Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep129: How to define career problems and what to do.

Episode Date: May 13, 2022

✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence, build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world. For more career support, click on over to This is Mei Ping, your corporate leader turned career coach. I hope you enjoy, like and subscribe. Hello, hello, hello. Hi, everyone, and welcome back to day 13 of my 30-day career livestream series. And hopefully you are still enjoying a lot of the very interesting career insights that
Starting point is 00:00:40 we have been talking about in the past 12 days. And this is a careers livestream that will go on for every single day in May. So if it's your first time here, hi, my name is Mei Ping. I'm a professional career coach and former corporate leader and hiring manager who has led multi-million dollar projects as well as hired people from junior levels all the way to director level. So welcome to my live stream where I want to share with you some real behind the scenes insights and perspectives as a former corporate leader as well as what it actually takes to be successful in the corporate world. Hopefully, you are enjoying your week so far. And today is May the 13th. It's the Friday. And why for today, I specifically chose the topic to talk about real career
Starting point is 00:01:37 problems. It's because as we always know, you know, most people working in a nine to five job always wait for Friday to come because the whole week has been bad, right? The whole week sucked. So Friday is the best day. Friday is the day that you waited the entire week for where you can escape and finally put a full stop to work at least up till Monday morning. So the question then for you is, how do you feel on Friday? And compare it to how do you feel on Monday actually gives you a very big indicator on how you feel about your job, how you feel about your career, how you feel about your growth potential, and really how you feel about your future in general. So, you know, based on the many, many people I have worked with,
Starting point is 00:02:32 and, you know, either as a former corporate leader as well as a career coach, I have found that for people who do not last in their career or do not last in a specific job, most of the time, they have this sort of attitude that they want every day to be Friday. And when I say every day to be Friday, I mean like completely zone out and really do not care about the job. So if you are feeling that way, not just today, because it's Friday, but every single day of the week, and that you feel like you don't care, you feel like it's whatever that you're doing is and that you feel like you don't care you feel like it's whatever that you're doing is meaningless you feel like you can't stand any single person that
Starting point is 00:03:10 you're working with you can't stand any of the your team members your boss your stakeholders your clients and so forth that probably that's a very very big indicator that you are not happy with your career right now. You also don't care about what you're doing right now. And maybe you should consider something else. Now, one thing I also noticed, and some of these habits, some of my older clients have had these problems before, where in order to escape or rather console themselves after a full week of,
Starting point is 00:03:49 you know, getting blasted at work and, you know, things not working out at work, most of the time on Fridays, they would much rather, you know, escape, go for drinks and go and relax and like complain to their friends and like just trying to forget. But the reality is that trying to forget is not actually going to solve the problems in your career. It's not one of those things that if you forget about it and you go and do something else
Starting point is 00:04:16 and you go and hang out with your friends or do something else, the problem just goes away. A lot of times, career problems do not actually go away. And what then happens is that you are basically living in a really crazy roller coaster life of hating monday to friday and then or rather hating monday to thursday then on friday itself you're like oh my god finally it's the weekend and then like friday saturday you do you go all out
Starting point is 00:04:41 and then like kind of like go down the dumps again on the weekday so this sort of like yo-yo effect actually is not very healthy and this will eventually affect your mental health if it hasn't already affected your mental health now obviously i'm not saying that you know everybody should feel extremely excited on monday because it's usually is the day that you know you need to clear out a lot of work from the past week and like things that have not been completed right and all these other things but to feel like a huge discrepancy between your feelings you know every single day probably is an indicator for you to rethink your career or rather rethink your role in the current company as to you know are you bored already or
Starting point is 00:05:28 is there any room for growth as well so I'm not saying that you know necessarily has to be like an external opportunity but rather you know exactly what you're doing right now are you bored or you also feel that you can do more but you are not given the opportunity? Or have you even asked for the opportunity? Have you actually showed up and really asked for what you're looking for, right? So all these things are really useful to get a sense. And a lot of it actually starts from self-awareness, like being a little bit more aware, as well as learning how to manage your energy a little bit better.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Now, energy management is actually something that I teach in my course, the Corporate Survivor, so we're not going to go into a lot of detail on that. But today's topic is real careers problems. And why I decided to add this word, real career problems, is that, personally for me, now, how I define real problems versus problems that are not real problems. Now, I receive DMs from, you know, nine to five professionals or job seekers every single day across my social media platform, specifically on LinkedIn and Instagram, is where I receive a lot of messages on like,
Starting point is 00:06:39 I have this problem, I have that problem, you know, I've been struggling with job search for a long time, I am unable to get interviews or I'm unable to get job offers, right, my colleagues hate me, I want to move on, how do I ask my boss for promotion, like all these questions I get very, very often every single day. But the difference that makes the difference, right, to me, at the end of the day, it's about like, how invested are you to want to go and solve that problem? Or are you coming to me just because you want to complain, right? Because there are basically two things, right? And I think like sometimes when you, if you go to a coach or you go to a career mentor,
Starting point is 00:07:18 I think you need to be very clear on what exactly you're trying to get out of it. So there's really like two groups of people, right? The first group is that they actually only need the listening ear. They just want to talk about it. They want to share. They want somebody to listen to them. They want someone to just say, oh, yeah, you know, it sucks.
Starting point is 00:07:40 Your boss sucks, right? And just forget about it. You're fine. You're good. I know you're the best. Yeah, yeah best yeah yeah yeah so anyway what i'm trying to say is that like this first group of people just needs a listening ear and that's fine that's fine like if you come to me and you tell me that may ping can i book a session with you i just need you to listen to me and that's it okay now you need to be very clear what your goal is, right? And, you know, listen to me, motivate me, whatever that is. But I'll be honest that I don't really take on a lot of clients
Starting point is 00:08:10 that need motivation or listening ear because I'm a person that is very solution-oriented. I feel like if you come to me, then let's try to solve your problem together because a lot of these motivation itself, you know, motivation for the sake of motivation actually does not solve a problem. It's um it's like instead of like you going out drinking on friday you're going to have a therapy session is that going to solve the problem probably not so the
Starting point is 00:08:36 second group of people are what i consider people who are actually serious to solve their real career problems so these are people who come to me most of the time are pretty specific in the problems that they have, right? So they'll tell me, okay, Mei Ping, this is my problem right now. I, you know, I can't get job interviews, I can't get job offers, or, you know, I feel like I can't really adapt to this new job, or I've been in this new job for a few months. I think that things are not going well how do you think I can pass my probation or some people come to me asking me how do I talk to my boss to get a promotion how do I convert to a full-time position like these are pretty specific questions and what I also notice the habits of people who actually want to get help is they will
Starting point is 00:09:21 also tell me what they have done but did not have not worked out so far so usually in the message i'm just letting you guys know like the the typical um the typical thought process of a person who really wants to solve a real career problem that is actually really important to them so the normally the the kind of message that i receive is this first thing the you know the nine to five professional will actually tell me their problem, right? They're struggling with ABCDE. The good thing is that the second thing they will talk about then, they'll also tell me what they have tried.
Starting point is 00:09:54 So some of the common things I can tell you right now of people who have tried to solve their career problems but have not, most of the common things I've heard is, I've tried to Google, can't find the answer. I've watched X number of YouTube videos, I can't find the answer. There are also people who come to me saying that I've already hired a resume writer, I have already worked with an interview coach, I have already worked with other career coach, but I haven't gotten results. So these are usually, I would say, the three steps that most people have taken before they come to me.
Starting point is 00:10:32 So then in the message, there's also the third part as well. So most of the time, they will ask me, what do you think the next best step is? Or what do you recommend I do? Or what do you recommend I get started with? Now, why these three parts of a message? I mean, in terms of the DMs that I receive, why does the DM that have all these three parts,
Starting point is 00:10:54 so explaining what the problem is, right? What they have tried and asking for a recommendation. So why do all these three points, it's actually important for me to also assess whether are you a person who actually wants to solve a real career problem or this is not exactly a problem for you because it's just something you want to talk about, why these three points are important is because, number one, if the person can actually explain the problem that they are facing, it tells me that this person has already thought through the process, right? They have already thought about what they're struggling with, and that tells me that they're not just coming for, hey, Mei Ping, just help me. But like, how? I don't really know your problem, right? So it shows me that this person has actually thought through their problems and they realize that, oh, it's kind of a big problem
Starting point is 00:11:49 and I need to solve it right now. Then the second point is that for somebody to tell me that, hey, Mipin, I've really tried A, B, C, D, E, but it didn't work. It tells me then that this person actually really wants to find a solution. This person is internally motivated to solve the damn problem, right? So this tells me that if I work with this person actually really wants to find a solution. This person is internally motivated to solve the damn problem, right? So this tells me that if I work with this person, this person is actually going to do whatever that we discuss,
Starting point is 00:12:13 whatever strategy, whatever steps, or whatever method that we're going to discuss in our session, I know that this person is going to do it and this person is going to get results. Because the fact that they have tried so many things before coming to me for a one-on-one consultation tells me that they really want to solve this problem.
Starting point is 00:12:30 And the third thing is that, you know, for the person to tell me that, hey, Mei Ping, what do you recommend? Or what do you think I should do? What do you think is the next step? To me, it also shows that this person is coming to me as a career coach with a very open mind to be able to accept
Starting point is 00:12:47 perspectives and be open to potentially new ways of doing things or a new solution as well. And the third point may sound like something that is very light, but I'll tell you that it's very, very important. The reason is because in the past, I have also come across people who come to me and tell me all these problems and ask me whatever solution or whatever I recommend or tell me about their problem. And in the past, and nowadays I do not do this anymore, but in the past, sometimes I would actually just tell them, just offer them the advice. But what I then realized is that for a person that mentally is not
Starting point is 00:13:26 really ready to open up their mind and listen to a different perspective, these people will end up arguing with me. And now I'm a bit like, why are you arguing with me? Because you are the one who came and asked for my opinion and now I'm like, okay, from an expert's standpoint, this is what I think. And then you
Starting point is 00:13:42 think that you can do something else better than I'm like, why are you coming to me? Like, you know, it's not in my benefit to argue with you. So like, you know, if you really think that you know what you're doing, and if you don't have an open mind, then actually it's better like not to ask for advice, right? If you guys understand what I'm trying to say.
Starting point is 00:14:01 So if you are really, you know, out there, reaching out to someone else, like an expert for an opinion, whether it's a career coach, a career mentor, or somebody who's actually really, really senior in the 9-5 corporate world, then you just really want to make sure that you are actually ready to listen to that perspective. And this is actually how you can break out of your own comfort zone and really be able to take that advice. Okay, so this is how I define a real problem versus it's just something to complain about and listening.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And for me personally, I do enjoy working with people who actually want to solve a real problem because that tells me that that person is motivated, that person actually wants to progress in their career, and that person actually wants to improve themselves. And I think all these are actually very important qualities that it's going to be very difficult to teach. And I know that there are a lot of other motivational content,
Starting point is 00:15:03 maybe motivational coaches, and all these other things out there. But personally, I highly believe that internal motivation, inner motivation actually is the most powerful thing. And inner motivation only comes from getting clarity. Now, we're not going to go into motivation too much because in one of my earlier live stream episodes,
Starting point is 00:15:22 I did talk about how to get motivated. So if that's something that you want to check out more or you had missed out on the earlier live streams, you can always check out the replays on my Spotify or my YouTube channel. Just search Mei Ping. I'm sure I will pop up. So make sure that you catch up on all the other live streams that I think you might find super duper helpful as well. So that's how I normally differentiate. And I do have a very interesting message. Today, there was actually someone who dropped me a message on LinkedIn. I'm not going to name her name, but she knows it because she actually typed in the message saying that, Mei-Ping, there's this one thing I hope that you
Starting point is 00:15:59 can share in today's live stream, just like as a public service announcement to everyone so i'm going to share it right now so now this is a person who is looking to kind of get back in so trying to trying to get back into like her her passion industry right because she's been out of her passion industry for some time and she's trying to get back in at the right position and the right pay now this person who dropped me a message, I can, if like going through the three points I was telling you earlier, right? So when she dropped me a message, she specifically told me that, okay, this is, you know, my problem, right? I am unable to get interviews and so forth. And the second thing is that she told me that, oh, I actually hired a quote-unquote professional resume writer to write my resume for me. And this professional resume writer has promised me a lot of interviews. So what then happens is that this professional
Starting point is 00:16:58 resume writer basically zunged up her, you know, boosted her entire resume to make it sound like she can save the whole world, right? So basically that resume like no longer reflects what she can do, but it's like a boosted, elevated, polished, photoshopped version
Starting point is 00:17:16 of what she supposedly can do, right? Because remember, like that professional resume writer promised interviews. So what is the best way to get interviews? Faking it, let me tell you right now, is a really bad strategy. It may look like a good idea for a short term, but it's a bad idea for the long term.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Now, the good thing about this person who actually DMed me today is that she realized that it was against integrity and she decided to then try to rejig the resume herself but because she actually lacked the skill so she was still unable to get interviews and unable to get the job offers or right so it's a bit of a problem like multiple angles right sometimes all these problems it's just not just like one angle it's like multiple things but this dm actually tells me that this is a person who is really, really keen and actively want to solve her problem. But I think she's seeking the wrong solution.
Starting point is 00:18:10 So anyway, her public service announcement, her PSA that she actually asked me if I can share in today's live stream is that do not overbuy promises, right? These overpromises of like, okay, guaranteeinging interviews guaranteeing this and that it's actually really dangerous because i think you really need to know like what is the coach's process right if you're just working with someone because this someone promised i don't know promise this and promise that it's actually really dangerous it's really dangerous because at the end of the day as i always say, your professional reputation is everything. Once that is destroyed,
Starting point is 00:18:46 it's the end. It's actually a lot more difficult to try to patch back this professional reputation. Now, since we're on the topic of resumes, I will say that I will not write your resume for you. The reason is because, remember what I said about the first
Starting point is 00:19:06 step to solve a problem is that you must go through the thought process. So if somebody writes your resume for you, then how are you going to go through that thought process to actually think about your career journey? And thinking about and going through and understanding your career journey is very, very, very important because that is how we are going to find the positioning points to sell yourself, right? So anyway, I will not go into a lot of detail as to why you should not hire a resume writer. And if you want to check out more,
Starting point is 00:19:34 I have a podcast episode, episode 84, on YouTube or Spotify or my website's blog that you can check out. That's episode 84. If you want to learn more about why I think you should not hire a resume writer, I believe that you should write your own resume. Then you can go for a resume review session
Starting point is 00:19:51 to see whether you have captured all the points and whether you are positioning and selling yourself correctly. But you should go through that thought process because if you have not done it, you will never be confident in what you have to offer because you didn't do the work, right? I
Starting point is 00:20:05 mean, you didn't do the thinking process. So, like, how are you going to convince the interviewer that you can do all these things? But because you haven't even convinced yourself that you can do all these things. Does that make sense? If you're watching right now, drop a comment and let me know whether has this been your experience as well. So anyway, the point is, it's good to want to proactively solve your problem. It's a good thing to try different resources. And I think for a lot of people, they will start with free resources, which I also have a lot. I share a lot of tips on LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Spotify. I share tons of tips. However, I also think that depending on to what extent that you have tried all these free content and free resources
Starting point is 00:20:51 and what kind of results that you're getting, it's probably time for you to think a little bit further and ask yourself whether investing in a paid service or a paid program actually is going to help you more. And the reason why I say this is because I actually do have an online course. I'm sure you guys may have heard of it already. I actually do have an online course called The Corporate Survivor where I teach you the three-step framework on how to get clear in the corporate world,
Starting point is 00:21:18 understanding people, understanding your skills gap, learning how to develop your core corporate skills from goal setting to communication, relationship building, productivity, critical thinking, and so forth. And later on, once you're ready, time to get visible within the company through networking and performance reviews, as well as building a LinkedIn brand. So all these things are things that I have been teaching my one-on-one clients. These are things that I have personally implemented in my career as well. And I'll tell you something very interesting.
Starting point is 00:21:52 A lot of people, or rather a lot of these students who have signed up to my course are actually people who have been following me for a very long time. And if I were to ask them, a lot of them have consumed my free content one way or another, right? So, but what I'm trying to, the point I'm trying to say here is that, like, there is a limit to free content. Because guess what is the difference? You know, you are, you are hunting. You are hunting for a bunch of free resources, you may not even know which one is correct, right? Or you may not even know how the entire jigsaw puzzle is tied up. And you may not
Starting point is 00:22:31 even know whether this advice is even outdated or not, right? So like I said, right, for this particular course, actually, what I noticed very interesting is that because obviously, you know, when my students sign up for the course, I will send them a welcome email, login details, and all those things. And usually, in the student intake form, I always ask those questions like, you know, what made you sign up for the Corporate Survivor? Or like, how did you hear about
Starting point is 00:22:56 me? And like, you know, all these other things. And one of the really common answers I see is that, oh, I've been following Mayping for a very long time, you know, I've watched your videos, I've watched your podcast. And right now, I just want to really learn a little bit more detail, especially the step-by-step. Because I will be honest with you, my free content, and I share tons of free content, right? I mean, if you guys are watching right now, just drop it in the comments, like, which one of my social media platforms do you follow me on?
Starting point is 00:23:22 Hopefully, you guys are still getting a lot of value. So I share a lot of free content. But I will say that the free content will never match the paid content. And the reason is because, and whether paid content is either in an online course or working with me directly,
Starting point is 00:23:36 the main reason is because in the free content, it is usually not organized. Because for me, when I write a piece of free content, it's based on my inspiration. I wake up, I don't know, at eight o'clock and I'm like, okay, I feel like talking about this today. So I write something that may or may not be specifically related to your problem that you are trying actively to solve. It may not be in
Starting point is 00:24:00 the right sequence as well. Like for me, sometimes, you know, today I talk about interviews and tomorrow I talk about like, how do you start a new job me, sometimes, you know, today I talk about interviews and tomorrow I talk about like, how do you start a new job? And like the next day, I may talk about how do you get visible on LinkedIn? Now, all these points are actually really important,
Starting point is 00:24:13 but it's not in the right sequence. And that is because like, that's the nature of free content, right? I share what I think is really helpful, but it may not be in the specific sequence and there may not be a lot of correlation between all the free content because it's designed to be a little piece of content on its own. Whereas for clients who work with me longer term, either in this online course
Starting point is 00:24:36 or working with me one-on-one, usually at the beginning, I will tell them very clearly, this is what you can expect. If you work with me on job search, if you start from career consultation, and if you decide that I'm the coach for you and I can help you further, this is what we're going to do in session two, three, and four. There must be a roadmap because it is the roadmap that brings you the success. And of course, with one-on-one,
Starting point is 00:24:59 I'm actually imparting directly and fixing your problems immediately, right? And also in the course as well. And I tell all my students, and in your problems immediately, right? And also in the course as well. And I tell all my students, and in the welcome email, I make it very, very clear, there is a course roadmap that is a five-minute video that you must watch because that will actually lay out how the course is designed and you need to do this first and then that and then that.
Starting point is 00:25:22 If you try to like jump around, right, then you are probably limiting your own potential because you may not be learning the right thing in the right sequence. It's really the sequence and the correlation between every single piece of the course that gets you the result.
Starting point is 00:25:39 If you're going to look at this video and then that video and everything, then it's the same as watching YouTube and it does not work. Okay? So anyway, I didn't mean to go on a bit of a rant there, but I think it's really, really important that it may feel like just getting a listening ear, just complaining, you know, spending hours on YouTube, spending hours on Google
Starting point is 00:26:04 can solve your problem. But sometimes if you don't know what you're looking for or you're not actually really clear, you might get easily confused. And the worst thing is that you are actually implementing all these things incorrectly, which then delays your success and cause more problem and actually causes way more frustration as well.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Because something that you could have fixed in a week week now it's going to take like a few months because you have been like scouring through youtube and then you're like digging all these things and you're like talking to 10 friends about it you're spending more time like drinking and all those things like how are any of these things helping i think these are these are real questions that i want you to ask yourself okay now let's have a look at the chat box. I think I've like rambled on quite a bit. So if you have learned something from the live stream so far, definitely drop it in the comments and let me know. And if you want to join the other upcoming live streams, I go live every day as part of my 30-day careers live stream at nine o'clock
Starting point is 00:26:59 Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong time. So if you have a very interesting careers topic suggestion that you want me to talk about, drop me a DM on LinkedIn and let me know that it is a suggestion. Or if you come across some pieces of advice on multiple social medias and you're wondering to yourself, is this right advice or is it the wrong advice and what does Mei Ping think about it, then you can send me the link and let me have a look at it. Possibly I may talk about it in an upcoming live stream episode as well. So let's have a look at the comment box. Hello. So we have a lot of participants from different countries as well. So I'm seeing beautifully explained. Then also participants from Indonesia and also sharing that
Starting point is 00:27:46 there's a good explanation. All right. So sounds like you guys are resonating with my rant today, which is really great. So Akilah is saying very good. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:27:59 So let me have a look at... All right. So I'm seeing a comment here saying that too much free resources are time-consuming and confusing. Yeah, absolutely. Now, I want to share this concept with you. Or rather, this is actually my personal philosophy.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Now, free is not really free. Free is time. And time is money. So if you're thinking that something is free, things are never free. It's actually what you're exchanging. if you're thinking that something is free, things are never free. It's actually what you're exchanging. What you're exchanging. So let me give you an example.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Now, a lot of people prefer to consume free careers content. So I have a lot of people who follow me on LinkedIn. They have watched a lot of my YouTube videos. They have listened to a lot of my Spotify podcasts and read my blog and all those things. And all those things are great. And not just that, right? You may spend a lot of my Spotify podcasts and read my blog and all those things. And all those things are great. And not just that, right? You may spend a lot of time on YouTube and Google
Starting point is 00:28:49 and all these other platforms. Now, isn't all this time? Are these not time that you spend every day, every week, every month to try to find a solution? And let me ask you, what is your success rate? And if you have actually implemented the things that you have read online, right,
Starting point is 00:29:10 in random pieces that you Google and search, has it worked or has it not worked? I think only you can be honest with yourself and answer whether like, are you actually getting results
Starting point is 00:29:21 or are you not getting results? Because things that you have tried and didn't work, then actually it's a waste of time. And you've also wasted your time searching for it. And you know to search for something actually takes a lot of time. I'm not sure if you guys realize this, but it takes a lot of time. And after that, you don't get results, which is a bigger problem.
Starting point is 00:29:42 Now then that creates more frustration, that creates more annoyance, and the worst thing is that it actually starts to hurt your self-confidence. So really think about the implications and the repercussions of free things. So I'm not saying that free things are bad. I produce a lot of free content, and I usually also recommend, like for clients who come to me and say, oh, maybe I'm not sure if I'm ready to work with you
Starting point is 00:30:06 and all those things. I mean, that's fine. I usually just tell them, oh, you know, I have tons of free content. You can check those out. And if you feel that whatever I say makes sense,
Starting point is 00:30:15 you are comfortable with my approach, you think that this approach may be helpful, you are open to try, then you can come back to me and then sign up for the paid program later.
Starting point is 00:30:24 I'm actually pretty okay with that because I am very sure that my free content is very valuable as well. But then again, it will never compete and it will never be better than the paid content because all of that is highly tailored for a specific profile. And for my online course, The Corporate Survivor, it is specifically designed for those of you working in the 9-5 in a structured organization in the corporate world. It's designed for that profile is because I used to work in corporate. I was a former corporate leader. I've worked with people from 43 countries, junior to senior. And I've also worked with more than 300 clients who are working in a 9-to-5 job. So the course, the lessons, the methods, the strategies, and the steps are designed for people with that profile. So if you are a 9-to-5
Starting point is 00:31:18 working professional and your goal is to become more efficient, effective. You want to learn how to get visible. You want to learn how to get recognized. You want to make sure that your days at work are less painful than the course is for you. If you're saying that I don't take any of this checkbox, then okay, maybe it's not for you then because it's not for everyone. But what I'm trying to say is that free things also have a cost. And you should not be so naive to think that free is 100% free. Most of the time, free things take time. Time equals money, unless you're telling me that you don't care, and that's fine. But the other thing I think people also don't realize is that the more time you take to solve a problem, the pain is going to prolong
Starting point is 00:32:05 until that problem gets solved, just so you guys know. The pain is still going to be there until you find the actual solution. So you're not just exchanging time, which equals money, but you're also prolonging your pain as well. So actually, really think about what I say.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Really think about what I say because I've seen so many people who have undergone this drama and also come to me. Usually, you know, usually for my clients, we either start with a one-on-one consultation session
Starting point is 00:32:31 at the beginning, even before they sign up for anything else, or currently in my online program, The Corporate Survivor at It actually comes with a 30-minute career coaching call,
Starting point is 00:32:44 like a career strategy call. And during these sessions, I consistently hear, oh my god, I should have just sent you a message last year because I've been hunting around for such a long time. So these things, it's not just you feeling it. Actually, there are a lot of people who are in the exact same situation like you. So yeah, that's that. Thank you so much for listening to today's live stream and I hope that I've given you a little bit more perspective on what I would consider real career problems and also differentiating the two personalities, the people who just need a listening ear and that's fine versus the other group of people who are actually actively trying to solve their problem and have already gone through the thought process of being able to explain their problem, being able to tell me what free resources or what action that they have taken but didn't work out.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And number three, actually being open to listen to my recommendation on what is the next step. So with that, thank you so much for joining today's live stream. I wish you all a happy Friday. And if you want to catch the replay of today's live stream and any other live streams before that for this entire month, you can always watch the replay on YouTube or on Spotify. So just search Mei Ping and you should be able to binge on all these interesting episodes related to your career or job search over the weekend.
Starting point is 00:34:03 And if you want to level up your career success a little bit more and you want a step-by-step framework and so forth, you can always check out my online course at So till then, I'll see you guys tomorrow. Take care. Bye-bye.

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