Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep52: Personal branding online and offline.
Episode Date: June 3, 2021✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mei Ping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
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Hi everyone, this is Mei Ping and welcome back to a brand new episode of my God of Ping podcast,
a podcast that you should listen to if you are serious about your corporate career.
So welcome everybody.
In today's episode, I actually want to talk about personal branding and specifically for you as a corporate professional, how you can utilize personal branding in your career.
And when I mean apply personal branding in your career, I don't mean it in the context of what social media marketers or personal branding gurus and basically the sales and
marketing folks will tell you but more from a perspective of for somebody who is serious about
their corporate career you don't want to lose out you want to get ahead but at the same time you're
not really sure what is this whole personal branding thing and whether you would be comfortable to follow a lot of advice that you see out there on, you know, gaining visibility and potentially advice asking you guys to try out things that you may not feel as comfortable as a corporate professional to actually do. So this is something that makes a lot of sense to me because
I used to work in the corporate world for many years and personal branding or rather you can
call it executive presence, you can call it leadership qualities, whatever terminology that
you want to call it at the end of the day, it's about your professional reputation. So if you are somebody who is working
in corporate, then my perspective that I want to share with you today is think about personal
branding as your professional reputation. I think that is the easiest way to think about
what is right for you to do and what I guess is not so suitable for you to do
if you take on this perspective. So I've been getting a lot of messages from connections,
people and clients asking me if, oh, you know, this whole personal branding thing is like such
a big deal right now. So what can I do and what would still be suitable for me to try out and get out there if
i'm also somebody who is actively building my corporate career so like i said right the
perspective to really share with you is that if you think about it from and you treat it like your
professional reputation then how would you go about it what are some of the things that you would be comfortable to do
online and how does this match things that you would be comfortable doing at your workplace
at your office because when i do a lot of my talks i always tell my students and participants that
your online branding personal branding whatever terminology I said, you want to call it,
it's about, it's just an extension of your professional reputation. So as employees,
as valuable team members, that we have a certain reputation at our workplace, right? Whether it's
good or bad, right? It would depend, of course, how you do at work.
But each and every one of us have a professional reputation.
So for those of you who are kind of like in leadership positions,
maybe the other terminology that you hear a lot is executive presence.
But think about your online branding yeah be on LinkedIn or
different social media it's just an extension of that professional
reputation so if you want to be known as a certain person or certain quality that
you bring right in your corporate job then how are you translating that online
is it consistent is Is it aligned?
And can I comfortably get to know you as a professional,
whether I meet you at the office, I meet you at the workplace,
or if I come across some of your comments and your content online,
am I still talking to the same person?
I guess is the main point that I'm trying to make here.
And this is actually a mistake that I see a lot in probably younger professionals a lot more,
where in the midst of building their personal branding, what they have forgotten is that
if you're currently employed in a corporate job, you do represent your company to a certain extent.
So in my personal belief, there is no clear, you know, I built my own personal branding and then
I'm just going to ignore my company even though I'm employed, even though I have already signed
the employment contract. So personally, I don't really think this makes sense. But of course these things is up for debate right so my view always is if LinkedIn if other social
medias are additional platforms that you could get on then you could get exposed then you just
want to make sure that your reputation and whatever quality that you're trying to portray
remains consistent across any platform so sometimes it's quite confusing when I meet people
and they portray themselves a certain way, maybe online. And when I meet them maybe face-to-face
or in separate conversations, I find that they're actually very different people. And
this is very confusing from a professional reputation standpoint, especially for those
of you who
are ambitious, right? You want to climb the corporate ladder, you want to have better job
opportunities, better career opportunities down the road. Just make sure that you understand the
point that people do try to get to know you across different platforms.
So it can create a lot of confusion if you're portraying yourself in a very different way
across different platforms.
So the big tip here is that
if you really want to be your fluffy self,
then of course, privacy is one thing.
You can always go for like private mode
and a lot of
my clients actually do that on facebook instagram and so forth but if you choose to put yourself out
there then just make sure that you understand that people are looking at what you say people
are looking at what you do and they are making judgments whether you like it or not and for me um as a former hiring manager even
before we interview candidates we tend to go on linkedin and go on google just to google the
candidate and then we just see stuff that they may have said right the way that they behaved online
and maybe some other previous um i guess history previous yeah i guess the word is history and at certain points we do make judgment
calls on whether you know we would feel comfortable even meeting the potential candidate
and even for even at the workplace there were also instances where
I mean I have not just seen but but personally experienced as well, where certain people at work, right,
they are not exactly delivering,
rather, you know, they're not exactly meeting
the quality standards, right,
meeting the actual deliverables from their boss
or their manager, but we see a lot of activity
from that staff on LinkedIn, particularly,
and, you know, it comes comes across whether rightly or wrongly comes
across that okay this stuff is not focused on the actual work that needs to be done because the
quality is poor but this stuff is apparently very free to spend a lot of time on linkedin and
commenting and like just being really really active building his personal brand so let me remind you guys that
if this is happening to you or this is happening to your peers or people around you then just
just a quick you know realization for you is that um if you go down that path in in the journey of
building your personal brand as what the social media marketers will tell you,
you are immediately destroying your professional reputation.
So back to that example that I shared earlier,
for that one staff, maybe on LinkedIn and different platforms,
he or she is gaining popularity because clearly he or she
is spending a lot of their working hours on this platform
trying to engage, network, and friends whatever that whatever that is but guess what the actual people
around this person is not happy with his or her job and do you actually think that this person
will get any referrals in the future if the people working around him or her already knows that you know he or she's
unreliable and like just spends a lot of time trying to build this form over actual competence
so just like i said right just it's not that like personal branding is bad but just recognize that
it is part of your professional reputation and if you don't want people to see you a certain way
then make sure that you actively manage that the other thing also is that make sure that there is
always alignment between who you are and I guess who you're portraying yourself as as a professional
online as well as offline so that's why i always say that um even in this a
lot of the stuff that i do it's about if you want to grow your career make sure that you're aligning
right online offline growing your career both online offline because if you take the concept
correctly you are actually able to move forward faster but if you're trying like very very hard
online but offline you're totally neglecting your competence you're totally
neglecting your work right in the favor of like getting more attention online it will backfire
immediately if the other way around is also not good right you you can all have like a really
good professional reputation at work but if you don't have an online brand or, you know, people are totally not aware of like who you are, then you will be you will actually miss out on career opportunities as well.
So it's really a balance, I'd say, between between the two.
And just always make sure that you guys you guys take note of that.
OK, so this is actually a really quick podcast episode i just
want to really talk about our professional reputation but i hope that you guys find the
the short episodes helpful and going forward i will definitely be recording the live sessions of
my careers podcast that will go live every thursday and this will only be short episodes
short episodes so that you guys can take note
of the main point that I'm sharing and have a really clear takeaway so that's why I'm actually
going back to my original format of having only 10 to 12 minutes of short podcast episodes but
really really packed with a really key point that you can take away and just yeah think about it
over the next couple of days so with that I will see you guys in the next episode next thursday see you guys