Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - DAY 7/7 - PLAN & GROW YOUR CAREER | Mini Trainings: Career Growth Challenge
Episode Date: March 26, 2025✅ Corporate Survivor™ 14-DAY PREVIEW/TRIAL → ✅ Join Corporate Survivor™ → ...
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Hello, welcome to day 7 of our 7-day Career Growth Challenge.
Congratulations for making it this far and the fact that you're still here tells me that
you really care about having long-term career success, being able to gradually level up
your career and continue to increase your salary for yourself and your family.
So congratulations, congratulations.
So in this training, I want to share with you how to plan and grow your career for long
term so that you can be successful at any job and to be able to easily perform, easily
meet expectations, easily exceed expectations so that you can continue to add value and
again continue to progress in your career and therefore increasing your salary along
the way.
So the way that I think about career growth, right?
It's not a very short-term thing.
It's not about, Hey, you know, I just need to try to convince this hiring
manager to pay me more and everything is fine, but I kind of see it as
something that is connected.
So at the beginning of this training, I talked about how the corporate world
is a jigsaw puzzle where every single thing is connected and the stronger fundamentals that you have, the
easier it is to piece all the jigsaw pieces together to be able to get better results.
So there are a couple of key components of how I see growing your career for long-term
success and let's start with the component number one.
Now the most important person in your career is your boss.
So therefore, I've always focused on ensuring that I understand my boss's expectations. I
always communicate. I always align in terms of what exactly I need to deliver so that I can get good
feedback and ultimately be able to get visible and get rewarded and get recognized for my hard work,
right? Whether it's a promotion, pay rises, new opportunities, new projects.
So having that realization that yes, we want to be able to work well with our boss, but
I am not saying that your boss ultimately is that only person, right? Who is planning
and growing your career. But I am saying that it is extremely beneficial to be able to work
very well with your boss because that is the person who will be doing your performance rating. It is
the person who is ultimately deciding whether you're going to get promoted and pay rises.
So that relationship is super super critical. Now the other elements I see as well that is really
important is if you want to level up in your career, if you want career progression,
right, if you want career growth, it is very important to advocate for yourself.
Now, earlier I talked about how it's so important to establish the fundamentals, right?
Being able to work well with your boss. Great.
Now, at the end of the day, hard work is one thing.
But if you want to level up, you want to progress, you need to ask for it.
You need to make sure and continue to remind yourself that, yes, career growth is important to me because like why? Right? Is it more satisfaction? Is it you want to fulfill your
potential? All the things we talked about in the seven days of training. So this will give you
more confidence and more conviction and more motivation to want to make sure that you get
visible and you continue to demonstrate your value, you continue to add value so that you
feel way more confident asking for that progression, asking for that level up and asking for that
salary increment.
So if you really want that level up, make sure that you ask for it.
Now there is the other component that I think is also really related as well. And I consider this the backup plan. Now, no matter how much we like our boss, right?
No matter how much you like your boss, you like your company, you like your job, no one
job is 100% secure. And even if you're happy at your job right now, things may change in
the next few months, in the next few years. So the way that I've always thought about
it is that I need to make sure I have a backup plan because I don't want to be in a situation whereby
I am being forced to maybe get stuck at the career level that I am or get stuck
at the current salary that I am based on whatever excuses that may come from my
boss or my company at a later point in time. So for me if I know that I'm
adding value, I'm very good at my job, I'm very good at what I do,
I have great skills, great experiences, then I do not ever want to put myself in that position.
So that is my mindset and that is why in terms of like having a backup plan, I know and I have learned over time
how to attract opportunities, how to continue to sell my value so that I can get headhunted by HR
recruiters and hiring managers. So that gives me a lot of comfort knowing that
it doesn't matter right what happens in this company in the future but I know
for myself I can easily land a job that's a level up and I can easily get
paid my worth. So that is very important because ultimately the path is
the reason why you want to work hard, the reason why you're adding value, you're
putting in a lot of effort at your job, at your current company. It's obviously
you want to level up your career, you want to grow your salary, so let's just
make sure that you have set the fundamentals to make sure that you get
that. Now I've talked about your boss, I've talked about having confidence to
continue to ask for that career progression, level up, and I've talked about your boss, I've talked about having confidence to continue
to ask for that career progression level up and I've also talked about why it's so important
to have a backup plan so they can continue to get hired and get paid what you are worth.
But ultimately, how are you going to implement and make sure all these things happen? And
surprisingly, and really not so surprisingly, the answer is not very sexy, but it's something
that is so important.
And it's the thing that I've covered in every single day of training.
And that is the three-step framework.
So in my career program, the Corporate Survivor, I really focus on setting yourself up with
strong fundamentals to connect the entire corporate jigsaw puzzle so that you can exactly
achieve everything that we have just talked about.
Because you need clarity.
Then you need to feel confident of your skills and abilities and you need to continue to
upskill the right corporate skills so they can call you to perform at your job.
Then once you have clarity, you have confidence, you have competence, now you are ready to
get visible.
Now you are ready to impress your boss. Now you're ready to feel like, okay, you have confidence, you have competence. Now you are ready to get visible. Now you're ready to impress your boss.
Now you're ready to feel like, okay, you know what?
I'm now gonna ask for what I deserve.
So that inner confidence is invaluable,
knowing that you can add value
and you are really worth the money
or the career progression they're asking for.
That kind of confidence,
that something that no one can take away from you.
And when you know exactly how to be successful at any job,
this is also something that no one can take away from you.
So that is why it is so important to think about your career in the long term.
And some people tell me that,
oh Mei Ping, you know, I don't like my company, I don't like my boss,
so I don't want to work hard.
No, no, no, no, no, you are working for yourself. You're working hard for yourself.
Your boss, your company, your role, that is just one way for you to grow a career and grow a salary, right?
But ultimately, it is you. It is your decision.
It is how you think about your career growth and why it's important to you so that you
can actually take the steps to upskill, to level up, to grow your career, grow your salary and making
sure that you're also spending time to understand how the corporate world works, right? The entire
corporate jigsaw puzzle really mastering every single element that will really really help you.
And to me, that is why I created my career program, The Corporate Survivor. So it's a career program for nine to five working professionals because when I started my career,
I did not know what the heck I was doing. And over time, once I've quit my corporate job due to
family reasons and eventually I started career coaching and created my career program, Corporate
Survivor, I noticed that many people also feel that same way. And that is why it is so
important that you need to master every single piece of the corporate jigsaw puzzle if you really
want to be successful, not just at this job and at every job. Otherwise, what's going to happen is
that if we just take the extra few hundred more, eventually you will get stuck because you will
continue to join
new companies not knowing exactly how to adapt in a new job, not exactly how to
know how to perform in jobs and eventually it will hurt your confidence.
You will start to doubt yourself, you start to feel like, oh my god what am I
doing wrong? I don't really understand what is happening. So don't feel that way.
That's not really what I want. What I want is for you to become
confident. I want you to really want is for you to become confident.
I want you to really know that you have value,
you have skills, your experiences.
And I want you to also know
that you know the step-by-step method
so that you can easily perform at any job.
You can easily connect with people at work,
whether it's your boss, your team members,
your coworkers, stakeholders, clients.
Like you know that you have that capability.
And that I think is the most important thing.
Because I can tell you that
a lot of members who join my career program,
when they first join my career program,
they'll tell me that,
oh, you know, I feel so unsure,
you know, I have a lot of self-doubt, right?
I've tried a bunch of things,
but I feel it's not working,
it's creating a lot of frustration.
Like normally negative feelings is very normal, right?
When you feel like I can't even survive at my job right now,
or I feel like something's missing, I don't really know what,
that feeling is not good, right?
You don't feel good.
And every day you leave your work, you know, at five o'clock, six o'clock,
it still sticks on your mind.
And that is not the kind of life I want you to have.
That's not the kind of like, peace of mind I think is worth living.
So that's why, really make an effort right
to understand like how am I going to plan and grow my career while having peace of mind right. I can
level up my career but I want peaceful work days. I want to increase my income but I don't want to
sacrifice my work-life balance. So have that very clear goal and really understand that the path of
getting there is going to be so important. So always make very clear goal and really understand that the path of getting there is gonna be so important.
So always make sure at every single job that you have,
you have clarity, confidence, competence,
so that you can then get visible,
so you can get recognized and rewarded for your hard work.
But at the same time, always, always remember
that your company, your job, right, your boss,
like nothing is 100% secure, right?
The only thing that you can bet 100%, 1,000% is in yourself.
The knowledge that you have gained in your job,
in your technical background,
the wisdoms and the insights that you have gained
on the corporate world, right?
How to navigate corporate world,
how to navigate challenges,
how to work with different people. All these are skills and insights that you can definitely
bring forward to the next job and ultimately really making sure that you have a solid career
strategy so that you can continue to level up your career and increase your salary. So
with that, I hope that you have a long lasting career and a career that feels leveling up,
it feels there's satisfaction, you're increasing your salary,
you're levelling up your career, and more importantly, you have peaceful work days.
You feel confident, you feel in control, and you feel like the future is a lot brighter.
Not because you are just trying to figure it out, but because you know exactly that no matter what
situation, right, what career situation happens, what work situation happens, you know exactly that no matter what situation, what career situation
happens, what work situation happens, you know that you are the person who will be able
to overcome it.
You'll be able to lead yourself, you'll be confident to overcome any single career situation.
You'll be able to turn around any negative mindset into positive actions and that is the mindset and that is the character
of someone who will have a very successful career.