Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep244: Please help your boss, help you.
Episode Date: January 17, 2025✅ Watch FREE WORKSHOP, newsletter, work with me ⮕ ✅ Corporate Survivor™ is the BEST career program on how to navigate the 9-to-5 corporate world, work smarter, earn and stress less using Mei Phing's 3-Step Framework [Get Clear, Get Confident, Get Visible] so you can grow your career & salary without sacrificing work-life balance... 🚀 ⚡ 📌 ABOUT THIS PODCAST: Welcome to Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — ex-Corporate Leader turned Career Coach & Founder of The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, Mei Phing shares her 10+ years of corporate world insights, experiences and wisdom so you can grow your 9-5 career with clarity, confidence and opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ NEWSLETTER ⮕ ✅ FREE WORKSHOP ⮕ ✅ CAREER PROGRAM ⮕ ⚡
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
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Hey, welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast.
I'm Mei Ping, Corporate Leader turned Career Coach and founder of the Corporate Survivor Career Program.
So today I want to help you understand your boss a little bit better.
Now, one of the mistakes that I see many 9-5 working professionals make is to misunderstand what work actually means. W-O-R-K,
work. Now, most people think, and you may be included, that work is completing that report.
Work is completing that project. Work is putting in a lot of effort to complete a specific checklist
and to do a list of things that your boss has told you to do. Now, that is important and that definitely
needs to be done. But the mistake that you might be making is thinking that that is 100% considered
work. Meaning that once you've done everything, it means that, oh, maybe I've completed my work
already. No, no, no, no. This is the perspective I want to share with you today. Now, if you have
done everything that I've just listed, it's only 50% of work completed. And guess what is the missing puzzle? The missing puzzle is
the other 50% is you need to tell your boss that the work is done. Now, why this is so important
is that when you spend a lot of time completing a piece of work and your boss doesn't know about it,
your boss doesn't know about the progress, the completion rate, has no way of giving feedback
and following through as to figuring out what the heck you have been doing,
guess what is your boss's thinking about? Your boss probably thinks that you have not done anything.
So you may be working like 100% in your mind,
but in your boss's mind, work is not done.
And guess what's going to happen is that your boss is now going to be worried
and feeling more anxious and wondering,
how come Mayping hasn't updated me yet?
So then what your boss is going to do
is that your boss probably is going to start asking you a bunch of questions.
And this is when you feel like your boss may be micromanaging you.
Now, why I want to share this with you today is because obviously I have been a worker,
but I've also been a manager and director leading teams as well.
So I've seen both perspectives of me, you know,
me being an executor completing the work versus me being the boss
who is overseeing and managing a team
and wanting to make sure that everything is completed
per whatever that was agreed.
So if you're in the mindset of like,
oh, I'm going to spend a lot of my time
just to complete that specific project.
And then once everything is perfectly done
based on what I imagined in my mind,
then I'm just going to send it to my boss at the end of it.
Then I want you to stop right now
and recognize
that your work is only considered completed if you've done the work right the specific execution
whatever report checklist that you need to do plus your boss is aware of it you have told your boss
you have updated your boss whether it's on email face-to-face presentation whatever it is right
the moment your boss is aware,
that means your work is completed. Now, I'll repeat that very clearly. Work is only completed
if your boss knows about it, okay? Work is not completed when you feel like you have come up
with that perfect report, but your boss doesn't know about it. No, no, no. That, in your boss's
mind, is zero completion.
So this is actually one of the reasons why I see so many people,
they work hard, put in a lot of hours,
but they feel like when it comes to performance review,
performance rating,
their boss seems to have like no idea what they have been doing.
And in fact, their boss may give them feedback like,
oh, actually, you know,
you need to be more proactive and stuff like that.
And this is where the disconnect might be.
And you are the one who is actually working hard. You may feel like,
how come my boss doesn't know? And guess whose fault is that, that your boss doesn't know,
right? So what you can do about it is just be more proactive, like have a very, very specific way of making sure that your boss is aware, is up to date on what you're doing and make sure that
your boss has a chance to give some feedback and
kind of like be a little bit more involved and more aware of your progress and your hard work
this is really really the best way and this is episode is actually inspired by one conversation
that i had one corporate survivor member as well so the point i want to make here is that like it's
not just you who may be feeling this way actually a lot of people do feel this way as well and
honestly if you're listening to the corporate podcast most of my listeners and like most of my community members like you guys
are very hardworking you're very hardworking right you are dedicated you are ambitious and
guess what you want to get rewarded for your hard work so yes you're doing the work already
make sure that you get visible make sure that you are not like taking for granted that your
boss should know what you're doing. Make it a point and include it in like a frequent catch-up
and stuff like that, that your boss knows that you are adding value, you are contributing,
you're putting in the effort. This is really the most consistent way how you can make sure that
you are top of mind when it comes to performance reviews. you are top of mind when it comes to performance reviews.
You are top of mind
when it comes to job promotions.
You are top of mind
when it comes to salary increments.
Don't wait until the year end
and then magically
you're going to tell your boss
that you did all these things
that your boss has spent
like almost a whole year
have like no freaking clue
what you're doing
because you're working quietly
on your own.
Make sure that you don't
make these mistakes
and I'm telling you this because I used to be someone who is in the position of overseeing a team. I work
with management and leadership super closely. And this is really what we would expect from our team
members. And the most successful people and the people who get promoted, the people who get salary
increment, the people who get work recognition are very, very clear that work is only completed once their boss knows about it.
So please communicate, please get visible, please be proactive to make sure that this is the year
that you get recognized for your hard work because isn't this why we're all working so hard for it?
Get recognized for your hard work. Don't be invisible. Make sure that you understand very clearly that my work is only considered completed
once my boss is aware
that this work has been delivered.
Once my boss knows
that this work is completed, right?
So work plus boss,
that is work completed.
So this is actually something
that I want you to keep in mind
for the whole of this year.
So with that,
I wish you all the best
and hopefully I'll
see you in my career program, The Corporate Survivor, and make this the year that you step
out of your comfort zone. As I said, if you're already working hard, then don't lose out just
because you are not visible. Get visible, which is why the three-step framework that I teach is get clear, get confident, and guess what's
the last thing? Get visible.
Good luck and see you soon.