Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep222: You think it's "too late" to MOVE, and move FAST.
Episode Date: August 30, 2024✅ Get FREE GUIDE, newsletter, work with me ⮕ ✅ Corporate Survivor™ is the ultimate career course for 9-to-5 working professionals, just like *you*, who want to enhance... corporate world mindset, skillset and strategy so you can NAVIGATE + GROW your career with clarity, confidence & opportunities... 🚀 ⚡ 📌 ABOUT THIS PODCAST: Welcome to Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — ex-Corporate Leader turned Career Coach & Founder of The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, Mei Phing shares her corporate world insights, experiences and wisdom so you can grow your 9-5 career with clarity, confidence and opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ NEWSLETTER ⮕ ✅ CAREER COURSE ⮕ ⚡
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
I hope you enjoy, like and subscribe.
I'll keep today's message short and sweet.
The reason why you are where you are right now and not where you want to be
is because you have decided that it is too late.
Oh Mei Ping, it's already the end of August, it's too late.
Oh Mei Ping, it's already the end of September, so what is the point?
Oh Mei Ping, it's the end of October, there's no point even trying. Now, the reason why you are where you are right now is because you have already
decided in your mind that there is no point doing anything about it. And that is totally not true.
So there are so many, many more days to go. So if you are listening to this live right now,
it is the end of August. You have four more months. Of course, you can decide that four months is short, but I think it's a matter of mindset or you can see
four months as so much time for you to move, for you to make big moves, small moves, something that
can truly make your career for the better. It's enough time for you to learn how to communicate
with your boss. It's enough time for you to learn how to get recognized by your boss with promotions, to even follow through to make sure that promotion
happens. It's enough time for you to adapt in a new job. It's enough time for you to re-look at
your skill set and to improve the people and technical skills or whatever skills that you
need at your job. It's more than enough time because I think it's a matter of perspective.
It's a matter of mindset.
You can see one, two, three, four months as short,
but I like to see one, two, three, four months
as so much time as long as you are willing to move.
You are willing to move and move fast
because once you get the ball rolling,
then you start seeing the results.
The inner motivation comes in. You start to believe in yourself. Then it keeps rolling, rolling ball rolling, then you start seeing the results, the inner motivation comes in,
you start to believe in yourself,
then it keeps rolling, rolling, rolling, rolling uphill, right?
Not rolling downhill or staying still,
but really, really rolling uphill.
And I think this is the most important message
I want you to hear today.
And the next part is the fact that
if you find yourself spending a lot of time
learning, learning, learning, and a lot of time learning, learning, learning,
and a lot of people listen to the Corporate Survivor podcast
or they follow different people online and so forth
for learning purposes.
And I think learning is great.
But one really important reminder here is that
knowledge itself is not useful, is not important
if you are not applying it.
So I want to make sure that you are not learning,
learning, learning just to feel inspired, right?
I want you to take inspired action.
Yes, Mipin, I feel so inspired by your podcast today.
I'm going to go apply some of the things
that you're teaching here, right?
I'm going to apply and see how it goes for me
to see the results, you know,
to see the progression that I can feel, right?
To take inspired action, to feel inspired. Like, yeah, I'm sure there are like 1,001 influencers over there that I can feel, to take inspired action, to feel inspired.
Yeah, I'm sure there are like 1,001 influencers over there that you can follow to get inspired.
But the Corporate Survivor Podcast with Mei Ping is not one of those places.
This is the place to get inspired, to take the inspired action, to see results for yourself,
for you to start believing that, yeah, I can do it.
Growing my career is not difficult. Navigating the corporate world is not difficult. And that is really the purpose of this podcast. And the flow
should really be, I learn, then I implement, then I get feedback, then repeat. Learn, implement,
get feedback, repeat. I want you to really ask yourself, where are you stuck at? You have been
learning, learning, learning, and then telling yourself, oh, maybe, you know, I don't think I have enough time.
It's already too late.
Then I think you are sort of like
keeping yourself stuck as well.
So that's why I say
I want to keep today's message
very, very simple.
Where in the moments that you feel that
I'm learning nonstop to a point
that I'm obsessed with learning new things
because I'm actually afraid.
If I go out there and implement,
what if it doesn't work?
Then this is purely a mindset thing.
It's not like the fact that you have to keep learning more and more because learning more
and more without knowing how to apply implement then what is the what is the point right there's
no point so make sure that you implement get feedback and then repeat because even this is
the same message i send to my corporate survivor members as well i don't want to see my corporate
survivor members just learning learning learning but what I want to hear is,
okay, so what have you implemented? What have you applied? Then bring it to the monthly mentoring
calls, right? Bring it to the bonus one-on-one call. Then let's discuss, right? Let's get feedback.
Let's pivot so that the next time they try, right, when they repeat the cycle, right, they can
actually get better at it. And this is how it's supposed to work. So again, the final point I want
to leave you is you know are
you like which stage are you actually stuck at right the learning stage the implementation stage
to get feedback stage or the repeat stage right are you giving up just because you don't see
results right so figure out which stage you're at and if you're in the learning non-stop stage
then seriously i want yes i want you to listen to the corporate survivor podcast but what i want
even more for you is to actually go out implement so like switch off the podcast right
now and please go and implement go and do something about the things that you have learned from me
apply assess see results if you find yourself getting stuck in the implementation stage it's
like okay maybe i'm doing doing doing doing doing but i'm afraid to get feedback what what if i'm
doing it wrong right or i refuse to believe i'm i'm doing it wrong then it's like, okay, maybe I'm doing, doing, doing, doing, doing, but I'm afraid to get feedback. What if I'm doing it wrong, right?
Or I refuse to believe I'm doing it wrong.
Then it's like, okay, then if you're implementing it blindly,
then it's not a good situation as well.
And if you have access to a mentor or a coach or an expert,
then why not get some feedback?
So if you're in that situation right now,
and if you're in my career program, The Corporate Survivor,
please bring your issue, bring your challenge,
and bring whatever that you have done to our monthly
mentoring call it's released at the beginning of the month so that i can give you some feedback
guidance and perspective and as to actually what's going on what are the blind spot that you are
missing so that you can get better and if you find yourself getting stuck in the feedback stage if
you okay maybe i've got the feedback already but now i feel afraid to repeat you know i feel like
it didn't work out the first time
now you know after getting feedback i realized oh actually there are a few things i'm not doing
it correctly and now i'm afraid to start again then i think this is a pure mindset because
instead of seeing that oh you know i got some criticism i got some feedback that i didn't
expect i feel very upset instead of thinking that why not think oh awesome now i know what not to do
so i can do better at the things that I'm supposed to be doing, right?
By knowing what went wrong,
now I can make sure things go right.
So I'll end here
because I want today's message
to be short and sweet.
But more importantly,
I want you to take action
because there's so much time.
There's so much time to go
and get you what you want.
There's so much time to change your career.
There's so much time
to improve your work confidence.
There's so much time
to increase your career clarity. There's so much time to get new career. There's so much time to improve your work confidence. There's so much time to increase your career clarity.
There's so much time to get new opportunities
if you are really, really willing
to go and get that for yourself.
I think what happens with a lot of people is fear.
So I don't want you to fear anymore
because otherwise you're not going to achieve
the career goals that you've set out for yourself in January.
You won't be able to give yourself a better life
for you or your family.
So I want you to really see it as,
yeah, maybe there are so many more days to go,
so many more months to go.
I can move and I can move fast
and I move starting today.
So with that, I'll see you next week
and we'll hear all about all the moves
that you have made since listening to this episode.