Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend - Yo Soy Messi

Episode Date: June 8, 2023

Conan talks to Matias from Buenos Aires about his long-running news radio show entering its 11th season. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Konen O'Brien needs a fan. Wanna talk to Konen? Visit slash call Konen. Okay, let's get started. Hello guys. Oh, hi Matthias. Welcome to Konen O'Brien needs a fan. Hello, what's up?
Starting point is 00:00:18 You've been in Tuna. Hi. How's it going? Is it? It's Matthias, is that right? Yes, it's close enough. You can call me met. I prefer my two. I'm gonna move us into a more profitable territory now. I'm going to move us into a more profitable territory now. This is bullshit. Matthias, how are you, sir, and tell us where are you coming from right now?
Starting point is 00:00:51 Where are you in the world? Well, I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina, actually in the outskirts of Buenos Aires. And, yeah, it's nighttime here. I don't know the time there, but it's a lovely weather. It's like on Gommuins. You know, it's usually Matthias, if I wanted to get information on the weather is Buenos Aires and the time, I think I could just consult my phone. I wanted to find out about you, the person. You know, how are you,
Starting point is 00:01:24 Matthias? What makes you tick? Tell us a little out about you, the person. You know, how are you, Matthias? What makes you tick? Tell us a little bit about yourself, Matthias. Well, right now I'm having a radio show. I've just started the 11th season of a radio program. That's exciting. You have a radio show. That's why you give us the weather. Yeah. He just does it all the way. How's the traffic the traffic? So Mateus, tell us about your radio show. That's exciting. It's been going on 11 seasons. 11 seasons, yes. And well, the problem is that nobody listens to us, but otherwise it's going great. When you say nobody listens, give me
Starting point is 00:01:59 an actual figure of how many people listen to the radio show. About four, maybe three people? Jesus Christ. I thought you met only a couple of, only a couple of thousand people. I didn't realize, what do you mean you have a radio show and three people listen? Are we the three people? You're doing the show right now? Yeah, you counting us? I think no, he just doubled his numbers.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Oh, wow. Exactly. Yes, this is a big international big. No, but yeah, the problem is the radio station is small and the largest like radio show maybe has a couple hundred listeners. Yes. And so we are not that bad in that sense. But the only people that listen to us are just family members. So you have a radio show and the only people that listen is your family? Yes, and not even all of my family because it would be larger than three or four people. Is there any way we could get the word out to the rest of your family that you have a radio show. And they know, but they don't, you know, actually come and listen to the show. That's they should. That's terrible. I mean, they don't have to listen every time,
Starting point is 00:03:14 but they should check it out once in a while. Do your parents listen to this podcast? Not once. They think they think that I'm an insurance salesman. Well, listen, Mateus, I know what it's like. I know what it's like. I've had some tough times in my career when I felt no one was at my back. But you've got to persevere. You've got to keep going.
Starting point is 00:03:39 Do you understand? You can't lose faith. You must keep going. And right now you have four people listening, but if you keep working hard, five people will listen. Then six. Then one day seven. Then back to five, because two will die.
Starting point is 00:03:55 So this is how it works. But you've got to keep going. What's your radio show called so we can plug it? Well, the show is called a DikaF news like DikaFinated news. Oh DikaF news. Okay. Yes Because we like to Bring maybe news that they are not like the principal main news. Yes of either the country or the rest of the world, but we like to Big the country or the rest of the world, but we like to pick a random interesting stuff that is going on. But sometimes we do talk about the big issues.
Starting point is 00:04:31 But mostly you talk about smaller stories, maybe stories that have to do, it might be heartwarming or might be of local interest, is that right? Yes, or some weird news. We did sometime, sometime a little ago, one news about a dentist in Wisconsin that was breaking a patient's teeth on purpose to gain more money. Basically. Now, I don't like then this.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Sorry. Keep on coming back. No, but I think the problem is, Mateus, it sounds like you selected a very gruesome story from Wisconsin. And maybe the people in Buenos Aires didn't want to hear about that. Yeah, did you consider at game the killer from Wisconsin and maybe the people in Buenos Aires didn't want to hear about that. Did you consider Ed Gain the killer from Wisconsin? We could do a column there with serial killer, famous serial killer. We talk about I don't know, also movies and bands that have new albums coming out. But the news part, yes, maybe it's a bit
Starting point is 00:05:50 depressing actually, now that I'm thinking about this. Yeah, I'm in first of all, you know, yeah, I just think I don't think you should be specializing in serial killers and teeth smashing dentists. And I think I could help you. Mattess, I do. I really think I could help you because I like you. You're very likable. You have a likable personality. And you're a little quiet, a little reserved, but that can be good. That sometimes that invites the listener in.
Starting point is 00:06:23 This may be a conflict of interest But have you considered also releasing this radio program as a podcast? Well, that's already taken unfortunately, so I don't know maybe I can get Chris Martin That would boost the show what's been is there already a D-Calf podcast? I think he means our podcast Yeah, because he was talking about you interviewing Chris Martin just now Is there already a D-Calf podcast? I think he means our podcast. Yeah. No, because he was talking about you interviewing Chris Martin just now. Oh, but you can release your show also as a podcast, can you? So more people around the world.
Starting point is 00:06:54 Well, we do that. Oh, we do that. I mean, we try everything. Oh, and I still... Yes. Wait, wait. So, yeah, let's just clear this up here. This is important. So, Matt, you're saying that Matt let's just clear this up here. This is important.
Starting point is 00:07:05 It's my test. You're saying that Matt suggested you maybe release it as a podcast and he said you've done that and that didn't work either. No, but the thing is, I think it's, well, it's great because maybe other people can tune into the show when in other days of the week, but the problem is that they're that rich, you know, in the end those three or four people that we know get to Spotify or, you know, so the problem is that we try to attract more people and we tried selling, not selling a handing out movie tickets or CDs from bands that were releasing their new albums but mainly people in Mark family or in they got those tickets. Wait a minute. Okay, so you've done handouts and giveaways and basically held contests To get people to listen to your show and the winners are all the people in your family the four who listen to the radio show They got a ton of gifts and so they they call in and you'll be like come to the station pick them up
Starting point is 00:08:19 And they'll go why don't you just bring them home with you? You don't think when to like that. Yes, you must be practical. Great Argentinian accent. Oh my god. Your mom is from deep Texas, right? Isn't that right? And yes. But, Jesus, can you think of any way that I might be able to help you?
Starting point is 00:08:45 Well, maybe you had a lot of experience in changing the format and getting people hooked during different times. So maybe there's an idea for a new contest or a new piece of content that we can offer or a different thing to shake to do this up Yeah, I mean to get people here's what I can promise you Matthias is that you currently have Four listeners that you're related to yes, I can improve your listenership. I can't say by how much. Should you do an actual active call for all listeners to go download decaf news? I think we could do that. We could do it.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Well, hold on. Maybe a language. Wait, let's hear what's that? What do you think of that idea? There may be there may be a language barrier. There are because we speak in Spanish, but I don't know. See, you're crazy. Oh, you I don't know. You're Spanish? Yes, I understand.
Starting point is 00:09:48 It's important that we help each other. You mean the Northern Brando, certainly. Duardo is laughing. Did he say anything that made sense? He did. You know, so. Kented, they are continuous. Yes. So, you know, so.
Starting point is 00:10:09 They've went outside. So, listen, I think I could help you. I could write an ad in Spanish. I could read it in Spanish. It would be fluent. It would sound terrific. And I could record that ad for you. And then we could get you some play
Starting point is 00:10:23 and we could get you some help. What if we just have Matthias, if you could give Conan one line in Spanish that he could read right now for the show that's like, hey, there's Conan Bryan, listen to Decaf News in Spanish, even though most of that would be English. But...
Starting point is 00:10:40 Well, yes. Hola amigos. You're so Conan corner of Brian. Yeah, something like that. Why don't we do this and then all our listeners can go listen to that. Um, okay. Cuchan notice a cafe in us. Okay, you got to slow down. A scoochon.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Okay, listen. Yeah, I know. I got that. Scooch. I know. A scoochon. Notice a cafe in us. Notice a cafe in us.
Starting point is 00:11:04 So the cafe needed news for the reverse. Escucha noticias de cafe nadas. Mm-hmm. See? And what's the time and the number and all that? Um, yes. It's at, um, a la una
Starting point is 00:11:17 eh, on, eh, en radio symphony. And what was the last part? Radio symphony. So radio symphony. Oh, is this going to make it to? 91.3 or 91. part? Radio symphony, so radio symphony. Is this gonna make it difficult? 91.3, or 91.3?
Starting point is 00:11:28 I heard your servers are gonna be all the handovers. No. I can't even practice it a few times, okay? Let me try when it has a practice. Hola amigos, yo soy Corrobraian. Escucha noticias de Caffeinado. I was like, I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to go to the library.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to go to the library. I'm going to ask a shut up. Right there. I need to win something wrong.
Starting point is 00:12:06 It's there some way. I need that. Oh, come on. We try one more. Here we go. Hola amigos. Yo soy Conan O'Brien. Escucha noticia.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Decavinado. Ala una. Radio symphony. 91.3. Wow. Come on. Now tell me that's not going to make a difference. a day coming out of Ala Una Radio Symphony 91.3 Come on now tell me that's not gonna make a difference Right now I have to ask you an awkward Sure that's the numbers Tyus
Starting point is 00:12:35 When people hear Conan O'Brien are they gonna know who that is? I hope so Wow you're just injecting pure confidence in the mind. Why don't you lie about who you are? Why don't you say you're messy? Oh, yeah. Yeah, that's great. Yeah, who would be the best guy? He's right.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Okay, here we go. Here we go. This is going to help you. Okay. Hola amigos, yo soy Lionel Messi. Es futra noticia. Deca, deca, deca, finados. Alona, en Radio Symphony.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yes. Yes, Messi. 91.3. Now do a Vida. Yeah. Yeah. Hola amigos. Yo soy. Vida. Oh
Starting point is 00:13:30 Okay, this has gotten too stupid Jesus Christ all amigos your Here we go try again hola amigos yo soy Lionel Messi es verdad sí Lionel Messi escucha noticias de capinados las una en radio symphony 91.3 now say are you really Messi are you really messy? Are you really messy? Ehh see you'll say messy That would that proves it's messy Yes, I think we just had to reassure a lot of times that you was messy proves that it's messy
Starting point is 00:14:21 Yes, you're right messy messy in real life is constantly saying yes, I am. Wow, that's great. Well, I think your radio business is going to be, you know, it's going to be, it's going to be, this is going to change your life. Yes, I'm actually known in Argentina because they broadcasted the later we were going on a blind show for a couple of seasons maybe. And then you got the Inevo Saki. Yeah, in the end, right? Yeah, no, in natural TV.
Starting point is 00:14:57 And on a cable news that on a cable station that often did the crazy independent stuff. So when I was a kid, I actually advertised for the show and I went to my school and I would draw the late night with Gunnar Brian logo on my visc at school, while alongside with other shows. So you were not the only show? Well, what's your style of making those? What's your stick to you? Just, it was mine and then, you know, Al from Silver Spoon and stuff like that. And then, yeah, I said basically what you did with my
Starting point is 00:15:40 radio show, I said, well, this is Nathan Conor Ryan, live at this time at this day. Well, it wasn't live. It was pretty recorded. But I threw my desk. I basically did a promotion for you when I was sort of think yourself in my school.
Starting point is 00:15:57 That's nice. You got the word out on my show by drawing it on your desk. And now I've recorded it. The character wasn't happy. What's the teacher was not happy. Yeah, she didn't mind the defacing the desk. She just wasn't the fan of the show. Yes. Well, I think we've each done a service.
Starting point is 00:16:15 See this, we've each helped each other. You drew on a desk and I just made an international ad starring Leon Elmesi. It will be heard by billions of people. So who can say who did more for the other? That's the important thing. Well, I think this is fantastic. You've been wonderful to talk to and I wish you the best of success. Mattias on your radio show. I know it's going to get better. okay? Take it from me. I've been through some tough scrapes in my career and I just keep going. And it hasn't worked yet, but it will.
Starting point is 00:16:51 So hang in there. And say hello to all of our friends in Argentina. I see you later. Good night. All right. Take care. Bye-bye. Bye-bye, guys.
Starting point is 00:17:04 Conan O'Brien needs a fan with Conan O'Brien, Alright, take care. Bye bye. Bye bye guys. Jimmy Vivino. Supervising producer Aaron Blair, Associate Talent Producer Jennifer Samples, Associate Producer Sean Doherty and Lisa Berm. Engineering by Eduardo Perez, please rate, review and subscribe to Conan O'Brien This has been a Teen Coco production in association with Ewol.

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