Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep190: Nobody understands my problems at work.
Episode Date: November 1, 2023✅ Get FREE GUIDE, newsletter, join career program 👉 ✅ Corporate Survivor™ is the ultimate career course for 9-to-5 working professionals, just like *you*, who want to... enhance corporate world mindset, skillset and strategy so you can NAVIGATE + GROW your career with clarity, confidence & opportunities... 🚀 ⚡ 📌 ABOUT THIS PODCAST: Welcome to Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — ex-Corporate Leader turned Career Coach & Founder of The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, Mei Phing shares her corporate world insights, experiences and wisdom so you can grow your 9-5 career with clarity, confidence and opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ NEWSLETTER ⮕ ✅ CAREER COURSE ⮕ ⚡
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
I hope you enjoy, like and subscribe.
I can't talk about it with my family.
My friends don't understand me.
So Mei Ping, what should I do?
If you have ever found yourself in a bad, tricky, messy and difficult career situation
and you've gone to your friends, family asking for career advice
and you realize that, hey, they have no idea what I'm talking about,
and they want to make me feel better,
but I still don't really feel that I'm getting the guidance or perspectives that I need
to navigate my career ups and downs, my career highs and lows,
then let me tell you that you are not alone.
In fact, 90% of the people who join my career program, The Corporate Survivor,
come to me feeling the exact same way.
And let me know if you can relate to any of these situations. Situation number one, you are very
overwhelmed at your job. You feel like you are drowning with the amount of work that's coming in
and you feel like you're not really getting any help, support from your colleagues, your boss,
your stakeholders or even clients. Then you go to your friends and family telling them about this
very painful work situation that you have right now. And guess to your friends and family, telling them about this very painful
work situation that you have right now. And guess what your friends and family say? Don't worry,
I'm sure you'll be okay soon, right? Don't worry, you know, just chill out, you know, just go and
have a good dinner, everything will be okay. Now imagine how frustrating that is, right? Then let's
talk about another scenario. Perhaps you have a very difficult relationship with a certain
particular colleague at work. This is a very frustrating situation and you have a very difficult relationship with a certain particular colleague at work. This is a very frustrating situation and you have tried communicating with this person so many times or
maybe you have tried your best to network but just something is just like not working out right
and you're starting to wonder whether hey is there something I'm missing out? Am I approaching this
person the wrong way? Am I lacking some people skills? Is my communication skills good enough?
Actually what is going on because I don't really know what's going on. So as usual, you go to your
friends and family and you might have gotten the same answer that you've gotten just now. Or
the other popular thing that a lot of people do is to go online and search for the answer. However,
what you might find very frustrating or even more frustrating after doing a lot of googling is not
to find that exact answer
that you're looking for. The reality is that you cannot ask chat GPT how do I calm down and
objectively assess the situation as to what is wrong with my relationship with my boss.
Why is my boss giving me negative feedback on the quality of my work and why is my boss saying that
I'm not meeting performance expectations when I think I'm doing well? What is wrong with my
communication skills? I feel I'm doing okay but I'm not getting very expectations when I think I'm doing well? What is wrong with my communication skills? I feel I'm doing okay, but I'm not getting very positive feedback. And why
am I the person not getting recognized for my hard work and being the only person that did not
get promoted or salary increments? What did I do wrong? I thought I have already told my boss that
I am looking for new opportunities and my boss even promised that everything is going to be okay,
but it's not working out. Like, what's going on?
And let me tell you that these are not things that you can ask ChatGPT.
You can't.
The only way you can get perspectives, guidance, and advice
is to speak to someone who has actually been there, done that,
and completely understand the career game,
understanding the corporate jungle,
the entire corporate game that you're playing,
and that is the only way that you can actually figure out what is going on that will help you
better navigate, plan your career in a way that you're always setting yourself up for success.
And that's why after hearing all these stories of feeling lost, confused, overwhelmed, really not
knowing what's going on, all the frustrations and overwhelm is really what inspired me to create my career program, The Corporate Survivor.
So The Corporate Survivor is my three-step framework on how to get clear, get confident and get visible in the corporate world in which you will learn everything.
So imagine like going into an all-you-can-eat buffet and that all-you-can-eat buffet is basically everything that you need to know about the corporate world, from managing expectations, from really understanding what are your key performance goals, meeting deliverables,
how do you communicate with anyone and everyone, how do you understand the corporate culture,
how do you manage your boss, how do you work in a way that you're not overwhelmed,
how to not get drowned by your emails, how to network with the right people, how to gain new
opportunities, how do you make sure that you set yourself up for a good performance review so you
can get promoted, get new career opportunities? That is everything that The Corporate Survivor,
which is my career course for 9-5 professionals, like an all-you-can-eat buffet, is designed to do.
And what is even better, when you sign up for The Corporate Survivor, you get one full year
of mentoring with me, which means personalized direct support to help you navigate and deal
with your career's ups and downs.
It's a place for long-term career transformation and growth,
which is something that we focus on doing in our monthly mentoring calls
to help you to start believing in yourself, to trust in your own decisions,
to build your self-belief, to believe that, hey, I can do it.
It's not difficult to learn how to plan, navigate and grow your career in the corporate world.
What's usually missing is the deep understanding of the corporate world, the
insights, the experiences, the wisdoms, the stuff, the behind the scenes stuff that you may not
necessarily get access to. And that's really something that we cover in so much more detail
in the Corporate Survivor Career Course, as well as the ongoing support, the ongoing advice that
you can get from me through the mentoring calls as well.
And really that's inspired by the fact that there are so many people who are lost in the corporate
world. And I was that person at the beginning part of my career. And once I learned what it takes
to understand the game, to play the game, to become successful, that's when everything clicks.
And I can tell you that the change can happen very quickly once everything clicks.
Many clients have also told me
is that the mentoring sessions was a complete game changer.
It was eye-opening.
It was mind-blowing.
And as I already explained,
it's because you are getting the behind-the-scenes stuff.
It's the stuff that you can't ask ChatGPT.
It's the stuff that you can't ask Google.
It's the stuff that you can't ask your friends and family.
It's not that kind of generalized information.
We are talking about insights.
We are talking about someone who has been there, done that.
I have done every single thing that I teach to my clients.
And that's why we are able to actually bounce,
to actually understand and deep dive into,
hey, what's your situation right now, right?
How do we overcome that?
How can we strategize better?
How can we do better? How can we trustize better how can we do better how can we
trust ourselves better that's really the main goal and back to the story of what i told you is
when you join the corporate survivor it's kind of like a all you can eat buffet you get instant
access to all the lessons all the modules that you can get started immediately imagine yourself
in the restaurant with the all you can eat buffet-eat buffet. And in that restaurant, there is a table
at the side and that's the VIP table. And what do you have at the VIP table? You have time with the
chef. And on that table, there are also other people who are in love with the food. They want
to learn more. They want to deep dive. They're not just about like trying everything they really want to learn from
the expert from the master therefore the vip table and in the corporate survivor in my career program
the mentoring calls that we have every single month that is your seat at the vip table not just
with me to learn everything that you want from me but but also to learn from all the other 9-5 professionals
who are also extremely committed to long-term growth and transformation
and learning from them,
knowing that there are other people who are on a similar journey just like you.
Remember, it's not about your friends and family who do not understand you.
Now you're seated at the VIP table
with the people who are exactly in the same career situation as you.
They understand your situation.
They're going on their
own career journey, their own path of career transformation. And that is so valuable because
you learn the most from other people, other people's mistakes, other people's struggles,
looking at how they deal with it, looking at how they overcome challenges, looking at how they
strategize, looking at how they achieve the career goals that they want. That is extremely motivating. That's extremely inspiring. And that is something that you only
can experience. It's very hard for me to explain it, but I say that it's only something you can
experience. And that is really the experience in the mentoring calls that we have as part of the
Corporate Survivor Program. The inspiration for the course really is from you,
a nine to five working professional who is trying your best,
working hard,
but still not really knowing
why certain things are not working out.
Still not knowing why
there are certain things
that you feel that you have tried,
but you're not seeing the results.
There are certain things
that didn't quite make sense to you
and you don't know why.
There are certain things
where you cannot quite figure out why some other people have
it so easy and not you.
The Corporate Survivor is designed for you.
As I said, you will learn everything that you need to know on how to deal with this
corporate jungle and how to play the corporate game and personalized support from me in our
mentoring calls, workshops, and mindset masterclasses.
And everything is actually included in the program itself the
truth is many people say that they want all these big career goals but i can tell you that very few
of them are actually doing something about their goals and the fact that if you are listening to
this podcast today it tells me that you care otherwise you will not be here it tells me that
you care and if you enjoy my content if you care. And if you enjoy my content, if you enjoy my
insights, if you enjoy my perspectives, then I invite you to deep dive with me, to come into
the everything zone, to learn everything, to get closer to me, to get personalized support as you
navigate your career journey. Because the Corporate Survivor is like a home.
It's your career home.
It's where you get guidance and advice
as you deal with your career's highs and lows,
ups and downs.
And I will be with you along the way.
And if you're listening to this episode live,
it is almost the end of the year.
There's another year gone by
whether you have achieved or not achieved your goals,
time has also gone by.
But what I can
say is that in the next few months of the year, I am running some very exciting events in the
corporate survival itself. So we are going to do a four-week year-end courage sprint to really help
you to boost your mindset and skill set as we hit all the goals that we've planned out at the
beginning of this year and keeping the momentum high as we roll into a brand new year, a brand new era of new year, new you, in which we are going to run back to back
mindset masterclass as well as beginning of the year workshop so we can set your entire year up
for success. And that's really what we are going to do in the next three months, in the next 100
days in the Corporate Survivor. If you have been thinking about joining or you've been like
procrastinating, you've been like trying to use chat gpt and stuff like that i will tell you that
we have so much going on in my world in the next couple of months and i don't want you to miss out
and if you have been thinking about it for some time then this is it this is the time i hope that
you are ending the year with a bang and kick-starting the next year on a high.
And that's really something that I want to do with you.
So I look forward to seeing you in the Corporate Survivor.
And if you have any questions about the program
or if you need any other information,
just drop me a DM on LinkedIn or Instagram
and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
And till then, I'll see you inside the program.
See you soon. All the best.