Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep110: Tips for success at your new job.
Episode Date: March 17, 2022✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
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Just signed the new job offer?
In this episode, I want to share with you the four top tips that you need to do to be successful in your new job.
I promise this episode is going to be a juicy one.
As a former hiring manager and nowadays as a career coach, I've
worked with hundreds if not thousands of corporate professionals and one thing I noticed is that
everybody is very excited about the job search process but most people probably don't really
have an idea of like what to do when they eventually join the new company right. So the
company that you've worked so hard for and eventually got the job offers so now what exactly do you need
to do hey my name is Mei Ping I'm a career coach founder of the corporate
survivor and helping professionals like you to survive and thrive at your 9 to 5
jobs so tip number one mindset one of the biggest mistakes I see 9 to 5
working professionals make is really assuming like every single company
operates the same way. Bubble pop, they don't. Each and every company is very different culturally,
the people, the way they operate structurally and everything else like you should see every single
company as like a really different company and therefore you want to make sure that you're going
into every single job with a fresh mind right a beginner's mindset
because at every career level it requires a new version of you and what a new version of you means
is that yeah my set right everything starts with my set so are you going in into your this new job
like expecting immediate success within 24 hours or are you really willing to learn like okay how
does this company work what is the structure
you know who are the people that i can get to know and all these other new learnings that really come
with this new company so that you can really better strategize on how you can be successful
so that's why the first point really always is around getting clear on your mindset of like what
attracted you to this company in the first place
and really giving in your effort time and energy to then learn what is needed to be successful in
this position. On to the second tip for success in your job is understanding people. So most of the time, drama happens at work because of people, caused by people, people, people, people.
So one thing to also realize is that every single company is pretty much made up of people, right?
There's you, there is you, there is your boss, there are your colleagues, there's your team, there's your function, there's your department and obviously you know they kind of like mix up the entire company.
So the point is that if you don't understand people, if you don't know how
to communicate with people, if you don't know how to work with people, if you
don't know how to manage people, pretty much you're gonna create a snowball of
like drama for yourself and this is really one of the
biggest problems i also see in a lot of the nine to five working professionals who complain to me
who feel frustrated as well as a lot of my clients who come to me for one-on-one coaching and even
students in my program the corporate survivor all of them actually started from the same point of
really not knowing how to work with different
people and how to really elevate that or maybe they have an okay relationship but they're just
not sure like how come sometimes they feel awkward or like the communication is not so smooth and
all these things actually is an indicator that you don't really understand different people's personalities, working habits and behaviors
and because of that, you find it very difficult to work with them. So just realize that if you
you know can't work with somebody else or you don't feel as comfortable working with
people around you, it's actually going to be very difficult for you to achieve any goals at your job
because you will not really have the helping hand or you also
not get the support at the workplace and this could lead into mental health challenges you
know more frustration more stress more anxiety and more nervousness so specifically if you are
starting your first job or your new job then it's really the perfect time for you to really learn more about people
how you can work with them their habits and so forth but if you're really listening to this and
you're somebody who has been working for some time um not exactly being able to build relationships
with your colleagues at work or have a good relationship with your boss then this is probably
an area that you really want to upskill and really look at like, okay, like what's going wrong and what can you do to really elevate this portion so that you can really
be more successful in your nine to five job. Success tip number three is to upskill, upskill
and upskill. You can never have enough skills to really be successful at your corporate job.
And I personally found that a lot of people
who struggle, who find the workplace, the 9-5 extremely frustrating.
Like yes, there is a certain part that is honestly about culture and that's probably
a little bit more difficult to change but I'd say that 99% of the hundreds of 9-5 working
professionals I work with actually face problems because of a lack of skill.
So what do I mean by lack of skill? So the top 12 soft skills is something that I teach in my
paid program, The Corporate Survivor, and the concept around the top 12 skills, which really
covers four key groupings. The first one is communication, second one is relationships,
the third one is critical thinking, And the fourth one is productivity.
So these four groupings and the top 12 skills that goes around it
actually helps you better navigate the workplace
because now you know how to deal with problems.
You're not just going to complain, but you know how to deal with problems.
So upskilling is not random upskilling for things that do not matter
and do not solve a real
pain point in your career but it's about how do you upskill to improve the specific skills that
you need to be successful in this current role so i'll give a real example over here so yes you are
starting a new job awesome but if you have a skills issue like there's something that you're just not so
good at you can't do and it has always been a problem in your career um don't make the mistake
of thinking that a new job like this this problem is gonna go away it doesn't because it's not that
you know you're like not good enough for anything it just means that there is one part of your like
skills tool like skills arsenal that you have not really mastered
so really what you want to do here is to do a an honest assessment an honest skills gap assessment
or like where are you at in terms of your skills right if you think you're not good enough then
yeah upskill upskill upskill and you feel that you are already good enough then like why not level up
because back to what i said at the beginning is every
career level requires a new version of you so that new version of you may not necessarily include
just the mindset but it also includes the skill set and final point before we move to the next one
is if you feel embarrassed about upskilling and you think like oh my god i don't want anyone else
to know that like what i'm taking this
course like you know sounds bad um you have a much bigger problem than upskills right it's the
mindset of like actually not wanting to improve yourself that will eventually hold you back that
is the exact thing that is going to stop you in your career the mindset first and then this skill
set like it just has to come together and that's why like even in my paid program the corporate survivor a lot of my clients were like
working in nine to five when they sign up a lot of times like they're actually really enthusiastic
and they're like yep mei ping i know that i have some skills gap but the thing is that like i want
to fix them so that you will face less problems at your current job and when you face less problems you can
basically go faster basically what that means is that now you can drive the car the car that you're
driving is like you can go further much faster rather than you know getting pulled back because
there are things that you don't know how to do or there are some relationships that you don't know
how to build or like you have poor communication skills and all those other things we could really
be a really big resistance for you like you know really climbing the corporate ladder in your 9 to 5 and now that
you have done all three things mindset people and skill set there is this one more thing that you
need to take seriously and that is personal branding because reality check let's face it let's be honest if your boss does not
know who you are um you're not going to get promoted you're not going to get recognized
your hard work will pretty much go down the drain so hard work is really really really important
but getting recognized and making sure that other people at the workplace maybe it's your boss your
colleagues or some really important stakeholders know that you are putting
in the effort, they know who you are, they know what your value is, they know that
you're contributing. It's really important to make sure that you do get
recognized for your hard work, your effort, your time, your energy, your
contribution, your achievements and all things that are really really important
for you to continue to advance in your career, for you and all things that are really really important for you
to continue to advance in your career, for you to continue to grow in your career, for you to get even more opportunities, getting headhunted, all these other things really needs to come from you
being aware that okay getting visible with personal branding is one of those things that you
do need to pay attention to but but but after you have mastered
the first three things so figure out and get clear on the corporate world mindset learn how to work
with different people then upskill upskill upskill from communication to productivity to critical
thinking and building relationships all these holistically are really gonna help you to build your personal brand the
right way because you also want to be known for somebody who can be trusted who is valuable and
somebody who can really contribute to the team and not something else so everything comes together
everything comes to further fuel you to be able to build their reputation as a valuable professional.
So have you assessed yet out of the four, which is the one that you really need help with and
you want to focus on upskilling and improving this year? Let me know in the comments below
or drop me a message on LinkedIn so that I also know that you
have really learned something from this episode so till then see you next time