Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend - Summer S’mores with Conan and the Chill Chums Season 3 Episode 3

Episode Date: August 10, 2023

Conan and the Chill Chums get a hands on lesson in pizza crafting from their Solo Stove representatives. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This special episode of Summer Smoors is presented by Solo Stove. Solo Stove is uniquely designed to burn off smoke before it ever escapes the top of the fire pit. Trust us once you've sat around a smoke with fire, you'll never want to go back. Go check them out at, use promo code Conan to get 10 dollars off your new pit. Summer Smoors with Conan and the Chill Chumps,
Starting point is 00:00:22 a six-part series with Conan O'Brien, Sonom of Sessian, and Matt Goryley. Let's get started. Welcome back to episode three of Summer S'mores with Conan and the Chill Chums. We're gonna refill our drinks and then tonight in this episode, we're eating pizza. Yes, now a lot of people think
Starting point is 00:00:43 a podcast, it's sort of an audio experience. What would the excitement be of listening to people eat pizza? Let me tell you something. No one enjoys a freshly cooked homemade pie like I do. You're going to hear me have maximum or gas mix. Oh come on. No you were a wind day. You were setting the whole ton of it. Oh my, gooey cheese pizza.. No you were a wind day. You were setting the whole ton of it.
Starting point is 00:01:05 And then you were a wind day. What I mean by orgasmic is not on the crude way that you guys thought what I'm talking about is you're going to hear me at my heightened sense of food glory. I'm going to be tasting this pizza because I love a good pizza. Actually is my favorite food. If you had asked me, you know, 20, 30 years ago, I'd say, when I check out of this life,
Starting point is 00:01:29 they said, you've got 10 minutes left, what do you want? I would say a really good margarita pizza and a glass of red wine. You're going tonight. Oh, well, guess what? I'm okay. I've had a good one.
Starting point is 00:01:41 But I would say, so this is, I think, a good audio experience for people. You're gonna hear me really chewing, swallowing, and you're gonna hear my digestive juices. Oh, God. Well, listen, but it's a symphony. I've been told by friends and intimates that when I digest, put your old ear up to the belly.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Ew. And it's like listening to Mozart. And that's what you're gonna hear tonight. You're gonna hear a man digesting food that he really truly loves. And I think a podcast has never been used in a better way than tonight. What is the opposite of erotic?
Starting point is 00:02:22 I feel like you just sterilized me. Well, first of all, you're welcome. You're a deep fluffer. I'm a deep fluffer. Yeah. What do they need? You know what happens when someone takes like way too much Viagra and it won't go away. Yeah. They rush me in. I'm flown in from around the world. And what I do is I describe to them the sounds of my digestive juices. And immediately, immediately their problem is gone. They're no longer a towel rack. Everything is taken care of. Towel rack.
Starting point is 00:02:59 No, suddenly, suddenly it's all taken care of. And that is the service that I provide. Flown around me. Anyway, but anyway, here we are and it is. They fly you. Oh, they fly me in. You could just call them. You know what, a headphone.
Starting point is 00:03:16 That's a really good point. Yeah. You know what, that's not on me, that's not on them. They always provide a lear jet. And the carbon footprint is disgusting. And you know what? Now that you bring it up, I'm going to talk to them. Okay, good. Because I mean, I went to the last one I did was in Abu Dhabi. They flew me in some very wealthy person Abu Dhabi had accidentally he thought they were jelly beans
Starting point is 00:03:48 And it was Viagra anyway This guy could drill through Solid slate and they were actually using him to try and find more oil That's a true story they they said, you know, before Conan gets here, we might as well use him. He hits seven gushers. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Six of them were oil. Anyway, the point is, ah, six of them were oil. It's a, yeah. Listen, the point is that I'm gonna have a wonderful time tonight because I do love me a pizza. Well, let's talk about that. We are able to order our ideal pizzas.
Starting point is 00:04:26 So, Conan, why don't you tell us what your toppings are? I'm going to take a cue from someone some of you may know, named Jordan Slansky. Jordan Slansky, I've done many, many, many remotes with him. He's a famous irritant in my life. But on some things, he's correct. And he said one thing to me of the 10,000 things he said to me, there was one thing that stuck to me is true, which is the true test if a pizza is that it should be a margarita pizza. Very simple, no toppings, because that's how you can really
Starting point is 00:04:56 determine if it's got determined. I'm fine. I just had some Novakian injected into my face, but just before I had the rum. That's how you can determine if it's a really good pizza. So I'm fine. I just had some Novakian injected into my face, but just before I had the rum That's how you can determine if it's a really good pizza. So I'm a I'm a purest I like just a margarita pizza if it's got too much stuff on it. I get distracted and my various intestinal juices Are thrown off course. Gory how about you? I like mushrooms and just a dash of your intestinal juice. Yeah. You realize a mushroom is a fungus that's found in the forest.
Starting point is 00:05:31 What do you really like a mushroom on your pizza? I don't like mushroom on anything but pizza and pasta. But cheese is basically a fermented curdled milk. I don't find with that. I don't care. Don't diss my cheese. I mean, he's just taking your logic and applying it back to you. Thank you. You like.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I can't even hear you son of my headset. When you speak, it doesn't work. What? That's weird. I know. I don't understand. How are you responding to that? I know. How are you? I'm just responding to what I said. Well, I'm responding to your hand signals.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Oh. But anyway, You can just respond to direct. I'm like, just... I'm like, just... God damn headset is so sexist God damn sexist head sexist head sets that we get so now if you do if you want to communicate please Please use some other form because this isn't coming through. Oh, okay
Starting point is 00:06:22 No, but in all honesty In all honesty in all honesty, in all honesty. In all honesty, what were you, what were you gonna say? In all honesty, what were you? What were you? What happened? In all honesty, what please? Lay it bare. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:34 I'm sorry, it's just too much bullshit tonight. I don't know. I'm just saying that I like to be a purist about things. And so mushrooms, I was interested. And I don't wanna diss the mushroom community, because I know there are a lot of people and my wife. It's the mushroom community.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Listen, Bravestance. You don't want to get Bravestance. Hey, listen. Listen, we live in a volatile time where the country is divided. I mean, the country is divided between mushroom and non-mushroom. And there's mushrooms in the game, sona. Oh, that makes sense.
Starting point is 00:07:09 So, I'm not a, I don't love a mushroom. I have to say, you know what a lot of is? I love the flavor of mushroom. It's the texture. Yeah, I'm not a huge texture guy, but it's a little slippery. But when you get the cheese in there, and I like, also I've got tomato chunks and basil. Oh good And so I think when you mix that in you'll find you've got a happy my brother Neil makes me crazy because he calls it basil
Starting point is 00:07:31 Why does he do that just to annoy me? The real name no exactly and he says things like you can have some basil with that and I'll say it's basil And I go hmm it's basil. No, and he's wrong. How do you know he's wrong? He's wrong. Uh, he's wrong. OK. Trust me. But he might be right. We might all be pronouncing basil wrong.
Starting point is 00:07:51 He might be right with basil. So thanks, Neil. Why are you such a devil's advocate for basil? I don't know. I just think that you're just shitting on your brother right now. I love my brother. He's not even here to defend himself.
Starting point is 00:08:02 Hey, listen. I like Neil. I'll go further. I love Neil. But it's a sexually attracted to me. Well, look, cheers, Neil. You seem to have won the evening. He's listening right now in a curved top radio. He's an antique radio collector.
Starting point is 00:08:23 Anyway, yeah, I've just got a little, I'm a little phobic about mushrooms, but I respect it. I'm not, I just, it's not my thing. Okay. Yeah. So you've taken, so you've got mushroom, what else? Little tomato chunks and basil.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Excuse me, basil, Jesus Christ. Yeah. And it's tomato chunks, here we go. Yeah. And what do you got, Sonah? I got pepperoni. I got olives. I got mushroom. And that's it. Boy, we are an adventurous group. I thought you were going to keep going. I know. I did too. I thought I had more in me. I got hummus. Why is it always hummus? You love hummus you always bring up hummus? Do you love hummus? Do you love hummus?
Starting point is 00:09:06 I do, but who eats it on a pizza? What's wrong with you? I made it for a second. No, you can't say admit you like hummus. I admit? That's it. You could say to anybody every time you talk about food, I like, you bring up hummus
Starting point is 00:09:17 and I don't know why you do that. Because you call it hummus, first of all, and you devour it. I don't call it hummus. You do. I call it hummus, which is what it is. Wait, what's that? It's hummus. It's hummus.
Starting point is 00:09:27 It's hummus. Yeah, I just pronounce it less white than you do. Oh my God. Okay, man, it's getting intense around here. I just, you're the one who's like all up on the mushrooms. Thank you. And I've got mushrooms on mine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:43 I just feel like you're coming from a place that's very... Yeah, mushroom kids unite. Yeah. I got a little judge-rinehold going. Oh. And I got to take it easy. Yeah. I got to bring up judge-rinehold. Why?
Starting point is 00:09:52 Because that's a reference that makes the kids go crazy. Kids are all like, oh right, Beverly Hills Cop 1, 2, and 3. Yeah. And they go nuts. Fast times. Oh man, fast times. Don't get me started. Yeah, the one with Fred Savage where they swap bodies.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Wait, what? What? The BodySwap movie with Fred Savage and Judge Ron. You know how many bodies swap movies have there been? There have been at least 15. My wife and I considered a podcast run called PottySwap or we covered them all. And then what happened?
Starting point is 00:10:18 One of you sobered up. Both of us immediately went, that's a horrible life. Do you realize child services would come and take your daughter away from you? We're gonna do potty swap. It's all about we on we on knock knock knock. Is your daughter here? Yeah, she's over there.
Starting point is 00:10:36 We're gonna do potty swap. Where is she going? Oh God, oh well. Time to record. That's so right. Gross, gross. Summer's more a series is back. Each year we gather around a solo stove fire pit.
Starting point is 00:10:56 This year a solo stove sent us the bonfire designed to put out some serious heat without putting off that dirty, yes, word, you know, I'm talking about smoke. Oh, that word. That's right. The solo stove is uniquely designed to burn off smoke before it ever escapes the top of the fire pit. Trust us. Once you've sat around a smokeless fire, you'll never want to go back solo stove as multiple
Starting point is 00:11:16 different colors, the portable. So you take it with you into a backcountry, the beach, anywhere you want to go. It's pretty incredible. Looks good. works great, plus, as lifetime warranty, which means we could do 150 seasons of this show, and it would still last. Now, people would grow tired of us. That's for sure, but the stove would keep cooking. Go check them out at
Starting point is 00:11:39 and use promo code Conan to get $10 off. You knew Firepit. Thomas. Thomas. You got to freeze it, Thomas. Okay, go on. Hey, son of admit, you know the way they can inject cheese into the crust in some pizzas? Don't say it. No, I'm going to. Admit. Just think for a second. No. If they could put a delicious hummus into the crust, would you like to try that?
Starting point is 00:12:18 No, I would not that sounds disgusting. It does. It does. But it does. Thomas's pizza crust's like pita bread it's you guys do it yes because it's basically bread with pita okay i'm sorry bread with hummus if we're gonna eat it can you guys put hummus in their crust
Starting point is 00:12:34 yeah everyone's got someone here i'm sorry i'm just assuming someone here has a hypodermic needle filled with hummus what are you talking about can someone on the fly inject hummus into the pizza crust? What? No. What kind of shit show is this? I thought you people were professionals. You owe me an apology.
Starting point is 00:12:57 You know, I love you. I'm talking to Gourley. You owe me an apology. I do, I do. And I've owed you an apology for many years, and you're never getting it for real. All right, well, you're not getting one for me. Let's talk about how...
Starting point is 00:13:09 Let's get these pizzas in here. Well, first of all, don't we need to mention how we're getting these pizzas? Well, the solo stove pie. The solo stove pie, it's incredible. There's like, it looks like a very friendly robot over there. Yeah. And it looks like something that can easily be moved around.
Starting point is 00:13:24 You can throw it in the back of a car. You can take it anywhere you go. And it makes you a nice pizza. What would it sound like if it could talk? Hell, love. How are you? Oh my god. Is that Conan O'Brien?
Starting point is 00:13:37 Take it easy. I'm just a pizza stove, but he's one of the best. He's a genius. Who are those two people with him who are unfamiliar to me? Those are the Mishroom kids. I love them. They may not be comedy geniuses, but they like my rooms, and I'm okay with that. Would you introduce our guest, please? Yes. Hi, guys. Wow, this is exciting. So we've got the raw pizzas here. Come on in.
Starting point is 00:14:08 DG, GD. DG, Chris. DG and Chris have just walked in. Look at this. And you guys come to us through Solostov. Is that correct? And you're both dressed in festive wear. I wish you had dressed up a little more.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Maybe a tuxedo would be nice. You're in the presence of gods, if you will. What? No, talking to that mic behind you. We'll step back. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Talk to them. Talk to them.
Starting point is 00:14:32 My G. Tell me, what are you holding there? So I believe this is your pizza. It looks like a pizza. It is a purest pizza. It is, we have Neapolitan Doe, tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella, and basil. All right.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Yay! GG, thank you. Neel, Neel, Neel, Neel, Neel, Neel. Neel, Neel. Sit out to my brother Neel, Brookline mass juices. Soak loi. I'm the oldest in the best.
Starting point is 00:15:00 So let me ask you something. Are you someone who makes pizzas regularly? I do, okay. And have you had much practice with this particular stove? Yes, a lot of practice. This is the only stove I use. Okay, terrific. Wow, all right.
Starting point is 00:15:14 You seem like a great advocate for this. It's called the pie, right? It's called the pie, yeah. We launched it on Pie Day 314. Oh, so it's actually spelled PI, right? PI, right? Yeah, great to play on actually spelled PI, right? Yeah, right. We had to play on words, obviously, right? Yeah, Pi.
Starting point is 00:15:27 This is the Pi. That's because of Pi, the equations. Oh, what is it? Can you tell me what the equation is? All the digits? 3.147232165836. Okay, he knew I couldn't check, and I didn't know. So, that's a great reference, too.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Hey, if you want to judge Ryan Holder. I'm just telling you that we're all on the same boat and we're going down together. I know. Okay, so let's go. If you enjoyed 1982, hang out with these three guys. Okay. Listen, thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:15:58 And tell me, is it easy to make with this particular oven? There's a learning curve when you're cooking with pizza, especially with an oven that gets to 900 degrees, but you say 900 degrees. 900 degrees. Oh, right. So if you get something, I've actually got it to 1,000.
Starting point is 00:16:11 We're from Texas, so no wind, 110 degrees in the summer. I've, we have an infrared thermometer. I've gotten it to about 1,050 degrees. Wow. Now does that mean, if it's at such a high temperature and you put the pizza in, do you immediately remove it? You've got to immediately turn it. So it's all such a high temperature and you put the pizza in, do you immediately remove it? You've got to immediately turn it.
Starting point is 00:16:28 It's all about turning it. You see there's no stone in here, so you've got to turn it. I will say a thousand fifties, not what you want to cook it at. We figure the best temperature is about seven fifties. You'll get to 900 and you can put cast irons and cook things other than pizza. Reverse your steaks, fajitas, but for pizza, seven fifties, kind of the sweetest five. DG, let me ask you quickly, if it's okay, I'd like to call you DG.
Starting point is 00:16:47 That's totally fine. Yeah, of course, that's the same thing. That's the way how you do some stuff. The last thing, that's what he wants to be called. Yeah. That's, yeah. DG, if you don't mind, then I'm going to call you DG, just write your protestations that I not.
Starting point is 00:16:59 DG, let's say the oven could get up to 3,000 degrees. Let's say we took the solo up to 3,000 degrees. Let's say we took the solo pie, and we put it in a space capsule and we took it near the center of the sun. And we got it up to several thousand degrees. Could the pizza cook well if you could remove it within like a nanosecond?
Starting point is 00:17:18 A nanosecond, yes, I would say. We cooked these in about 80 seconds, at about 750. So if you do the math right 3,000, time's in about five so divided by 580. You're an analyst. You can get there. Get your buy the sun. Can you just hold it out and the sun can cook it? Stay close to the sun because there's nowhere to stand.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Yeah. Listen. Where are you putting the oven? Where's the oven? Sonia, I introduced a very intelligent scientific conversation. And then you ruined it with your blithering, blathering. In the sun kitchen. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Solar powered pizza, I like it. Yes. So let's cook it up. DG, now you're going to put mine in. And how do you, how do you turn it? Do you blessed it all? Yeah, here I'll show you. We got the.
Starting point is 00:18:04 Blessed. Did you see blessed? I've blessed it already. We've blessed the'll show you. We got the turtleneck. Did you see blessed? I've blessed it already. Bless the pizza. Bless the oven. Please, are we going to watch or are we going to talk? Okay, here we go. We're going to watch this. So first we do a shimmie and shake.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Shimmie and shake. Hey, you're talking about my winning night. That doesn't mean any sense. It moves on the peel. Because if not, that's the hardest thing it sticks. So you want to make sure it moves from like... Now, have you put flour down on that? Is that what you did?
Starting point is 00:18:24 We use semolina flour. Of course. Of course. Well, I didn't need down on that? Is that what you did? We use semolina flour. Of course, of course. Well, I didn't need, I thought that one without saying. Yeah, I didn't. That's what it does. It's for the listeners. So, okay, you put it in and now... The clock is ticking.
Starting point is 00:18:35 Now, do you go by your watch or do you go by... Don't distract him. Oh, sorry. It's actually by the back of the crust. So you wait for it to kind of raise up in the back because that's the hottest part of the oven. It starts, it's called leopardy. Now you get the crust to leopard, and as you see that,
Starting point is 00:18:49 that's when you start turning it. Okay. Yeah, so we'll heat up this right here. It's okay if you mess that one up. That's Conan's. Yeah. That's gonna be stardom. I don't like mine being first.
Starting point is 00:18:59 You know the first pancake is always kind of a disaster. Yeah. And Gigi put mine in first. Yeah. But here's put mine in first. But here's the most basic. That's like a beginner pizza for babies. Oh please. Here's this basically mine, just you put a bunch of fungus on top of it.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Basically a dead tree fell on yours. It's cultured. Okay. Uh oh. I see. It's turning up the heat. So you can. Are you seeing DG?
Starting point is 00:19:21 Yeah. If I can call you DG and I hope that's not overly familiar. Although it is the term you asked us to use DG is Are you seeing leoparding? Yeah, yes, and why is it called leoparding because of the spots? It's the crust so you get those dark spots. Yes, the dark spots. That's what I mean the spots on the crust Sorry, yeah, yeah, the cruts spots on the crust. Okay, we both meant the same thing I just meant the same thing. You've tried to make it look like a... Oh, they're cute.
Starting point is 00:19:45 Beautiful. Now, okay, don't be afraid to be in there a little longer for me. We'll leave it at... You like a crispy, a little extra crispy, or? No, I don't. I just want to make you unhappy. No, I think it's good.
Starting point is 00:19:56 I think what you're doing is good. DG... You do you. DG, what's DG short for? So, last name is DGovon. Oh. Listen, it's of course. Of course, right?
Starting point is 00:20:06 But listen, you should have said that. You're making pizza, you said. I know. You should have said, my name, DGovani! DGovani, I got to do it this way. What's your first name? His name is Peter.
Starting point is 00:20:16 Mortimer. I am Mortimer. De-A-John-A-V-E-N-E. He butchered it. Oh, why? He put her in it so bad. This is looking amazing. Is it looking good?
Starting point is 00:20:29 Yeah. It's looking really good, and you know what? I can smell it from here, too. Yeah, it smells amazing. Oh! Oh, look at that! Yeah! There we go.
Starting point is 00:20:38 Oh, and then Chris is ready with the assist. There we go. Look at that. That's going to have to cool for about six hours. You basically just put that into a nuclear fusion reactor. What did you just do? What was that? Just putting another log on the phone. I explain that. People are listening. They're not watching. So for all they know, you just fell off the balcony. I just put a lot on fire. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Well, we got to explain what you're doing. It's all right. The people know. I don't think they do. Yeah. Thank you very much. DG. That looks fantastic. Can I look forward to sampling it? I think we should move on to these idiots pizzas. Why are you laughing? Why are you laughing at that? We are idiots. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. yum, here we go. You're the only one've injected, it sounded pretty good. Most good chefs. Did it not sound good, DG? You knew what? Most good chefs always have a hypodermic with hummus in it. Occasionally, there's a mishap where someone's having
Starting point is 00:21:52 a heart attack and they're like, quick, crap, the hypodermic. And they inject hummus directly into the heart. And that saves the heart from the attack. No, it's a mistake. It's a terrible mistake. They die instantly. But then everyone has a wonderful time eating the forgettus.
Starting point is 00:22:09 No, please stop. Please stop. No, you stop. You stop. Hey, good come back. Thank you. Thank you. Come back in the year.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Yeah, come back of your face. Okay. What's happening in your face? Come back on your face, bro. Okay. I know it's there. We're there. Okay. I know, it's there. We're there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:26 We entered back to gas. We entered into a teddy territory here. Now, Matt, you seem fine. And as you can tell, I'm fine. Mm-hmm. I am. Well, I'm just in general, like baseline, you're not. No, no, no, I know baseline, I'm not fine.
Starting point is 00:22:40 But my chemistry is not been altered. Sonnet, you were three sheets to the wind. I'm not three, did. Hold on. Oh! I'm just like, I'm drinking a little quicker than I usually normally do, just because it's a great drink,
Starting point is 00:22:54 and you don't have to hate it. You can't taint it. No, it's a great drink, and you can't taint it. Great drink. Now, that is an advertising slogan. Every liquor company wants now, every spirits company, Ryan Reynolds is calling right now to say, hey, can I use that for my gin?
Starting point is 00:23:16 It's a great drink and you can't taint it. You can't taint it. My flavor's so good, you can taint it. Your taint can taint it. Okay, Sonna. Sonna, please, there's a danger at some point. Oh, no, you can, you can. But you'll become unprofessional.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Okay. Drunk Sona is funk Sona, it's good. All right, no, I'm fine. I'm in a good place. She's in a really good place. Now, who's looking after the kids tonight? They're here. They're here.
Starting point is 00:23:42 No, no, no, no. We were before the show, when you and I were down the street, you had a lovely conversation. I think your husband's there, and I believe your father's there as well. No, my in-laws are watching the babies, and Tak is at his karate practice. And...
Starting point is 00:24:00 Has he ever used karate in real life? Has he ever been attacked by a bunch of ninjas in the street? Okay, you don't I'm asking real quick I'm asking real question I weigh in on this I rode in with Sonia today Mm-hmm, and I was riding the passenger seat and in the like dashboard There was a solid block of Mahogany wood and I went what's this for and she said what sometimes when tack drives You just puts that on his lap and punches it. Yeah. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:24:22 That's impressive. I'm wondering like have you ever seen it in action? I mean, I've seen him do karate when I've gone to like exhibitions and stuff. But if you're talking about, are we walking down a dark alley and someone jumps out and is like, give me all your money. And then he's like, karate. Chop, chop, chop.
Starting point is 00:24:39 He doesn't say chop, chop, chop. Yeah, why not? Yeah. You're supposed to. Karate is not saying chop, chop, chop. Yes, yes, it is, you're supposed to. Karate is not saying chop chop chop. Yes it is. You're supposed to say chop, chop chop chop. My point is there's a part of me that's a little curious.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Yeah. I kind of want to attack your husband just to see what would happen. He would brutally beat you. You really think so? But I also don't think you need any Karate training. It's a brutally beat you. What if we went and did a home invasion tonight at their house? Yeah. So when he was he went you know
Starting point is 00:25:08 It's really great mock home invasions as a prank. Yeah in California. That's a wonderful idea. Hey, I got a better idea Let's do that in Texas. Let's go do some mock home invasions just for fun. Yeah, that goes. Oh, what he home invasions just for fun and see how that goes. Oh, what? Because they have guns. They have a lot of guns. Their guns have guns. Yeah. He went out of town and I went to go get a weapon to protect myself and he had a sword.
Starting point is 00:25:33 So I was sleeping and I had a sword next to me the whole time. But if anyone inver broke into my house, I wouldn't know what to do with it. What did I tell you earlier today that there's a certain friend of mine who's also known, he's in the public eye, who regularly gifts me weapons. Yeah. We're talking about Joel McCale. Yes. Joel McCale every Christmas gives me a deadly weapon, but it's all kind of interesting,
Starting point is 00:25:58 like weird blades and crazy samurai swords and a mace. He gave me a modern day mace like that you could, you know, hit some of the henna with. Take care of all the spikes. Yes, exactly. So I have all this stuff in my house. So, uh, Crooks, robbers and ruffians. Beware.
Starting point is 00:26:16 I'm armed with a Joel McHale armory of stilettos, blades, bashers and smashes. Oh, look, our pizzas are ready. Oh thank God. Just in time for me to stop this crazy monologue that's going nowhere. Oh, what do you call that? Growth.
Starting point is 00:26:32 That one. A pizza word. A pizza word? Yeah, one of the pizzas looks like it needs surgery. Is that my guy? Yeah, that looks amazing. That's that. I'll lose.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Thank you so much. So I just take the whole thing. Oh my god, that looks really nice. So, I'm gonna just take it easy. I want to marry this pizza in a courthouse wedding. Yeah. I want to write this pizza a letter stating my intentions and hoping I get a firmative response.
Starting point is 00:27:00 Mm. That's very good. It's here you chew. Mm. Let's hear you chew him Eduardo. Oh God, help me. That's delicious. That is very good. Gentlemen. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:16 GG Chris, this is really good. Thank you. You're welcome. This is, I mean, I love pizza. I love pizza. I love pizza all day. I can't believe your songwriting career never took off. Oh.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Guys, this is cooked the exact correct amount of time. Thank you. Yeah. Chewy, but not too crispy. I like it a little chewy. Huh? Yeah, you heard me. Oh, I said chewy, which was a good thing. And then you said, I like it a little chewy. Huh? Yeah, you heard me. Oh, I said chewy, which was a good thing.
Starting point is 00:27:46 And then you said, I like it, chewy. And that's like me saying, you know, my wife, she's very pretty. I like pretty women. What's wrong with pretty women? No one was disagreeing with you, weirdo. Are there napkins? Look, just lay off.
Starting point is 00:28:03 Oh, come on. No, hang up. Hang up here. Listen, my congratulations to you and to we've got to give it up for pie. This is an amazing pie. It's hot. Yes. Yes. Yes. That's what we're right here. DG and Chris, thank you guys. Thank you guys. Can I do this if I don't know how to make pizzas? Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:19 Okay. Yeah, 100%. There's a little learning curve. I wouldn't throw a party and start making pizzas for 30 people. Do it by yourself, do a couple of child runs, and then you can do that. Should I open a business? You'll be an expert. I did that. I opened a pizza restaurant,
Starting point is 00:28:31 and I have never made a pizza before. And I did it. In New York, it had like a very intense area where there's a lot of competition, and I had never tried it before. And guess what, the place failed immediately. I'm devouring this pizza. All right, stop it.
Starting point is 00:28:48 I really like it. Guys, this is really terrific. Thank you. Soon you'll hear, in the next installment, the juices in my stomach working the way. Boo. Boo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:00 This is a celebrity scoop. Guys, thank you very much. I think we should move on. We'll see you at the next episode. Is that correct? Matt, tell us what's happening in the next episode. Next episode we're going to get deep into the world of pizza art with special guest,
Starting point is 00:29:16 my sister-in-law, Sarah Lund. Hmm. Thank you, Sarah. Gentlemen, I salute you. Thank you. We will see you next time. Don't miss out on this. By the way, it is pitch black right now.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Oh, it is. Yeah, that's going to happen quick. That's what happens when the sun goes to the other side of the earth. We'll talk to you later. Bye now. Summer s'mores with Conan O'Brien, Sonom of Sessian, and Matt Gourley, produced by me, Matt Gourley.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Executive produced by Adam Sachs, Nick Leal, and Jeff Ross at Team Coco, and Colin Anderson and Cody Fisher at Your Wolf. Theme song by The White Stripes, incidental music by Jimmy Vivino. Take it away, Jimmy. Our supervising producer is Aaron Blair and our Associate Talent Producer is Jennifer Samples, engineering by Eduardo Perez, additional production support by Mars Melnick, talent booking by Paula Davis, Gina Batista, and Britt Khan. You can rate and review this show on Apple Podcasts and you might find your review read on
Starting point is 00:30:17 a future episode. Got a question for Conan? Call the team Coco Hotline at 323-451-2821 and leave a message. It too could be featured on a future episode. And if you haven't already, please subscribe to Colonial Brian Needs A Friend on Apple podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever fine podcasts are down. you

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