Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep221: Negative mindset that's keeping your career stuck.
Episode Date: August 22, 2024✅ Get FREE GUIDE, newsletter, work with me ⮕ ✅ Corporate Survivor™ is the ultimate career course for 9-to-5 working professionals, just like *you*, who want to enhance... corporate world mindset, skillset and strategy so you can NAVIGATE + GROW your career with clarity, confidence & opportunities... 🚀 ⚡ 📌 ABOUT THIS PODCAST: Welcome to Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — ex-Corporate Leader turned Career Coach & Founder of The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, Mei Phing shares her corporate world insights, experiences and wisdom so you can grow your 9-5 career with clarity, confidence and opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ NEWSLETTER ⮕ ✅ CAREER COURSE ⮕ ⚡
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
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Hey, welcome back to the Corporate Survivor Podcast with me, Mei Ping,
as Corporate Leader turned Career Coach and founder of the Corporate Survivor,
the ultimate career program for 9-5 professionals just like you.
So into this episode, I want to share with you the top three negative mindsets,
mindset blocks or mindset limitations, whatever that you want to call it,
that is actually keeping your career stuck.
It's actually stopping you from moving forward, or mindset limitations, whatever that you want to call it, that is actually keeping your career stuck.
It's actually stopping you from moving forward,
stopping you from taking action to progress your career,
whether it's gaining more career clarity, confidence, competence, or opportunities.
And I also want to say that this episode is inspired by some of the new members in my career course, The Corporate Survivor.
So in the past one to two months, we have welcomed so many new members.
And one of the first things I get members to do is to fill up an intake form, sharing a bit more
about their career situation and some of their thoughts and mindset that they have. And interestingly,
I noticed that quite a few of them have shared these three negative mindsets that I'm going to
talk to you today. And the TLDR version is that it all comes down to one word and that one word is enough. I don't have
enough time. I'm not good enough and I don't know enough. So let's explore each and every one of
them. And this is going to be part one of my very, very mini mindset series. So if you enjoy this
episode and you're listening on YouTube and you want part two, drop me a comment and let me know,
right, mindset one, two, three,
which is the one that you relate with. And if you're listening to any podcasting platforms,
then drop me a message on LinkedIn or Instagram and let me know which is the mindset that you
relate with and if you want part two as well. So let's dive in. Let's talk about the first
negative mindset that is keeping your career stuck. And that is the mindset of, I don't have enough time. Now, it's very easy
if you spend time with your peers, with your friends, with your family, and you hear that
almost every single person is complaining about how they don't have enough time to do things in
their career, to complete their work, you know, to meet expectations, to deliver their KPIs and so forth. And yes, that could be true
if you don't have clear work structure,
you don't really understand KPIs,
you don't align expectations with your boss,
and you don't communicate well,
you don't manage your time well,
you are disorganized.
So all these things are possible,
but I want to share
maybe a bit of a mindset reset with you. And I want to
challenge this thinking about not having enough time because based on what I observed in many
people, right? And this is something really interesting because the people who tell me that
they don't have time, they seem to have a lot of time scrolling on social media because every single
time I share a new Instagram post, a new Instagram story,
or a LinkedIn post, there are people who are on social media all the time. And I'm very curious
as like, you know, is anybody working at all? And I really want you to help you challenge this
notion on whether, you know, are you genuinely, you know, not having enough time or you're actually
having a priority issue. You are not focused on the right
things, or maybe you don't have your attention at the right places, right? You are distracted.
You are finding distraction. You are finding excitement in maybe something else. And therefore,
everything feels overwhelming. Everything feels like you don't have enough time.
So is it a matter of you don't have enough time or you are not actively creating time and making time for what truly, truly matters?
Because I want you to really, you know, pull out your phone, think about the amount of time that
you spend on social media every day, the amount of time you spend scrolling and watching random videos here and there? Is it a couple of
hours? Then is it like we don't have time? Or maybe you are choosing and we are choosing to
place your focus on something else, to prioritize something else. And even though that, you know,
we say that, okay, you know, our work is really important. Our career is really important, but
maybe, and perhaps it's actually more exciting to do to do the other
stuff and it's completely fine for us to relax but i think it's also important to recognize that
sometimes right we want to escape it's fine however how can we turn back how can you turn
back and really ask yourself whether how can i create time for something that really matters to
me so if my career matters to me and right now now, I don't have job clarity, my work is chaotic right now, then what about creating some time
to organize your work, to realign with your boss on your KPIs, right? To work around a work plan.
And all these are things that are taught in the Corporate Survivor. And for my new Corporate
Survivor members who are telling me that they are initially struggling with these,
these are the lessons that I point them to, get started in the program so my point is that
how can you find pockets and minutes and maybe hours of time every single day that you are
spending doing something aimlessly whether it's scrolling on social media you're watching random
videos or just like browsing around here and there without actually tackling a potential problem
that you have in your career, your workplace,
your job search right now,
then how can you refocus your attention
and really focus and create time
to make time for something that really matters to you?
Because the notion and the idea of like
not having enough time,
personally, I don't think that's true.
I think we all have a lot of time,
but the focus is really
the issue. The attention is really the issue. So I want you to imagine a world where you actually
do have enough time to do what you want. And not because you're finding this random time that
doesn't exist, but you're actually actively making time for what actually matters to you.
Because I don't want you to reach the year end to not achieve your goal.
And then you start asking yourself,
what did I do this whole year?
I don't even know what I've done.
But I've been very busy with all sorts of things.
So make sure that you don't come to that conclusion.
I want you to reach the year end and say that,
okay, I set out all these goals at the beginning of this year
and I am so proud that I made progress.
I'm so proud that I took action and I can see progression. I see results. I see outcome.
And I think this is really what I want you to have, because this is really the natural inner
motivation that will propel you to move your career forward one step at a time, one step at
a time, and one step at a time. So moving on to the next mindset block. And this is about, I am not good enough. Now, how many of you think
that you're not good enough? Whether it's about, you know, I don't deserve to make more money.
You know, I cannot make six figures. I cannot make more money. I don't deserve to become a manager.
You know, I'm not good enough to become a manager. I don't know how to become a director. You know,
I don't think I'm going to be a good leader. I don't think I deserve A, B, C, D, E. I want you
to really take a moment and pause and ask yourself how many of these mindset blocks, negative mindset,
mindset limitations that you have this script that is running in your mind, telling you that
you are not good enough for any of those things. And the question I really want to ask you is, who has told you that?
Have you been telling this to yourself?
Or did someone actually tell you this?
Because the solution might be a little bit different.
So if you're telling yourself all these things
without any evidence,
meaning your boss is not telling you this
and you're not actually getting any negative feedback
and so forth,
then it could be just an issue of overthinking where you are, interestingly, afraid of success. You know,
people are afraid of failure, but maybe for you, you are afraid of success because you don't really
know what to expect at the next career level. And in fact, I'll say that this is actually very,
very normal because in my career course, The Corporate Survivor, we have students in their
20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s
across all career levels, right? From fresh grad, executive, manager, director, and even up to C
suite as well. And at every single career level, many students also tell me, oh, maybe I don't
know what to expect. And which is why in the course lessons itself and in the monthly mentoring
sessions, I always tackle the corporate world mindset skillset strategy that is applicable for all career levels because at any point, it's not that, you know, when you
become a manager, everything is like magically going to work out. When you become a director,
when you become a team lead, everything's magically going to work out. It's not really true.
Everyone is just figuring out along the way. So I think what is more important is
to ask yourself, when you say that you're not good enough, what is the evidence, right? What is the
evidence that you are not good enough? What is the evidence? And if you're saying that, like, oh,
someone else is telling me this, like my family is telling me this, my friend is telling me this,
I'm like, okay, but they are not at your work with you, right? They may not really understand your
job. And, you know, they may not necessarily have the career, you know, that kind of like career
success that you want. So if that's the case case then does it make sense to listen to people who have not walked the path
that you are planning to walk and i think that this may be a separation that you may need to
split out in terms of like who you decide to listen to who you decide to seek guidance and
advice from and who you feel inspired by because at at the end of the day, you take action, right?
Your mindset is more or less fixed
by the kind of person that you aim to become.
Like for example,
many of my students
and many of my members in my career program,
The Corporate Survivor,
they joined The Corporate Survivor
because they feel inspired by my career.
Because I have worked in the 95 corporate world.
I've raised the career ladder being very young. I've been in management leadership positions even when I was just 30
years old. And that is what many members are hoping to learn in my program. So, I want you to
ask yourself, who are you choosing to listen to and who are you choosing to learn from? And if
you truly, truly feel that, hey, I'm not good enough, then my question is then,
okay, then what are you going to do about it? Because there's always something that you can do about it. But what is most important is the first step of turning your negative mindset into
positive action. Then you can start actually taking the baby steps, taking the small actions,
taking the little, little steps that will move you one step ahead, one step ahead every single day.
And I think this is really, really important as well.
Okay, moving on to the next mindset block. And I'd say my negative mindset that I'm seeing in many, many people as well, and not just my students in my career program, but I think
members in my community also. And this is about, I don't know enough. I don't know enough. Now,
in my opinion, this is actually a little bit easier. Because if you feel that you don't know enough. Now, in my opinion, this is actually a little bit easier because if you feel that you don't know enough,
then it's almost like a self-reflection, self-assessment,
a self-diagnosis of understanding where your gaps are at
and therefore you can take action.
So when you say you don't know enough,
what is it that you don't know enough?
Is it the technical skills that is required to deliver your KPI?
Is it the people skills of talking,
communicating, collaborating with different people?
Or is it some presentation influencing skills
that you want to learn how to talk to people
at the higher level?
Or is it wanting to understand
what is leadership and management's point of view
so you can better align expectations
and work better with them?
So my question is, when you say I don't know enough, please don't leave it as a high level,
you know, high level question of like, oh, I don't know enough. And then one day I'm going to
magically know enough. Like this thing is not going to happen. When you say I don't know enough,
I want you to go even more specific. What is it? Technical skills? Is it soft skills? Is it understanding
the corporate world structure,
or is it understanding
management or leadership's
point of view?
What is it?
What is it
that you don't know enough?
Is it the corporate world mindset?
Is it the corporate world skill set?
Or is it the corporate world strategy?
What is it?
I want you to be really,
really specific here.
And if you want
one specific resource,
you can go to my
website at and you can download the five-day career growth guide and training where I
walk you through specifically how to identify career clarity, confidence, competence, value
positioning and opportunities. I think you'll find it really, really helpful to help you dig deeper
into the gaps and maybe the areas that you really want to focus on, you want to look into
so that you can end this year actually making progression, actually making advancement and
moving one step closer to the career goals that you have set out at the beginning of this year.
So I wanted to wrap up here because these are the top three negative mindsets that I hear from
new students in my Corporate Survival Program. I also hear from members in my community.
And of course, there are many, many more as well.
And if you enjoy this episode and you want to hear part two,
you want me to release part two,
then make sure you drop a comment
if you're watching on YouTube
or drop me a message on LinkedIn, Instagram,
telling me that what did you learn
and what do you find interesting in today's episode,
which is the mindset that you find yourself relating to
and whether you want part two.
So let me know.
And like I i said you know
there could be many many more mindset blocks and mindset shifts mindset reset that you need to
apply but based on what i've really observed in my community of thousands of people and even in
my career program hundreds of students across all career levels right from 20s 30s 40s and 50s
these are continuously prevalent thoughts, which is,
no, I'm not good enough.
I don't have enough time.
I don't know enough.
So again, let me know.
If you enjoyed this episode,
drop a comment or drop me a message on LinkedIn and Instagram.
And if you want more resources,
you want to download
the 5-Day Career Growth Guide and Training
that I mentioned,
then you can visit my website
So with that, I wish you all the best
and I'll see you in next week's episode.