Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep217: How to transform your career in 12 months (Client Journey)
Episode Date: July 13, 2024✅ Get FREE GUIDE, newsletter, work with me ⮕ ✅ Corporate Survivor™ is the ultimate career course for 9-to-5 working professionals, just like *you*, who want to enhance... corporate world mindset, skillset and strategy so you can NAVIGATE + GROW your career with clarity, confidence & opportunities... 🚀 ⚡ 📌 ABOUT THIS PODCAST: Welcome to Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — ex-Corporate Leader turned Career Coach & Founder of The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, Mei Phing shares her corporate world insights, experiences and wisdom so you can grow your 9-5 career with clarity, confidence and opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ NEWSLETTER ⮕ ✅ CAREER COURSE ⮕ ⚡
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
I hope you enjoy, like and subscribe.
Hey, welcome back to the Corporate Survivor Podcast with me, Mei Ping,
ex-corporate leader turned career coach and founder of the Corporate Survivor,
the ultimate career course for 9-5 working professionals just like you.
Okay, so in today's episode, I want to talk about how do you know if you are someone who is self-motivated
or if you're someone who is still looking for motivation.
So one of the most common questions I get asked is maybe, you know, is it really possible to
change my career and really to improve my career over a period of 12 months, right?
Because I've tried it and I'm not really sure whether it works or not. So I'm going to tell
you today that yes, it does work, but today's episode is not just going to be, you know,
me telling you what to do and stuff like that. But I really want to share with you two stories of the two people in my career coaching community
that I think that you can really, really relate with.
So we're going to go through their story over a period of 12 months so that you can see
their trajectory, you can see their progress, and hopefully you're able to relate and to
be able to take some important lessons from these two stories that I'm going to be sharing
with you.
So we're going to talk about two people,
and these are not their real names.
And let's call the first person Chris,
and let's call the other person Adam.
So just a little bit of context about these two people.
So Chris is someone who has been coming to me
through Instagram DMs for the past one year.
Every two months, he will drop me a message asking for advice versus
Adam is someone also from my Instagram community who discovered my Instagram post, learned a lot
and eventually joined the Corporate Survival Program. So again, you know, today's episode is
just really going to go through the journey of these two people. And if you're able to relate
with them, then, you know, if you're watching on YouTube, drop a comment.
And if not, I hope that you're still able
to take some important lessons
and insights from their story.
So I'm going to just pull up my phone quickly
because I have my notes over here.
I just want to make sure
that I have all the right timelines
as I share this story with you.
So I'm going to do it in a way of,
we're going to break it down month by month.
I'm going to tell you
what each and every one of them,
what each of these two people came and told me
and some of the things that I mentioned to them
and what they did after that, basically.
So let's roll back 12 months and let's talk about June last year.
So Chris, which is the guy that came to me, you know, sharing his story without taking much
action even up to today. But anyway, let's go back. Let's go back 12 months ago. And this was
actually the first message I got from Chris. So he said, Hi, Mei Ping. I'm feeling overwhelmed at my
job. It's very difficult to communicate with my boss. Maybe this job is not suitable for me and I can't see my career progression. So what I told him was, I have a lot of free content that
you can check out, you know, my podcast, my five-day career guide, as well as I do have also
a course where you can go through step-by-step lessons, which will definitely, you know, give
you the perspective and the guidance that you're looking for. So if you want the links, you can let
me know, or you can just go to, which is usually how
I reply to most people who share their career struggles with me. And if I have any resources
and any programs that I can share with them, I'll always do that. So after sending that message,
I didn't get a reply back. So MIA. Now let's switch over to Adam, who was someone who eventually
became my student. so this was again
right back 12 months ago sometime in June he sent me a message and he said hey Miping I've just
downloaded your five-day career guide and it gave me a lot of clarity on my career it's very helpful
thank you so much I'm saving to join your career course and I promise to see you soon
so I said oh okay I'm really really glad that you like the guide.
And there's also the bonus training.
And yeah, I hope to see you soon as well.
So this was, you know, again, sometime like 12 months ago.
So I didn't really look much into it.
It was just something that like he said,
he's looking forward to join the program.
And it's okay, you know, it's up to you.
Whenever you join, when you're ready, all cool.
So fast forward two more months.
So now we're in the
month of August. So again, I got the message from Chris and he said, hi Mei Ping, it's me again.
Can I get your advice whether I should quit my job? And I feel like I need more clarity
and direction. So again, right, this is really the second message that I got from this guy,
Chris, again, not his real name. And I have no idea what he has done because in the second message that I got from this guy, Chris, again, not his real name.
And I have no idea what he has done because in the last message, if you remember, I told him that,
hey, you know, have you like checked out all the resources, right? The podcast and the free guide,
the tips and stuff like that. So again, when I got this message, I replied with almost the same
thing. I said, hey, have you checked out any of the podcast episodes to gain some insights on
potentially, you know, what on potentially you know what could be
wrong or what could be the issues and the insights that you can gain about your career situation
right now and he didn't reply again right mia so i was like okay then moving on to adam which is
the other person so again right if you remember from the previous update, he said that, hey, you know, I'm actually saving to join the program.
So around the period of like August,
so I noticed that he's been following my Instagram
and he's also getting inspired
from all the posts and client stories.
And sometimes he replies to my Instagram stories
telling me that he's very inspired
by a client success story
or a client who has, you know,
gotten a transformation.
So we are being sort of like engaging in that way,
but he hasn't joined the program yet.
He's just like gaining from the resources
and actually listening to the podcast.
So now let's roll a couple of months later.
And now we're already in the month of November.
So this was November last year
and basically towards the year end already.
So again, let's compare and contrast these two people.
So Chris sent me a message
and it was a very short message that said,
can I get a discount to join your program?
So I said, if you want any free resources,
you can check out the 5-Day Career Growth Guide
and also check out my podcast
and you can find everything that you need
But if you want to join the program,
then it really is commitment
because everything is step-by-step
and you want to be able to commit to yourself
to get the career transformation that you want.
But if you want the free resources,
you know, to really find the clarity that you need,
then, you know, you can find basically all the links
Okay, so that was what I replied.
Again, right?
No response.
Now, what's very interesting is that
now let's talk about Adam, right?
So as of November last year,
and it's already, I would say,
about five to six months since the initial message
that he downloaded the guide,
and he watched the training,
he learned a lot.
So he joined the Corporate Survivor in November last year.
And in November last year, I actually did a four-week power-up event in my mentoring membership so if you don't
know corporate survivor is my career course for 95 professionals it covers step-by-step lessons
around improving your work performance so get clear get confident and get visible as well as
a bonus course and there's also monthly mentoring as well so in the monthly mentoring i do q a calls
i do workshops and sometimes i also run like bonus events it's more for like um i would say
motivation mindset and master classes like that so he joined the program and immediately participated
in the four-week power-up event to really boost his confidence and progress towards the year-end
so then we end the year because let me, let's be honest, like nobody really does anything
in December and that's fine.
Now, rolling a few months later,
now we're already in January.
So back to Chris.
So Chris sent me a message.
And if you remember to this point,
for the past six months,
he's been texting me
whenever I reply,
he has not replied a single word.
So I actually have no idea
what is going on. And that's fine because, you know, on social media, you know, it's not really like a,
like direct coaching or like direct mentoring because at the end of the day, like, you know,
most people are on social media for motivation anyway. So I was like, okay, that's fine.
So anyway, now that we're in January, which is now a brand new year, right?
So Chris sent me a message saying that, hi Mei Ping, I'm worried that I will fail
at this job and I think my manager will put me on PIP soon. He said he's not happy with my
performance. Can you advise? Okay, so just to be clear, PIP means Performance Improvement Plan.
So if you are not doing well at your job, you're not meeting your key performance goals, you're
not meeting your KPI or you're not meeting expectations, right? In corporate, usually
there is a HR exercise that's called the PIP. So that's where they're going to monitor your performance. And if you don't do well,
then, you know, they're going to fire you basically. So he sent me this message. Basically,
what I'm seeing is every single time he's texting me every two months, his situation is actually
getting worse. So I'm not sure if you noticed, but at the beginning when he told me, but the first
message was more around he's overwhelmed and he's not really sure what to do maybe just need a little bit more clarity and
then right now six months later is rolling down to the point of like okay i'm gonna fail this job
probably i'm gonna get fired my manager is really really unhappy so kind of like what should i do
so he said can you advise can you advise so again i went back and i said hey you know sorry to hear
about your situation but usually for um uh career advice and more specific advice is something that I only do in my one-on-one
bonus coaching call as part of the Corporate Survival Program, all the monthly mentoring
membership. The reason is because a lot of the foundation and the important lessons are taught
in the course itself. So you need like real context, you need like the right corporate
world mindset, skillset and strategy. And then we try to solve the problems because
many students told me and, know in my career program like
i have more than 500 students across like different job functions different countries
and many many of them told me that after they joined the corporate survivor they are able to
find the answers in the lessons itself in the mentor qna calls itself so most of the time they
don't even need to like approach me directly to ask you know what should i do and what's the
insight that they need to get?
Like they're able to get it from the course lessons
or the mentoring course itself.
So when he dropped me this message, right,
I just said that, okay, you know, I'm unable to advise
because that's lacking a lot of context.
And that is why I still feel up to today,
like giving advice on social media can be so dangerous
because what you're lacking is context.
So if you are watching a video or a reel that's like 30 seconds and you think that you're going to learn everything, actually, I think it's so dangerous because what you're lacking is context. So if you are watching a video or a
reel that's like 30 seconds and you think that you're going to learn everything, actually,
I think it's so dangerous because I say that in my monthly mentoring Q&A calls, every single
question, every single work scenario, every single career scenario that my students share with me
is like a minimum five to 10 minute answer because you really want to contextualize and making sure
that you have all the right information, you're interpreting the situation in the right way and you're also considering like
you know who are you uh dealing with and stuff like that so again right um i just told him that
okay you know i can't advise but again you know if you want to get um the tips you can definitely
go to the podcast and stuff like that okay again what did you expect no reply which is uh kind of
like a team now but that's fine okay so again right if i compare in? No reply, which is kind of like a team now, but that's fine.
Okay, so again, right,
if I compare in January with Adam,
which is the other person,
he also dropped me a message.
He said, hi, Mipin,
thanks so much for organizing the New Year New You Strategy Session
and sharing your Future 5 formula.
I also discussed all the goals with my wife
and we're going to commit
to improving our lives this year.
So I was actually really encouraged
to receive this message from Adam. The is because as i said right in the
mentoring membership as part of the corporate survivor program the monthly mentor membership
sometimes i run like workshops and strategy sessions and at the beginning of the year i did
this new year new you strategy where i shared my personal future five formula that covers
you know your career wealth health relationships and lifestyle and how to really balance out all these five
to not just achieve your career goal, but also achieve your life goal.
Because at the end of the day, why are we working so hard?
You want to have a better life.
So this was actually the session that he's referring to.
And the thing about this corporate survivor member, Adam,
is that he actually took the next step and he shared it with his loved one.
So he actually spoke to his spouse, his partner,
and they set goals
together which is actually really really empowering because he's actually doing it together with his
spouse to you know improve his life and career is just a big part of it as well right so that was
that was in january now again let's roll a couple of months later as i said right for
this person chris has been like dropping me message over the period of like one year,
every two months,
pretty much like sharing me
almost the same story
and the situation getting worse.
So let's have a look at the update
that he sent,
the message that he sent to me in March.
Now, now it's March, right?
It's already around like nine to 10 months
since the first message
she dropped me in May last year.
But anyway, back to the story.
So Chris sent me a message saying,
Hi, Mei Ping. Do you think I should me a message saying hi meeping do you think
i should look for a new job what do you think i said i think i've already said what i had to say
i don't even know what else to say at this point to be honest because i've given him resources the
five-day career growth guide the bonus training that's included as part of the career growth guide
for clarity confidence competence and opportunities there's also more than 200 plus podcast episodes the link i've shared with him the blog with the summary where
it's like a tldr version of like two minutes i've also shared with him and i've also shared about my
program if that's something he wants to do i don't even know what i can do at this point so honestly
i don't even know what i should reply aside from saying that like hey you know if you want more
free resources then you can check out
As I said, I don't even know what I can say right now.
When you are receiving more or less the same message
about a pretty similar situation,
but probably the situation is getting worse
over a period of 12 months,
like what more can you say?
So anyway, let's compare and contrast
to the other person, Adam.
So this was really interesting
because in March, he sent me
a message. Hi, Mei Ping, I've been applying your lessons. I'm so happy and proud that the dominoes
I've set up piece by piece is showing results. My boss shared his vision of making me the future
head of department where the team expands. On the same day, I got a DM about a new job opportunity.
So I'm actually super, super proud. I was was super super proud to receive the message because
this student only joined a couple of months ago and he was really really determined to get results
so he actually went through the course lessons and he even showed me a picture of like all the
notes that he took in in his notebook and how he's actually going to apply his self-reflection like
actually really really following the three-step framework that i teach in the course and really applying everything that i teach so he decided to
believe in himself by giving himself a shot and just follow a framework that has worked for
hundreds of people and eventually he's starting to see results because the thing that you may not
know about this um corporate member is that he's very introverted and he has been in this company
for quite some time already and he has always felt a bit awkward
to sell himself in front of his boss,
to communicate with his boss.
And he has always said that,
you know, I don't really know how to get my boss's support.
But after applying the lessons,
he was actually able to get a one-on-one with his boss.
And his boss is even giving some really good feedback
about his work.
So just a very, very quick transformation
within a pretty short period of time.
Okay, so moving on a few more months.
So now we are already in May, which is pretty much a year
since the initial message I received from Chris.
So Chris sent me another message saying,
I feel so lost right now.
Maybe I need to think about my career direction
and find a job that's most suitable for me.
So that was pretty much the two statements that I got.
And again, I don't know what to answer because i'm not sure whether this is like you need advice or you just want to talk
about your situation you just want to make a statement again right i think it's so important to
know what you're looking for and so you're able to like i think get advice and i look for the
solution that will really help you otherwise you know making a statement and then like it's like
do you need motivation like do you need strategy like what do you need
actually so you'll notice that sometimes like if you're in a situation where you're stuck and you
just make a statement then you need to realize that you're keeping yourself stuck because by
not saying that okay but how can i solve this problem how can i figure out what went wrong
how can i know how would be the the best way to find the next job or something
like that so you need to ask a question that can move you forward rather than make a statement to
say okay i'm lost right now so it's like okay then like how are you going to get help and how
are you going to move forward right so anyway moving on uh to compare and contrast with the
others uh the other corporate story member adam so he's been joining the monthly mentoring sessions
which i usually run um at the beginning of month. And you're also able to get access
to the library of past recordings as well.
So aside from the current month session
that he's been joining live
and participating in the Q&A
and learning from other students,
career challenges,
he's also been going through the entire library
and even shared screenshot about his takeaways
from each of the videos for every single month,
even like back to 2022, which is amazing.
So he just sent me a message saying that I'm learning so much from the group mentoring
sessions. I feel like I'm more confident to speak up at work and I believe that I can land my dream
job soon. So highly, highly, highly encouraging. And I think most importantly, he realizes that,
okay, this is a process, right? It will take time and he just needs to make sure that he has the confidence first. Because if you're going to convince
someone to hire you, you want to convince your boss to give you a promotion, then you need to
be able to have that inner confidence and be able to project yourself well, to be able to communicate
well. Because if you can't convince yourself, how are you going to convince someone else to give you
that next career growth opportunity, right? So anyway, moving on, this is going to be the last
update I'm going to share with you. So now it's already around 12 months later, and now we're talking about July.
And if you're watching this video live, now is July. So Chris sent me a message. Hi, Mayping,
can I get your advice on what I should do? So again, I don't even know what to say. This is
more than 12 months already, and we're not even back at square one because we have never moved from square one if you notice like there
was like no movement there's just a lot of like overthinking over feeling and just not making any
movement so anyway i don't even know what to reply to this message anymore besides because i think
what i could say i've already said so if, I were to compare and contrast to my corporate
survivor member, Adam. So now if you think about it, this is really around 12 months since Adam
downloaded my free five-day career growth guide in which you can get at So this
is a free guide and free training that he got and he watched and he learned 12 months ago.
So he dropped me a message in July. He said, Hi, Mei Ping.
I joined your course
with the goal of seeking
new job opportunities
and I recently landed a new job
with 85% salary increment.
So anyway, congratulations.
I am so proud of him,
so proud of him.
And I just want to show you
that a career transformation
can happen.
And 12 months,
I would say is the perfect time to really assess
whether you're progressing
or you're actually keeping yourself stuck
because, you know,
a performance year at work is 12 months.
So I don't really buy the idea
of like all this short term,
oh yeah, you know,
all these little hot tips
and stuff like that.
It doesn't really work
because at the end of the day,
like if you want to have
a long lasting career,
like it takes time to build the blocks, right?
To build strategically the career blocks, the key foundation, then you can level up, you master the skill a long-lasting career, like it takes time to build the blocks, right? To build strategically the career blocks,
the key foundation,
then you can level up.
You master the skill.
You master the mindset.
You master the strategy.
You master how to navigate
challenging career situations.
You learn how to improve
your self-leadership skills
so that you can lead yourself
to solve any situation.
Like all these actually take time.
And in the Corporate Survivor itself,
I teach you the step-by-step lessons
on the corporate world,
mindset, skill set and strategy.
But there's also the monthly mentoring course
to really help you to navigate
challenging situations.
And even if you don't have
an immediately challenging situation,
you can also learn from other members
across like all career levels
on actually how to deal with
their career situation as well.
So there's really, really a lot to learn.
Now, just want to do a final wrap up,
as I said, right? You know, Chris is not his real name. Adam is also not his real name. situation as well so there's really really a lot to learn now just want to do a final wrap up as i
said right you know chris is not his real name adam is also not his real name however i will say
that if you want to read the actual testimonial that adam has shared with me i've actually
uploaded it on my website um the corporate survivors website and you if you want to read
it you can just go to but i'm going to read it to you right now what he said
in the testimonial and you know you can also find the same on the website so he said first time i knew mapping was on her
social media and podcast where i browse and listen to her free content almost every day it took some
time for me to decide of course due to financial commitment but hear me out it was one of the best
investment that i made in my entire life the corporate survivor course was the exact framework
i was looking for and that came with monthly mentoring
to guide you on any situation
during implementation.
My goal was to seek
new job opportunity
and I made it recently
with 85% increment.
Never in my life
I have those figures coming in
but thanks to Mei Ping,
sky is the limit.
Mei Ping will always be my mentor
and she deserves any recognition.
If any,
I would highly recommend her.
This was exactly word for word what Adam has said in his testimonial, which I've also uploaded on
my website. So if you want to read about Adam's experience and all the other members in my program
in terms of like whether the course lesson is helpful for you and what you can learn and what
you can gain the insight, the perspective, and why so many students say that it's a life-changing experience,
then you can go to my course website
and you can access it
So I hope that today's episode
has given you some inspiration,
some motivation,
and more importantly,
some empowerment
knowing that,
yes, can your career transform
for the better?
Can it change positively
for the better
in the next 12 months?
Yes, it can.
Most importantly,
are you ready
to take the action
to take that one step forward today?
So with that,
I'll see you in the next episode.