Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep125: Motivation Monday: Why you're feeling blue at your job

Episode Date: May 9, 2022

✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence, build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world. For more career support, click on over to This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach. I hope you enjoy, like and subscribe. Hello, good morning, afternoon and evening wherever you are in the world and happy Monday. And that is if Monday is a happy day for you. So welcome back to today's live stream.
Starting point is 00:00:41 And this is part of my 30-day career live stream challenge where I will answer very interesting career topics, career questions that you may have as well as good slash bad career advice that I come across on multiple social media platforms that I think is worth sharing a little bit more about my practical experiences on whether I think some of these advisors are good advisors or some of these are just like pain BS advisors that you should not listen to. So welcome back to another episode. So today is day nine of our 30-day careers live stream series. And since today is Monday, I wanted to talk about Motivation Monday. So if you are watching live right now, the question I have for you is whenever it's Monday, do you think of it as like Monday blues, like Monday blues, or you're actually really excited to start the week? So if you're watching live right now,
Starting point is 00:01:37 let me know, drop it in the comments, Monday blues, or you're pretty excited to start the week. So feel free to share if you are watching live. And I think this is a question that I ask almost every Monday on my Instagram stories. Unfortunately, LinkedIn does not have stories. I'm unable to kind of ask that a little bit more. But this is almost a consistent poll that I ask on my Instagram every single Monday. And usually the response I get is about 70%, you know, bad day. Mondays are usually like really bad days. About 30% are still pretty excited about their jobs. They feel like they're still learning something and you know, the day's, you know,
Starting point is 00:02:17 going pretty well. So which one are you? Are you still excited at your job and doing what you are doing and looking forward to new career potential at your workplace right now? And therefore, you know, still pretty excited. Yeah, I mean, it's Monday, you know, like most of the time we think that it's negative, but I do definitely know a lot of people who are still pretty excited to start the week because, you know, they're just raring to go um unfortunately i'd say 70 of people based on my instagram polls as well as the multiple stressful dms that i usually get on monday these are the kind of dms that i don't get on weekends but like when monday tuesday comes like my dms are usually flooded with like maybe i hate my job maybe this problem
Starting point is 00:03:02 that problem so i think like sometimes maybe it's a psychological thing. I don't know. Like when, you know, you go out there, enjoy your weekend, right? Then when it comes to Monday, it's like, oh, kind of back to this situation. You know, the drinking, the partying, the relaxing and the spa days and the escaping during the weekend, guess what? Kind of didn't solve the real problem because you might not have been taking action to kind of like solve a career problem because you might not have been taking action to
Starting point is 00:03:25 kind of like solve a career problem, right? And therefore, like the problem sort of like happens again on Monday and therefore you're feeling Monday blues. So, you know, if you're resonating with what I'm saying right now, you know, feel free to drop a comment and let me know. So based on what I'm sort of seeing right now, I'm seeing tons of Monday blues. So it could be kind of a common thing as well. Okay, so now I actually want to share with you the two main reasons why you are feeling Monday blues and more importantly, the actions that you can take, right? Because, you know, it's really my philosophy that, you know, when you attend a free training, when you attend a free webinar, when you attend a free live talk,
Starting point is 00:04:01 a free live stream, I hope that you really take something away from the session. Otherwise, it's just going to be like one side in, one side out. And, you know, then it turns from education into entertainment, which is kind of defeats the purpose, right? So what's really important is, okay, maybe let's talk about the two main reasons why you are feeling Monday blues and obviously what you can do about it. The first reason is you don't see what is the end goal of your current job, right? So there is kind of a,
Starting point is 00:04:32 you don't have an end goal of what you actually want to achieve in your current job. And therefore, there is no motivation to do anything, right? It's like, if you can't see the end destination, then how are you going to be committed in the journey? How are you going to be dedicated? How are you going to find the kind of energy to kind of walk the path? So what is the end goal? And one of the things I also always say is you need to set your career GPS because if you don't set your career GPS,
Starting point is 00:04:59 then what's going to then happen is that you're just going to be there at work just because you have to serve the nine to five hours you don't believe in what you do you think the whole thing is a bit of a bs you don't know where you are going and the worst thing is then you'll feel stuck right it's kind of the trajectory of things in general so that that itself is is a problem so then the question is you really need to ask yourself if you really want to like sort of get out of this situation, you really need to ask yourself like, what is the angle of this job right now? What is the angle? It sounds like a simple question, but to be honest, it's not the easiest question to answer. And in fact, right, if we were to go a little bit further, a little bit further, and I'm going to give you guys some bonus bonus
Starting point is 00:05:43 since you're watching live right now. I'm going to give you guys some bonus bonus since you're watching live right now. I'm going to give you guys some bonus and this is actually something that I teach in module one of my online course, The Corporate Survivor. And anyway, it's a three-step framework to get clear,
Starting point is 00:05:55 get confident, and get visible at your corporate job. So in phase one, module one, literally the first lesson I teach and the first question I ask in the first ever,
Starting point is 00:06:03 the first module, even before we dive into like skills and yada, yada, yada, it's about what are the three main reasons why you joined this company? Why are you here? If you don't even know what are the three main outcomes that you want for your career, not for your boss, what you want out of your career in this current job right now, there is no direction. And it also tells me that when you sign the job, you're a bit hunky-dory, but you didn't really think through what is the value that you are going to gain from this job. And without that kind of clarity, Mondays will always be blue. It will always be blue. And I'm just telling you from, you know, like honestly, because I've worked with people from, you know, various seniorities as well.
Starting point is 00:06:45 And even personally for me in the past, I have had very, very intense jobs. And I'm telling you, very intense jobs. It's like never enough hours in the day, even if I was working at like 120% capacity all the time. So it's very, very high intensity jobs. And if you look at my LinkedIn profile, you will know the senior positions that I have done in my career. And I'm
Starting point is 00:07:06 telling you, honestly, it's really challenging, but I'm always very clear what is the three main outcome that I wanted from that job at that time. So even though when, you know, when the going gets tough, right, it's very difficult. Honestly, I'm telling you, it's very difficult to get external motivation, whether it's from the free posts, you posts, the free YouTube videos, the free content, listening to me talk, give you guys tips and motivation. Honestly, it's really very difficult. So that's why career clarity
Starting point is 00:07:32 is really important. If you have not done it, honestly, the best time to do it, it's even before you sign the job offer. Because sometimes, we're not going to get into interviews and job offers right now. If you want more content around that, have like tons of like podcasts and videos go spotify
Starting point is 00:07:49 and youtube but my main point is that like if the best time to figure out if this is the job that fits your career goals and your career goal is before you sign the job offer the second the second best time to do it is now especially if it's monday and you're feeling a bit like oh i can't deal with this anymore then you should really ask yourself like you know what is the three main reasons why you're at this job right now what motivated you to even join this company what motivated you to take this current role and actually convince you at that time beyond the money of course i mean there must be some reason if it's just the money then like um dm me we're gonna have a separate conversation around that but that's why you know career clarity especially the career potential of this current role that's giving
Starting point is 00:08:32 you the monday blues right now should have been clarified before you sign the job offer because that is the true motivation of what's going to keep you in this job right this job they're having monday blues the second best time to do it i. The second best time to do it, I repeat, the second best time to do it is now. Because the fact that today's Monday, you are telling me, I'm actually seeing tons of like, in the messaging, in the messages, like a lot of people are saying Monday blues.
Starting point is 00:08:57 So the second best time actually is right now. So it's a bit of an indicator because like how we feel day to day, especially on Monday, is truly how we feel day to day, especially on Monday, is truly how, you know, how we are going to approach something. So if you're not happy with something,
Starting point is 00:09:10 if it's low energy, everything feels like, you know, sucks and everything else and like you will not be able to like project yourself well at work and like,
Starting point is 00:09:17 you know, the performance just kind of goes downhill. Like, it's a snowball effect like down the hill which is really not good. Okay? So that's really the the
Starting point is 00:09:26 first point so the second reason why you are feeling monday blues and this is probably something that we can kind of fix so i find that a lot of people um they are now maybe let's talk about confidence versus competence so a lot of people like if if you don't have the skills competence or expertise to be able to do your current job, whether it's a day-to-day task or it's an activity, or it's towards reaching a goal, a performance goal that is defined by this current role that you're in right now, then this means that it's going to be very difficult to be in a happy situation
Starting point is 00:10:00 if you can't do the job every day. Not a good situation. So the second reason is really down to skills gap so what that means is then you likely lack some skills so it could be three things you could be lacking knowledge so maybe you're in a new industry or you're in a new company maybe you're just lacking some um you know business or um yeah maybe some business knowledge or like technical business or industry knowledge to be able to succeed in this new job or like this current role or the role that you've transitioned to in like a year or so and still adapting and finding it difficult. The second
Starting point is 00:10:35 skills gap, it could be technical skills. So maybe your job requires certain technical skills, right? And you're not that great at it. So it's going to take you more time to do it. And it's going to be really frustrating. You're probably going to make a lot of mistakes. And it's also going to be really frustrating because first, you're already taking a lot of time, right? So it's really annoying. And then you might get scolded by your boss or your seniors because your boss and seniors are going to be like, how come you are taking so much time? And if you're not great with certain technical skills, there's a very, very high chance
Starting point is 00:11:06 that you're going to make mistakes. And mistakes usually lead to lower self-confidence as a result of like, you know, getting negative feedback or getting scolded. Like none of these are like, you know, happy situations to be in.
Starting point is 00:11:18 And if you guys are like telling me based on what I'm seeing in the DMs and the messages right now, it's clearly not a good situation. So there's a third reason as well. And the third skills gaps actually are related to soft skills. So when I say soft skills are managing expectations with your boss. Communication. Maybe you have some problems getting along with people. Maybe you have some problems communicating your requests or like getting certain things from certain stakeholders or clients. And that can be really, really frustrating.
Starting point is 00:11:47 I completely get that. It's really annoying. Or maybe you are lacking some critical thinking or maybe some creativity to maybe do a better job, whatever your job is. Or some other skills, including maybe you are a very disorganized person. Things are just everywhere. So if things are just everywhere, obviously, you know, you'll be under a lot of pressure because, you know, you are likely working in a team, depending on kind of like where you are.
Starting point is 00:12:13 But I'd say that if you're in the corporate world, which like most of my connections, our clients are in the corporate world, you're likely working with a team. And therefore, as a team player, if you are a person who cannot deliver on time or the quality of work is bad it's late you know you're inefficient you're ineffective like all these actually have negative implications so probably your days at work is you know not going to be the the happiest situation because you are lacking some skills gap so you just want to be very careful because like skills
Starting point is 00:12:40 gap regardless if it's knowledge uh technical or soft skills, could get you fired, even though you have the best intentions. But if you are not delivering the work as what your boss wanted to, as what was communicated, then technically you didn't actually do your job, right? Because you're kind of hired to make sure that you deliver results in the best way possible. So if you're not delivering results as defined by your boss, then it's going to be very challenging. And that kind of like dynamic, to be honest,
Starting point is 00:13:11 is really not good for both sides. So what you can do is you need to upskill, upskill and upskill. And I know that I, like if you listen to any of my podcasts or videos, I always talk about upskilling, but I find that a lot of people
Starting point is 00:13:22 don't really know how. And a lot of people think of like upskill as just a random concept, but people don't really know how. And a lot of people think of upskill as just a random concept, but they don't really know, like, okay, but like, what do I do? So if you really want to learn, like, what are your skills gap? Okay, now there are basically two things, right? First is you first need to identify your skills gap. In order to fix something, you need to first figure out what you are really bad at, right? If you know what you're not good at, then you're going to fix those things first. If you don't know what you don't know,
Starting point is 00:13:48 then that is called trying to fix something blindly. And the chances of like doing something blindly likely means that you're not going to get any results anyway. So if you want to assess your skills gap, what I usually teach is the top 12 skills for career success. And these are basically in four groups.
Starting point is 00:14:08 It's the communication, relationship building, critical thinking, as well as productivity. So it's 12 skills bucketed into the four buckets. So if you want to do a skills gap assessment,
Starting point is 00:14:21 you can go to, you can join my free training at where I teach the six steps for career planning. So in step number five, it's all about the workplace soft skills. So in step number five of this training, I actually go through with you, how do you assess if you have a skills gap? And I actually go through the communication skills gap as well as the productivity skills gap. So these are go through the communication skills gap as well as the productivity skills gap. So these are really, really two important components. So if you're
Starting point is 00:14:49 not sure if you have some skills gap or you feel like, hey, you know, I feel I'm struggling at work with people or with my workload and I don't really know why, then check out this training and probably give you a little bit more insights as to where sort of like your problems lie and maybe, you know, help you figure out a little bit of blind spots as well. So once you know what you need to fix, then you can go and start fixing it, right? You can, you know, practice your communication skills, like you can take up a course,
Starting point is 00:15:17 you can maybe watch more YouTube videos or basically do something, do something, guys. Like if you're gonna like watch a live stream and like watch a free training and not do anything, then, you know, kind of back to square one, right? So the first step is, like I said, find out where your real problems lie. And then after that, you can actually take action to fix them.
Starting point is 00:15:35 So that's probably what I recommend. So in case you have just joined, hello to, you know, welcome to my 30-day... Hold on, let me put back the banner welcome to my 30 day career live stream series where i will go live at 9 p.m gmt plus 8 that's malaysia singapore and hong kong time every single day in may to answer any interesting career questions that you may have and also to dispel some truths from the myths of good slash bad career advice that I see on multiple social media platforms that I'm on. So that's LinkedIn, you know, YouTube, TikTok,
Starting point is 00:16:11 Instagram, and all these other interesting platforms that I do spend some time on. And occasionally I find things that I don't quite agree with, as well as some interesting DMs and questions that I get from you guys as well. So, yeah. So if you have an interesting question that you want to hear a little bit of my perspective of, then feel free to drop me a DM. Make sure that you make a note and say that it's something that you want me to discuss
Starting point is 00:16:40 in the live stream, then potentially in one of those days, I may share it with all of you here. So thank you so much for joining live. So for all of you who are here right now, maybe tell me, based on what I've just shared, what do you think is the root cause of your Monday blues? Is it number one, you don't know what is the end goal of your job that's number one or number two do you think you may be lacking some skills or knowledge to be able to do a job to do your current job that's kind of like creating the monday blues so if you want you can definitely
Starting point is 00:17:14 feel free to share it with me in the chat box just tell me it's number one you know like an end goal or it's number two it's a skills gap so feel free to share if you want to. I think, you know, I'm a huge believer in self-reflection because if you don't, you know, do any self-reflection, it's going to be very difficult. And also, it's important to also recognize that we all have blind spots and we all have skills gap. So if, I think the earlier you start, the better because self-awareness is one of those really, really important
Starting point is 00:17:43 qualities or skills that a lot of people do not necessarily apply but it's really really essential for career success so self-awareness was something that i talked about in one of the earlier live stream episodes so if you want to check out any of the earlier episodes you can check it out on youtube as well as spotify so i've already uploaded them there so you can feel free to check it out to hear other my other career insights on other interesting topics similar to the ones that you're hearing
Starting point is 00:18:09 right now as well. So yeah, definitely let me know. And maybe also let me know what is the one skill that you are planning to improve on this year. So today, it's already May actually. And if you joined the live stream yesterday, I was talking about how over the weekend,
Starting point is 00:18:27 I got a lot of messages from people who finally realized that a lot of the festive seasons are finally over and starting to want to seriously get back on track with their career goals. Because, you know, you have another eight months, if that, probably about seven and a half months left, right? From, we are almost at mid-May right now. So probably another seven and a half months left.
Starting point is 00:18:51 So think about the career goal that you have set at the beginning of the year. And where are you right now? Are you progressing? Or you are feeling so overwhelmed and lack of clarity right now that like, you are not just progressing against the goal you're actually moving backwards and that is probably a bigger problem right because
Starting point is 00:19:09 you know it's that one percent improvement every day but if instead of improving you're kind of going backwards i think you may have a more fundamental root cause problem that you really need to assess so if you are um just joining in right now, I did ask a question earlier on whether, you know, when we talk about Monday blues and like feeling so demotivated on Monday, feeling uninspired at work on Monday, which is actually the root cause. Number one is because you lack clarity on like kind of where your career is going and therefore you don't really see what you're actually doing at this job and it's totally demotivating or number two it's all about you lack certain skills expertise and knowledge to do your job well done and therefore your days at work is very unpleasant and that creates a lot of stress
Starting point is 00:19:58 and that makes you really unhappy at work so number one or number two like but the good news is that you can you can fix them. The first step is to recognize the reason. And then the next step is that you can then take action to get out of your Monday right, get out of your Monday blues and continue to improve yourself.
Starting point is 00:20:18 Okay, so I think I see some questions as well. So let me see some interesting questions. And if you are watching this live stream for the first time, please let me know and welcome to this 30-day careers live stream and hope to see you every day until the end of May of this year. So let me have a look. All right. So there are a couple of interesting questions. I'll probably select a few. So this LinkedIn user is saying insightful. Great to hear that you're enjoying today's live stream.
Starting point is 00:20:49 All right. All right. So there's a very interesting question here, right? So the question is, is LinkedIn learning worth it for anyone in functional or business analyst role having the course and certifications? Does it help build credibility of a person having a skill?
Starting point is 00:21:06 Okay. the courses and certifications? Does it help build credibility of a person having a skill? Okay, since I'm streaming live on LinkedIn amongst other platforms, I don't want to say which course is better than the other. I think that every certification and course has its value, but at the end of the day, it's really are you gonna rebrand the knowledge how you're gonna position yourself in your resume in your job search for your career growth using whatever that you have um obtained so there are two things right that's the first part is getting whatever qualification the second part is learning how to brand yourself. And I find that for a lot of people, they tend to go down the first path and totally forget about branding themselves versus the other way, which actually I highly recommend is to first learn how to brand yourself first without taking another paper qualification, right? Branding yourself
Starting point is 00:21:59 versus taking a paper qualification is not exactly the same thing. Branding yourself is about knowing where your value lie, your key competencies and your key achievements and to be able to package your career story and career journey in a way that can be understood and usually that goes into your resume or at least that that's what i teach to my clients even before taking any certification i always tell them that let's try the branding exercise first and then go all out with your job search and see whether it works or not versus investing in a certification and with the hope that it's going to work and after you take the certification it did not work so i'll give you a real example over here i actually had a client work with me for job search a couple of months ago and when she came to me she told me
Starting point is 00:22:39 that maybe do you think i should take an mba or do you think i should go all out with a more effective job search strategy for this particular job that i want should i take an MBA or do you think I should go all out with a more effective job search strategy for this particular job that I want should I take the course or should I um just try the rebranding exercise first so my personal opinion is um I feel like if you can do the branding now like why not just do the branding now because you know if you are going to take the course and you still never learn how to brand yourself then like um you're going to spend like two more years taking the course and kind of end back at this same point, if you get what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:23:09 So I always, you know, branding and positioning is a skill that you can learn and it's a lifelong journey. Like all my clients who have been through like the branding exercise with me, particularly in resume, uh, LinkedIn,
Starting point is 00:23:20 SOS interview, like they don't come back with the same questions anymore because it's a skill that they have learned. Right. So it's something that they can take on as well as interview, like they don't come back with the same questions anymore because it's a skill that they have learned, right? So it's something that they can take on as well. So that's probably what I would recommend. I think, you know, you should focus on learning how to sell your value first before you take another course and with the hope that it's going to help sell you. The power is in you.
Starting point is 00:23:40 You need to learn how to sell yourself first, okay? All right. you you need to learn how to sell yourself first okay all right so let me have a look at um some of the other comments as well so i'm seeing another comment lacking end goal and time management so at the end of the day if you are lacking end goal you don't know what's your direction and you're also bad with time management and productivity, that just means that you're lacking clarity, but you're also lacking skill. So you need to do both at the same time. But probably what I would suggest is always clarity first. So if you have already gone through my six steps for career planning, step one,
Starting point is 00:24:21 career interest and direction. Even though most people tell me, oh, Mayping, it's so boring, you know, this whole career direction, oh my god, it's so boring. I'm like, but why would you start a car? Why would you start a car and start driving, waste all your time, energy, petrol and everything else and go around in a circle and like get nowhere? Like this, it doesn't make sense to me. So start with career interest and direction direction like what is the angle what what do you actually want to get out of your job like what do you even want did your career really really start from there then you know from there on if these skills gap whether it's productivity it's relationship building it's time management it's communication skill if that is an important skill
Starting point is 00:25:00 that you need for the next phase of your career, then you should upskill. Otherwise, if you don't upskill, you're not going to get anywhere anyway. Because I'd say that there are some basic skills and the basic skills that I teach are the top 12 skills that I told you in the four buckets earlier. To me, that is a skill that is like a cross. It doesn't matter what industry, what function, what company, what job, what level, you need all of those. So that's why that's something that I actually teach in my course right now, to set a very, very strong foundation, especially if you're working nine to five in the corporate world. Hello, Oliver. Good to hear that you are continuously self-upskilling. So personal development is really a lifelong journey.
Starting point is 00:25:39 I think that if you don't care about your professional development, nobody can care more than you. It's a reality. Nobody can care about your career more than you do. Okay? All right. So, let's have a look at some of the interesting questions that I see. All right. So, again, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:05 number one, right, no lacking of like career direction, like really what the end goal is in the current job is, I think it's a problem
Starting point is 00:26:11 for a lot of people. I'm seeing quite a lot of comments here and there as well. So if you feel like particularly, you know, after transitioning
Starting point is 00:26:19 to this current role that you're in right now, you're starting to feel Monday blues, but you've never really felt this feeling before, then it's probably a much better indicator that the problem is with the current job. So this, I guess if you're in this similar situation, probably it's a lot easier
Starting point is 00:26:33 for you to diagnose and say, ah, okay. So it's not like a thing along your career journey that has been happening, but it's sort of like the situation right now. So if you're in this situation right now, I think you really need to assess what you really want to get out of this job or you are actually lacking some particular skills and maybe that's also causing certain overwhelm as well. So again, my recommendation is the same. I think that if you want to get a little bit more clarity
Starting point is 00:26:58 on the step one, then you can definitely go to the free training, So the first part of the training will actually go into step one, then you can definitely go to the free training, So the first part of the training will actually go into step one, career interest and direction, and like, you know, when you want to go and look for a job, and if it's the right time, it's something that I cover in the first part of the training. So if you feel that you need a little bit more clarity, you can definitely check out this training that I have. So let me see if there's any other interesting comments because this is a live
Starting point is 00:27:27 stream that is usually about 20 to 30 minutes. I just want to come on live because I know that I have not really been spending a lot of time like face-to-face with you guys. I feel like I'm not really doing as many videos. Like if you followed me on LinkedIn back in 2020 and 2021, I did so many one-minute, one to to three minute videos and i think that that has kind of like died off a little bit more so yeah hopefully if these live streams i'll be at least i get to see your comments you guys get to see me so hopefully you guys appreciate this sort of live stream sessions and if you want to check out the replays you can definitely go to youtube or spotify to catch up on all the previous days and also make sure that you join me in the upcoming days as well all right so
Starting point is 00:28:06 thank you so much guys for joining um we're kind of like out of time reaching the end of the session so good to see some really nice comments i'm not sure why i can't see your name but uh uh so this linkedin user is saying it's great learning so hopefully you learned something from today's session and yeah i mean if you learn something from today's live stream let me know the one thing that you learn in the chat box i really appreciate to hear from you guys and again thank great session thanks for sharing you're welcome so let me know in the comments what is the one one learning that you learned from today's live stream and let me know i do want still want to talk about a lot more interesting topics in the coming days and the other thing also let me know if you guys want to hear some client success stories i've been working
Starting point is 00:28:48 with so many clients but i have not really had the time to share their stories maybe i will use some of these live stream sessions to share specific client stories that i've been working with hopefully these stories can also inspire you guys so if this is something that you want to hear more about let me know in the chat box probably maybe next week onwards i will do like a client success story series for like the next 10 days or something so hopefully that's something that will inspire you and also to show you that like no matter where you are in your career right now like you can always improve you can always move ahead there's always a solution as long as you want the solution. Okay? So just a final recap.
Starting point is 00:29:30 If you guys want to learn more about like career direction and all those things, you can check out the free training at So step one out of my six-step career planning process, we will talk about career interest and direction. So hopefully that actually gives you a little bit of clarity as well. And for those of you who have been sending me messages in the chat box saying that you think that you have a skills problem
Starting point is 00:29:49 or you have a people skills problem, then check out this training also. The last part of the training where I go into step five and six is all about work skills, helping you to assess if you have skills gap, you have blind spots, and really thinking about your career growth strategy.
Starting point is 00:30:04 So that is actually the second half of the training. So if you haven't checked it out yet, make sure that you check it out. And for those of you who may want to learn a little bit more, I do have a paid program that is the Corporate Survivor at where I go through with you the three-step framework to get clear about the corporate world, get confident by building the core corporate skills, as well as getting visible at your job, as well as online on LinkedIn. So if that's something that you want to actually go a lot more in-depth, this is actually the course that a lot of nine to five professionals sign up because they want to learn from my 10 plus years of experience on surviving and navigating, as well
Starting point is 00:30:44 as in leadership positions in the corporate world so if there's something that you want to check out and you can go to this link so with that i'll see you in tomorrow's live stream have a good monday bye

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