Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep237: Feeling stuck at your job? THIS IS FOR YOU.
Episode Date: December 6, 2024✅ Watch FREE WORKSHOP, newsletter, work with me ⮕ ✅ Corporate Survivor™ is the ultimate career course for 9-to-5 working professionals, just like *you*, who want to en...hance corporate world mindset, skillset and strategy so you can NAVIGATE + GROW your career with clarity, confidence & opportunities... 🚀 ⚡ 📌 ABOUT THIS PODCAST: Welcome to Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — ex-Corporate Leader turned Career Coach & Founder of The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, Mei Phing shares her corporate world insights, experiences and wisdom so you can grow your 9-5 career with clarity, confidence and opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ NEWSLETTER ⮕ ✅ CAREER COURSE ⮕ ⚡
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
I hope you enjoy, like, and subscribe. Hey, welcome, welcome back to the Corporate Leader turned Career Coach. I hope you enjoy, like and subscribe.
Hey, welcome, welcome back to the Corporate Survivor Podcast.
It's me, Mei Ping, as Corporate Leader turned Career Coach
and founder of the Corporate Survivor,
the ultimate career program for 9 to 5 professionals just like you.
So today, I want to share with you my favorite quote of all time.
And that is, if you are not moving forward, you are moving backwards.
I repeat, if you're not moving forward, you are moving backwards.
Now, the thing is that like, I don't believe in staying stuck. To me, staying stuck could be
something that, you know, you decided that, okay, you know, I don't know what to do and therefore
I'm not going to do anything or maybe I'm afraid that it's not going to work out and therefore I'm
not going to do anything. Now, in your mind, maybe that's, you know, that's fine. Like, I'm just not
going to do anything. Nothing is going to change. But in the context of like how the world is moving,
how your workplace is moving, you know, what your boss is thinking, the team environment,
the working environment, actually a lot is moving every single day, right? Work never stops just
because you feel like you are comfortable where you are or you decided to stay where you are because you are uncomfortable with what to do next so in a way it means that
everyone else is actually progressing forward but you are where you are and because everyone else is
moving forward and you are kind of like staying where you are it basically means that you are
you are getting backwards like you are staying backwards and you continue to move backwards. So the act of not taking a step forward, it actually keeps you not just stuck,
it keeps you continue moving backwards in that sense. So the other thing, the other code that
I personally really like as well is the take two steps forward, one step back, right? So it's take
two steps forward, one step back. And? So it's take two steps forward,
one step back. And why I also really love this code is because it pinpoints action, right? So
taking two steps forward. So that would be maybe trying a new strategy, maybe trying a new working
method, right? Maybe trying a new job strategy, or maybe getting a new perspective from a coach,
or getting a different perspective from a mentor. So basically taking steps forward,
trying something new, try something different. But the act of taking steps forward, that means that
you are getting creative, right? You are in the problem-solving mode and you are in the
motivated mode and you want to do something and you are doing something. Now, why the one step
back, right? Two step forward, one step back is also really, really important to take note is because we don't always get things right the first time. And that is fine,
right? Mistakes happen. And maybe the first time you do something, right, you try this new working
method and you feel that, hmm, you know, I didn't feel like I applied correctly. That's fine. So
two step forward, one step back. And more importantly, the value of it is that you get
feedback on what didn't go well and how to improve from that point on.
So this is also learning as well.
And that allows you to take the better next two steps forward, right?
So two steps forward, one step back.
So this is something that you can actually apply regardless of your career situation or your work situation or even your job situation as well.
So let me give you an example.
So let's say currently right now,
you are working very long hours.
You feel like you're not really meeting
your boss's expectation,
but you are working really hard.
But at the same time,
your work is a little bit disorganized.
You feel like things are not really going that well.
So if you continue staying where you are right now,
which is basically doing what you have been doing,
which is working hard and everything,
nothing is actually going to change, right? So what's going to happen is then you will still not be able to meet expectations.
Your boss might be angry. Maybe your team members are unhappy with you and you feel like the
relationship with your stakeholders are getting worse. So as time goes by, right, it's not that
the work situation is going to continue to be a social situation. It's probably going to get worse.
So that's kind of like what I mean by
if you're not moving forward,
actually, you're moving backwards,
meaning the situation might actually continue to be worse
as time goes on.
And this is very similar with
in terms of like getting visibility,
getting your work recognized as well.
So if you believe that,
hey, you know, I think I did a good job.
I think my boss is supposed to recognize me.
I'm just going to keep quiet.
I'm going to wait till the year end
or maybe next year
to see whether I get promoted or not.
And maybe you realize that you didn't get promoted
because you didn't speak up.
So by staying still and just like basically doing nothing,
the situation has gotten worse.
And maybe you wait for another year.
Now this is really the second year, the third year,
and still nothing happens, right?
You're not getting increment.
You're not getting a salary increment.
You're not getting a promotion.
So therefore, instead of moving forward,
and you may see your other colleagues getting promoted
or your friends or your peers moving forward in their career
and you feel that you are still stuck where you are right now,
which is not really the concept of stuck,
but in a way, you maybe feel a little bit behind.
You feel like you are moving backwards as compared to your peers around you,
your team members, or even with your friends as well.
So this is, again, another example of if you're not moving forward, then you are gradually moving
backwards. And this is also something that you can apply to your job search journey. So let's say
you are someone who has been trying to look out for jobs, you've been making a lot of applications,
but maybe you didn't get interviews at the start then you give up you're like okay you
know nobody wants me and then i'm just not going to do anything i feel so demotivated i'm not going
to apply for any more jobs and guess what because you stop applying you stop assessing whether your
job strategy works or not you stop getting creative you stop getting motivated eventually
you will not get a job right because you have stopped applying and therefore no one knows that
you have value to add no one knows that you are a good candidate and therefore nothing happens. Versus
if you take that two step forward, then what that means is, okay, maybe re-looking at your resume
to see whether am I actually positioning, articulating and selling my value correctly?
Really thinking about how you are communicating with recruiters and HR. Are you convincing them
that you are a good candidate? Can you clearly communicate that? Or maybe you have managed to get through the interview process, but you didn't manage to get
the job offer. Okay, great. Celebrate yourself for being able to get the interview in the first
place. Then now let's dive deep into assessing what happened during the interview. What did the
interviewer say? How did you respond? Are you satisfied with their response? What does hiring
manager want to hear? Now, just by thinking about all these things right it helps you get creative it helps you be open to a lot more feedback that will help you
to improve and therefore like i said your next two step forwards are gonna be a lot better right so
of course you're right there's still a lot of learning then you may take you know one step
backward from time to time and that's fine but overall you are still moving forward and that
is something that is so so so critical because sometimes it's not just about the strategy, but it's your mindset of actually applying the strategy.
And this is actually something that I tell all my career program members. So I have a career
program, it's called the Corporate Survivor. And one of the things I really encourage my
members to do is to attend our monthly mentoring Q&A call. So even if you cannot attend, you can
still submit a question and watch the recording because it keeps you sharp.
It keeps you accountable.
It keeps you motivated to want to try.
And when you're surrounded
in a community of other 9-to-5 professionals
just like you,
also going through their own journey,
having their own career workplace
as well as job search challenges,
it reminds you that,
hey, everyone is also going on their own path.
And some days we are progressing. Some days
we feel like we're taking a back step. But overall, over a period of 12 months, you are still moving
forward. And eventually you're going to hit the career goal that you really want. You're going to
get the job that you want. Your career situation will improve. Your boss will recognize you.
Your relationship with stakeholders will definitely get better. And the reason is because you did not give up. You did not give up on yourself. You did not give up on my strategies.
You did not give up on your own abilities. And what you actually really needed was just a little
bit of feedback, maybe a different perspective, and more importantly, a lot of consistency,
a lot of the attitude of not giving up, a lot of self-belief.
And I think that is actually
super duper important.
So I'll leave you with
these two quotes today,
which is if you're not moving forward,
you're moving backwards
as well as take two steps forward,
but it's okay to also take
one step backward.
So two steps forward,
one step backward.
So if you are in
the Corporate Survivor Program,
then I'll see you in this month's
monthly mentoring call this weekend. So with that, I'll see you in the nextate Survivor Program, then I'll see you in this month's monthly mentoring call this weekend.
So with that,
I'll see you in the next episode.