Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep78: Getting hired with ZERO full-time experience.
Episode Date: August 31, 2021✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
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Hello and welcome back to another episode of my Grow Your Career online and offline podcast.
So we are in the last week of my 30-day client success story series,
where in this week, we'll actually deep dive into some client success stories for job search.
So today's story is a client who took a gap year,
he took a career break after completing his degree and he took a one-year break and when he came back
to look for a job, he really, really struggled. So this episode is for you if you are one of those
people who have always wondered, should I take take a career break how can that actually impact my career and more importantly what can i do should i want to get
back into the workforce right how can i really maximize my chances if i choose to take a career
break and when i come back to um to consider a position in the corporate world, I am not shortchanged. I am still
being valued, right, as that skilled expert professional that you are. So if you're any
of those things, make sure that you listen on to today's episode. All right, so back to the story
of my client. So this is a client who is actually based in Canada. And for those of you from, I guess, more Western countries,
taking a gap year after completing your university, college or degree is actually quite common.
So for this particular client, he took a one year gap year and he went around traveling in Southeast Asia,
which was a really enriching experience for him.
However, when he returned to the, I guess, the business world,
right, the corporate world, he really struggled to get a full-time job. So what he did during the
interim was to take up a seven-month traineeship. So it's pretty much a long apprenticeship, but it
didn't pay well, of course, right, Because it is not a full-time job.
And when he came to me, he was actually at the crossroads because the apprenticeship company
offered him to prolong his contract, which sounds attractive, but didn't quite align with his
long-term goal. Because again, right, it's not a full-time job and it didn't actually give him a lot of the employee benefits per se.
So he came to me and asked me, what can he do without wasting more time in more apprenticeship, trainee program or internship programs?
Is there something that he can do or what is he actually doing wrong that he's not actually getting full-time position?
So for this particular client, I
actually worked with him for three sessions. So the first session, we actually went around career
clarity and identifying job search mistakes because he has been quite conflicted on whether
he should move on from his apprenticeship company because he had a really good relationship with the founder and they are
somewhat personal friends as well so that was a little bit complicated for him to
make his next move but at the same time he also shared with me a lot of strategies that he tried
for job search for the past few months but seems like he's not getting results or he is constantly
being ignored because he took a gap year,
which was a little bit frustrating for sure.
So when it came to me, quite a few frustrations also.
So the first session, we really focus around a long career clarity and really what is his career plan?
What would make sense for him, right?
Whether he wants to continue in this sort of like contract roles, which is a
little bit more guaranteed, at least for the short term, but in the long term actually would affect
his career, or he really wants to give it 100% in the job search to make sure that he actually
lands a full-time job. So those were some of the things that we discussed in the first session.
Then once he's very clear on what exactly he wants to commit to which
for him is definitely the full-time job given that he is just really kick-starting his career right
so in the next session we actually went through resume review so i think one of those things that
people don't always recognize is that um in most instances you always think that your resume looks
really good right you always feel like your resume looks really good, right? You always
feel like your resume sounds the fanciest is the best, but looking at it from a hiring manager's
perspective, like how I would look at it, I saw that quite differently. So the biggest issue with
this client's resume is that it's not that it's not well written. In fact, like language-wise,
I mean, he had like really good English english so that wasn't the problem but it's
just some of the the way that he he had wrote it i would say that it's not very suitable for the
corporate world there were a lot of um what i call flowery language which it sounds fun when you write
it on you know online or you use it in an online blog or when you chit chat with your friends like those kind of language it's okay but in a formal resume where this document is going to be read by hiring managers
hr recruiters those languages were um i'd say not professional enough so that was one of the
core issues that he had in his resume obviously there were also other minor things um such as like
helping him reposition
his summary section because his career story needs to be very clear because otherwise,
he had consistently been asked like why did he take the gap year and how come he couldn't land
a full-time job. So, because we knew that these questions were consistently asked, so we had to
address it very clearly in his career story, in the summary section, and even in the education section, the experience section.
We really had to position it a little bit better to focus on some of the key skills that he could bring to the table, including his technical skills, rather than getting people distracted on other stuff, which are not so favorable for him to improve his chances. So we really focus on the key points to really draw his career story up front,
position his value up top and really pump all his technical skills
and make sure that those are very, very clearly articulated.
So that's that.
Of course, we also worked on removing all the flowery language
because it's just ineffective.
So that was what we did in the second session.
So when this client came back we did in the second session so
when this client came back to me on the third session we had another look at his resume and
i think he really did a good job in terms of like removing all the fluff but so what i did for um
for him in the third session was just helping him be more precise in some of the words that he could
use particularly in the summary and experiences section. Then the third
section, we actually spend most of our time for his LinkedIn profile and LinkedIn strategy. So I
think sometimes people underestimate the power of a LinkedIn profile, particularly the banner,
like the top part of the profile. Actually, the top part of your LinkedIn profile is really,
really important, particularly the banner photo.
And I think people don't realize it,
but it's really, really critical.
So we went through in very detail on how he can reposition
his LinkedIn profile, obviously utilizing
a lot of information that were already cleaned up
in his resume to begin with.
So I also helped him fix some of the algorithm,
some of the content to make sure that it actually helps
the algorithm to pinpoint him to jobs, and of course, also taught him the networking
engagement strategies as well.
So three very, I'd say, power-packed, intense sessions.
So what I was actually really happy about for this client is that he eventually landed
a role quite quickly after we worked on
perfecting his resume as well as perfecting his LinkedIn profile. But what was actually really,
really good about this client is that he managed to land a role that was actually looking for
two to three years of experience. But remember, because he only did an apprenticeship technically, he only had about seven to eight months of trainee apprenticeship experience.
But because we actively pulled out his technical skills, his career story,
his career summary was really very clear, coupled with his LinkedIn profile,
eventually he managed to attract attention from recruiters who really understood his value.
He received multiple interview calls
and eventually he was offered a position that was initially posted for a two-year working
experience minimum requirement so i was really really happy for him and he was also really
excited about it and he also texted me that um uh the the linkedin strategy work he got multiple
interviews and he was actually really excited that he could even negotiate and got a pretty good salary. So basically he was not given a
fresh graduate salary because they gave him a role that had minimum two to three years of
experience. So he also shared his salary with me, pretty good pay to be honest, a lot more than what
he had expected to begin with. So was really positive and in fact just i think
about seven or eight months after that after that he was actually headhunted on linkedin again um
because he had a strong profile and that was like the new company was actually a lot closer to
the company that he actually wanted to join in terms of scope so he thought that it was a really
good opportunity and he texted me telling
me that um he has actually still been getting messages from recruiters even after joining that
first company and after consideration he decided to take the leap and join the second company and
right now he's just directly joining as a senior analyst so basically remember in his story
instead of like starting as a fresh graduate he basically
skipped the system right he skipped the levels he directly joined as somebody with you know minimum
of two years of experience and seven eight months after that he was again headhunted on linkedin
utilizing my linkedin strategies linkedin engagement strategy and so forth he was again
headhunted and now he is in this new company,
basically doing a role that requires a minimum three years experience. So
yeah, he managed to bypass the steps because we managed to actually position his value very well
in his resume as well as his LinkedIn profile. But I think what was very important is that in
the first session, we really clarified what he's looking for
and making sure that he's also very clear on what he wants to do.
So that's why in his job search, in his value proposition,
in his conversations with HR recruiters and so forth,
he is very, very clear on what he's looking for.
He is very clear on what he's good at.
And we really actively sold his career story
together with all his technical skills. so this is the client success story i'm actually really proud of this
client so this client was um one of again one of those clients who worked with me last year
uh which was my first year um i guess as an official career coach so definitely really
proud of him and i think he's one of those's one of those clients of mine who really managed to bypass the ladder
and actually was immediately offered a position
that is more senior than what he applied for.
And of course, the salary was a lot better as well.
So that's it for this client success story.
But as I said in the other episodes as well,
you will notice that the foundation of a successful
job search, the foundation of planning and growing your career from a new job or career
transition standpoint, actually it is the same process. So even for this particular client,
we actually went through the first four steps in my six-step get hired strategy and that is the
first one, finding career clarity.
The second one, positioning his value in a resume.
Third session, we went into his LinkedIn profile,
helped him gain more visibility around that.
And the fourth session really is about networking,
engagement strategy, and effective job search strategies on LinkedIn that really goes beyond the time
that we work together.
And continuing to apply
this strategy, he managed to get even better career opportunities many months after we have
worked together. So again, I'm really excited for this client and I think he can really do
a lot more in the future. So with that, I hope that this client success story of mine really inspires you and empowers you that even though you took a career break, right, even though that, you know, you took a sabbatical and so forth, you can always bounce back and looking for and you know what is your value proposition and then you get it very very clearly articulated in your resume and linkedin profile so those are
really the foundation and i teach my clients all the same thing and it has worked really well for
them the only difference in a one-on-one session is that i can really pinpoint a little bit more
specifically your situation compared to a group training and so forth so with that i hope you enjoyed this client success story and if you if you're inspired by it
by it right i hope that you also you can share this episode with somebody else maybe a friend
or yeah maybe a friend who is a struggling job seeker and maybe facing any of these problems so
if you want to share your story directly with me you can always tag me at mayping on linkedin and if if you enjoy this episode and this entire series you can always
like and subscribe to my podcast so with that i'll see you in the next episode bye