CoRecursive: Coding Stories - Chat: April Fools' Is Cancelled
Episode Date: April 1, 2022On this day in 2014 "lame april fools' jokes" were banned from hacker news. Â Â Today in our first This-Day-in-History segment, I want to share some of history not just of April Fools', but of tech p...ranks in general, all leading up to 2014. Â Why were pranks and April Fools' jokes traditionally celebrated in tech? Why are they now considered as dang said, "lame?"? And is there anything we can do to save them? Those are today's questions. Episode Page Support The Show Subscribe To The Podcast Join The Newsletter
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Hello, this is Co-Recursive, and I'm Adam Gordon-Bell.
Today, on April 1st, 2014, something interesting happened.
Hacker News moderator Dan G, or Dang, he made the following post.
Challenge. Keep lame April Fool's jokes off the front page.
Most April Fool's gags are lame.
Only the very best ones that
show some sort of ingenuity deserve attention. I propose that we, or rather you, flag these jokes
so they don't end up on the front page. Dang wasn't the first person to complain about the
lameness of tech company April Fool's Day jokes. But I think to the various developers and tech company people hanging out on Hacker News,
Dang's statement was a really big one.
It kind of marked the end of this era
of companies dropping these big jokes on April Fool's.
So today, in our first This Day in History segment,
I want to share some of the history,
not just of April Fool's, but of tech pranks in general.
All leading up to that sort of cancellation statement by Dang.
Even right up to today, actually.
Why were pranks and April Fool's jokes traditionally celebrated in tech?
And why are they now considered, as Dang said, lame?
That's today's question.
And here to talk about those pranks, I have my frequent co-host and developer extraordinaire,
possible neighbor, Don McKay, and also my favorite PhD candidate and mathematician,
Crystal Mon. Why don't you guys say hello? Hi, I'm happy to be here. Hello. I would challenge
your assumption that they died on that day. I think we very much still see them today,
and they're just as annoying today as they were in 2014.
I really like them because for me, getting into tech in general was through things like hackerspaces and DEF CON.
Maybe some of these jokes flop, but when they're great, they're really funny.
That's kind of like the creative technical side of tech.
And I think that those kinds of things should be encouraged
as long as they're not necessarily malicious.
But yeah, they're fun and lighthearted.
That's the goal.
But the reality is that everybody tries to do it
and not everybody's good at it.
So you have to spend the whole day sorting through
what you think is real and what you think is just a joke.
It becomes overhead.
Like the good that it brings does not outweigh
like the damage that it does.
So this is fun because I'm going to tell you guys this history.
But you guys are on like opposite sides of this issue where Crystal's like, these are awesome.
This makes tech people into humans, not just like, you know, efficiency robots.
And Don's like, whatever, man.
If you need a day to make yourself human, then you've probably failed.
So we start in 2014,
right? So in 2014, you know, Dan G, very much coming from a Don perspective, he's like, listen,
I don't want these things all over my news page, right? This isn't news. But April Fool's pranks
are like an old tradition. In fact, April Fool's goes way back, you know, predating tech companies
and engineering departments. But I don't really care about that.
I want to talk just kind of about the engineering coding side of it. For me, the guy who started it
all off was Steve Wozniak from Apple Computers. He goes by Woz because there was two Steves. So
one was Jobs and one was Woz. He just loved pranks. And in fact, he met Steve Jobs because
his friend said, oh, you should meet this guy, Steve Jobs.
He also likes pranks.
In 1969, he went to university and he built a VHF jammer.
So like he built a small box that had like a switch.
And if you flicked it, it would block the VHS signals by just making noise.
Pretty sure this is totally illegal.
This is the thing that
the FTC warns you about, but that's what he did. And so he would go into like the TV lounge at his
university when people are watching TV. And then when somebody would get up or move, he would flip
the switch and the channel would kind of go out of focus. And then that person would be like, oh,
no, I'm interfering with the antenna somehow. Right? And so they would kind of freeze in place.
And then he would flip the switch back off and the channel would go back down.
And he would just be sitting in the back of the room while people watch TV, just chuckling quietly to himself.
At some point, he had some guy like holding his hands up above his head because he thought that was the only way he could get the TV to focus.
Because Waz kept flipping the switch back and forth.
I just think that's hilarious.
You can just imagine he just like quietly chuckling to himself,
making these people do ridiculous things in a build up to a big gotcha moment.
Haha, it's me. I have this button.
So I think that he's the patron saint of tech pranks.
Like he's been doing them since the 60s.
And, you know, like whenever you pull a really good spirited prank, I think that you're temporarily embodying this 1960s Woz, who I assume spent hours over a soldering gun building this VHF,
you know, thing. And I think that tech pranks can't be all totally lame because then you're saying
like Steve Wozniak is lame and he's just a hilarious, weird guy.
I don't know. There's like the corporate side. I don't know there's like the corporate side of
engineering and then there's like the kind of prank side which still allows you to like
have that joy you know so even if you like burning out or you feel like I loved programming I loved
doing this stuff but I don't know if I want to do it forever but like the joy of being able to pull
pranks I think is brings that back in little ways. Yeah it just makes it fun right it's just being a
Steve Wozniak was really motivated by just doing these weird things.
And they weren't all, like, funny, but they were all just like,
oh, this would be cool if I stuck these things together.
Or, yeah, the Blue Box Jobs and Woz built these machines
for making free long-distance phone calls.
It's a victimless crime if you're outwitting the phone company.
Except for the phone company.
Well, the phone company is not a person.
It's a group of people and they post record profits every year.
So if I can make a free phone call, it's probably not going to hurt anybody.
So that's 1969.
We're moving through history.
In 1977, this is the next notable prank.
Also, Steve Wozniak.
Woz was finished university.
He had met jobs.
He had done all these blue boxes.
They had built the Apple One like computer kit.
They were part of this like homebrew computer club.
They built the Apple II
like an actual commercial product.
They had investors that this big thing
that was going to happen for them
was called the West Coast Computer Fair.
Steve Jobs was going to announce their Apple II.
It was the big event
that was going to change everything.
So it was a huge moment for
Apple. But what Woz did is he went and he created a flyer for a fake rival computer company for a
computer that was way more powerful than the Apple II. And in fact, kind of made them look bad. And
he called it the Zoltair. So he made this flyer. He typed up all the lame marketing language. He
printed out thousands of them, spent a lot of money printing out all these flyers, handed them all out at the trade show
while nobody was looking to make sure they didn't see it was him, right? He just thought this was
hilarious. And then like Steve Jobs got one and was like freaking out. This computer is better
than ours, but he's like, oh, maybe we'll still sell because we're better on these certain things.
And while Steve and the other people at Apple were freaking out, Woz was just like holding in his laughter, right? Because this computer didn't
exist. And he was just laughing hysterically to himself. The commitment is kind of huge, right?
He printed out thousands of flyers. He had to probably go to a printing place and get them to
lay it out. So on the flyer, he put the name of a real computer company called MITS, which made the Altair.
So it made it seem kind of real.
And then people started to ask them about the computer,
and they were like, oh, we don't really know about it.
And then people started to phone in to order it,
and they couldn't get this computer.
He didn't say like, ha-ha, I got you.
He just kept it quietly to himself for years.
But on Steve Jobs' birthday, years later, when Apple was a successful
company, he framed up the flyer
and wrapped it up and gave it to him as a
gift. And then Steve Jobs
unwrapped it. And I assumed it was like,
why are you giving me an old flyer?
Right? And then what I assumed what happened
is Woz just broke out hysterically
laughing. And then slowly, in Jobs'
head, he rewinded and thought like, oh,
he got me
like years ago we were all freaking out about this fake competitor that was going to crush us
he's playing the long game it was like the super long game right for years i just imagine for years
probably as he was laying in bed you know falling asleep he would occasionally think of that prank
he pulled and how he didn't tell them it was a joke yet and just burst out laughing this isn't
like we do it on april 1st and then on apr 2nd, we say, gotcha. This is like,
I'm going to do this for years. Yeah. That's not an April Fool's joke. That's,
that's just a prank that he invested in. Right. But I think that this tradition of like engineers
doing funny pranks, right. This is kind of where the tech April Fool's jokes come from. This is
kind of where they were born, I guess. Yeah. There are also a kind of where the tech april fool's jokes come from this is kind of where they were born i guess yeah they're also a lot of like the nasa scientists do a lot of those pranks
as well i was reading about some of the earlier ones like the the fake cockroach in space you
know that they they put out and they're like oh my goodness a cockroach got into the spacecraft
and it was like no it was a fake one jpl did this thing where they were building the mars rover because they build a lot of robotic spacecraft in a jpl and which is a jet propulsion
laboratory in pasadena and they hid on the wheels the letters jpl in morse code so that when the
rover was traveling on this on the martian terrain it, you would see like JPL.
Supposedly when the other main NASA office found out,
they were pissed because, you know,
you're not supposed to differentiate any particular office
or location more than another,
but JPL is kind of known as like the rebel NASA facility.
So yeah, they were pretty pissed about that.
But that's like a nice example of like, I don't know, like a hack, I think.
Yeah, like it doesn't have to be hilarious.
It's not like stand up comedy.
It's like just doing something fun and silly.
And yeah.
And clever.
Part of it is the like good ones are that they're clever.
So like the next prank that came to mind for me, you guys have probably heard of this one,
is the Internet Engineering Task Force in 1990.
They're responsible for the TCP IP stack,
all the internet RFCs, requests for comments.
So April 1st, 1990, they released a standard for transmission
of IP datagrams over avian carriers.
So that was aka IP over pigeon.
So they have a complicated spec
that explains how you can
transmit internet packages over pigeon.
Okay, let me read you this because I think it's
hilarious. Here, I'm going to use my kind of like
McDonald's drive-thru voice here.
Avian carriers can provide
high delay, low throughput,
and low altitude service.
I'll take a quarter pounder.
The carriers have an intrinsic collision avoidance system, which increases availability.
The IP datagram is printed on a small scroll of paper in hexadecimal with each octet separated
by white stuff and black stuff.
The scroll of paper is wrapped around one leg of the avian carrier.
A band of duct tape is used to secure the
datagram's edges. Upon receipt,
the duct tape is removed and
the paper copy of the datagram is
optically scanned into an electronically
transmittable form.
I like how much work they put into
this, right? And it's like, part of the joke
has to be the format. These guys are
experts at writing this really dry,
cannot be misinterpreted verbiage. So when they do the joke, it has to be like format. Like these guys are experts at writing this like really dry, cannot be misinterpreted verbiage.
So like when they do the joke, it has to be like,
it has to like nail that kind of like dry format.
This is called RFC 1149 because they're all numbered, right?
The best thing about RFC 1149 is people use it in conversation
to troll other people.
If somebody is proposing some feature, you know, like, oh, we're going to change how
the routing works on the back end and you have no idea what they're talking about, you
can always say, oh, well, how will this take into account RFC 1149?
And then they'll probably be like, oh, I have no idea what this guy's talking about.
So let me just say like, oh, let me look into that.
And then later they'll hit you up on Slack. WTF, man. And then so like jumping forward in April 28th in 2001 in Norway, this is maybe
getting more at this the spirit that I really like of these jokes. They successfully implemented IP
over Pigeon. And they sent a ping request. I found pictures. I'll put the pictures on the
podcast page. But they successfully sent a ping request using pigeons.
So they had nine packets, which were nine carrier pigeons.
And they received 55% packet loss, which they don't explain,
but I think means they lost most of their pigeons.
Oh, no.
Maybe they're not good with carrier pigeons.
Like 55% loss seems like a lot,
especially when these are actual animals.
I don't think that carrier pigeons were that reliable.
So I think they did have to send out multiple pigeons
with the same message to try and ensure
that it would get to its destination.
Oh, so it's like error correcting codes for pigeons.
Well, that's the great thing.
The TCP has like retries and stuff, right? Like, so it actually can work over a lossy channel when
pigeons just leave, I guess. They get distracted. I don't know what happened to all those pigeons,
but the internet engineering task force, the people for all these RFCs, they're very serious
and proper organization. They have a
process for the process and documentation for the process of the process. And so they actually had
to lay out a process for how the April Fool's RFCs work. The RFC editor accepts submissions of
properly formatted April Fool's Day RFCs from the general public and considers them for publication
in the same year received. Note that in past years,
the RFC editor has sometimes published serious documents with April 1st dates. Readers who
cannot distinguish satire by reading the text may have a future in marketing.
Oh no.
They're like, if you don't know these are jokes, then we have bigger problems here. So Google totally picked up this spirit of these
RFCs. In a direct nod to that RFC, they launched PigeonRank. They launched a website explaining
that Google was in fact powered by pigeons. As a Google user, you're familiar with the speed
and accuracy of Google search. How exactly does Google manage to find the right results for every query as quickly as it does? The heart of Google search technology is PigeonRank, a system for ranking
web pages developed by founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were at Stanford University.
What are the challenges of operating so many pigeon clusters, PCs?
Pigeons naturally operate in dense populations, as anyone holding a pack of peanuts in an urban plaza is aware.
This compactability enables Google to pack enormous numbers of pigeon processors
into small spaces with rack after rack stacked in our data coops.
While this is optimal from the standpoint of space conservation and pigeon contentment,
it does create issues during molting season,
when large fans must be brought in to blow the feathers out of the data coop.
Removal of other pigeon byproducts was a greater challenge,
until Page and Brin developed a groundbreaking technology
for converting poop to pixels.
That's right.
That's right, the tiny dots that make up a monitor's display.
The clean white background of Google's homepage is, in fact, powered by this renewable process.
So what does that make?
Dark mode?
Oh, no.
I think that's awesome, right?
It's just an announcement on their website somewhere, right?
And it's most funny for people who understand that like PageRank which also starts with PR
is their actual algorithm that they
invented at Stanford. They're pointing
back at RFC 1149
and saying like, listen, we can do
these fun jokes too. Yeah, I mean that
was a good one. Yeah, I liked it.
So this is like in the timeline, like I think
we're still in this era where like the
internet's small and like these
things can be funny because the internet's mostly used by like like tech savvy people right there's no smartphones or or whatever
right i don't know don are we winning you over at all with these jokes and funny no no i think
april fools is is just a it's it's open season for everybody to try and do a prank and not everybody
knows how to do it right. And there are sometimes serious consequences
to everybody trying to prank somebody. And yeah, we get some cool, funny gems, but we get like a
lot of things that just don't work or had bad consequences. Do you remember when Google had
the mic drop feature that they put in? I'm going to explain it. So in 2016, Google added this mic drop button to Gmail on
April Fool's. So next to the send button was a button called mic drop, which they explained in
a PR announcement. But like who's busy reading the April Fool's PR announcements, right? You're
just like in your email doing email stuff. And so if you hit that button, the idea was that it would
end all communication, right? You're basically saying like this discussion is over. So it would end all communication right you're basically saying like this discussion is over so it would it would block you from getting notifications from this email chain but it would
also to let the other people know that you weren't going to talk to them ever again it inserted an
animated gif of one of the minions from despicable me like dropping a mic into the message and the
one of the big mistakes they made is you hit the button and the email closed.
You didn't see that they had inserted this animated GIF into the email.
And they didn't ask you, do you want to do this?
Or, oh, just so you know, this is the April Fool's joke that you're about to do.
No, it's just gone.
You press the button and away it goes.
Yeah, it's pretty terrible.
On Twitter, there was this one.
I took a screenshot of it.
The email says funeral arrangements for Katie.
This makes me want to laugh,
but I don't think it's something I can laugh about.
The email says, Melanie, we're so very sorry
to hear of your tragic loss of your daughter.
And then they inserted a minion in it.
It was a funeral home.
So they lost the business because-
Oh no.
They accidentally inserted a minion into the
condolences message. That's the danger of April Fool's is sometimes things that you think are
good natured aren't. And sometimes you don't foresee the consequences for jokes and they can
be, it can be quite terrible. Yeah. So Google ended up issuing a public apology for this in 2016. And it was
probably helpful because people could say, hey, sorry about that email. You know, look at this.
Google has apologized for it. But even people who love a joke when they're reading the news
don't necessarily want to joke inside of their like business application. It's kind of like
they got the venue wrong for the joke.
And a lot of people on April Fool's are just like,
they might have a lot of stress.
They might be just trying to get through something,
maybe finish a project.
And the internet is just drowned in jokes.
And you're trying to just get your job done.
There's just jokes everywhere.
There's evidence of that going back,
even like way
back in the day. I think there were stories of like people faking their deaths and making
everyone think they were dead and then being like, April Fool's, right? So it's like similar
to like a Rick roll or something. When you have like a day where you're telling everybody and
you're giving them license essentially to try and prank everybody. A lot of pranks are mean or mean
spirited, make people feel bad. They make, they, a lot of people don't know the difference between
having like a prank that is a good natured one or, or like a good faith one and a bad faith one,
where you're just making fun of somebody or you're making them feel terrible. And it's for a lot of
people who maybe have certain quirks or, or disabilities, like they get made fun of a lot on April Fool's Day.
And it's just a bad thing.
Like I have some OCD and I liked my desk to be exactly perfect, right?
Oh, no.
And I worked at a place where a lot of people thought that this was something that they should make fun of.
So they like would steal the like figurines that I had on my desk
and they would like hide them around the office. And that was an April Fool's joke. Right. But no,
it just made me upset. And everyone laughed. Right. It's like, oh, yeah, April Fool's. Right.
So like that's just something that happens on a day, but that can be magnified across the entire
world. So you get like a couple good stories,
but there are a lot of bad stories that don't make the news.
There are a lot of people that feel like crap on April Fool's Day.
No, I think you're right.
Being a dick isn't an April Fool's joke.
That's true.
A lot of people think that's what April Fool's is,
is just being a bad person.
This RFC joke is a joke that's targeted at people
who are reading the engineering RFCs.
And it's kind of making fun of themselves, right?
It's saying like, oh, look at how silly and specific we are
that we can come up with a very specific way
that you might transmit things over pigeons, right?
Yeah, it's hilarious.
And it's really funny.
I like that one.
But like the worst April Fool's jokes in my mind
are kind of like that.
Somebody like kind of insults you
and then just says, oh, just kidding.
Yeah, April Fool's.
Yeah, like that's not really a joke.
Do you remember Google Glass?
They did a product video for this thing
they called Google Glass Cardboard.
Because remember Google Cardboard was like goggles for VR.
Yeah, it was just like a holder, basically, for your phone.
It was a box.
Like, this has to be real.
Anyways, they made a video, like a high production value video
for this thing they called Google Glass Cardboard.
And it was basically like really dorky safety glasses
that you would wear on your head.
And it just had some holes on the side.
People were trying it on and being amazed.
The whole video was just kind of poking fun at the fact that they're kind of dorky and kind of miss the idea
of what's an acceptable consumer product.
I think that's when you nail an April Fool's joke, right?
When you're like, hey, there's this thing about us
that people think and we can kind of poke fun at ourselves.
Like we understand that we're viewed in this way.
Anyways, the Minion thing was horrible, right?
But another horrible April Fool's joke I saw,
I found on Stack Overflow.
This took place on April Fool's in 2013.
And it's on a Stack Overflow site called Workplace
where people discuss like workplace issues.
So let me share this and you can read it for us, Don. I jokingly told my manager I quit via email. As an April Fool's
joke, we get along pretty well normally. Well, it seems my joke was taken a bit too seriously
as I just got an automated email from HR with a checkout procedures and an invite to a few
checkout meetings later this week as well. My company
has also been letting a lot of people go recently, so I am worried that this is an excuse to have
that happen to me. I can see my manager responding in a like fashion, but the HR communication
worries me. He is also on vacation this week, so I cannot ask him directly, which would be ideal.
How can I determine if I am actually being fired or my boss is just playing along?
This is like more something you'd find on Reddit, I feel like.
So he told his boss he quit as like a joke, but then his boss went on vacation, so he didn't get to tell him it was April Fool's joke.
I think his email was probably forwarded to whoever was covering for him.
And they're like, OK, I guess this person's done.
Right? That's what it
sounds like. The funny thing is,
I think this is like an amazing
April Fool's Day fail or
very possibly this guy made
this up and he's pulling an April Fool's joke
on the workplace Stack Overflow, right?
It's not clear.
Is there any resolution
or more information later on down the thread?
Top voted answer on Stack Overflow Workplace.
The best plan of attack will be to slap your boss.
Slapping people is pretty common and will help make it clear that you're only joking.
If this doesn't work, try sleeping with your boss's wife.
It is also an effective way to make sure that you're joking.
Yeah, I think they've determined
that it's not real.
So there's just, yeah.
That's the voted answer.
But there's also like,
probably before they figured out
there was a joke,
there's people who are like,
call your boss immediately
and indicate in no uncertain terms
that the email was a joke.
This was an incredibly bad idea,
by the way.
And you're concerned
that it's being taken seriously.
The risk of being
a sucker and falling for his automated hr email prank is much less disastrous than actually losing
your job over poorly thought of a joke okay i don't know who these people are but like hr doesn't
make jokes like that's like that's not a thing right oh the the last place on the planet that
would ever make a joke send you a fake firing email as a joke.
No, there's probably a policy that says that HR is not allowed to joke like that.
My company was also letting off people at the same time.
This seems like the perfect time.
Okay, I found what I think is the worst April Fool's Day fail.
So much so that I don't think I want to say the name of the company.
Company X.
So there is a tech service company.
And yeah, I won't name them.
I'll go with Company X.
And they do this thing where you send them a picture, like a digital photograph,
and they have it hand painted, like hand oil painted by an artist.
But on April 1st, 2016, they posted this
message on their website. X company now child labor free at X company. We pride ourselves in
being the most progressive oil painting service in the world. Today, we are proud to announce that
yet again, we are leading the way in innovative, progressive, and sustainable business practices. As of April 1st, 2015, your photos will no longer be painted by children.
No children are allowed to touch or even look at your paintings.
We challenge all of our competitors to do the same.
So at the end of that April Fool's message,
there's like a whole bunch of line breaks, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot.
And then further down the page, it says says this which you should read again dawn april fools all of our child artists are still gainfully employed oh no
yeah it's funny how bad it is to me i don't know that's like yeah it just reminds me of like like
living in la you know some of my friends had like a gig at the Laugh Factory. They were trying for the first time to like start their comedic career.
You know, I want to laugh because you're my friend.
But if you weren't my friend, I wouldn't laugh at this at all kind of thing.
Yeah, exactly right.
Might want to refine your material a little bit before you go up in front of strangers.
Another reason I think these jokes fail.
They just like left the realm
of tech joke, right? The joke isn't really like a nerdy tech joke made to other developers. It's
like made to the people who are ordering paintings on their website. It may very well be concerned
that they're like getting children to paint them, right? The mic drop thing, like the Google Minion
thing, it wasn't just like a funny press release hidden on their website somewhere, right? It was
like in everybody's Gmail.
And the button was like right next to the send button.
So you could easily hit it by accident.
That's why the backlash against all these jokes, right?
When your audience is too big, it's really hard to execute well.
The stakes are a lot higher.
Comedians talk about this all the time too, right?
Like when they have this kind of niche audience,
they're able to make all these kind of very like risque jokes.
And then they get like a show on a network, on a major network.
And then all of a sudden they just kind of bomb hard.
So I feel like you could kind of have that as an analogy to like the Google thing, too, where maybe it was like two or three people or just passing around jokes.
And all of a sudden you have like a larger company people have this expectation and it's a thing maybe they threw some money or like you know
they're like oh here's like you know a hundred thousand dollars to like plan the april fool's
joke thing that google does and it's like a team thing and they have meetings about it and they
like have scrum and they argue back and forth about like what the joke would be and then all
of a sudden they're's a task force.
You could file bug reports
and all this stuff
and then all of a sudden
it becomes very bureaucratic
and not that funny.
It's easy when you're small
to have a personality, right?
There's people behind this company
and we can be funny
and we can make jokes.
But I have good news.
I think that April Fools
can be reborn. So in the good news. I think that April Fools can be reborn.
So in the 2010s,
these jokes that were funny or weren't funny continued,
but some places found a better venue for them.
Do you guys know Subversion?
Subversion is like source control from before Git.
So Subversion still exists.
It's still a good product,
but basically everybody uses Git now.
It's an Apache project. Apache uses Jira.
So they have, and it's just a Jira ticket thing.
On April 1, 2013, the following ticket appeared.
Migrate Apache subversion over to Git.
Oh, no.
Vote passed. Not happy, but here we go.
Infrastructure team, please migrate our repository over to Git.
Not sure what else you guys need.
Haven't exactly studied up on this migration process,
but please let me know.
So in the comments of this ticket, a fight broke out.
Oh, no.
When did this vote happen?
You should all know better than having these type of votes on a private list.
I, for one, am incredibly surprised and shocked that Greg, of all people, would let this happen.
I'm sorry, but there's no excuse for this. And then there was back and forth that made it sound
like they were being contacted for the press. I just received a phone call about this. Who is on
task for handling press inquiries? I have to admit that I have no freaking idea what's going on,
and this does not make me happy nor does it look good
for us. This goes on just like people
fighting in a ticket
and then
on April 2nd they updated the title
to say like April Fools
and they updated the ticket to say it was a joke
and the people arguing in the ticket they were
just pretending. Oh
okay so like everybody was
in on the joke?
That's hilarious.
And I think it's
hilarious because
they got that audience
right, as Don was
saying, right?
This is only people
who are like reading
the Jira issues.
It probably spread
around like people
would share it
because it's like,
oh, they're getting
in this argument
and whatever.
But you know,
the New York Times
is not reading
the issue tracker
for subversion.
I like how they
make mention of
actual people.
They're like, hey, Greg wouldn't let this happen.
Where's Greg on this?
Greg, tell Greg to call me ASAP.
This is the resurgence of April Fool's Day.
It's just a fun in-joke with developers.
So in 2002, on the Linux kernel mailing list,
there was another one.
The Linux kernel works like you send in patches, right?
There's like patch requests and then, you know,
there's like a complicated process that might get applied.
So in 2002, Paul McKinney sent a patch
and the email body of the patch read like this.
Despite what you might have heard,
the mind-numbing complexity of modern computing systems
is not so much due to there being multiple CPUs,
but rather to there being any CPUs at all.
In short, for the ultimate in computer system simplicity, the optimal choice is number of CPUs
equals zero. So he sent in a patch that updates the Linux kernel so that it only supports zero
CPUs. So the number of configurable CPUs must always be zero. This change has the beneficial
side effect of rendering all kernel bugs harmless.
Furthermore, this commit enables additional beneficial changes. For example, the removal of all parts of the kernel that are not needed for a computer with zero CPUs.
Oh no. Yeah. I mean, people that are reviewing it are going to catch it, right? It's because
the joke is meant for them. Yeah. It has like a, it has a narrow audience. This is hilarious to
people who work on the Linux kernel.
It's not a marketing stunt. So in 2015, like several years later, on the main list,
Frederick Weissenbeck sent a follow-up patch that followed from that one
and allowed support for negative CPUs.
Oh, no.
So he said on that one,
With this change, programming gets even more simpler
because you have less CPUs to worry about.
Negative one CPUs is less CPUs than zero.
That is in fact true.
And then he also said,
Now keep in mind that this is only a draft.
I do not yet have hardware to test this on.
He's got to wait for his negative one CPU.
I think that these jokes have always been around.
And the only ones we hear about
on April Fool's Day
are the ones that the,
you know, main publications
and media pick up.
I think we're in like
the golden age of these
developer to developer
engineering ones.
They don't even have to be pranks
and they don't even have to be
on April Fool's.
Like sometimes it's just
doing something absurd, right?
Like, you know, like Edwin Brady,
who created Idris,
the programming language, like before that, who created Idris, the programming language,
like before that, he created the programming language
Whitespace, where you could only program it
using Whitespace, right?
It's like, I think he put a lot of work into that,
like probably not years of work,
but it's a big commit for a chuckle, right?
He's totally embodying that like Steve Wozniak thing
where he's like sitting, writing a compiler
and just like slowly laughing to himself.
I hope somebody thinks this is funny besides me when I release this.
And there's so many other things like that, right?
Somebody released COBOL on COGS,
which was like a web framework for using COBOL to make websites.
And somebody made an Intercal one.
Intercal is like a joke programming language
that nobody should ever use. And they made like a web framework for it. And I myself actually made
a Docker front end where you could build Docker files using intercal. It wasn't on April Fool's,
but I just thought it was funny, right? Like nobody else really thought it was funny besides me,
but I still enjoyed making it. Have you ever made a pull request to the Docker people to be like,
hey, this is the thing I made.
You should merge it.
No, I feel like pull requests are,
they're absolutely the perfect venue for these type of jokes
because it's like it's targeting the right type of people.
If you work on the Kubernetes project, for instance,
and Kubernetes involves just writing a ton of YAML,
it's like get it working, right? If you writing a ton of YAML to get it
working, right? If you were a core contributor and on April 1st, you raised a PR that was like,
hey, I rewrote Kubernetes and YAML because I know that Kubernetes people like YAML so much.
I would love that.
Or like, you know, I'm doing a lot of Go programming now and the error handling is
really verbose.
And with Rob Pike, who created Go, like if he proposed on April 1st an even more verbose way to handle errors, that would be hilarious.
It doesn't even need to be for the wider Internet.
You could just on April 1st, like raise a PR for your internal project you work on and tag your buddies on it and see if they notice that this is like an absurdly bad idea that you've put together.
Right. They don't. It gets approved. And then you're like, oh, no. tag your buddies on it and see if they notice that this is like an absurdly bad idea that you've put together, right?
They don't. It gets approved. And then you're like, oh, no.
I feel like it's also dependent on like your work environment.
So I'm thinking back about the NASA scientists and there's this kind of engineering culture that balances the fact that they're working on a mission critical stuff.
So it's like, oh, this has to be perfect. And this is mission critical. You have to kind
of balance that off with another side. And I feel like the joking that they had and that kind of
culture was a nice balance. Yeah, I totally agree. Do you feel that like April Fool's Day has been
like kind of like skunked? Is April Fool's over? tech tech joke, April fools. Is it over? I think you,
you hit the nail on the head when you said that it got co-opted by marketing interests. So that's
what it becomes primarily now is just like a way of pushing a marketing agenda. So it'll never go
away because it's always going to get attention, right? If you need to get your word out about
something specific, if you come up
with a crazy April Fool's thing on April Fool's Day, then some media publications might pick it
up when normally maybe they wouldn't have. What do you think, Crystal?
I, in my heart, I just, I don't know, I love jokes. Interestingly, my cousin has,
she always, like for a year, she's fooled me into thinking that her birthday was an April Fool's
and I fall for it every single year it's so bad I feel like I don't know like I I like tech and I
like this space because we're able to kind of balance you know technical expertise and and with
just being able to have fun and like all this just feels like fun to me. So I hope it, I really hope that it hasn't peaked.
You know, it's not like peak April Fool's joke
because I wanted to be here for a long time.
I don't think it's peaked.
I think that the real April Fool's
is the one that you share with your friends and your family.
And, you know, maybe if you have a close-knit community,
that's the real April Fool's. And everything else on top of it is And, you know, maybe you're, if you have a close knit community, that's, that's the real April fools and everything else on top of it is just,
you know, you can ignore all that stuff. You could just pour concrete into your laptop.
I don't want people to feel like I shouldn't try to do these fun things. Don't try to do a giant
marketing thing if you work at a $10 billion company, but yeah, like make a joke on the,
on the project that you work on, right? Like propose something funny and target it towards your people. I'm not a stand-up comedian. I can't make a joke that makes everybody laugh. But like we
have a shared culture. I can make jokes that can make you guys laugh. So I think people should
keep doing it. The real joke is that Adam tells us he's not releasing the episode.
Yes. Then I will send you a pigeon.
That's awesome.
That's the real joke.
So this seems like a good place to end it.
Thank you, Dawn and Crystal, for joining me.
You can find both of them on Twitter or on the Slack channel for the podcast.
Also, if you like this spirit
that Crystal was telling us about
of joyful playing around,
enjoying your work,
do me a huge favor
and share this podcast with somebody
who you think might enjoy it.
You know, share it in your off topic channel at work
or share it with a bunch of trolls on Discord
and they will either get better or worse at playing these pranks if you want more co-recursive content there is a
monthly newsletter i send out and you can follow me on twitter but most importantly you can support
me on patreon i haven't actually said all the things i have to say about tech pranks surprisingly
enough and on the 15th i'll share some of my favorite pranks
that didn't make it into this episode
as a bonus for Patreon supporters.
And until next time, and I say this totally sincerely,
thank you so much for listening. Thank you.