Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep61: How about stop complaining about work.
Episode Date: August 3, 2021✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
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Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of my Got a Ping podcast,
a podcast that you should listen to if you are serious about growing your corporate career.
So today I want to talk about a very interesting topic that has been
really been on my mind for a really long time and it's really about
why why are people spending so much time complaining on social media but not taking
real action so as you guys know i do spend a lot of time on linkedin particularly which is a
professional networking platform and over time i've started noticing this trend where
people are posting successes which is a good thing but i'm also seeing an increasing pattern
and trend of people posting about a lot of their problems and a lot of these posts right the the
tone is really very negative and really steering towards complaints and um i guess
helplessness for a lack of better words so um i really i understand that you know everybody is
facing um challenges right be in job search or you know problems at the workplace maybe with people
right um corporate culture workload and a lot of other things so i completely
understand that challenges do occur in our daily life as well as in our professional life
but there's definitely one thing that i i don't quite understand up to this point is
the people that have been complaining i don't really see them taking much um taking i would say tangible
actions to move forward it almost feels like or rather it's at least to me it feels like
they like that kind of support that they are getting from their friends their peers or their
community which um i guess feels good right Because when you're feeling down, you're really feeling frustrated.
It's good to feel like people are listening to you
and that your problems matter because to be honest, they do matter.
So I'm not discounting the fact that your problems don't matter.
They do matter.
But I think what concerns me and is something that I'm seeing a lot of
is people who are complaining complaining but they don't really
do anything to get out of the situation that they are in and this is really really concerning to me
because I'm seeing more and more people just talking about problems but really not focused
on solutions so I can actually give you guys an example as well so when I am on LinkedIn and when
I see such posts and even sometimes right some of
my clients are you know people who have participated in my training sometimes they themselves right try
to help these people who are complaining and sometimes they also tag me in such um
complainings posts and just say hey maybe you guys can like um you know connect with meping
or you can check out meping's videos and podcasts for some really tangible tip you know connect with meping or you can check out meping's videos and podcasts for some really tangible you know practical tips and strategies that you can use but what i think is very
interesting is that these people who are complaining they just choose to ignore and i have
also personally received a lot of messages particularly in on linkedin via direct messages
from people who just spam me with all their problems and when I
tell them and I say hey these are some resources that I can share with you like free resources that
I can share with you like maybe I think this video or like this blog post or this podcast episode I
think it's going to be something that's going to be very helpful to help you find a solution to
your situation or perspective in your situation even
if you're not working with me directly the concerning trend i'm seeing is that they will
just ignore the free resources so in most instances i say like eight out of ten instances
they will just say oh okay thanks but blah blah, blah. And then like all their problems again and again. So to me, right, this is a person who just wants to complain.
They have completely no intention of fixing their problems
because if you really want to fix your problems,
then when somebody gives you resources,
particularly somebody like me who has worked with a lot of working professionals,
junior to senior level, personally, I've seen a lot of workplace problems. I've seen a lot of working professionals junior to senior level
personally i've seen a lot of workplace problems i've seen a lot of job search problems so i do
know like the actual next steps that you need to take that will move you forward but people like
these who reach out to me they actually don't have any intention to move forward so sometimes just by
like looking at their responses i can can already tell, okay, I actually
can't help this person because guess what?
They don't want to help themselves.
And what I say now is probably going to be a little bit controversial, but I truly believe
that you cannot help somebody who is not ready to be helped.
Because trust me, I have done that so many times and I used to waste a lot
of my time, energy and effort trying to help, give advice, give tips, trying to move these people in
the right direction. But you know what? Nothing happens. And for some of these people, you will
notice some of the habits that they have is they consistently go to different people and ask for
advice. But let me tell you now that even if you were to get advice from the best experts,
people who really know what they're talking about, they really can help you. But if you are not ready
to open your mind and listen to that different perspective and take action nobody
can help you and personally i've also experienced some coaching clients who are in this sort of
mindset but um to me there are very few of them who are actually you know clients who work with
me one-on-one but i have had some of those instances as well so let me share with you guys maybe two instance of clients who have worked with me directly but actually they are not ready to get
help so one instance is a client who came to me with a lot of workplace problems particularly
working relationship problems with a lot of their stakeholders And a lot of times the sessions was just about complaints.
And when I give this client some perspective,
they again go back complaining.
And what I find is very interesting
is that when this client comes back to the next session,
and normally I like to ask,
so what have you done since our last session?
And what is very interesting
is that they completely discounted a lot of the stuff that we discussed in the last session and what is very interesting is that they completely discounted a lot of the
stuff that we discussed in the last session and they decided to do what they wanted to do which
is okay good for you um you can do whatever you want to do but then they come back complaining
and saying that oh maybe i'm still facing these problems then when we deep dive into it and i
realized that i was like okay fine a lot of the things we discussed in the last session, it looks like you didn't,
you know, you didn't actually absorb them and you still chose to do what you wanted to do in
the first place. Then like, how are you actually expecting things to change? So this is a very
simple example of mindset blocks. So I really said this many times right you can go to the best expert
best coaches and best mentors but if you are not ready to open your mind to a different perspective
then nobody can help you then i'll give you a second example as well so this is a client who
has a lot of frustrations at work and she decided to find a new job right as we all know job search is not um i guess it's not that
it's not an easy process it's just that like it requires a lot of perseverance and of course um
positivity as well so this particular client was also very frustrated frustrating personally for
me as a coach because when she came in when we were supposed to talk about job search strategies
and like you know positioning herself resume updates how to like really position really about
positioning value she would spend at least half the session just complaining about her existing
workplace situation and how she really really really wanted a new job i'm like okay i get i
understand the goal and i understand what you're trying to escape from,
which is the painful working environment.
But consistently talking about what you want
without doing the work required to get what you want,
it's not going to get you anywhere.
So these are just two very simple examples
of people who say they want help,
but they are actually not ready to be helped, if that makes sense to you guys. So the lesson I really want to try to convey here is that
only seek for help when you are ready to recognize a problem, that you have an issue and you are
ready now to go to someone else and get a new perspective.
Because if you are not ready to do that, then guess what? Just continue doing the research on
your own, continue watching YouTube videos and whatsoever. I think that's fine because you are
not ready to speak to somebody else. That's okay. But I think the moment you choose to step out and
just say, hey, i have done enough research
i have been dwelling in my own problems for long enough time and now i think i need to go and talk
to an expert then you need to first open your mind because you know constantly complaining on social
media complaining to a mentor complaining to a coach or complaining to a friend family
expert whoever you're actually not moving forward in fact i think you are moving backwards because complaining to a coach or complaining to a friend, family, expert, whoever,
you're actually not moving forward.
In fact, I think you are moving backwards because you are dwelling in that negativity and problems
by talking about it again and again and again without moving forward.
So instead, in fact, you're actually digging that hole,
the black hole even deeper,
which is personally not really good for your mental health in the long
as well as will not allow you to have that kind of like hope and strategy
that you need to move forward with,
with whatever goal that you have set in your professional or personal life.
So before we end this episode,
I would actually recommend some resources for you guys to check out.
So if you haven't really checked out a
lot of my career tips and strategies um i suggest you check out some of those that you can find in
my podcast on my channel but there's definitely one that i would highly recommend and that is my
ping method my ping coaching method which is the p-h-i-n-g method where i go through
in a proper framework what i normally recommend to my clients and how I work with my
clients very directly as well. So P, understanding your personality. H, hacking your mindset, being
open to a new perspective. I, ideas, what are some of the new things that you are willing to try and
start taking baby steps. N, navigating complexities, people, problems, drama that you need to deal with and
actually how to come out winning and finally g that is go getter which is taking consistent
action forward so if you haven't checked out my my episodes on my ping method or my ping coaching
strategy make sure that you check those out because i think that framework or rather roadmap
or strategy is
going to be something that's really important to help you step by step to be able to move forward
instead of just complaining so that is definitely what i would recommend if you really want to start
taking actions forward so with that i'll end this episode and i hope that this episode has also
inspired as well as empowered you to start taking real actions to solve problems
in your personal or professional life so with that i'll see you guys in the next episode bye