Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep132: Work-Life Balance: The real hack you should know.
Episode Date: May 16, 2022✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
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Hello everyone, welcome back to my 30-day career live stream series.
And since today is Monday, I really wanted to talk about the topic of work-life balance.
So think about your weekend that you have had so far.
And if you are based in Asia right now, you are likely enjoying today as a public holiday
because it was Visas Day over the weekend.
And there is a replacement holiday in many Asian countries for today.
So today I wanted to talk about work-life balance and one of the
inspirations behind this topic is, as usual, Monday is usually Monday blues. Bad Monday is the day that
everybody dreads going back to the office, going back to work and really diving back into your roles
and responsibilities. But the other thing that also inspired today's live stream topic,
it's all about how can you achieve work-life balance
by learning to become more efficient and effective at your job.
Now, I was actually talking to a client a couple of weeks ago.
So my client started a new role in a new country, in a new company,
and he was extremely, extremely excited about the new role.
However, just within a couple of weeks of officially starting at his new job,
he started feeling very stressed.
And he texted me and said that,
I noticed
that I am starting to work longer hours. I feel like my things can't get done. I feel like I'm
taking a lot more time to try to, you know, complete a piece of task and it's already affecting my
work-life balance. Now, here are some perspectives that I shared with my client when he texted me a couple of weeks ago.
And these are also some of the perspectives that I also want to share with you.
First things first, when you join a very new company, it's very important to give yourself some time to understand the company's culture,
understand the company mindset,
as well as getting to know the people around, right? And these three things are, I'd say that the most important things
that you try to sort out and get clear in the first three to four weeks
of starting a new role before you want to try to impress the whole world right and that kind of eats into
time that you are allocating to do your job but the second thing then is if you truly don't I mean
if you don't fully understand the nature of the job because it could be a new job it could be a
career change it could be new roles and responsibilities with a new team at
different priorities and so forth so like I said it does take you know maybe three to four weeks
to really settle down within the first month and kind of like find your groove of doing things
however when you find yourself working late in the first month or so you need to be you need to
really segregate out whether actually what is the
reason that you are working late. Is it really related to the actual execution of the job,
like very specific to your roles and responsibilities, or you are still in the
process of learning how things are done. Now, that I do not necessarily consider, you know,
your boss is bullying you
and that the company sucks. I see it as a learning curve because at every new job, it requires a new
version of you, it requires a new mindset and potentially a new skill set as well or rather a
new application of your existing skill set because it's not the old job, right? You're not like,
you know, in the past job
where everything is probably at your fingertips because you have been there for some time and you
have done it before. So back to this particular client, what I told him was, I think you need
really to segregate out as in what exactly is the roles and responsibilities and how are you going
about executing them and do you even understand the goal? After you have the goal and then you have the process, right?
But the other part is how much of it is just learning
about the way the company operates,
learning about the corporate culture,
reading up on the policies and procedures, right?
Experimenting, really understanding your own learning curve
that you need to put some time in.
So this is actually really, really important to recognize
because if you don't see the distinction between these two things,
it's actually very easy to feel like the new job is not what you want
in terms of expectation versus reality
and quickly blame the new job as being problematic
and being, you know, not exactly, like I said,
matching your expectation on an easy job. And I say, quote, unquote, you know, not exactly, like I said, matching your expectation on an easy job.
And I say, quote, unquote, easy job,
because honestly, there is no such thing as an easy job.
It's whether you are good at it or not.
And if you're good at it and you're efficient
and you're effective and you can achieve results
with the minimum time,
then of course you can enjoy work-life balance, right?
That's how it works.
So if you truly want to be successful
in your career right now, whether you are working one year, three years, five years,
10 years, or even 20 years, and you want to achieve that highly coveted work-life balance,
I challenge you to think about, are you even clear on what exactly needs to be done? Are you clear
on the corporate culture,
exactly like what your boss cares about?
How do you deal with people?
Because I'll give a simple example.
And, you know, problems with colleagues
and problems with stress, anxiety
are things that a lot of my clients come to me as well.
And as well as these are all the DMs
that I receive online, right?
And the common theme that I also find
in a lot of people who tell me all these things,
like when we actually go into
a one-on-one career consultation session,
a lot of times I notice that they have skills gap.
And what do I mean by skills gap?
So for example, number one could be
they lack clarity on exactly what the goal
of that specific role and responsibility is.
So when I ask questions such as like, okay, what exactly do you need to do?
What is the outcome?
What's the deliverable?
What's the output?
What does your boss expect?
They can't answer any of these questions.
Now, this is actually a really big problem, right?
Because you can put in like 200% of effort and like completely killing off your work-life
balance, working on weekends, working long hours, working blah, blah, blah.
But if you don't understand the goal,
then how are the hours going to translate into outcome?
Think about it.
Think about it.
And that is why,
even in currently in my,
I only have one online course,
online program at the moment,
and even in my online course right now,
actually for phase one,
it's all about getting clear about the corporate world.
If you don't understand,
if you're not kind of like
going into your new job
with very clear expectations,
expectation versus reality,
understanding people dynamics,
understanding people,
understanding what you need to do
like within the first 30 days,
60 days, 90 days,
then you're going to feel
very frustrated
and gradually it will eat into your
work-life balance bit by bit. And you may wake up three to six months later on and you'll be like,
oh, I don't really want this job anymore because it's not what I want. And you may not realize
that even if you go and join another company, that probably is likely going to happen again
because what is not addressed is that you're just kind of jumping into a role, but you are not clear on what the goal is.
Now, the second reason I find a lot of people also struggle is they underestimate the importance of communicating well.
So let me give you an example.
So normally when you first join a new company,
it's quite natural to feel very shy,
to feel like you want to try to figure it out,
especially if you used to do pretty well in your previous job, right? So when you join a new company or join a new career,
it's quite natural to feel like,
oh, I should have everything figured out.
I'm just going to try to do it myself first.
I'm not going to ask any questions and I'm just going to like, you know,
try to figure it out, right?
Now, this then results in the lack of communication
and the lack of communication also likely would mean lack of clarity
because you're not communicating the help that you need,
the understanding that you have gained, right?
Because number one, your understanding that you may have gained may be wrong, right?
But if you don't communicate, then how are you going to get that clarification?
And number two, because you don't communicate,
then how is your boss, your seniors, or your team leaders know that you actually need help
or you need further support and to be able to help you?
So there is no win-win relationship.
There is no support system that you should be getting
because you decided that you don't want to communicate.
And the result and the unfortunate result of this entire situation
is that at the end of the day, you may end up jeopardizing
and compromising again your work-life balance
because you may end up spending more hours
trying to figure it out because you don't want to ask for help or you don't want to reach out
and get feedback. Now, this is really down, like I said, to the fact that you probably chose not to
communicate because you maybe don't want to appear stupid and you don't want to, you know, feel like
you're a failure or you don't want somebody to judge you thinking that you don't know right so these are actually pretty common problems um when i work with um clients who
are just starting a new career just starting a new job and that's why after working so many
clients in similar situations when i designed my online course the corporate survivor so i made
sure that in the first module itself in module one i specifically cover understanding
your role in a in the corporate world so the corporate jigsaw puzzle where do you sit
within the department the team the function what's your role and there's this also this other part
around what exactly do you need to do the first 30 days of your job and how do you actually map
it out to the year end so that
you are also setting yourself up for success during the performance review now all these steps
you know may sound like things that you don't care and you want to directly dive into your job
and your new work but no if you just dive in like that at the end of the day you may feel
burnout very quickly in your new job and it's actually not a sustainable thing
and you will give up quickly and
after that, you jump to
another job, not going to work out
and then jump to another job, not going
to work out. It's not because you're not putting in
the hours, but the problem is that
the way that you're
starting your new career, the way that you're
starting your new job, you're
skipping some very important foundations as I said, which is really getting clear on the corporate culture, understanding
what your role in the team, the function and department and company is, and then really mapping
out a 30, 60, 90 and, you know, the 3, 6, 9, 10, 12-month plan leading to your performance review. So,
there's a bit of a roadmap that obviously I teach to my students in my online course
But if you want to do it yourself,
then you should really be aware
that these are some of the things
that are really, really important
because if you skip some of the sequences,
what is then going to happen
is that you are going to put in a lot of hours.
You're not going to be effective.
It's going to take so much time to do something
because you don't understand the goal and you don't have good relationships with people and therefore you're not going to be effective you're going to take so much time to do something because you don't understand the goal and you don't have
good relationships with people and therefore you're not going to get
the help and therefore that leads
to more time and leading to more time
will completely kill your
then if you're taking so much time
you'll probably miss some deadlines, you'll probably
start feeling stressed and it will also affect
the accuracy and the quality of the work
you deliver and ultimately the effectiveness also goes down as well. So there are multiple
multiple implications. Of course, the worst being that it creates a lot of stress, anxiety and
nervousness on your end which is also not good and then you feel like every Monday is so painful,
you don't want to get back to work or or even every, every, every single day is not a good
thing also. So just really think about what I say here, and really think about, you know, work-life
balance holistically. Now, there's this one other question a lot of people also ask me, is that,
Mei Ping, do you think work-life balance is achievable if I want to pursue a very high-paying job that is very challenging?
Now, that's actually a really good question. But what I'll say is this, sometimes if you go for a
very high-paying job or a job that maybe is a bit above your pay rank. So what I mean is, for example,
maybe you're at a manager level right now. But then you got a great opportunity to maybe join as a senior manager, right,
in a new company.
Now, this is actually really, really challenging.
And obviously, it's really good for you
because you're getting more money,
you're getting a better job title,
there are more doors opening for you.
But you should first recognize
that what is your own situation?
Because I did work with a client very similar
in this situation
at the beginning of my career coaching
journey and within the first four months she actually crashed and burned because she overestimated
her ability and she was just doing whatever that she was doing putting in a lot of hours
but then not getting results but the problem is because she actually did not set the expectation
correctly within her first one to two months so So she just put in the hours and hope,
you know, really pray that everything will work out,
which obviously it did not.
So I really challenge you to think about
the longer term around work-life balance.
And I think that if you are putting yourself up
for a challenge and going into a booming industry,
an emerging industry, a highly challenging industry,
obviously you're already getting paid well, then, you know, work-life balance may be something that you need to redefine
what that means. You need to re-tag that in terms of the goals that you have and, you know, what is
more important right now. So we're not saying that, you know, you're going to like work 24-7
like for the next 10-20 years because that's not sustainable,
but what does work-life balance mean to you within that period of time?
Is this something that you can do,
you can work a little bit more longer hours
and feel comfortable in exchange for greater opportunities?
Are you okay to do that?
If you're okay to do that,
then it probably opens up more doors as well.
So a lot of it is, I think, you need to personalize it to your own situation. if you're okay to do that, then it probably opens up more doors as well.
So a lot of it is, I think you need to personalize it to your own situation.
But what is very, very important is that regardless of whatever your career goal is,
whether you want to climb up the corporate career ladder from fresh graduate to executive,
manager, director, even preparing for C-suite, at every single career level,
it's a new job, it's a new expectation, it's a new career level. And therefore, you need to redefine what work looks like, what the
priorities look like, and what does work-life balance and success mean to you at that particular
level. Because if you're telling me that I want to be a senior director preparing for C-suite, but I want zero stress because I don't care,
I just want to work like an executive,
now there's really a kind of a big problem there, right?
So I think it's always worthwhile to kind of look at it holistically
in line with your own goals and just to see how much you are willing
to balance out
in terms of what's most important
and what are you willing to give in
in order to get what you want.
So think about it.
And just a very final point here,
for some people who also have been asking me,
oh, Mei Ping, at some point,
I want to run my own business,
I want to go and own business. I want
to go and do my side hustle. Do you think it's actually important to find work-life balance and
be more efficient and effective? Now, I don't usually talk about, you know, business,
entrepreneurship and side hustles on my channels because 99% of people who, you know, listen to my
podcast, watch my videos, read my content, are working in 9 to 5 corporate job in the corporate world, which is really my top priority in terms of the value
that I think I can bring. However, I will want to answer this very quickly as well. So, if you are
a person who wants to transition into entrepreneurship or something else, learning how to
become efficient and effective
is very, very, very important.
So goal setting, so I repeat that, goal setting,
learning how to communicate with people,
learning how to be efficient and effective
and run things using a process
so that you can actually have work-life balance
where everything is efficient, effective,
you finish on time or as on time as possible
actually is very, very important
before you transition to any
any side hustle any run your own business be your own ceo because that is actually the
core soft skills and what i call the top 12 soft skills for career success that is very important
so if you want to move somewhere else you can move up the corporate career ladder, you can choose to do something outside of the corporate world, maybe in the much longer term in your career, but you should really be clear what are your skills gap and try to fix them now. percent of my students who sign up to my online course about five percent
of them tell me that probably in the future they might want to start their own company they may
want to transition to a different career field that is you know outside of the corporate world
and that's fine but they wanted to make sure that they learn what it takes to deal with people to
manage workload to really learn how to be as efficient and effective as possible
so that they can find the space within their 9-5 job,
meaning that they can finish their work on time.
So they learn how to be efficient and effective during their 9-5
so that they can finish on time.
And then after that, they can work on their own self-improvement
on whatever other passions that they want to pursue.
Now, if you are not
efficient and effective, you are not going to have work-life balance and therefore, you will also not
have any more space to pursue your passions. So, I think that's kind of like how everything sort of
ties in together and I really challenge you to think whether, you know, whether you are a person
who is working really long hours right now. I challenge you to think whether are you actually
utilizing the right frameworks, methods, and strategies
and steps to become more efficient and effective
or maybe you don't know how.
The second thing I challenge you to think about
is how important is your goal
and are you willing to sacrifice
a little bit of your work-life balance
to actually achieve the next step in your career
and get yourself more opportunities
which may require an extra bit more effort
on your end in your corporate job.
As well as number three,
if you are looking to transition
into other passions and something else,
are you really, really ready
to make sure that by the time you move out,
you have actually set yourself up for success,
you are great with goal setting,
you can communicate well with critical thinking,
you have good relationships with people, you are very productive, you're very organized,
all these things that sound so simple, but it's actually really, really, really important.
And how you can actually get to that point is really maximizing the time that you, while you're
still in the corporate world, where you're still in your nine to five job, to upskill whatever that
you need. And of course, being able to upskill those and completing your work on time
because you're efficient, effective, and gets results
then gives you the other half of your day
to go and pursue whatever passions that you want,
if you get what I'm saying.
Okay, so thank you so much for listening so far
and especially if you are watching live.
So let me know in the chat box,
do you think that you have work-life balance? And if, do you think that you have work-life balance?
And if you don't think that you have work-life balance, tell me why. Tell me what do you think
is the biggest blockage towards you having work-life balance? Then I really like to hear
from you because I think that work-life balance differs from one person to the other. It's just like the definition of success, right?
I can't define success for you,
but I can sit down and through a coaching session,
help you find a little bit more clarity
in terms of direction as to what you want
and maybe some gaps that you may have
and really laying out a roadmap
on some of the options that you should consider
as you move to that position. But like I i said it's just like the definition of success
i can't tell you or i can't dictate to you what success means to you and similar to work-life
balance as well because what is considered work-life balance to one person may not actually
be the same definition for the other person so i encourage you to do some self-reflection and
particularly and i think that if you want to
learn how to be successful in your new corporate job if you're just starting a new career
you want to boost your journey boost your journey a little bit more or you've already started in
your new career for the past few months but you feel like something's just not clicking
it's probably because at the beginning of joining the company, you probably did not set expectations right.
And I really highly encourage you to think about it as to how you can kind of set the foundations in place
so that you can really set yourself up for success in your new role.
So if you want to find out a little bit more,
you can definitely check out my online course
now with a bonus coaching at
So in this link, there is about a five-minute video
where I'm going to walk through with you the step-by-step
and the three-phase process to help you to really set yourself up
for success in your new career in the corporate world.
So as long as you're a 9-to-5 working professional,
I think you'll find it a lot of value.
So yeah, make sure you can check it out at
So thank you everybody for joining live.
And if you are new here, hi, my name is Mei Ping.
I'm a professional career coach and formerly corporate leader with tons of leadership experiences
in global multinational companies.
I've worked with tons of big brands.
I've worked with people from over 43 countries as well.
So welcome to my 30-day
careers live stream where I discuss very interesting career topics, mostly inspired by the career
advice, good or bad, that I see on social media, as well as all the DM messages that I get from my
connections, my clients, some of the very interesting perspectives that I hope can inspire you and give
you a little bit more of an idea of what
other people are going through and hopefully you can also apply that in your own career.
So if you want to join me live for the next days to the end of May, make sure that you dial in at
9 o'clock Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong time. So I will go live at 9 o'clock Malaysia,
Singapore, Hong Kong time for every single day in May.
So if you are enjoying
the live streams
or you want to catch up
on the earlier versions
of the live streams,
make sure that you
check it out on YouTube
or Spotify.
I've already talked about
some very interesting stuff
such as interview mistakes,
how do you find inner motivation
on Mondays,
how do you,
should you work hard
or work smart, how do you, should you work hard or work smart? How do you make
career choices that not just fit yourself, but for your family as well? There are a lot of very
interesting topics that I have started since the 1st of May. So if you want to check out the replays,
make sure that you check it out on YouTube or Spotify. So if you are watching live right now,
definitely drop a comment and let me know that you are watching live and let's do it.
All right. So, hi, Oliver. Good to see you here. Hi, Marco. Good to see you again as well.
All right. So, let's have a look if there are any interesting questions today. And I really want to
stick to topic as much as possible because I think that, you know, work-life balance is one of those things
that can lead anywhere.
But I really want to use
today's live stream
to help you really reflect
on how you can set yourself up
for success in your new job
by learning how to be clear on goals,
be efficient, effective,
getting results
so that you do not have to sacrifice
your personal time,
your family time,
maybe time with your children
because you're inefficient.
And therefore, you are like wasting time at the workplace,
which is really not the most productive thing as well.
So thank you so much, everybody, for joining.
Hi, Mustafa.
Good to see you here as well.
All right.
So if you have any quick questions,
do drop it in the chat box.
I'll probably answer a few for today's live stream.
And if you find some value in whatever that I've just shared so far,
make sure that you also let me know in the chat box as well.
Hi, Jetran.
Good to see you here as well.
Hope you found it very helpful.
All right.
So let's have a look at some of the questions.
All right.
I feel demotivated in my job search.
I feel even though I get an interview,
it doesn't mean I will get the job search. I feel even though I get an interview, it doesn't
mean I will get the job offer. Even if I get the job offer, I don't know whether I can last long
in the company. Now, all these are very valid concerns, but I think that if you are currently
in the job search process, then you should actually really focus on getting the job instead
of actually worrying whether you can do well or not
because if you are starting your job search thinking that you are already going to fail
then there is actually no point no point applying right because if you don't believe in yourself
then how is the company going to believe in you so if you're in a similar situation i would actually
highly recommend my free training at
So in this training, I actually walk through
the six-step framework, the six-step strategy
to plan and grow your career step-by-step.
And step one, we actually go into a lot more detail
on career interest and direction.
And in step one, specifically in this training
I actually talked about the common mindset blocks
that every job seeker has
and some of the solutions that you can apply to overcome them.
And step one, career direction
and really overcoming those job seeker mindset blocks
is really going to be important
because if you are progressing along the job search journey,
you know, into step two, resume, LinkedIn, you know, interviews, job search journey you know into step two
resume linkedin you know interviews all those things but your step one you're still having a
lot of mindset blocks basically what is going to happen is that you are going to self-sabotage
yourself so specific to that particular question what i would suggest is um you need to really
reflect on your own value what do you think you actually have to offer and do some
self-reflection self-assessment on the skills gap that you have and really take action to fix it
because at the end of the day you can worry about it non-stop but it's just like not going to solve
a problem and i'll share with you another client example over here so recently i had a client um i
managed to help her get a new job overseas so So she actually just started a couple of weeks ago. And before she moved overseas and started her new job officially,
there was a period of break time where she was serving her notice
and just kind of working around the logistics to move overseas.
And in our previous sessions, even at the job search stage,
she had already told me that she felt like an imposter.
She felt like she's not as
good in terms of like some skills that she's not great at communicating people and sometimes you
know her work is disorganized because she's a people pleaser and some of the things you know
she's at least already aware so what i actually recommended to her is that you know let's just
focus on getting the job first but knowing that at the back of your mind that you do know that you have this problem,
then I actually recommended that once she landed the job and she already signed the
job offer, I actually recommended that she get started with my online course first so
that during the time where she's serving her notice, during the time where she's waiting
for all the admin and logistics to sort out, she's in the process of upgrading her skills.
She's in the process of improving her goal-setting skills,
her communication skills, people dynamics, productivity.
She's already starting to learn these step-by-step
and really starting to apply even though she was serving notice.
So take that as a training ground so that in the new role,
it's not going to happen again.
The problems can be eliminated as much as possible. And when you start in your new role, it's not going to happen again. Like the problems can be eliminated
as much as possible.
And when you start in your new role,
you're starting it with confidence
because for this particular course,
step one is getting clear
on the corporate world.
And then step two,
we learn how to get confident
by building skills.
So my career motto is,
and if you've joined
my free training before,
I'm sure that you have heard
me saying that confidence
comes from competence. So, you know, I am, that you have heard me saying that confidence comes from competence.
So, you know,
I am a,
and, you know,
the way I coach
and the way I teach
my course
and the way I teach
my students
who are 9-5 working
professionals is that
instead of like dwelling,
let's then talk about
what is stopping you
and how can we
overcome it,
how can we apply
the strategies and methods
and then move forward step by step. Even if you can't, you know, you can't apply all the strategies now, you can we apply the strategies and methods and then move forward
step by step?
Even if you can't,
you know,
you can't apply
all the strategies now,
you can't apply
all the steps now,
but can you take
the first step
and then the second step
and then the next step,
next step, next step?
I don't think that worrying
actually is going to
resolve the problem,
but I mean,
that's my opinion.
So if you want to
learn more about
the step-by-step
and also deep dive
into the Job Seeker
Mindset blocks,
you can join free training.
If you want to upskill to really build a solid foundation,
then you can check out the course at
All right, so let me have a look at
if there are any other interesting comments.
All right.
All right, so just now i was talking about the fact that you need to first clarify
the work that needs to be done so that you can be more efficient and effective and not spend as
many hours as possible to try to achieve an outcome that is maybe not correct so there's a
comment here saying that but some colleagues supervisors and bosses do not like people asking
a lot of questions now that is a very valid comment, but I will also say that, like, the quality of your
questions also matter. So, it's not for the sake of, like, just asking for the sake of asking, but
then the question is, like, how much logic have you gone through before you ask the question?
And how you ask the question also matters, right? Because at the end of the day, unless you are,
like even it doesn't even happen to fresh graduates nowadays, right?
Hand-holding, spoon-feeding is something that a lot of like seniors,
a lot of managers may not actually have the time to do.
So what I would highly recommend is that you learn how to identify
and be clear on what are the roles and responsibilities at your job
and learn how to communicate with people and learn how to ask questions,
learn how to express yourself.
Now, all these sound kind of a lot and it's going to be challenging for me
to try to explain it here because I actually
kind of teach it step by step in my course. But the tip that I can give you here is, yeah,
the quality of your questions matter. So really focus on the quality of what you're asking.
And I think that will really work. That will really help a lot. All right. All right. So let
me answer another quick question around side hustles. And as I mentioned, most of my connections and clients are working in the 9 to 5 corporate world.
But I do understand that it's also helpful sometimes to think a little bit further what you want in your career in the long term and then kind of like build your skills along the way.
So I'm looking at the comment here saying that I once had a graphic design side hustle on top of my full-time job
and during that time I struggled I struggled immensely with working quickly and efficiently
to free up some free time yeah so this specifically what I talked about right if you are already
struggling and you don't really have a very clear process to become efficient effective you know
really clear and organized in the way that you're handling your full-time job, this side hustle is really going to destroy you.
Because if you can't even handle one thing,
now you're going to layer one other more challenging thing on top of it.
It's going to be very difficult.
So all this is not like magic that you can do it or not do it,
but it's really down to skill set.
It's down to skill set.
So I think that for any one of you listening and you want to have side hustles,
and then when I say side hustles, I say very in the sense of um side hustle where you are making money or you
may also have like those sort of side hustles where um maybe you are involved in like you know
non-non-profit organizations right ngos which also does take up quite a bit of time as well so if you
really want to be committed to your passions whether the passion is a side hustle that pays or a passion that is um more more from like really
giving back to the society then there's also a lot of benefit of learning how to become efficient
effective organized and really have that work-life balance and really be able to carve out and
complete all your deliver complete all your deliverables
and get results at your 9-5 job
that's actually paying you
so that you now have extra time and bandwidth
to then focus on whatever your passions are.
So, I hope that you have enjoyed today's live stream.
I know that it's a bit ironic
to talk about work-life balance on a Monday, but I think that it's a bit ironic to talk about work-life balance on a Monday, but I think
that it's a very important topic for us to talk about consistently and really for you to reflect
on potentially, is there a clarity issue that you're facing or is it a skills issue that is
really causing you to not be able to handle a lot of things and end up working long hours?
So with that, I wish you all the best in your career,
and I'll see you in our livestream tomorrow.