Command Line Heroes - Dr. Clarence Ellis: The Developer Who Helped Us Collaborate
Episode Date: December 8, 2020It’s not easy to learn how to use computers when you can’t actually touch them. But that’s how Dr. Clarence Ellis started his career of invention—which would ultimately lead to reimagining how... we all worked with computers and each other.Martez Mott describes the “Mother of all Demos” that would inspire a generation of builders. Gary Nutt recounts working with Dr. Clarence Ellis at Xerox PARC, and the atmosphere at the coveted research lab. Chengzheng Sun and Paul Curzon explain how Operational Transformation—the project to which Dr. Ellis devoted so much time and effort—laid the foundation for the collaborative tools many of us use every day. And Delilah DeMers shares how humble her father was, and how he loved teaching people that technology can be a force for good.“Mother of All Demos” clip courtesy of SRI International. To learn more about Operational Transformation, you can check out this FAQ written by Chengzheng Sun. If you want to read up on some of our research on Dr. Clarence Ellis, you can check out all our bonus material over at Follow along with the episode transcript.
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It's 1959, and Clarence Ellis, a shy and quiet 15-year-old,
is working the graveyard shift at a Chicago manufacturing firm called Dover.
His job title is computer operator, but he's actually not allowed to touch the computer.
The real reason they hired him? To be a night watchman.
Scare away vandals and thieves. But all that changes tonight.
There's a problem with Dover's giant mainframe, an Iliac. The staff can't process the payroll,
and people are going to get fired if it's not ready by morning.
The higher-ups are panicking, but young Clarence Ellis isn't.
Turns out, that teenage boy has been reading computer manuals on all those graveyard shifts
to pass the time, and he's mastered in his head the mainframe's thousands of vacuum tubes and punch cards.
He lifts the hood, disables the parity check circuitry, and saves the day.
Biographer Daniel Morse.
He was immediately considered a member of the ILLIAC team at Dover.
He was allowed to use the computers and learn more about them from that point forward and even teach many of the staff.
So there was something special about this particular 15-year-old.
And he wasn't about to squander that potential either.
A decade later, Clarence Ellis became the first Black person to earn a PhD in computer
science in America ever. He didn't put it to work at the Dover Corporation, though.
He cast his net wider because the boy who wasn't allowed to touch the computer
was going to help millions make contact with computers of their own.
I'm Saranya Dbarik, and this is Command Line Heroes,
an original podcast for Red Hat.
All season long, we've been exploring the lives and inventions
of heroes who changed our tech landscape
while never quite getting the credit they deserve.
Computer scientists and programmers and hardware wizards
who weren't always invited to the table.
And this episode, we're focusing on someone
who didn't just earn himself a seat at that table.
He invited the whole world to join him too.
That teenager from the South Side of Chicago
was going to deliver the collaborative software
that got all of us working together.
If in your office, you as an intellectual worker were supplied with a computer that
was alive for you all day and was instantly responsive to every action you had, how much
value could you derive from that?
In 1968, Douglas Engelbart delivered what was later named the mother of all demos.
Stanford Research Institute was showing off a prototype machine
that included Windows, hypertext, graphics, word processing,
all the humanizing elements of computing that we take for granted
today. Engelbart's demo became a rallying cry for a whole new age of computing, an age where
computers stopped being abstract machines that only a few professionals could interface with.
Instead, these computers met humans on their own level. Dr. Martez Mott from Microsoft Research
explains how the mother of all demos
inspired computer scientists like Clarence Ellis
to look beyond the command line interface
that had dominated their work.
Hey, you know, we can have a kind of like
a different paradigm of computing.
We don't have to kind of be limited
to this command line
interface. We can have a much more expressive and unique, much more understandable user experience.
Ma points out that the changes Ellis witnessed back in the late 60s, the advances that humanized
computing, were so fundamental they would shape tech for decades afterward.
I'm pretty sure if you took someone who was using Windows 95 and put them in a time machine
and they came out in 2020, the same kind of core tenets of how we interact with computer systems
wouldn't be too different, right?
The core ways of being able to move files around,
be able to interact with different objects in different ways,
are still pretty much
the same. And that's really based off this really early work that a lot of computer scientists did
in the late 60s and 70s. When a copier company called Xerox decided to create the Palo Alto
Research Center, it was partly with the goal of answering Douglas Engelbart's questions. What could a person accomplish with a humanized computer?
How personable could this experience become?
You had this kind of team of people who were looking at computing in a different way,
in a much more broader, more general way.
When he arrived at Xerox PARC in 1976, Clarence Ellis was a quiet thinker,
pretty reserved by all counts. Xerox Park was an
ideal place for a young scientist like that to come into his own. Gary Nutt, who worked with
Ellis at Park, explains. So they built their research center across the street from Stanford.
At Park, you didn't have to do anything.
You got a private office, you got your own computer,
and that was a big deal in the 70s.
At PARC, all you had to do was think,
and you never got a ding if you didn't publish anything.
So it was an enviable place.
It was heaven for a computer researcher.
Everybody really wanted to go there.
And then you were on the leading edge of personal computers,
of what you see is what you get, screens, bitmap screens.
Ethernet was invented with DEC at PARC.
All of that stuff was happening. Ethernet was invented with DEC at PARC.
All of that stuff was happening.
All of the leading-edge software for distributed computing was coming out of there.
All of the ARPANET protocols for networks.
So it was unbelievable.
And it was in that playground of burgeoning tech that Clarence Ellis quietly began reimagining what working on a computer could mean. There were two groups at PARC, the Computer Science Lab and the System Science
Lab. The Computer Science Lab focused on horizontal technology. They invented the Alto, the Bravo
Editor, the desktop and icons, all that GUI stuff that Steve Jobs found so attractive.
There was a lot of overlap between the teams, and those who were there, say Clarence Ellis, contributed crucial elements to the GUI work, helping out on the creation of icons and the visual desktop.
But officially, he worked over in the system science lab, where they focused on things
like artificial intelligence and office automation. There, Ellis began working on an experimental
system designed to automate office procedure, which came to be known as OfficeTalk.
Gary Nutt remembers working with Ellis on a later iteration of OfficeTalk.
He calls him by his lifelong nickname, Skip.
It was going to be a new kind of system,
and it was going to be based on a graphic model that users would automate their procedures.
So, for example, preparing an invoice, we would write models of what the code would
look like if a person were to try to automate that procedure. So we worked intensely for
the summer on the modeling operation. Skip was the theory guy and sort of thinking about
what were kind of strange ways that we could do this stuff.
And I was building the systems. For example, this early attempt was tackling sending that invoice
down a pipeline of computerized steps instead of wasting hours of human labor shuffling paper
around an office. But they were scraping the surface of a much, much larger problem.
When you start asking multiple workstations to coordinate their work,
new technical roadblocks suddenly emerge.
Their system could track a job as it moved from person to person.
But each transaction had to exist as an atomic transaction,
sealed off on its own and pausing the whole system.
There was no real-time concurrency.
And that missing ingredient, the ability to co-edit in real-time, was going to become the holy grail of collaborative software.
Ellis and Nutt laid out the problem in a journal article at the time. We were describing
what the real technical problems were in collaborative systems to the computer science
technical community. We were saying, look at guys, there's all kinds of problems here
that need to be solved, and this is going to be a thing of the future. It's a big deal.
By 1980, Gary Nutt and Clarence Ellis had both resigned from Xerox PARC, hoping to solve those technical problems elsewhere. For Ellis, that meant taking a job at MCC, the Microelectronics
Computer and Technology Corporation. While the folks at Xerox PARC were chasing down the GUI
that Douglas Engelbart had teased at the Mother of All Demos,
Ellis was going to chase down another, more obscure part of that vision.
Not a lot of people had noticed at the time,
but during the Mother of All Demos,
Engelbart had also shown a rickety, very early version of a collaborative,
real-time text editor. And that was the piece of the larger dream that Clarence Ellis was pursuing
next. The term groupware was coined in 1978 by Peter and Trudy Johnson Lenz,
and their definition pointed towards something pretty profound.
Groupware was going to create a computer-mediated culture.
It would be, in their words, an embodiment of social organization in cyberspace.
That was what Clarence Ellis was chasing when he arrived at MCC. But the roadblock
was still there. Without an embodiment of social organization, where one person's actions interact
seamlessly with another's, well, it wasn't going to happen. At MCC, Ellis dove into theory to solve the problem.
How could multiple users work in a single space, a document for example, without having their actions interfere with each other?
The breakthrough came in 1989, when Ellis and his fellow MCC colleague, Simon Gibbs, wrote a paper describing what they called operational transformation, or OT.
A new algorithm was proposed that allowed for total concurrency control. In other words,
with operational transformation, you can have multiple users editing a document simultaneously,
and the changes wouldn't trip each other up. One user's changes would be transformed
so that they no longer interfered
with another user's simultaneous changes.
It's one of those forgotten breakthroughs
that today we hardly notice.
Dr. Sen Zen Sun was a computer science professor
at Nanyang Technological University
and is now the chief scientist at Kodox Corporate,
a startup producing co-editing software. As a prominent OT researcher, he worked with Ellis
and other groupware pioneers during this time. OT was the underlying technology for supporting real-time co-editing. Real-time requires the users to see each other's edits character by character in text editing.
Instantly, not waiting for hours, days, or weeks.
They need to see each other's work instantly.
Fine-grained sharing is a requirement.
It sounds pretty straightforward, but the implications are enormous.
With real-time co-editing, new operations become possible.
OT resolves conflicts among multiple operations that target the same piece of text.
It maintains consistency between multiple instances of the document.
It allows for group undo and operation compression.
And we should point out that all this was made possible
without any really complex communication protocols,
which means OT technology could mask any network latency. Professor Paul Curzon at
Queen Mary University of London has studied human-computer interaction for decades. He gave
us a bit more detail on how OT works. If you and I were working on a collaborative document,
we see our local version, and essentially as we make changes if i delete
a character or you add a new character or command we're working concurrently in parallel and doing
that is deviously difficult so what operational transformation in essence is doing is taking those
commands those operations you're asking to be done on the server's copy of the document in essence, is doing is taking those commands,
those operations you're asking to be done on the server's copy of the document
and transforming them to allow them to work
even when somebody else is making changes
that might be moving the character around.
All this came together in a pioneering program by Ellis
called Grove, which stands for Group Outline Viewing Edit.
GROVE, released in 1989, was the first implementation of its operational transformation.
Dr. Sun.
In some sense, GROVE is a proof of concept of OT implementation.
It was the first step toward a field of collaborative software that would one day remake our work lives.
Here's how Curzon describes the OT breakthrough.
It's a much, much deeper, closer relationship of working on a document together instead of just having to take turns you really
are working on the documents at the same time i mean that is revolutionary basically in the
you know if you were in a room working on something together you would be doing it very
collaboratively and in parallel in real time so So this is an example of technology
that actually allows people to work in a very, very natural way.
That groupware goal of embodying social interaction online
started to look achievable.
But Clarence Ellis, as much as he did see the value in this,
he probably couldn't have guessed
just how important groupware would become.
Dr. Sun.
Some of those researchers, including myself,
had believed that OT and real-time co-editing could be potentially useful in the real world
and worked hard towards this direction.
However, many other people in the field didn't share this view.
And to my knowledge, no one had actually imagined that OT would be widely adopted.
Keep in mind, computer networks in 1989 were in their infancy,
and it was only as those networks grew that collaborative software would have a place to thrive. No network, no groupware. Obviously, the networks got there eventually. The podcast you're
listening to right now, for example, was made during the
COVID pandemic, and our team was never in the same room. In fact, I'm in New Jersey, and my producer
is all the way in LA, and we work in the same Google Doc to produce these episodes. So this
episode would have been impossible without the collaborative software Ellis helped produce.
While we were making this episode and bouncing around in our shared work docs,
we started to notice a lot of similarities between Ellis' old Grove software and the tech we use today.
I mean, on Grove, you could determine read and write permissions by user.
You could tell who was in the document at any time because their faces and names were displayed.
You could even access previous versions of the text.
Sound familiar?
To us, the Grove system from the 1990s looks a lot like Google Docs in the 2020s.
And it turns out there's a very good reason for that.
Dr. Sun told us we were right to see echoes of Grove in today's Google Docs,
because, turns out, the operational transformation that Clarence Ellis used in Grove,
that same idea was baked into Google Docs back in 2009.
OT, nowadays, in the form of different algorithms, is the underlying cornerstone of the vast
majority of today's working co-editors, including Google Docs, among others. Google adopted OT as the core technology for their Google Wave prototypes.
This is the legacy of operational transformation.
Ellis went on to mentor a whole new generation of OT pioneers,
including Dr. Sun himself.
And that meant his work would live on in a whole ecosystem of groupware today.
Dr. Ennis has been well-respected
in the OT and co-editing research community,
not only because he was the pioneer of OT,
but also he has served as a great mentor
to newer OT researchers, including myself.
I have learned a great deal from him and have always regarded Dr. Ennis as a great collaborator, mentor and friend. Anything where two people are working in the same document at the same time,
whether that document's a diagram, a paint program, more recently, code editing, anything where
you're trying to work in real time in the same way, essentially the same kind of problems got
to be solved. OT and Ellis's vision have brought to life some of our most
fundamental computer experiences. And as Curzon points out, it's not just editing either.
Anything that involves concurrent real-time manipulation in a shared environment is made
better by OT. Whether it's in Google Suite or Dropbox Paper or agile development platforms like the one Tencent uses, collaborative software and OT is woven into our lives.
We forget how radical it was just a couple decades ago.
When Ellis and his peers first proposed these kinds of platforms, some people freaked out.
The whole idea of collaborative editing, for example.
Everybody reading and writing at the same time.
But Ellis was able to imagine a new shared workspace.
He imagined it being a whole mode of working that didn't yet exist.
And I can't imagine living without it.
And Curzon wants the next generation to understand that Clarence Ellis, a man who, remember,
started out as a computer operator who wasn't even allowed to touch the mainframe, a guy who
struggled against the odds to become the first black person to earn a PhD in computer science in America,
that Clarence Ellis really has managed to shape our world.
A large part of my job involves helping inspire kids about computer science.
The subject has always had this stereotype
that computer scientists are very white male,
and that isn't actually the reality.
So I started looking for role models that I could write about.
So I just stumbled across the story of Clarence Ellis
and was really surprised that I hadn't actually heard of him before.
So I think he ought to be a lot more well-known.
I mean, to be involved in both graphical user interfaces being designed
and collaborative editing tools,
being at the forefront of both of those different technologies
is in itself pretty amazing.
Ellis's daughter, Delilah Demers, told us her father probably wouldn't have been that comfortable
with all that extra recognition, though. He was a pretty humble guy. In fact, Demers had no idea
what her dad had accomplished when she was younger. Later in his life, though,
after his days at Xerox PARC, and after he'd left MCC, she saw Ellis continue that same work,
the work of bringing people together, letting them collaborate, and finding a human-centered
approach to computers. And she saw her dad do that work in a profound new way.
He was basically going to retire from the university, but he had gotten a grant to help another colleague
who was originally from Africa start a university there.
He was very dedicated to that.
Like later in life, he would go over there
for basically the whole school year
and teach.
He also brought folk dancing over there.
He would also teach a dance class
in the evening.
If students wanted to come,
they could.
It was like an extracurricular activity,
I guess.
So I know he was very dedicated to that
later on in life,
to Ashesi University in Ghana.
Gary Nutt feels that Ellis really came out of his shell during that period.
He changed from a more reserved thinker to someone who helped others collaborate through software
to finally someone who was inspired to collaborate and connect
himself. After 2000, Skip kind of became a new Skip. What he started doing is looking outward
more than for himself. That's when Skip actually began to give back to the Black communities. He first started visiting HBUs,
Historically Black Universities.
He also began to think about teaching itself.
How can you use collaborative systems
to do collaborative teaching, for example?
That grew and grew and grew,
and so he helped all of the HBUs in the country.
And then he began to visit African universities.
For the last two decades of his life,
Ellis left his quiet research behind him
and became an advocate for Black universities
in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Because while he may have been the first Black person
to get a PhD in computer science in America,
he knew he wasn't the last. Clarence Ellis had come a long way from the graveyard shift at Dover
Manufacturing. He was a global citizen and a Fulbright scholar. As his daughter mentioned,
Ellis would fly back and forth to Africa, Ghana especially, the home of his ancestors. He wanted to keep lifting people up
and bringing them together, a mission that had characterized his whole career.
Then, on May 17, 2014, on a flight back home from Ghana, Ellis died unexpectedly at age 71.
Oh yeah, and Ellis didn't just open up to the academic community. He made other connections in a folk community that some of his old computer science colleagues might never have guessed.
So Skip had a whole other world, and we never found out about it until literally the day of his funeral.
We thought when we went to the funeral that we were just going to be all full of computer science people.
Well, we were way outnumbered by the folk dancers.
So he loved the research, and he loved the intensity of it. In the other world, he's a guy who's willing to
try every new dance step and to get people to join in dancing. Clarence Ellis used to tell people
the computer is not just a machine, it can help someone. And that's what he was pushing for right up to the end.
From a teenager who wanted more from his workplace to an esteemed scholar who helped millions
join the conversation at work and at school.
Ellis' story teaches us that there's always a way,
if we try, for more people to get on the same page.
You can dive deep into Ellis' original papers
on operational transformation,
along with lots of great bonus material
on collaborative editing
over at slash command line heroes.
Next time, we track a pioneer's journey
from 1930s Missouri
to the computer revolution he led at Hewlett-Packard.
It's the inspiring story of scientist, politician, and entrepreneur Roy Clay.
Command Line Heroes is an original podcast from Red Hat.
Until next time, I'm Saranya Tbarek.
Keep on coding.
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