Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep143: FAKE GURU vs REAL EXPERT: How to find out who’s legit.

Episode Date: May 29, 2022

✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence, build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world. For more career support, click on over to This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach. I hope you enjoy, like and subscribe. Hello, hello, hello everyone and welcome back to another day, another live stream and welcome back to my 30-day career live stream series where we will be talking about very interesting career advice
Starting point is 00:00:39 that I see on multiple social media and really for me to help dispel the myths from the truths on what's considered good advice versus bad advice. So today I wanted to talk about fake gurus versus real experts. This was a very interesting topic that was raised in one of the earlier live streams probably a couple of days ago by one of the listeners. And I thought that it's such a great question. And the reason is because you are likely consuming, watching or listening to this live stream on a social media platform.
Starting point is 00:01:18 For example, you could be watching on LinkedIn. You may be watching it on YouTube, Facebook. You could also be listening to it on Spotify, you may be watching it on YouTube, Facebook, you could also be listening to it, right, on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, and wherever podcasts are found, or even TikTok, for example. So, one of the questions, and rather, I think the confusion when you are looking for career advice, when you're looking for career perspectives and career insights on these social media platforms, it kind of naturally begs the question of what is actually education versus what's entertainment. Now, if you are, like I said, consuming this live stream on social media,
Starting point is 00:02:01 the distinction between real education versus entertainment sometimes can get blurred and it's sometimes very easy to think about the most entertaining coach or mentor or guru that you see online, that must be the best one. But the question I actually have for you is what kind of skill or rather what kind of success are you looking to emulate from that person that you are learning from? Or rather that person that you are watching or that person that you are listening, regardless of whether that person labels themselves as an expert, as a coach, as a mentor, or as a guru. So let's talk about substance a little bit. So the skill of creating entertaining content versus the skill of actually being able to help you from past experiences, past insights,
Starting point is 00:02:57 and actually having been there, done that themselves, it's actually a very different thing. So if you are looking for help from these people that you are following, then how can you truly be sure if the person can help you? Now, I want to share with you my PEP formula for choosing the right coach to work for you. And this is actually something I have talked about in one of my earlier podcast episodes, but I'm just going to give you guys a very quick snippet here. And we're probably going to add on a couple of things also. So my recommendation is basically three things that you can look out for
Starting point is 00:03:35 to identify if the person is a fake guru or a real expert, and also may help you to process a little bit better on whether this person actually has the ability to help you. So first one is P and P stands for process. Now it's very easy to talk about, hey, you know, we can, you know, I don't know, reach the peak of Mount Everest, I can help you to do ABCDE, yada, yada, yada. But the more important question actually is, what is the process? Because you can look at the peak of, you know, you can, you know, aim and look at the peak of Mount Everest like a million times, but if you don't actually have a strategy, you don't have a plan, you don't have a process of like, what exactly
Starting point is 00:04:22 are the actual tactical steps to get there then it just gonna remain an illusion it's just gonna remain something that you're you're you know just looking at it non-stop right so the first question you really should ask is what is the process and what i personally found is a lot of fake gurus there's a lot of talk on the dream oh you can do this can do that it's like yeah sure but how and what are the actual steps and even if like the steps are not you know to the minute detail but there should be some sort of framework and roadmap as to what needs to happen first and what needs to happen next so and how this process, you know, roadmap or framework can actually appear is if that person, whether it's a coach, mentor, guru, expert,
Starting point is 00:05:12 must have done it themselves, right? Have achieved that level of success or at least walk that path far enough to see everything, not just, you know, seeing two steps ahead or one step ahead, which is not great because, you know, that person can truly believe that that is the right strategy. But if they take two more steps, then they probably fumble. And guess what? Who's going to tell you that that person fumbled? So this is probably the problem that I also see with a lot of young coaches or coaches who have maybe worked for one or two years and then trying to give a
Starting point is 00:05:45 lot of career advice and you know it's coming from a very good place but I just really wonder as to how detrimental that can be giving advice and like trying to help people when they themselves have not kind of like walked as far as possible on the career ladder. So back to the first P, like I said, it's all about process, what needs to happen first and then what needs to happen next. Like for me, when usually clients come to me, they work with me, they want to work with me on two things, right? The first thing is they want to work with me on understanding and navigating the corporate world because, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:23 that is a jungle in itself. So the first one is people come to me because they say that they want to learn from me how to navigate the corporate world. And if you all don't know, I used to be a senior director and hiring manager at Standard Chartered in my 20s. So I've kind of walked the entire ladder also. So first one is people come to me for that. The second one is people who come to me wanting to work on job search, right?
Starting point is 00:06:48 Job search. Now, if you ask any of my students, any of my clients, they will all tell you that Mayping always tells them that there is a process and there is a step to do something. For example, for those who come to me
Starting point is 00:07:02 who want to work on their understanding the corporate world, I have a program for that and it's in three phases. And I also tell all my clients that if you truly want to be successful with the course or the course plus working with me one-on-one, that power combination, you need to follow the steps and you need to follow the roadmap, the framework and the steps that has been outlined for you. That's how you get results because everything is designed to basically build on one another. It's starting from the first phase and then, you know, learning how to get clear on the corporate world, then you learn the mindset, the culture, the people and personality, really checking off and laying down the core foundation. And then you are then ready to actually get confident. You're ready to first know what not to do in terms of assessing what you're not good
Starting point is 00:07:57 at. And then you're going to focus on actually improving, developing and actually growing those skills that you need to survive in the corporate world, to add real value beyond the rah-rah, to then be able to move into phase three, which is then getting visible with personal branding. So personal branding, getting opportunities, getting visible, it's either at your job, or you can also do it online on LinkedIn to create more opportunities. Now, that is the three-step framework. And I will say that it's not like a magic situation.
Starting point is 00:08:31 And I think that if you truly want to be successful, you need to follow the steps. Because the process is there for a reason. Like, for example, if somebody asked me, oh, Mei Ping, what actually made you successful in the corporate world? I'm like, yeah, that's the three steps. Like, you know, I don't really have like a fancy answer for you, but that is truly the three steps. And if you follow it, you will definitely learn how to become confident. You also learn how to become visible.
Starting point is 00:08:54 And all those eventually translate to more opportunities and, of course, you know, getting paid more. So there should be a process. And similarly, even for job search, there are some clients who come to me that they want to skip the process but i always tell them that like let's just make sure that you are checking off whatever needs to be done first like for example if the first step is identifying your career interest and direction let's get clear on what you actually want then we do the resume review then we do the linkedin review then we do the LinkedIn networking, and then we practice interview. Now, that may swap very slightly depending on kind of how far you have progressed along your job search. But having said that, it's still very important to get the foundation checked off and the clients who worked with me who have the best results are the people who actually follow
Starting point is 00:09:40 the steps. Now, if you're going to jump around, then you are actually not learning from the expert's process for success. That's kind of like your version of success, right? So, moving on to the second one and the other one is actually around experience. Now, how do you validate a person's experience? Because, you know, everybody can say that they have experience to help you in an area that you need help so we're going to use careers here because obviously I am a career coach I used to work in the corporate world and career is like really that domain that I understand so the second assessment criteria is experience then the question you may wonder right now is that okay maybe everybody says they have experience particularly on on social media. Everybody writes a great story.
Starting point is 00:10:25 So how can I actually validate that whose experience is real or what is the RARA-boosted experience that actually is not real and what can we do about it? So I think the first one that's very important, and given that I'm very active on LinkedIn, is definitely check out the person's LinkedIn profile. Now, of course, there will be that 1% or 2% of people who may lie on their LinkedIn profile,
Starting point is 00:10:51 but I will say that generally speaking, LinkedIn is a pretty reliable source because it's not just the profile, but if you're actually linking the company's name and actually putting in the job titles that you have worked on like for my profile or another coach or mentor's profile if if they are going to that to an extent of like lying about the job title or like linking in the company that they've never worked in like i don't even know what to say right but what i'm trying to say here is like probably you know more than 90 percent are pretty legit so first thing definitely make sure that you check out the coach or the mentors or
Starting point is 00:11:30 the experts linkedin profile regardless of where you find them on social media even if you see them on tiktok or like instagram and everything make sure that you open up linkedin first that you should be able to find them on linkedin they are not on LinkedIn how can they actually help you in your career when LinkedIn is like one of those more popular platforms for corporate professionals so think about it like how how can someone help you in your career if like they don't they're not even embracing LinkedIn as a professional platform so first you should be able to find them number two when you go to their profile you should focus able to find them. Number two, when you go to their profile, you should focus on their working experience. Now, I'm going to say in the context of careers in the nine to five corporate
Starting point is 00:12:11 world, because that's really like the domain. So when you go through the working experience, you should be very clear in terms of what is their job title, what kind of positions have they been working in in like the roles and responsibilities right it's and also the third one is probably the companies as well so when you're looking at the job titles and the roles and responsibilities the main thing that you're looking out for is how much detail is there and because like something that has no details probably is not very legit like Let's be honest, right? If you have actually done something, your profile should be pretty comprehensive.
Starting point is 00:12:54 Now, mine is very long and I can probably kind of pull it out to the stream really quickly. But the point is that if the person has actually done something, I think you should be able to find more details on what the person has actually done in terms of the you know, the expert and so forth. So I'm going to show you a very quick example and hopefully we can kind of get to that. So just to kind of like further illustrate what I'm saying. So if you go to the person's, oops, hold on, wrong one. Okay, so if you go to the person's LinkedIn profile, you should be able to look at the working experience and then job title. Why the job title is very important, right? It's because if you are looking to advance in your corporate career
Starting point is 00:13:41 and this person, this bombastic guru that can help you, have never actually been in any managerial position, they're never a director, they're never a head of department, they have no experience working with C-suite, then I think you really need to ask yourself, can this person actually help you? Because if that person has never walked the path before, how sure are you that the person actually have the right, I would say, insights and experience to be able to actually support you? So, I'm going to give the LinkedIn portion another try and I think it's sort of working now. So, if you happen to be watching the live stream, I think that will help a lot so what you
Starting point is 00:14:25 want to do is make sure that you just go to the working experience portion and really try to look at like I said the title and the second thing you also want to make sure so the title is super important right like for example a lot of my clients come to me is because they like that I have been in senior leadership position. So in terms of like the career ladder, I've kind of gone through the entire career ladder. So most of the time, my clients and students in my program, they feel like I can understand them very quickly. That's because I have done the mess. So I do understand what you're saying. But the second thing you want to check out actually is to make sure that there is enough information on what this you know
Starting point is 00:15:06 coach and expert has actually done because if there's no information then like how how are you going to validate that if any of these things are even true right then the third thing that you can also check out is for example some of these links so if you look at if you actually go to my LinkedIn profile you will notice that I have multiple links if you actually go to my LinkedIn profile, you will notice that I have multiple links that's actually related to my senior positions in the corporate world before I became a career coach. And actually, this is the MD that I worked with in the past. So you should be able to find multiple interesting links, basically as an evidence of the actual work experience or the success or the exposure or the scope of this, you know, so-called guru or expert to give you a bit more of a confidence
Starting point is 00:15:53 as to what's what. Now, the other way that you can also go about it, if you really want to validate experience, now experience could be, you know, the seniority in the corporate world, right, in terms of experience, or it can also be in terms of getting confidence that this expert actually has helped the people, or rather helped people in similar shoes as you, or other people who have the same goals as you. So, how can you check that? Now, testimonials is one of those really popular ways to check, but based on what I know nowadays,, a lot of testimonials can be faked as well. So if you go to a lot of people's website or wherever that people post testimonials, you may notice that a lot of testimonials actually doesn't really list down the person's full name. Like, for example, for me, if I go to a platform and I find testimonials,
Starting point is 00:16:50 but the testimonials, like, okay, there are like some words that, you know, somebody can cook up or copy and paste. And then the name is like, first, I can't even find the full name. Now that's a problem, right?
Starting point is 00:16:59 Because I can just say that, okay, Sarah thinks that Mayping is great. It's like, but like, really? So what I personally recommend, I'm not sure how many people actually do this, but this is something that I've been actually actively building is, again, that's what I'm saying, like LinkedIn is such a powerful platform.
Starting point is 00:17:15 It's because if you actually scroll down my LinkedIn profile, let's just use it as an example, right? And this, I'm just going to explain to you why I really love LinkedIn. Because if you just go, you scroll to the bottom of my profile, and you actually look at the recommendation section, you will notice that I've received 261 recommendations so far, right? And obviously, it's more because I've not been actively asking for testimonials. But the point is this. Now, why I really, really love LinkedIn is because you can actually look at the full name of the person
Starting point is 00:17:52 who dropped the recommendation. You can see the photo and then you can read their experience. Now, why this is great is because, like I said, I have seen so many. Okay, I don't want to fully conclude that it's like fake testimonials, but it's testimonials that can be faked. I think that's a better way to put it, like can be faked. So LinkedIn, like I said, is one of those powerful platforms. It's because it's so detailed and it actually really shows the actual person who dropped it in fact you can actually click on their profile and you honestly if you are it's that's really something you want
Starting point is 00:18:32 to do you can even go and send them messages and just say hey you know i noticed that you worked with mayping before like what do you think of mayping and blah blah blah and it's actually so flexible because you can actually find this person and like i said most people on linkedin at least based on my experience most people do use like real profiles so and even if you go to their profile and you can also you know pretty much validate the validity of the you know the clients who have worked with me before and all those things so i think it kind of gives you a bit of a two-way street rather than just you just accepting whatever that you just see on a certain website and so forth. And personally, I should really do a much better job of translating all these to my website,
Starting point is 00:19:12 which is kind of a work in progress. I haven't really had time to do that. But anyway, the point is this. Testimonials for the sake of testimonials may not be very convincing. And I think there are a lot of fake gurus who are actually churning out fake testimonials may not be very convincing and if i think there are a lot of um fake gurus who are actually churning out fake testimonials and i've also seen many that you can actually hire a like a testimonial writer basically you pay like five bucks or something and then somebody writes like a really fancy testimony for you on the website so i've seen some people do that but
Starting point is 00:19:39 again i think linkedin is still very powerful because most people, because you know a lot of these testimonials, especially on LinkedIn, people wouldn't want to write it because their name is tagged to it. So if you actually look at these two testimonials, if you happen to be watching on screen right now, and these two clients are clients who have worked with me for some time.
Starting point is 00:19:59 And the fact that they are willing to put their name out there, their professional reputation, really writing me a good recommendation on what you really enjoyed working with me i think that that is like a really really big value and that's something that i personally really appreciate as well so you just ask yourself right like if you're going to write a recommendation or a testimonial from a good experience working with a coach a mentor or a guru you know, if you're going to be able to, you know, you need to tag your name in there,
Starting point is 00:20:28 then you also want to make sure that, like, it's a really good experience. Otherwise, why would you land your name, right? So just think about it because, like, it's a lot of times that these validations are like a two-way street. And I just thought it's really interesting to show it to you because I began these questions recently and also something that is being asked as well. So I thought it's quite helpful.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Now, the third P in terms of identifying fake guru versus real experts as well as maybe helping you to choose who are the coach or mentors that can actually help you. The third P actually is personality. So personality at the end of the day like you know you are a unique individual i am a unique individual and every single coach um has a very different style has a different method like maybe the way i speak you may like that you may feel comfortable but some people they're like i'm not sure so at the end of the day like personality is the third factor which is to me the final determining factor on whether you feel comfortable with the coach or mentor or not.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Because if you do not feel comfortable, maybe the way I talk, the way I present myself and the things that I say, then if you choose to work with this guru or expert or whatever, you will probably not get the best results. And the reason is because you don't have the trust factor with whoever this guru or this expert is. And therefore, the third P, the third criteria should always be personality, because you also want to make sure that you pick someone that you feel comfortable with. And for example, you like, maybe like, if you like the way that I'm explaining something or you feel like
Starting point is 00:22:06 whatever I say makes sense, then it also helps me to feel like, hey, maybe you will be a good client for me or you will be a good student to take up my course because like I talk like this. So if you don't like
Starting point is 00:22:19 the way that I talk, then like when you get into the course or when you get into a coaching session, then it's going to be very awkward, right? Then it's like, it's not going to be very awkward, right?
Starting point is 00:22:27 Then it's not going to be helpful for the both of us. And therefore, because of these sort of determination criteria, I will say that I'm still really, really thankful that all my clients and all my students who have worked with me so far and hopefully the people who will work with me in the future, they feel comfortable. And therefore, when they come into my programs, like coaching programs or training programs, they already know my style and they coaching programs or like training programs,
Starting point is 00:22:46 they already know my style and they are very comfortable in the way that I present something. And therefore, you actually absorb more information and you can actually absorb the learnings that I'm teaching and really feel comfortable and feel confident to go out there and execute based on the strategies, methods, and steps that I teach. And I think this is really, really important.
Starting point is 00:23:03 And therefore, I created the PEP. So process, especially process for success, and the success has to be that person must have already achieved the success that you want for yourself and walk the path. And therefore, you know that the process is from a proven roadmap or proven framework and not just some random theory that, you know, that was like from The second one is experience. And experience should be in the domain that you are interested in. For example, if you are somebody who is working in the 9-5 corporate world, you are climbing the corporate career ladder,
Starting point is 00:23:36 then I can help you because I've already walked that path. But if it's something else, then maybe not. Then the third one, i said is personality and i think that between the three process experience and personality i would say that the third one personality is what um i guess traps a lot of people in the whole fake guru nonsense and the reason is because i find that most fake gurus are actually very focused on selling personality, very focused on selling theable person, if the person cannot, if the person doesn't really know the roadmap, doesn't know the strategies and the real steps, like a friendly guru is not going to be able to help you
Starting point is 00:24:35 because there's more to career success than talking to someone who is actually very friendly and like someone that you really love, but the person cannot give you the real answer. And I think what for me, differentiates a guru versus expert is the ability to problem-solve. And what do I mean by the ability to problem-solve? Now, for a fake guru, it's probably very easy to tell them,
Starting point is 00:24:57 oh, rah-rah, everything can be done. But if you actually have a question, can this person, number one, can this person even understand your question? Because if the the person hasn't done it, right, then it's just theory and therefore your problem is not going to be very easily understood by this person, right? So the ability for this guru to first understand your problem, number two, potentially resonate with your problem, right? So if the person has sort of like walked through the path, they can probably get a better understanding of like your actual problem. And the third one is this guru's ability to come out with a solution for you so the solution could be maybe based on past experiences or you know
Starting point is 00:25:35 working together if you to come up with an action plan that you feel comfortable implementing now these three things right um you can't like magically solve a problem if you have ever done it and i think this is really the biggest biggest biggest problem that i see in the whole fake guru nonsense because it to me right all comes down to the q a session and in in a more detailed context it would be like for me it will be in a one-on-one coaching session whether it's clients who work with me on long-term one-on-one or they are actually using the one-on-one free coaching call that actually comes with my online program right now at So regardless, it has to be in a one-on-one context or rather
Starting point is 00:26:19 maybe in live streams right now, but specifically in a one-on-one context, if you are raising a problem on your career and you realize that, hey, that expert, a one-on-one context, if you are raising a problem on your career and you realize that, hey, that expert, number one, doesn't understand what you're talking about, number two, seems to jump to a different conclusion, and number three, cannot actually give you tangible steps on what are the next actions that you can take to solve your problem, that is probably a fake guru. That's probably a fake guru because it is so not in integrity to teach something that you have not done before.
Starting point is 00:26:50 It's like, don't teach what you have learned from, I don't know,, YouTube, TikTok. Don't teach what you have learned. Teach what you have done. And if you haven't done anything, then you will not be able to problem solve
Starting point is 00:27:05 because your understanding, or rather these gurus' understanding on the context of the problem is actually not deep enough to give you the solution. To actually understand, not just give you the solution, not just understand the context,
Starting point is 00:27:19 give you the solution, but how do you customize it based on your personality? Because that's really the important part. right? So anyway, food for thought, because this is something that popped up a lot, and I hope that in today's live stream, I've sort of answered some questions around how you can do your own research when you come across, you know, different gurus on social media, and then you're wondering that, hey, you hey, is this legit? Is this not legit? And how can I do more research to make sure that if you're, for example, if you're going to
Starting point is 00:27:50 invest in yourself, and I think investing in yourself, investing in your career is a good thing. But what is even more important is that person that you are choosing to invest your money in, money with or whatever, that person that you are choosing, the guru, the expert, the coach or the mentor, I think that person should be, it should give you enough value for you to feel like the investment in yourself is worth it, right? So I think it's not a matter of like you're investing in yourself or not, but it's a matter of like that person that you're going to invest your money in
Starting point is 00:28:26 to whether it's improving your life or improving your career, like whatever that this person is offering, it's a coaching program, it's a course, it's a combination of whatever, like it has to be worth it. It has to really provide you value. And how can you confirm the value is PEP.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Process, process for success, the actual experience and the ability to navigate and problem solve. And obviously, the little bit of the personality as well so that you can make sure that you are actually comfortable
Starting point is 00:28:54 and you can kind of like absorb the lessons that are being taught also. So I want to end today's live show with this one particular comment. And this is actually from one of the clients who started working with me this month. And I know that she sometimes kind of watches this live stream, but I'm not going to name her.
Starting point is 00:29:11 But I'm just going to tell you something that she mentioned to me at the end of our first coaching session together. So this was our first career consultation session. And towards the end of the session, obviously, you know, we had a really good session because I was helping her to structure her interview answers and so forth. And towards the end,
Starting point is 00:29:29 right before we end the session, usually I will ask, right, what are some of your takeaways from today's session and what are you going to do after this and everything. And she said this one thing that I remembered
Starting point is 00:29:39 and also partially inspired today's live stream. And she said, oh, Mei Ping, you know, before I reached out to you, I really wasn't sure because of whatever that you're charging. And it's my first time engaging a career coach.
Starting point is 00:29:52 I really didn't know what to expect. And I also didn't know like how much is considered like valuable, you know, what's like value value and how like, you know, what's expensive and what's cheap. And she said that, you know she she's very happy that she booked a session and obviously now we are kind of working together long term but one thing that i did tell her also is to be honest like whatever price point that you are willing to invest in yourself you know whether it's like i don't know fifty dollars hundred dollars two
Starting point is 00:30:20 hundred dollars three hundred five hundred dollars or, $1,000 or whatever the number is, at the end of the day, there is something for whatever price point that you are choosing for yourself. But you should have a clear realization that what you invest in is what you get. If you want to get something for $50, then that is the quality that you get for $50. And it's probably like a student or like a fresh graduate coach or mentor who's trying to teach you something. So you want to ask yourself whether are you at that level that is that actually helpful for you?
Starting point is 00:30:52 Is that really where you think real value comes? Or versus something that's, I don't know, like $500 or maybe more. And you should also ask yourself, why do you think the expert can charge this amount? It's because there is a proven record for success and there is real experience and you're actually paying for real value because you are paying for actual solutions that can solve your problem. Now, obviously, I'm not generalizing this, but if I can put it in the context of, okay, let's talk about travel as
Starting point is 00:31:23 the last example, right? Let's talk about a place where everybody wants to go. Maybe everybody wants to go to the Maldives. So let's say Maldives, right? Maldives is like one of the most beautiful places in the world. So let's say everybody wants to go to Maldives. So the best analogy I can give you is this. Looking, it's like, let's say you want to go to Maldives, right? If you are constantly looking for free content, meaning that you are going to Google, you're going to YouTube, you're going to, you know, I don't know, LinkedIn and all these free content, it's almost like you are choosing to walk there because it may be free, but what's not free is your time. You are investing time and it's, to me, it's like a, when I visualize
Starting point is 00:32:02 it, it's almost like, hey, you say you want to go to Maldives, but then you're starting to walk. To me, that's free content because there's a lot of mess in free content and you may or may not know these things work or not and therefore, your progress is going to be very slow. Then the second layer would be for you to, let's say, sign up for all these random challenges and workshops.
Starting point is 00:32:25 There's a one-hour webinar here, one-hour soft skills workshop, and one-hour Toastmasters, all these little random things in which you are self-diagnosing to try to solve your problem, to me, that is almost like taking a bus. So you're starting to take a bus,
Starting point is 00:32:41 but the bus can't go the full way. So therefore, you're hopping from like one workshop and like one course, you know, all these little, you know, workshops from one another. It's almost like taking a bus, but then you have to keep changing a different bus. And therefore, it's like, yeah, you're kind of probably going in the same direction, but you're probably going to waste a lot of time because after jumping from one bus to the other, you're going to waste
Starting point is 00:33:04 a lot of time trying to piece everything together. It's like, okay, what is the map? And like, which bus goes first and stuff like that. Like, that's kind of how I visualize it. So the third one, it would be something that's a lot faster and that's probably like a consolidated course. So that's kind of like how my course is designed. And to me, that is almost like you're taking a plane, right?
Starting point is 00:33:25 Because it's a lot faster and it's a lot more precise because the route is already designed, right? And when you take a plane, you're not going to do a lot of pit stops. It's literally like one flight, direct flight most of the time, or it's like a one-time transit, maximum two. Because the outline, the roadmap, and the framework has already been designed, and therefore, what you gain is speed.
Starting point is 00:33:51 What you gain is speed using the proven process, but the only catch is this, you actually have to implement. It's like you can't go to the airport and then don't board the plane and still expect results. You're not going to get anywhere. So to me, that's like, if you invest in a course that kind of like,
Starting point is 00:34:08 if they're overarching, like covers every single area, like from corporate mindset to skill set to visibility strategy to helping you make more money, then to me, it's like an end-to-end.
Starting point is 00:34:17 So, it's like taking a plane. Now, there is a fourth one and the fourth one is what I call, it's like taking a private jet. Now, commercial planes, we all know, right? You're taking a plane, it's very fast, but what is more exclusive and what probably can get you a little bit faster, more personalized,
Starting point is 00:34:34 to me is a combination of course plus one-on-one coaching sessions. Because obviously, firstly, it's like you're still flying on the plane, right? You need the plane, like you need the roadmap, you need the framework, you need the process. But why the one-on-one sessions will be almost like a private jet experience is because, yeah, at least you have someone who will better understand your problem and kind of like be able to pinpoint and all these other things. So think about it, think about it when you are thinking about
Starting point is 00:35:05 trying to actually improve your career, you know, choosing who to listen to and really want to fast track your progress. And I hope that you think about this analogy that I've just told you, which is the difference between walking with free content, taking a bus with all these random workshops or taking a plane with a proven system
Starting point is 00:35:23 in a full-blown course or taking that final next step that is more exclusive, which is flying in a private jet and doing the course together with one-on-one coaching support at the same time. So I hope that this live stream kind of gives you a bit more perspective on what's what. And I also wish you all the best in your career. And if you want to find out more perspective on what's what and i also wish you all the best in your career and if you find want to find more find out more information on um the programs i was talking about you can
Starting point is 00:35:49 always go to and for those of you who want to know what is my personal um six step strategy to plan your and grow your career in the corporate world, you can go to this free training at So these are the actual six steps that I cover, that every single person, as long as you're working in a nine-to-five corporate job, you will go through these six steps. You can always go to And for those of you who've been asking about the proven framework
Starting point is 00:36:24 on basically what I have learned in so many years in the corporate world and also what I teach my class in 101 and that's now in the program
Starting point is 00:36:32 that's way more valuable. You can always go to So with that, I will see you in tomorrow's live stream and tomorrow's live stream is actually going to be
Starting point is 00:36:41 the last one to wrap up my 30-day career live stream. So hope to see you tomorrow at 9 o'clock Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong time and in the meantime, I wish you all the best
Starting point is 00:36:50 in your career. Bye!

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