Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep198: How to RESET your career.
Episode Date: December 28, 2023✅ Get FREE GUIDE, newsletter, join career program 👉 ✅ Corporate Survivor™ is the ultimate career course for 9-to-5 working professionals, just like *you*, who want to... enhance corporate world mindset, skillset and strategy so you can NAVIGATE + GROW your career with clarity, confidence & opportunities... 🚀 ⚡ 📌 ABOUT THIS PODCAST: Welcome to Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — ex-Corporate Leader turned Career Coach & Founder of The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, Mei Phing shares her corporate world insights, experiences and wisdom so you can grow your 9-5 career with clarity, confidence and opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ NEWSLETTER ⮕ ✅ CAREER COURSE ⮕ ⚡
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
I hope you enjoy, like and subscribe.
Let's talk about what happened in your career this year.
The good, the bad and the ugly.
Hey, welcome back to the Corporate Survivor Podcast with me, Mei Ping.
And this is your year-end episode.
Now, I'm a firm believer in the power of slowing down before speeding up.
So at the end of every year, I like to use my 3R
formula to help me reflect, reset and re-strategize for the next year. So reset is all about assessing,
reflecting, hey, actually what happened in my career in the past 12 months? What went well?
What went wrong? What went right? What went disastrous? What were the things that caused
me stress? And what were the things that actually went really well that I got recognition. So reflecting is really that process to untangle what's on your
mind because if you don't do that then you will always feel like things are kind of going well
but also not going well at the same time or you may feel that things are just disastrous and you
don't really know what to do about it so it kind of creates the feeling of trap. So reflecting is
a really really important process and once you are done with that, then it's about resetting, right?
It's about, hey, what can I do about it?
Or if I even want to do anything about it.
So the area when you come to the point of resetting, I think that's where a bit of the
logical part comes in, right?
The commitment part, the, hey, I want to do it.
Next year is going to be the best year ever.
And next year is the time that I'm actually going to get support for my career so that's a lot of the positive mindset the commitment
the consistency the hey I'm going to do it I'm not going to let what's going on around me to stop me
but I'm actually going to take charge about my career so that's the reset part and finally it's
about re-strategizing because you can be as motivated as you want you can be as inspired you
can go through all the social media content you can look through every single thing that you
can find online blogs and everywhere else but if you don't have a clear strategy then you're just
going to be doing doing doing and doing and doing but maybe not really seeing the results so basically
your hard work is kind of going to go down the drain and we don't want that so the simple three
hour formula is something that i've kept in mind every single year and this is something that i
consistently remind clients in my career program, The Corporate
Survivor, that, hey, it's about reflection, it's about reset, and it's about re-strategizing.
And this is definitely something that we do in the course program lessons itself, as well
as our monthly mentoring calls where I can share more practical feedback, new perspectives,
different perspectives on, hey, this is how you can better look at your current career
situation and to get out of it.
So that's something that we definitely do in my career program so specifically for you right I
want you to actually get started with the 3R formula right are you spending enough time reflecting
on what's going on resetting and re-strategizing basically do you have a plan or you're just going
to work every single day every single month rolling rolling rolling waiting for Friday
and for something to happen but it's not the best strategy for job fulfillment now let's talk about the good the bad and the ugly it's all
about reflection and the way i like to do it actually is really simple in which we're going
to have three categories it's going to be the good the bad and the ugly so in the first category
the good so basically i want you to think about this entire year over the past 12 months what do
you think actually went well in your career or at work?
So the things that can go into the good category, maybe for you is a job promotion,
maybe it's work recognition, maybe it's work appreciation,
maybe for you it's just ability to upskill,
maybe your communication skills got better as compared to last year,
maybe you managed to build really strong relationships,
maybe you were given some new opportunities to try out new things or to be involved in different projects so really really
write down what has actually gone well so these are the good things that happen in your career
because what's in your good list are the things that we want to focus more energy on and ask
yourself what are you going to do next year and what kind of new strategies insights perspectives
experiences can you gain so that you can repeat the same
success or maybe do even better next year. So next year, the good list, right, it should be an
excellent list because you are actually improving from it. So we really want to kind of like break
it down into a simple framework and the framework that I teach in my career program is called the
three-step framework in which we focus on get clear, get confident and get visible. Make sure
that you actually know what is contributing towards the success and the good things that has happened in your career this year
so that you can repeat it next year and get better at it next year, right? So that will actually
create the growth mindset, more fulfillment and more opportunities. Now moving on to the second
category and that's the bad category. So really think about the past 12 months in your career.
What do you think were the bad things or the uncomfortable, painful things that you felt has happened in your career?
Maybe the bad thing for you is you got negative feedback from your boss. Maybe there were some
relationships at work that didn't work out. Maybe you went for a couple of interviews, you didn't
pass or you were looking out for different opportunities and you still feel a little bit
stuck. So all these could go into the bad category of category of hey this is really not what I want for my
career but unfortunately over the past 12 months I seem to have found myself in this hole of getting
stuck not knowing what to do and even despite my efforts I'm actually not really making progress so
actually write down the things that are in your bag category because these are actually the things that you likely only need better perspective and a better strategy that's it because after working
with like hundreds of career clients in my program and many times you know when they come to the
mentoring calls they book their bonus one-on-one call with me or they go through the course lessons
they will tell me that hey maybe i didn't realize that it's supposed to be like this i didn't realize
that this is the knowledge that the corporate world or i didn't realize that oh
this is actually how it's supposed to work i didn't know this is how i should do my performance
review i didn't know this is how i'm supposed to talk to people at work i'm like okay great so
everything that's in your bad category i want you to tell yourself right now it's just a matter of
strategy okay i just need the right knowledge the right strategy and all these bad problems i can easily turn this into the good category next
year so actually this i think is the easy part so make sure that you write it down first but
look at look at your bad list not from a place of negativity but from the place of positivity
knowing that everything that's on your bad list this year by the end of next year is going to go
onto your good list right so what you need in between like i said right is insights perspectives really corporate world experiences feedback and
that's something that if you're my career program and if you're already my client the corporate
survivor we are already going to do this exact breakdown of what went wrong every single month
in your latest career situation and where i can share with you some new perspectives practical
feedback and actually what to do next so make sure that if you have done the reflection already,
just keep the bad list
because this is going to be the career improvement list
that we want to focus on in the next 12 months.
So list it down, bring it to our mentoring calls
and make sure that you leverage the sessions that I have for you
so that you can actually better maximize,
learn how to plan, navigate and grow your career in the corporate world
because in our monthly mentoring sessions,
it's really the best place that, you know, it's a live session and it's always your latest career
situation so we can easily turn the bad to the good category in the next 12 months now moving
on to the final category and that is the ugly right the good the bad and the ugly and right
now we are in the final most painful most torturous disastrous stage of the events or
situations that would go into the ugly category.
So some of it may be things like maybe you got fired this year, you were let go. Maybe you had
like a big fallout with your boss, with your colleagues, or maybe you got a demotion, right?
People got a promotion, you got a demotion, or there was some kind of harassment at work,
you didn't feel comfortable. So basically what i consider like huge problems so this is like almost like a big um it's like a career damaging
situation or like a career damaging mistake of some sort so this will probably go into the ugly
category now if you have situations in the ugly category right it's very very easy to feel very
hopeless it almost feels like oh i can't get out of this
i'm going to be stuck in this forever there's no hope for people like me i don't know what to do
you know i'm just going to be doomed i'm just going to be stuck in this forever now i'm going
to tell you that that is not true the reality about the things in the ugly categories that
it's really only a one-time thing don't ever ever feel that you're going to stuck in this forever
it is not true and more importantly what are you going to do after that because i've
actually seen real life examples of my clients who managed to completely turn it around so i've
worked with a client where when she first came to me she was actually just let go from her job
because she's an introvert she didn't really know how to manage expectations and at the same time
right she's a bit of a procrastinator and she's not a very, very clear logical thinker. So what has happened is that her work was quite chaotic and she also didn't really understand how to work with her boss.
So a multitude of problems here, like a group of problems.
And eventually, you know, she was asked to leave the company and she was actually really, really upset about that.
So why I say that I no longer believe that you can forever stay hopeless is because I've actually seen that client go from
like totally zero self-esteem, zero self-confidence having just been laid off to turning into a high
performer in her new job. So currently she's at an MNC, she is impressing her boss, she's doing
really really well and she's actually like the go-to person for the management team. Right now
her confidence level is like way higher, you know she's clearer on what to do and she's actually like the go-to person for the management team. Right now, her confidence level is like way higher.
You know, she's clearer on what to do and she even has like worked out,
you know, these are some of the things I need to focus on.
And she's also really committed to the career program lessons
as well as the mentoring calls,
as well as also book the one-on-one bonus call with me.
The way that I've designed my program is to really make sure
that you get the support that you need,
which is the training on everything that you need to know about the corporate world knowledge, how it works, make sure that you get the support that you need, which is the training on everything that you need to know
about the corporate world knowledge, how it works,
make sure that you can survive and thrive,
plus the monthly mentoring sessions
where we can actually talk about
specifically your latest career situation.
And this is really where you can get
the latest and freshest advice on like,
okay, this is what I can do in the next 30 days.
And then you come back to the next month's mentoring call
to report on your update, to get inspired, motivated with a community of nine to five professionals just like you.
So that's something that that client that I told you about found really, really helpful.
And I think that has also changed the way that she looked at to her career as to like,
hey, actually I can do something about it.
And that's really, I think the best feeling and the best mindset that you can have,
because it's all about personal power.
And that's really some of the situations. And and of course I have so many more client stories but there's just one
story to share with you that I no longer believe that people are hopeless because I've seen so
many examples of my clients who managed to overcome their personal limitations their personal beliefs
to say that hey you know what I don't want to be in this situation anymore and just because someone
kicked me out doesn't mean that I can't rise up again.
It doesn't mean I cannot do well.
It's really up to me because self-leadership is really the most, most important thing.
And I've really seen that demonstrated by my clients.
So I know that it's 100% possible.
So that's why I want you to actually break down your career, your career assessment in
the past 12 months into the good, the bad and the ugly.
So once you have the three core categories, I want you to set an intention as to what career your career assessment in the past 12 months into the good the bad and the ugly so
once you have the three core categories i want you to set an intention as to what are you going
to do for these three categories so start so the fact that you're listening to this podcast tells
me that you will you really care about your career you want to get started and you have probably
already gotten started so if you have already been doing that and you want to go deeper with me you
can download my five-day free career growth guide and training and you can find the link in the
description below at go through the guide
because i'll actually walk you through how you can reset in with some exercises as well so that
you can actually implement everything that i've mentioned to you in the next 12 months so get
started with the guide and training that you can find at now if you have already
also done that and you feel that hey mayping the next 12
months i really want to learn more from you i want to really grow my career i want to be successful
i want to learn the things that i should have learned at the beginning of my career then
definitely check out the corporate survivor my career program for another five professionals
because in the first few months of you joining we're actually going to do a new year new you
strategy session that i host in january where we're actually going to do a new year, new you strategy session that I host in January, where we're actually going to walk through specifically how to set up your career plan
for success over the next 12 months. And this is something that I bring my clients through step by
step. And every single month after that, during our mentoring sessions, it's going to be an
accountability session to make sure that you are actually progressing together towards your career
goal. So you'll never feel lonely again. And that's really the goal of the mentoring session.
So January, we're going to do the new year new you strategy call
then in march i'm actually going to do a linkedin profile branding workshop to help you seek out
new opportunities so we're going to focus on value positioning how do you actually sell your value
plus how do you get headhunted on linkedin so this is still something really really valuable
because whether you're looking for new opportunities or a career change in the next 12 months
there is always some benefit to make sure that you can actually be discovered
because when the opportunities come then you can decide whether hey do you want to go for it or not
because this is something that has happened to many of my clients as well so many clients in
the program at the beginning of the year they are like mei ping you know what i just want to go for
a job promotion but somewhere in the middle of the year right they got headhunted on linkedin
better opportunity
better job title better company and even better salary and they decided that hey i'm just gonna
go for it so opportunities come and it's really up to you to make sure that you are ready and you
are brave enough and you are good enough to grab the opportunity the moment that you see it so if
you want to have the best year of your career in the next 12 months then i I definitely look forward to seeing you in my career program, The Corporate Survivor,
where we're going to do it all together. The good, the bad, the ugly and everything in between.
And more importantly, I want you to come out believing and knowing that you are good enough
to deal with any situation in your career and you truly deserve the career success that you want.
I'll see you in my career program and let's make next year the best year yet.