Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing : Career Growth In The Corporate World - Ep90: Should you SPEAK UP at work? You have 4 options.
Episode Date: November 3, 2021✅ Get My FREE '5-Day Career Growth' Guide + Training 👉 ✅ Grow your career in the 9-5 corporate world with clarity, confidence and opportunities! ⚡ 👋 Welcom...e to the Corporate Survivor with Mei Phing — corporate career coach, ex-corporate leader who has led multimillion-dollar projects across 43 countries and creator of the ultimate career course for 9-5 professionals, The Corporate Survivor™. On this podcast, you'll learn how to grow your career in the corporate world without getting stuck with Mei Phing's 3-step framework to gain career clarity, improve work confidence and attract new job opportunities. ✅ WEBSITE ⮕ ✅ FREE GUIDE ⮕ ✅ COURSE & COACHING ⮕ ⚡ 📌 ABOUT MEI PHING: Mei Phing Lim is a Professional Career Coach and former Corporate Leader in the financial services and consulting industries. Mei Phing went from a shy quiet introvert to leading multimillion-dollar projects with teams from over 43 countries as the Senior Director and Head of Governance at Standard Chartered, and now teaching 9-5 professionals how to navigate the corporate world and grow their careers with her career coaching course, The Corporate Survivor™. Mei Phing has been featured as a LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, sharing expert career advice in guiding young professionals to plan, navigate and grow their careers. Mei Phing is a keynote speaker on corporate culture, work performance and career growth, and sharing perspectives on what truly takes to build a strategic and successful career without getting stuck. ✅ LEARN MORE:
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Hello everyone and welcome back to a brand new episode of the Career Career Online and
Offline podcast.
This is Mei Ping.
Today, I want to talk about the speak up policies in multinational companies.
So if you have been working in a corporate job in a slightly bigger company that's beyond an SME, you have likely heard of the speak up policies that are pretty much mandatory HR policies and are frequently talked about in multiple platforms and how all these things are really good things. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So in today's episode, I just want to share my personal experiences
and also some of my clients' experiences
having applied the speak up policies,
but may not necessarily see the sort of like result
or impact that is actually intended.
So this topic came up quite recently when I was talking to one of my clients
who was really facing a lot of problems with certain people at work.
So we were talking about what she can do and some of the options available to her
to deal with this potentially problematic person, not just in attitude,
but perhaps some of the behavior,
you know, my client didn't feel
that this person was really adhering to
in terms of like the company's policies
and some of those things.
So what I'll say today
may be a little bit controversial,
but my personal experience
with speaking up policies,
I feel like these are really for show.
And I'm really sorry to say this,
but before you utilize a speak up policy, right?
And if you work in like bigger companies,
I'm sure you have seen general speak up policies
that pretty much go like this.
Number one, talk to your boss, right?
The first person that you should talk to.
Then you could talk to HR, right?
For a little bit more of an independent view.
And thirdly, you could fill up in an anonymous form, so to speak.
And yeah, and then it goes to an anonymous team
and then everything will be investigated.
You need to give the details. You need to give the details.
You need to give the contact list and so forth.
So now, I have personally used this pickup policy before.
However, my personal experience has not been particularly positive.
And I'll tell you why.
While the intention of the speak up policy
is a very positive one right you know giving um employees and staff a space to share um
potentially anonymously and raise concerns but i feel like you need to remember at the end of the
day the speak up policy or whatever like there are people behind who are managing these
policies so when there are people involved what that also means is that there will be a lot of
like biases as well and that's where everything becomes really tricky so um the example that i
was talking a little bit about earlier um it was something that i had raised to my boss at that
point in time um but it was pretty much brushed off and said,
okay, yeah, this person, he's just like this, right?
So just, it's fine, just ignore.
I feel like if somebody tells you to ignore something,
that is not a good sign because you are basically subjecting your mental health
to just deal with this person that clearly is misbehaving and you're pretty much
being told by your boss that oh you know you should just like suck it up and shut up and i
think that this is actually really against the speaker policy the fact that i feel like if you
raise it to your boss then that's clearly something that has been bothering you.
That's why you're raising it, right?
And I feel like for the boss to say,
hey, you know, maybe just ignore his final,
this person, he's like this, so just ignore.
I feel like that is completely unacceptable.
And furthermore, that person is in a very senior position as well.
So I feel like it says a lot about the team's culture.
It says a lot about the company's culture,
and that is not a positive thing.
Then when I also talk to other people,
they will tell me,
oh, maybe you should just have gone to HR.
HR will sort it out.
I don't mean to be rude here,
but sometimes I feel like dealing with HR
is one of those functions that
it really depends on the quality of people
that you speak to.
Because I have spoken to really good HR people, but I also know of really, yeah, HR people
who are, they themselves have very bad attitude, and they themselves don't care about people,
but they are in human resources, which I find extremely confusing.
But the point I'm trying to make here is that if you choose to go to a HR person,
make sure that you have a good idea of the dynamics behind HR and the business.
And I can tell you that in most instances, the HR person will always side with your team.
They will always side with your boss or the senior leadership.
That is just the way that you
know hierarchy is structured at the cop uh in the corporate world and you know it's nobody's fault
but it's just structurally works like that and i have had clients who come to me very naively
like to air all their grievances to hr and later on these things that were supposed to be
confidential right were informed to their boss and informed
to their team, and then they really, you know, get the backlash out of it, right? So that actually
creates a lot of lack of trust on both sides, like both, you know, on my client's side, as well as,
you know, the boss's side. And this is just like a fundamental flaw in the corporate world,
generally speaking. So I just want to remind you all that if
you choose to go to HR, just remember that HR is also a person, right? And people have biases,
unfortunately, but that's the reality. People have biases. And in most instances, I'd say like 99%
of the time, the HR person will always side with with your team they'll always side with your boss so sometimes i feel like it's very counterproductive to go to hr because um you
not you do not necessarily get the kind of help that you need right in terms of like
alleviating that problem then the third option i also hear a lot is hey maybe you should fill
up an anonymous form you know all these policies are really good yada yada so i have actually also done that for one of the um the example that i told you a little bit earlier
like my personal experience and actually there were no action taken so in that sense right i feel
like these all these policies are i don't want to say it's a waste of time but i feel like
it's most of the time it is being sold
as something like oh yeah you know look at we have all these things and everything else but like
the implementation is like almost zero so if that is the case then actually what is the main point
of like all these policies because i remember from my personal um experience you know you had
to fill up the form you have to give all the contact details that they could reach out to.
You also need to actually explain in detail what actually happened and even attach documents and all those things I have done.
But at the end of the day, like nothing happened.
And if you are curious about the person that I was talking about, the person is still within the company.
In fact, in a very senior
position as well and basically no action was taken even though like every a lot of people
knew this person as a really rude person has very um has done very questionable questionable things
but unfortunately people prefer to gossip rather than actually taking action to yeah remove this
sort of thing.
And then people wonder why, you know, in the corporate world,
you can't find people with good ethics and culture. And the reason is because structurally it's not even enabling that.
And it kind of also makes me feel like certain kind of people
are actually protected from repercussions,
maybe because they are very senior or, you know, maybe they have a
special skill set or maybe this and maybe that, right? And that is really, really unfortunate.
So in most instances, right? And personally for me, what I did quite a while ago, and I always
made sure that I have a mentor that is outside of my company right so my i always make sure that my mentor is not
somebody who is working in the company not in the same team as me not in the same you know region or
like responsibility and so forth so it's really somebody that is outside and my mentor for a very
long time was somebody that i had worked with in an earlier company who could be objective in
listening to my challenges and really able to give
me perspectives on that and this mentor i had was from actually a while ago and it was actually many
years ago that even this whole you know coaching is not really something very popular and at that
time was really like mentors particularly from you know people who are a lot more senior you
really can somebody that you can
actually learn from so i personally found that conversations with my mentor actually gave me a
bit more clarity on what i should do and more importantly is this is that the kind of culture
you know for that company or that team or that management that i actually want to work with so
i think those conversations that i had with my mentor, personally, I found more helpful rather than, you know,
trying to tell my boss who would just tell me to ignore everything
or talk to HR where I may face repercussions
or basically fill out like a form where nothing is going to be done.
I feel like after doing all those three things,
it made me even angrier because I feel like,
hey, nothing is happening to this person.
Like, what is the point of me like trying to raise everything
and like create awareness or like letting certain people know when at the
end of the day like no action is going to be taken so i felt like all these things actually
deterred me from wanting to um to pursue certain things or yeah to i guess make make a change for
lack of better word but i guess, for my more mental health,
I always make sure that I speak to my mentor.
So at least I get that sort of help.
And in fact, when I shared this on LinkedIn yesterday,
there was one of my LinkedIn connections actually sent me a message
and told me she personally got into trouble
because her speaking up, she actually spoke up about her boss
and even to the HR.
And at the end of the day, both of them actually actually spoke up about her boss and even to the hr and at the end of the
day both of them actually ganged up against her and the worst thing is that that boss that she
was like speaking up towards was the assigned workplace coach then she basically got into like
a double-dip trouble because she was like basically raising it and like i said hr normally
starts with your boss and you're basically on the losing end so she was in a bit of a situation because of like actually following the policy so if it makes me
very sad that people who are following the policies other people who are getting into trouble and it
really shouldn't be the case so anyway like i said um you know to change the entire corporate
culture is not something that you can do alone it's is not something that you can do alone. It's probably not something that you can do right now.
But what you can do right now is to protect yourself
and knowing how you can move forward
without letting all these things that are really burdening you down.
Because if you're constantly pursuing options
that you know is not going to get results
or even worse is going to get you into trouble,
then that's probably something that's not worth doing so my advice over here is sure right assess
objectively and if you feel comfortable go through all the processes that your company has outlined
in terms of back to speaking up policies but just remember there is a fourth option and go and speak
to a mentor go and speak to a coach you can probably get that solution faster or at least at a minimum you get that peace of mind faster and i think that's what
i personally found very helpful for me and i hope that all of you or if you are feeling that sort of
frustration that i felt previously you do not wallow in your frustration and you really take action even if you cannot
change the entire culture what you can do is that you can improve your peace of mind and with that
i'll end today's episode and i wish you all take care of yourself and do something that
can actually improve your situation without trying to overhaul the entire system because
probably that's not what you can do at the moment so with that i wish you a very good
week and i'll see you next week cheers