Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep79: Changing your job search strategy often? STOP.
Episode Date: September 2, 2021✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:
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Welcome to the Corporate Survivor Podcast, where we talk about how to grow your career confidence,
build your skills and value, increase your salary, and the many lessons we learn in the corporate world.
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This is Mayping, your corporate leader turned career coach.
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Hello and welcome back to another episode of my Grow Your Career online and offline podcast.
So we're ending the last couple of days talking about the 30-day client success story series
where I shared multiple career transformations of my clients either in the job search space
or growing their career in the corporate world. So today I actually want to share with you the
importance of committing to a career strategy, committing to a job search strategy and really
the importance of committing to a LinkedIn strategy. So if you're one of those people who have been trying out multiple
tips multiple um methods multiple strategies but you can't seem to decide or rather commit to which
one works better for you then you want to make sure that you listen on all right so let me share with you a story of one of my clients who actually made
this similar mistakes as well where he consistently changed strategies and eventually not being able
to see any results because there's one thing that people don't realize when you keep changing
something when you keep not being committed and keep changing your approach,
what happens then is that you're actually not giving any strategy time to generate results.
Because nowadays, I find that people want results like by the snap of the finger, right? Immediately
they want results. But you need to understand that a career is a bit like a marathon. There
are multiple processes involved in job search,
whether you're doing like your job search online with traditional methods
or you're actually utilizing LinkedIn as well.
So for my this particular client, actually, he also fell into this trap.
So when we first worked together, we did three sessions.
So the first session, we talked a bit about career clarity because at that
time he actually had very low confidence because he was in a he was pursuing a master studying a
part-time working in a part-time job but he couldn't get along with a lot of his colleagues
so he was really thinking about okay what are the options that are available in his career and of
course some of the career troubles that he is facing to make sure that it doesn't happen in his new role after he has
completed his master's so that was just one part and we also had another session where I reviewed
his LinkedIn profile in detail so in that session itself I not just helped him with the LinkedIn
settings and to really maximize the algorithm.
I also took a little bit of time to also critique on helping him position himself in the LinkedIn work experience section.
So for this part, I no longer do it in the LinkedIn one-on-one session nowadays.
Nowadays, I normally do it in a resume review session before we go into LinkedIn profile.
But this was some
time ago last year. So in the LinkedIn one-on-one coaching session, I helped him both to reposition
his value as well as also work around the algorithms part as well as the job search strategy.
So actually for these two sessions, he was fine very motivated very enthusiastic wanting to actually
give it his full try but one thing that he did not anticipate or maybe he got a little bit
distracted was actually about implementing the linkedin strategy consistently so let me share
with you some of the mistakes that he made that um you just need to make sure that you're not making these similar mistakes as well. So for example, he would apply for three jobs and assume that he would get
the callback. So this is actually a really bad assumption to have because job market is always
competitive. So if you're just going to apply for three roles and put all your eggs in that basket, then you really need to think twice as to whether that is a good strategy or not.
Secondly, he also had some, I guess, negativity or biases against recruiters. So
what happened was, I think he was expecting a very quick reply by the recruiters. And when
once the recruiters don't reply him, he automatically blocked them off LinkedIn,
which, again, is actually a really, really bad idea to start blocking all these recruiters
because even if they don't have a job for you right now, they might have a role for you in the future.
And the third mistake he actually made was he got caught up in the whole,
I need to create content on LinkedIn advice that are given by a lot of social media marketers out there. And then he started
creating content, which in and on its own, it's not a bad thing, but I think it's the way that
he approached it was a bad thing. So after some time, he was actually a lot more focused on
the views, the likes, rather than actually connecting with the right people,
actually getting himself visible in front of the right eyeballs that can help him
get that role that he actually wants. Then because he started creating content,
he started having a lot of negative biases for people who are not liking his content,
who are not following his content, and prefer to engage with the people who are liking his content which like i said again on his own it's not a bad thing it's just that
um the people who can give you a job may not necessarily be the same people who will like
your content so um that was something that he did not realize then uh because he did spend a lot of
time on linkedin the fourth mistake he made was that he did not realize. Then because he did spend a lot of time on LinkedIn,
the fourth mistake he made was that he started looking at like different,
different advice out there on LinkedIn without recognizing, you know,
what is the background of all these people giving him advice?
Because if he wants a corporate job, and that is very clear by taking his master's, he wanted a corporate job.
But the advice that he was implementing with regards
to content and like what he was doing and so forth were things that were told to him by like personal
branding gurus all these you know marketing folks or social media folks who never really worked a
corporate job before so he was actually getting very confused eventually but anyway that was
basically a long list of like mistakes that he was making
and how did i know about all these mistakes right what happened was about four months after we
worked on the initial session about four months he booked another session with me so he told me
that um he's putting in a lot of effort but somehow he feels like he's not really making a lot of progress.
So I was initially quite surprised because I see that like 99% of the clients who apply my LinkedIn strategy all managed to get a job like within three months.
That is already the latest, latest within three months.
And I was really surprised to hear from him that he felt that he wasn't making that much progress.
So I went through his profile again and
then asked him what he was doing for his job search strategies. And what I noticed was he
actually reverted to that original version before working with me. So when I asked him, I said,
oh, okay, like, why did you change some of these things? Like, what is your logic behind making
some of these changes? And then he oh i was on linkedin and then
this person that person said i need to do this and that oh then that was when i learned that okay he
has been taking advice from multiple people he got very confused and he always felt that oh maybe
something else is better maybe that one is better that one's better so one thing that i also asked
him is that i mean um is there any point that,
you know, you want to work with me as a coach? If let's say you cannot really commit to a certain
decision, like you don't give the strategy some time to generate results, but you have already
changed it and you keep changing something every one to two weeks. So if you're in this situation,
let me tell you right now, you will not see any results because good things take time. And if you're in this situation let me tell you right now you will not see any results because um good things take time and if you expect like magic to happen in one week i can tell you that
it does not because the actual hiring and recruitment process takes longer than that
and i can tell you this because i used to be a former hiring manager so it definitely takes
longer than that and if you're changing your strategy every one two weeks because some guru
on the internet you know on linkedin is telling you that it's the correct thing to do um i actually want you to think twice so anyway back
to this client um in the third session that he booked like after four or five months of from the
first session first two sessions he the biggest takeaway for him was oh i need to go back to the
original the workable strategy and actually be patient.
So I think being patient was definitely one of the key takeaways. And you don't see that a lot
in younger professionals nowadays. But actually being patient is very important, particularly if
you are applying the right strategy. So that was what he did. After he walked away from the session,
he decided that he's just going to go full out and actually give it at least three months to see fruition.
So I'm also happy to announce that after he fully committed to my LinkedIn strategy, which I know 99.9% works, unless you're not doing the right thing that I told you,
I'm happy to announce that he actually managed to land a role. And what he was looking for was also quite niche as well.
He was in the energy renewal, sustainable energies part.
So he managed to get a role.
Initially, it was a part-time role, but eventually he was also promoted to a full-time position.
And right now he has actually landed a full-time job as well. So the point I want to share in this episode, in this client success story is success takes time.
Good things take time.
And if you expect magic to happen overnight, magic to happen like in a few days,
you expect magic to happen just because you only applied for three jobs.
The companies all must come back with three interviews.
I think you really need to expand your job search strategy.
You really need to expand your networking
and really your career planning a little bit
and not be blinded by blind positivity
that you see a lot online.
And particularly, the other thing I also want to remind everybody
is actually commit to something.
This is actually an issue I see in a lot of younger professionals where they can't seem to commit to anything.
So if you keep jumping around, keep moving around, you're not committing to anything,
it's not just going to reflect in your job search.
You will reflect your entire career because a person who cannot commit to anything will never rise up the corporate ladder.
You will never be trusted in big projects because, hey, these things take time.
And if you want magic to happen overnight, then, you know, probably probably accept,
you know, excelling and doing well in the corporate world might not really be the thing
for you. So, yeah, so I'll end this episode with just a really really big kudos to this particular client for
actually being able to get aware of the mistakes that he was making I think particularly from a
mindset standpoint and really able to correct himself and really start committing to a strategy
and with that he actually got to see results and managed to land a full time role in as a sustainable and sustainable energy consultant,
which was his dream and really able to start growing his career in the corporate world.
So with that, I hope that you enjoy this kind of success story.
I also hope that you learn the lessons from this particular client.
Make sure that you don't repeat these mistakes and you really take away the actionable mindset
as well as actionable steps from this story also.
So I hope this story inspires you,
also empowers you to commit,
commit to a choice and commit to a decision
and go all the way.
So with that, I'll see you in the next episode.