Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep145: Escaping the mid-year career slump.

Episode Date: July 9, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence, build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world. For more career support, click on over to This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach. I hope you enjoy, like and subscribe. Are you feeling stressed, directionless, lost, confused, overwhelmed? Then you, my friend, are not alone. You are likely experiencing what I'm calling the mid-year slump.
Starting point is 00:00:43 So if you are listening to this episode on the date of release, we are now in July and welcome back to another episode of the Corporate Survivor Podcast, the podcast built for 9 to 5 working professionals who wants to grow your career in the corporate world. So if you are like many of the people I know out there who have pretty much wasted the first six months of this year and now we are in July, you are starting to wonder to yourself, oh my God, what has happened in the past six months? What has happened in the past 180 days? And I don't feel like I'm progressing.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I don't feel like I'm progressing. I don't feel like I'm going anywhere. In fact, I feel worse than when I started in the new year because you all know that when we start on the 1st of January, especially in the month of January, everyone is actually really happy. But now that we're coming to July, it's kind of like the situation where reality sets in. And if you're one of those people who have been waiting around, procrastinating and just like waiting for, you know, magically for some sort of like stress and overwhelm at work to go away, you are probably feeling even more frustrated right now
Starting point is 00:01:57 because if you look around on social media, you may see a lot of people, you know, showcasing their success, right? Getting a promotion, getting an agreement, getting words of appreciation, getting recognized by their companies, and that can feel extremely frustrating. So you, my friend, are in the mid-year slump. And in this episode, I want to invite you to consider a couple of questions and really assess sort of like where you are in your career right now and more importantly, where do you want to go in the next six months? So a couple of
Starting point is 00:02:32 questions for you to think about. The question number one is, are you happy with your career right now? Are you happy with your career right now? If you say yes, then that's great. There's nothing else to do, right? Just enjoy, do whatever that you want to do, or rather do whatever that you have been doing, because if you're happy right now, then like, okay, right? But if your answer is no, I don't feel happy in my career right now. I don't feel satisfied. I don't feel fulfilled. I feel like I can do better and I'm just not happy whatever the situation that is happening around me right now.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Then I think that you are on the right spot at the moment because a lot of things, you know, I always believe that the first step to improvement is recognizing that you are not happy with where you are. You are not satisfied with the current situation that you're in. So it is a good thing. It is a good thing. Now, the second question for you is, what are you willing to do to get closer to where you want to be? What are you willing to do to get closer to where you want to be? Now, where you want to be should have been something that you have decided or rather thought about at the beginning of the year, hence called New Year
Starting point is 00:03:58 goals, right? So, where is that place that you want to be? And now, I just want to be clear that like that place that you want to be does not necessarily I just want to be clear that like that place that you want to be does not necessarily mean that it's a new job. It doesn't necessarily mean it's a new company or a new industry, but that place that you want to be can be that one skill that you want to improve. It can be that one relationship at work that you want to get better. It can be that one project that you want to excel in, or it can be that, you know, one positive feedback that you're looking for from your boss or stakeholders, right? It can be that one thing. And you define what that one thing means for you, because that is going to be the
Starting point is 00:04:35 motivating factor for you to go and do something about it, right? So that's where you want to be. And like I said, the other part of the question then is like, what are you willing to do to get to where you want to be? Now, the reason why I make this comment is because I have been spending quite a lot of time on social media, particularly, as you all know, I'm very active on LinkedIn and recently on Instagram as well. And there is this one trend I noticed in a lot of people. And if you're honest with yourself, you might be one of them as well,
Starting point is 00:05:05 is this habit of like scrolling through posts, scrolling through stories, commenting, you know, being a silent reader, just like observing in general, but not actually taking any action. So, you know, just so you know, the time and the effort or rather the energy that you are taking to scroll around social media, to vote on polls, to leave a comment, to share a post, to talk about it with your friends, these are still time spent that requires mental energy from you. It does take some emotional um attachment you know emotional energy as well but the tricky part and the part i guess i don't really understand is like how the actions just stop there maybe if you're one of those people who think that like just because you're there like consuming a lot of like these posts, it naturally means that you are gaining knowledge to take action, then no.
Starting point is 00:06:09 Because you have not actually done anything about it yet. So that's why the second question, like I said, is two parts. It's, you know, where do you want to go and actually what you want? And of course, what are you willing to do about it? Because let's be honest, it's already July, first six months.
Starting point is 00:06:27 And I also want to share maybe a couple of quick examples with you to inspire you to maybe set out your next six months as the best six months yet for you. Now, I'm going to talk to about three very quick examples of students in my program, The Corporate Survivor. So as you all know, The Corporate Survivor is my online program designed for nine to five professionals who want to get confident, competent, and actually get recognized for the contributions that they bring at work and obviously leading to higher salary and higher increment, fingers crossed.
Starting point is 00:07:01 So the three examples I'm going to share if you are students in my program are students who really made use of the first six months to get an internal increment, internal promotion, as well as taking on external opportunities. Now these three examples personally for me are perfect for me to tell you and also illustrate to you that you just need to take action. You need to want it and do something about it. So the first student I have in my program was someone who has been working actively on understanding her deliverables and how to better build a stronger relationship with both her boss as well as her network. Now, at the middle of the year, which is basically last month,
Starting point is 00:07:51 she received very positive feedback from her boss and actually received a 10% increment in salary increase because of added responsibility. And how did she get those added responsibilities? It's because she worked the first six months to prove herself, to show that she is someone that can be trusted, she has the right skills, she has the right knowledge, and she is actively communicating and networking to be seen, to be visible, to be given those opportunities. Second example is my other student also in the Corporate Survivor Program
Starting point is 00:08:23 who managed to get a 30% increment due to an internal promotion. Now, very similar to the first student as well, for the second student, it was a fairly new position that she took on in this company, and she really put in a lot of effort going through every single module in the program to make sure that she truly understood what are her performance targets, what are her kpis and more importantly she is also networking with the right people right mindset skill set and networking strategy so because she's put in a lot of effort in those
Starting point is 00:09:00 things and of course you know if you follow my method and you actually do it right per the three step framework that i teach in my program what happened was then somebody really senior in her her head of department somebody really senior in the team reached out to her and said that hey there is an opening in another division you know i think that you are the perfect fit and since you have joined the company we do see your value we see that you have been perfect fit. And since you have joined the company, we do see your value. We see that you have been putting in a lot of effort. You are getting great feedback from people around you. And you do have the skills as well, both in your resume and based on what we are seeing. And therefore, she was recommended to this role that is a managerial position.
Starting point is 00:09:41 So she went for a very quick chat, a very quick interview, and pretty much got the internal promotion on the spot. And with the internal promotion, she received a 30% increment due to the job promotion internally. So again, how did this happen? Effort, effort, effort, and actually applying the three-step strategy that I teach in the Corporate Survivor Program. But effort but effort effort effort and the third example I wanted to share with you was also a student in the program who has been with this company for about three or four years now but she is getting stuck because there are really no mobility left like no growth left in the company so as she started exploring what to do
Starting point is 00:10:23 and because she had already applied my LinkedIn online branding strategy to attract opportunities, she actually started receiving calls from recruiters on team leader positions, manager positions, which is something that she's looking for as well. Because if you set up your profile correctly, you should be attracting the right opportunities because that's what I teach all my students. And that's what all my clients are getting in terms of like attracting the right opportunities. So she went through the entire process and eventually managed to land the role. It is a six-figure role, first time six figures, 100k and she's super duper duper excited and she is going to start her new role in the next couple of weeks. So the reason why I shared these three student
Starting point is 00:11:06 examples with you is I want to illustrate to you that, hey, without action, like nothing happens. And I think if there is this one big tip that I can share with you, and you know, this is your biggest takeaway from today's episode is I want you to decide. Yes, the great big tip is making a decision. I want you to decide today, right now, right this moment, that you are going to do something about the next six months. You are going to do something about your career. It's not good enough to look around and hope for something to happen. It's not good enough to look around and wait for later because later never comes. And it's not good enough to look around
Starting point is 00:11:49 at other people's success and feel jealous. That is not a really productive use of time. So what I want you to do right now is to decide. Decide that you want a better career in the next six months. Decide you want to have better skills in the next six months, decide you want to have better skills in the next six months. And with that decision made, I want you to then go and take action to make your desire happen. Take one action every day.
Starting point is 00:12:20 After you have made the decision that you want a better career, you want growth, you want growth, you want improvement, and you want to become better in the next six months. So with that, I thank you for listening to today's episode. And if you are new here,
Starting point is 00:12:38 make sure that you tune in every single week where I will be talking about all things corporate world. And if you are a nine to five working professional who is looking to learn how to get confident, get competent, really wanting to build your corporate mindset, skillset, as well as networking strategies to attract more opportunities, get recognized that you are definitely at the right place. And if you have enjoyed the podcast so far, you have enjoyed this episode, drop a like,
Starting point is 00:13:04 subscribe and drop a rating because this is really the way how podcast grows. And if you can think of one friend, just one friend who could really benefit from a lot of the career tips that I share on the Corporate Survivor Podcast, feel free to share this episode with them or share the podcast with them as well.
Starting point is 00:13:20 So with that, I will see you next week. And till then, make a decision and take action. Bye.

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