right, right, right. Friends with Claire's.
Starting point is 00:28:20 For Claire's. Claire's is the apparel store, is that right? Or I know they sell earrings. Yeah, they do. What else do they sell? I've never that's all I they're really known for Hydrogen peroxide for for the ears. I don't know whether to believe anything you say don't Okay, man. Don't and you know what? It's at your peril because I'm trying to tell the truth All right, well Fred Guinness called it. Fred Guinness called it.
Starting point is 00:28:47 You're a rare. But coming up, we have a financial advisor and someone in the shipping industry. This is a very exciting show. When you walk through the garden, why are season two? Did they change the theme song for that? They did. They used the original Tom Waits version for the second season. Right.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Did they change it back like the TV show Ed did know What remember how they had the food fighter song and then they changed it to Clems Nide because they couldn't get the rights The second season and then the third season they got the rights back and they changed it back What how would that happen with the food fighters like no no idea. I can't do it this time. I don't know, but I'll look it up for you if you want me to look it up. I do what you look it up. Look it up, Scotty.
Starting point is 00:29:30 Look it up. Yeah, there we go. Look it up, Scotty. Look it up. This is for the entertainment weekly. Bible is trusted source. In December 5th of 2001, this is by the way, in the shadow of 9-11.
Starting point is 00:29:43 Oh my God. Just scant to me. And they shab still really? Still mourning. Apparently, a Viacom worn down. Sorry, give a say. It seems. It seems.
Starting point is 00:29:58 He a thumpin. Viacom told them that they wouldn't be able to keep the thong Something they'd have to change it and some day I don't it is just this is what a weird business. I know you have you can have this off you think about but some day I will return to reclaim it And then somehow they worked it out for season three and the food fighters were back. Oh, thanks.
Starting point is 00:30:29 Poor Clems slide. Snide. That's not the Okay. Back. The floor club slide. Floor
Starting point is 00:30:35 Cops line. Two more to the record for poor's Clems slide. All right, we're going to take a break. When we come back, we have someone in the shipping industry, we have a financial advisor. This is a hot, hot show. This is our pre-independence day show. Pre-independence.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Pre-independence, we're gonna come right back with more Fred Guinness, more comedy bang bang, we'll be right back after this. Yeah! Yeah! Ta-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da- BADOPE BADOPE BADOPE BADOPE BADOPE Comedy band being we're back Fred Guinness is on the phone with us. BADOPE Cawating Hold on a second
Starting point is 00:31:09 Hey Claire, yeah I'm talking to this dip shit. BADOPE I'm kidding around Hey Claire Yeah You didn't click over to the other No I don't I'm kidding around
Starting point is 00:31:18 Oh oh I was kidding around I was pretending That's why I made that fake noise Oh which one BADOPE That was fake it's really good thank you thank you thank you you went to fake you I would to fake you do that noise
Starting point is 00:31:34 I'm right all director for realist university I was the other. It must be a close tie. They're very close tie. Because they're all real. Oh yeah. Yeah. They just barely got it. Wow. That's how it happens.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Well hey Fred, we have another guest here. Hey Fred, get this. What are you doing? Did it. Did it. Okay, Fred get this. What you do is Okay, I'm sorry. We have another guest. They are a financial advisor. You have financial problems So you are the all the time he does yeah, yeah, you're losing money hand over fist. We're constant. We're just amridging money Nobody cares about the book anymore. I know. I know. It's not impressive anymore. Why is it not? I think it is.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I don't know. It's like you've already heard about these people on the internet. That was the whole thing. Guinness was all over. But don't you want to see a black and white picture of the lady with the longest nails? I guess. But I mean, I feel like I would teach me to drink water right before we come back. It's pretty cute.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Oh thank you so is that cute? It was a pickup? Oh I wish. Who has the cutest pickup? It's weird. You're not going to like it. Okay. Pull pot.
Starting point is 00:32:58 No. Yes. Really pull pot had it. In the middle of his year zero speech when he said we're going to go back to year zero and hiccup, did it was very cute. Oh, too bad. That's how we got away with it, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:11 How we got away with the... Destroying the country, right? All right. We're with a little effort in the United States. And he's hiccup. All right, well, we need to talk to this financial advisor. This is his first time on the show. And, you know, we can all use some help with money
Starting point is 00:33:29 and how we spend our money. So please welcome to the show for the first time, Kyle Chutney. Scoot, scotter! What's up, my man? No. Hi, my name's Kyle Chutney. I'm a financial advisor, you know,
Starting point is 00:33:40 analyst, engineer, finance bro, don't shoot me. Finance wizard, don't burn me at the stake. Fucking with you honestly. I'll be honest speaker, but we'll be honest speaker. Oh, no, you're on speaker. Oh, hi. Oh, hey, who's that? It's like, hey, guys.
Starting point is 00:33:54 No way, we got all the dudes, huh? Yeah, well, we're all eating it out. Fucking love being the presence of other guys. Oh, yeah, cool. Yeah, I love it, honestly. God, so consider me, you know, your friend, you know, you can call me Kyle, you can call me, you know You can call me Kyle you can call me, you know chutney can call me what the chat you can call me big chat Chatter butter with the fucking chat, you know, you know, but chug chutney Fuckery
Starting point is 00:34:17 What about a shutter bug? Shutter bug man, I love that fucking I'm a fucking bug man. I love that fucking Fuck but me, you know My list no, come on fucking he spears. I don't know now riff and I know you guys are fun. Oh now you're if oh Fuck her big butt. I don't know what do you guys think fuck her big butt? Fuckin big butt. Why not you know, it's the bear's been of riches. I don't know which to choose I may just call you Kyle if that's okay sure. Yeah, come in big fuck
Starting point is 00:34:53 Kyle is good. I'm gonna fucking dildo man Kyle the big guy. I'm just really guys Well, hey, you guys are awesome. You guys are funny. Hey, it's great to be you. Yeah Fred here is obviously on the phone. He's in Ireland. I don't know if you've ever been oh Irish money is big man. It is. Yeah, you invest in over there in the Sponderdoller in the what? Squander Dollar. That's the Irish Bank of Capital. I was a bank of capital. I don't know what that is. Oh, you got a lot to learn brother. You looked in the grass for Nichols Butterchut, I have not. Hey, please call me big fucking chatter butt. Hey big book a chatter butt. I feel like I'm back at my frat. You guys are awesome. I don't
Starting point is 00:35:30 know that I mean to cultivate that kind of atmosphere. No I love I love hang with the boys and I come here to be with the boys. Yeah. Hey that's boy. Comedy bang big is where the boys hang out. Yeah. Yeah. It says on the door. It says big fucking fucker butt boys club. I love that.. So big fucking butterchat. Yeah, what's up, the chat buttony? Wait, I'm gonna realize you can call me the things that I would call you. Yeah, yeah, I can't. That's what being brothers and boys is all about.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Wait, do me, do me. Well, you could be scooter fuck. Fucking scooter big, fuck tip, fucker tits scooter man. You're joking, I'm joking. I'm doing him. That's not funny. Okay, I don't know your name yet. Oh, hey, it's the third character.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Love our show. that's not me no, I sorry. I need to put it on do not disturb boy We got a long we we got a good 35 minutes before someone texted me. Hey dude. I love Personal record yeah Text from who from a girl nipple size or what can you weigh in? Can you weigh in nipple size can you weigh in yes I mean it's only a split here let's talk about it yeah that's the thing yeah right I love that movie and I love the hangover
Starting point is 00:36:33 too do you know that you're lip meet and you're nipple meet the two different meets wow I love lips and tits and and bullshit and with my brothers yeah well hey Kyle yeah you you're a financial advisor, what are you here to talk about? He got finances. I mean he's scooter scooter McGavin. That's a funny movie looking around your house I'm like what is this place of velvet a velvet kingdom? You seem rich brother. Am I wrong? You counting pennies? I mean You're thinking here you got to get the money so you can get the honey's right you got to get the coins You can touch the groin stuff like that. Oh good. I could collect the crypto so you can touch the nipples. You should say that and then awesome power is kind of way.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Garvey baby gar. Garvey. Like Steve Garvey. Yes, I love him. He's hilarious. I think he's running for governor or something like that. Is it coming up Senator? Oh I don't know about that. I just know he holds the record for funniest picture. Come on, big scooter, two to ask.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Who's the funniest bellie, itter? Stop, pitchers. You guys are hilarious. I love being boys with you. I love being boys with you. So, let's move on from the bro talk to now financial talk. Let's talk the cash so we can grab the ass.
Starting point is 00:37:40 Right, so what should we be doing? Obviously, inflation is going down definitely with it had to say it. I'm so sorry you guys are funny. Yeah, what inflation is going up with it. So the girls I'm kissing Oh, I see you like water balloons Shmorgas, Belusa right, right? Okay, Kyle you gotta click the bills so you can squeeze the hills, you know what I mean? Yes, so Kyle. I'm not quite sure about that. Yeah, let's talk your portfolio. Yeah, yeah, okay great.
Starting point is 00:38:07 You gotta have portfolio if you wanna lick but, hold you. What is it my brother told me about that? I don't know, I wanna do one of that, but... Okay, tell me about your money sitch, what's how many dollars or what? How many dollars, what, that I... What do you wanna do? First of all, I can help you with a myriad of different things. Well, I wanna grow my money, I don't wanna lose so much of it. Sure. Yeah, growing your dickles collect your. I don't want to lose so much of it. Sure.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Yeah. No one else. Go to your dickles, collect your dickles, stuff like that. You got it. Yeah. This guy knows I'm talking about my boy, my good boy. Now listen, so what you want to do with me is you can invest. I can invest.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I can do stocks if you want. And what I do is I invest your money in stocks. I, whatever that returns, I keep 85%. But I take you for such a nice dinner and it's lobster. And at that restaurant you can meet other people or you're more that sounds good meeting other people you can do it and you can do it hey are you are you a fishy lobster guy are you a lob mobster I don't know what you mean like are you fish fucker man
Starting point is 00:39:00 are you lobster liquor I enjoy to eat lobster. Yeah, I've been to wet lobster. I enjoy to eat lobster Wet lobster what what lobster king restaurant where I take most of my clients I don't even know where that is. I've never even heard of it where what's embarrassing dude And I'm only telling you that cuz you're my boy, but if you sign with me, I'll take you to wet king with wet lobster king What king lobster? Oh? That's the back house. Oh, oh, oh, we stand a wet king. Yes, we do. what's your name brother? Frickinus! You're hilarious. Oh, come on, man. I think you're- Ginnis like the brew? I was put on that shit. Literally my mom put it in a bottle and that's why I drink it.
Starting point is 00:39:35 Oh, it's sad. That's why you drink it? And that's why I don't come. I am like awesome bringing it with the guys now. Oh, okay. Well, that seems irresponsible. It seems like that's a brown beer. I thought it was chocolate milk, but I was a little pussy guy. Right, yeah. I was actually not a pussy. I was a big actual strong kid.
Starting point is 00:39:50 Were you constantly just, and anyways, and you graduated as a baby? No, because I actually don't have blood alcohol content level. So I can drink with the boys, and I can drink that. What do you mean you don't have that? I don't have it, I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I mean, you don't ever measure it. I went to NYU, and I did butt chugganese of course I'm going to the term the chutney but but chuggane Guinness chocolate milk whatever everything comes up doesn't go down Okay, I don't think that's safe. So for girls that he was too drunk. I wasn't oh, okay. Yeah Anyone I've ever known that died died of natural causes your poor let's talk your portfolio brother So how many people do you know who have died of natural causes? My ex-girlfriend's dad is dead, and I have any single thing to do with that.
Starting point is 00:40:31 What in the sleep? He died of natural causes. What are the most natural causes? That guy he ran out of oxygen. Get some sleep, most. What are the most natural causes? Number one, cessation of oxygen to the brain. Exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:45 Okay. And number two, stab. That's not natural. Stab can be natural. But there's such a wide difference between you. What do you think about how violent people are? Pretty natural, right? Start a big tape.
Starting point is 00:40:58 So many nature, exactly. And that's what boys do, and that's what boys know. So anyways. Yes, anyway. So if I were to, I don't know that the ratio is fair. Okay, that's not for you. What do you want to do? You seem like a kind guy.
Starting point is 00:41:11 You want to donate, right? I own a group home, downtown inner city, Los Angeles, Hollywood, and you could donate your money that goes to food, clothes, all the stuff there. And the people living in the house are my girls, girls I'm dating, girls I'm sleeping with, it gets them bath and body works, body lotion and butter for them. Did you say you own a group home?
Starting point is 00:41:26 Yeah, I own the home and the girls live in it. It's kind of like a playboy bunny mansion, but I don't do the Hugh Heffy's. Why not take me to dinner there instead of the lobster case? Oh, I see. You want to know a pussy's on the menu. This guy is hilarious. You're fucking funny, man. I love that about you. You do comedy? I mean, no, no, I just do this. You do radio now. It's not radio. Oh, no, but you're hilarious. Thank you. Thank you, Kyle. I love how he's in the hangover. That guy, he's got a beard. He puts a baby on his chest. I mean, it doesn't really relate to the beard. It's something about that that makes it so funny. Yeah, the two things together. Yeah, I guess. And some glasses too, you know, because he's like, I'm hungover.
Starting point is 00:42:04 Yeah. I guess the beard could double as the baby's hair sometimes. But what are we talking about babies for? We're guys. That's true. We want to not make babies. Don't want to have them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Get them out of here. So donations not for you, I can do 401K. Yeah, what is a 401K? I've never understood the concept. What is a 401K? It's $401,000 that you put down for retirement. And when you get it, if you want it sooner than you have it, I have a doctor that can pronounce you as dead on the scene. You can change your wife's name to your name,
Starting point is 00:42:29 and then you can have the money from it. So that's just the kind of stuff that the chutney does. You know, that's the butt-fucking-chutney way, my brother. Okay, yeah, I don't know that I have $401,000 at this point, like, put together. Luzer? I don't think it's liquid, necessarily, but that's... I'm not talking liquids, okay? Talk to Mr. Guinness over here if you want to talk liquids. I'm talking cold heart cash You got to have the cash if you want to eat that. Do you want to talk liquids? By the way Fred? We didn't bring that up in the opening segment. I'm down. Okay. What's your favorite liquid? Mm-hmm water. Yeah, it's a good one. It's really good. Yeah hydrogen. I have it every day every single day. Yeah, really I'm made of a lot of it
Starting point is 00:43:02 We do? 77% of my body. She's more in common than we think. That's true. Why are we at odds? I don't know. Hey, Kyle. Please, come and check. How about? Can I call you Kyle Hi? Like high school? They're like mile high? I was thinking more like mile high, but Kyle High Club. Kyle High Club. OK, what about Kyle High Memorial School? Kyle High Memorial School. How do you know this school?
Starting point is 00:43:31 I just would think it would be cool to have a name of a school named after me, because you know. I think Memorial is more for hospitals. Oh. I mean, JFK Memorial High School. I love high school because the teen girls are there. And if you don't get that green, you can't get those teens. So let's not money, okay?
Starting point is 00:43:48 I don't know. What? We're just being boys. We're being boys. Boys sound off one. Come on, thank you. I don't want to. Say two of your boys.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Point at the vote, point at the vote. Say two of your boys. Two. Okay, I'm pointing at the phone. Three. Yeah, that's the boys. That's the boys. Three boys here on the show.
Starting point is 00:44:07 But let's clubhouse rules. You suck my dick or I'll suck yours. What? Yeah, give me that phone. What an ultimatum. Wait, you're gonna... Kyle sucking the phone right now. What is?
Starting point is 00:44:19 Oh my God. Where? Ginnis worked records for fastest phone fuck. That might be true. I love you boys, you guys are funny. Look, Kyle, I would love to get into some specifics about what our listeners can do with their money. Sure, sure. Okay, well, I gave you a bunch of options, you know, donation for one case, stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:44:39 If you're not into any of that, you know, impending economy crisis, the big slapping crash is coming. I don't know what that is. What's this? Economic belly flop, it's coming to go slap hard. Oh no. Yeah, we gotta be prepped for that. What is that exactly? Like what are the conditions, what happens?
Starting point is 00:44:54 I remember the housing crisis. Let me, how can I put this in simple terms for you, baby boy? Banky go boom boom. I don't know what I was gonna say, okay? So I guess I get it. So that kind of stuff can happen, right? So what I have- Wait, I just want to be clear about it.
Starting point is 00:45:10 Sure, yeah. Is someone setting off a bomb in the bank? And it goes boom, boom, boom. Hey, I don't know. Guiltiest charge, natural causes. My hands are clean. Okay, okay. What are they doing over there in Nicaragua?
Starting point is 00:45:21 What? I don't know. Now anyways, what I've got now to prepare you for the financial crisis, the big, the big slap, slapy, big boom, right? Right. I mean, it's not a boom in a good way. It's a big, bangy boom, you know, we're going to do smoke in a face, you know, cartoon hair boom and good boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Yeah, yeah. Right. So anyways, you're going to need your money and cash, right? So opposite of liquid, or I don't know what liquidation means, but something much more. You're a financial advisor. Yeah, and you're a radio host. So do you want to suck each other's sticks?
Starting point is 00:45:50 We're just boys. Now look, what I have is the Kyle Chutney Big Butterfuck Fridge. Okay. The Kyle Chutney Big Butterfuck Fridge. That's right. So it's the cold hard cash, and what you do is, it looks on the outside to be a fridge so that you know thefts predators, rapists won't go for it.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Right because people are always breaking in here saying where's the safe, where's the safe, they find safe. Exactly. They're not looking for the Kyle Chennie big butter, fuck cold hard cash money, fuckin' fridge. Right. So it just looks like a fridge. It looks like a fridge brother. Now you're get I can see the wheels turning literally.
Starting point is 00:46:20 You're like there's like a drill in your brain or up your ass. I don't judge. And so you're thinking about it. I'm thinking about it. We're just boys. And so you're thinking about it, I'm thinking about, we're just boys. And if we all got the fridge, right, you can take your money out of the bank, when bank you go boom, boom, boom, and you put that in the fridge, you lock it up. It's bulletproof, it's waterproof. It's all the, it's airtight.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Is it fireproof? Yeah. And when you lock it, it's all the elements. Exactly. And when you lock it. All the elements. Exactly. And when you lock it, it locks for 60 years on a timer. So then when you open it money go free free you go BB
Starting point is 00:46:53 suck that DD But I don't think I'm gonna be alive in 60 years. I really yeah, that sucks dude. You're an old boy I'm not like I'm not doing any of that kind of stuff. We have you on track to be alive in 60 years. Really? You know how to say first, they write these obituaries in advance. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:16 We write oldest person records in advance on pretty much everybody. Really? So you have one on me? Yes. In case you become the oldest person. How old do you think I might be? leave that we leave a line for the age oh okay you know man's dick has rings in it like a tree said out of the is chop your dick and have find out how old no thank you let me swallow it
Starting point is 00:47:36 I like chopping an half you know just boys for the boys just boys yeah I don't I think you're just comedy improv so when I wait to get the I think you're comedy improv So I'm gonna get the fridge if you're not gonna live it if you're an older boy I see the boys can get a mini fridge locks for 30 years You think you can make it that far but the fridge is tiny or as well Oh, I just the lock open it's the mini Kyle Chutterbuck Fuck you little tiny buck fritt funny cold fridge I don't know that I have that kind of time to say that every time I want to open it. Okay, the cooler that it walks for Oh wait, is it like an open doesn't mean situation where you have to say the name of the thing and Order it and you have a delivered to your house. It's not a rumble stills fuck the situation
Starting point is 00:48:14 It doesn't take your baby and you have to say it's name to give it back. It's simply on a timer. It's a right Right, why put it? Why have the time? Why not a combination lock? Hmm cuz combination someone could guess it Yeah, 10 years who's gonna be there when it clicks open? You. Cause you're waiting. Right. Well, what if someone comes to rob me and I say, I'm sorry, this is one of the Chuckie butters, fucking nut. And the guy goes, oh yeah, I've heard of those.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Well, you won't. I'll wait. Yeah, you guys will wait. Cause you won't be thinking of it. And then I'm suddenly I have a roommate, and this guy's living with me. No, here's the crazy thing. It looks like a fridge Dude, so he's not gonna come in and even ask if it's a culture But if you sell enough of these cold hard cash mother fucking little mini sure
Starting point is 00:48:50 But if you sell enough of these everyone has one and then everyone help me sell enough. Oh, okay Help me sell enough. What I dare you Okay, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to read ads or yeah? Okay? I can read it I'm sliding an ad to you right now Have you ever fucked a read that. I'm sliding an ad to you right now. Okay, here it is. Have you ever fucked a butt? Look, I'm not. Keep going, you're good.
Starting point is 00:49:08 I mean, keep going. Have you ever fucked a butt twice? No. Yeah. Where are you saying no, you have it? Or are you saying you're not gonna read it? I don't want to read this. Read it, sing it then.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Have you ever fucked a butt twice? Yes. Okay, look, I don't know, I don't know, this is a good idea because when I put my money in something I want, I want to have the ability to still use it, you know? Yeah, but there's, it's, interest is not being accrued.
Starting point is 00:49:33 I don't know what the point is. You're not getting it. So the butter part of the fridge is the part inside the fridge you know where you'd keep your butter. That's where you put your money. So even if someone does get into it, they just think that part's butter. What do you put in the rest of it? Nothing. It literally
Starting point is 00:49:46 or eggs. I don't think the eggs are going to be good. Eggs are going to be rotten. You put in nothing or eggs. Yeah, because then the then we'll start thinking so bad. No one will ever want to break in that. Oh, sure. Yeah. Oh, why can't you? Do you need the fridge for that? This is how my ex-girlfriends dad died. He was asking these kind of questions, right? He locked himself in. It was for six years. We called the fire department. They couldn't get in. I'm telling you, this thing is impenetrable
Starting point is 00:50:08 or in French in Pana Treeble. Right? Yeah. And so he died in there, suffered from O2 loss. That's natural causes. So he asked too many questions. He got in the fridge. He got in the fridge or you pushed him in the fridge.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I didn't push him in. That was natural causes. I've pushed people before for fun. Okay. But if it's a joke, it's not murder. Oh Okay, yeah, I don't know that so you've sold one of these I've sold about a billion of them. Yeah, I Think there's only what 12 billion people on the earth or seven day. I can't why do you need help feeling more?
Starting point is 00:50:41 I'm just because I'm greedy. I don't know. My financial institutions are doing really, really good. 7.88 billion, by the way. So you have six billion more that you can sell. I'll make them, yeah. Let me ask you, is it cheaper to make a tiny motorcycle or a big motorcycle? Depends, is the fact I can ride it? The fact I's definitely gonna ride it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Maytag makes my fridges, so. Maytag makes my fridges, what. Mateg makes my fridges. Mateg makes my fridges. Yes, what? Mateg makes my fridges. Yeah, it's not Mateg, it's Mateg. Mateg. Yeah, they're big fucking fridge makers for money. They make your fridges.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Yeah. And, well, I mean, those are quality fridges, right there. I mean, the Mateg repairman, he's the loneliest worker in the world, and I'm surprised that he those are quality fridges right there. I mean the Maytag repairman. He's the loneliest Worker in the world and I'm surprised that he wasn't laid off Well now he now he understands the principles of money, right? If you don't collect that loot you'll never make it to You know if you don't get the if you don't secure the loan you'll never make her own Okay, yeah, well, I guess I mean if you don't get that green you'll never make her scream. Okay. I knew there's a third one if you can't become But she's never make her quick I don't know that I want to make anyone say a you can't become chief and never make her quick
Starting point is 00:51:48 Make anyone say a money word to me and I'll make a rhyme from it Uh Penny if you don't get those pennies, so you can't call her a hini Give it on the one If you don't get those cents you can't paint her fence Your own paint it with giz oh, okay, that's yeah, that's all right Fence is legs that was a close one euros If you don't get the euros you'll never be able to burrow your face in those tittos. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Like Kyle can do it. Yeah, so boy, sound off one. I don't agree. Yeah, I love you guys. You guys are hilarious. Well, look, Kyle, we need to take a break if that's okay. Can you stick around though? Of course.
Starting point is 00:52:24 I think our next guest is in the shipping industry and Probably makes money from that and maybe looking for a way to invest that so maybe you could help him out Awesome. I love it. It's him. Yeah, it's a him so just four bros on comedy bank I love that for boys. All right, we're gonna come right back. We're gonna have more Fred Guinness more Kyle chutney And we'll have someone in the shipping industry. We'll be right back with more comedy bang bang after this. Comedy bang bang we're back. Fred Guinness is on the phone here. Hi.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Three. Two. Scott Ockerman here. One. Be boys. Yes, Kyle Chutney is here. Financial advisor. We counted backwards that time.
Starting point is 00:53:02 That was fucking loco. Yeah. It was like New Year's Eve or something. Yeah, it Yeah, or a space rocket. Counting down to a kiss. Hope I get one for my boys. I'm kidding. Okay. Well, we need to get to our next boy, our next guest. He is a, he's in the shipping industry. He's a smuggler. Oh, and his name is Noel. Hi, Noel. Hey Scott. Oh, gravely voice. Yeah. So are you working class person? Oh my god, he admitted. Are you a lot of working class people come on this show and they have gravely voices to signify that they're working class? I don't know what kind of
Starting point is 00:53:41 Relationship you're imagining we're gonna have What kind of relationship you're imagining we're gonna have But I'm here for one reason a one reason only to get you from the ad break to the end of the show Okay, we ain't gonna become best friends. Oh It's a job to me nothing more Okay, great. I mean you're a guest on the show and you're here in the, you know, C block, which is, you know, from the ad break to the end of the show. Yeah. So our conversation will get us there. Is that what I mean? Look, I got two rules, right?
Starting point is 00:54:12 Oh, okay. Number one, no questions. No question. I don't know that I can do an interview without asking questions. Oh, you might like rule number two. Well, I'm here. You're the host, I'm the guest. That means I got to do anything you say. Oh. Wow, but no questions. It can't, unless you say I need to answer questions, then I will answer questions. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:54:36 I need you to answer questions. Fair enough. You're abiding by rule number two. Okay, great. Well, I mean rule number one is out the window then, but it's a lot like our constitution. It can have amendments in it. Yeah. Are you a patriotic fellow?
Starting point is 00:54:51 Indeed. Well, you know, shall I forth is coming in. Oh, yeah, that's a... The goose is getting fat. Big day for me. That's a sleuton. Oh, sleutin' what? Flags, little big hall of them.
Starting point is 00:55:04 Oh, I'm getting too close to you here. What did you come on the show to talk about? By the way, this is Kyle Chutney. Hey, what's up, smuggler, big fuck, butt smug. Hey, butt, fuck. Dude, I like this guy already. I got a rule two. I got a rule two.
Starting point is 00:55:22 I got a rule two. If you laugh, you get to squeeze on the head of some other boys dick If the one boy laughs one boy laughs reach under the table and do squeezing just on the little end of it To me yeah, it was for practice Okay, so we get to practice on okay, I'm gonna practice on you can practice on practicing on nolly Yeah, yeah, Iuggle the front over the phone. Yeah, I'm going to find all the phone a little bit. Are you doing it?
Starting point is 00:55:48 Yeah, I'm doing it. Okay, I'll do a reaction. Whoa. Okay, good. Got it. Let's be with boys. Yeah. No, why did you come on the show?
Starting point is 00:55:56 You're a smuggler. What do you smuggle? Smuggling you. I'm getting you from the ad break to the end of the show. And that's it. It's a job. We ain't going to get close. I ain't going gonna become your best friend
Starting point is 00:56:06 Are you not again? Wait, you were someone's best friend that you were smuggling? It's It's too hard to talk about Okay, but I've read I mean you brought it up. Well, you're the boss while will you open the door? You have to admit that what what happened you were smuggling someone look I used to have a real job ran a business. What was what was your real job? Guitar repair. It's not really a real job. Tell that to people broken guitars. Why would you say it's not a real job?
Starting point is 00:56:37 I mean you could do it part-time maybe. Are there enough guitars in the world that get broken? Oh people do you want to believe ever in a beat-town Wait, so there was a guitar repairman Stick it in the mail I get it You lots of people they put on new strings they forget to take the old ones off they bring their guitar So it has double strings oh it has 72 strings sometimes You know, but some people think they have an electric, you know, for years, it's an acoustic and they're just, you know, jamming a blanket. Jamming a little coaxing there.
Starting point is 00:57:13 I don't know. A lot, a lot, a lot. A lot can happen in the guitar. So why didn't you do it? Well, not enough. It went out of business. Well, this is what I'm saying. Then, along came the podcast boom.
Starting point is 00:57:23 Oh, yeah. Suddenly, all these hosts, 2015, needed guests to get them through their show. Right. That's right. That's right, showed up. That's where you showed up. I showed up, said, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:57:37 By God, I'll do it, I'll get you from the, ab break to the end of the show. Okay, so you're, you're not a smuggler, you're a podcast guest. I'm a podcast guest. I knew you'd come up with a better term for us. Oh, wait. All right, so many questions to where to ask you as being a smuggler. Yes, smuggling seems like cool as hell, bro, right? Yeah. If you don't break the laws, you'll never snap the bras. Well, my experience with smugglers is mostly limited to the song smugglers,
Starting point is 00:58:06 but it's by Glenn Fry. And so I have to ask you, is this true? The sailors and pilots, the soldiers and the law, the payoffs and the ripoffs and the things nobody saw. No matter if it's heroin, cocaine or hash, you've got to carry weapons because you always carry cash. True or false? True.
Starting point is 00:58:22 So you have a cash on your right hand? Confirmed. No, well, I'm over podcast guess I guess. I don't know if it's long for that. I mean, we pay $50,000 for an appearance. So in cash. In cash. And I can help you invest that. Oh, yeah. Including over the phone. Of course. Yeah. You got to make it rain. If you want to touch that ain't no But that's it still at the answer applies well first I have to find out if I'm getting paid that about and then I talk to you Kyle No, I think I invest over the phone. Yes. Don't get the up here. You have to be in studio You guys you're funny. I hope I make it through to the end I You guys are funny. I hope I make it through to the end
Starting point is 00:59:05 I don't have to give my life so that Scott can make it to the end So wait what what has happened on these other podcasts? What are the other podcasts you've been on? The zoo be condorino show. Oh, I've had that guy on the show. He died. He died. Oh, no. Oh shit You know, I don't keep up with all of my guests. That's He's the hero he's dead really dead. He'll never be back on the show. What happened? Did he die on the show? And I'm just forgetting I don't think so. Natch cause or what? No, he just he didn't have enough guests for his pod. No, he killed him. He killed him. Oh no. Oh, Zubi, Kandarino.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Kandarino, oh no, no, it's serious. We loved him. So you were on his show and you were unsuccessful with him? Is that I got him as far as I could, but he needed more help. He was saying, I got more guests than any other show. He tried to set a record, I think. He was trying to have more guests than any other game.
Starting point is 01:00:02 You're damn booked, playing another live. And so he's trying to have more guests than any other game book. Playing another live. And so he's trying to, you know, he's running around. Maybe I could, you know, I'm only one man. I can be a guest, but he's trying to run around. Maybe this snake can be a guest. He gets bit, you know, that's a classic podcast blender. Yeah, I think he's made it on the show. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Getting bit by it. Man. So he's dead. That's too bad. He's dead. Yeah. Cause there are a lot of people loved him. Yeah. Rest in peace to a real one. Zubi Kandarino. Yeah. But now that you're here, but smugly, we have the four boys in studio. We call it tree house flappers. And we could do a four band podcast and never have any guests or if it's a guest it's maybe it's um Steve Harvey someone else funny yeah yeah that that would be cool I love that no I'm getting too close again go get close to us we're the boys I can't lose another host and their guests so the Zubi Kandarino show Zubi Kandarino Ezra Klein Ezra Klein He's dead, he's dead
Starting point is 01:01:07 I went on his show I tried to talk AI You were just trying to be a podcast guest I was trying, but I only knew about the movie So what did you talk about? Little boy, little boy, jiggle of Joe The whole gang I couldn't make it. He wanted it.
Starting point is 01:01:28 Well, you only know two characters. He asked somebody in question. And you don't even know the little boy's name. The blue fairy. That's right, the blue fairy. Oh, that's true. What's the little boy's name? Haley.
Starting point is 01:01:37 No, that's real name. Oh, Joe. No, that's his second real name. This thing, this got a question. I didn't even have the answers to that. These are the things Ezra was asked to be I know I succumbed so he's dead Ezra climbed his head. Yeah, he just how did he die? electrocution. Oh boy got it was yelling at me spitting on the mic and then suddenly What are you doing here? I thought you were Hey, I expert did his skeleton flash on and off in tight spot exactly suddenly what are you doing here i thought you were and i expert
Starting point is 01:02:05 did his skeleton flash on and off in tight spot exactly oh the worst way to die it's so immasculated yeah and then a nearby dog turned it up because it's our bones yeah i was like i want to eat that exactly by the way and just like that on track to win most dog reaction shots of a TV show
Starting point is 01:02:27 okay because the movies it would be a Gary Marshall film of course but uh... rest in peace with your blood I don't know I can keep up with you guys you guys are so funny you're making me sad because I win on carry and chase podcast no woke moment Carrie and chase podcast Whoa, moment they died They're Carrie and Jay or dad Jay there did so that wait that is the next episode that comes out next week Is that kind of deal with it? Yeah, it has me no playing on it. Wait your last name is twang. That's right. Why did you tell my producer that?
Starting point is 01:03:02 I did shortly before they succumbed. Oh no, no, no, no. Somebody succumbed. The Reaper was busy. We too busy to take them or just add it to the pile of it. Another pile. Okay. The Reaper's busy every day though.
Starting point is 01:03:19 You got it, man. Fine, I will admit it. I hate admitting things. But it's not a court of law. Why did you think you would make a good podcast guest? You don't seem to know anything. I mean, you can't just try to put food on my table. Okay, vegan sushi. Look, I don't think you're not a good podcast guest. You came on this show. You have nothing to talk about other than other podcasts
Starting point is 01:03:45 You've been on just trying to get you through to the end. Yeah, I mean, I appreciate that. We are trying to fill up time here But I mean what what what what kind of things do you like do you have hobbies fixing guitars? That was your job It's not a hobby. Well, I began as a hobby. Oh, right. Why what did you have a broken guitar? Yeah? What's wrong with it? I dropped it Under what the bottom with the green can From where at the top exactly I was you know try I strum too hard You're you're at the rim of the grand
Starting point is 01:04:22 Grand Canyon about you're trying to do the gun through the great game. I don't really great. Okay, you're about about trying to do the gun throws. Like the new favorite radio. But I don't have a strap on. Oh no, not you don't have a strap on. You don't have a strap on. So you strum the room too hard. I've been there brother. You guys are hilarious. Honestly, honestly,
Starting point is 01:04:40 even when I'm not trying to have more than one on ton drive. I simply can't help it. So it went all the way down. Did you have to take like a donkey down there? Yeah. A boudre. A boudre. A boudre. And you picked it back up and took the donkey down, jumped off, got the guitar pieces. I see I would have tried to stay on the boudrow and picked up the pieces, but you jumped off. I jumped off. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:07 I've never jumped off and asked in my life if I stay on to completion. You guys are hilarious. Yeah, you're pretty funny, too. Well, I think I can riff with that. I did stay on the ass till I, the bottom of the canyon. Yeah. Oh my God. Your veins are bursting out of your head right now.
Starting point is 01:05:26 It was dry. I mean, what? No, I didn't do it. No, see who's wet. Oh, no. No twang. I thought he was going to succumb. And the Reaper was going to be a little more busy.
Starting point is 01:05:35 Well, sometimes I turn around real fast. I could see the Reaper. How fast can you turn around? Are you in the book? Let's see, let's see you turn around really fast. I'm so slow. Pretty fast. Well, I mean, wait, I'm serious. Well, sure. Yes. Is there a record for worst? We don't like to talk about that, but yes, of course, we have worse.
Starting point is 01:06:02 So these are opposite records. Yeah, I mean, well, it's more like, because we just are counting things. We're like, it's how many times can do that. How many people have won the telephone? Yeah, we're doing superlatives, you know? Right. And so to do it worse, that's more of a subjective thing. Like least amount of people in the telephone booth, zero.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Zero, yeah. And that's a tie with a lot of telephone booths right But there aren't a lot of telephone booths these days True, but the ones that there are mostly are empty. Yeah, that's a good one. Can I have one for most girls on lap? I had girls sit on my lap last summer like Like 16 summer We were at a barbecue right and this girl Bethany sat on my lap and then Megan Bethany sat on my lap and then Bethany Megan Ann sat on my lap and then Ann Bethany sat on my lap and Precident all you know all the fucking butt fucking Bethany's and and fucking tit fucking and's around my my knee right
Starting point is 01:07:00 I had a boner for the ages right, but they were hot it was hidden under all the other legs You had a boner for the ages right? But they were it was hidden under all the other legs. You had a boner for the Asians? Boner for the ages. Oh okay. Not for the age of girls they were like for the ages as in like a hundred or a thousand years old boners. Wait were they sitting they were all sitting in your lab at the same time? Yeah. Okay so some of them were sitting on each other's laps. Yeah, and some of them weren't worth them's each other's daughters Yeah, the record for most girls our lap is two. Oh shit. That's all you can fit. Oh, yeah, but they oh Does my dick count no? No, no, not actually the record the record is for it. Of course. No, by Santa Claus. Oh When did Santa Claus do that? That's amazing amazing Santa Claus he once had two sets of twins
Starting point is 01:07:48 whoa visit him and ask him for presents amazing it is amazing you sounded like him a little bit right I'm trying not to right yeah yeah because I listened back to my last performance say ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. Can't do it. Okay. Ah, ah, ah. Oh, good. Much better. Sound closes. Love the boys. Sound closes. I mean, I don't know if you would like everything we're talking about. But who knows? We might be on the naughty list. Sure, naughty boys. Sound off one. Two. Three. Come on, let's know I can do this. Come on, no. Be one of the boys. Say four.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Four. Four. Four. Whoa. I can feel his face getting red over the fold. No, be one of the boys say for four Field is face getting read over the phone. I got to get through this. It why is it so hard for you Just talk about yourself. You're an interesting guy. I mean you're a guitar repairman who went to our grand camp Yeah, well, it's went to Dublin and went on the Guinness tour. Oh wow. It's fun, right? They gave me a certificate That's that I'm a poor master what's oh, oh, oh, the other Guinness tour, the Guinness, the, yeah, yeah, yeah. No, not the like, freaks of different records.
Starting point is 01:08:53 Because the Ripley's believe it or not, were you upset when Ripley's believe it or not started the museums? Yeah, not really because they offered you the opportunity to not believe it. That was like good. I don't believe it. That should be your thing because you say so many untrue things.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Okay, man. I was just trying to hang out with you to have fun. So then you lie about one dollar bills being counted? Did I wreck your world? Just to be cool. It was pretty cool. All right. How you believed it for a little bit? Well, the only reason I believe it because you were so vehement about it. Because it's the word it's true. And then you're like, boom, don't. Look, it's not my segment. Anyway, no, how are you doing? I mean, talk about yourself. Like what? You've always busted up guitar you've ever fixed. What's the most fun girl you ever. Are you are you married? Um, yeah, I'm married. I'm married to my job. What job? This one? Yeah. Being a podcast guest?
Starting point is 01:09:52 Yeah, but I don't want to get too close. Okay, get close to us. Let's ask each other questions. I tell you what, you're the host, so I have to do this. You can ask me a question for every question I ask you. Okay. Okay, so what's the most busted up guitar you've ever fixed? Phoebe Bridgers, same at live guitar. Oh, that was a really bad one. Yeah. Cause she really whacked that one. Yeah. She smashed it. Now I get to ask you a question. Yeah. Oh, that was your question. Oh my god. Yes, you do. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:23 Okay. Okay. Do you think no, no, no,. Now I get to ask you a question. You copy that No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you're in charge. I'll do anything you want What why is that a thing that you tell your hosts? You shouldn't be telling hosts that I can that's rule number two The host is in charge. I got to do I have to Pay attention to their every word and call their every command. But that's not how degrading. You shouldn't be telling me that.
Starting point is 01:10:51 All can I do that too? Wait, you want to follow my command? Yeah. Or you want to give him for the boys. Like, I want to be like, I don't know, I want to the boys and just do what you want. You want to take it or, okay, so you're like a sub. No, I don't smell like slommie, do I?
Starting point is 01:11:05 Oh, some mercy. What? What? A sandwich? Hey, those are the news these days. You know, we don't want to want to, we don't want to like delve into that necessarily. No, I'm nervous.
Starting point is 01:11:16 I got a ticket on the next ocean gate cruise. You're going? I'm the backup one. Yeah, I'm nervous. There's an inexplicably stolen business. So wait, so you're going, what, what do you, you want to go down there just to see that Titanic? Well, I'm about to get before the, did you think this events, did you think people had guitars down there and maybe you could salvage some of them?
Starting point is 01:11:38 Exactly. Oh, I wonder if there were any guitars in the Titanic. That's the rumor is that when they were playing as it went down, it was just a bunch of guys playing. Marry, I was going to talk. Yeah. It was somebody's birthday. They think I've been worth it. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:11:51 So that's the rumor. Wow. That's the rumor. Now you get to ask me, did you know, and this is true, in the alien movies, Ripley is the descendant of Ripley's believe it or not. Ripley, that's true. Is this just a Fred Gettys situation where you're saying something's true and it's just you bullshitting?
Starting point is 01:12:13 I think he's trying to be a good guest for you. I think he's doing a good job. I don't, I don't believe you. There's smart. You saw right through. Believe it or not. As a client bought it. Is it? There's a mark. You saw right through. Believe it or not. As a client bought it. Believe it or not.
Starting point is 01:12:30 Believe it or not. Why does he not care about your reaction to his life's work? Because it's bullshit. I know, but the Ripley's horrors shift. I think it's the sign of a man's confidence. When I sell the Chuddy Cheddar butt fucking fatter whatever the fuck they're called fridges, I do I say buy them or not. Buy them or not and you sold a billion.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Yeah, and that's because I give the people freedom to not buy and then they go, how many people will turn you down though? Zero. So every single person buys the fridge. Yeah. I'm not buying it. Yeah, you think you could wrap your head around that. I'm not gonna buy it. Can you milk me? Okay? But I don't know. We'll see that cadence is just in my head. It's really it. Um that movie is hilarious
Starting point is 01:13:15 You have to hang over no Hangover I've experienced one no way I had three beers That's a lot for you. Yeah, I was on the Doe Boys podcast. And they made you drink beer, were you covering a beer or was it a restaurant? We went to a and w. Okay.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Brewery. That's root beer. All the same. No, it's not. We shouldn't give you a hangover. They died. Okay. They died. The Doe Boys are dead. All the same. No, it's not. We shouldn't give you a hangover. They died, okay, they died. The doughboys are dead? They're dead.
Starting point is 01:13:48 No, they just had a big eugepisode. I know, but they're dead. They're dead. Guess for what? Guess? Yeah. Natural causes. I mean, murder suicide pact?
Starting point is 01:14:01 Exactly, yeah. It seems about right for those two. It really does. But you'd be surprised which one was the murderer. As there have been a manslaughter suicide pact. That's funny. Can you remind me of Che? Not Michael.
Starting point is 01:14:22 Diaz. That's what we should call our podcast, man's laughter. Man's laughter, yeah. Because that's what we're doing together as boys and together to be joyful together. It's good stuff. Yeah. Man's laughter in the first degree. Yeah, that's hilarious. Yeah, that's hilarious. Blackness Blues. Oh, your good singer. Yeah, that should be the theme song smoke and sing. Oh, you're good singing. Yeah, that should be the theme song for our podcast. Oh, that would be great, but we should do definitely a CBB presence
Starting point is 01:14:49 where it starts with smoke and it's men's laughter. Yeah. In the first degree. Yeah, before we're on the set. Let's just release this episode as that. Yeah, share it right on. Take off the beginning where you take off any bang bang. Well, look, no, I think you've almost done it. I mean, you've almost gotten us to the end.
Starting point is 01:15:11 Great. I can't believe I made it through. Thankfully, there were no plugs. No, there, unfortunately, there are some plugs coming up. Do you think that you can make it through those? I'll grit my teeth and try to Yeah, you're loin' All right, well we are running out of time. There's just time for one final feature on the show
Starting point is 01:15:31 That is of course a little something called plug He's on the track. He put blue in my mouth for Yes, that was Dr. Crack, an American art form by Christopher Scott. Thank you so much. If you have a plugs, either opening or closing, plug back theme, head over to slash plugs. And you can hear your song on this show. And what do we plug in Fred? Obviously a lot going on there in the Guinness world.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Oh my God, so much. Yeah, it's nuts. Is it summer a busy time of year for you? Yeah, people because the weather's warmer people can set more records. Yeah, kids around the school. Oh, they have more time to do. Yeah, yeah, yeah, just to fuck around and just find out. Yeah. So anything else going on?
Starting point is 01:16:43 Yeah, I want to I want to plug. Uh, it's a recent record that we just put in the book It's called most fun show oh and it's Paul F. Tompkins hosting the show called Variatopia and it's July 9th at Laudrume in Highland Park in Los Angeles And if you want to see a record winning show, you should go to that show. So this July 9th, so we're talking this Sunday. Yeah, man. Wow. Yeah, did I start her?
Starting point is 01:17:12 Uh, no, why did you think you started? I was afraid that I did, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, you did really good. Did you use that? A periodically, I will check it. Have you been in speech therapy or? Not to myself. Self-totting.
Starting point is 01:17:23 Self-totting. Auto-di-deck. Really? I taught myself speech therapy. I to myself self-totting auto-died act really I taught myself speech therapy I speech therapy myself speech therapist speech therapist I would start to stutter then I would go stop it oh and that works yeah wow see that's the thing is if anyone has like a bad habit like you know drugs or smoking just save yourself stop it well Well, you gotta yell it. Oh, you gotta yell, okay, you can't. Stop it! Stop it! Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:47 Feel like I'm watching the King's Speech. You try to, you also should try to do your bad habit in the mirror so you can say it, you can make eye contact with yourself at the top of it. Do you feel like you're watching the King's Speech because that was a really good movie and you're watching a good movie or you're watching the events of the King's Speech?
Starting point is 01:18:01 Well, I feel like, no, yeah, I feel like Tom Hooper is cast a spell on me right here. Tom Hooper, of course, the director of the King's Beach. Yes. First he did Texas chainsaw and then he did that. Tom Toby, Tom to the director of the dark skies pilot. Hey, chat, I mean, chat, uh, chat, uh, Kyle Chut, Kyle Chutney, Kyle Chutney. What's up? Chat the fuck Scooter butt? Yeah, what do you want to plug here? Oh, you're my best friend. I don't know about that. You guys are my best friends. I want to plug my best friends. Not in that
Starting point is 01:18:37 way, but maybe, uh, I want to plug my new podcast with my best friends. Oh, that's men's laughter. Yep, men's laughter in the first degree Man's laughter in the first degree. Yeah, okay theme song smugglers blues. Yep. That's right. Um also people like this combo, right? Don't get too much to We'll be on YouTube too, so good so you can watch this Until we get taken down from violating their terms. Oh my god. That's so true. You're hilarious Also glamorous is on Netflix. I don't know why I'd be watching that but it's on now. Well, that's the Kim Kitchol show, isn't it? Yeah speaking of Yeah, honey bunny the old Shady as yeah
Starting point is 01:19:24 Yeah, and yeah, it's mach one Yeah Mach one would be Glissarie that's that's exactly Unless it's a razor which we all know we are using a shave. That's a good point Brought to bed you let yeah, and also my save that's a good point. Brought to you by Gillette. Yeah, and also my financial
Starting point is 01:19:45 organization invested me got to save your dollars if you want to drive those Honda. But you drive the Hondas and no twang. What do you want to plug? I guess I would plug an animated series called Digmin.
Starting point is 01:19:58 Oh, okay. For some reason I'll just plug that. Yeah, why not? If you have Comedy Central, the whole thing's on the app, the Comedy Central app, if you don't, you can buy it on iTunes or Ray. So if you do have Comedy Central, it's on the app. It's on the app.
Starting point is 01:20:11 If you don't, you can try to just just flip it through the channel. But if you don't wait a while, and you want to just start watching it. But if you don't have Comedy Central, you can buy the season on and buy it. iTunes or Amazon. So you'd have Pig Half Man.
Starting point is 01:20:25 Might have been heard. It's Dig Pig So he's half pig, half man. He might have missed her. It's dig pig. So he's half dig, half pig. Big pig, big pig, big. And that's a great show. That's the Andy Sandberg archeology show. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:38 And all 10 episodes are out. I'll eat episodes, yep. And, you know, if you have patients, it'll be straight. So two are not out. There's no, there are only eight that are out exactly and then there's two that are hidden to yeah you have to sort of see so be in our college just yourself yeah I know you're gonna dig them up wow that's a lot of the other you know they don't realize if they plugged their road you know they're remote into TV and they can start control about the character. People don't realize that.
Starting point is 01:21:06 People just think it's a TV show, but it's also a video game. So try and just start watching it, you know, PS5 controller. I want to plug CBB world. Look, hopefully you have a subscription over there because all of our previous episodes are up there. And we have great shows like CBB presents. We are doing, hey, Randy, two times a month now and this book changed my life and hey, who me with a Batman and so many other shows plus Scott hasn't seen. We just watched the
Starting point is 01:21:38 Amadouilleville Horror in June for some reason. And we have ad free episodes of this show. We have ad free episodes of Freedom., we have had free episodes of Freedom, we have College Town so much is going on over there. Plus you can order the book, the Comedy Bang Bang podcast, the book. All right, that's all over there on Let's close up the old plug-bang. Oh my god Becky look at that butt Oh my god Becky look at that butt Oh my god Becky look at that butt Oh my god Becky look at that butt Oh my god Becky look at that butt
Starting point is 01:22:20 Oh my god Becky look at that butt Oh my god Becky thank you. Look at that. That's what I heard. Oh my God, thank you. Look at that butt. Oh my God, thank you. Look at that butt or her. All right, that was OMG bang bang by meat station. Thank you to meat station for that. And guys, I want to thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:22:39 First of all, Fred Guinness, always a pleasure to talk to you. Call in anytime. What do you say? Fred? What? I said, it's pleasure to talk to you. Call in anytime. What do you say, Fred? What? I said it's a pleasure talking to you. Call in anytime. Thanks, man.
Starting point is 01:22:51 I really appreciate it. I always have fun talking with you in any time. You want to know about new records. I'm the guy to ask. I guess we never talked about new records, but yeah, that's the, what's the newest record? Is there a record for newest record? Yes, there is.
Starting point is 01:23:04 And that's changing all the time yeah i imagine yeah the latest the latest winner of record for newest record is uh... the world's oldest man who has been dying the longest oh wow all this man who's been dying and how long has he been dying he's been dying for three weeks. Oh, what?
Starting point is 01:23:27 I think low-linear. So when you send your team out there. Yeah, they're instructed not to make contacts Well, not be friendly. That would affect the results of the we want to keep it low-linear. Oh, geez We want it we want to keep it lonely. Oh jeez. Um and Kyle Chutney always great to have you. I love you brother. Hey, yeah, we'll see you on matching tatties after this. Hey, why not? I'll get your nipples. You get mine. Okay, sure. Yeah, let's match nipples three. Um, two and uh No, no twang. Yeah, we we just about made it. We made it. I think we're gonna make it to the end. I didn't even reveal any of all my funny backstory. Whoa! And all the funny weird quirks I have. I guess we'll do that on our sister show, of course,
Starting point is 01:24:15 Manslafter, in the first degree. Let's close out the show the way we always do by hearing some, the prologue to the video of smugglers blue who's apparently it doesn't start right away starts with starts with a video of someone counting money and Glen Fry acting here's a little dialogue. Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is hilarious. You got to stop in the second and you think. Listen to me then.
Starting point is 01:24:58 Alright, we'll see you next time!

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