Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep74: Zero interviews to TWO job offers in 2.5 weeks.
Episode Date: August 24, 2021✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
I hope you enjoy, like and subscribe.
Hello and welcome back to another episode of my Grow Your Career Online and Offline podcast.
And we're now in week three of my 30-day client success story series.
And if you haven't checked out any of those episodes, make sure that you check those out
because these are stories of my client
transformation either in the at their corporate job or during their job search process right
make sure that you check out those as well so again you know we are in week three where i'll
be sharing with you guys um stories of my clients who managed to actually find a job that helps them
move their career forward during the pandemic.
So if for those of you who are wondering, hey, you know, is it really the right time to find a job during the pandemic?
What are my chances? Is it actually possible?
The short answer is yes, it is.
As long as you're applying the right career planning, the right strategies and basically taking advice from the right people you will be able to achieve the same kind
of career success either at the workplace or in job search similar to what my other clients have
done for themselves so today i actually want to share with you a client story so this um this
client actually has been applying for a job for eight months and she didn't get a single interview
so when she reached out to me she told me about her situation which was actually really frustrating
for her but there was actually something interesting that she told me actually towards
the end of our time working together but I thought it was very interesting so I just want to let you
guys know up front and she said that you know when i first
reached out to a career coach i don't even know whether it's going to work or not but i thought
that hey you know if i've been struggling for eight months maybe i'll just give it a try because
you know you know mayping to be honest i don't even know if a career coach could help me when
i reached out to you he said you know that is like in full disclosure full honesty so i told her that
oh okay you know thanks a lot for sharing um but you know at the is like in full disclosure, full honesty. So I told her that, oh, okay, thanks a lot for sharing.
But, you know, at the end of the day, she was actually really glad that she reached out and took the leap, made the investment, and eventually she managed to get multiple job offers.
So let me actually dive right into the story so that you can see how you can really make the transformation over a short period of time.
So this client came to me applying for jobs for eight months,
hundreds of applications, zero interviews.
And what was actually interesting is that she is actually top performer at her job.
She has a master's.
She actually has a pretty good skill set as well.
So that was something that she didn't really understand.
And when I worked with her, like I said, most of the time, good skill set as well so there was something that she didn't really understand and when i
worked with her like i said right most of the time i proposed a three session like foundational
program or otherwise it's the sixth session my job search program which is the job seeker to
winner program so for her i actually started with just the foundational program first and i recall
that in the first session she had a lot of mindset blocks
because she felt that it was actually really unfair because she had the education she also
had the expertise she was the top performer but why is she not getting the job uh even the
interview she felt that she was not given the opportunity that was actually really unfair
so the first half of the the first session was really actually
tackling a lot of her mindset blocks because she really had a lot of negativity and what i focused
on was to actually pull her out from the hole that she was digging for herself and that was good
that so the first session actually for her the good thing is that she already knew exactly what
she wanted right and if you follow my earlier episodes and you also
have a better idea of my program you'll know that in my first session i always talk about finding
career clarity and direction so good thing about this client is that she actually already had that
but the problem was she had mindset blocks which is a big problem right so that's why we spent
actually the first half of the session just tackling the
mindset blocks first and then we went into the resume review so again her resume it was okay
right but okay you know okay an okay version of your resume in the pandemic is not good enough
right okay is not good enough if you want great opportunities to work in in your dream company
in big companies that can actually pay you the money that you want.
A good resume, an okay resume is not good enough.
It has to be a very attractive one that fully positions your background skills and experiences and positions yourself as that valuable professional that you are.
So in this client first session, half of it was just tackling mindset blocks because she
had a lot of them. Then the other half, we actually did a resume review. Then in the second session,
we went through a detailed resume review. So she made some changes already, but the wording was
still not precise. And if I were to look at her updated version of her resume, I'll probably give
her a rating of 8 out of 10, which is is pretty good but probably not good enough if she has ambitions to join some of the top companies in
the um in her industry right so we refine it a little bit further and normally as part of my
foundation program it also includes like my video training for linkedin which is building a strong
linkedin profile as well as actually how to find a job on LinkedIn, which is normally covered
on my video training. So when she came for the one on one session,
we could really directly deep dive into all the changes that she has already made
on her LinkedIn profile, what she has tried, what has worked and not worked.
So I was able to kind of help her personalize it a little bit more
because it was just not detailed enough. Right.
So that was actually what I focused
on with her and that was actually what we did in the second session so I would say that even
at the second session which was you know she booked that second session within a week itself
her resume was like really really different already it was a lot a lot better already then
in the third session when she actually booked the third
session was actually really interesting so once she had her updated resume which is like you know
the final version after going through with me in the second session and she also finalized her
linkedin profile after the second session itself which is to me like the basic foundation that
needs to be done before you go out there networking or you go out there actively job seeking so she
sorted out
the baseline foundation first actually what was actually very interesting in her situation is
the next two weeks she focused on just applying for jobs that she was actually interested in
and guess what in just two weeks alone two weeks alone utilizing the new resume, the updated resume, which I give her a score of like 9.5 out of 10.
Utilizing the new resume, an upgraded LinkedIn profile, and the job search strategy that I taught her,
she actually got nine interviews.
Nine interviews and two job offers on the table.
That was in two weeks.
And remember, during that time, right, from the time that she reached out to me
to making the update on the resume to actually getting all these job offers,
it was three weeks.
Three weeks.
So for those of you thinking that, hey, it's not possible,
it will take months to find a job, no.
You must have very clear clarity on what you're looking for,
great resume, like a really, really strong resume,
LinkedIn profile that helps you establish yourself professionally online, the right job search strategy you will be able to get those kind of um
those kind of opportunities as well so if you're not getting it probably you're doing something
wrong along your job search process um but again back to my client story she actually got nine
interviews and two job offers and for one of the job offer it was actually her top company that
she actually really wanted to join so it's like okay you know maybe i landed my my dream interview um and the
fact that she got nine interviews right she actually had to tell the new companies and say
that hey you know um thanks for reaching out but i am currently not taking more interviews so can
you imagine right from a person who has been looking for a job for eight months to with interviews, suddenly reaching out a point to say that, hey, you know, I can't
take any more interviews because I've done so many interviews and I actually have job
offers that I'm thinking of.
It was like completely transformed.
So when she booked the third session, we actually use it to talk about job offer negotiation
strategies. talk about job offer negotiation strategies so the good thing about this
clients that she is actually a really good communicator and because she had
such clear clarity on what she was looking for we ended up actually
skipping the job interview preparation because she was actually really good at
it already so we kind of talked about it and we decided that it was not really
necessary for her so she actually kind of skipped the the interview step of my program and actually
used the third session solely to talk about the job opportunity and also how
to negotiate a good salary so you know, negotiating a good salary as well as
a compensation is something that a lot of people don't know how to do.
And when she shared with me the things that she has said to the hiring manager HR she actually made a lot a lot of mistakes
and I actually helped her to reposition the messaging a little bit better so that was how we
utilized the third session it was actually very interesting right at the end she told me she said
she said Mei Ping how come I actually took an MBA and how come all these things are not taught during the MBA and
you are the one teaching me all these things. Then I said two reasons. Number one,
the people who are teaching you the MBA, your professors, have probably never been hiring
managers. So they don't really know what hiring managers are looking for, what actually goes on
in the budgeting and hiring headcount process
in a business team and i can tell you all these things because i used to be a hiring manager i
used to manage an overall portfolio and headcount for my team so i know exactly what happens at the
back end right and the second reason is because a lot of times like people just accept the first
number or they actually go about it in a very aggressive way
which was actually kind of like her method she just basically said that oh i want a 30 increment
like okay that is not the right way to like demand for anything especially right now during the
pandemic so they're actually much better subtler subtler ways to also negotiate for a salary right
a compensation that you want while maintaining a good relationship
and a good impression as well so i kind of helped her tweak that a lot actually during the third
session so eventually she did accept the the um the job offer from her dream job which is actually
her number one choice that gave her a lot more exposure and she also really had a good initial
impression of the boss and obviously boss is also one of the main reasons
why you chose a certain job.
So that's it for this client story.
And in fact, I'm actually really, really proud of this client
because I'd say that she's one of those clients of mine
that actually achieved her results in literally less
than 30 days, right?
From the day that she booked her first session with me, right?
And then second session resume review.
And then she did my LinkedIn video training.
And to the fourth session where we were talking about,
you know, job offer evaluation
and negotiation of compensation package.
Like the whole thing actually happened in like 30 days.
And she already, you know, got the job offer in 30 days.
Can you imagine like the progress that she made in 30 days
is so different from the amount of crazy time
that she spent eight months trying to figure it out,
but with no results at all.
So again, I repeat myself, like I said from the start,
if you are not getting results in your job search process
after searching for more than three months,
three months is the timeline that you should give yourself.
If you're not making progress in three months something is really wrong with your
career planning your job search strategy or linkedin strategy so make sure you actually evaluate
what is the root cause of the problems and why you're not getting results and if you are still
not seeing any of the results make sure that you reach out to a professional or an expert who can actually help you right so don't struggle alone because all these client success stories that i'm telling you these
are clients who work with me just this year it's not even like you know a long time ago right it's
all these are happening during the pandemic so if my clients can do it i'm sure that you can also
achieve the same kind of success what you need is the right career planning and the right career
strategies online and offline to make sure that you actually maximize your chances.
So with that, I'll end this episode. I hope that this episode inspires you and also empowers you
to take action in the right direction to actually improve your job search in a more meaningful and
effective way as well. So if you enjoyed this episode, remember to like and subscribe.
And again, as usual,
if you also enjoy this episode
and you want to inspire somebody else,
make sure to share it
with your friends on social media.
You can tag me at Mayping on LinkedIn
and hopefully my client success stories
can inspire another professional out there
who is actually serious
about their career growth.
So with that, I'll see you guys
in the next episode.