Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep39: Creating content online. Should you?
Episode Date: June 25, 2020✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
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In today's podcast, I explore whether will creating content fuel or harm your corporate career.
So this is a very interesting topic because of the rise of professional social media platforms such as
LinkedIn. So in fact, nowadays, LinkedIn is way more popular for younger professionals to hang
out and even older professionals as well, right? So it's a wide spectrum of people networking on
this platform, looking for opportunities. And with that, we also have service providers such as marketers,
consultants, coaches, and other people who are looking to grow their business
on such professional platforms. So with the mix of all these people from different kind of
backgrounds, and obviously looking at one common thing
and that is content on LinkedIn, for example.
And because of the rise of content and of course you have the entrepreneurs
such as coaches, consultants and service providers actively creating content,
it does create a little bit of a competition or in a sense,
a lot of inspiration to the guys who are working in a corporate job. So is that you? So are you
that person who is a professional, who having a corporate job like a nine to five, getting very,
very inspired by all this content and sometimes pretty controversial content at that.
And feeling like you have to also create content to get attention because that is what all those personal branding gurus are telling you.
Right. So is that you? So if you are are you are that person right so the podcast today will definitely be
very helpful for you because i will be talking about whether these such such content will
actually feel as in propel your career forward or it will actually harm your career so coming
from someone who who has been an i've been a hiring manager when I was in Standard Chartered,
I've interviewed many people, looked at many, many resumes.
And let me tell you a big secret.
When HR or even the hiring managers, before we make a decision to hire,
because of the globalization era right now, a lot of us would go online and Google your name.
Yes, we do Google your name and whatever comes out across the social media platforms,
whether you think it's privacy or not, as long as it's on the public platform,
it does affect the judgment and the perception that your future employer may have of you, right?
So we'll now talk about how this may harm your career first, right?
So coming from this simple example, and it definitely has happened before, when I was
hiring for one of the positions, we received quite a number of resumes and we shortlisted
to about five candidates.
My team interviewed all five candidates.
And when the push comes to shove, right, before proceeding to the next round,
my team did a Google on all the candidates.
And guess what?
One of the candidates, he had left some sketching reviews on social media.
It wasn't LinkedIn at that time. It was Facebook. A sketching review on a service provider,
basically a rant about how he was cheated
and it was unfair.
And guess what's the surprise at the end, right?
It ended up as a misunderstanding, right?
So whatever the story was,
anything that you put out there it is up for judgment
whether you like it or not that's reality and that's something i tell all my coaching clients
so you want to be cautious of what you put out there and if you're wondering the end of that
story for that candidate no we did not perceive the next level of interview because every single company, every team wants a team player.
We don't want to lose canon.
So, I mean, that's a very, very honest view coming to you from someone like me who has hired people from all over the world.
I used to have teams in Singapore, India, Malaysia.
I worked with people from 43 countries.
So that's reality guys despite what the
other personal branding gurus are telling you so you want to be cautious of that not saying that
you shouldn't but you want to be cautious of that and the other thing that a lot i see a lot of young
professionals do and even older professionals as well is getting in this content competition of getting likes, right? All the likes, the comments,
the fluffy stuff. So I just want to also be honest, if you want to create content that is interesting,
most of the time it has to be controversial. So if something is controversial, clearly not
everybody is going to like it. There will be, you know, someone that's going all for it really in love with what you say
there will be also people who think completely differently and if you are looking to advance
your career opportunities and look for more job offers and so forth then this this little
controversial content will become a liability and 100% it will become a liability.
And 100% it will become a liability
because we don't want to hire someone that we don't really know
what's going to come out from his or her mouth after this.
And we also don't want someone that eventually may not get along with their colleagues
because they may want to stir up some controversy to get attention.
Because you want to get attention online, that's fine.
But what you want to be cautious of is how that is going to translate in the workplace.
You know, I always tell my clients, how you do one thing is how you do everything.
It is going to be really difficult to split your online personality
because you're trying to do personal branding online
versus how you're
actually going to behave at work because it's that same mentality that you know inspired you to
to do a certain thing and to get involved in content like i said right which will harm your
career so those are two really really big examples you know, something that you may want to really reflect on because this is a really worrying trend I'm seeing, especially for the guys who are not even in corporate yet.
They are still students really creating a lot of controversial content because they have been following a lot of personal branding gurus.
Guys, these people are marketers.
They are selling you personal branding.
They are selling you these things because it advances their business a lot of them do not actually work in a
proper corporate right and i this is really a worrying trend that i see a lot but obviously
i cannot reach out to everyone so my advice to you guys is really like think through the purpose of you creating that
content and not so much about how it's going to add value to other people. Think about whether
it's going to help you. It's going to help you or it's going to harm you, right? That's the most
important question. Okay, so now on the happier side, how will creating content fuel your career?
So the biggest point is this what kind of career
do you have what kind of career do you have and and also where are you right now in your career
so for example you're trying to establish yourself as a thought leader in the industry right or you
are somewhat related in the business side of things right so you could be in business development and so forth then yes definitely creating content drives a lot of attention
to what you do and what your company can can do for them so these are really really helpful for
people who are insurance who are in real estate so well i mean they may not be in a traditional
nine-to-five but they are there is an element of their business where they have to get involved in sales and marketing.
So I call these people solopreneurs.
So even they may be connected to a company, but it's really their own brand.
And people buy because they know who they are and what they can do for them in terms of customer service.
So these ones, you definitely want to have a content strategy so that, you know, like people say, out of sight, out of mind, right? So for sure,
that's something that you guys want to think about. So the other thing is that you may be
someone really senior as a C-suite or director looking for your next big role at a big company.
So creating content and sharing your expertise via content online does help a lot
because hiring at the senior level is just beyond the resumes about value and it's about results.
So the more people can know about the expertise that you have, the views and your strategic views
and so forth, it does help. So for you guys who are in the c-suite or aspiring c-suites then i will highly recommend
that you do get started with a content strategy regardless of how their content method would look
like whether it's a post it's a video it's an article it's a sharing and so forth right so
get started with that however again like i said if I said, if you are currently working, you know,
pretty much 9 to 5, climbing the corporate ladder or pretty much just starting out, then
you can still create content, definitely. However, you may want to limit the scope of your content.
So you may want to share stuff that demonstrates your skills or your expertise or your experience
and try to steer away from the controversial stuff because I don't think that's going to
help in the long run despite what the personal branding gurus are telling you.
So really, really think about the real purpose of you sharing the content from your perspective,
How it's going to impact you.
Yes, it definitely is going to impact someone else and that's what all the gurus are telling you but i'm telling you to take a different perspective
how is this going to impact you is it going to fuel your career or is it going to harm your
career that's really the most important decision making that you need to make whether it's content
whether you're creating content or you're engaging content because i have also seen people who
comment on other people's posts
some of them are really really good comments like shows really good attitude shows that they have
learned something then i think it demonstrates that person's character very positively but at
the same time i also see people leaving very sketching reviews on other people's posts and
that immediately throws me off and i asked i asked
myself do i really want someone like that working in my team creating a bunch of controversy so
so i'll end with this um because this is really a highly requested topic and i have seen too many
people get getting caught in that trap so i'll leave with this that one question on whether
creating content will help
or fuel your career, like think about it from your perspective. And recently, I have been launching
live masterclasses on how to be your LinkedIn profile, as well as how to create content for
entrepreneurs and solopreneurs. So if you're interested to find out more, connect with me
on LinkedIn, where I will publish all the upcoming events on my profile page.
And aside from that, if you guys need one-on-one help, reach out to me also and happy to share more details.
And all in all, I wish you guys good luck.
And for my Got A Pink podcast, new episodes every Thursday.
So don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you next week.
Cheers. Bye.