Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep73: Getting interviews with Google and LinkedIn.
Episode Date: August 23, 2021✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
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Welcome back to another episode of my Gotta Ping, a careers podcast that you should listen to if you want to grow your career online and offline.
So welcome back to another episode of my 30-day client success story series, where in this week, we'll be focusing on job search success because
one of the most stressful things that I hear from job seekers during this time is, hey,
Mei-Ping, is it now the right time for a job? Can I realistically get a good job and good
career opportunity during this pandemic? And you know what? The short answer is yes, you can.
Yes, you can if you're applying the right strategy and you are utilizing
the correct methods to plan your career and actually look for a job that focuses on your
career growth because i can wholeheartedly say this because i have so many clients who have
actually achieved you know gotten new job offers they're actually really great opportunities during
the pandemic so if you're not really seeing results in your job search process you might
really want to reconsider how you're going about your job search and whether you're actually
applying the right strategies or maybe you're you know taking advice from the right people
who know what they're talking about all right okay so in today's episode i actually want to
share with you a story of my client who um to be honest, I guess for lack of a better word, he is actually a job hopper.
And when he first came to me in the later part of last year, he was actually really stressed out about it.
And what has happened is that throughout his career over the past, I think it's about four years, three to four years, he had consistently moved from one job to the other.
So it was actually really frustrating for him.
And he always felt that he couldn't perform at the job.
And he was asked to leave actually multiple times.
And it was quite demotivating.
And the worst thing is that I actually started hurting his own self-esteem.
So when he first came to me, actually, he had really low self-esteem self-confidence and he told
me that you know i don't really know what's wrong because i feel like i want to do my best but the
moment i get into the job right within three months i realized that hey you know this is actually not
for me so um how can i you know avoid the such situations where I get into a job and, you know, within three months, I realized that, hey, you know, this is not for me.
And then when I keep looking for another job, you know, more problems come because, you know, it's not a comfortable question to get asked.
Like, hey, you know, why are you leaving your job in every six months?
You know, it's actually extremely uncomfortable. And of course, it started also affecting his overall career
trajectory, even though he had really good education
and qualifications.
But what hiring managers and recruiters see
are all his jobs that is moving in and out,
which is not a good impression that he wanted to create.
So when I worked with him, we actually
really started with the career clarity sessions
where we really talk about
actually what he liked
and not like about certain roles
and also managed to identify
several skills gap in there as well.
And that's why nowadays
I tell a lot of my clients to say that,
hey, personality is really
like the first part of like,
you know, your career planning, right?
So if you don't know
your personality or if you don't really understand yourself well, there's a high chance that you will
get into a job that is actually not suitable for you. And unfortunately, once you get into a job,
you know, it's not so easy to resign in three to six months. Or even if you did that, just like my
client, you know, you will be judged and you will also affect your career options in the future because people are making a negative judgment on your on your career history
and your resume which is you know kind of uncomfortable so that was pretty much what
happened to him and in the first few sessions really really focused a lot around his personality
his skills gap and basically how to how to actually select a job right because there was a
lot of like mistakes in the approach that he was taking in the past and you know he landed up in
roles that were not suitable um either to his personality or um you know couldn't really
leverage on his core skill set right all his core competencies where he could shine but in fact
he got into situations where it was not suitable for
him and he ended up actually struggling right maybe you know to a certain extent it's not really
his fault because you know he didn't actually do that self-reflection self-assessment at the start
that was kind of what created the snowball effect later on right so that was pretty much what
happened and what we did so after the first phase of like
finding clarity understanding his personality right skills gap self-reflection self-assessment
all those things then we moved on as usual to the resume review so one of the things people
you know don't really realize or rather you know there's a bit of a misconception here is that they
think that oh just because i'm a job hopper that means means that I would just have to take like, you know, a low pay
because, you know, people will not appreciate me. That's not really the case. Actually, for very
experienced, I guess, career coaches and like hiring managers, we can actually identify the
skills. It's just about the overall positioning of his resume, which is the main thing, right?
So because he did gain skills during the
time he did he did have he does have the right skills and qualifications is the problem is that
the way he was articulating his resume was just painting a very negative picture so when i worked
with him i actually looked to like reposition a lot of his um experiences and really pull out the
skills and um the yeah the skills and expertise that he had that
were able to generate results even during you know certain short stints or projects as well so
there was a lot of positioning and angling done for his resume which was a little bit tricky given
that you know he had a bit of a history of a job hopper but can definitely be done so that was the
first one of the first things we did and of course
you know he went through like my my six six step program which is the you know number one career
clarity number two resume third linkedin profile fourth um job search networking strategy fifth
interview prep and six is the evaluation of job offers so once he applied um my linkedin building a linkedin profile as well as
the linkedin networking strategies he was actually very surprised to see that he started getting
i guess headhunted and even some of his network right i mean he's actually a pretty
extroverted person he has a lot of friends but in the past he just didn't really know how to
network effectively for jobs like his networking was more around the chit chat one, which is
actually, to be honest, a bit different from professional networking if you want to focus
on career growth. So I taught him a lot of methods around how to go about professional networking,
how to actually engage with his ex-colleagues, engage with people who have worked with him
before, how to re-establish a lot of the relationships as well and the good news is actually after putting in a lot of his networking efforts
and of course you know applying for jobs that were more suitable to what he was looking for
he started getting a lot of interviews and he was actually really surprised because he said that
before that right i've been sending tons of resumes like everybody just ignored me because
they just labeled me as a job hopper but he was actually really surprised that with utilizing his new um revamped resume
together with a strong linkedin profile plus networking strategies actually all this is like
the secret sauce that all comes in together right so he started getting interviews at like
a lot of startups e-commerce space which was actually his target um his target industry so he was getting a lot of like job
interviews from yeah his target industry and his target is his target department which is which is
a good thing because from a job suitability and career growth standpoint that's actually really
positive then the other thing that also happened was that because he was networking a lot right
he actually got um opportunities to be interviewed at google
as well as linkedin in his country so how he got the google interview was um he he saw the job
opening right he applied for it and of course he also applied some of the networking strategies
that i taught him to um become a little bit more visible to get his application on top.
But aside from that, he also noticed that he knew some people working in Google as well.
So he reached out, again, utilizing my networking methods.
And his contact actually was willing to put in an extra good word for him
and actually gave him a lot more information on what the role was hiring for.
So actually, that kind of helped him, give him some context as to what the role was hiring for. So actually that kind of helped him,
give him some context as to whether that role was suitable for him or not.
Then the other situation where he got the application with LinkedIn was he applied on the platform, right, on LinkedIn itself.
He did manage to get the interview because I do teach a lot of my clients
how to get your applications right on top um he got the interview as well and again he also noticed that he kind of knew somebody in
there and he was able to network and just get extra bit of information about how the company
worked and what is the nature of the department that he was actually applying for so i'm not you
know discount you know actually networking is something that's actually really powerful but
what i noticed for a lot of people is that they are not utilizing networking correctly.
So networking is done correctly.
You can actually gain a lot of information, not just on the company, but also on the role that you're applying for.
You can also potentially get your network or connections to put in extra good work for you, which will actually help you stand up against other candidates also.
So aside from these two, he actually
got a lot of calls from other startups.
And he went for actually multiple, multiple interviews
that helped him further enhance his interview skills.
So one thing that when we actually
got into the interview phase of our program,
he started noticing that, oh, actually, there's
a bit of a difference between interviewing for startups versus interviewing for global multinational
companies. So there's actually a bit of a different focus due to the company culture.
So what was interesting is that he started getting actually job offers from the startups,
but due to various evaluations and different, different things, he actually didn't accept any
of the roles. And the next phase was that he really wanted to make sure that he could improve his interview skills
with global multinational companies because one thing good about him is that over time i realized
that he became a lot more self-aware of his limitations and he was actually able to identify
his weaknesses because when we first started working together he couldn't really tell like
what was wrong he's just everything's a problem but he couldn't really identify why the
problem happened so over time he also came to me and said hey meeping i noticed that um i i'm
actually able to think a little bit better now i have critical thinking which he was really proud
of because he's actually a more emotional person so critical thinking doesn't come very naturally
to him.
But I mean, you know, aside from that, that's a more of a soft skill thing.
But this is actually how it could come across.
It could be actually could affect your, I guess, job search or
job evaluation and all those things as well.
So in terms of interview skills is continuously leveling up.
And you also want to make sure that you
your skills are not just good enough to interview for a startup but it's also good enough right to interview for a global multinational company because you want to make
sure that you are open to as many job opportunities as possible so i think the biggest change that i
see in this client is that actually he gained a lot of confidence and he started getting really excited the moment
he started seeing recruiters, headhunter messages, right? And he started to impress doing interviews,
actually started getting job offers, which actually never happened in the past. Like he
used to interview for tons and tons of interviews, but he never get the callback. So it was a big
transformation in him as well. And I think the biggest thing for him is really like i said right
from the start this self-esteem and self-confidence definitely went up a lot because if you're at a
point starting as a you know being called a job hopper that is not a good thing for your
self-confidence because you will start thinking that okay there's something wrong with me
and maybe i'm stuck in a pithole that i can't come up from so let me tell you right now that
is not true at all you can always come out from. So let me tell you right now, that is not true at all.
You can always come out of that hole.
What you need is career planning and you need very clear positioning
to make sure that the hiring managers can understand your actual value
and you need some real proper visibility strategies
beyond the on-ride rah-rah that actually does not work.
You need real visibility strategies to make sure that you are seen as a valuable
skillful and expert professional regardless of the number of years that you're working and that
100 completely can be done so to me i think that is really the biggest success with this client
where he actually regained a lot of his confidence his-esteem, and he is now able to better position his overall
value and just start actually believing in his value because it was for some time he just felt
very useless, right? So it's about really starting to believe in his value, skills, and expertise.
And guess what? He actually has something to offer because if he doesn't, then he will not be getting
all these job offers as well so just a very quick
update on this client at the moment he's actually in the process of moving to relocating to another
country actually and he has already started applying for jobs and he actually dropped me
a message last week which is the latest development dropped me a message last week and just say hey
maybe you know i'm kind of like in the process of moving to X location. And I have already gotten interview calls
and interview schedule even before me flying there.
And guess what?
Your LinkedIn strategy actually works,
not just like in Hong Kong,
but it actually works in other countries as well.
And I told him that, yes, it is an international strategy
because that is something I personally use for myself.
And I work with clients from over 30 countries so if my clients from over 30 countries can get results locally or internationally
you can also get the same result so I'm actually really happy for this client because I think the
biggest transformation like I said is in his self-esteem and self-confidence and finally
believing that he is that valuable professional with the right skills expertise and more importantly
mindset that is focused on growth as he continues to move forward in the next phase of his career
so that's for that's it for today's client success story i hope that this story inspires you and
empowers you to believe that hey just because you're a job hopper in the past doesn't mean
that you forever have to be a job hopper what you need to know is to you know figure out actually what is the root cause of your job hopping and make
sure that you plan your career with the right strategies and i guess you know get the right
advice from the right right people so that you continue to be confident in your skills and
ability so that's it for today's episode i hope that you enjoyed it and i hope that you also catch
um the rest of the 30-day client success
story series if you want to get inspired by my other client success stories as well as um success
in getting you know multiple job offers that fuels their next their career growth in the next phase
of their career so if you enjoyed this episode remember to like and subscribe and if you want
to share your own story remember to tag me um at me at
me ping on linkedin and i will see you in the next episode bye