Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep219: When's the best time to quit your job?
Episode Date: August 9, 2024✅ Get FREE GUIDE, newsletter, work with me ⮕ ✅ Corporate Survivor™ is the ultimate career course for 9-to-5 working professionals, just like *you*, who want to enhance... corporate world mindset, skillset and strategy so you can NAVIGATE + GROW your career with clarity, confidence & opportunities... 🚀 ⚡ 📌 ABOUT THIS PODCAST: Welcome to Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — ex-Corporate Leader turned Career Coach & Founder of The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, Mei Phing shares her corporate world insights, experiences and wisdom so you can grow your 9-5 career with clarity, confidence and opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ NEWSLETTER ⮕ ✅ CAREER COURSE ⮕ ⚡
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mei Ping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
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Mei Ping, when is the best time for me to quit my job?
Now, you can't believe how many times I got asked this question over the past couple of months.
Now, the first things first, if you're thinking about career development,
you're thinking about career growth, it is a good thing.
But I think the better question to really tackle is
what is actually stopping you from making that decision for the next phase of your career because you know you want more and you know you deserve more.
Okay, so welcome or welcome back to the Corporate Survival Podcast with me,
ex-corporate leader turned career coach Mei Ping. And exactly what I was talking about
in the past couple of months in my career programs group mentoring sessions, these are the
questions that keep coming up again and again and again. So in today's episode, I just want to give
you a TLDR version of some of the topics and some of the things that you can think about
depending on your current career situation right now and whether you should move on or not and what
is actually stopping you from doing that. So if you don't know, I actually have a career program,
it's called the Corporate Survivor, where I teach you to improve your work performance by going
through my three-step framework, which is the Get Clear, Get Confident, Get Visible. But in there,
there's also a bonus job search course, as well as monthly group
mentoring sessions. And these monthly group mentoring sessions, the Q&A calls, the member
community calls, is exactly where I'm telling you that I got these questions over the past couple
of months. Now, I think the thing to actually think about when you want to move on from your
role and it's stopping you, I think we can categorize it basically in
three parts, right? Is it a mindset problem? Is it a skill set problem? Or is it a strategy problem?
So I'm going to give you multiple scenarios and I want you to fit in, right, which scenario relates
the most, like the closest to your current situation right now. And I think you can get a
lot of insights from this episode. Okay. The first scenario is you maybe have been in this company
for some time and you
feel like you want to grow your career. But once you start thinking about applying for the new role,
seeking out new career opportunities, the thing that comes to your mind a lot is more like, okay,
what if I fail, right? I'm fairly comfortable in this role, but what if I go to the new company
and I can't do it, right? What if I fail? You know, what if it doesn't work out? What if it's
a bad decision? What if I regret this decision?
What's going to happen?
Now, I'll say all these are very, very, very fair questions.
But the thing to work, to think about is that,
you know, when you go for a new opportunity, right?
You are taking a chance on yourself, right?
Not just on the company,
but you're also taking a chance on yourself.
At the same time, you're also taking a risk.
But what is in exchange of
the risk is the salary increment. It's probably the next career level. It's more job responsibilities,
maybe a job promotion. So I want you to think about it in a way of like, it is an exchange,
right? You feel that you're giving up a lot because maybe wherever you are, whatever that
you're doing right now, you're just comfortable because you've been there for some time. You kind
of like mastered the work. But I want you to think about when you first started in this current role that
you're thinking of quitting, did you also feel stressed out? Like, did you also feel anxiety?
Did you also feel that you couldn't do it? But guess what? You did it anyway. So if you're in
this situation of like, okay, you know, I want to seek out a new opportunity. I don't know if it's
going to work out or not. What if I regret it? Blah, blah, blah, blah. But you're really very
good at what you do.
Then I think this is like purely a mindset problem.
It's a purely a mindset problem because you don't know what to expect.
And you know, we as humans,
we don't like uncertainty.
So whenever you feel like something
that you don't know what's going to happen,
you stress out.
So in this situation,
I want you to recognize like,
maybe this is a mindset problem.
And more importantly,
if I successfully land a new career opportunity,
what can I do to make myself a success which is what you have probably done in your current job in the first
place so you could go through my three-step framework which is to get clear in the corporate
world get confident corporate skills and get visible personal branding this is really what i
teach all the students in my program you can get started with that and making sure that you set
yourself up for success in your new role and guess what you'll be fine because you have been fine and everything has been okay it's probably the moment that you're
thinking about seeking a new career opportunity then you start stressing out and that's not really
a helpful mindset to have so recognize that this could just be a mindset could be like a
self-sabotage situation it could be a situation where you are not really thinking that far ahead
and you are thinking about the past versus thinking about the future. So now,
you know, hopefully with this episode and what I've just shared, I want you to start thinking
of the future. Okay, moving on to the next scenario. Now, the next scenario is, let's say,
you've been in this role for some time, in this company for some time, and you feel that you're
not growing. This is a date-end job, right? And in your heart, you know that, you know, maybe it's a
date-end job, I feel like I should move on, but do you think i should go and look for a job now this is a situation whereby you are
looking for confirmation outside but maybe internally you already know that you know you've
been here for some time and i don't want to be here anymore right i know staying here is not
going to help my career it's probably going to get worse you know maybe the department of company is
going to shut down or maybe you know i'm not going to get a promotion salary increment because my
bosses have already said that or the company situation is really really bad now
what i'm trying to say here is that you already know that this is not a good situation to be in
however again what is actually stopping you from moving on now i would say this is a combination
problem between mindset skill set and strategy now here's how you can evaluate right what is
exactly the problem number one if you feel that, but what if I start applying and nobody wants to hire me?
What if, you know, I quit this company, but no one wants to hire me?
What if I've been here for so long, I don't have anything to offer?
Now, this is 100% a mindset situation because you already know you want to quit.
And before taking any action, you start telling yourself why you are not good enough,
why you cannot get hired. Now, that is, again, not a good situation to have.
And this is exactly why you're also asking other people if you should quit your job,
even though deep down you know it is. So stop the self-sabotage mindset. I think that's the
first thing first. So if you have not taken any action, then I'll say that it is 100% a mindset
problem. However, if you feel that, okay, I've decided I want to quit, then,
you know, how do I sell my value? How do I convince a hiring manager to hire me? How do I
convince the next company to hire me? Now, this is a good thing. It means that now you're starting
to think about, okay, what are the skills that I should have? What is the strategy for job search?
What is the strategy for the next career opportunity? Now, you're thinking in the
skillset and strategy part, which is actually a step forward, meaning you're in the action-taking,
you're no longer in the overthinking, you're in the action-taking mode, and that is a good thing.
So, if you're already in my career program, The Corporate Survivor, I want you to actually go
through the 30-day job search bonus course that will walk you through step-by-step from career
interest, career options, career direction, to resume writing to help you package your value,
to using LinkedIn to get recruiters to message you, to seek out your new career opportunity, as well as interview
skills. So I want you to go through the job search bonus course and bring your questions to our
monthly mentoring sessions because in the monthly mentoring sessions for members only, every single
month we talk about job search challenges, we talk about job search progression, and I think you'll
gain a lot of value from that. Now, that is a message
only for my corporate survivor students.
But if you are in the process of like,
okay, meh ping,
I've decided that, you know,
I'm going to quit this day-end job
and, you know,
I've overcome the overthinking mindset,
then how do I package my value?
And what is the job search strategy?
Now, I think this is a,
probably a much better space to
be in because it tells me that you are in the action taking mode and you are going to start
finding a solution you're probably going to look for career strategies or you're looking for
job search strategies you're learning how to package your value so it will move you into the
action taking mindset which i think is really really important because actually what's stopping
you from the start of not quitting the dead-end job is, I'll say, purely mindset, right?
Because once you can transition it into,
okay, but how can I sell my value?
What is the best job search strategy?
Then you're moving forward.
So I think that issue sort of like resolves itself.
Now, there is a third scenario
that you could relate with as well.
And I think this is something
that I've also heard a lot
from new corporate survival students,
particularly in the past 30 days
who have joined the program,
is you're not doing that well
at your current job,
meaning you're struggling.
Maybe you're getting some sort of
like negative feedback from your boss
and you start thinking that,
you know, I feel very low confidence right now.
I feel like this job
is not really suitable for me.
I feel I cannot handle my boss,
cannot handle the workload.
And, you know,
I just don't see a future in this role.
So should I quit now this
is i think it's a slightly trickier situation and i'm going to give you the advice i gave to all my
new corporate survivor members who basically joined in the past couple of months which in which
i think is better to start by gaining job clarity at your current role that you're struggling right
now now the reason why i don't suggest immediately job searching is because your confidence is going to be so low. So when you
try job searching, when you have very low confidence, what is going to happen is that
you don't even believe in yourself, right? You start doubting your skills, your abilities,
and your talent, and you know what you can offer. So if you can't even, you know, believe in
yourself, how are you going to convince a hiring manager? How are you going to convince someone
else to hire you? That is very very difficult so the other thing
is that i don't want you to you know again jump into a new company and then get into the same
trouble or still don't have clarity and don't have confidence because that is not a good start
right we always want to start a new company with clarity with confidence feeling calm and in control
so i think that is very very important so if you're in this situation where you feel that
you know maybe i feel i cannot handle it anymore i feel i don't really like it here i feel like i'm not doing well
because i'm getting negative feedback i feel like you know i want to take a career break i feel like
i'm on the verge of a burnout right meaning anything you know before this this burnout point
then i actually want you to start gaining job clarity start doing a little bit better at work
every single day now if you're part of my career program the corporate survivor you can actually just go to the main course which is the three
step framework particularly the step one and step two the get clear on the corporate world as well
as get confident corporate skills that will actually help you identify and help you diagnose
what is the clarity point that you need and help you better communicate with your bosses your
seniors and your stakeholders so you feel more in control and more confident on you know how you can contribute at your current role so this will also help give you less anxiety but
also start regaining trust with your key stakeholders now i'm not saying that you
shouldn't quit i'm just saying that we just want to gain the clarity the inner confidence to make
you calm in control or at least more in control more confident than before calm then more importantly
right be objective so that you can now go and look for a role and you can actually get started or at least more in control, more confident than before, calm, then more importantly,
be objective so that you can now
go and look for a role
and you can actually get started
with the job search lessons,
you can get started
with a job search strategy
in a calmer mind,
knowing that you have value to offer,
knowing that you're a confident person.
This is a much better mindset
to go into job searching,
to seek out for your new career opportunity.
So those are the three
most common career situations
I hear from my career course members, corporate survival members, as well as
members of my social media community. So let me know which is the scenario that you relate with
the most and what is actually stopping you from moving on and progressing in your career. If you
are watching on YouTube, let me know in the comments. If you're listening on podcast or
reading the blog, then I want you to really make sure that you note down for yourself because it's
so important to know what is stopping you,
whether it's your mindset,
skills or strategy
so that you can move forward.
So if you want more resources,
free or paid,
you can go to
That is
You can download my
five-day career growth guide.
It'll give you clarity,
confidence and competence
to know that actually
what is the area
that you need to fix.
But if you're ready to dive in,
you're ready to get started
with the step-by-step lessons,
then check out my career program,
The Corporate Survivor,
for 95 professionals just like you.
So with that,
I'll see you in the next episode.
Good luck.